A n Important Question fur P!illnlrlphlnn. We ropy from the Krie O ir.ette tho follow ing nrticle, which commend its-elf to every en pttfi list mid business matt in Philadelphia, nml indeed the whole State. I'hii.adki riitA AND Cull? Tlu.se points are the nstural nutlets through which the immense miner?) otxl atjricult ornl products of their re spective sections of the Slate tn tint pass, and for this reason, it has long been a desideratum with i very true lVlinsy Hainan to unite tliein hy a i i iro .d, constructed either by a company or tl.e C ;! M.wvnlth. The latter mode linn been here tofore, f'-.':;i (!;( ettWrassfd condition o( her I'li'inc-?, it!ioosible, and from the smie cause, si, 'I re,. it iinies en; but the former, although for a ten- veir prist a s equally impossible, from sunt ):r pii.iri nssm.'.it operating tmonj the people, is now nut only possible, but called, for by every 1 rnii?'i'er.it ion ol intercut and State pride. I'hiln- in. bs .led 1 hv the whole Ssliife tma to. or . , ... , , ," i i her rival cities of New i orl;. sir. in, , , ... . . J. .stnn and Ilillimnre, fc the tnde nf the migh- I iv wcsl-par'ieubirly that portion embraced in the arei drained by tho waters ..t the great lakes Hrie, II uron, Michigan and Superior. j Ti.ij ii. r.i.:..i. ...i.t i ' ii.- u,;.r,,iir iniui'HI nun II ISIIU.II i.iliiiMr, , , , is annul in on losi io ner Wllliom nope oi re- V eve- unless her business mcand capitalists . wnl;e totheir true inter!, or! mike rue mere utniffelo to secure it. Their rival capitalist of R..slon and Now York, with the f,ir-eiirh!ed Mjracity for which lliey are proverbial, are ftraininir ever nerve, putting? forlh every ener py 1o accomp'isli this end, and yet I'liilad, Iphia, her press and citizens, are asleep, or if nwake, lint partially so -unconsciously riezinr? asvav the ., . . , , , , , . " , , ' , .jthulstof .Inly and the 'J'Mh of August. ThV rec'Miis moments tlrnt rniirlit to be appropriated in uir i'iiiisi iiiiiiaiii.il 01 nun uri'in or. I'il. I oi , Xew York and Uric Railroad, n pcwlioniif which ' is in opor.itiim, and flalterinjj ptopixU of the! qeedy compU'tion of Ibe bnlatice, in ours of the 1 enterprises rcrultinj? from this slrurole to so- J srure western tride. 'J'he capitalists .f i New York naw, with clf sr iehled faeaci'y. j ?hat unless a direct and oxpeditiowmiimmi- ; ration v.rth some iHjrt above Rud-iln. where ,,,"...,i ; ... .. ..,i .,. . i i i .. i nil- j,. ' ii. ii in ii mis iii? ri ii'ii iiii'i I i.piv. I liv ico in the Nprinjr, was opened, Haltimorr, by means of her Ohio Uailread, extended l-o '.he lake- at Cleaveland, or rhi1adi.1f.hia with the Trie Vi-tension Cannl nfr.,r.lior n arte m i.rit. j..Knsion vunm, aiioMinjr nn early pis-, nri tl.ronirl. ii , ,.,1.1 .I,,,,,, nn i- - ,:., ' ipe tlirouoli, would draw-oil a la re portion Ol ner wcslertl trade; BflU hence tins roatt was (nmmoneod. It is now, a before iutimativl, very probable that tlic road iil l completed. llilt llona n.l.r nml nil ,n.,n I . . ' I 1 . ! . - "' " Mil. V.I !-. DDI' IU7C IK Will .HI 1 1 H l? . . proved lermmus-lMnkirk f The idea is Vreposteroust Tho company tLa-t could ,- f eive and cirry tlimoj.li such a giijantic project, will never injure the prospect of its siseful- ness by sufferttij it to terminate at a place that possesses no few natural advantages for n pond harbor or any harbor at all as Ihlnkirkl This road completed once, with its western terminus at this place, and Philadelphia )nny give tip aH hnpe nfgecwing tJe traduof the lake coimi ry. U tt aside from thi-. provided tl.e New York ! Bi.di.rie Ric lroad is never linisbed. th.,e are 1 I,.. . ,i.. . . , i . .. i i i n . i 4w.ii.thnr nute hy which she will he deprived u . i i -j i i . ot Tins trade. U-ton ha laid in her claim to - - - it. and will. 11... .I!ii..l .1... I it, who supposes -she will let it slip throuh her ' ,. , ...... I lingers willmut a slrujflo 1 If there are any. . . . , they are not ncouvnt,! with yankee character ! , n,rrrnse. I or tins purpoee they promise ' cn,mect.,,:r thai city with the River sSt reoee -i c j-rii n-i.iir', and tlius by means ot the "i1 in I Canal, n.is.strs theiiiselvee of an unin- . i-, r i u a iu-.t una uiir.d communication ; wilh the l.,ke coimlry and the Mississippi Val- ; ley. Iii sueikiii o this project, the Albany 1 Ar ,n. .iiu l-Tliu ... .1 . f.. ! . M.'r.j.. SI,.. ,pilW'.S SB IIIOIC 111,11, lAIT thai tins iiep iriant road will bu under headway b 'li re the lapnj of many inouthg. Since Ihe c.implftiu.i el lliu rilchburi?, Moutptdier and H linn'lon ruiway 14 sooiiied, the milFuud Isn-iiiiglt .Northern New York is