The following song, written by Mr. Drew, was sting at the Celebration of the Columbia (D. C.) Typographical Society, by V.. Klopfti i The Inventten of Printing;. l 'Tis said that in the olden time, '' 1 printing was invented, '" Tho want oT such a principle t .Wat very much lamented ; tor there Mere men as thete are now Who were forever seeking To renovate olil things, I trow, Or set the world a-creaking. ciioRrs. Let feudal ages go to pi, We'll set the form anew, boys. We'll in, and beat, am pull, and fly. And prove what we can do, boys. No pfiny press was then in vogue To print without permission ; And books, as now. were not a dniff. Much less a cheap edition. So then some jolly Dutchmen said They'd put their heads together, And print a book with types of lead, And hind it up in leather. Let feudal ages, Kc. They tell of T,aury Coster, who Set up in Harlem City, And had jnurt and dtvil loo Put was it not a pity, That while he kept a Christmas day. And thonght of nothing wrong, sir, ' To Mnta the devil ran away, And took th types along sir! Let feudal ages, Sec , Old Outton.httrg soon learnt the art, , (Which but for him were lost us,) And wanting coins to meke a start, lie borrowed spoons from Faustus. At ato-goi heads they soon arrived; To court the matter passed, sir, And after Cutty had been shrived Von Faustus had him en., sir, Let feudal ages, &c. One SchcpfTer now with Faust combined. They had a rule between 'em, That he w ho left his pi behind Upon the boards, should clean 'em, And Gutty, who. by dint of law, Had learnt its moods and tenses, Soon published the Catholicun Joannes Janucnu's" Let feudal ages, &c. The science thus extending wide, The Doctor made a leap, sir, And soon in Paris was espied A selling Bibles cheap, sir. He thought he'd play a yarikee trirk, And say his hooks were written ; But laying on the thing too thick, He got his fingers bitten. Let feudal ages, &e. His script was all so uniform, His titles stamped with blood, sir; None but the dtvil could send out Of volumes such a flood sir, To see his Bibles come to fast, The Frenchmen grew affrighted, Again the law upon him called But this time uninvited. Let feudal ages, Kc. His sanctum now was ravaged quite The Doctor had to yield, sir; The den was soon unveiled to sight, Which had been long concealed, sir. The hlood was there in cans and kegs The Doctor owu'd 'em his'n A tail grew out betwixt his legs, Whilst on his way to prison ! Let feudal agog, &c. The Printer's buy is thus en-tailed With charms of magic dread, sir ; And if to see his hums you've failed, I beg you feel his head, sir. You'll have the dark conviction then Of what the league has cost us, And why it bears the cognomen : "27, Dtvil und Dr. Faustus." mortis. Now feudal ages are in pi, We've sit the f.rm anew, boys, We'll ink, and toll, and pull, and fly. And prove wliat we can do, boys. fclivr making. I''-or Iiiraliuiii thus graphically describes th town i f l.ymi, Jlas-HclMisfctta, l lie neat of ii('i(,, und the vast curd watnery of the w!iii'- l.'nuni. 'Tin veiy pleasant and thriving town of i t j is is Vii rariuiire (it shoemaker! its young iiu'ii, ui!y transferred trum Uie cradle to the lust, t ut l eir Ift i li ami leather at the oamo tune, and 'I pretty manic na '.cam to bind above Willi tin' i. ttrocuciiiui ol their a-b abs. Lovers rxclinii!.-. 1,1-nrii ,nvr a kid slipper, and swear eternal fidelity over lap-sinne. If they would got innrrivd, they ak nld Dr. Wsxend, the par bun, if he will glitch them together, and they will pay him in shoe-mending. Whipping their children is caller: tanning, an( (he rod they use 10 a cuuhule. The little boys swear by hulis and leather, and play at gan ea which they call lush and low uiiarler. and toe.' A child newly born is a lapstone, and the ape of iiu'ir children is know n hy tho number o shoes they weir. Boys are called rights, and girls lifts &n old ins id is an mid slipper, and an old bachelor an vdtl boot. The street doors to their dwelling am 'insteps,' and a man in an overcoat is 'foxed.' The field about the town are patch is, a i) J a follow half-st-n. over ia l.alftoleJ. Th'-y nevt r tec an oak tree but they directly calculate the number of pees it will make, and when they behold bees at work they reflect that no nuiy u,u ol wax i waxed end. They look on all cattle) and heeu a only leather-grower, and W-leive that linos were only mode to pro dure brihllea. i, Inn-stones Would Dave Brand. way, and its lasts, if piled together, would Disk a monument higher than that on Bunker IIill.H 11AXK SOTE LIST. 1'EXXSIXVAXIA. ,, , The following list shows the current value of all !ennsylvsnia Hank Notes. The most implicit re Imnce may be placed upon it, as il in evert week an fully compared with ai d corrected from Uick nell's Keporier. Itanks In Phtladrlphla. Location - 1 ini.n. NOTES AT PAR, Bank of North America , , Bank of the Northern Li'erties ', Commercial Bank of I'enn'a. