Original Aiirrtlole of Orn Jnclcaori, In Hie winter oll8.'h2, rrt'Biilunt Jac!:Aon. con ferred flu mission to Russia upon a justly die tin;uiahetl eon of Pennsylvania. Ecfore lha newly appointed minister, however, hnJ da parted on his mission, he deemed it due to llie President to risk his counsel in reference to the electron of a eecretaiy of legation. The Pre mdetit declined nil interference, and remarked to the minister that tho United Utntes Govern nu'nt would hold him responsible lor the man ner in which he discharged his duties, and that he would consequently be at liberty to choose his own secretary. The minister returned hia n sppclftil acknowledgements ; but, before ta king a final leave, sought his especial advice in regard to a young gentleman then in the er vico of the State Department, and who was highly recommended by tho then Secretary. Con. Jackson promptly said : "I advise yon, hir, not to take that man ; he is not a good juifgr of preaching. Tho minister aeemed I puzzled, and observed that the objection needed explanation. "I am able to give it," eaid the o)J hero: and he thus continued: "On last Sabbath morning, I attended livince service in tho Methodist Episcopal church m this city. There i listened to a eoul-iiiFpiring sermon by Professor Durbin, of Carlisle, one of tho ablest pulpit orators in America. Seated in a pew near me, I observed this identical young man, apparently an attentive listener. On tho day following, he came into this chamber, on public business, when I had the curiosity to ask liiso pinion of tho sermon and the preacher. And what think you, sir, ! The young upstart, with consummate assurance, pronounced that ser mon all (roth, and J'rofessar Durbin a humbug. I took the liberty of telling him : "Ay ytnmg man yon are a humbug yourself, and ilon'l know it. 'And now," continued the venerable old man, his eye lighted up with intense anima tion, "rest assured, my dear sir, that a man who in not a better judge of preaching than that is wholly unfit to be your companion. And be Fides,1' he added, "if lie were the prodigy the Secretary of State represents him to be, he would bo less anxious to confer his services up on you he would rather bo anxious to retain them himnelf." The President's advice was, of course, followed by the ambassador i and the young man's subsequent career of vice anil folly proved that the General's estimate f hw character, albeit founded upon a common inci dent, was substantially corrrcl. Revolutionary Anecdotes. (jknerokitv of John Hancock. During tho siege at Boston, Gen. Washington consulted Congress upon the propriety of bombarding the town of Boston. Mr. Hancock was then Pre sident of Congress. Alter General Washing ton's letter was read, a solemn silence ensued. This was broken by a member making a mo tion that the House should resolve itself into a committee of the whole, in order that Mr. Han cock might give his opinion upon the important subject as ho was deeply interested from having all his estate in Boston. Alter he left the chair he addressed the chairman of the committee of tho whole, in the fullowing words : "It w true, sir, nearly all the property I have in the world is in houses and other real estate in the town of Huston ; but it the expulsion of the British ar my from it, and the litiertics of our country re quire their being burnt to ashes issue the or dt r for that purpose immediately." Takinci tub Clnsi s Some rich scenes oc cur in taking tne Census under the late law of the State of iVew York fur that purpose. The following from an cyC witness, is one : 'Is the head of the family at home V asks the inquiring Marshal. 'Here's the devil with his book again for the d'rrctry,' shouts a junior of the family to the maternal head above stairs who presently ap pears. 'Is it tho heads of the family yewvil mre ; hut lust week yo wanted our name for yer d'rtclory, an' now ye want our heads J A tree couutry this, sure, when one's head is not mte. Be off, and bad lurk to ye and all like ye.' After tome explanations tho question in order aro asked. Who is the head of the family? 'Ann Phelim yi r honor, tho Mime in old Ireland and foriver.' Ilow many males in this family 1 Three males a day with prateys for dinner an' But how many men and boys! 'Och, why there's the ould man an' the biy, and three chil lier, who died five years ago, heavin rest their dear sonic, th: t-wecieet jiwils that iver' But how many are now living? 'Meself, and nie daughter Judy, ye ecethein, and a jewel of a girl flie is indeed.' lint have you no males in your family?' 'Sorra. tho one, the ould man works hard by the day aud Putric is i.ot al liumo at all, but to his males and his bed.' How many are subjects to military duty ! Nivcraone ; Putrick and tho ould man belong to the inunils, and sure liner looking toMier were uiver bum ; did ye not see thim when the old G int ra I was buried, 'twould have madeycr heart beat to bee two such fine looking' giutulo well behaved boys.' Ilow many aro entitled to vote! 