NEVER CIVIC VP. Never gits tip! It ! wise and better Always to hope than once to despair ; fling off the load of Doubt's cankering fetter, And break the dark spell of tyrannical care. JCever give up ! or the burden may aink yon Providence kindly has mingled the cup, And in all triali and trouble, bethink you, The watchword of life must be, Never give up: Never give up! there are chances and changee Helping the hopeful n hundred to one, And through the chaos, High Wisdom arrangea Ever aucrees if you'll only hope on; Never give up! for the wiaost is boldest, Knowing that Providence mingles the cup. And of all maxims the best, as the oldest, Ifi the true watchword of Never give up ! Never give up ! though the grape-shot may rattle, Or the full thunder cloud over you burst ; Statid like a rock, rind the storm or the battla Little shall harm you. tho' doing their worst. Never Rive up! if adveisity presses, Providence wisely has mingled the cup, And the best counsel, in all your distresses, (s the stout watchword of Never give up. PiimHilx Ali1rs. PR tbi'tii i.v r.i!f:ruKSie. "I really take it very kind, This visit Mr?. Skinner! I have not sen you such an age (The wretch has come to dinner!) "Your daughters too, what loves of girls What heads for painters' easels! Come hre and kiss the infant, dears (And give it, p'rhaps tho measles '.) "Tour charming boys I sec are home From Reverend Mr. Riissrlis ; 'Twas very kind to bring them both (What boots for my new Brussells '.) "What ! little Clara left at home ? Well now I call that shabby; I should have loved to kiss her so (A flubby dubby, baby') "And Mr. S., I hope he's well, Ah ! though he lives so handy, lie never now drops in to sup (The better for our brandy!) "Come, take a seat I long to hear About Matilda's marriage; You're come, of course, to spend the day! (Thank Ileav'n I hear the carriage !) "What! must you p.o? next time I hope You'll give me longer measure; Nay I shall see you down the stairs .. (With most uncommon pleasure !) "Goodbye! good bye! renumber all, Next time jou'll take your dinners! (Now, David, mind I'm not at home In future to the Skinners !'') RrrH li ol i'nmitae. A breach of promise case was lately tried in England, t!:e i!hiid:i' laid at JC10U0. Tin? de fendant piid X"."!!0 with vst, as l. confi (!t:ri:l that sum rm eoivalenl Cor the lady's dig appointment. 'Phi! rn.ifi.-e!, m addressing the Jury lor the i!ch-.jcr, hid : Gentlemen of tho jury, the plaintiff is untitled lu damages, and I tell you, miller his lordship's correction, if you ore ofopininn that she in not entitled to more than fiOO., after wq produce the order made to lodce thHt money in ennrt, that your verdict oiijht to be for the defendant. ( don't dispute never did the ri;;! t if this lady to get com pensation, and his counsel advised him to lodge that sum, which lie thought would have brought thia matter to an end, and have eavftd the pub lie investigation, annoying aa it must be to eve ry one concerned. Wc may thus sum up the rase. This lady hss hst a widower of 5:), who?e means we will show you are moderate who commands with hid demesne and all some thing less than -Hi I. a year. She lost him and iiis fortunp, and gets TOO. N"mv what prospect lias she before l;cr 1 If ha insisted on liia rights Iih might have lutt her a young widow without nny enpjort. Thie ii one consideration. He, however, thought, whether right or wrong or hi counsel thniijlit tlmt he waa not worth more thau .r)(Hi. (I.augh'er) la there, I ask, n young- Iw'.y who sees me now and indeed, I I I.H.j in tliit. CHe a jury of pretty girls la ddi e?:. (l.v.ihier) and I could easily Lnpunel them in this court, mj lord. (Ijoud r.tig'iter.) Wei a lad.e, in that box, to yon I woul 1 eny i. more than this Would you rather have a widower i-.f fifty. three, with five little pledge lmnging on his buck, with a fur tuiu say ol'-KKI. or r0!. in hand at your ilispti aal ! Iadic,i oftl.o jury have you agreed to your verdict! (Great Uuglittr.) There wan a fa.noua poet who wrote of a lady yi.u have read this, my lord. Alter giving a hifctory of the lady, he described her as rather fond of the male sex (loud laughter) indeed, 1 believe that it is a propensity that most ladies have. (Renewed laughter.) A'uiv, alio had to draw a comparison, not between a man of 03 and a girl of 20, but between a man of 50 and one of 2o. The miettion was atked ; ahe looked at each, and immediately and very candidly said, "I'd rather have two of five and twenty than oneof fifty." (Loud laughter.) Ilut, gentle men of the jury, the friend of this young lady think differently. They are ol opinion that this widower of 53 should pay lor what ! Com. pensation in damage lor the lone ahe sustained! Why, I believe the damage she auotained could never be ratiineied .it 500t The jury retired, and after an absence of nearly half an hour, returned a verdict fur plain lfl 700. damage, mini :puc coat. II A ML XOTC LIST. rE.VVMVIsVAXIA. The following list shows the current value of all Pennsylvania Hunk Nnti-e. The most implicit re banco miv he placed upon it, a it i t rcry wtek tarefully cnmp-ired with 81 d corrected from Bick nell's Reporter. Ranks In riillndclphtn. 