Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 20, 1845, Image 1

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S Prdphiitors.
. H. rfMJSKR, Editor.
OJice in Ccniri'Aky, "hi Ihe rear of 11. II. Ma$
ter't Stcrt.
THE" AMERICAN" f published ftery Satur
day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be
faiil half yearly In advance. No paper discontin
ued till all arrearages are paid.
No subscription received for a leaa period than
ix mosths. All rommunicationa or letters on
business relating to the office, to insure attention,
must be POST PAID.
" H. 3. 2ADSE?.,
Ttuniness attended to in the Counties of Nor
thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
Itrit-r lt
Tnnws Hart .V Co.,
linwta Si HAnao-c,
Hart, Cumimos Sc lfT, l'iilad.
UF.tsoL.ns, Mc K m.K n A: Co.
SpF.Htf, 'iooil fc Co.,
s7Fuc.iT: it r s vv ?:nt
rMHIS Midline his n.nv bie.n tested by mure
1 than thirty families in ihi iieiphhorh. md. arid
I) is given entire satisfaction. It is so simple in ila
Construction, that it cannot set out of order. Ii
cuatsiu no iron la ni:t, iind no -jm iiitf or rollers to
gel. out of repair. Ii will do twice nil much wash
ing, with lem thin hall the wear and tear of an of
the l it intention, and wh it is of pri-ater in.por. costs hut lil le over half its much as other
Wishing machines.
The MihseriN-t ha the ctdo-ive ric,ht for Nor
thumhcrluml, Union, Lu-omiiK, Columbia, Lu
aeriw and Clinton counties. 1'iiee of single ma
chine S. H.U. MASSEIJ.
Tl;e following ce-t'fl-ati fiout a few of those
who have tbe.-c machines in iisc.
Kuubuty, Au?. 21, I Sit.
We, the subscribers, certify that we have now
in ue, in nyr fjrniliis, "iShuReil's Patent Wash
ing M.iibiiK "mid tlo not hoitate siting tint it is
a most excellent invt-nii.m. That, in Washing,
it will .aveniore tbsu one half the u-ual labor.
That it dura n.-t require more than one third the
usual quanli y ol ro p and water; ami that thcti!
is no rubbing, and conscijoruily, I. Hie or no wear
ing or teuiiim. Phalli knocks olfiiu bullous, find
that the finest cliches, smc'i us Collars, larea, tucks,
frd'.i, sVc, may be n-as! cd in a ve.y short time
v ll e ten hi iiijiii, and in fact wiiln.ui any
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the mnjoriiy, the vital principle of Republics, from which therein nr appeal but to force, the vital principle and Immediate parent of despjiism. Jarrtnso.
Ily Maxtor & EIncIj.
Simburjr, JVortliunibcrland Co. Pa. Saturday, Sept. 2, IS 45.
From the National Intelligencer.
The concluding portion of the narrative pub
lished in the American of the 13'h inst, left
the pallant Cnplnin and his gallant bind at the
Boiling Springs, in lat. 40 dep. We now re
sumu the narrative, describing the extraordina
ry perils and hardships of the journey over the
Sierra Nevada a story of thrilling interest and
fearful incident.
On the l.rth o( January the expedition reach
ed th;1 inlet nf a large fresh water stream,
wliich, 8aysCi:pt. F.
"We all at once were satisfied was neither
Mary's river or the waters of the Sacratnentn,
hut that we lnd discovered a large interior lake,
which the Indiana informed us had no outlet.
It in about thirty-five miles long, and by the
mark of the water line along the chores, the
spring level is about twelve feet above its pre
sent waters. The chief commenced speaking
in n loud voice as we appinnched, and parties of
Indians armed with bows and arrows issued
Irom the thickets. Wo selected a strong place
lor our encampment a grassy bottom nearly
enclosed by the river, and furnished with abun
dant firewood. The village, a collection of
straw huts, was a few hundred yards higher tip.
