Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 16, 1845, Image 4

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    Von'tl Heller ftuliserlbe.
A grenl unknown, says the St. Louis Reveille,
in an exchange paper relates, in Very touching
verse, the opposite fate of two early friends ;
the little tale has a great moral :
One took a paper, and his life
Was happier than a King's ; r
His children all could read and write,
And talk of men and things.
The other took no paper, and
While strolling through the wood,
A tree fell down upon his crown,
And killed him as it should.
Had he heen reading of the news
At home, like neighbor Jim,
I'll het a cent that accident
Would not have happened him.
SlreuglU of Woman's Lore.
The Rev. Mr. C, at the South, recently clo
sed a sermon with the following lunching nar
ration A young gentleman of hipli respectability, tn.
lunts, fortune and family, married the beautiful,
the lovely and accomplished daughter of
She was the daughter of a wealthy mcrchnnt in
one of our Northern cities ; with their united
fortunes they commenced a career of life, with
the brightest hopes and fairest prospects of un
disturbed happiness and prosperity, that-the
most sanguine or ambitious could wish or de
sire. She was a Indy of fnshionuble distinction
in society, the pride and ambiiioii ofall who en
joyed the entree of her pay and hospitable man
sion, and the idol of a young and affectionate
husband's heart. II or wants, her wishes and
desires vera all anticipated by that peculiar (lis
ecrnment, which always ofl'nrds so much delight,
and brings with it those unspeakable evidences
of a liinbniuls love thai a wife, alone cun under- !
stand and appreciate.
Thus they lived on, for a few bright yeara of
happy existence. Hut alas ! such is the versa
tility of foitune, such the uncertainty of liuiiuin
happiness, that even those who seem to be sur
rounded with nil the splendid glitter af prosper
ity, are by some casual occurrence, some unex
pected event, plunged from thissplendid pinna
cle of prosperity, to the abyss of adversity.
They saw not, averted not the dark cloud, e
tnerged above the bright horizon that had hith
erto encircled their dreamy existence, hut soon
obscured the brilliancy of their prospects, and
dicliarged its baneful contents upon their devo
ted headb and threw them upon n cold and heart
less world, without a far'hing to support them.
The husband unable to counteract this incon
sistency of hirtune, by becoming fortitude, gave
himself up to the grossest intemperance, and
subsequent neglect and abuse of his lovely wife
and family. Hut she, like a woman, yea, like
an angel as she is, soared above it all.
After an absence of some dnys, his wife not
knowing where he was, he returned home, in
the wretched and disgusting condition to which
drunkenness had reduced him, his locks matted
with filth and sticking closely to his forehead,
and his breath stinking with the fu'tid exhala
tions of brandy. In this frightful condition of
human degredation, su'.urated with liquor, he
entered the now obscure residence of his wife,
who met him with all those feelings of abiding
uhVction, which in a woman's heart knows no
change ; but the once fond husband, now trans
formed to a beist, returned her cordial recep
tion with the coarsest abuse, tnd at last struck
her to the floor. She, after recovering herself
from the blow, arose, her husband standing
near her ; she ruhed into his arms, exclaiming,
"Charles! Charles! what are you doing!" and
turning Irum his brow the matted locks which
once clustered in beautiful curls upon his man
ly forehead, she imprinted upon it on afloction
ate and endearing kirs, and with the soft and
tender look of love, from eyes streaming with
tcurs, Umiii his haggard features, again exclai
med, "Oh, Charles, how can you strike your
micu dear Mary !" He instantly, as if struck
himself by some superhuman force, echoed back
the beloved name "Mary ! Mary! what have
1 done?" He fell upon his knees, imploring
forgiveness, and from that moment became a
reformed man, a devoted husband, and is now
an ornament to society.
Arnold, the Tkaitor. Every body knows,
we presume, that Benedict Arnold was the ob
ject of scorn and contempt in England after his
treachery, and that he was olten grosi-ly insult
ed in that country. The following anecdote,
Itowver. may be new to some of our readers:
"Shortly after the jeace of 'SU Arnold was
prebriitetl at court. While the King woa con
verging with bun, Lord ltalcairas, a stately old
nobleman, who hod tonghi under Gen. Uurgovne
in the campaigns of America, wus pieseuttd
The king introduced them with,
'Iird Ualcurras General Arnold.'
What, sire,' said the old earl, drawing up
)M lofty form, 'the traitor Arnold '' and re
fusinj to give his hand. The consequence, as
uiay be anticipated, was a challenge from Ar
nold. They met and it was arranged that the
parties sho'iid fire together. At the signal Ar
nold fired, but Lord Halcarras throw ing dow n
his pistol, turned on his heel and was walking
awsy, when Arnold exclaimed,
'Why don't you fire, my ljrird V
'Sir,' Mid Iati1 11 , looking over big .huulJcr,
'I leave you to the cxecutioocr.'
kj. t-M i. r i j uai wsjg"MtMg",g-Taw
The following I'm shows the current value of all
Vnm.vlvania Bank N.tes. The most implicit re
liance "may las placed upon it. as it i every week
rarcfully compared with and corrected from Dick
hell's Reporter.
Rank lu rkllartclpSila.
Bank of North America . , for
Bank of the Northern Lilierties , , par
Commercial Hunk of Penn'a. . , r
Farmers' ami Merhanics' Bank . par i
Kensington It ink . . pur J
Philadelphia Bank . . par
Schuylkill Hank , . . par
Snnthwark Bank . par !
