" -I I. '.l.P. .' Cation Recants, The following collection of curious records, taken from a Salem (Mass.) correspondent of the Publse Ledger, will be amusing to our readers 1(531. In the early part of this year, pro visum wet very scarce, an. I many persons depended br their subsistence upon clams, pround nuts and acorns. Wheat was sold for SCI, 00 a bushel. A yood cow was valued at $112, and a yoke of oxen at !sl77. 1G33. Edward Howe was fined twenty shil lings for selling "along waters," contrary to or--ler of Court. 10."i3. It was the cutom in those rlaya to j ttavean hour-glass in the pulpit ly which the anijiister timed Irs sermons. A painter made a picture, ia which he represented Mr. Peters tturninjj an hour -plus and sayiiir, "I know ;ynti arc good fellow, etuy and take another jla8s.' 10.19. The tleneial Cimrt pished the fol - lowing order in regard to women's drosses : ! .No irartue.iit shall teniae with short tskeves, -mid such a have e-armcnis already wade with j rshort !efvs shsk! not wear 4 lie same, unless: they cover the arm to ihe wrist,- and herafW no ' .person whatever ska.ll wake ry carmen! fur women with sleeves -wore ntisis on l wide, .' l...t i i..nl, i . , .... , nh.it is, twenty-two and a bail niches. KH.'J. Koir'-r Scott was prewnled f(ir Com. jntoil sleeping at Um iitblic esi-r the J.ord'sday, and for striking him tWt ! . t n , num. In Dec mb.-r, ni bmntg anMi.lil bM , icnndtict, he wua sunt-onceil ty tle f!urt ti if ' -eevocclv Avhippcfl. It watlo custom tit Ibis ' -..,.- 1tme,4irmff tlx? scriM, Ur a nin fonbont i the Hte'iltioir In ! (stenporo. lie iwtrf m Ung -wend n on- otirl fbk-h was a , , . kimu . ii ut-v ii ii i.vt , urn IIP onsiTven . Ihe men asleep tatrpeil Ik'im t the irnd wrlh the bin, frnA fnt-u he s'luinVrin? ladies 'by 'dra winn; 1he Hix tiil fiji'lillv across riiirir fncs. 1015. A vKk was wrilen ihtH year by i I? v. N. A iird, 4f Jp-WH'ii which attracted much attention. If is entiled The ftiuijile f'ldi'er, wiHinir to Ti!p meml his Tititive ronn try. lamentnlilv tuttered 1ioth in uppi r leather nd ole, wiUi nil th Imnfwl i--tiM.- 1io ran ike. "MerMiicItides wjth tbe folbiwin? htanr.a : " And firfWHU. tirf. tV world; If tl.L'u'ft thy cr:itir.t:ii mend. There it" my l.no mid Awl, j Aud a fhoeiniiker's end." t Votirs; A. Tl. i TliiSFlnn IliHlit or .Hit U I iik Hullrr. 1 have for several years hn.l the entire care of j the milk dcpurtuient ;u tny fnthrr'a fumily. 1 i nt., t mi u nu i;r-ni mirriTi, w nuil.'vttr related to Knkijr butter and cheese, wid I found mirch that wns iliffHrent from what 1 bad been in the huhitof practising. One case of this kind was, duections for making tmtter in winter, according to what is called the Russian method, try ftbich it wus said batter could be inude in winter as sweet, and with as little churning, as hi sirtnrner. So I set about trying I the Mtperk.w nt, anl the result exceeded mv ex- i puctatioMs. My new practice is as fol'nwa: I R.-tiiro 1 innait to milk, I pot a ke1lU say : one-lbir-l full of water, ami Ibtot; enough to let .. , . . . , Ihe milk nail into it, on to the stove, wheru it , -- j will get hoilien- hit In- hc time J have cm! in with the milk. 1 then slrain llie miik into into- i tber vessel, and wash. the pai', wliK-li should lwa)H be of tin then pour the milk back m?n the ph il, nttd set into the kettle of boil in u water till the milk lievomes Kaldui , but not to let it ' boil, then p.nr it into crocks or pans, nntl ret it in the cellar fur thecrenni to rip in the usual j way. As little time -hottM be occupied in this J heating process as possible ; hence the advan tage of having the water ready hot w hen thn j milk is brotioht in. Cream procured in this way, will srldom re. quire more than twenty minutes churning, ( while by the common practice, the poor dairy-! maid may have to churn lor hours, and then, I pvrhaps, have to throw it away, as 1 did myself I on two occtisions, before I happened to gain this j valuable piece of in'iirnvition. -Ohio Cultivator, j Canmd F.Nori.n. An opolhecary in Salem, ' has written over hii door, "All kinds of dying tfujfs cold here.'' i UA.I.i I.MOitlC MAIIKKT, Office uf the DtlTimmi Avian ti. Aug. 11. CHAIN. There is a fair supply of Wheat at market, to-d.iy, ;ind in ( ensetjin-ni e ol"th. recent lins the millers buy