Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 09, 1845, Image 4

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    The Concent t,tclr In I lie Vrlt.
On approaching the roads of James Town in
the Island of St. Helena, your attention is at
tracted y an enormous ladder, that extends
from the town beneath to a fiirt directly over
1 1 10 tawn, on the wimmil of a liill 80(1 feet hiirh.
On inquiry, I found llmt sentinel were placed
both below and above, for the purpose of preven
ting any one ascending or descending without
an order from the town major. This regulation
was adopted in omserpiervcc of Hie number ot
ii-ccinVnls, attended with fatal consequence,
that had occurred. Together whh a -companion,
after dinner, 1 rambled down to the pined
liouse, and imv-mg fwud the town major there,
we oMamed an order to permit our ascent.
The ladder is composed -of 6tepa morel nan
three feet in width, and some four inches in
breadth, firmly fastened in aide f preat
ftrenitli. On either aide is a tintid rait, ol such
n wi(Hh that you can convet.icntly lay a hand
on cither side. The steps are upwards of m ;
inches ipartand fTcat numbers of them much
decayed. At regular distances are small pent
fur Tc.-tinp places. On one side, without the
ladder, a description of slide has been formed,
Ion which piillies are fixed, for tlie purpose, it
woirid seem, of raising; anything; from the town
beneath, or lowcrin;r from the fort above. The
fuceof the hill, against which the ladder is e
reeled, is extremely steep, so as utterly to pre
clude the idea of any ascent without artificial
men ns ; in places there are perfect precipices,
the rocks completely over-hanging.
At the bottom we found no sentry, and so pro
ceeded to ascend at once, hut had not attained
above the height of one hundred feet when we
heard a voice hailing us, and perceived a sentry
calling on s to return, who in his walk had
been concealed from us w hen below by an inter
filing projection. Down we hndtogo, and
liHving shown our pass, and satisfied the Cerbe
rus commencitl our ascent agnin. At first we
proceeded rapidly, but soon found that not to
answer, the height of each step caused consi
derable exertion. More slowly then we moved
jilonu, attained the third resting place, w here
we rented ourselves, nnd turned to view the
town beneath, with its narrow streets and con
fined situation, cowering, as it were, between
the two mighty hills that seemed to press it on
cither side.
Aloft we turned our eyes, anxiously wishing
ourselves at the top, but we had the best part of
the ascent yet to accomplish, and to our task
we once more went. As we attained a greater
height, we found the stepa getting more and
inure out of repair, in some places two or three
Meps together broken ; so that we had to clum
ber up the best way we could. On, on we
went, with alternate rests ; the town, the boy
and bhipping beneath gradually became more
minute, the moving bodies seeming al
most miles. When we reached within a hun
dred feeto! the top, the unusual fatigue almost
overpowered us; the dizzy height so atlected
us tlmt we felt as if we could scarcely preserve
ourselves from falling yet we persevered, and
did succeed in reaching the top.
A m.iment later one human being would have
passed into another world. My companion, who
was before me, had scarce passed the gato ot the
top, when he ('united, completely overcome, and
he afterward declared to me, that, for the Inst
hundred feet or so, nothing prevented his phy
sical energies from being overcome by the lu
ligue ami position he was in, hut the immediate
prospect of reaching a pluce of safety. Many
lives have been lost on this ladder, particularly
those of passengers, whom curiosity induced to
attempt the ascent. The artillerymen and gar
rirou of the fort are not, however used to going
up and down, exempt from casualties, and it
was only the very week before my visit to St.
Helena that an artilleryman was killed in at
tempting to descend the ladder against time for
u wager. Lvldcr Hill fort completely hangs
over the bay ; it is of great strength, and com
mands the road-stead beneath.
In the batteries are mounted generally eigh
teen twenty-four and thirty-two Kiiiiiders, but
i lu-re .ire tome few guns of a larger calibre. A
finguliir accident happened a few years previ
ous on this ladder. A passenger from one of
the ships in the bay had ascended to the fort, and
looking from tho nunparts of one of the ba'te
ries, perceived his vessel beneath, and thought
he could reach her with a stone, but in his at
tempt to do ho, overbalanced himself, and fell
trout the awful height, being dashed literally to
pieces in the full. After passing an hour at the
fort, we descended, but by the road, which is
till in a zigzag manner in the side of the hills.
i ' oi ' Hi inimw nc( $ of a Aiae Yeurt'
7 Villi," in the Liver pnul 'i'imi $.
A Nkoho's idea of love, as given by Pt-lham,
one of the Ethiopian sennader. 'Ah, nigger!
I fell as if I war up iu clouds between lo
tiot buckwheat cukes, and all da leelle angels
were poriu' down Masse iikii me.'
" A Mictions arc sent by Cod, only to cut the
cords which bind us to earth, that liku the bal
loon our spirits may rise into a higher and purer
How lu Ciiovv It tell,
I'll tell you a plan for gaining wealth,
Rclter than bankiuj; trade and leases
Tal.e a bank note and fold it up,
An I Uii-n you w ill find your money in t heists
Tins vtoudciliil plan, without danger or loss,
Keeps your rash in your bunds, where nothing
cur. trouble it ;
And eveiy tune you Juld it arrors,
' its as plain as the light of the day that you
imji La it !
II A X It OT 13 1, 1ST.