now the. road in ! U .slim It is considered a noble commercial e.'iiii.'glo.u;- I lie miiKli ry of the Wtslun t'tiifr. tin imporiaiicf: is (he more manifest becau.e it is tin! unit line yet unnecupied, tn ini he the mi-: lily iiifl urou iwr Irml,: if XurthttriiHrii America. It is also calculated to divert from Montreal an i (iucbec, to iloston and to New York, the fertile rt'giuii 61 "Upper CuuaJa, whrch fount eventually contain millions ol Ihnvin end enterprisiny; p .puiutioii. -Vci'.her are the people alonj tl.e line asleep. A-jlhorir..;.! ro.r.inis.sioners are constantly .h- t .inin.' from thd farmer, voluntary release of Mud for the right of way, and what is of mo re ! instead of giving it to the Porks. And wln it 1 ".n-rd f-r sonic .tuys. We have been able to col importance, i.y will L'O into Iloston with a recollected that the Lower end gave folk a I l'''' but lew aulhenrc 'p..rlicuhrs., The lnT- i ind'ne suh-cription prnhahly not less than JMH.UMMI. It I.-, sluted tiiat one p. r.ou alone, in St. I.awreneo county, sulwcribes the fuim ot IIXI,(MI(. When tl inse evidences of confidence a re presented to Kastern capitalists, in all pro. liability they will Jill tin the residue, fcl, .-()(),( KM I. required. What say our Philadelphia friends to ibis! Are they willing to lit Jlostou secure Ihut ., l.n.l, Ll, III,,., ll,;. n,,.. ., j .ou" f. j , 'in,' i' sji, i, ing ii . .. . i ..... ,- .i ' i i , . i a small expenditure ot their abundant cap. tul lavui'' idle, to see urn il permiinently for them- , ., ' ., ' . selves ! llut we .aid there was another route pro- ji'Ctod by w Inch they would be d,pr.ved ,,l tins trade. J he li.illiiiioie and ( Inni K iiiroad wouhl s,-,!i ! oinp:,rt, d: Alrvady has a c.nnpanv It, in char I, rid to const met a mad Iron. I 'love- In ml through Ackron and Canton to inteitt c t it ut whatever point may be fixed its weetern ter- nouns. This r.M.d undoubtedly will be built unless the citizens ( Pennsylvania interested in the revival and speedy completion oflhu F.riu and Sunhury RitWoud, take measure iuuixdi ately to hrin' that enterprise before the public. Philadelphia is mors deeply interested in tl.e const ruction of this road thanir oihtr xtrt fifths Slote it( b'.i tVi nr. -.-i j complete it, ant if ei .' i(l h ntiirtbt, it '.. ii j tt Sattirtlny, ugust .'!(), !S15. 0.7" The flev. Mr. Weaver will prenrh, on Sa turday evening and on Sunday morning next, in the piscopal church. C7 The convention to nominate candidate, will meet nt this place en Monday next. The delegate (-lection will hi In Id to-day , the Satuiday preceding. . LLy I UK I 'Unroll r. l lie country en no.ereu severely fir waut of rain. The crops of corn , i . niitl potatoes will Ticni I'.ll pooriy, e.scviu mi u . , , , .... . .. . few favored localities. Hit ween Kiwling anil p,,,,,.,,,,, we lindcrstand, thir.es look much . , , ,.,, ,,,,.( with niU(:tl (TJ(rr rain. In this section we have bud more ram. In tins sei uon we nave nan none ior 1 I . . r . ... . i w i. i... .. i m (,rkj III1I1I CI lieSOMV lil"l, "O'll " " ' . ... ... . I were visileii wiui a small siiower. i ne ;ong continued drought, under the in.luence of., er and burning sun, has completely p.ircho! vrgeta- j tio" ,i0""; places CT7" We stated last week, that now was the I time for budding. l"ion examination, however. we found it was too late, as there was not suffi- cicnt sap to separate the baikfrom th"woo.l. 1 liil t li-ll 1 1 III-1 ct SUV tlin nriitinr film, tm It.iHi'iniii also say that by the pioet ss of biidding. w e will I . , . . i , i , - c . ,i i o" two yviits later in olitainii;g flint, thun by Raiting - -- nTWAit ;in Mr.xirr.--tt is still uncertain w hether Me.i o has actually declared war yet. 1,1 "l0 "icantime, our povn nment, as it w ill be ""-''li'T column, is making every prepa- :on- TronPs ar '""' ""Z tiansport- d to ''''"'' (.a.nes has made a requisition lor l.'n(l oluntecrs in Louisiana. The apportionment of Dtlipatts. Our neighhr.rs of th" Simburv flazette, und. r the j caption ol an article, entitleil " n nnlair rcpre- I . sentation. seem to think, that the democrats of ... ... .. , .. . 1 i j gates. We agree with the Caz.' tte, that if this is 1 so. it should be corrected 'i he deb-gate system ( is a system of machinery, which the democratic 1.1 , , 1 . . . .1 , pally has adopted, to. -oik entrate the .owcrol the . ;)f.