Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 12, 1845, Image 4
A llercnles of the Days of the Revolution. The editor of the Memphis F.ajjle line bc-r-n examining a number of the Columbia (Vntinol, printed in Boston, July, 1301, being then in its 35th volume. Under the obituary head ol'the Crniinnl, sayi the editor, we find the fullnwing account of the exploits ofn ecottd Sampson : "Mr. William Dowst, who lately died at Sa lem, was a man of uncommon 'e and strenj;th Hi? waa nearly 7 feet high, and weighed 300 weight. The following instances will prove liia great degree of strength. He wasim board a privateer in the Inst wnr, which cot tmllf! the brenkcra olTCapo Breton, when it becunie necessary Immediately to cast anchor ; but there being none upon deck, as many handa laid hold n could get at it, but could not start it ; Dowst pushed them aside, seized it himself, brought it upon deck, carried it forward, and held it upon the timber heads while a cable wjs bent to it, when he threw it over, and saved the vessel and lives of the crew, as they were then upon the point of duahing upon the rock ; the anchor weighed 700 weight. M another time, 8 or 10 hands were sent to Deckel's ship yard from the well known pri vateer ship Grand bring up a fore yard tor the ship ; Dowst was among thorn, but na turally dilatory, he did not at first take ho'd ; the other shouldered it, but began to stagger under it, and complained that there was not e nonph to carry it. Dowst laughed at them, told thorn hefvould carry it alone on which they threw it down, and he took it up and carried it to the ship without assistance. At ano'her time, when he attended the fish stakes at Windmill Point, he was directed by his employer to go for a jackass which was in an adjoining field ; when Dowst got him to the partition fence, being in rather a lazy mood, to save himself the trouble of letting down the bare, ho took up the beast and lifted him oer, j and then got upon his bnck, and rode him to the place where be was to be employed. He once ruisrd from the ground the anchor of the priz Hiip Rochainpton, which weighed 1700, and which four men bad immediately endeavored in vain to lift upon a bet. Bripg at Bilboa, in the late war, in a pri vateer, an English vessel came in, which bad in its ciew a professed bully, who was chal lenging every one to combat, and hearing of Dowst sent a particular challenge to him ; they met, and the Englishman, who was superior to our Suinton in the art of boxing, knocked him down three limes, and the last time twistrd his fingers into his linir to gouge him, when Dowst gave him a blow on his arm, which broke it, and with auuther blow he broke in three of the bully's ribs, who, it is said, died of his wounds Dowst, with his amazing strength, was re murkublygood imtiired, and tentlcr in his feel ings, and rather of an indolent habit ; but when he was aroused to anger or exertion his rflorts were irresistible. He enjoyed through life a large share of health. For three months pre vinus to his death he had been afflicted with t,'ie dropsy, but appeared to have considerably recovered, and the last day of his life he walked the greater part of the day, according to hisu.-u-ul hubit but the next morning his wife tuund htm dead in bed. I'uL'it Teusons Killed. Awful deeds of blood. A gentleman who arrived in Cincinna ti on Monday last, gives the editor ot the Com mercial the following particulars of dreadful deeds ot blood committed on the YVachita river, in Louisiana, a few days since. lie stated that two planters living on adjoining plantations had a difficulty. An unruly horse belonging to one, jumped into thu lot belonging to the other, which was shot. Soon after, a tlave, belong ing to the owner of the horse went over to the said plantation ; he, ton, was shot. The same evening, thu planter who owned the horse and the slave, took his gun and went over to the planter's house who had thol his horse and slave, ami, an he ttistd in his yard, deliberately shot him dead. The eon of the dead plunler hear ing the reMrt of the gun, came out of the bouse, when he was commanded to stand. As si hiii a the gun was re-londed the son was shot and immediately expired. The daughter of the planter then came to the door, when the mon ster drew his buwie knifo and cut her throat Irom ear to cur, and fled. The slaves on the plantation raitiid the alarm, and the fiend was pursued ami taken, and committed to the near est jtil, lo u vi ait a trial. These awltil terrific details are from a reliable