Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 30, 1845, Image 3

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11 l'imssr
nAt.Tiaoits iAtiT.
OJficeoftht BAtTtMnn Ancmcm. Aug. 35.
ORAIN.-The supply of Wheat at market today
is ipiite small. The demand, however, is limi
ted and prices remain much as last week. We
quote good to prime reds at SO n S(1 cts. and or
dinary to good 75 a 80 cts. Ordinary to good
w hite Wheats sell at S5 a l0 cts. and family Hour
parcels at 1)3 a PS cts.
Corn lias advanced. Sales to-day at 50 a 51$
cts. for white, and 31 a 50 ct.. for yellow.
.Md. Rye is worth CO a 03 rt.
Sales of Oats at 31 a 32 cts.
M'HISRF.Y. The demand has improved and !
prices are firmer. Sales to-day of hints, at 22 a
22J cts.; and ol bids. 2:i. cts.
I'llICR CU.lIii.NT.
Corrected weekly b Henry Ynxlheimer.
lh:ri.m Flat,
Dhikii, .
1 5(1
i:s(a- of John lln?!! ..won?. !rcI
jvTOTII'E is lifreliy liven, that letters of admin
i.-tratioo on Slid tsta'e hvr been arnn'rd lo
the Hi.lwr:il.rr. Persons I aving demand nip in-t
the e-iate, are teqiiiscul n p'r cut them fn exami
nation slid m tl'inent. snd thnc knnwmr thrni
n lvis indihltd uic lo niit'c p tvt.cnt. ini
niiliielv. PETE'i It OIIAWOCT,
' Rush l-hp, Aug. 30. 1N45. fit Ad i.'r.
'Jiii;f:r Coaler! rills,"
I F we win willing to limit the office of tase (
its pr per spin re. and to cease cation wl en Hp-
eiile tx pri s e I content, inJife-iinn would he a
much rnier occurence in civilized ciirnrniinities
1lin it is i tv-i rvi il In lie. Iltppncrati s letnarkei!
ihnt s vere pcispirntion n riiirifr dur tiK s'iep, with,
out niiv other apparent ciue, are a sure s gn tli it
1eo n uch in u i-lirnii I is nu.'e ue nf. The lay of
reckoning will full v such a state f repletion,
which c iis tlie ! nl i ty func io s, and tuny le nj In
sudden de.lh by some ueuto ilt-ijise. whin tlie in i npptreiitlv in goial lit at 'I It.
Dm. Smith's (ruin 'tt irr.n ) iHrnovrn Iv
mt.i Vkukt iii.k l'i li.," nie ull-' lin- iet -m to ie.
point.' ill'1 stile of I In- st .innch, i m f r.ive tliteiio
nnd piinfy ih- fltii!. A tiny are pleasant i.n.l
pr-rlectlv h imii e-H. thev re f' ned lo x'unti'saj
liv tlie tlpe .lie, und all p.-rsous til' efdiiit nv u-lull-.
No taiidiv shou d Ir lAi liout them.
'A U'l TOi. As a niisi isldti iniitutinii tms
tu'en in ule, t'V the tiiinie nf "Sutir t'unit-tl 'i!,"
it is ueci'i-s ,ry lo he sure ilirti X)n. (t l i lt's
ritiiia'iire i on ewiv lm. 1'iien 25 iei t.
l'i 1 1 1 r : p . I ( dice. 170 (iirenwich si N w Vurk.
S.dJI.v JOHN W. Fltll.tN(5. Situtmr,,.
W'M. FOUSVTI1K. Xrthun'tl.
Auant 30. IS45.
"'lAME to Hie lesidince of the suliserilier in
Point totviuh.p, aliimi the middle of .lime
Ijhi, a tlEI) ('t)W stiotil 7 ye'trs old. The owner
is M'qur.-li'.l lo call, prnjirrtv, pay chaigeit and
liike her any, or slie . ill he tlisp.isd of the
law tlirtcu. " MII.tAM t.EMO.V
Point ipnh., AitRiist 23il, 18-15. 3t.
orotic o!' the in os t Valuable
XJV yTj cr fpsj
" I'll.l. he -..t Puhhc Sle. hy ..r.ler . f tl.e t
Oiptnnt' t'.iuit nf the C 'lintv nl Noithu n- I
lu"i ind. m: t'le p'emii-s, in Itii-tlt I I't'nn. in
fa'il eoun'v. on Tlttirsrt-t, the lS:h d:tv of Sijjtem- .
I,cr, 115, ut I ..VI rk. P. M., the
Of the la'o Win. fir ttt, enn'sin jug Ifiil -cres nf '
the vi rv 'et nv. r '.-nt.iio land, siitl hoiifd -d I y j
laii'U ft lle.irue ( i-nrltrt. Jttn (ieaihart, FmIhIh
of D.imel Cur (.ii. ih ee-ed, arid tha N"itli I
Itiuiirh of tlie Su-tpu hi4nn. Iyin wit'iin shnut )
one mi'r f mil the t.iwn of Da t illu. Ph., nnJ on '
the loul h aihne from l);inille to StinWny. Ti:e !
Inn sh. til 1 10 . cc of which nre cle.tre.l, is rf ve- '
rv exiellerit ipia ity nnd in h hiuheht stute rf rul- ,
tiviiiiii, well w:iU red, tenred, eve, A U'C" fi.r
li.'n is very fine memlnw Innd. The iniprnvi-menu
eo s st ol n l,iire I wo S ory r ritme I
DWEI.I.TNC. HOlE. in re-
sir. nnd k'l hen ni lir-tl. a 11ANK I
U V UN. ruiinii.e wnt. r in ihe ymd and '
a mi. II neai ihe house, auotil otise t'l-rnerih, I
JS'nt krtinu-e. und tillu r out huildinc Also a aoml
TeiiMil h tine a ifiml Appht ththtnl t.f choice i
fruit Irein. &e. This p'o: er'y is e.iiiid.h-ie.l of
the iivift ih imh'e nnd v lu ld in this tut'timi if,
country, die I n I poi htini; ktir) as-id fir (eitility lv i
any in the S tn. lis r. xinrty to I n v IV km. I i
Piilikviile pitts it an ml v mlnf nvt-r otiu rs in bl
ways having a ready ca-h maikel for all k'tuls tit
Peiniiriii w i -ih in 2 to v'kw the properly, prevj.nis
to t' e nl 4'e, may cnll on the uh-eii' ers re-i.
ihni! in lLnivil e, or on Mr. S mini I (imiftt, mho
liven on the pn-mi-es. S.tle t i C'linnience nt I
"h''k P. M. t4 iitid tliv, when terms will heniid-- ;
Vno wn by SHM?PI.Vs TAVI.OK,
Ahurt. nfUie Estnfr nf Win. (iitriil. thcrnxrd.
l).inille, August 2 M. IS15 4t. i
' ." " ," i i
io the J.kcHirs ot iNottltiatiibt.Tlautl
('iilllltV '
IHEIi leave to offri mvfrIT a a rami dale, at the'
rusuirig rh'i tioin for the nUne of !
