. .. MBX1CO. Th Military Irtnsrtnriits f Dity. Vm riir". - Thefcw OrleatwBceofthe 23d, says tht "on the previous afternoon, a targe number ol citi zens assembled on tbe Public Square, for the pur pose of wituessiug the departure cf the Volun teer Artillery, urulrr he command of Mnj. Gai ly. At floor Vc1ocV,: they proceeded from the City Ila11 through the Public Square, where they vvre saluted ly their brothers) iu arms with t wnnty-eigbt guns, and then escorted to lie Par tacVs. T-hcy embarked en board the steamship Alabama in the evening., in company witb Cap tain Fnrno'a company of '-Native Auiorican Ar tillery" Volunteers and fire companies' f U. ft. Ti-oops of tbe Line, all of whom, we are inform ed, are under the immediate command of Major Gaily. The Cannonniers numbering 1-00 men, nnd Captain Forno's company S3, each coinpany having f"r strong field pieces." The Picayune, aH-udirig to the ss.me movement, says that '-in the corps, were many chivalrous and enthusiastic young Creole follow who could live at bume in ease, if not in luxury, but who joined the service for the 'fun of the thin?. M Three companies of U. S. Troops two from j Fostonand one from Portsmouth, nrrived at New ) York last wee-k. .on their way to Texas. On I Tuesday last, company A. of -the 3d Artillery, arrived at Charleston from Siuithville, ST. C, bound far Texas.. The following advertisements in the New Or leans papers, will show the spirit in tbat quar ter .: "Wuo's for Mkxico? A11 those who may ee'l disposed to make a .pleasaot excursion to the frontiers of Mexico, (and perhaps to ex plore some parts of that county 1) will find al! the means and facilities requisite y enrolling themselves hi Che Tegimcnt ol Louisiana Volunteers, now being j recruiting for the above stated object. Cull at , the Tlegrmeiital Armory, corner of Barronne and ' Ferdido streets, over the Carro'llton Rail Road Depot, every day at 7 eVlnek in the evening, and subscribe to the ro1l9. The -reg-iineirt will pro- bably embark wirbinten or fifteen days from this date. Col. Jas. II. Dahin, Regt La. V." "Who's for Texas ? Frelirighuyscn Rangers, Attention '. All the members oftbis corps, who wish to make an agreeable and piebably .a pro filable excursion to Texas for a few months., will now have an opportunity. Every member will therefore hold themselves in .readiness to march at a moment's notice, subject to the order .of COL. E P. HUNTER." Utrt tTii s fever for fight, &c, is not confuted to New Orleans. The St. Louis New Era says that a considerable number of respectable and relia ble men ore very ready and willing to engage in an immediate expedition against Santa Fe, pro vided they shall be called on to do bo by the pro per autlwrity. The rdrtw adds -. "Tharcaie in this city, and in other places in this State, many respectable citizens who are de sirous of leading or participating in such a cam paign as officers, and many others willing to fill the ranks as soldiers. We understand that preli minary informal arrangements have been made to organize a. volunteer militia regiment at this place, to consist of from 300 to 000 men, and to be raised with a view to march-off in a very short lime, andengsge in an active campaign; to submit to strict military discipline, and to enter on the service, so as to leave the frontiers in October ami strike a blow at Santa Fe early in December. It is said that Major Pogy and a considerable number of the officers and privates mi the militia regiment are willing t encage in tbe measure, and that o'her persons in other companies would aNn join a war regiment to be tbus raised, and that intimations have been received from .other places in the State of willingness to co operate in th? campaign." The Washington Union received on Thursday says : "The last arrival from Aransas, brongbt no communications from our camp to Washington. Transports were arriving with fresh troops to re inforce General Taylor and bis 'army of observa tions' though