1 I ""'-. alaa j, e 11 ft 1 DALT1MORB ftlARKKT. Office of tht DatTtstoaa Amiica. July Id. GRAIN -The tnnrket has been pretty well .npplicd with new Wheats during the week. The Mlea of reds have generally ranged from 8-3 to DO cent for good to prime parcel, and an orational parcel of very superior mnchined red has been taken at a cent or two more than our highest range j parcels of inferior quality and damp con dition are selling at 75 to 80 cents. The sales of new white wheats have ranged from 98 to 08 cents, the parcel, at the highest price being but few, and suitable for family flour. A portion of the week's receipts has been bought for ship rnent to eastern markets. Sales to-day of Corn at 42$ a I3j cents for awhile, and 44 a 45 for yellew. Sales of Rye at .'(.1 am cent. We quote new Oats at 28 i ts. and old at 29 ets. WHISKEY. There is an active demand and the stock is nearly or quite exhausted. Sales were made to-day of hhds. at 21 cts. and of bids. t 32 cents. DIED, On Tuesday morning last. Miss MARY ELI ZABETH BLACK, of this borough need about 17 years. On Monday evening last. Miss CATMA RINK Kt'TZNKR, of this borough aged !0 years and C mouths. I'RICH CUKMSXT. Corrected weekly by Henry Vtixlhrtmer. Whkt, lira, Coj, -Oars. I'ii a k. Ftusisii. Hl'TTKR, En n , llaaawit, Tallow, Fl4l, Hkcki.ki. Flat, Dttisn Acci.it, Do. PiaeMS. 85 60 40 25 5 112 10 H 25 10 8 10 50 150 V a 1 u a h 1 v. Pro p c r t y tor SAiiij. ""WJ"ILL he til. t inbl:e en.lue, on Tridsy and S.ilunlav. the 5th and fit of Srptem. lei, I .45, in J lcnn low hii Nurtbumlrtand ronniy. Pa , llie following ilrT,li d v illi. ild ' pro. ier'v. vir. : I t. On Fiidav. Sept. 6th, n the premi es, 'hat v.i'ualile Furm situate in sii.l tnvnl.i, nn ilirrn wl l-ailing fnm (1'Ht town to K'ini!ertwii and l'liitaviltii, alMMil 6 in If fr in (Seircet'iwn and tin Curquehanna river, ar.d sij mil, s fr..m Kin E'r town, now orruniril I y J e I, Le lie, entiiiiinr C24 aces, if which a lout 1a0 sere ar rleareil eml in Rind rultiva in. n! t'ie rvmnimler rovrted 'iih ibe finest ernnth of the must vslu.il.le lini' r. The imnr. vemrnts -n th f urn e insit ( tn -le- p.it.1 two s o y dwelling hnue, standing near each other, the one log h n and the nth r a frame house, with an excelb nt wrll of wa er near Ihe door, a tntgehank t arn, n wagon hur, gr im ry, com cih, ci'er pre. and nlbei nut buddings. "J'h-re are l. on the prem' e", two exc llent oirh iriU, irndurini! varj.-n k nd of frnil of ' e l est qii'ilily, a limestone qonrry and lime k In. The whole Tact ioimis's of limrstone land of as su uri r a q o.litv ns any in the slat,-. The aliove dtsrrihid farm wi I be sold togeiher or in rs'tJ. to mil I'lircl a eis. and an indi-toit.ilili' title and pesci--hlr pom- ion givi n on the I d iy i f April nil'. 2 !. On S tut tv, S pteinl er fi h, on ihe premi se, an exeelh n. Fjrm or tmrt of land, (now orcu i... I.. i,., r ...k .. :.. i. ....- !.:.. .. .i t ouii'V afo ekid. .1 nub' fr ni Klingertf.vn,o.i ihe i road I -idi. g finin Knioti'iiwii t Kflilfistowii, ront ining tiS ;icr. dj jning I nd of Ahrnhaui . Troiitniau .lid II iimin I.rt7. I, and the Mahoii. loi go crrrk, li oil 5." arrrs ,.f nhi, h nrrrl. u'ed an. I in gm.l ci ttiv itioii, and lie n mnimh r exce'lent w w illand ; wherfon tie errted a largi-two st.iiv lw, I ins ImiKP. i'h an excellent wi ll of w i'er n- ar tin dni-r, a luige itnulile I g laro, with a I other n. Cin out hiiildiiiga There is nlan upon the pre rnisr un etc. I' n orrhard, iih all kind ot the rlioicmt fruit. IVaei ab'e oe-ion and an until. puled tn'c i ill le tivm n the 2 I of Apiil ni x. II. .ill ihe shove f.iin.n w'.ll h o.l the i roioTtv of the I ile S .nun I Le hi r, dic'd , by lirtui- nt hi" List will and tcmrnt. Person w shing to ate the piopeily hi fore lie ale, i I please call on Jaroli Li slier, mi the pre. nue, or on M eh cl Leiike-. who liv, near the same. JAt'Otl LKsllER. 2r . ' MICHAEL I.ENKEK, $ 1,1 Jackson tshp July 26th, 1815 fit. Marl 111 Weaver's Ktitatc. TVTOTICE is hrehy g;nei ,thl le lera of admii J- iirutioii hae b engr nted to Hie uhscr Iwr, mi ihe estate of Maitln Weavei, lite of Shainnkin (.wnship, Noilhuml'eilaiiil couiily, dee'd. Per on in 'fined to raid est te ir having; demand" again.l the rame, are riquistvd to call on the suh criher for eti'rnieiit, at ihe public h .use of Win. Weaver, un the 20ih ol Augurt ut xt. Wm. H. MCENCII. Shamokin thp, July 19. 