of Mexican Oenerats. A writer in tho Washington Union fives llic following account of tlie prominent military nipn of Mexico : i , fleneral Paredea was at or near Monterey when last heard from ; he ia undoubtedly commander-in-chief his rank in general uf division, the highest grade, in the Mexican service ; and he is considered as the most distinguished man nl his grade, lie commenced his services as lieutenant, under the old priest, Cuticrnl .More Ins, one of tlie most able generals and purest p triotstlwtt the revolution produced. I-nrnles commanded for a long time the body of lancers, who formed the pcrsonel escort of tlmt chief, nnd in the fatal battle of the Cuantla Amilpi. lost his right hand, and saved the life of his chief. After the execution of Morelos, be re tired to the mountains, where, among the incre dible dangers and hardships, he concealed him self until Iturhidc pronounced in favor of inde pendence, when ho immediately put himself nnd paity under the orders of that general, and rm.tributr d largely to securing1 their indepen dence which they have shown themselves so in capable of appreciating. lie has been several times elected governor f.f the State of Guadalajara, nnd his adminis tration has always been characterized by great tnoderition, strict integrity, nnd unwavering firmness. As a military man, he is very pnpn Inr with his soldiers. About five yeurs since, tli'iieral Moctenzoma pronounced againt the go vernment, and collected an army of threo or four thousand men in tlie vicinity of Sun I.uis Poto si. f l'dredas, who cnmninndcd tot the govern ment, being out reconnoitering with his stall :ind escort, encountered his nntagnnisf, a short Pittance from the two armies, and defeated Moc irnxoma, killing him in a personal encounter with his loncc, which is his favorite weapon. lie oiso put oown uenerai inisiatnenie, me bead of the Centralists in Mexico, and has more recently triumphed over Santa Anna, being the f I 1 . 1 . f-l , . ., first person who pronounceci in his old city f niailaliijara.. I'areues is now about titty years of age, and has alvvnys been liberal in his princi ples. He resided in Philadelphia something like two years, having been expelled from his country. General Don Mariano Arista, who commands the van of the army, already arrived seven miles from Malanioras en the 1 Villi, is about for ty years ufnge. lie is a citizen of N'uevo l,eon, of which Monterey is the capital, one hundred and ninety miles west of .Matamoras. He is a powerful man, being upwards of six feet, and very muscular, lie is very much devoted to ag ricultural pursuits, having larue sugar planta tions in the neighborhood, where he has sue resfully introduced all the recent improve ments in sugar making nnd baking. , t Arista is considered by his own countrymen n:i the most talented cavalry general that they have. He was formerly expelled from Mexico w hen colonel of lancers ; and, finding himself , in Cincinnati without resources, he applied him- ! self to the tin and copper-making business, and became (in the five years that he spent in that j city) a first ra'.c workman. He speaks English very well, anil has always t reated the Ameri cans with great kindness, and whenever prison ers (Texans) have fallen into his hands, with I'rtMt humanity. He is readily distinguished by being remarkably fair, with sandy hair and limur-taehes. General Ganna, who appears to be behind these two chiefs, wa general of artillery, and e.irnmanded at San Juan de Ulloa when it was taken by the French. He was tried by court martial for that afl'iir. The reason that the army is marching in three divisions is undoubtedly owing to the scar c tv of water. I cannot understand why Gener al Arista has gnio to Mitauinras; for Caniargo, oit tie same river, sixty miles above, is the place where they havo t'eiK-rully cantoned their rava'ry pasture being very abundant there, nnd rxeeedmg'y scarce in the former place. Probably he liny have gone to Matamoras with the intention uf patsiug his baggage across at that ylace. in tho few boats which he may Hud, there being none above, that point, and the fords io tho river being very dangerous at this season nf the year, when the rains might bo expected every day. If we hear that he has gone to Ueyuoso or Cuinargo (towns above) wo may I 'ilcuUto upon his not going into cantonment unlit October, or alter the rainy season. Father of Col. Almonte, lute mitiister of Mexico to thm country. t San Luis Potosi where, according to the l.tst accounts from Aransas, (of the Ktth.) Cene i ill Pared.