l'MCE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer. 60 40 95 5 112 )0 8 25 10 8 10 Coi, - OaTS, Pork, Flaxskcb, BuTTgB, Enns, Duns WAV, Tallow, Fla, HxcKLtn Flat, LIST OF CAUSES. 1jOK trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumlerland County, at August Term, 1815, commencing the firt Monday, tiring the 4th. J Uulirk 4. A Cltik vi E Green, uch Same s Mo! ingshead Ac co JsenH Pam'er - E Green Uyh eilxii f p', alienee f Garvr Frym'ire lor Evert vs John Garver ft nl wl P H ickei lserg i im'l 8 Aim hit I & wife va Peter Fouler App'emn, end. rsee of Edwards At Verrce vs IV Donaldim Benjamin Robin Altr .hum Lawrence. Prentice f.ir Welch Joseph Keller K PS annon vs Dennis W..ter D.in'H Broeius vs J din A Shissler Jlaticl Moi-er A IV if vs 1 tii-t Frvmire. Clsirenewirve Basque s Daniel Duiiklehrrgcr 8 imc vs name vs Abraham Ktsr.e s?a Henry Masser. Eq. s 1) Levy's i x'is m U Richardson cl ill vs Henry 6ti tier a Wm M't'ar y i t at v II V A: Saner Dunn vs George Heikcrt el al s 8 .me va vi ( Watann va Am s '!. l v 11 , vi.l C W.ils. n Willism Farrow George LerVk-h Elizabeth V' tm.-l J).ivid MKnirt J) S Spate Henry M .s-er Jacob Seas T A Bdliigttfti Sine Irwin Ar. Cramer iho Oyster and wife Gen A Cramer J.ei lloliri'a sssiunee va Albi f! llsirret .Anthony Watson it ul vs John M llnnsel I ' I. Farimin va J Ai W r sggonsellcr va Jiiitn a Slieun r va II. my Sk inmeiz t wife va Wil'i.im lie d vs Win Mi'.(y va A Al J Wilhi'lin's admr. a Wm McCoy va H b.r Ac li.irtft va J.imea l.ee Vc t.4 J 'iiaihm I'jrrcll. Aic a Wi linni Mi-Coy va Wil'i m Frirk William Dcharl ilrliry Flll'k Itolit H (ii in' Cl ul Henry II llntr AI'iHf Meiidt nh ill A I, eiim r Wil'ia ii McCoV 4)ii UIiv At Hii.kly J -a ph Hoover H U. I a. Ac !! I) II- Uel tioi ri;e ll I enl aci,'. iidinra v. D A: .1 Siamm. ic 1!!im'ea Ac Hound triatopher U Ity A Soilrr, Arc Ft .ncia McCov , Ate J - hniori W.dla Wm 8 Mon'g.imery Fi.iiic a IJ.Ii. ii ct al Same Wliii-dl Ac tlrown Win II Hr.. n Ar rn i' It bin Ac l.awrnict) va .1 iliu Divki'r va (J orne (iranl, AiC va Fe i M vi'rr et nt a Ii..c l e bi'l! Ui va Hi Jaiiiea l.i ika va J It ti ('an', anr va 1 ai ii I ('.ul va J In U 13. -yj va Sinn iStiawloi Ice Ac 11 den t liolinea. Stiiraeon Ac co va Same 8..mo J m Uird Ac wife va (!e rge Prainf; Klien'iTer (iunough va Henry K ioiir Hugh Delia., E q va llinrv Donnel et al 8MUEi. U. JOItDAN. Protbon.itary'a i.ffii'e, I'roth'y. Siinbury. July 19ih, IH45 roriM Dar.xarn's ViMttrcn;-a crrtain rure for wnrma infc and very pleanant to dike. tui'i EiTHirT. wliirh remove (5 rense 'y Pa n'a. Tar, Vamiah and Wax, Ii mi clothing, without injuring the Lt Pri!B the liest tiling kuovMi ml mnirqii toe. l)en rojcr oi Uiita, Mic, Ko.itlies an hIiit of Did lluga. trie for a 'ur etomach. Heart ia-h. by one who hadaufHri'd he ili-oiv, re I the cure. Ois tjiht for the Pili a. ie. Vah. iblk I.ik, without a vfittiox or Fti: I rind for women, it ia . Astiihoit Pn.ia. it WATEB-moilP Patk, . It aul'tena the leather, and 8Tr.msTRii!tii(i Platfii. Diarnhika Mixti'Rk, which Ltiaribci in a d hour, .'a Dr.nTiur MiiTtar, a'cer y cure f.ii Dyaeiiiery and Summer valualil artirlea are anM wbo'eaale 1.. C. Cli.XX. I S,,uth Ffih tutltplila wlice S nr kei ra rnd o. ;.l be -ui'p led with pure Afriran (J.iveune , Arnie Floweia, Uruaa, Pmnta, Oila, (iMaa rniatiia. mi the loe-t prri 'J'erma only fj Cul out the advertisement, and bring h you. ulad.lpbia Ju'y 19 h. 1815. ly. to tiiosi: who i' si; rn.i.s. o F all ihe medicine put for h in ihe world, none has U-cii regarded wi h such general favor b j all hn have uf I them, as the no wr'l known rlfi r ni us nv dicine ra le.l "D , Smith's IsrsovKii I a hum Vkritarlk Pill;" and pihaa no ine ilieine ever possessed in ita peculiar combination, nurli mysteii us pown over disease. A lady of the first respectability in thia city, (whose name we are permit led to give in private.) informed ua ibis wei k, that she had long anll'. red the most violent head ur he, sod that nothing had ever afl'.rdeil her rel ef like these I'll s. She a dd th ! Dr. 1 1 u ling. Ion ad vised her to try llirin, stating he knew them lo be b good ine.lirine. This ra ia not unromnon, Physicians do recommend ihrtn, ai.d Dr. Smith has Ihe proud a.li-f iction nf being pe. milted 10 refer to more than one AjfA in the pr.les-i.ni. These Pills, la siiies their great