( ,, , rurrj. , ., of u, , ,,,;; such candidates as may be selected hy a majority of the delegates w ho represent the ! ;,nry. and the;, only. The Cazette. in onb-r 1 to show the inequality of the repieseutation, ba- ; s.'s 1 s atgunient on the whole number of votes 1 polled nt the election of (Governor Shnnk, inclu- ' '''n- d. niocrats and whigs. Now, we cnnn.it 1 ro,fr'",v' ,l"lt ,h" wbigs have anything to do ' wi,h rtl "a"''r- They are not peiniitted to vote for the delegates, and are therefore not represen- ''' ,!'" f"v"I'n. They have no voic,s " 1',,U ver '" the conventi,,,,. winch is ex- i i . i . . ciusiveiy gor up nv lire deniocrals. lor tlie go. ' - ' J I vernmei t nl llie ileuiocratie party a one. 1 hi- ! . , ,s- P'a... a.iM.i.-., wuu iiwu. rcqu.re no com- I . . ! : .. .. . i ...... ii . I , , In order then to make a fair apportionment, we ...... . . , , n.ust taki; tlie utii.ucrat c vote ol the roi.i.ty, and we MM ,.,, ,e fulri.st , !n! 1( votl ie Vf,.MtutUl ,.,,,tln. hi.-b w ill exhibit the w hole streugtl, ol th.-d",,- ocratic pai ty betti r than any other. The whole number of 1t int ern) :c votes then polled, was -.. i.-,, 0f whid, ill.; ucre polled in the Lower ,.,!, and HiJ'.i in thel orks ; as follows : i.owi n 1.M1. Punbury , Augusta, Kii.-h, M.amokin, Coal, I-oI:ks. Delaware, Lewis, Tin but. I in .".in ir.l j.:s mi J J I S.M0 7: ' It . 1 1.-. ; .j... 1 ne . I'll Norlhuiiihci laud, l l.'l l'oiiit. ior, .N.ilton, 117 I'pper Mahonoy,vu7 Little do. ' yii Lower do. d Jackson, l.ij i ik; in-.".) The whole ininiber of delegate is ,'i.V Of this nun. her tl.e Lower end bust; I thel'oikstl, which, if divided inKi i I 11. the w hole t ote, gn es us the latio of represeiitat ion. which is ;'. otes lo each delegute. Ncyw till divided into lilj'.i, will e,ve tite I'orls 4 I delegate, and a I'lactioii of C'i voles over. The same numb.-i divided in- toillC.will giveti.e Lo-er end Ju .1. I. eat, s and a fraction of M votes over. Thus it will be ! seen that the only inequality cons.-ts in ac.-oid- ! ing to the Lower end a d. h'-ate for its fraction. majority of CtV, while the forks gave h:m but j chant recently returned from Kurnpe., ami on CM, we think there is not mix h nmni for com- i visituiif his Cisinlry residencv, hail h ms plaint. We repeats that we wish to fee equal ' picmtis aroused that a lrind was base and a and exai t justicedoite tonurdemncratic biethern w ife unfaithful. Fiiidin; ther.i toc-ther be in the l'oiks. More than tl.at, we piesnme j stnblir I tho un lly parr, and wou',1 have killed they w ill not ask. Ihe 11.1. Hirsrv A. Wii:, Citited State St.'.-.. ,1 ' I I . . .1 S" . I 1 iiinsu-r io iira?.i , l as seni io i ne .xai una in- , i .. i i . . t i r . . i . i i,. 1 1 ,1 1 , I I 1 Itiisl and eloryiii'' in the he let that he had killed st.iu.teat Washington twoanimals -a vc s South:.... " " . .... I , , , , , ... . . i both i.now a ruviiifr maniac! J lie wife it is be- American leopard and a species of the antelope : ,. , . .... ... - '. , lieved is not fatally wounded, but the recovery lhe I- ince of Ccara. . ( ( n ,,,.. ig d(llll)t'. , , n . . . , I Dam usi -The Cleaveland Herald say. some j '" Ali were .tabbed m tho region of the of the dairymen of Aurora en. ml v have tteeu inln I the Southern poitiou of Ohio and contracted lor wiuie hundreds of acres of standing coin and stocks cm which to w inter their cows. A gen tleman fiom near Columbusatso came into A tt ro ,a and contracted,,, keep 500 cows thfough the winter at the rate of one dollar cr month. Ann- per i tki-r gentleman was allowed to go into the yanl of an extensive dairyman and select cow 8 at?.'.: per hi-ad. Twoycais oldsteci. arc selling at from 3 to ? i pt-r bead. Tor the American. nvDuopnoBH. Mr. F.iutoh: Vou w ill gratify the undersign- j ed. and probably serve the cause of benevolence, I voe.ite tin! abolition af slavery, and has been bold if you give the subjoined extract fiom the Jour- I in the avowal of his opposition to that "instiM nal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of I'enn- ( tiun." Like many other reformers, Mr. C.'sdis fylvania. a place in your paper. The document : cretion is not exactly in pnjpnttion t his real, from which it has been transcribed, was preser- "nd be has le-en involved in a very wordy and a ved by an old fri -nd ol mine, and handed over to ! very warm controversy with ex Governor Met me for translation, in which form 1 now titiusinit ; calf upon tin: merits nnd ilisnnti its of the slave it to you: . I question. Such a discussion very naturally has i . ' - . 