- vas ia about seven day's march from Monterey, whore his artillery, in consequence of tliu facility of procuring water and travelling the v jgon-ioad, would have to pass. From Monte ley to MuUiiioru, ia about kevuu days more. Pving woms or nisi i.Noi isnru men. The I'illbburgh comnicrciul givci tlw follow in -r c count of the dyinj wordof some of the mostdis tinouished men thut, perhaps, ever lived: 'Head (A the army" .Vupub on. ,4I must t-leep now" Ilyron. "It matters little how the heal Iveth" Sir Walter Ralrigh. "Kiss me Hardy" 'Nelson. '-IJou't tiro up the ship" Law rence. " I'm d d il I don't believe I'm dying" Chancellor Thurhiw. "lWt let that a kward squud fire over my grave" Horns. iSehilier Hiked, when he spoke last, that he might lie raised up so lhat he could ee the in, which, glorious aa the Pint's fumt was fclowly decliiiin,' beyuud the lulls ol the lifiine. I'oFTU Ai.. The ancient Celt, it ia said, be lieved lhat the employment nf new born infanta removed to Heawn, became thenceforth the fcul it-ring of flower upon the earth. II A it sou: list, ir,xxsixvAi.i. The f .Hewing lis chows lbs current value of all .Wisylvania Hunk Notts. The mnt implicit re hancc in ay he placed upon it, a it i everif tcrtk .artfully compared with an J corrected from Uick nvll'a Reporter. I tanks In IMiilatlclplila. K O T R a A T P A It. (tank of Notth Ameiica . , Batik nf the Northern Liberties . Commercial Hank of IVnn'a. . , Farmers' nml Mechanics' Hank . rCcnsintrton II. ink , Philadelphia Hank Schuylkill Hank . . Snuthwatk Hank Western Hank , . Mechanics' Hank . Manufacturer' A Mechanics' Rank Country ISuiilis. Rink nf '"hester County Westchester Hank of Delaware County Chester par I par I l,ir 1 ll;,r par par par par .. par j pir ; par , par par par par par par par These Hank of (Jerrnanlnwu Hank of Mnnleomery Co. Doylcstim n Ilnnk Oermantnwn Norris'own lbivlestown Easton Kasioo Hank Fanners' Rank of Hocks co.' Ofliee of Hunk of IVnn'a. Rristnl Harrishuig' Ollice Ollice Ollice do do do NOT K8 do Lancaster Ke uling Easton offices do do A T ilo not J issue n. N T. D I S ( : O I Hank of llie foiled Slates flank of IVnn Township (Hard Hunk Moyamensing II ink Hank of Pennsylvania Miners' Hank of Pollsville Hank of Lewi-town Hank of Middletown Hank of Northumberland Philadelphia 31a32 par ( I PotiKvilhi l.cwist'.wn M i.ldletuwn '!! Norlhiimbeilaiul par Columbia Hank A tfridge co. Cidnnibia par 1 Carlisle Hank t arlisle Exchange Hank lto do branch of Fanner' H ink oH.ant ustet Lancaster County Rank Farmer' Hank of Reading ll... 11. ...i Pittsburg I.anra-lcl par Lancaster p'ir Heading p N.rri.-lmrr I I.anris'pr p" I.eliannn J I'iltsliuri; I Pi'lslnii)? I Williauisport 1 Wilkejl'arte t Allentown Heading I'ltlslmrg failed Krie do New Hriuhton do ilo do Chambersliurg 1 (ietlyiil-urg I Montrose 35 Kriu 2 A Wayncsliuru i Washiiislon I IIoiicmI.iIr 1 4 Hrownsville 1 Yoik I I..IIIISOU.U IJ.lllH i 1(.j,i,.r Haul, Lebanon Hank 1 Merchants' A; Manuf. Hank j Mt Hnnch Hoik Wyoming Hunk Northampton Hmk Heiks ('oiiiity Hank Ollice of Hank of C. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Suv. Ins. A Penri 'J'ownship Sav. Ins. Hank of I 'haintiersburg Hank ol (iettysburg Hank nf Suipjehanua Co. Erie Hank Faimer' A Drovers' Hank Franklin Hank lloliesdale lijnk Monong-ihela Hank of H. York Hank j. 11. '1 he notes of those banks on which wc ami! quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of r fcrciice. HROKEiN HANKS. Philadelphia SSav. Ins. Philadi I, bia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. ilo failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do failed Manual Labor Hank (T. W Dyolt, prop.) failed IVwauda Hank Tnwamln Alleghany Hank of Pa. Hedford ll.n, k of Heaver liciiver Hank ol Swalara llarrisloirg Hank of Washington Wa-hingloii fleiitre Hank Hell, foule ('ity Hank Pitlsbuig Farmers' & Merh'cs' Hunk I'ltisburg Fanners' & Mech'cs' Hank Fayetlc co. Furincru' Si Meeh'cs' Hank tireeneaste Harmony lusiituto llarinony Huntingdon Hank lliinlu.gdiiu Juniata Hank Leavilonii Luniberiiieii's Hank Warren Nnrlhern Hank of Pa. Duiid.ill New Hope Del. Hiidge Co. New Hope no sale closed closed failed closed no .-ale filled failed filled no hale no sale no sale failed no sale closed HO sale closeil failed closed faded closed Northuinli d t nton Col. Hk. Milion Noith Western Hunk of Pa. Meadville Othce of Selnnlktll Hank Port Carbon Pa. A nr. & Manuf. Dank Carlisle Silver Lake Hank Monliose I'nioii Hank of IVnn'a. 1 'lioniown t'siiiioielund Hank ti'tecusliurg Wilkesharre Hridge Co. Wllki sK.irre no sale Qfj- All notes puipoiling to be on any Penn-yl-vama Hank not given in the above list, may he set Juwn as frauds. jvi:w jr.nsi:v. Dank of New Uiunswiek Uelvideie Hank llurlinglon Co. Hank Commercial Hank Cumberland Hank farmers' Hank Farmers' and Merhmiics' Hk r'ormcrs' and Mechanics' lik Farmers' and Merchant' Hk Franklin Hank of N. J. Hrunsu ii k Helvidere M.dfor.1 Perth Amboy Hnd-jeiou Mount Holly h'ahway N. Hiuuswii k Middletown Pi, Jersey t.'ity failed i par i! p.r I pal i ! faded ! I 1 faded I failed 1 d failed I 1 I failed par ! no kale j Hobokeii Hkg& Crazing Co Hoboken lersey City Hank JiieyCny Micliunus' Hank Pi.tursoii Manufacturers' Hank Hellcville Mori i'S County Hank Mornstonn Monmouth Hk of N.J. Freehold Mechanics' Hank Mi-chaniiV and Manuf. Hk Trenton Morris Canal and Hk Co Jersey t.'ity Post Nolvs Newark Rkn & Ins Co Newaik New Hope 1M Hri.lge Co l.amberi. villa N. J. Mauufic. and Hkg Co llohokeii N J Piuiecton & l.uuiUuid I k .lersa-y Ciiy OiaugeHatik Orange Pulerson Hank Paiers.ui i I failed ' laded fiiilc.l j 4 Peoples' Hank vlo Princeloii Hunk Prui.