Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 23, 1845, Image 3
BAI.TIMOKK MAIIKKT. Ofjfimaflht Baii-imori Avuaic, Aug. 19. GRAIN. There is a fair supply of Wheat at market to-day, but the millers gencrall having full Mocks on hand, tales are rather difficult to he made. We quote ordinary to prime reds at "5 S t Ms. A sale of a lot of I'cnna. red was made at 8(1 els. and a lot of Penna. white, not white e noiijjlv for family flour, on terms not made public. We quote AM. white Wheats at S5 a l5cts. Corn has further improved. Sales to day at 4!i a 17 cts. for w hite, and 47 a -18 cts. for yellow. A sale of Penna. yelluw nt 4!) cts. A lot of Penna. Rye was sold to-day on Utms not tsanspired, put sa:d to be above 00 its. Sales ol Oats at 110 a 31 cts. l'.'MCR CURUKXT. Cwrteed weekly by Henry Yaxthenner. 'VVhiiat, . 85 It f a, SO Cntttt, ...... 4( ()ts ...... 25 Fens:, ... 5 FiaxtarKii, ... . 112 Hijttisii, - 12 Cons, . . (5 IIkmwh, .... 25 Tallow, ... 10 F 1. 1 x , ... .8 Hkcki.kii Flax, - 10 Dim mi A era., - .10 Da. Vim'hcs, loll sJ""tAME to tli" residence of the siibaerihi r in sl Pont tnwn-h.p, about (he middle nf June 1 ml, RED COW nhioil 7 yen old. is icuuesfoil to cat', prove property, pav chaigea mi I 4ule iwr aw y, or t-lie will lie nf il iiw (hr.cti. WHLIAM LEMtiX. .Kit v,ih.. August iTI. 3t. Ori'liuus' Cutll l Sillc. "Vnl liable Ileal Estate "TN iptireunioe iff an uriler of lite h-plmn-,' Court rVf 'Noithiun'b"rlaiiu ciu1v, will lie -x ) hmiI t . n'liil'fic. vale, n the pu'ilc limine f Yairtine Paul, in Upper Mahuin'v town flip, IS rthn ) i-i d cv n Wi-diics-'av, flie Hi li liny S p'nnUr next, ri ICo'clmk, A. AS., i lio ifnliewiiig ilcucnied pro tpertv, -to wil : A Ten tin p'mTt.rtioii iir tin' t if I n l.s'linrle p r ly in 'Upper Mahoimv low n-lip. Niuiliunilic. I m I county, i.nd i:ri Hr in Upp' rtl .hoiiitngo town-hip in tbc-c. ui ly nl Schuylkill tle ft te road ce' inij (mm P.hisa rile to Fi.-hei's Ferry, tiiij abuu !i4 nril limn tin- fiirimr plnee airjoiii.i.i: 'mi 'si f John IMa'.nvr. the tioiHi f J. Iin Dnhl. (Iiotje ll. vir John 'W.ipaotii r Mid t:t.srs, containing T acics nnfl perches, sirtei mea-we, abiii' SKI aires nl which an- ch aie1 anil in h high slave of cu'ii- aiinn; wtl.riMii are er ct . d a larse tiv.i story lr i 1 Taeru Dense and Kitchen, a large htik litrn, J00 feet Inna, n frame wag n shed, i-rid anoi-hcr larce triune b;l ; also a laige and -evctllerrt tWi' Mill, mul a fr 4nc iiu. e ne .r said mill, mid uUn, two ixreM.nt esc hauls. 'I he above npcfty in very lie. it fully nil aiKant ige ulv jtutcd( unj is an -cxcellcul l-'urm 'I'uvcru Miind. AUo.: At ilie .rue Knie and p'ace. aimtlter oer fill tmcttif Uil. Bilj i Mm lie ulifive iteiicrrlied rc , tieort'e iSiiyiUr and others, citiliiininK 127 writ Mil li'3 n iclir, i-lrkt neiuie, hImhi' flll a. cw s nf wliicli ure fleii'-l ; wlieie 41 nfe wrtnl a two a oty I' R liouxe. ia tlv w-eallii'.-l n udi-d, mid a ie, i-talde. Mid a ..rn- i-wi fleiit lire hnil. j AImi: At iIk- fame iim nud pluoe, anu'lier Ter- 1 tain tr.iet irf In' it, nlj it,Hi! tlte 1ixt n'luve de-enhed tract, Utiidof I'eier Klmk aiH t hi-m. cunt iriiiiia j ltifl acren and t-3 peiches, ctrirt n eituie, hIwiiii 5 aore nl'nlrioii are tteaTd; Tvhem. n are ereriifl1 a two xt ry lot; Iii4isr, wcntle'-linrdl, ami a tp turn, end t w.i nivS 111 (trcluirds. ( ,AI"i: At i lie shiih' tii"' mid pluce, annther rer- j t:iin tiwct or M.r il land, n 'vni'i' R l1e ,ili,e d.-. i iT'lied tiict. l.i dif J.if.4i M tucer hiiiI inher. rnn- ' tvnine 10 si-re and 100 pei-, lr4 meaire, ' ui at wbn li ik rlc.ri' l, liciun mialoiw I m l ) and in 4 Itieh "l 'te nf itilii vniiiiri. i Al.i". At llie ranie time and nlv, a rertain tr;icl of liiuli.-r dn:d, Ki'uste iii Vpier M.di. imv .iwnsliii nfinesi,l, ..jnii (? 1 ui.'i f So ll.i wnniT, J.ilm and Felit M io er, (ii'miw Snvler : ihi.I l i r., cuita n'.iig 07 u. tr and V16 p. relies. ( e.rict tiieasiiiv. ; Al-o- At ilielioxi e ef Smin'l llerh, in f .it li A1 ulioony l.i nshi, .Nmilminln'i l .ml c.iuin y, mi ! Fii.l.iy lie 2(itli t!y of Sete:n'er ni a cittmn lT:nt i.f I nnl, rj uale m Little M h.ini'V t.iwnKh'p af.iresaiil. on Uij riov Civ.k. adj. liiirtta lands . f J.wii'i II ill iki, MmIi i ll.ilid iit.l olleiii, con- I l.iinitii! 1 71) acre and 59 y ichen, stiiel nw aue . ol'uui ItW rr a of which are cleared ; wlienon are 1 trifled a lue Iw.i si.iry I g Ihiumm mul kitihrn, ! (roughcast,) a laige 1iank liam, Hlimit St) feel Iimic; i iuinud red; Im a ami rxeelitil ri-i Mill, an KCi llent nw mill, a di-lilli ry, a lilailinmiih i t-ti.41, and a l.itue and riitltvnt otrliar J- j AIh.i: Aiiollier ivitnin IT id i f I iml. adjnii iiH. 1 tlif I.hsi iilujve iK'.