1.... ....... ..nr.. Ily.iropiioma is more or ir" po-taoiig i in dilfereiit sections of our country at this time, I and we s-ldom hear that physicians are so fnt tn- , nats ns to arrest its ravages. Dr. Stohe. of I.e. j hanon, and Mr. Valentine Kettring. of Lancaster, have been peculiai ly successful in treating this awful disease. '1 hry for a length or time, kept ; their remedy secret, but at last, they both were . , , . . i r ! indued to communicate the moilj of prepa- ring this medicine to the Legislature ofour state, j the latter !n the year of our Lord M', and the ' former in about 1SI-. The following is Dr. j Stobe's reeeint ; " i i . ,i . . n i m iiiletiltatr Mierhn rnnillnrum veneris O ,!r , , 1 ,,- . , rl I red cheek weed, (anagallis arvetisis,) a handful. ! I .. .. . ... , toil it in a quart nt stron' beer, in nn earthen ! . . . i , i . , , i I vessel, to a v:i t ; but the Maul. i hair is not add- i . . , , . , , , ,. , I'll ''' "'" cheek weed is nearly boiled. f,roivn I . , .., - , , . . , ni'l.nt'. tnbi. il It. .fi. rn l,r..nl fnwl in Inn .l.iai.a . nrrorir , ' Tl... r...l l...,.L- ,....,.! ..r.-.... ,....rt ..nr.l... i ' , in this vicinit v. and the hfliti cnifll;rum vtntris , ' is found in abun l.mce in our neighboring wood. Should, Sow-ever, any person heve a desire to see , the identical plant, by calling at tl.e residence of , Ihe imdeisipned, he can be giatifi,:d. ; x. .t. r.. i Mrac ,,on. me .murnai oi me , naTe ol Hie j c omrronweatii, ot r.-i..i- ivan.a. isn-j : . Mr Parson of 1 -ommittee. to whom the ceuiinuniea'ion o al"iitn,e K ettnng resp. i ' in the cnreol t!n Int.'1 of a nnul dog. has been refer, nd. n ade tie1 fo'lowire lit -.IHUT : j liar iney nan a conversation w ith alentine K.ttiinc on the subject of bis communication, .....1,1. . kn it I..., I.. . , , , , , 1 , " ;"""". , .'.ill...! ml i-tiili- ii il ..-1.I..I. ...I...., t ,o .... . , ' .- "'i" ' in l'!ii..-om, , gathers ai d dry in the ,-hade. and 1 :. i.. .:. i i oe.e .,i..ni..u, ne pw io a grow u peso,, a table s,mon full in 1 r or water, a d.ahm and a , scruple to a child, an equally Mrong dose, but in , llllll llllll lr III ! lll'lf I llll- . Ill 1 1,1 l .llll' I- ilimn .? . (V. . . . :. ! - !. .. - ' 1 ken with bnad coated with butt. r. honey , r iim- , ... . . ' lasses, l or an animal, a Urge table spoon full. or in weight. dialuns and a Fcr.iel.1. Ifth.-r-d cheek weed it ..s.-d gren for auiionls. it may bl ent fine ami mixed with feed : if given to swine, mix the p.ilvei ,. d plant w ith meal, and feed it "in small balls. lie assured us that be has given it to persons j who bad been bitten several week, and that be i could not remember that it ever failed to cure ; . and he never gives more than one dose, with ex- j reptiou to children, to whom he gives the same quantity in three different doses, llesaid further, that it is aUo an excellent cure for cuts or wounds Wle-ii the plant is green, he presses the illii-e into tin. lriilul li,I 1. in. Is i, . ;il, . ... ti... pressed plant on it. The tune to sow the seed is in Api.l, bi.t should be sown very thin. He fin 1 1 1 -rmore informed us that be is now se- v. iilv-five y. ais old, was Loin in (.'ermany and oiiii'ini' irj u i . n in ,r ' en:.'.;,te, w it!, his r.ir nts his eleventh year: tl .it his to Pennsylvania in mother brought the ed of this l,e,h with h.-r garden '. fnuu her native coun'ry ; that he gave a qnanfty nf tin h.rb and seed for the se ofth- committee and ! that be was willu g to supply others, if they ap- ! - . " plied to bioi. i Your committee is also informed by the Kev lieniy li.liientierg. o l.ancast.-r. tl.at it is an ai: nual r'ai.t. which is known in Switzerland and I (7ern any. by the common name of l'rorklirne ; in llug'and. lied Pin pern.-I. and inl.itin. Anneal- lis I'ho nieir, : that .r shni.1,1 Ke e.iidere.l i I when in full bloom. He says, in fJermany a common do-e is thiitv ar.iins. four times a dav and to continue one week, in small doses the wound is wa.hej w ith water, in which the herb ha been boiled, and afterwards some nf the pow- d. ied beib put into the woi.n.l ; that the beibhas been planted in ii any gaidens, and tl.at it llour- ihes well near Taltimoie and I la vie -di (Jrace. Vonr committee olf-i the follow ing resolution :. Jusn.tfit. That the Speaker is requested to re- torn the 'thanks of the S-nate to Val-nt Kett- ling, t.-r bis ben-volent and valuable conni.u- cation. A Fl'sliri l. Tmi;FIY We find the follow- ; ihl' in tire New York Suu ol Wi dnesd ay inorn- i i !"- A ileplnrahie ncciirmiP.? at I lie country ! " ' - 1 r,'Ml,,',M'p "' ""r Npw ",k nierchant. ' ,"v"lv,,, V l.Pi"i,ess ,. three lam.I.es ami ' l,r",wl,lv " v- r,w" belli instantly had lie not hillen inssMisible t the i.ioineiit i.t'slrikiii-j a second deadly blow at his i who. lio'iiwern sirnmsiv woiinurii, ami ine I heart A Hi M nor- rtii', the Phil. I.edg says, baa been gatheied upon the premiss of Vis. Ilatezel, in Northern Liberties tsbn . ronnuisiiig out hn- ...