-etoii Sulvm Hanking Co Salem Slule Hiuk Newark Stale Ellsbethliivl II Sile Hat.k Cani.lvu pur par State Hank of Morris Moriiiow Stale Hunk Tr.iiion J-.ileiii and Philad Manuf C Sulcm Sussex Hank New Inn Trenton Khi king Co Trenton Union Hank Dever V Hanking Co. lUckentacU i failed failed 1 failed r.i.iiVAitrM Hk of Wilm & Hrandywnm Wilmington par Hank of Deliware Wilmington par Hunk Smyrna' Winvina par Do kanch Milloid par Farmers' Ck of Male of Del' Dover par Do UanrU Wiluiiugton ar Do branch (ieuigclown. nr Do brautb Newcastle par Cnion Bank Wilmington par fjj- Cndei fi's i QJ- On all banks marked thus () there are H ther tounieifvit or altered noic of the various d noudnaiiuus, iu ciiculaliou. WIST A It'S it a i.sam or wild curnitT, A Coniniiinl ItnUnmlit Preform Ion rront VIII CUrtty HiU nnd Tr, Vie hnl rrmfih trn-U-n to the icnrftlfrtr I he ewe nf coi(tfA, mM.i. axfhmn. ermip, Mrfrlmg of the ri'tC, it'hrmpintt criMgft. hrnnehilii, m flii cnta. fhortnens of breath, pain and in the breast or tide, liver enmfdainf, nnd the Jirst stagm nf CONSUMPTION'. We will net assctt that this UAI.SAM will cure Cotiiuiniiiion in ist iwirs' form, but it has cured many after nil other means of relief had been tried in viiin. And whv not 1 ft seems lhat iba Wll.l) CTll K If K V vi desiined t y Nnttue to be our PA N AtM'A for llie. vavacinn disenses of lids c "Id l liiude. Ln not the dispairtna invalid was'e hi? m .ney and lonm TIMI', In dim si nil important, in tjr fieri menlinr with the trashy no-tntm nf llie day, (tut uss nt onee a medicine llmt will cure, If cure lie p s-ille a medicine that science j and nianv yiar of ripcnence h ie demonstrated lhat it a two if relieves. I 'There if nn sneli t!iins tit !'." in ibn history J of this wonderful UAI.AM. Evidence the nvi-l convincing" that no one enn iloub'. fully estnlili hes this fact. For the sake of brevity we ( se'eel the Cd'owing from thouands. Ianc I'lat, E)-, Editor of the Poke pio E isle. one of tlie m l iulloeiilial jou'uaU in f'.e sla'e of j New Yoik, statu undei ibe nut'iority nf his own j name, ih it a young lady, a relative of los, ol verv delicate cnsli uiion, a allacked in Feb. 1812 i wiih fpvere rnld. which immediately produced spit tin u; ef liliioiLcoonh. fevpi, and oilier t! iUBcrous and , Hl.irinii K symptoms. Throni-li medical lieatiren' Mid cue she pa tnilTy nc.vcr it Oontm summer.: Hot on ibe return of winter she was all n k d more i violently than nt fust, she In came scarcely able In j walk and m. tmubled with coueh, chill and fever j every iIhv, olid appealed to be coin rapidly with ' cotiHuiiip ion ; nt lbi time, when iheie n n sign ; of improvement. Mr. Piatt procured a bo'tle i f j Wi.Tn's Bt.sM op Witn tiir.linT. which she took, nnd il seemingly restored her. MiC got a sc. coin!, and before il wai half taken he was restored t prrfrrl hinlth, which she has en joyed 1 1 the pre neiil lime, wiihnut llie slighter! symptom other for mer line 'so. Mr. P all .iv "the cere e one under my rn 'b- eiVHtion and I cannot be mist .ken as to llie facts." EXTRACT OE A LETTER FROM A POST .l.l.i I r.i. I'.l I PrvmnoKE, Washington to., Maine, Apr. 20. 184 1. : Cnntrrlt'g ,1iiti-Itppiptie l'ntrdtr, for the re MR. I-SA AC HC TTS. Dear Sir: At the re 'lief and permanent cure nf lhat most distressing quest of ninny of my friend in this place nnd viei- j complaint, Dyspepsia, in all it form and s'sgo,. I iiy who nre nfflicted wiih coiisuniplion and liver ! It is tiuly a most valuable remedy. Sold III lollies eorViplaiiiis. I lake the lil'i r y of asking you to ap. j ai 25 and f0 cents each. I o.nt someone in Ibis county as acrnt lo sell Wis- Cuiilrelln .Igur Mixture and lome Mr.bea tak's Hi.sam or Wmi CiiKiinr, and tosend hi-n j mrnta, el .mis nl the head of the list unrivalled l y a few d. 7en. as there is none of it for sale will. in "liy. or all Ibe innumerable medicine in u-e SOU miles from ibis I have no doubt thai il would j ihioughout the h nmh ami bread h of Ibe land, for n.e.t with a ready sale if it were where il could le the core of Farm nnd Ami; in all its stages, and i iocored without too much expense nnd ilelav. ( from nil its consequences. Mv wife was atiaekid about six m nibs since j Residents in Fever and Ague districts should ,viil, u ihfe iiliv.icisn ealled the fir-t s'age nf r.oi.iimiition a complaint vi ry prevalent in this , cion of country. Having seen Ihe Halsain ad- vcri'sed in Augusta. 