more freely, and prices are 1 k little tinner. We quote us before, at SOaSt cents for food to prime reds, and cents lor ordinary to good. Veiy cbo'ce parrels briiitf a cent or two more. We quote white Wheats ut P3a8'i cent fns, ordinary, and Ma'-i.) cents for parcels suitable for fumily Flour. We quote Corn at 13411 ct. lor white, and 4,"alG cents for yellow. Oats are worth 30a31 cts. W1IISKKY. The market is very dull ond puces inclined to recede. Sales to Jay at 2iJ vt. lor Mi ls and V3Acts. lor barrels. Low Spiriis, i ii sr. ii at rat.SKKCK of tmpuie I Uln n in the I I.M) I. Health is the l lie of lunly and mi'ml which renlier niece trixtenCe a libs-inf; any thii g aUrl of this is disease, and is caused liy the acruini.Uiiou of mo. hid humors in the blo-d, ! and iHber juica, by nealecl of vegetable purging. ... ; . , , .ii-l h ..it. i. .... ..mi. u , ... k. n.lnr.l ttr.nt. f I " " of the body which nature has ptovidi'J fol the car;y ing out of all its intptniiies, and heahh will be aura lo follow. This can be accomplished without any Inconwnience, by the use of Dr. UsAxnafcTiTs VkotTAHLi UaivaaaAL Pills, which at known by the eipeiience ol tboutan U, tnprifuctly clt-anao (ha M.iod from all f mines, remove every morbid af faction, and renovate weik and enferble cor.atitu lions lo perfect health and vigor. (y Purchase of II. B. Masaer, Runhury, or of the agents, published in another part of this piper. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. Whsat, 85 Rm, 60 Coast, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pork, ... 5 FbAXStRn, ... . itjj RtTTTSS, . . . . . o Eons, .... 0 Huaswaf, .... 35 TalLOW, ... o Fta, ... . N HacRLitn Fiat, . . Hi Phi an Asm. us, . . . Ml Do. Piachks, . . t.r)(l To the Electors of N'oilhiimhcrlatiil County : I DEO leave to nfTrr mvfilf ss a rand dale, at the ensuing election, for llie office f c : ii ii I y A ii d 1 1 o r Iff sli. Mild ho rhctcil. t will discharge II e dutirs of the office with punctuality. PETER 1H.YLER. Liwer Mahonny, Aug. II. I?I.Y .1 VAMUiMi P I a n t a t i o es V"''' ('' for su., it public vendue, on " me (1 -V nt I let rcr i.ex i "n me pretinsrs, . . ... ....... the lrj m l en'rnj-Tie l'lanta'l'n, ;Hf ire e-tfiie f V il Urn Ib i s.-r, iWI, eitnile in Anjll t town I s,,,l' Northninln-rl.ind cfltiirH', ab-mt S m l.-n f'otn j ":1;',"V l"m 'I l'' '", fl,v'1 1 '". 4 mil' s fiom the tMiiirl a-oia Ittver and . ,i,mlt r, m iM )rm ,. c,re,t M.ibon .y t:. l I!,- 1 .,in. and tn nSi'tJrent It- tn Hrril.orn Hnd ! Wo"t,,' ,0'f- -M ' " I whteh a clcnrrfl 1 aJa'g" p-opm'1 ti if n . rt ,w. ,n,i ,n h.,.,r,- ,mie w. it t ndwre.l. j s l nts'inn nn l .livii'M jntu llnei' ii-iiiTt t'a'iiia with. nut tirejn.lire to a.,y of tl,e o.vi-i ; viwli liviioo Imvii.u ii ecio l Mippty of w itrr 1V j ,.,.o ., ... ....... . I.-! . : I a Ih" viipmvrment c.nssiofn Is'ee r?? TO.B lv IM.t.lMJ !IOC.E. 4 fi t tJ tr.nil mnl 3? ft. d.p. wliicli w. rup fd iLL3?itir i nnm'xr .f vw tin a Tvi ro Stan L nud wludi a or- i- kept hi jt.-wiii. A spnns, t I'V. Tuns 1lnoiv1 On1 Citl ir. 'I m ulsn n Hm k H on, ith cli hs ve Maliiiitv on llie prrmi- j mi hIwo a 8 iw-mitt on cii(!hIt ilJe Kiream thai rut s tbroncli prt of ilio i I.iCi a II. mm' nod II .m near ihe Mt-mil'. Il will te i ff r-d in aomll T -'s. if rrbn rs i b lite ttiirt'. An indi-ptit.!. : h e ti 1- ot m-c-pi -ii c in l r kmc i n the t.-tofl April. I'tfi. t S.le t r. mimriiw ai 10 .'clock. A M.. n sa;d j liV.wlo'U tlc Ci )iJ.U ;l- avill I e ionic kn'i'.vn t.y i swiri'.i, iskkkr; ! 1)VII JJCK-'KI. ! Aouti'a Anc. Id, 1 St I!iitiiiv ; TIi' "Siiifiir t'osl 1 Suttiaii 'St lsbl- JMISs,,? Trliiiiipliaut, ; AN OHSCIXATE CASK. TI a 1. Tin one. Ke'i. 13 Ii, Ifil.V DM. 11. W. A Hr Smith's -S AN HUE : So, Tint b..i of Soil ir I'otted Ind ati Vi fl it l- Pills," 1 puri-ha-wl nt you noin.t l.i mon't.s p..i, I fiiund in their application 1 1 my son (of aliout I'll' tot a years of am ) llw m l Imppy rlfecia on the ytt'in. He bad been for stiine years rry delic.iie in health, and vi-ty much sulj-ct to Fcvit mil Chill-, o much o a to i n-iuc ul ian for hi. futur. lii'lth, and for two or line ye.ira me h d t kdii hun fioin ychoiit in l ot tl e H'tie. I am now Ii n k to acfciiowb-tlga ihe ci inph te ifbloi.itioo of his h'""1'' "nJ Ulr PrulM,ft ,,( ' P'-rm..nei.t j y- mint. Jiin A. Sastos, jt;rj ,,nv,T st, The ubove Cci.il.'m.