Western Hunk ... par j
Mechanics' Bank . put
Manufacturers' A. Mechanics Bank par j
Country IJanlis.
Rank nf Chester Count Westchester
Hank of Delaware County
Hank of (ierniniitoivn
Hank of Montgomery Co.
Doylcstnwn Hank
E.-istott Hank
Farmers' Hank of Bucks co.
Office f Uank or Pec.n'a.
Olhce do do
Office do do
Olfice dii do
par .
par ;
par j
Harrishurg These
Lancaster I offices
Reading do
Eash.n J I
issue n.
Hank of the United States'
Philadelphia 31.i32
rtank of I'erin Township . . par
fii-ard Hank 1 I . par
Bank of Pennsylvania . . par
Miners' Hank nf Poltsville Pnttsville J
Hank if Lewistown Lewistown 1
Hank of Middletiiwn Middleman I
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank & Uri.lge co.'Columhia par
Carlisle Hank Carlisle 1
Exchange Bank Pittsburg I
D.i il l branch of llnllid avsburg I
Farmers' llnnk of Lancaster Lancislci par
Lancaster ( futility Bank Lancaster par
Farmers Hank of Reading Rinding pat
Hnrriahurg Hank Harrishurg I
Lancasicr Bank Lancaster pit
Leliarinn Bank Lebanon j
Merchants" A. Mannf. Bank Pittsburg I
Bank nf Pittsburg Piushuig I
West Bianch Biiik Williamspnrl I
Wyoming Bank Wilkesharie I;'
.North unpidii Bank Alleninwn
Berks County Bank Reading
Office of Barik of V. S. Pittsl-urg failed
D.i - do do I'.rii' dn
Do dti do Net Briihtnn dn
KensiiiEimi Sav, Ins. A ilj
Penn Townsfiip Kav. Ins. do
Bank of ( hanifHriliurflr ChamhcrxlMirg I
Bank ol (iVltysliurK (ti llvsl'lirg I
It in ik of Su-iii'liHiiiia tO. Mr.nlnwe 05
Krie Bank Lriu Si )
Furmcrs' & Drovers' Hank Wnynesluirg i
Fianklin Hank 'ashiiictnn I
Ifuuesd.ile Biiik Ifoueiidale
Miiiiimii iliela Bank of H. Brownsville lj
Vork Bank Yn.k I
N. It, 'J ho notes of those bunks on which we
unit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchase.! by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception ol Ihnse which have a h'Hei ol r. ten nce.
Philadelphia Kqv. Ins. . Pliilaiel.hia failed
Philadelphisj Loan ("o. do tailed
Schuylkill Suv. Ins. do
Manual Labor Bans. ( T. W Dyoti, pri'p.) failed
I' Bank Tovvanda
Mlegbany Hank nf Pa. Be.ll.ird
Bank of Beaver Beaver Swatura Harrislmrg
Bank of Washington Washington
Centre Bank Bell, binte
f'lty Bank Piti-huig
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bunk I'ltti-hurg
Farmers' & Mirli'c' Bank Fayette co.
Farmers' MeihVs' Bank (irifncast.e
Harmony Institute. Ilarmniiy
Huntingdon Bank liuntiiig.l.iii
Juniata Hank 1 u
Lumbermen's Bank Waricn
Northern Bank of Pa. Dun. bill
New Hope Del, Biidge ("o. New Hope
Northuinb'd L'ni.ui Col. Bk. Milton
North Western Baik of Pa. Mea.Nillo
Din. e of Hchuylkill Bank Port Cuiliuo
Pa. Aur. it Mauuf. Bank ('arlisle
Silver Lake Bank M.mtrose
I'nion Hank of Pcnn'a. I iiioiiiown
N estin.iielan.l Bank 'reeiisburg
no sale
rl.isi .1
no rule
no sale
no sale
no sale
no Kile
111) Hill'
cUim ll
W ilkesbarre Bri.lo Co.
Wilkt'sbarrr imsule
fjj All notes purpiiiling to be on any I'eun-yl-vauia
Bank not iiven in the above li.-t, may be m1
low ii as frauds.
Hank of New Biunsw it k
lielvideie Bank
Uurlingtnu Co. Bank
Joiiiiiiercial Bank
Juinberlaud Bank
ParmerH Batik
farmer' and Mechanics' Bk
Parmer' und Mechanics' lik
Farmers' and Men hanu' Hk
Franklin Bank of N.J.
I'rcnsw ii k
Perth Aiiil.oy
Mount Holly
N. Hiuiisvv'uk
Mi.l.Cetowii Pi.
Jerey City
Hubokcu Bkg &. (ifuzuig Co Ilolmkcu
Jersey City Bank
Mechanics' B.nk
Jervy City
New ark
Jeisi'y Udy
Manufacturers' Bank
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Bk of .N.J.
Mechanics Bank
.Mechanics' and Mannf. Bk
Morris Canal and llkg Co
Post Notes
HO Sale
Newark Bkg & Ins Co
New Hope Del Bridge Co
N. J. Muliufac. and Bkg Co
N J Piolffloii cV Lombard bk
( riilie Bank
Paterson Bank
Peoples' Bank
Piiuceltiii Bank
Salem Banking Co
Slale Bald,
State Bank
Stale Bank
Stale Bank of Morris
Llc Hank
Salem and Philad Maiiuf Co
Suri Bank
Trenton Banking Co
Ciii.ui Bunk
Wuehiiigluii Banking Co.
