Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 06, 1845, Image 3

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... 1 w ..
Sheriff's Sales.
KY '."tn of crrtiiin wrila of Ve n. Ex. issued mil
of the Oou.'tnf Common Plea of Northitm
iierlaml Counts. In nil l, will he exposed in
public salp, m the house of Oharlea Weaver, in ihe
borough of Hun" nrv, on FtMny 'he 3.1 day ..f Oc
tober n, At I oYlsrk. I. M lh" following do
scribed property to wh t
Fun contiguous Iota of ground siti.'af' 'n the bn
TOitnh nf Nntlluimhpilanil and marked in thi gene-
ml nlnn of mi, I N.i. fll. BS. 6: nml 04. brum- I
tiled south by Hanover street, nml on the will ly a
"20 frrl alley, northward by Water atrept.
Al-n; Pour rontiuii'iis loin. No. 19:. 191. 10S
aanJ 1 96, bounded cast hy JNTorihw.iy, a. mill hy
swerr street, wrtt by a'er street, and ncrlli ly a SO
. no rl.T ,emA 'XYn , ' u' "-''"Hion in ih- rprpip-a (irpom.
S09 ami 810, .o,,n-lp. on lh e,t hy Hanover , w j -,,,, rM,p llMiM.v -mall dim.niiii.m
irtn.Pl. on the in.rili hy N.v.hwav, ami ihe oi 'nf . 11V,v:of cnn;, .,, emirP a .. ri
f.y .SO f.-llal.y,coi,ln...inPai:h Oil fn.1 on fNnrth fi p , ' fi ' ,t) r!,, ripei,aap,l hy a vnl
wy ind 180 f.Pt in dppih. On -No. 210 is errclii! I mll,, ri),n nf i.,rril.rrs . Th re will hn l ll.p
, . ., . i
S. iip.l, lakpn in pxpcii ion. and lo he o!d a ll.p
firoperty of illiam A. I. toy. I.
AUn- .. ccr atn tiacl or piece of land aituate
apmly in 'l.iiii..kin nml partly in Aiunsla town
hip. N''l cotinte, ml j.iii.t"a I mila of
f'll irhn W.ike.rion. Samh M lh", M.nnupl Onn
ippil and olhir. nil iin:ns US'.) BC.ri a more or h a-,
uliniit 10(1 tor. nf whi.h nrp cle.ire.l i whereon a e
rpc.ei a itvn -fitiCV Inc honn. p illierlnrdi d. In
which altafi I .i at . k Ichen xnd a fitm'l frame
.ni! Jmc a t.iip-M.-ne h"ip. a fr.nnc h .rn. a f mr
t 1I1I1' anil Hum 1 a ir
t. a!:
I oge nro.ird nl ex
rllenl frtnl Ii .
S. lie I, I rVenvi p,'i n. an 1 o hp aold a l'..p
.r.iMTtv of 'nt' a rii l S .t n. vi h no i p 10 I! 1
lio.l I npVI n.iS A iianra S .xl. in, u irii n'n'P".
A'a i Tw i o n on ic mi ls of a'.. nml rittmtp !
in the I iwn of Stiunink;tv, Ni-fciimher'snd c ii'itv, ,
vind m irkeliH i l-piumhI if m nf tid l..wi No. !
fi'J and S I. MM.le.l 01 lire ntnl hv lot No. fiM, i-n j
1lip ea-1 1v 1 .1 111. n 'hn nort 1 hv :..min -ic- tre.-t '
anil . iVie 1 v J .it-rfn.-p it pi r lit lining I
each in Iron! C J f. pi, nn 1 m .li pth 1 l l.J n et.
tSe t ink "i in exe. b ion, and o he aold aa the i
liropi ity of 1 tm Hun loo j
Al-oj A Ihe l.aiw nf p.isp S.niOl, i-i .laik-
sun l iii-k p. V.i J'tnin' erl m I cull-Iv, nn M n il.iv '
(heA'h Aty nf Oe oher nexi. at 1 n'l.-k P. M . n I
rtain 1r:'i pie, nf Ian I nitna c in I'pper Mi !
honov t.imnihiji. aT' 1, c.'iil linii.n fi3 '
IOTP more nr 1 . .d 'Ti 1 1 vj I.itmI nf II nrv St an , 1
rce M yer mid ..tin r , a'-mit "C5 acr a nf vvliich
nrerleifPil; are mete! a 1 J si iy Inc i
lioi-ae nl a small 1 g a eirii g IilUs? an J an '
Si i7,'il. t kp i in pvcnt:i)ti, mid to he so'd an the i
pri-'i-er y 11f.lnr.11 K It
As: A .prt, nihil o ti.rp.if crnuti t sittnte I
III .l.nklnl) lO'Vi'tiip. N'nl ihutll'" ( '' lll.V.l- '
I O'd "1 Fatio. I .1 mil mnl ntlie r. Innl nl
l -f. n lnnt and otlie.a . .. 1.11 in " fir mm.' ni
leu, a 'I charod; w hire. 111 re rc I a ton ill Ins!
hmi c and a -ni .1 I g st-ihle. iVe.
S'p y.fd. 1a1;i 11 in 1 i cii'mh, and to Ve Mild as the
jiropcrty of Jotnr.h 1 K i.-.elv.
Also: red riii 'r rt m phce nfl and s'tnati-in
Vpper Mahotiny Inwna'dp. N urilnimhi rla. il 1011 i
1y, B.lj lifint' Und nl 'Vc II. ill,!) . .I .fit Sm'ii- 1
kv nn I 1 lh i I'.'-ii' inu - a''r s more nr t s-, a I '
i.l' which inc'eared; sup irCPila wo s'o I
ry h 'ii?e T. 11 rli caa , barn a d o'her mu-huih ieg",
and an nn h .rd. 1
Seiz d. t fcpii in execiition, ntnl to he kM ae (hp '
roierly nf (5 oige Mnl. y. I
Also : All ti c 1 viiere-t in a cpiiim i
tnl nr pn-cp ol ground itu .t 111 JcKs n t.iwnslitp. 1
Nor hi. ml., r and rou-.ty. adj .ining land i f Kirm. r i
Jones a- d nlhets, c.i, 1 iini' a 2 acres mure or less, j
nll clca-el; whi rp. H is erected a sunjl log liouso I
niil n -ni ill l.x -t dde, Ar.
SeizeJ. iiiken in . Xi i'liVi -n, and Ki I sold lis ihe
j rnpe.t if Jolu Ems'.
F El. I X M AI' I! El!, f.herlj:
siipiifTs Officii.
Sim'. nrv, S.y. (id. ts.,5.
To lli ll!c-tni s oJ" .oriluiiiiiK.rJ.ui(l
("niiiity ".
fTNCHI RAOI.D hv a 1. nf rnv fm iu's,
in' pir a nl the county. I -ff. t 11., sell
I y. ur eniiM.h'f ali.i.i f a Vuiuut ri cjuj.uate f.r
tllf ni'i. p of
isa -" g i.c litJ "li2 1
I ran only pr 'inin". i-h.iiil.l 1 ! . I e . .l. I . nril p
ererv . II .l 1" disehiirue the ilutn a i f ta oilii'e In entile satislnrimn.
Sunhurv, Ails' :ttih, HKi.