the shaliows cf tbe shores fre quently obstructed their prompt arrival and im mediate landing. Before this period, however, the General inu-t have un army of more than two thousand gallant men, exclusive of the dragoons which were marching under Col. Twiggs to San Antonio or the Alamo. A little longei time, and General Taylor will be able ti muster more than five thousand picked regulars without saying a word of the volunteers of Texas or of Louisiana, which he is authorized, if necessary, to call under the wing of his eagle. With arms and amnnition, and with provisions sufficient to support them, there is reason to believe that they will be able to cope with, and to conquer any force w hich the Mexicans may attempt to throw on this side the Rio Bravo. Their trotips, too, will be compel led to march through a country which lias no means to subsist them ; and the transportation of their own provisions, if they are able to obtain them at all, will encumber their progress, and delay their arrival at their point of destination. One of the best and highest officers in the ser vice has expressed the opinion, that two thou sane United States soldiers under Generals Tay lor and Worth, will be competent to keep at bay any number of Mexican troops who may threat en to cross the river, for six months. In this calculation he may Msibly be mistaken, and it becomes the duty of our government to iirovide ' Sample means to meet any einergenay w hieli may , occur. The udmiiwst ration is deeply impressed ,w ith the duty of making every precautionary pre . juration which the honor of our anus may re quire. A Bold Fio.i as or Sr-FKi H. At the great council of the Seneca Nation, held last week, near Buffalo, the subject of removing these indi aus across the Mississippi being under discussion, one Indian Speaker said he had not confidence in his white fathers ; why shoulj we Lave ? Hit white futher, had murdered their &r.W, and what kind of treatment might a ;oor Indian ex ptclfrom nun uho had kiUrd the ,w of Oud.t from Vera Cent Direct. "I Tbe barque Ann Louisia, Captain Mnrsclialk, arrived at this port last evening from Vera Cruz 3d inst. (Pates to the 5th have been received via New- Orleans ) i -.. Captain M. repot tt that the Mexican govern ment were making great preparation for war out of the Castle of San Juan de Ulloa, lest they should fall into the hands of the Americans. A large number of troops had marched to the frontier of Texas. The wliole force when as sembled, whs to be under the command of Gener al BiistamenM. They say the United States are sending troops into Texas, nnd that they, the Mexicans, will march thrnugn Tr.ro rel their inny to tt'athinfrlnn, without declaring war. It was reported at Vera Cruz that the Mexi can Cons; res bad passed the bill antliorizin; a lonn of Siri.nmt.OOO. This, however, must he a mistake, ns Veta Cm, letters of the -t t h opnk or the bill a being stilt under discussion, nnd city of Mexico papers of tbe ,'Juth nit. are to the same effect. Put even if the bill should pass (which is not improbable) it w ill hardly avail anything, being hampered with conditions which we should suppose would render it inixsiMe to obtain the nuir.ey, if indeed it t oubl be obtained under any circumstances. The hope was, that it could be obtained in F.ng'and. It was the opinion of the prominent men at Ve ra Cinz, that General Almonte would be elected President, in which case they supposed that war would lie inevitable. The Ann Louisa brings $1 9.703 in speeie. .1. T. Marsrhalk, Esq , came passenger in her, as bearer of despatches. .V. V. Jiur. if Cum. THE AMERICAN, fiat.rtlayt September fi, 1H4.V K?" The editor of the New York Mirror has secured the copy-right of Willis's Letters. They will therefore not appear in any of ihe public prints, other than the Mirror, until th termina tion of the series, whr-tt, most probably, they will be issued in book form. For the American. Extract of a letter from nn officer in