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank , Kensington Bank . . Philadelphia Hank . ' Schuylkill llnnk Smith wnrk Bank . Western Hunk ' . ' . . Mechanics' Bank . Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Country flank). Bsnk of Chester County Westchester Bank of Delaware County Chester Hank of (rrmantuwn (Sermnntown Bank of Montgomery Co. Nnrris'own Doyleatown Bank Doylcstown Eaatoti Bank Esaton Farmers' Bank of Bucks CO. Bri-lol par par par par par par par par par par psr par par par par par par par Office of Bink of Penn'a. Harributg". Thci-e Office do do Lancaster I offices Office do do Reading f do not Office do do I";iU.n JiKniien. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Hank of the Unileil Sluteis (tank of 1'i'iin '1'owiihliip (iirard Bunk Moyamcneuig B ink Bank of ."eiiimy Ivania Miners' Bank of Poitsvillc Bank of l.cwiMown Hank of Middlelown B;ink of NorthumlM-rhiml rtiiUli lphia 3132 par i . . par I'' Potisvillfl 1 j-wiMown M itlilleiown i l Norlhiiinhciland par t'oluuiliia Bunk & Bridge co. Columbia par 1 Larlmle Bank ( iirlislf Exchange Bank D. do branch of Farmers' B'ink of Lancte.i Lancaster ('ounty Bank Farmers' Bank ol litaJiug llairishutif Bank Lancos'er Bank Lebanon Batik Merchants' & Manuf. Bunk Bank of Pittsliurg West Bianch Wyoming Bank Northampton B ink Berks ('ountv Bank Office of Bank oftr. S. Do ' do do Do do do Kensington Hi v. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Bank of Chamlwrsburg Bunk of (ieltynburg Bunk of So-qiiehinnii Co. Brie Bank Farmcrn' & Diovcra' Bunk Franklin Bank lloiiesd.ile B.nk Mononcalii la Bank of B. Vork Bank l'iitKluiiir ' 1 Hnlhdiivsliurg 1 Lincaslei par I. ii tic aster pr Kcuding pai Harriluirg I LnnciiHicr pJi Lebanon j j I'ituhurg I riiuVutg I Wiilinmspnrl lj Vi:kclarre 1 Allentown it ending Pittsliurg failed F.'ie do New Brihton do ' do ilo Chamherxhurg I (ii'tlyol'Urg t M on I rone 't.r Frni 3 Wnyiieburg 2 Washington 1 HoueMlale I J Brownsville 1 York I N. It. 'I he notes of those danks on which we mil quotmions, and suhlitule a dash ( ) are noi purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with die eictitioii of those which have a h-lier ol i fen nee. B li O K E N U A N K X. Philadelphia uv. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bairn (T. W I'owanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank ol Nw atari Bank ol Wuvliiugton Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' cV Merh'ca' Bank Farmerit'& Mech'c' Bank Furuiem' A MechVa' Bank Haimony IiiKiilutc Huiitiugdor. Bank Juniata Bank Lumlicrmeu's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Nortbuiuti'd I'ninn Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. A sr. & Mnnuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank L'nion Bank of I'enn'a. Westmorland Bank Wilkesharre Bridge Co. PlnlaJt l hia failed do failed do f'ile.l Dyolt, prop.) failed Towamla Bedford no sale Iteaver closed HarrUhurg clokOil Wu-liiiiRlon failed Belli f.inte closed Pill.buig II i) rale PitMiurg lailed Fayette co. failed (reelicitst e failed llaiinony no sale Huiilingilon no fale l.eni.stowii no sale Warieii failed DiuidatV no Hit New Hope closed Milton no sulr Mvadtille clused Port Cur lion Carlisle failed Montrose closed I'niontown failed (ireenshurg closed Wilkesharre nossle OCj- All noU's purporting to le on any Petin-yl-vania Bunk not given in the above list, may be ct Jown as frauds. KKW JT.IISI'.V. Bnnk of Nev Brunswick Brunswick Uelvideie Bank Belvitlrre Burlington Co. Bank Mi-dtord 2onunercial Bank I'i rih Ainhoy Cumberland Bank Brideion Parmers' Bank Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk liahwav railed i par i par par i Farmers' and .Mechanics' Ilk N. Biuuswirk failed tanners and Merchant Bk Mul llelown 'i. Franklin Bnnk of N. J. Jersey t'ny failed Jersey t'lly lloliokeu likfl & lirazing t o lloti.ikeu fail, d failed failed felled i failed i pur no sulit 1 lersry City Bmk Jeiw y t 'ny Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bunk Morris Coumy Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bunk I iil;rison Belleville Morristown KuvholJ Newaik Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Jersey City Post Nole Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hoiie Del Bridge Co Newaik Lumlieitktilla lloliokeu i tailed tailed 4 fulle.l 4 par pur N. J. MiMiulac. and Bkg 'o N J Piutccton ic Loml'urd I k Jersey Cl'y Orange Bank Orange PaierMin Bank I'aicrson Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Sulcin Banking Co Salem Stite Bunk Newark Slate Bank F.lizalwihtuwu