200 MI1.ES FROM HERE, I took the pains to send there for a boille of it, which she look, and which helped her so much that I sent for I so hollies more, vvhiih she has a's.i la ken, and he now says she lias ut fell so well for six vears as she doe at ibis tune. All those who tiave inquired of nie and as.'eilained what ellecl the Halsam li nl, are sniions lo have some f ir sa'e in Ibi vicinilv, which is the cuu-e nf my writii g you. Plea-e inform me by iclu il of in .it whether you on. lode lo send some, and it so to whom, in ord. r lhat it mav be known where it can be had, I am with re-peel vours, etc. P. O. FARNSWOIM H, P. M. The c ninlry is fist learning that no ein, no physician no pieparation of any kind vvhat. vir enn equal Da. Wirn'n Halsam op Wilii I 'll Hi a r. i ti:i i.X M O KLRS I I. i mi:. WTr.Hviii.K,Oiiciihico...N. Y.scpt. 15. 1 :J. Dear S,r I owe it in the afflicted to inform y u in January la-l I was ulia.k.d by a veiy vio lent cold, caused by wo.kii e in the water, which settled en mv tunas. It vas nrcomp iiii.'.l bv a ve rt a. veie pain ill my bn nsl nnd sides, nnd also a ilisues-iiiu c. limit. I bad in attendance all Ihe I c! uie.lic .l aid in mir; bill after t-ihaiit'iug all their skill o no v ol. llu-y pronouni ed my ili-ea-e a eoMiHvii.ii iiiv.i viriio. and ih.y one and all Hare me tip to die. Alter much pi ran ision I got tliu consent of mv physician to use the Halsvm o Win. Cninnr pr pared by Da. Wiscaii. I pur- , chased of the Agent in our place one h.iMle, before Using half of which I began to min streng'h, and il w . verv evideul my cough was much t eller and I my symptoms m every way imprvinr. I have j now us. .1 three hollies, and am rentortd In perftd I tiinll'i. This re-ull is al 'lie owing to ihe u-e of lilt. WISTAK'SS HAI.AM OF WILD CHER ICY ; and I t'ik this method of e mg you Ihe in f .million, parity lo pay you the debt of griiilo.le I owe ynii. and p.ully lhat oilier- si mini ly atllicle.l I may kin w where to apply tor relict. j Veiy tiolv yonis, JAMES KACE. Ma. P im t ii. Diuiinist, undei d ilc of Wjtirville, Sept. Stih, Isilo". wiiles; ' The slat' ineiii given you by Mr. J imrs Suge is J well known to be Hue l y u-huk eommumt 4 ' It c. il .inU was a liio-l lennnka' hi cure. 'J'he sale t of the Hal-inn is veiy pood, and iis succesn in cuies , ini'y lltttciing. Youis r.sp'Cliullv. I IK D. PALMER. , Tin-: Mosr i!i:m akkaiu.f. rritF. F. IM'.COIJDF.I). : II AiinosFii in. N.J. April St. l"t't. I On nrahoiil Ihe I Dili iny of Octoher, 1 9 1 1, I was . taken wnh a violent pain in llie si le i.c.r the livi r. w hi. It i onunned tor about five days, ami w as fob j lowed ly the breaking of an u'c.r. or .it sce. in- wanlly, which rcl eve, I the pniu a little, but cati-ed mo 'o ihrow up a ureal qo unity of olVensive uialler ( and also in mil Hood. tiring grea'ly aliiinedalj this. I a plied in a physician, but he said he 111. uij' I ... - ...1.1 .1 . I...I liill.. I... ... U.K.H1I mill 111.' H .Vcrcnry '.. whdt I iefued to lake, fe.hng . i .1 ... .1,.... ......1.1.1.. , .uu - in.nv o- 1 I .1,. , r.m.di... we... ll.e.. .roe.ired bv mv wile and I fnenils, I nl none did nie any good ai d the h i 1 chaiee nl I.IihmI and corruption still c. l.t'nu.d i v. rv f. w days, and at last become so offensive ill it I Cou'd w-arcrly breaihe. I w..a aUo seized with a i olent cough, which at lioies caused me lo raise much moie blood than I had dour I fore and my disease continued in tin w y, mil growing worse, until February, when al! hope of my lecoveiy waa given up, and my Inemla all thought I would die of a (fAiioriso Cossi MPi At thia moment, lien my hie wasapparen ly drawing near, l.eai.l of DR. U ISTAR'S HALSAM O V WILD CHELRY, and got a botile which at iiivtii mr iMMtniATriy ; and by ihe use uf only three huttlef of this nicd cine, all my pains were removed my rough and slitting of blood and cor ruption entirely atopped, and in a few weeks my tienlit) was so far restoied as to enable me lo work al my trade, (which is a earieiil.r,) and up lo this lime 1 hav enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. GLuccasTta CotsTf , N. J , as. JVunally came before uic, the subscriber, one of '. -i. ..-'--'JiJ-..l. i im. .LLJ-i the .Justices of the Peace In and for the said coun ty, Thomas Cozens, and being duly affirmed ic cording to law, aaiib the above statement is in all thirty true. Affirmed beforo me, on the 20ih of April. 1813.5 J. Clkmkst, J P. 5 Such ia the unprecedented success of this HAL SAM, "MITRE'S FAVORITE TRESCRIPTIOV' a prescription eongeiiiil o nor wants, as It is pie pared from chcmteil extracts from sub.