1815. fit. Adm'r. FOl ItTKCX raluaDlr rticlro. IBitixt'i Vaattrt'oa-a eiiaitt cure fr woims tnfe and very lilrnuint lo lake. 5. liiasnts t,XTi'Ts. wi.u n remove itreae -f.ll V....I. n.u Pila T.r Vnniak aiul Wl. I from carpet or fr.mi cloihmp, without injuring ihe c ilor nr the cloth. 3. Lnvettv Fur Psrca the lieat thing known for ki ling flie and mesqu toe. 4. A ceitain Deiroyer o" Rats, Mice, Koachea nd Ante. and another nf Bid Bugs. 6. (irsa'a Seiciric f.n s ur stomarh. Heart Burn and Water Brah. by one who had suit red thirtetn ye r, before he ili-coveie I the cure. Dm. Stkvkv's Gai:tK Oimtnskt for the Pile. Il ha never failed lo cuie. 7. HaaaiMiv'a TsTTra WsH. 8. Bar u an' Isdki.irlk lx it, without a rival. 9. Tea CoMrorun Covtittio't or Flos just the mediiine for children and for women, it is ao pleasant lo Ink-. 10. Btrs's VrntTini Avnainors Pi lis. 1 1. UcsV Emollixwt Warra-rauor Pit. for Harm as. Boots, Ate. Il softens the leather, and keen out I he water. IS. Poo M.'e Tai:0TUXiili PiaaTxa. 13. Jicasoa' DiiBaaiK MiXTiai, whiih curra the worst Diarrhiea in a few hours. 14 Jargaaa's DrasvTT MiXTU, cer tain and speedy cure for Dysentery end Summer CompUint. The alove valuable articles are sold wholesale and retail, bv L. C. Gl'NN, So. I South P-fth ttreet, Philndtlphin wbeie 8torekecier snd o. ther wid be supp led with pure African Cayenne Pepiver, Arnica Floweis, Drug, Paints, Oils, Glasa nd Varnishea, at the loweal price. Terms only rash. 0 Cut out the advertikcment, and biing it with you. f hiladtli.his, July I9lh. 1845. ly. a is ii) mi minimi in a. 1 1 . i iti,. ,m,m , , . LIST OF CAUSES. IOR trial In the Court of Common Press of Nnr -- thumterlnnd Cdunly, at August Term, 1815, commencing the first Monday, being the 4th. J Uutick A A Claik vs R Oreennngh Same Jsen'i Painter Seilginger, alienee ef f tarver Frymire for Evert s Itnllingshead & Cd s E UrrenuUgh vs John Oarver et at J P He.'kenberg Sml Swinehait ft wife vs Peter Kerster Applelon, endorsee of Edward & Verree v Vm Donaldson Benjamin Robin vs Ahnham Lawrence dent ice f.r Welch a Joseph Keller E P H' annon Dennis Waters Daniel Rmsiua vs John A Shi-elcr Daniel Mover cV Wife Daniel Frvnd'e Claite ttenevieve Dasque Daniel Dunklelierger Same v esam s Abraham Klaie vs Henry Maaaer. E'q. D Iievy'a ex'rs vs It Kichardsnn et al v Henrv Hi, tiler vs Wm'M'lVjri al II W A James Dunn va (teorge llctkerl el al Kims v David Watson Am Keed William Farmw Oenrg l.eibrich Elir.aheih Weiitel DtMd M'K night D S tp"e Henry M ier Jacob Seas T A Hdliiigton 8 me frwin A Cramer (ten Oy.tcr and wife o.i A Cramer v Divid O Watsm Levi Mohan's iisatgnce vs Alhi 45 Hrret Anthony Watson et al vs John M House! t- I. Farnnm JA W r Waccmisellir vs James Shorn r vs Henry Mieinmetg .V wife vs Willi.im Kerd vs Wm McCoy vs A &. J Wilhelm'e admr. u Wm McCoy va Hollar At liarret va J imes Lee. etc v J maihtn P ureell, Ac vs Wl linm MrCoy va Willi m Frrk William Dehait lit nry Kniik Rulit M (Stan et al Henry II Burr i rr Mendrnhitl Ac I. Weimt-r Wil'ia .. MeC.y OgeUlty At Him kl.y Jo. h Ho.iver II He I . Ac Lor. nr. . D H. uel I tie. rgc Hd enl ecii's ailinrs DJ St a mm eVe Khu 'es Ai Hound v l( lun A l.awrirnce vs John Beiker va (irorge (arant, Ac va Felit Mto-er et nl vs I!inc. D e bellwias v Dr J lines I., rka va J hn Can', nnr vs Danii-1 ('nil vs John II U d vs Same I ( Vis ..(.her U Itv i V, A K.ivder. ttt Fr ineis Met Joi , Ate J. hi rtou Wi.lls Wm H M-inigiirrwry Franc - (t bs. n et al !aine I Whtiill Ac Brown Win H Hr.nsn f co iSlrswhii Ice At H "den s Holn es Sturgeon iV. Co vs Sauin Siiini J m Bird iV wite v ficrg- IVming El en-, lei tiieemiugh Henry Koonir HurW Bella", E q vs 11,-nrv Doonel et al sxmckL d. johiun. , o,no..ri ...... r ' ' Snnhurv. July I9h, lH4a. ) , , I t . t AlsKXAXDKIl I,. IIICKKY. TRUNK MAKER. i 0. 1.0 CiM'MIMlt SlrtTl, riIIIiADEi.PHIA. I i AT THERE all Lliuls i f leat: e' Hunk", val a and , eariirl hags, of evrrv flxle and pilirin tue mannf ctii'e.l, in the bit manner and frjm the besl nialrnats. rd ao'd at the I -nest r t Phit .dilp! i. Juiy IHih. 18 !.. ly. to tiiosi: who i sr. (T all the medicine put for'h in the world, none ha liem regarded w i h such all who have m-e I idem, a the so ""' '" wr'' n,,wn ' m I cicious medicine ca led "Dn. Smith's Impiioviii I mu in V:or.TAnt.r. Pitt;" and pnhip no me. diriue ever (inrsessrd in its peculiar enmhinatinn, such myteii ius power ner diease. A lady of the fimt re-iertahility in this city, (whose name we are permitted to give in private.) informed u thi we, k. that she had nn suffered the mo.t vio'enl html itdit, and that nothing had ever sir rded her rel ef like these Pills. She s ii I th .t D'. llu ting ton a.l viaeil hei to try ihem. sta'ing be knew the n lo be a ijood ii e 'ic:ne. This rase i not uncom-i on. Phvicitn in recommei.il litem, arid Dr. Snii'h hat ll e ifi.lld .ili-f o lion of hi-ing penui td to irf.