1W. Location V." Philaii. notes at r a n. Bank of Ninth Ameiiea , , Batik of the Northern Liberties . Commercial Hunk of PennV . , Farmer' and Mechanic' Dunk . tCensonlon . . pnr par pur p.r par par par par par pur par Philadelphia Bank Schuylkill Punk Soiithwark Hank , Western Bank , , Mechmi.V Bank . . Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Hank Count r y Pauli. M ink of Chester County Bank of Delaware County Bank of (iermsntown Rank of Montcoroery Co. D'iylestown (Sank Kas'on flank Farmers' Itank of Burks co Oll'ice of Bink of Perm's. Otfice do do Oil'ico do do Olfica d do Wetrhister t Chester (iermsntown Noms'onn lliiyh-ritown par par psr par par pnr par Bri tol Harrisluirg' Thee offices Liuieasier Keidinst iln not Kaston J iMie n. NOTl'S AT tank of the I'niled Mtates' Bank of I'l ini Township fii-ard Biml. Moyami't.finit IJ ink Bank of "rmisvUania Miners' Bank of PotiBville' Bank of Lew ihtonn B.inkiMid.! Bunk of Ni-rtbuiiibetl mil I) IS CO IT NT. Pliilad. Iphia 31i32 . . 1 r ; i . pr pu i Pofsville Lewi-town Middleiewn - rthum'.'i land I'nr j ,..r j tJohimbii It ink i limine co. Cnliinibia Carlisle Bank Csrlisle Exehani;e Lank Pittsburg; I) d brinch of Hiilli(lavsbuij Farmers' Bank of Laneiistei Lfincistei Lancaster I anility ll .nk Lancaster Fsrmers' Bank ot Ifeadtng II adinn llnrrisbmc Bank llarri-buri; Lancaster ?.iriU Lane isier Lebannn Bunk Lebanon MeiebanisW Mntiiif Bunk Pittsburg Bank of i'iitsbur Pi'ts'iuii; Wist B'n:irh B .nk M'iiiia'nsport VVyoiiiitiB Lank Wi'kt sba'ie North tiuptori B ink AHeninwn Berks ('oiiutv Bank iieaibn Ollice of Batik of U. Pttlabure 1 1 par pur par 1 psr i l i U failed do Do do do Liie 1 do do Now Brighton Keriinrion Sav. Ins. A iln Penn Township !Sav. fns. do Bank of t'hamherslmrg Chsmberslnirj Bank of CSeltysburfi (ii ltysbiifg Bank of Su-iiie!ianna t!o. Montrose Krie B.n.k Lri Fmmers' - Drovers' Hank Wnvriesburg Frsnkliu Bank t'ns!iitii!ton IIolies.lale B.nk Honesdale Moiiimcabeli Dank of 1! Bro. nsvillo Vork Bank Yo'k do 1 I i i 'i IS'. B, 'I he notes of tlme banks on which we oniil qiiotatiniis, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Pbil nil Ipt.ia brokers, wiih the exception nf those which Imve a letter of ri ference. BIKIKEN U A N K S. Philadelphia Ssv, Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuv Ik ill Kav. In. Manual Labor Bank ('I I'cwandi Bank Ptnl.iJ. I. hia failed do failed do f.iled W Dyotl. prop.) failed Ti wai dj Hi Jl, ml no bif Beaver I'loFcd II arrisbur! elided U a-lllhuloll tailed l' i! I mte rl sed P.ti-l iiii no ale Alleghany IS i.ik of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank nt S.v alnra Bank ol m Centre Bar k City Bark Farmer' & Met hVs' Bank Fariiiers'vV Mech'cs' Bank Faituera'vSi Mech'ca' Bank HaiiiKiuy lusiituie llm.tiiiu'lor, Bank Juniata Bank Lumberiiieu' Northern Bank of i'a. New Hope Del. Bridge (Jo. Nurihuinli'd I'loon ('nl. ik North Western Bank nl I'a. Dllice nf Schuvlkill Bank Pa. Ai-r. & MsiiiiI. Uauk Sliver Lake Bank L'ltinti Bank of Pitiu'a. estnioielunil Lank l'iiirbur l.ilc.l Fayelie co. filled (irrem nt e f uled Harmony no -ale lliiiiliiitfdoii lot sale 1 .en imowij i:. i k.iIh t War i en faded j I'uiiiliiil no sale New Hope closed M llloll no vale Meadvilln Port ( ,'arbon Carlife failed i Montr, .se rinsed j I llloli!oV!l failed (iieensbur? closed I Wllki sbarre no side 1 Wilkesharre Bridge Co, fry- Ail tioles puipoitinc te on any l'onn-yl vania Bank lint given in the above list, may be wl jowii a irauiu. ji:iisi:y. Bank of New Brunswick Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank 2umiiiercial Bank" wUinlH-rland Bank farmers' Bank Farmers' and Mechanic' Bk farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Franklin Bank of N, J. Bullion ick Be Ividcre M.. I ford Perlti Ainhny I'.ri.Letin M.nit.t IL.lly liahway N. Btuns.virk Middletiiwn Pt, failed i !i"r 4 par par I failed i J.I i: .ty failed failed tailed faded failed J failed i pur no tale Hoboken UkgA. (irazili; Co Hob 'ken lereey City Uar.k Jir-y City Mechanic' Bank Patieiaoii Manufaiturer Bank Bi lh viilo Morris County Bank M.nristi.wn Monuuiutli 1U ol .N. J. KiecIiolJ Merliaiuc' Bank Newaik Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Trenlon Morris