A 'II:r?i
J w. ... a la
ititsif IitClitlO, n t much
iy V sg ... li-il, hi il lo a t'lm,
h cli may V purel'-e,l rheap I I'.ie ai.miiilstra
lor n( die 1 ite Mis. (iraiil, hv apply nn lo
C. V. III.tilNS. or
Sunhurv. Aorjuat 3d, ISIS. Hi
Of our oj !i inoxl Vnlutihlc
.-t. mil. jhc rs&
"lyiM, he ol I ; t Puhlic Sale, hy i r.'er .1 ll.p
Orphan"' ' 'milt nt I' e C on. I u( No ihiiin.
hid oi.l, on the p'enii-. s, in h'us'i l.iwnsl.iu, in
M il cinniy, on Ihn'n! If, ihe I81I1 dii) ol Siplim.
tnr, iKlo, at 1 "'cl ek P. M , ihe
Y A I.i: A !!!.); I K M
Of ihe la:e U in. I! ir . it, lou'diiiio Ili'J aerpa cf
tin) vi rv l"l riv.-r I .nl nn land, nml huui.d. ii hy
lauds of (tenruK '' nil ol. Jlin (Jeahiil, folate
uf Daii el ( 'iwr.erott, ilcea ed, and tlni N. ilh
liraiich uf loe Su ii a h.iiiu i lyinu w t on ahnut
one mile f ion the l.ovn of Pa vdle. Pa., an. I on
the toad Icaditi" (nun DiuKiltrto Sun' U'y. Ti e
lau I, ah 'Ui I4D ..c e. ul which are cle .re.1,
ry ex.elleiil 40a ity und in h Ingheat uti.te uf eul
tivaii. ui, w. ll w.ti red. lenceJ, Ace, A l ua pjr.
Hull is very line nieaOow niml. I lie impr.ivi tucuta
c... a Large) I wo rvory rrsme
DWEI.I.INti HOI SE in go ul rp
I air. ami kit I. en ait iiln-d, a HANK
U KN. roniiiiig wat r ill ihe vmd and
well i. ear the house, amnl ousp Oi.llicril ,
Sin kfhou-e. and other out hud. lings Alan a good
Tenant h Ue a fo.Hl Apt le 1' ih ird . f choice
fruil trees. Ar. I'l.ia i'.i;ariv i . lie .1
the ihsirah'p ami v lu die in this a.el.nn if
rountry, ihe I nd nnt hi ing aurpas-ed fir fendity hy
any in Ihe S , ite. It pr.. uni ty to D.nvl'e and
J'.ittkville gives it an advantage over Others in al
ways having ready eah miiikcl fur all kinda ol
"eraona wiahinj lo view Ihe properly, previous
day ol sa'e, may call on the auh.cril.era re-i.
Dsnvipp, or on Mr. Sainui I (tarred, who
1 Ihe premi-ea. Sale 1 1 Coinmenee at I o'.
P. M. of aaid day, when terma will he in add
rV nfthe Kitnte nf Win. Ountl, deeeated,
Dan. ill". August 2 id. 1845 4l.
C1AME to the iraidenca ol the auhacrila r in
J Point township, alrfuit the middle of June
laai, KEI) OOW ahout 7 yetra old. Th owner
ia lequesled to rail, prove property, pay charge and
lake her away, or aha will Iks disposed of aa tha
law directs. WILLIAM LEMON.
Point tjish., Aujust 23 J, 1815. 3l.
j 1 1 j
Dcmocc.iiic i'.ruitUj.
Greatly Reduced 'r trp h Vow fjj fr gil3 ;r r
Annum. Single enpy 25 rmf.
MiosericT' or th mtXT, on lTrrt votmtt,'
JlF. PRICE of the. 1)socbatic Hurirw
has hrrptnf i'6 !pi n to i high not for the size,
C"l and character, lull for llio means of tena of lliou-
i n . 1 uf readers who would h glad lo rreive il,
and among whom it in lughly desirable that il
should circul no. For ihe purpose, th' refine, of
wi.lpi j -u Ihe range of it tiacfuli.r nml nf multi
plying Hip number of th (" In wlum il may he ae
cessa'dii it ha been determined, HriiiiltanenUsly
with the crcnt rcduotion in llic expense of ihe at.
nge, t reditpe b suh-cripli m price slsn, fr m FIVE
'. to only THREE dolus; niiiI when several unite
I in subscription, lo as low a f'i 50, or even If 2 80
o - ilspl only a Mti'ill rpiiiiriinn in n m (i ,
, , ,,p ie.,,e, , j ; 0M iHimh. r. hh(il
i..ipp of .r;rp, hpn ihp anlirin .iIpJ auccpr of!
I IIip p. ism"iii flm'! jusiifv i.
I Tut IVmutrrt or I)Tlsni-iaitii Hn- ;
, ciit wi I hn rmiliniiPil enBr.ixpd in ht'llrr and :
I nii.rn costly Ivl-' ." hpiptof.ire.
i ''hp '.istik m ;ll In rpafliT. fit ai.y dis'anrp, hp
: onlv fire and a hnlf irn's ; it has heretofore hern,
fir lilO iiiiIp. eighteen ruil.'. j
: W'p lonk hr mi ptipn-iio of p ri-ulnt'on to l p
, reckoned l v lent nf tlnrfiimtr, aa ll-p rpiit and (
. iiii.pnHiioii of tin- cirai tlnilioi! of .ne.'. Kvp-
iv frit nd nf ihp wmk. ami of the Democratic princi- '
id a and canp, h'nl Iv ealed lo t.i i-xerl !
, hnn-plf v tt'.i an active inintpsl In pro. nre tl ruhaeri
l ers ; hold lo i x rn! its n-. fnln nml lo cairv 11
siicecsslunv ihrniinli ! lie crisis uf lh a preat redni- ;
1100 nl ns prices.
Thnsi' who have pi d in ince fur ihe ci'min r ,
yeiir, wi'l ipccivc n, at u uilucid rale, f r a ear
and a half. j
TF. U M 1 1 V. M K TO R W A UP.
(lV! ll.VIM'l.)
SineVonpy ?' 00 j Kijtln c. .pie-, $i0 00
f' copies II 00 Tl.nte. 11 ' :)() 00
It wnl then he fccii II. a' when thillccn cop es lire
.rd red at once. t!ip price is I r oilit down lo ahoir
:ttl p irh. Fnr s;x m n lh, half tlime rales.
'Miese r . e alT rd h uh indue, men's to amenta
and oilier lo ttiter.vt themae.vcs to procure uul.-
s.riliers. j
TIip p.iA-.t' h. vi;h and nuf'taenl in rtitrnnee must i
!p 1 1 1 1 -. 1 1 1 , 1 1 . n.sinj'y adtiiTP.I to. 1 tie pa-t inlax.
: i n of it has c in.ed tin accomnl ni 11 i f nnt ,r
f.. in ltl IHI ol dells doe to he w..rk. H-rpaf.
tin this innsi lp vtlinlv nfnrniid, nor nnist cither
!le in.'Kt ruiiiicii' pnlrii id fii.n ', nr the inti
m ite pes ri i one. Iv disj h ai'cd nil expe.ii ncint
iis m" te ni. in, in the sinppaire nl It.eir iitim!era, .1
t'.' V n.'l.rl tli nil", it e v 1 .1 in-ccsitv nf,
it tile pieP'il reiluP d lal'f. must lie o! viuih t.i n'l
No cnioi'iiiii a i.m wtl' hp tak-11 fiotii ihe l'n-1
nffi c mil. us fere nt pim n je.