-. .-. ..i...... r.. . u-irr.., j .r , Wl of ,illf,, rmn, (b.n MovnikM. The milkmen of Albany j endangering their live, and pioperty, and w Inch had a prof e&kion a few days ago, supposed to be ( proceed to .ay : , "a Mi ike" on account of the recent drought and In tome countries, Mr. Clay mitfht have dreail tcarcihj tf u uter. ( K( .ummary popular vengeance on Lis ,ierson or AttOMTICI tS KI-.N I'lTKV. f'aim M. Clay some few months ago estab- lished a journal in Lexington, Kentucky, to ad- i....r - ..l 1-r. l: i . i -. . l l vani iiuicii lAciing. ami ine over-eaious novo- j cates in that State of their "peculiar institution," 1 have givru on intimation, which cannot be mia- i taken, of their intention to apply the soveleign , remedy for free dircussinn. Lynch law, unless i Mr. C. desists Irom publishing his paner. A lmh- ! lie meeting has been held by some of the eitiz-rs. a series of resolutions passed, and n committee s. ... . '' was appointed to wait on Mr. C'ay with the re., quest that he stop i.o.ing hi. p.per. Mr. C. ha, ' published these resolutions, declaring also his intention of continuing its publi, ation. What ' the meeting w ill now ,!o we sl.ntl . t. ' i i , i .i -, .... , . . linlilv l,v IliA run, T h. Cnl,,.. .! s.lf ' I- .1 a .1 tl Mil' l I l llll IM" HOI mm HIS rtl III- Vtl l'i I Y 1 .11. ii- I give a strong indication that they will ue vin- . " - . ..i ii -,-t 1 'P and scut not of the State, subject then to Mr. Ii uice. il necessary, to put the journal down, the' ' J . i i . . . , , , , .CM Clay order stand winch Mr ( . has taken is a bold and n-an- , ' ' !.,.. ly oil" II lie lias nolle nnv crn Ulnfur i,a is . -i, , i i .. ,.. r S IHlll S I 111 ! to the 1:1 VVS nml flut tr. n o 1 1 ... nii.il n - , ,,,) conirt!ilt,.e niUn without authority. The ! OiTlnwiiiif nrn flu liUfers mIIiiiI.',! tn I i I.rxii;io. Aii'Misf I I 11." ..II..II i i. Casii s M. Ci.,y. !. S.r-V. the nn.hl- . signed, have been appointed as a committee upon ' the part of a. number o' the respectable citizens . of tl.e city of Lexington, to correspond with you ' "' rU"' '"''"Wing reS.,Iut,on : ,. j;,.,,.,,, Tl,at .-ommitt-e of three bo a v,i(1,((, twaj, ,. (Vsius M. Clay, editor of .Th,, -j-,,,,. .m,., ,,.;,,- ,! request him to dis- continue tie.1 publication of the paper called The Tine American,' as its fiutlnr con titiiiance, in our judgment, is dangerous to the ... ....... ..I.!,!- Illlitl' Mn.t f(. tt... '. l'..f ,f mir lom,,, ah, lauiilies i nr.,.,m-e of the above, we her-bv remu-st i .i you to.lueontii.ue your paper, ami would se, to , . ..... impress ntnin von the importance ol your aeoni csence. Vonr paper is agitating nnd exciting our ,.,,;, y to aI1 ,,., vvhi(.h v0 ,.an ,.iir,.,.. y awar,, Wp 0t appri)Ill.h v,, in ttl(. , , , ,., .. ,, ... v that, in our judgment, your own unlet y. a well as the repoe and peace of the community, are in volved in your answ cr. We await your reply, in i the hope that your own good s. ns, and regard for tin" feasor able wishes of a community in which you have many connexions and friends. , will induce you promptly to comply with our re- i quest. We are instructed to r'p.it your an- swer to a meeting to-morrow evening, at 3 o' clock, and w to morrow. II exp-ct it by Q oVlock. !', M of Kespeetf'.lly. e . 11. W. Pu lley. Tho II. Waters, John W. ! Hunt. i 'l'o this letter Mr. Clay sent the follow ing re- ' f'V : ' Sins : -I received through the hands of Mr. 1 Thomas It. Waters, one of your con inn ttee. since j candle-light, your extraordinary Idler. lr.as- j mUL'1' a ,wo "f )"r committee and myself jre ' no, "l",n P' terms, and when aid to thi the fact that yon have tak n occa-ion to ad II ess me a note of this ch.nacter. when I am on a b-d "' 'lx",'ss o ,lian a "'ontlrs standing, from w 1 "a " venim en at iniervais i.i i me winch I have on. v venluiedat intervals to i ule '"" " r1"" a "-w '-''' !". w l.ic:. cans, u a "'u'' ' """ ,,1'' American people Will ' aeree W! th me. t l.rtt vonr oflu-e is a h.'ise in! ,1 is. - - - honorable on mcr- part icii!..! ly wh.-n they re- fleet that you have had more than two months ' ",liM 1 Wi" '" ' "compli-h the same ' rT- 1 "V in reply to your aetti.,n that ' '"" t""" appomTett ny a respeetanie ' P""'"" 'he community, that it cannot be true. 1 ' ' " a """' ' respectable by any but assassins, pirates ! "" '"Bnway rolil.eis. lour meeting is one mi- '; known ,0,h law and constitution of my ciu.u- - u-v 11 was secret in us proceeilings, its purpose, ' 1,8 "P1"'. Rl"' lU a1'"011- I'k' its mode ol exis- I ,,'"'''- ' "holly unknow n to or in direct viola- Ji"11 '"" ev.