The following list shows the current value of all
'ennsvlvania lt:ink Notes. The most implicit re- !
linnre mty le placed upon it, as it is every week t
an fully compared with at d corre cted hom Hick-
nell's Reporter, i
flanks In Philadelphia.
, Disc. I
lms. i,ncTiiw.
I'll I tn.
P A It.
Bank of North America .
flank of the Northern Liberties .
Commercial Hunk of Penn'a. .
Farmers' and Mechanics' Uauk
Kensington II. ink ,
Philadelphia Hank
Schuylkill Hank
Southwark Hank
Western Hank
Mechanics' Hank
Manufacturers' Sc Mechanics' R.tnk
Country ftunttfl.
lmr j
Bank of Chester County
Bank of Delaware County
Bank of f Sermantnwii
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doylcstown Rank
Easinn Hank
Farmers' Hank of Hocks co
I )tiee of Hank of Penn'a.
Orlice ik h
Office do do
Office do do
t 'hester
par 1
Norris'own par
Doylcstown par
Easlnrt par
Hri-tol par
Harrishnrg" These
Lancaster I offices
Heading f do not
Easton J issue n.
N O T F. S A T
'ank of the United Wales
Hank of Penn Township
(iirard Rank
Movamciising R ink
Dank of !'cnnvlvani-
Miners' Hank of Pottaville
Hank of l.cwistowu
Hank of Middtetown
Hank of Niirlhunilieilaml
Philadelphia alall'i
N irthiimU'ilaud par
Cohiml'ia Hank tSi Bridge co.'t-oluinlna
('nrlisle Hank t'.arlisle
Exchange Hank Piltslmrp
ll.i di branch of lliilhitavsburg
FHrmera' Hank of Lancaster Lancistiti
Lnticaster ('iinty II. ink Lancaster
Farmers' Hank ol Heading Reading
Hairisliurg Hank Harri-luirg
Laneasier H.itik Lancaster
Lelinnoii Hani, Leliaonn
Merchants' V Manuf. Rank Pittsliurg
Hank of Piltsl.urs Piitsliutg
West Hianch H.uik Williamsporl
Wyoming Rank W ilkelairte
Northampton I! ink Allenlowu
Heiks County Hank Reading
Office of Uaiik ol II. . Piltsl.urg
,sl i
i I
t i
I !
i !
Ii' i
failed 1
Do do do F.rie
li, do do New Brighton
Keiisinglnli av. Ins. A da
Pcim Timnsbip Kav. Ins. do
Hank of tlliainliersliurg ('banibersliurf I
I Hank ol fSettysburg (irttysbnrg I
Hank of Su-iuelianiia IO. .Mr.ritiose .!
Krie Kri" "J
Farmer' iSi Diovers' Hank Wnvncsluirg a
Fianklio Hank Wasliingtoii I It j li k Hoih'mI.iIc I J
M.iHiunr iliela Hank of B. Brownsville Ij
Vork Hank York I
N. H. 'I he notes if these lanks on which we
limit ipjotatiiius, and substitute a dah ( ) are not
purchased by the drokers, wiih the
exception ol those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphii Loan Co.
Schuvlkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Rank (T. W
J'owanda Rank
Alleghany Hank of Pa.
Hank of Reaver
Bank of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Rank
City Rank
Farmers' Jk Met b'cs' Hank
Fanners' iV Mech'cs' Rank
Farmers' V MecbVa' Hank
Harmony Insiiiiile
Hunliiigdou Rank
Juniata Hank
Lumbermen's Rank
Northern Rank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northomti'd Union Col. Rk.
North Western Hank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Hank
Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Uauk
Silver Lake Rank
Union Rank of I'enn'a.
Westmoreland Hank
Philadelphia failed
do l.lled
do filled
Dvott. prop.) filled
I owanda
no sale
Hell, fonte
Fayelle co,
t iri-ein at i
II iriiionv
no sale
llil sali-
llnnlino.lon no sale
l-Vtitoivu nu sale
New Hope
fa lied
no sale
lio sale
Port Carbon
Carlisle failed
Molitlose closed
I'liioulown filled
(reensburg closed
Wllkeaharre liosule
Wllkesbarre Hrid4L Co.
Qj All iioIck purporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Rjnk not given in the sbovv lut, may tie set
Juwu as frauds.
ii:w ji:ksi:y.
Rank of New Hiuiiswuk Brunswick
Uelvideiu Rank Relvideie
Burlington Co. Rank Mctllord
Uoniiiu rciul Rank Perth Amhoy
JuinlierlanJ Rank Hridgeton
ruiuicrs' Uauk Mount Holly
Farmers' and Mechanics' Rk Railway
Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Hiuiiswirk
Farmers' and Men hauls' Rk Middlt-towii Pi
Franklin Rank of N.J. Jerx-y City
lloboken Hkg,& liruiug Co Hobokeu
lersey City Uauk Jersey City
MechaiinV Rank Patleison
Manufacturers' Hank Belleville.
