Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 09, 1845, Image 3

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    nil the papers are filled with comments on this
most extraordinary patriot anJ truly great man.
In the eyes of Europeans, who, next to the in
estimable traits of his character, are most struck
by his military glory ami genius, he is the most
worthy champion of Washington and the sec
ond saviour of his country. These views may
perhaps correct the opinions of those in the I'
nited Stutcs, who have found fault with his po
litical career, and as is but too much the case
with partisans, underrated his vast real services
to the country. There is no citizen in the
United States who oupht not to be proud of lie
longing to a country Hint has produced such a
man. In an age of selfishness, materialism and
religious unbelief he was an oasi3 in the desert
on which the future historian, whether he belong
to Europe or America, will dwell with pleasure
and satisfaction. Ry the side of the pigmies
that nominally guide the fate of nations in Eu
rope, Geneial Jucksnn stood on a lofty eminence j
which was not reached by any of his cotempora- J
ries. The Duke ol Wellington is, perhaps, the i
only parallel he has in modern history ; but the I
latter was the servant of the feudal atistocrary
of Europe ; Jackson was the champion of liberty
in one of the darkest hours in the history of his
country, and remained true to the faith of his
early life till death called him hence. No man
loved his country more than he did : none was
more thoroughly impressed with its great mis
sion ; none labored so arduously in its came.
His rankest political adversaries will, in the end,
lie compelled to admit that he added mm-h to her
rational renown, and that bis diplomacy, suc
cessful in every part of the globe, has raised the
respect paid throughout the world to thecharac
ter of Americans. I.etieral Jackson, like all
(Tien nf historical fame, believed in himself and
in the p ople, on whose destiny he exercised
so ra signal iit'du.'iic -, and this faith was the talis
man of his success. Jin defeated bis antagonist,
because lie had more liiith in the virtue of the
people Hi state papers were among the ablest
ol Ins time in any country, ami all Ins pin ate
communications bure
the mark of frankness, ;
manliness, and strong good sense. His letters
on it annexauon ol 1 pkh vtiow a vigor ni rnnul, 1
a compiehensiveness of intelbct, and a patriotic
ardor scarcely equalled and ceitainly not surpas
sed by any statesman of the old world. His me
mory, when time khall have effaced the coloring
ml" party and soothed the passions of men, will
be cherished alike by all with ntTectiouate piety.
An Italian Ci.binv ia about to settle in Tex-
The Vdfhinoton Ciiiihi nay "They art- j
men of liberal political prii ciploe, who wish to j
breathe the .r of a free . o nrrv, to enj .y her
blrs.sings, and to advaiict! hor intrrestH. Most j
of them have ca jiitals of from $1.(XH) to 810,01)0
Tliry will brmi thoir tamilies with them, and
introduce into their now homos the arts of Italy,
the cultivation ni' llu; vine and the r!ip, lliu
ininulncliire of wine and of nil, ami, if found
f uflisicntly profitable, the rair-in id the silk
worm and the manufacture ,,1 ijjlk. The scheme
is not yet matured, nud the arrangements are
not reduced lo detail ; but an American nf en
trgetic character and of a liberal mind is con
cerned in the plan."
fioi.i Fi I'M). A colored man, named Tho
mas, employed Ihe wharf on Pu k-clip,
yesterday tiuinrl a l"M pii e.1 hetwien tfie ptank
inij ot the dock mid taking tip the plank dir-co-vered
.f l.lli' 12, all in pi Id. The money was
taken charrre of by Mr. Sax ton, of tho firm if
Srxtoitvt Webb. We arc informed that there
is no doubt that this is a portion of the xMHHI
ftnlen from Adams t Co., nunc time ago. .Y.
Y. Tribune
Corn Cakk Two tea-cups of biiltpr-milk,
cue of xiitir cream pri vinusly srtened with i
salarntus. one table-i-pooii full of tnulasse-. and '
Indian corn inetil, to make nearly us ft ill' as 1
rnurtins I
Office nf llie Ualtimori Amcbicasi, Anz 4.
CRAfN. The supply of Wheat at triarket, to
day was fair, and the prices obtained show
110 '
Variation from last week. We quote good to 1
prime reds at 80 a St cents; and ordinary to'
good 75 a M) cents. Sales of white Wheat at
a P! cents for ordinary to good lots, and IK) and
M cents for parcels suitable for family tluur.
At the close today sales are more difficult to be
made. I
We quote Corn at 11 a 41 cents for white, and
45 a 10 cents for yellow sales.
Kye is worth 52 a 53 rent.
Oats have further improved. Sales at HO a
WHISKEY. f'tock increasing. The demand
is lair at 23 cents, for hhda and 2 I cents for libls.
Low Sri airs, CAi BKH at i biskm k of impure
hum irs in Ihe lino. I. Health is ihe stile of hmly
and mind which renders mere triple nee a bbs-inn;
any lhin short of this ia rlisea-e, and is caused bv
the accumiiUiimi of morbid humor in the bio. d,
and other ju.ces, by neglect of vegetable purging.
The cure is v,ry simple j open ihe natural drains
of the body which nature has provided for the carry
ii.g out of all lis iuipuibif , and h al h will he sure
to follow. This ran be arcomp'Uhe.d wiltmut any
inconvenirnce, by the use of Dr. IluAstiatTH'a
YtetTAaLt Usivkssal Pills, which ate known
by the eirerience ol thousan Is, to perfectly cleanse
tha hlaod from all foulness, remove every morbid af.
lection, and renovata weak anJ enfovbleJ coiiatitu
tiuns lo perfect hesbh and vigor.
XJ Purehaaa of H. U. Maaser, Sunbury, or of
the agents, published in another pait of thiapafier.
i i: ,
On the 1st inst., in Northumberland, Mr.