An Indinn brought in a large fish to trade, which
we had the inexpressible satisfaction to find was
a salmon trout ; we gathered around him oa-
frer'v. '1'bn Initiaim nnmenft woli itir fin-
upvu'int wer iul tear, wh.itevfr. We theiefur - i , , , . ,. , , ,
ch. erl'ul!y ne.a! n t.. nurf.iem's and to the and imntdiately brought in numbers ; fo
i ubli(, m a uiott useful and lalmr avint: m ichii.e. that the rump was coon etocked. Their flavor
companied by tho newcomer, w resumed our
"The now deepened gradually we advin
crd. Our guides wore out their moccasin;
and putting one of them on a horse, wo enjoyed
the unusual sight of an Indian who could not
riil4. lie could net even guide the animal, and
appeared to have no knowledge of hordes. The
snow wag three or four feet deep in the sitm.uit
of the pasa ; and from this point the guide point
ed nut our future road, declined to go any fur
ther." On the 2?th, "Codey, who was little din
tance from tho camp, had ant down to tie his
moccasins, when he heard alow whistle near,
and louking up, saw two Indians half hiding be
hind a rock about fifty yards distant ; they w ould
not allow him to approach, but, breaking into a
laugh, skimmed ofTover the snow, seeming to
have no idea of the power ol firearms, and think
ing themselves perfectly eafo when beyond
arm'n length."
On the 3M, pays Cnpt. F., "we gathered to
gether a few of tho most intelligent of the In-
ved this decision with cheerful obedience which
had always characterized them ; and the day
waa immediately devoted to the preparations
necessary to enable ut to carry it tn'o eflect.
Laggings, moccasins, clothing all were put
into the best state to resist the cold. Our ?nide
was not neglected. Extremity of stifle-ring
might make him desert ; we therefore did the
best we could for him. 1-epgings, moccasins,
some articles of clothing, and a largo green
blanket, in addition to the blue and scarlet cloth,
were lavished upon him, and to hm gnat ant',
evident contentment, lie arrayed hiineelf in
all colors ; and, clad in green, blue, and scarlet,
we invle this a gay looking Indian ; end, will
Vol. 0 --. 5'2 Whole fto, '2GO.
The top of a flt rii'ge near was bare of snow,
nnd very well prinklod with bunch grass suffi
cient to pasture the animals two or three days,
and this was to be their main point of support.
This ridga is composed of a compact trap, or
btiKalt, cf a columnar structure; over the stir
f ice are scattered large boulders of porous trap.
The lulls are in many places entirely covered
with small fragments of volcanic rock."
Vibruary 13. "The meat train did not ar
rive this evening, and I gave Codey leave to
hill oor little dog, (Tlamatli.) which he prepar
ed in Indian fashion, scorching ofTthe hair, and
washing the skin with soap and snow, and then
cutlir.j; it up into pieces, which were laid on
his various presents, was probably richer and j the mow. Shortly afierwnrJs the sleigh arnv
better clothed than any of his tribe had ever
been before.
"I have already said that our provisions were
very low ; wo had neither tallow nor greets of
any kind remaining, and the want of i-alt he
came our greatest privation. The poor dog
which hnd been found in the lVi;r rivi r vall.-v,
and which had been a rhawponrn e uynce
A. .lOliHAN,
lion. (iLO. C. VVEI.KEn,
Ilrnn's llo-rr.t, (firm, rly Tremont H.mve, No.
116 Ch.suut fctitet,) Philadelphia, September
Slat, ISM.
I have owd Shtiaen's Patent Washing Maefine
in my hou-e upwards ef cpht months and do not
hesitate to tay tliat I deem it one of the nio-t use
ful and valuable, labor-saving machines ever inven
ted. I formerly kept two women coi.tiouslly oc
cupied in washing, who now do as much in two
lay as they then ilhl in one week. 'Mieio no
war or tear in whinii, and it requires not more
than one-third the usual quantity ol soap. I have
hail s number of other m . chines in my Ism'ly, but
this is m decidedly snpeibir to every thing le, and
a.) li'tle liable to pet out of lepn, that I would nnt
do without one if they should cost ten limes the
price ihey are sold for. 1MNIEE 1 1 L. Kit.
Umbrella nnd l'arasol Manufactory.