Morris County Rank Morristowu
Monmouth Ilk ol N.J. Freehold
Mechanics' Hank Newark
Mechanic' and Manuf. Hk Trenton
Morris Canal and Ukg Co Jersey City
lulls .1
faded i
I Oft Aolea
no sale
Newark Hkg Sl In Co Newark
New Hope Del Bridge Co Lambciikville
N.J. Mauufic. and Hkg Ci Hohoken
N J Proleclon V Loiuburd bk Jern-y Cuy
Oraugo Rank I (range
Putersoli Bank Palernoii
Peonies' Bank do
Princeton Rank Princeton par
Salem Hanking I'u Salem pr
Stale It-tills Newark j
Stale Rink Lluabethtown j
Slate Bank I'ainden par
Sitite Hank of Morris Mornlown J
eltutu Bunk 'J'lenion fuileu
Salem and Philud M.iliuf Co Salt ill lulled
Susn-x Hunk Newton J
I icnton llunking lyu I renloii par
I'iiioii Hunk Dover i
Washington Bunking Co. Hackeusick failed
Hk uf v' ihn Si Brandy wini;
Bank uf Delaware'
Dank of Smyrna
Do blanch
.'aimers' Hk of State of Del
Ib branch
Do bian.ti
Do branch
I'nion Hank
frf I'lider ft's
Wilmington par
Wilmington par
Smyrna par
Millord par
Dovei par
Wilmington par
lieurgetuwii par
Newcastle par
Wilmington par
rr -On all t anks maikrd
thus () there are ri
ther touuterfeit or altered notes ol the vanuus di
i Humiliations, in circulation.
it ii.s 01 or wimi ciikrky,
Compound ttnlsnmln l'rfiMiilon from
v iiti nerry iffirn unci -far,
The hex! remedy knnwn In the World for the rure of
emitrli, rnhh. asthma, croup, hlredinit nf the
lungx, whenping rnuiih,brimchiti$, mflit'
tiizn. shnrtitmn if hrenlh, pnin and
VriikneM in the. hrtanl nr iVr,
A'rcr rnmfifaint, unit the
Jir.l slmjrx if
We will net assert tliat this HAl.ttAM will rure
Cotisumpiion in it n-nmt form, but it has cured
manv ifter all other menus of relief had been tried
in vain. And why not ! It seems that the WII.O
(MIKItltV was destined h Nalme to be our P A-
I N AtJKA for the ravaaina diwases of this eld la-
tilude. I. el not the despairing invalid waste his
1 nv.ney and ims TIME, to dim sall imionaiil.
: in i.rfurimrntintr with the trash nostrum of
d.iv. lull use nt mire a m dirine that will rvr. If
i cure lie n- s-ilile a medicine that science avpmves.
and many years of experience have di inonstiated
that It iiliiun relieves,
' Tlnrc if no nnch thine an fnH." in the history
1 of this wonderful HAI.SAM. Evidence the mn-t
1 convincing evederce that no one can doubt, fully
I e.labli lies tSis fact. For the s ike of brevity we
; se'ect the f..l owing from tbouands.
! Isaac Pla't, Esip, Editor of Ihe Pokecp-ie Eagle.
I one of the nv-at iutloential journals in the s'oie of
New Yoik, stall sundei Ihe authority of his own
name, lb it a young lady, a rel oive of his, ol verv
delicate coiisiiMiiion, was attacked in Feb. 1812.
i wiih seere cold, which immediately produced spit
I ting of blood, rough, fev r, and other ibuieerous and
i aliirinii a syniploms. Through inedieul tieatmen'
mid rue she paitially ice vend during suinnier.
Hut on the return of winter she was uttn ki d mine
vi..enilv than at first, pbe In came scarcely sble to
walk arid wi tmubled with rough, chills and fever
I eveiy day. and appeared to be going rapidly with
I consumption; at lid lime, when theie ta n sign
I i if improvement. Mr. Piatt pr--cured a bo'lle i f
Wistam a 1)4LSM nr W l-iiKlint, wliicn she
look, and it si emiuul.V restored her. She g t a se-
con.l. ami ii was hall Ink. n she vs as restore.!
... r.-i i ...iil i.;. I. .i.a K... ..,.;.....l i., iI.a nt.,. I
sent tune, without the slighti rt symptom of her for
mer di'-e se.
.Mr. P alt sav "Ihe rure c mie under my fwn oh
eiviition and I cannot be mist iken as to the facts."
r-J . .. ,
k.xthact or a t.i:tti:i; fiioma post
Pi .mmnr., Washington co., Maine, Apr. Sfl, I W 1 1 i
MU. ISAAC Rt ITS. Sir: At the re
o,net ol many of my friend in this place and vici- !
ni'y who are alllicted wiih cousu'eption and liver '
complaints, I lake the librr-y of asking you to ap- j
point some one in this county as agent to ell Wis- j
tih's Rii.sim or Wi in I'neiiKr, and to send bin I
a lew il.-ii'ii. as there i none of i! for sab" within !
V.(l(l miles from ihis I have no doubt thai il would ;
me. t with a r, ady sale if il were where it eniiM le j
piocured willmut too much expense nnd delay. I
My wile was attacked about six III ntlis since j
witti what the physicians colled the firt s'age nf j
Con-niiipiioii a coinplaint vi ry p'evalent iu this j
s c ion ol country, llaunn m.ii the Ualsain in
vert sed in Augusta.
I took the pains lo si-rnl there for a l oiile ot it,
whit h she took, and w hich licl-ed her so much that
I sent for to bottles more, which she has 'so ta
ken, and he now says she ha not felt so well for
ix ears a she doe sl this tone. All those who
have inquired of me and ascertained w hat elici t the
It al-m bad, are Hini nis lo have mine for sale io
tin viciniiv, wbieli is the rmi-e of my writing you.