Canal and Lkg Co Juscy City Po-t Notes Newark Bki; A Ins Co Newaik i New Hope Biidve (ol l.ttinls'iuvill N.J. .ManutaC. and llktf Co H itiukeil failed ! failed A ! failed I 4 1 par ; p..r ! i ' i 1 pa, h N .1 Pintecion Lomliuiil lk JciM-y i'vj Irauge Bank I Iraue I'oursoii Bank P .u.ii,ri People' Bank dti Pnuceliiii Bank PrincMon piali ni Banking Co S.iicm Male Bnik Newark SSiaic Bank I U.:m dilovrn ri:ate Uank Camden Stale Bank of Morris Moriistowii Slate Bank 'J'liiilou Sulein snd Pliilad Muliuf Co Sal. in Kiiruwj; Bank New ion Trenlon Banking Co Trenton I'nion Bank Dover Washington ilsuking Co. Hadwua.k i)i:i.iivAtti BkofWilmft Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delawai. W Uank of binynu JSmyina Do laaneh MdioiJ Farmer' Ck of hlale of Del Dover Da lirnih Wilrninnton Do Irauch tiedigetown Do braucb Necile I'liion Bank Wiliuiugton nrV L'niler B's failed (ailed i par i failed par par par par par par par par p.r (jj' On all banks marked thus () there are t-it, ther rouuter'rit or altered nutta of the Various aV noiuiusiioua, in aiiaylaiiuo. '-.'-U LI -1. n EL IE VIS A X I) LIVE. THOMSON'S Compound Synip of Tar & Vooil iU).l.1, flMR upprered.nte:! Miece-a of th'n medicine, In .B. the relor3li"n 'f heahh, to thoin who, in de piir, had pi veil up alt hopes, has given it an exal ted rrputulion at'Ove all olher reninlies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic value and pner, as the on ly spent which can be relied up n for the cure of I'u'inoiiary t'onsumplion. Ur uichiit s, Aihma, Puin in the ide and Breast, Spitting of Ul.iod, Whdi'pinp C.icgh, Coiup, Ac. Aitetitlmi is ri-iuC;!tPil to ilic foil iwi'ig ASTON. 1SI1IN; Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Viptha ! ! Vhtluttttuhia. Mi' ZJ, 1ML MR. THOMSON D,r Hir With er.tcful fee Me I inform you of the astonishing effect of yniir HiPi'iiMiie. winch has Itteratlv tats it me from sdeith-tied! Mv dirse, Pulmon try C'on-iunip tion, had reduced me n Imv that my physician pro. no. meed my ease hopeless I At lhi-ju cioo I be U in to ti c your rni'iheiii", mid uiirac.i.l us as it may seem, it has completely re-tored me to lie aith, alter everything ele had failed. P.-peeirullv yours. WASHINGTON M('It Cha-lotte street, above (ieoice street, The nndersicned, b:.i,,g periiitiallv ecipiainted wun asinnion .inex at ii ins sul vitn-js. ne ir witness 'o the astoniliin g effects nf 'Plmmsnn's I t'o np .ini.l yri p of I ur, and Itio truth of tli tt hove stateinenl, JOS. WIN M-::!, R 1? North Tbir.l street, DWri) VI'MCLUS, 4'J Ahnond, llt tiH M'ClNI.l'.Y, S. E. corner Tsmaiiy nn I I'Vurlh s'teet. Prepiireil only by S P. Thomson. N. K, corner . f full and Spruce stn its, Pbi Agents H. B. M.i.-er, Sunlm y ; D. Cross, on. I Dr Marphi'ison, Il rnisbn.j ; .In.', fi. Brown, Petlsvi le ; fie .. I' r!. Be.dii.c j L'oiision ,t; l.i. on, To'VBinln. Braill in! county, Ps. price 00 cent p r botile, nr f " re r d '7.en. Hiwnrt of oil imit,:l'on. Pl.ili.lilpbia. .1 2-tlh. lS'15. If V I A N O 8. rillin M.'BSCKIIinn has hrm appointed arnl. 1 fo' t-e do f 1 1 I! D MKYF.IP.' CV.t. FIHiVTLD I KF.MII'M WOOD PL AN'OS, nt this plupe. 'I fie'e Pianos havo s plain, massive and hi au:ifid exti'riir fn i h ai d, for dep'h anil va'tmss i.fioiio, soil eler'neent workninn- hip, nre not s una-s d hv nnv in the I'ni'rd States. 'I'l 1 fi.l'rt'l '111 In ti'i'ilMl fliellilsliilfl fnOtl ( t II I 1 I'l'TS, a culi hi ited perlo tnf, and hmisilf a lilJll ul'.c'uiei : A c a e: I). 1Ivio bad the plia iire of Irvine 'be eycpl- l-pi Piiioi I'ories in.inf idiired bv Mr. Mev r. and rxSit t'cd nr lhei-l exb I i'ion ofibe Fr iik''n I". li'U'e, I feel it due to the true merit nf the mker In i relare ihnl lliese instruments are pii'e i rp'a', and in some re.pee's rren 'iiperi , 'o i tb Pi ano Fortes, aw at 'he cspit d- of F.ii'opr, and ilii'i' S a unjiiurn of Iwoveirs at Paris. The" Pianos will be -n'il st lle ma ufnetiirer lowest Philadelphi. prices, if not mwhinu lower. Person are reipie led 'o rsll and ex amine f. f h'mselvc, at llie re-i li'nee of be mli-e'ilifr. S,r bo'v. Mav 17. HIV II. tt. M .ssnit. ui'.i.i' tiii: 13 c i n 13 c r s. fBHIR nihscribers would re-peetfullv info'tn the 1 Citizens i f Sunbuiy and the ul he ueiierallv. lb it ll.ey h ive purc'-aed the simp of M-. Wilbam H Mi", in Ma'ki't htn rl. or e do r e-l of Ihe Post when- lliey will eonlinue th" ';I)ii!Cl-.k;iKiu Eiiiiiir, nail its br inrbe. Thu public miv t ti eel thrii work if. up in the ls'e.-t style. They hoi e, hv rrt Mention In tu-ius, ti merit a share of public patniiupe, (Fy Coir.ns made 'o frder on llie sh iriest n "ii e and C 't'ri'rv i rodnce I d;.", in eicbanwe fur wmk. WM. YOI' SOMAN A II C. MAItl'IN. Siinburv Mav I7'h. ISL lv. HAAS'S IIOTKL, i J IT 3 J !?. 