-r to itnne than one hiirh in the ir. f, s-i.m. Tbesel'dl". hesiiie their great efliciey, have a ta-te n ple.iciiit a a snear plumb, being ennled w'tli tugnr, (a ' thug unheard ..f in the world, until D. Smith !m de Ihem, aftei m'-re lln.u a eai tr al ami grel exp ne ) The public a e iiif.nmoil that the e Pill" ' are not ef the mushroom el", made of any thine j ' no rely t ell f .r a shoil lime, s Ihey ae made i f I the piireal msleril, ami ihey will hear ll ecri!iny I ! of i i her I'hvsician nr ('hernial. 'I he public might I lo rtmemlN r lha' rrn Sugar Vimt'-d ViH can he re ' j Ii d upon unl ss ttie vigmliire nl B hj'n JSmi h. W. j j D.. the ole inienliir. is upon ihe aide ol eveiy hog, i ' aUo liewaie nf eounlerfri a. Thi- i- impuilniit. a j I mitrmldr mrdic'mt may be tmxlnptd m sugar. i ! .V. Y. Triliunr. ; CAH I'lON. As a m serahle imitation has : been made, hy the name of 'Sugtr Cob led PilU." it ia uecera iry to be sure that Dm. ( Bksj Smith 1 ii!iiaoie is on every htix. Piice 25 rent. Pi.ncipal Ofbee. 17fl Oreenwieh t New York.! S.ddhv JOHN W. FIMI.IN'ti. Sunliurt. WM. FORSYTH E. Xrthumd. J.ily 19th. IM5. Sheriff 's Sale. IS Y virtue of a certain writ of veinlliinnl exp.w nas laauetl nut nl Itie i.oun nl loimmo.i I'lea nf Daunh n Coun'v to me directed, wilt !hneipel In pu'be sale, at the Court House in ih Borough nf Sunhuiv, on Monday the 4lh i iUy nf AuijUHt m-xt, at I oVi.m k, P. M., tl.e follow i lug ile rrilieil property lowit All irw in irniiant vtu mipp-wu in it mr ..... I , undivided n...,ely of . e rt.m tract r.f land snu -te in Co-I ii wnal.ip. rv..rihunit erUt.d coU ty.sur.ey. ul in the namenf Malhia Zimmerman. c..ntaii.n.g 3n7 .cea more or Ii as. .'j.innna land, of snrv yed m the names of Peter Maunr, M.cbael Kmll, J dm - u he.xed, i.ken in ex.cuil..n, anU Id 1 eoia as ine mopeitv uf Calvin BKlhe. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. SherifTa Office. Sunhurv. July 12. 1845. J LAST NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to the late dim id Berk ft Brosiua, are r ipiei e.l. lo come f iwar.l nnd pay up, on or liefuie ihe 28ih in t. The books ure in the bauds of (iringd Weiser, Em.. for si lllenirn'. Those wishing lo save c.t. can do so by slriclly comply ing with this leuucst. JOSEPH DECK. ELI AS BROSll'S. Sunhury, Ju'yJSlb, DWJ. ALL pcrmnt are heieby cautioned agamkt pur chasing or receiving a certain promissory note, f (36, dated either the lal ur 2d of lulv, 1815, given by the suhaciibcr to Heniy Wilhtlm. Not having received value fur said mile, the tihrri. her is deter miiud nut to pay the same units com pelled by law. JACOB MARTZ. July 12th, 1815. 31 SUPERIOR Poit wlm Madena and Lisbon wines. Also superior Brandy and Oin, Lemon Syrup. Abo few barrels of Bu s Fish, for aale by . HENRY MASSED, buobuty, July 19th, 1813. s Nolice IS hereby Riven, to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates, of (S ill trlide Snyder llec'd, settled bv her ekerutora John Hrlrifh and Daniel Snyder of George TroHel, dee'd, settled by his sdmr'a, John Leihert ( of Leon aid Feraler, dee'd. settled by his admr'a, Peter Fer ater and Simunl Wagner of Christopher Dimm, dee'd. eetlli d hy his adin'r, Jacob Bi-eher of Charh-a Erkmall, dec'u, settled br hi adin'r, Junes Eik man of Barbara fr't, dee'd, setlb d by her adm'r, Peter Wagner ) of S mnn Reit, dee'd, settled by his adm'i, Peter Dunkleberger ; of Anna Maria Diinsb ch, dee'd, settled by her rx'r, Daniel Drie bach of Jorph KelTer, sr, dre'd. settled by hi ex'rs, John and Joveph KelT. r t if Oeorge Wg. n-r, il f'J, sett'ed by Jsenb D Hoffman, a lm'r of Fredi-rlrk It iker, dee'd, who was the adin'r, of (tenrge Wagm r dee'd of Julian C nrad dee'd, set. lied by hir et'r, Isaac If ittentine t of Jacob Parvia dee'd, settled bv his adm'r. Wm Deptten I of O.o, I Long dee'd. si-tib d by his vlmtV, S:imnel