the U. S. Ar my to his friends in Northumberland dated Sr. AtGtsriNE, Floiida, Aug. 13,' IS 1.1. "My Dear , Important Improvrmknt. Our attention has From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce. pi laic o. Allhoiigh tbe dates are not later, there is some interest in thp extrarts below. The three first are from a large English house, nndtheotlvr from most respectable sources. Taken together, these extracts show that we must after all guess for ourselves. Vi:n Cm z, July 23. War between this country and the United States is now inevitable. July 30 It is generally thought that this coun try will yet have to declare war against the Uni ted States. Aug. S Our latest dates fioni Mexico are to the 30th ult. The Mexican troops are ordered to proceed for the north, nnd to take tip a posi tion ten leagues in advance of the Uio Pravo. So we might shortly expeet to hear of hostilities ha ving commenced in that part. Vetico, July or). Our political relations with your country, I n-gret to say. are nssiiminz an nnplea-ant aspect, and the cry for war is universal It has not been formally declared, owing. I believe, to the soliei- tations of the I rrnch nnd I.pplish ministers, who are desirous, if possible, of uveiting so dire a calamity. Prr.nn, July 20. Though the declaration of war of this country, against the United States, is already published in the newspapers we trouble you with a small order for goods, because we believe firmly that war in reality will never be made ; this country being in want of every thing necessary for it actually. The Ska Skkpent in no longer n doubtful character. The tnoii'-tir Imnes tin in I by Or. Koch wiine months bl'o in Alabama, have hern put in order for exhibition at the Apollo, in liroadway. They are arranged ju-t n thy were found embedded and petrified in the chalk and I line, stone. They ate nil in a remarkable state of preservation, mid Hone of lliein ntuinsl as perfect as il hut just taken frmn the annual. Ihe ppitial b.meH as now urran1 il, measure one hundred entdfotirhen Ju t in length, and the animal must have measured at leant one hundred and twenty-fin; led. Thirty-two of the ribs, apparently mIm m it hall the whole number, have been recovered in a good slate, and prove t.'ai this rnormonsj snake inuat have rneaMireil t rniy five feet in circum ference. Al'.iiurli liiiind ho far inUnil, the lliiilihtt r no liniibl Vliuiortl In the deep, and W thrown out if his tle'iieut to die wliere be was found, by some coiivuUkui id' the eirih. A scientific (.'entleniao who came iu and examined the teeth and bones, said Ihe utimnil wan evi dently a CdA and far from homir nmlnre in il growlli. In Ins ilny, however, he would have fully Ml'lr.ined nil thai has been said of Ihe i-ei serpent iff uur Atlantic coast A. V. .mir. Com. Democratic Xomlniitionx fur Northumberland County. S F.N A TOIL William . SJetviirf. ASSEMPLY, r.ilwnri! V Iti Itjlil. SHERIFF, Thoiitn V RllllnsloJi. PUOTllONOTARV, John Fai nt.voi t!i. PEGISTF.R AND RECORDER, I'1 :i I'd Oyster. COMMISSIONER, fliaiirs Wfatfr. TREASURER, Jesse .11. Mmpsoti. CORONER, Jacob Ynnly. AUDITOR, refer Ilixler. ' ' - - j he etlected bv a convention, to be held sometime j l. It. r.1l..1ti:it, Kq. at hi lU .I i:- if) O,.(o,)(.r "r ,Kml,inc of November, of Dele. ; tatraui font OtKee. enrner ofillmul Chrtnut j eB,M frm ri,v nn, collntv ot Philadelphia and j Stnets, rhil,tel,,hUi, i authored to rt j H , cmi,iff, ,lor, of lt ,hrnllK, w llich the J .Ul, '! receipt tor all ,nnle due tl,t j ro-, Moro .ernrute ami useful infnrma- ' office, for ohcr1,tlmi r advertising. , ,i()M ran ,,,, coi,.rt(!l, nn, rnil(01i,.