Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 13, 1845, Image 2

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Tmuxshat Sept. 4, 19-15. '
Thin being ths day fixed upon by the State
Central Committer, for the meeting of the Dem
ocratic State Convention, Tor the purpose of no
minating a candidate for Canal Commissioner,
the Convention was called to order at half past
ten o'clock, by Rkah Fa?.ikii, Esq., on whose
motion SAMUEL FEGELY, of Berks, wa ap
pointed President for the purpose of temporary
John S. Rhkv, of Armstrong, and C. F. Jack
os, of Schuylkill, were ppointed Secretaries
The roll being called over, the delegates an
swered to their names :
The convention then proceeded to consider the
various disputed seats.
After some discussion Jesse C. Horton wn ad
mitted the Senatorial delegate from Dauphin and
Northumberland, and Henry , Masser the Re
presentative delegate from Northumberland conn-
The Convention proceeded to the case of the
Senatorial delegate from Fayette and Creene.
A discussion of some length here took place,
in which Messrs. Packkb and Evans opposed,
and Messrs. Maoraw, Graham andiToir, advo
cated the admission of the delegate.
Mr. ROUMFORT moved that Adam Richards,
h; not admitted to a scat.
Mr. MAG RAW moved that Mr. Richards be
admitted, which motion was lost on a division,
ayes 55, noes 65.
The yeas and nays were then called for, but
without taking the vote the question was postpo
ned for the present.
The disputed Senatorial delegate from Bedford
and Huntingdon, then came up.
Mr. CAMPBELL moved to admit ThadJetis
Mr. GRAHAM moved to admit both Mr. Banks
and Daniel M'Connell.
Mr. ROUMFORT moved to reject both, which
motion, after a lengthy discussion, was agreed to.
The Convention then adjourned to 3 o'clock ia
the afternoon.
Oh motion of Mr. FLORENCE,
ilttttved. That the thanks of this Convention
be tendered to fh4 Editors of the Democratic U
nion for the (treat facilities afforded the members
of this body, in the discharge of their duties.
On motion,
lletohtd. That .the thanks of the Convention
be tendered to the officers, for the prompt man
ner in which they discharged their duties.
On motion,
llttohed, That the proceedings be signed by
the olficers, and published in alt the Democratic
papers of the State. . . t
On motion, the Convention then adjourned sine
(Signed by the officers.)
Fern of tn Inns iMfnrsnsil lost.
(l.dd l as bei n bentcn thin that one wince
wl.irh in a enhio form covers about 5-S of an
inch, will cover 140 rqnare feet Thrsjthread
of Hi silk worm i about the 2(KM)ih ot an inch
in dinmet. r. The fibre of wool varies from the
700th to the 2(KH)ih nf an inch. The ti'ire nf
ll.ix is the STiOOth nf an inch. The fibre of
cotton lh lOOOihof an inn', and the fibre of
the pine apple varies from the fHMHJth to 7000lh
part of tin inch in diameter.
A jrlnsa tube can he drawn out to the fine
ness of silk, and liquids mulo to ;i. through
il afterward.
AtrhimrJas said, that if he had a p'sce on
! which to rest the fulcrum of a lever ho could
move the earth. This was undoubtedly correct,
but if hi: used a power of !HI lbs at the Hid of
levt r. he would have to work ten hoursa day,
for 8,775.994 liWI 767 centurirt, to move Ihe
tarlh one iticfi !
If we suppose the nVrthity of the earth to
be 5,240, (the density of water.) the sun would
be ns tbuuy ; Venus as Zinc, Mir an Hi
mom!: Jupiter ns tni'.k; (would hit moon be
fitren chrmr!) Siturn as the fir-tree; find Horn
chel as Atiibrr.
There i re known species of fi lies;
tealous support to James Burns at the coming e
lection as the nominee of the democratic party,
for the office of Canal Commissioner. .
Mr. CHAMPNEYS moved the appointment of
a Committee to prepare resolutions expressive of
the sense of the Convention, which was agreed
to, and the Committee ordered to consist of thir
teen members.
The Chair then announced the following Com
mittee on resolutions.
Benjamin Champneys, W. F. Packer, Kint
ling Pritchette, A. C. Roumfort, Jas. Kill. II.