.Vu. 37 Xm-ti Thml ftmt, tivn dourt below the
P It 1 1 h d e I ii h i n .
ALWAYS on band, a laree st.M'k of CM
DKEL1.AS sn l l.MMSt)l,S. inclu 'ins the
Uiej.1 new i le ol Tinked Ei'iied 1'ara-ols i.l the
la'st woiknv.nsVp and mut rin's. hi prices that will
make i an iil'jcci 10 Country Meielmn's and other
to call and t i.siii.iie his tt li b. for- Jiincha-lng
"Isewl.ere. l"e' . S2. 1845. ly
was excellent, superior in fact to any finh I
have ever known. They were of extraordinary
size shout as large as the Columbia Jliver
salmon generally from two to four feel in
"These Indians were very fat, and appeared
to live an easy und happy life. They crowded
dians, and held this evening an interesting ever since, had now become fat, and the me-s
council. I told then) that we had come from a J to which it belonged requested permission to
very fur country, having been travelling now, i kill it. Leave was granted. Spread out on the
nearly a year, and that we were desirous himp- ' snow, the meat looked very go.l ; and it made
ly to go across the mountain into the country of J a strengthening meal for the greater part of the
the other whites. There were two particular- camp. Indians brought in two it three ribbi's
ly intelligent one, somewhat old man. He during the day, which were put chased fiotn
told me that, before the snow fell, it was six them."
sleeps to the place where the whites lived, but i "To nicht," (1th of February.) continue the
that now it was impossible to cross the nioun ' narrative," we had had no shelter, hut we marie
lain on accotit.tof this deco snow ; and showing a large fire around the trunk ut one of the Ime
us, as the others had done, tha it was over our
heads, he urged us strongly to follow the course
pines, and covering the snow w ith small bough",
on wliich we spend 'our blanket, t-oon made
of the river, which he said would conduct us to ourselves com'ortnhle. The night whs very
a lake in which there were many large fish, j bright end clear, though the thetniometer was
There, he snid, were many people ; there was j oniy atlOdeg. A strong wind, w hich sprang
no snow on the ground ; and we might remain ; up at sundow n, made it intensely .-old, and was
there until the spring. From their descriptions
we were ennbled to judge that we had encamp-
into the c.imp more than was consistent with I ed on the tipper water of the Salmon Trout ri
our safety, retaining always their arms ; and, as
they made some unsatisfactory demonstrations,
one of the bitterest nights during the journey.
"Two Indians j ined our party here, and one
of them, an old mm, immediately began to
ftOOO D y Li nu Hid s fir-t quality.
.(."() Dry I. a (iuiia. do
IOOO Dry Called l, Cu ra, io
JOOO Dry Nall.d Ur. Ill Hides, do
LaV Green S:itit I'ulna Kip.
tlO Ualrs Dry Pa tiu Kip.
1V0 litre's Tnnneia' Oil.
TBiiiiero' and t!orrii rs' Tool.
ForsiiH to CntiTi'ry Tattr.ersat tho lowest prices
md ii on the lfl terms.
N. B. Tlu;big!ui ninket prices paid Tor all
kinds of ba'her.
No. Sl.Soirb J bird St. ruudilphia.
S-'eptemher 14, 1H. ly.
vi;l;i:taiii.!: c3sigi'M,
ton ins ci tiK or
i) v s r i: rs i a.
THIS Medicine is olTereJ to the public gener
ally, from a full conviction thai ii is .uperior
t.i any othei medicine now in use, for the euro of
Dyspepsia, l.iver t'.niiplaiiii, Nervous Debility or
Uoilily e.ikness. ic,
they were given to understand that they would
not be permitted to come armed into the eamp ;
and strong guards were kept with horses. Strict
vioilance was maintained anion? the people
and one-third at a time were kept on guard du
ring the night. There is no reason to doubt
that the.e dispositions, uniformly preserved,
conducted our party securely through Indians
famed for treachery.