I'lea-e intuitu me I'V ielu-11 ot m il wheilur you
concliiile to send Mime, and il so whom, in nrdi r
that it may be known where it can be bad.
I mil wiih re-pect youis, etc.
The whole country is fast learning that no medi
cine no physical! no pu-paralion tf any kind
whalivtr caunpial I'm. Is l All's
ll. li Cn ii it I.
A Till I.V
tvoMH.itri i. i in:.
'i i sin ii i.t-'.
, Oneida Co.. N, V.Sept. 15, 1 f t :t.
Deal Sif I owe it io the allln led to uiforin v u
that in .1,11 uurv I i-l I was aliaikid bv a very vio- j
lent cold, i aus. d by wo.kii-B ill ihe water, w l.ieh '
sellled on luv luini. ll v. as n roiupaiiied bv a ve ,
rv s ve.e pain in mv breaM slid subs, and also a
ilisties-iug rough. I hud in attendance all the I est
iiieihc.d aid iu our villige; but after ex hausting all
their skill io no avail, ihey pronounce. I my ili-eae a
roriHri ni'M rriu, and ih-y one and all
gave me up to tlir. After non h Mrsusion I got
i hit toti'i'nt of mv phvsiciau to use the Httst nt
W ii.ii Camay pr pared by Da. Wisria. I mr
chased ol the Agent ill our place one buttle, lie fore
using half of which I began to gain slrengih, and it
w.,s veiy evident my cough was much belter and
my symptoms hi every way iinpr vine. I have i
now used tluee hollies, and am textured lo perfrct '
In a It fi. Thi re-uli is alone owing lu tbeii-ei.f'
RV ; mid I lake this method of g vug you tha iu !
formation, partly lo pay you the debt of gratitude '
I owe ynU, and partly llial others aimilaily alllicted ;
uia ku-'W where lo apply lor relief.
Veiy trulv yum. JAMES KAOE.
Mh. I'ai.mi ii. Diuggift, undei date of Wultiville, j
Sept, 2llh, M-I'.l. wrile;
Tic stub ineni given you by Mr. James Supe is j
will known to be true by this whole ctiminnnitv
Ii ci rt link wo a most reinaika' le cure. The sain
of the llal.-iiin is very cinsl, and its success iu cures :
liu'y ll iilering. Vouis resp ctfullv, 1
TIIF. AinST I'l'.M.VIiKA Isl.r. i
( TUFs FYF.ll IlKCOKUKn. j
lUniiosruiii. N.J, April 2I, 1 84:1
On or about the 13th day of October, IP41, I was
taken well a violent pain in Hie side near Ihe liver,
w hu ll fohiiuoed lor about five days, ami was fol
lowed by the breaking of an u'or, or al aces, in- !
waidlv, which relieved the pain a little, lint cau-ed
me o throw up a great quantity of offensive mailer j
nd also much blood. Being grea'ly al;
ibis, I applied lo a physician, but he said be thougl t .
be could do hut li-lle for me exc--p' R ve me aoine
Mi reur if 1'illx, wh-rh I refused to t ike, fieluig
ra'istied that ihey could do me no good ; many o- ,
ihei r-undies weie then procured by my wila ami
Ineiids, but noue did me any good ai d the diss
charge ol blood and rouupii m still roiiMiurd ev. ry
b w days, and al last become so offensive that I
c m d scarcely breulhu. I Was Uii seized with a vi. :
olent rough, which at limes caused me to nine I
muih iiioic bl.Mi l thuu I had done la-fore and my
disi ase rouliuued iu this w ay, siill growing worse, ,
until felirusry, when al! hope of my recovery was
given up, and my liieada all thought I would die
ol a liiLLoeisu ('oNHt-MrrioN. At this moment,
w hen my tile was apparen Iv drawing near its rlo-e,
I heard of DR. V Is TAR'S U A L S A M OF
WILD CI1ELRY, and got a bottle which it
LiKvi ii me iMinuiTri t ; and by the use uf only
three bottles of this med cine, all my pains were
removed my cough and s iiting uf blond and cor
rupt ion entirely stopped, and iu a few week my
health was ao far resloied a lo enable me to woik
at my trade, (which is a carpentir,) and up lo Ihis
nine I have enjoyed good health.
Ciori rirr.a Ciav ri, N. J , as.
Personally catuc bt-fors ine, the tubscriber, one of
the Justices of the Peace in and fur the said rnnn
ty, Thomas Cozens, and deing duly affirmed ac
rord'ng to law, sailh the above aiatemeut is in all
ihtnus true.
Affirmed biforo me, on the 20ih of April, 1 843. )
J. (l.r.HI!T, J P. S
Such is the unprecedented success of this HAL
a prescription cnngeniil to our wants, as it is pie
pared from rheniieil exliaels from substances which
the author of naturn has placed in our own land
fur wise purposes, that many who knew nothing
of Hit) iiiinlflof ils prepar iiion are endeavoring In
rean necuniarv benefits hv selling nn aitirle similar
in name, or in appearance, or ley repreenling their
own trash as suiierinr In this HAI.SAM, or bv put- i
ting up a mixture and solemnly ssppveriting that it
is impurted Ir.un a foreign country, which i not the
case. All these deceptive arts goto show thai
V'iTn's i known In tlie world to I
-TIM fiHKAT lt:Mi:n V." and that to m-ll
any mixture it must In- like this 'i nil me, or pur
port to lie like II in su''Sisnre.