S. Magraw,. Jacob S. Aldcmar., - K. Huffha-
gle, Henry McBride, Joel Ritter, Jas. H. Gra
ham, John C. Knox, Jas. S. Campbell.
After a short time,
Mr. CHAMPNEYS from the Committee ap
pointed on the subject, reported the following
preamble and resolutions, which were read and
unanimously adopted :
Wiirrxas, this is the first meeting of the De
mocracy of Pennsylvania, by their representa
tives in general State Convention, since the great
demociatic triumph of 1844, in the election of
James, K. Polk, a President of the United States,
and Francis R. Shuns, as Governor of Pennsyl
vania ; it is a fit occasion for the expression of
public opinion, in reference to their respective
administration ; therefore
lxrtnlrtd. That we fully approve of the admin- i
istratinn ol .T.imks K. Poi.r. the pore, patriotic,
ml distinguished Chief Magistrate of the United
States; and that he has thus ful fully rea'ixed
our most sanguine anticipations, and given an eat
nest of the future which inspires our entire con
fidence. Jif.'olvfd, That the administration nfFitAMi
R. Shcnk, meets our entire approbation ; that
he is an entire honest man, a sound democrat,
and an able and experienced Statesman, in whom
the people have full confidence that they will
be true to him, because they know he will be
true to them.
Hunlvrd, That we esteem and regard the Hon.
Gkorgk M Dallas, the accomplished Vice Presi
dent, as a pure democrat and distinguished states
man, and that Pennsylvania was honored by the! 41.0(0 of meeds ; 7t)0 ol reptile; 4000 of
Saturdap, September 13, !M5.
Democratic Nomination! for Northumberland
r . . . . Cownry.
William IV Dcwart.
Edward V. Ilrlzht.
Tliomnn .4. nilUnajton.
John Fn rnt worth.
Edward OjNtrr.
Charles) Wrnirr,
Jossc HI. Simpson
Jacob Yoi-ilj.
Vcicr Illxlrr.
1. H. i'.trnnil, Kta., at htm Heat Elm
late and Coat ftlKce, turner oCt anrl Chetnut
Street, Philadelphia, it mmtharited tm act at
Jlfent, ard receipt far all mtmlrt due thit
mlltee far oubteription or mdvtrtttlmg
AUa at hit (Mice .lk. 160 .Wssm tftreet,
.Map IV.
And a. K. Corner of Baltimore amd Calvert
tit., Baltimore.
CTMVina Ticket Our whig friends have I
not, as they say, formed a ticket, but merely hell
convention of delegate at this place, on Mon
day last, in which it was agreed that they would
run Isaac Stratib, Esq., of Milton, as a candidate
for the Assembly. W'm. H. Muench.of Shamo
kin, was fixed upon as a candidate for Proth'y,
Mr. Rockefeller and a number of other volunteer
candidates for the different offices of Sheriff, Co
ronor, Commissioner, tee. Conferees Were also
appointed to meet the Dauphin conferees at Mil
lersburg. on Wednesday last, to nominate a Sen
ator, for which Wm. Tweed was recommended.
Thit may not be a ticket exactly, but looks as
much like one as two peas.
Crim Atn nsCoinsKQcfjirM. Ia the Mindcn
Journal (Parish ofClaiborne, in this State,)erf tbe
15th inst. there is a sad record of criminality
and its fatal consequence. It tells of three men,
Robert Goodwin, Mr. Henry, or Mcllcnry, and
another man whose name the editor did not learn,
who married each one of three listers, and lived
11 near El Dorado, in the county of Union,
Ark., about seventy miles from Minden, One
of the sisters she whose husband's name is not
given sometime since died; the other two a
few weeks ago eloped Goodwin's wife with
Dr. Waugh, and Henry's with a man named
Henderson. Besides abandoning their fiOsbands,
they left behind each of them a yonng child.
They rendezvoused it appear in Ojfloosat.