"In the meantime, such a salmon-trout feast
as is seldom seen was going on in our camp ;
and in every variety of manner in wliich fish
could be prepared broiled, fried, and roasted in
the Bhes was put into requition ; and every
few minutes an Indian would be seen running
ofTto spear a fresh one. Whether these Indi
ans had sopn w hites before we could not be cer
tain ; but thev were evidently in communica
tion with others w ho had, as one of them hail
some brass bulletin, and we noticed several o
ther ar'icles of civili7ed manufacture. We
could obtnin from them but little information
respecting thr country. They made on the
L'round a drawing ,( tho river, which they re
presented as issuing from another lake in the
mountains three or four days distant, in a direc
tion a little west nl south ; beyond illicit they
drew a mountain ; and fur'her still, two rivers;
on one of' which they told s that people like
ourselves travelled. Whether thev alluded to
the settlements on the Sacramento, or to a par
ty from the United States w hich had crossed the
Sierra almul three decrees to the southward, a
few years since, I am unable to determine.
"I tried unsuccessfully to prevail on some of
them to guide us for a few days on the road, but
they only looked at each other and laughed."
On the 21th of January they met with the fol
lowing traits of Indian life and manner (
'A man was discovered running towards the
eamp as we were about to tart this mnrnin?.
who proved to be an Indian of rather advanced
age a sort of forlorn hope, who seemed to have
been worked up into the resolution of visiting
the strangers who were passing through the
country, lie fceir.ed the hand of the first man
ver. It was hardly necessary lossy that our j harangue tis, saying that ourselves and
w-as only by signs, as we under- would perish in the snow, and tb;.t if we would
stood nothing of their language ; but they spoke, j go back he would show ns another mid a belter
notwithstanding, rapidly and vehemently, ex- j way across the mountain, lie spoke in a very
plaining what they considered the folly of our j loud voice, and there was a siivjulnr repetition
intentions, and urging us to go down the lake, of phtases and arrangement of words, which
Tah re, a word signifying now, we very soon j rendered his speech striking and net unions chI.
learned, from its frequent repetition. 1 told "We had now began to understand some
him that the men and the horses were strong, words, and, with the aid of signs, easily com
and that we would break a road through the ! prehended the old man's simple ideas. 'Hook
snow, and, spreeding l.iin our bales of I upon rock rock upon rock snow upon enow
scarlet cloth and trinketH, hhowed him what we ! snow upon snow,' said lie; 'even if you get
would give for guide. It was necessary to ! ovr.r the snow, ynu will i nt he iible to get down
obtain cne if K?sib!e ; for 1 had determined here ' from the mountains. ' lie ncde us sb.'iis nf pre
to attempt the passage of the moontain. Iil- cipices, and showed us how the feet of the
linrr a bunch cf grass from the ground, after a horses would slip and throw them eft from the
short discussion among themselves), the old man narrow trails which led ahuur th,i,- sides. Oi.r
made us comprehend that if we would break Chinook, who romptebended even more read i'y
thnugh the snow, at the end of three days we ourselves, and believed our sifi-.tion hope-
would come down upon gross, which he showed less. Covered his head with his bl.n.ket, ami
us would be about six inches high, and there the ! began to weep and lament. 'I wanted to see the
L'round was entirely free. So far, he suid, he ! w hite,' said he ; 'I cume away frmii my own
hnd been in hunting fir elk , hut, beyond that, ' people to see the whites, and I wouldn't care
(and he closed his eyes,) he had seen nothing; ( to die among them; but hire' an. I bo looked
but there wss one among them w ho had been ru around into the cold nijht and iloomy forest,
the whites, and coingout of the lodg", he retur and drawing his b'ani.i t over hi head, Ix-jaii
tied with a young man of very intelligent ap- ' to lament.
pearancc. Here, id he, is a yotino innr, who j "Seated around the tree, the fire illuminated
has seen the w hit's with his own eyes ; and he ! (nc rocks and tll bol s ut the pines around
I with aeupply of horse meat ; and we had to-
niglit an extraordinary dinner pea soup, mule,
and dog."
On t ie 2(M r PJiruary, "we encamped
with the animals and all the material of the
camp on the t-.immit of the I'ass in the dividing
rid--, 1, COO miles by our travelled road from
the Pu! Sea of the Columbia.