-rriU'il iTncl,tnil of Mil hai l I) : m-il othem, r.'iilaii.ini; 50 arrea vn.l 13!) in-ithea, . HiK't ma (inp, nttait I1MI aires nl which a e clear. ' il; wi ere n are eu'eti d a lnrie Iw.i n.ny fiame (muse, nearlv new, a la Re frame hank htm, a ful ln i it null and rardinu inirliiiie ; and also, li x ill 11 dC I on -i s and i-i .il'li i. The e is nln.i a lart and 'm doi t orrhaid en s dd pie i i-K. Als.i: At ilie a nie liire and pi ire, an oilier ; certain tract i f land, litu ite ill I .in le Malmnoy t urn-hip ufo e,id, ndj linii'K Inn's of Heiny Sw ine' iirl, llie li. in nf A . rail nil Kotti- rinrl di'cM., and oil.e a. co t iiuii.u I U ..ere and 117 irelie, rli et tnen.iire, iilmtil 120 . r. a i.f w liii h are ch arrd n 1 in a hiah aiale f i u tivaii'in ; when on are e licied a two story "i Imui-e.a new li.nk tern, al oui HO fei t lull',', pn mi d led, and an orchard. The i ) mall noy crci k a-i tlir.mnh raid iracl, iml rii'i'it an ixcellinl watei puwt i for linlliiij Ulid nllier puri.ihea The in-HI' fale will he ninde km'Wn on the day of sale aime-aid. II y i.rd. r of the fYun. KUWAKU VsTKIt. Clk (. C. II.VMKI. llKlill.jr, ADAM HE KB, A u sunt 21.1 145. Ailinn.i-iratnrs. Orphaiis t:outt S:v. IN pnraiiunie nt an m.ler if the drplnii.' Court ef Niirihumltf-rlaiid cniinty. wilt be aold at pub lic vtndue.on huluulay ihe "Oiti day uf eptemlii r l.eit, on ihe preini.en, to wii t A ceiiain liael of land situate in the towmdiip of Linle Malionoy, in said ri.uiiiy.adj niin 'ai d of Jacob llillin-h, Leon ard Hied, and the M.ihon.iy Cieek, containing 127 acres, moie or lesa, aheirou is ended two slorv Lug House, a spring h.iu. a lare Dank barn, ami two orchards. AIo, at the same time and place, the undividrd tenih put nf I lure tracts of unimpro ved laud, situate iii l.itile Mahnnoy and Coal town a'lips, vi: two tracts adjoining lands of Daniel Herd, fin, ilec'd., nJ others, containing about 8U0 aciea, and the other adjoining Wendel Latucha and others, in Coal town, hip, containing about 100 crea. Lata the i state ot Leonard Fer.ter, die'd. bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the leims of sale will ! mule known ,v PETER FLUSTER. ' Suiibury, Aug. 16, 1815 . 6 1. Adru'r. PUBLIC SALE Of one or the moat Valuable ON THE MVER SUSQUEHANNA. WILL he sold at Public Hal e, by order nf the Orphans' Court of the county of Northum beiland, on the premises, in Itunh township, in faul county, on Thurtdcii, the I8tli Jay of Si litem bcr, 1845, at 1 n'cl. ck, P. AT., tho V A I, U A 11 1. K A R ,f Of the late Wm. (limit, ron'aiuinc I fill eres of the very l e.l river bottom land, and hound, d by lari'la of (leorce (learliurt, Jhn Cie.irlvirt, Fuliite of D.miel Cameron, di ceased, and the Nmtll Uram-h nf the fu-qmhanni. lying within about one mile fium the town of Danville, Pa., and on Ihe toad leading fiom Danville to Piitilmy. The Ian ah.iul 1 10 eiev of which are cleared, i nf vi. rv etielleril ipia Hy imd in 'h-' hiuhesi state rf cul tivation, well watered, leneed, A-r. A larga linn is very fine meadow land. The improvi ineuts cm sisl of a I.ari'e I wn f'ntf r nine DWEI.I.INtJ HOirsE iii g...d re I air. and kit lien alt n tied, a HANK It UN. running wati r in the v ml and a will near Ihe nouae, i sannrouse i.iriiirii , Win kehou-e, and other out hiiililimis Ala.i a Bond 'I'enani h use a gnnd Apple Orihird i.f chniee fruit trees, etc. This imii env is oni-i leie.l i tie nt ihe m.iKt di'sirab'e and v In .hie in this sclinu i.f toiinlry. ihe I ml n.H biing suriiaHil fir feriility by any in Ihe S ate. lis prnxioi ty In Dim le ud I'litiRVillc ( i vi s it an adv tntagi! over othera in nl w.iv having . nady ci li nmiki t fur all kinds ol pio.lm-e. IVia.ina wiahins lo vii w ihe properly, preit.iua l i t e dav ol :i'e, may call on the suh-cri' eis re-i-dim: in Danville, ur on Mr. Siinml Carrett. who lies nn the premi-i s. S ile t i cuiinnenee nt t cl.s-k P. M. nfsaid d iv, when terms wilt he m ide known by S-HXKPLKs.S T AY LOU, JOHN t5. (Jli:i, A4mr. nf Ihe lUtnle. nf Win. Hi, rut, ihrnwej. II ill. . Aiilmi-i 2 Id." I it 15 4t. C I 11 C IT s. W'liLCII MANN & DKLAVAN. PROPRIEPOltS J. V.. BAITCKTIIt, Agei.. rjlHI VMiiVAi.i.i.n Kai iHTstAX cones, com L p ..ii g 100 MR and HOUSES, will he pie. ceded bv the N nv YuaK Hhas4 H i n. in a mag nificent Cairiajje, drawn by Eiht Cnnin t'. llnise., on their anivd in town. The anis's