All r.l.n.mi.i'C illi lis. In th on ed inrial nnd puh
lih nil husirie a, inust I e ad.lresMil le i.e. I nr.'..'.!
In the m il rsip.iied Tll'tsp reining In lh.' aeltlp.
in- lit nf the pa-l deht .hie I lie w, rk will he att I nd-dic-s.d
to Mr. M. (. I.tNnt.r.T 8 A'tiir the
p s' a run uciii. 1.I1 wi.!i whom, as pu'. h .her have
11 i. lnd their Iun11tt1.1l on.
S. f. O'Sfl.1 IVAX.
July, 1S45, I -Hi Nas-au strot t, N. Yoik.
''h'' admir.h'e Daiuprreotype nf (ten. .1 1.,
Ai.ihniiy. Edward .V. C.k. a I. w we. k-
' ' ' ,v 0"'. ' ' " P'l'CH ise.l ..r ill. lis.- nl
ill.. 11,'in.s'iiOi.' I.'ev. It is in il,e Ii .,.! .,f 1I1 i
1 ar isl. and w II he eniriawd lit Ihe finest stvle ol !
. mew. lint, of ex ra ir.e. It is a nmst lanlifiil and !
I in erolinc wmk. declared I y Mr. Van lliiren innl 1
1. triors 10 give n more p.'if. ct idea of the great nml t
I .1.1 in
11 than anv . ther II k c n--s ; and t'Ujht
In he mss
vi rs. a his
e.l I y cverv mm who . .ves and ip
ii i'o i i- t hose i ho ul. cniii! i
will icceive it
uf P. r
ir 1 Is.
S pt. nil er foh l4S.
'SMifnr t waK tl IMHs,-'
F wp w. re willing to limit the ollice nf 1 p I 1
(a pr per sphere. Ml I to cease eating w I Pn up-
e;tte ixprt'scl contei t. imhcpsiimi would hp a
much raier occuirettce in civilized C"iiiuiuu.iea
tl an it is . 'list 'i Vcd 10 he. 11 ippocr it. h ip-nark. d
that a v. ip peispiratioiis aiis'i g dorii g s' rp. w .t' .
our 1 ny ..ther acp-.r. n' cans.', are n ure s gt tti ,
i.hi 11 11. ii m O'i-luiii 1 I i, m 1. e u-p . f. Thp lay i.f
le.k ii.ii g w.ll I. l uv ucli a k'ate i f rephlnu.,
which rings the I., itily func in a, 11 1 i.l may le .d to
si d.l. 11 deilht.y some iii ttte di eae, win 11 the in
div'iln..! ia appirently in goml hea'lh,
j Dn. Smith's (-'rum Vn 1 i;u) -Impiiovhi I x
tins Vr.iiKT at.t. Puts," me nil-. (Vi '.iciutis 1.1 ic.
gui lt., the tt .le of 'he st much, improve iligeslin :,
and pur.fy Mn- lli.l '. As lin y are leua t 1.11 I
perleclH It .im't'.-a. they i re r. Mir rd to .
l.v (he d -p.'i 'ic, and :.l p.-r sons ol' M'd 11.I .iy a
hts. N''t iii ilv shell il Is;' wi houl Iheni.
Qj t'AI' I ION. Aa a nvseiahlp tinilnli, 11 h-.s
hpeu, hy the n.une ul '-Sugir Cnfed Pill-,"
it is nee. t ,ry lo he a.tre that Ph. fJ 1H;xj Smi iii's
rljna'uie is mi 1 v. ry hnx. Price 'ih cents.
Piiiie' Ollice. ITfl tireeimich i-t N w York.
S.dlhv JOHN V Flill.INt;. Sunburn.
WM. FOKY I'HE, X.ithuu,',.
i,ii5iist :to. IS4S.
a v ti.t itu.r.
P 1 rt ii t t i o n
-j-t 1
Al t ll.l. he exposed for , . ut nhli veil hie, mi I
the fith il iy nf Oct. her u v, nn dip prpinis. ,
, (he l irje ni l iiei.i-i'P 1' ton, I ile the t-late
of Wil i nn llnxfr, decM., situ lie in Augti-li town
i ship Noilh.'iuheil.oid county, n'l.nit A in ! from
; Sunhurv. 4 mile
from (hi r.itlstide ami Dinvdlp
fiom the Su utiel.niiim Hiverand
U u Ko.ul, 4 mil
al nut C in li i Irom ihe (ire I Muhiin y Coal lie.
p 'nn, ntnl on iie Or. il Ii nd lo liarrishurg and
Woim-la loif, cm tan ing "'MO ur n, 1 11) anea nl
which . clear.. I. wi h a la g" ptopnr i n nf iiipi.
il ' ami nn mch.ud ; ihe res due is w.-il te.1.
Said p nl l ion ctu he ihiided into Ihiee ili.iiuct
Linns wi ll .ut pr. jn lira lo any of the d ti-ini-',
each diviHoii having a gund supply of water hy
iuiuiili li. anis and springi in every di cciioii.
! he l'l pr.iM'luelits c lis SI of n U'gP
pL' r. ..,.1 i7 ft .i..... .1,1.1, i
5 for a niimhi r i f vcara aa a l av. rn Miami.
and in which a store i- kept at present. A spring,
close hy, runs through the ra liar. There ia also a
Dank U .i.i, with ext. naive .tai ling, on ihe piemi
sea; also a Sjw.mill on a cousiderahle stream thai
nn, a through part of the pl .c ; also a House and
Harn near the sawmill. It will he offered in a. nail
1 1 acts, if purchaseia with the same. An indisputa
ble li le and possesion can be given on the 1st ul
April. 140.
Mile to emmrnrs at 10 ..'clock. A. M., on said
day, when the conditions will he made known hy
Augusta. Aug. 18, IRIS. ft Eiecu'ora.
I 8FEI. Tha hightst price will ha
' given for Flat Heed, al Iha atora of
Aug 9, 1815. HENRY MASTER.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Valuable Ileal Estate
IN pursuance of an order of lhp Orphnna' Court
of Northumberland r.tunty, wi'l
public pbIp, at iIip pill lip hinmp or Va'rntinp Poul,
in t'pppr Mahonoy town-hip, Nnrthnmht-tl ml p....
on Wednesday, the 24ih dny of S p'.'mUr nrji,
at 10 o'rlork, A. M.. Ilio folli.wiun ilrcrieil uo-pi-riy.
Id wii !
A pprl un p'nnl ilinn or Itart of I .nil. a'tnnlp p ri.
Iy in l.'pppr Mnhonnv lo nlii. Noiihiimlipil m I
rounly, mnl partly in Ifpi' T M.ih'ini:iiijrn lin-hii,
in ihp ciini'ty el Sihnvlkill, nn lie !lp fail lent,
intt fr..m I'nilKilp in Ki.hrr'a Fi rry. atiJ aUnni ? t
ii iha from th'- formir phicp.niljninirii! Inn-la nf Jitin
Maurrr. Ih liriia of I til. .IS.oriiP ll,.yrr.