-ry known principle of honor, religion or toverninent. h-hl sacred by the civilized w,,r,d ' ''t "'cm with the burning contempt "f a l"-yr '" lut a"'! lo.vaI citin. 1 deny their power ami defy Jh.-ir action. It may be lure that those m.-n are excited as you saw w hose interest it is to prey npnu the excitement and distresses of ' the country. Wl.at tyrant ever failed to he ex- 1 citetl w hen his unjust power Was about to be ta- ken from his hands ? lint deny, utterly deny. i " ' and call for proof, that there is any jut ground ag.,a,.on. in every cae o, v.o.ence l.y !h ,,,a,,i" ,MC' "'V 1' " .... ...... .. .,. ..., ,.r r. ...... .., poiieu io i ne recreiary oi trie ,avy that I'mser representatives, if my life nbould lail to be spa- Handy was fr e ;cr Ibuenpon, Mr Pan red, that there have oecn special causes for ac i rmt wrr(, mo, p,.r,,ni,ory ,.,,er , Mr jj.,,,. t.on ind pendent of, end having no relation what- dy to join the Cyan.1 foithwitb, and at tin- same ever lo the V'i tii Amrrtrtiu or ils rlortriii' ....... ,..f .-.ln.... ... I . - .. .i. . ....... - - - i -.. .. i, . onr-udvice will, tl.e i.gatdto my personal site- ty iswnrtby of the souice whence it emanated, and meets the same contempt fi oni me w hich the piuposet nf your mission excite. Co tell your secret conclave of cowardly assassins tUt ('. M Clay knows his rights and how to defend them. Lexuiyton. Augast ii, IH. C. M. Ci.av. Since 1l.? above was in type, we have the pro- - 1 ' , -cuiiips ui .iifoiiii-r meeting, wy witK'ii we learn that the paper -of Cassius M. Clay has been sup- pressed, and bi pres. and materials sent to Cm- i: .- . .. : l .. i i. ... i - cinnati. After Mr. Clay', answer to tba letter ef the Lexington committee , another meet ins was held by the people of the city of Lexington ami in., anjoining counnes A tong picamule aim series of resolutions were otTeied by 1 l.omas 1". Marshall, in which Mr. Clay's p.q.er wa.de- isounced ut a fire-brand throw n amonest them. secret murder, lie is amnntr, B people who ah- I Miliary Mnv.mrnt. hor mobs, who know no Lynch law, and where j Tint finsT Division of LnriMiA Militia assassination is unheard of. He has pressed the I i Smviic. The Southern mail, yesterday patience of his countrymen to its utmost eapaci. I morninir, brought us intelligence that in conse ty of sufferance they can bear no more without j quence of some military movement in Mexico, being traitor to all the trusts reposed in brave j the particulars of which have not transpired, Oe and patriot men. Though he has bearded and j neral C.iines. the commanding officer of the defied them nttacked the tenure of their pro- i Southern Division uf the United States Army, perty. nnd outraged decency by the terms in has made a requisition lor If It en h unJrid of the which he has characterized tlvm, they are too conscious of their strength to chafe at insult. ... . . , . .. ivy tuirst not lor n:s mood, anil ttiey wouhl not injure his property. lie i a trespasser upon them they have requested him mildly to desist. I Me is contumacious, and they willr-move him by force. For our vindication unib-r the circnni- stances, we appeal to Kentucky and the world. ' jt is ,n,.rofor(. .VWeer by this assembly : . ... 1st. That no Abolition Pre ought tube to. v.n,"A '"' KeMiieky, and none shall be it. this C''y r Vlr""'.v ''l T,,at f ' "T"-" f tlif "Tmo Ameriran" h '""endered peaceably, no in jury shall He .lone iu nn: uin ii ii.', nr i. ft no. ii- y. j in- u 11 I i I .. I . .: i i .i . ... '1' I .. .... .1 i. .ii i. r.. n.. . 1 I ' lil I li:iT il reisf:inei Itn n wn w i I tutee . - iiii-iini"iiiiiiiinift.iiii-,i,ii'n--ini,iiii-iiiii.--iiiii'. ' 3 l ill . ll l. ...... ...!.. I .1.. .. . l. ,"' T,,at 1 f n n n,,'n'"t h" mv r,viv Xh" I'iij.'T ii'T', i- win ngaiii n"M'iiiiii'. .1th. That we hope (". M. ( lav may he tvi- i r ' i. i i sed -for nv our regard to our wives, our rlul- ,,, OMr ,,, nl. prop,.f,V) 01lr C(1,lntry. ,lr f,opftr .,.nr wha, a)0 l0 niiiv. 