Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 13, 1845, Image 3

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    Sheriff's Sales.
11 Y virtue of cerisin writ of Vcn. lit. A Fi. Fi.,
UP issued nut of (he Court of Common Plea of
' jNortb'J count, to inn directed, will he Clpmrd Id
public tale, tt lb house of Charles Weaver, in the
borough of StiiH'ury. on Friday the 3d day of Oc
lober net. t, at 1 Vjjck, P. M, the following de.
ecrihed property, to wit I
'Fr ut contiguous Iota of ground situate in the (o
VrHgi nfNorihumberland, end marked in the gene
V il plan of said town. Nos. 6 1 , 62. 63 and 4, boun
ded svsuth f'.T Hanover street,' end on llie weal hy
20 fret alley, northward try Water alrret.
. .nr. a . ml
A1n: -Four contigunu iota, mo. v. i
md 1M, bounded oe by North way, enuih by Ha
tioveratreet, we bj tfBier etreet, end north by 20
feet llry.
Atao: Four eontV:",, ,ol Not 07' ,08,
809 ami 810, bounded on the weet by Hanover
etreel. on the north be North 'ay, nd nn theeeet
fcy a SO felt elby, containing ea.h 60 fret on North
way end 180 fret in depth. On No. H ia erected
frame barrack.
S. iied, taken in cxecuinn, and to i fid ,lie
Jitfroerly of William A. Lloyd.
Alao. A certain tract or piece of lanj a.'tuate
partly in Shsmoltin anil partly in Augusta town
ship. Notthumheitand rnuntv, adjoining lnit. o.
Charles Wnelverlon, naiah Miller, Samuel Uor.'
er and other, containing 2!i0 acre more or lea,
wheat 100 arse of whii h are cleared ; whereon are I
erected a two etory Ion house, weatherboard, d, to
which is attarheJ a atone k'telrfrn and a small frame
building, a stone epririg h.jse. a frame b irn, a f nine
etable and wagon elied, also a large orchard of ex
cellent fruit
8. ixed, taken in eircn'ion. and to I sold a the
tirorly of Nathaniel Sixtm, with nobe to Ro
bert Campbell and Ai nanii S.ttnn. garnishee.
Ala it Two certain vacant I ! of ground annate
Hi the town of ShamnVin, Nonhunibertand e 'Unty,
end marked in the grneial plan of aaid town No.
69 and 60, h unded on the weat h lt No. if, on
,he eel try lot 61. on llie north hy Cnearnrre.eetreet.
end on the south Ly Indeiemdence atrret. c nlaiuing
ecti irl from 28 J feet, and in depth 14t feet.
8e ted, taken in tecution, and to be aolJ aa the
fvrnpetfy of John Ham bon
Altot Twe enoiifturtua tote nf ground, niluate in
the borough f Northumberland, Northumlelaud
rnuntv. No 111 and 1 12 bou did on the weat by
Wratwey and ea-t by Duke tre.t,, north by lot nf
fJillwrtdt Uanid Vofi, wiuih by an allv, c mn n
i each in front CO fetl and in d. pth 210 feel,
wherein are eree'ed two largt fraaie dwelling hou
se, with kitchen atlai-hed to each.
Also : A crta n unimproved traet nf aitu
a'e in Sh imkin town-hip, Northumlierland coun
y, ailjniuing I ml of John Fagrly, Johu Campbell
end ithT, containing UMI cre mnre or lena.
A'o: The uodlviled thiul pa'l nf a certain
tract of land, nituite in fluh tiwnHhi, Norihum
lerland cou ity, alufidng land nf Jatlm Huifh,
Charle Wool vert no, Jcnl Rel and other, c n
taining 2lO acre nmre o- le, about 100 ncrea of
whirl) i cleared, wlienwi are iT'Cted a tle'nry
frame deeUiug hnuae and a Jwge frame bji.k larn, i
&c. !
8eixed, taken in execution, and to be old as the
pronerte of Alt' C. Barret. f
Alan: A certain In of ground ituate in the j
liorovgh of Northumterla d. NiT'humberhnd eo., j
leinn theeotrtVtern b df of lot N 172, a maike.l ;
in the general jilan of eaid lioroiign.lunded on the
ouih y Quen by f ont etreet. went by
the Preat-yterian tltitrch, and fnth ty the other
tSidfef lot 171. hein ate ereited a two etory
frame dwelling houi-e with a kitchen attached, and a
frame th!e.
A lo : A rertnin tractor piece of land aitoate in
Point township NnrihumlrlMnl e unty, adjiining
land nf Jieiih Wallia, fienrge Leahcr and othe .
"ttaniic -10 ac e more or es about 40 ncre nf
which atvcleairid. bcreon are rrctil t baTacka.
Seized, t ken into etreiition, A to be cold as
the properly of John Frik.
Alt-n: At tbe l onae of George Smitb, in Jaik
on town-hip, Noithum' erlnnil rnuntv, on Monday
ihe 6ih day nf Oetolwr net, at I o'clock. P. Nf .. a
certain tract or ieoe of land itu'e in Upper Va
Vonov townaliip, county aforevkid, contiining fi3
ai re mere or adjoining land of Hmy St ail,
(ti'i rge M yrr and other', aloiK 25 arn-e if which
ere cleared ; whereon are erirtel a I etory log
Imiiae and a anwll log etalilr, a jii g house and an
Seized, t 'ken in execution, and to be sold a the
crnirv of John EMing.
Also; A cenuin oi or (iere nf ground situate
in Jrii-kann township, Northumberland County, ad.
j.iiiirne I attd i-f Farmer J one and othe', land of
lefrndnt and other, containing 2 acre more or
Ire, all cleared; whereon are rrecieJ a email log
tiouve and a m! l -g table, Ac.
fe ted, taken in execution, and to be sold a the
property of Jonathan Fagrly.