-tances the author of nature hna placed in our own land for wise purpose, that many whn knew nothing of the mode nf its prcpnroi m are endeavoring to reap pecuniary benefi's by ScllinR nn aiticle similar in name, er in appearance, or by repreeniing iheir own tiash as superior to this H AI.SAM, or bv put ting up a mixture nnd Solemnly assevernting that it is imported Irom a foreign cnuntrv. which H not the case. All ihese deceptive arts goto show tint VTn's Hi.n i known to the world to be TIIK UHEAT llKMF.m" and that to , I any iniiture it must be tike this iii nnme, or pur i purl In be like il in su' slanee. Tj' Helieve not the cunningly wronuht fabrics. lion in I lake on'y the nricinal and genuine Wistaii's Ht.M or Wu.n Ciirnnt. NO OTHEI1 CAN BE I.IKE IT. I Ad, Ires- all orders to ISAAC ' UL'I'TS No. 32 ' ' 4 ! Ann St., New Y nk. Agent-, .Mill V. KKII.I.Mi, Sunlnirtf, 1). Hit MI I'ltS AM. Xurthiimbertiind, J. K. MOVF.H. Iltmimilmii:, J. WAfittONSKM.EK. Srf.nn-nrnve, HROWN &. CREASY, Mlinvitle. Fib. 24d, 1845 ly FIFTY l)OIJiI.S 11KWAIII) I CANTRELL'S C'rlchralt'il rainily .TltMlic iiiCN : TILL not cure every thing, but slid remain j uncqualleil in their several departmetiis ny every Ihiiig ever otlereil to Hie pntilic. wno nave ; j volimlary came forward sod nffercil numerons atnl ' highly nspectuble liaiiin uiials of their superior j i tiicact. , CmitrrWn Compound Mnlii iilrd fyrup nf Sui I no par 1 1 In t or, Aiiti-S.fnrhutie Sj rnp, for the rire j ol Scortuls, t'hronie Rheu.n itisin. t'hrouic Swel- 1 j lings of the Joints, Eruption nf the Skin, and nil 1 I Disea-es arising from the hIiiisc of Mercury, $(.. uiisurpnssed liy any thing in the rnvket, eoinbi. I ning all the virtues resident in the Sar-nparilli ; with a modern imdicamenl, only lately brought j out by ihe most respectable medical outhoritlis. ' Prl f,ll r,l . -r l. nl ! never be without it. The siibsc.iber will forfeit FIFTY DOLLARS I where his medicine tails lo poiforin a cure in the i most obstinate cae. S .ld Wholesale and Retail by CALEN CRI.S. SON. al hi Driw Warehouse. No. fi N'onh Third Street, Philadelphia; also, bv ihe r. cul.rly ap pointed scent. SE I'll W. ROBERTS, Wholesale DniBgisi, No. 5 t Water Mircet. Mobile. Prepared oelv bv the Subscriber, corner of I ' A R CENTER and SECON D Sir.ets, below Christi an. Philadelphia, where il is also retailed. Observe, none ate genuine without the sienature f JOHN A. CANTREI.L. C'antrrir bii' Sllxlisro, or Tonic .tlctllcaitiriita, Eur Ihe cure of oil U,lioui nffrcliimn, if taken ae enr'linif In direction. It is a never tailing remedy which no fami'y ouch" to be without, especially in low marshy Countries. As this medicine is put up under the proprie. tor's immediate inspection on Ihe most scicniilie principles, beng Pur. ly Yigetuble, and having tried its efficacy on thousunds, for upwards of 12 yi ars, and lo his knowledge when taken sirietly ac cording lo directions, there hi nol U en one fa lure. I'nder such circum-tanr e I recomiu. ml il le the public, adding a ceriiluat) in support of my asaer. lion. (.John Hum, do certify ihnl I was in Ti.b.r.-.l Plant of Philadi l I la, Cupl. K.'rd, in June, 1S27, bound to Liverpool; took the fever 1 and acue and laid in l.ivei, o.l iune lone mid. r ihe diH-ior's banda, went fio.u 11 ere In llaitllil. re, lay iu llie Infirmary for loin or five weeks front Ihence to Philadelphia; wasaix months under Dr. ( Coals ; fioin Ihence lo New Y. ik went lo ll.e ; Hospital, nn. am. d I here about four vv. cka without , any iclief tiled every tlonu without snv bcmfit. ' for five yeais. He inng of Cantrell's Ague Mix luie (nun a fiieud, I went Iu I.H store, told him h .w I was afflicted, and got a bottle of his mixture 1 and ns. d il accordiiiit lo directions, Il made a per il ci cure, and I have not had the least Mum n ce. I do wiih confidence mounuend it l ithe public. ' JOHN 111" I! .VS. i .llrriW uit-tl Siriiof'SurK:iui Ilia. Phdid. Iphia, April I Old. lSll., Dear Sir, II.iv iug bei n afflie'ed for upward-of iwo vear w iih utceralion of the throai, de-lrojit g the whole of ihe soil pal de, then ihiouish the up'r part . f mv mouth inm mv nose, from which sever- . nl 1 1. 1.'. d bone came onl, which pariial'v de-troy- 1 ed rflv speech, ihrouub a kind Prov idem e hii.I your Medicated S rup ol S ir ipirill i, I am now ielon .1 in peit. cl he Jllh, ami my signi, w men was so iiiucu in. air. d, is a fining as when a lury. I lhnuiht il a duty I ow ed lo you aitJ those simi larly atlect. .1, t" make it public. Yours, R. Miec'fullv, SAMI'El. KIRK, Corner of Tenth and dates Slrei ts. I, (iabril Jonston, No. B Reckless Street, do cei I fv lhat my wife, Jane, was afflicted for Iwo years with liheuuia'isin. and i.l la-l was entirely disaMrd, me I so that she wa ebliced to be confined lo b .1 , bear. j ing f Canfell's Melieate.l Ky.up of ' Ha.,.arilU, or Ami Scoibu'.c Sviup. I procured four bollb s. I which completely removed all her pain, and stiff in s. from her lunhs; Iwo more buttles made a cr- feel cure. Sl,e is now able lo attend lo her house hold d.niis