QfJ" Relieve not ihe cunningly wrought falniea
lions and lake on'y the nriumal and genuine
Wistuh's Hti or Witn t'lifHar.
Address Ml onlrrs to ISA AC H II I" T, No. M
Ann New Y ok.
Agents, JOHN tV. FIMLINC Suntmri,
I) Hit W I'HIAM. Xrthnmherhnd,
J. K. MOYF.H. mnimnliuin.
HKOWN V CREASY, M.ffliiiville.
Feb. 22d, 1 Ml 5 ly
"fifty noi.i.Aiis itr.wAui)
t clt lualtil Taiiiily lit liciiui
"m mr II.I. not cure every thing, but slid rein iin
uiieiuatbil in their several departments by
every ihing ever offered to the public, who hae
voltiulary came forward sod olfered tiiimerons and
highly nsiiecluble leviimoiiials of their superior
I illiriev.
Cunt rrir Compound Medicated S.'rtr) of Far
., ur AiH.-Kcorbutie W rup, for the cure
' . ' .... :.. . L. .
of r'corluls. Ilhroroc Hheu.n.ilisin, tyhrooic wel
lings of ihe Joints, Eruption of ll kio, and all
Diseases arising from the abuse of .Merru-y, Ve...
unsurpassed by any thing in Ihe niaket, conil.i.
nine all ttie virtue lesiilent in tne ar-aii.iriu
' with a modern medicament, only lately brought
mil by ihe most respectable medical authorities,
j Price, fid cents per le-ltle.
! Cmnil's .Inti'Pifxpcptic VtroVr, for the re
lief and pernianciit cure of that mot distressing
I complaint, Dyspepsia, iu nil it form and s'ages.
' It istrulv a most valu ible remedy. Sold in bottles
j ai Sri and SO cents each.
I CuntriWi .Ifltte Mixture nnd Tunic Xetlicii-
menla, Mauds nt the bead of the list unrivalled by
! iiny, or all the innumerable medicine in u-e
ihroiighoul the length and bread h of the lard, for
j the cure of F via mid Aon: iu all its stages, and
j lriin nil it coiiseiueiicr.
I Rivident in Fever and Ague districts should
never be without it.
The subsniW-r will forfeit EIFTY DOLLARS
where bis medicine lails to peiform a cure in the
most obstinate ease.
S. Id Who'es.le and Retail bv CALEB CRES.
SON. at lii Drug Warehoue, No. Ii North Third
Street, Philadelphia; also, by ihe rigularlv ap
pointed agent. SE I'll W. ROD ERTS, Wholesale
DiuggiM, No, fit Water Sir.-et, Mobile.
Prepared oi:l bv the SiiliKerdier, Comer of CAR
PENTER on.l SECOND Sir.eis, below Christi
an. Philadelphia, where it is also retailed.
Observe, none are genuine without the signalure
( aiili cll's 4bho ,llitnro, or Tonlr
III aiiiiiila,
i'oe the cure of all ll.Tmux nfficlionx, if taken nc
conluii; to dincliunx.
It is a never tailing remedy which no fami'y
uughi to lie without, especially iu low m.irby
coui tries.
A ibis medicine is put up under the pioprie
lot's iiii'lieiliate inspection nn Ihe most scientific
principles, be-ug Pur. ly Vi getable, and having
tried its i ll'irai v on thousands, for upwards of 'i
y ars, and lo Ins knowledge when taken sirictlv ac
cording to dlii-ctions, ll.ere has not laen elie fa lure.
I'ndei such circuiiitane I recommend il lo ihe
public, adding a ct-riifi- an iu support of my aser-
I.Jobii Hums, do certify llint I was iu the ship
Tiib icco Plant of Phil oleli l ia, Capl. Reed, in
June, 1847, bound u Liverpool, look tho lever
j and ague and laid ill l.ivei,o,.l roine l ine limb I
' Ihe doctor's buuda. went lioui there to Palliiu- re,
Uy in the Infirniary for four or five weeks from
! thence to Philadelphia ; was six months under Dr.
i Coals ; fioin thence lo New Yt-rk w. lit lo ll.e
li.i-l-ital, lemaiiied ihi-re about four weeks without
any lehef tiled i very thing w ithout aliv benefit,
foi live vests. Hearing of t aulrell s Ague .mix
tuiefmm a fi end, I went to hi store, told him
h ,-w I was alMicled, and got a bottle nf his mixture I
and used it according to directions. It m ule a per
led ruie, and I have Hot had the least return sil ce. '
I do w ith confidence ii'iomuieiid it to the public.
.tlfillrafel Syrup of SarsajinrHtu. :
I'hdadi Iphia, A pril 10th, ISll.
Mr. Jon A.Cihthui,
Dear Sir, Having bean afflic'ed for upward of
iwo year with ulceration of the throat, de-tro)tng
ihe whole of i he soft palate, then ihiough the upper
part uf mv mouth into my nose, from which sever
id pieces of bone came nut, which partially destroy
ed my speech, through a kind Providence slid your
Medicated Syrup ol S,ir..paiilla, I am now
to peif. cl health, and my sight, which was so much
impair, d, is a strong as when a boy, j
I thought it a duty I owed to you anil mosesiuil
! larly tttleibd, lo make it public.