at. tai'he.l l this p inilar ctabtisbment arc of the hicltest rrtuit.iti'.ii and repi-clabi1itv, and stand aiuoiig the first loaesiTins eillu r m I'.u rope '" America. Among the number will he fiuind Mr J J. X .than, the wonderful Heri-nlean ( llxiseman Mr. W. N ii-lmls. the great Hx liwa d 1 KiiVi Ma-ter J.ilin (ilenr.iv, llie only tnte and peifit trick Ivq i's nan nf Ihe div V. Kincai.l, Ibe yisuirg daslrl-g II ib r Mr. Chamber, Ihe ele. i g in. Scenic ll-ireinan M E. Woods, the mi-. ) rn-slnl peisiii ilV -all. in ol Wild lmli iin nf the For. est Mrs M Vn id. llie b. aul fill Female A rli1 i Ml. Dunbar, llie Ettra. r Hnarv India KubVi Man j Masii is Ri ynol.l imd I'ssuit, the juvvnile pe's i nf the Arena Mr .tam e-on, llie (. ni'c .Siioit d Itai jo I'laver Mr. Winicm.ue, ihe c tur. il V u '. i i-l Mr. J.'hn Di nun d. the f .T-fauied Nigrnj ltre;ik Down Clincir Mr. II. NhIioIs, K.ding ' Master, and Mr. Jnn May, the mo-t ai;ud ir im l c. Ma-aii d Cbiw n ot the dy. Fuf lar'h. r parlicu. I. us see li lis nl the Hole's. Will be erh'hitnf av ii t, on Fainit Ar ; Tiaum. August h. o'ii at 'i ; loremmei c.e ut 2 1-2 oVnck, j P. M. A.litii-Miui only 25 ieois. The ahove r.nnp uiv will exhibit t Lawreuc - i ville, cimtv, o.- the 2lt; at ('viiigton on ' tin-22U t H'oi k ILmse. on the 2 11; in Wil I H im.piiT, onlhe25ih; at Mimcv, un the 2fith ; a Mitinn. n the 27 h ; at l.ewisburg, un t tic 2!Slti ; ; atrd nt Dmv'll.-, mi the 30. 11. ', August lfi 1815. j The 'sii.m C'oatfil lmlhin t'Sf-iaUU- fills," Tiluiiipli;uil. , A.N (HHIINVIK CAS!'. ltiLilioai!. Fet.. t3:h. 1845. ' DR. H. NV. ANDREWS i S.r. Ihe t. .x ..f j Dr Smith's Sug ir Coated Indian Vegrt ible Pills," I puicba-u il i l you s. nun lo muntl.s p isi, I found in their applicaliou l my sou (of about til- tei il jears of aae) the m l happy rffecis on the; sy spin. He hid It-en for some era erv dehcue in health, and very sii' j it lo Fevir and; Chi'l , ei inecti -o as to l r ale ..I "ill for bis fmure j health, ami fur two i r three 1 ears e h ul I kei p ' bin fnun school most nf il f lime, I am now ti k ' tu Mi'kii'.wb'i'iiii li e coinpl le restoration ol It's health, mid n la;r pr.isi eil ,, na perm uienl ei j y m-iit. Jims A. eAsiisrov, N.. IbO Hanover St. The aboe cenileman is weil kiiotn whole, sale merchsnt in Hiltimore. (yj CADI ION. As a ni si table imilali. ti his lieen made, by the name nl iSugir dialed Pills" il is iirciss.ry to lie sure ilul Du. (i Hi.kj Hvrm's siiiua'uie is mi every hot. piico 25 cents. I'liiiC'pal Ofliee. 1 1! (ireenwieli st. N. w Ymk. 1 Sold by JOHN W. FHII.INO. Sunl.ur,. WM. FOU.sYTHE. S,rthn,it. Auust 16, 145. To the l'alcclurs of Noi thumbc'i'luinl ' ( 'utility: 11ii;ti leave t i nirer mvsi If as candidate, al the i'lisuiiig eleiliuii, for the nliii e nf c; o ti ii l y i ii tl 1 1 o r if I should be eh cud, I will discharge the duties of the ulfite with punctualu. PETER DI.YLER. Lower Mahmioy, Aug. 16. 1915. To the Kloctor of Northumberland County : VI rE (uihoriied lo ssy, that the subscriber, ' of Northumberland, will be a cundidste lor the office of ritOTHONOTARY of Northumlieiland county, provided he can receive the nomination of Ihe county convent ion. JOHN W. MILES. NnnbumberUnd, Aug. llih, Is) 4 5. 3t 7la " ri The- highi.ti.Tiir be v for Flax eed. at Ihe slur nf Aug. 9, I81. n - HENKY MAKSER, A TAI.I tni.12 Plan t a t i o n "ITflLL be exposed for Bale, at puhlie vendue, on the fith day of Oclnher next, on the premises, the larae ind rxlenMie Planta'ton, late the e-tale of Wil'iam Heeler, dee'd., situate In Ancu-ti town ship county, about 5 miles from Woiibiiry, 4 miles from the Pnttsville and Danville K.iil I'oad, 4 miles from Ihe Wu-qiiehnnna River and about 6 miles from ihe tJreil Mahnnoy dial l!c aioti, and on the (ircnt Rnnd to llnrrialiiiru and Womelsdorf, cm t.iininj MMO cies, MO acres nl which ate cleared, wi ll a large proportion of mea. d.iw ami an orchard ; the lesulue is weil timbeied. Maid pi intaiion ran lm divided into three dislinrt farms wnli nit prejudice to any of the divM,ri, each division having a good supply of w iter bv tunning strinms and springs in every direction. ji The improvements c.nsisl nf a In'ge jfSStfff NTONB DWELLlNfS IIOUR. 48 fi. !sJlW, front and 37 ft.ibcp. which wasorrupied I I Irsafnr a number nfvears as a Taviru Stand. and in which a store i- kept at present. A spring, rl. se bv, runs throngh the cellar. Theie is also n Hunk linn, wiih etlensive tablinr, on the pn mi- sis; also a is.iw.milt mi a considerable slreim that i runs ihrongh part of the lace j also n House and II irn near the aw-niill. Il will be nib red in amall tracts, if I tirchasers wirh the unme. An iiidi-iiiila- die li ! and pns.