Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 23, 1845, Image 4
Kngllthman'i Opinion of lh A' merlcan. We yesterday received a publication ol Dr. I.yrll'a travel in the United Stale. We have since looked tlironph his book, and find Hint it possesses considerable interest. A lorjre part is taken up with remarks upon the geology of the country, which we should suppose are valu able, coming from bo eminent an authority. But there are also observations on the character and manner of tho American, that are likely to (rive the books a broader intercut. From the Intter we make a f'esv extracts .- -N. Y. Com. Adv. 'One of the first peeuliaritintbat must strike a foreigner in the United States is the def.T ence paid universally to the sex, without regard to station. Womon msy travel alone here in atagre coaches, steamboats, and railway?, with In.. mlh nfdntniintnriA(T diearrroavnldat .mb uii.ttff. and of hearing coarse and unpleasant converts- ' tmn, than in any country I have ever visited j 1 he contrast in this respect, between the Amer icans and the French is quite remarkable. There is a spirit of true gallantry in all this, but the publicity ol the railway car, where all are in one long room, and ot tho large ordinaries, whether on land or water, is a great protection, j the want of which has been felt by many a fe- j male traveller without escort in England. As ' the Americans address no conversation to stran- J gors, we soon became tolerably reconciled to li ving so much in public. Our fellow passen- l.ers consisted for the most part (d shopkeepers, j tiriiz-ins and mechiuiics, with their families, all well dressed, and so lur as we bad intercouse with them, polite nnd desirous to please. A l.irge pnrt of them were on pleasure excursions, iii which they delight to spend their spare cash." Mr. l. i:u, in another place, s.iys that he did dot meet with more ill-bred people in this coun try than he has been in the habit ot seeing at home. 'Travellers must make up their minds, in this as in other countries, to fill in now and tlien with free and easy people. I am bound, however, to say that in the two most glaring im tances ot vulgar familiarity which we huve experienced here, we found out that both the nllenders bad crossed the Atlantic, only ten years before, and had risen rapidly from an bum ble stulion. Whatever good breeding exists here in the middle classes is certainly not of foreign importation ; and John Bull, in partic ular, when out of humor with the manners of tho Americans, is often unconsciously beho'ding his own image in the mirror, or comparing oi.e class of society in the United States with ano ther in his own country, which ought frjin su perior aflluence and leisure, to exhibit a higher j standing of refinement and intelligence. The N. V. Gaz., speaking of the woik, says Some pleasant Anecdotes of character and manners are bereaiid there interspersed through Mr. Ly ell's chapters, and his discursive remarks in several instances are made in the most sen sible and liberal spirit ; but, the book in the main is a rigid geological journal a most valu nblu acquisition to the library, but disappointing to many who read only for amusement. The geologist, indeed, will find here no sce nic description ; for we suppose that to the tho roughly initiated, the mere scientific enumera tion of soils and rocks will possess their minds at once with the features of the landscape ; nnd who can say but that the time will come, when a knowledge of geology is universal, that its terms like short-baud writing will be a cus tomary substitute in travelling literature for all the wordy descriptions we now have to wade through. Even the James's of that day will ri pen a novel with a single paragraph which shall convey a distinct idea of a whole region of countrv. The Timb to Bm-kii. "Blush not now," said a distinguished Italian to his young rela tive, whom ho met issuing from a haunt of vice, "you should have blushed when you went in." The heart alone is safo which shrinks from the slightest contact or conception of evil, and waits nut to enquire, what will the world say ! A scene at the Gate of 1'aradimb. A poor tailor beingr released from a troub'esomc world and a scolding wife appeared at the (late of Paradise. lVttr usked if he had ever been in Purgatory. No,' said the tailor, 'but I have been mar tied.' Oh, said Tcter, that's all the same.' The had scarcly got in, before a fat, turtle eating Alderman caino puffing aud blow in. Halloo ! you follow,' said he, 'open the iW. . 