Nf waik
Ljlllhf Italilla
Jersey City
t 'am. leu
'l'r. iituli
Bk nfWilm.V Brandy wine' Wilmington
Hank ot Ktlaware'
Bank nf tj.i.yrna'
Do branch
Farmer lik of Suie of Del
Do biauclt
. Do branch
Do branch
Fnion Bunk
(J - I'lldfl 6's
ay Ou all banks n.aiki J
thus () there are ?n
liter tMiiiteifeil or altered notes of the vatious tit
uouunslions, in circulation,.
it t i.s in or wif.ii cucnnv,
A Csnipnnml TTnlsnmlr Preparnilnn from
Wllil Cherry Ititrk unit Tnr,
'ITif brut rrmnli known tn Ihf vnrlil fur thr run nf
coirifA, cold, a-ithina, tmup, hlrriilntr nf tfie
lung, tchoopinif cattgh,hrimthiti, tn flw
tma, nlinrtnrit$ nf brralh. pain and
torn tin est in l)ir. h,taxt or s'Wc,
liver tnmplnint, nnrl the
Jirst ulnge of
We will net assert that this UALAM will cure
Consumption in 1st timrtl form, but it has cured
rnanv after all other means of relief dad been tried
I in vain. And why not ? It seems that the WILD
! CHERHY was di'Mined by Nature to lie our PA
NACKA fur the vnvr.sinu disesnes of this c -1I la
t Milile. Let not the despairing, invalid waste his J
j nvney and Ion TIME, to him si all important. '
in txrriuirnlinf wilh the trashy nostrums if the I
i day, tint use lit onrt a mnlicme that 4II cure, If a j
r urebc p s-ililfi a medicine that science approves, j
I ami ninuv years nf experience hive demonstrated j
! that M ((! y.t relieves. j
I ''I'hire it no mri thing n fail" in the history ;
I of this wiiuderfiil BALAAM. Eviilence the most j
. convincing eveilei ee that no one ran duiibt, fullv J
; e.-lalili hes ttiis fact. Fur the sake of brevity we ,
se cct the fd owing from liouano.
Isaac Pla't, Esq., Editor of the Pokeepsje Eagle,
one of the m 'St influential j.iurnaU in t'ip sta'e of ;
New Voik, stall iimlei the aut'iortty of his own j
name, lint a young lady, a relitive of his. ot tcrv ,
delicate consli uiioo, was attacked in Fell. 1 8 1 2 . 1
wiih i-eeie cold, which immeiliately produced spit .
ting cf blond, rough, fever, hikI other ilnnpermis and .
alnrmii g symptoms. Thn'Uah medical lieatrnen' '
mid caie she pa Unity rre vcr d donna summer,
Hut on the return of winter she was attuk'd mure
violently than at fi-st, she In came scare. I v able to
o i . ...i i .. .u .. i .n ' i r ... .
whik nun vv-l- I'oiiuieo won eoouii, null.- linn i.-vrr
, , 1.1 ' 11 .1
every ilav, and appealed to be coing rapi.llv witii I
' . ', . .. 1 L ;
consump ..n ; at Ibis lime, vt lien tneie t n sign ,
. . 1 . , ,, . , . .., , 1
of liniiroveineiit. Mr. I "at! Iireenred a nuMIe
... .'it!
istaii s lill.s.M or v ILIi t-HRUHf. win, h she !
look, and it s. einiliolv reslnip.l her. e'be g .1 a se. I
, ,. - . . ir.i l . 11
eoii.l, and befoie 11 was hnir laken ne was restored
. , , . . 1 . .1 . ,
10 pirf, it hrnh, which she has eiipived l- ll.e pie- .
' ' . ... 11.. '. ,. , ;
sent tune, without lliu sliaht.ri symptom ol her I, ir-i
n J
mer ilie se,
Mr. 1 all sav "the cere c me under my wn b--civiiIidii
ami cannot be mist iken as In the facts."
Pr.viniK'tcF., WasrVneton co., Main.-, Apr. 2't, 18-11.
MIL IMA AC Bl'TTS. Dear Mtr: At the re
.piesi nf ninny nf my friends in tlii plaee and viel
iiity who are alllieteil with conu iUoti and liver
eniiip'ainis, I lake the libery nf asking you to np
I ouil someone in tbis county as agent to sell Wis
i k's HiLstM nr Wii.n Ciikiiiit, and toseii.l bi n
a few d"7.en. as there is none nf i! f, r sale w ill in
"(10 miles from this I have mi doubt thai il would
nidi willi a ready sale if il weie where it con'd le
procured without too much tpense and delav.
My wile was all .eked about mi m nths since
with what the pi vsicinns tailed the fir-t s age of
ei-n-nmptioii a coinplaint vi ry pievaleut in this
s c ion nf country . Having seen the H i'snti ad
vertised in Augusta,
K7" coo miles rnoM nnitE, co
I took the pains to send there for a bniilt- of it,
whi. h she look, and which helped her so much that
I sent for t ao botdes more, whi.h hhe has a'so la
ken, and he now aays she has not fell n well for
ix years as she does si ibis lime. All those who
have impii'fd iiftne and iise.tnined w bat filer I the
Balsam bad, are Hlili ills to hive -oine fir sale in
thi- vicinity, whi. h is the cau-c of my writii g you. 1
Plea-e inform me by .tu n wheih.r ynu j
conclude to send home, and il so tn wl om, in ordi r
i hut il may be known where it can be had. j
I urn w ith re-pect vmirs, i tc.