Slate Bank Camden Slate Bunk of Morris Morrisiown Mute Bunk Tienion Sulem and I'hilad Manuf Co Salem Suaaex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton L'nion Bunk Dover Washington, Banking Co. liackenaack DELAWARE. BkofWilmA Brandy wine Wilmington Hank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do hunch Miltord Farmers' Bk of Stale of Del Dovei Do branch Wilmington Do branch Ceorgetown Do branch Nawcasile Cnion Bank Wilmington rr"f- 1,'ndei S'a i i par I failed failed i "V failed par par par par par par pr par par (XJ- On all banks maiked Ibua () there are ri. tiler counleilcit tir altered note yf Jm VJ,ou ! comioslious, ia circulation. W I STAR'S x dalsam or iriisD cucnnY, A romannnr) nnlsamlc PrpMila from IVIld Cktrrr Hark suit Tir, 77ie best remedy known to the world fnr the cure nf coughs, enlds. asthma, croup, bb-eding nf the lungs, whooping finish, bronchitis, in flu tma, short nes of breath, pain and wrnkness in the breast or side, liver rnmf'btint, and the first stages of CONSUMPTION. We will net assert that this BALSAM will cure Consumption in 1st Itmf farm, hot il has emed many after all either means of rlief had been tried in vnin. And whv not t It seems the WILD CHUNKY was destined hy Nature to l onr P A NACEA for the laesuina dicses of this c Id la titude Let not the despairing invalid ' his money and looe TIV1R. to him at all important, in txierimentintr with the trashy nnfom nf the dav. Iml use at once, a itvdicine thai will cure. If a cure be p a ihle a m dieioa that science approve, and many year nf i xper.etice h ive demonstrated that il always relives. I "There is no such thing as fail." In the history j of ihis wonderful BALSAM. Evidence tli miwi convincing evedet'ee that no one ran doubt, fully . estalili hes ttva fact. For the sake of brevity we , se'ect the f. I owing from thousands. j Isaac Plait, Esq., Editor of the Eaule. I one of the nvst influential j mrnnls in tle s'a'e of New Yoik, si m s uniloi the authority of his own name, th it a young lady, a relative of bis. ot verv i delicate const i tuioii, wn altacked in Felt. IH12 j wnh severe cold, which immediately produced spit ' ting i f blond, cough, fever, mid other d itigerooa and I alsrmii g symptoms. Thronuh medical neatoien' j end csie she pi tially ire vcr. d dmina summer, j But on the return nf winter stie was alt icked more violently than at first, she bream" scarcely aide to walk and wa tumbled wth cotioh, chill' and fever every day, and apieaied to be going rapidly with consomp i in ; at this lime, w hen there as n sign I nf impronrment. Mr. Piatt procured a boMle if j Wiar' Ui.svM or Wttti Chkbiit. which she look, and it s ereingly restoied her. She g ! a se- I cond, and hefioo il was half tnken she w a restored to perfect health, which she has enjoyed to the pre- i sent nine, without the ahghtert symptom of her for- ! mer ihc Mr. P ait sav "the cure c.ime under my i- n nli sClvalinn and I cannot he mistaken as lo the facts." EXTRACT OF A J.KTTKli FROM A I 'OUT MASTER. DATED PrManoKK, Washington co., Maine, Apr. 29, 181 1 MK. HA AO BI'TTS. Denr Sir: At the re quest of many of my friend- in this place and viri. l ily who are afllicled wi ll ronsii'ntlon an l liver eomp'aima, I lake tin lil'er'y of asking you to ap point someone in Ihis roiin'y as agent lo sell Wis rsit's Balsam iirWu.ii (,'hrii bt. and to send bin a few d '7.i' il as lher is none nf it for sale will. in 200 miles fr. m ihis I have no doubt (hat it w- nhl niCt t with a r aly sale if it were where it cou'd le pi oc u red without loo much esprnse and drlav. My wife was alMckcd about mi m riths since with what (he pt yicians lulled the fir-l s nge of C"ti-oin'toii a complaint v. ry p evalent in this s- c'ion of country. Having seen the Ba'sani ad vert sed in Augusts. ZJ- 200 MILES FROM IIEH.E, wOl I look the pams lo send there for a bottle nf it, whlih she look, and which helped her so much that I wnt lor I vn bottle, more, which -he hits aso ta ken, and he now sv she has not felt so well for six years as she does at ilna time. All those who lisve inquired of ine and nsceilained w hat ell'erl the Balsam tool, are Hiixiooa lo h'V nme f.r sn'e in lhi virinii v . which is the cnu-e nf niv wntn g you. Plea-e inform me by letirn ol m 'It whether von conclude to send some, and il so to whom, in order that it may be known where it can be had. I am wnh re-peel yours, etc. P. (i. FAICSSWOHTH, P. M. The h"le country is fist learning that t o medi cine no (iliVHicnn no ptrparalion nf anv kind whalevii caiirqnul Da. Whtah's Ualsam of Wild t.'iitaar. a tri ly ivoii:nrri. c i in:. WsTitavm., Oneida co.. .. Y.S. pt. 15, 1843. Dear Sir I owe it in the afflicted to inform y u that in January la-t I was niia ked by a veiy