elficcy, have a taste as pleasant aa sugar plumb, being mated with lugar, (a th;ng unheurd of in the world, until Dr. Smith mxle them, alter more than a year's trial and great expi nsc.) The public ate informed thai these Pilla are nol i f the mushroom class, made of any thing merely to sell for a short lime, aa Ihey are made of tbe purest materiala, and they will hear the scrutiny of either Physician or Chemist. The public ought to rememlsrr tbsl no Sunr Coated TV can be re liid upon tallica the signature nf Benj'n Smi'h, M. P., ihn role inventor, is upon the side nf every box, also beware of counterfel a. Thia ia impertiint, aa nitterahle medicine rouy be enveloped in sugar. A. I . Tribune, fXj CAU 1'ION. Aa a miserable imitation has been made, by tbe name of '-Kugyr Coaled JMI," it is recess iry lo be sure that Dm. G Btsj. Smith's tlgiiatute is on every Imx. J r ice 33 cents. Plincipal Office, 179 Greenwich at. New York. BolJby JOHN W. FIHI.INCi. Sunbury. WM. rORSYTHE, Xorthum'd. July IVib, 1615. ALEXANDER L, IIlCKEY. TRUNK MAKER. Ko. 1.10 C'licsnilt Street PHILADELPHIA, "l IT HERE all kinds or lesser trunk, aligea ind carpel hag, of every style and pattern are manufactured, in the besl manner and from the beat material, and aold at the lowest f ile, Philadelphia, July 19th, 1845. ly. SUPERIOR Port wine, Mml.ria and Lisbon wines. Also superior Biandy and Oin, l.emnn Syrup. Also a few barrels of Bmg FixH. for dale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 19;h, 1845. "Sheriff's Sale. n V virtue of a certain writ of venditioni expo. Plena of D.iunhin Coun'v to me directed, will be eipmel In pu'.lic aale, at the Court Houae in the Itor.ingli of Hu-ibury, on Monday the 4lh ilny of August n i', at I o'clovk, P. M., tl.e follow int ile-criltttl properly to wit: All the ilifi'ndaiii'a iti'erest, auppnacd to be the iiinlividid mnirty of a c ruin tract of land eitu ite in Co d tiiwnabip. Xorthum' eil.iiid ci.unty, aurvey id in the name f Matbiaa Zimmerm n, containing :tf7 iCie more oi baa. ai'joinine l.md. of aurv.yed in il.e tiaimi of Peter Maun r, Michael Krull, J-.hu Ni India Uailry ai d inhere. Heixed, inken in i ticu ion, ni.d In he aold aa the ("Wjieily i.f Cihiu llltthe. FELIX MAUKER, Sheriff. Shenrr'a OIHce. S.in' ury, July 1?, 1845, LAST NOTICE. PHIiSO.8 itnUbtid to the late liim nl B rk Ac llromua, nr.' r ajuea'cd. to come forward mid I av up, on oi In f,ne the S8:h in t. The bo..ka are io tbe hxin'a oftiiurge Wiiaer, I . for m ttliiintii. Tlioae wibinit to anve c."-t. can do ao by atricily c nnpUing with Una tequ at. JO-SF.PH llECK, i:i.l s Bi0u:8. Sunbury. Ju'y 12l Ifl5. :lt All, pi r-ona are lieieby canti IV d nsailiM pur rhnfinit nrrireivii fj ccrl do prnmiamry no'e, f :15, daird liil er the lat r 2.1 of luU, 18(5, civrii liy die eubai'iiber to llemy Wilhbn. Not having ri ccivi'd v dun for naid note, t'ie auliacri l er i determinid not to ay t! e rainc m l a mm pelted by law. JACOB MAUI Z July i2th, 1815. 3t IXatc ori'atliarliic IIIIIlctM. "VJOTK'E ia hereby given, t'..al lelti ra vf admin- i.-lr.i i. n, h ive bun grunted to tl.e auhrrrihrr, on the ratnie nf Catharine Kill, late nf Mnimokin l. uti-h'p. N rtbuuil'i-rl .nd county, dee'd. All p r .nnii iinle. ted to auid eMate, or liavinu cl.iim- auainvt .he aa'ne, are r ipieated t call and gel I", on ur I e fore the (at d.iv of August n it. JOHN CONRAD. Sh itn. kir Julv 5 h, 1815.- 6 . Adin'r. Notice TS hereby givi n. to all leg iteea, rre.'itors and nil i.tber peraoi.ft interested in the e.t ilea, of tier trude Snydei ib-e'd, aellled by her i xecutora John lli trieh and D.n iel Snyder ; of (Jeorge TroXel, ilec'd, petiled by hia adiiu'a, John lo ibeit ; of I.eon aid Frrater. dee'd, nettled ly hi' ndmr'a. Peter Fit ater and Simuol Wagner ; of Chri.topl er Diinm, dee'd, aettb d by bin adm'r. Jacob B eber ; nf Charl. a Ec.kman, dre'd, M illed bv bin adm'r, J mica Eek mnn ; of Barbara Siit, di-c'd, aettb d ly her adm'r, IVi.i V.'agnir ; of S mon Reilz, die'd, aellled by hia adm'l, Peter Dunklelnrger ; of Anna Marii Urieabich, dee'd, nettled by her ex'r, Daniel Drie. baeh ; of Joaeph Ki fl'er, ar. d c'.l. aeitlel by hia ex'ra, Jobn and Joi ph K (Tt : i f (Seoige Wag ner, die'd, eett'ed by Jaroh I) HolTinan, adin'r of Frederick R.ker, ilec'd, who waa the ndm'r, of (ieore Wagm r dee'd ; of Julian C nrad dec'il, eel tied by hi