Alan: A certain trnct or pieceof land situate in
I'pper Mahonoy township, Northumberland rnun
ty, adjoining Und nf Pe'ei ll.i-el. Dr. John bmin
key and nth. re containing 22 acres more or (., al
of which is cVared ; whi renu are erected a two sto
ry house, rough cas'.a barn ai d other out-buili.inga,
and an nrrhnrd.
rieized, t .Wen in execution, and to be eold aa the
prnja'ety of Urorge ehtby.
All ihr ilefen.lant'a intereat in a certain
lot or piece nf ground iu ! in J.ick n townahip.
JNor huinUrlaiKl nninly, aiij ontng land ol r armir (
Junes ai d nlhera, cm t nnii g 2 acre more or leas, j
all cleaied ; whereon is erected a ami.ll log house ;
and a mll log -t ilde. &r.
Seized, taken in execution, and to I to& aa the j
property nf Jhu Krnxi. !
Also; A ceitain 'rcl nr pirce nf I md .ima e in :
Juknn tovinrh'p. Nordiumtorland count v.ailj on-
ing lands i f Mc'rel IMuuk, Henry l.a'aha and I
othrrs, containing 65 acre mnie nr lcs, about SO
rrraof whirh a' ibare.l, on which aie erecliil a
two etory log dwelling house, a spiing houee, a Ing
barn, an orchard, Ac
8eiced, l-ken in i xecu'ien, and to be sold at the
property of Solomon Urealer.
SVierifTa Office.
Sunbury, Sept. 6th, 1845. $
What the "Sugar Coated Indian
Vegetable l'llU" are doing In
It out on.
nsTov. J nuaiy 3d, 1645.
Pxm Sta :You have no idea nf the amount of
dune here bv Ihe IvnliB Y Ml RT BtK
PitLa," (Sugar Coated.) Y.rtirday a resin eiabte
lruggit came in from Lowe I, and pun has. d 6
Du n, and stair d "he could recommend them be
yond any nthrr nod. cine he rvrr had, and aa Mia
win Ktiii bkkbt rxarCTLT ccbid or araa or
blood to lam HtHD. by using Ihem. Several bad
caea of ibe ii fluent have also been cured by them.
Yours, IrulV,
I P. Ctar. 3 Water Street.
To O. DenJ'n 8miih, M. D.. N. Y.
P. S, For the Iruth of Ihe above, I refer tn Hon.
Charles Wills, President nf ihe Mutual Flie Insu
rance Company, Uoslon.
(Tj" CAUTION. Aa a miserable imitation hsa
been made, by the name of '-Rugvr Coaled Pills,'.'
il ia neeesary In be aura that Da. O Hxl 8a)iT'
aiguatui ia on every bag. Price SS rent.
' Principal Office, 179 Greenwich at Nrw York.
. Soil by JOHN W. FRILINQ, Snnbury.
Septtmbei 13th, 1845.
a?JJ'''Jll''Jtl M M1 " iin imia n in ii.
3TATI0 1T3CH7.
ALT. the School Hooks, (lefmrtn end Kng'ih, in
general use I'opy and Paaa Donk. Ulank
tlooka of all aieeat Writing, Letter and Wrapping
l'aera; Oonnet Hoards, (juilla, Kteel Pent. Pen
C l, HI ite, Snd, Wafers, lnkti da. Ink, and
full aaaortment nf St iti.merv, for eile extremely
low, f t e.tah nr in rtrhange fr Ktna.
The subscriber ftr.a fiif CrrrA rtrlasivly, and is
aMa and deiermtned to sell goods in hi line se low
aa they can be bought in Phil idrlfhis.
f, O. SOWER.
fX3 Blank Uitoke of every decription ruleJ and
bound to pattern, in a superior manner, unu-tially
low. PhiUdelpHis, 8ept. 1.1, 184.1. Ht.
John II. lloyd's lisfntc
E TTEKS lesttmenlary rn eaid deee ecd's es
tate, have he n granted in tne ao-errm.
Per -ns having tlemmd eginl the eatste, are re
queued topreeent them for examimlion an I aetile.
BJi'-n, and peraon indebted to the eatste, are tequ a
ted te make immediate pyment.
Sep'emWr I3tb, le4.1-rt Kteenior..
"VN, th 24 h .lay nf rtept-mber.
y W 184.1, will be so'd t pnH c Vendue, at tl:C
,1 e'ling houe of Jnl-n II. Il'vd, K i , (lee'd, in
No. tliimher!and, Hona. h il.l and K tchen Furni
ture. V vgons, tiuggv, lla-ns, Whe, fy, and
a variei v of articles loo teillotia to enumerate. ISite
1 1 c ni'ine tee at 10 oVIork, A M., when the lernn
of Mile will he made know n by
H.p-embrr ISt.'i. IMS. 5t
Hteeiitora i
For Sale.
Q. PlIRI'ENANCES. in the m-i-l eligible aj
iu 1 1 ion in fonliurv for a private residence, rombiu.
teg town and country, and the unohs ruced view
ofmatnetieeiit K-enery. I nr.'edia'e piissession will
le g ven. Apply to the owner.
Srptemler fiih. IM-V 3t
s, "uc-no man
Sinhury, Sept. fiih. 1S45 l
I'.xlHtR of John Ilnshnwoiit, lo 'l
TlH"I(JE i bereby given, that letters of ailmin
i-trniHin on slid rs's'e have been gran'etl to
lie hi tiarnlH-r. Pers in I a vii'gf demand aij-m-t
the e-late, are rrnesenl lo p-eenl the n fori! uui
n iiion and set dement, and lh'ie knnwinit ihein
-elvea indebted aie inine.ted tom ilie pvient. iui-inrdis-ely.
PBTEU II Mill A Wtll'T.
Ruidl Ubp, Aug. ai, 1S15. fit Ad'ii'r.