as usual. ti.AH RJL JONM ON. Philadelphia, Jan. SSd. 1S14. (j De-cripiive Painphlit mar be had of the agrols. (fi.atia.) J. W. FRII.INC, Sunbuiy. T.OV. 9, IH1. ly lis niix&c it v Ar, WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT vNt CA11 MAM-IFACTUUKUS, South F.asl corner of Market and ith its.. riilladrlpliia, llfllERE Ihey always keep on hand an riten- aive asao.lrn.nt of HATS (J CA I'S of every description, got up in the best and moat approved I) le. Prisoiis denu usol purchasing supriiot ani clrs on ihe must icssonsble terms, will find il lo iheir advantage to call before making purchase elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1811. ly OAKLEY'S nCPLUATIVE SYIUP. TJHE vnluable propcrlies of Oakley's Depura I. live Syrup nf Sarsaparilla, as a purifier nflhe blood, is so well known to tho public generally, that it is unnecessary to ncrnpT much space in set ting forth the advantage, lo be derived from its usej wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence ocr all others : eveiy one that has taken it, have, derived so sienal bene ficial remlls from it, lhat it is recommended by them wiih the ivmost confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe il ! to patients under their care ; containing nnthina ! deli terious. but tiling composed nt the moat mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered with confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of n few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended wiih s moat decided impiovement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any see.! nf iliseae that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the body. For ihectire of Sernlula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eiuptions of the Skin, White fwelliim. Fistula, Chronic Couch Asthma, A-c. The nu- i memos ccrtifica'es in ibe possession nflhe subacri ,,rr BRp,,lp' f,om physicians and others, are , sufficient to convince the most skeptical ofiissu- . pennruy over an preparation" oi irssparinn. ! SV.Iil lvtiritf.ittM fi.1 Vnlait liV lIlA liffil irilOiir. 8 i CEORCE W. OAKLEY. Nnrth fith street, Hea ; ding, Heiks Cunniy, and to hn bad of the following , j persons : i ( In Knrthiimlierlnnd Vimnty. II. B. Masssrj ; I Snribnry ; deland fc Mixel, McEwenaville ; D ! Krauser. Milton. , I In Union Counti. .1. Ocnrhnrt, Selinsgrove! ! A. (iiitelins, Miffiinburg. I In Columbia Count). R. W. McCay, Wash , j inglon. . I Reading. March H, 184:1. Ma. (ItKicr: t believe il the lit v nf every 1 one to do whi.tever in their power I ie, for I lot b ne. i fit of llu ir fellow man, ami having had po-i ive , ) proof in my own family, of the wonderful propcrlies nf your Depuralivo Syrup of Sarsnpurilli, I m si i cotiscieiiliouslv recommend it to the alllieled. Wc had the mi-foitone to lose Iwo of our children, by , 1 the breaking out of ulcerous sores thai covered the . face, bend and l.eek, nlthough we had mine of th t ' most M'ientitic physician lo atlend lh m and had , ; tried all the known lemedie. including Swniin's ; Panacea, without avail. Anoiher of mv children wa aiiaike.l in the same manner, her face ar.d neck was completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, and i tie disease at sin h a height, lhat we ; despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects nf your Depuraiive Syrup c.t S osaparill i, we weie i indtired lo make tiial of it, as the last res.irl ; il acted like a charm; the ulcers commenced hinting , immediately, a fi w hollies entirely restorviUn r to her healih, vvhii h she has enjoyed iininteriuptedly i ever since. As a purifier of the tilo d, I verily be lit ve it has not its equal. j JnllN or. Walnut street, near Fouilh, Reading. j 1 Doiicl .ssville, April 19th, 19 l:l. j Mb. Oaki.kt: My son Edmund Leaf, had the t scrnttda in the most dreadlul and distressing man- ; ner for three years, dinine which time he w is de- t ' prived of the use of hi litnl ", hi he ..I and neck i 1 wete covered wiih ulcers. We Irinl all the differ- j ' ent remedies, but to no .fleet, until recommended, i bv Dr. J,ihnon of Noriistown. and nlso Dr. Isaac i Hiester, of Reading, lo use your Depuraiive Syrup i : of Sarsapanlla, of w hi. h I obtained seveial hollies, j the use of which d'.ive Ihe disease entirely out of I Ins system, the sore healed up, and the child was ( ' restored to perfect health, wliich he has enjoved , I uiiintrrrupte.lly ever since, to the astonishment ol i many peisons who seen him do iie Ins affliction I have thouuht il my duly, and send you i Ihi ficale that othera who have a like affliction in the family limy know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. our truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. lfi, 1 To Con n try .leriliaiit. Hoots, Slmos, I'miiicts, I.o.'liurn ant l'alm Lent Hats. ('.. W. vV I.. It. TAYI.OI?, al the S. F.. corner of Market and Fifth Stx., ' PHILADELPHIA, OFFER for sa c above nr' cl.s. I e an . tenne M-oiiin. nt ol tl.e all of which ihey sell at unusual- ; ly low piice, and pailit ill illy invite the attention of buyers visitii g the ciiv, to an eiauiuiati-in ol slock. (i. W. V L. U. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May S.'i. If 14. ly " Count orli'llriV DEATH BLOW. ; rPhe pul lic will plrasw observe lhat no Uran.belh Pills are genuine, unless the box has three li bels upon it, (the top, Ihe side and Ihe 1 ech coutainiiiB a fic- simile signature of my hand writing, thus H. Hkaxiimhtii, M. D. These la. bel Hie engraved on sleel, la'autifully designed, and done al an eipense of over f 2,(I(U. Therefore ! it will lie seen llmt ihe only thing necessary lo pr. ( cure the medicine iu its purity, is lo observe these labels. Remember the lop, the side, and tl.e bottom. ' The follow ing respective persons arc duly auth. ri z. d, and hold CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the sale of Brandreih's Vegetable Vnirerml Pills. Norlhumhf itan.l eounlv : Milton M n key V Chamhcihn. Stinbury H.B. Masser. M'Ewrna v 1 1 It- 1 1 el md iV Men. II. N.irihum'eiland Wui. Forsyth. (Jeoreetovvn I. & J. Walls. I Union County: New Herhn A Win iter. Seliiisurove (ieorge t.iindinm. Middle ! bure Isaac Smith. Heaver'own David Mulder. I Adamsburg Wm. J.May. Mifllmshufii Mensch 1 Ray. Ilarllcton Daniel Long. Frech.irg ti. iV r.t.. .Mover. M'wi.liurg Walla et lireen. Coloinhi.. county : Danville E. 11. Reynold iV Co. Herwick Shuman .V R Henhouse. Ca' lawissa C. (!. Hrobls. Hlooinshurg John K. Meyer, .leiscy Town Levi Hisel. Washington Robl. Mcl?ay. Limestone llalli- ; VrN'nch. Obseive ihat each Agent has an Engraved Ci r lilicate of Agency, containing a icpres. ntaiion nf lr H R A.N DRETH'S Manufaclory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen eiact copies nf ihe new labels nuw used upon the Brandreth Pill lioxes. Philadelphia, office No. 8. Noilh Rihalreet. U. DKANDRETH, M. D. June 24th. 1S43. ( TtY FlitN ri:l!K ATC THiX, AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. and 31 North Thiid Street, Near the City Hotel, riULADEMMIIA. CO. M.ACKE Y, Auctioneer, respeclfuPy in- tiles the alleution of rsotia desirous of pur chasing Fuiniiuie, to his eilensive Hales Rooms, (Iwih public and P.ivale.) for every description of Household Furuituie, white can I obtained at all times, a Urge assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Ueds, Matliasaes, &c al very reduced price, for cish. (cy- Kales bv Auction, twice week. May aVlh, 1813. J y ROSE OINTMENT roii TnTTun. nii-owonms, riMPins t th vm k, and othk rt'TANKoria pnrtTfoNe. rXjP Tlie ftillnii)in eertifiene deteriliet one vflht mnt extraordinary cures ever effected by any appticaliim. PHiiAltEt.FifM, Fehlttary 10, IOR twenty years I was severely sfflictid with TiTTitn on lbs Fsce and Headi the diseas eommenced when I was seventeen years okl, nJ continued until the Fall of lH:lfl, v.rving in i- lence, but without ever ilinappcarine. During most nf ibe lime, ureal narl nf air face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch- inn! mi head swelled at limes until it frit as if it would burst the swcllim was so gieat, that I conl J scarcely get my hat on. During the long perimJ that I was afflicted wiih the disease, I useit a great many a plication", (among them aevernl celebrated, preparations) as well as takina inw.ird remedies, including a number nf bottles of Siraim'$ Panaeea, Extract of Sarsnpnrilln, A c, In fact, it would be impossible to euiimeinie all the medicines I used. 1 was also under the care of two nf the moat dis tinguished physicians of ihi city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I deapaircd of ever lining cored. In the fall of Hllli. the disease al the time i,IMn)f very violent, I coinnience,! usine the 7'ie Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan & Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching ceac.l. the swelling abated, the ruption beean to disappear, and bet'ora I had used a jar the ill-ease was entirely cuie.l. It has now been nearly a yuir and a half since, nnd there is nol a vestige of Ihe disease re maiuiuu, except Ihe scars from Ihe deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible fur me to describe. i in a certificate- the seventy ol the disease ami my sulVrriiii', but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the tune I coinmnncej I using the Rone Ointment I would have given hun I drc.U nf dollars to be rid of the disease. Since u I sing it. I have recommended it to several persons, 1 (among them my molher, who hail ihe disease bad . ly on hei arm.) who were a I cured bv it. J AMES DCRNELL, No. lftti, Race St. fjj' The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H. Yaiiithan, South East corner of Third and Race sire, t, Philadelphia, and sold on acenev in Snnhu ry. by 11. U. MANSER, May 14th, IS 1.1. A;rnt. Btose Hint mciat, for Tetter. A PROOF OF ITS FJ FICACY. . l'mntiii riii. May 27th, lH3y. 