( j an official form for the information of the people than by I any other means that may b adopted. The j place for Convention is of some importance and ' in our opinion none is more suitable than Dan ville, the heart of the Iron works of Pennsylva nia. We merely point the friends of this great enterprise to the subject and leave the details to be ai ranged by them. '.ljl. L' ! lUi'l.H'-.1 1 . -- DEMOCRATIC COISTV CJ O X V II IV T I O X. .' Thif Convention, for the nomination of candi dates to be supported by the Democracy of Nor thumberland county, assembled at the Court House in Sunbury.on Monday the 1st of Septem ber, itist. EMANUEL ZIMMERMAN was called to preside, and limn M. Davihson and Ciuni.n W. HnniNS were appo inted secretaries. 1 Appointments. On motion, it was Resolved, that the townships j Pal- H'i"' in 1h interior be called over, and the credentials of the dele- j f State seem to think that there have been gates read, and the nnestion of the admission of! n PPintments mnd in the Philadelphia Cns- any delegate objected to be postponed for the I '" House from the Democracy of the country present. On motion, Resolved, That the delegated pledge themselves to support the different candi dates nominated by this convention. Resolved, that these proceedings be published in the democratic papers of this county. EM A NULL ZIM M ER M A IS, C. V. Hkciins, , President. AnrtAiiAM Siiip.iias. . Secretaries. Whereupon the following named delegates presented their credentials, and took their seals. A j I have but time to write you a few lines, which j must answer for futher anil molhei, and all. I lenvc in a few hours, with my company, for i Texas. The orders have been nuddm. The ' e I whole, regiment go. I leave in a schooner, with ; 100 men. 'Jterr. in vmrk before n No Cun.n's I Play! We land at Aransas Inlet, 200 miles I Delaware.- Jacob Stitzel, Hugh M'Fall South of Galveston. ' Turhnt. John Haag, Henry IVrr. Point Robeit Curry, J. W. Stamm. 1 Northumber and. in. Forsvth. Geoi: i been directed, says I lie lierks ami scmiyiKin i j.-,. js,j j Journal, to the impoitance of connecting the Phi- Sl!ll',,,rv C'i.ai !.- W. lie-ins, John P Pu.sel. j ladelphla, Reading & Pottsville Rail Road, with j AlI(,llst,.A,ir,,,am shiprnnll) John Vonfy, the Danville and Pottsville Rail Road. Several j r,.t(?r Clp, John uttlIs),llwn,It. j My "ri"'n "irl'- haVe '"'"""y "PrtPd in Kl,,..0as lVof, Esq., Luther P.asset. jthe U. States Gazette, Sunbury Ame.ican and, shamokin.-Samuel Hales, Juhn Smith, E. j Erie Gazette, pointing out the immense trade jmm,,rnia, : which would be carried on the road ifcoinple-; t'oal. Joseph Zuern, Penjaiiiin Katherman. ' fed, nnd the advantages to Philadelphia and inter- i ' mediate pointr. along the section of country ' through which it will pass but none of the wri- ; 1 ters have referred to the mode most I kely to rh 1 sure its completion. We think that more could Upper Mahnnoy. Peter lieissel, John Hetrick Little Mahonoy. Cimrad Raker, John Fagely. Lower Mahonoy. John Doikey, Jacob Pin- gaman. Jackson This is an error. The Surveyor of the Port, Ihe Deputy Surveyor and clerks, the Naval Officer and twelve or fifteen inspectors, all belonging to counties in the interior of the State at the time of their appointment." The above we find in the Pennsylvania!! of t'.ic 2d inst. Will our neighbor b pond enough to answer ? The President of the United States appointed the Surveyor of the Port, as also tbe Naval Officer, the one from Pucks county, the other from York county ; this is known to the democracy of the inleriur ; but our neighbor speaks of "twelve or fifteen inspectors, all be longing to counties in th. i dr.rinr of the State at the time of their appointment." Will the editor of the ri.'litisylvanian Mime the said inspectors, and by wnini and tvh n appointed ? It is due to 1he Democracy of the inlerinr that this information be given. Were it not fur the Derimi i ac y of the inlerinr. the appointing power .ihn nt III OtTice .V. 1 60 .Vtinnan &' rrrt, .Iml S. It. Corner of ilaltt.nnre and Calvert stu , Tlalttmitre. Martin Drumlieller, lb.