Henderson returned to the neighborhood of El
Dorado to arrange some business. Henry heard
of it, and went with his two brothers-in-law in
ttjrilKXnT C. F-Txa The editors of the Dem
ocratic Union, have neglected to mention in their
proceedings of the Canal Comtniss'er's Conven
tion, that H C. Eyer had been nominated and that pnrsit of mm . ,nB net ,ar he iHemlerson,)'
his name was withdrawn before the ballotting ! WM fou1(1 ,,.tj OI tnB ro,j) Wltn twenty-four
commenced. Mr. Burns. Mr. Painter and Mr. bll( k .ot ranging from the pit of the sformu-bt
Eyer, were the three prominent candidates. Mr. ; upv,ar,i,. Waugh returned and was killed, it
Eyer would have had a strong vote on the first ; WM tnoht by xU bloth(lf of Mr, Goodwin,
ballot, although he had exerted himself but little j ani M(.s IIenry cuf ,f ,We is not
to secure his nomination, llis friends evidently I nlatia, ; thi(l for. thrillim; dome.tic drama,
held the balance of power in their hands, but j wp (o (nt know u ,Q bp fom(,
were all, wtinoul a single exception, also the
friends of Mr. Burns, and with the consent of Mr.
Eyer, wisely concentrated their whole force np-
N. O P.rnyune.
DANumt ok St Pkter's at Roaip A b'tter
The Convention was again called to order at
three o'clock.
Mr. FRAZIER moved the appointment of a
Committee of one member from each Senatorial
District, to select officers for the permanent or
ganization of the Convention.
Mr. LAUMAN moved to strike out Senatori
al District, and issert Congressional District,
which was disagreed to.
Mr. FRAZIER'S motion was then adopted.
Pretident. JAMES X. M LANAHAN, Frank
lin. IVce Prmidenh. E. B. Hubley, Oo. Smith,
Toter Newhard, Henry M'Cride, Wm. Searight,
Thompson Graham, Jno. Clnndenin, Banner Tho
mas, M. C. Tyler, C 11. Buckalew, 3. C. Horton,
Jos. Mage. Geo. Sehnabel, A. L. Roumfort.
Srcrttar!e'.k. J" Glosbremver, Joel RitteT.
Thos. B. Florence, Geo. II. Welts, C. F. Jack- j
son. 1
The permanent officers then took their teals,
when Mr. M'Lana'han, President of the Conven
tion returned t&attks hi a very neat and appropri
ate address.
The rules of the House of Representative were
then adopted for the government f the Conven
tion. The question then was taken on admitting A
dam Richards, of Fayette and Greene, as the Se
natorial Delegate.
The yens and nays Wg .called, the question
was decided in the neeatiwe, yeas 52,-na-yt 65.
The question was then taken on rejecting both
Senatorial Delegates from Huntingdon nd Bed
ford, and agreed 1o yeas -FG, nays 28.
On mntiwo of Mr. VANZANT, f Bticks, the
Convention then proceeded to make fhe follow
ing nominations for Canal Commissioner
Glover nominated Jamea Burns.
Magraw " Israel Painter.
Leisenring 41 If. C. F.yer.
Nill " Samuel Dtrrm.
Knox " John Rya.
Haldeman " H. Lopin.
Rank " Geo. H. Ikicfcer.
Nagley ' On. Geo. rotts.
Shugert " A.A.Douglass.
Rhey " Fmdley Patterson.
Row and " E. A. neynelds.
Lauman 11 J. Y. James.
Weidman " Abraluua Hex.
Clingensmith " John White,
Power " W. M. Roberts.
On motion of II. B. MASSER. the name of H C.
F.yer was withdrawn before the ballotting com
menced. On motion, the Convention then proceeded to
a first vote, which resulted as follows :
James Bums had 31 votes, Israel Painter 28,
A. A. Douglass 8, Geo. H. llucher 7, Geo. Potts
2. W. M. Roberts 3, Samuel Dunn 3, Findley
Patterson 1, E. A- Reynolds 3, J. Y. Jame 1, A
bra ha in Rex 1, Henry Logan 9, John White 1,
John Ryou 1.
Neither of the candidates having a majority of
all the votes,
The names of W. M. Roberts, J. Y. Jamet,
Geo Potts, Abraham Rex, John Ryon and Hen
ry Logan were withdrawn, when
The convention then proceeded to a second
vote, which resulted as follows :
democracy of the Union, in his selection as Vice
lleiolvrd. That we entertain undiminished
confidence in the purity, integrity and democracy
of the Hon. James Bi ciianan, whose brilliant
and sound talents gave him such an enviable re
putation while a member of the Senate of the
United State that his selection as Secretary of
State wat a distinguished honor conferred on
Pennsylvania, and is a most satisfactory evidence
to us, that while the interests of the whole coun
try will be ably sustained, those which may es
pecially regard our own State, will be respected
and maintained.