-e.-sion can be given on the 1st of April, Ll(i. Sale 1. 1 c iinmeiice at 10 n'clock, A. M on said il .v, w hen tb! cnliditi.4is w ill l e made known by SXMCKI. KF.EsF.k; DAVID KEENER. Auciii'a, Aiis. lfi, 1815. ft Etecii'ora. f?.A'-,np .Ta MILL & FARM ritllH niibuctita'r will rxiiime, at public sill-, on I. 'be premises, nil the 7h nf Ocl.ibrr nett, the vilnalile Mill Property known Mi Kinney's Mills, situ ite in .lai'ks.n lownship, Niiribiiiiiher Ian I coiintv. It lllbsbilo.v Sni dury and J of a mile from ibe Sii(ueliaiin i, j'iniinj larnll (ieo. b-pirn and Hubert I'arrab. I he Mill is built nf snirn'. mi I located on a lK-.ei-fi.ihnc s ream, with i ihree Viiis .l-orr and good b, lu. and t lelv ' bien liiomuulily ifpatre.1. The Farm is in a co-d s'ate of cultivation. coiit iminB 115 acres, wbiton aie ifitjil two log housi's and a bull. Terms made known on tlie d iv nf sal. t5i:til,'(iE ALLEN. .Ink son township, Aug. 0, ISIS. 3t n a . r i: i . LE YEN Principal and ine As-i-tant Te -h- eia will he wanted for the fall and win'cr school, in fh im. kin Dis'ricl. l'ersom wi-btng to I be employed as such, Will please meet the Hoard uf ) D. rectors nf said il strict, at trie house of Fill. I i Lereh, in -siiulVlowrv, in said di-orici. n Fiid iy li e j ltbh day of .S-plember nut, fur examinttioti ae e irHing lo law. 1'eia. ms applying, not personally 1 known ta the Hoar I, w ill Is- expected to have let- j ters ut recommendation, t. inching their gum! in iral character, rjj- The Uoiid will incet at 8 o'clo k, A. M. i Uy order of the Hoard. j JACOB HAAS. I Attest : Pnu'l U.S. D. Miam kin Dint, j El l na Jimi. Secretary Si a n. kin, Aiil'iikI lh, M45. Aiulilur-K .olict. Fjl'HE uruk-rsimie.l having been npp linied bv the 1. Court nf Ciimmiiii Pleas of NortlmmU'rland couMly. auditor to audit the account i.f '1'ol iis Mill, assipuee of Henry H ilbish, of .la. kson township, hereby elves notice to all eieditora und other, i i li n str.l, that he will attend to the du tea of said ap poiiitiin i.t, at his office in Siinluiiy. on the 1 II ' l day ut eitemlier, lKl5, wlnre all such cm mien. I ifthcy see prop r t.'HA'S V. HEOINS. August itth. Is.15.3t DKMOCIt A TIC CiHWTV, MI TO V .SIIIB .11 1: KT I A ii S. ''PlI E ! murrain pailv of NoTihuuilh iland coon- tv. are r quested to nafei in their re--e:iie inwiiships at ihe u-u d pi ire I liokline tin ir meel iiiiis, mi S.ituidav, the Mill day ul August next, to eh ihe u-uel ntiinUr uf delegate', to lie ei in r iiiilv cunentiiin, on M.uulav. the fust day nf S.'p'enilu t inxi. at the Cur: rt II ouse in S nibiiri , f.n llie puipose nf iiiauinft'il'g candidates lu be sup poitvd I y llie pirtv, al die in xt eem ral election. A. JORDAN. A. D. PATTERSON, J D HOFFMAN. JOHN Mi KINNEY, A. SHII'MAN. Aug. 2. 1 s45. t .iidinu Committee. Vuliiiiblt! Froptjrt v FOR SALE. W'WTILL l e sold, ..I publ-c ei.lue, on Frid ay 1 V "lid Sslurdiv, the .riih and lit'i ofSepteui lei, 1 S t.", in J in k-ou township. Noithiimber'aiiil counly, 'a, the billowing ilescrihcd Valuable pro. pi ry, vij. : ! It. On Fiidav, Sept. fith. on the prcmi es, hai valuable Farm situate in Slid township, on I he road i h admit ffom fi.o' to Klinji r-l iwo und Pousville, about 0 m les fr. m (in iiL'et .n and the Siinpiebaima river, ar.d six mill s li. in Kin gets low n, in i v occupied by J u .b Le-hi", cmtaiuing 211 acics, i f which out 1H0 acres are cleared ; and in good cultivtition. am! ihe remainder covered ; it ilh the finest erowth of the most valuable Iiiii'm r. The improvements mi this fnm c uisi-t uf twoile H ml two sto y ibvell iij hou-es, standing near each t other, the one a log baiise and the oilier a frame house, with an excellent well of wa'cr near the door, a l uge bank barn, a .if.n h"ii . cr un ry. corn c ib, it !er pre-s. und nibei i ill bud. In us I'll. ;e aie un tln prcm -es, two etc lleui oich ird-, (T,,nTi'iii4 van uis kind i f Iron li e best ' i 1 1 1 v . a limestone quarry an I lime k In. The w hole tract consts's uf limestone laud of i.s sn pi nor a quablv in any in ll.estat.. The above ilrscrihid larm wi I he sell tor.etber or in pa it', lo ; rii.t purcl a-ers, a id an indi put.ible title and peace- ; able po session given on the 2 I d V if April in X1. 