Ojnsert I and Jamb Seasholtr. of Jacob Klock dee'd. sellli-d bv his adm'r, Henry Khxkt of Mary Hrll.iig. I ! il. c'd. settled by h-r" adm'r,' O Helble(rel of Philip ! Sicb, di-e'.l, settl d by his exr'a, E Kline and J Shive; ace'i of S CampMI. the guard'n of Samuel ilkerson i the arcounl of Msiv II t.e.rhiit, guird'n of Mary Ann, Maelay, Wahiuginn and Chrt a(iearhail ; accnm.t of Jacob llillliih, gurd'n f Wm Ehiighl ; the account of Henry Header, cunr.l'n of Daniel and Will am Mengas ; ll.e ae count of David High, nuard'n of S.domnn and Su san M ngas, late of Nntihumber!and county, dee'd; that the expcutim, admiiiitratirs an l gur lians ot Ihe said dereased etates, have fibd their account with ihe Reg sier of this cunlv, and that they wil lie .rea nleil In the O-phan's Court of said county, on TiKsdiy, the 6th dy of August next, for con. ruination and al owsiu-c. EDWARD OYSTER. Sun! 'Ury, July Sth, I845- 4l. Regis'er. Oiilian,i Court Male. TN pnifuaiice of an order of the Orphan'a Court 1 nl NirthiimlerUiid county, will lie sold at public eni'ue or outcry, i n Saturday, the 5th day of .lu. Iv ma ., at ihe house of Charles D. Wharton, in the borough i f Sunbury, to wit : A certain house and lot f ground, situated in AugtHta twi:ship,in -aid Count, adjoining land of Aaron Robins and other, contain ng ahnt three acres, late the estate of Dan. iet Ke I t. dee'd. S.de to commence al 10 o'clock P. M.. of said dav, when the rnmlitiona of sate will he m ule known bv BENJAMIN ROBINS Suu'urv, Julv 6ih. 1815. Adm'r. rotate of Catharine Ilill,l-c'l. "M O'I'K'E ia I erely given, that leltrra if admin ' ilr,ijn. h.ie ln gruled to the ubrriher, on the i state of Catharine Hill, lale of Mnimohin t township, N rihumt-'il.ind county, ib r'd. All p r- on iiiiiel ted to saiil e-lale, or having claim" against ih are. are r, qne.le.1 to call and seflr, on or le ,,,, h(, lfl, j f AuR1t nr,u JOHN CONRAD Shunnkir. Julv 6tl !845.flt. Adm'r. JMlkJ:' .Oi3 jLr CASH ST O HE. ll:Al for cash or coi TRY .MiOl.UCK. Twentj Icr ('rut. Savrtl ritllE uh-ciih r having pun hased Ihe alore of JL II. B. Massi r, has juxl if ienilied the mm Willi a new stork nf pootK which Ifing pmrhased al C'tnli nriees. will Iib nuKI fur (th nr Ctmntrtj 'rorfitr.i: lueiity prr cent, cheupvr Hi and iu.iee for voutfelves ijy usual, t' Tl.e f llowing aie among the articles : llarr d roll, n drilling, at 123 (ierman linen, at I2J M nelin, at (ij Calicoes, Cist colors, at 7 Writing paH-r, at 12 per quire Sugar, at T.J do good a' H C. ll'ee. i.t 10 to 15 til ii-s 8 by 10, al 3:1 cts per do7.cn ElalT cotten cloves, at rJ Moha r ni is at fij Bias Eight day clocks, warranted, at Tbiiiy hour ' " f fi ' A 'arm " f7 Bciiles L qoo' and (irneerica nf all kind. I.e?. ,,, rn, Fur and Si k hat. Tweed Ca-imere, Co Ion Y.rn, t'arnet Chiin, l.'iiitr- IU. P,rol. Lard Lamp, A r. HENRY MASsER. Sunhuiv, July 5. t845 T O A L It C (I X C K ll X K I). . . MASSHH, re-pectfully infonni his old Trie i d and cuetomera. that he baa a ld nut his tn'e 10 Hem? M ier, and rep-cllully teque-l all tin.' indibted lo him, lo at tile iheir accoun a wnhoni tleiay. aa ihey ill he pl.tred in ihe hand of a Jil-lire (or cn leclion, without resjiect to ;rotis, on the 1st nf Augu t. Sunbury, June 2. 1 845. II. B. M ASSER. 11 i'i'it i'EVK ax u l i v k . THOMSON'S ('ompoiiml rnp or Tar k. M ood iVapllin. fllllE unpie.-eih ntel uci-es nf Ibis medicine, in l the re.tiwali.m nf heshh. to lhoe who, in ile pair, had giien up all hopea, haa given it an t xat leil reputalinn atove all nlhei reiinihe, fiirni.hinij evidence of it intrinsic value and power, a ihe on ly sgenl which can I rel.ed upon for the cute of I'li'moiurv Conaiimulion, Bronchitis, Asihirra. l'.iin in the side and Breal, Spitting of Bloud, I ; Wlinoping Cough, ('roup, 4c. , Atteiillnn I ttquested lo Ihe loll iwmg An I t. . Iw...viiim'ul i. 'v rt.mn.i v.. .... IIM.Vtt l.l-ltU,l'f I II'1lfrst' tVli'iiUltU UP . (f N , , ( Phila.lelphiu, May 3d, 1844. ( MR Ti0MSON-Dt ar Sir-Wuh gr.teful I , of (w B.lo,lW,in t(Tt,c,t o( ; mp liri)l. whirh h ,tlt ,, m, rrom I .. 4ih.le. I Mv ibca.e. Piilmonarv Cnnnumn. , . , .. , w lhu. . ..i.i-i.,, ,'. , i I k . .l: . 