Thrt-shlna: Machine, not much
r. rn. a Urga Wag in tied, and lo a (In,
whrh may In- purrbaed cheap of the aitininiaira
tor uf the lute Mrs. (rnt,hv apply ng lo
U. W.'HFGINS. or
Kunlmry. August SO, 145. 3t
or one of the moit Talnable
327 yX. BIX. TQ.ff AS
A A ni.l. be sold ut Public Kile, by ofiVr of the
)riban' tlourl nf the Coiiuly of Noilhum.
beind, on t'ie p'emies, in Riiih townatnn, in
-aul conn'v. on Tliursili.i;, llie lUih day of Srplfw
Ur, 1815,' at 1 oVI ck. P. M., the
llf the late Win. (I ineit, containing I fill nrrea of
the very l et river baittorn land, and hnui d -d by
land nf (Seorge fiearhart, Jo'in (.ea'h-irt, Elate
of Dunirl (Jarr.eron. decea-sed, and t!ie North
H 'Hfi.-h of Ihe f-'u-quihanni. lyinc wit'nn about
one mile fmm the town of la v ile. Pa., ami on j
ibe toad leading from Ianille lo Sim! uiv. Tl.e
tan I. ahonl 140 .c-e,: of which are cte .red. j , f v.-
... n . -. . : .v . u-.-t..-. . r ...i
rv rs'nifl-iii ana i v hiiii ill ii - n Fiirm .mil- 1:1 rill. I
.;..;..,. ,il -,.i".,-,l f..-..l A. A I
i..n i. J... ... me..l..'. I.n.l ' Thl im.,,...,.i. t
cois'Hofs Lan-e Two Story r r.nm
DWELLING IIOIE. in good re
ran. and kit. hen tts hrd, a HANK
U V RN. running wat. r in the yard and
a well near the hnuae, Wagonl uuse ( rnriit ,
Sin kehnuse, and other nut buitdinga Atao a gniiil
Tenant h-'Uae a gmal Apple Orrhard of choice
fruil treea. &c. Thia proj rnv ia considered ene uf
lie most diairab'e and v-lunble in thia s.ction if
rmiutry. the I n I nm Ining fir fendily by
auv in the S die. Its proxirn ty to Dnv l e end
l'ot'ville tives it an advaniaoe over other in al
ways having a ready ca-h m.nkrt for all k'nds of
Persons wishing to viiw Ihe proprrty, prrvt in
to it r dav o( a'e, may call on the siib.rri' e' re-i.
ding in Danville, or nn Mr, Sitnmt (lanrtt. who
lives mi the pr.-mi-.e. Sjlc 1 1 commence at 1 o".
clock P. M. of said dav, when terma will lie in ule
Admr't. nf the V.stnie if Win. ( iuri it . dcce ifed.
D.nnll.-. Autu-i 2 ld.'l15 4t
P 1 a n t a t i a is
VtflLI. be exposed for sde. at public vendue, nn
' the Gth d y of October next, on .lie preuiia s,
the I re an-l nieiii-ie Plan' ton, late Ihe e-lale
nf Wd'iam Reesrr, ilrc'd., silualr in Anju-ti town
ship Norlhiimbrrland county, aS nil ft m lea from
Hiiubury, 4 miles from the Pnttsville and Danville
R til Road, 4 niib s from ihe S'u-quebann River and
aUnit rl m lea from the (ire-t Mabnnoy I'oal lie
vinn, and nn the (ireat R ad to llarriabii'g and
Wonieliloif, cm t'idng .130 anes, 140 acres ol
1 which a e clear. d. wt h a U-ge pinpnr ion of me.
t"w ann an iircnarn, me rrs our is well tiinnereo
S.iid p ntation ran le divided into llnee rViinf I
famia wiihoul prejudice la any of the divisions.
each division having a good supply of water by
tunning ttriams and spring in every duecimn.
jl The improvement r -na si of a large
I Vronl n( ft-di e p which was occupied
1 " i r iT frr a numUr of yrar a a Tavern Sin I,
and in which a store f kept at present. A spring,
rlese bv, run through the cellar. There ia also a
Uauk Hi in, with extensive stabling, nn the pienii
ei also a Swmill on a considerable stream thai
run through part nf the i l icej atao a Hue and
Ham near Ihe saw. mill. It will be offered in email
tract, if purchaser wi.h the same. An indisputa
ble lido and possession can be given on the 11 uf
April, IMS.
8le ki commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., nn said
day, when Ibe conditions will be re.ade known by
, , .'Samuel reefer,
AVdJBtfti AMf: Eiecotora.
Corrected weekly by iry Yintheimer.
Wmkat, B5
Rt, .' : ItO
Oiag, ' 40
0t, . ' . 25
Poms., R
Ftir..n, , 112
Hcttkn, 12
Enna. . t fl
narswal, .25
Tatt.ow, ... lo
Fta, 8
Herat.en Ftt, . . to
Damn, Po
Do. PeacNRs, lAO
Democratic ItrVi(tU).
Greatly ReJiiml Price Fiom fVi lo 5.') per
Annum. Single copy
raorxcTs or ma hkxt, oa 17rn voi.tivr.
rilHF. PRK-'E of the Davioraxrtc Rr-vtrw
X hua heretofo'B I teen ton high not for th ixe,
cist anil character, but for the mean of tena of thou
a imls nf readers who would be glad to receive il,
and. amotig whom it is highly desirable that it
ahnuld r.ircul lie. For the pnrposo, therefore, nf
wi'lei i- g Ibe range of lt tiaefulnras, and of multi
plying the number of llvse to whom U may be ae.
cea!l it has been determined. iniultBiieonsly
wiih the great ri duelion in the rxpenae nf the p at
age, t reduce il suhcrili in pri'-e al-o, fr in Fl VK
to only TH ItEE do I ire; and when aevernl nniie
in sutxrripii in, to aa low aa .10, or even ?2 W
per innum.