vio. lent cold, raus-d by wtnkii g ill the water, which settled on my tunes. It v as ai comp inn d bv a ve ry sevee pniu in my breast and sides, ami also a disties-mg C' ugh. I hud in attendance all the I el uicilic.d aid in i.ur village ; hut after eihnusiiug all ihcirskt'l o no, liny prononni e l my i!i-ea-ea co r i ii m 1'iivsrwPTiuM, and tin v one and ali gave mr up lo ilie. Alter iiitn h pi rsu ision I got iha (on-enl of my physician to use the Balsim o Wan I'iiihui prepared by Dn Wisrta. I pur. chased of the Agenl in our l ice one h.itlle, before using half of wbirh I If gall to gain slrengib, ami il w s very evident my Cough was innch belt r and my symptoms .n every way impr vine. I hive now list d ihiee but lb s, und dm rrslorid to perfect health. 'I his re-nh is si ne owing In the of ) WISTAK'S HMAM OF WILD CIIKIt K V i stlil I take Ihis method of i: ving you the in formation, partly to pay you the debt of griitudc I owr yi u, and partly ibut other" si iiilaily slllicted may ko w where lo apply lor relief. Veiy trulv joins, JAMES H OE. M it. I'lLvi n Druggist, undei d ite of Yli rville, Sept. Slth, I H 13. writes; The slat, inent given you by Mr. Jamrs SNge is well known to be true hy this whole ciiminumfit II crlonlv was a mo-l remaika lecore. The rale of ibe Hal-ion is very good, and i s urn 's in cure. iiu'y llsileriug. Youis ri i etfiillv. D. D. PALME II. T1IK MOST KKMAKKADI.K ci iiK Kvr.u HKronnr.i). H Aiitiovrin n. N. J , Aoil 20. 181:1. On or about ill. I3lhiuy of Octobti, Mil, I was taken wnh a violent p.. u in ilie si le rear the liver, winch hi 1 1 i 1 1 ikiI lor ah. .til fiveitaya, ami um fol. lovti d ly the breaking of an u'ra r, or ul. r in wanlly, wh eh rel eved (he hiii a little, hi. I ruu-ed me 'o throw up a great ipiiiiulv of oireusive uiatU'r and also much blood. Bring greatly aljiinrj at this, I .1 ii-I to a physician, hut be said he lh"Uit' t hr could do but il lb- lor me etc-pi ill" s ine Mercury which I lefnsrd to like, feeling -a'.slied that ihey r. uld do loe i o good ; inaoy o i he r r. in die i ie then procmed hy my wile sad fiiends, but none did ine anv good and Ihe ills charge ot blood and coiiupti iu still cnliiuird ev-rv i w days, and at last become so olh nsive th it I cu d scarcely breathe I w .a also seized with a vi. ohiit rough, which at time caustd me to raise inuih nioie blood than I had done before and my disease conlinued in this way, still growing worse, until February, when all hope if my ircoveiy was given up, and my Ii tends all thought I would die ol a (ALLoriNu CossctarrioN. At ihis moment, when my lite wusapparen l drawing near its close, Miesrd of DR. v ISI'AK'! BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY, and got a bottla which a iisvto as iMMtuitTrLT ; and by ihe u of only three bottles of this med cine, all my pains were removed my cough am slitting of blood and cor ruption entirely stopped, and in a few weeks my health was so fur restoied ss to enable me lo woik al my trade, (which is a cariieiitcr,) and up lo this lima 1 have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. Gioi'cssTia Coi'STi, N. J , ss. J'eieiually cam before ine, the subscriber, one of the Justices of the Peace In and for the said cnnn ly, Thomas Cozens, and lieing duly affirmed ac roobng lo law, ssith the above statement la in all things irue. - . Affirmed before me, on the 80ih of April, IM3. 5 - J Ctr.MS!.T.J P. $ Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM, SATIRE'S FAVORITE rRESCRIPTlOV a prescription Congenid to nor wants, ss it is pie pared from chemical exliacts from sub-tances which the author of nittirn has placed in our own land for wise purpoe, thai many who kn. w holhing of the mode of its prcpamion are endeavoring lo reap pecuniary benrfi a hy srllinp. nn ailicle similar in name, or in appearance, or by representing their own Ira-h as superior to this B AT.S M. or by put ting lip S mitlute and a demnty asseverating that it is imp aMe I Ir mi a foreign rpuntry, which is not the ease. All these deceptive arts goto show th it WtTA' It i.a as isknownto the world lo bp "THE GREAT REMEDY." and that to se any mimm-p- it must ha tiler Ihis in name, of pur part lo !, like It in stl' stance. JJ" Believe not ihe cunningly wrought fabiica- lions and take on'y the original and Wistaii's It al'ai or Wnn I'hissi. genuine NO OTHE3 CAN BE LIKE XT. ! Address all orders to ISAAC BC I' I S, Mo, S'i Ann St., New Y ok. Agents, JOHN W. FRH.l.NO. So.nburv, j D. BR MI I IU AM. Northumberland, J. K. llnnoi.ilU!r, J. VVAfiGONSKl.l.KK. Srlins-Crnvr, BROWN & CREASY, M (JJinvile. Feb. 2,, 1815 ly ' ! "FIFTY DOLLAl.H HF.WAHl) ! CANTRELL'S Ct'lrhr.iled Tamlly IrdicincM ; 'W'HJ'ILL not rure every Ihing. but still remain i V unequalled in thrir