Remind, That the Canal Commissioners who
have been elected by the pople, have discharged
their arduous and responsible duties with ability
and fidelity that they have introduced a system
of economy and responsibility in the management
of the public works, which meiits commenda
tion from every citizen of the Commonwealth.
Reiulvtil, That we hail the rising star of Tex
as, and her admission into the Union, as the bene
ficial result of the ascendency and diffusion of
democratic principles, in enlarging the area n'
human liberty; and the Keystone State will not
fail to rally around our patriotic Chief Magis
trate, Jamks K. Polk, in the maintenance of her
rights ami our rights.
Reiohed. That Oregon is. and ought of right to
be ourt ; and, in the maintenance of that right,
we hold it to be the obvious and patriotic duty,
and we have implicit confidence that snrh will
be the course of the Government, not tosurren
der any portion nf the American soil, to the un
lust demands of a foreign eovi-rnmeiit ; that the
public domain is the inheritance of the people
and that foreign hands should not be permitted
t wrest it from those whose free toil and strong
arms will change the wilderness into cultivated
fields, and give additional sovereignties to the
American Union..
Heiotvrd, That this Convention perceive in the
general prosperity of the country ; in the secure
enjoyment afforded to the ritizen of his consti
tutional rights, against the efforts of all who
Would encroach upon his privileges ; and iu the
full determination upon the part of the adminis
tration to sustain the honor of our Hug sgaintt
foreign aggression ; the just lesntts of a strict
adherence to those salutary nieaures and princi
ples of Democratic policy which have secured to
our country the proud distinction which she now
occupies among the nations of the earth; and as
theeffective discipline of the Democratic party
is essential to its success; and as the secuiity
and performance of free institutions depend upon
the maintenance of its principles; we deem it
essential, that all who are d'-mocrats in princi
ple and in practice will adhere sternly and firm
ly to the regular nominations of the party; nd
that all who set up their private judgment
birib; and "MiO of msiniiVrous ammnle.
The human hair is composed of cailx nnto
C7" On our first page will be found an interes
ting extract from the narrative of Capt. Fremont,
on his second expedition to the Rocky Moun
tains. Capt. Fremont who is nn able and Intel
licent otficer of the army, is employed hy the
Government, and is now out on his third expedi
tion. CTt-Ca . CovMitnrR's Con f.ntioi Our
readers will find the proceedings of the Canal
I (invention, Ih-UI on th
on Mr. Burns at first, which secured his nomi- j from Rome, published in Galienam's Messenger,
netion on the second ballot. It is but justice to j contains the following: "One of the most
Mr. Eyer to make this statement, that his ' splendid monuments of Catholic art, the dome of
ft. Peter's at Rome, inspires serious alarm in
the minds of the architects of the city. For a
long time past ihe cupola has been cracked in
many places, and ten arches of iron, weighing
00.000 kilogrammes, have been placed so as to
prevent its fall. It has just been discovered that
the lantermino, above which rises the cross
which crowns the edifice, is craked through and
through. The numerous lightning conductors
w hich had been erected by Pope Pius VII, for the
protection of the edifice, remove all idea ofthit
mischief having been the effi-tt of thunder
storm. The lantertTiino is being surrounded by
heavy iron chains, to prevent the cracks from
I 'nitiniuiiiinni rmi t0nt ii,n Imlil nn thn ilfli
Ammonia, water, pas, coal, silver, sulphur,; . . , i.
nil, iron, lime and tnni'L'anese !
There arc 202 specie of bees.
A honey
nominated on the second ballot, is a man of res
pectability anil a sound democrat. He is a prae.
comb a foot squnre contain about 0000 cell-, j ica Iian nj )ia, hai rni,l.rai,e experience in
A wnjrle female house hy produces 'jtMn,- management and operations of our public
:V20 ! (No wonder that v. earn to much annoy- works.
ed by flies.)