r rt'i, laaae ll ttentine ; of Jucub Saivia ilec'd, nettled by hia adm'r. Win lleppen ; nf (n o. I.iniff dee'd, ai-til d by h a 'nn'a. Satnui I (J.in-eil j and Jicnh Si ashnltz ; nf Jaroh Klock dee'd, arltled . bv hia adin'r, Henry Kli'ik ; f Mary Il.lbi. g l! ili c'd, retlled by h-r ndm r, (i Helbiegel ; ol Plulip Stroh, dee'd, M-ttl d by bia rxr'a, E Kline and J Shive ; ace I of S Camplfll, tbe guaril n of Samuel Wilkeraon: the account if Maiv H (irnh.it, euird'n "f Mary Ann. Maclay, Washington and Churl, (earbart ; ai cou t of Jacob 11 illtiii-h, gurd'n i.f Wm Ebiighi ; the ecunl of Heiry Kenbr, gunr.l'n of Dan'el and Will am Min!aa; tl.e ac n unl of D.iv d High, luard'n id 8. lonvm and Su aan M- nga, laie of Noitliumhrr'auJ cnuniy. dec'il; that the rxecuior., kdiiiiuii-trulora and guriana nl the faid ileeeamd e Litre, hve lib-d tbeir arinu ti nt ith the Reg ater of thia c untv. and that they will be (.rcamled to tbe Orphan'. Court of raid county, on Turnd ly . the Ath d cy of Augu-l next, for coo. fumation and at owance. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunbury, July ftih, 1845. 4t. Ri gia er. " iw :er3 jas " CASH STORE. CIIEAl', FOR CASH Oil COI N THY IMloniTK. Twenty I-r I'rnl. Nuvcd. r TlHE tuh'Crib r having purchased the store of ! ' ..... 1 J. H. II. Mass. r, baa just leplei islicd the shiii- with a new slock nf d.khIs. nh rli lieirg purchased I t cash prices, w.ll be soUnr Cath or County 'nuttier. Irnty r cent, etieajier llian usual, lysll ,,) jn.e f.ryouraelve . 'l'l e f .llowiiig ire among tl e sriie'es : ll.irr d coll. n drilling, at 1 2 3 (i. rman linen, at 12 J Mo. lin, at d ('shoes, fust colors, nt Willing paper, at l-J S gsr.st 1 7 per quire du go 'd a 8 Coffee, Ml 111 lo 12i (I i.a 6 by 10, al 34 els per dozen Elastic cotirn gloves, at bl M.iha r m la al GJ Brass Eight day ebw ka, watrunteJ, at i$ Thirty hour " f " Alarm " ' $7 Besiiles L quors snd Groceiies nf all kind'. Leg. horn, Fur and Si k hats, Tweed Cas-imere, Co. Ion Yrn, Carpet Chain, Liiihrvllaa, Parasols. I.srd Lamps, Ac HENRY MASSE It. Sunhury, Julj 5, 1845 T O A hh CO N C E 11 N E I). II. D. MASSER, re-pectfully informs his old friends and customers, that he has s ild out hia .tore lo Henry Manser, and respectfully irquesta all tlioae indebted lo him, lo settle iheir accoun a wiihout delay, aa ihey ill he placed in ihe hands of J uxlice for collection, without respect toraona, on tbe 1st uf Au jd-L Sunbury, June 28, 1 945. II. B. MASSER. IN a new settlement, wheie be ran ublain AO IK'I'CsJ of lUIld, and other advantages, if sober and industrious. Enquire of Sunbury, Juris 28, 1815. HUGH BELLAS. E THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar Jt M'frotl Nnptha. E unprecedented auereaa of thia medicine, in . the restoration of hcabh, to thoae whn, In ilea pair, had given up all hopen, hat given it an etab ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing evidence of ita intrinaic value and power, ea the on ly agent which can be relied upon for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Drotichittie, Aathma, Tain in the aide and Breaat, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ate. Attention is irquealed to the following A8TON. 1KHING CtJRE.bv Thnmann'a Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood N apt ha f rhilailftphia, May 3d, 1841. MR. THOMSON Dear 8ir With cmteful fechnga I inform you of the alontahing ellecia of your medicine, which haa literally raia d me from a death.bed ! My dineae, Pulmonary Consump. lion, had reduced me ao low that my phyaician pro. nojiired my cane hopeleat 1 At thia junction I be gun to n-eynur medicine, and miraculous aa it may rem, it haa completely restored me to health, alter everything elae had failed. Respectfully voura, WASHING I'O.V MACK. Charlotte street, aliove Geotge street. The undersigned, being perannallv acquainted with Washington Mark and hia nufTrringa, bear witneas to the axtoninhing rlTecta of 1'hnmaon'a Compound !y nip of Tar, and the truth of the a hove statement. JOS. WINNER, 318 North Third street. DAVID YICKEUS, 42 Almond street, HUGH M CINLEY, S. E. corner Tumany mi. I F. urth a'treta. Prepared only by 8. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 5th and Spruce streets, Phi'ade'phia. Agents. 