source and we can vouch lor their correctness, eays the Commer cial, although no names are given. TiioMAa lloon. The punning propensity ol the lute Thou. as I loud waa well known. A friend of bis, ulllicUd with the same mania, Hitd, with tears standing in his eyes: 'Ah poor fellow ! ho died Irom motives of generosity wanted lo enable the undertaker lo urn a lire-U-llttoJ. A Scotch paper mentions the accidental cure of a theep, left to die of water in the head, by u boy boring it gimlet into the skull nf the an imal and thus letting out the fluid. Wu do not generally put much faith in the thousand receipts that are floating about but tbo following, we think, may be depended on : To keep good apples from rotting place them in a dry cellar with fourteen children. 'Good humor in wife, is like gold leaf in ill. It dot cut alter the dose, but it make it 'o down.' n:xxsxvAxiA. The following list shows the current value of all Vnnsvlvania Hank N.rtct,. Tbo most implicit re lianee may be placed upm IV as It afeery week arcfolly compared with at d corrected from Bun nell's Reporter. llaiiUn In riilladclplila. Disc, i NK. L..CATI01V. n... ... NOTES AT TAR. (lank of North America . , par Hank of the Northern Liberties . . par Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , par FVmrra' ami Merbanics Bank . par Kensington U ink . par Philadelphia Hank . par Schuylkill Hank . . par Snuthwark Bank . par Western Hunk . par Mechanics' Hank . . pal Manufacturers' At Mechanics' Rank par Country Hank. ftank of Chester Count) Wrstrhoster par lisok of Delaware County Chester par ll.iok of f iennantown (Icrmantown par Bank nf Montgomery Co. Norria'own par Doylestnwn Bank Doylestown par Easton Bank Easton par Karmcrs' Hank nf Bucks co Bristol par Office of Bank of Per.n'a. Harrisbnrg"4. These Office do do Lancaster 1 offices Office do do Heading f do not Office d. do Eastnn J Issue n. NOTI'8 AT DtSCnCNT. Rank of the United Slates Bank of Penn Township (ii'anl Hank . Movamcnsing B ink Bank of Pennsylvania Vtinrrs' Bank of PottsviMe Bank nf Lewistnwn Bank of MidiUetown Bank of Northumberland Philadelphia 3UH2 par I . . par par i Pottsville Lewistnwn Middlctown 1 Northumberland nar Columbia Bank Ac Bridge co.'Colnmhia 1 , Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Hank Pittsburg Do d i branch of Hnllidavshurg Farmers Bank of Lancaster Lancistei 1 I par par par 1 pat i I 1 Lancaster County Bank Lancaster Beading Harri-bnrg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg I'iltsbuig W'illiamsport W ilkesbarre Allenlnwn Heading PtttHburg J Farmers' Bank nf Beading ! lamst.urg uat.a Lebanon liiink Merchants' Ai Mnnuf. Bank Bunk of Pittsburg West Branch B ink Wyoming Bunk Northampton Bank Berks Coniily Dank Office of Bank of V. S. Do do do Do do do Keosinclon Sav, Ins. A Pcnn Tnwnhip f.iv, Ins. Bank of t'hainberMmrg Biihk ol (!eltyburg Bank of Su-ipjctianoa Co. Erie Bar.k Farmer t Drovers' Franklin Bank iinuesdali! 11. nil Moiiongubeln Bank of B York Bank failed ; do I Erie New Brighton do lo Chanihershurg tic Ityshiirg Mi.litiose Eria W'yneiliirg Washington Honesdule Brownsville Yoik do , I I 'i i ii ii l N. B. The notes of llioe banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers with the j exception or tin ifte which bate a letter ol t lerence. BlfOK EN BANKS. Philadelphia Kav. Ins. I'lolail. lj.hia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sv. Ins. do failed Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed 1'i'wanda Bank I'owanda Allegliany Bank of Pa. Bank ol Beaver Bank ol Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bunk Farmer' & Merb'cs' Bank Farmers & Mecb'cs" Bank Farmers' Ac Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Insiitutu 1! ei I foul no sale Beuver closed Harrisbiirg tloied Wuihington failed Belli finite rli sed Pitching no ale Pitli-btirg failed Fayette co. filled Creencasto failed Harmony no sale Huntingdon no rale I.eniiloAii no sjlu Warren fuded Dondaff no sale New Hope closed Milton no vale liuntmgdor. Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. Nrw Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northuinh'd I'niori Col. Bk Norlh Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Aur. &. Mjnuf. Bank Silver Like Bank L'nioti Bank of Penn'a. Westmorland Bank Wilkesharre Bridge Co. Meadvillo Port Carbon Cirliide Montiiisn 1'riioiuown closed failed closed f.ulej closed tireeusburg Wilkesbarre no sale fjj All notes purporting to I on any Penn-yl-vania Bank not given in the above lint, may be set lown as frauds. mw ji:usi:y. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswii k Belvideie Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Mcdfonl 'Jommeicial Bank Perth Ambny DuinUrl.ind Bank Bridgelnn fanners' Bank Mount Holly Farmers' and Meclianic' Bk Bahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick faileil 1 par 4 par par i failed Farmers' and Merchant' Bk MiditietoMti Pi. I r ranklln Uank o! A.J. Jerwy lily failed failed failed failed failed 4 failed 1 pur Hoboken ukgdi u razing l o llobuken lersry City Bank Jcim v City Mechanics' Bank I'ulienoii Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris County Bank Moiristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Kutbold Mechanics' Bank Newaik Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris and Bkg Co Jersey City Pobt Notes Newark Bkg St Ins Co Newaik no sale New Dope Del Bridge Co Lam U n ilia N. J. Manure, and Bkg Co Hoboken t failed failed 4 failed i IS J I loleclon & Lombard bk Jersey City Orange Bunk Orange Paterton Bank Palersou Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bunk Princeton Salem Banking Co Saloin State Bank Newark Stale Bank Klizalieihlown State Bank Camden State Bank of Morris MoniiJown jit ate Bunk Trcutun Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton I'nion Bank Dover Wsbhiiigluii' Banking Co. Hacketisacb DCaViWAItC Bk of Wilm &. Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Miliortl Farmer' Bk of Slate of Del llnvrr Do branch Wilmington Do brunch (ieoigetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank W ilmington rr1" Under ft's par par 4 i par I faile.1 tailed i par i failed par par par par par par par par par (JJ On all banks maikrd thus () thers are ei Iber rennteifcit or altered notes of the various di nominations, in ciicoJation. HAAS'S HOTEL, o r t h u iii b c r I a ii 1 Couutr, PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the . public in general, that he hat taken the brick stand, in the Borough of Simburv, lately occupied by John llaus as puMic house, (writ of the State House, and nearly opposite the Court Hou r,) where he is prepared 10 accommodate his friends, niiil all others who may favor him with their cus tom, in the best possible manner. , . His BAR shall sparkle with the choicest of Ll qtioua, and his TABLE shall be well supplied with the very hesl the markets afford. . In short, n i pains nor expense will he spared to rrmler his house in every way worthy of puhlic. pa'rnnage A lit eral share of cu-tom is iherrfmc solicited. Snnhiiry. April 12th. 1845. tint ' reWvalT" va.3ei1tgtc1t hotel, . lV'csl title of Main St., in the lorn' of 11 "OCT TQJ JXT3 'Sir 9 LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. TIlllE suhscrilcr would respectfully inform bis JL old f iends and the travelling public, that be has recently taken and fiilteJ up, in a superior manner, this spacious hrick edifice, sign of I GENERAL WAflHINGTON, I where he is prcpvrd to accommodate travellers and visitors in the very lest and pleaaing styl. His ! house is situa'rd in the most pleasant and central j part nf the borough, convenient to business, and I is large tod the rooms airy. i Thankful for the lilieral support while keeping ' . .... . . ... . ! II .i the old Money Hotel ami ine American moici, hi ! "' borouish, for the pa.t three yeers, he lesp.cb j THEODORE WELLS. .V .ncy, A pril IStn, ists.-tl N: B." .The Northumberland, Potts I vi'le, Danville, William-port, Lock Haven an. I llolh'fxiile Singes strive si and depart Ir.nn this lion edailv. T. WELLS. NEW SPRING GOODS. A. 11. MA It SUA Is Is, WHOLESALE & RETAIL SEALER tn Funlvoiinlilr, Superior ami Mi'tlium Fanry ' Slavic Dry Ctnuh. j No. lhS Clipsntit st., between Seventh it ml Kilith streets, I li 1 1 a 1 o I p 1i I n . in lepu'ar receipt of New Style Silks now ou-el r. i!e laines. Lawns, Organdies, Jaci'iie's, (iriLham, Baicges, Ma-ipics, Koli ins, Balzoriiic, ' Cambrics ;iiint7i's, B imbaziue, Alpiras and o I iber feasonable Dresi (!ood ; alo. Shiwls, Scarf., ' V.ils Uinbroiih Tr. Ilos eiy. Laces, Obive. Lin. en, t'lind ric Hiinkf". mid ln-h Linens ; Calicies at 12 J els. a yard. Muslins, ai d other ihcap tionds. Stniiigi is will find it p .iticulaily to their interei-l to rail, as the soihN are nit warranted, and the lowest emit prices invaiiablv named first. Philad. Ipl.ia. April2ruh.'l3l.r. im. It e m o v a 1 . JOHN W. VEAL. eSS&S KEsl'F.CTFt'LLY informs the ri lizens of Sunbuiy and its vicinity, ih.t ttfifl he hai removed to tbe Biick Hons.', in Ul Maikel strcil, fornnrly