"The peop'e who had not yet been to this
point climbed the neighboring peak to enjoy a
look at the valley.
"The temperature of the boiling water gave
for the elevation of the encampment 9.3. feet
above the sea. "This wis 'J.Odtl feet higher
than the South 1'ass in the Rocky mountains,
and several peaks in view rose several thousand
fed still h'tehrr. Thus at the extremity of thr
continent, nod ii".r the coast, tlie phenomenon
was seen of a ranee nf mountain s'il' higher
than the oreat Itockv Mountains themselves.
This extraordinary fret accounts for the Oresl
Ensin, nnd shows thf.t ther.? must he A system
of small lakes and river here seaiered over a
flat country, and winch th extended and lofty
rr-fje r.f the Sierra Nevada prevents from esca
ping to th? Pacific ocean. Latitude 3H dej.
11',- longitude VJO deg. JS',
Thus this Pass in the Sierra Nevada, which
so well deserves i'B name of the Snowy moun
tain, is eleven decrees west and about four de
grees south of the South"
("To he continued. J
pincr,i or Anvr.RTmxct.
I square 1 insertion, fO If)
1 do 2 do - . 0 75
1 flu S tin i Oft
Esery subsequent insertion, ' 0 W
Yearly Advertisements t one Column, f 25 1 half
column, f 18, three squares, $ 13 1 two squares, f 9 (
one square, f 5, Half-yearly! one column, f I S i
half column, $13 ; three squares, f 8 ; two squares,
$5; one square, $3 50. .
Advertisements lett without directions as to lbs
length of time they are to be published, will Lft
continued until ordered oat, and charged accord
(jjpsiiteen lines make a square.
The follo'.vinjr is an anecdote of Commmo
dorc Decatur. It occurs in t late number of
the Nautical Magatine:
"Before the war, Captain Carden and the
Macedonian wero at Norfolk ; Decatur was
there, too, and a warm intimacy soon joined
in friendship two kindred hearts. While d. trus
sing naval affairs one day, Garden said, 'Deca
tur, your bhipa are good enough, and you are
a clever set of fellows'; liut what practice havo
you had in war 1 there's the rub. One of these
days we v; ill prohaWy have a 'brash' together,
and if I catch your ship at sea, 1 will knock
her into a cocked hat, Stephen.' 'Will you,'
says Decatur ; '7 u ill hrt you a hut on it.' Tho
bet was tgTeed on, and the conversation chan
"Rut a few months elapecd ere the war that
had been threatening commenced, and the twn
cspiains, by aome singular coincidence, mrt.
The Testtlts of the action are known. Captain
Garden, on going on board tho United States,
was received by a lieutenant at the gangway
to whom he tendered hta sword- 'Not to me,
sir,' said the officer, Anit to the Captain.' 'And
where is the VaptninT raid the embarrassed
Englishman. 'lie rs standing aft there; that
is the, air, in a tarpanlin hat and
rotlnd jacket '
"Garden went aft, Mid his 'eelings on meet
ing, tinder ifh circumstances, his eld frind,
may be imagined. A he off red hi sword to
Popster, that officer said. 'No. Garden ; t ne.
vet take the sword ora brave nnn ; Von have
toil"bt rrallant'y.' 'TVit.'said he, levrin o-lurid
on the other's shoulder, 'I will tale that hat, my
dear fellow.'
"In trmsffcrtingtothe United Stte the suit-
of Gapt. Carden, a fine band wa tnc'uded. li
the afternoon, when dinner was anootino-"d in
the cabin, dipt. Carden said to Decatur, "those
musician are very skilful, and 1 have a' .v iyg
had thpm on deck while at my dinner. 'Very
well,' said Decatur, we will have them up.'