P. ti. FAHNSWORTH, P. M. j
The whole country is fast learning that no '
cine no physician no pieparalion nf any kind j
wbat.v.r can equal Da. Wir' Balsam or .
W ilh ClIlllllT.
i rui i.y woMM.itn i. c i it i. i
Wathnvillk, Oneida en.. N. Y.Mrpl. I ft. I R-l 3.
Dear Mir I nwe il in I lie alllieled l.i mforiii V II '
lhat in January la-t I was allaiked by a veiy v.o- !
lent cold, cans, d by wmki. g in the water, which I
settled mi niv lunes. Il v. as B' c. -.1 bv a e j
rt seveie pain in my bn asl mid sides, and also a
ili.-.tifsiiiu c. ugh. I had in atleudariee iel the I est '
mei.-jl aid in otir; but afur ethaiisiing all j
their k i-l ' no av .il. they rononni e.1 my U ea-a- a !
t-.iMiHMr.ii c.ii.i tirnos, and liny ore and all i
gave me up tu tlie. After uiut h pi rauasion I got j
ilmtnu-enl ol mv physician to use the IWi.svm el j
Wilh pr. pan d by Du WirR. I pur- '
i has.d of the Agent in our place one bottle, before ;
using half of which I began to gain strength, and it !
w.s very evident my rough was much belter and j
my symptoms 'It every way irnpr viiic. I have!
now used three hollies, and nm rrttiirrtl to prrfrct
health. This m ull is Hl-nti owing to the use nf
Dli Wlsi AlfM HM.x.WI OF WILD CHER- j
KV ; and 1 lake this method i f giving v-u the in
V"""" y"y r-r you ...ot.r,.. ... K. ......
I ,- j ..... o.t.i i ..ij, ...tit .- i-iii.kiiji mil....... j
may k.i"W where lo apply lor relief.
Yeiy liidv youis, JAM EM SAOE.
M a. 1'ai.u i.u. Diugjist, under date nf Wutt rvtlle,
Sept. '.'lib, H4:l, writes;
Tim slul-iiieni given y..u by Mr J unes Sugn is
well known Iti be hue ly Ibis vhtde cum nitnnl n
Il ci rt .inly was a most reioaika lecure. The rale
nf ihe Ital-mn is very good, and its success in tuies
iru y ll.iieiiiig. Yours r. sp ctfullv.
v.vnv. kyku im.( onnr.i). N. J , April St), l:i.
On or about ihe I3lh day of Oclols'r, H4 1, I w as
taken wi ll a violent pain in ihe the liver,
which tuuiiiitied for ab. iii lived. vs. and was fol
lowed ly Ihe breaking of an u'c. r, or ..I suss, in.
wai.lly, whu'li relieved the pain a lutle, but euti-ed
m- 'o throw up a ureal ipi iimtt nf offensive matter
slid also much blood. It. ing greatly aliirm djt
I hi", I applied in a pbyit, but he said be th UK t
he coulJ do but li lle for me em. pi g te m- s -rrie
Mercury I'. Us, I refused to lake, (.-ehiig
-a'isli.d that ihey could do n e i o uond I many o
th. l r. iindie were then procured by my wtle und
friends, but none did me any goml and ihe diss
ehaige nl l.l.i.i.l and coittlpti ll still cent liu.d I V ry
f w days, and al last become so nll'euatve ih it I
cou d scan civ breathe 1 w..s bU seized w ilh a i
iikiil cough, which at times caused me to raise
mo. h moie blood than I h id done l fore and my
disease continued in this way, snll growing worse,
until February, w hen all hope nf my recovery was
given up, and my all thought I would die
ol a (ALLorimo Cuxsi Mrrio. At this moment,
w hen my hie was apparen ly drawing near its close,
I hea.J of DR. W Is i'AR'M HALS A M O F
WILD CHELUY, and got a buttle which ne
LiKvi.ii mk iMvji.riA"rr.Li ; and by ihe use of only
three hollies uf this med cine, all my pains were
removed my cough and itling of blood and cor
ruption entirely slopped, and in a few weeks my
heuhh was i far irstoted as to rnatils me to
at my trade, (which is a carpenter,) and up lo this
lime 1 have enjoyed good Ina'th.
l'l-rscimlly cams in for o ine, the tuhscriber, one of
the Indices nf the Peace in and for the said coiin
ty, Thomas ("mens, and being duly affirmed ac
cnnPng to law, aaith the above statement is in all
thinits trim.
Affirmed before me, on the 2oih of April. 1643.2
J Clkmsst.J P. 5
Such is the unprecedented succcrs of this BAL
a prescription congeni d in our wanta. a it is pre
pared from chemical eitmets from substance which
the author of nature has placed in our own land
for wise purpo'-es, tint many who know nothing
of the mode of its irepsrition are endeavoring to
reap pecuniary benefits by sellirip. sn aiticle similar
in name, or in appearance, nr bv representing their
own Irnsh as superior tn this BALSXM, or bv put
ting up a mixture and anlemnly asseverating that it
is imp .rted tr im a fore'iun eouritry, which is not the
case. All these deceptive arts goto show that
M'it'i Hti.stM is known tn the world to be
-THE GREAT JiEMEDY," and that M aril
any umture it most b like this in name, or pur
port tn he like it in su'-stai'ce.
QTj" Believe not the runtiingly wrnnaht fabrics
li.itis .,nl take nn'y the nrisinal and genuine
Wistaii's Bai.sam nr Wn.n '"iimnr.