several departments by every thing ever offered to Ihe public, who have voluntary name forward and offend numerous and highly ri speciuhle testimonial uf t lie ir superior iffieicv. Cuutrtir s Compound Mcilirated Syrup nf 6'ui-sapar-lla t or, Auli-Scoibulic Syrup, fol the cure ol Seorfula, Chronic linen, n ilism, Cluonic Swel- ; lings of the Join'", Ciuption- of the tskin, and all Disca-cs aiisiug from the abuse of Mercury, J;e-. unsurpassed by any thing in the ins ki l, enmhi. ning all the virtues resident in the tsar-npariila 1 with a modern medicament, only lately brought . out hy ihe most respectable, medical antlionios, : Price, fill cenls per h tile. Cimti ell's .lnti-Dyspeptic Vowdrr, (T the re- ' lief and permanent cure ol thai ui 'i-t ilislresaing I eomplnirit, Dy-pcpsia, in nil its forms ml s'tigos. I II is tiuly a most vnlu d ie remidy. Sold in lollies I ai 25 and SO cents each. 1 Cu.ntrrH'1 -Iguc Mixture and Tonic Mnlica menta, stands at the head of the li-t unnvallid hy I i ny. or all ihe innniiicmUe mediem s in tt-e ! ihionghoul the length and bread h of the bud, for the core of tun! Ani l: in all iia stages, ami j from nil its rnnsrnuences, i Residents in Fever and Ague districts should never be without it. EIFTY DOLLARS where bis medicine hiils lo peiforin a cure in the in. st ohstina'e ra-e. : S. Id Who es de and Retail by CALEB CRES. ! SON. at I i Drug Waiehoue. No. f North Third i I M reel, Philadelphia; also, by Ihe ngulirly ap- : pointed agent, SE I'll W. ROBERTS, Wbolcsa c Druggist, No. 51 Water Street, Mobile, I'rep-ired ti: I v by tl e Stibeer.ber, corner nf OAR. 1'ENTER and' SL'COMI Sir. ets, behnv t'hristi- , an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed. , . I Observe, none arc genuine without ilie sigrature , f JOHN A. CAM RELL. CuntrrllN Ariip Ilxlui r, or Toiilc J)l'illi ameiilii, Fur the cure uf oil II, Holts affections, iftuhen nc curiliUK to directions. Il is a never lulling remedy which no family ough1 l be without, especially in low marshy countries. As this medicine is put up under the propiie lor's immediate inspection on ihe most scienutie principles, hc'tig I'ur. ly Vrgelsble, and having tried its efficacy on ihoii-alids, for upwards of I'i y ars, and lo his knowledge when 'aken sirictW ac cording to dueciions, ihrre b is not hi en ne fa lure. I'nder such circiim-lancrs I recommend it to ihe public, adding a certificais in support of Iny asser tion. I.John Hums, do certify that I was in the ship Tobacco I'lniil of Phil nh l l i i, (.'opt. Reed, in June, 1827, hound in 1 ivcrpool , took ihe fever and ague and lau! in l.ivrtj o..l ome I me limb t the doctor's l ands, wr it fnun lice 1 1 Palliiii' re, lay in the Infirmary lor lour ot five weeks fnun ibeiice lo Philudi liit. in ; was sil months under Dr. I ('oats; from thence lo New Y. rk want lo ti e Hospital, mere ais ui i.nir w.cks wnr.otu any ielief-l..e,l .very Hung w.ihoul stiy benefit. . five yeais. Hearing of Cautrell's Ague Mix life fioui a fiiend, I went lo Lis store, told him Il w I was atl'icled. and gol a bottle of his mixture and used it accr ling lo directions. Il made a per il ri u', and I have not had the least n tuin i ce. I do with confidence recoiuinend it ("the piddle. JOHN BI'RNS. ItleUU uteri Syrup urryarNHpni Ilia. rhiladilphia, April lUlh, 1K1I. Mr. JoHtu A.C4VTMK11, Di ar rir, Having be: n ifflic'ed f..r upward- nf two vesrs with ulceration of ihe throat, de-troy ing the w hole of die sofi palate, then through the upper part f mv month into mv nose, from which seier nl pieces of hoi e came mil, which partial'y detlioy. eil my speech, through a kind Providence and your Medirated Syrup of .pnill , I am now le-ton d 10 pei f. ei hejlth.and my sight, which wis so much unpiir d, s as strong as when a boy, I ihoitght it a duty I owed loynu and those simi larly allccl. d, fti make it public. Youis, It. spee follv, SAVI EL KIRK, Con er nf Tenth and Coatcs Streets. I, Oat'iil J.,(8t'.n, No. 6 Rr.-kles Street, do cer tifv that mv wife, Jjne, was iflltc'ed for Iwo yeais with Rheiirna i- m. and at la-t was entirely di-a' led, so that sbe waaohbgeil to he eon fined to I" d , tear ing if Caut'ell's Me'icati'd Syiup of Saia ipunlla, or Ami Srorbutic Syrup. I procoiej four In til- s, which comph tely removed all her pains and st II ness froiu In r bmhs; Iwo more hollies mule a per fect cure. M,e ia now able to attend 10 her house hold doiba as usual. I J All 10 L JO.NSI l).. l'Udadt lphis, Jau. 83d. 1814. fXj Dexcripiive Famphlets may be had of the agents. (Oralis.) J. W, FRILINO, Sui'lHiiy, Nov. 0, 1841. ly .1'jrnt. a sliTi"tfc Hii v. a v WHOLESALE & RETAIIs HAT ySi CAP MAiUFACTU!tKRS, South East corner of Market and ith st.. llillulelplilu, WHERE they alwsys keep 011 hsnd an