11. B. M aascr, Sunbmy ; D. ftrona, and Dr. Marihernon, Harrisburg ; Jn '. G. Brown, 1'i.ttsvi le ; (ieo. Earl, Re ding ; Houston Ac M.i on, Towamla. Bradford county, Pa. Price 50 cents p. r bottle, or f 5 per dozen. tteiunrt nf nil imitations. Philadelphia, June 28lh, 1845. Orphan Court Sale. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Norlhumlierlind county, will le anld at public vendue or outrry, nn Saturday, the 20th day of Ju ly ins., at the house of Charles D. Wharton, in the borough i f Sunbury, to wit : A certain house nml lot i f ground, aiiuated in Augusln t.iyvnship, in -aid county, adjoining land of Aaron Robins and others, contain ng al. ul three acres, late the estate of Dan iel Ke r. dee'd. S de to commence at 10 o'clock P. M.. of said day, when the conditions nf sale will be made known by BENJAMIN ROBINS Sunbury, July 5ih, 181". Adm'r. IVoticc to Creditors. rPHE Orphan.' Court of Noithnml-erland cnun ty, having appointed the suhrcriber Audiior, to distribute the b datice in the hands of Eliaha Kline and J- bn Shipr, Etecutora of Philip Straw, lute of Augusta township, in said county, dee'd , to and among the creditors and othera entitled to re reive nut of said balanre, the .aid Aud.tor here by gives notice, that he will attend on Saturday, the l'Jih day of July next, al the house of Charles Wiavi-r, in Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, (or makir.g said distribution, when and wheie all peri-one imenslrd are requested to present their respective claims: PF.i'ER LAZARUS. Sunbury, June 28th. 1845 4L Auditor. TERMS REDUCED. DA a LEU HI 4 A' OA LLElt V . Vutent Vremi. unt Colored lihenrsnei, and I'hulugruphie Jtrpot t No. 13f Chcsnul Street, Philadcl; liia. Ni. 251 Broadway, New Yt.rk ; No. 75 Court Stnel, Boston ; No. 130 Cheanut Street. Phils delph a ; Baltimore Mreet, Baltimore ; Broid way, Saratoga Springs ; No. 5fi Canal Stieet. New-Oilenns ; Main Streit Newport, It. I. And Main Street, Du Buque, Iowa. CONSTITUTING the oldest and moat Exlen- aive Estahli-hment of the kind in the Wm 1 1, and containing more than a THOUSAND POR TRAITS, ertil'raciutr those of some of the moat iliatinguished individuals, in the United Stalea. Adiiiit'aure free. 'I bis E-talli.-hmrnt having Wen awanbil the Mrdill, Four Fir.it Vrtmiumt, and v "'firs H'.mirt"1 at the Eibibiiiona at Boston, New- Yoik and Philadel hia, rrspe-tivrly, for best Plctuie and Api a-Mlus, ia ihua offlcially suatained in the posi tion ol' superiority her, tofore univeraallv as-ignrd it by the public, as "Firtt in the Wurltt," JnneS8ih, 1845 Korlliiimlerlnnl County, h. lit the Orphans' Court nf laid Oittnty at April Trm A. IK 1845. ON motion of II. B. Manser, Esq. The court grant a rule on the heiu ind legal repn sen- 1 tativra of John Bucher, Senr., late nf the Niruugh of I Suul ury, ilec'd,. lesving jasue seven children, to I wit! John Burlier, Ji., Cs harine, ma'rieil to Oneri I T. Roberts. Msig iret, married to Wm Fisher, Ma I ry Bucher, Jr.ha Ann Bucher, Dehor.ih. married ! in Jolili Mormon, and (ieotge Buche, heirs and ' dia'ri'.utira of Jobn Bucher, Senr., late of the ho. ! rmith ol Sunbury, i.f said county, dee'd. To sp H-ni in our next Orphans' Court to be hi Id for j said county, to wit t nn the 4th day of Au"Ut A. l. lH4n, ami arrepioi retuae ine estate oi m . -..1 l..kn ltiilisB Talari alaw.l nr uhoul eais refuse the estate of the "" i whv the same should nol be so'd. Certified from the records of our said Orphans' j Court, at funl urv, thia 22.1 ilav of Miy A. D. 1811. KDVlARDOY8IEIt.CIU.OC. I 8unbur, May 31-t, 1845. fit I Not tltuuiueiiuiitl County, sisi. j The Coinmoi. wealth of Pi ntisylvauta, la Sarah McGee, ('atbeiiiie McGee, Nancy Buoy, Nancy TroXel, inter mairicd with Jacob Troxel, Cuthcr. ine K'nsley, Cti.ey Mctiee and Mana-aes Me- : Gee, bei'S and legatees of Mauus McGee, ilec'd , and all other persona inlen strd. Ghi itinr. YOU are t.eiehy e t. 1 and rnmniaudcd lo ap- I pear before oui Ju 'gea of the Oiphans' Court, ' ai e-uiibury, Ihe 4ih day of Augu-t, lo ih w raua. if any you have, why tli admini-truti n acc unl uf Dariiard Mcdee, executor ol Manua Met ire, l ite of Chilisquaque lowuship, dee'd., shnulil not be re viewed, reversed and ruiiected, agirrably lo all or der msde in our said court. Witneas the llottnisl.le Joseph B. Anthony, Esq. President of our said court, Ihe V7lh dav nf May, A. D. 1845. EDWARD OYSTER, May ftl, 181.V ft CI'kOC, Notice