Vouis. R.sia-rifullv,
Corner of Tenlh aud Coate Stieet.
I, fiabril Joiist-.n, No. b' Reckl.-ss Street, do rer
tifv thai my wile,, was afilicicd lor Iwo years
wiih ltlieuiini'i.-iii,aud at la-t was nitucly disabled,
so that she was obliged to be confined to In d , fear
ing i f Canl-cll's Melieated Syiup of S,ir ipurilla
or Ami Scorbutic Syrup, I procum l four boltl.
... ,. I .,1
which completely removed all her pains and still
loss from her I. nibs; two more bottle made a -r-
feci cure. St e is now able lo attend lo her house
hold duties as usu.l. CARKJL JUNSlON.
Philadelphia, Jan. 22J, 1811.
tjj De-cripiive Pumpbhts may be had of the
agents, ((iratis.) J. W. FlULlNfi,
Sunbury, Nov. 9, 1841. ly .jfcri.
" as ii ii v cV ii o c a r,
South Hast corner of Market and 4th ..
T HERE they always keep on hand an exlen-
sive -issortioi nt t( IIA TS U CA 'A' of every
description, got up in the best and most approved
slj le, Peisou dcrirous uf purchasing kupeiiot arli
cha uu Ihe most iea.nable terms, will find it to
their advantage to call hi lore making purchase
Philadelphia, IM. Mb, 1841. I J
ll.lLUATIVC SYltl l1,
riIIE valuable properiies of Oakley' Depnra
L live Syrup of M irsnpn'illa, as a purifier of the
blood, is so well known to the public generally,
that it is UM ecess.ny to occupy much spare in set
ting forth the advantages to be derived from its
tisej wherrver the medicine has once been tntro-
duced, it take precedence over all others : f veiy
one thai has taken it, have derived ho signal bene-j
fieial results from it, that it is recommended by ;
them wiih the u most cetif.di nee. Physicians of
the highest stan liug in the profession, piescrilw it ;
to paiienli under their care ; containing nothing '
deleterious, but being composed ot the most mild, '
yet efficacious vegetable is oil", red with '
confidence, as the cbeaH-st and most efficient pu. ,
rilier of the blood now known. The. use of a few
hollies, rsiecialy in the spring months, will lie at- i
tended wiih a most decided improvement in the ge
j neral strength of the system, eradicating any seed '
I of disease thai may have been generated, besides
giving heal iff and vigor to lbs body. For the cure
of Wcrnluln or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter,
' Pimples nr eiuptions of the Skin, White Swelling,
! Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, cVc. The nu
i merous ccriifira'ea in ihe possession of the ul scri
her and his agents, from physicians and others, are
sufficient lo convince Ihe most skeptical of ils su
periority over all preparation of H irsaparilla.
S..d whole-ale nnd retail, by the proprietor,
OEOIM.E V. OAKLEY, North full stre.l, liea
ilittg, Reiks County, and to !. bad of the following
persons :
l Niirthunilirrlmui Cvunty. H. R. Masv,
Sunbiiry ; Ireland Sl Mixel, McEwisville ; I
' Kratisir. Millon.
I In Union Cnunti.S. Gcarhnrt, Selinsgrove :
j A (Sutelills, Miflllliiuirg.
In Columbia Cinmly.W. W. Met. -ay, Wash
j iugion.
j Reading, March 14. I H:l.
, Mh. : I believe it the uty of every
one to do whatever in their iwer I , for llie b ne.
fit of their fellow man, and having bad pn-i ive
proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties
' of your Ui-puralive Syrup of Sarsapurill i, I m st recommend it lo the atllicled. We
bail Ihe rnisfoitiine In l-se two of our children, by
the breaking out of ulcerous sores thai covered Ihe
face, head anil neck, although we lent some ol the
,,,,., , i,.n t i fi physicians lo attend th m and had
li'n-d all the known lemedtes. inrluilirig Swaim
Panacea, without avail. Another of my children
was atiiuke.l in the same manlier, brr face and
neck was roinp'etely covered; the discharge was so
offensive, and the disease at such a he ght. that we
diMi-iireii ol her life. Seeing the wonderful etfects
of vour Dcpnralive Syrup ot S osaparill i, wc weie :
indue, d lo make trial nf it. n the lat n s.-n ; it
acted like a rhaiin; the u'eers commenced healing
immediately, a fi w bottle entirely restored her In
her health, which she bus enjoyed iinintrriuptcdly I
ever since. As a purifier of the blood, I verily be
lieve it has not ils eipial.
Walnut street, ueur Fourth, Reading.
Doiiglissville, April 19th, 18 13. '
Mn. 0iki.t.t: My son Edmund Leaf, had the i
scintilla in the most dreadful and i!iMtcsirig man- ;
l-cr for three years, during which time he was tie- ,
ptived of the use of bis limb, hi head and neck !
were covered with ulcers. We tried all ihe differ- ;
ent remedies, but lo nn effect, until recommended
by Dr. Johnson of Noriistown. and also Dr. Isaac j
liiester, ol Reading, lo use your Dcpuralivc Syrup !
of Sarsaparillu, of which I obtained scveiul boiiles.
iho use of which d'ove Ihe disease eniirt ly out of
bis system, Ihe sore healed up, and the child was ;
resloied to perfect health, which be ha enjoyed ,
uninterruptedly evi r since, lo the astonishment of;
many person who seen him du ing lus Hlll ctioo.