eiten sive isaoitiueiit of HATS ii CA I'S of every description, gol up in the bet and most approved si le. Peis.'iis of purchasing superior arii rlrs on Ihe most reasonable terms, will rind it la their advantage lo call before making purchases elsewhere. J'hiludclj.hie, Oct. 6th, 1844. ly OAKLEY'S v - DKPinATIVE SVItl P. riHE valuahlo properties of Oakley's Depttta IL tive Syrup nf Sarsapnrilla, ss a purifier nf the blood, is so well known hi iho public generally, that it ia unnecessary to occupy much spars in set ting forth the advantages lo be derived from its use wherever Ihe medicine has once been intro duced, it lakes precedence over all others i evety one that has tBken il, have, derived so signal bene, fil ial results from it. that it ia .l . .1 ... . . ' I hem with ihe u rn, conf.denee. I'hysicMna U , Ihe highest standing in the piofcshm, prescribe it on iiiLTnf-Bi nnni ni in ma .....I..--; ... to patients under their care Containing nothing deleterious, but being composed ni the mst mild, ycl rfficscious vegetable materials, it is oil", red with rorifidence, as the rhrnprjl, and most efficient pn. rifier nf the blnod now known. The tise of a few hot ilea, especially in Ihe spring months, will. het. Irndid with a most decided impinvemml in the gp. mral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds ol disease that may h 1 . , . . . i ,ave been genrrsted. besides ! Jr " ' -v rUTe ' giving health and vig ; of Scrolul i or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eiiipli,.n of ihe Skin, While Swelling, ' r .Mills, t hroiiic t.ongh, cVe. The nu- tnerous centfica'es in Ihe possession nf Ihe subscrl- I her and his agents, fiutn physicians and others, are sufficient to conv.iice Ihe mal skeptical of its su periority ovri all preparations of Sarsaparilla. ' ' Sold wholesale and retail, hy ihe proprietor, ' OEOKMiE VA. OAKLEY, North 5th street. Res. ! ding, Beiks Connty, and lo he bad of the following ' prisons : J In Northumberland County. II. B. Ms?, . Siiubury ; Ireland tt Mixel, McEwensville D i Krnusi r. Milton. ; In Union County. J. Oearhnrt, Relinsgrnve: , A. (Suti litis, MifHinl'urg. In Columbia County. R. W. MrCay, Wash , ington. , , ? ' Reading, March 14. lHjrt. ; Mn. I believe it the Oty of every ! one to do whuteverin their power I ie, for the b rie. 1 fitofltieir b llow man, and having had p om. ive . proof in my ow n family, of the wonderful properties of your Depuraliie Sytup of Sarsapnrills, I m st , Ciiiiseicntiou-lv recommend il to ihe afllicled. We I had the mirfoitune to lose two of our children, by ; the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and neck, although we h id some of tht I most scientific physicians to attend th m arid had ; fried all the known ten rilics, including Swaim's Pnnscea, without avail. Another of my children was attncke.l in ihe same manner, her face and neck was rninp'ete'y Covered; ihe discharge was so I'lteiisive, ami me nisease at sucn a lie cm. mat wr despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful etfecls of your I'epur.i'ive Syrup r.t S .isiipan 1 1, we weie iinliiced to make trial "I it. as the last ns. ri; it acted like a cVtaim; the u'crrs commenced healing immedtnlely. a fi w hollies enlitely restored t to her health, which she hs enjoyed linllilerluptedly ever since As a pimlier of ihe blood, I verily be lli vc il has not its equal. JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. DoiirI issville, April lfllh, 1843. Mn. Oak h i : My son Eilmuml Leaf, bail Ihe scrofula in the most, dreadful and diMics-ing man ner for three years, dining which lime he was He piived uf the use of bis limbs, his be.l and neck weie covered wilh ulcers. We lii. d all iha differ ent remedies, but In nn i It. ct, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and also Dr. Isaac H ii Mer, ot Rending, to use your Deporative Syiup of Sarsnpurilla, of which I ol'tnineil sevcial hollies, ihe use of which d'ove the dt'eae entiri ly out of b'S system, Ihe sore heilcd up, and Ihe child was reslorrd to perfect lirahl),- wh'u h he has enjoved uiiiiilcnupleilly e vor since, lo tl al, iii.bnn nt ol many prisons who seen liiui du ing h.s allliction. I have thoimhl il my duty, arid send y..u this certi ficate that others who have a like affliction in ihe family may know where lo obtain so valuable a medicine. Yours truly, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. IB, 1S43 ly To Country Jlt-rc hunts. Hoots, Shoos, I'otiiipts, Loo-horn a ml Palm Leaf Hats, r.. AV. & L. 15. I AY I. on, at thr S. .'