1' O II II t V .4 II 1 I t 11 T I
Il I alnai Id he x-b-rted. I will discharge tl duties
of the olli. e with putietnslitv
I.owri Mationoy, Aug. 10, IS15.
ilrphan Court Sale.
TN pursuance, of an oT.lrr ef the Orphans' Court
..( V-wiV.iimtiiltti.l oitl Urn invhl r tiiiti-
of NthumhtTland county, w.l, be sold at pub-
lie vendue, .mi Siittvday the 20th .1 .y of Septen.b. r
iiext. on the tiremlsrs, to wit!
A rerisin trarl nf
land situate in the township of I.inle Mahonoy, in
aid rounty.adj 'inin lar J of Jacob Hilbish, Leon
rd Reed, and the Mahonoy Creek, containing 127
acres, more or less, hereon ia erected a two storv
Log House, a Spring hotife. a large Bank llarn. and
two oTrharda. Abo, at Ihe same time and place,
the undivided tenih p irl of ihrre tract of unimpro
' ued land, attunte in l.iltla Mahonoy ami Coal town
ships, viz : iwn tiacts adjoiutng land nf Daniel
Herb, stir., dee'd., and others, containing about 8H0
aces, and the other adjoining Wench I Laisclia and
others, in Conl township, containing about 100
acres. L ite the isuie of Leonard Ferster, d. c'd.
8ale to rontmence at 10 o'clock. A. M., nf said
day, whin the tetiii of tale will be mule known
Sunbury, Aug. 10, 1815, 6t. Adin'r.
Orphans' Court Sulo.
Valuable Real Estate
IN pursuance nl an nnler nf tlie Orphans' Court
of Northumberland r 'lintr, will he cxpo-cd 1 1
piildle sale, it the public house of Va'cnlinc Taut,
in ITpper Mahonoy town-hip, Korlhtimherl tut eo
on Wednesday, the 21ih ilny of 8. ptcmhrr next,
si 10 o'clock, A. M the following lricrilfJ pro
perly, to wit !
A certnn p'mtntiun or ttnet of land, s'tnnte p-rN
ly in I'pprr Mnhonnv lown-liip, Notihumherl m l
ennn' v. nnd purity in !rpp. r M-thoiilnngn town-hip,
in the county of Si huv'kill. on Ihe State rond lend
fr"m ''"'""rille to Fisher's Ferry, and about 21
n ih a from the furrm r plnce. sitjoinirB Isnds of .tohn
I Mntin r. the hehs of John lln hl, (Ji-orce II iyer.
J .((it'll VaeBni-r snd o'hrrn, ennta'titnir 272 acres
and 20 perches. iriet men-lire, slimii 210 ai.r-" nf
which ie i h a id and in a liiL'h stnte of cnlii' ation ;
: vhereon are rr.-ct. d s Inrae tw.i story hiirk 'Pavrrii
l llnll-e snd Kitchen, a larpe hi.nk hatn, !00 feel
IntiB. a f aitie wsij'n shed, i.tid another Ihice Irnme
j ' ed ; also a Isice imd exei llent (Siist Mill, id a
frimi- h itue ne r inid mill, nnd also, to xrc'l.-nt
j i reh inl". The property is tcry he lUt lnlly
j and ailvniitnge tislv iiliMttd, und is an excellent
Fnrm Tuvern Stnnd.
Also j At the sirne t:mc nnd p'nee, nnollier eer
! tniii tmct of Innd, ndj ii inj the nhov.i t'cserihe l
I tr.if, (icorce Snyder and otheis, cnnt.iinini; 127
nens nnd IM pirehis, .triet rnenure, hIkmi; (Hi it- i
.' pres of which nre c!e tre.l ; wheie n nr.' en rtnl a j
two s tny li.jj house, pa tlv weiiiliei.' oniih d. nnd a ,
; loI stahle, Mid a Inrije Mid excellent orchard. ;
Al-o: At the r-arne time nnd pi .ce, sim hi r cer-
tain 'r.iel nf ln ii, n'j imnu ti e hist nhnve i!e-rnl'i d j
lr-ict. Ini d of Peter K lock and others, cint liniiitr
Kui .ii ret and 83 perches, stiiet n easure. nhout 75
I acres or which aieclca ed: where, n areeiecl-d n!
' lo ry Ion In use, we itliet-lniardid, and a Inp '
barn, and two exeell nt t'relmds. (
' Al-o : At the sin e tii-ie ami place, snother cer-
tain tract or piece ol land, s.'j .ininc the almve ih '
. set beil linrt, I ind ofJar. b M Hirer end nrhers, coo- !
Iniiiiric lit acres nnd 100 p-'irlns, strct inet-ii'i',
1 all nf which is cleue.l, (Inin nit a low I mil.) nnd
; in a hirli Mate nf t uliivntion. I
j Als't: At the fame tune 'ind place, a certain '
tiact of t nihi r hind, i'unte in I'pprr M ill, noy j
I township nfitiCKsiil, aitp'inniK I mils of Su'oni in lln-
i warier, John and Felix M.Hi rr. (Sent on Snvder i
nnd nthrro, cmla lung 07 a. n s and 116 perches,
I siriet mea-me.
I Also- At ihe hou-e of Simuel Herb, in Little
! Malioiiny township, NnrthnmbrrUiitl entiri'V, nn
I Fiiday Ihe 2l!lh day of Seple:n er in xl, a certain
tract of land, A uattt in I. tile Mahntiiiy tnwnsh p said, on Uig M.h.nov fieik. Bilj linina I. mils
i nf .t.ico'i II tP'txh, Mich l h and others, ton
j limine I ? it acres ami 59 p relies, sliicl incisure.