The sun flower produce 4000 seed. Wild
ilncka fly 90 miles an hour. The cocoa tree
supplies the native ol the countries in which it
grows with bread, water, win.-, vinepsr, brandy.
milk, il, honev, surra r, needle, thread, clothes.
cup. soons, baini, baskets, psp r, masts for
ships, sails, cordage, nails, coverinjr for their
lii uses, &.c. iVc ! !
The Bimbnn cane is used in the Fast Indies
tor building houses and bridges, and for making
cop, mats, pips, boxes, cloth, cordspo and ca
bles. In China it is uteri for inakinjr chairs.
tiih'es, beilnteads, hmlrl : nc and ) aper; and in the
West Indies its tender slino's are pi-klrd fir
the table.
The Kim tree is full jjrown in I.V) years, bu'
lives 500 to CM) yenr. The Osk is full
wrown in 2(K) year. The Ash in 100. An
Oik in 3 years grows? feet 10 inrhes the Kl:n
f feet S inches; the R'ach 1 font ft inches; the
Poplar 0 feet and Ihe Willow 9 feet 3 inches.
.V. Y. timet!
friends may know why his name did not appi-ar
in the ballottings.
K7" Tux Editor of the Times and the Star,
at New Berlin, who have been at daggers jHiint
in relation to political matters, have changed
their tactics, and ate now charging each oth"r
with murderous attempts on the Kings Englisb.
Better save your wrath and ammunition for Tex
as, gentlemen.
C7" Nf.w Drkss. The Philadelphia Ledger is
out again in new type. The immense number
of copies of that excellent paper which are daily
printed, requires a renewal of type every five or
six months.
C7" As AcriimNT occurred on tin Wilkesbrtr
re and White Haven rail load, a few days since.
The pasengrr car ran down the plane with fear-
j I'nl rapidity, injuring several pas"ngers. The
car hail nothing but a common break to depend
j on to stop its progress.
C7" Coiiempt of Coi-rt John Van Buren,
son of the President, and Attorney General for
New Yoik, and Mr. Jordan the opposing counsel,
while trying the case of '-Big Thunder," one of
the anti-renters at Albany, gave each other the
lie, and came to blows, in a pen court. Judge
Edmonds very properly, after reprimanding both
gentlemen, sentenced them to twenty. lour hours
imprisonment in the jail. Mr. Van Buren apolo
gized and asked the court, if possible, to com-
thing else than imprisonment. The Judge was
inexorable, and the gentlemen bullies had to take
quarters in the prison. This is dealing out equa 1
and exact justice, and will have a good effect.
Pxaoi Pot Pie. Ci.ver the sides of a Dutch
ven with common pie-erm-t ; ly in m; ny
pared peaches as will cover the bottom, or more
if you plcsse ; spread over them a thin C v nnjj
nf pie-cruet ; then put nn soother layer of pared
peaches, and so on, piittniif pe cbes and crust
alternately, in. til yoti have put in all you wii.h.
Stir together three pat l of water and one of mo
I i-en ; iiiuke a cros cut in the middle of the
pie as you would for pot-pie ; poor th molasses
and water into the openinj, cover the Iutch
oven, and bake it witi a hiisk ti-at not fierce
enough to scorch. I should think three quar
ters of an hour would be about right. The qun
nty of molasses mtit be judged by the acidity
of the peacliea. For p'-ck nf good peaches,
of the ususl Flavor, about half a pint of molas
ses would he needed, anil three times as nvich
water. This pic. is excellent. Halt. Sun.
Spxak to that Yoi mi Max. What young
insn 1 To him who junt entered yonder splen
did saloon, where the wine and brandy sparkle
brilliantly in the elegant decanters where is
heard the voice of mirth and revelry ; and where
the young and the gif'.ed of our s x have assent
ed The conferees from Dauphin and Nor
thumberland counties met at Georgetown, in
thit county, on Tuesday last, for the purpose of
nominating a candidate for the Senate. The con
vention wat organized by appointing John C.
McCallister of Dauphin, President, and C. W.