JOHN 11. I'.OVD, aged about 411 years
On Saturday last, near this borough, Mra. E
I.IZABF.TII HK1NIIAUT, aged 07 year 2
months anf 2 days.
At Hlmimsuurg, on IheS'ith ult , Mrs. Sl'S AN
PAINTEK, wife of Thomas Painter, Esq., aged
00 years, 'J months, 2 weeks and 3 days.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yaxtheimer.
Eon a,
H reman Flat,
Damn Appi.ks,
Do. ISacmks,
IV Si:t:i. The highest priee will he
given fur Flat Sped, at the stere nf
To the Electors of Noriliumhcrlainl
County :
WE ate airhoril' d to say. that the subscriber,
t.f rVerthuiuherl ml, w.d lea Candida e lor
the office of
of Northumlntland coutitv, provided he ran receive
the nomination tif llie cnutitv convention.
Ntnhumlierlind. Aug. !lih, IMS. 3t
Auditor' Notice.
rnHF. under oac. having been appointed by ; ihe ,
JL Court, of Comniou Pleas of N'orlhuinheland
c 'in Iv. afx'itor to audit Ibe aeceunt of Tohti Mill,
ussiRi.ce of Henry, of Ja kson lowuahip.
i . . i-. .i .
iitrinv turn m ree in an rrcuiinrs inn oiner- m-
let. sled, thai be will attend ...Ihedtl lesof ,..! a,.- his elhee in Surihiiry, on Ibe lllih i
lay of September, 1815, wlore all si ch can aliend
il ttey e rf 'P" CHA'S W. HEtil.NS.
Augirsl !ih, 1M5 3t
. .
w i x t i: i .
-sit PVPV i. ;..;. ,i ..,.1 ... . ; T t..
........... ..r- , ......
2J ig will h.. u. .nip. I for ibe fall and win'r-r
j -coo.. I. in ;h nn kin Hi-riei, Pt rsons wi biog o
I lie employed as Mich, w II please meet the Hoard of
Dir. lion of raid ds'.mt, hi the hon-e of Kel x
I lo r. I , m SinilVi ov o, in paid .Ii-tici, n l'Vd ry the
l'.'.li day of ..i pt. inli.T in xi, for I'Xmiiiiritinii nc-
c """ " I e.s ms appH n g. not perMinaliy
k ' til vv m i.i i in inr, rr r triu-ii in imvt- in-
ieifl nf rvcoiiicu. ion. I uchmii tlit-ir uiti untral
Uif. tir.
Qjf The Bond will n eel nl fi o'clo k, A. M.
15 v mder of ibe IS ard,
Artist; Pres'i U.S. IJ. Sham km Ui I.
ElhiaJoiiw SVri'Hi,v.
Si nio kin, Angusl !il., 1815.
n v s- re
CsS5 fZ? j!. Ql3
'l" ulwrilr will ext.o,. at public sub , on
B. ihe pr mives, on the 7 h of October next, the
,,,,,, M, p,,.,,, .. M.KiunevV
Mills. iluite i'i Jaeks.n town-hip, North umber-
Inn l rnniilv. II fiotiA In low Soi.bllrv and
mile f. mn ih" Sos.pielniin.i, , j ,ining lanils ot Oco j
l)i p; rn and Kol i it Pair'sh. Th Mill is t'Uilt nf
s'one, i.n I located on a ireve'-'uil eg s renin, wilh '
three p. us of hurra and good b dls, and liai laielv
Ineu llmronildy iciiaiieil. The Farm is in a '
state of cultivation, containing 113 acres, In ron
aie iiictiil two !) houses and a barn.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
(ii:ni;t;E AI.I.EN.
Jaikson lown-hip, Aug 9, 1815. 3l
to w . ii 1 1 i li t i u .
'Till', 1). morralie pa-lv
' tv. are iiiiuitd u.
of Nor bliiiiln rl nut co'in-
innt,il U n.eei l-l llnir re-pecirve ,
townships at ihe ii-ii .1 pi n-e f h iMing l'n ir iner t- j
i 1 1 . on tSalnnl .v. ihe :i(lih day ol Angunt next, to I
cll'iose the u-uel nuinlii r of delegati", Inin.ei in
cunty convention, on iv, Ihe fi.t i!av of
Si pieiiibir in XI. al Ihe l'o':rl House in S nhiiri,
for the purpose of noioioa ing eai ddlates tri be sujr
porled by the p ntv, al ihe in xt iri'ii-r d i lection,
A. .IUI!1).N
Aug. C. I1 15. M nding Cominitlec.
A V 4 It l.
Ill E I.adir i.f llallitnoie ami Wnshingten. a-
i 1. mong whom are Ibe f llowing. have kin ly
j pern. itii d Pr. ( Ormj'!! Smith lo refi r to tin in
I as having Let n cured bv his'Suar ( oati d Indian
V.g.tall- Pills."
Mrs. El X ilwlb II. finer. I.ihl slreet, lla timine,
j cured of coslivt ncss, which h id hi en ftaudiin; ut ar- j
i ly three yeara ,
I Airs Aon tV'ifl....ltf f,t.ail..a clrA-l .lo vnin !
i.ninit sal I' ere ia met. inn mn .1 lo 1 Ir- S.iiilL'k
su.s, t'oji'r.l PilN, i
(Jj- ''At' I ION. As a miserable imitation ha :
been mule, tv Ihe name ol '-Sng ir Coaled Pill-,
ii is nee. f .ry to be sure thai Da. (1 IHnJ Smith's
slgnil'nie is on ev, ry box. Price 5 lenls. j
Piuicipal Ollice. 1711 (ireenwieb t N.-w York, t
Hold by JOHN VV, r Itll.INi;. Sunlnni,
W M. FOUsYrilE. rthum'f.