occupied by Bi njrmn Hendricks, en-t of the store fi.rmt r'y oc copied by Mider V Mart, sod now by Ira T. Cle ment, where he will be happy to receive nils in the line of his profes-inn. Sunbuiy. March S9ih 1815. isrsciiiTZG," rrlTTGs, DYESTUITS, PAINTS, rilHLj subfcnbei keeps constantly for sale on the -L trust rerisonab e terms, an a-aortment of Medi eiucs, Druga, DyetulTJ. I'ain s. ( Ills, Yaruhes. cVc. Being hugely rngagtd in grimluii! tucl nr u b as (iii ger, Mill iard mill Pep, er. I.e ha tin m (or sale ol a su erior (jualiiy , below the inarkrl puce. He would menu n that he has a Patent M clone nmked by Mcuin power, wloch t iiabba him to si II Pitit ol'the v.'iy tust ipialily foi 'J cents a lb. in Bladdi rs, and 3 cents in Bulk. He coiifidi inly ai-scrl that his prices are such a to pive sa i-faclion to those w ho m iv favor him with a call. J. W. W. (JOBDON. No. 15S Wet Pratt St.. Bali. more, o poite Bal timore and Ohio Bail Boad Depot, N. B. No chargt! made for dilivering oods in anv pari of the riiv. March 8th, lM'i.m Boot Shoe MAKING. riHE fuliscrdar. late of lbs firm nf Beck & Bro M siu, would re-pi ctfolly inform his old cusu. til ers anil the public gei erally, that he now eccopic the new boildn g wet of Henry llaupl's Tailor j - hop, and opposite Ceorge Bright s Diug Stare, io ' M rki I i-treit, Sunbuiy, where he intends lo cany on Lis firmer business of HOOT A: SIIOK MAK1(.. in all Us viui. u. I ranches. He will be pictured lo do ail kinds of work in his line at the ahoilcsl no tice, and in the most dur.ble maimer, lie is thai. k ful for fanner patronage, and by strict alien dance to bii ii.e-a and reai-nnahle charges, will iiideavor to i!e eive a ron'ii. nance nf it. JOSEPH BKCK. Sonbiiry, Feb. 52 , IRIS, 6in " 1TE W C.?k?STIlTGS. " FIIILi have reeeieil. and re now I o ei it i g a splendid atsortmenl of ike following g od Sunny, Wilton ami Vebet Carpetings' Brusre's and lu.pi'rin 3 ply do CAR Fitri nipci fine and line Ingrains do Pl !' I'ug'i h hh iil.d A P una-k Venetian do IN(i. American lvilid and fni'd i'o Knghh llruuge ts and Woohn Floor Cloths Siuir an I l'.i-nii;e Bock ugs Rnilii'f'l Piaon ami Table Covers London t'heuille and Tufe.l Rugs Duor Mutts of eve. y descripliou. ALSO A laige and fiti nive csrortment of Floor Oil Cloth-, Irom one to eight yards wide, rut lo fit eve ry ilesciii lion of rooms or"cs. Abo. low piiced Icgrain Caipetmgs fiom 31 j to 62 c nls per yard, togethrr with t large and riti n sive assorimeul of goods ti-ually kept by carpel merrhanta. Tbe above goods will be sold wholesale or retail at the lowest market prices. Country merchants and others are particularly invited to eall and eia mine our slork before making then selections. CLAKKSON. KICH A ML'I.I.KJvN, Succesanis to Joseph Blackwood, No. 1 1 1 Cbesnut, corner of Franlilio Place. Philadelphia, Feb. 2i,l, 1 84ft. LI MR, of s superior quality, can now he had at the Lime Kilm of Henry Master, in Sun bury. May 17, IMS. WISTAK'M 114I.SA!rI OF WIMI HICRItT, A Csrapanail Kalanmle Prsparmlnn feonl WHrt ('Iterrjr llrk and Tar, The bent remedy known lo the world for the cure of coutfht, coldx. asthma, crimp, blredlnq nf the luiitfs, whnnpinn ctwfh, brmchitit, in flu enza, tlmrlnets of breath, pain and Wenkness in the breast or idc, liver enmilnint, and the ylrjf tinge of CONSUMPTION'. We will not assert that this BALSAM will rare Consumption in ist worst firm, but it has cured many after all other means of rlief bad been tried in vain. And w hy not !. It seems that ihe WILD CHF.RKY was destined hy Natnie to be our PA NACEA for the ravacing diseases of this c. Id la titude. Let not the despairing invalid waste his money and looe TIME, to him si all important, in nxfierimenling w:th the trashy nostrums of tbe day, but use at nnct a medicine that wilt cure. If a curette poa-ible a medicine that science, approves, and many yrars of experience have demonstrated that it always relieves. 