I ahfiil 101 acres of which ate cleue.l; wherroii are
ircti'ila lare two sinrv I (j house mnl kitrhm, I
(r.inu'i cist.) a Imce hank barn, abniit HO bi t 'nnir.
p lint-d reil ; nl-.i a I irn and t-x -ehnt (3rii Mill,
fi exet lie i I saw mill, a ill-tilh rv, a bl.ii'ksiiii:h '
h p. and a lnree nnd rxrellent orehnr l.
A ln : A rntain tract of Imd. adj"tninir 1
the l.isi nbiivr tle-crlhe I unci, land nt 1 i. h.ii l II !h
ni.d otliera, c.nitHiiiine 250 acre and 113 petcln i', '
strict tma-iire. nhnut 100 aires nf which n e rlear-
i-tl ; Wl rre.-n lire erected a larua two tnrv frami- ,
: house, nearlv new, a In ne flame hink bun, a lul '
bus mill and raiihtii: macbine ; and also, two sm i l '
I Ini: houses and xliihlfs. The e is ulsn a lute ulul
excellent orchard on said pre i 1 rs.
Also: At the s me time and place, another
I certain tract of Innd, situate in l.inle Mahonov
township nhvesaid, adj'tinim; I mils of llemy
I Swinehnrl, the In irs of Al.raham Kolli-rmel. dec'.l.,
1 and oibe a. rnntaininii 1m2 acres and 37 perches,
i-lrct measure, about 120 seres of w hich are cleared
and in a hiuh slate of eti ; wtierenu are e
lected a two story log house, a Urge new brink h rn,
id mil 80 feet lent;, pa nted red, anil an orchard,
j The h:j mail 'iitiv creek paa-es through inid unci,
: urn) creaies an (XCrllint watei powei for m n l mi
und other purpose.
The le m- nl sale will be m ule known nn t!,e
i d.iy ul sale U re-:,id. liv o'di r of the C.url.
EbWAiib ovsi rii, rib. t. r.
l..ll.h III.HU.jr,
Aoeosl 23d 1S-15. Aillti'
c l it c u s .
J. W. PAIIC-ft'ER. Acr.n.
tilt's IMlllill in mt isniltl (naps.
p .si g It'll MEN and HOUSES, will he pre.
(ell d bv the N tw YnaK Hmass It a in. in a maj.
inl'ict tit Cairiaur, tlrxn by EitfhtCrtnm t". I -red
II. use-, on thru srnv t in t..wn. The anis s nu
ti. lte I to this p ptllnr e-lahlishment are nf
the h uhest reinil.ittoii nnd ie-pi rtabil Iv, and stnnd
(t.i-sed among the first E.piesirinta eitht r m Eu
r,.Jin , Allrr!ril, Am, .R ,h(. ,.un,, ,n i,P
found Mr J J. N.ithan, the wntideiful Herculean
Hot-euian Mr. W. N'chols, ihe creitt II ok wad
Rider Ma-lrr John (ilenroy, ihe onlv true and
prifert tr ek Eip'rs'nan of the dty -W. Kincanl,
' the yoimn g Ridtr Mr. Chamber., Ihr rb
' ginl Scenic Horseman M '. I.. Woods. Ihe en-!
I r(...fiil neisoniTii ation of Wil l Indiana of the Foi.
1st Mrs. M W o id. the hi atitilill I runic ArltM
Mi. Dunbar, the Extraordinary India lluh'et Man
Muslim Reynold anil I a'nr. Ihe juvenile pes
nf the Arena Mr. Jam eson, the Oonvc Sinner ami
' J" l'bivrr r. inr emore, tlie r rei v oca..
'"-Mr J hn Diamond, the t .r-fanitd rseC,
I iiresa irown rraiix-er ..t t, ii. aitn..ii.. i,.uoi;
Master, Mint Mr. Jno May, the most popular an I
ct lebrattd Clown ol ihetl.y. For farther pariicu.
lars see hill at the Hotels,
Will Ik trhibitrd at SmarRy.on Fanny Af
Ti asooa, August 2U h.
I i'i..r s open at 2 i locommmice at 2 1-2 u'c'ock,
P. M. Admission only 25 rents.
The above company will exhibit nt I.awteuce.
ville, Ti .g coiintv.or the 21st; at Covington, nn
Ihe22d at HWk House, on the 23d at Wi.
Itimspnrt, onthe25ih at Munry, on Ihe 2lith ; at
Milton, on the 27th i at l.rwiahurg, on I be 2Hth ;
and st Dmville, on the 30th.
August Ifi, IN 15.
IllV NI'.IIOi The htgtie.i pine will ne
' given for Flax Seed, at the store of
Aug 9, 1815. HENRY MAS-SER.
1 1
a r.u xmiim.
P I n ii t a t i o n
fltil be exposed for sde, nt public vendue, on
the filh d.iy of October next, on the premtsi s,
the l .re ind extensile Plnnis ton, late the estnln
of Wd'lam Reescr, dec'tl., situate In Aueii-ti town
ship Noiltiiimherhind county, ahonl 6 m les from
Siinbiiry, 4 mile from the Pottsvillo and Danville
R ill Rivid, 4 mil. s from the Sii-qtn hntina River and
ahimt fi mile from the ( M.thonoy OohI Re
gion, and on the (irent Road In llnirislmrg and
Womclsdoif, cm t.nnin j 330 acres, HO acre of
which ate clrnred, wi'h a hrfrr pmportion of mea
dow and an on-hard; the resuliin is weil timbired.
Said pi .ntation can be divided into lluee tli-'inrl
fnrms without prejudice to any of the divi.j..n,
each division having a eood supply of w iter by
t ii ii n in slnams and springs in every
a . ' The improvements e n i of a la-ce
ffjn? -TOXB l)WEt,l.l.(J MOUSE. 48 f..
fo; front 37 ft.thep, wliie.ll was o.-cup ed
t. I. for a nutnl ir i fyi ots as a Tavi ro Stand,
nnd in which n store i kent nt nrcsent. A snrniK.
clone by, runs tliroi'nh the et llar. 'I hme is also n j
Unnk II tin, with extensive stablmff, on the premi- I
ses ; also a S.iw-mtll on a considerable utrcam that
rut s through part of the i l.icej also n House and
H im near the saw. mil'. It will be cfT red in sinnll
traeis, il purchasers wih the snine. An iinlispni
b!e trie nnd pus-e-ston Can be given on lit
1st of i
April, lJi'lfi.