I have thought il my duty, and send you thiscerti- j
1 finite that others who haves like utlliclion in the 1
family may know where to obtain so valuable a i
medii'ine. Yours trulv, (
Sept. lfi, 1S4:I ly
To Comilry .Tlcrthant
Hoots, Sliiios, IJoimets, Logliorii ami
l'itlin l.titf Hats,
(i. AV. vS: L. 1$. TAYI.OH,
at the S. 11. earner if Market and Fifth Sl.,
OFFER for sale an i xtensne iit-oiiintnt nf the
above ar'tcb s, all of which ihey sell at unusual
ly low price, and partiiulailv invite the alteutioii
ol buveis visiting the eilv, loan i xamuiatiiii nf
their stock. C. W. .V L. H.TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, May 85, 1844. Iv
, rrM,,, mil lie. will nlcase observe that no Rrandieth
1 pjn, re ennine, unless the box has three 1 1-
bels upon it. (the top, the side and the bottom)
each containing a fac-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus H. Rhiihiimith, M. D. These la.
bel aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over f2,(ni0. Therefoie
it will he seen that the only thing nrccssaiy to pro.
cure the im-diciue in its purity, is to ubseive these
Remember the top. the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly auiln-ri
ted, and hold
For the sale of Brundreth't Yenetuble Vnivrxnl
Norlhuriihctlaiid eounlv : Milton Mai key iV
Ch.imheihu. Sunliury H B. Masser. M'EwenS
ville lieliudiV Meixcll. Northum1 eiland Win.
Forsyth. (Jcorgetown J. 5t J. Walla.
j Union County: New Berlin Rogar Si Win
ter. Selinsgrove ficorge (undiuin. Middle-
burg Isaac Sinilh. I'cuvi-ri-.iwn David Hubler.
Adiuisburg Win. J.May. Mitlhiisbutg Meusch
i A; Ray. If i tlctoi) Daniel Long. FreeburjJ
ti.vV F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls Si (ireen.
Culiinibia coi.niy i Danville E. li, Rcyuold
' Ai Co. Rirwick Shuman fc R Henhouse, i.'at
litwissa C, U. Hrnbts. ltlooinsburg John It,
1 Mover. Jeisey 'I'uwu Levi Risel. Washington
I Kohl. McCav. l.imeslone -Halb"? fc VrNmeh.
Obsiuve that each A tent has an Engravid Cer-
, i (ilicate of Agency, containing a repres ntalion ol t
- 1 .. llll I VniO.'i'Llls! 11 f.... ...... .1 Hi,,.
Ur HRANDRE'J'H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
aud upon which w ill also lie seen exact copies ol
- 1 Ihe new tabtU HuW until upon the Hrunditth J'ill
11,1X1 n.
Philadelphia, office No. 8. Noilh Slhsireet.
June 21th, 1813.
CITY Fl'IlN ITl lti: Al CTIO,
Nos. VI.) and al North Thiul Street,
Nt . I. II n I aI
...v . u,ii i
CV. MACKEV, Auctioneer, respectfully in -
viies the attention of persons desirous of pur-
chasing Furniture, lo his extensive Sales Rooms,
.li- I'.iv.l. , f. everv dc-erii.tlon of
Household Furniture, where ran be obtained t
times, a large assorunein oi lasrunnaiue ami wen
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Heds, Mattiasses,
Ac, at very reduced prices, for rash.
(17" Sales by Auction, tw ict a week.
May 2 "ah, 1843. I y
. .-..: ,i I ll
von TiriTi'.n.
ri'TAKFOt') :Rl'ITti)Nl.
q-j 77ir? following certijieaie. dexrrihet one aflhi
tnnxt extraordinary curet erer effected by anif
Pim.Anrrriit a, February 10,
IOR twenty year I was severely afflicted with
Tr.TTKH on tho Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I wa seventeen year old, and
continued until the Full of I8:tfi, varying in vio
lence, hut without ever disappearing. During imrst
of the time, great part of my face was covered with?
the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent itch
ing; my head swelled at limes until it fill ns if il
would burst the swelling was so, that I conl.f
scarcely get my hat on. During the long period
that I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great
many a plication, (among them several celebrated
prep nation-) as well as taking inward remedies,
I including a number nf buttles of ftwaini's Panacra,
Extract of Sarxopori'a, Sic, In fact, it would be
impossible to enumerate all Ihe medicine I used.
I was also uudet the care nf two of the most dis
tinguished physicians of this ciiy, hut without re
( reiving much benefit, and I despaired uf ever being
cured. In the fill of lS:ir,, the disease at the time
being very violent, I commenced using the Rnxe
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan Si Davis.) In
' a few applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, the i ruptioii began to disappear,
and before I had used m jar the di-ease wa entirely
( cmed. It has now l-en nearly a viar and a half
since, and there is not a vetign nf the diseae re
! iiiaiuiuu. except Ihe scars from the deep pits formed
hv the disease. It is imp. ssible for me to describe
in a certificate the severity of the disease ami my
Mtlfi ring, but f will 1 pie .sed to give a fuller c-
count to unv person wanting further satisfaction,
who will cult on me. At the lime I couunHiiced
using the Rose OiutiiK iil I would have given hun
' dieds of do'lais to la- rid of the disease. Since u
sing it, I have reeumineliiled it to sever il ersoiis,
(among them my mother, who hail the disease bad
ly on Ih'I ami.) who were a I cured bv it.