Ilegins of this place, Secretary. The convention
ballotted fotty-two times without any piospect of
making a nomination, the vote standing 3 for ' "lute the punishment to a pecuniary fine, or a
Win. L. Dewart, and 3 for John M. Foster. The j
convention then adjourned to meet again at Dun- j
can's Island, on Thursday next. We hope they
will be enabled at their next meeting to make a
choice. Our success will depend, not only on '
the kind of a man that will be selected, but on i
the union and harmony of the party. Circnm-j
stances beyond the control of those who would 1
have liked to have seen measure adopted to se
cure the union and good leelingofthe whole par
ty, have caused a division in our ranks that ought
not to exist.
D!7" The whig conferees of Dauphin and Nor
thumberland, met at Millersburgon Wednesday,
but did not, they say, decide upon any candidate,
2 of them beipg in favor of Vr. Berryhill, 2 in
favor of Mr. Kunkel and 2 in favor of Mr.
Tweed. They are to meet again on Monday
week, at Harrisburg. They are, most probably,
waiting the result of the meeting of the democra
tic conferees on Thursday next.
C7" Thk last Cot-NTtr Coivzntion It is
much to be regretted, that a division of the coun
ty convention took place by the secession of a
number of the delegates from the Forks.
That the Forks or Upper End has a just right to
a fair pioportion of the ollices, no one can rimy.
We khnuld liked to have seen a fair distribution,
and in this we believe the democracy on thissidis
Thk Chows on the Floor. A notable inci
dent occurred in connection with the ceremony
of proroguing Parliament, which the Quevn did
in person. The old Duke of Argyle, whose of
fife it is to carry the crown on a cushion on th-i
occasion, being a little stiff in the joints, a old
noblemen are apt to be, stumbled ard fell flat on
I the floor, prostrating the emblem of royalty, and
scattering the precious stones of which it is com
posed on the floor of the house.
Office nf the BtiTiMuss Aotsictn. Sep. 8.
GRAIN. The sales of good to strictly prime
Md. and Virginia Wheats are making to-day at
85 a 90 cents, and of family flour white wheat
to-day at 100 to 105 cents.
Sales of Md. white Corn thit morning at -H
cents Sales of some parcels of Md. yellow, not
prime, have been made to day at 50 cents; prime
lots are woith 51 or !i cents. We quote Md.
Rye at C,2 a C5 cents ; and !d. Oats at 30 a 32
Bickncll's Reporter says : Within a day or two J c''",
past, notes purporting to b - issued by the Kens
j ington Bank, Philadelphia ; Tompkins Cmnty
: Bank, Ithaca, N Y ; Bank of Delaware. Wilm-
ington, Del; and Burlington County Bank, Med
, ford, N. J. have freely circulated throughout the
city and neighborhood. They are all altered
from some broken Michigan Bank. The follow
ing are the description: 3's, vignette, Cradlers;
on left -nd a figure of Jupiter on right head of
Washington, engraved by Rawdon, Wright &
Hatch. N. York. 5's, vignette, Mercury offering
a bag of coin to a female, who holds in her hand
a key, a Griffin at her side sitting on a chest ; en
graved by Rawdon, Wright tt Hatch. New York.
10't, vignette, Neptune in hit car ; on right
end figures representing Industry and Prosperity
on left end. Railroad Cars, &e ; engraved by
Rawdon, Wright and Hatch, New York. 20's.
vignette, group of Agricultural implements; on
left end, a figure of Venus rising from the sea ; j
engraven" by Rawdon, Wright & Hatch. N. Y. j
These notes may easily be detected, by the j
words '-Real Estate pledged and private property ,
holden." which appear in a circle between the !
are of the same opinion. We do not blame our ' names of the officers on the spurious bills, but '
ilemnt ratic friends in the forks because they are are not on the true bills.
dissatisfied. They had. we think, just cause of
WHISKEY. Sales nfhh-ls. are making to day
at 23 cents, and of bbls at 21 cents. Stock
very light.
James Burns, had 61 vote.
Israel Paiuler, " 38 "
A. A Douglas, " 10
Geo H. B'icber, " 6 "
Samuel Dunn, " 4 "
Jamk Bi'bns having received a majority ofall
Hie vote given, w.s declared duly elected can
didate for Canal Commissioner, at the ntuinf
Mr. NILL submitted the following resolution
which wat unanimously adopted.