2 1. On s till lav, S ptember li It, nil the premi ses, an exci lleut Farm ul ttat t f land, (now occu pied ly John l.csh i.) s tuile in the Inwiisliip and . oU i'v ut.i e-. .I. U miles fiom Kbngeisl.iwii, o i ihe i. uid l. adii g li nil l"i loii'invii to Klil.g.'isbi-vn, i cu t .inn n liit acres, dj iuiug I nnls uf Abraham , TiuiitiiKii and Um'taimii I.eiti. I, and ihe Mahoii- luiigii cieek, nb iiit 55 acres of wlm h are cleared nud i in goo I cultivation, und Ihe remuiuder excellent 1 w. Midland ; whereon aie en ctej a laie two 1 dwelling bouse, with an excellent well of Water n. ar the dour, a large double log barn, with all other ne cessiry out buildings. There is also upon Ihe pre mines un exct IU nl orchard, with all kinds ol the choicest fruit. Pt sceable possee-iou and an uudis. piiteil title will be uiveii nu the 2.1 ol Apnl next. Until the above faims will he sol.) as the properly of the lite Samuel Lecher, dix'd , by liiluo uf his j last will and testament. I Persons wishing lu see the property before li e i ale, will please call on Jacob Lrsher, on the pre. mi sen, or on Michael Linker, who lives near the same. J.v uu t-u-n r.u. . M It'll A EL IK N K ER. V ' . IS, Jackvon uhji .July SCih, 1 15. Gi. rot itri:r.. atsiiuntiic arteries. 1 llar.Mca's Vrnhii-i'iik-a ertluin rare for worms tnfe and very jilrnnant In take. 2. (ii nsoi's E TnicTS, which remove (irenae of all kinds, Dry I'n'hts, Tar, Vatnisli ami Wax, from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. 3. Los no s Flt Papk. the best thing known for killing lliea and musipi t.irs. 4. A ceitaui Destroyer of Kits, Mice, Ro.uhes and Ants, and another nf Hid llu js. 5. (it !' Meii irie fm a ur stomaeh, Heart Hum and Water Hrash. by one who had nulli red liirtieii yens, bef.ire he iliscovere I the cure. Dti. fT Mrv's (5nt:iiJi (Imrntir for the Piles, tt has never failed lo cine. 7. Haiihisiu's Tkttih Wnsit. 8. II u km usn's Isiiklihi.k Isa, without a rival, 9. Tiik CoMPot'vn Covi-icTion or Fma just the niedii ine for children and women, il is so pleasant to Ink-. 10. Hick's Vm;F.thik A vti ill i.ioits Pii.i.. 11. tii'iM's I'.miii.i.ii. vr Watkii-I'iioiip I'asik, fur II amiss. Ho. its, &c. It soliens the leather, and keeps out llie water. 12. I'niiH. Min's Plastkh. LI. Jackson's Di a muni; i Mixrt Hi:, wbnli cun s the worst Dianlnri in a few b.nirs. I t Jackson's Dvskxtiiit Mixti a cer tain and spei dy cure I'm Dysentery and Summer Complaint. The above valuable articles are sold vho'esale and retail, bv L. C. (il"N, .V. I Smith i'flh ittrrrf, I'hitntfi liln'ii wbeie Sion keejars Mid o ' hi rs wi I be -ii . ie.l with pure African C.iyenne Pepi er, Arnica Flo veis, Druns, Paint, Oil-, il i and Varnisbea nl the luwe-l pncis Terms inly cab. (J2j" Cut out the advciti-eiiient, and biing it with von I'hil oh Iphia. July mill, I8LV ty. ALrAANDKIi 1,. IIICKI-.V. TRUNK MAKER. .o. l.'iO Ih siiiiI Mn t l, riULADE LFHIA. AT THERE all kinds of le at er trunk., val and carpel bas, nf ecry tlvle and piiteiu aie nut .t-tn. e 1 in ihe Hrt manner and from the best '"'Z . . . " ' "P . . J '"! "'' l'hl J,,lv !lti . 1 1 .. I y . l a HI ii Hcaur'. Il;il. VTOTICE is In tel. y gieu,thal ktters uf admin-J-' i-tratinii hae b n cr.iiiled In the sub-cr hi r. on the estate of Martin Wc.vei, I ite nf Mniiii.ikin lownship, eil.iu.l county, ib I'M. Pci-nns null lued lo said est . te i ibavinj ib ni ind- ug iin-l the same, aie . ipn lo call oil the sub cilbel lor sett'i nu 'ni, at the pnl. lie li. iise ol Wm. eaer, on the 20ih ol August next. Wm. 11 MI'ENCH. Shiimokiii tshp , July 19, IK 15. ft. Adm'i. CA81I STOKK. C1IKAI. FOR CASH OK COI N THY n.nDlCK. lAvt'iilj Per 4 t ut. MiiimI flHE iib-enli r hating pun liaseil ihe More of JL IL II. Mass, r, has just leplei isbed the sum- Willi a new sloi k nf goods, wh'ch la'li.g purchased , rHj, ,,ric,.s. will be sold fr Cash i.r Cuiitri i'rmlitrr. twenty jsr cent, cheaper than usual, tall and juiine fir yourselves The following aie sui .ng Ibe articles : Hair, d cntli n illtllinc, at I '-' tii nil ill Inn n, at I -i Muslin, at ) Calicoes, f.isl colors, nl 7 Writing paper, ul 125 per quire S gar, ut fij do co d at S j Ci ffee. at 10 to 12 ' libiss h by IP, at 3:1 cts per do.cti j Elssl c cot'eii cloves, ut lij Moba r m is ut 1. 1 j Hiass Eiubt day clicks, w.itrante.l, al ! " Thi iy buur " ' ' A Urui " lb side. L'ipio's and ('roeeiies nf all kind'. I c ; horn, Fin and Si k hats, Tweed Ca inn re. Co ton ' Yarn, Carpet Ch till. I'm' r. His. P .ra-ols. Lard 1 Lamps. ,Ve HENRY MASsEK. Sunbiiiy. Jult 5. IU15 ! t o a 1. 1, c x c i: i x r. n. j . It. MASS'U, re-pivtfti Iv iiit unis Ins o:.l I Iriei d and custiiiiiers. llial he has s dd out his -I..'