'Vierc i no such thins as fail," in the history ( of this wonderful 11 At. "A.M. bvnlence the moil convincing eve.lei ce that no one can doubt, folly enlabli lies this fact. For Ihe Bake of brevity we se'ect the f.. owing from thounds. Isaac Plat, Esq., Editor of the IVkeepie Eagle, one of the m -st influential journals in tbe slate of j New Yoik, stairs undni the authority of his own name, tint a young lauy, a relative ot me, ot verv . delicate constitution, was attacked in Feb. 1842. t wiih severe cold, which immediately produred pit- I ting ef blood, rough, fever, and other duiigerous and , alarming symptom. ThroUiih medical liealment j and rate she partially recovered dining summer. But on the return of winter she was att iiked more i violently than at fust, she hrrame seam ly able to j walk and was lioubled with rough, chills and fever every day, and appealed to he going rapidly with consuinp.ion ; nt tin time, when there i n sign i of improvement, Mr. Piatt procured a bo' tie f! Wisran's Bvlsvm or Wild Chkrht. which she 1 took, and it s. en ingly restored her. She got a sc. ' com!, and before il wi half iskcn she was restored ' lo pirfcX In all It, which she has eijoyed to the pre- 1 senl lime, without the slighter! symptom of her for mer lie so. . Mr. P att ssv "the cure c me under my own ob eivation ami I cannot be mistaken as lo the facts." EXTRACT OF A t. K1TF.R FHOMA 'O.STt MASTKIl. DATED PrviaanKi:, W'ashincton co., Main", Apr. 29, 1 j MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At the re riuest of nmny of my friends in this place and vicl. I i.ity who ore afflicted with consti'Pption and liver eomp'aints, I take the liberty of asking you to ap I o ut snnie one in this roun'y as agent to ie!l Wis tak's Balsam or Wim t'lir.n at, and to send bin a few di7en. as there is none uf i! for sale within 200 miles from this I have no doubt that it would nip. t with a ready sab' if It were where it emi'd le ptoenred without tov much evpense and delay. Mv wile was attacked about sir. m nlh since with what Ihe physician cullerl the first s'age of Coiisiimption a comptaint vi ry prevalent in thi . ... ..... s. etion of country. Having seen the ua au-vert-sed in Augusta. i 0 200 MILES FHOJM HEBE, wCO j I took the pains to send there for a buttle of it, I which she took, and which helped her so much that : I sent for to boliles more, wbnh he has also la ' ken, and hn now atys she has not fell so well for ; i-il years as she does at this lime. All those who j have inquired of ine and ua. eiluincd what elici t the j Balsam bad, are anxious to have rome fir sale in I this vicinity, which is the cau-e of my wrilu g you. Plea-e inform me by letu n of null whether you conclude to send some, and if so to w hom, in order that it may be known where it can le had. 1 am with re-peel vours, etc. P. (J. FARNSWOIITII, P. M. The whole country is fist h urning that I o medi cine no phvsiciau no preparation nf any kind whatever can equal I'm. Wistah's Balsam of W'ilii CimniT. a tiu i. voii:;in is c i nr. Watsnvills, Oneida eo N, Y. Sept. 15, 1843. Dear Sir I owe it to the a 111 nt ed to inform y u that in J.rliuary la-t I was attacked by a very vin lent cold, caused by woikii g in the water, which settled on my lungs. It was accompanied bv a rv aeveie pain in my breast snd sides, sod slso a iliaiei.-iuK e. ugh. I hail in atlenilance all the I eel metiicl aid in our villce; but after exhausting all their skill to no av lit. ihey pronounce.) my di ease a confihmkii toist'iarriiiN, and they one and ali gave me up to die. Alter much ptrsuasinn I got the ron-enl of my physiriau to use ihe Dtiatvj or Wilii Camav pr. pared by Da. Wisrsa. I pur rhast d of the Agent in our place one bottle, before using half f which I began to gain streng h, and il very evident my cough was much better and mv svnnitoins in every way improving. I have now used three bottles, ami am restorid lo perfect i health. This re-uli is alone owing lo the use of I DR. WISTAH'S UA1AM OF WILD CHER. ! IIY ; and I take this method of giving you iho in foinntion. partly lo pay you the debt of gnlilode I owe y on, and partly lhat others similarly alllicted may know where to apply for lelief. Very trulv yours. JAMES HACK. Mm. Pal vi Kit. Diuapirt, unJer date of Wuterville, Sept. 21th, IH13. wrius; i The statement given ynn by U. JamrsSnse N well knowu lo be true J y tiJuJt cummunitv ! Il r. rt iinlv was a most remaika1 le cure. The cult nf the Babam is very good, and ita snccesa in cures liu y flaileriog. Yours r. sp. rtfnllv. D. D. PALMER, j TIIK MOST I.KMAItKAIHsK i IUiiiionhiii n. N. .1 . April 20, IS It. On or about ihe 13th I'liy of October, 111, I w is taken wiih a violent pain in the side near the livir, which (nntiniHil lor about five dnys, and was fol low) d l y the breaking nf an u'nr, or id scess, in wardly, wlncti rel cv.d :he pnui a li'tle, but rau-ed me to throw up a ceat qiunrily of offensive matter j and also much I Being greatly alsimed at i this, I applied to a physician, but he said he thoug' I j be could do hut li'tle for me excepi give nv some Mercury Pills, whrh I refused to take, feeling a' is lied that ihey rilild do me no good ; many o ttn r r. m dies were then r. 