1. rm,ecte,l .,..,,. ,,,. ,, l;lll.,.r ' ... or .,,,.. w,re nr ,.l.wi1(.r ,,,,. sustain him. he shall not nub- i:sh an i.bolition naner here: and this wealKmat the risk, be it of his blood, or our ow n. er both. , or of all be may brin, of bond oi free, to aid his murderous hand. i lith. That the Chairman he, nnd lie is hereby , nuthoiized to appoint a comnuit-e of sixty ofour bo, ly, w ho shall be authorized to repair to th office of the "True Ann rican," take psesion of press and printing apparatus, pack up the same. nlul nl.it-p it at the taitniHil otliee Tiir 1 1 :ie.stiort.i. tinl, tl) ; ei ;. i , ul leputt forthwith to this bo 'v. The committee went to work care.ully. to-, dow n tin1 presses, pricked up the typ1. and sent the whole to Cincinnati, subject to the ord-r of Mr. Clay. His private pnp.'i w re sent to hi resilience I'rlore the action ot Ih'1 corunirttee. Mr Clay addressed a letter to the meeting, in which he acknowledged that some improper ar ticles bad appeared in bis paper, especially during j his sickness, and that hereafter such things should I be avoided A Louisville paper says ti nt Mr i Clay's present illness is likely to terminate in . his death. I , t nHinorlli y : j We find the following in a letter from Wash- . ington, written to the New York F.i.quirer, by w hich w e should jinle Secretary llaiu rolt is de , tenuined to break up the play of ' old soldier." j too often resorted to by men in public service. ' A ralber singular correspondence has taken place recently between Mr. I'ancrofl and vatiou" ; other persons in the avy. w hich would indicate that Mr. p,. had some id. ,i of putting a stop '.. some of the abuses wlrch now exist in the Navy I b arn that a shm t time ago Mr I'am roit order e,l Mr. Purser ITsndy. of New York, to join the sop of war Cyan", at Norfolk, which is about ,,n to go on a cruise to the '..cilie. and lepoit bim- s.-lt tm doty. ow. Mr. Handy. I understand, is the President of one ofthe steamboat companies 1 .. 1....... I... 1 1. .. 1 i .111 iti'-e o".i 1 11.1 iK'i " 1 . .nr; 1 -a ii' t r-.i;.n.i, ait . na-i n desire to give up his sung beith. while he si,,. ', eerrly wished the government to pay to him his pursers salary for doing nothing lor the serv ce i Mr. Handy, therefore, goes to Ur. Kuschenher- ; 2..r, , th'1 Naval Hospital. New Vork, and Hr , K. iv, s to him a certificate that he is not lit for ' scrv.ee, wl.ul. tl.e worthy purser encloses in . , a letter to Mr. I'.ancroft. Mr. II., immetli.itclv on receipt ol it, placed Mr. Handy on furlough , lie then wiote to l)r Kuschenberger, giving him , a very sharp reprimand for having ventured to ( give such a cei t ilicate without having had any . orders from the Hep.irtment toexamine Mr. Han- ; dy, and requests him for the future not to give any until he was asked for them. lie then do. , tailed three surgeons to form a board ol suncy, and sent orders to th-m to lepoit ti.emselves to Comm.. hue Morgan, at the Naval Asylum, Phi- ladelnhia. and wi ites to Purser II.in.lv to d,i lite ... - . wise. Mr. Handy retdies that he w ill do so. and 1 encloses in his letter a certificate from Dr Wil-v 1 of the Naval Ken.bvvous at New York, s'ati '"ai ne r,a I t.een nuimr.teiy ac.piatute.l w HI, 1 , . Handy s constitution for n any years, and that he . was not fit for sea service. Mr. 11. went to Ph.- lad. Iphia, the survey was held, and the Poard re- i him, .nn ,ri,.n, ii, .,p. i i ii- it, itiiti i in- a mi- i - . , . vessel, intm mirg him that as he was o intimate- ly acquainted with Mr. ilandy'a constitution, he would be afforded a most excellent opportunity of attending to it dm ing a cruize. What will be ' the end of it remains to be seen. Mr Handy will ! hardly like to give up bis IVesideiiey of the Stean.boat Comiwiy. and yet it would b Miii.it ' to allow bin, to icc'eive pay s ,.rer when be i 1 1 . , I .... ii.u... i. iA. . ,irl, k. i. iiL.tl. nn . . i-a.aTT utc.i i.ur o- nn..i i. j.i..j : liable. 1 leavn also that when the survey bad ! been held, and the peremptory order given for Turner Handy to join the Cyane, he wrote a let- i ter covering eipht pue. of foolscap, to prove to j 'he Secretary ofthe Navy that a purser who had j . ore,, . - j )" "b'h .mi it. uc ,c- quired to go tj sea at all." PEAIH or A CLKR'.f MAN. Rev. 181 Big-JJ J died at his residence in Tike county, Mo , on the ( 1st instant. He was eighty eight year, of age, and had been a minister of the gospel for more than fiity years. Louisiana volunteers. The movement alluded to appears to be all conjecture, as fir as the newspapers are concern ed, but the commanding officer litis no doubt re- ceived intelligence w hicW warrants the call for more troops. The promptitude of Hen. Caines shows that our povernment intends to act with energy and decision in this business, and that if Mexico does resoit to active hostilities she will not have morn reason to rejoice over the event. from the New Orleans llee.-I'.xtra Aug. 1 0. Tkvxs anii Mr:ifi. Impohtxnt MnvrMtxr op Tmoi's We h isten to l.i y before our renders the important intelligence we hnve jn.