(ii is a well known whole- ,lnl men-hint in H .honor-. XT CAE HON. -As a mit'ialh im'tnlion b s , J , . ., . , , . ,. ni olc, l y the n.iine "1 ir t otneii l'i!., j, ,s ,,. ry lot..- sure ihut tin. ti lir.u Smith's siirna'oie is on .-v. iv l. P. ice 'Jo . ei t-.. j li.pc n.il lllln-e. I i'.' i i reel. oil si . w l "lit. H.4.1 I'V Jllt. V. I'lill.l.Mt. VM. l t)IiV J'UE. S,irthii.H'tt. Auiit lfi IM.'. C I it c u s. G WELCH MANN & DEL. A VAN, PKOJ'KICI tJKS J. V. BAtTCKEin, Agrnt. T MHs i nhi vai.i m i ii' : i it i cones, ("in- posii ! 100 Mil and II' HiSl'.S. wi.l tie pie. ce.l'il by the N w Yoak Hha It mi in a ni.ig. nilic. nt tarri ige, ilrnrni hy Lil t Co am V-1 re.t Ho sf-, on their ariv I in town. The anis nl tAi-lie l in ll.ia p .piiLr r I it.lislmieiit ri of h chest repot hiom and ie.p. ciahil ly. and st md ila 8. it ainoi i; the G'st l'-pn-s rians eilhi r in l.'u r. pe or Auenc. Amni g the i.uml.er wilt l found Mr J J. N .lhan, the wond.-iful lli icuh un lloiseinan Mr. V, Nichols, the preai Uiikwn il llnlri M oli r Ji ho (!rm.., the . i.K tru.i mid pcificl tr cl Kt-ic r ao of the day W. Kinen.1, ihi- yoiiiiB d.islii. f K J.r Mr. Ciiatiilvn--, the elc linl Prci.ir II irseiuan Mi. E. Woo. Is, the .u,-. r-sful 1'pr.etiiifi -iiuon of Vt I loili un of i;,0 ,. est Mrs. .M. Wo. id, the hi aut fnl l'V;,iale Arii. i Mr. Dunliar. the Litra.ir.k niv lnJia Kule.t-i Mm Maoris Iteyuobla and l'asuir, the jiivemhi ts f the Arena Mr. Jnin.rn.n, the Comic Sinni-r a l fJ'j' Mr. V innemoie, the color, d Vocal. I itn Diimotid. the f ir-fami-d Negi.i 1. i ' .... - I "- Uown Uancrr Mr. 11. Kichola, lticlioK Master, ami Mr. Jim May, the most i.oi.ul ir and ci lehrati d Clown of the d iy . For farther particu lars aep bills at the Hotels. Willb exhibited at Su n rear, en Fmiiut Ar TinsooH, August 2'Jih. Doors on at 2 lo rnmmenra at 2 1.9 o'clock, P, M. AJuii.sioii only 25 cents. The abote company will exhibit at Lawieucc ville, Ti..ga county, oe the 2 1st; at Covington, on ihe22d; at Ulwk House, on the 23d; at W. linmspori, on Ihe 2."iib j at Muncv, on tha Sflih ; at Milton, on the 27iu ; at Lewuhurg, un the 2th t and at Danville, on the 30tb. August 16, 1845. I Orphan' Court Sale. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court - of Northumberland county, will be sold at pub lic vendue, on 8aturday ihe 50th day of September next, on tha premises, to wii I A certain tract of land situate in the township of Little Muhonoy, 0 said cnutily, .ining land of Jacob )lilliih, Leon ard Reed, and tha Mahonny Creek, containing 137 acres, moie or less, whereon ia eree'ed a two stnrv L'g House, a Spring house, a large Hunk Ham. nn.l two orehi.rd-i. AUo, at I ha same lime and place, the undivided tenth prt of three trnrta of unimpro ml liiml, shunts in I.itile Mahnnoy ami Ci.nl town ship, via t two tract adjoining lands of DanH Ilerh, unr. iWd., anJ others, containing aliout 800 hc e. and the olher adjoining Wemh-I Laichn and nihirs, in Conl township, containing aliout 100 acre. Late the i aisle of Leonard Fcrslor, d. c'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M.. of s.iid day, wb. n the leima of sale will lie mule known ly PETER FERSTER. Siinbury. Aug. 16, 1815. fit. Adm'r. To tltrj Elctrtors of Nnrthumhcrliiiul County : 1 VE ate aii'horiz d lo say. that the subscriber, of Norihunilicrl ,nd, will he a ciindida c lor the ofTice of PROTHON OTAEV of Niirtbiimlii iliiod county, provided be can receive the iiomiimtion of the countv cnvioittnn JOHN W. MILKS. N'or bumlirrliiHl, Ane. (Ith, 1843. 3t Atiriiloi' Police. ffflllE linderoaiic 1 btivirg been Sp"inted bv the 1 Court of Common Pleas of Nortloimt'eiland c omty, aui'itor to audit the accoiinl of Tolii m Mill. Hienee of Henry II i!bih, of .la. kon township, ben-liy civeA notice to nil creditor i nil olhern i Ifrrstf'd, thai he. will attend to the iliriea of said an pnii trni'M, his office in Sonhnry, on the 10'ti diiv of Sep'finber, 1815, win re nil mich c oi attend il tl.ev e pr..p.r CHA'8 W. IIECIXS. AoLH.hi .till, t k4 ft. 3i rJ CS3 Lj-C OU LS2. W A t i: l . "jlt.EVKN Principal and . tie A i-t.int Te ch- J fis will In- WiOitr.I for the hill ao.l win'cr ctio. il. in Sh un kin 1 1 1 - t r t . Prrnn wi-liing lo he employe 1 a Mich, w II p!e.oe meet the Ho.ir.l nt TVr.