'Not so fast,' said Pi.ter, 'have you ever been to I'ugatory V 'So,' said the Alderman, but what is that to the purpKC 1 You left that poor half starved tailor in, aud he bid been no more in Purgatory than I.' But he has been married, said Peter: Married !' exclaimed the Alderman, 'why I've been married twice.' Then please go back again,' said Peter, 'Paradise is nut the place lor fouls .' A Hit. "My dear Madam," said a Doctor to bis patient : I am truly gratified to aeeyou yet in life. At my last visit yesterday, yon know I told you, you hud but six hour to live. ' " Yea, Doctor, you did, but I did not take tho doae you left uie." Another I1AXU NOTE I,I8T. The fallowing list shows the current ynlue of all Pennsylvania Bank Note. The most implicit re. Imnce may I placed upon it, it i every week tan-fully compared with at d corrected fiom Diik nell's Reporter. rtsiuKfl In Philadelphia. t Dur. ir Wat.o,. ,,hiiaii NOTES AT PAR. flunk of Noith Amnion . , Bank of tho Northern Liberties , Commercial Hank nf Penn'n. . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Kensington llmk . . pur j par ! l",r pr par Philadelphia Bunk Schuylkill Hank Sonthwark Hank . Western Hunk . . Mechanics' Hank . . Manufacturers' A Mechanic' Rank Country HankN. Bunk of Chester Count) Westchester Hank of Delaware County Chester Bank of (icrmantown tJerniniitown Bank of Montgomery Co. Noiris'own Doyleslnwn Dank Doyleslnwn Easton Bank Huston pnr j par par par pnr par par ; pir ; par '. par ; par i . . i I hese Farmers Hnnk of Dorks CO. Hri-tol Office of It ink of Perm's. Harrisbnrg Oflire do do I. minister offices In not niTire do do Reading Ojlice do do NOTES AT Easton J issue n DISCOKN T. Hank of the United Mutes tiatik of Prnn Township Philadelphia pnr pir par i I iii aril Rank . . , Moyamcntnng Bank Bank of Pennsylvania . . Miners' Rink of Pollsville Pnfsv-ille Hank of l.rwistnwn LcvvUtiiwn Hank of Middletown Middletown Bunk of Northumberland Northumberland Columbia D ink & Bridge co.Oolumbia .,, par j I I Carlisle Bank (Carlisle Exchange Bank Dii d' branch of Farmers' B;ink of Lancaster Lancaster Comity 11 ink Farmers' Dank of IJeading Harrishurg Bnnk Lancaster Unnl. Lehnnon Hank Merchants' & Manuf. Dank B ink oLTiitshurg West LTrTiich D mk Pittshurg llollidavsburg Lnnesstci Lancaster 1! iiding llarrMiiirg Lancaster Lihaiion Pitlshurg Piiisluug Willinuispnrl Wilkes ha no Allentowu i!t-ndiiig Plttshurg par par pni 1 put i t t i Wyoming Dunk Northampton 11 ink Hi iks County Hunk Ollice of Haiik of Li. S. D i ' do do Do do d Kensington Suv, Ins. A Penn Tow nship Kav. In. Hank of Cliuiiiherchurg Hank of tieltyshurn Bank of .sn quelianna Co. Erie Dank Kanners' iV Drovers' Dank Piankliu Bank lloiiesdade H.nk Monnnguhela Dank of D Vork Bank failed do l .l ie New it riiiliton do do Chamhcrshurg tii ttyshurg Montrose Erin Wsyneshurg Wnshiiiiiloii Dronnsville Yoik do 1 I .'15 Si at l ' H l N. It, 'I he notes of those hanks on which we imil (iiolnlions, and suhstitute a dash ( ) are not purchased hy tho Philadelphia tirokers, wiih the exception of those which hae a teller of r fen rice. D R () KEN 11 A N K S. Philadelphia -Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Lahor Dank (T I'owanda Bank Philadelphia failed do lulled do failed W Dyott, prop.) failed Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Sw alara Bank of Washington Centre Dank City Dank Farmers' & MerhVs' Dunk Farmers' & Mech'rs' Bank Farmers' V .Mech'rs' Dank Harmony Iiikiilute Huntingdon Dank Juniata II ink Luinherineu's Dank Northern Hank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhuiuh'd Unbui Col. l!k. North Western Dank of Pa. OiHee of Schuylkill Dunk Pa. Agr. (V M inuf. Bank Silver Lake Dank I'nion Dank of Penn'a. Weslmoirlainl Hank Bedford Heaver itanishurg Washington Dell, fonlo no sale closed closed failed closed lio sale failed faded failed no rale Pittshuig Pitlsl.urg Fayette c. f ireencai-l'c Ilalinonv llunliiig Ion no sale LeMistouii no sale V'arien Dlllhlair New Hope Milton Meadville Port t.'uiholl Carlisle Mont i one liiioniown faded no sale clnxed lio rale ilo.-ed failed closed filled closed tireenshurg Wilktsbarre Bridge Co, ilkesbarie iioksIh (jf All notes purporting to be on any Peun-yl-vauia Dank not given in the above list, may be set lown a iiauds. KKW JI.HM.Y. Bank of New Diunswiek Belvideie Hank Burlington Co. Dank Commercial Hank 'Juinlxrland Dank Farmer' Dank Parmers' and Mechanics' Dk r'anucrs' and Mechanic' lilt Farmers' and Men haul' Dk Franklin Dank o! N. J. Brunswick Bclvidere Me.lfur.l Perth Amhoj llrideioii Mount Holly Rahwav failed 1 far i par par i N. Hiuuswick failed Middletown Pt. I Jersey City fjdc.l Huhokeii Dkg.