JAMES DI'RNEI.I., No. 1515, Race St.
rjj TI.e Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vaujlian, H.nrh East corner of Third and Race
slteits, Philadelphia, and sold nn agency in Sonhu
ry. by li. U. MASSER,
May 14ih, 1H13.
ltor Ointment, loi Teller.
A I'iWOF Of I'l'ti Hi riCACY.
Piin iiiKLPiiii, May 27th, IStf'J.
' 'rMHS i to renify thai I was severely dUI cted
w ith Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards
uf lurly year; the disease was oil ruled generally
; with vio'ciit itibiug and swelling. I applied to i
i number of physic -lis, and used a great many nppli
ca'ioi.s v illi, nt elici ting a cure. About a y-ar
since, I applied ll e Rose Ointment, which entirely
; slopped ihe itching, aud a few application i mined i
- atcly cmed the disease, which there has been no
: return of, although I had never Ix-en rid of it at
; any time for forty yea,. RICHARD H.WAI.E,
l'.h venlh. below Spruce Street.
(Jj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. II.
' Vnuuhan. S mth East corner of Third and Race
Stieets, Philadelphia, aud nod on agency in Sunbu
ry. by II. U. MASSER,
May l lib. !43. A-mt,
OJ Ihe RO.Si: OI.TMl-:.XT,far Titter.
ALTHOL'fill the superiority of the prepaiaii ill
over all others is fully es'ablishrd, the proprie
tors take pi, nsnre in laying before the public the
following certificate from a rerei't'.thlc physician,
a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
' Hiingb, having found in thi lemedy that relief fir
i a tedious and disagreeable nllivlion which the means
J within the range ot his profession failed lo afford,
j has not hesitated logive il Ins approbation, although
j ihe prejudices and interests of that profession aie
: i pposcd to secret Remedies.
j PH.ILAIIFI.PUI1, Sept. 19, lSrifi.
! I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
; eruption, which ro'Cied nearly one si ' of my face,
1 and extended over the ear. Mr. Vnughan, proprie
! loi of the Rose Ointment, obseivuig tny face, insi.
I ted on my Ity ing his preparalioii, ol which he ban-
di-1 me a jar. . it noil en in cmninon w nn lie iiieui
hers ul my profession, I discouiueii nice slid ilisap
prove nt Ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon the
I public by iumu ant pri lenjers, I feel in jus ice hound
' toexcipt the Rose Oiiituu ul frum thai cla-s of me.
' diciio-s. and to give it my approbation, as il enti'e
I ly vurcd the eruption, alihough il hid resisted the
UsU.d applications. DANE DAI till, M. D.
fjJ" 'I he Rose Ointment is preiared by E. R.
: Yaiio,hau, Smith I'ast comer ol Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agi ncv in Sun
i burv, by H. B. MASSER.
May 14th, IN4:. Agent.
i'nriur nf Third nnd l iie .N'rir s,
TlllIE subscriber respectfully announces to the
1 public, that be b is opened a Hotel in the com
modious brick building situate on the corner of
Third and Pine itreets, where he will be happy to
wait np-n those who mav favor him will their
company. The Ragle Hotel is large and conveni
III. and furnished in the lM modem St vie. ll is
provided with a huge iinmtar of well aired and
eor.iforiable sleeping spartments, rooms, priv.itn
pallors, Ac. Peisons visiting W illiamsporl on bu
siness or plea-ure, may rest as urrd that every ex
ert i,,ri will br used to render ihcir sojomn at tlm
'Eagle Hub I" pleasant and agreeable. HisTaide
will be supplied wiih the very lu st Ihe maiket af
fords, and his bar with ihe choicest wine and oilier
lojiiors 1 barges re sonable. The Eagle llolil
possese (ireaier advauiuees in point !' location
than any othei similar establishment In the borough,
being situate in the business part of the town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamsporl and Elmira Rail Road Depot,
. Sullicieul Slubling provided, ulld good and trusty
ostler always In attendsn.e.
Attentive, accommodating and hone-t Servants
have leu employ rd. aud nothing b-fi uiulone that
will add lo the conduit and accommodation of hi
There will he a carriage alwav in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
; the House, Irre of charge.
Mav 1-fth,
.Vlit'liacl Weaver & Sou.
An. I'd AWA Water Stmt. I'hiludrlphiu.
HA V E constantly on hand, a general Hstort
mi nt uf Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac., viz i
lai d Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Rohs, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Hoata. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such
Hemp Shad and Herring; Twine, Best Patent (Jill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Hariiug Twice, Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Coids, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton end Linen Carpel Chains.
Ar ,( 0f whicb they will dispose of on reasonable
j Philadelphia, Novemtier 13, IM4'2. ly.
- wIMMIIVC'riWill U ci t "
I Ol I.UI.M.1, llUUD Ai I II.
all No. 1HS Market Street, l'llilatlelpllia
NVITE the attention of Country Merchants
to their rileusive assortment of lint oh r reach
and American- Dry flood, which ihey oiler for sal
on the must reasonable terma.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1M3. ly.