The bind waa ordered en deck to play, and
Com. Decatur waa asked what air he woul I liM
to hear, 'Let them play Eriiannia rules tbv;
Wavea,' said he with a sly latigh "
risen to u height which is lending to riot and
bloodshed. In the foteign news published yes
terday, we gave an account of the riot at Liep
sic, nnd th- action of th" military in firing upon
'ho r. oters. We not tee a similar transaction in
'he town of ll.ili erstadt, which occurred on the
!'ih of August. It broke nut after divine service
bad been performed by li e German Catholics,
according to their rite
'John Uonee addressed the populace from
SritANOE OitniNj An exchange psfier,
under this title, publishes the following:
"Moses was a shepherd, Noah a firmer,
Conficins a carpenter, Mahomet an aF-drner,
Mehemet Ali a barh'-r, the actual Emperor
of Morocco, a picture-deah r, Bernai'otte, a
s'.'.rg.'on in the garrison T Martinique, at ther
time of the invasion of the Enoli-h. Va la'rvt
Eernadntte, a wahwomn of Paris, Napoler:i t
who descended from an obscure Corsican fumib y,
was only a major w hen he esmutsed JoepVr ?t
daughter of a tobacco merchant, creole of VjBr-
il... b.h-oni- of Initial oti tun; of the public
p'acesoMhe town, and concluded a vehc-meut tiniqiie.-Franhlin was a printer,-Pres. dent
Mierch Iv the words, " K-iiirf itti.l her siipreni- j Royer, t mulatto hirber, President Ty ler, a
' .1 -i - . r 11.1....
Hand lollr-t fall. Allien." A Citizen ot I inllllia C ipiam, Viliver rom-ven, n u.rwer,
the step flilh
r.y si.
il. e'nee .velao I. " Holm: will not fall so, President ColU, a tavern-Keeper,
soon as you " The interruption cxaspcrnted ! er of frahella, Queen of Spain, the hnband of
the people, who attacked tin! person and
swore, first by the sky, and then by the ground,
that what he said whs true. With a large pre
sent of goods, w e prevailed upon thin young
about, and the old I ml in ii haranguing, we pre
sented a f roup of very serious faces.
"February 3 The nioht had been ton cold
man to be our guide, and he acquired among us ( t g!rrp, and we were up very early. Out guide
the name of Melo a word signifying fiiend, WI1S landing by the-fire with all his finery on,
wh:ch they used very frequently. He was 1 inj) eeing him shiver in tin cold, I threw ott
thinly clad, and nearly barefoot, his nioccasina j hi shoulders one of my blankets. We missed
being about worn out. We gave him skins : ilim tpw mj,,,,,,., ufierwards, and never saw1
to make a new pair, and to enable him to per- j tlitn Bcnllu He had deserted. His bad faith
form hie utideiiaking tons. Tho Indiana re- ; trPM.hPry W(re in perfect keeping with
mained in the camp during the night, and we I ,hp ,., nf n,:nti character -vbich along
kept tho guide and two others to sleep -villi us j jllt(r(.0(lr sl, wi), p.-ople pradmlly lorced
Carson lying across the door, and having j ip)1 fl)y n)jna."
made them comprehend the use ofour fire arms, j ()n le f y, ;,, ,,,,;, -the wind kept the
The mow, which bad intermitted in the even- .-.iip,! W1,, snow d.nii the dav; ll.e skv
II .i.iiiio.)i..-,.it Ibliioi. III tlia r . I r ' ..I I
' -Ji . II.... IM n ... ... ..... tyui V,
the night, and it mtivred tteadily all day,
"In the miming ! acquainted the men with
my decision, and explained to them that neces-
... eiiee .... or. i, . ...... I .. :J... I. .......
efnenr eisht years, and it is now more eilensiv. ly i " ncimoup, uuiu ureaui.anu ne u or. mij rcqmreu us in niae.e a great i-Kori to Clear
as if to assure him ot prelection. lie brought tho mountain. 1 reminded them id the beau-
with him in a little skin bag a few founds ofi'dul valley of the Sacramento, with which
the seeds of a pine tree, which to i.'iay we saw j lhey wero familiar from tho descriptions of Car
for the Snt time, and which Dr. 'forrey has dc- j 0,, v-''10 had been there wiiue fifteen years ago,
scribed as a new species undpr tho name cfp'-- nJ who, in our hikt privations, had delighted
nti manojihyllua, in popi'mr lanjnsge it mlglit 118 ,n speaking tf its rich pastures and a tumid
circulated, al the s. Iieiiuoe nf many who have re
ceived the mo-t sipnal benefit from Ihe u-e of it.