-itor of sni.l d strut, nt the bouse of fVI'x l.ir. h, in Siinirtonn, in m d i!i-irict, . n Fiidy the li'ili ilny f ri pti'inlit'r inxt, for exainirialion nc c nding in law, Peisoiis HppUing. not persoiiiilly known t.i the Hor', will le rxpecteil to liae lil Hra i.f iccoioRi -iidalion, li.uehing their g n.il in o.il ihiriicM"'. 'J'iic Uoitd will meet at 8 oVlo-k A. M. i v unlcr of the 11 anl, J COU H A AS, Attest: Ptcs'i It. S. I). Sham km I'i-t Ei.in Ina. Secretaty. Si. an kin, Aimust 9t'i, IS 15. miXiI Sc FARM rBH E wihscribcT will rxnose. at public sill.-, on Ibc premises, on the 7'h ef October next, the vilnaMe Mi! Property known as Mi Kinney's Mills, Mtu tie io Jacks n township, Nor l iinibei bint coni.tv, It miles hetow Sin bury and J ot' a mile fu-ni ihe Sosqiiehaim i, a j .ioitii! binds ol (!. ;).piien and Unlet Pair:ab. The Mill is built ef s'oni", m l l.a-hteil on a i.cei-fuibni s rettn, with three piirs of biota and pood b..ts, and hii Istelv bi-eii Ihormii-bly icpnireil. The Furni is in to d stiite of i-ii1tiv .lino, cont lininff 115 acres, nluroii ate ifitid two lo); houses and a bam. Terms made known on the day of sale. (irt'Kl.T. ALLEN. Jnkson township. Am; 0,1815. :?i J)i:.M()CRA liC IMU'XTY, AMI 'E W . M II 1 1 .11 s : UT ! u . H'HR t niorratic paily of Nor bii'iib' rl iod iivio- tv. ' " q'lesti d lo n eel iri ilnir re- relive 'owosbips at the n-u d i1 ice f h oldoitf their rne.-t. ii.-js. on S itii'.l .v. the -ithh d iy of Aoitnst oet, to b'.'se tie n-nel iiinnl'ir of deleiiaie, lo in el in r imtv contention, on M .iinf.iv, ihe first dav of S. p-embi r lo xi, at ihe Co-:rt lloose in S-.ntnirv . f ir itir pni se of n..niii'a'iiir cm dolntt-s to hi- siis ported I v the p irtv, at the in t c n- ! lertion. A. JOKDW A. 1. PA I TE'ISON, J 1) HOFFMAN. JOHN Mi KINNEY, A. SHIPMAN. Aor. IS 15. St nd.ti;i Committee. Va 1 u u b 1 (i Pro p e r 1 y FOR SALE. WILL l a.-hl, t pubi c en liie, on Friday ai.d S-tur.lav, llie 5, h aud fil l of Seplion lei, IS45, in J k'Oii township. NortlumiU-rlaiol ioui ly, I'a , the following Jescribed vuluutile pro pi r y. via : l-l. On Fii'lav. S,-pt. 5ih, on the pretni cs, -hat v.i'ii.hle Fi rm situate in n.l lowi.sliip, on llieroud leuihoii If. .01 tiio g town to KliiU'er-towo and Poiisville, hIhiui ti in les fr .in (Jo net t ovn and the Siisqtieh.uina river, ar.d six mihs Ii. in Kin se 'own, now ncrupieil by J ic b l.e l C-, cou'nioini; 211 :.cie, if which atout 1X0 acre are cb-iriil unil in i;ood cultivation, nn! the leuoiiniler covi red "ith the finest tiio vth nl the most valu.il le tim'u r. The iuiprevi'inents mi tins fnm consist of t.Mi. le l" ml two ato y dwrll 114 homes, standine near each i-iber, the one a l"t! house and the other a frame hoose, with an xcellcnt well of wa cr ne ir ihe door, a laiaeb.iiik t arn, a wan. hi lu ll-.', ttr in. iy, com c ih, iller press, and other out buddings I'h-re are nisi on the prem;-c., to exc I lent inch 11. Is, iir.idui'iilit v.ul us kinds if fiutl of the l-st q.nblv, a lunesione q i.irry an I 'i n.- k hi. The u h..h tr id co isis's i t linn si on land of t.s su. p n o a ipl ihtv ai.y in l! e stati-. T'.,e a'. oe hsciib. d l irni ii I be. aol.l loi-etlo-r or in pail-, lo suit pure! a cis. soil an io.'i-put. .Lin tillpand peice a'.ile po-esion ijiveii on the 2 1 d .y ef April m X'. 2.1. On S tui.lay.S j.irmla-r Ii-h. oil llie premi ses, an excrlh-111 Farm or li n t of land, (now . cvii pied by Jo' o I.e. h i.) s luvie in the tonship 10 . 1 . lot', ato i-..'.l. :t mile Ir on Kltinie. ,to. 11, 110 he ail l. a.lii k fi mi l'i.i..uown to Kl nui isi.i.vi., e.o.t 0110 n ti .icres, adj ininu I oi ls i.f Abta'i.mi Tioiitiiooi i.n.l Il.i.iniioi I.eitr. I, and li e Mahon. tonqo en 1 k, ah oil 55 acre of u In- h me i I. uk- I aii l ill boo I c. luv.ilioo, and li e r. in i n It r en-. I. nt w.ioitland ; whereon aie ended a laije two at.ny ! vt, ,-liiitvj boo.