KftTAIIMSIIISU A COM, ICC riOIV. JTherein Animal Mngmft'sm is reduced to Vul gar Comprehension. You're travelling on a steamboat, lay ; A walking here ami there ; You'll, ninybe, meet a pretty face A certain witching air ; You'll see it once or twice, anil then You'll say, 'she'a very pretty !' And then, perhaps, you'll walk awny, Ami, maybe, hum a ditty. Well, then, perhaps, at dinner time, A glance or two may wander Towards the table's upper end, Where she's a sitting, yonder ; You'll find a something 'bout her mouth, And the way she lifts her fork, And cuts her meat, and moves her jaw, And her other table work ' Yon meet her then, upon the "guard," Where with her friend, she's walking, Her arm 'round her companion's waist, As girls do when they're talking ; You note the sweetest k ind of foot That nameless girlish grace And that bright smile, which makes you glow To see on a girl's face. Well, this goeson, f)erlwps two days, You keep a walking 'round, And find yourself when near her, Very silent and profound ; At last Lord 1 what a thing it is '. It runs you thr' and thro' Yon raise your eyes, and catch her gi.riec A side glauee and at you J Of course she drops her eyes at once, And looks ii pon the floor And vou may watch lie- by the hour But wont catch Imr any more; Ye, somehow, she don't iove away. In which a comfort lies ; And tho' you caunot see 'em, ytt, You kind A feel her eyes Wcl', then, perhaps, one of the doors Is liuc-d with looking-glass, In which, perhaps, you see her fact As loungingly, you pass ; You take a peep, yon walk away, And then walk back again Then sit and look, as tho' her face You'd draw rightcut the pane 1 You're trying all the time to look As unconcerned as ever You run your fingers thro' your hair, Perhaps to hum endeavor ; Tut still you're peeping at her face, Ami time don't pass so dull ; When, suddenly, in peeping, whew f You meet her eyes right full .' Oh gracious J where' your breath? you're gone " You feel yourself a blushing, And wonder why so old a hand Should feel his blood a rushing; 1'ut still you sit, and so does she, And at once, without instructor. You find a pane of looking-glass A vary good conductor ! Well, so it goes ; next morning p'r'aps Vou bow to hei at breakfast, And then you liddlo with your fork, "Stead of swallowing your steak fast. Well, the lias no great appetite, And what she eats she minces, And sits uneasy on her chair, As if worried with the chintzes .' Perhaps you venture, on the 'guard,' To say sou-'eibing 'bout "the mortiing." And she says "yes sir," with a snide And blush her cheek adorning1! And then you can't say any more Atid bhe can't look up either And you almost want to get away, And you don't want to .neither ! We'.1'- now you're wibetate fir more Decisive" operation ; Doubt not the process, but at once r.evay ''iiianipulaiiC.n !" Just touch her fingeis if she stands And don't lift up her head, The thing is out, a Crocket says, 'You're right then go ahead '" St. Louis Htreille. Jii"nu:ii anu Mi:i.ANcrno. On a curia in nccisinu Luther (jave u bcauliful tribute to Me laiicthon. '1,' naid be, 'am born to tie a rouph coutrovertist ; 1 ch'ar the orotind, pull up tin; weeds; fi I up the ditches, and fcnootli th rnailH H it to build, t i ssiw, to water, to adorn the C iiintry, li-luiiost fcy t,e j.ace id Gik), to Mo lnetlioii. I would nn!,' said I.e. conversinrr with Me- lunclhon, 'lake the wealth (if tho whole world, tobetrinilm work airainst the 1'npe ; and, wln-n I think on I Inn who railed me to do it, I would mil tor the wealth of tlm world not huve begun it.' W'hrn Melancthnn arose to preach on some (iccnunn, he lis.k his text : 'I am the good t-lioplieril.' On Inokinn; round Uhiii Ins nu inerniiB ami re-pccluh!c audiencr, his nuiural Ii nudity entirely overcame him, and he could on ly repeal the text over and over agutn. Luther, who was in the desk with him, at k'tiolli impa tiently exclaimed, 'You are a very jjikkI fcliet p;' and telling him to sit down, took the t-aine text and preached an excellent termon from it. The Host on Mail newspaper, speaks ol some tobacco, winch, if a hint smoke nr chew, he will foroet that he owes a dollar in the world.' The editor ot the Naahau Telegraph in apprehensive that Mime of liie aubscribcra will Uk a 'chew' Ol llmt kind of tobacco. II A X U O T 1 LIST, PrASll.VAli. The f illiiwing list shows the current value of nil Vnnsylvaiiia Bank Notes. The most implicit re. linneermv he phicrJ upon it, as it is every week arefully compared with ai d corrccleJ liom IJick mil's Reporter. Hit it Un In Philadelphia. Disc, m INtMf!. i.im a nn. N O T K S A T P A R. Bank of N'nt'h Amciiea . Bank of the .Northern Liberties , fnmmcrein Bank of IVnn'a. . Farmers' and Mechanics' Bunk Kensington M it'k , . I'll 1 1. tu. psr par par ! 