'Why the old mun and meself and Judy, and warn'l it we that bate tho Natives an' tho Whigs an' all, an' t'licted ould Gineral Jackson over 'irn all. Sur ra the day whpn ho died and dissappointed us all, for a fine nun he was.' How many colored persons in your family! 'Nagers, did you name nagcra 1 Out man, on, don't be insultin' mo. Out wid ye, on' niver ak for me smuts agin' don't ask about me ""' whither I have nagers in mo family. Ver out ol'yer be nets yerse'f begone and don't bother ma' ML ..! J--L- 7,1 3 T. ri A Till K '''SJ PrdVNSWaVI'iAIA. The f.il'owing liat shows the, rurrrrd value, of all .Wsylvaoia Hntik Not.' Too ttnt implicit rc liim.a may ho pieced up"" 11 ""'.V xrrfully compared with tt-A corrected from Cick ncii'a Reporter. . Disc, in NAM, locatioh. I'hILAII. NOTE3 AT PA R. Bank of Ninth Amciira . ,. . par Bank of the Northern Liberties . par Comnim'ial Bank of Penn'a. . ,,. "r Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . . par Kensington Bank , . . par Philadelphia Hank . - . .par Schuylkill Bunk . . . par Sonthwurk Bank . par VVeslrrn Bank . pnr Mcvhaiiir.i Hank ' . . pt Manufarlurrra' V Mrrhanics' Hunk par Cca?ilr FlankM. Rank of fhestrr Count Hank of Delaware County Bank of OrrrrtantoWli VVfalchenter ('hester tlwmantown Norriatown Dleitiwn Knaton ' Brictol par 1 par par par par par Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylratown Hank ' Ens! on Dank farmers' Hnnk of Burka CO. Office of Bank of Penn'a. Oltire do do Offire do do Olfice do : do par 1 Iarritmrf" These Lancnnler 1 oifireH Beading f do riot Enatnn J issue n. D I S C O V N T. 1 NOTES AT Rank of tho United Htatini Bank of l'ehn 'I'ownship (Sirard Bank . Moyamening Bmk ' . ; . Bank of "eiinsylvania Minora' Bank of IVttsvillo" Bank of lwitown Bank of Middletown Bank of Nnrthumbetland Philadelphia 3IH2 par . . l'"r par i 1 Pot'avillo. I.ewitown Middletown Nurlhumbeilaiid par CnlumKia Bank 6c Bridge co. Columbia par 1 1 I par pir par I pjr Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pittsluirf Do do branch of HollidayHburg Farmers' Bank of l.aneatei I.anc.istci t.ancaiter ('ounly Bank Lancaster Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading Harrisburff Bank ' ' v ; - ' HarrHiurg Lancas'er Banl Laneaator Lebanon Bank Ilmnon Merehants'Sr Manuf. Bank Piltshurg Bank of Pittsburg - I'ilUbuig West Branch B ink Williamsporl Wyoming Bank Wiikei-barre Norlhampton Bank Allenlown Berka County Bank Resiling Ortic of Bank of V. IS. Pituburg I ! H Do do do Erin Do do do Naw Brighton Keniington Sav. Ina. A do Penn 'I'ownship Sav. Ina. do Bank of Chamliersburg Chamltrrsburg Bahk ol'fiettysburg Inltysluirg Bank of Sn-quehanna Co. Mr.nlroao Erie Bank Eri , Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Wanesliurg Franklin Bank Washington Honesflale Bank Hoiiidale Mononj;ihela Bank of B. Brownsville Vork Bank ' York do d.. I I 3ft SI 2 IJ J I IV. B. The notes of those tmuka on which we ornil quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are nol purchased by tho Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of r. fcrence. IIKOK E N B A N K S. l'hiladeliliia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T. W I'owanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatara -Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' fc Mecb'cs' Bank Farmers' & Mech'rs' Bank Farmers' V Mcch'cs' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhumb'd L'niou Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Dilice ol Schuylkill Bank I'a. Aiir, & Manuf. Bunk Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Peuu'u. Westmorland Bank Philad. Ij hia failed do failed do ' filled Dyotl, prop.) failed 'J'owanda Bedford no sale closed closed Bower Harrisburg Wa-hiiigton Bell.f.mte fulled closed n sale failed failed failed no i-alc Pidsbutg Pittsburg Fayette ci. (reencastie Harmony Huntingdon 110 sale Lewistowu 110 sale W arren Dundair New Hope Millou Meadville Port Caiboil CurliJo Motitrnae I uiontowii faded no sale closeil no Mil,' closed fuiled closed failed closed (ireensburg Wilkeshurre Biid.go Co, Wilki sl'.inr nusale (Tj All notes piirjHirting to I on any I'ennsyl vama ania Bank nol given in the above list, may lie set Jowu aa frauds, m:w ji:usi:v. Dank of New Biunswick Jirunswirk Uclvideie Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Mrdtord Commercial Bauk Perth Anihoy 'Jumherland Bank Briduton farmers' Bank Mount Holly Farmers' and Merhanirs' Bk Rahway farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunswitk Farmers' and Merchaulv' Bk Middletown Pi. Franklin Bank o! N. J. . Jer ev City failed 1 par i p..r oar i failed I failed failed failed failed railed . 