.' j lu Henry M .sser, mid rep-cl'iilly n ip.e-t. ull llu s. iudibted to Inm. lo si tile ih.or hi cuius wi. bunt ! ilei.iy. as ihey w ill be pla. i d in ill hands uf a Jilsln e lor en bctloii, W ithout r sK-ct 1 1 1 er., on the 1st ' of A iijiii t. tSuiihuiv.Jtine 2, le4.i. IL B. MASSER. in ki i k v i: a x d i. i i THOMSON'S C'oiiiuuutl S ruji ol 'l'ar JtWotKl apt tin. Fllll E unpie.-eili nied siicee-s u" this medieine. in 1 the re-loraU nl of hi abb, M those who, in des pair, bad gitcu up all hopes, has given it mi tai led riput iiion a' ove all othei remedies, fun.i-hing evidence of its intrinsic mi in- a ml pnw i t. us the on ly ecnt which can be n I ed up n for the cine of Pulmonary t'onstirripiioii, Hr.iuehitl s, A-iliui.i. 1 in in the -ide and llrea-l, Spittiug of Ulood, Inn p ng Cough, Croup, A c. Att.i.ti.ui is ii ipiesied in ibe foil iw ina sTOV. !ll l (i CI'liE, bv Tli. niv. i', (.'urn pou ml Si nip I Tar and W o al Napiha ! ! '.7v,' ,,;. Mi, 3, 1st i. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir-Wnb cr.lelul feelings I int . un y. U i f the u-lonishilig t llcc' of your me liei'ie, which has liter tlv lais d me iroin adeitli-bcd! M vdisaa-e, I'ulinoii ir Con-n. op tion, h id reduce. I me so low thai my by- ciai. pro. no meed my . ' hope'i'ss ! Al ihi Jii"i i ui I he gin to o ey.ii in iltC'ii-', and ..cut im as it may seem, it b .s maial. ele re-lmed m. I heiil'i, allet iVeiylh'nj c'-c h d i i iled. b'e-pn tlullv yours. W AMU Mi i tl M t K. Cbailotie strci l,liliove tieniue sti,' I. Th. unih rsiiiieil, being pei-oi,a'lv m .pi mil. d with Wa-hiiit 'il and bis ntli iui js, heir witniss o the ii-toiii-iung ill cts if Tin. in-. mi's Coiup.iund iup ol i'ar, and the lii.lli uf the a hove staii'ineiil. JOS. W INNER. "H .North Tl ii.l strut, DAVID YICKERS, 2 Abu U nit, HCtill M'lilNLEY, S. E. lom.i Taiiuny und Fourth s'liels. Prepan d ni ly by S. P. Thomson, X. E. c.imcr of 5lh and Spruce streets, 1'iii ade' b a. Agents. H. H. Mi.h i, Suuiiiuy ; D. dross, and Di. M.U'l heison, Hanishuig ; Jn . U. Ilrown, Pnttsville; (ae i. Earl, Re ding; Hon. Ion iV Ma on, Towanda, Iti'idfoid county, I'a, 1'ricv 60 cents per bottle, oi i' in r dozen. 0"j liruiirt vf ut imitation. I'blU.lclpbla. June 2-oll, U45. If Ol'PERlOR Port wine, Madena and Lisbon k-' wines, Als.i siipnior Uiamly and (iui, Lemon Sytup. Also a ft-.v barrels nl Hi i'k Fish, for sale by HENRY MASTER. Sunbury, July 10th, 1815. flll', of a Siipenul quality, csil now be had A st the Lime Kilns of llei.iv Mas- r, in Sun 1 1 ui,. May I7,lftfi. J To the Electors of Nortliuinboil.tml ( 'mini v : T It EsPEOTFCLLY solicit the support of my Fellow ciliiens, al the ensuing election, for the od'u e uf c it o i: it . I promise, should I be elected, to discharge the dul irs of tho oll'ictf with rotnitiip-a. MARTIN IRWIN. Sunbury. July I 2itt. I15. To llu; Illiiitors uf NorlliiiinbuilaiuJ Coinily. EINi snliiiinl by mmy of my friends, I have consented t.i oiler mysell as a candidate lor the ollice nf T r ti n ii r c r of Niiiihiiinbeil iinl county. Should yon see pro pel to elect me. I ph ihie nit sell tt perlorui the duties uf said ollice with fulelitv. W ILLIAM (i CLICK, r-mnlnnv. May .list, IM'l.i. To lite liloctur.-t of Nortliunibui lum! ( 'utility. T the sobc t iti. ii nf a number of persons, in J stilt" lent pints nf the e ninlv, I have Consented to bo a Candid. ite lor the iill'ue uf nt k.i si n t: n of Nnrlhiimbeiliiml c un v. I need baldly assure my tell .w -cil'.. us, dial if I am elected, I will en deavor to diseliirge the duties uf the ollice faldilul ty and Impartially. .ies-m: M. SIMPSON. Sunbiirv. May 17th. IS 15 To tlie I'.lcrtors of Not tliumlicrlainl 'i unity. 'FlIK snlisi rils r, frnm the encouragement recei-- veil Iriirn bo i.uiiu rinis fiieuds, hereby oilers hiiliKi II as a C iniltdate for the ollice uf VmiASU&EB uf No tbiiiiilM'rbiiul ciniiuv, for which be solicits be still. ages nf his le ..w en i.ens. Mhnuld be be elected, be will lullil the duti. s nf the i llure With lidebiy. FR-XNCIS HI CI1ER. .iinluiry, Miy Dili. IS 15. Tu tin; Jili.-ciors of Northiimucrlan. ( nitily. T the solicitation of a iiiimlwrnf my fiieuds in ilitb-reut pails uf the coiiulv. I have eoiiseiitcd In be a Cainbdi'e Inr the nlli. e nf TROTHONOTAST, Mioii d I be s.i f.'iuin ile as lo h elecSJJxt, I pb du'e myself tn iliseiHrie Ihe du'ies of the ntliee with proinpinrss and lide'llv I A M ES HEARD. Mi EwensiiHe. June 21-t, IH45. 'I'ti tin: Kli-cmrs tif Xtiii'itii iljO hiHi ( 'nlllilV. i;il.l.