1'" ; par j J ar I par j par , par , r ..r par , Philadelphia Bank . . Schuylkill Bank Soolhwaik Bank . . Western Bank ! Mechanics' Hunk j Manufacturers' V Mechanics' P ink Country Itniil.n. ! flunk of 'Tester County j Hunk of Delaware ('niinty j H ink if (Vroniitown I Rank of Montgomery Co. D.'Vlesloun Link j F.sston Dank Farmer-.' Hank of Rucks CO. j nir e ,f n nk of IVnn'a. I Office do do 1 1 tlirc do do I Oilice d i do Westchester Chester (criiinutnwii N orris own Dny hstown nnston par par par par pur par pur The-p offices In not Bristol Harrishurg" Lancaster Ke tiling Ealnn J issue n. 1 N O T EN AT n i sco ii iv t. i "irk of the I'nited States ; flank of I'fiui Township j Heard Il.i.-k" Moy ami using H itik 1 Bank of I'eiinsylvst.ia Philidclphia Cla.'i par pnr pnr , M i l ! Miners' Hank of Pntlsviilc Hank of Lewi-town Hunk i if Middlelown U.mk of Northumberland Potmvillo LcwMown Middle ow n N rlhnmlii'ilaml par I'liluniiis Bank & Bridge co. 'nlunibis I" I 1 1 par p.r par I V" i i i Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Hank" Pittsburg D.i d i branch of llollid i slung Farmers' Hank of Laneaslei Lnncistel Lancaster 4 'nunly Bank Lancaster Farmers' Bank ot Reading Reading llmrishurg llui.?. Ilnrri-luirg l.ancas'er Hani. Lancaster l.ehainiii Hank I,iliannn Mi k lian's' S: Manuf. liitnk riiUl'U'K H ink of Piltshuri; I i 1 1 -.' .u i j Wist HiBruh U .nk tiliamsport i yimiinc liatik Yt iikesliann I nrth aiiiploii H ink Alleninwn Herlis ('uiiiitv Hank iwailing Office of Hank of V. H. Pitisl.urg fade Do do do I", lie Do ib do IVert llne.htull tin i Kensinc'on Sav. Ins. A i'o IVnn 'l'invn!iii Shv, Ins. , do H.ink ol Chauilierstmrg t'lianiltersliuig I Hank ot (leltysluirg (!i ttysl'Uig I Hank of Sii-(iiehoiina Co. Mi.ntiose KneHnk Lint S I Fanner' & Drovers" Hark V ayneslmrg -Fiankliu H.ink Wnshincton I I Huuesil.ile Hnk Houesd.ilH I.J I Miii.oim alicli Bank of U. IlroAimville Ii ; Yoik Hank Yoik I j JV. H. 'I ho notes of those hunks on which we I mm quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are nut j purchased by the Philadi Iphia tirokers, w iih the I exception ul those, whiihhave a leiter ol r lennce. U It O K E li A N K S. i PliilaeU'lphia Sav. Ins. Philadclphii Loan Co. 1 rtchuvlkill Sv. Ins. ! Manual Lalmr Hank ( I Phila.lelhia failed do failed do failed W Dynll, prop.) failed Tnwmidu - Heillord no sale Iteuver closed ILiirishurg ilnse.l Wuhington failed If t'lli fniile chised Pil!.-I Ul H no Mi!e j I nwanila Hank i Alleghany Hank of Pa. i Hank of Denver j Hank ot fSwatura . Bank of Wellington j Centre Hank I City Hank raruiers (V Medics Hank Farmers' S; Mech'cii' D:uik FarnierH' tV .Meeli'es' Hank I i H i uiuii v Jji-Mlule lluiilingdui; Hank Juniata Hank Lumtierineii's Itnk Voilliern Hank of I'a. New Hope Dd. llii.lgfi Co. Norihuuih'd I'l.inu Col. l!k. Ninth Wesicin Hank nf Pa. Office ol .-Si lnulkill Hank I'a. Aur. A. Man.if. Ijjnk Si ! vi-i Lake I!ai k L'ninii Hark nf IVnn'a. estnioiclauil Iiauk Wllkesharre Hildge Co. Pittsburg failed FllVl tle CO, falll'il I irei-iieasl e failnl H.iruioiiy no sale lloiitiiigilon no sale LeniMo.Mi no sale Warien lulled Diiuilall' no f ili New llnpe close. ' M ilton no sale Meadvilh' clnsrd Pnrt i 'mlinn Carlisle failed Molilr.se closed I'lliiilllnwn failed ( irecushuri; rinsed ilktsliarie mi sale rjj- All iioU's purporting to he on any IYnnvl vania lijiik tint given us the above lit, may be set Juwu as fiatnls. iwkw jr.itsr.v. Bank of N ew Uiunswick lirunsw iek llelviilete Dank lielvnleie BurliiiKlou Co. Hank M.i'f u-J Jommeicial Hank Perth Amlmy Juiiiherlaiid Hank Urtd!elnn Farmers Hunk Mount Holly raruiers' and Mechanics' Ilk Rahway "aimers' and Mechanics' Hk N. HiuiiHwirk failed i par i par par A fail f'aniier' nnd Mi n hiiiii.' l!k Midilleinwn Pi. i franklin Hank of N.J. Jer-ey City i in , . , ii.i'i failed tailed tailed lioi.iiKen ur.g.a. urazing wo ,.'oii.'Keii Jersey City H ink Jeiej'Ciiy Mi el, anus' Hank Piitiers u, M Jllllf il lur. r" Hank Delleviilu Morris Ciiiiniy Hank Moirisioivn failed billed I falle;i i pal MoDinoulh Ilk of N.J. 1 leehold Mia-hanica Hank Newark M ech allien' and Mmruf. Ilk Trenlon Morris ('anal and likg Co Jeifcey City Po-i N'oies lio sale Newaik Ukg Si Ins Cm Ncwaik New Hope Del llridge Co Laiiiherlsiille N. J. MauufdC. and likg Co llolmkeii i 4 failed billed N J I'loieelon & Louibald bk Jersey Ci'y Orange Hank I'alrrsoii II ark Orange I'aieisirn failed 1 par par Peoples' Hank do I'riucetim Salem Newark Lhnl.eihiown t 'uiudeii Monistown Trillion Sshui New ion Tiei.iou Dover Hwkeiissck i I'liuertou Dank Salem Hanking Co Slate U ink Slate Hank Siste Hank Suie Hank of Morn. Stutfl liii.k .ilem and Philad Manuf Co Suse Hank Trenlon liai.king Co I'm n Hark Wattling!!!!' Hanking Co. i i par 1 hailed tailed i par failed nixtu iiti. Hk of Wilm & II i a ml j wine Wilmington Hank of Delnware Wilmington Uunk nl Siryrna