-, with an excellent well of water 11 ar Ihe door, a laige doulile b.g barn, with a I olher ne. cessiry out buil. lions. Thrre is also upon the pre 111 isc an excellent orchard, vtilh all kinds of ihe choicest fruit. Ptaceablo possession and an umh. puteJ title will be civeu on tha 3J of Apiil next. Hoih the above farms will be sold a the property of the late Hamuel Lt.hcr, dee'd., by viuuo ol his last will and te-tjiucnl. Persona wishing lo ace the property before li e sale, wi'.l please call on Jar S Leader, on ihe pre. iiiiea, or 011 Mirhiel Lcnker, who lives uear the same. JACOH LKSHEIi, ? . , . MICHAEL LENKEft, S ' Jaiks'n tsbp .July gfith, 1815 (it, ITI.IV Si:i:i The highest price v. 1 IP hi given for Flax Seed, at tha store of Aug , leiift. HENKV MASSE R. - " w 1 ' -x ii . . routTi:c LT n I tt a ti I r Slrtf cltid. : 1 Uarswrta's VraMtrens- a crrtuin cure for woims tnfe and very pleanaiit lo lake, 2. GinsoVa Extracts, which remove Crease of all kinds, Dry Paints, Tar, Vainish and Wax, from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. 3. Lnsnnv Fi.t Papi.b the best thing knnnn for killing flies and mosquitoes 4. A certain Destroyer of Kits, Mice, Koai lies and Aula, and another of Hid Ho is. 5. Ccsn'a Sprciric fot a.mr stomai-h. Heart Hum and Water Hrash, by one who had sulf. red thirteen ye irs, before he discovered the cure. Da. SrtcvrVs Gnxsjt tliM i xT for the Piles, tt has never filled lo cure. 7. Htaaisov's Tr.Trrn Wash. R. Hhrmosii's Ivnr.t.iaLK Ink, without a rival, 9. Tiir ('impofin Covrirnov or Fms jiisl the medicine for children and for women, it ia so pleaant 10 Ink". 10. Hick's Vn:TBi.. A vti stt.tors Pit.t.v. 1 1. t!i-!ji' Emoi.mkvt W atk H-rimos t'Asir.. fori! mess, lloois, &c. It softens the leather, and keeps not ihe water, 12. Poon Mai's STBritviiTiinivn Pi.tarrn. 13. .ltHn' DiAMtiiimt MiXTi iu:, which cur's the worst Din'thnM in s few hours. I I . t ksiix's DiariTittT Mivrcti', a eer lain atul pei ily cure f. .r Dysetitny nm! Summer Compl lint The u' ove vahial .' artieles are snld vhn'e.a'e n.l retail, hv L. i (il'.W, Ao I South I'flh iitrret, I'hiliuhlphin whete Storekeepers end o. hers wi I he upp ied with pure African Cavenne Pcpier, Arnica Floneis. llruis, Paints, Oil', C iss and Varnishra at the lowest pr-rra Terms o. ly cash. Cut out the ailvetii-cment, and bring it w th von Phil iilelphin. July It) h. II5. I v. Alil:ANI)Kll 1, 1IICKKV. TRUNK HAKER, AO. 1-' 4 lirHiiut Sfrett, PHILADELrHI1. AirilEUE all kinds of feit rr tru. ks. vala-aand ' r-arpi t I aa, of etcrv stile neilpitteio are tnaniif clu e I. 111 the h. st inanner and fr.nn the best ma'eiinl. ro d .'d ut the I -oei r te. I'bili.blphi.. July tilth. IH!5 - Iv. I:iillii Vav is IMntc. JJOTK.'E is b. rcl'V K'vc..,llul h'.ters i.f u.lioi'e- isir.itioii Iiim- b in tr nl.-.l to the su'.scr bi r. on the est a -c of Marilu Wiv.ver, 1 i'p ol'Shainoklo townshir, N tl.iioi-il 111 1 county, d c'd. Per oi-.a ill !i b'ed !o said est te . rloiviou ! 01 Old- i.e on-l the same, are r. ipi. -t.-.l to call on tl e soli criber lor -i tt'emeni, a the pnbbc b use of Win. Veaer,on 'he Stl.h ol Aur-u-t in xt. Wm. II MFENCII. Shatn ikin tshp . Ji.K IS. 1S15.-fit. Adm'r. CASH STORK. CHKAP, FOIl CASH Oli COCN TUX lMiODl ci:. Tui'iily IVr Crnl. yuvi-l. fit II E n1i C ib r Iuiviiik 1 un h is.d the store of .1 II. II. Ma. r. bus jiist n-pb-i ishr.l the sum -w ith a new stoi k of u.iods. wh'rb l'i- t pnrch.inl at c.ish prices, w.ll be sold or Cash or Cmititrtf Pmdure. twenty ercetit. iheaer thau usual. Cull and judje f .r yonrsclvc-. The fdlowiitR .no Hfir-iiB the anie'es : Itarv.-d i'0". tl ilritlinc, at 12J (fin m linen, at 12 J Muslin, at t'J Cahc.M s. List colors, at 7 nting paper, at 12 J per noire S (jar, at fi do go d a1 S , Coffee, i.t 1(1 in 12 J ti! is 8 b 10, at 33 cts per d -H'll Elssl c rot'cn cl..ves,at t;J M.dia r in is at fi lliass Eifil.t day clocks, nairaiilcd, i Tln iy hour K ' Alarm 7 llesiile. L ipio-a and (r iceii.-s ot a'l knolj. I ej h-iro, For and Si k hat, Tweed C;i-iim re. Co Ion Vi-rn, Ca.pet ( hi ll, L'ml r tl. P .ra-ols Lard La.1ps.1Vc 1IENIIY MASsKU. S.ii.hoiv, July 5, 1st 15 .Jf i- ' r j' n ; T O A L l C (l.C K Ii X K I). . Ii. M ASM-: II, ii'ieritulv uif 11ns Ins old 'riei ds ai d customers, that be has a -Id out bis st.o-e l.i Henry M .ser, and re-p cl iilly iiqiie-t. all tbeae indi bti d to lion, to settle their a. coins wnho.it delay, as hey w ill be pi iced ill lh. hands of a J 11-tiee for en hction, without ri''ve t ij erso.i-, on the lt of Auqu-t. Suobury.JuiiP !, 145. II. n. MASSF.R. Ii l: 1 I K V V:' AND "h 1 V K . THOMSON'S Compound ! m: ol Tnr & rol .VliptlKI. T HIE III iiie. e.1. tiled siicee-a of this medicine, in Ihe re-toi.iti hi . f heal h, 'O ihoe who, in de pur, bad piven tip all hoj.es, I. us given it so 1 j ,1. ted r.pu'jiiou a1 ove ull olhei remedies, fun i-hinu 1 vtdence of it- intrinsic va'ue and power, i.s the on y aceni wh eh can lie tel cd oi n for ihe cure of Puliiiniiry Consumption. Hr, orhnt s, Asihrna, P.iin 01 Ihe side and Urea-I, Spitlini; of Ulnod, ho. i i" (vouch, ('roup, ,Vc. All. l.tn o is iiqin-aie.l to ihe foil .w ioa Tll.. SsillXi C RE, bv Tin ms.i-i'. Ci:nsn. tul Syrup of Tar and Wo id Nsptha ! ! I'hiai.'tjJtio, Mail 37, ll l. MR. THOM.