The following is one among a number of certifi
cates received in il lation to the success of this m
LtMCiSTtK Co. March 18.
Da. (bniiat W. Ants,
Dear Sir t It is with K'rt pleasure that I in
form you of ibe auceess attending your Dyspeptic
Medicine, while employed in my pi set ice. From
past eiperienre, 1 firmly believe that in eight cases
uut of ten, Ihe Dyspeptic, by the use of your medi
cine, may emir, ly rid himself of ibis thorn in the
pathway of lite; not only in dyspeptic eases, but
in all ces of constipation, and diseassa depending
uu i oii'iim.'b bibiv oi iiiti urrvuus pvsiein, loan- , . , . . l
Iher w.lh a st ,i. 0f the bowels, will your E- k'BaT r,cles we P' UP" 11,18 man to be
. usir uriuunwui iiirauiiiauia TSlue. 'jnieroUS In.
at u wlvarin Ilia is-.fnlnMa nf 1 1. k I . : .
. mruicinv nas
be called the nut piiteK We purchased them
all from him. Tjb nut is oily, of very agreea
ble flavor, and must be very nutritions, as it
constitutes ,'ne principal aubsistenceof the tribes
among ryi,jcn we were now travelling.
B'; a present of scarlet cloth and other stri-
. i - i i f i ,
uern ihimu, may i-s oiwarue. f rfqUi f j
wi-h you great auci-ess, and rf.eomir,,nd lUe medi
cine to Ihe suffering part of oiank.'.nd.
Youis, wiih prej'. ,e-pert,
(d r' j the store of H. B. Mser, agent
Mjho ron',elor fctunbury, Fa. .
Octtf'r'jftib, 184. I f
our guide of two days' journey. As clearly as
by signs, we made hi in understand our object;
and ha engaged to conduct us in aight of a good
pass which he knew. Hear we f eased ID hear
th Shoshoneo language J that ol this man be
ing perfectly unintelligible. Several Indiana,
who had been wait ng to aee v' reception he
ing game, ar.d drew a vivid contrast between
its summer climate, less than a hundred miles
distant, and the fallinj snow around us, I in
formed them (and lonj experience had given
Ihem confidence in my observations and good
instrument) that almost directly we-t, and only
about seventy miles distant, was the great larm-
ing establishment of Captain Sutter a gentle
man who had formerly lived in Missouri, and
emigrated to this country, had become the pos
sessor of a principality. 1 assured them that
from the heights of the mountain befara us we
should doubtless aee the valley of the Sacramen
to river, and with one efi'urt plaee ourselves a-
was very dark in the southwest, though e'se
where very char. The forest here has a noble
appeareuce! the tall cedar is iiliuni'iint, vr gre it-
J est height being !:'- feet, and circunilereiiee
2(1, three or tour teet auovo iti" groomr. ami
here I see for the first tune the white, pme, of
which there are s une magnificent trees. Horn
hick spruce i.t anions the limber, c-as 'orally
as large as eight feet in rltanietr r lout fef I nbo
lb? ground ; but m acendi!tg, it taper- rapidly
to eFa than ene foot at the height cf Hi teet
1 have not seen any Irgher than i:U) feet, and
the slight upper parte is frequently broken oil by
the wind. The white spruce is frequent; and
the red pine (r..;itr evlnradu rf the Mexican,)
which constitutes the beautiful forest along the
banks cf the fc-.-erra Nevade. to the northward,
is here the principal tree, not attaining a grea
ter height than 110 feet, though with aome
limea a duaietet of l'. Most of theao trees
appear to differ slightly frcai thua? cfthseame
kind on the other side of the continent.
"The elevation of the camp, .y the boiling
would meet with, cam into eamp ; and ae-1 ia to th midai of plenty. The people recal
Iioiim; o! this individual. A troop uf cuiraasiera
n;.ie into ihe inatkel-p'nce, and cut down the
populace in the streets, but several ot Ihe soldiers
were dragged trim lloir Imr.-ejand severely
wounded before the crowil could be dispersed.