Suiyma Do blanch Mdlord Farmeis' lik of Stale nf Del Dover Dd branch Wilmington Do bianeh (leoigetown Do branch Newcastle Tniun Hank Wilmington (TV Ciidci ft's par psr ar par par par p.r par par rjy Ou all banks maikcd thus () there are t is tlier counlerfi il or altered note of the various ils uuutinaiioiis, in ciiculation, WISTAK'S itii ini ov lrn.t) c:m:nn', A t'nmpnmul Tlnlsnmle Prrflnu from Willi riirri-)- Ilnrk unit Tur, 77e Iwt remedy hiwtm Itt the world fur the rare of coiiu.'i, ealdn, a'thma, ermip. Iil'-rding f tin lungs, whntiplnq cnuidi. Iinmcliitli, m flif emtt. tlinrtnei.1 nfhrenth, pain and tcenkntm in the breast or side, liver enmfilaitif, find the first Kfaneit rf coxsmii'Tiox. We will net SFserttt-at this H A l,N M wilt cure Constiriipihin hi 1st worst firm, hnt.it has cnreJ I iu miv alief nil nilv r nnvins nf t'liif ta I been tried i in vain. Arid whv not I It seems thai the WII.D j CHI'.nKY was ilestined by IVatilie to be our PA- ! NAt'liA fur the r v n it i nu iliseiie of tMs c Id l.i j titiide, I.et net the ib pniri"tr Invsliil wns'e his j 111 liey and I nun TIME, to him s nil iinpnr'nnt. ill f.r.Vri menling w:th the tmshy nostrums nf I' e ' d iv, luit me nt unrr a medicine (list will em. tf i lire he p s ililn n iie dici ie that seience app'oves. i and ninnv year of riperlenco hive demonstrated that H nfwdts n lievrs. c "'I'hrre is tin ffrh thing as flit" in tie Irstory ; of tins wotiderlnl H l.SM. Eviilenee the inM . eorivineiiig ee lei e that no n'ie rii lbltlr. fully ' rstnbli lies t'vs fact. For the s ike ot brevity we J pe'eet ihe f . I nwinjj ffi-irn thons inds. Isaac I'lvt, Eip, Editor of the Pnkcpi E icle. i one nf le ni st iufluenlisl j iilruaN in t'e s'a'e of i New Yoik, st it s iirulei the imt'mritv of his ow n name, th it a young 'ndv, a ri I iti' e nf i , of veiv . delicate C 'iilt uliim. win attacked in Fe'i. lli wiih fevere. enld wh'uh i'liniecli.itily produced fpit ' tin j f lilood, eom;h. fi i r, ni'd mher ilstipcrniis ami al.irmi u symptoms. Thri litb me lical tieitii'eii1 mid cue she pi tial'v ri c vetnl ibninc summer. ; Hut on ihe ri ium rf winter she was ntt trk' il mme ' i lenilv II nil nl li st, she liicam'' seareily nh'e In , wa'k nd s" 1'nul'led w't'i couch, chid and fever cveiv day, and sppened to he foiug rapnlly wiih ! i riiiKiiinp I 'll ; nl this lime, when tlieie t as n i si(Jii i i.t improvement. Mr. I'laM pri cured a bn'tle i f Sll's Hl.lM 111 W il li ( lltllllT. Wl.il ll sll tnnk. and il s-eniiiitfly icl"lcil her. Mie g l a se- t Cnlid, and Infoie it half takf 11 she a re-t..ie.l to pi r fret lualth, w hich she has elij iyed In the pie- I sent tune, wiihuut the ulighli ri syinplnin other f.r- ; nier ili-e se. I Mr P nn nv "ihe ci re e one un.h r mv n nl 1 -eiviition o (nl I c iein l lie mist .ken us ! li e fai ls." i EXTRACT (' A I .I'.TTEIl F II OM A 'OST MAST-: It. DA 'l lil) Pr.M n 'i' K r, WHsh'iiaiim en., Maine, Apr. 30. 111. MIL IS A C III TTS. Dear S,r : A the re quet nl m -mv nf mv friernU in litis place slid viei. l it V tin re nflliete.1 wiih (onsu eption an I liver eoir.p'ain's, I lake Ihe III er v nf nskrrg yen in np. I avnl smne m e in this coiin'v as njcnl in e'l Wis- T 11 V I S S n r a I I 11 t II F II II T . Il'l I ! senil 111. ii a lew il 7111. ss there is nine nl it fi r sale watt in 201) miles frnm tins I have n.i ilnulit that il w.'nM ire. I .lb a realty sab" if il were where il cnu'd le pioemcil willimil Ion much per.se srd ileUv. My wife was atiarkcJ aIhuiI mi hi nih since with what the physicians iiHeil Ihe fir-l s'u of ii iimptioii .1 complaint v p-rvslerl in llos c.inn nf eniinlry. Hating teen the LUissiu d vi rt si il in Anutisln. err- aoo miles prom iinnc, jrz I Ink the ains In send there for a Imille nf it, w hii h she lonk. and liich helped her s.i milch that I sent fn lo hot bs nvrr, whnh she ha s'so la ken, and lie nnw ssvs s'le has not felt so weP fir six veais as she dues nl this litre. All ihes who hnve ir.qui'i il of me and as-prtnined what elfei t the llalsiiiu Ii nl, are h ii x i ms lo hive .nine fir a'e in lhs vicini'v, wliii Ii is the cau-e nf mv writii r ynil Piea-e ii.lnrm me ly ulu n nf in 'i! whether you j iiiiulu.'