. corner of Market ami I'ifth Sis., FHILASLFHIA, VFFER for sale an nu-nsie st-oiimint of the "above ariich s, all of which ibey s. llil ntniaual ly low pi ices, and pailiculaily invite the attention of viuii,g the citv, to till laininati in of iheir sloik. O. W. L. B. TAYLOR Philadelphia, May 25, 18-14. Iv v ( ullllt('rl'ltoH, DEATH BLOW. , , , iu.I( ,i.t ,, H,a.,d,eih J n:,,. nra euine. unle.. ihe hot ha. three la bels upon it, ( ihe top, Ilie and the bottom) km n containing a I ic-si in lie signature ot my naiiil writing, thus B. ISkaxiihktii. M. D. These la. be I aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done al an eipeute of over f'J.tHKI. Therefore il will le seen thai ihe only thing nrre-sary to pro cure 1 lie medicine in its purity, is lo observe these labels. Remember ihe top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective, person are duly lutli. ri zed, and hold CERTIFICATES 07 AGENCY For the sale of Ilrandreth's Yegetublc Universal Fills. Northumberland county : Milton Maekey cV Oh imheilin. Sunhury II B. Masser. M'Eweue ville licl nid A. Mem II. Norihutn1 eilaml Win. Forsyth. Oeorcetown .1, & J. Walla. Union (l.unty: New Berlin Bogar & Win ter. Selmsgrove Oeorge Cuudium. Middle i burg Isaac Smith. Heaveri-.iwn David Huhler. ' Adamsburg Wm. J.May. Mitllinshuig Mensch I i& Ray. Ha'tlelon Daniel Long, Freeburg ; ii.Si F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls & Green. I Columbia county 1 Danville E. B. Reynolds 1 A Co. Berwick Shuman At K Henhouse. Ca'. , lawissa C, O. Brobts. Blooiosburg John R. i Mover. Jciscy Town Ivi Bisi I. Washington I Roht. Mi Cay. Lime-tone Balli-1 ft !;'.ch. I (Observe that each Agent has an Kngrav, d I '1 r 1 tificale of Agency, containing a representation nl ir BRA.NDRETH's Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen eiact copies of ihe new labels ntiw used upon the llrandreth J'ill ttores. ' Philadelphia, office No. S, Noith Bth street, B. BRANDRETII.M.D. June 24ih, 1843. j (.tFy FultNTra AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nog. vD and 31 North Tliiid Street, j Ntir the City Hotel, j PHILADELPHIA. i CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, icspectfully in- vile, the attention of person, desirous of pur chasing Furniture, lo his extensive Sales Rooms, , (holh public snd Pnvate,) lor every description of Household Furniture, where ran be obtained at all limes, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maluasscs, Ac, al very reduced pricvy, for cash. (fc- Sales hy Auction, twice t week. May 3Vib, 1813. ly HOSTJ OINTMENT? roii RINOWOKM, riMPt.M ON TUB FAt'lt, AJd OTHEK rtTANPOt'St Mi nillts. Cry The fillmoin ffrtijtcaif drserilvs one nflh nasi frtram-dinary cures ever effected by an if application. Pitii.iirt em. Fehritsry 10. 1838. TJ'Or! twenty yeata I was severely sfnirtirl with . Tr.TTKti on the Face and Headi the dlsessc commenced when I wis seventeen years nU, anJ tltlllllllUeil UMIII IOC tail III lO.HJ, llliru 'II IO ,,ut wjlhl Cvor disappearing. During m-r-t continued until the Fall nf 1836, varying in vio- ' ... or the time, great pari of my face was covercil wttlv the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent itrh--ing ; my head sivePed at times until it ri ll ss if il would burst the swelling wns in g'Cat. thnl I coul.t scarcely get mv hat on. During ihe long prrio.l that I was aRlicted wi'h the disease, I used a great many s plicaliotM, (among them aevefal celebrated preparation") e.s Wi II as taking inward remedies. incluiliiig a number nl ti tlles ol tswaxm s t anacra, Exlrac, f Sar,ipr!!lt Ar , fHCl j( wulJ he i'"I-"i''le M ettumeiate all the medicine. I used. I was also under the cire nf Iwo of the most dis tinguished physicians of ihis city, hut without re ceiving much benefit, snd I despaired uf ever being cured. In the fill of 1 9:lfi, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the Ruse Ointment, (prepared by Vaoghan &. Davis.) In a f. w applications Ihe violent itching ccned. the swelling abated, the trnplion began to disappear, and before 1 had used ajar the tit -ease was entirely ruied. It has now been ncar'y s yi nr and ah ilf since, and there is not a ve-tige of the disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed hy the disease. Il is impossible for mn to describe, in a certificate the severity of the dieci-e arid my suffering, but I will be pie iscd to give a fuller ac count to any person wauling further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time I coruinwuccj using the I! . se Ointment I would have given hun dieds of ilollms to be rid of ihe disease. Since u sing il, I have recommended it to rvenl per-ons, (among them my mother, who had the disease had ly on her ami,) who w. re al cured hv it. JAMES DCRNELL. No. ISC. Race St. i r 1 he Rose Ointment is prepared hy E. U. j Vaughan, Sou'h East comer of Third and Race : stiei t Philudi Iphia, and sold nu aeencv in Siiuhu- , ry. by H. Ii. MASSER, I