KetoUed, That the member of thi Convsn
tion unanimously pledge tbtm.elv to give their
I fnmnlnint P.nt u-afill lliifilf thev U'.r ivrnmr
- I ' - - - --- 9
in withdrawing from the Convention. They
should have remained until the nominations were
made and if any injustice was done them, they
shouM have protested against the proceed
ings and taken their stand accordingly. It is ra
ther unfortunate that we have so many candi
date eager for office. But it ia a right they poe
tess under the rontlitution and law, and however
much we may regret it, it i not alwayt possible
to help it. We should adopt in politic a
well as in other matters, the golden rule, "do
unto others a you would they should do unto
Mr Daiiu
IIUAl M, tOlll
Hetnlvrd, That thi Convention participates in '
bird to make themselves merry over their cups
against the ascertained will of the majority and T ,j,n beware of the tempter, tell hirn not
thus defeat the proper action and triumph of the I ,(, !ook npon ,ho wilin w f.f, j, j, rf ,, icl him of ; you."
pariy are aimng ami supporting me opponents oi , ,l(, f your who In ve bein lur- I ...L ,.
ed bv the iren into the foulest depths ol infjinv . . , .. ,. .. ,
- 1 on county, has been nominated by the conlerees of
and (mill. Point him to thnl I riiiii!? limn, the!,, .. .... . -l
Ik- r;ef h;..K th.r,.,.ni,v - . - i nion, Allium anu juniata roomies, ior me sen-
I . . , '''.,!...,, i. i,f I, l mnlti mill blo Wli IIW. Who
hy the great national calumity, from the decease
of ANunaw Jackson. Hiidying asperatlnns were: j
that the liberties of bis country might enriui for
ever, anil hi whole life testified to the (incerity
of thi declaration. Ilia patriotism, purity, mor
al courage, and entire devotion to the best interest
of hi country and to the maintenance of Demo
cratic principle, will enshrine his name in the
affections of tbe American people, and of every
lover of liberty, at long at tbe earth beart a
plant or the tea rolls its waves.
Mr. VANZANT moved tb.t hereafter the Con
vention for the nomination of Canal Commission
er shall meet on the 4th of March.
Thit resolution was opposed by Messrs. Roum
fort, Lewi and Todd, and supported by Messrs.
Vanzaat, Magraw, Knox, Fraiier and Nill, wben
it wa adopted without division.
Amecicax Iron We understand that Messrs.
Manning & Lee, South Charles street, agents for
I the Mount Savage Iron Works, have made a con
tract with the Fall River Railroad Company for
2500 tons of railway iron, to be delivered by
next spring. This argues well for the friends of
the above named iron works, which are located
in the region of the Alleghenie, near Cumber
land, Md.
T t v
uitts t a hat r.XTXAoan.XAT Vase. ; n ; . ,,k .., Kv ,u. .nm, Mr Jomx Fks-
A few evening ago, say the Boston Post, 1 TIR to Miss Eliza Ranpels, both of Augusta,
vouns man. named Hava. an iniitint in th mn. ' At Kmitr Ituffliln. rYrrv county, on the 2d inst.,
I ' . ... .... U,.a
ty the Kev. r . lyson, nr. i . i'u' "
Sasah ThouI'Son.
waited lu r subhtancn in riotous In ing. aid , ,j ir Waggenseller, the whig nominee.
brought her, through Irs profligacy, to the a, ins
house and himself tn the prison ; tell him that
that young man entered upon life with the fair
est prospects with talents which, if improved,
would have made him the ornament of society
nd the pride ol hi friends; with wealth suf
ficient, if judiciously expended, to have carried
him through the world ; with every facility for
eminence and for high respectability! but alas!
he visited the drinking saloon and Iben, sur
rounded by jovial companions, he partook of the
poisoned cup and descended step by step, in in
letnprrtnee, till he became drunkard t
loathsome nd abandoned creature, became
criminal anil was immured within the walls of
J priron. jVew Eng. Wtihingttnien.
I. A xni'iii CincrtATHix. Itepes'e I rhangos in
the teinpersiiire h .ve t very had effect the
hool ; asuilrii'ii cb .nge from s full, ueneioo. 1 1 a
low, poor diet, will I rqiislly injurious to the
heal h a su Jden changes of wenher. It' we w..u!d
have beillh we must rn lesror M prevent, as fir us
in us lie, gr at extreme of all kind-. K rv et
ces, of hest or cold, f eat n or drinking, ten 'a to
r' duce impurity of the Id io.I ; thus its r ir. u'aii in
Incomes languid ; the very ctannr! uf life re c'ojj
i;rd s and the first consequence is that the BOW
EI.S become COSTIVE.