'cured l y my Wilis and fiieuds, but none did me any good ai d the di i barge nf bloid ami corruption st ill continned ev ry : f. w days, sod ai last become so offensive I hit I coti'd scarcely breathe I w . also seized with a vi. olenl cough, which at times csum iI me to raise I much inoie blood than 1 had done before and my disease eonliuued in this way, still growing worse, : until rebruary, when sli hope of my recovery was given up, and my fiienda all thought 1 woulJ die ol a liALLorisu Cu.satjarrios. At this moment, when my lite was apparen ly drawing near its close, I heard of DR. W ISTAR'H BALSAM OF WILD C1IELRY, and got a bottle which aa Li avid us iMxtuiATCLi ; and by the ue of only three bottles of this med cine, all my pains wrre removed my cough and spiting of blood and cor ruption entirely stopped, and in a few wreks my health was so far testoted as to enable me lo woik al my trade, (which is a carentir,) and up lo this tune I have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. (Lni'ClsTsa Cocvtt, N. J , sa. Personally came bcfjre nie, the tobserrber, one of the Jostles of the Peaes in and for the said coan ty, Thomas torens, and beta g duly afTirmed ac cording tn law, saith the above statement is In all thinits true. Aflirmed before me, on the 20th of April. 1A13. J Ctr.Ma)iT. J P. 5 Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM, "SATIRE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION a prescription congeni d to nor wants, as it is pie pared from chemical extracts from substances which ihe author of nature has placed in our own land for wise purposes, that many who km.w nothing of the mode nf Its preparition are endeavoring to reap pecuniary benefits by selling an aitirle similar in name, or in appearance, or by representing their own trash as superior to this BALM AM, or bv put ting up a minima and S ilsmn'y aeverating that il is imported frim a foreign country, which i not the rase. Ail these deceptive arts goto show that WiTvlis H It is known to tho world to I a 'THE CHEAT IlEMHDY." and that to tell 1 any mixture it must bo like this n name, r pur- ! port to be like il in su'-stancs. fXy Believe not the cunningly wrouaht fabrics- an-l lake on'y the original and genuine j Wist.h's BtAM or WiLn Citsaat. I port to be like il in su'-stancs. ..... . . , . r . I NO OTHCB CAN BE X.ZKB XT. Address nil orders to ISAAC BUT IS, No. 32 Ann St., New York. Agents. JOHN W. FRII.ING. Sunlmrii, D. BKAUI'ltiAM. Sorthumbcrlaml, I J. K. MOYEB. nliiwndnnir, i J. W'Af.C.ONSF.LLER, Srlins-Crovr, BROWN A CREASY, M'flmrile. Feb. 22d, I841:. ly I FIFTY DOIiTiARS ItF.WAIU) ! CANTRELL'S Ci'lrlir.tlcd ramily lcdicinc ( "tBTaj"!!.!. not cure every thing, but still rerndn y unequalled in their several department by j every thing ever offered to the public, who have 1 voluntary came forward and nllered numerous and highly risprctable Usiiiu uiials nf their Mipuior illicicv. ' CtinlrtlCs Compound MeiUi uttd Sirup of Siv snpnr,tla t or, AliM-Sc.irbuliC Syiup, for the ol Scorfula, tJhronic liheu.n itisin. Chronic Swe. lings of the Joints, Eruptions of tbe Skin, and all Disea-e artsing from the ahi se of Mercury, Vc unsurpassed by any thing in the market, combl. ning all the virtues resident in the Sar-nparill a with a m nhrn on dicaim nl, omy lately brought out by the most respectable, medical authoritns, 1 ! Price, 60 cents per b ttle. I Cimtrell's Anti-Dytprptic I'mrdrr. for the re lief and permanent cure of that mod distressing I complaint. Dyspepsia, in all its forms jnd s'ng.-s. ' It is tiulv a mosi valu .Me reiiudy. Sold in bottles t ai 2! and SO cenls each. I CtintreWi .Iscue. Mixture nnd Toxic Medleu I mentii, stands nt the head of Ihe li-l unrivalled by !rny. or all the innuiurrn'le medien-s in u-e ' throughoiil Ihe length and bread h of Ihe hind, for ! the cure of Fm'Kii and Aock in all its stages, and from all its romequeuces. Kesideiils in Fever and Ague districts should ! never be without il Phe sOlwciiber will forfeit El F IT DOLLXRS where his medicine lads to peiform a cure in the most obstina'e ca.e. S. ld Who esde and Retail bv CALEB CRES. SON. at his Drua Warehou-e, No. fi North Third Street, Philadelphia; also, bv ihe r ptrl ir'y ap. pointed agent. SE I II W. ROBERTS, Wholcsa e Drneeist, No. 51 Water Street. Mobile. Prepared orlv h the Sub-seriber, corner of CAR PENTER and SECOND Sincts, below I'hrUli an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed. Observe, none