Thi very large reduction in the rerrtp'a (arconi.
panied with but a rompnatixely small iluniioiii 'ii
of ita etjienM!) invulvea, of eourw, an entire a irri
f(re of prnfit upon it, unlea r.imierieated bv a vast
mnlliplicaton of iitcribrr. 1 h re will be l Hie
outet only a smart reduction in ita nmnl-er of pi
gea ; soon to be re.tored to its old number, without
inrreae nf price, when the antii-ip itcd sureeas nf
the experiment shall justify it.
Tub Poamaira or I)iti vovtanni Dmo.
catT withe continued engraved in better and I
more roatlv etvle than heretofore.
The PuTnr will hereafter. f ary ditanee, be
onlf fire, and a half ctnl , it h heretofore been,
for 100 mile, eighteen cent.
We look for an rxtenfion nf circulation to be
reckoned bv ten nf tltounndt, aa il e reull and
c nvensaiinn of thi. gieat reduction nf price. Eve.
ry friend of the work, and of the Demorr.itic prinri
pb s and riin-e, i cnntVlently npiealed to In rxert
hirn-elf with an active interest to procure it ubsrri
lcr ; both to ex end its ucfulnea, end to cairv it
successfully through 'he criai of th great reduc
tion nf iis prices.
Those w'.io have pa d in sdvmce for the coming
venr, will receive it, at a reduced rale, for a er
and a half.
(Ivviobi.t iv iivxrr.)
Single copy $3 Oil 1 Eight rpie , f2l) 00
Four copies U 1)0 Thirteen 30 0(1
It will then be seen tbat when ihiiteen copies are
onb red at once, the price is brouuhl down to about
$'J 30 eich. For six months, half these rales.
These rve off ird high indueemen's to agenis
and others lo interest themselves to procure sub
scribers. The cosA iynttm and payment in advance must
I e uncompromisingly adhered lo. The pat ieUx
a'i in of il haacsiued an acctimut.iti in if not fir
fr. m $40 1100 of debts due to he work. Hereaf.
tcr this must I who'lv icfornv d, nor must either
the most eminent political frien ', or the most inti.
msle iersnnn one. be displeased nn experiencing
its api liciiion, in the stoppage of ll.eir numbe-s, if
tiny neglect this ride, the vital necessity nf which,
st the pieaem reduc d rat- s, must be obvious to all
No c.uiiinuiii -a'ion will be lnk-n fiorn tho Pn-I
office uiib ss free of ns'sce.
All rifnmuiiir ition. both on edilorial and pnli
lih'iig htiaiue-. must I e d lre.-i d hi nci f.nward
lo the uinl rs'gnrd Thoe rel iting in the selile.
on nt of the pa-l debt due the w..rk will be U'I ad-
die-a.d to Mr. H. tJ. I.iu.ut H A'tnr Hmise. ihe a.raiigpinetil with whom, aa pubh-her hate
rescind their leimitiat.nn.
J. I. O'Srt.i tT v,
July, 1915, l lfi Naa-au atiect, N. York.
The sdintrib'e I);iguerreotvpe of (Sen. J uki n,
! . . i . i ... ..... i.
'"K'n "v """y- r- - '
I rf re l.i drath. baa been nuirUisiil lor ihe u of
'he Dcmocialic Rev-ew. It
I in the Hands ul tn
"'. w 'I engraved
ill the finest style nf I
ineza tint, of ex ra sixe. Il is a moat l.iiiliful and
iireresting work, declared by Mr. tan liur.u and
othrra to give a more perf.ct idea nf ihe great and
good old min than any other likene-a ; and l Ubt
to be oa e-nd t y every m m who oe and re
vrraea hi n-emory. Those who -ub-cribe early
w ill icceive il a one of the regular aenee of Pr
September Clh. IS4R.
1 "
Hismit't VxBMirfiiK-a e-rlnin rure
i ....
worma fe :inil very liirimniir m ihkc.
2. CinaoN s Extiuct. wl irh remove (reasr ,
of nil kind-. Dry Pants. Tar, Varnish and W.x,
from carpel or from clothmf, without injuring the
r..lor or the clolh.
3 Los no v Kir Psrr.a the tirst thing known ;
for ki ling flies and iiiu-((u t s.
4. A reilain Desir.-yer o' R. its. Mice, Rivn he
and Ants. and an ithrr nf lit d llujs.
5. ti-a'a Sririrtc f.u a ur atomarh, lleau I
Horn and Water llrssh. by one who h ul siifl'jrnl
lliirtrrn ' ir. In fore lie i'iCovrrr I ihe euro.
Dm. Srxv s'a (inxi Oi vrMkvr foi the
Il has never failed lo cure.
7. Ilieauov'a TiTTiiB Wh.
S. Urkmuvu's IaiiLtlBtx. Ixa without ;
9. Tun Cunrot'nn CovricTim or Fin
ju-l the n.ediiine for chtldien and f ir women, il ia j
so pleasant lo Ink. j
10. Uki k's Vi.ntTiut AvTlBiLloira Pll.l.i.
11. (ii'mn's Kmoi.lixvt Vir. rami! Ptk. '
for lisrnr, lio.iis, &.C, Il sollrti the lrlher,and
keem out I he water. I
12. I'oii MtVi STar.saTftiiViv) I'lmrH i
LI. Krusov's DiBHmrA MitTiBi, wbiibj
rur. a be worl Diarrhwa in a few hour.
14 J n ksiii's DrsKxTvat MiIti'm. a rer
min and speidy euro for Dyaeuteiy and Summer
t'ompl tint
The atiove Valuable article are old who'esalo
and retail, bv L. l UUNN, Kit. I South Fifth
ttrret, Philadelphia where Siorrkeciera and
i her wi I be supp ied with pure African Cayenne
Pepper, Arnica Flower. Drugs, Paint, Oils, (lias
and Varnishes, at the lowest pner. Term only
ra-h. (tj" Cut out the advertisement, and bring
it with you.