The Catholics of llalberstadt kept at home, but
it was apprehended that their houses and church
es would be assailed by the mob. The man who
first cried out against Rouge endeavored to
throw a stone at him. The persons who were I
near this fanatic held him back and prevented
him realising his culpable intention ; but at tho
same iiibtmt a young mn struck with a heavy
slick, a vi dent blow upon the back of Abbe
R.-.nge, wb.i immediately fell on the ground.
The Abbe got tin and inn away, but soon after
wards was futher ill-treated by several other
men ; and it was only with great dillicully, and
thr.mgh the protection a Horded Ilim by a great
number ol his friends, that he succeeded in
L'ainiiiL' the hotel he bulged at. About 1G0 of
the persons engaged in the riot were arrested.' !
The Prussian Government Ins taken vigorous
measures o lepre the agitation. AH sectarian
conirovers i- are to be exclmled irom me secu
lar press, and lh schismatics have been preclud
ed liotn publishing announcements, or reports
of their procet dines. r;7. Lt tiger.
Cntsor. Eawm m isnv A fresh instalment
of the Cutiiesi roii-vi.T.-inoeey, which was
brought to England by the Cambrian, arrived
in Loudon on the 4ih instant. The whole of
the ransom, consisting of tfi.OlW.tHHI, which
was deposited ill f00 boxes, and weighed about
ti'i hundred weight, was conveyed by the South
western Uuilvaj, under a military guard On
its arrival it waa placed in ten vagons, each
drawn by four horses, snd taken to the Mint.
There is another portion of Syc-e silver ex
pected, which will be the at ( f the ransom.
Christians, and the brother-in-law of the Kinj
of Naples, was a waiter in a cnff.e hone,
General F.spartero was a sexton, Kin? Chnn.
tophe, of I lit y t i. was a slave of Sl. Kitt, tr .
present President of I fayti was aNo a slave,-
R.divar, an apothecary Gen. Paez. a cow d , j.
ver, Vasco tie Gartia, a sailor, C ilnmbi f , 4
sailor, lx)iiis Phillipe, a achnolmnst'-r in S' a it
r.erland, at Boton,and at Ila varum, Catlni rin t,
Empress of Russia, a girl attached to a re g,.
ment, the present Governor of Madeira, a I ai.
lor, the Minister of Finances cf lVrt' .ga), ft
wine merchant."
Evso? mow a Slave. The editor r,f ,
widely circulating paper being asked !,nw ,
why he was led to the habit of tilling lnsi.r,,.rt
with short, racy articles, (replied, that his iV ,j,.,;e
was to secure renders, and that he had pr (,, j
very essentially from the hint of a iiiw . wi10
said he could, without fitigue, hoe an acre f
corn in a day, if only planted in that t , t
The hint is applicable to newspaper contribu
tors, and indeed to all writeis an j speakers.
Take time to uu siiokt.
They have a short way of f yjng, tj,e nUpt)frt
knot in the lloosier S'ate, to ,vjt .
'What is your name, sirl
"What is your name, '.iliss V'
"Matty, (In y'lt lov'j P f,y V
"No mistake.'
'Polly, do you lovftty l"
"Well, ! reck. ij"
"Wei!, then,
'I Pro .iouiiC9 you man and vivo
All (he days of y.-ur hfe.''
A T;,., RrrRi.s.v;i atik Among the Gali-
.i i. .A Q Ijiiiib enmile
!" eiegatioii which iciv i -
The following very a propria t
fouiid some time si.ce, Vr.tten
of a bank note
,i t :
point ie B.O.j') teet. We era now l.C.Xl feet
above the leveV of the South Pass in 1h " . .m wti Dr. It. Kempt?, , I
I .... r, :-L i.. tnS Shoes I i
Mountain., and mil w. at p. ;.. j hUnJi C it 8 incbaa : hi. ahoc3 1
"'.rk ff'jnl thebauka an awlul crash,
V d patriot hear the cry ;
Vltre is a note tint toi cash,, 'liaall iu u r