NOTICE is hereby given la the heirs and legsl representatives ol Henry Antes, dec. a-ed, thai by virtue of a writ of Partition issued out of the Orphans' Coarl of Northumberland county, to me directed, an inqurat will he tielj al the late leaidenre ul a iid deceased, in Ihe Ik: tough of Norlhumher laud, Norihumbeilsnd county, on Friday ihe iHib day of July next, st 10 oMock, A. M., for Ihe pur pose of making partition of or lo value and ap praiae the real eVtate of Said deceased, at which time and place you may attend if you ihink roper. FELIX MAURElt, ShinJT, Sheriff's Office, ? Sunbury, May 31, 1615. SCt BELIEVE AND L. LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County, fur August Term, A. D. 1840. i rand Jurors. Turhut. Abraham Kissinger, DelmrarfXVm. McWilliamn, Christian Gosh, anr., John N. Oyster, George Masteller. Istvis. Andrew Kershner, jr. Jfillim. Iieonard Beidelman, Jonathan Adam. Chilitquaiur John McWilliamn, James F. Murray, George W, Fries, Benjamin Truxel. Wn(. Daniel Purnel. NortiHmherlitnd. George Apalry. Sunbury Samuel Gobin, Benjamin Robins, George Young. Aufrtuta. Nathaniel t.ytle, James Campbell. Shnmokin. John Gas. Upper Muhonut, .Gideon 8hadle. tmwer Mahnnoy. Christian Albert, Peter Reitz. Jackarm, George Deppin. Traverse Jurors. TurW . George KuH. Delaware Joseph Kynearson, James Evert, George C. McKee. Lewis. Major Sweeney. Milton. George Kohler, John Frirk, Jeff, rnon T.mi'ers, Lewis E. Evans, James Miller, John Cls'k. ChiUiiiptaqut. Hugh McGI mghlin, I.evi Kaupn, Al'en Shoemaker, Fleming Nesbit. 'oinl. Wm Iemnn. fiivthumherlaiul William Wenck. Stmhury. Maik Sritpham. Auiiuxla ("harles F.iknian, S.imuil Shipe, John Cooer, Jici.b Hoover, (burge K refer, Peter Reitz, John Kiemcr, ol Berks, Simon Snyder, Jan. Rosa. Shamokiii.-ittY.n KasemBn, Jobn Dtinklebercer. ush. VVdliam Claik, William Vaa'ine, Wil liam Metier, jr., Frederick Weaver, John Campbell. Coal. J remiah Zimmrrmnn. Fpper Mohonny. Michael Iteit Intwer Mahaiwy Solomon Baehman. George Emrirh.snr , Mirliarl Emr-rh. John Tehupp. Little Mahminu. John Pihr, William Raker. Jai kson. Peter Klork. (Jeorge Ilepner, Jonas i Bohner. Solomon Dreaslet, Mirhu l W oil, John Weulzel. relit Jurors. Turhut. John M. Houael, Enoch Eshbaurh, John l.e dy. Dduwnrf. J hn Nirily, Henry Reader, jr., Henry DiciVf nderfrr, 'tiairi Hood, Iswis. William Ruekman. M.llon. W.lliatn Strine. Chillimpiaipie. Joseph K ine. Point. John Paul. Korthuiiiliti limit. Conrad Wmrk. jr. Smiliury. lleiij..miii Hendricks, (iideon M. j Yoiks. Geoige .iiiiineiman, Thomas Unions. A iiiusta. Daniel Zaitman, Daniel Zinimrr m in. Shamohin. Joseph Kasemsn, Solomon Hum mel, Casper Adams, Augustus Hitey. John Dun kel'irrgrr, son of Henry, Philip Keller, Robert Csmpbell, jr. CuuA William Gearhart, Stephen Bitleuln der, 8 domon Wary. Upper Miiliimoy. George Shadle, George tleirn, John S nii k. louver Muhnnoi). Pelcr Korher, George Em rich, jr., Peter Bixbr. Jjeksan. Jaroh Bronina, Isaac Rcit PIANOS. THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed agent, for le ade . f CONR D MEYER'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, at thia place. These Pianos have a plain, massive and beautiful exterior fini h. and, for depth and .weetness of tone, and eleganre of workman ship, are not surpassed by any in the United Stales. The following is a recommendation from Carl Dit-ra, a celebrated performer, and himself a man ufactuier : A V A It D. Hativo had the plea-ure of Irving tbe excel lent Piano Forlra msnfnrturvd by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited al the list exhibition of the Fr nklin In stitu'e, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker to I'eclare lhal these instruments arc quite i qua', and in some respe c.ia even fUirrior, to all the Pi ano Fortes, I sow at the capitals nf Euiope, and during a sojourn of two years al Paris, Then Pianos will lie so'd at the manufacturer lowest Philadelphia prices, if not somc'hiug Wwer. Persona are requested lo call and examine fot themselves, t the residence of the subscrilwr. Sunbury. May 17. 