are genuine w ithout the sim ature f JOHN A. CAN I KEI.L. C'aiitrcll'M A kmc Mixture, or Tonic Irlcilltuiiiciila, For the cure of nil li. lions affections, if taken nf Canting to directions. Il is a never holing remedy which no fami'y eughi to be without, especially in low marshy Countries, As this medicine is put up under the proprie tor's inonidiaie inspection on the most scicmifn' principles, be ng Pur. ly Vigetable, and havimi tried its etTicacy on thousands, for upwards of 12 yi ars, and lo his knowledge when taken sirietlv ac cording to dueciions, ibere has not In en one fa lnre. I'nder such cireuni.t.mce I reeoinmend it lo the public, adding a certificate in support of my asser tion. I, John Burns, do rert'.fv that I was in the ship Tobacco Plant of Phil oh l fia. Opt. Keid.iu j June, 1S27, bound to Liverpool, look the fever ) and ague and la'd in l.ivvij M.-.l some tun unih r i the doctor's I amis, went from there to Baltimore, lay in the Infirmary for foul or five weeks from i theucH to Philadelphia; was sit months under Dr. Costs ; from thence to New Ycrk w.nt lo ll e I Hospital, lemaini'd there about four w eks w ithout j anv relief tried every thine without nv benefit. for five yesis. Hearing of Canned s Ague Mix ture (mm a fiiend, I went to Lis store, told him how I was afflicted, and got a bottle of his miiture and us d il according to directions. It made a per feet cure, and I have not bad the least return since, Ida with confidence reiomuieud il to Ihe public. JOHN B CRN'S. Mcdlf utcd Syrup ofSarfrinpnrllla. Philadelphia. April loth, I S I I. Mr. Johs A.Cstbili, Dear Sjr, Having Is?, n afflie'ed for upward of two vears with ulceration id the throat, ile.trovii g the whole of the soft palate, then ihiouuh the upper part i f my month into my nose, from which sever al piece of boi e came mil, which par'ial'y derlroy ed my speech, throunh a kind Providence snd your Medicaid! Syrup nl Ssrs ip.vill i, am now lesion il to peifi et health, and my sight, which w.isso much impair, d, is as strong as when boy, I thought it a duly I owed I o you and those simi larly affect, d, to make it public. Yours, . spec fullv, SAMCEL KIRK, Con er nf Tenth and O.aies Sincts. I, (Jal ril Jonston, No. 6 Rickbsa Street, do rrr l.fv that rny wife, Jane, was sfilicied du two yrais with Rheumatism, und at la-l was nilirelv dnatded, so that she was ntdiged to Iv cotittoed to hi d , bear ing nf Csot'ell's Mclieated Syiup of Saiaiparilla, or Ami Scoit.utic Syrup, 1 pr.rcure I I mr hot lbs, which comph lelv reinovrd all her i ain and stiff ness from lur limbs; two more lot I Irs made a m r- feet cure. She is now able tn attend in her boose- hold dnti.s as usual. CABRIL JONSTON. Philadelphia, Jan. S3 I. 1844. Qj De-criptive Pauiphlcts mav be had of lha : agents, (Oralis.) J. W. FRILINO, j Sunbuiy, Nov. 9, 1841. ly .Igent. AsTf ii aT it TiTTa WHOLESALE & RETAIL. HAT & CAP MAiUFACTUlll-US, South F.ast corner of .Market and 4th $t$ lMiiludeljitila, WHERE they always keep on hand an exten sive assortment of HA TS U CA PS of every description, got up in the best and moat approved stj le. Peisoiu derin us of purchasing superior am chs on Ihe most reasonable terms, will find il to iheir advantage to call before making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. Mh, 1814. ly OAKLEY'S ItF.I'L'ltATIVU SYRUP. flHE valuable properties of Oakley's Depute 1. tive Syrup of Hnrsspnrilla, as a purifier of the blood, in an well known to the public generally, ttiat it is unnecessary to oeropy mnch spare in set' ting forth the advantages to he derived from its use; wherever Ihe medicine has one been intro duced, it lakes precedence oer all other ; eveiy one thai has taken it, have derived so sienal bene ficial results from il, thai it is rerommended by ihetii with the U'tnnst confidence. Pbyaicians of the highest standing in tho profession, prescrilM it to patients under their care containing nothing deli terinus. but being composed ol the most mild, yet rfTiracioUs vegetable materials, it is off-red with rnnfidenre, as the rhenpest and most efficient piN rificr of the blood now known. The use of a few hollies, raiecial'y in tbe spring months, will be at lendi d w ith a most decided improvement in the gC strength of the jystem, eradicating any needs of disease that may have been generated, hr-aides giving lieslih nnd vigor to the body. I or tbo rnro . f w. r..1 . .. I.