.e t'i send some, and ifsn e, whnm, in erdir ' 'dial il mar l e knnwn where it inn he I. ad. j 1 am with re-prct vours, etc. I p. c. PAr.Nswoirni. p. m. I The wb le pniiiiiry is fist lenrrii ( thai r o ineili- I cine no phvMi .au no picparxtinn nf any kind i wh.itivir eauin'ial L'h. Wistah'k Utins nr ! WlLll ClIl.HIIT. a TiiM-i n'oxii:nr s. ( i r j W a ti uvn l.r, Onctila en.. N, Y. Sept IS, IS-i:5. l'eai Sir I i we il in the nfilieiid in inform y u j that ill January 1 i-t I wn ana. ked by a veiy mo- j lent cold, cans ,1 by wo kl g in ihe w.i'cr. wl iih .., i , ' . ti settii ii nn nv mugs. it vns n-ennp mi' o nv a vie 'ry severe pain ill mv bn asl niul si.li s, and tils i a i ilis'ies-mg c ugh. I had in n'tendancp ml the 1 1st j mii'ic d a;d in i ur villige; but afier culnusiing nil j their ski I o no avail, liny prnuniimp I my di e i-ea : cm i ii mi ii riii-i -v.prioK, an I liny ore and all gave me up to die. After inm h pir.su .sinn I got j 'Im lou'ciit nl my phvsieian to use the nlsM ri Wilh CiuiiiiT pr parid by Da Wisrn. I pnr chasi d nf the Agent in nur pi ice nne Imllte, before using half rf which I began tog tin slrepg'h, and it w a very eviilenl my cough whs much better and ny symptoms in every v-ay impr limr. I have j now Usui three hollies, and am rrstortd lo pcrftct I hrnllfi. This remit is id ne ow ing to the use rf ! DU WISTAU'S II A L1 AM OF WILD CIIERs RY ; and I lake this llicltmd nf g virg you the in : form it ion. pnnly lo pay you the debt nf griiilude : I owe ynti, and partly that nlbi rs si'rraily alilicled i may kii 'W where to apply lor iclief. i Vny Irulv voi.is, JAMES KAf!E. I M a. I't l-M i ll Druggist, tail J I dale ul Wall mile, ; (si:l, wnlis; 1 J'he slat n.enl pivi n yi U by Mr. .1 unra Sugi" is I will known lo be nue by this whole eommuml'i Ii ci rt i I v was a inn remnka le ci re. The rule i f the IIuI-hiii is terv pood, and i' success in cuies i ,j j iiu y lla;ltring. Ynuis r. sp- clfu'lv. D. D. PALMER. I TIIK lOST UKM AHKAIU.K , t i iiK i-:vr.n i5K( )i.i)i:i). j i llAiuiiirin n. N. .1 . Apiil 20, 181-1. j 1 tin or about the 13th env nf Oelobcr, IH1I, I was ', i taken wi'h a vinlerl p un in the side rear the liver, 1 ' which i nli'inned lor a'u.ul five d,.ys, nnd was fol. j Inwrd by the breaking of an u'ci r. or ,il f , in , waidly, which relieved ihe pain a little, but enn-ed j ' me o throw up a great qniniilv of ofleusive uiaiter J j nnd also much blood. Heing grea'lv alaiimdali ibis, I applied lo a physician, but he fid he thoUg' I , i he coutd do bill Ii lb- for ire cueepi e ie ill ' S 'lne Mtrrury I'dls, wh'di I lefused to lake, fieling aiislied thai ihey could do me no good ; many n ; ilui r. nrdiev weie then procuied by my w ife nnd , f. lends, but aione did mu any good ai d the i'is, ( charge nl blond snd cmiupii m st ill c rl rui d i v. rv i I. w ilsy s, and at list I ecome so rll'.i.si ve th .1 I i c n il scarcely bnaibe 1 w s also sraed with a vi. i nleiil cough, which at times c iusid mo lo rsise muih mote liliMid ihsn I had done before and my j disease continued in this w ay. Hill growing worse, I until Fibrusry, whi n all hope nf mv ice. veiy was given up, and my fi tends all thought I would die ul ( iLni'i u CumsiMr i ms. At ibis moment, when my hie ws tpparen Iv drawing near its close, I he.r.l of DR. W is I'A R'S HALS A M O F WILD CUELKY, and got a hotile. which nf. Litvin ismiiiiTHi ; and by ihe Use of only three b illies of this med cine, all my puns weie removed my cough and spuing of blood ami cor ruption entirely stopped, and in a few weeks my henbh was so far reatmed as lo enable me to work al niy trade, (which is a c.irpcnli r,) and up lo this Utile 1 have enjoyed gotsj health. THOMAS COZENS, (imi cisTia (jnTi, N. J , ss. I't rsviislly came before ine, the tuhscrilcr, one of Ihe lustices nf the Pence In and for the ssiil coun ty, Tliomss Cozens, and tiring duly affirmsd c coi.l nir, in law, siiih the above statement is in all thinus true. Affirmed before me, on the 20th nf April, 1813. 5 .1 Clumsst. J P. S Such is the unprecedented success of this HAL SAM, "N.tTrRE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION,' a prescription cmjeni,! o oar wants, as ills pie. pnrcd Irmn rhemicnl rxliaets from fubt inces which the author of ni'ure has placed in mu own lind fur wise I'lHpi-i-). thtt manv who kn,.w nolliina of the moi'a nf i's i.repar oi m are cmlemnf inn in I reap pecuniary lieinTi s liy se!in. an ailicle similar j in name, rr in iipppar ince. nr by repreentina Iheir j own Irnih as surerinr to thinllAl.SAM, or by put lit. ; tinit up a rivxtnie and s ib'iniily assevernting that it is imp.irte l Ir un a fireimi country, which is not Ihe case. All these ilecepl've arts to l.i slmw thai M'l-Tin'i llu.ni i known to Ihe wnrld to he "7; nun at nEui:n'r ami iht to ft-ii any niitture it must lia li,c this in mime, r pur' pnrt lo he lil.e it in su' stai ce. CTj' He'.ieve not the ciiiiiiiiiirly wrnnchl fuluics. ti ms in I Inke nn'y the original and genuine Wis t ll's 111 I.SAM IIF Willi CllHIBt. imo otjieh CAtr es x,iiis xt. Aihlress nil or.lrrs to ISAAC UL' ITS, .No. 3'i Ann M New Y'"k. Agents, JOHN V. FIULINC. Sunlairi, 1). llKUII'KSAM. Xirthumhcland, J. K. MtlYF.K. H!t.nmhn,s. J. WAUtJONSI'LLLIJ. .v, ,i.,.r,Vmr, II SOWN - CiiEASSY, MjjlmviUe. Fel.. 2Sd, 1815 ly rii' ! Y noi.T.AUS IIF.M'AKI) .' CANTR.SI,TVS C'clcbraleil ramily .llcditiitf; i W.T7I'''' no1 ruro 'verv thiiiff. but slid riniiin , j V Ulu iuilhd in thrir srvcr.il departments hy ! j i very thing