& (iraiiig Co Huh. .ken failed filled faded faded failed i pur no sale Jersey City Bunk Jersey Cily Pattetsoii IMIcviile Morristown K i cell old Newaik Trenton Jcnuiy City Newaik Mechanic' Dank Manufacturers' Dank Munis County Dank Monmouth Ilk of N. J. Mechanic' Dank Mechanic' and Manuf. Dk Morris Canal and Dkg Co Post Notes Newaik Dkg & Tns Co New Hope Del Dridge Co N. J. Manufac aud Dkg Co i i failed lulled 4 failed Lainbeitkville lloboki-n N J Proteclon i Lombard bk Jersey Ciiy Orange Dank t trauge Paterson Hank Palersoil Peoples' Bank do Piinceton Bank Princeton Salem Dunking Co S.d. ui Stale Dank Newark State Bank Liu ibeituown Stale Dank Camden Slate Dank of Morris .Moniatown tata Bunk Trenton Salem and I'hilad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Hanking Co Trenton l"ni..n Hunk Dever Wssliingtou Dunking Co. Hackensack ii:l, a u a it ii. Uk of Wilm & Urundy wine Wilmington Bank af Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Miltord Fanner' Uk of Slate of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do bian.b tieoigetown Do branch Newcastle I'nion Dank Wilmington err I 'nder 5's par ..r j 1 par 1 failed tailed i par failed par par par par r par par par par fj- On all bank maiked thus (M there are ri. (tier rounteifett or altered notes of the various ds uominatiocs, in circulation. WIST A ITS ii n.s m or wim C'linnnv, A 'oinnttt,t ftalanmla Preparnllnn from Wlltl Cherry llarlt and Tar, Tlie . remedy known to the world for the cure of j coughs, coM. asthma, croup, blreilmg of the lungs, whooping rough. bnmchitit, in flu enza, shorlne of breath, pain ami Weakness in the breast or ide, liver complaint, anil the first tinges if COXSUMITIOX. We will net nssrrt tlmt this U.M.SAM will cure (!oniiinn'ion in ist worst rm. hut it hnn ntred ' mnnv after nil other menns of rrlief I s I lieen tried ' in vnin. And li not t ll seemi that the WJI.T) CHF.RRV was destined by Natnie to be our PA- N At r. A the rnvncing illseises of c h tiMide. I, el not the it "pairing invalid wna'n bis' mD''V and loosa I IV1K, to I'lm s nil impor'anl. ' in txfrrimrnting with llie Irssliv nolrum of lie ' d iy, lint use ot once a medirine tlmt will rure. If a j rnrelie p s-ilile a mi dici ie thit seienre approve, and innnv yiars of rxperietire h ive demonstrated ' tlmt it almay relieves. j TVere is o turh thing n fw'l." in the historv of this wotiderfnl BAI.SA.M. Evidence the most j cnoviociiig evedei c.' that no one ran doubt, fully ' e-latili lies tlv.a fart. For the anke of brevity we , sr'ert the f - I owing f'.un t'iouinds. Isanr I'ls't, Esq., Editor of the P.diei p"ie E-igle, I one of the ni.'t influentinl j iurnaU in tlie a t n ' e of i I New Yoik, a nutlet the snt'inrily of his own ! ' name, Ih it a vonntr !ndv, a relttiva n'f b , of ve-v 1 delicate c nst i' m i.m, wn nliscked in Fell. . wiih severe mid. whii h immediately prodiired spit ting eflilond, rough, fever, nnd other (!ari?eroiis and ahinnii'ft svn'ptonis. I'lirmigh medical iieiimru' and ctic she pi tinlly ree verd dorinir summer. ! Hot on the return of winter she was alt u kid mine iolentlv ttinn nt ftis!. she hi came scarcity aide to ! walk and wa tmuldi d iv ih eonuh, chill and fever ! I every day, and appened ti he going rapidly with . i i eonsump ion ; el mistime, mini tneie sa n sign I of improvement, Mr. Platl pr cured n ho'tle if I WisTAii'a IJlsm or Witn t'liniar. which she j I look, and it s eniingly reored her. Khe g t a sr- j I cond, and hefore il a half tsken he was restored , 'o pirfrrl liiullh. which she has enjoyed I i the pie- J sent nine, without the slighter! symptom of her lor iner di-e se. Mr. P att snvs "ihc cure e 'me under my ewa nl seivntton and I cannot he mist .ken as to the fuels." J EXTRACT OF A I.K1TF.R FIIOMA POST MASTER. DATED P.i aneKf.. Washington co., Maine, A pr. 89, 1811. Ml!. I-'SA C DirTTS. Dear Sir : At the re qnc.t of manv of my friends in Ibis place and vici iiity who sre afflicted wiih consumption nnd liver reiiip'ain's, I take the Ii! cry of nskii g yen to ap- I cunt someone in this rounty as nfient to sell Wis- th' Hism or Wu.n Cneanr. nnd tnseiid bi n a few d '7.en as there is none of i! for sale within 2t)(l miles from lhis I have no doubt thai il would n e. I with a remly sale if il were where il could le iia-orcil without to. much expense mid delay. My wile was attacked about six m nilis since wiih what the physicians lulled ihe fir-t s'ag' of c n-ninp'ioii n complaint v ry pievslent in this s. c'ion of country. Having seen the Balsun ad- vert srd 111 Augusta. Zy 200 MIXES FROM HERE, -3 I t (ok the pains to aeud there for a .J oule of it, which she took, and which helped her so much that I set t f.'i I AO botiles more, which ihe has n's ta ken, and he now say she lias not fell so well for six year as she dues at this tine. All I hose who l ave inquned of me and ascertained what effect the H'tls.