V,en the bowels are ru-tie they require ihe ad
mnit.aii..n of BRANDUK I'M' I'll. I .a. which,
!'V exi i'ii g a commotion, or accrtrntcd movement
in (hat ortf:in, will occasion nil morbid contents tn
he Xx-l!eil. lie r ly r.lofiog puii'y to the lIo J
oi. I heilth to the hol- fume.
qj- Purchase of M. 0 Mssser. Sunhury or of
ihe ui.crii, pul'lii-hed in another pmt of thi piper.
.n? .i tt n 1 1: n ,
On Tuesday la-t. bv the Rev. J. P. Shindcl,
Dr. pMi-iAi.'ll.iri.MiNr: ol l'i i us township,
Union co , to Miss Hkmumta Rh imlk, ol Sv-
linsgrov e.
Oil the same day, by the same
RKKsrrt to Miss IUmui.iia Ki:ifc
i f Augusta township.
By the same, Mr. John Fai t to Miss Eliza
SKTH Si.ot on, both of Selinsgrove.
On the 7th inst., by the R v R A. Fisher,
Mr. Bkviaii Kerr, to v.iss M aSo a as r Kinta,
both of Selinsgrove,
On the same day, by the same. sir. jtves r.
gas, to MissSt SAM Kn i ts, bothof Selinsgrovs.
The coiileM will be between Mr Bower
district has a majority ol whig voters, but as Mr.
Bower it a popular young man, and as there is
no little dissension in the wbig rank of Union,
his prospect are said to be quite favorable.
C7"Nsw ListAtr or Law ami Equity, edi
ted by Francis J.Troubat, Hon. Ellis Lewis and
Wilson McCandles, and published by McKinley
and Leseore, Harrisburg, i most valuable and
theap publication, which bould be ia the Libra
ry of every Lawyei. The werk U published
montly, at eve dollars per annum, making
four volume of nearly 500 page each. II. B.
Masser, of Sunbury, i the agent for the rountie
of Northumberland, Union, Lycoming and Co
lombia, from whom copies can be obtained free
of jtsje.
vision store of Mr. Bancroft, went home to his
house, and, putting his hand into clost in the
.Urk. felt it seized sharply. Upon withdrawing j To t,c ' Electors 0f Northumberland
it, he found a large rat adhering to him so firmly j ('oinitv
that he could not shake the creature off till he sjsji'ie ...iwrihe, h been induced, by hi friends
had killed it. The wound left was incolisidera- L lo nfl'. r him rl as a rtndnl.ttu f r
ble, and Mr. Hays thought nothing of the matter i I'HIH'ltO.VHT.I HI"
until hit hand began to swell. Upon calling He has always hren a Democrat, and wnuM ne
medical aid, it wat found that the virut had i er run sgsinsi a nnminaiioii rrgulnlv mule hut
spread through his system, and he now lies
in a very dangerous ttate. In the opinion of the
physician amputation would be useless, and he
cun live but a short time. The swelling in the
hand hat now subsided, and it appears at if withered.
Cm roH DuaaHtCA. -Three strawberry
leave, eaten green, (each leaf or stem has three
lobe or division,) are an unfailing and imme
diate cure for both the summer complaint or
diarrhoea, and of the dysentery. Nesvspepere
by publishing the above will be instrutnealal in
relieving immense amount of suffering, and
of earing mtny valuable live.
1 as large number of the democrscv do nol ce isid -r
Ihat a niomiiiatum hst heeu made i n tlMt eili e, tin
offers himself ss a candidate, and rrspectfu'ty soli
rus the voir of his fellow citixens.
McEwensrille, etept. 13ih. 184V
To the Electors of Northumberland
ffVIE subienher offers himself ss VOLUN
JL TEE It Uandulsie for ths office of
Believing tb.t the connuon, if il had beet) kept
logei.hri, would havs nownsteJ him for that offi.-e,
he now ffeie himself as candidate, and rpscts
fully solicits ths sets ef his fellow cilfna.
August, Sept. I3ih, 9i..