Sde to r immence at 10 o'clock. A. M., on sa:d
tl. iv, when the romlitioiis will he made liinnvn l.v
smi i:i, im:ii:i,
.-Micusta, Aim. io, isi;j. ti .. i-.xecii'or.
wrvr v e. sn r v- r.-r i
Ot f XXXsVTA ;
iSMi?? frn ",B3 I
flHI. subscrtber will rxoo-e. at public sul-, on
the premise, on the 7ih of October next, the t
I . .
tillable Mi l Properly known a Mi Kinney's
Mills, sitm it" in JaeUsm township, Nor'l uinber.
Ian I connlv, 1 1 mdes below Sonbuty and J o'i
mile from the Snsipieliann i, a 'j 'loins land ot fieo
IJi'PI en and Rot t it Pairab. The Mill i built of
atone, an I located on a nevei-faibng s ream, w ith
three piits nf burrs and eood b dts, and has littelv
been thoriniL'lily lepnirrtl. The Farm is in a eo.ul
slnle of cultivation, containing 115 acres, wlu rou
ate n.ctid two log hotis"s and a bam.
Terms mailt! know n on Ihetbiv of sale.
Jackson tnwnhip, Aug. !), IH-15. 3i
t i: i
7 I. EVEN Principal and ine As-i-tant Te 'cli-
v ill w. mted for the fall am) w tu't r
I sellout, in --nam. kui ins riei. i ersons wi-iuri( to .
j be rinployeil as such, will please meet the UtM'tl nf
, Dtretifrs f sni.l J strut, at the house of Fel x
to ri b, in Sunlit. .w n, in n!d district, Ii Frtd iv the '
, J Hiti iliiy of SeptemlN-r litxt, for examination nc- j
c inliiii! to law. I'eis lis applvini. lint peisoiiallv f
known to Ihn Hoar I, will be rxpei ted In have let-
lets nf reroiiiliK lidatioii, I' Ut'hing liirir go nil moral
chararlc'. i
i fXj- 'J'he P.oatd will meet nt H o'cloi k. A. M.
liv otdcr nl the Hoard,
Aites' : Pres'i U.S. D. Shaiii.kin Di-t. i
K 1. 1 it A Jon v, Secretary. j
IS'ia in kin. AiiL'iist Ot'o, IS 15. i
To the Klt'ctors
of Xorlhiimberlainl
County : I
"7E aie an lioriz'-d to sny. that the suh-criber, I
" ' nf Northuniberl .lid, w.ll be a rutitlula e lor j
the office of
; of Northlliiiiierland, provided he run receive i
) 'he noinili itu 11 of the coumv c iiv.-ntion j
! Nor humlcr! md, Aug. ib, 1- I5. 3t i
! dkmochatic coi'M v, !
' AMI ,
! 135'.B:TD.C,N. ,
! rl'"JIE 1). mocratic pa'lv of Nor humbi rland coon- I
tv. are rt ipi"slid to meet in iheir re-peetiv,-
i lowriship at ihe ti-u d pi ice . f ho'dii their me t- '
tnt!. on S ituid .v, tho :0l!i day nf Al's-ilst lit xt. to :
ihooM- it e u-uel iiumhtr of d-'Iei:ate, to in' et in i
i c imlv romentiori, on M uul iv. tlie fnst thiv nf
S p'( mh. I lit XI. at the Ctojrl House in S'iiihor ,
for i he purpose "f inonit a injj csi.dtdales to lie sup
poited by tin' ptrtv, at the in xl n rier.,1 t lectloll.
Aug. 3. IS 15. St ndiiiu Committer.
Valuahhi Properly
'O'CTII.I. ' e l.l, at pubbc rn Ine, on Friday
"xf W m il Saturday, the 5ih and tilt nfSt ptem.
I bri. I 15, in J a. k-oo lownship. Nnithunihrrlaui!
county. Pa , ihtj lollowing ilrscribed valuable pro.
j r v. viz :
j l.l. On F'i.lav. Sept. fuh, on the premi es, that
va'uah'r Furm n'ttunte m s o. I town. hip, on thero nl
' b adinn from tltO'j;. town to Kiilijt r-lowii slid
. Ponsvill.-, about (i in e from tie 'icet own sod the
j Snsipieh irurt ner, ar.d six mile ft. in K In rers
town, now occupied by J ic b l.e.her, roiit.iininc
211 scics, cf which at'oul lHtl acres are cleared
and in good rultivation, ant! the remainder covered
I!. tl.uC.....t .....Mil. il ll.n mi, at V..1.I.I.I.. tiitil..r
j The improvement on this f om e iiii-t ofloi!e
, garii two tO'y dwell, house, standinit nrar rath
I other, the one u log honse ami the other a traine
j house, with nn fXirlbtit well of nuer near the
j door, a Initfc bank l am, a wanoii hoii-e, cr in. rv.
i com cih, elder pre-s, and nlher out biithlinus.
l ln ie titi" also on the prem -es, two rxc llenl
j n i cl) i r.l I, r. i.l no in a'l ois kind- of 1 1 tin nl
! 1 e I est ipiohty, a limt stone quarry nu I lime k In.
1 The whole Ir it t (onus's of limest me land i I i.
j p. rior a ipntlitv as any in the state. The a'"ne
j thscribid I trui Mi I be aot-l tovether or in pait-, l.i
I nut purcta-er. and an indi-piitatile title and peace
j able po-scion uiveii on the 21 tl V i f April in X'.