4 fa i leu i ' pur liolioken Ukg i. Uiaxuig t o Jlobokeii leraey City Bauk Ji-raey City Palleiaoii Belleville Morristown Freehold Newaik 'I'reuton Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg t.'j Post Notes . Newark Bkg A Ins Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Mauufuc. and Bkg Co no sale Newark Lainlieiiaville Ilolmkf n k i failed laded 4 failed i N J Prolecluu 6i Lolnbuid I k Jersey Ciiy Orange Bank PattTsoii Bank Peoples' Bank Piincclon Bank Siili'tii Bankiiiu Cu State Bank Statu Bank Klate Bai;k Sinu Bank of Morrik State Bank Suluin uiul PhilaJ Manuf Co Sussex Bank Trenlun Banking Co I'nioii Bunk Washington Banking ('o. Iranne Paieruiil do Princelon Sjlein Newark Lluals ililowu Camden Moniilown Trenton Salmi Newion Trenton Dover llarkenaack par par i i pu 4 failed failed 4 P., faileJ par par par par par par par par par li:i..4M'ARI Bk of Wilm cV. llramly wine Wilmington Bank ol Delaware Bauk of Smyrna Do branch Wilmingiun Smyrna Miltord Farmers' I3k of State of Del Dovri Do branch Do biaiuU Do I rani h I'liion Bank (I j" L'ndei U't Wilminitlon (ieoigelowQ Nowcistlo Wilmington 0 J" On all I auks marked tbua () ibcre are n, tber coiuiteiful or altered notes of the various J naiiiiiiaiiui.a, iu titculjlien. WIST MVS : ,( muur.: of trirn cirrnnr, A Compnnnrt Ihlwn .'il rrr?""n ttotr. VIII Cherry lrU aint Tar, The Imt remedy tsntwn to the ivnrtd far the rure of counhs, colds, atthiua, croup, lihcding if the lungs, whanping tough, bronchitis, inflw cma, shortness of breath.' ftin and tcritkncss in tie betas! or side, livtr com(n'nhit, ami the first stages of CONSUMPTION. W will net ascrrl that this B.f.AM will rure Conumplion in ii;t Worst form, hut it has cured manv alter all oilier means of relief bad been tried in vain. And hv not 1 It aeema lhat lha WILD ('MERRY wan ili-slined by Nalui to be our PA NACEA fur the ravagina diseases of this c -M la tiiude. Let not the ilenpairing invalid waste his m in y and Ufa TIME, to bim 11 all imorianl. in nxjirriiurnting with the trashy nostrum" of the day. but use of once a rm dirine that will rnre. If a cure lie s-ible a medicine that srlence approve. and many yi t.rs of 1 iperiencc h ve demonstrated that tt lihi'oys relieves. ' There is no Such thins rr. fii't." in the history of this wonderful BALSAM. Evider.cn the nvwl convincing evederce that no one ran doubt, fully establi hesthis fact. For the snke of brevity we se'ert ihc f.l'owing from ttinuands. Isaac Pla't, Esq.. Editor of the Pokecpsie E tgle. one of the m at Influential j'lurnaN in the s'a'e of New Yoik, sl.itia nndei the authority of his own nnine, th it a young lady, a relative of hia. of erv delicate consti'ti'ion, attacked in Feb. wlih feere enlcl. which immediately produred .pi1 ting of blood, cough, fever, and other liangeroua and alarmii g syOifitom". Thr,'1tuh mediral neatnirn' and C'.ie she. pi'tialty rrc vef-d during aumnier. But on the return of winter she w all uked more violently than at fiifrt, she bicntne scarce ly able to walk and was tumbled with rough, e.tiill? and fever fvery day, ami appealed to I paing rapidly with consuinp'i n ; nl this time, when there sign of improvement, Mr. Piatt pr Cored a twUle ( WisTAii'a Blsm or W 11.11 Chubby, which sin took, and ttsendngly restored her. She g l a e. coud.and before it wa half ukrn she was rel red to pirfcel health, which sha hta enjoyed to the pre seiil time, without tUu slighterl symptom other for mer die se. Mr. P atl savs "the ciire r.,me coder my own ob servation and I cannot he mistaken a to the facts." EXTRACT OF A LETTER FHOMA i'OST MA STER, DATED Pi'MniieKR, Washington co., Maine, Apr. SD, IVM. . MR. ISAAC BirTTS. Dear Sirs At the re ipiest of many of my friends in this place nil viei uiry who re alHirted with consumption and liver com plain's, I lake the lilier'y of asking yon to ap point someone in this county as aent to sell Wis taii's Balsam or W11.11 Chkmmt. and losend him a few dozen, as there is none of i! for sale within 200 miles from this I have no doubt that it would inert with a ready sale if it were where it could be piorured without too much expense and delay. My wife was attscked about six m nibs since with what the physicians vailed the first i'age of consumption a complaint vi ry prevalent in Ibis si ciion of country. Hating Been lie Bjlsam ad vert seJ in Augusta. C7" 200 MZX.SS FXON llEUE, -3 I took the pams to (end there for a tolle of it, which he look, and which hell her so much that I sent f, two lH)lie mure, whirh hc has als,i ta ken, and :h now says she ba not fell --ft well for -IX years as she does at this lime. All those u ho have inqiiiird of me and asi ertaiued w hul elleel the Balsam had, ore aniious to have ifciine for sile iu tbi- vicinity, which in ihe rau-e of my wriiii g yon. Plea-e. infurtn me by M tu.n of m il uheiln r you roiif!odr. to send some, and it so to whom, in order hat it may be known where it can be I. ad. I utll with re-pert vogrs, etc. P. C. FAUNSWORTH, P. M. The whole couulry is fast learning that no medi cine no physician no preparation of any kind whatever ran equal Da. Wistar'h Bilsam of Wii.ii ("11 l-R a r. . 