Ad.lrcss .,11 nnlrrs In ISAAC BL' I' I'M, No. 32
Ann St., New V ok.
Agents, JOHN W. FIMLIXO. Simhitn,
D. HKUTTHJAM. K,rthuml,erlnntl,
.1. K. MOYKK. ntnmnohiita,
J. W.f!f5t)NSELLEK. Hli,s.r;rvr,
H!lOW. ft CKEA8V, Mjp.nviflr.
22.1. 1815 1 y
i f'rlrlll'nf I'l llli I V TlnlirillP
i wwrtt . l
W Si ILL nnl cure every thu g, but slid remain
is v!' o . .1 .1 . . .
t7 V unciiuatled 111 tlinr departments by
....... 1 1 1 . .1 11 1 l
every iliiug ever oflere.l to the public, who have
. , . 1 ,r 1 .
voluntary came f rward sod nlfered numerous and
- . , , . . , r .1
biglilv n spectable ttsiiin mials of their supenor
. r-v
' , , . .
' aiitrill Ciiniptmnil Mrilirnfra Sirun nf Sai.
,, . ' , ., ', ,J
fnpiir Hit 1 or, Anti-Scorbutic hyrup, for the
' ' ,., . !' . w ,
ol .N'nrlula, Cbronie Kheu.n itis-n, tMiromc fc.
, r . , . , , wi in
1 nos ot llm liitnlw e.riitituin nf lli Lin. nlul n
: Itis. a es atisitig froro the alios.- of Mernrv, ,r..
: unsurpassed by any tiling in the ma kef, enmbi.
ning all the virtues resident in the far-np.iriil i
' w ith a nnxlerii m dirament, only lately broiigbt
I on' by the most respectable medical culhorilii .
; Prire, .10 eenls per Ii ttle.
Cunt rrlt'tt .1iiti-l)iprjilir foU'tlrr, for the re
' lief and pi rman. nt cure of tint in t dihtie-sing
j complaint, Dpepsia, in nil it" funis ti,l s'ng.'s.
I It is truly nios' vain .ble remedy. Mold in bntttt-s
ai S'j and fill c uts each,
Cuntrftin -Ijx'ir Mixture mitt Tunic Mr Sen
; iiteiiltl, i-t Hols at iho head of the li-t nnriva'bd by
' ny, or all the innuincmMe rnediciii' s in li e
j throughout the length ntnl bread h nf the l.u.d, fur
' the cure nf I' and Aul'K in all its stages, and
j troiii nil its cniisc.piences,
! Kei.lents in Fever and Ague districts should
j never be without it.
I The ulwe.ilr will forfeit EIFTV DOLL A KM
where bis medicine tails to perform a cure ia the
most obsiiiia'e rase.
M. l.l Who' and Kelail bv CALEB CKEM.
MON. at bis Drug Warehoie, No. fi Norih Third
' Mreet, I hdudelpbia ; also, bv ibe r. cul .ilv up
j pointed agent, SE I'll W. KOBEIM'S, Wholesa c
i Druggist, No. 51 Water Mireet, Mobile.
I I 'n pared ol:lv bv I be Miilm-riber, corner of C .M5
! PENTER and SECOND Mtr. els, below 'hrisli
I an, Pbiladelpliia, where il is also, retailed.
I Observe, none are genuine iv'ubout tbe sifeatuie
CatilrcH'M ir;:io MKIuro, or
Eur the cure f nil It.litiu nfftcliuiis, if luken nr
cur ili in; la ihrte t itt.
It is a never tailing remedy Inch no fami'y
ouurV I i be without, esptcially in low marshy
com tries.
As thi- medicine is put up under the propiie
tor's imtn.diile inspection on the most scientific
principles, be lli; Pur. ly V.gctahV, and liavini!
tried Its til'i. a. V on ll.ousatida, for upwards of 12
y nis, and In his kunwledge when taken strictly ac
cording to dncf lions, there h i- not b.eti lie fa lure,
I'n.Ier such circuin-taores I recomiiiend it to the
public, a.ljing a ter'.ift.atJ in support nf my a-sei-lion.
I, .tohti Burns, do ceitifv thnt I w as in the ship
Toh.C.-O PUul of I'llll ..lel I i l, dipt. Heed. Ill
June, 1!-J7, bound . 1 t -r I . lootj the fever
and attue and lad in Liter, o. I Mime l ine und. i
the docuir's I went foiill Hereto Halinn re,
lay in the Infirmary for four or five w.eks from
thence in Philadelphia; was six months under Dr.
Coats ; fi.iin thence In New Y rk w.-nt to ll.e
Hospital, remained there about four w.eks without
any n il. f tried every thing without snv beni fit,
for five yeais. Hearing nf Cantre'd's Ague Mix
ture from a friend, I went to his store, told him
how I was afflicted, and got a bottle nf hi mixture
and used il according to directions. It made a per-
I.,-, . ... ....I I .... I. ..I U.l r..,.,i u..
, , J(, wilh cntUU-iiA-e recommend ir loihe public.
.Ilfillratrtl Sj nip ofKai m:ii:ii Ilia.
I'hdad. Iphia. Apr.l llllli, IStl.
Mr. John A . Ca o rst li ,
Dear ir, Having l-e. n aflliceil for UpwanL nf
two tears wilh ulceration nf the throat, tle-lroyii g
ihe w hole of die soft, then ihtouuh the upper
part of mv mouih iuin my nose, from which seter
ul pieces of hoi e came nut, winch pai'ial y destroy
ed my speech, ihrouuh a kind Providence and your
Medicated Syrup of Sars tp.t.ill i, I am now testor. .1
lo p. . f, el health, and my sight, which was so much, i as strong ss when boy,
I I Ih.inuht it a duly I owed to you and those siuii
I larly atlect. d, l make it public.