(lV ('m.l'..S: I would respectfully I ull'er mt self In v our cons di ration, as a candi date lor the ellice of I'lta Tio.vo t.i it I. Shnii'd I be elecied, it will he mv pleatiie. ns well us ilipy. lo attend tn the bus in ss ot ihe olhce with lidi lily and ponciuaiitv. W M. J. MARTIN. S.inborv, May 17th. I to. 'I'u llu; Klectors of Xorlliiitiiburlaiul ( 'tiiiiitf. lELLO'V CITIZEN'S. I hv been ir.t.ired 1 to i He: myself as a candidate for the oliice uf I'lolliunofary, At the inn eleilinn Mo uld I fortunately be elected, I berei.y promise, faithfully and impurti il ly to discharge ihediiiies nf saM nlbce. JOHN FA HNS WORTH. Sunbury, Mav 10, IS 15. Tn tin: Klociors nf NoiThuiuberlantl tViinttv. FELLOW CITIZEN'S. I hereby ollir my self as a canduhiio, f .r 'he office of rtEGISTER AND RECORDER. I can only proml-e. slioul.l I la lortunate enotiuh to h. re-elected. In di-i II nge tho duties of said ullice ti.l. lily mul imparii ilpv. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunburv, May 10. 1S15. Tn i lie llloct'iis uf Noi tliuinbcrlainl ( 'utllilV. IEI.LOW CITIZENS. At tlie solicita ion of ' a ti iiml m r of mv tiieuds, I have consented to be a candid lie for the oirice of . Hr.GIST2R AND RECORDER. I piomi.e die cil i- us ot the conti'y, that if I am eli di d. I w ill endeavor In tli-cbarge ihe duties ul ll.t: .Mice lalliifullv iiml iiupirinlv. W II. LIAM M. GRAY. Siinbniv. April Clh, ISt.'i. To the Illei-Uus nf Xurthuiiibeilainl ("titiniy : I)l"; ' eitnl bv many of my Irit nds looibr ) mys. II a- a eii thdale for ihe ullice of -rj r- n,- x 'Kr. tji nf Niiribiiiiilciiiiiid loiio.y, 1 le-pecilully solicit Vslir sup iirl. I will endeavor to discharge the du ll, s . f the ullice f iiibful'y, should you sec pioptr to curler llie same upon me. JOEI'H NICELY. Delaware lownship, July 12. 1S45. To llu; I. lectors of Northumberland CoiilltV. lELI.OW CITIZEN'S: As I have been great. I Iv em uuiagt-il by my fiieuds, I solicit your suppmt for ibe iilTice nf S II K It 1 r F. Should you collier this ullice upon me, I shall cmlcaxii to discharge tl e dot es llu ieof with fide lity. THOMAS . HILLINUION. Viiiibu y. Apnl I'.bh, It- t i. To the I'leelors vl Nottliiiinbeilanil Cinmly. I LI.Nl. solicited ly mv numerous friends in the 1 ) liilli-rei t s. ctioiis ol the c. in it y , h ite co.isen. led to oil. r mt, self in youi consideration as a CaU di.ia'.e loi the ullice of COT:flI3SIOXTER. Should I be elee'ed. I pledge mv self to fulfil ihe dun a ul the ullice with liiv und impail ably. PETER VANDLIM!. iumisK, Mav 31.1. li."i. 'I'u ihe llleclois of Xi'ithunibciluitJ ( 'ulllil V. I, EL LOW (T I IZEN'S. Having been nuuu 1 niued by mv fiieuds, lo odi r myself as a candi date lor the ullice uf COUNTY COMMISSIONER, I ie-peeiluily solicit your suppoit. Should you see i. roper to cooler ihe office upon me, I will en deavor in di-t barge the duties theieof with futility and impsilialtty. SEHASTIAN HArTT. Suiibiiiy. Apiil 19th, 1x15. To ihe l'loelors of Norlliun.borlani.1 ( 'omit v : 7ELLOV ( iriZENS: J big le-tve tnulT. i I mv self as a Candidate ti (he ensuing election, for the ullice of ( omit)- t'tiiiiiiilMsloiirr. Shnijlti I be so i iitunaie as o be elected. I pb'dae myself l.i discb'irue the dultt t of the ollice with promptness and CIURLES WEAVER. Sunbuiy, Apnl bib, !(?), TERMS REDUCED. 'CXf 5 LL3 L3J lA;VIUtUI S CA t. l.ERY of Patent l'remi. um Ctitiirnl ticrnnw, and Photographic No. i:M.'!iuniit Street, riiilailel.liia. jNn. 251 Hronilwsv, New York ; No. 75 Court !triel. Ilnsioii i No. 1:10 Chesnul Wtreel, Phila delph'S t lUltimore ltreet, Hahimnre ; way, KnratiiKS Spiinga SI) Caunt Stieel, New-Oile,ins j Main Street Newport, K. I. Ami main pttreel, I'U liiupie, town. MNSTITI:TIN thenl.lest and most Ext. ns ' sive E-t ibli-hmenl of the kind in Ibe Wurl I, ( ami containing innrn than a THOUSAND PO(. TR.MT. eml.racinir those of soma uf the must distinguished individuals, in tho I'nited States. Aibint'ariee free. 