,1. On S tul.'av, S ptrmher (i h, on the prenn-
n rie.-llft.l Farm .ir Itart if hind, fnow i.cro
.,;,.,) ,v J.,1,,, l.-h r.) stlnste in the township and
i ,., v Mlo.e'd,3 nnle from Klmgeis.i n, n.i the
road l.adti g fi.mi t'niolimwn to K bncersto n,
cu t lining tiS acres, dj Ining I .lids of Abraham
Troutmiii nnd It.niniiiti I.eitr' l, and ihe Mahon
toiign Ctt rk. nhout 55 acre nfw hu h are cleared and
in gonl cnl'iv.itiou, und tie n ma tidt r rirrilrnl
w.iottlaud t whereon are enrted a large two stoiy
dwtlliii4 house, with an rxrellent well ol w.tlci mar
the lion, t large double bg barn, with a I other ne
cessity out huUJmg. Their is also upon the pre
mises an rxct lb nl orchard, with all kinds ol the
choieesl fruit. Peaceable. iisiii.ioii and an undis.
puled title will be riven on tho 21 of Apnl next.
II. oh the above faima will he sold as the property
of the file Samuel I.e-lnr, dee'd , by vuiuo ul his
last will and testament.
Persons wishing tu ace ihe properly before lie
sale, wi I please call on Jacoh l.tshrr, on the pre
tni-t s, or on M'eharl I.enker, wholiv.s near the
.ame. JACIHI I.ESHER. ) .. .
Javkao Uhp.July 20lh, 1815. Ct.
'L.ll'.'!1;1 .'ilV
rn xt ri:i:v
SL'iiluntilr artfrlrtf.
1 UaKSjaii a's VRHitri'nit-a frrlaitt rare for
norms urife nnd very ptrannt lo hike.
2. (linsni's ExTitrrs, wl iih remove Urease
of nil kind, Dry Pa nts. Tar, Varnish and W.n,
frmn carpets or from cloihtlip, without injuring the
color or the cloth.
3 Iininns; Fl.r Prr.B Ihe best thing known
fur M linn flies and mii'ipi tors.
4. A ceilain Destroyer of R its. Mice, ties
and Ants, snd another nf lltd Bins.
5. (luasj's Ser.ctric for s -nr stomach, Heart
fl'irn and Water Itra-h. by one who h ulsnlV, ri d
ihirhcn ye trs, liefitrr he I'iscovere I Ihe cure.
Da. Stm-kn's (itir.i i Oi riwr.T fm the Piles.
It tins never f illed lo run1.
7. Hmnians's TiTTrn Vsn.
H. Iiikiusii's IaiiKLint.R l.i without a
9. Tiiic t'oMPiM'jrn Cotricrio of Fins
ju-t the iiicdi. ine for children and for women, il is
ho pleasant to Ink-1.
10. Hick'h Vmmni.K ti nt i.tnr Pn.i.s.
It. Oram's W n n-ntunr Pastk,
f"r 'rn""- H '
It softens the leather, nnd
h"T" n"' l"r w""
12. Poon Mi's STitr.xriTitr.Ttvo I'i.htib,
13. Jl KSO' Dl AIIIIIKt!A MlXTtttl:, viliitb
cures the wtirst Dittfrho-a in a few hour..
14 jAcKsut's DKvruiT' Mixrt a, n cer
,:,'n Bni' sprnly cure for Dysentery
.! Summer
t ompl out.
The h' ovc vnttiabl nrlleb-s nre sold who'esnle
and retntl, bv I.. I'. til'.NN. .Vo. 1 Smith F fill
strn t, I'liilmlilphitt whr.e S uri keeper slid o.
'hers wi I be -npp led with pure African t ik one
Pi pi cr. Arnica FIo acis, Drills Paints, Oil-, (iUs
nnd Vnrnishrs. nl the lowe-t pr ri s Terms o' ly
ra-h. qj- Cut out the ndveni-emeiit, nnd hricR
it with von
phili.l.lphin. .Iu!y 10-h. ISI.-i. Iv. !
" " ' AiMlilor'- .lice. !
...or. ,,,... , hil,., ,rn , :,,.. ,,v ,,.
I f, . ., ,,. ! ' . . .
I onrt nf fyornmoii T ens of 7 ortl.nitileihm I i
c on Iv, au 'itor to ainlu the aee.on.i I Tol.iis Mill, i
assignee nf Henrv II itbt-b, i f Ja kon township, 1
bert by uives imlice to all Creditor rid others j...
ten stt it, that be will attend to the dn iea of aid np- I
pointment. at his tdfice in S iiibnry. on the lll h I
lav of September, 1815, win re nil such r oi nt'end '
il thev ne prop. r. I M I A'S V. H E' .1 S. I
Aiiitnst lllh, IM5. 3t
THUN1S m A 11 B Ii .
Ao. IMt 4 lit sttstl SlM-vt, I
A A rilERE nil kinds of lent er trunk, vnlie. s nnd
carpet haa, nf etcrv sule ami pattern me
I manuf rtuied. in thrb-st rnannt r nnd from Ihe best
i m.iteiial, m d so d :,t the I .west r t".
Plnlid Iplii.. July tilth, l-il-i - lv- !
IliV I'llOIH'CK.
riIIE nb-e ib r bin mil pun hamil 'he store nf .
.L H. B. Masst r, has just leplei ished the -miii-with
a new -loi k nfaood-.. wh ch ben pinch mil
ill rauli price, will be sold fur dish tr Cnuntri
I'riulurr. I ruly cr crlil. ( lieitpur that usual. Call
nnd jmice for yoursi'lve.
The fallowing are nm mg the articles :
linrr. d t oil. it tlnlhi'C, ut 1-J !
(J. Tin in linen, at
Muslin, at l'i
Calicot s, fisi colors, nt 7 !
Wntiiitf (iipcr, at I'JJ per tpj'.re I
S 'gar, nl f I
do go d at S I
Vll'ee. el III lo I2J I
Ol .-s 8 by 10, at 33 els per doen I
Elat c rofrn cl.vo-, at tj I
M dis r m is a! tij 1
llrass Eiifhl l..v clocks, wair.illte.l, at 'l
- Tin 'v hour ffi
A.aim ' 7
lies',!,- I, ipio-s -ind (Ir-ieiies nf all kind. Leg.
horn. Fur mid Si k hits. Tw eedt 'as-nin re. ( 'o loo
V .nt, t'a'pet thin, I'm' r Ilia. P .ra-nls
I. an ps. ,V c
Snnhlltv, JuU
r o a i, !, c o , c i. n x i: n
11. IS. MASSi:i, rr prctl'ti Iv inf ims his
fnei ds ami cu-toiner. lltal he has s Id out his -t.r,. I
to Henry M s,er, t.nd rep t t u'.ly n ip.e-t-u'l tln.s
iiiihbtid In linn, to itle ih.-.r a. coin a wihont
le; ii V. as hev " t'l be l i t' ed in tip- hands of a .1 u-tit e 1
j .r r.i It ciioii, Without respect I o rr-on, on the l.l j
nf Allell-t. I
Su. .burv, June S, 1815. II. 15 M ASSER. ;
i i; i, i v. k and i, i i: .
omiouul Syriii ol Tiir &Motxl
TltllE uop-e e.b nle.l tie -e-a or I'll
J. ihe re-ioiiiti- ii i f In ai h, o iio..
pur, bad given up '' bo; es, his giv.
me tirlin
who. in
i. H n .