4 wriA voxrKnri'i. irni:. VATr:avn.LK, Oneida ro..N.Y. Sept. IS, IS(. Dear Sir I owe it u the afflicted to inform y u thai in J muary last I was nlia. knl by a veiy vio lent cold, rautu'd ty winking in the water, whic h settled en my lungs. It was ai coinpanied by a ve rx seveie pain in my breast slid siib s, and also a ilisties-iug Cough. I had in attendance all the lest meilicsl aid iu our village; but af'er exhausting all their skill 'o no av.iil. ihey prnnnun'-e I my li esse a coMlair.n coNsrvieTie-v, an, I ih, y ore and all I ffirrr me up to die. After much pirso .sion J gol j ihe ronenl of my phvairian t use the Hais.m ot j Wii.li Oaiaiit pnpared by llii Wiris J pnr- J rhased of Ihe Agent iu our plji e one bottk. larforv using half of which I lagan to gain strength, and il j wis very evident my cough was much better and : my symptoms !! every way inipr vinii. I have j uow uaeJ three bottles, slid ai restored It jieefict j health. This remit is alone owing lo ihe o-e of DR WISTA U S BALSAM OF WILDCHER KV : and 1 lake this method of g mg you the in formation, partly to pay you the debt of gntitinle I owe yuu. and partly that others similarly afflicted rna km'w where lo apply for relief. Veiy trulv youis, JAMES RAGE. Mm. Pa l. t.N. Druggist, undei d.le of Wall rville, S, pi. 2llh, IH4:t, writes; Tha stst-ment given you by Mr. J antra Saee is j well known lo be true by this whole emnmuiuty , It r.rliinlv was a most reninika1 lernre. The sals of ihe Balsam is very good, and ilssurcen in cuie Iruiv llaiterinif. Yours reap, rtfullv. ; ; -' D. D. PALMER. T V. MOST HKM AliKAHliK cvm: v.WM np.rm.DKn. HUliiiNVlKLt. N. J . April 20. lslt t. On or;, bout the I3lh .lay of (h-lnlx. lrjll, I taken with a vi ilenl pain in the side near tin; liver, wliuh rontinued for about five ,1'iys, and wea fob lowed bv the breaking of an u'ci r, or si scess. in- wardly, which relieved the pain a little, but rau-ed ( me lo throw up a great quui'ity of offensive- niaiter slid also much blood. Being grea'ly alomi d.il' ibis. I applied to a physii inn, but he s-j'i.1 be th. ui;1 t i he routd do but linlc for me exr. p' g ve nn a,, me , Mtrcuru Fills, whfh Infused to tike, f.rlmj .atUlie.i that thev midd do n.e no eond ; tnanv w- tint r. m die went lb. li r a ured by my wife and fr lends, hut none did me tiny good aid the ili j charge ol bh.oj and roirupti ,n lill colit'liui d rv. ry f , w days, and at last lerome so !!",'., si ve that I c.iu'd scarcely breathe 1 w ,s also trued with a vi- i ol. i.t rough, which at limes caused me to ruse muih more blond than I had done before and my disease continued in this way, slill growing worse, until February, when al! hope of toy recovery was given op, and my fiienda all thought I woulJ die of a Giiiupixa Consi'xrriow. A I this moment, when my life was apparency drawing near its cbn-e, I heard of DR. WISTAR'H BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY, and got a bolile whirh at li svi o mr iMNr.niATri.T ', and by the use of only three bottles of this medicine, all my pains were removed my rough am) spiting of blond and cor ruption entirely stopped, and iu a few wecka my lie.ilih was so far restoied aa to enable me lo work at my trade, (which is a carpenter,) and up Iu this lime 1 hava tujoyrd good health. THOMAS COZENS, (inn i rsrr.u I'm vn, N. J , ss. Pet lially cuttic btfarc aie, the tubavribrr, one of the Justices of the PeacA In and for the said rotin ly, Thomas Cotrna, and being duly affirmed o cording to Invr, Saith the above statemrnl ' is in all tbinga true. ' Aftirmcu before me, on the Sflih of April, ? J CtKHIKJIT.J P. S 9uch la the unprece;'cntr'l success 0 this DAL 8AM, "SATIRE'S FAT0MT3 rRESCP.IPTIM" a prescription congeni il 10 our vranta, aa it i pie pared from rhcmicil raitacts from substance which the author of nanus baa placed in our own land for wiso purposes, that many who kn,.w nothing of lha mad of its preparition are endeavoring to reap pecuniary Inel1ia by selline. an ailicle aimilar in nam, or in appear.mra, or by representing their own Irrxh as superior lo this BALSAM, or by uni ting up a mixture and solemnly as. eer-iling tkal il is imported fr.im a foreign country, which is nol lha rasa. All these deceptive arts goto ahuw that Wi-tar's Balsam is known l i the world ta Im "THE CHEAT RE MED Y.n mid thai to sell any miiture it must he like this in mime, r puc port to be like it in su' ataure. (XT' Be!ioa not the cunningly wrnughi fuhrira li.ius in I lake orr'v the oriuiual and gsnuine Wita's Balsam or Witn I'iikriit NO OTKaa OA5f la 1KB XT. Address nil ordrH to ISAAC BU I TS, Nu. 82 Ann St.. New Ymk. Agents, JOHN W. FRILLNO. Sunlmri, , D. BR MI I'lUAM. iWrthmnbeelund, J. K. MOVER. Mo,,lwg, J. WAtittONSI'LLER. Sri ns-Hrove, BROWN it CREASY, M (IhnviU. 