-ON i,.-ir Sir-With i:r .lelnl fie'toc I inform y.. of the a-toiiishinij eil'ecs of your tne.lieioe, which has liter i lv lais d me from a de th-l-e.l ! Mvd.-iae, 1'iilnoui .rv Coil-u op tion, h -d reduce 1 me .0 I ov tliol 11. v bvs-ri.io ,.i 1 o inrtd my c ise liov!ess! At ihisjn rim I be K.n 10 o ey oi' ni-l c.o I niii.icul iisasii may scein, il ha roinph tev re t le nie I hei lh, alter Very thing 1 be h.d filled. I'e-p. ettidlv voirj. W AM1I ti , 0 M i K. CI ailotie street, uUne Groi;e stiet t. Th.' in dersiL'ti. .1. ti-ii pi-i-o-.a'U .ripia iit.d with Wu-hint .11 M.nk and bis sullrrmjs. be 11 witness 10 the at.mi--h'ni! ilT cIs of Tlmm-on's (o.npoupd )i.ip ol Tur, and the (ruth of the a. hove st iieineiil. JOS. WINVEK, 3h N..rlh Tl ii.l sin-H, David vickers. ai.h..i..i ir.-n. lll'GII M'GIM.KY, S. K. corii.r Tamany mi l Fourth a'liets. Prepared only by S P. Thomson, N. E. Corner i.f Athaud Spruce streets, Phi ade'phia. Agents. II. II. M.iss. r, Sonho.y ; D. Gross, and Dr. Macpheraou, llariishtirg Jn '. (i. llrowii, Puttsvi'le; (ie .. E irl, Re ding ; ll.io-lon A Ma on, Tnvtanda. Hradford county, Pa. Price 60 cents pi r bottle, or f5 i r dozen. lieware of nil iiiiiltitUm. Philadelphia, June ?Hh, .5 . If Sl.'PEIilDR Poll wine, Mjihrta and L1.I1011 wines. Also superior Hiundy and tiui, Lrim n Syiup. A l.o a fa.v barrel, ol Hli-k Fish, lor Sale by I1E.NRV MAbsER. bunhuiy, July 10th, 1815. Ll.ll', of a superioi quality, rail now be had at the Lims Kilns ol llcury Massrr, in Sun bury. May 17, 1815. To the Electors of Northumberland County : T RESPECTFULLY solicit the. support of my Fellow citizens, at the ensuing election, for Ihe ollice of cnnoivnu. I promtse, should I he elected, to discharga the duties of the office with promptness. MARTIN IRWIN. s"rthnry, July 12,1,, Iflr,. !' 1I10 Klucturs of Northumberland County. BEING solint,.,! l,y miny Pf my friends, I havecoiiHcmeJ Ui olTer myself as a candidate for the ullice of Tre nmrcr of Nnrthuu.berl .n.l cmnly. !S,.,J yoM Bpe pm. rt loeb-ct me, I p. dun mi ai-lf to perform the duties of aaid olficu with fidelity. WILLIAM GUL1CK. Sunhniy. May 31st, 1S35. To the Llectora of Northuuibcrlaml ( Motility. A T ihe s.-licit iti n of a number of persons, in dilf rent pait of the county, I have Consented to be a candidate for the olliie of Til E.I Si lt F. II of Northuiribeiland cuiry. I need hardly as.iire my fell .w-citi.-ii, that if t am elected, I will en ileavor lo d.aenrr;e the duties of the olhce f.iidiful ly and iinpartiully. JF.sR M. SIMPSON. Sunbitry. May I7ih. 1815 To i lio I'.lectors of Northutnborlarul ( ' unity. rPIIE snhsi rilier, from the encouragement recej. ved f nun his iiiimeroiis Irn ltds, hereby olfera himsell as a cunliilate l. r the olfire of vnaAsunuit of No thii'iil-r!.itid conn'y, for which he solicits he -no!' t!es of his le I iw-fit i7on. Shi 111. I be be oh-e-e.l, he w ill lullil the ilutj. of the 1 ffice w.th li.hl.y. FRANCIS LH'CIIER. . Siinloiry. Miy 17th. IM45. To tlio LU't.tors of N01 lliiuubcrland County. T the s .lirita'ion of a iiumbirrif my frierols in iblfrenl puis of the counlv. I have consulted lo bo a iMinl dj'e lor the olli. e of PKOTHONOTART. Shnu'd I be foruin ite as to ho elected, I pbdoe myself to ills, hame the ilu'iin of the nfli. e with lroini'nrca no.l fide it v. I A MES HEARD. MeEeni le. Juoe 21-1, IK45. To tlio lUcclois of Norlbiiiiiberland ( unt v. ,'KI.LOT CITIENX: I would respectfully I olVer myself 10 our 1 oils deration, as a candi date lor the 1 .flii e . f it iiTiio.yiiT.in l. S'h.iiM I be clee ed, it will be mv plea-one. as we'l s ihry. to alter. d to the hue niss ol Ihe office Willi 11 . 