ever offered to the pnhtic. who have , 1 Voluntary imiup f irwar.l snd nlli rcd numer.ius and hic'.ily rtspectahle les.ini mials i f their tuperior I llie n v. Cunt, (Its Compound Mctlinitrd Sintp of Sin sopnr iia i or, Aiili-rscnrluilic !yiup, nr lln- ct.re nl Scoilula, Chronic liheii.n ilisin, t'hiouic Swel lings of the Joint, Eruptions nf ihe Skin, and all Disra-es aii"ini! fmro the hIh se nf Meri u-v, ,Ve., iirsnrinssed l.y any Ihiin; in the m.ikel, cmuhi. nii.g all the virtues re-iih nl in the Sar-np tri.la l with a modern mi ilieami ut, nnlv lately brnuglil inn liy ihe most tcspeclahle medical aulhuriln s, Piiee, 50 cents r l tile. ('niilieH's . iiili-Dippevlit P'.nvAr, f.r the re lief and cr limn, i,l cure nl that in. si liisticssins complaint, Dy- pepsia, in all I forms and a'age.-. It is I r nl v n nios: u!n .hie rciuidy. JS.il.i in lollies ai ".i mil St) cuts each. ; Cinlrrlt'i .Igur Mixture nnd Tom'e Mutim mriita, 'land- gt the hea l nf the li-t ni.r.iaMi il ly ny, or nil ihe inniiineral'Ie mribcin s in u-r rhr. -iiglmui the bngth snd hreadh nf I lie lard, for ihe cure of Yt III mid i:l i: ill oil its stages, Slid fri.ni hII its couseipiececs, I'esi. tents in Fever and Ague districts should nrver I v w i'hniil ii. I The suhsciiler iM fnrfril EIFTY DOLLAR.1 where his medicine lads la peiforiu a cure ill the most nhstinaic cn-e. Id Who es ,le and Retail bv CALEfl CRES. M)., st I i- Druj Wareliou-e, .N'o. K Noiih Third Ireel, Philsdelphin ; also, hv li e r.culirlv ap pninlrd sceiH. SETII W. Kl) 11 1". K TS, boh a.e DrilCBist, No. SI Water Streil. Mnb-le. Prrpnrerl nrl hv l e Siper hi r, corner nf C IL PEN TEH and rKC'OMi Sir.eif, helow I'lnisti. an. Pliiladelpl.ia, where it is also retai'e.l. O'.. serve, none ie genuine wiihnnt il e sitrranire . f JOHN A. CAVriiELL. ! CnnlrrirN 4puo rlnr, or Tonic j .tltillritiiiriita, I Tor t'iS cure f oil H.lous i.JJfirfinns, ifloken or j ror'linz lo dmrt'nns. It is a neei hiilng reiueilv which no fii'n;'y I niiglp I he wiihoul, cspei-i.d'y in low ln..lsl y j Ci ir lr:c. As ibis medicine is j ut up under the p npri -tor's immediate inspection nn the most scien'ife principles, beni Purily Vigetab'e, and having tried its rll'icaey nn ihmi'nn.l, for upwards nf 'i yi ars, and lo his knowleHce when mken siriellr ac cor ling lo i!i-eciinn., ihrrr hn not hi en i ne la lure. i i -lllll such circum-lnnrrs I recommend il In ihe puldit-, adding a ceriifuali in support of my asser- H"0. I. John Hums, .bi ceilifv that 1 was in the ship 'l,iti..c.-o 1'b.rl of rinl.ideli hi-i. Cr.pl. Reid. in June, l-i7, b..rnl In 1 iv-rponl , lei the fever and ngne nnd lad in Lin rjo I r ire I in.' en.hr the doctol's t inn's, r c', f om I' ere I i Pa'l m re, lay in the Infirmary for four ur five wifks fiom thence tn Phihrh dpt. is ; wassu in. nt' s under Dr. Coats; finmlhtrice lo New Y rk wint to the Hospital, icuwmd ilnre aheut fmr weeks williorl any iclnd tiled every llrng without tin benelit, lor five yesis. Hearing of t'ai.tre.l's Ague Miy tuie fiom a fi erd, I went lo bis slnre. told him h w I was aflbcteil, and got a bnllh-rl his muUiic and used il aiciriling In ilir' i t.nr.s. It made a per fect me, at d I have li, I hn.l Ihe lenst n tuin sil ee, I do with coiifnh nce rctouiiiieml i In ihe pel. lie. JOHN lil'RNS. ll(llrari Syrup ol'Sarsttpat Ilia. Phdi.b Ipl.ia, April llllli, 1S11. Mr. Join A.Ciyimii, Dear Sir, Having be. n alHie'eil for upwards nf Iwo years with ulceiapon of the throat, ile-lrojj: g ihe whole nf die iifl palate, then through the in. per j part i f mv mouth iiitn my nose, from which scler al i icces of hoi e came nut, wh'cli pariial y dettioy. id mv sperch, through a kind Prov idem e and your Med .rated Syrup nl Sais ,p nid i, I am now ie-lon d lo peif. cl liolili.ard my sight, winch Was so much impair, d, is as strong as w In n a boy. I ihoiight tt a duty I owed in you and those simi larly Bleed, d, I. make it public. Ynuis, R. pcc:ful!v, SAMI'EL KIRK, Cnrrrr rf Terlh and d ales Slteils. I, flahril Jon-ton, No. 6 Re.-kh s Street, do cei If, thai ill y wife, Jane, was afllicud for Iwo years with Kheiilni'isiii. ainl ul It I nil.lety di-a' led, su Ihat she was obliged to be confined to hi il , I ei'- ing if Cant'ell's Meiicuted Symp ,.l ipnrilla. er Auti Scnibu'ic. Syiup, I pr null' I fmr In, lib which completely rem. md ..II her paili and Hi li nes, from her I. nibs; two or re hollies made a per feel cure. SI e is now able lo a'letid m her house hold dntiis as usii.l. ( MiliJL JONSI ON. 1'liilu.h Iphia, Jan. 2'M. 1814. (JJj De-eripiive I'ainphlels may be bad of Ihe agents, ((iiatis.) J. W. FRILl.NO, Sunhury, Nov. 9, 1PM. ly .igent. "a "n in Yi x aV imTca" i, WHOLESALE & nETAIL hat CM- MALTcTUHl:sl South 1'ust corner of Market and 4th its., rtillalrli.lila, Vlf HERE they always keep on hand an rxten- sivu j.soHmi nl of IIA TD ii CA