'. In
X l'-
led i. put it ion a' ove all oih' t reni'.hes, Ion i-hmu
evidence of it va'm ami p-iai i. as ihn on
ly soeot wh ch can be n I ed u. Il for the cine nf
Pu'moiiary Cotisu'i.pti.oi. l'r u hnl s. A Kn..i.
l.lii in the -ide and Ilrta-t, Spitiing of III. .oil,
hoop nc C -.Utfli, Croup, ,Ve.
Attentt..n is leqneslfd In lite foil -wing S 'ON.
ISM I NO CI "RE. bv Them- i-i'. Cnmpoutnl Sv rup
of Tar ami Wo .d N ipll a ! !
I'hlll.lrlf,!,;,,, M,f 37. 1 X S I .
MR. THOMSON D,.,r s,,,ilt amend
fee' ii!s I inform yn of the a-t -iistimg i-lVeca of
Volir me iieioe, which lias htertlv tats d me fn-in
a tie illi-l'f.l ! Mv ib-en-e, Pulmoti try Coti-o -up.
lion, hoi reduced me .0 low ihat my pbys cian pro.
no inetd mv r ise hopeless At this pi. ci.m I he
i;in to u-e your m -ibcne, anil init.tcul lis as it may
.-rem, it bus romphtelv re to el m-- to hea'th. alter
1 vi rv tiling tl-c h id l.nhd. I.'e-pel ifnllv yonr.
WASH! vti i ON' M ( K.
C! ailolte irett, al.ote tieoiee street.
Tie- iindersinne.t. beini; perso:in'l 'tcipia-nt. d
with Washington Matk and his snlb ruus, leir
witutsslo ihe a-t.1ni.l1.n2 (It els nf Tlinin-im'a
Compound "Vrnp ol Tar, and the truth of liie a.
hove -lieoiCiil.
. JOS. WINNER, 3I1 North Tl ir.t street,
j DW1D MI KERS, 42 Aim u.d street.
Ill (ill M'OINI.EY. S. E. count Tsmaiiy
' mi l P. 111 1 11 s n et.
I Prrp tre.l 01 ly t'y S P. 'I homum, N. E. cottier
' t f Alh and Spruce tre. ts. Phi a.le phn.
' Ab nls. II. H. Mssst r, Sonl'ii y ; D. ftross,
I nnd Di., Hanishurg J 11 . O. Hi..wn,
Pi tlsvilr j (!. E irl, lie diiitf ; 11 ni-ion iV Ma
' on, Ttiwanda. Hi idlord comity, P. Price 50 cents
! p. r bottle, ot ?5 ! r d"Ten.
1 firti.'iin nf nt! iini'dt'nim
riiila.WIphis, June 2ttn, tl.i. ly
i - -
tVCPERlOR Pott wine, M.nhrta ami Lisbon
nines. Als ami Um, l.iuion
Al-o a fo. barrels ol Ikt t Fim. for sale
' Sunhuiy. July 10th, 145.
t ill', ol a superior iii.tltv. rin now he
l ttit I. line Kiln i ol Henry M ie", m Son.
t'ury. ,My J7,liu.
To t ho Electors of Northurnborl.ind
(VhiiiIv :
T lir:Pl:(:TFf'M.Y solicit the support of my
Fellow citizens, at the ensuing election, for Ilia
nlTi o nf
c ii o i: it .
I promise, should I be eleeled, to discharge the
duties of the office with promptness.
Piinlmry, July t Jth, 1815.
To i lie Klurtors of Northumberland
TfJi:i.(J soli(iieit by m my of my friends, I
Jj have consented to oiler myself as a lanttid.ile
I -r the ullice of
'I' r o a i ii r c r
nf Neflundieil ,n I con. ity. Should you see pro
per lo rb rt me. I pi due mas. u perforin the
duties of f,,id olliee with fide'itv.
Sunbiny. May 3 1 si, l35.
To i ho Klc-crtorj of i'ortliuml)erl:in'J
( 'otiiit .
T ihe snlieit lti 'ii of
a nunibi r of persons in
ihll' tent pails nf the coiiutv, I have consented
to be a caiulidnte for the ollit e of
Tit si m v. n
of Northumberland c. un v. I need h inl'y assure
niv fellow-citizens, that if I am circled, I will en-
deavor to disrli irae ihe duties nf the olliee f.ii.hlul-
ly anil impartially.
' Sunbtirv. May 17ih. Is 15
, 'J't lln? Kloctors of -Northumbot IdiuJ
' rptlE snltsi riher, from the eneoitrasietiienl reeii-
i 1
ed Irom his nirnerotis fneiids, hereby otters
hlnisi ll as a c miliilate lor the oll'tce of
vheaidheii ;
of .No-thiimherlaiiil rinin'V. for which he nicits I
'he Mill' aces of his le I ov-rii 'Ten. Sin old 1 e he '
e'teted, he will lull'il the ilutn a of the i llice w III
Stml ii'y, May Ulh. If" 15. I
To tho Illeeltirs of Aoithumberlatixi ,
A '
- dil
the soliritation of a number of tny friends in j
ll'. rent p uts nf ihe county. I have consented
to be
a csiiibdne for the nlln e nf i
Shoti'd I la-so . 'i tun tie its to be eleeled. Ipbtloe
myself to disehnree th tliities of the nllire with I
proii'ptries. nnd lide'.tv. I A M Bs HEARD. I
MeEwensiille, June 2Ut, M45. j
To llio I'.k'clnrs of XorlhunibcTlond j
Coiiiitv. !
t;i:i,l.llf riTIEN-: I would respectfully I
filer msilf to our t'oti. di ration, as a cuinli
tl ite for the . I'iee of j
l'ItTIIO.ViT.lltl j
Sli.iu'd I be.rlected, it will he mv pleasure a (
well ns dii' atternl to the bus Ms ol the olliee i
with lidtliiv and punctuaiilv. i
S.mhorv, M iv 17th. 1H15. (
the Kloctors
uiint v.
of Xorthuiiibcrlantl
JEI.I.OW CITIZENS. I have I cen induced
- to rile; nn se f n ii cndidate for the olliee ef
l'i lliooot;irv.