-njamiu Tie- would have b -en placed elsewhere. The ut'r- on 1 rr saved the State, and the Democracy of the It app?nring that Lewis and Chilisqnaqiie intrrior have rights which they nr- ditrrmined townships nnd Milton borough had each elec- shall be respected. Will our brother of the Perm ted three delegates, and objection being made to sylvaninn answer the above q'l 'stion. Sorris Ihe admission of moie than two delegates from tmrn lliri.trr each of said townships and borough, it was Qy The absence of the editor, as a delegate to the convention at Hat'iisborg to nominate a Cenal Commissioner, will account for thed uith 1 of editorial matter this week. CT7" Tiik Col ty Convention The Demo- place, on Monday last. 'Hie Couit House, on the ringing of the bell, was soon crowded. It I was soon evident that there were some among ! th" delegates fiom the Forks w ho were drtermi- J ned fo accomplish certain measures, or withdraw fiom the convention. The delegates from Nor thumberland were not w illing that the delegates should vote their instructions, and unless the con vention conceded to them certain offices, they threatened to withdraw. The democratic dele gates from this side, and the delegates from De laware, not bcl.cvirig in that kind of Democracy which called upon them to violate instructions received from the people at their primary meet ings, refused todisoht-y their instructions; wheie npon 12 of the :i." de'egrttes withdrew. The con vention then proceeded to nominate candidates for the different oTiees, as will be found in the proceedings published in another column. We regret the withdrawal of the 12 delegates. The delegates on this side, after having obeyed their instructions, would have accorded to them a share of ollires. In their cooler moments, we thii.k they will see the impropriety of the course they pursued SrviF I.i NATir Asvi.i m The Grand Jury I at Ilarnstiurg. last week, recommended the np I propriation of three thousand dollars not o!' the ! county Treasury for the State Lunatic Asylum. Tiik War Rcmor. The Union of Thursday ' j evening not;ces the war rumor which prevailed i in Philadelphia on the 2"th. and says : "(Jen j Patterson, of Philadelphia, well known through 1 nut the country for the manly nnd elevated char ! acter which he bears, canie on Wednesday to j this city, and offered his services to the govern- ', merit in cas of a declaration ol" war. We under j stand that 0.000 volunteers might be calculated ' on from Philadelphia and its vicinity; nnd that ! j the Keystone State atone might furnish 30.000 1 ' Such is the patriotic spirit of the Americans at j J this time, without regard to party distinctions '' ! St'rrrssrrr. F.ntprcrisk The Paltimore A ' merirau says, that the schooner Francis Amy nr- rived at that port yesterday, having on board a I bout twrntif-fir tliiuvind dollar in specie, reco- vered from the wreck of the Spanish ship San Pedro, sunk on the Spanish Main. This money l is the property of the "Sin I'edro Company," of I that cily, which a stiort time ago fitted out an ex j peditinu to search the sunken ship by means ol a ' diving bell. Pnivr Rtienrtn in 1i vi:uiki:v. It imy be il 1 1 1 to know the vil'P1 of burnt rliubirlj in diarrlne . It his ' l " 'd Willi t'lH kuhi plivis ni effects for morn thm twenty yonrs. After one or two dnsoji the pii:n quiekly sub side, and tin) ho.veU return to their natural rt ite. The dose U five to ten trrain. Tlio. manner of preivirbto it, is o burn rhuhirh pow der in nn ir ei p d. stirring it int,) it hi niken--; then HinotliiT it in o covi red y r. Il loses two thirds' of it weiu'ht by innnerition. It h nearly tistolesH. I.I imciso 'his it failed wher. givm. It iii y be given iu port wine, millt and water. Ild.l'l.lllluli .H A UK I'.T. Office nflltc Uali imoiik Amkhican. Sep. I. ('11 A IN. The supply of Wheat at market to day is rather limited, ami the price has advanced several cents per bu.