May 14th, I813. Agent. i ICoe Hint mriil, for Tetter. ; A I'lWOE OF ITS EFFICACY. I I'Hii.Atin.eHi a, May 27th, 1R3'J. 1 'PHIS i to certify thnl I was aevprely almeted with Tetter in Ihe hands and feet for upwards I of lorty years ; the disease was attended generally with vio'ent itching and swilling. applied to a number of physicians, and used a grent many nppli. ! ca ions without etVorimg a cure. About ayiar j since, I appbed tl e Rose Ointment, which entirely , stopped the iiclunq.and a few application immedt ! airly cured ihe disease, which tiiere ha been no return ol, slllioiigti I never laen rut of It at any lime for forty years. RICH AIM) SAVAI.E, Eleventh. Ielc.w Spruce Street. fjj" The Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. B. Yiiuuhnn. S nnh East corner of Third and Race StriM'ls, Philadelphia, and s. Id on aaencv in Snnlni ry by H. B. MASSER. May Mth. 1843. Age-t. . 1MXDICAL APPROBATION Oy e ROSE OLTMi:yT,Jor Tnter. A LTHOIHUI the snpirioriiy of iha prrpinaii..n J V over all ollu ra is fully es ahlished, the pr.'pne tors lake pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the 1'niversity nf Peiinsi Ivania. Dr. llaiigl-, having found in ihis 'Cincdy that tehef f.r a tedious and di-agrceahe allivtion which ihe means within ihe range of his profession failed to alf.ird, has not hesitated lo give it hia approtmli .n, although the prejudices and interests of thai profession aie i ppui-cd to secret Remedies, Philaoi. lciiia, Sept. 19, lHdfi. 1 was recentlv troubled with a tedious heriatic ; eruption, which coe.ed nearly one si 'e of mv f ice, i and extend, tl over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, proprit ; lot of ihe Rose t hutment, nb.-eiung my face, itista j led on my ttying his preparation, of which he ban I detl ine a jar. Although in coinmon with die mem bers ol my pr..fe-sion, I discotinteinnce dt-ap-prove ol the numerous nosliiini- pahmd upon the public by i'jnoianl pn tender-, I (, t in jus'ice bound toexcipl the Rose Oiutimnt fiom iha' c a s of me- t themes, ami to give it my approbation, ns it entire j ly lured the eruption, although It hid resulted the umi. I applications. DAM. HA CCilI, M. 1). (Xj The Roe Oiutmn t is piepin d by E. C. Vauuhan, South East comer of Third and R ice Sicia. I'hiladc'phia, and sold on ngi nev in Sun burv, by H. B. MANSER, May 14th, 1813. . Agent. EAGLE era: cijd an ;tr, Conn r of Third ami Vine Si reels, WltlilAMSPORT, PA. THE subscriber respectfully unuiiunci i to the public, thnl be has opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building s'tuate on the corner of 'I hird and Pine streets, where he w ! he happy to wait np. n those who may favor him wit . iheir company. The Eagle Hotel is laige and c.'liteni ein, and furnished in the be t modem stile. i is provided with a huge number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, priv.ito parlors, A r. Prisons visiting Williamsport on bu siness oi p'ca-ure. mav rest as ut. d that every ex ertion will be used to render their soj nun at the "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will he supplied with the very beat the market if fonts, and Ins bar with lie choicest wines and oilier lupiors tharges re .amiable. The l!ngle Hotrl possesses greater advantages in point of location than any othct similar est ibli-hmetit in the borough, bring situate in the business p irt of the town, and within a convenient dist mee of Ihe Court Hoiiso and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road 1 1, put. Sullicienl Siat'hng prov ided, and good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, sc. on. ni. (dating and hnne-l Servants have been employed, and tioil ing left undone that will add lo the comfort and accommodation uf his guols. Thete will 1 a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to aud from ihe House, free of charge, CHARLES BORROWS. Mav Hih, 1842. tf .Wichnt'l .IVeavcr". on, ROPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Yo. 1 3 North Wuter Street. I'lulude.'phia. HAVE constantly on hand, a getters! assorts mint of Cordage, Seme Twines, &c., vis: laid Rupee, Fishing Ropes, While Roca, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines tor Canal Boats. Also, a complete asaorttneiil uf Seine Twinea, Ac, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (iill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, 11 altera, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on rusouable tetms. Philadelphia, November 13,1842. ly, " " SlMSUlNCrGOOU'S "('67 No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their eileume assortment of Britiih French and American Dry Ciooda, which they ullei for sale on the niot reasooahU tcroia.. . . .. I'hiUdelphia, Novemler 13, I S 1st- J. y,