Philadelphia. July 19th. 1845. 1 r
AfaKXAMlFaU 1.. 1I1CKKY.
So. 150 t'lieNnut Street,
VirHERE 1 kilula of Lai er trunks valiaea and
' rarprl I'BJl, of every, style, and pallet n ate
manufsetured, iu the beat manaicr and from the best
material, and aold at the lnwesl rale,
Philadelphia, Jul 19tb, 1840. ly.
Orphan' Court Sale.
Valuable-Ileal Estate
T N pursuance of an order nf the Orphan' Court
- of Nntthuniherlatid c 'Untv, villi lie rxpo.ed t'
public sale, at the public house nf V aniline. Paul,
in Upper Mahonoy town-hip, Nnrthnmhetl mil ck
nn Wednesday, the 24ih day of S ptember next,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the full .wing ilescribrd pro
perty, to wit !
A crrtatu p'antatinn nr ttirt nf I md. s;titate p .rl
ly in Upper Mahonnv town-hip, Norlhitmberl md
county, mihI portly in IJppi r Mahoulango town-hip,
in the county ol Hrhuylklll. nn Ihe Plate road lead,
ing from I'.rilsville to Fisher's Ferry, and about 24
n ib a from Ihe forim r place. Biljoinina lands of John
Matirer. the heirs nf John linhl, (I. or in It iyer.
John Waggoner and o'hera, containing ?72 acres
and 20 M-rchra. strict mei.ure, aboui 210 ai res nf
which arc rb an d and in a hiah elite nf cultivation ;
hereon ere erect-d a large two atnry briek Tavern
Hou-e and Kitchen, a large bunk birn, 100 feel
lorltt. a f a me wag 'n abed, and anniher la'ee Irame
abed; alana large and excellrnt Una' Mill, i.nd a
fr.ime h utre ne'ir sul mill, and nlao, two r xer!.-ril
i ri'lrnd-. 'I he above prnperly ia very be. nt fully
and advantageously aitujtcd, mid ia an excellent
Farm Tavern Wtand.
Also ; At the a ime t;inn and place, another cer
tain tiart nf land, edj -t-'ing Ihe above drseribed
iraci, Iniiree Knyder and nthers, roiibiiuing 127 I
acrisnnu mm rem a, siriet ineisurr, annu' irn n-
cres of which nre clemsl; where n ari' erectnl a i
two s oiy log house, pa tly wcntliri-l innl. il, and a )
log -table, and a lurite niul excellent oreh nil.
Al-o: At ihe same time mid pl.irr, ano'h' r err. J
tain Ir irt of In '!, 'idj -ining thr list nbove dex-nbrd :
trnct, land of Peter K lurk and nlhers, C'ltiinins;
100 acie ai d Kl H-irlie. strict ncsure. aboui 7-1 '
acre of whirh aio rlraied ; w here n are erected :i
two at ry log house, we ithiboiirdi d, ntid a log ;
barn, and two rxrell nt r.rchard. j
AIo: At the Tre lt"e and place, another cer
lain Iraci or pbee of laud, a 'j iii.ii g ihe d.
an lied t'Set. I md nf .Lin b M Hirer and oihera, eiin-
10 aere and 1 0il twrclii. !rct lm aU'e,
all nf which is i leired, (b ing mi a low lind ) and
in a hii'h sl .le or culiiVHliun.
Als-i : At the same lime and plrice, a ceitain
tract of timber land, -i'uile in Lpier Mshinnv
township aforesaid, adj -inii g I mi's uf So nni-m Ho
wsrti r, Jolin and Felix M iu er, fSe.nce Snvder
and others. Containing fi" ai ri-s and 116 p relies, ;
strict inea-ine.
AIo ? At llie hou-e of S .muel IL rb, in Litile
Mahonoy township, Northitmbcrbiuil cunrv, on!
Friday ibe 2filh day nf Se tem'-er mx', a citl ini I
trart of l.ind, si uate in Little M ihoooy lownslvp '
aforeaiid. on Pig M.-h iiuiv Cre. k. B.lj linirm I mdi i
nf J.icob H ill'iah, Mieli el llobb and otheis. con- i
taiiiini: 1 1!) acrs and 59 p rrhe. stiiet mc isure, I
ahtru' 100 ner a nf which are clei'ed ; wherrivi are I
rr'Cti'da targe two story t g lionai' and kiu hrii. ,
(lough c ist.) n tjrge bank barn, about SO fei-l long. !
piiiit.d red; iil.o I ire and rxeebril (iri-t Mill, ;
nu excellent saw m il. a ili-tillrrv, a blurksmiih I
rh p. and a I irje and rxeellent orchard.
AUo: Another ceitain triel of I md. a.'joi' iog
the I is' above de-rrila.! Irnet, lurid of Mil h iel 11 bh !
and olhem, coiitiiioiin: ".Ml ne-is and 13:1 perrb'S. i
strict mea-uic, about 100 arrea ol whii h a e clear
ed ; where. -n are rtecled a lare two story frame j
house, nearly new, a large frame bank barn, a fill-
ling mill and ranbng machine ; and a!, two sina'l
log houses ami -tables There i nlao a l.ire and
excellent orchard on e-iid pre i i es.
Also: At ihe simo time and pi are, anniher
certain tract of land, situate in Little Mabnnny
township afo esaid, adj. lining I imla nf Henry
Swine'. arl, the In irs nf Ahraham Rotheimel. dee'.l.,
and othe a. containing H'i acres and 37 perches,
-tnct me.isure, ubnut ISO sen of which are cleared
and in a high aisle of ru bvatiou ; whereon are e
ricrd a two story log house, a I irge new h ink b rn.
l uui HO feel lon j, pa nied red, and an orrhard.