-hel. We note sales of goo 1 Lvr-ojtiNij Tickht. Our fi iends in Ly ! coming county have nominated the following ticket. f'ol A. A. Steuart, who was most; shamefully traduced for voting for Gen. Came- ion as U. S. Senator, received 73 out of the ie votes of the convention. This is a triumphant! vindication of his course in that matter. Were- j gret that our friend Ib-phurn McClure did not j reeeive the nomination for Prothonotary. H" j made a mot excellent officer, and has the confi- j denee and respect of all who knew him Dr. Green, the nominee, is also a man of talent and respectability. Representative: A. A. Srr.i'Attr, of Anthony. Prothonotary : Dr. 1 . M . GrtKr. of Williamsp't. Commissioner: A II. McIIinrv, of Potter. Register & Rec : Jouv Pivit. of Williamsport Treasurer: J. S. Pinvan, of Williamspoit. Auditor: EnKNrszKH Lswson. of Clinton. Win. F. Parker was elected Representative Delegate to the Canal Commissioner's convention. ('apt TriKMovr, in his Exploring Epcdithn. savs there is no ri'er of any iiHvi'able size which has its ou'h t directly into the P. cifie, nnd cninmonicHtes with the Wei-tern slope ol our continent, except th" Ciliiiuhii, hetween fi!H' and sixty decrees of .Northern latitude ami the Oil', I o! California. The Oin Frt.tws and tiik Ci.rrtov. The Odd Fellow's Association st ems to he oettino I ill had o.!or with the religious s-ocietio.s. The Pope ;nt lon smee, crime out with n manifesto against them, and now we see the Methodist 1 KpisCnp'il Conference at (i, ne.-eo, X.-vv York. I liMi e bef.ire it, a preamble and resolution settine ! forth that there was much objection amen? the I mr inhers of the Methiwlist riinrch to ministers Resolved, That each of said townships un.' bo rough are entitled to but two del. 'gates, and that , but t .vo be admitted. ; Whereupon the following n.invd delegates pre- 1 sented their credentials, and took their seats, viz : Lewis. Wm. Wilson. Stephen Glaz-. Chilisipiaipie. Neal Caul. Geoige Frederick. Millon. Hugh M. liviLon. James Puoy. A motiori was made by ('. W. Ilegins. that any candidate having a Wi'y'or of the delegates in favor of his nomination, b-' declared nominated. And tie said motion bidna under con'-iil 'intion, a motion was made by Mr. Forsyth, toamend the same by striking out the word '-majority" and insert '7-".-'rf.." And the yeas and rays b"ing called on said a memlmeiit. were yi as 12. nays 23. So it w as decided in the negetative. And the original motion was agreed to. At this stage of the pioceedings. the d. 'legates i to prime reds at HO a 0") cents, and ordinary to from Lewis, Tnrbut, Milton, ChiliMpiaque, Point ' good at SO a 00 cents. Towards the close offh and Northumberland, 1'2, withdrew from the ! day the market was less hi ik. We piote white convention Whole number of delegates, 5J.". J Wheats at il") a 1U-5 cents for common to prime On motion, it was Resolved. That theconven- sales, tion pioceedto ballot for a candidate for the Sen- i Sales of Corn to-day at .10 a II cents for both ate ; whereupon it app ared that Win. L. Dew- whiteand yellow, art had 22 votes, and was d 'dared duly nomi- , We ipiole rye at f!0 a '12 cents, rated Sales of O.its at ,'10 a 'U els. On motion, it was Resolved, That John P. Pur- ' WHISKEY. Considerable sales were made. sel, I-iiae W. Cuke and C. W. Ilegins he the Se- on Saturday at 2 1 cN. for hhds. and 2 1 cts. fur tiatnrial conferees to confer with the conferees I ,- . To-day tin-it-i, les impiiry, but the pii Irom 1 i.i 1 1 j ! i ! il co'in'y ces remain as above ipmted. The convention then proceeded to ballot for n candidate for Assembly : w hereupon, it appear ing that Edward Y. Prigl.f. Es' had recei ved o votes, lie was declared duty ticniinated. low, poor il t t. will le itpiiiilv lepiri.eis to ni l IiimI II ns en ldi n ( haeges of we iiher. If n-r w uld have l.eilth we iniist endeavor lo prevent, as far :s in us lie, crest extremes of nil kind'. Ev rv execs--, of heat T cold, ef ca' n or drinkinj, ten ' lo I t duee iuioiiiiiv ol the I I n I ; thus ii cir.