' Yuurs, R. speei fully,
I ('on er nf Tenth and C.-airs Sireets.
; I, (.! ril J .rst -n. No. fi Re.-kl. ss Slreel. do c. i
: t fv that my wife, Jane, was a.'llicied for two years
i w ith liUeiiuia'i-ni, and nl l .-t w as entirely ill a' l.d,
1 s . thai she was oblmed ,, w c. inline. I to h. d , I ea'
inn nf Cant-ell's Me 'b ale I Myiup of Sj. ip.irilla,
or Ami Scorbutic Syrup, I procure I four hotibs.
which erupt, telv removed all her pain and stilt
- n. from her I ml ; two more hollies made a per
feel cure.
1 hold duli
Si e is now able lo aitend 'o her house-
a as usual. f i A II RJ L JO.N I OS.
1'hilad. Iphia, Jan. 221. IHI1.
fjjj" De-criptive Pamphlits may he had of the
agents, (Oralis.) J. W. FRILINC,
Sur liuiy, Nov. 9. 1811. ly .tgent.
AsYl II V IK O C A i,
South Kit ft rornrr nf Market and Alk ..
"ITrilERE they always keep on hand an eiten-
ive sssortinent f HATS U CA I'S of every
description, nt up in the best and must approved
sljlo. Pets. us derimus of purchasing tuperior arlh
cbs on the must icinlle lernis, will find il to
their advantage to call before making purchases
Philadelphia, Oct. 6lh, M4t. ly
nr.rrnATivn syri:i
HtjHE valuable properties of Oakley's Deptua
J live Syrup nf Marsaparilla, as a purifier nf the
blood, is so we'd known l.i the public generally,
thnt it is unnrcrpsarv la occupy" much space in set
ting fort h the advantages to he derived from its j
use ; wherever the medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes precedence over till nthers: every
ni.ethat has taken it, have thrived so signal bene
ficial results from il, that it is recommended bv
Ihem with the uml confidence. Physicians of:
the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it !
to patients under their enre ) containing r.nthing j
del. terioiis, but being composed ot the most mild,
yet i-lhcaeious vegetable materials, it is otl'.-reil with
rnnfidetice, as the chenesi and most rllieient pn- ,
rifier nf ihe blnnd now known. The use nf a few
bottles, especially in the sfiring months, will fin at- '.
tenth d with a moat decided impinvement in the qe
neral strrngth nf ttic system, eradicating any seeds
of disease that may have been generated, besi.les !
giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure ,
of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Kheomatism. Tetter,
Pimples nr eiuplions nf Ihe Skin, White Mwellinu, ,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac, The nu-
tnerous certifiea'es in tile possession of the subserl- '
ber and Ins acenia, from physicians and nthers, are
sulticient tn con nice the most skeptical nfnssu
' periority nver all preparations nf S.irsaparilla.
I Mold whole. nip and retail, by the proprietor,
OEOUfiE W.OAKLEY, North Slh stie.l. Ilea-
ding, Berks Cutmty, and to he bad of the following
pel sons :
j Stirthunilierttinit Ctiuntu H. B. Masr,
! Sutibiiry ; Ireland tSc Mixel, McEwensville ; D
! Krausir. Milton.
i In Unitm County. J. Oesrhart, Sdinsgrove !
A !titelins, Mifllinburg. I
j In Columbia County. W. McCay, Wash
: inglon.
Reeling, March 14, lflin. ',
I Ma. OsRi.r.T! 1 la lieve il the uty t if every
; one to do whatever in thiir power lie-, for ilio b ne
fit of their li-llow man, and having had pn-i ive
proof in mv own faintly, of the wonderful properties ,'
nf your Depuralive Myrnp nf Maisaparilla, I in si
couseirntiou-ly reenmrnrnd it to the afilicle.l. Wi
had the mii-fotlune to lose two of our children, bv
the breaking out nf ulcerous sores thai covered the
face, head and neck, although we had some ( tin
most scientific physicians to attend th- m and hail
i tried all lite known lemetlies, including Mwaitn's
; Panac.a, without avail, Anntlier nf my children '
was attarked in the same manner, her face ui.d !
', neck was completely covered; ihe discharge was so
offensive, and ihe disease at such a he nht. that we j
despaired id her life. Seciue the wonderful effects '
nl your Depuralive Syrup id M trsapari.l i, we wt-ie
t iiiduenl to make trial nf it, as the last resort ; it
acietl like a charm ; the u'cers commenced hraliim
immediately, a f w hollies entirely reslored,'). r to
ber health, which she bus enjoyed uninterruptedly
ever sin. ... As a putim-r of the blond, I verily be
in ve it has not its equal. I
JOHN MOYER. Tailor. j
Walnut street, mar Foiuth, Kea ling.
Dougl .sstille, April lOlh, 18L?.
Ma. Oak lf.t : My son Edmund Leaf, had the
serolnla in the most dreadful and distressing man
lier for three years, dining which time he wis de
prived of the use of his limbs, his and neck
were covered with ulcers. We trinl all ihe differ-
en! remedies, but to no elfect, until recommended
I V Dr. Johnson of Nnnistown, and nUn Dr, Isaac
II jester, of Readii'g, In use your Depuralive Myiup
nf Marsaparilla, of which I obtained several honles.
ihe use of which tl-ove Ihe tliseae eniin ly out of
his system, the sore heiled np, and the child was
restored to perfect health, which be has enjote.l
uninterruptedly ev. r since, to the astonishment of
many persons who seen him du-iug his atlltction.