The Ing man rmy crei k pa-es ihroueh said iraci, ;
and rreans an rxcillent water pnwei for in t ! I ill 4 !
ami other purp ose. 1
The le ni of sale will be tn ide known on ibe
d y ul sale ah re-sid. liv onli r ol 'he Court. :
EDWARD oVI i:t:. rik. f) c.
Atlgttat 2nd l 15. Adiiiiui-iralnrs.
Oriilinn Court Male.
IN pursuance nt an 1 t.h r . I llo- Orphans' Court
nf Northurnltt rlaiul coin.iy. will be sold at fiih
lie vendue, on Saturday the "Orh d iv of Srpleiiihrr
neit, on ihe premi-es, lo wi ! A eeriaiii lri I 1 f
land situ ile in the tonsl i' nf I.l't'e M ihonoy, in
said e. tinry,. j ining 'a d f .1 rCob lli'lu-h. Leon
ard R ed. aril the Mahonoy Creek, coiiiaiumg 127
ncrea. mote or b , whereon is er.c id a Ivvo story
L g House, Spring h'Mi.e. a l irye Ila k Darn, mid
two nTih..rds. Abo, nt the same lime nl place,
lheunilivi lenrh prt of three tr uiaof uoiinpro
ved land, sini ite in'le Malum y a d Coal town
a'rips, lit! two tiacl m'j .ii.itl 4 land of ll.inii I
Herl', sin, dee'd., and mlurs, c niaiii ng aboui 8I0
acres, and the other adj i Iting Wenilrl La clm and
ulnra, in dud town-hip, ront.ui ii g hIhiuI 100
a res. L lie the is's'e of Leonard F rster, d-c'-l.
Sale tn Co " liiriifc at 10 o'clock. A. M.. of a.iid
day, win 11 the tn ma uf .ile will be m o'e known
Suiibury. Aug. 10, tat.'). 6i. Adiu'r.
Twenty l'er tent. Sated
f llli B mb-ci tb r haima I nn ti iai d ihe store ol
1 11. It. Mas, r. baa jti-l leplei tstird llie -nm-wiih
a tiriv of uooiU. wh rh Irrtr g
at rush prices, w. II be sold fir Cr.-.vft or Coni'ir
'rfilnre. Ienly per rent, cheaper thaw usuaI. t'ull
riiidjtiilL'e f .r yoursflve-.
Tl.e f Mowing ne iw ng I't ariicVs :
ltr-d roil. 11 ilrilbiig, l 11J in loo o, at 1
Muslin, a ti rol. Ys. at T
Writing paper, at TiJ per sjirre
gar, al J
do go. d ai
Coffer, kl 10 1,1 H$
lit.- Hby US i 31 cts per d.'lcn
Elast e Cot'cn ol' Ves, at tij
Moh r in ia al fit
ISrasa Eight day clock, Warranted, t 'l
Thi ty hour frt
Alarm " il
Besides I.ipiors snd Oroccrlea of a'l kind. Leg.
horn, Fur and Si k hats. Tweed Caa-irnrre, Coiton
Yarn, Carpet Chain, UinbrelUs, P.irasola. I.std
Punhury, July R, IMS
TO A lla CO N t; Kit N K I).
H. fl. MASSF.K, re-pecifiilly informs hit old
friei ds and customer, that he has add out hit stove
to Henry, and respi el'utty all those
iiidettti'd to him, to xttle their i t ilth k wiihoul
delnv. hey elll be placed in the hand of a Juslire
for eo'lection, w ithout respect tj persons, on the l.t
uf AugU-t
Sunbury,June 5, lf?15. H. D.MASSBR.
I7I.41tl Sf.r.l The highest pttre will
' gtten fur Flat Heed, at the atore of
Aug. , 1815. HENRY MASSER.
To l lie Electors of .Northumberland
County: "
tREf leave to offer myself as a rnmlidale, at the
ensuing election, for the office, of
County Auditor
If I should be rlectcd, I will discharge the duties
of the office with punctuality.
Lower Muhnnnv, Aug. 16, 1945.
To llto Eleclors of Northumberland
Count v.
KEINW solicited by tmny of my friends, I
have consented In f,.t myself aa a candidate
fir tho office nf
Trc nmircr
of Niirihumbcil in.l county. Hlmuld you are pro
pel to rb-ct me, I pi. due mi si If to perform the
duties nf said ullice with fidelitv.
Snnbury. May 3 1 et, 1835.
' To the Electors of Norlhutnbcrhind
i County.
I T the solicit itiofi of a numlirr of persona, in
different pait nf Ihe cmnty, I have cuiiacutrd
to be n canilldnte for the office nf
Tttr.l SI' It K ft
nf Nortlmriibeibind C"Un'y. I nerd hirdty asure
my fell iw.ritix-n.i, lint if t am elected, I will en.
deavor In ibsehirge the duties of Ihe office f.Uiliful-
If and iinpnrliull).
fuiibury, Mnv t?lh. 1815
To the Electors of Xurtliuinbcrlaml
Count v.
17t:i.l.t)W IMTIZENS. I have
I een induei-d
In 1 11". ; invse'f a a cundlilate fur Ihe office tT
li ollioiiotar.v,
At the eiiaiing elertton Should I forlnnitely be
elecied, I here' y promise, fii'lifully and imparli il
!v lodiseh.irge lire dune, nf si d office.
Snnbury. Mav 10, IMS.
To tin; l'.lcciors of Northumberland
Omni v.
FELLOW CITIZEN. I hereto; clT.r my
self aa a candidate, 1 r ihe ofiiee nf
I can only promise, should I be fortunate enough
In h re- eleced. to disrli rrge the duties of said office
wiih (id. biy i.nd itnparii ilrv.
Sutibnrv, May 10, lS4.ri.
To tho I'jlcctors
of Ntirthutnberland
( 'iMIIll v.