Jnlill Waugnh'T Hllil O'hi TH, p.'llli'llillff "72 Bric
anil 20 prrrhra. mnri mo iuip, alui' VIO ni ra nf
hirh aic t ti an tl ami in a hiuh M.'le of rnhi' niion ;
w In ri'iin nip (I a Inrgp two fIoiv lnik 1'ivprii
Hoiip nint Kiti'liPii, a hirgn hunk hnin, i 00 f.Ti
Innc. n fame imi n itlu'd, mnl amthpr Iicbp Iiiiiup
vl.i'il ; aim a laiae nml pxpillrnt (Si in'. Mill, nml a
frunp houe n-"r d mill, and aUn, Inn i xpp'.l, i.i
irfh.itil-. The almvn piopprly in vpry he ml fnllv
and advanigp..iiRty nil iI.H nl, and ia an I'M'i'llrnl
Kiitni Tvpm Stand.
Alao: A I the I'niP nml plurp, annl'ipr rpr-
tnin I' irt of l.iml, adj .inine. Dm n!ov. ilprnl'p.l
trap', (iporee Hnvch r nml otheia, .iniiiijt 127
am a and 101 pi rdim, uttirt mp.imne, j'nit' Oo .
crea of which nro clcirf.l ; wheip. n nr-1 n
iwo j-ory I.'R hmisp. pa tlv weail.pi-l.o nilid, and a
loir -taMo. sn.l a I .rg.' mnl rxc-llnl i.ri-h.r.l
Al-o : At the rame liin- nml pl .ee, an h'r cer
lain Irict of land, adj .iiiine ll.p l iai ah.ixp dpcr l'cd
Irapl, land of I'plcr Klock and olhera, P n I nntnj
1 (MS lines aid h3 perches, al'iel ri pasiirp nhoui 7")
acres of which aiei lea e.l; where 11 atp erect. .1 a
I .M) ft. ry Ic,; h.nis", wp illiPi'lmardcil, anil a Inp
harn. nml Iwo pxcpll III nrchnids.
Also: At theaioip lime nml place, annthpr cp'
I .in tract or nf land, a ') til ing the almve l. .
s. 1 h.'.l I. art. I n d of .la ', h M inter .O..I nrhera, run-
II nf nhii'h is cle ire. I, fixing una !o v I ml ) ami
I 111 a hii'h Mate i.f . n 1 1 i v .. t ion .
j Ms.; At tint harne tune an 1 place, a rertnin
! li.irt of t lulu r hind, si'itate in I iper M .h, tiov
lownslnp .lii.esai.l, ml tri in (; I in.'s nl So om m Hn
warier, .I.1I.11 and Felix M iu rr. (iiMice Sny.h r
and nllu i", c nta nin 07 m r.-s nnd 110 p relies
a.rict me.i-uip.
Al-o At ihe hnu-P i f S .muel H.-rti, in I. it Ic
Mahouov lomshiii, NnrthnniU'rl'.iiil c .nn v. mi
l ild.iy ll.p !i(.il. day el Seple:n pr n x'. a ccilaui
trad nf I ind. si tiale 111 I. tile M ih uiy t p
lit. ires 11, 1, on llnz Midn nnv Cip.k. ailj'ln nj I .11. Is
nl .1 ico'i Ild'osh, Mich el 11. .Lh nml otlipis, con
I in.iii j I 711 neips and o1) p-rch. s, stiiet me sure,
nl. 1. ill 1(10 a of w hich are cL' i'ed; whou o i ore
1 r i te. I a laite I .v.i smrv I a house and Km Io n.
(."Uilh c is'.) a huge hnuk harn, uti.'tit Ml let rong.
p limed red ; (iri-i Miii,
an ex ci saw 111 II. n tlMill. rv, a hhu ksiiinti
Il .p. 1111. 1 a and exeellenl orchnr.l.
A l-;u : A tiuther ceitnin ir ict nf I nnl, iidjnii ing
thp laai iihnvp ih'.pnSe.l Iracl, I.imI nl Mich 11 I II hi.
and 1. tilers, c. nlaii'inc utid );!'.) peicll. s.
strict mca-inp, nl'iMi' 1 00 m rea nl which a e rleai
ed ; wl.pre. n nrp creeled a lrP two slnrv frame
I ousp, nparlv Iipvv, a Ih'C frame hank hull, n ful
ling mill mid cai.hiiL! michliip ; and also, t.i tni I
Ing I nil-, s ami Hal. li s. The p ia uls.i a larte and
excellent orehaid nil a ii 1 pro 1 i p.
Alan: Al I'm a me time nml pi icp, another
certain tract uf laud, -iln .Ic in l.ililc Mahnuov
t iwriship nlo rsuid, lining I on'a of Henry
Swineiiiirl, ll.p In irs nf A rali irn K.ithrmel. ih c'.l..
and nlhe a. cot. l ulling I vi acres .111, 1 :17 perches.
" "leisure, afoul 1.1) acr.a nl ulncti are cli arcil
"nJ '" " ,,llih , fr" ' " " : wtieieon are e
"cl1 "".v I'ousp.a !..rRe new I. nk h ro.
.I.nui Ml fe. I Iniu, pa tiled red, and nn orchard.
The leg m ih liv ere. k pns-e through sai l unci,
ntnl eie.i'ia an 1 xcelli lit w.itct puwu for tiinhii,;
1. lid nlher i'ir. 'i-i'-.
l ie In ins n I sale will he nude km wn on the
d. y ol (.ale ah of the C. 11 '.
ADAM nr.uu.
August iilJ IsllS. Aiiuni.i-tritnra.
Ci'ili:iii' ('ourt c:iie.
TN plirsiiHtiee nl nil 1 rd. r 1 f Ihe I Irt lian.' ('
..f N..r cnuntv. will
he so' I al pith. ,
lie vendue, en Sutu'dav ihp 20ih .1 .v nl Sect. rnh. r ;
I rex!, on the pi.mi-.s, to wi' : A ceitatn f ;
I lard Mtoite in the t't vn-t, ii uf l.i't'p M ihiinov, in I
' sjid C'Uu'y.n. j Hung d i f J .roh lli'.hi-h. I ran- j
' ard K ed. m il tl e M .hon ty t 'reek, roii'nin'i 157
I ncr.s. moip or I s-, whereon is erep'.-d h t.vo stotv J
' L 'g House, a Spring house, alarm- It:. k Ham. nml
' two i rehnrds. Al-o, nt Ihe airne lime 1. 11 I place, j
! t! p tuidivi h d ten h i .rt of three Irnria of 11. impr 1
' veil land, situ ile in'lp Maln n v n il ('mil loan-
, s'.ipa. two liar's n-'j iinri Inmls . f D.nii. I 1
Heih, fin, dp, il., anj o'lu rs, p oiin'irn l out Hi'O
' MP PS, nml the othpr adj i tiiog W'pnihl l.s p'i i and
I oilier, in t'oal .wn-hip, rorilao ii g tihont 1 110
' a "res. Lite tlip is'a'e r.f l.enuitd '"i r-ter, e'..
S ale to c'O't mence at 10 ..'c'.ick, A. M.. of s .1,1
div, wh. 11 the terms of a tie wi'l le m n'e knoAn
1 I y' I'ETKK FElls I EK.
I Sunhurv. Aug. IC, !M.Y fit. AdmY
i To iho lilcrlnrs of Not i!u.mlH.rIutid
' Cotmlv:
IHHi leave to oiler mvsrlf n a earn, dale, nl the
ns.iini el. ill. m, for the nllice nf
j County Audit r
. If I should he elect, d. I will Jlrchuigc ti e ilu i' s
, nf the ulfii e will puuctuahiv.