-tm h id, are anxious In have some for sa'e in I hi - viciuiiv, which is ihe ci.u-e of my writing nu. Plea c infirm me by lelu n nt whether you (include to scud some, nnd it so I.. whom, in ordi r iliat it may be known where it enn be had. I am with re-peet vours, etc. P. ti. FA RNsWORTH, P. M. The w hole country is fast learning that r o medi cine no physician no preparation of any kind r can equal Da. Wiitah'b Uhsih ir Wi lii Cm am i . a TUI I.Y vtvoMii.uri i. c I'm:. W rr.n i lit:, Oneida i N. Y.S. p. 15, IH trt. Dear Sir I ewe il m ihe aflheled In ml. .no y u that in J.iiiunry lot I wn alia, ked by a ve' y vin lent cold, eaiis.d by wo ki' g in the water, which seitled ell my lun,;s. It v-us n-roinpaiiie.l by a r ry sivcie pain in my I r. sl and shits, and ids . a ills! ie-u g Cligh. I had in aiteudauce all the 1 1 l inei'icl aid ill our vdl'ge; but tfier ethausiing all their skill o no nv il, they pronoun, ed my di ease i on ei h mhi i in'i 'irrnoi, nnd tin y ore nnd all g ire mr up to ilie. After much pi rsu ( ion I got ihti i en-nit of my physician to use the Blsm hi Witn Ciiihiit pr. pared by Da Wistah. I pur. cha-ed of the Agent in our place one bottle, before u.-ii g half of which I lagan to gain streng'h. and it was very evident my cough was much better and my symptom in every way impr vii.g. I have now used thiee hoitl. s, mid am restored to perfect u' -1 s i it's' it u iV op v n chfi l)U W la I Alt S BALAAM Ut II.D L HER- t! ; nil I I take this n.elh.ul of g v.i.g you the ,n loruiaiinn, p.trny to pay you me oeni in grnuuoe I owe vt.u, and p.iitly that others i eiiaily afnictc.l may know where to npp y lor relief. j Vciy tmlv yoius, JAMES RACE. ; Mn. I'ii.mi a. Drucgist, under dale of Wall rviile, j ept. 2 lib, lsill), wriii; The rtat. inent nin-n you by Mr. James Snge is . well known lo be Hue by this whole cominuiiiti Il c rt duly was a most remaika' le cure. The sale j f ihe HaUnm i very good, and its success in cures I uiry flittering. Vouis resH elfiilly, D. D. PALMER. TIIK MOST liKMAItKAMU: CTHK r.VKH J,l'.C'Oi:i)Kl. I N. .1 , Apiil III, I S ti. On or about the I3lh day of Oi lober, 1 (1-1 1, Iw.i I taken wi'h a violent pain in the si le near the bur. ! which lolliinlled for alinllt five day, and was fob lowid by the breaking of an u'e r, or alaeess. in ' waidly, which relieved the pain a little, but cau-e.l me ! ihrovv up a great jo nintv tif otleusive matter j and also lunch Being grra'ly l il in. .1 at I this, I applied lo a physician, hut he said he ih- ugl I j he ceuld do but Ii ll for me eve. p j e in.- j Mercury Pills, I lefused to take, feeling saiislied Ibal ihey c.-uld do me nn g.Hal ; mai.) o- ; i lie r r. in diev weie lion procured by my wile an. I fuends, t'lit none did me any ttonilai-d tlie dis i charge of blood and couup'i 'II still c.'l l liUid ev. ry It w day, and at last heroine so i,ffei.ive that J c-.u'd scarcely breathe I w.. also leized with a vi olent rough, which al time caused me to raise niu.h moie blood than I bad done la-fire and my disease roiilinncd in thi way, cull growing worse, until February, when all hope of my tecivery was given up, and my tnead all thought I would die of a (iallopiso Cuki'NrTin. At ihi moment, when mv lite waa apparen ly drawing near it close, I heard of DR. W lsTAR'8 BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY. and got a bonis which as likviii as imvimihtut ; and hy the use of only three b"lile of this nied cine, all my pain were removed my rough and spilling of blood and cor ruption entirely stopped, and in a few week my tiralili wa au far icsluied a to riiable me to woik l my Itade, (w hich is a carpenter,) and up lo tin tun 1 have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. CiorrrtTta Cocktt, N. J , a. Personally came before aur, the tubicriber, one of lbs justices of the Peace in and for the snflconn ty, Thomas Cozens, and deing duly affirmed acs ron.ling to law, saiih the nbove stdtrment is in all things true. Airirmrd brfure me, on the 20th of April. 1 81 3. ? i CttMSKT.J P. S Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM. "SATIRE'S FAVORITE rRESCRIPTIOV a presctiplinii congentil to nor wants, as it is pie. paied fr 'in rhemieil rxliacts from subslanres the author of nature hat placed in our own lind for wise purposes that many who know nothing of the mode of jis nrrnnriiion are endeavoring to j reap pecuniary henefl's hy selliue. n aiticle similar , in riiiins, or in Hppear.nta, or hy representing their j own lia-h s superior In this BALSAM, or lit put- j ling up a mixtinc nnd a demnly asseverating that it is imp .rle.l fr.un a f.irrign country, which is lint the I case. All these deceptive arts goto show tlmtl WfT' i known tn the world In ho 77z.' t; in: at m:Mi:n v." and iimt to se any mimure it must lie like this in name, or pur' port in he like it in suhstanre. j lXj Belie. e not the riintiiiigly wrought fahiirs. j lions and lake nu'y the onginal and genuine i Wisrm's I!i.m or Wu.n t'liinaT. NO OTIIEH CAN DE LIKE IT. ! Address all order li ISAAC BUI"!-., No. 32 , Ann ft New Ymk. Agents, JOHN W. FBII.INO. Rnnlmru, 1) HI! W fit! A M. Knrthumherlund, i. K. MO Y Kit. Htnomnlmtg. J. W (if;o.SKLLKI, Si-rnn-nrtn'e, ! B.'JflWN CKEASV, M-fft,nrille. Feb. S2.I. 1815 ly ' i "FIFTY DOM.AIJS WV.W AKI) i I CANTREItli'S I t ( (ltIrSt f ('(I Oil Mill V ifi (l IC I I1CM 1 TILL not cure everv thing. 