IELLOW CITIZENS. At the eolirila ion of
J numb, r of my Iriends, I have consented lo
he a eaiidi l lie for Ihe office of
I promise die r n r.-us of the county, that if I am
elerted. I will endeavor to discharge ihe duties of
Ihe 1 (tire faithfully and ituprirtiiilv.
Snnbury, April 19th, tS4:.
To the Electors of Northumberland
Count v :
7Nt'OI 'RA(!ED by a nnmlier nf my friends.
in ililV'ieni mr aot Ihe county, I oiler myaelf
l.i y. ur consideration a Volunteer candidate fur
the oilier uf
ftSM T 'gT "TR t 7t rjtp pp ,T
I can only promiae, should I lie elected, to make
every iil'irt lo discharge the duties of the office to
your entile satisfaction.
Puiibury, Aug. 30th, IS 15.
To the Electors of Northumberland
( 'ounty :
T ) El MS solirili d bv mnnv of my friend tn off. r
my If a r ilnliite
t jk v e- j -" 2 -
the office of
Norlhllinl-ei land
eoii'.'v, I re-pi-nfiiliy ilicit
y nr Miport
I will emleav. r lo the du
ll, a 1 I ihe oil ice I ittl. Inly, stiouM ) ou see ptopi r 10
confer the sitne upon me.
De'aw ire lownsbip. July la 1S15.
tlnj Elociiirs
of Northumberland
l.M'.Ll.llW CITIZENS 1 As I have hrcn
Iv enroll seed by 111 y
Irii'iuis, I solicit
snppoit for ibe olli.-e of
S II V. II 1 V V.
Should vnu eoiiter this oilier upon me, I shall
rrdeavor 10 dieeharue the ilutiea thereof with lide-
Sunbii y. April lOih, ISIS.
Tt the Electors of Northumberland
Count v.
T,"KLI.OW CITIZENS Having been meow
t raged hy niv friends, to oil. r myself a a raudi.
d.ite for the office of
t ie-piTt!ully solicit your support. Should you
see proper to ronler llie office upon me, I will en
deavor 10 di-4h irge the duties theieof riih fidelity
and impjitislity.
! Siinlajry. Ap-il ITlth, 1
' To lhft Iilecturs of North utiiberland
( Viuntv
I BELLOW t iriZKNS; I heg
t nn. If as a c .iidnlate, at the er
leive to nff.-i
ensiling erection,
fur ihe ofTiee of
f ount t'oaiiiilKtalonfr.
Should I be enf illina'e as In be elected. I pledge
mv-elT t 1 ih-eharon the duties of ihe oil if e with
proniplne-s .Mid
SuttfSnrv. April hih, ll.
3J t
fiAUVF.TlUI iS K I.I.KttYnf hifrnl Fremi.
Hill Cofcerrf likcnrnrn, and V'tohigrnpMC
-ai ;
ti. lat'itMfOKiml Nlnvt, lMiilaih.!-hia.
No. ?flt Bronlav. N. w York ; Nn, 75 Court
S .VI. tto-nm t No. CM t'heannt Sireet, Phil
delph a Hilliinol-e Mre. t. ltiimore Bro id
w .v, Saistnaa itlr'lB ; N MS Canal Ptieel.
New-ti le lis Min Newpori, H. I. An-.',
Main Ptreel, 1'U Urique, low.
CnN'STlTL'TtNO the oldest and mn Exten
J sivr E-l.ibli-hmelH of the kind ill the World,
nd r-.i l di.lllg lliore than a THOlIS W1) POU
TRAI TS, embraclnif those nf amsia of the moat
itialinguished individuals, ill the UllheJ Sutes,
Adiiid'ame fte.
This E-idtrlishmrnt having been award. il ihe
Mrdtif, I-our First I'remiumn, and tn-o Hhft
ft;nrrs' at lb feihitininns at Boston, New Ymk
abd rhilade',) hia, reeclively, for best PIMuie and
Appars'.us, ia thus nrllcially suatailied in the po-l-tir.ol
ol suja-riorily be. of ire univCrsslly tigned II
by ihe, ak "t trtl in the World.
June S8th, 1845, ly .. .
SUPERIOR I'urt Wine, Madefla and t.islmn
WlhCl. Also slipelior Brandy and (iin, l.ent..n
Syrup, Al.o f barrels ol Blob Fie. for sale
buubury, July I9ib, 184&,
lllililliVE jND LIVK.
Compound Syrup or Tar K W ool
flHE unprerrdeninl success of ihi medicine, in
Jl. the restoration of heahh, lo those who, in de
pair, bad gtvrn up all ho.ea, hna given it en rial
led riputatinn above all olhet remsdirs, furrl-tiinn
evidence of ita intrinsic value and power, as the on
ly scent which can be relied upon for the cure nf
I'utmoTi.iry l.nnsnmpiinn, Broiichittia, A-ihma,
P.iin in Ibe side and Breast, Spitting of 111 xl.
Whooping Ciiugh, Ciotip, Ax,
Alleulioii ia requested to thefollawing A8TON".
ISIIINO Thomson's Compound Ryiup
of Tar and Wood Napthal !
Philaiklphia, May 3f, 1M4.
MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With eratefnl
feetuiBs I infirm you of the astonishing eflic's nf,
your medicine, which ha literally rai d me from
adeith-bed 1 Mv disease, Pulmonary Conump.
linn, had reduced me so low that my pbysicrnn pro
no.inceil my ense holesa! At (his juiiciinn I be
gan 10 n-eyour medicine, and miraculous as it may
seem. K has rnmpletetv restored roe to health, after
everything rise had farted. Respectfully your.
Charlotte etreet, above (Jeoige street.
Th" undersigned, being personally acquainted
with Washington Mack and bis sufferings, ta-ar
witness to the astonishing eflcct nf Thomson'
Compound Syrnp of Tr, and Ihe truth of ihe s
bnvr staterneul.