-n'.iU 'n La Nr,i-1 n ( i iici i. tio Kepcvp 1 chan e iu ihe le npem'uru hive s very l ad i iVect up n ihn Men I j n sudden ch -nee fr.im n fill1, ecnctmi. to a The convention proceeded to ballot for a can didate for Sheriff, nnd it appearing that Thomas A. Pillirgton had 21 votes, he was declared duly nominated. The convention proceeded to ballot for a can didate for Prothonotai v. lt ballot. Jnhn Farnsworlh had 1.1 Win. J. Martin, Es ) . 0 James Heard, 2 2d do. n Id do 1". i; 1 Ibi motion, iu was Resolved, That any camli- Imoiocs languid ; the ver tliiinne's .1 l.fe re r.'i-- Z'd ; and ihe f'irt con-, ipieiice is ih.it the ISO A F.I.Si lieoune COS I'iVi:. 1 V I etl the bowels are c-i-tive ihey rrrj lire ihe a 1 in nisl .nioii ,, Ult A.SDIiin'li'S PILLS, which, .late having a majority of the votes polled, be de- ' ' ex I'ii g a c .niuioiioii, or a.c. It riled iimv -incut clared nominated, and that the convention pro ceed to a fourth ballot. Whereupon it appeared that John Farnswotth had 10 votes, Win J Maitin. F.mj., .1, and James Pcaid, I, and John Farnswoith was declared du ly nominated. Upon tie; convention proceeding to ballot for hehT'triiifr In secret societies, and requesting a candidate for Register and Recorder end Cleik in th il nrj ill, will Decision all inoilnd content t i lc t x j i Hi d, ih. r by r..dm in puii'y lo ihe hlo d .Old li.- .hh lo ihtf bol,' Innlie. kjp- Purchase ef II. II Mister, SoiiLllry nr of l.ti a.eiils, puMihed in another put of this piper. Ciirrrctid n ee.',!' ' Henri 't,xtUrimer, Lowi l-L. "Itiiwell owes its rise cxrlnsive. ly to its muiioluebiries, nnd of Ihese, rhii f.y lo the cotton. Travellers who visit Ibis scene of industry, are filled with auiHzeinent, at the ex tent and order uf the establishments the beau ty of Ihe arranrement, the rptick enerjjy and rffieieiit activity of the population. All i fTT Priincii Ttr Rf-virw. Our readers will those who did so belong to withdraw them selves; and setting- forth ns the (pinion of the Conference fhst it was not mlvisnhle for any minister hereafter to eonneet h'in'!f with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, nr any o. of the Orphans' Couit, it appeared that Edwaid Oyster had IS votes, and he was declared duly nominated. The convention proceeded to ballot for a can didate for Commissioner, when if appeared that Chai les Weaver, had 1 I votes ; Sebastian Ilafipt, A. and Peter Yundling, 1. Charles Weaver was therefore declared duly nominated. The convention proceeded to ballot for a can- find n prospectus of this excellent work in our I thr r secret society. They were hid upon Ihe advertising columns. It has b-eri reduced fiom ' ishle fur future nelion. In South Carolina the five to TuiieK dollars per annum, so thit Episropul Church hs nlso taken up the matter. t tkr.i.cn mla nntt' t-nn ei,1,er r i lirt r.i If ulirt f.r,,.l,l J ... . . .. . . . , . , . i.i . r . "Tttr. Pi.i k Hks's CnirKFS" is the name of """e :r x .easurc, . ,.,- ,., in, ,na. jesse ; .a Simpson had In votes; I raucls Pncher, 2, and Jacob Young, '.. Jesse M Simpson w as there- fnrA ,I....Ui.l ,l,tlu tf,ti,i,,t.t.l ! superior to those that have appeared heretofore, j , ,, . . ,, v . ' 1 11 1 ri-m on t T l y . ifa nn further limn In pir 1.. l. ...1 .. . .. ...... r. I .. ....... .... t . I I he t I lienes Itr.'i. Jnehmm wi shortly nn- . , , ; , , . ,i, Drlesns iiiiIchs the postage is nre-na id to that r, - i i n .,u.l.. 1 city. not afford to give the former price. Its pages will still continue to be embellished with the . a new weekly paper just started at Wilmington, purtr rt ofditniiifiri Democrat, in a style far Delaware. WlinT, . - S.l I! ik, f.0 Cons, 10 l)t rs, U.i I'll II K, ' ' "' Fi.xsmn, . Il'jj Herri-ii, - F.nns. .... Ii lUlsWAX, .... Uft T allow, ... lo Flax -8 11 KC KICK Fl.AX, 10 Dmi S.II APPtKS, fill 1)0. I'SACIIKS, t'0 around are seen conifoi inhle and elegant mm sion-, large churches and other public buildings. ' pear, whiih alone is worth, to every one who , The streets are embellished with stores of every . cherishes and reveres his memory, three time description and ul ailiniiuhle appearance, ex- ' the amount of