1ml s'i I r. lu. in 7 V Uueiiiintled in their several depnrtmei ts hy every ihirig ever offered to the ' public, wlei have voluntary came forward sod i lleri il numerous and higtily rspscluhle ttsiiiii.mials of their superior i Hie icv. Ctintrrll't Compound Meilirnleii Syrup of Sai t or, Aiili-tSenrl'iUii: iSyrup, for the ol CVoiluIn, t'hronic Khen.n itism, t'hronic Kwel- j bngs of the Joints, (.tuptions of the Skin, and all I Dims-c.i aiisiug fri in the almse of Meicury; tlj-c.. j uiisurpassed hy any thing ill the ma kel, coinhi. ning alt ll.e virtues resident in t'le Sar-np.irill.i ( with a modern in-diraineiit, only lately hrouht j out hy I lie most respertaldo medical aulhontirs. i Plice, fid cents per h.iltle. ' Cunt i ell 't . Ititi-Djfpcptie l'i,wdt r, t. r the re lief nnd 1 1 riiiani m cure of lht in ."( distiessing i oii.pljini, Dyspepsia, in all it foini nd s'ng ! It is tinlv a nine' n!uhh' remedy. tS dil in I nlili's I ai 'ih and AO cents each. j f"iinr'y Jtgue. Mixture nod Tno'.c Xntirn. I nirnln, stands it t the bead ol the liM ueriva'Uil l y I "nv, or all the inniimernhlr medicin-s in u-e j hnnig!iiiul the length and bread h of the lot d, for the core of Kr.viR and Am r. in all its stages, and I all its consiipiencf s. licsi.lents in Fever and Ague districts should i never l e wiihout it. j The sohsciil-rr will forfeit FIFTY DOLLARS ' where l is medicine tails to peiform a cure in thi most obstinate Cne, S Id Who and Retail bv CALEB CUES. SON. nt his Drug Warehouse, No. 6 North Third Street, Philadelphia ; also, hv the r.cularly np- I pointed agent. SE I II W. ROBERTS, hoha e Drligiiit, No. .VI Water Sjrei I. Mobile. I 'i .pared oilv bv I lie Subecr-ber, corner .fC A R. PENTEK and SF.l'ONH Str.eis, below 1'hri.ti. an. Philadelphia, where il i also retailed. Ui.serve, none are genuine without the signature t,f JOHN A. CAN TK-ELL. f 'nnlrcir) Apuc lllxtm-r, or Tonic Al4'll('illlH'llt, For the cure of nil 11 limn affections, if taken ac- I Conliiig In directions. It is s i.ever tailing remedy which no fnmi'y lough' 1 1 be wiihout, especially in low marshy j enn tries. I As thi medicine is put up under the p-oprie. tor's iinnn di aie inspection "n the most si'tennli." 1 pii'.clples, hong Pnr. ly Vegetable, nnd havii'i . tue l its rll':ci y on thousand, for upwards ot 1-i : v. nrs. and to his knowb due when taken srrict'v ae I cording to dliections, llirle h i- mil In en one fa lore. I I'niler such cir.'limstaiif r I reeomiuend It 10 the ' pul. he, adding a ccriiuvuU in supp.irt of my a-ser-I lion. i I. Burns, d i ee.llfy ihnt 1 was in the ship j Tobscco I'l.l't of Phil .deli I is, ('apt. Reed, in June, 1827, bono I tr, l.iv.'riool , took Ihe fever and nuue anil laid in l.ivij -..l some I'ine nuilei ' the ilocmi's, went t ool t'-cte ta L'nUtmoie, ; lay in the Infirmary for lour or five wnks thence In Philadelphia; was six nn-nth under Dr. Coal; fi.mi thrnee to New Yi rk wnil tn ll e i Hospital, remain, d there nboiit f nr vv. eks w ill. out I nnv iclief tiled every thing without nv benefit. ' lot five year. He.inug of Canfell's Ague Mil ' ime (loin fi ei d, I went lo his stnr- told him ' w ' fl,f,,', Bn'' ' '""""'" . (lgii ;, .pr li, , mng. , u,e , ,rr. , (rrl n , hnvf . hJ he lu,I( M, rt. I do with confidence recommend ii to the public, john m:i;.s. McclU-alrtl Syrup of Sai -K.tparllla. rh.l.d. Iphia, April 10th, ls4t. Mr. 'uii-i A. t:v tbll, Dt ar ir, Having be. n Mffiic'ed for upwanL of two 5 ears with ulceration of the ihr.ial, .le-tro)i -g the w hole of die soft palate, then llnough the upper part i f mv m-uilh into mv nose, from whic'i sever nl pieces i.f bin e came out, wh'ch parlially de-lioy-ed my speech, ihrouuh a kind Providence und y..ur Med.rnied Syrup ol Sara ipa'iil , I am now le-tor. d lo pei I', cl lie .lib, and my siuht, w Inch wa so much impair, d, is as strong as win n boy. 1 thought ll a duly I ow d to you auJ those siiui- larly atl'cctt d, lo make it public. Vuuis, R. pecfully, SAM1EL KIRK, Cori.rr i f Tenth and lai n Sticil. a I, Ga'-ril J.-nston, No. ti Reck Im Street, do rrr t.fv thai my wife, Jane, was afllicied lor two year w'uli llhcuiiive in. arid at la t was rnnn-ly di-1 led, so that she wts ..bbgeil to he cnnfioed to I" d , hrai ing i f Csnt ell's MeU. ted Syiup of Sui iparilln, or Anti Scot. u'ic Syiup, I pr.auiei four b.-tlbs. which completely removed nil her pains and still iievs from her limb; two in. re hollies made a per le. t cure. Si e is now able lo mtend in bet house hold dnti.a as usual. CADRII. JONS fON. Philadelphia, Jan. 22J. 1814. fXj Descriptive PamphLts mav be bad of the agents, (Gratis.) J. W. FItll.l.M!, Sunhuiy, Nov. 9, 1841. ly Jgent. "a r ii iri7 & iVo cTa r WHOLESALTJ & RETAIZs HAT & CAP MAKUFACTUUURS, South Kast eornrr of Market and 4th ?., riilludelpliln, HERE they always keep on hand an eiten ' " sive ass.irtmeiit of HATS U CA PS of every description, got up in the bet and most approved stj le. Pel, lis dertrou of purchasing supeilor srii ch on ihe uiosl ieeualle terms, will find it lo their advantage lo call hi fore making purcbsae elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 5lli, 1344. ly 'OAKLEY'S Dr.I'lllATIVi: SYltl V. flHE nluab!e properties of Oakley's Pepiim. 