I pi'Tiiu aixi.Ki:.
I I. .wet M .honoy, Aug. 10. 1S15.
rjll K suhsciiher ill iXim.sp. at puhlic suh-, on
I. 'h premises, mi lh" 7 h of Ocioher u xl, the
valnahle Mil Pmperlv as M'Kinev's
Mills, situ ite l'l .luck , u township, Nor I umher.
lull I rou .lv, II nuh a In lo.v Mm hury ami j of a
mile ft., m ihe Snsipirhaen ', a j tniue lands ol (ieo.
ih pprn .and Eo' eit I'arr sh, The Mill i huill f, un I loeal.'d on a netpi.fall ng s rem, with
three p.irs nf hurra ami good h lis, and his laietv
h.e.i Ihoruiighly iepaii. il. I lie Farm is III a go d
aiain of cuhiv .(ion. coiilaining I 15 acres, win run
ate il'tlid two log houses and a ham.
Terms made known on the day uf rule.
Jackson township, Aug. !(, 1H1S :U
JLJ CL Lai 112.
W A X T 13 l .
1 1. EVEN Principal and .lie As-i-tant Te .ch.
A era will he wanted fur the fnll an.l winnr
sriiuul.iii Wiam. kin Disiriel. Person wi-hing In
he employed aa such, w, please merl the Board uf
Uireclora n sUri tt strict, at Iha house of r el x
........ ... ......... ... ..... . , ,, ,, ,r
ni l. .i. e w... .. ...I... r
Hhh day of Meptemher nut, for examination ac
c tiding 10 law. Ppraonx appl) ing, not pe.aonatly
known t.i ihe Board, will be expected tn hate let.
ipra of recommendalton, touching their good in jfal
(J The Board will meet al R u'clotk, A. M.
By oider of tha Board,
Ait'at i Prea't B. fi. p. Mhom. kin Dial.
ElIDA JnH-r, Mrcretaiy.
rShamokin, August Dth, ISIS,
I'll-1 1 K.'J', i .x ..!.; I '
rot'UTKEIf i
2TTlUltllr SlttJ clcits.
1 Dnmjriii'a Vnnoivroa-a e.rrUiiit eurt fot
- worma infe and very plcaxant lo tnko.
9. Oman" KxTcra. which remove (I reap
nfull kind-, Dry P'iiia. Tar, Vainirh and Wx,
from carpet or from chilli. up, without injuring the
c lor nr iho clnth.
3 I.ojtno'v Fit Farm the In-nt ihing knnta n
for kt'ltnt? fliea and miiqit't ica.
4. A pp't nn Deatmyer ol lita,Mice, li'.in hr"
nml An'a. and nn ohcr nr Hi d Hnia.
fi. ItrKi'a HpvnriP fur a nr alomneh. lfra.i
flnm and VVatPi llrnh. l.y one ho h .il till red
thirteen yeira, hi f.irp he dKenvcre I the piiip.
Pa. MritvrVa (inr.rx Oiitmsjit for tho Pilca,
It haa never fiile.l lo piiip.
7. H.iinioNa TrTTi.B 'ti.
I P. I! in Mon'a I'l.n.irtt.K Ink, with. nit a
! riva'.
9. Tnr; I 'o m pn r i it "oiricTio5 or Fic,
, jnl ll.p niei'i. ii.p fur rhiltlien and f r w.oni n, il in
J m p'eaTiil i n.k".
10. Hick VmrTimr, AiTiini.inra Pii.i..
I II. lit x'i Kmom.ik i- V 1 1 n en. in r !' i r..
(it II rnc. Ilo ita, iVp. Itaofteiia the Ivither.nud
keep out the wn'er.
12. Toon M'a STRKnTiir.vivn Pl.jair.n.
1:1. JcKni'4 DiiiiiniitM Mixrrnr, which
riirr-a Iho wort Pia"hrri in a l. w h.nirri.
It .IcriiiV Dti.Tnr MitTic, a rcr-
lain and pe. dy cine fit Dyarn'eiy nnt! Slimmer
t'ompl out
The 11' ovp vahia'd article are audi vho'psalp I
and read, hv I,. O. Vi I S.rith ' fih
frrrtl VhHatlelphi'l w'.p p S nr. lie. pers fnd
ilu rs wi'l he 'Oj . ted wi'h pure African O.nenne ;
I'.pt'er, Arni.M Fio.i". Dri., l'arnl, OiN, ft1 sa j
nnd Hrnts'iea nl thetoi.e-l pr e. a Terms n. Iv t
enh. (fj' Cut out the adveili-emetit, ami lnii.g j
it w'lh von j
Phil Idclphia. July K'h. il.,.-1v.
Aielilor' .olico.
HE under ,. c I l.nvi. a I" en npi 'in'pd hv 'he (
nun uf tnri.moii PU as nf Nnrtliuiu prlnn I
I c on Iv, nil 11. r 1.1 audii li e ace. in. 1 . f Tnl i is ill. !
i asa.gupe nf Hpnrv II lil.ih, i-f .'a. kson l..wmhip,
j hen hy uives to all creditor. :.iul others 1 .
I ten all d, tliat hn w ill a'l. iiil in ilie iln j. s nf sa.l tii.
I poiulmeiit. at Ins cilice m S tilniiv. on the 10 h i
J ilnv ill Sp.lpuih.r, I HIS, wh. re nil such cm ntipiid 1
I ilihpy s.e pr p.r (.'HA S V. IIElilNS.
j Angnai !hh, I !.". Hi
. l-VO iK'silltlt MlTl l,
niKc.E nil kin. Is ,.f le .l er t-u. k-. vi. n'
I'rin I ha-.s. r.f e.crv tlh' and piitcrn ate
u anuf clii'e I. '.1 the h .t ream . r ami fr.,n the hest
materials, ai d so'. I nt 'he 1 es. r
I'h ltd tn'.i,. JuJv l'lth. HIS - lv
CIIKAP. FOI! CASH Oil l'lli:s
rnv Piiom c i:.
'I'm'llt.V Vt'V i VUt. il'th
TIIIE uh Ci ih r hating I uri h .s d ihe store nf
11. It. Ma--' r. h is iu.-t 11 1 1. 1 i-hed tl
wi lt n Ill'W s,. k "f g.'O'ls wh ch hen g pli ch.s.d
at pis'i prices, will he sot. I fir t".'i or Cninlrti
Vn'.'ie.'. I.tenty j er c. HI. ilieaper usual, f all
iln! ju.h.'e f r your-e!ve-.
Tl.p f llowing up urn ti e I' p nr ie'cs :
It irr. d coir, 11 .liilhiiC, al IS J
(i. rm m lin. it, nt l?.J
Muslin, at f,
Cilicois, fist col. rs. ut 7
Willing paper, at lit per.pi're
S 'gar, at hj
thi go J a' S
OnlVee, nt 10 lo ICt
Ol .- H hy I II, v :t:i els per doren
EUt c cut en gh vps, ni I,
M .ha r in Is at I'.J
lliass Eight .l .v clocks, waitatile.!, v I
" Thi 'y lniur ' " ir
" A 'arm " sT
1'esi.lps 1. iitim and ( Iroei ties i.l al U 11 iU, let
lloru. Fur ami St k h O". 'I'.terd ( 'as-tui. ri". ( 'o 1..11
V m, t'n'pet than. I'n'r II is. P ra-,.! !