At the ensi iny eiet lion Sin ulil I fortnnitely be I
rli i-ie.l, I here -y promise, fii hfuhy and impartiil
ly to discharge thrtlu'ies of t d olliee.
Sunhury, Mav 10, is 15.
'J'o the Kl'Ciors of Northumbeilaml
( 'ouni v.
IT "li:i,l,OW CITIZENS. I hereby offer mv
jj sell . is a ctn hil tie, f r 'he nltiee of j
I rail onlv proiin-e. s' I he fortunate rnoujh '
to he re-rlc Ccd. to di.i h .rue the duties of said nll'ice
with lid. lily :.nd 1 1 rv,
Snin nrv, May 10, IS15. I
To ilio I'.lftU'Ms of Nortliuniberlaiitl
( 'onlitV
l, ci'l
a niittih. r nl
CITIZENS. .M 1'ie solicita im of
mv trends. I have Consented to
he n t an ltd ite for tin olliee of
I pr..mis.- lie fit r. -ns of the county, that .f I m :
i leeted. I w ill einle ivor to disci arge the duln id !
Ihe 1 loCc f.mbl'ullv and imp mil Iv.
Wll.l.IAM M. OR AY.
Sonhiity, April lHth. 1S5.
11 the lllcclois of Noillmnibeilanil :
( 'ount v : i
EIM! -ol eilt d l v mnnv of my frn niU lo nil. r !
mv-. il a- a c o for ihe nll'ice of I
I of Noiihiion fiHotl con. 'y. I le-p.c'luliy so'ieit .
' y or -tioj on. I w ill e.o rav, r to d s. liaise 'he du
' ii .1 ihe o:!'e.' f nt lid'v. should ou t e ptop, 1 to
emit r the s.ime up- ii me.
-'jiv .r t.n ns'-tp.
Itilv 12 HI.
Up: liloi'ltiis
N01 lliumlioi hiiiil
' Conntv.
I,'EM.iV CITIZEN'S t As I have been great,
ly eneoii'nced hv my Irieniis, 1 solicit Jnur
I snppitlt lor the olliee nf
; s II V. II I 1 F.
Sh nil I Mm cult r this I'll'n-e tip.Mi me. I shall
! endeavor lo ilischaru Ihe tint es lip rent Willi Ihle-
' h v. THOM AS . mi. mm; ton.
Snnhu-v. Apnl lltib. HI5.
'In tl;i.: i'.luctors ol Nor thuinLii'rlaiii!
j Cniiiit-.
I)l.l .ti solicited I y mv numerous liierd in the
' thllere.,1 s cl i 'ns nl the c- tintv, I h ive consen
'led l.i ..ll. r lov-.-.fto yoiii coliM.lctJtion as a C..1I
I .li.late l.i I the otlire of
1 Sh uld I be eleeled I ph-dje my ell lo fulfil the
dull a nl the ollite wnh li.lebtv and impart ably.
i Aiiuiisii. M tv 3 li. I1.V
'l'n lln- J.lccloi s of . Noi thuiubL-rlanil
Count v.
i,'fM.OW CITIZENS 11 ivina been
l hv mv Iriends, lo olUt myself a a cantli
, dale for the ..llice of
' I in-pi ctttiliy solicit vonr support. Should you
I are proper to Ciller llie olliee Upon me, I will en
i tli avor in ili-ihuge the duties iheitof with fidtlity
anil impsitia'.ity,
S, nhliry. April lllth. 1-4.V
To the l.lovlorn of Nui'lliumbi'iTaiitl
( 'ount v i
i;ki.i,mw i ni.ENs: i ii,.B iw to nir.i
m self as a c .ndidule, at Ihe ensuing election,
for the ntlice of
4 omily 4 oniniinsioiici'.
Should I lie so I oluna'e as pi he el. fled, I pi. dee
my-clf t i ilitcl.arue Ihe dutua of the ull'tca With
piouiplnes and li lei tv.
CHARLES weaver.
Sunbuty, Apnl bib, Hib,
ftAfWICItKl i aAt.I.F.nYofratrnt l'irmi.
urn Volured Ukrnmn, nnd Vliotoxraphie.
So. inn Cheonut Street, Philndclj !. l.i.
No. 851 Uroadwnv. New York J No. 75 Ct-urt
Strict, llo.tnn j No. 130 Chesnut Sireet, Phila
delphia ; nsltimore Street. Its'limnre llronl
way, Saratoca Spring t N'. 60 Cannl Slieet.
New-Oilenns ( Main Street Newport, R. I. Ami
Main Sireet, Du lluipie, Iowa.
f 'ONS t lTt'TINfi the oldest and most Exh n.
sive Est.ibli-hment of the kind in the , il l,
and containing more than a TIIOtjsANIl i'uit-TRAIT-,
etnl rac'nuj those of soma of the ninsl
ilis'inuiiislied individual, in (he luitcd Ktates.
Ailunt'atire free.
This I'-inhltsIimrtil having hem air. at t it 'ho
MiiIhI, 1'nur I'irtt I'rtmiumr, imd fiivi sli-.-t
11 iivrx'' nt the Exhibitions at Huston, New Voile
nnd I Ii iln.lrl liia, respectively, fur bct I'iriure- ainl
Appa'Htu, is thus otTlcialty sustained in the pn-u
tioii of superiority heretofore univers'dly ns-ignid it
In the pnb i,-,M , in the World.''
June 28th, I SI.",. ly
" h n 3iali: cljjs- n:
1 A IN O S.
fllHE SFIJSCRIHER has hren appointed n-.