1 live Syrup of Hirsaparilla, as s purifier r the tdood, is so well known to the puhlic grnirslly, that it is unriecessaiy to ocrnpy much spurs in set ting forth the advantages to he derived from it ne ; wherever the medicine has once tieen intro duced, it lakes precedence over all others : rveiy onelhot tins taken it, have derived so fiiniil hrne flcial results from it, that i i recnininended l.y them with the u'tnost roiifideiice. I'livsiriins of the highest standing in the profession, preseril-e it j to patients under their care i containing nothing del. terious. hut being composed nf the mnsl mild, yet efficacious vegetable mnlerinls, it is off-red with confidence, as the rheaiest nnd most efficient pu rifier of the blond now known. The use nf a few hollies, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with s most decided impiovement in the ge neral strength nf the system, eradicaiing any seeds nf diaeae that may have been generated, besides giving health nnd vigor to Ihe body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Kvil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or riuptions of the Skin, While Swelling, F.lula. Chronic Cough Asth.ns, e. The nu merous ceriificn'es in the possession of the sul sen I er and his ngents, fium physicians and nihers, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical nf its su periority over all prep araii. ins nf H us .parill.i. S.hl whole-ale nnd retail, lv the proprietor, nF.OKCE . OAKLLV, Noiih ftth stie.l. Rea ding, D- iks Cofcii'y, nnd to be had nf the following prisons : I Northumberland County. II. 11. Mnssv, Snnbury ; LelandtV Mxel, McKwensvilfe ; l Krnus. r. Milton. hi Union County. J. fjenrhart, Sclinsprove; A tillll lllis, Mlfllml'llrg. In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash iugtoii. Rending. Man h I t. 181:1. Mn. I believe il the ntv of every one to do whatever in ihi ir power I ie", for the b nr. tit of tin ir t. l!ow ma. i, and having had pn-i ive pionfin mv own fnmdy. of Ihe won leiful properties of your Depiiriiite Syrup of Sarsapirilli, I m si rei I'rni.'iend il to ihe nfllleted. Wr had the ni:-f utiine t i two of our children, hv the brenkuii nut of ulcerous sores thai coveted the face, beiid nnd i.etk, although we b ul some el iln mot cienlifie plivsicinns In attend ill - in and ha. I tiied nil Ihe known leir.edics, including Swaiie.'s I'nnnc. a, withnjt nv.iil. Another ut n-y children wa anarke-l in the same mariner, I er luce m .1 neek wa corrip'etely e.ivered; the d.schirgr vva so olleiisive, nnd the disease nt such a he'ght, we despaired nf her life. Seeing the woiidi iful ellerls of our Drpurative S nip ,( S osapari 1 1, w e wi ie indiiei d to make trial of il. n the la-t n s .rl ; il need like a cV arm; the n'ce rs ceinmenci d henliug imnie. Lately, a f i w bolt'es enlilely K-l.ui-il,!i,r hi her health, which she h.sci.j.ivid nii'.uleriuptediv ever since As a puiilirr ol Ihe h!o. d, I vtrdy bi litve it has not its eipinl. JOHN MOYER. T.ilor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. D.mgl issville, AprillSih, la4:t. Ma. OvKi.r.t: My s..n Edmiuid Leaf. I ad the . scrofula in the most dn-adiul and distressing man- ' ner for three year, during wh;eh time he was de- j piivej of Ihe use nf his limb, hi- and lin k ' weie covered with ulcer. We tried nil ihe dilV.-r- . entremediia, but to no i IT. ct, until recninmi ruled I y Dr. Johnson of Nonislown. and also Dr. La ic . lll.-sti r, ot Reading. I.i use your Depurativu Syiup of S.irgiparilla, of which I oblnincd h.mles. j the use of w hich d'ove tlie di-ea-e euliu ly out of . hi system, the gore healed up, nnd the child was 1 restored to prrfeel h.-jhh, which be ha- enjoved iiliinleriiiple.lly ev. r since, lo the n-t- iiibhniein of many peisons who seen bim bis affliction. ! I hsve thnuiihl il mv duly, and send y..u this ceiti. ficate thit others who luvea like sfilielion in the f inily may know where to obtain so valuable a j medi. ine. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 10, sn ly 'Bo Country 3.U rcliniil. lioots, Sliocs, Tjotitif'ts, I.i'gliiirn anil I'aliu Leaf Hals. C. Y. vv I.. H. TAYI.OH, ! at the S. .'. enrntr of an. I l'tlth Sts , ' FI'ER for rue an iitcnsive se-oiiineiit of the v al'ov t-ai'.c I. , all of w huh ihi y sill at unusual- I ly low puces, und pailieul.ilv inv.te the at tint loll ol l-uveis visiting the ciiv, to nn 1 1 iininati .n of ibeii stoik. O. W. A L. Ii. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May 25, tS 14. I v 4 oimtt'i rt'ltfi' DEATH BLOW. ; 'Phe pu -lie will please observe thnl no ltrandielh , Pills are genuine, unless the box lias three li bel upon it, Uhe top, the fide and Ihe bottom) esch containing a facsimile signature of my hand writing, thus li. liii tviihiiTii, M. D. These la. bel aie rngr-ived on steel, beautifully desitiued, and done at an expense of over 2.i'0. Therefoie it will be seen that the only thing necesny lo pro- ' Hire the medicine in it purity, i to observe these labels. Remember the lop, the side, and the bottom. The follow ing respective M-r.iu are duly aulh. ri (ed, and hold CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the sale of llrundrtth't Vegetable Vnicrrsal Pills. - Noilhiiri.heilai .1 county : Milton M.iekry A Chambeilin. Suiibuiy II. D. Masrer. M'Ksn.s ville Itel in.liV Mem II. .oiilium eilnuJ V in. Forsyth, (ieortitown J. & J. Walls. I'nion C .uiily : New Berlin .Bogar & W'ii ter. Selinsrovc t ieorge (iundium. Mid. He burg Isaac Smith. Heaver'own David Mulder. Adainshurg - Wni. J. Mav. M itHilishuiu Menscl. iV Hay. Haitleton Darnel Long. Preehurg F.tJ. Mover. I.ewisburg Walls & (treen. Columbia county : Danville E. II. Reynolds V Co. Berwick -shuinan .V. It Henhouse. Ca' lawis ('. li. Brohts. Blooinsliurg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Hil. Washington Roht. Mi Cay. Limestone Hall'-i z MsNich. Observe ihnt enrh A sent has an Eugrav.-d t .'ir 'ilicate of Agency, ronlaiiiiiig a icpies. ntalion id tr BRAN DRETH'S Manufaclorv at sing Smp, ' and upon which w ill also tie seen exact copies ol ihe new labels now used upon the Itroiulnih Pill Uuxis. Philadelphia, o.Tice No. 8. Ninth Rih street. D. DRANDRETH.M. 1) June 24th, 1H43. j .r'I'I'V l.l'IIV I'l'I 'U I." 4 1'"I'1IV I v. i s ist.vaaw-isia . v. w.v , , AMD PHIVATB SALES ROOMS, J Nos. y$ and 31 North Third Street, j Near the City Hotel, , PHILADELPHIA. I Ct:. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vile the attention of person desirous of pur- j chasing puiniluie. In hi rxtensive Sales R.Mims, (both public and Pnvale,) for every description of Household Furuituie, where can he obtained at all lime, a Urge assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Deds, Mallrasses, 4r at very reduced prictv, for caah. ' Sales by Auction, twice week. May 'i'ilb, 1843. I y ROSE OINTMENT roil ti:tteu. niNowoniM.i, rivtPi.Ka on tiik fait, and other M'TANrorsi rRCITIONSl. fjj The following errfijirn'e dmcrihtt one of lh most rxtraurdiuury eurtl eter effected by any application. Pmt.AnM.MiiA. Fehrnary 10. 18H8. 'H'OH twenty years I wss severely sillirt. d with - Ttthi on the Face and Mend; the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and! continued until the pall of 183(1, vmving in vnv lem e.hiil without ever disappearing. During most of tir,1P gTr;it of my'f,.rr. was enven d wilt the eruption, frequently aitended w-'Hh vin'ent ilrh ing; mv head swelled nt limes until it Mt a if it would burst the swelling w as so g-eat, that ) ffwi'.? scarcely pet mv hat on. During the long periojH that I was nfTlicte.1 wph the disense, I used a f9 many n plication, (among them several celebrated prepaiation) e w. II ns taking inward remedies, inelndinga number of b-.ttle of Rival m' Panaera, Extract of Sarsnpurilh, tic. In fact, it would bn impo-sible to enumerate nil the medicines I used. 1 wns nKo niidet the c ue of two of ihe most dis tinguished physicians of thi ciiv, but without n 1 ceiviug much benefit, ami I d.-spairnl of ever being curul. In Ihe fill ul A.V, the d'sei,e :it the lima heirg very violent, 1 coinnieuced using the Rune Ointment, (prepared hv Vatican Davis.) In , a few n plications the violent itching cea-ed, the swelling abated, the i rn- ti .n lieg an to disappear, and before I h id used .s jar the di ease w as enlitely cmed. Ii has now been nearly n nnd t half since, nnd there is no n vestige of the d seae re- I innii'iue. except ihe se irs from (he deep pits formed by the .Ii-. h"c. It is iiu;. ssible for me to describe in a irrtifiente the severity of the disease and my snlf. ring, but I will be pie .sed to give a fuller nc- . count to any pcr-on wanting further satisfaction, , who will call on me. At tho lime I co.nmencej using the R.-se Oiuiim nt I would hnve given hirn- I du ds nf do bus to be rid of the disense. Since u sing it. I have recommended it to -ever il arsons, (imiong them my lumber, who had the disease bad ly on bet a-m.) who w. re a I cured by it. JXMES DIIKNELL, No. ISC, R ice St. If7' The Ruse Ointment is pi, -pared by E. B. ( Vntuhnn. Soli h East oorner of Tlnrd and Race site. t. Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunhu- i ry. b H. D. MASSER, May Ijtb, IS 1.1. Ajrnt. liosv rt:.i!ic6:t, flcs' 'i'tltev 1 A I'liUUl' OF ITS F.EFICACy.'