Lamps, e 11 EN UY M ASEEH. i
Sui.l-.i.y, Ju'y S. It-'IS I
T O A !. !i ) N C I. IS X I). I
. II. MA SSI' It. id". ins his ..1,1
t in ds a. d co'o neis. thst he has s Id out his -t,.'H 1
I.. Henry M, resp ci ti'.ly n .po' l-:nl ihtat
imhhhd to linn, to s. til.' ill. ir .., coins w tout I
il.lav. as hV n I'd he pi it e.l in th hi.tnl-ol a.lii-t'fP
fir C.l l.Ctloll, W.llloUt respect t . IT.-U.l ut! the 1
.I Augil-l.
Sut.l.uiv. Jiiiip S. I '..V 11.11 MASSF.I!.
U'.ttii' v , June ., t s i.l. it
i n i: ii i i: v i: a x i
ii 1 v i-:
Cui!iwuti(l i ij ul l ur wMiiV
! N;iltl:i.
! fjME in p'P.-Pil. Hied siie.-e- n'" thi- medicine, in j
i 1 the r.'-lnrnli li i f henl h. 'n 'hose w h , in des I
' pair, had given up np !;np,, t. n given It mi . ,1. j
I led repui ii.on ai ove t', . . 1 1 . -s rem. diem. f..T. (-I.n, ,. i
i videice ul It - nil rn. sic in
ly scent which i an he n I c!
an I p..w r. ihe on-
np n tor t!ie cu e .!
l u'in iiniv ( .'i siimi.'ioti !!r on hi'l . asihn
P. in in the -itle nml Ilr,.!. Spit'i .g uf Hinod,
Inn p i g ( ugh, ('roup, .fee.
Alt' i.tioii is .. tpies'e.l in i hp fn'l wi. g 'll.
JstHINO (M'KE.h Th m- .-i' ('..mpoi.tid s.Uji
of Tar and W o ,1 N .piha !
Vliilu.t-'phin. Miy Sr HH.
MIL THOMSON Ih .r Str - uh rr l. 'nl
fee i gs I inf . mi y u . f ihe a-'onishing ell', c s o
V"ur tne.'ici, p. i hich has hter i Iv r run d me fnun
a dp th hcl 1 Mv di-ew. e. Pultl.on IV ('ol-U I,p. j
lioi-, h ol re IncP I me -o I nt ill .1 inv hv pint. pro.
l.o lin ed nn C ise hn e'es At ihl- jn C I ni I he ;
g ,u in u e V 'ur m .I c ii , o d mi'.tetil Us aa tt may
seen, it has conip', l' l re l oed in I . he i ih, ...lei j
i vcrv thu g i Le h oi laih d. Pe-pt i ilullv ollrs, ,
W sill v(l () M ( K. j
(.V n'lolie slip. I, ! e (ipoige fre. I. i
Th ui iters. giic.l. hei. g pe,-.,'iH'K '.cni eiili d I
wiih Wa-hif gl- ii M uk a. d his sull'-rili , he.r I
witinasio the astoi i-tiiug ilV cts if Tlinm.'ii's
('un. pound - r i . i ul Tar, ami the truth uf l..e a- j
hove st I
JOS. WINNEP, niH North T! Ird s-rect, 1
DAVID VU KEKM, 4? Al ii u.d street.
tllU; tl M'OINLEY, M, E. coru.r Tarnany
i.n, I F. urih s nets,
Prppm l only hy S P. Thomson. N. 13. corner
nf Jitll and Spruce site, tl. Phi a.te phis.
Ag.nt. H. II. Most, Miikihu y l D. fiross.
I mid Pi. Mac heison, II ir.Uhurg ; Jo . O. llr.'Wn,
I Peiiavi le : tie.. E ..rt, I!p ding; Hou.-imi et Me
; 0l, ) anda. Bradford c.mnly, Pa. 1'iUe 50 cenla
. r imtue in i r il 'len.
t" ...
(Jj- liewtirr if all iniitiil'an.
Phita.h lphi.1. June VJHih. lSfi.-
I'PEIiiOR Pun wine, Mad.ris auJ Lisbon
wine. A'ao tupt rior B.andy ami (Jm. Lriimn
Syrup. ALo a U barrels ol llut'K FiN. lor sale
' Sunbipy, July 10th, 145.
LI .Ml', uf a superior quality, tm now be li.tal
alllic Lime KiIim "I Henry Matr,lu Sun
burs. May 17, 146.
To l ho Electors of NorthiinibctlnrnJ
('onnl v :
T HK"ir,i:"(;TFlXI.Y aolicil the aupport of my
Fellow oilitcna, at tho rnsniiiff cloclion, for the'
ofTi uf
c o it o i r. it .
I ir.-nrp, rhouhl I he rVcied, lo discharpa the
dulipa of iho ollice wiih!P.
Junhrv, July I Mi, ISto.
'I'o tliii r,li:.:lors ftT Nnrlliumljerland
( nnt v.
npl.lMl aollrjird hy miny of my frtpmla, I
rj jf imv-c in.ciitej lo oil. r myaciraa a
candid tie
I r the nllicc of
I r c nnurrr
nf N..r,hn.i.h. .l ,t, I e V. M.nuhl vo aee nro- i
prt lo eh c nie, I
i.l ,1... m.. ir i. . i .i
duties nf (.ni l nliire with fnlp'itv
f i . . .
Simhiny. Miy IJUt, iHJo.
To ili! Klcetorj of Nortlitimburhiiul
T the anl.c lili n of a MitnhcT nT peraon, in
I til IF lent pa. nf ,e p-imlv, i huvv C iliaeuted
to he a caitili.lnte firt!.p nf
Tit ;. a fit f; it
of Northnir.'intlatiil p utrv. I mcd hird'y aumite
my Ii II iu-r.1 7. -ii, 'hat if I am r'ectnl. I will rn.
dev..r to il.t.- ii irce l,e di'lioa of Ihe ollice f.ti tit u I
Iv nml impartially.
Sn..l urv, M iv 17th. Hlo
die DliTtm s l Svi IlidmliOi land
I III. sid'scrtSit, from Ihp enronrnpempnt rpe.-i-
vp.l Irmn his t ii'iiernus In. lids, herehv ufl'.'is
him si II .is ,1 c.ndnlali' I t ill ' ollice of
aV K E A 3 0 31 E II
of !o tliuiidier'an.l cunii y, f -r hh'h lie rrtcilJ
he "VitVn.i s nf his (e I v ci' tens. S 11 11M he l e 1
e i c'i .l, lie will luilil (lie .tun . nl n.- . mce w tu ,
I"!, llv- I I. NL'I--S lil CIIEK. j
S""! ".':-M.',V. U,',: 'fi1',
To tin; i'liw.ttrs of Nortliuiiiberlaut. ;
( 'omit y.
T Ihe aoiirita'inn of n nmnl r r nf my friemla in
x iliiK ient ii iris ,
I the eounlv. I have !