7. o r t h n in ti v i' ; .i ai ! C o u n ( PENNSYLVANIA. KF.IJB.'SF HAAS "? ll'i;C I Ft' 1.1. Y mfo nialiis Iriendsand the public m ne io r 1 1. lb.l lie has taken Ihe I r ck land, in the Borouiili of Sunluii V, lale'y ncu ied f'V John Hail as a pu1 he lenis (west ol t' e Sta e II' use, and nearly ii' e te the ('. ml lion e,) wl.eie he is prepared in iccnnirn.i.laie his fm-nils, and all iiiheis who mav favor Inui with their cus tom, in the be-1 portsihle uisnner. Ilis BAB si all'e mill tl'.e rhoic st of Ll Hi oii,, inui hi TABLli slmll be wi Ii np lied with ihe very lies! ihe marki I nlTr.. In -hurl, II i pons nor evpins- will le spsied to render his house in very way worthy of public pa'r.nupe A li'a-ral kbare o hi oi,i is 'lierrfme sol ciled, Nor bury. Ard 12 h, 1 j Jo. I.iii 'I Ts ii i.' fit-1 i i' i 'I i r e . . . i. . szj in. -! i,i. m i i.i.i iitiorm ine ri I zei.s ot Mii.l-U'V en l in iieini v, itrt KV-! I . l . . . I. ! . II ' ,j ni i e i t-s i'f obs r .inneii ni ii iik no. ikr, in CLUi Ma kel s r.. I. l. r.oeily n, t uj ied I y if die s'riie f rrner v nc 1! ni in in I lei.d'i. (, s. i i-t copi d by Mi le, A; Mar:z, in, I m.w hv La T C'le ineni. when- , e iv.ll lai happy to it. cue. cilia in the I. ne ot hi ri.fes-ioii. un' u y. Maieli ill li I S 15. IlL KUb-cribei have received, and are now o ening a spb udid riinciit of Ike fo lowina R od- xony, Wilton snd Vi-liei Carpetinni k il'on snd i lve Cariietincs 1 Bins c a and lu lieri I 3 i lv il i CAB. it: f- INC. Kxiri so, C'hni .1 line ! L'rin do f I'lijj'i h sh'u! d rk Diuri k Vein tu n do j A.miieali tvi,id and I'u'd .In 1 llnul.-h I'rumie is end Wo.,. n Floor Cloihs siair and l'.!sav liock' Liuh,.s-e.l i'l.n o and Taldp Cover London Chenille and Tuf'e-I Kiis Dour Malt ufevoiy deacripliou. ALSO A large and ix'.n.ive isso'lment of Floor Oil ('loih-, tiom one Io e ghi yaids wide, cut to fit evo ry description nf room or pis-buck. Also, low piiceJ h gram t'aipetiims fmm Sl to C2i cents per yard, toneiher wiih laige and en. n sive s.sortinent of goojs usually kepi by caipel merchants. The above goo la will he sold wholesale or retail at the lowrst niark'i ince. ('oumry nierch nil and ii tiers are paniciilsitv invited to rail and exa mine our stock la fore nuikina then r.etrcions. CLABKSMN, L1CH & Ml'LLKi N, Successoi to J.sseph Blackwood, No. Ill Chemut, c 'iner of Fr idiiiii Place. Philadelphia. Feu JLV Ll.Ht:, nl a foprnoi .uality, can now be had at Hie Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sun Ur. May 17,1816. I i i MWWBBMBL.aU.Ll ! WIHTAlt'S n irs tM or uii,ii ciiKnuY, A l'mpnimil llxlsnmln PrfpurnMnn rroui Wtl.t lin ry llrk till Tr, T7ie brst remrilt) K nown to the H nrld for the cure pf coigi.t, co(.t. csthmn, croup, btrr'riin" if the lung, whooping ciiuh. hrnnehitU, in flu. tnzn, thortnetn of ureath. pain and ureamen in the hrtttxt or aide, mr cnmjJaint, and th firft ,Vi'ft rf COXRUMITIOX. We will net anert tlmt this !).I,SM will cure Connmption '.n ist iwf form, but it has rured mnv alter al! nrii-r means of relief nad been lii.-d .rd why rot 1 It serins that the WILD ("IKIIi'V v.ns d.iincil hf t'ntnic to be our V NAt'I'A for ih1 virsnina diseases of this e ilJ li. I titudt?. Let not the dmpsirimj invuliil swi hi money and loose TIMF., to liit:i n nil iniporiunt. in txjitrimtnUng wilh the trashy nostrums of the il.iv, t'Ut use j? oii-r a meinciiiA tt.t will cure. If a cure be pos-ibln a medicine that acirnce npp'nv.'s, an.l man yrr.n cf experience luve demonstrated that 't nlii'nts n lievrs. ''I'hrrc fjo jnc'i ('.'( rrt ;." in the history nf this wonderful BALSAM. Lvidenee the roost convini ii.R eve lei c- that no oi.e ffi;j dniibl. fullv j elahli hes ih.s fact. For the sikeuf bievity we sc ect the f . owins f om tbonaniU Isiac PU't, F.Mq.. F.ilitor of the Pukeepsie Ksjle. one of Iho m st iiifluentisl jou'reds in II e s'a'e of Ne-.v Yoik, slab ttmlei the sut'iont of bis ow n nnme, th-t a yonnr lady, a relative nf rvs. of e-v delicate eonntiiutinri, attacked in Feb. 142. wi'h evere cold, which immediately produced (-pit turn ( f blood, rough, fever, hi d other d itiarrons and Bliirn:in(T symptoios. 'Phrnuiih lnedi. nl tientnient "I'd cue slie paiti.i'i'y recovered ilorinj sii'i.mer. But on the r.-tum r.f winter she Was ntisrki d more vi .!eniy tban at fi-rt, slie lucume aei.mlv s! lp to walk and was tmiibled wit'i nuish, chills end fever evcrv ilav. nn.l annaied l.i Io. i:ii.ifr rnnmlu mmiV. rnnsiimp'ion ; st ibisiime, when thece wn-n s:an of irnprori.-nl. Mr. nr cored bo'l'e . f Wisraii's lluunir Win. CiiraaT. which he look, and t si eiiitimlv re-tor-sl firr. W,e pot se- cot d, nr it i half taken she was restored r..