1 1 1 1 V and piiuciualilv. WM. J. MARTIN. S. iiibo. v, M iv 1 7 tli Ht5. To 1 1 10 Lkx-inrs of Noithuiiibui land Count v. Illl. LOW ITI lENS.l h-.ve Wen indiieed to i tier mvse'f as a cindidte for the office of I'rotlioiiotury, At the rnst ion rledion Mh. uld 1 fortunately be elected, I hern y promise, faithfully and imparti il ly lo discharge (hedu'ies of s i d olliee. JOHN FAUNS WORTH. Sunt nry. May Id, 1 s 15. To the Llcc.orsj of Northumberland Count y. V.LI.OW CIIIZrNS-1 hereby effer my ' self 1 c indidite, f ir he office of REOISTEIl AND RECORDER. I cm 01.lv promi-e. s'.oul.t I be lorlunate enou.-h to bo re-clee'ed, to dii h lye the duties of said office with li.hhlv Mid impar l i'iiv. I'll WARD OYSTER. Sun' ore, Mav Id, lt.S. To ihe doctors of Not tliumberland 1'oi.litV. , 11. 1. Id 1 W CI riZI'.Ns. t the aolieita ion of - a 1:1101!.. rot in v Irien Is, I have consented to tie a i-iindid.iie for the olliie of XIZGISTZU AND XlECORDEn. I premise die eil r. ns of the r-iUIHV, thai if I am 1 b eted. I ill ende iv . r lo di-cl hrra the duties .f the 1 Dice laiihfull) und io.p.o ii i lv. W ILI.IAlit M. GRAY. Sonhmy. April Iftth, IkI.'i. To the l.kvtois of Northumberland County : 1)1.1 Mi sobeilid bv manv of my friends lo off r ) invs. It as a c niihdale for llie office of "rtrJ- rr of Northuiiileilainl iiiuo'V. I re-iiectfuliy a.i'icit y ur -U.(.irl. I w ill emh uvor to discharge the du ll. at 1 f the office foil (id v, should you see proper to colder the a.ime upon me, JOSEPH NICELY, Delawire township, July I 'J I S I.'). To ilu; I'.liM-lttis of Noilhumbei land Cotmlv. lEI.I.OVV CITIZEN'S! A I have been great- ly encoii'nKV.I by my fric.ds, 1 solicit your support for the office of s 11 1: it 1 r v. Should you colder this olliie upon me, I shall et deaior 01 discharge the tint es th. leof witli fide liiy. THOM AS . HILLING I ON. nhu.y. April lUdi, ISl.'i. To ilu: l,.;clois o Northumberland County. 1) I I (i s .'ie t. d I y mv imoiefoos frier ils in the d If. re- I a ell 11 s ol the r. nntv, I h ie conscn led to oil', r mi .-'fin youi considi-ratioii as a Can dn.'ate lot the office of COIttWTISSIOtTEIl. Kb nl.l I be elee e l I plede,. in lf to fulfil the (11 1 a a ol ll.e oll'ice with fn elm and impul ahlv. PETEK VANDLING. AlluMHta, M .V illst, ". To Hit: Mli-Tlois of Noithumbcrlaiid ( 'otilit V. I'l.LI.OW CH IZENS Hvin l-een ineou 1 taued by mv ft 1 ends, to oil', r 11. y sell as a candi date for the office i f COUNTY COMMISSIONER, I lespicnuHy sobcil your support. Should you aee proper to collier ihe office upon me, I will en deavor to di-ihire the dunes ibeti-of with fid. bty and unnaitialltv. SENASTIAN HAt'PT. Sonbury. April 19th, l45. To llie 1'aloclors of Norlhuinbei land Count v : IEI.LOVV Cl I'lZENS : I beg leive lo 1 ff-i tins. If as a c .ridi.late, at the ensuing election, for the office of ( omity I'oiiinilaaloner. Should I lie so I otilln'e as o be elecled. I pb'diie invsclf to discharire tha dutiea of tha office with pioiiipiuess and fidel tv. ' CHARLES WEAVER. Suubuty, Apiil ftih, Isli. TERIVIS REDUCED. DAGUF.ItklAX GALLERY of Patent 1'remi. um Colired likennset, and Photographic Depot 1 No. ISOChesnut Street, riiiladelphia. No. 251 Hrosdwav, New York i No, 75 Cotiri Stuet, Hoslon t No. 130 Cheannt Street, Phila delphia ; Uallimore Street, Hshimnre ; llroad wiy.SaratORS SprmRa j No. 60 Canal Street, New-Oilenns ; Main Street Newport, R. I. Ami mam rireet, ou iiu.pie, lowa. G ON'STITt'TING the oldest and most Exlen. sive Esl.ibli hment of the kind in the Wotl L and coiitnininrt more than a THOUSAND Poll TRAITS, emhracinp; thoae of seme of the most distinguished individuals, in tho I'nitcd Slutes. Adtn.t'atne free. I bis Establishment having been awarded thn Mrdal, Four First Premiumr, and two " Huh'st mora'' at the Exhibitions at Hoston, New York ami Philadelphia, respectively, for best Plctuie niul Apparatus, is thua officially sustained in the posi tion of superiority heretofore universally assigned it by the public, as "First in the WurlJ." Juno SHth, 1815. ly P I A IN 0 S. riUIE SCHSCRIHER has been sppnintnl Scent, 1 for tbe sain i.f CO.NRAD MEYER'S CEL. EHKATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI AN'OS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain, massive and beautiful exterior fini h, and, for depth and sweelnesa of lone, and elcg inee of workman, ship, are not surpassed by any in the United States. The following ia recommendation from Cant. Ill r.Ts, a celebrated perfoimer, and himself a man ufactuivr : A C A 11 1). II vi in had the pleasure of Irving the excel, lent Piano Fortes manfictured by Mr. Meyer, an. I exhibited at thei.