I'S of every description, got up in the best and most approved sly le. Prisons derimus of purchasing supeiior arii chs on theiito?.! itateiiahlu terms, will find il lo iheir advantage In call before making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. full, Hit. ly OAKIiEY'S nnriHATivc svnrr. ffHE iiluiih'e properties of Oakley's Deptira. I live Syrup nf Hursaparilla, as a purifier nf the hlnod, b so well knoantn the public gem-rally, that it is unrcrcss iry to occupy much space in set ting fori h the advantages to he ilerivcj from its use; wherever the medicine has once licen intro duced, it lakes prrceilenre over all others: eteiy ore that bus taken it, have ili riveil so siunal bene, fieial results from il, thai it is lecommenilod I V them with the u mnst cmifidetice. I'bysiciaiis of, Ihe IPKhcst slan linc in tho prnfesinn, presenile il to pa'icuti under their care i cuilaiuing rmliinu deb Icrimjs, luit In ma compnsed ol Ihe m ist mild, jet i llicacious vegetali'c materials, it is offi rci (T-rcd wiih ' ciiiifidenee, as the chespesl and mo-t ellieirnt pit. rifier nf the hlnnj nnw known. The use of few hollies, especially in Ihe spring. mouths, will he ul- , teiiib d w iih s most decided improvement in the go. ncral slrength ofthe system, rridica'ing any feeds nf disea-e Ihat mny have been geuernted. besides giving health and vigor lo the body. For the cure nf Si rnful i or Kincs E'il, Rheumatism, Teller, 1 Pimples or eiuptinns of the fckin, While Kwidlinff, . Fistula, I'hroliir Cuugh Aslh.Tii, Sic. 'I he mi- i memos cenifien'es in the potsesinn of the suffer! her and his auetits, fmrn physicians mid nihers, tire siillicirut lo lonvinco the inosl skeptical nf i:s su periority nver all preparations ol 8 iisapurilhi. Sdd wbrilcnle and retail, Ly ihe proprietrr, (U.OIUJE . OAKLEY, North filh stre.l, l.'ea ilina, lb'iks Comity, and to he lm,l of the fnllowing pel soi h : In XiuthHiiiberfttnd ( 'omity.- II. P. Mas?, Siiuhiiry j belaud fc .Msxcl, MeEivens.ilte ; L) Krau-H r. Milt,.n. In I'm'im County. .1. Ciarharl, St-liuigrove: A (illtelius. Mlflllllhurn. Columbia, Cvunty. IL W. McCay, Wash inglnn. R.adinK.Mnrrh Id. Il:t. Ma. OtKirr: 1 believe il Ihe uly nf every one lo do whatever in their power I ie-., for Ihe h in-, fit of llieir d llnw man, nnd baviiic had po-i ivc pio il in rnv own family, of Ihe w.'ii.ti ilul properties nf your Di pnraiiie Syrup of Sa'sap irilhi, I m st conscicutiiiuslv recommend il lo the. atlhcled. Wi had Ihe misfortune to lose iwo nf nor children, in the lirenUins nut ol ulcerous sores Ihst covered ihe face, head and I eik, although we bad some n( tin most M-iciilillf physieiun to atlerd ih in and ba.1 tried all Ihe know n leniedies, iriclii.linii Sw-sim's Panacea, willimil avail. Another of my children was attacked in the same manner, her face ui.d neck was completely covered; the d sch.iige was so ntleusive, ami the disease nl such a he not. that we despaired nl her life. Seeing the wonderful elli els flour LepLr.uive Syiup ol S osapari.l j, we w ere induced tu make tiisl of it, as Ihe latl ru. rt J il acted like a chimn ; the ulcers commenced healirp immediately, a fi w hollies enliiely re. ton d h r In ).r he dih, which she has enjoyed un:iileriU,led,v ever sin e As a plliilier ol ihe L'ooil, I vi rilv be lli vo il has not its eiuul. Jtill.N MOYEK. T-ilor. W'nliiiit street, near Pouilu, Reading. I Donplissville, April l!llh. 1?H. Ma. Omr.i : My mm l'ntniuml L-f. had Ihe fctiilnU in the most dieadlul and diliessmg inan r.er for llir.e years, dn ing which lime he w s d. I priird uf ihe use of bis limh, his lie.nl and neck i weie covered wiih ulcers. We Iri-d all ihe ihll'ir - rut remedies, hut lo no i ll'ert, until reroiniiierd. il l y Dr. Johnson nf Nnrtistnwn. and ssi Dr. Isaac ! Hicslei, of Rcailirg. hi Use your Depurauve Symp nl Horsn ju.r lll, nf w inch I ohlailieil sevcial hollUs. ; , the use of which ibove the li-ea-e eniin Iv out of 1 bis system, the soih heiled up, and the chil l was 1 . resiornl to prrlecl health, which he hss ciijoved I uiiiiiiemii ledly ever since, lo the a-l'inshnieni of; manv peisoiis who seen I im iltniog his lllu-lion. ', I have lhoui!it il mv do y, and send you llnsreili- , ,' ficatv lint nll.cis who have a like atllicliori in the - fsmily imiy know where lo ohUm sa valuahle a ' meili. iue. Yours trull. j AM ELI A D. LEAF, i Si pi. Hi. lSLl ly To I'ottnlry .TStrc haul. ijuots, Sljn'js, finimrti, I .clnuii ami j r.iitu I . f Hals.' C. V. yV 1.. . TAYI.OIl. at the S. .'