I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi
ficate that others who haves like affliction in the
family may know where to obtain so viluuhle s
iiit'di' inc. Yours truly,
Sept. lfi, IS 13. ly
To Country J2trt!iaiji.
Hoots, .Slitios, liiinnels, Leghorn arul
Pulm Leaf Hals
(i. . .fc I.. It. TAYLOI?,
at thr S. .'. rnruir of Market ami fifth Six..
jr r l.U f..r a e an xttn-lr n
iibote ar'icb s, all nf which the
i-ioiiinent of the
I at unusual-
ly low pii.-e-, and particululy invite the attention
of bti era visiting the cite, lo tin lamwiati n nf ,
then Htm k. ti. W. A. L. It. TAYLOR.
Philadelphia. May 25. 1814. I v
oiiiitei loiU i m' , i
rPhe pill lie will plcaso observe that no llnindieth i
Pills are genuine, unless ihe boi has ihree 1 1-
bets upon it, (the lop, Ihe su'e and the bottom) 1
each conliiiiiiug a fac-simile signature of my h and
writing, thus B. Brasukktii, M. D. These la.
brl aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an evpense of over f'Z.tHKI. Therefore
it will tie seen thai the only thing necessary to pro-!
i ure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Remember the top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly autln ri
zed, and hold
For the sale of Brandreih't Vegetable Vniversal
Xorthumbeiland county : Milton M n key A
Chamhcihn. Sunbury H. H. Masser. M'Enens
ville In land A Meixcll. Northtlrn' ciland Wm.
Forsyth, (jeorcetown J. A J. Wall.
i l.'nion County: New Berlin linear A Win
ter. Selmscrove (ienrge (iunihum. Middle-
j burg Isaac Smith. Beavcrtown David Holder,
Adamsburg Wm. J.May. MifHiiishure Mensch
' A Ray. Ha'lletnn Daniel Long. Freehurg
li. A F. C. Mover. Lewisbure Walls A Oreen,
Columbia county t Danville E, B. Reynolds
A Co. Berwick shiiman sV. R Henhouse. I V
tawissa C. t;. Brobts. Bloomshurg John R.
Mover. Jeisey Town Levi llisel. Washirit'lon
i Robt. MrCay. Limestone Ball.- i-, MrN'i'ch.
' Observe that each Aeent has sn Engrav. .1 C. r
ilicste of Agency, containing a repres-ntalinn nf i
i Or BRA.N DRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will a'so he seen eia.'t copies nf
i ihe went laleU ncic upon the llrandrrth i'ill
Phdidclpbio, office IV a. , JVmth Slh street.
June 24th, 14:).
Nos. 'JH and HI North 'Third Street,
Near the CitV Hotel
-, .'.-----.- , ..MS., ,'(,.., .r-.'.IIU.'J i.l-
vVt ites the attention of neranna desirous nf nor.
chasing Furniture, to his citensive Sales Rooms, ,
(boih public and Piivate,) for every drsrription of (
lliiuseliolil I urniture, whi re can be obtained al all ;
times, a large assortment nf fashionable and well 1
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Madrases,
Ac, st yery reduced prices, for cish.
(ytj- Sales by Attr'ion, twic a week.
May Wth, 1H13. ly
roia Tirt'Ti;Sk.
rinowokik.ii, riMPLEn on tiik tm r., amd othebi
't'TANi:.'vs rni'PTtiiNti.
The fuUtili-ir.ur (rrtifictl'C tlct 'rihrt one nflht
mnt extraordinary cure tver effected by any
application.;itA, February in, 1833.
TOr? twenty rears I was f-vrrcly sfllictut with
Tr.TTSa on the Face and Head: the disease
eommenced when I v. an rnventcen years old, and
continued until ton Fail of 18:13, vaiving in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the lime, great part of mv f.cs was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing; my head sivcl't d nl times until it felt as if it
would burst ihe -wellini was so g eat. that I couM
scarcely get mv hat on. During ihe long period
that I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great
many rt plications, (among ihem several celebrated
prep nation-) ns w. II as taking inward remedies,
including n number oflmttles of Swaim't Vanar.fn,
Exlrnrt nf Siir.titpiirilta, Ac, In fact, il would be
impossible tn enumerate all the medicines I used.
I was also iindrr Ihe of two nf the most dis
tinguished physicians nf this city, but without re
ceiving moch benefit, ami I despaired nf ever being
cured. In the fill of I S:t.i, the disease i.t the time
being very violent, I commenced Usiiitt the Rote
Ointment, (prepared by Vauehan & Davis.) Ill
a few applications the violent itching censc.l. the
swelling aba'c.l, the t runtion beenn to disappear,
and before I had used ajar the tli-rase was entirely
j eiiicd. It has now been nenr'y a y. nr and a half
1 since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re
', inainiriK, except the scars from (he deep pits formed
by Ihe disease. Il is impesMliIc for me to describe
iti a rrrtifirate the severity of ihe disease and my
sulVering, but I will be pie .sed tn give a fuller ac
' count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
; who will c.ll on me. At the lime I commenced
i using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
I drcds nf dn'lnrs to be rid nf the disease. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it to several persons,
(among them my mother, who bad the disease bad
ly on her arm.) who w. re a I cured bv it.