1845. II. BM ASSER. ADMINISTRATOR'S Sil.!, VALUABLE FARM FOR SAL E. BY VIRTUE of the (avwer vested in me. by the willoflhe la'e Tatian (,svt, dee'd., will la sold Bl public sale on Wednesday, the 23d day of July nrxt, at the Mmsion House, Uion the pr mines nf the Mansion Fsrm nf the late Tnnina Grant, dee'd., in Augusta township, Northumber land county, Pa., sit ite cn the east .i.le nl the Ri. . vrr Susqiieliauna, rqtiiilistaiit, and about a mile I from the Boroughs ot Sunbury and Northumber land, all lhal valuable estate, late the Mansion I Farm of sa d Thomas Grant, dee'd.. adjoining the I farm nf Samuel Hunter on the south, laud ol Tho- ' m .a Rohina on the eaat, other land of the late Thn 1 , Oranl on the north, Bn.l the Su .quehann. Ri 1 1 ' v r on lh-wesi, con'aintng, together, two bun.lreil and iwenly six acres and seventy fierchrs more or less, of which about two hundred and lifl.en acres ae cleared and about one hundred and lilt. en acres are Hist rate River bottom land. 'I ho luiproveroi nis ronsis; of t iwi story dnuWe l.irtn llnuse, 4U leet limit hy :tl leet in depth, with frame back building mid fi utile ki'rben, and stone ini'k house and oven ntlirbe.l, and a pump and well of excellent water in li e kitchen, u stone smoke houae, a tuge bank barn, 1st st.ny stone. Jd do. frame, K0 tu t long hv 38 fit u i. th, slixy wngii i boose, wi'h giana'y ah ve and c r.i crib alacbrd, a fame cain.ig.i house ui.d gtanarv. and a l.irjch.g li.rtianl slal.re. will a new and unproved ri.lci press, with abiiiult'd r.Hil over the sine. And Al.St) ; tw.i s'orv I'li.k divilling bona,, eon j laiuiug in f' bet and in depth 2? tret, 1(1 i iuc! es. Bud btick 1st) ntmy kitchen, SO f,, in r . -st I ' by 11 feet, 6 inih-a in ih pth. Them are upon the preini-rs two apple oii-tiards in e. ell. nl onlcr, ofthe niiM valuahlo fruit, one rou'ainiug aboul i right and the other al.ut nine arrets This Firm Is one of the most valualde and pro. dunive in Ihe Slate, is in the highest stale ..( cul I ilvaiion, slid located In ihe heart ul a ili-lrict, ! which, lor salubnly of clim.le and pirtiiierque sonery, is uuaurps-s. d. It ia situate on the pool ; of tin- Sbamokiii datn al the ea-lein terminati n uf i ihe Nonhumtn-rlaud Uriilge, ia proximity In 'be j thriving boroughs of Snnhury and Noilhuiubeibind, i shd the probaluliiy thul 'he bl la contain valuable ; bodies nl Iron Ore, and its adui rable location in tbe hcait of ihe lion and Coul region, of IViiiiay Ivsuil, to w hich iheio is a heavy and increasing ruiiia lion, gives lhs nqieily an nddilioiial value, and rendera it wi II yyorthy ul tU sl.culiuii ul cupiul ista and furmrts, (J Terms madw known on ihe dav of sale. KENDERTON MI1'1I. Adm'r., Ac.of I boino Giaul.dcc'J. Suubuty, May HI, im.-8t. To llio Electors of lNorthumbcrLind (ounlv : T RESPECTFULLY solicit th soppmt r.( my Fellow citizens, at the ensuing election, for the ofll.-e of COItOltRRi I promise, should I be elected, to discharge the dulies of the office with promptness. MARTIN IRWIN. ?""l'"y. July llth. 1815. To the Electors of Northumberland County. BEING solicited ly Many of my friends, I hsve consented W ofler myself as candidate fur the office of Tr c aiurer of Nnrthumberlind county. Should you see pro-' per to elect me, I pledge my s.-lf to perform the duties of said otlice with fidelity. WILLIAM GULICK. Sunbury, May 31st, 1835. To the Elcctorj of Northumberland County. A T the solicitation of number of persons, in diffi rent patta of the county, I have consented to be b csndidute for the olfice of TtlKJt SVH Ktt of Northumhrilsnd coun'y. I need hirdly sasure my frllow-citizeiis, that if I am elected, I will en deavor lo discharge the duties of the office faithful ly and impartially. JESSE M. SIMPSON. Sunbury . May 17lh. 1815 To the Electors of Northumberland County. rPHE subscriber, from the encouragement rerri ed (rotn his numerous friends, hereby ollura himself as a candidate for the office of yitSASOBSB of No-thtimU-rland county, for which he solicits he sulT sges nf his tdlow rit izenn. Should he be elected, he will fulfil the duties nf the office with lilebiv. FRANCIS BUCHER. Sunbury, May 17th, 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland County. T the solicitation of a number of my friends in -A ilillcrent parts of the county, I have consented lo be a candidate lor the nllire of PROTHONDTAHT. Shon'd I I so foitun ile aa lo he elected, T plulge myself tu discharge the duties of the office with promptness and fide itv. IAMES BEAKD. McEensile. June 21-t, IS45. To the l.lectors of Northumberland Count v. lEI.I.OW C'lTlZENS: I would