1 . .i t i-i n.mcru my raw niieiekk i .m iui juncioii I nc- I gsn lo u.eyour medicine, and miraculous s il msy eem, it haa eompletele rextnre.1 me to health, aftei I tterylliiiig rise had failed, Respertfulty vnurs, WAflllMi I'ON MACK, i Cbailulte street, alatve (ie.uge street. The undersigned, being pcraunallv uc.piuinti d with Wurhington Mark and bis si.fTerins, heir i Mitiira 10 the nstoi.ihhing i fieri of 1'hi.innn'a Compound Syrup of Tr, and the truth of ihe a. hove ftatemenl. JOS. W INNER, 318 Norlh Third street, DAVID N ICKER, 43 Almond street. Hi: till M'tilNLEY, . E. com.t T.maiiy and Fourth streets. Prepared only by H. P. Thornton, N. K. corner 1 5th and Sprure atretls, Phi adelphia. Agents. II. B. Masarr, Sunbuiy D. (tro. anJ Dr. Macpheraon, ILinihurg ; Jo , (,. Br.iWu, Pntlsvi'le Cieo. Earl, Reading; Houston &. Ma on, Towamla, Tltadfuid County, Pa. Price 90 cents per bottle, or f 5 per dozen. fj" lifwurt of att imitation. Philadelphia, June 3?ih, IS45. "i" lILLSPt. WAlTTSr, IN anew settlement, wheie be can obtain SO (liT ol' luiltl. and other advantages, if solier and indui-tiiou. Empiire nf Hunbury, June2,18t5. HIGH BELLAS- list of Junons OF Northumberland County, for August Term, A. D. 1845. Ca rami Jurors TVrfttii. Abraham Kissinger. f)ctiwdrr. Wm, McWilliams, Christian Oosh, snr., John N. Oyster, fl. orge Mastcller. ,etn,.- Andrew Kerhner, jr. .17oi,t Leonard Heide'llPin, lonllhnn Adam. Chitlisiumur,inkn McWilliams, James F. Muirsy. tieorge W. Fries. Benjamin TroXel, Vmi.Diniel Pursel. Tiorlhumbrrlrtnd. Oeorge A psley, Sunbury -Samuel Oohin, Benjamin Robins, (coign Young. Augnnlit. Nathsni.-I Lylle, James Campbell, WomnAn. John (Jas, Vpprr Mnhnnnt, . Oideon Shadle. Joiner Mnhimm. t hri"lisn Albert, Peter Keilx. Jafksnn. (ieorge Deppin. Traverse Jurors. Turhul. George Ko'. r(jM7?rc Joseph Rynesrgon, James Evert, finorge C. MeKee. J,rwi. Mj r Sweeney. Miltoit, (leoige Kohler. John Frirk, JrflT. rson Landers, Lewis E. Evans, James Miller, John CIs k. ChilJimjuaque. Hugh MrGI ughlin, Levi Ksupn, Allen ShoemaUer, Fleming Neabi'. 1'ninl, Wm Lemon Northumhrriand William Wenrk. Sunliny. Waik Seiif-him. AugHrta (hst!e Eikmsn, S imuel Shipe, John C'oope', Jacob Hoover, (t'orge Keefer, Peter Iteitt, John Kiemer, of Beiks, Simon Snyder, Jas. RM. VAanioAn.-lol n Kasemao. John Dunkleberger. A'imi. William Cla-ll, William Vaa-ine, V il. liam Metier, jr., Freihr rk Weaver, John Campbell. Coal. i remiah Zimmerman. I 'pper Mnlinnny. Michael Reiig lMW.tr Mahoiioy Solomon ttachmin. George EmiH-h, am , Michael Emrieh. John Tchnpp. I.ittlf Mahnnoy. John Pifer, William Raker. Jacksnn. Peter Klock. George Henner, Jonas Bnhner. Solomon Dies.lei, Michael Wolf, John Wenizel. Petit Jurors. Tiirhut. John M. H ousel, Enoch Eahbauch, John l.e dy. Vntr-nre. J ihn Nicelv. Henry Reader, jr., Henry DiefTemlerfer, William Hood. Jii'M. William Rtiekman. A on. Wdliam Sirine. ChilliKqunqur. Joseph K ine. 'J'oin. John Paul. Xurtitimliei land. Conrsd Wi nrk. ir. Sunliury llenj min Jlendruks. (iideon M. Yniks. Geoige .iinineimin, 'I'liomss Robins. jl iii;u.iiij. Daniel Zaitman, Daniel Zimmer man. iViiiiiei-'". Joepb Kaseman. Solomon Hum mel, Casper Ad m. AugiiKitit Huey. John Dun-kell-eiger, son nf Heniy, Philip Keller, Robert ('ampttell, j. Cual. Willi itu Gearharl, Stephen Bitlenhen der. N.domon Waiy. Vpprr Mnhnnny. George " Shadle, George lleim, John S lin k. T jar ft MuIhhmii. Peler Kncher. Gcorce Em tieh ir.. Pe'er Hill. r. 1 Jurksnn. .lacoh Broniu", I-aac ReitJt UP ZJLi "CD" i li3 12J iA(;ui:iir:n. c.m.u:ry f Vutmt rrrmi. urn Colund lihenruc, mid Photographic Ihput , Xo. l.'tO Chcunul Slice!, riul;nlcliliia. N,. 551 Broadwav, New York ; No. 75 Court Stuel, Boston i No. 136 Chesnut Hireet, Phila delphia ; Baltimore Mreit. Ha'timore t B'0.i.l w, v.Saratoga Spring; No. 6fi Cannl Sneel, New-Oile.ins ; MainStreit New port, R. I. And Main Street, Du Iiuqiie, Iowa, j rONSTITL'TING the eldest and rrnwt Eil. n i ive E-t.ihli huietlt of the kind in the Woil I. and com.iii.inj more than a THOUSAND POR TRAITS, eml raeinij those of some ol the moi tlis'ingiindietl iiulii'iduaU, in the Timed Sutc. Admit am e free. 