23d, I84i ly Feb, rit'TV DOLLAKS ItKWAUD! CANTRELL'S C'fltralcrt family .Ufdiciiie) 7 ILL not cure every thing, but s'ill ri imin V iinequatled in their several tb'partmenls by every thing tver otTereJ to the public, who have viduntary cainc forward and nlTereil numerous nli.l lustily respccialile leaumoniais 01 ineir miihimi t'ltK! ICV. ... . ; I -I . Cunt eeWs Compound Medit ated Sirnp nfHar tuijujrilUi t or,,Anti-Srorbutic Syrup, for tin-cure ol Scoifula, Chronic Hheu.n ilisip, Chronic Swel lings of the Joints Eruptions of the Skin, and all Disea-es ausing from the abuse of .Mercury, c-, unsurpassed by any thing in the maiket, combi ning all the virtues resident in l)e SarMiparitla with a modern nv ibrauient, only lately brought out by the most respectable, mediral authorities. Price, ftfl renin Cr Is til. .' ' : Cmirell's .Inli-Disixtdic. h'nwlrr, for the re I lief and perniMin nl cure of lh.it most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia, 111 all its lonns si). I stages. It iHtiuly a most valu ible remedy. Sold ill bottles ai 2.ri and AO cents each. . Cunlrtll'i Jtgue Mixture and Tonic Meilirn nienla, stand" at lha head of the list unriv!i d by uny, or all the iiiiiuincraMe ine.liriin s in ue ihioughoiit the Irugth and bread h of the I111J, for the Cure of Plena and A net: in all its stages, and from nil its consequences. Residents in Fever and Ague districts should never be without it. '- ' ' The .uhsciil-er will forfeit KIFTY DOLLARS where bis inmluine lads lo jieifurm a cure iu the most obstinate cae. S .Id Who'esde and Retail hv CALEB CKES SON, at his Drua Wareboiie. No. fi North Third Street, Philadelphia; also, bv the neulirlv ap noi .1 agent, SETT! W. KOBEKTS, Wholesa c DruKKist, No. ftt Water Street, Mobile. Pi. pared oi lv bv the Stibi , U r. Corner of ' A R- ENTER and SECOND tri els, below I'hrisli- an. Pbiladehihia ,' where it is also retailed. Olisrrve, none are genuine without the sienanire ' f JOHN A. CAN TREI.L. CaiifrcirM 4gtM' MKInro. or Tonic IHs-tJIv-lMtieiltU, I'uc the cure if oil Hlinu vjftet'uiis, If taken . cording to directions. , It ia a ncier holing remedy whirh no fsmi'y oughi I i be without, ei-pccially in tow tuari.by com tries. As tlii- medicine is put up under the propiie. j lor's immediate inspection mi Ihe most scientific j principles, U"llg Pur. ly Vegetable, and having ( tried its elliracy on lliousanils, for upwards ot 1. y ars, and lo his knowledge when taken irictlv ac cording to directions, there has nol Isen one fa lore. I'nder such cirrumslances I rerommend it to the public, adding a certifiiata iu support of my asser tion. I.John Burn, do rertifv that I was in the ship Tiili..cro 1'iaiil of Pliil.idel, ) i i, Cspt. Reid, in June, 1S57, bouivl to Liverpool , look Ihe lever and ague and laid in Liv. rpo. I some I me limb r the donor's bands, went finni there to IV.lim ne, lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from thrnre lo Philadelphia; was six month under Dr. (Innts; from Ihenre lo New Y.A w.nl to tl.e Hospital, remain..! then- ata.ut four wieka without any iclief tiled . very thing without any benetil, for five years, lle.iring ol Lanlrell Ague JllX- luie fimii a fr ei.d, I went to his store, told hun how ( was sill irtrd,' and got a bottle of his mixture and used il according to directions. It made a per- I. N t ure, and I have not had the least p lum stiire. I do with confidence revoquiMrnd to the public. , j JOHN It CRN'S. Mrdlrnlral Syi iip ul'KnrMapai Ilia. I'hilad.lphia, April Ifllh, IK4t. , Mr. Jiihi A. fivmiti , j Dear Sir, Having be, n afflir'ed for upward- of , two jcars w ith ulceration of the ihroal, de-Mroviog : llie w hole of ihe soli p.ilite. then rliroueh the upper . part of mv mouth mtn my Hose, fr.wn which sever al pieces of bone ratne out, w hirh partially de.liov. nl my speerh, ihrntich a kind Providrnre mul your Medicated Syrup of Sars iparill i, I am liow lesion d , to peif, rt health, and my s'uht, wturh was so much impair d, is as strong as when a boy. j I thought it a duty I owed to you and those sinii- , larly alfecl. d, lo make it pnbhr. Youis, R. sprcifullv, SAMI EI. KIRK, , ! Con rr of Telilh and dates Stroels. I, Cabril Jurist -n. No. 6 R. .-hb ss Slirel, do rer tifv that my wife, J inr, was afflicted lor two yeais wiih Rheuiiiaiii-m, and al la-t was entirely dna I..I, i s i that she was obliged to be ronfmed lo b. d , bear- ' in - i f Canl'i'll's Me Healed Sviup of Saik iparitla, , r Ami Srorbuiie tsyrup, I pr,ietiie,i lour iii itiis, which completely removed all her pains and still- 1 lies', from tier limbs ; twnnmre bottles made a per- j (eel rure. S!,e is now able lo attend lo her Ii.mi.-c-hold duti.a as uu.'