. rnrnir ei' Mnrl.rt nnd Tilth Sis , ' KULADrLrHIA, , KFI.I! Tf il UK , Iln.lo. i .oltn, Pl.t nf th V ,.,, , r.,lllS i ., ..,,..!. .ly low pi ices, snd (i.nticul oil In v . - II altenlloll . r.l l.nyiis vistiit g the rilv Ihell stork. !. W to nil i l-iin nation nf A L. It. TAYLOR I'hila tilphis. May 3 ft. 1844. ly oiiiitt i Icltri s' DEATH BLOV7. rPhe pu' lie will please observe thai no llrambelh ' I'll 'B are genuine, unless ihe box has three li bels upon it, (the top, Ihe side and ihe hnllotn) cell remaining a f ic-simile signature nf my hand writing, thus U. Bbamiihth, M. D. These la. hel aie engraved nn steel, beautTolly designed, and done al an eipense of over p'J.Odll. Therefore it will be seen ihal ihe only thing lifce-sniy In pro rure the uiediciiic in its purilv, is lo nbsene ll.ese : labels. Remember ihe top, the side, ami the hnilom. The following respective peunns are duly auih. ri led, and hold 4 CEXTIHCATES OF AGE2ICY For the sale of Hrnndrrih's Vigrtalde Universal Tills. .Norlhnn beilard county : Mil'on M . kry A l.'hambetlin. Sunhury- H. B. Maisner. M'Kners ville In I ind iV Mein ll. Niirihuni' eilaud in. Forsyth, (ii oiLi'tnw n J. & J. Walls, i I'uinn t; airly ; New Hcihn Hogni A Win. , b r. Selinsgrove (leorge ('uniboin. Middle. ! burg Isaac Smith, lieaver'ow ti Lavid lltibh". j Ailanishurg Win. J.May. Millliitsburg Menseh , Ai Ray. lla llelon Din'el Lung. Freehurg , ti. A F. C. Mnyrr. Lewisbuig Walls Si liieen. j Culumhia county : D.nnille E. U. ReynoliU , Ac Co. lii rw ick Shuin.ni .ti U tlciihnuse. Ca'- j taw issa -C, (!, Itmbts. Uhioiiishurg John R. J Mover. Jetsry Town Levi Hid. asliingtou Robt. McCay.' Limesloni 1J a 1 1 McN'nch. . Oliscive ihal each AueiU has an I'ngravid Ctr l til'.cale of A gene v, ronlainiug a repies ntation nf ' i)r HK AN )l;i: Ill's Manuraciory al Sing Sing, I and upon which will also be seen eiaet copies of I lite mw labeis miw used upon the ISrunJnlh Till Inures. Pkil'idc Iphia, oilice No. 8. N.nth 8th street. 11. HKANDRE I'll, M. D -June 24th, 1843. , city rri.NririJK aictiox, i AXiD PRIVATE SALES COOKS S V.. .10 o...l -II V..rtl. l'l:..l Vt .ins, ..' uim ut in.iiii j nun ciiici;i, N e artue city Hotel, 1 PHILADELPHIA. CC MACKEY, Auctioneer, respertful'y in s titea the attention of persona desirous of pur- chasing Fumiiure, Id his filensive Slcs Rooms, rhnih 1111l.hr and I'tivaleA for svsrs ilp-a.rii.ii. 111 nf Household Fuiiiiture, whire can be obtained al all limes, a large assoitinent of fashionable and well mauufuclured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mallias.es, Ac. at very reduced prices, for cssh. 07" Sale bv Auction, tw ice a week. May 27 th, 143. I y ROSE OINTMENT rui ti-:tti:k. RINOWOHMS, flMI'l.r.Sl OM THR TACR, AND CITHF.H t-iTAMKorsi r.nrnioNsi. (Ty The following rrrlifica'e desrt ihr one of Ihe most extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. 1'iiit.ATtatrrMA, Fe'iruary 10, 1819. FOR twenty years f was severely afllicled with TaTTKt nn ihn Face and Head; Ihe disease eommencid when I v is seventeen years nld, and continued until Ihe I'nll nf 1H I0. varvinrr in vies. ,.nre, but veithonl ever ilis'ippeiTing. During most of Ihe time, great purl of my f ice was cnvereil with the eruption, frccpicnllj nileridcd with vio'enl iieh iug; tny bead swel ed at times' until it fi ll ns if it would hurl ihe swellinj was so g p.it, that I cou'd carcely cet my bat on. During the long perio.l that I was nflliete.1 wi h the disease, I used a great many n pical'nn, (among them several celehraleil prep imtmn) es will i Inking inward remedies, including a number of h itttes of Srrnim's Vanacrn, Trlrnrt of Sarsnpnrilln, Ac, In fact, it wuld be impo-sihle in ennmeiaie all the medicines I used. 1 was also under Ihe c ire nf Iwo nf the most dis tinguishcil physicians nf this ci'y, hut without re ceiving much henel'ii, nnd I ib sp.iirid nf ever heing cured. In Ihe. fill ul '11:50, the ilir i,t the time being very vio'ee.t, I coinnieueeil using the June Ointment, (prepared hy Vaughan .V Davis.) In a f i w applications Ihe violent itching eiased. tho swelling ahuU'd, Ihs i rut linti hegan lo disippear, and lef re I had used ajar the di ease was niluely cured. It luis now lu en in ar'y a yiar and ah i'f since, and there is not a vestige of Hie disease re maining, picept the scas from the deep pits formed by the di a use. Il is impossible for me to deserihff ill a ci riificale the seventy of the disease and my sulli'iing, but I will be pleased lo give a fuller nc. coniil to any person wauling further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the Ume 1 co nmimcej . using the Rose Ointment I would have uiven bun , dieds nf do lais lo la" rid nf the disease. Since u sing il, I have reeninuu uded it to evi r il pernnn, ( nnniig them my mother, w ho In, I the disease bad ly on hel ami.) who w re a I cured hv it. .1 ME.-5 Dl'RNI.LL, No. 150, Race St. fj The lb we Diiitmenl Is pr-pared by E. II. Yaiuban, Kim h East comer of Third and Race -lie, t', Phiiiidi Ipluu, and sold nn aeeney in Sunhu rv. bv II. H. MASSER. ' May 1 4th. 1M3. Age,,. i:o;r Giiittsiriif, for TiUr. a moot' or rr.s r.mo.xcv. i 1'Hii.Ani.triiit. May ISd'.l. 