-t exhibition of the l'r oiklin In Mittite, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker lo declare that these instruments are quite equa', and in some respects even superior, 10 all the Pi aim Foil., I saw at llie capitals of Europe, au l luring a sojourn of two years at Paris, These Pianos will he fold at the manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not lomething lower. Persons are requested lo call and examine for themselvc", at the residence of the subscriber. Stmbiirv. Mav 17. IS45. II. B. MASSE R. iiKfai tin: Be Miners. TV: It'i7cns of Sunbury and Ihe public cetierJIv, llul they have purchased the shop of .Mr. Wdbm Hoover, in Market street, ore door we.-1 of the Post Office, whete they will continue the ('al'iiirl-.Wakinx I'litiuc, in all ils branches. The public mav expect their work done in the la'est stile. They hope, by strict attention to businia-, to merit a share of pubi c patronage, fjj Collins made lo order on the shortest no'ire, anil country produce taken in exchange for work. ( HAS. (i. tV HENRY C. MARTIN. Sntibury, May 17th, I Si."). ly. H AAS'S HOTEL,"" G IT IT 3 "J ?. , ort h 11 111 b c r I a 11 1 C u 11 n f j , PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS RESPECTFULLY informs bis friend' .lid tha , public in general, that he has taken the I nk stand, 111 the Borough of Suuhurv, lately nccnoted bv John Haua a a public botis -, (iv. st ot t' e St.no I.ium, and nearly opposite the d oil Hon e.) where he is prepared to accommodate hi f.ienda, and all others who may lavor him with tin ir cus tom, in the best possible manner. Ills BAR shall rparkie with the choicest i f l.i 0.1 on, and his TABLE sba'l be we'l supplied with the very best the markets nlfird. lo -hort. n 1 pnins nor expense will he spired lo render l is house in every way worthy of public pairoiiar.-. A lit eral share of cu-tom is 'berelore 8.1 cited. Snnbory, April I2.h, 181'). tiro 11 c 111 o v a 1 . lilt. JOHN V. PKATa. RESPECTFULLY informs the ci fj lireos of Sunbu.y and its vicinity, th t he lias removed to the II nek Moils , 11 Maiket street, formerlv occupied l Ueiij 101111 Hendricks, east of ihe store foiuw r'y oc cupied by Miller & Martz, and nuw by Da T. Cle meni, where he will be happy to receive calls 111 the line of his profession. Sunbury. March Sllih 1845. Boot & ""SlToo MAKING. TIlIE subscriber, late of the fnm of Beck &. Bro l siu. would respectfully inform his old custom era and the public generally, that he now occupies the new bulldo g we.t of Henry Jluupl's Tmlor -hop, and oppoaite (ieorje llrilu'a Drug Store, in M irk. t street, Sunbury, where he intends lo cany on bia former bushiest of HOOT & SIIOi: MAKIXfi. in all its vaiiou branches. He will be prepirsif 1 lo ad kinds of work in his line at the nh.utcai no. lice, ami in the most durable manner. He is thank ful lor former palionaie, and by strict uttendunee lot bil inesa and reasonable charges, will ciitlavof o .!c-eive a coutinuauce if it JOSEPH BECK. Sonborv. Feb. 22 I, 14S, 6m ITS W S T IlY GS. T opening a splendid assortment of ike following I Kl Saxony, Wilton and Velvet Carpeting) Hrusse's and luiM-rii J ply do CAR. Extra su pei floe and fine Ii prions do PE T Eng!i.ihhadid & Damask Venetian Jo j INC. Aineiican Iwilled and lig'd do J Eligh.h Drugeits and W ool. 11 Floor Clothe Stair and P.is.age lloct, i ga Embossed Piano and Table Covers London Cheuille and Tuf'e l 11' m Door Malta ol rveiv des. rii.u.n.. A LSI I A Isige and f x'i n-ie 1 ayo'tment of Floor fi Cloths, liom one 1.1 tight ya'ds wi le, cut lo til vv ai ry ilesciiption of rooms or p.s-af.s. Also, low ptii-e.l Ii gram CaipcMiga ft. in 31 lis fr.' cents per yard, together with a large and exten sile assortment of goods usually kept ly eaifsrt merchants. Tha above goo la w ill lie SoM w holesale or setail nl the low eat maiket prices, Counii iiiesrhaiiHi and o'beia aie pariicula.lv Hiviiwl to call a ad eia mtiie our simk befoia ninkii g then selections. I LARKSON, RICH A MULLUUN, Suceeasoia lo Joaeih IHsekwnoJ, No. 1 1 1 L'W'l"!( corner uf pnuMin Place. PliiUKlt bta, tVo. SiJ, Ibi-.