respectfully oiler m self tn your consideration, as a candi date for the nflice of fit O TiiO.YO T.tllV. Should I be elected, it will lie my plrauie as well aa duty, lo attend In the bus ness of the office with fidelity and punctuality. WM. J. MARTIN. S.inbiirv, May 17lh. 1315. To the Electors of Northumberland County. T?KLLOW (TITENS. I have I een induced lo iirc; myself as a candidate for (fee office of t'l'otlioiiotnry, At the ensriug election. Should I forlunalely be elected, I hereby promise, faithfully and impartial ly to discharge ihe duties of s.vd olfice. JOHN FARNSWORTH. Sunbury, May HJ, 1M5. To the Electors of Norlhumbcrland County. FELLOW CITIZENS. I hereby offer my self us a candidate, f r ihe office of REGISTER AND RECORDER. I can only promise, should I la fortunate enough to lie re-eli-ried. In distil nge ihe duties of said uffico wiih lidihty snd impar l ilpv. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunlnrv, May 10, 1845. To ihe Electors of Northumberland County. LELLUW CITIZENS. At ihe solicits ion of a numla r of my friends, I have consented lo be a candidate for the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER. I promise the rilix. iis of the county, that if I m creeled. I w ill endeavor lo discharge ihe duties of Ihe i Mice faithfully and inipnriisllv. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Sunbury, April 19lh, 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland County ; BEING solicited by many of my frirnds lo off r Days- If as a c n dnlste for the office of of Noriliiiiiitanland county, 1 respectfully solicit y. ur support. I will endeavor to discharge the du tii s i f the office faithfully, should ou see pioprr to confer the same upon inc. JO-EHH NICELY, Delaware township, July I'i. 1815. To Ihe Electors of Northumberland Courtly. 1,'ELI.OW CITIZENSi As I have been great- ly vncou-aged by my frreuds, 1 solicit your support lor ihe office of S II E It I F V. Should you confer this i llice upon me, I shall ei dvavor lo discharge ihe dut i s theieof with tide htv. THOMAS . DILLINGION. Suiibu y. April lih, IM15. ! To the Electors ul Norlhumbcrland I Cnuniy. ! 1I.ING solicit, d by mv niinieroua fiicnds in the j ' d.llcroi l a ctions ol the n unty, 1 hive t-o.ist-u-led to nib r myself lo youi coiisuleiuliou as a citi ! dnlate lot ihv otlice of COMMISSIONER. Sh ul.1 I he elected I p'c.lae inv sell lo fulfil the ; duti s ol Ihe ull'ice with fi.iiluv mid impart shtv. PETER YA.NlH.INti. j Augusii, v iv a i iHt.v To l In- Klccters !' Noriliuinberland I'l'trtll s . I'ELI.OW Cl I lENS Having U-eiitnrou- tatted by mi lunula, to offer n.y .ell aa a candi date bT the olliee of j COUNTY COMMISSIONER, j ipspi eilully ml cit your support. Should von j rwi pr per to cult r ihe ull'. e upon me, I will rii- deavor lo dixh uge ihe dulies theieof w ith lid' lity I and impartiality. I SEBASTIAN II A LIT. Kimhury. April lnth, IM45. To ihe r.leclors of Noriliumbcrlnnd I 'litllllV t IELLiiyV ( H IENS :l ig (cave to i fl'.i s- myself as a candidate, at Ihv ensuing election, for the oil ten of fount) 4'oiiiiiilBHloiirr. Should I ho so I iiliiiute as to lie elected, I pb diie myself to discharge ihe dulica of tho olfice w.tU prompliieas aud fiJchlv. CHARLES WEAVER. Suuluiy, Aptil &.h, IbI5. Kl.l t j: Beginners. flHE nuirriira would respectfully inform h JL Citizens of Snnbory and the puhlic generally, that Ihey have purchased the shop of Mr. William Hoover, in Market street, ore ilo.ir west of the Post Office, whete they will continue the Cabinet-Making Hushier, in alt its branches. The public may Micrt their work done in Ihe latest style. They hope, by strict attention to businta, ti merit a share of publ.o patrnnnge. fXj Coffins msde tu order on the shortest notice, nd countrv produce tnkrii in exchange for work. CHA'S. O. Ac HENRY C. MARTIN. Snnhury, May 17th. 1845. ly. HAAS'S HOTEL, StTITBtTP. T, Xortlni inbcrlnnd County, PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS RESPECTFULLY informs his friends snd Ihe public in general, that he has taken Ihe brick aland, in Ihe Borough of Sunbury, lately occupied by John Haus as a public house, (weal of the Slate House, and nearly opposite the Cnirt Hou-e,) where he is prepsred lo sccommodale bis friends, snd all others who msy ravor him with their cus tom, in the bent possible manner. Hia BAR shall sparkle with Ihe choicisl of Li iai'Ors, and his TABLE shrill be well supplied with the very best the markets afford. In short, n pains nor expense will be spired lo render his hnnae in every way worthy of public patronage. A lili rsl share nf custom is therefore solicited. Sunbury, April I2ih, 1845. 