(o hp a imihI.iI i e 'nr .1 fii -e of
Shon'il I It s I m iiiii ile hs to In eieclp.l
(! d je
nixs. lf t.i dm I.arne the ilu'n a of the oft'
prnnip Hl.-ss -ind fde i . v .
Met', ens. ido, .lii".'
tiio I'.lci'.lurs .(' XortliiiinlA't laiiil i
('otltltV. j
T,"EI.I.OV fl'IIZEN-!: 1 wonl I rrspecfuHv
nlVer ins. It 10 . u, r i on-tl. r Ui, 1. 1, as u camli- .
d ite lor Ihe . Iliee of
Sh. .tt'.i I he elec'ed, it will hp mv p'ennrp as '
wp'l us du y . 'o nt'et il to the hus in us ul ihe ollice !
with fi lility nnd puneniaiiiv.
M.v 17 Ix
To the Ilct .t
( 'mint v.
is of X01 iliuinlici latul
t'M'IZr.NS I have I rrn imlit e.l
A 1
n. . tVe:
tiivse'f as a c -lull. late for the nllice . f
i At the'i.ig plcilt.'ii SI., u'd 1 forHtnitely he
j elected, I here v prnni'sp, fii h'iillv and impnrtiil
' 'v lodtscharga thvihi'ies of sa d nllice.
i Siinl i.ry. Mnv Ul, 1 I S. J
'.To tlu: ljl'ji".itr.s of XoilliuniLciiand i
1 1
' ( otllllV. I
1KI.I.IIW ( ITIZF.N S. 1 hprihy rflir mv-I
stll ) can Id if. t r he 1 dice of I
I can nnlv ptoini-e. s'nn.1 ! ! hn lorliinatp enough
to h.. r. -e'ee'ed I di-i II r" li.c .luttcs of s.iii nllice j
wt h ti 1, htv : 11J imp.r 1 .'i v .
Sim nrv, Mnv HI, llo. j
i To tint Dict-l irs i.f
Nortlitiitibei land i
( '.Mini v.
11. 1. l.i'W t Ill.I'.AS.
m hlilli't. t i.l InV tr.eiii
At ihe so'ici'a ion of
, I have C'li.scnt. ii to
he a candid .le for 'he '.lUice nf
r.rcisTET; ai:d r.rconDEn.
I premise ill,' ell lis ul Iho C'lUiiiv, dial if 1 . m
etictid 1 w ill i tide no. i.i di,ei, urge the duties uf
il v . ti'ife I.i.oIuIU and imp irn i lv.
oi'V, April 1 !l 1 , I SIS.
i . -
I'o t!.i; 1'.Il'..-u!"s of Xofth'dMilioiland
t otiiity . !
El Mi .ol.iit.dt'V insnv uf my Iri. udi t ulT r '
' u i - I i- a c o I' d i;.- I t the nllice of j
r.C'..HJ. f.'T; trJ-'rrl j
of No- tm ri- and nni . y. I ie p.ctul y ao irit (
y ur-iiut.n'. 1 w .11 e .'e.iv r lo d.ach uge ihf du-'
ii. s . r the oiiTe fii!- tul v , slii.uhl ) PU see piopi r to :
Coi'li r the i ime up. oi inc.
P. 'aw re to t ns' ip, .Ink V.' IMS.
To tip,: lticettirs of Xtirlliumltcvlaiul '
ronnlv. !
1 M'M.OU" t'll'ITEN."-! At havplppii grra'.
Iv eii '.ei'nged hy my Iriei.ds, I solicit lour
support lor the ..ITiee i f
s ii i: hi v v
Sh -ul l y.ui ci n'cr this i IVup upon me, I shall
et ilcavo, u il.selisr.t.' the h' ie,'f Wit'l li J.
lny. "IHOMAS t. BlLI.INOroN.
Sun'. ii y. April lU-h, IS l.
I '1
. i im . i s.' .1 i I I
tleo Lkiclufa nl Xoillittniboi lainl
Ii it it ity.
111 I N( i s .'ic t. .1 I y mv iiHiiproi! f.iei'Js in (he
d.lhie. t rti ti s ul ih.- c iiutv, I h nn ro risen,
le.l to, r mvse'.fio youi coi.solciaiioii aa a Can
In late hn the office of
Sh nld I he elei e 1 I p edge rnvsa'lf to fuTi! the
dun a nl II, e nllice wi Ii !i ili'v noil imparl
AlUUsIt, Mav Al-I. liS. 1
To tin.: llk't tots of XonluiniCerland '
lit, LOW CI MIEN'S. Hivin been inenu-
laee.l hi nn li.emli to otl. r n.ytplf a a catidi-
,hia r..r lh.. ..ll'. u ..I' '
count v coMrinsioNrii.
I respiciluIlT solrit your st p,n. Should you
aee proper lo collier lh ollice upon ine, I wi'l Ii
ihav .r to di-ihuge iho dunes tht'itol wiih fid. hty
and impaitia itv.
Si rihliry. April Itlih. I"1S.
To 1 1 it l.lectors of Xoriluitidierlar.d
( 'onnlv I
IEI.I.OiV l triZENS; I b. leave to fT i
un Self aa a c ilidulatr, al ti e cumin, election,
fut ihe I'llice of
("ml n(y oniiolssloiit i'.
Shun Id I he so I" r I nn.ii e as in he el. cie.l. I pled ire
myself to discharje iho dutus of iha olfice Wilh'j
pmuipliirsa and fi 'cl lir.
sunhvirv, April sih, 184V
DAGVKUUl I A' GAU.EHY nf l'ntntl Vrvn'
tvrn Vulured liktwenex, and Photographic
Di-pnt i
N. 130 Cliesnut Strrc.t, Philadelphia.
No. ?fl nmailwav. New York ; No. 75 ('--.urf
St . Pi. Bo-ton No. 136 Tin aunt H.reet. l'l,i!.i.
dplph a j Baltimore Street. lU'iimnre ; llrnnl
wy, Saratoga SprmRa j.Nn, CH (anr.l Slii et,
Npw-Oilei.lia ; Main Str.i. t ,rwp,ii, J. I. Anil
Main Sired, Dn lluipje, lo'va.
CONSTITtrriNO thpoMed a-d nipt Fxlen.
atvp Eilaldi-hinenl of thp I md i- th? W.ol.l.
and mi.t morn than a TJl')l'SANU Pn'l-
1 KA1 1 5: ''""F . .
oia'iriffoiHiieij iniiivniuii-i, in tne 'inu il ct'.tpf.
Adiiut'aiiiT free.
Thin E-tahlishment hiving h''Hi awarded the
Medal, Four First Premium, 1 n-l I'm ' II jtft
oiO'V at the Exhihilimia i.l ll.isinn. Neve Ymk
nnd I'hda.leli.h'a, resp. i'tivcly, for hcsi I'le'nie- nml
Apisi'riius, is thus officially suriiHitie.l in Ihe pn.-i-riun
01' Mi', .'Monty Iwn (of .re iini' dl y i.fc-igued it
hy Ihp puh'i,', ne "Pint in the V.'rtU.''
June Vfiih, IPj. Iy
rpiIE St. nselllUEUhsa hspn r.rn..n.(..,l mu ni,
1 f... i-e do . f ( (INK U M'r.VF';''" ( Fl..