't his E-taMi'hmrnt havinrj Iwen awanhd ihe Mrdal, Fntir First Premium, "nd wo tie ll.tmrs'' al the Exhihiiioii at Boaton, New Yo.k and I'hiladel, hia, respei-tively, for he-i I'ieime. nnd Apt anitus, i llins cfflci d!v nisi oiie.l in the poi- lion nfsiiN-rioiity heretofore neie'dlv as-ij;ned it j hy Ihe pub ic, as irl in the Wtfltl. Jon- SRth. 1845 Xorthumbcrlaiitt Counts', k. In the Orphan Court nf ta d County at April Tt m A. O. IS 46. ON motion of H. B. Maser, Ep The tonri grunt a rule on the heii md legal reprei.cn. Inlivea of Joi n Hueher. Senr., late of ihe l on.ngli of Sunt urv, tlec'd,. leaving i".ie .even rhihlren, lo wit : John Bucher, Ji., Ca h irine. maned lo Owen T. Roberta, Marrjiret, mairit d to Wm Fisher, Ma. j iy Bucher, Jnlla Ann Bueher, Delor.,h. married to John Morrison, and tieoige Hurhe-, helra and ! ditri!itce of John Bueher, Senr., file uf Ihe ho. j rough of Stiiibury, f raid County, ilec'd. To p ' ieai in our nest Orphan' Court In he In Id for j said county, t. wit i mi the 4th day of Augut A. ! D. 1B15, and aeeej t oi lefuae the cia'e of the -aid John Bueher, 'enr , dre'.! , er show csue ' whv the same should not be so'd. Certified from the lecnrda nf nnr and Orphnns' Court, at Sun' urv, this 22d dav of Mv A. 1), 1814. EDW ARD OYai Bit Clk. O C. Sunburv, May l!l-t. If 15. 6l Xorlliumbrrlaitd County, ns. The Cornmor wealih or Pi nn.tvaiiia, to Sarah MrfJee, Calheitiie Metier, Namy Bn 'y, Nancy TroJel, intermarried with Jacuh Tr.uel, Cathen ine K nley, t'll-ey Mctiee and Mans? Mc (iee, heba and b'galees of Manus Midi e, ilec'd , and all other rtis intereatetl. (Imsktivu, , -eri 7"Ot! are beiehy c!l d arid Commanded to ap ( W pear bef .re out JU 'gea nflhe Oiph.ni t'oiiri, si cunhury, the 4ih dny or Aligu-I, to rhW cause if any you have, why the admlnl-lrHtl n account nr j Uamard Mi (iee, elecutor ul Manna Mcliee, Lite nf j ('hdif(juiiiie township, dee'd., should inn He re. viewed. t. vO ,i mnl rrhiertt'd, iigiteat'ijf id un ur i drr made in our raid court. I W ilnrsa he Htinniablr Joseph B. Anthony. Eij. ! Pieai.lent of olir said court, the VTth it i nf Mavi ; A. D. 1K45. EDWARD t)V"l Ell,' May 31. IPtS t Oi'k 1 1. V, IVcitic VOTlt'E i l.cr.by uiieii lo lha heir and legal i- irpiefiit4iive ol H nry Anli s, dec. a..ed, llial hy virtue of a wiii of I'' tni in is-ued ntlt of the (irpbaii' Couil of Norihumi erland cuumy, to me directed, an inqi est will lie held at the late leaidence ut said tlece.iee.l, in lhu Im rough nf Norlhumher. land, Norihuuilieiland county, oh Friday ihe 1 8ih day nfJu'y licit, at 1(1 o't lock, A. M., for ihe pur I piwe of making partition nf or to value and p. praiae Ihe reil v.iaie ul said deceased, at widen time and place you may at end if von think .rnpcr. FELI.V MaCkER, Mur.ff. HherilT's Office, Sunhury, Msy 31, 1815. S Ht LI W 1 of a superior quality, can now he hid at ihe Lime Kllni of Henry Masneri In ft tin. bar;. May lT, 1815. ti i,. a. gn. , SI J 1 . To thfj Electors of Northumberland County s T KEspECTFI'LLY aollcit the support or my J- Fellow cititens, at the ensuing election, for the office or tnnoM.it. I promioe, should I be elected, to discharge the duties of the office with promptness. MARTIN IRWIN. s'"bry July 14,1,, 14.V To the Electors of Northumberland Cnnntv. KEINO soliriled by rtliny nf my friends, I hve consented t,i ufTer myself as rlndidjte for the oflice of Trr-nnttrer of Nntihumberlin.l county. Should you see pro pet to elect me. I pledge myself to perform the duties nf said nllice Willi fidelity. WILLIAM G CLICK. Sunbmy. My 3 1st, 183.1. To the F.lcctorj of Northumberland Comity. A T the solicitation of a hllmbef of persons, In diff-renl paits of the county, I have Consented to be candidate for the office of rnKA st'ttKH of Norlhnmbeiland Coun y. I need hardly assure my fell. iw.ciiigens, that if I ant elected, I will en deavor lo diselnrge ihe duties of the office faithful ly and impartially. JESB M. SIMPSON. Snnbury. May 17ih. 1845 To ih lilectors of Northumberland County. rPHE subscnlier, from the encouragement reeel ved (roin his numerous friends, hereby offers himself aa a candidate f. r the office or VBEA8U8BB of No'lhnmherland conn'y, for which he solicits 'he mil" age of his le low-ciiifen. Should he be elected, he will fulfil Ihe duties of the t.ffirw With fideblv. FRANCIS BUCHER, Sunhury, Msy l?ih, 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland County. A T the solicitation nf a huml r nf my friends In J - dilferent parts of the county. I have consented to be a candulite for the office of PndTHONOTABY. Shou'd t l to foil no He as to be elected, t pbdge myself to discharge the duties or Ihe office with promp'ness and fnle'ily. JAMES BEARD. McEwens.ille. June 2M, 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland Couniv. j TELLOW CITIZENS i I would respectfully j oiler myself to your consideration, as candi I date for the nfhes nf I rit0tTHO.tT.1Ul Should I be eleeied, it wi be my pleasuie. as well ns duty, lo attend to the bus neat of the office With fiJtiity and ptincuaiit v. WM. J. MARTIN. S.inhorv, Mat lVih. 