-it rereiv. o.l, relative to protecting the newly acquired tcrritorf. id Tiiv n. froro the ihinirer nfn iir,,i..rr. j - - i .1 - - , . ,,, . . ed Mexcan invasion, deneral iaine, now in ... ...... our City, bavin..' received authentic in'nrumlioti , ' . , ..... Til Tim t'lreel I nil reft l.'imtttnf .li t n'nn rrmn - '' : .1.. i.r-i i -i- .. itp n i ir r 'in i.in?i i :ni I i ii'i iti ivy lor, who is po-ted nt St. Joseph's I.-land, im mediately despatched a messenger to (lovernor Moutna, at Pass Christian, c!a:inini a requisi tion of lira Iliijiniriitx rf Yutiintrm, (ol leu cooipiinies sjc'i, ) one to consist of Infantry nnd one of I'lfl.-.nan ; and t vo cuntvinies of Artille ry, with fight li Id pieces. The req.isiti,ii was immediately jcrauto I, and will be put forth with into e.venr ion. The two vo'unteer Rji'monts tire to Iv sin tinned at tin; Torts and Rirrncks nil the (iiilf, subject to the orders of tho jrovenrnont ; and the t'liiied Sliitea troops nt I'rtsenl in jjarri'on al those statin;! ere tube immediately transfer red to Te.xis. The two companies of Volun teer Artillery will leave on Wednesday, on board the .-tcamship Alibtnn, together w-ith limr comranies ..I' the I'niti d States t roups, (Till '' , Reeion nt, Inlaiilr) ,) t wo of which are expec- ' ted to morrow morning, 'r.-tn I'..-s Christian, under Cupiaius Moore and Holmes, Theaboyj inforin'itiotl may he relied upon ni nu'hentie. Th reception of the above int. lligenee in N'ew Oi leans had excited the militai y ardor of the Tolunteet s there, and tie1 I'icavune of Sun day nn. rning. the 1 7th instant, contained order s;g.iedhy P 1. Suitli. Colonel of the Washing ton Kegiment, and .lames II P.ikin, Colonel of the Kegiment of Louisiana volunteers, for meet i nigs l the oincers to take place the same morn i in.'. A call is also made upon the citizens f. , niirally M ( f . ..... r,.L.in.,,t. .vhi,.U ,vas , .,,,,,, . ai. lay for the purpose. Lisiini. Ci m i u ru.v. Uepeue I changes in ' the temperature luve a very had fleet upon tint I'l.'ol ; a sudden ch .nijo from a ful1, ceneions. t i low, poor diet, w.ll l.e upially ii.j irious to heiil h ns Mi.ljen i Itrtnees of we tlher. If we wu!l hive hsill'i we imisl I'li lrivnr to prevent, us ftr . in .. he, rr.T. esircne of all kind--. K- r.- rx cess, of In hI or cold, f ci" 'n-- or thinking, ten Is t I r duce iin niiiy o, ihe l. i.i I ; thus !' c'r.-u'.iu u I cceinr.s hmuid ; the ery Uniiut 'v i I I fe .ire c'",'- :"'.- and the fi.-l cnquence is .hat the IJIUV. j f. I.S 1. come CdSI'IVB. Wtpn i!. h.twels are i-.isl:ve lhi reo lite th u f- m nisl ai.u ,.f UK VNTUki: I'li'.-S J'lLI.S. which, l.y exei'ii g ac 'iiiui.l'oo, or m-ccler ue.l in iv.-inenl in that ori in, w.il occ.ision il! nm hid conlei.is l.i He . X il.id, il. r l.y producing puii'y to the llo nl nlul h'.ll'l lo lite whole I r 1 1 1 1 1 . 'Jj" I'urchasr of II. H M is tr, Suntuiry. or of l.o iiLt'lits, piil'li.hi'd in another pari of Ihisp tprr. .ft .1 It K I E It , On Tuesday the l'.'lh inst , by James Lcktnan, . Mr. Iiui:rr V.sz r. 'to Mi Hi: i.i; I skioi:. Lot Ii ol l.nsli town-lnr In Milton, on the 7th in-f , bv Kev. C. F. Stoe- v,-r. Mr I'.KM.sviix S Aiir.ot Ohio, tt, Miss S.t r. mi .1 llouui ii, of Heiaware township. in nf tn 1 1 ii' ii .-' -sT.airiB uaiaa l I Kl), In Milton, on Thursday the 1 ith inst.. Mis MAliC AUK I". daughter of Mr James V Sand. I son, ag' tl .il.ott! 1 "i yeais. On the lib inst .'Mrs LLLKN TI".I1K ' '! consult of Mr. Andrew 'Id. luook, of llelawai, tow nship At Philatlclplon. on tbe;th inst MAKUAIJII'l KLKN. consoit of Mr. IVt.-i Kein. and daught." of ll.tiiii l Leho. dee d., loiun rly uf tins p'ace, i, the olth ycai ol her nj'V w. al im ipi i L ii v-M-aiaiaanaaa-aB " ;n-.l Intent l'ii c Cotupuii).' SIAIKI) YlKtiri.Mi ot ihe C. inptiiv wi - he I. eld ou I'lles.l .y .'H'onn i.eil, at 7 o'clock at ll.r C nirl JIause. I'nueiii.il utlemla ,c , if quiied. t;ii.i.S. .s. WIJISIIU, Au 31. 1US sSVc et.iry. "IVaH'.ilimtoii B'iir Company." n,io i 1 1 , . . I '''' niciuls.ii.t llw usliioloii t ire C .u, J j.m.iI t,i nret t ilH- Mat ' Houm. 'on Minlay Kvcinng, fepi, 1, ai 7 ' : cl.ick. precisely. I'uneiual aMeutUuce is ie. pined. i JU" W. SU ! M)Ii ... .S,c. Tlll'-silill .lliit lllilt', a t ire..' w u, huge V si? ui II, d, and also a t'.i.s i u ' J'e "!' " ,h admiiiuiia lor ih tile IjIb Mil. ttraiit. ev mm v iu lit ' . i .'.:'.. C. V-. MMUNN. n. Vt'.l F.K I.AZRIJS. Sunhury. August lit. I8I.V 3i l'o the Electors ol' .Noriliumbcrlaii County : VNCOI KAtJF.D by t nnmbcf of my friend ... ...... ..... r.-a w. i, it- s-osjiiiv, i one, rr.ys, I i i j. , ii'iiauEuima oiunittr caujiuaiv ihe oJlice of I can only promise, should I ho t-hctej, f . r. f ify ctbut to dischirgr (he duties of lie odi your Chine aali.Uction, DAVIU HOCKEFLLLLK. funbury, Aug. 30ih, 1815.