F.nivNTnn fhemiem imi: woup pi.
ANOS, at lliisi pine-. TliP'e Vi .rn'. Vive a p'ai-,
inasnivfi nnd In aH'tfnl PX(-ri -fi ih 11 il. I.i rn h
aid .i'ilni5 el li.tis, Mini ;rc i. c ' - 'ii
ship, are rot a'irpnS"d l.v bmv o. i': ' ' ' r i ' .. .
1 The fol'tv.vit'S ia
a reenmn. ".I 1 ' ' " :':!' VI
DlIT, a cchbi att'd pprfo rner, nnd l.n.; If 1 n n..
uf,ic:utcr :
A V A 5: I.
lITiri had lite ;i'cn ure . tr ' r
lent Piano Fortes manf ic' nrei'
'. . -..I
P,v.ihppd at ihelwt PTh.t'ior, of the V; rid n 1 ,.
rtjtt,,e, I feel it due to the true nienr r t tl.e ts.aker
1.1 .'pclnrethotlhcae rnMiumeots me ,,m.',
11"' Tn " '
ano rnrtes, I aaw at me caiu it- or .,n Oj v, nu t
during a enjonrn of two years ni Paiis,
TllPse Pianos will he so d nt the i ia .t; fii'-iurf r's Philadelphia prices, if nut s..;r..' .ung I ,w .
i Pprsitis are reqtiete.1 to cill find r:. ir.'i c I r
' ini mselves, t trie re-i lerrr; nt inr .owiTrr.
Sunhurv. M.iv 17. IMS.
II. P.. V AsF.P.
iif,lp Tin:
cuiii H C V .
rilH 13 snl'scriher xvou! I rpspcri'" i'lv i.'.i-ni t'ni
L I'ntipns nf Sutil rjr '.l the 1 n ' g
th .1 tl py have purcl.ti-cl 'ho she i . I'li -. l'l in
llo..v.", in M.i-kel sin 1 1. nl-e do rep 1 u!':h'. F st
Office, whprp thev wdl eunlnup th
rnlMiiel-TlM .;):; Is ?:s; ::;,
in all its hr irrches. 'i'lu' p'ihhc l:i .Veei their
work done in the la'ert -tvle. I hi v h 1: e. i 11
IICr.lioTl to I'U-illiS , to Diet it a Mian- ,.f p-..h' c
(Tj t.'ofTma made to .-r.ler on the t'tf.r-' tr"i o.
and conn'rv produce in exehan-e foe .vo..
WM. YOLMiMAN . II t ." A V, '"IN.
Sunhurv, Mav I7h. ISIS lv.
js u IT 3 "j r. t,
A u r i n 11 rn urn a 11 i ( o 1; is
'.9. ,
ESPEin'FlTLLY inf. n,s his (,:,.!'. .mi i'-n
. ptihliP ill general, that hp h is tak -u th" ' r ik
stand, in the llorougli nl Sunhurv, lu'e'v ..on. 'e 1
hy John llaus as a pill-hc hmis'. ( si nl 1 S.H o
H nsp, and nparlv npj.ost,. ! ,. (Vint 1! it c,1
where he is prepared 'o arromnio !n!e his l iin'.-.
slid all other', who mnv tavoi him Willi their ci
torn, in the he.-l possihlu inannrr.
Hi- I5AR el nil snarU'e wiih t'le choic st . f Li.
0'., am! his TABLE shall he w. ll sni !: I
with the very tpst ihe market afford. In -h.ft. n
p. on nor expense will he fpimd In render I t
house in eVt ry way wor'l.v uf pul.i.c pi rotmf e.
A h' rrn! shnte nl cu-t 'in is he i fore a d.
Snnhmy. April 12 ii, ISIS. fim
i c m
o v a
joiix w. vt.
KEcVEL I Fi-1 ,
k' informs .hp
.! it.- i'-iri y i,
e 15 ii k IIouv,
: t
V. 'J t Hen ol rsi-id ii'V p
l.ra6?f I P has n .novel! lo I
jfe, A Ma kel sirnt, I. rneily u,eii,ied
lit Hj until Ht'iidn. I s. 1 1st of .lie s'.np f. riner y
cu it d hy Mi.ler iV Mart?., nnd ntc.v1.v I.l I.C
metit, wlieie ho will Ite happy to ri'vPive Ciiis :ti
Ihe lu.e of his la-ofes-ion.
Suiilrtiry. March ."Will lito.
ES o o t Si H h o c
111! E mhserd'i r. tit ol i
f 11. c'k .V Ti
sius, vi. a .1 re-pec I u!!v
;m Ins . hi e-.isi '.
. t is slid the pH niu hy. that h now c.' . .
. the iip.v huildii g us.l !' l!t i. y 1 1 o, i' !
; -tlop, and epii sne Oe..r.. ''ut;:. V P;aj 'I --,
I M irlid streri, Mi.rihuiy, When' he inte ds .u i ...
j on Lis firmer business uf
i HOOT ifc SHOi; .M A KlXCi.
I in ul I is vailcU. 'run lies I'p v-i t he i, eo.ip.l
do a I kind ..f work m"n ; ne if
lice, and tn the niol i!ur..t le nisi
it. -t i
iicp, nnu in me moi iiur..' ie nisi i.i-r nr iin.i
i .,. J,., . ,(.. ..
.nt .'n .t'.nti ', . ' ..-....' ... .
i hu inps mnl reisonaMK c'uarj., will ii.!flv,.r
j de-el ve a mniiniiauxv uf it.
j Sutihnry, Feh. 22 1 SIS, Inn
I '"i". .-. ""-, ; m
HE Ruh-crihers have reciie,l, and nre r. 'ir
U ci ing a n I.n Jid a.-a. iimcnt of i!.c fo It .m,,
R aids
Sunny, Wilton and Vcket Ca. pelii g ")
Biussp'r and In peri . I .1 ly d i f' A'.-
Exlra superfine a. tl fine L crnioa do y PE iV
Fngli.'h shad. .1 it Damask Venetian do j I.Nu'.
American I a died and t'u'd i'o
1 English Drtiggf't and W.mhii Fh'or CI tba
Siair an I I'.i-ngo leckng
Euihoa-e I Piano nnd TaC'e ( .treri
le n lon Cliciiille .md Tid e ' R.i2.
Poor Matt ul tp v des. rn i.
.. l,si
A Idifits and nn u-ive is-O'tii'CPt (if F'oor Oil
Cloih-, llom nn ! eiglu yanL wide, cut lo ft t ir
ry doriipliou nf riioin or pia-acr.
AIo, low pncp.1 Ii srin Osipenngs ft. r) 31 I i
62 ctnls nr4id, (ngpihrr wi'h a Isige ari'1 rei n.
sue ss . no. ml ul' gi.oda u-ta ly k 1 1 l yt apit
nierchai Is.
The shove (tools W l lip tnld wkrt'ssnl.t a' r -'f
at ihe lowest uiulk' l prices. C env pi.f.h i t
n I o hen are parnculailv mo tV 0 r",' ,r.
mine our stock licfup nuiki B U, . ',-cii. rs.
CLARKSO.N, '.JtCIl A- Ml iN. to im- '.ii,, Vw ooj. N j. 11 1 Liu.,...,
Cornet ui . , .,..,), i-Ul-
4di,hi(i.i, r.v. !"