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland Couniv. 17 EL LOW CITIZENS. I hnve I cen induced In i fl.tr nivse'f a a candidate for the office of I'rof Itoiioturv At the ensring ehi tion Should 1 fortun.ilely be eloeted, I herm y pro in ire, fiiltful!y snd imparlitl ly todiHcbargd the duties of tl ollice. JOHN FA RN-1 WORTH. Sunhury, May 10, lt45. To the Electors of Northumberland Couniv. I TALLOW CITIZENS. thereby o elf aa a Candidate, fir ih nffice nr olTiir my REGISTER AND RECORDER. I Can only prmni.e, should I lw lortunate enough to he re-elected, to di-ch irge ihe duties of aaid office wiih fidelity and imparii liv. EDWARD OYSTER. Simhurr, May 10, 18 15. To ihe Electors of Northumberland ( 'mini v. PELLIIW CITIZENS At the soliclla ion ef a number or my Iriemls, I have consented to he a candidate for Ihe office uf REGISTER AND RECORDER. I promise the eit r.ens of the county, that if I am elected. I wilt endeavor to diechbrge the duties of Ihe i Hice fai.bfullv and impartially. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Sunbury, April I Oth, IMS. To the Electors of Northumberland County : BFlNli mUil.d by many of my friends to off r niyn If a a e rdidale for ihe office nf of Nnr.t.hint riiand eouroy, I respectfully anlicit V' nr HI.'Oil. I will endeavor to discharge the du ll, s nf the office fiitl. fully, should you see proper to confer the same upon me. J0EPH NICELY, Delaware lownsl.ip, July IV. I MY To ilie Electors of Northumberland" Count Vt IEt.LOW CITIZENS i As I have heen great. ' ly eneoii' aged hy my fiie.ula, 1 solicit your Buppoil for the office of s ii v. n I v v. Miould you cnnfer this office tipon me. I shall ei deavor to discharge the duties thereof with fide lity. THOMAS v. BILLING I ON. Sunhii.y, April lih, IMV To Ihe Electors t Nortliumbcrland Count V; IJLINO .illrited l y mv iitlniertills friends in the - ilirtetPi.t : pilous ol ihe c Unty, I have cdnnen. ted to oil. r myseir lo youi consideration as S Can dulate hi I the rtffice of COMIvTlfSIOItEtt. Should t be elected. I pVdge myself to fulfil the dull of Ihe office Kith fidelity and impartiality. PETER VAN D LI. to. August, Mav 6li. 1M. To ihe" Electors' of Northumberland I 'unlit v. TKLI.OW CI I IrTKN. Having heen encoii- 'L tige.l hy my friends, lo offi f myseir as a candi date for the elliee nf COTJUTtT COMMISSIONER, I letptriiully mhcit your npp.iit. Should you see proper to confer lb office upon me, t will en deavor 10 di-ih ng the dunes iheieof niih fldtlity and unpailiaiily. SEBASTIAN HACPT. Punbiiry, April I3ih, IM3. To ihe Electors of" Norihumbciland County i TALLOW CtTIZENS. 1 beg leave to iffii mys If a a candidate, at Ihe ensuing clecuon, for ite i ffice of C ouitt) ('oiiitiilnisltuivr. Whould I he to I oluiiaie as to he elected, I pledge myself to dist'han.'a 'he duties of the ollice wiih pioniplnens ati 1 dlel iv CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, Ap'd 6ih, IH45, PIANOS. milE StinscniBEttha been appointed lierll, 1 rf the sale ,.f CONR AD MEYER'S CEL' EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI AN08, at thla place. These Pianos have a plain, mslve and Uemirul esterlor flni h, and, f.it depth and .weelness ortone, and elegmce nr wnfkitiarl ship, are nut surpassed by any in the United Stales. The following is a recommenilstinn from Cillt Digts, s celrbrsted performer, and himself a man uficiuieri A CAUII. Itattfttt had the plea. lire of trying the etcsb lent Pisno Fortca mnnfactured by Mr. Meyer, and rthll'l'eil at the I ii-t exhibition nflhe Franklin tn stiitlte, I feel it due to the true merit or the maker to declare that these instruments are rjulte erpial, and in some respects even superlit, o all the Pi ano F.utes, I saw at ihe capitals or Europe, and during a enjourn nr two years tt Tarls. Thes Ptanoa will be stild at the manufacture,' lowest Philadelphia prices, ir tint sorm thing tower. Persons are requested lo call and examine for memaelvf.., at the residence or Ihe su iscriber. Sunhury, May 17. IMft. II. B. MASSER. HKLl T E g i n n c r s . Be THE sulcrihers Would resi.cctrully inrorm llltj Citizens rr Sunbllry and ine public generally, that they have plirchssed the ahep or Mr. William HooVer, In Market street, ore do.it west or Ihe Post Ortiae, whete they Will continue the t-binet-.TTfikinf&: Kittmc, in all lis branches. The rtUhlit may expect their work done in the latest style. They hope, by strirt attention to buslnis, to merit share or puhlid patronnge, fXj" Coffins hiaile to order on the shortest nmire, and Cuuniry produce taken in exchange Tor wo-li, I 'MA's, 0. Ac HENRY C. MARTIN. Sitntiuty, May 17th, l18.