'PHIS is lo certify that I was severely alll eie.l " wiih Teller in Ihe lunula und fel for upwards nf Inrlv years J lh disease was allended generally with vio'i rit it-lung and swelling. I I'pphed to t runihi rnf physici ins, and used a griht nrn-v ap !i , ca.inns wilhoiil eili-clirg a cure. Ahoul a y. ar , since, I ijpphed li e li.su Ointiiienl. which entmly ' sluppffl ihe ilehiir;, and a fi w applications inimeili. tly cured ihe disease, which there has !nen no . rt t ii i ii of, atlhioigii I had never U'eii rid nf it nl f-ntiy lime for furty yems. Rl :il A RI) S. AdE, I Lb vrnth. below .Spruce Slresl. ; r'f The Rose Ointment is preparej bv E. 1!. Yaiiihau. S julu Last corner of Third and R ico ' St. eels, I't.il.idelpl.in, aril . Id on ngency in Suuhu i ry by 11. H. M ASSKIt, ; ' May Hih. HL1. Agrf. I lTflEDICAIi APPnOBATIOt? OJ the ROSi; Ol.TMi:. T, for T'. tl, r. A I.TIlOL'till ihe siiperinrity nf ihe prep.iia'i II J over nil nlln rs is fully es ahli.-hed, the pr .pr e tors Ink" pleasure in laying before ibn public the ; Inllowirg reililieate from a respeclaide physician, i a griuluale of the I'li'nersity of Penns, Ivanis. Dr. . U.mgh, having found in this .rmedy thru lelivff r a lediuusand di-ngreeahle n!li', lion which ihe ineaiis within the range nf his prnf.s-ioii Inled to allot, 1, has nut be-iiatid to give il his nppmhati m, altloug!t die prejudices and interests of that proKsMon aie pposej to secret Remedies. I'HII.AliKtPttlA, Sept. in. IsiS. I wn recently ttoiihled with a tedious herpetic eruption, whirli p.nepi nenrlv one si le nf mv fice, nd exlen.b-d nver the ear. Mr. Yaiighan, propric t i nl lite Rnsc I hriimerl, observing my la.-e, insis ted nu mv living his piepariiimn of which he han ded me a jr. A iihough in comimm will) .he tui-'ii-btis ul my prol'rssion, I iliscnuiiirnuiHe -nd di-ap-prove ol ihr liunn n ils iiusliuin" palun d upon tho public ) y ijnni ml pr lender-, I feel in jus ice le und toexcipl Ihe Rose OinliiiriU fnuii iha e'a-s of me ibrines. nnd lo give it mv approbation, as il uitire ly i und the eruption, although it hid resisted the. u'-u.l uppheaiiors. DAN I. H A I till. M. I). (J'j- The Ro-e I liniment is ptep ired Iv II II. Vaughau, Souih Fast corner id Third and Knee Sinvin. Philadelphia, and sold mi gi nrv in Sim. huiy, by . . M A-SF.R. May I4ih, 1811. A".nt, EAGLE Cormrof Thrd and Sine. Struts, wri.LiAivisroriT, pa. 'rTTfUE siibscrda'r n -4'elfullv aiiimunces to the ; fc public, that be tus o eued a Hotel in the rom , modinus brick building s'luite on the rmner nf ' 'I biid and fine streets, where be w.! be happy to wait rp n ihnse who ntav favor him wip. iheir ' Cumpai y. The Eagle Hotel is Urge (ind Conieiij. eni, and furnished ii, the he t in .dein stile. I is 1 pr. vded with a large number of is ell aired and Cor.ifi rlable sleeping spariment-, rooms, priv.un pallors, Ac. Prisons visiting illiainsporl on bu siness ol p'ca-nre, m iv rest s nr d llittenrv ei. ' ertioii w ill )e used tn lender iheir soj .mn at ihn "Eagle lloli I" pleasant and agreeable. Ills 'IV lo ' will be supplied with the very heal the market af fords, and his bar with 'he choicest wines and older liiilors i barges re soiiahle. The Eajle Hoi. I pessest.es greaier sdvaiiiages in point nf location than any nlher suii'l.ir est ihli-hiiieni in ihe hoinugh, being situate in the businiss part of ihe town, and within a convenient distance nf the Court llnuao . and Wilharnspnrl and Elmirn Rail Road Depot. Suflii ieut Siahling provided, and good ami trusty ostlers always in alti lidanee. Attentive, hc. on. in, Misting and hnne-l Servants haieliren mplny pil. nnd noihiiig lefi undone that 1 will add lo the ciiuiloit and sccnmmodaiinn nf bi guests. Tin re will lie a rarriage always in attendance st the lloat Landing to ronvey passengers to und from the Houe, trie nf charge. CHARLES BORROWS. Mav 14th. 1812. If Michael Weaver X. moii, ROPE MAKERS & SHir CHANDLERS. So. 1 a Xirth Water Istrett. Ttnlodt liihia. A I. constantly on hand, a general ssr,ri. ment of Cordage, Seine Tw mea, iVc., vij : i ar ii Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, l ow Lines lor dual Boats. Also, a I complete assoiuneri oi oiitte i wines, tc. sum as : Iteinn K ii. tnid llerrina 1 wine. Itesl l'alnl l.itl ' - . .. .. 1 , .. : . ... 1 ,iei 1 wine, Ayoiiou csuau sou iienmg 1 wire, nlioe Threa.ls, &e. &C. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, H altera, Traces, Cotton and Linen Curpet ('hams, Ac. all of which they w ill dispoad of 011 reasoiuhle teiins. Philadelphia, Novemlver 13, 1842. ly. NiM:iiiNt;rciOi)i) At co. ! Xo. 13S Market Strct'l, l'lliladelpll T N YITE the attention of Country Meteha to their extensive assortment of Brilith Frei.i and American Dry (ioods, which ihey offer for sal on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Noveml-er 13, 1843. ly.