- i lit. ...i.:. a. i i . i . .. I n'J' 11 fit uit ii, vi i nc ii pile in. ci tj ' Vi ii io irie p re- : scut time, without the slihtirl symptom ol !i. r for- iner di-e ne, j Mr. P a't sas "ilie cure c ime under my own nb eivatinn and I cannot be mistaken as In the facts." EXTRACT OF A T ETTF.U FftOMA POST, M.ISTF.H. DA TED ! Pi m nui -a f. Washiiialon co., M tin', A pr. 20. I a 1 1. ' MIJ. Is. C IH.'TTS. De.r S.r: At tbe .e ; rpii'M nf many nf my friend in this p!iee ti d viel. ni'y who are nfTlie'ed v illi coi;n .'pti.i:i nn l liver ' corr plain's, I lake the Ii! cr y of a.-k'i-rr you to a p.- j oml some one in lios rouri'y as aent to el t fa-rna' HilsiM of M'l r.n ("it ni it T . no I to si tid b! a few d"7en ss there is none of i' for snt1 witf in j 200 miles fr in thin I have no doubt thai it wold me t with a ready sale if it were where it con d le pioritred without too ni'ieh evpense nr:d delav. My wife was nl' irkid abnt.t Fit m ntlis since wi'h ivfstlbe physicians called ihe fn-t s'ni;s of ci n-iiriip'ion a complaint v. ry prev iler.t t ri tins c ion of country, lla.inj seen l!ie ISa's-nn ad vert nil in A'isiiPtv iXT- 2co HILS3 rnoM x:i:r.r;, I link the psins to send there for a Iviiir of it, win. Ii kI.c t aik, and loc'.i helped her so much that I sent for Ia'.i hol'lis more, whiih she has sign ta ken, and -he now savs kIhj tias not fill so well for six yesra as she don at this tune. All ihose who have iiiquiied of me and asi-erlained w hat ell'ect Ihe Balsam Ii id, are anxious to h ,ve suiue for sa'e in this viciniiy, which is the Caii-e of mv w riling y.,u. Plea-e inforni me by ietu'n ol m 'il wheihi r you rnia 'u.le to send some, and it so In whom, in ordir llut it may be known where il ran he. had. I am vuth re-pret v- nis, -ie. P. (i. FAHNSWOBTH, P. M. The w h de country is fist learning that t o medi cin. no pbvsic an n preparation of any kind whatever can c.jtial Da. Wisrin's Balsam of Wild Ciimiiit. a Tzii'isY wo Bt:u ri'ij erne:. W at in v il is:, Oneida co.. N. Y. Sept. 15, 1843. Dear S,t I owe it io the afl'lcled tn inform y 11 that ill January la-t I was atisik.d by a veiy vio. lent cold, cau.-' d by woikb-e in the water, which seit'ed on my limits. It was aeeomp irii. il hv- a e ry sevee p . In 1m mv J nast and sides, ami als a ilit i es-i ii i; r. nth. I bad in sileinlani p all ilie I ect rneeicd a.. I in elir vill itre; but slier exhaus'ing all iheirski'l o no nv .il, ihcy pronoun. -el my ili ea-e a i iivri n m rn co v -i v f i to s , and iln y .u p and all gnre vie up In die. After n.iirh pirsti.'sioti I g .l 'ho r on-eiil ot mv phvsiciau Io tisp the BiLsiM ii) V ilii CaililiT pr-pared by Dit WlSi'AH. I pur. i fi of tl.e Agent in our place one b i'lle, before usinu haif of which I I 0(inn to g iln streng h, and It w -a very evident my cough waamnch better and my nv mpionis n every way nnpr vii.l'. I hive in iw us, d llnee bn'lles, mid am rrsfnrid In perfect hi'it'i. Thin re-nil is nl ,11" miinj In lieu-- if Dl! WIST A B's BL";AM OF WILD LY ; and I lake this method of u ving y . the in f 'imitioii, psrily to pay you the debt of gnlitn.V I owe yt'U, and partly that nibrr- similarly afi'icli.l may km w where to apply for relief. Very trulv yonis, JWIFs R(;f;. Mit. Palvifh. DtUL'jist, un.h'i d ile i f Wuti rville, S( pt. 21lh, lKt:l. writis; The slat' ineiit piven you by Vr. J imisSage is wi ll known to lie true by this ti'htde eminnunitu. It c It inlv was a moft rerna'ka' le cure. The sale rf d,e Bal-ain is very pond, and iu rurces in ruie. tru'y flatleiing, Yuuis r. sp. rtfu'lv, D. D. PALME It. Till: MOST r.KMA.tK AKLK ciuL i:m:i. lu-.coiini.i). Hi'iiorir.i.n, N. J . April CO, IStrt. On or about ilie lolli ilny f Oct. .her, 1 Mt I, Iwss taken wt Ii a violent pain in ilie r i le rear the liver, whidi (on'iuiied lor aboul fivednys, snd was fol lowed ly Ihe breaking of an u'c.r, or ,il s.-ess, in. w.ud'y, wbic'i rel.i v. d ihe pain little, but csu-e.l me 'o throw up a meat n iniilv of cil'ensive matter ami sis, much I'Io.kI. Bi ing grra ly al iimr.l .il ibis, I applied tn s physician, but he sji 1 he th un' I lie could do but li'tle for me excep' gup me s ine Mtrcuri l'i Us, wh eh I refused to lake, ftfhiii! sa'islii'd tl ar ifry r. uld do me i o goml ; mii'V o iln I run dies were then procured by my wile and fiiends, bol none did me nny good and the ih charge ol hlno.1 and coirnpii iii still C"ii"iu.d ev. rv f ' w days, and at I .t tecome to oli'ei sive thai I cou'd scarcely brcaihn. I w is also seized with a vi. eh nt cough, which at limp caused me to rie mill h lump blood than I had done l-fore and my dikeae eonlinued in tin way, still growing worse, until February, whin nil hopa of mv lec. very was given up, and my lneH.l all thought I would die ol a UailoI'isu ('uasu.Mrriii.i. At this moment, when my lite wasappsreu ly drawing near llsrlo-e, I braid of Dit. W Is PA U S U A 1. 