,IMES Dl'RNELL, No. thn. Race St.
tj" The Hose Ointment is prepared bv E. B.
Vaiuhan, Soh'Ii East comer of Tli.rd and Race
stre , Pliilud. Iphia, and sold on agency iti S.inhu
ry. bv II. II. MAMSHR,
' May 14th. ISIS. Aenf,
Eor (, for Tfttci.
I'iiii iiim.chu. May 27lh, W.l.
' 'I'M!!- is to certify that I was severely atll cted
with Tetter in the hands and f. et for upwards
o( lorty years ; the disease was attended g. nerally
; with violent itching and swelling. 1 applied to A
iiiinib. r of h sici lis, and used a great nun y sppli
ca'inr.s witho ut elfeeling a cure. About a yi ar
since, I applied tl.e Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the iielnna, and a f. w applications immedi
ately cum. I lire disease, which there has been no
I return nf, although I had never liecn rid of it at
j any time for forty years. RICHARD MAVAt.E,
Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
(Zj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
! Yaughau, M inlh East corner of Third and Race
; Streeis, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Muubu
ry. bv H. B. MASSE R,
' May 14th, 1813. A'jext.
irrrnicAi. ArrnoBATioisr
OJ Ihe Host: OI.TMi:.T,for Tettrr.
LTHOL'till the Hiiperiority nl he prepmation
over oil oth. rs is fully es'nbli.-he.l, the proprie
tors lake pi. asiire in laying before the public the
following cer'.if-cate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the I'niversity of Pennsvlvaina, Dr.
Baiigh, having fotuiJ in this icrueily that relief f ir
a tedimw and disagreeable nll'ci ti.m which ihe means
w ilhin the ratine of his profession failed to afford,
has not hesitated tn give il his approbation, although
ihe prejudices and interests nf that profession aie
. pposed to secret Remedies.
1'HtI.tni LPUt t, Sept. 19, 1S30.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, w liiih cotced nearly one si le of mv,
and extended over (he ear. Mr. Yuuiihan, proprie
tor of lite Rose Oiritii.rut, observing my face, iiiss
led on my trying his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Alihouuh in common w ith 'he toeiii
beis ot my profession, I iliscouiiieniiice ..lid rlia
prove tit the iiumeroUs nostrums palmed upon the
public by iunoi ant pretenders, I feel in jus-ice bound
lofxc. pl the Rose Oirriiii. nl from that cla-s nf me
d.cines, and to give it my approbation, as il entire
ly Hired the eruption, althougu it h id resisted the
u-ud applications. DANE II A I (ill, M. D.
(i'jt- I be Rose Oinliiient is prepared by E. B.
Yauuhan, .r.i;h East corner nl Third and Race
Sureis. Pfiiludc'phia, and sold on ng. m-v in Sun
bury, by II. U. MASMKK.
May 14th. 18 1:1. Anenf.
EU. QD r.U? HL-
L'nrm r nf Tlnrtt and Vine Slrnlx,
F11HE subscriber respectfully announces to the
1 public, lliat he h is opened a Hotel in ihe com
modious brick building situate on the corner of
I hiid srid Pine streets, w here he w.II he happy to
wail np. n those who mav favor him wit', their
company. 'I he Eagle Hotel is large niid conveni
ent, and furnished ir. the te-t modern sltle. It i
provided with a hires number of well sired an. I
eur.iL'rl.ihle sleeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors. At. Persons visiliug ilhamsport on bu
siness oi plea-ure, may re,-l as-ur.d that every ex
ertion will le used lii tender their sojourn st ihe
"Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and agreeable, ilis'l'ublo
will be supplied with the very Ih-w the market af
fords, ami his bar with the choicest wines and other tharties re sonable. The Ka.le Holrl
possesses greater ndvariiaees in point of location
than any other simitar est ihhshment in the borough,
being situate in the business p..rt of the town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Willtamsp.iri and Elmira Rail Road Depot,
Suffit ienl Stabling provided, and g..od and trusty
ostlers nlwavs in uttt ndance.
Attentive, accommodating and Jlone-t Servants
hate been t-mplotfil, and noli ing left undone that
will add to the conduit and aci'ommodalion uf his
f UCsl.
There will be a carriage always in attendance
the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to slid front
the Home, lire of rhur ;c.
M iv 1 11!.. 18 11. if
viu linil Wt'avcr cV "
nors ivTAErns & smr ciiandleks.
Ad. I'd Ao7i W'ultr Street, I'hilade.'phin.
. I. consiaiitly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage. Seine Twines, Ac., viu
lard Ropes, Fishing Holt", While Ropes, Mainl
la UT"' Tow Um' u" c H'T A,1'
j complete assortment of Meine I wines, Ac. such as
Horn,. S.'.ud ami H.ning Twine, Best IVtent Hill
j Vet Twine, Cotton ShuJ and Hcriina Twii e.Sh.H)
I breads, Ac. Ac. Also, licit 1 olds. Plough Lines,
H alters, '1'races, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
Ac. all of which ihey will dispoau of ou reasonable
Pbilidelphia, November 13, IHI'J. ly.
SIMHIING, coon & CO,
Xo. 1.1S Maiknt Street, Philadelphia.
BNV1TE tho attention nf Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment of Britith French
and American Dry Oooda, which they offer for safe
un the most reasonable terms.
Philadili.hia, November 13, 1613. ly.