.IOM. WINNER, 31S North Third street.
DAV1IJ VICKERS. 42 Almond street.
IICtiH MTJ1NLEY, S. E. corner Taminy
mi l Fi-urth atnts.
Prep irerl only by S. P. Thomion, N. E. cancr
of fiih and Spruce streets, Phi'ade'phia.
Agenla. H. B. Massrr, Sunlmry ; I),,
and Dr. Macpherson, Harrisburg ia 1. C. Itrnwn.
t'oiisvi le ; lie.r. Ert, Ke iding ; Ilouston f: M
on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Price 50 cent
pir boi tie, or 5 ti- r doren.
fjf llrmarr of nil imitation.
Philadelphia, June 2th. 1-45. I v
THE SUBSCRIBER ha been appointed a?
for i-e ale nfeoNRMJ MEYER'S CEL
ANOS, at thia place. These Pianos have a plain,
massive nn I brainifut ejlerior fini li. arid, f r ilep'h
and sweetness nf lone, anil eleg ince nf orknan
hip, are not urpn-sid bv any in Ihe Uni'rd States.
The following ia a recommendation fmm Oahl
Dir.Ta, a celcbrnted perfo'mer, and himsi If a man
uf ictuter :
A c:ai.
Hvivo bad the plea-tire nt Irving ibe cTeei!-I,-Dt
Piano Fortes monfactureil bv Mr. Meyer, arid
ethibped at then4 exhibition of the Kr ukl.n In.
titu'e, I feel it Jue to the true merit of ih
lo I'rclare that tlicae iustrumcuts arc,
and in some respccla even tlipciior, 10 all the Pi
ano Fortes, I saw at the capital nf Europe, nml
during a sojourn tif two year al Pari.
These Pianos will be sold at the manufacturer'
towrat Philadelphia prices, if not some'hinc lower..
Persona are requested to call and rxaminr foe
ihemselves, at the residence uf the subscriber.
Snnbury. May 17. 1845. II. B. M ASSE IL
e z i 11 11 c r s .
rTVIE suliscrihert would respectfully inPnTo Ihrr
1. Ctlircns of Suiibury snd the public eer.eralV.
that Ihey have purchased the abop of Mr. 'vVill en
Hoover, in Markrt elrert, oce do,ir of the Ftb4
Office, wheie they will continue Ihe
t aljinct-.llakins ItU';.ncis
in all ita branches. The public mr.y expert their
work done in ihe latest styta. Tbey ho(.e. hy strirt
attention lo buMms', tj mciit rt (bare nf ruble
IJj Cnll'ms mnde to order e n w slinrle-t nuiro,
and connirv iTodiire t'ikeii eiehnnge for work.
Sunburv, May I7ib, 1845. ly.
X o r t Ii Vt 111 li c r I a n ft Co 11 xi t v.
KESPECI'FI LI A iiifonns hi Iriend and tho
. vnibtic in general, lllat he ha taken toe br ik
sVaTtit. m tb Borough of XUnbury, lately 1 rrUoied
bv John Haua a truhlfa h.-iimr. (west of P-e Stire
llonse, and nearly npHierle the Court Iten e,)
Where he ia prCnatrd tn acrnmmnuate it frieinl,
snd all others who maviavor him with their cus
tom, in the bsl posai'ole manner.
His BAR ebalt sparkle with the Viierat of Li
reas, and hi TABLE (hall be well aupplir.1
with the very best the market nrTord. In rhorl,
pnin nor ejnnse will 1 uparett In render fcr
house in every wsy wtinhy of public pa"uaiv,
A liberal share ot cntom 1 itlerehire solicited).
Snnbury. April H1I1. 84.V Cm
It c 111 o v a 1 .
DR. JoU AV. i'i;is.
REPl:CTFCLLY inform, .he ci
I eni wf Sunbury snd il. vicinity Ihit
be ha re.Tiovpj to toe II.m k lions.', m
Market strict . formeilv by
Diirnnitn lleudiiika, tasl.if ilia store f. rrner'v oc
cupied by Miller ,V Martz, snd now by l a T. Cle-
; mrnl, where he dl be happy to rtceive evils u
the line of hi pmfes-hm.
Sunbury. March Sflh 1st IS.
riHE ubrribrr have reeeivr.1, anl are new
Jl nieiiing a splendid a.sottmrnt of tbe t'o'Inwuii;
g ml
siony, Wilton and Velvet Carpetinga'l
llrusec's and lu,ierial 3 1 Iv do I CAR.
F.xfti siipeifjne and tine Iegrains do V i'rl -ligli
ih shaded Sl Dartlask Vrnetiau do ( INtS.
American twilled and lig'd do J
Engtoh Druiigetts slid W ool. 11 Flror Cf ths
Si air and Passagts lim pings
Embossed llano and Table Covers
1 1... 11 Ion Cbetlille snd Tuf e I Rug
Door MalUcrlcve.y deaeription.
A laige and rxn n-ive 1 s-O'lrrent of Floor Oil
Ct'nih! Iloin one to eight yanls wide, cut lo fit t ve
ry iles il( lion of room or pia-ars.
Al-rl. low plieed I. grain Carpel n fl im 3U l'
li'ij cents pet yard, together taiih a laige and ruen
siv axoriiiirul of ooda uruaHy kept ty c:wrct
The above good will lie sold wholesale e retail
t the lowest nirket price. Couimy rm srhsiit
and oihera are particulaily invited to call d exa
mine otir iock before making their srlertion.
Sucereaoiato Jcuwph Itlarkwood.NA. Ill Che.uut,
(uriirr uf Fran'tliu Place.
Philadelpla.JFeh 'Ui.M5-
Ll.tlK, of "a eiiprrioe quajVly, ran no 1 li-l
a'l Ihe Uiue Kilu of Hem SW
bury. MJ U lM5,