8 A M O V WILD CHF.LRY. and got a bottle which at Liavtu Ma iMMLiiiiTMT and by ihe u.e of only three b 'tiles of this med cine, all my pain were removed my cough and spiitiog of blond and cor ruption entirely slopped, and in a fear week my health was ao far reatoied as to enable tne to work at my trade, (which is a earenti r,) and up to this lime I have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. GuicrssTtB Cocstt, M.J , as. Personally cua btfvra ins, the tubacribar, one ef j the .tiistiee nf th Peace In and Tor tlie sal J eoun ty. T'miniis t'nn, and l-eing duly a.Tirmcd ac rord ng io law, sj-iiih the above statement is in a:l tliiiiifs I rue. Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April, 1813. , J CiRMrriT.J P. S Pnrh is the unprecedented -uccess of this DAL. 8AM, "NATt'ir.'s rno:.iTE it.:scwptwv' n prescription coneani ,1 io onr wnnl,, ;tj, p(r. psred Trom el.emicil ettia. ts from substances uliich the aulh r ofiuture ha. ,,,1C.-, j nnr own Isnd for w...e purpn.e, ihr.t r.a, who knovr nothing of thtr rnu,.nof hi prep .tion nre rnileaanrina lo r-. r ru.iury mrvi l.y sl!ir. u ,ticla amiil-.r ' Kn' u"r in "I I 'nee. or l re,.reeniiinj their ....u , M.j r.i.if I J Vi-.s I..VI.H Of ,v J,U. limr ep a mi tiiiie snd sil ionly as-cvervin ttat it is iu'portc i trim a foreicn country, which is not ib L cas.-. All theso ileoeptivo arts go In show that Witui'i is known to l!ie wurld In bn "Til U ORF.AT liKMKDY." and thst to ... any mixture it must be ,' this !irj;ie, or pur port to be tiUsv it in eu'-stsriee. tfj" Believe not the corininRly wroitsht fabriea lions and tnko on'y the ori'jtnnl and genuine Wistvii's Blsam or Wti.ri t'lirriat. xjo c-'h; can es Xitus it. Address all or.lrrs to ISAAC IJU I'TtS, No. 32 Ann M.. New York. Agents, JOHN W. FlilLINO. Sunlmrv, D B!:U;il(JM. yrthumhcrlHiid, J. K. Mt)YP.I!. ;;Wim,m?, J. V ..;; INSFLLKII, SrVnt-Ororr, liriOWN V CKBAhY, MifilinviUe. Feb. S3,, IS 15 ly "fi kit Do Mi.uTs T.T:Vv AH 1)7 t.'c3frnlva family Zt ilac inc ILL not cure rvi rv III inc. but still r m .in uni'ipi'itl ,! mi ibrjr rv, r tl departmei t- .y ni.ere.i io t ne pi.ilic vi,,, !,:,ve ' re-re f .rwanl - flVred and ! ? V r",l,,flul" lesum n.i iln rf tnrir aup. ir.r ! i llie . ?'! Cuul-rlCit Compound Mcilirutnl firrun nf Suv. 7-i.r .mi or,,,n,uiic fvruti, lor Ilie ol Scorfi;!a, ('I ronic Khen.ii itism. Chronic Swr l Lu"," of the Joints, Liuptions of the skin, and nil Disuses nri.itn? I'ror.i the ahnse nf Merru v, Je-, ii'isnrpnssed ly any thinir in Ihe n'a'k' t, enrnhi. inn all Hip virtues re-idenl in the ep iri 1 1 whli a mod. rn nn du aun n', only lately brmu'il oni I y :he most rtspeclahlo medical aiitiinnti. .. Price, ,r,o cents per b tde. CuntrtU' .1nti'l';prptir I' lrtbr, f r ihe re lief a. nl i rmaii' nt cure .. rno,l disV j eotilptsint, Dyspepsia, ill I'll ts f.irrns Mil I yS'j", It is tiuly a niosi lain dde reni. .ly. M..1.1 in buttles at .i n 1 SO rents each. Ctintrrll'i .ie M:x'urr mid Tonic XeiVcrt inrillil, stands nl ihe head of the li-t tiyrnVlcd bv any, or all the innumerable med'cn s in u e 'hroiiKhnut the leiiRih and brend h of ihe Ini d, for the cure of I'kvi k and Amu in all its i,tages, and from all its coiiseipiences, Ke-ider,ts in Fever and Ague disttic's ':onld ncvi r I e without it. The fubscilrr will forfeit FIFTY DOLL-m where I. is medicine laila Io peiform a cure in th. most ohs'inaie c t-e. Sold Whoes.le and Letail bv CALRB CRLS. SON. ai bis Dam Wa ehou e, No. 0 North Thud Strert, Philnde'i'hia ; also, lv lie r. nulir'v up pointed Hpeui. SL I'll W. KOL'LI! I s, Wholcsa c DriiKuist, No. 51 Water Street, Mohile. Prepared nttlv bv 1 e Subcr r.tier, corner of C AR. PUN I'F.R and SECOND Sinelx, below I'hristi nn, I'lol uli l Ida. where it is also retailed, Ol serve, none jre genuine n iihnot tt e signature . f JOHN A. CANTlvFI.L. Canti tTl's int t(urr, or TojiIc i"iI M( amrii'a, For the cure of oil fi. iVot. njft ction, if ttJ;en nc eoriling to direct-nim. It is a never lailinc remedy which no fami'y nunV t ' l e without, especiury in low marshy coin tr es. As this medicine is put up under the p-oprie-tor's immediate inspection on ihe most scientific principles, heng Pur ly Yegntalile, and bavins tried it elliraey on thousand, for upw ard of 12 l. t ll . .... I .1 . vt-arn, si-o io ni Kiiiiwii iir wr en inucri snn i:v ac- I cording to directions, there has not b. en . ne fi lore. J I'ndei sii.-h circiiio-iani e I rivniinein! it lo the , puhlie, adding a cerlilicau in supp.iii of my a-sei- tmn. I I, John Burn, do eerlifv that I ni in ihe ship ! 'I'nlicro Plant of Pinhole! Ha, Capl. It.'