August 3. 1S45.
.Martin Hiiivci'n ltalis
JOTIt'E i h. lel.y give.., that le lers of admio
irtmlion have b n tr .nle.1 to the subscr bvr,
on tho estate of M irlln Weirvei, I ile ol Shinnokin
township, Noilhuiiil.eil iu.l county, ib c'd. Per inm
iie eblerl to sHnlesi.tr1 r having ib mand-g iin-l
Ihe same, are n in slud to call on t!,e soli rnher lor
eti'ement, at the piitdie house of Win. Weaver, nil
ihe 20h ol AugUfl in xl.
Shain.iKin ts'rp , July 1 9. 1 8 R.(ti. Adiii'r.
aITkxTv m i-: it i 1 1 1 ( k i'. v.
JVo. 1" 4 iM'Himt Slli't l,
ATfHERE all kinds ofleit er tiunk", vid a. and
' carpet bags, of eery slyle ami paliem are
uialiiificluie.l. III the Inst instil, IT and frjlll Ihe ht-M
lualerials, und ao'd ut the I ovest r .to,
Philadelphia, July Huh. 1815 ly.
llNtHte ol 4 alliai lnv Hill, l c'd.
"V tJ I'ICK is herehy given, thai letti rs i f a.lnun
' istradon. have berii granted to the Kubscriher,
on Ihe eataie of I'athariue Hill, late of Shamokin
triwnship, Norlhumlieiland county, dee'd. All pi I
on indehled to said estate, or having claims agauict
Ihe same, are riiueled to call and settle, on or t c
foie ihe lt day of Augunt next.
fthamokin, July 6th, 1845 (it. AJtn't.
J I! P E I! 1 1 U I'on Vine, and 1 . irbon
wine. Also .uperior Uiaudy and (iui, l.t in, u
Syrup. Also ff.v laurel, ol Hlvk Fish, for aalu
Sunbury, July 19th, 1845.
Tf I of a superior quality , c.u now be Usd
JLi ' the J.une Kilns ot Henry Maaser, in Sun-
May 17, 1840.
Valuable Property
llflMi be sold, at public vendue, on Friday
Saturday, the nth anil Gt of Septem
ber, 1 84A, in Jackson township, jVorthumberland
county, a., the following described valuable pro.
peny, viz :
lt. On Fiidav, Sept. 5th, on the preml es, lhal
valuable Farm situate in ssid township, on Ihe road
leading from Oeo'g. town to Klingcrstnwn and
Pollsville, about 6 nides from Ueorgetnwn and the
Susquehanna river, and six miles from Kin. Rets,
town, now occoiiieil by Jacob I.esher, containing
211 scies, nf which about 180 acres are cleared
anil in Rood cultivation, ant! the remainder covered
with the finest growth of the most valuable timber.
The improvements on this f.iim consist of two i le
giint two story dwelling houses, standinR near each
other, the one a log house and Ihe other a frame
house, wilh an excellent well of wa'cr nenr the
door, a lame brink barn, a wagon house, groin ry,
corn cub, rt ler press, and other tun buddings.
Th- ia are also on the premises, two cxc. Ilent
orchards, producing various kind s nf t'niil of
li e I est ipiMblv, a limestone quarry and lime k In.
The whole tract consists of limestone land of as su.
p rinr a quality as any in the state. The a'mve
Irscribid larm wil be audi together or in part, to
hiiil purcha-crs, and an im!i put . hie title and peace
able pofae sinn Riven on the 2 I d iy of April nex'.
3.1. On S lutdav, 8 ptemher (lih, on the prt-m:-ses,
an excellent Farm or li act of laud, (now ocru
pied by John Ecsher,) situite in ihe township and
- ..i.. ......... i 'i ....I... r. .... vi,.,..i
, ,,.,, ,,, ;jnwn Klitwerat.,,,.
j emit lining 6M acres, sdj ining I nda of Abraham
' Trout inun am It, ni inun I,eil7.i, and die Vtahon.
longo cieck, about 55 acres of which are rl e l mi l
. ... i ,, .i ,i - ......... i . ... .
WII,I,I . wn-roon ,,e ended a targe two st.rv
.i..,..iii ;,i, ... ...n, ,..n .. ... '
I.n. iiiim llul.m , i,'lKI-AlIITOI ni U YV ,1 l.l I HI
the door, a large double ..r barn, wilh all other ne
cessity out building. There is also upon the pre
niises an excelh nt orchard, (Kith all kind ol the
choices! fruit. Pracrabln posses-inn and an undis
p jle.l title ill be tiven on lb 'i I ol Apnl ncxr.
IS. all the aho.e l.nn.s w.ll be sol, I g ihe properly
of ihe I lie Samuel l.e-hi r, di c'd., by irlue ol bis
last will ai.d te-tatneilt.
Persons w sbing In arc the property before ll e
sale, wi l please call on Jaioh losher, on the pre.
mi-es, or on M eh .el Eenke., who bvia near llie i
same JACOH I.ESIIEK. f .. .
Jackson Ishn .Juiv 2(ilh, 1 815 (it. !
roi isn:i;
1 ItniMNia's Yknmifi'uk - a errhi'it rare for
I onn m mill very pliaxtliil lo lake.
2. Chimin's l'.vrnu is, nnI icIi n move ( Sn-a-e
of nil kind-, lby Pj'iits. Tar, Vaimsh mid VV .i,
from carpi ts or Ir.un cloih ug, without ii.jurn the
color of the cloth.
3 I.riMiiii Ft? Piei.a Ihe best lhiiir known
for ki.ling Hies and nilisip) I a s.
4. A ceilain Den're) er o' Huts, Mice, lul.ii'hes
and Ants, and anoiber of Hid Hus.