6m re m b v a iiT WASHIITGTCIT HOTEL, West side of Main $1., in the liuro' of LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. FiHE subscriber wouhl respectfully infem bis JL old fiiends mid the travelling public, that be has recently taken and fulled up, in a superior manner, this spacious brick edifice, sign of GENERAL WASHINGTON, where ho is prcpvrd to accommodate travelle rs mi-1 visitors in Ihe very lest and pleasing style. His houae is situated in the most pleasant and ciwirnl part of the ItoroUgh, convenient lo business, and ia large and the rooms airy. Thankful for the lileral support while keeiitnj tbe old Muncv Hotel and the American lintel, in this borotigi), for the past tlneo yecrn, he rrsp. ci fully solicits a commit nice of ih s um. TH f'Ottr ire WEt.I.S. Money, April 12th. 1 1 if N- B. The Haiiishutg. Noitliuiiilii rland, f.i'ls ville, Danville, Willi iiu-po.t. L.i. k Ii veil m l llellefonte Stages strive at and dephrt frm tins Houe daily. T.WELLS. A. 11. MA US 'ALL, WHOLESALE & RETAIL SEALER til Fashionable, Superior and Mnlinm Fancy and Staple Dry (loixls. No. 188 Chcsnut st., between Seventh and Eighth streets, P li 1 1 a 1 e 1 1 Ii 1 n , 18 now in tegular receipt of New Sty'ea S.lks, Moiiselin de lainrs. l.iwns, Orjnndies, Jacone'a, (Sinnhams, Bareges, Marques, F.nli'ins, Balzorines, Cambric, Chintzes, Bombazines, Alpacas and o ther sessonsble Dress Goods; also, Sh iwla, Scnrf--, Veils. Enihrnidcries, Hosiery. Laces, Gloves. Lin en, Cambric llankfs.and Irish I. it. ens; Calicoes ut 12 J its. a yaid. Muslins, and ntiicr cheap (i.uitl Strangers w ill find it p utiridjrly to their inlete-t lo call, aa the good a are oil w arranted, snd tho lootst ruth prices invaiiably nnnu'd first. Philadelphia, April 2(iih, IS 10. Sni. Si e in o v a I . im. JOHN V. l'EAL. RESPECTFULLY informs the ci t liens of Sunbury and its vicini y, th. t he baa removed to the Biick House, i.i Maiket sireel, formerly occupied by Benjamin Hendricks, east uf tl.e store formerly oc cupied by Miller it Martz, uud nuw by Ira T. Cle ment, where he will be happy to receive calls in Ihe tine of hi' profes-ion. Sunbury. March ii'Jth 1815. Boot & S h o e IVIAKING. fllHE subscriber, late nf the lino uf Reck II. o JL sius, would re-perlfully ir.form hia old cost, ill era and Ihe puhlic generally, thai he noyv occupies Ihe new building aed uf Henry ll.iupt's Tailor hop, and opposite George Bright' Drug Store, in Market street, Simhnty, where he iiitc.ds lo cany on hia former business of MOOT SH(E MAKINC, in all i's vaiii Us I ranches. He wi l ! prepire ! '. do ad kinds nf work in hi line at the ahortest it. -lite, nml in the most Ji.r die inaia.er. He is that. I. fill for former patronage, an ! by strict attendance I.i bu ine-s and reasoual'le charges, w ill uuhavor l ilc-eive a continuance nf it. JOSEPH BECK. Sunbury, Feb. 'J3 I, I SIS, tim lTSVtT CA?arETIlTC-C. T 11 U stib-criliers have n-erivynl, and are. now opening a H.h ndiJ saortiiHUl of ike following g MXl, j Saxony, Wilton and Velvet Carpi-sings' Iwtissv s aiid Itnperlil .1 ply do I Kiln siiprifiuc and line Ingraiua do CAR- PET- Engli di shaded A Danu-k 'euetiaii do I LNli. I Am-ricili tidied and nVd do ) j English Drucgetls ai d Woolen Floor Cloths Sistr and Passaic liih k up liillbosse.l I'ia'.o and Table Covers l.i'lulon Chenille and Till' e l Rugs Duor Matla nf eve v deacrtpiion. " ALSO A U'ge nnd exu n ivr i s-O' tirent ui 1'ln.ir Oil Cloth-, troin one to c elu v a'.U wide, cut to lit eve ly iU-sC;iplioii of ro -in - ..r p l.o .ov l lliv.i I ' .11 1 S-Si s. i . et fioin 31 j I ri'i rei. is i r u ' ' . I sive ass.Miii.ent I i! I hi Ii a lic an. ! nien. iuu ty kepi by c:i'io- im rcliai li. The aliovt- g'"" !: w - I ' whole. -lb C nr-.Trv ; r t, i.i. . sl''. .Ill o 1 exa- nl ihe lowe.t nunk t p. snd o lieia ate iiart'cuiailv i licit Ii. r-.il liiine oor atiH k I . u ;.ki -c ( i s CLAIIKS 'V R': :. . 1 Soceesinis to J .seph lliukw ' I v. comer nf Fr .lA'i'. I'I i. e Philadelphia. I'eii IMii. 1 st the l.uuo Kilm uJ llcuty Miustr, in Suu. buty. May 17,