'I bis Establishment having been awanlul iho MiiiiI, I'mir I'trkl Premium!', mid tn'n "Hight-nt llintir'' ui the Exhibitions nt Huston, New York and Philadelphia, respectively, for best. Pit-tinea and Apparatus, is thus ollb-i illv sustained in the pnsi linu of superiority heretofore universally assigned it bv the public, ns 'I'irsl in the IViiei.'' ' June 28th. IS15. I v P I A N O S. rpHE M.'HCRIHER has been ippointrd affent. I fur Ibe sale of CONRAD MEYER S CEL. EIIRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain, massive and biauiiful cxterioi fu.i h. and, for depth and sweetness of lone, and i leg mce of workman ship, are not aurpn-std by any in the United Stales. The following is a recommendation frnm Chi. Diets, a cel. britcd perfonner, and himself a man ufactuicr : A ( All II. Hviin had the pleasure of Irving the excel lent Piwo Fortes maiif.iclureil by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at the list exhibition of the Fr.nklin In titej'e, I feel il due to the true merit of the maker In iVelare that these, instruments arc tpiito t ipin, and in some respects even supciior, to all the Pi ano Foites, I saw at the capitals nf Euiope, an I dining a sojourn of two years at Paris. Thesi Piaans will bn sold al the manufacturer's lowest prices, if not something lower. Persons are requested to call and examine for lliemselvc", nl the re-idetico nf the subscriber. SHubiirv. Mav 17. 1S15. II. H. MANSER. j ! Trial-"tiik c g i ii ii c r s V 7 fVWW. subscribers would resiectfully itif.irm tho 1 Citizens uf Sunbury and the public generally , that they have purcl. used ibe shop of Mr. William Hoover, in Market strict, ore door west of llie Ollice, w here ihey will continue the 'nlMiiel.13nlsin7 Kiiiiiks, in all its branches. The public mav expect their work done in the la'est style. They bone, by slra t attention to busiu.s-, to met it a share uf puhl.c patronage. Collin made lo order on the shortest n.eii u, and enon'rv produce taken in exchmu'e for work. WM. YOL'NOMAN iV II. C. MARTIN. Sunbury, May I7'h, IM5. ly. HAAS'S lKVPKL, S "J IT 3 7 T, o r I Ii ii iii h c r I ii ii tl V u it it t y. PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS RESPECTFULLY informs his Iri. nds and tho . public, in general, that he lias taken the I r ek stand, in ihe Horougll uf Sunbiirv, lately net lined bv John Huus as a public lions.-, (west ot ihe Slant House, and nearly opposite tho Court Hon e,) where he is prepared lo accommodate his ('lends, mid all others who may tavor him with their cus tom, in the he-t possible manner. His II A K shall sparkle Willi Iho choicest nf Li nt nil s, and bis TAHLE shall be well supj lie.', with the very best the markets nll'.rd. In short, pains nor expense will be spared lo render bi house in every way worthy of public pairnuuge. A III rial share of cu-luni is iberrloie sjI.cUi J. Suiibiiiy, April I tit. Isl.'i. Km li c in o val. DU. JOHN . 1M.AL. RESPECTFULLY inform.; iho ci tizena ol Sunbu'y and its v.einiiv, ilut he has rc.iioved In the el u k J louse, in Ma.ket strict, loiipetiv o. Liipied bv in uj to. in llemirieKs. Last .al tm, st,.ip I me r y nr. by Muler Al Man, ar.d now bv L T. ': iiieiii, where be will 1 happy tj receive cV.l.. tu the line of his, Sunbury. March J'.tih 1SI5. H o o t & !S h o c MAKING. fllH E subscriber, late of Ibe linn uf B ck o Win 1. sins, would respectfully inform his old cusl,. in ns and the pi'.blic generally. Ihat he now occupies Ihe new bu.ldu.g we-l uf Henrv ll iupt's Tailor .hop, and. opposite (ieore Hiight'a Drug Store, in M trket street, iSnnbuiy, wbeie hu intends lo cany on bis foimer business uf HOOT tSc SIIOK 3IAKIXR, i:i bll i'a vaiious branches. He will be prepared In do ail kinds uf work in his line at the slimiest no lice, mid in llie most durable manner. He is thai k ful lor I. .ruier patronage, and by strict attendance 1 1 bu ines snd reasuusble charges, will endeavor tj Je.-cive a continuance of it. JOSEPH HECK. Sin, bury. Fed. 331, 1815, dm 1TZV CJ.PsPETIlTGS. riHE sub-cribcrs hive received, and aro imw I. opening a n Undid a.-sorliueiit uf ike fulluvvu,; g ikIs Saxony, Wilton an.) Velvet Carpelitifis I Hrusse's and litiperi.l -ly d.i j ' Extra su 'ifine and line lnL'r aim do : Enli d slndid V D ima-k Venetian do j CAI?-PET- I. Mi. j Ami lie ill twilled and I'n'd do J English Druiigeit and Woolen FK.or Cloths Stair and Pa-sace Hnckuigs j Embossed Plan. i and Table Covets ! London ('hcuillu ami Tufted Rug-i ! Door Mails ufeveiy description. A I. si I A Isign and i lit ii.ive t sstntinent of Floor O. I Cloth-, It. .in one to C'ghl y aids wide, cut lo lit eve ry ilesciipliiiii nf moms ur pas.-ai;i s. Also, low inced Ingri'm Caipeliligs fiem Ii! bs C'.'j cents jar v aid, toceihrr wuli a huge and e me sne assortmeiil ul gotnla kept ry cttipel. merchants. The shove Is will lie sulJ wkolsare or retail al the lowest nisik- t prices. Cueuiry mcrib H.I-S and o'heis are parnculailv invited to rail n i ra miue our stock b, foe nmkii'f I1"'" 'etiioiia. CLARKSON. RICH tV MI'I.LIOnN. Socci-asois to J seph Hla.kwood, Nil. Ill CU:tivlt, Coiner nf V raiAlm Place. Phils '.tl,!,!, Fr...?JJ, tfiV