5. Oi-sj ' SeiciKic for mur stomaeh. Hea't
Horn mid Wdtei, by one who ll.r.l Mill' rul
lliirlieii years, before he iti-covi re I the cure.
1 It . STt.VKv's (irlHV Ol N I'll ENT flit tllC Pile.
It has never I'.iiled lo cute.
7. II a n n i so m 'a Tkttiii Wash.
8. Dai MOMi'a 1hk:i.i aLK Imk, wilh, nit a
I). Tint t'linpoi'Mi Com ic rum or Flos (
just ti e inedi, ine lor clnlilieii and for women, II is I
mi pteasnht lo t..k '. j
1(1. Dick's VinvTai.: AvTian.ioes Pun. 1
It. tirNTv's V Aim-ninoF Pisii:. :
for II Tiirss, Pools, cVe, Itnofti ns llie leather, and I
keepn cut the water, j
15. Pima Man's STncxnnii'Xivn I'lurin. j
13. Iikio's l)i a iiiiii: a Mivtiri., win b I
err. s ll.c w ort llmnlnc i in a few hours. j
II .lii Ksov's HrsisTiiiT Mixi'i n., a e-t
ndii iiint .peidy cuic f.rt l'ysen cry and Siiiiinnr!
t'ompl lint. j
The al'ove vnbiaM.r aitirles are mimI bo'e'e
aiirl retail. In I.. ('. OI'NN. .V.. I .o.ifA F f:h '.
trct, I'liihitU fptiia where S'or. ker pers rlid o. I
hers i I be -uppied with pure African O.neiiiie i
Pi p, er, Armct Flo ners, Hrus, Paints, Oil-, t i l.i-s j
and V.irni!ii s. al the lowe-t proa Terms or ly
r-ii-li. Oj'Cut out ibe ailverti-enieul, and bring j
it ilb mi j
Plnl'ul. Ihia. July l9rh.ISI5.-ly. j
It trial ill ibe t 'oiiii of (Ynimoii Plea ol Nor-
1 ll
I comtiieiiciiig lliefiisi MomIav. being the 1lti.
J (itduk cV A I'U.k
j .l ico'i I'.irri't r
,' Sril.ii get, alienee nf
E (iieeiioiih
vs llol i. g-herd oV Co
vs E tin en. Ugh
vs John O liver et a
Fijniire for Evert
vs J P ll.nkei.hcrg
.in n Aim lia.t ec wue vs I iter rcis cr
App'etrlrl, I lid .ee of
Edward Verree Vs Win Pon.ild-on
Heiijaiiiin It 'bins vs Abraham l. iWience
I'leiilne fir Welch v Joseph Kelli'r
E P S aiinon v pfiinis W .iters
Hum I Idosius vs J .hn A Shi-r-ler iel Mover vV Wife va llatiiel Frvii'ir)
t'laire (ienevieve Dastjne a Uaniel Dunklebcrger
j Same
; William Farrow
i (leorge l.eileich
! Eliaabclh Weiitel
I llivid M'KniKht
i I) S Spare
; Henry M '.-er
! J i. ob Seas
T A llilliiii;loti
i S inn
j Irwin iV t'rimer
' I ieo I ly-ii r and wife
vs Abraham Klare
vs Henry Maer, Esq.
vs II Eevy'a ex'rs
vs It Kichardson rt al
vs llenrv Sit tiler
Va Wm M'l "ai y t al
v ll W ifc James Hnrin
vs tieorje Heikerl el al
va K one
v David H al .11
is Am .s l!i i d
vs C its n
tie. i A Cramer
Levi 1 1 ol art's assignee vs Alba C llarirt
Amino, y WatsOiiil al v .Ir.l.n M Honsel
I'I. Fan. mn
William H.h.l.t
II. my Funk
Itobt S (ii mt et nl
Henry II liorr
A.l-ni r Mend, nh.ill
,Sr I. Weirm r
Wil ia Met 'of
O. l-l v tV lliinkl y
J rs. h Hoover
II Hed . Are
Eorcnt i O II usel
vs j ,v I- vy ajgoiiseilr-r
vs J lines She in r
vs lleniy fsteiiunett iV wile
va il urn lie.d
M Wm McCoy
vs A vV J Wiliielm's admr.
v Win McCoy
v Hh.n V It arret
va J one & e
v Jonathan Pureed, Ac
vs Wi liam M. Coy
vs Willi mi Frirk
(leorge H"l col aeb's adinrs vs H A J Siiinnt, Ac
Hie trie A Hound
Cris.ophrr Bi lly
0 A Snyder, Ac
Fraiicia Met'ov, Ac
J boston Walla
Wm M Montgomery
Franc a tlibauii et al
Whilall A Hrown
Wm II Hrown A eo
v It bins A l.iwii, nee
vs John He. ker
vs (ieorge (iraul, Ac
v Felix M surer ei ul
vs Isaac Diclallaisa
vs l)r James l..ak
vs John Caul, snr
v Daniel Caul
va John H U,i)d
v ' Same
Straw hi i.lge A lJoulen v
II, lines. Sturgeon A co vs
J rini Hird A Mile va (ieorga IViwing
Elieuei xer (iieeuuugh va llemy Ko.nier
Hugh Utllas, E" va Henry Dnnnel et al
Pfothonotnry'a nlli. e, J'rulh'y.
Sunbury, July 19th, l43. 5
OF Northumberland County, for August Term,
A. D. tM5.
farniiil .furors.
Ttirbut. -Abraham Kl-smger.
Delaware,- Wm. McWdliams, ('hrietian Oosh,
snr., John IX. Oyster, (leorge Mssteller.
l.r)i'is. Andrew Krridirier, jr.
.Millim. Leonard IJeublnin, Jiinathan Adam.
Ciilliwfumui: John MrWilliams, James F.