money, ns it is said to be, by Mr. hihitiii' assortment of lino fhaiulizo, and an ', Yan Puren and others, the very best likeness of i itlcnliou to Iheir display, v hic.ll reiiiind you of i Ihe ohl hero that has yet appeared. We would what, in this respect, is most striking iu the say to alt, and particularly to Democrats who feel finest street of Um-tun, New York and Phils- an interest in Ihe advancement of the principles del phi. This accumulation of wealth those I of the democratic party, to subscribe lor it. Isre structures this city of ISO, Will inhabitants, are the fruits of uboui 20 years successful appli cation of capital nd industry to cotton and other manufactures ; for where Lowell now stands, little more than -0 years ago, there wss not a house it tenant ol any descripliun whatever." - Thk CfcLEBRATtn Pa. Rish makes the fol lowing comparison : l,TLe elTecU of wine, like those of tyiauiiy in a well formed government, are fust felt in ihe extremities ; while spirits, like a bold iuvader, seize at once upon the vital of the constitution.' K!7 Thk Seves; Stars. A ui of the peculi ar democratic papers, and we are pleased that they are only few, have the hardihood to say that the seven stars in the letter of Gen. Jackson to Major Lewis, were intended for Gen. Came ron. It is well known that Gen. Cameron is not the man, but that it is more probably Mr. Rit chie, who displaced Rlair fi Hives, the warm friends of Gen. Jackson, as the publishers of the official paper at Washington. C7 A large Temperance Convention va held at .New Uerlin, en Friday the 10th ult. Nearly 20,000 persons visited the Great Prit ain at New York. Receipts over 0,(l(ill. Upwards ot fifteen hundred emigrants arri ved at New York from Europe uu Friday, the i!9th inst. There is a gentleman in thi city who has ta ken out a patent for petrifying dead bodies, or al most any other substance ol a similar nature. The body, after some preparation is immersed in a li quid that in the short spare of fourteen days will render it as solid as a block of marble. The cost i but trifling compared with the lasting benefit rendered to those who may wish to preserve and look upon departed friends. He informs us that a bouquet of fresh flowers immersed in the liquid will, in a few days, be as solid and durable as though they were tut out. of matble. Troy Hud-gel. Peter liixlcr was nominated ou the 3d ballot for Auditor. j On motion, it was unanimously Resolved, that ' II, B. Masser be tha Uepiesentutive delegate and Jesse C. Horton the Senatorial delegate, to re present this county and Senatorial district iu the i convention to be held at llarrishurg, for the pur pose of nominating Canal Commissioner, and ' that they be instructed Id support Henry C. F.y er, for that office. On motion, it was Resolved, That lierealter the township of Delaware be entitled to elect three delegates. On motion, it was Resolved, That the lion. John Montgomery, Abraham Shipman, F-sqrs., Gen. R. II. Hammond, Martin Drmnheller and C . Ilegins, Esq , be a committee to report to the next county convention upon the subject of a new apportionment of the delegates. On motion, Resolved, That the Standing Com mittee of last year be continued r-rr''T Tt tT''''T',1T, I we no man nnvtliin"'." Y. R. Mil I'll. Munl'tirv.Xepi. C'h. 115 1 i 71 -a u A A VU.UAM.F. HOUSR AND PUUI KNANCK8, in ihe m.-t eluil.' luxoon in Honliury for s private residence, o. leg town and country, ami the un..li rue e of insitiieticenl cenery. luimeditte posses he given. Apply to it owner, V. K. SMITH, or LKWIS DKWAI Heplember 6lh, IS15 3t lXale of Julin Iluiiliatvout, tlr. OTK'B is hrrehy given, thai letter of adinm- Islrmion on said rsiaie hie lieeu gran'ed lo sidntciilicr, Pfis hk l.sving demands against the estate, si irqured lo pittsiiul lliem for elimi nation and settlement, and iIiom- knowing ihrm selvrs indebted r lequested lo make pavmeni. im med.siely. f'UTEU HAGHAWOP'T. Kush Uhp, Aug. at), 1315. 6i AJin'r. in st