.il.ui June, lw.7, bound to I.ivvrni ol, tool ibe fever I and S2UP and laid ill Liveipo .l -nine I me und' I I the doc'ot's bands, went from tl pie 1 1 Ita'tlrn re, j lay in the Infirmary lor lour or five wciks from i thnie.i to Philadelphia; was six month under Dr. I Coats ; fi inn thence to New Y. rk wi nt to the Hospital, reira'nid iln re about four w i ks without 1 any relief t'li d i very tlima without i.nv t'ciir fit. for fns years. IL'iru g of Cai.tred's Aeue Mix jiuiefroiii a li er.d, I went to I is l r told hitu ! h w I vv ,s hlllicled. and got a bottle nf his nin'nre I mid i s. il it si c. r 'ini; lo dir. el-n il. It ine'esp. r- tect lure, and I have l, t had the least n turn sii ce. I do Willi confidence reioiuinend ii t .Ihe polilio. I JOHN LI'KNS. nSedlialrvi Ji.viiip nfSarwinni Ilia. Phdid. Iphia, April 10th, 1 S4 1. Mr. Jim A.CiKn.r, Dear sir, Having be. n afllic'ed for upwards of! I wo vears with ulcerslioii of the throat, de troyi-g : ' liie whole of ihe soft pal ile, then ih'olinh ihe upier I part i f mv iimu'di iii'o mv note, from whic'i sever. al pieces nl bone came nut, winch pur'ial y ile-tiov. ; i d my speech, thiouiih a kind Pr.ividi in e and V"tit i Medicate. I Syrup of S irs .p.n ill i, I sin l ow ictor. d io peif. ci beillb.sud my si .j lit, w loch n..sso much j inn air. d, is as strong as w hen a hoy. I I iboiiaht it a duty I owed lo you and there sin, i , , l.irly atlect d, to make it public. i j Youi, It. spec fullv, SAMI'F.L KiniC. ! ! Corner cf Tenth and Ci atea Streets. j I, fial ril J instnn, No. 6 Kerklcsa Street, do cer j t'lv that my wile, Jane, wa sfllictcd lor two years ' with Itheunit ism. ud at la-t was entirely di-n'lcd, an ibat she vvs obl qed t . be confined lo In d , I ear- I ' in.' i f Cant'eir Me ii. uled Syiup of Sara iparilla, : i or Anti Scorbutic Srup, I prwiue I fnir b 'ttlm, . which eomplcli'ly remove I all her pain and stiff : ncs, froiu lirr limbs; two m. re hoiiN-s made a pi r- foci cure, Sl e i m.w al,le i,i ait. n.l io hi r hoiii-e j hold duii a a usual. (i BltlI, JON I ON. I'lnladi Iphia, Jan. V2.I. HH. (J3 De-rripiivo Pamphlets msy he had of the agenls. (Cratis.) J. W. FHILINCJ, u, bury. No. 9, ISM. ly .Igrnt. ASB1 I X YaVKll C A I7" WHOLESALE & nSTAIZ. HAT & CAP MAMTFACTUItURS, South Vast i-arutr of Market und 4th a., l'blladcliilila, "XT I'll ERE ihey always ki-p on hand an eifen- siva assortment of HATS Zf CA PS of every decripliou, got up in the best and moat approved lj le. I'ei ni deriri us of purchasing superior srli cles on Ihe most reasonable lrms, will find il to their advantage lo call before makiug purchase elsewhere. ' Plnladeljihia, Oet. Bth, 1844. .aai f m ,w'ixw-ws-swr- OAKIjEY'S DI'S'I'HATIVi: RYRl'I. rIIIK taluah'e properties of Onkhy's Depnra l live rS'yrup of ptarssparills, as a purifier of the blood, is so well known to the public generally, that it is nunecessiiy to occupy lii'irh spar e in set ting forili the advantages to be derited from ita use; wherever the medicine lis once been Intro durcd, it lakes precedence over all others: rveiy oi'Plhat has taken it, have derived so signal bene ficijl results from it, thai it is recommended by (hem vshh the U'mnst confidence. Physiciins of the liihe"' st io ltn'; In the profession, prescribe it tn ptvient under their care ; containing nothing dfbterious. but being composed nl the moat mild, yet riricacio'.is e;ctab'e materials, it is nlT-red with ron.ldenee, as the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The uae of a few hollies, i-speeial'y in the spring months, will be at tended wiih a must decidej improvement in the ga il Htrcnuib nf the system, eradicating anv seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides Riving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kins F.vit, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eiuplions of Ihe e'kin. White Swelling, F riii's, Chronic Conch A.ilh.-ns, Ve. The nu merous ee'tific.i'es in the possession i.f the subscri ber ami his scents, from physicians and others, are sufficient In i on nee lhe m. ski pl'Cnl of i s u pirioriiv ovei all piopariti,.n of S irs iparills. S Id wh.ite-iile und reiTi', by iUp proiirirtrr, fiF.OPCB . (UKLKY, North nth street. If,,, ding, Berks County, all.) lo be. bad of the follo'.Vu.g pl-lsons : 1 1 Xarthnmhrrtor.d County II. U. Mamsrj Siuihury; Ireland ,l xel, McL vvena. ilie ; I) K'aiis-r, Milton. In Firon Cmiiiti. J, Gearhart, Sdir,. grove A Col. lius. MiiT.iid.ii.g. In CulumUia County. H. W. McCay, Wash it (.