Murray, (ieorge VV. Fries, Deiijimiii TtoXrl,
Vnitil. I) iniel Purel.
Xtirlfiumbrrtamt.i Jeorge A psley,
Sanniry (Sohitt, Uenjamin Kobina,
(ico'Re Young.
Augunla. Nathanl-1 1.ylte, James Campbell.
Shnm n kin . .1 ol i n ! a s .-
Upper Mnhnnnt, . (tu'eon Hha.lle.
.ntrrr Mahnnny. hriliin Albert, Peter I'eil..
Jarksnn. ge Deppiii.
Traverse .Iuror.
Turlint (ienrge Ku'z.
Delaware Joseph Ityiicarson, Junes Evert,
flcrge Mi Kee.
,ercrs. M ij ir Sweeney.
Millun. (ieorge Koliler, J. din Friek, JeflT rsnn
I.amters, l.ewia E. Evans, James Miller, Jjbn
Cla k.
Cfiifli'.nfunijur. -Hugh McOl ugtilin, Levi
Ksupp, Al'en Sbormakcr, Fleming Ncsliil,
I'nhit. Win Ei moll
Nrlhuinlirr!aiut W ill'nim Wenck.
Sunhwy. Mark Srni'.bnm.
Attlftixla Char!e Erkman, S imuel Shipe,
John Cooh', Jacob Hoover, (..urge Reefer, Prt'r
Iteitt, John Ktemer, of Ueik", Pinion bin der,,
Sliiininkiti .In! n Kaseman, John Dunkleberaer.
.,i.-V,lliam Cla.k, Willi . ,, Vs ine, Wil. ;
liam Meder, jr , Fred, r rk Weavi r, John Ciiti
i rl
f aril, I. reniiah Zimmerman.
I pper MnltiHini. Michael ltei'7.
Isnrcr Mahnnny Solomon I! o hm in. (leorge
Emiieh, ni , Mir lmel Einr ch John Tcbupp.
IMIle Mahnnny. iin Pif. r, William K .ker.
Jill kunn. Pe'er Kloek. Oeorge lleener. Jonas
llohner, Solollirin Dies-er, Mnhi.l Wolf, John
Wen I .el.
IVlil .Inrnr.
Tnrlinf. John M. II.ii.m I, En, ch Eshbaucb,
J bu l.e dy.
Di ',inrarr, J list N'n elv, M' liiy Header, jr.,
Hi nry I i, lb iidertrr, WiMi nii Hood.
.e '. W illi on l!u, kni'iii.
.1 linn W II ui in ftrine.
Vhillinpiaipie. .b-seph K inc.
Paint Jobn Paul.
Knrlhitmlifi land Conrad Winrk. jr.
Sanitary I). nj until Heinlrirk (iiderrn M.
Yorks. (ieorge Zttiniiei in ill, Tbiriiias Kolii,,,
Aizrita. Duiiiel ..iitinsn, Daniel Zimmer
m in.
Shnmnkin. Jiveph Kasemnn. S,. .nioii Hnrn
mel, Caspei Ail mi. Augustus Huev. Jotin Hnn
kel i-rger, mi of Hi nry, Philip Keller, llobcrl
Caoipbi'll, p.
Cmil. V illi rm (ieiirbart, Stephen Biltenla-ii-di
r, S loinon Wary.
i'pprr Miilinnny. (ieorge Shadle, tieorce
Heiro. Joh S n't k.
yiwrr Mtilunmi.. Peter Kovher, (icoipe Em
lieh. jr.. Pe er Hil r.
J.irkntH. Jacob Hronius, Isaac lieiir.
( .'ii map. roil cash on corx.
'I'wfiil.v lvr 'iJt. Sitvcd
riIHE siib-enbr having jtin hnsi d ihe strire ol
JL II. H. Massir, has just lepb i ishrd the uin
wiih a new l.a k of gmvls wh.eb hen g irocllas.d
at civl, price. Will be sol I fur Cash nr CVnriry
Prn laff. Iwrnlv er cent, i lie.ia-r thav. usual. I.'.itl
unl ju I iv f ,r your-elve-.
Ti e f llowiiiq ne innong the articles :
I! irr. d t olt. n drilling, at 15.J
( ii rm m linen, al 1 M
Mn-loi, at Cj
Calic.H -. lisieol. 7
Willing piper, at I"JJ per 'pure
S gar, at li j
ilo go.'d a H
C. llee. nl 10 in 15J
(il i- hv 10, n :l.l cts pet doretl
Ei ist c e,,l ii gl.'Vc.-, at I'j
M.ha r in Is at li j
Uibs Fight day cl.aks,'cl, a'
Tin, iv hour ?'l
" A 'aim "
iii.te. I, ipioM an 1 (itiieeiies ot a'l Uiiol-.
h- rn, Fur and Si k bat-. Tweed ( 'aout re, ( 'o Ion
Y.m, Carpet Chun. Cm' r II is, P ,ra-ols l.rird
l.a.nps.Ac HENi; MAS-EU.
Siiiilnny , Jul) 5, 1815
J IS JZi Uli
i t o a 1. 1. c o x r i: u x r. I).
i . II. MAS.St;it. re-peeiliiilv ml .run In old
I I ru i ds ai d i oslonier. lhal he has a Id out bis slo'e
i I,, lleniv M S..T, und iesp el iilly nqoe-t- ad lboe
' I ii I lit eel lo him, to si tile ilieir iiiv mti wi hoot
delay, as hey w id be pi n ed in ill. bauds til a Jn-ln e
' lor Co I. ciion, w .tliout respct t to err.ii.i-, on llie 1-1
i of Augii-t.
I Su. bury, June 2. I -19. II. II. M ASEll.
ii i. 1 1: y v. a x l) 1. 1 i: .