'PHIS is to certify that I was severely alll cie.l 1 w ith Tetter in Ihe hands and feel for upwards of lorlv years ; the disease was attended generally with vio'eut itching and swelling. I applied to a number of physiei .ns, and used a great many appli cations without i lie. linn a cure. About a y. ar since, I applied tl e Ro.-e Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe itching, and a few applications immedi-v ati ly cured Ihe disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never been rid of it at any lime for forty years. RICH ARD SAVAI.E. Eleventh, below Spuice Street. j- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H. Yauuhan, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on nueiicy in Siinhu II. H. MASsFR, ' May 14(h. 1811. Aent. DIEDICAIj APPROBATION (If thr ROSE (HTMi:T,for Teller. A LI HOI. till the superiority of the prcnaiatlon over nil others is fully es'ablishe.1, ihe pr .pru lors lake pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable, physician, a graduate nflhe I'niversity of Pennsi Ivania. Dr. Hand', having found in ihi remedy that relief fir a tedious and disagreeable alTe.'lioii which the means within the raotje of his profession to atl'ord. has not hesitated to give il his apprnbati n, iilihougli ( )ft ytp-Jtuytceti and ir.teresl of lhal profession ate ; , ,j,)IM.j u gecrel Remedies, i FmLAiivirtiiA, Sept. 19, H:1I1. r .,, recentlv Irouhled w ith a tedious hernetic eruption, which c.oeied pearly one si 'e ofmy face, and extended over the ear. Mr. Yuuighan, proprie tor of the Rose I ) i i , 1 1 ii-i 1 1 , ol.seiviug my lace, insits ted on my Lying his preparation, of which he han- i i ded me a jar. AUIi.muh iucoimiion wiih ihe mem- f ( . r.. . .: ... l a: - l i: oeia oi no iroicsMnii, i iiis.t-oiiu.fii nn r nun oisap prove ol Ihe numerous nostrum-, palmed upon the pul lie by i'jnm anl pr. lender-, I feel in jus-ice bound Ihe Rose Oinliniiit thai cla-s of me d c'iies. and lo give it mv approbation, as il entire ly lUred ihe cru lion, alihougil II hid resisted llio u-u.l iippheaiions. DANE. 1IAI (.11. M. D. fjjf" J he Rose Ointinei I is piepan d by E. IS. YauLhaii, South East comer ol Thud and Race Siieeia, Pmladclphta, and sold on ag. ucv in Sun buiv, bv H. U. MAssER. .May' 14th, 184:1. Aatnt. ('order of Third and me .Struts, WXLLIAMSPORT, PA. 'I IIE subscriber respeclfullv announces I Ilia public, lhat he h .s opened a Hotel in ihe com- iiiodioiia litit k building situate on llie comer of 'I hird and Pine streets, where he w II be huppv to wait up n ihose who may f.vnr him ivil. iheir company. The Eagle Holel is la'ge and conveni ent, and furnished tr. the be-l m.lem sU le. Lis provided with a laree number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments rooms, privat pallors, Ac. Persona visiting ilhamSKirl on bu siness oi pleasure, may ii'sl as-ur.d that every ex ertion will be used to render iheir sojourn at llio "Eagle Motel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table w ill be supplied with the very best the market af folds, and his bar wiih the el. nicest wines and oilier liiiiors thaiges rcsonaMe. The Enisle Hot.l possesses greater advantages in point of location than any othei similar in the boroutih, b. inir situate in the business pari oflheiown, and within a convenient distance of the Couit House and Williamsporl and Elmira Rail Road I', pot. Sulficieul Stabling prov idol, and good and trusty osilers always in alu ndam-e. Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Servants have len employed, and nothing left undone that will add lo thecomfoil and accommodation of his guets. There w ill be a carriage always in attendance at the Host Lauding lo convey passengers to and trom the House, fite of charge. CHARLES HORROWS. May 14th, 1842. if ".Michael AVcaYtr"V. Won, ROPE MAKERS tV SHIP CHANDLERS. A. 13 ,urth Water Street. Plnladtlphia. HAVE consianlly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, lar d Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, M la Ropes, Tow l.inea lor Canal Hosts, complete asaoilmei.t of Seine Twines, Ac. Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Hcsl l a' Nel Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twi Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plouu Halters, Trace. Cotton and Linen Carpel Ac. all of which they will disjioae of on mas lei ins. Philadelphia, November 13, M42. ly. No. la.S IMarkat Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the alienlion of Country Merchants to iheir extensive assortment of Hritith French and American Dry Cooda, which ihey offer for sale on ihe most reasonable terms. Philadt Iphia, November 13, 1842. ly.