-ton. n.niliiia.Mar.h 14, lfllH. Vn. Oikist: 1 l-elisve it tbn my 0f r.vrry er e lo f? i vf' never i tt.eir power 1 1., f..r tho b -ne. fl nl their hll. -.v mar , snd bi:'ne bnl fio-i:iva prool in mv ivn I onilf . of ihe won letfid properina of your D.'pur itive f yrup of Sa'ssparill i, I in st roiisi-ientimi-lv reeoiinnerid it lo Ihe afl,. leil. We h id Ihe mi,f.ut inn to lose two nf onr children, by the br. akinc out ol ulcer ins Sores that covered the face, bead and reck, aith u!i w. h'ld some of the must -r ienlifii- pby.teians lo atiend th m nml ha I tried nil ilie l.n."ti lemedies. including Swairn's Paoaci a. without avail. Anndicr ol my children was au.iike.l in Ihe snne mariner, tier face and I'sik was cvr p' covered; the discharge, wis s,i ntVensivv, and lhe ihsp e .. nt silt h a height, that wa rlcspsired of I er .fe. f i pins 'be effects nfvniir IVpnr .itve Sv.uo r,! S rsat ari l we wern iii.hii i.l to i.ial.e ot it. as t e list ri's .rl ; it need like a rM'm: Ke ulcers cnimnauci'd healn j; inimediaieiy . a ( w boit'es entin lv rs-lore.Un r tn hi r he !th, whi. h ehp has enj.-vial nnmli nupUd y i ver s nce As a pioiuer ot the blood, I venlv be In ve it Ins not its npial. JOHN MOYF.R, Tnilvr, M'a!i!'.!t stre.t, near Fourth, Hra:i,ii,, Done;! e-jii'le, Aj ril 19:'., 1 Q I Ms. OtKtar : Mv fn H mnnd Leaf, ha I the s-rorels in l'i-most dreadful and di-trcinj m in ner fur three years, du-ing wh'ch lime be wis ile p'lve,! ;,f ihe ie of his itnil s, his he.d mid neck were rmrrnl witn ulcers. We lri-d all ihe ditf-r-ent renn di. s, but lo no i ifect, urit il recommended f'V Dr. Johnson of Norii-town. snd also Dr. Isaac Iliester, ot Itcnln g. to ue your Dcpurative Svmp of Surs ip irilla, nf w hii h I obtained seveial boitles, the use of which drove the disease entirely out of li s system, Ihe soro beshd up, and the child w i restored to per led health, which be has enjoyed miii-.lcr.upleilly ever since, lo tiie at 'iiishinenl of many peisons whosien him du'ieg his alTliction. I h ive ihous'hl :t mv du'y, and send you this certi ficate that nl! e-a who haves like alThction in the family msy know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Your Irutv, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 16. Il:l lv To Country ItTrliaial. Doots, Si;oo, I'minels. LIiorn and r.ilni Lcnf Ihtts." (.. W. vV L. K. TAYLOIt, at the S. J'.. cornir of Marht mid fifth Sis., XXZXX.ABZZ.PXlIsfi, OFrnit f..r sa'c an ixtente sr.ontni nt of the " ' above si' icb , all of which ihi y sell a' nuns al. lv low pure., inui p.iiticul.ulv invito ti p attrnti 'ii ol t-evcra vi-itmg ine ritv, tn nn .lam nati .n cf their Mo. k. (i. W. A L. B. TAYI.OK. Pl'iiadelphia. May 2.". IS It. lv otiMtn lt i s,' " DEATH BLOXV. rJ,he pui lie will please observe that nn Brandieth - Pill Hre genome, unless the hoi has three la bels upon it, (the lop, Ihe an'e and the bott 'in) eat h coiiir.intus a fip-imile signature of my hnrid wriline, thin; II. Bii iv iirltii, M. D. These la. bel aie ena'ive.l on steel, beaut Tolly destined, and done at an expense i f over J2 0C0, T h refine it will lie seen thai the only thing nerisaary In pro cure ihe medicine in iia purity, is to observe these lablls. b'ernernher the ton, the side, snd tl H bo'tnm. The follow in; is-pi clive persons ate duly a'jihi ri nd, and hold critTincATES cr agency For the sale of lirandmh's Vrfuie I'tiinriial Tills. Northuri.beil.i. ,1 couiilv : Milton M u key A; Cbsiiih. ilin. Suntniry H. B. M nrr. M'Kvei.s-vil!,- licliiml A Mt-iTi II. Norihurn'-piland Wm, F..rsth. Iiciin'i'io'vii J. & J. !la. I iiioii C .untv : New Berlin Bosur A Win ter. Se!insi;roie (ieorg (inndiliril. !id!le biij Isaac mi'di. lteaver'oe.u David Huhier. Ad.imburg Win. J. May. Mdtlina'ouic Meiisch vV Ilav. 1 1 a t'cton Diuiel Long. Freeburg (i.A F. C. Milder. Lewisburg Walls A (iieen, Columbia coi nty : Danville E. B. licwmtds iV Co. Berwick Sluiuian V It Henhouse. Cat laivissa C. (.. Brobts. Blooinaburg John R. M. yer. Jeiscy Town Levi His. I. Washington Kobl. McCay. Lime-tone Balli.i VjNinrb. Obseive ihst pach AcpiiI ha an Engraved Cir tilirate of Agenev, cnniaining a representation of tr BKANDKKT H'M Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen eiacl copies of ihe r.-rto lubeU mw uxd upon Ihe liiundrttk I' ill lius: jr. Philadelphia, office No. 8. North 8th street. U. BKANDIiETH.M.D. June 21th, 1H43. CITY 1 T I.MITI.K AUCTION7, AXTX) PRIVATE SALES HOOTSS, Nds. 2i and 31 Norlh Third Street, .N'eir the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, iepectfully in- vites the a'.teution of persona deairou of pur. chasing Furnilute, to his extensive hales Booms, (both public and Private,) for every description of Household Fuiuiluie, where can obtained at all nines, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattrases( Ac, at very reduced prices, for cash, Sales by Auction, twice wtek. Ma SVth, lt3. ly s