! THO Td S O N S
i C om pou nil Si i'ii! ol 'l ai- eMuud
i . a plli a.
! flllllj uepreeeib nled stieee-a of this iio'.lii ine, in
r L Ihe restoration f heal b, '0 iho-e w ho, .in ,iea
: pair, had giieu up all hopes, has given il n . v il.
toil reputaiioii ai ove all oih.-i renn iln s, furiii-hmg
! i vidr nce of it- intrinsic la'ii.. mi I powt i. us the on-
ly sgent which can be rt I ol up n ti r the cine of
I I'lrm m iry (buisiliiipiion. hl l , ihma,
' I' . in in Ihe -nle ami Hrea-I, Spitting of Hlood,
VV li.o ptirg Criigb, I'rmip, Ac.
A Id nli. ai Is ti iiie.le. in ihe foil wing' V TON.
ISHIMi CI'liE.l.v Th. nis.ei's Compoiiiiil Sjiup
ol Tar auJ N o-'il N apt ha ! I
! Piila.hj hia. Mai 37. 141.
Mil, THOMSON i. ,r ri. VV nl, t-r .teiul
1 fee' I ii, I. .nil V "U trf llie astonishing ellecis rl
1 vour me. ieine. which has liter i Iv mis ,1 me In. in
a tie .tb-l e.l ! VU ih-ra-c, I'nliiion irv Cou-u.up.
i lion, h nl re. lined ine -o I . ill it inv pliy-ician r...
I no Hired my c.r-e bopeles 1 Al ilu- jm -! I lw
I gall IO li e yur III ,irni I inliaenl lis as H
seem, ll has eoinpit tt v re-loiol me to fieauli, u:lei
i vi ivlhing t l'f had failed. Ke-p. ellullv yours,
Charlotte sliei l, ahme (ieoige stieel.
The undersigned, hen g personatlv scipianili d
with Washingioii Maik and bis .ulleritiij, betr
witness in ibe astonishing rlleru of Ttiiiinsou'a
Coiopouud iyrup ol Tar, and the liulli ol the a
bove staieuienl.
JOS. WIN NEIt, .118 .North TI iid street,
DAVID YIOKEKH, U Abnoi.d streel.
HI (H M'OINI.EY, S. E. corner Tamaiiy
and Fourth al It fls.
Pit pan rl only by S P. Thomson, N. E. Collier
of .'nil and Spruce streets. Phi ade'phia.
A penis. II. II. M asset, Suiiliiny ( D. (noes,
ami Dr. Macpheison, Hanishurg Jn r, (i, lir.rwu,
Pellsvi le I (ieo. Eail, He ding ; Houston A Ma-
on. To ainla. Hiadtoid county, Pa
Pi ue 50 cell's
per btillle, or .i p. r do.en.
llnrurt i f alt imitation
I'htlaJclphii, June 2Slh, Is45. ly
To tlirf Electors of Nortliumbcrland
(Vninlv :
T HEsi'i:'t;TFr:l.I.Y aolieit the support of my
Fellow citizens, at the ensuing election, for the
offie of
c o it o iv i: it .
I promise, ahould I be elected, lo discharge Ihe
dul its of tho olfice wilh iiromittiptt.
funbtirv, July 15ih, IMS.
To ilio Electors of iSorthutiibcrlaiul
Count y.
KEINIJ solirtied by miny of my friends, J
have consented to olfer myself as a candidate
tur llie tiMice of
T re Hsu i or
of Netibumbeil ,n.l county. iShnuld you see pro
rt to elect me, I pi. dge mvaelf to perforin tho
duties of laid ollii'il Willi li.lelltv.
Wll.j.lAM (ilT.ICK.
Wunbiiry. May 311, 1M:5.
To the Electors of iS'oitluinilierlnnii
T the solicitation of a number of persons, in
iliir. icnt pails of ihe county, I have consented
lo 1e a candidate for the oll'iie of
Tit :. sr tt k n
of Nortbninbeilaud cuii'V. I need hsrdly assure
my fell w-r il ii s. 'hit if I am circled, I will en
deavor lo iberlnrKO die duties of Ihe ollice fni Mol
ly and iinparilally.
Sunbiiry, May ITili, IS45
To f lo Electors of -Nortliunibcilanil
( 'oimty
I "'-s. noer, rom ine eneouragemeni rece,.
t-u iiiiiii oi nuoii-ioiin irii-itii!., iiuicnjr Ulivrs
I ; t. - . 1: I .. . r . I. e
bimsell as a r .miniate f,,r ihe ollice of
of No Ibinnherlaiid etmn v, for which ha solicits
1 the snlf age of his le low cit ir.ens. Should be be
t.-'tcied, he will lullil Hie ilutn of the eflice with
li.l.ltv. FHANCIS Ul CHLU.
Sin'ilmry. May 17lh, 1815.
! To tiiu J. lectors of Aortliumbcrlaml
i (Vnitity.
T the dicilatinn of a nnmbrrnf my friends in
tlili: tent p uts i .f the county, I have consented
In be a Cainl d ue for ihe oU'e e of
! Sbou'd I be s i lo i inn ,le as to be elected, I pbdge
i myself In disi harge the tlu'ir-s of the ollii e with
! promptness and tide ity. IAVIES UEAK1).
Mi Ewens.i'le, June 5 I -t. 1845.
Tn t lit F.lfctors of Northumberland
j;r,l.l.l)V CITIZEN'S: 1 would respectfully
, oiler inv If lo vour i oihkI, ration, as a caiitli
: date lor Ibe illie ..f
'li O Tf'KYO T.ltt
, S'lou'rl Ibe wi l,o niv plea'tiie as
j we'l duiy, to iitleml lo the bus tin ol the ollice
with li.ltiity and puuc ualilv.