I fm t'-e . f I'OMt M) 'MEYE1PS ( Ft..
ANOS, at this pbiee. These Pi nion have a pi tin,
massive ami brau'ifnl ( xt' ri"r iV.i h. nr.d, fir dep'li
nt'd -weetness of tone, mnl t leg mi e of w nrk niutl
ship, are not s'npa-setl bv nny in the t'ni'rd Slate,
lie t illoiviini is a lecoinmriidaiioii limn I ' a tt i.
Dirrs, a celtbi'tted perlurinrr, and huiiMtlf a inati-
ul.tctuit'r :
IIvin bad the p!ea-ure of Irvine ti e rvre!.
b in Piano Fortes mitrif ictiired h Mr. Meyer. ri I'I'ed nt the I i-t eihihiiion of ihe Franklin I n
stitute. I feel h due to the true merit of the rin!;er
In ('rehire that tiiese iiistrumi n's are tjnite i n:: a',
mid in some lesprcts even superior, 'o nil the Pi
nno Foites, I snw at the capilla of Emope, and
dining a sojutirn of two years at Puris.
Thce Pinnos tab i It be told at the manufacturer's:
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not some i hint: I ower.
Persons nre re(jue--ted lo cnll and examine I'f
themselves, at tho residence of the Fiihsrrilu r,
Snnhnrv. May 17, M5. H. II. VI ASS P.P.
c a; i n n c r ii .
tllE subscribers would respeclfnllv inf.oni tint
that 1 hey h ive purchased the shop nf M'. Wi'h ,111
I l.n.vei, in Market strt rt, one do .r o nl ihr I'. st
Olliee, where thev will continue the
C'ahiiict-.lSaikiii? IiDiItit"s,
n nil its br inches. The ptihltc may Cipeet tb-ir
work done in the la'est atjle. They hope, hy s'r.rt
attention to bustiK-',-to meiit a share ul iiht c
(! Collin mule to order on the sSnr'cst no'ice,
and coim'rv t rndnee t-.keri in rxrhnnge for i"k.
Siinhurv, May 1 7 1 h . Is45 1 v.
S "J IT S IT 7. IT a
0rtl1111ul1rr la in 1 ' u it n t v
RESPEC TFt 'EI.Y informs his (ri-ml-and tlin
public in, ih it he Ins tak"ii llie I r 1 k
stin.l, in the Ilorongh nf Siinhurv. I.tte'y .11 u: 'e.l
bv J hn Haus as a puMic liuus-. ( w. si ol t' e Si 10
II 'tt.e, anil nearly opposite tl.e Ci.uit Hon e.i
where he is prenari d lo accomrnod tie hi- t'lei..:..
and nil others who mav favor him with lintr cus
tom, in the bct possible manner.
His UAR l'ill 'I"rkle with the rhmc st if I.t
Ui on, nnd his TAltl.E shall be well supi be I
with the veiy best the markets nlf ml. In -hort, 11
pons nor expense will he spare.! lo under l.i
house in every way woilhv of public patronage.
A lilcral sbfrre nf cu-tom is therrfnre solicited.
Sin hiiry. April 12th. 1S-I5. Um
I& c in o v a ! .
nn. .1011 w. iki..
RES'EC I 1T1 t V informs the cj
tirens of Sunl-my t.d if ticini y, 1.1 t
he has n-.liovetf to i.te Ll iik lion.-, i 1
Maiket strirt, for.m'ilv m ritpicd Iv
It fit I 1 1 . 1 11 llenibh i a r ,.t of ihe Ktote f.riui r y oc
cupied by Miller Vr Marlr, nnd now bv Pa T. Cle
nieni, where he wftl lie happy la rririvc ciH 01
the line of his pr. fes-ion.
Sunt. in v, Match 2!hh 115.
!1E .iihsei.hi r, latent li'i't .1 Pic1; t!ro-
siii., Wnii'd ic-p. c; lui'.v inhum ln i 1.1 ci.-t to
ws md the pu'o'ie (jeneriUv. 'hit he now . ri ii ies
the new- buihln i; we-t of Hcmv ll-iiipt'a Ta I ir
-hop. Hint npp si'e Oeor.'e Uriobi's Dru St .re, in
M irkit -trot, Snul.U'y, wlieie l.e intends lo cany
on his former business of
in nil its vaiiotls I -ranches. He 't I be prep-ite I '.
do a I kinds nl wmk in bis hue ttt toe shoile-t no
tice, nnd m the most durable manner. He la that k
fill lor lemur palioiiie, und In sllii ' iitlenilal.Ct l
bo inc-tt mi. I rtMsonahli" rharts, will tn.havor to
dr-erve a continuance nf it.
Stmbiiry. Feb. 22'. IH15, t'ltn
1T3V- C.PaPZ'illTGS.
II IE sub-rrilicrs have received, and are now'
opening a splendid a-aor.mci.t of ike fj:on'i
g od .
Saxony, Willon and Yrlvet Cirpet'mirs )
lliussela and In. pert. I 3 ply tin j CAR
Exlr m pei tine and line Ii crains ill PE I'
Eliisli .h sh id. il & Dima-k Vent do 1NO.
Aim ricttl twilli d and I'u'd t'o J
Enithrh Dniegetts ami Pi. -or Cbib
Suir and P.i.aj:r Hot-kings
Embos-rl Piano and Table Cover
l.'-ndon Cheni'le and Tufte I Ron
Door Malts 1 1 t ie. v ileseriptiou.
A la-go Mini txi.u-oe ts-O'tne-t of Floor Oil
Cloth., tiom one to eifihl yard ide. rut lo lit eve
ry tlrsciiptiou nl ro-iins or its-a -es.
Abo, low lite. I It gr.ill C tiS'l'llJ In in 31 l.r
02 cents r vaid, loBethn wi h t la-ae an I eu n
sue a.sortuiriit nf gooda u-ua .y L'- t lycu-pet
The above good Will lie mi l wkolesale or retail
ut the lowest matkit prices. C-oin.ry uwri h ml
uii.l o heis ate paritrulatlv invited toe ill and tia
mine our ttk before niakii il then s Vcnen.
Socee.sois to Joseph ItUekwooJ. N J. I U Chc.liut,
liornrr ol Ftalialiu PI.
I'iiiladilihia, Ftu- Ji !.-