. (SABRM, JoNsl ON. ' PliiludJphii, Jan. 52J, IMI. (jj De-rriptive Pamphlets may be had of the agents. (Oralis.) J. W. FRILINO, Sunhuiy. Nov. 9, ls(1Iv .tietnt. "A7Tinrvav it oca i WHOLESALE & RUT All. IIAT& CAP MAM'F A CT U U K I IS, South Last corner of Market and 4th $1$.. Fliilutlelnlila, "TT1IERE they always keep on hand an exten v kive.anaortment of HA'i'Ji CA P.V uf every description, gol up In the best and most approved tj le. Prisons derirnua of purrhasing supciior arli rha on llie mot-t reasonable terms, will find il lo their advunlage to call In f ro making urcbaes elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. .'ub, Nil. ly OAKIiEY'S .; OEriHATlVE STHIT. TIE valuable pmpfriirs of Oaklry'a Drpurn. live Syrup of Hatsaparilla, aa a purifier of the blood, ia so well known lo the public generally, thr.t it is unnrcrM.,ry to ocropy muchsparain set ting forth tha advantngea to ba derived from it use; wherever the me,licinB haa onre been intro duce,), it lakea prcedenc oer all nthera: every one that haa taken it, hava derived o signal bene 6ril results from it, that il ia recommended by them with tha u moat coiifidrnee. Physicians of lha highest standing in the profession, prracribf il 10 paiieuts under their cara 5 containing nothina ih-hterious, but bung composed ot the meal mild, yet rim-acinus vegetable matnrials.it is nlt-red wiih confidence, aa the chenpesl and must ellicirnt pu rifier of ihe blood now known. The usa of a few bottlea, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with a most decided improvement in the j nertil strt'iintli rtf tba nvstem. eraihriiiimr aiiv fptls of disease that may have been gencratiil, besides! giving health and vigor tu the body. For the cur , ol crnlula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tettar, Pimples or eiuption of the Skin, White Swelling, i FiMula, Chronic Cough Asthaaa, ,ar. The , nu- I merons reriifiraca in lha possession of the subscrl- 1 brr and hia agents, from physicians and others, are siitlicieiit to convince the moat skeptical of i's su periority over alt preparations of S.irsaparilla. 1 Sold ivholn-ale and retail, by the proprietor, CEORCE W. OAKLEY, North 5lh Mre.t. Rea ding, Beika Cunnty, and to bo bail ol the follow ma pi ISOtlS I , in Kurthnmbe'land Cnutitu. II. H. Masrr, Suiibury lielaud iV. Mtiel, . MiEwensville ; D Kraiin r. Milton. In Union County.-!..- (rearhart, Stlin-grove A (iuti hus. Miffliuliurg. In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash ingtoii, . R. ailing. March 14, 1S1:V Ma. OAt.rr ! I believe it the utv of evfry , nvl, , ,) wlhirver in llierr power I ta, for the W n fit of fheir fellow mark, and having bad po-rive proof in tnv'own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depnraliva Sytnp ol Sarsapnrilla, I m si ronseiriitiou-lv rerommend it to tba amVlcd. We had Ihe misfortune to lose I wo Of our children, hy the breaking out of ulcerous sore that rovered the f,ire,hetl and neck, although we had slime of thr most seientilie physicians lo attend th- in and IihiI tiiedall the known leiuealies. inrhiding Swaim's Panacea, without avail. Anoiher ol my rhdilren was iiuaike.l in the same manner, her fnce hr.d HITS Wn I ll, n, O'.ririi, i ,, n. ., - cor.. olVensive. and Ihe d.sr at such a heiehl. ll,l we ,1. spre.l of her life. Krei5 the won.k'rful etrerts of your Depurslive Svrnp ol S,,p.ri,l,, we were indue d to make trial ol it. as Ihe last r. s. rl ; it . i. . i . .1... ni I I ... I I ...l . .kn .1 ..k...., Hi-'fn ur H rr arm I ill- u in.,", ,,, , ,, k'',,ok ...... - r ... l ..i i. i j.. - ... her health, which she: lu.s ri joyrd iiiiinirriilpledly ever aim. Asa purifier ol the blood, I ver. ly h lu ve it has not its eipial. JtiH.N VOYER, Tailor, Walnut slreil, near Fuuith, Reading. Dougl.saville, April 1 nth. lf:t. Ma. Oaklv.t: Mv son Ei'mnnd Li-nf. had the srrolnla in the most dreadful and dUfrrsNitig milli ner for thri e years, during wh'rh lime howisdi prived of the use of hia limbs, his he .d and nrrk were covered with ulcers. We trl -d all ihe ililf-r-elit remediis, but In no 1 11, cl, until recunun mini by Dr. Johnson of Norri-town. and also Hii stei, of Rending, to use vour Depurative f S.irsaparilla, of whirh I obtained srvrial ; Uf yvhid, d'ove Ihe di-ea-e entin b hta rystrm, tha sore he tied up, and Ihe child w is reatoird to prrfert heahh. wliich he ba rnjoird uiiiiilerrupledly ever since, to th.' a-t. Irshiit.nl of. many persons wtio seen mm (tu u g n.a nm rtton. I have ihouitht il my duty, ami send you this rerli licate thai otl.eis who have a like affliction in the ftmily may know where to obtain s. valuable a iiinluine. Yours liult. AMELIA D-LEAF. Sept. Ill, in Iv To t'otmtry Meidum!. Idiots, Slmcs, Ijoiincls, f.ryrhnrn nut! I'alin l.t-al nis. ('.. W. & It. TAYLOK, tithe S. H.corinr of Mori,, i and Fifth Sis., miLAEI X.V11I A, i "tFFER for s'e an ixtensie si.-oiunrnt of the i 'above ai'irli a, all of which they srll ai unusual i Iv low mices. and iniUirul.iitv invite tl.e aitention , ( buyers viMting the ciiv, loan i xarinnnli hi al ,,.