. S.iidorv, May lrtll. IMS.
j To 1 1 io Klcftuis ol Xoitliuiiibcilaiitl
j t'.HllllV.
I IEI.I.OVV Cn r.ENS. I l,,ve Iccn induced
j lo i He; myself ns a c nubdale for the ollice of
! li otlionotury,
I At the eiist ing eleitnui Mlii lilrl I fortunately be
eleclerl, I here y promise, fai.lilully and impart! d
, iy iodi.-i h.irji' il.erlii le of ml ollice.
Sunt nry. May 10, 115.
I'm tin; I'.k'Ciors
(if X(M'thumbirlaiil
( iilllllV.
r.l.l.OW ( I I Ir.NS I hereby ell'ir nip
si If is a Call. I. d ire, f r be lib e of
I em oi.iy pioinl-, , ai, oul I I la' loilimate enough
to he re-e!ee ed. lo discll .rge ibe dulies ol said tHicc
ui Ii felt lily . lid iinp.ii ii'ev.
Sine uri. May H ISIii.
To tho I !' lo is nf Northiimbcrlaiiil
( 'ntilil v.
pVEI.I.oW ClII.EN's. At
4- a iiiuiibrr of mi Iriend-. I
the solicila ion ol
have coiisenlt d lo
he a c io 1:1 tie lor the ol'iee of
I pi. mi-. i,,. ,-ii ? i s ot the Criun!v, that if I nm
i leeteil. I w ill elide ivor to tb-eharge the dulies nl
the i liiee tslihfullv and impar'ia lv.
Sill, I to V, April Hltlr, l!5.
To the Elt't-U'is of iNotthuniLcrlaiiil
( "mint v 5
I'IMi solii ilr d bv tnsnv of mv friends to oil' r
inv I s a e 'i dirlale for the olliee of
e- '"2 f ui- r "i "srJs"tTi
nf No' i unit r "a'.,l com v, I re-im-itul v s a'icil !
! V' nr -iitpoii. I will er.deav, r l diaehsige the du-
'; ins r f full ftd'y, !iould you see proper to '
' eonlt r the .line upon me. j
De!iv ,re lownahip, .lulv I'J 1M5. j
To tin: KiciMors of .Not thuiiilit'ilaiiJ
! 1;EI.IiOU CI I'lENS, A.I have l, g'e.
i 1 ly .neon aged by my liieud. 1 solicit your
aupport lor Ibe .' or
H II I. It I 1' I'
Should you collier tins olliee upon nie. I shall j
i et ileator lo dieharge Ihe rlut es ill. ieof with fule-
j Inv. THOM AS . Hll.l.INO I ON.
Minim y. April lih, lt l.
j To llif I.lccU'lS ot Aoillllllllh'.'tlilllil
1 Kl Mi s.ilie ( d I y mv miriicroii. fiiend in ihe
il Hi re, I a. ctlui nt the f. tint v. I h itc ro.isen.
jit d lo oil', r mv self In yoili coiialer,itioii as a Can
di.laie toi the ollice of
Sh ul.l I be eh t el I pledge myself to fulfil the
tluti s i l the ellUe with li. tlnv and impart ahtv.
Auju-is, ! iv 3l-i. 1x15.
'l'n tin' Ijici lots of .N
,1 1 . , ,
- -
t 'otitit V.
PI.M.HW CI riZEN's leen i li.nti- j
I raged hv mv fi lends, lo olb r myself as a candi-
date for ibe olliee i f j
I ie-pi eniillv soli it your uppoit. Should you
ee propi r to cniler lb olliee upon me, 1 will . tt- !
tb avor lo di-th iige tho dune theiiol with liibhly i
and iinpaittalily.
Sunhury. Apiil ISth, IH15.
To tin' Electors of Norihuinberlaml '
Conntv :
l,"EI.I.OSV CITIZEN'! : I beg leive (o ..fl'. i '
l mm If as a c mdidate, al the ensuing election, I
for the nlfice nf ,
oimty t 'oiiiiiiisklotu'i-.
(should I be so I rluna'e a- lo he eh cted. I plr dite
I mv-elf I discbarge the d..l n of the olliee w.tli j
i luuipl ucss and I
Sunbury, Apiil tub, 1815, I
DAf.VHIl lt N C.At.LF.RYvf Patent Premi
um Cnlnred likenrxrn, and PiafngraphiC
Depot i
No. ISGChcsnut Street, riiilni!c1rliin.
No. C5I Hromlwav. New York ; No. 75 Cnnrt
Sti.el, Bostim ( No. 13(1 Cheanut Street, Phila
ilelph a t Haltiinnre Street, Hattimnre t Hroml
w..y, Saratoga Springs j No. fifi Cannl St, eel,
New-Orleans J Main Street Newport, II. I. And
Main Streel, Du Iluque, Iowa.
f O.NSTnT'TINfJ (be eldest and most Evlefls
ive Eslabli.-hmenl of the kind in Ihe World,
and containing more than a TlIOl'SAN'l) FOH
THAITH, embracing those nf some of the most
distinguished individuals, in the l ulled States,
Ailiinl'iiiii c free.
This Establishment hiving been awarded ihe
Mrilal, 1'uxir First Premiums, end two "IHi'lirnt
-iiora'' al the Exhibitions at Huston, New-Ymk
and l'hila.lel lua, respeiiivcly, for best Pictme- iilul
Apparatus, is thus ollleially sustaincl in the posi
'ion of superiority hen tof ire universally ns-igncj it
by Ihe pnhlie, n '. in the W orld."
June VlUlh, 1815. ly
P I A 3N O S.
rpiIE SEnscniUERhas bren appninlpd sent.
I for ibe sale rf CO N HAD ME YE IPS (El,.