-Iy, ""ii aass hotel;'"" s tr iTS-arB.Y, trtlitnber1nn1 Countyt PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has taken the Ink stand, iri Ihe Borough of 8unhtiry, lale'V occupied by John Hausas a public house, (west of the Sta-o Houe, and nearly opposite the Court llmi-e,) where he i prepared lo accommodate his friends, and all others who may favor him with their cus tom, in Ihe bet poesible manner. His BAR cball sparkle with the clinic st of I.t. areas, and hia TABLE shall be well supplied with tho very best the markets alTord. In .hurt, in pain nor expense Will ho sparrd lo render hi a house in every way worthy of public patronage. A lil-ernl share of custom is therefore s .licit. J. Sunhury. April 12th, 1M. Cm 7A3HI1TGTC1T HCTELj Vet side if Maitt ft,, in the lion of rel TkT C2 "W er LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. THE subscriber would respectfully liilorm his old fiends and the travelling puM:c. llint l,o has recently taken and flitted up, in a Mipetio' manner, this spacious brick edifice, tin or OEKEsuu. -wivr.iiii:GTor;. whee he is prepared to accommodate trev. :'.-rs i" 1 viitors in the very l est sn.l ple.isins; . His house is sitiiatrd in the most I.M.iril eer.tn.1 part or Ihe borough, convenient lu busines, iu.,1 is large and the rooms airy. Thinkflil for the liberal support wliile Veei.i.iT the old Vuncy Hold Rnl the. American Hotel, ft this borough, for Ihe part 'iluee veers, he n.p, c; fully solicits a contipVi,nre fth.- snnie. THEODORE WELLS. Money, April 12th. 1S4.V tr N. B. The lln.nt.lio.ig, Nurthunibt-rlend, Po'ls ville, Danville, William nrl. Lock Hi.ven an.l Bellefenle Stages strive st and depart fr .m t!i e Hou-e daily. WELLS. 1 . in o JOHN W v a , PKAI.. REtsPECTFCI.LY inform, llie cl tizens of ?unl.ury and p... viclniry, thtt he ha removed . tb.a Biirk House, i.i Market alreet. f rnierlv occupied hv u. nj imin nemiriess, eat nl the atom formerly oc cupied by Miller cV MHrt2, nd now by Ira T.'t'le ment. where he will bo happy to receive call tit the line of hi prolcsion. Sunhury. March v;9;h IMS. Boot & Shoe XVXAXHNa. THE subscriber, late of (lie lirm nf Beck & B,o aius, wou'd respectfully inform hia i Id tu''.nn. era and ihe public generally, that he now ntcupis the new building we.t nf Henry llaupt's T.Kr hop, snd epposiie (ieorgo Brigln's Diug ttoe. in M-trkel strtrt, Kuil'oUiy, whcie he inlei.da to rany on his former business of BooT & Knots makint;. in all ii vaiioUt t ranches. He i' l piepared tr do all kinda of work in Mk line at the horict no tice, and In the innat dura We manner. He ia tlianL ful r.ir former palronage, and by Bifid attendance ti bil-inefS ahd reasonable charges, will tndeuvor Ut de.erve a continuance of it. JOSEPH BECK. Smibury. TtK 52.1, 1913, 6 m Ft 111 It fcub.criheia have received, snd are now M. opening a i lentlij atsortmeiit of the foilowuiif g'KXl Saxony, Wiltoh art 1 Velvet Carpetirigs' Hrns.c a end Imperiil 3 ply do C A It- Extra superfine and line T'lgraine do PE l' Engii:hhai1, d A D .nn-k Veneti m do IN(i. Aineiif.ih I ladled and f.g'd rl.r Engh.h Druggeila and Wool, n Fljor Ch.tha Htsir and i'kge Lioikinga Embo,cd 'ii o and Tabic Covers London Chenille and Tufv I Rug Door Matts of ee.y description. AL0 . A large snd ext. ni ,o istoMwcnt of Floor Oil Cloths Irnm one to cglu yard wide, rut lo fit fte ry desciiition Jl room' nr pirn-ages. Also, low pi iced ligrain Caipetings fiom 32 j l 65 J cents per yard, loueiher wiih a large an.ltiten ive assorlnieul if goods usually kept by carpet merchant. Tho above goods will be soi l wholesale nr retail at the lowest market price. Country merchant- Kudo-hem aie panicuiailv invited to call sn.l e la mine our slock before n.sking then aeleclions. CI.ARK.soN, RICH A Mri.LIOxN. Kucc. stoia lo J.e0i llkwjoJ, No. 1 1 1 CUnnul, comet nl F'uuuii l'l". I'hiUMnhia, feb- 9iJ, 1845. ll C 1)11.