(, . W. A 1 B. T. YLOR j I'lnUdelphia, May S.r. 1841. Iv ( simfrlkli-i xomiitmiiiis DEATH ZSSaO Wi ; qhfl ,,u jc will please observe that on Brambeth ; J pjH,, re genuine, unless llie box haa three 1 1- i ;.., he Ion. the su e and the belt .ml i'Hi h rontainiiia a fic-simile signature of mv h uid- ! writing, thus B. BaAiKTu, M. D. These la. . del aie engrary on stejl, N-aulifidly drsiuned. and done al an expense of over rJ.tUMt. Therefore 1 it willlH wen thai ihe only tiling nrcei-sary lo pr- ' i ure the medicine iu its purity, is lo nheive these UU I. , ' 1 " a ; Reniemla'r tho' lop, the iile, and. he,i bottom, i The I dlowing lespeclive js isons are duly audi, ri led, and hold ' cr.TXFiCATrs or agewct For the sale of llrundreth's Vegetable Vnivimnl 1'itis. ' ( Norlbiiniheiland coiinlv : Milton M ickey k t.'h unlit-ilii,, Sutibury H B. Masser. M Eweus ville In I mil A Meixell. Northuuii'eilaud Win. Forsylh. Georgetown .1. At J. Walls. , 1'nion Cotinty ;' Nr Rerhn-s-Bogar A- Win ter. , Sclinscrove fleorge (iimdium. Mid. lie bun; Isaac ypiith. Deaveritiwii David lltibli", ( AdanisburB Win. J. Slay. ' MiRlinsbuig Mensch Ray. 1 1 ar ill-tun Daniel Lon. " Fret-bnrg (i.A- F. Mover, Lrwihiirg Wulls ft (ireen. Coliimbii tonniy : Danville l. 15. Reynolds A: t'o. Berwick Shnman !t R Henhouse, i'a -lawissa I", O. Brihts. Blootosl. urn John R. Mover. Jeisev Town Levi Bisel. Washington Rol f. McCay." Limestone Ball"! A M-.-Nmrh. Observe that each Auent has an Engravnl Cir- ideate of Agency, containing a repies, ntaliou of Hi DRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Siim Sn,... mid upon whirh will a'so be seen eiart ropies of the ntw labels now used upon the llrandreth 'ill W"m'V'iiii' r iv.- . .. aw . . Phil'idihibia, offire No. f, Nmth 8th slrrel. II IIM)IM"TII l II J....94.I. 'AM)hLIH.M.D J,.ne 24th,JS4.L CITY KUI.M 1TUK Al'CTJOX, i ran aanv a rsTi i r a nni,i. AND PniVATB SALES ROOMS, ins. i uiiu ut iuiiu 1111111 riffft, N ear the uity Hotel, nilLADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in vites the attention of persona desirous of pur rha-ing Furniture, to bis extensive Sales Rooms, (both public and Private,) for every description of j Household Furniture, whrro ran tie obtaintd al all times, a large assortment of fashionable and wi manufactured i.ntituet t uruiiure, Iteds, Mutltasbca, Ac, nt very reduced pines, lor r jsh. 0 j HnlfB by Aui'lioii, twitti a week. May l h , Is 13 I y sJ .... V " "'III 1 VMS 1 Ull I ROSE OINTMENT aTOIl TKTTEIl. R!koworm), Finiri.r.s) on tub fait., and otiie M'TANKOrsl t:Rt'ITIIIN. (Ij 77i(! fidhnoing crrtijien'e describes one offht most eirirmrrdinnry cures ever effected by any application. Pntt.AtiM.rntA, February 10, 18.18. IpOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with TF-eraa on the Face and Meads the disease) commeneed when I waa seventeen years old, ami rontinued until lha Fall of 1:16, varying in vio lenre, but without rvnr disappearing. During most of the time, cnrit part of my fife was covered with the eruption, frequently attrtided with violent itch ing? my bead swelled til times until it felt sa if it would buret the ,-wHlin.t was so g e..t. thf.t I couM scarcely get my hat on. During the long perio.l that I was nfflirtrd wih lh disease, I used a great ninny a) plication', (among them m veral relebrateil f,r(. ,Utn v ,. w, ns lakina inward remedies, , . . i .n. ,.i - ..c c..a plw,.jn including a number of bnlth a of Swiflm's Panacea, Extract of Sarsttpnrilltt, Ac, In fact, it would bo impossible lo euutnwnle all tba tuadirines I used. 1 was also under the e-ire of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this riiy, but without re ceiving much baiiefit, and I despaired of ever being enrrd..' lu lba full ot (836, lha disease i.t the time being very violent, I commeneed using tha Rose Oinfmeti', (prepared by Vaughan it Divis.) In a frw appliealinns the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the i rii,ii.in began lo disappear, and before! I had used a jar the. di.-easa was entiielv ruied. It has now Ifeii nenr'y a yi-nr and a half since, and there is not a vetige of llie disease, ro maiiiiuc, except the scars lioin the deep pits formed bv the diease. It is imp, slide bw me to describe, in a certificate the severity of the disease ami my sull'i rina, hot I will I pie isod to give a fuller ac ! connt lo any person wanting further aatiidartion, who cull on me. At the time I civtimnnced ) using the R, s Ointrii- nt I would have given hun- .beds of do'lais to lie rid of the disease. Since it sing it, I have recommended it to -evi r il rsons, (among them my molhi r, who ha,l the disease bad ly on hi t ami.) who w. re a I cured hv it. I J AMES DIIKNELI No. IMi, R.,re St. i Jj- The Rose Ointment is pn pared by E. B. : Vauiihao, S. a h East couu r of Th.rd and Race stiei Is, I'hiludt Iphiu, and suld on avencv in Sonbu ' rv. hv II. B. MASSER, i ' May l ith, H3. . Agent. ilo-c Oiralancitl, tor Teller, i A" moot' OF ITS EFFICACY.- j' " - :. 