. I'll I L in i.phi a. May 27l!i. I8U!.. 1 rPllIS is to Certify ll at I was si vrrely ,illl c(e I 1 wiih Teller in the hands and f. et for upw .rds. ' of forty Jems ; Ihe disease was ntleiided generally ; Willi vio'i'tit itchiiij and swelling. I ..ppbed to l i iimb. r of hv sici ns, und usi d a gn at inai.y i.pph-ca-ioi.s will, ..ul idi-.tiiig a cure. Aloul , since, I nppoed ll e If.ise Oiiitiucnt, which entirely stopped ihe itr-lunj.aiid a fnv app! 'ntelvcurid the ilis, ase. which there 1, a I.i en no rsiurri of, although I had never been rid of it nt ' nnj time for forty ins, RICHARD SAVAt.E, Eleventh, bib.w Sp-uce Street. ' tj The Rose t liniment is prepared by E. 11. ! Vniikban, S nilh Ea.-t corner of Third and Race Siicets, Philadelphia, mid s.-ldon naeney in Sunhu ' ry by H. U. MASS EH, May MHi, lin. A 'int. PlEiDXCAX. APPROBATIOIT UJ the HOSF. OI.TMi:.T,Jor T'thr. LTill )l II i II die superiority of ihe prepaia't- n over nil other is fully es'nblishe.l, ihe pr .pre tors take p, nsure in laying before ihe j.uldie the loilowinK certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the I'niversiiy ol Peniisv Ivania, Dr. Baiigh, having found in this thin ichef f ,r a tedious mid di-agieeald.' alTction w hich ihe means vviihiu the range of Lis prof. s-i .n fiuh-il to allord. tins not hesiialed to give il his approbati .n, 'illhoilgl I do piejiulices noil interests ot thai profession aio . . pposej lo secret II. -medics. I Phii.aiti eai , Sept. 19, l-t:tfi. I I was recently limibb d w itl a tedious herpetic i I rii.ii..i. w hich cove.e I nearly one si 'e of my f .ce, ) and extended over ibr ear. Mr. Vuuahao. proprie lot of Ihe Iiose Dinlmei.t. obseiving my fa.-e, inis led on mv living his preparation, ol which he h.m- ile.l toe ajar. A lin.uh ill eoiiliuon with ihe mem beis ol my profession, I iliscoiiuieninre nd 1 1 i s a prove ol the numerous nosir-jm palmed upon tho public by ijnoi ml pn ten.b rs, I feel in jiis:ice bound lo cxei pi the Rose Oiulini nl fiom ihui ela-s of me d.cinis. and to iive it my approbation, a it entire ly lined the eruption, although It ll -d resisted the usu.l appbciitions. DAN I. li A I 'OH. M. D. ) The Rose llintmeit is pieparnl by E. V,, Yaubati, Sooth East corner ol Third ai.d R-ieo Siiect. Philadelphia, and sold oiingmcv in Sun I'Uiy. by . j. MANSER. May 14th, IM:t. .47,7. la m CD .033 :a: i'orm r ot T't'dl nod Vinr Struts, WIXaTjIAMUrOUT, PA. npiIE snbsfriber r. sj eclfully announce tithe: k public, thnl he h .s opened a Hotel in iln- coin, rniidious biiek buildino s loite on the comer of 'I bird and Pine streets, where he w-dl be happy to wait np..i those who mav favor him wit'i their company. The Facte llolcl is large ami c..iveni. em, and furnished in the be I m l.tcin si- le. i isi pr..vuh d wilti a lame niiinber of well aiied nnd eomfi.rtable sleeping nparlmenls, rooms, privalo .nilors, A e. Persons visiting Wilbnmsport nn bu siness or plea-ure, may rest as nr. d that every ex en inn will le used to renter 'heir soj unri at tho -Eagle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. HisTal-l.i "'ill be supplied wild the v. ry b-si the rn i.kct af fords, and Ins bar wiih the c!. nicest wines and other ll -piors i barge re sonalle. 'Ihe Eajle Il.iiil possehsr greater advaninges in point i f local than any othel s.inil.o eslablihnient i'i the borough, bring situate in the business part of the town, and will. in a Convenient di t nice of the Court Houhu and Willisiusporl and I'lnura Rail l.'o.d D put. SnlV.eieiit Siablmg provided, and g.aad and trusty oslteis nlway in iittelldaii. e. Attentive, accommodating and hnne-t Servant have been iinplovrd. and nothing left undone that will add lo the loinfoil and accomm.idaiion of hi gue-ts. There w ill be n carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to aud from the House, free id chaise, CHARLES BORROWS. May 1 ltd, 112. If Jlichat'l Weaver V oii, ROrE MAUERS & SHir CHANDLERS. So. Ill AnrA Water Street. Philndi Iphia. A l. cous'antly on hand, a general assort menl of Cordage, Seme Twine, Vc, vix : i ai d Rupee, Fishing Hopes, While Holies, tanil la Ropes, Tow Line lor Cunal Boats. Also, a complete ass.utinent nf Seine Twines, Ac, such a Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beit Patent tiill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and llening Twine, Shoe Thread, &c. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Trace, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chain, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable temi. Philadelphia, November 13, IN42. ly. s v j: u i xcrcuOi T&r i d No. 13S Market Street, riiiladelpliia. INVITE the attention nf Country Merchant to their extensive assortment of British French aud American Dry liood, which they offer forla on Ihe mn reaaiable term. Philadelphia, Novembetr 13, 1845. ly. t