ANOS, at this place. These Piano have a pliin,
massive and beautiful exterior fn.i h. and, for depth
and .weelnrss of lone, and eh a; ince r workman
ship, are not surpassed bv any in the t'nittd Slates.
Tim following is i recommendation frnm('iiu
lhiTs, a cclibiatcd peifonncr, and biniM If a man
ufictuier :
ITtviMit had the pleasure of Irving ibe tTre'
lenl Piano Fortea inanfactured bv Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited nl the I n-t exhibition of the Fr oiklin In
stitute, I feel it due to the true merit of llie nin'.er
In drclare that these instruments arc qul'e npin',
and in some respects even superior, 'o a'l the Pi
ano Fortes, I nn at the capitals of Europe, and
during a sojourn of two years at Paris.
These Pianos will be ioal at the manufacturer'
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower.
Persons are requested lo call and examine for
themselves, nt the residence of the snb-criber.
Smibuty, May 17. IS 15. II. IE MASS Eft.
iTkli i' i:
c i ii ii c r s
ritHE suhfcribera would respectfully inform tho
I Citizens nf Sunbury and the ul.lie g.tier !!y,
lhal they have purc'ia-ed the shop of M-. Wt't nt
Hoover, in Market tn et. ore ilojr west of the P,.st
Ollice, where they will continue tho
Cnhiiirf-lSaliii-U' ESitnim,
in all its branches. The public may expect their
work done in the latest style. They hope, by un, t
attention to buiin.s-, to meiit a fhireof pul l c
(XT)" Collins made to order on (he shortest tio'ii e,
and country produce taken in exchange for work,
Pttnlmrv, Mav 17th, IMS. Iv.
D IT IT 3 "J P. T,
iirt Ii ii iii hpfl a ii 1 V uunt 3',
ESPECTFI'EI.Y inf.rmshis (ri. n l-r m,l i-n
1. public in general, lb il he I: is taki u the I r rk
stand, in the Uoiough ol Sunbury, la'.eiy net uj '.l
hv John Hails 0 a public hollse, (west of the .'a o
House, ami nearly npaiatti the Court llnn r,)
where he is prepared to accommodate his Ineiol..,
and all others who mav lavor hi ui Mla tlieir cuc
toni. in the bc-l possible in !'.!, cr.
His II. Ml si all apiik'o with the clioicrst ef I.t
Hioiis, and his T.VIil.E shall bo Well supplied
with the very best the markets iilV.ird. In i-hoit. n
jpiin nor expeiis.. will be i-pncd to rentier lis
i house in every way wor'hy of public parronag.-.
' liberal share of ciKt im is 'herefore solicited.
Suirhuiy, April 12ili. lis 15. lini
c in v ii I .
IMXT.O I I I I. I. Y informs ti e c l
tiens of Siinhii.y it:.. I ir- v . iei y, ih t
le has removed to li e H ick Hous , in
Market atretl, l..tan ilv ot t iiiie.l l y
Itenj inun Heudrii ks, erst ol i!.e st.oe lornnT'V 01
enpi d bv Miller M ir ?, mi.! r.,v hv I-a TCIe-
i nieiii, when, be will be happy to reuive ceN m
the line of I.I- i..i h-ion.
SutibniV. Mare'i '.'.I II Is 15.
ll o
t & V h (i
IHE subscr.lrer. Iat. nl l,e linn , I li-r k A ;,o
iu, wuu'tl re peciludv ml. tiio hi old eu-l. io-
- ,p m.w ,,;,,, ; - m:,Vv I! bir
j . , .,,, .. , ... i ,.. ;..
ui,.l rl,a .!. 1',. n. .. I . .
j M irk-1 slre.1. Suidney . w ,.e,0"l.e inlei.d.s to cauy
I on Ida former business of
in nil i's vaii. ai.. I rim he. He wi:l tie prepared 'n
do ad kinds of work in his ut Hie th..trt no
tice, and in the iiiom tt ii r iMe in rimer, lie is thro k
ful lor formrr patronage, nm! hv strir attendance ti
hu-iuesa and re.i.uiiahlo el.aris, will mjeavor to
de-etve a couiiiiujuce of it-
Suiiluiry, F.b. I, IS 15, Om
)IIE ub-cri!.er have rectivc.l, and are iit.wr
ois' a leuilid assortment of the foilow ii g
I g Otis
Saxony, illon and V ekct ( arpi-lmes
II, r.. it . t i .
uriiKsei ami in pen i .1 i iy no
, , ... ' , n. ',.;. .... ...
pi: i'.
INO,'i h sliadi d A Damask V enetiaU do
Ainetican t w illt ,1 and lig'd do
English Druggeits and VVuoh u Floor Cl.ilh
i.iir an. I Pa-.age Hock'nn
Einhoseil Piann and Table Cover
I., . II, Ion Chenille and Ti.f e I Rugs
Door Malta i, I e.erv tlescririnn.
A la ge and evt. n-iie t Mi'tn'cnt ofFloorOil
( 'huh-, lioln one o eight ) aid- wide, cut to fit eic
iy I'lvcription trf rooms or pta ait'.
Al.o. low pneed li grain Cat) elings fieiin 31J l
b'it ceiil p ryanl, together with a large andeiteii
ne assortment of goods u-ua.!y kept ly caipwr
merehat, Is.
The above goo Is wdl le ol,I wholesale or lel.ul
nt the lowest uiaikel price. C, ninny mi ri bn.l
and o bcis are ;tn,et.litlv invited lo call su.l ets
uiine our stock lore n uki. p then v. lee'ioii.
Cl.AHKso.X. IMVIl A MI'I I.IO v,
Sueci - is o J se-'i ..,l,w o,i l. N. 1 1 1 Cheslt-.",
coiner nl Friiti'-.'.in I'laie.
l'hlUJvl;Ua, U.S'JJ. 1915.-