1'im.Atii.i.rHiA, May 'i7tb, IH3V. 1 'PIlIS i lo certify that I was severely alH rtrd , , , . , - - - 'lh he hands nnd f. e for upwanh, I '.'""? ';. h' Tw-Hy I w.th vio'ei.t iti hing and swelling. I npplied to , l;bys.c..iM. and used a great many applt- i i n lull Willi' ut elici ting a cure. Almut a yi ar . ... ... - 'lire. I inn, e,l tl e -nre. I ippre.t tie tto' i riniiueiir, nrurn uniirciv s stopped ihe itch nit. and a ft w applications unmedi iiiiilvriirrd llie iherasa, which there has hrr.ii no return ol. sllhough I had never been rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAI.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Tho Hose Ointment ia prvparrd by E. B. VsuiJiaii, S uth East corner of Third and Rare. Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency itiSmibu ly.l.y , II. B. AIASSEK. " May 14th. Aget. MEDZCAZ. APFROTliTIOIT Of the 110 SF. OISTMF.ST, fur Tetter. iiiun ml.-'l A LTHOLUM the superiority of the prepa.ation Dr.Isaac I (lv.r j)M ftlly rs' a'bti.-hed, the pr .prie ve yiup . iri p, 84Ure in laying before the public lha il Imitles ,,,nvj, ,- rrrtilicate from a repectable phvsirian, Iv out (if , i. ...... ,.f ,u.. !..;..;.- .,i r . i.....: . n. a grailunle of the I'niversity of Prnnsv Naiiij. Dr. Ilantth, having found in this ein- ily that relief f T fi lilit.iiM aii.1 ili-:iri':il,l, ntlS-i-tion urhieb tbp mi-ntis .,,: , ,lU .,tlf,.lim f;lj..J , urrrd. , bus lint heriiated to give it hia appmbati m, iilthough ihe prejudices and interests of thai profession aie ppoi-ed to secret Krmedies. , PailAi.r.i.ean, S.pi. 10, lis:lfi. I was rrcrnily limil'lfd with a tedious herpetic rupli n, w hii h coined nearly one si 'a of mv f ir. i ,iid extend, d over the ear. Mr. Vaujh.in. piopri. Inl of thr Rose (liniment, oli.-iivinn in ts-r, ml--j ted on my t'.ving bis prep nalioii. .1 which he h ni- i tied me a jar. A .ihoun in common with he incin- ! 1.....1 nl 11 v ,,r. ilc-. Ion I il IMi', to li ..-li . til .,,,1 .ti'k... ' "V I - "1- piovc. ot Ihe mino r, us nostium. pahmd upon tho pul lie by iiMioianl r, ten.li r, I b el in jus ireli .nnd lorxr.pl ihe Rose DiiiIiii. nl font lha' c'n-s of rue if inns, and lo give it mv approbation, na it eiitire- ly turid the eruption, although it hid resided iho uMi d applications. DAN I. BAI'lill.M. D. (Xjf '1 he Koe Ointment is prrp.trrd by E !!. i Vauhnn, South Ea.t con er nl Third and Race i Stireis, Pliilade phia, and told mi agi nrv iu Sun i buiy. by If. B. MAssER. j Ma 14lh, ISl:l. Agent. UACIL23 J3. H 12) n-G rHL 9 Cnri'f of Thrd and Viiie Stru ts, WXXiZ.XAIBSrC'T, rA. riHK subscnlirr respectfully annituncea I ihe I put lie. Ihal be h i opened a Hotel in the coin mndimis brick building eitmte'nn the corner of 'I hint and fine streets, wbcre he wdl be biipnv to wail np u those who mav favor him wifi ihrii rnnipauy. 'I'he E,ig!e Hotel ia huge and cnvcrii. en i, and furnished in il.e lar-t moilem sn e. i is provided with a huge number of well airr.l and ror.iferiai.te sleeping apartment", rooms, priv.ito pallors, Ai. Prisons visiting Wtlliainsairt on bu siness ol plra ore, may rrsl as urnl that every ex ertion will be used to render iheir sojourn at the Ivie.'ie Hot. I" pleasant ami ngrieuble. HisTal-lo wili lw supplieil with the very i t (be market at", fords, and his bar w ith ,hr rboii-rst w ir.es mid other liipiors barges rr amiable, 'i'lie Eagle Hot possessra greater advantages in point of l.irati.iii than any other son, Inr i st-ablirhnteiil tu ihe borciugh, hi in situate in the husinesa purl of ihe low n, and within a eonveuienl ilisl .nee of the (Joint House and Williamsporl and Klmira Rail Rnatl Depot. Snllicient Siuhhug provided, and gnud and trusty ostlera always ill ntieiidau.e, Attrnlive, sr. on ni.slnling and honat Servants have been emrlovrd, and nibbing left oii,oim' rti it will udd lo the comfoil and accommodation of hi! guests. There will lie a carriage always in allend.inre at the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to and from ihe House, free of t harsie, CHARLES BORROWS. Mav I tth, I rt 1-3. if it'll.tt'l VeIVei V .OIl, norE IttAKEUS & SUIT CHANDLERS. V"- U 'W"' "'aire Street. Vhihidt'phta. , 4V1-' .u.iu..iU ... i.... i . i I R ' l,"",l"tlv " baud, a genual assort- , f g ,,.. f i:.lflUHr,Sri,.eTw,ne..r.,v, , I ai d Ropes, F,.!,ing Kups, W hile Rope. .Mauil u r,,w L"u'l '"' Canjl u,,al,i- i complete assoitmenl of Seino I'wiuca, Ac, such as ; i,,lno aa a,,rin( rwinc ,,.,,, ,., . iel 1 wine, i;iuoii hul and llcrniig Twii.r, Nhoe 1 hreada, Ac. Ac Also. Bed Coids. t'l ouvh Lines. Halters, Trace. Colloa and l.iueu l'arm l Chains, Ac. all of w hich they w ill dispose of on nauable trims. Philadelphia, November 13, 142. ly. SI'Klll.NG. iKHJD Ai ( II. j - ! No, loS !Iaik!t JSttVOt, l'llilaticll'llia. ll , N I I E the attention of Country Merchants to their rxteiiMie asrliiirut of llnti.h I'renrh id Aim tie in Dry lioods, which thov offer fjr sslo on ihe in,t reasonable lerms. Philadelphia, NuvunU'r 13, 1843. ly.