- . T. .. r i ,i. g'vmg oesnn nnn vigor to ine ioi "f Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rhei Pimples or eiupti. ins f ihs Skin, Fnda, Chronic C..uBh Asthma lv ileum nism. eiinr, While Swi lling, eve, I be nu- meroua reriilica'e in the po"essin of the subscri ber and Ins agents, from physicians and others, are siifficient lo convince the most skeptical nf its su- I eriority ovet all prepiirilions of S usiparilU. i Sold whole-ate and retail, by the proprietor, I CEOIUiE W. OAKLEY, North 6lh Mreet. Kea ; ding, Beika County, and lo be bad of the following 1 pel sons : I In Northumberland County. IT. B. Massvj , Sunbory ; Ireland & Milel, McEweusville D ' Krnus. r, Milton. In I'nion County. J. Giarhart, Sclinsgrove J ; A (iiitr lins. Mifllinbnrg. i Columbia County. K. W. McCay, Wash ington. Til ading. March 14, 184:1. Ma. Oaklkt: I believe it tbe nly of every one to do whi.teverin their power I ies, for tbe b-tie-litofttieir fellow mi", and having had poi ive proof in mv own family, of the wninlerful proa?rtics of your Depnrative Syrup of Sarsapirilla, I m .st eonseientioulv recommend It to the afflicted. We had Ihe nmfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and k, although we had some uf the most fcicniific physicians to attend th m and had tried all the known remedies, including Swaim'e Panaci a, without avail. Another of my children was amifke.l in the same manner, her face and neck was completely covered; ibe d seharge was so nftciisive, and Ihe iliseaae al such a he ehl. lhat we despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful effects ofyniir Depnrative Syrup ol S irsapsriil i, we were imliii'iil lo make trial of it, as tbe bit rr s rt ; it aeied like a ce.arm : the u'cers commenced healing immediately . a fi w bottle entirely restored Aer to hi r health, which she has enjoyid uninteriu ledly ever since. As s purifier of the blood, I verily be lieve it has not its equal. JOHN MOYER, Tailor. Walnut streit, near Fourth, Uea ling. Dougt.-svillc, April 10th, I" 1.1. Ma. Oaki vt: My son K.'miirnl LeafTl ad lh scrofrda lo the mi st dreadful and distressing man ner for thric years, dining wh'ch time he was d privrd of the use of his limb, his and ni ck were covered w illi ulcers We tri.-d all ihe dill'. r cut rcmntiis, 1 lit tn no fb rt, until recommended I v Dr. Johnson of Nirf istown, and also Dr. Isaac Hieftei, ot Readii g. to use your Ltepurative Symp of Sarsaparilla, of which I ohtaincd several bottles, ihe use nf which ibove I he i!iea-e entin ly out of his system, Ihe sore lir di d up, and the child was restored to sprlect health, which he has enjmed uninterruptedly evi r since, to the astonishment nf many persons who seen hi in du ing his affliction. I have thouuht il my duty, and send you this certi ficate lhat others who have a like affliction in the family may know where lo obtain so valuable a meilniue. Yours trulv. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 10, l?4:l. ly To Couti.ry .Scn-haiil. Uools, Shoes, Iiniiiiel.x, Lcgliorn and Palm Leaf Hals. (J. W. Ai I.. Ji. I AYIsOU, ! at the S. K. earner of Market and Filth S7..t PHILADELPHIA, .FFER for sa'e an xteiisi e i fxiiimcnt of the "atove ai'ieh a, all nf which they m II at unusual. ! Iv low prices, mid particularly invite the attention i of hovers visiting the ciiv, tn nn lamionti n ef ihiir st.ak. (J. W. cV L. B. TAYLOR. 1 Philadelphia, May 2.r, IS 14. I v j iouiilt'l ItiM-rm DEATH BLOW. r,he pill lie will plrane observe lhat mi Brandrelh ' Pills are genuine, Unless the box has ihree la- brls upon it, (the lop, the su e and the bottom) est h conluimni! a fjc-simile signature of mv h ind- wrilinft. lhw . URAniiMSTiT. M. D. These la bel aie enuravrd on steel, Iscaotifiitly desiencd, and dime al an eM-use of over fS.UOll. Thcrcfoie it -a ill he seen that the only thing nrcessary to pM rure the medicioe in its purity, is to observe these lab. Is. Remember the lop, the side, and tbe bottom. The following respective jiersom are duly autln rl zed, and hold CERTIFICATES Or AGENCY For the sale of HranJreth't Vtcable Vnivtrmt Pills. ' Nnrlhumhc ilaml eountv i Milton Mackey iV t.'h imberlin, Sunbory IL B. M.isser. M'E sens ville Ireland A MeiXell. Norihum' eiland Win, Forsyth, lieoreelown J. & J. Walls. I'liinn I ' iiiuty : New Berlin Boasr A: W'.n' ter. Srliu.'gr.ive (ienrga (iuiulrum. Miil.ile burg Isaac Smiih. Bcaver'own David llnl lr". Ailimsburp Win J.Mav. Mirfliii.-burs Mcnsch eV Kay. Haitlrton Daniel Lung. Freeburu (i. vV F. C. Mover, Lewisburg Walls A (JreeO, Columbia connty : Danville E. B. liewiolils sV Co. Berwick Shuinan Ac R Henhouse, IV tawissa C. C. Ilrohts. Blooinsburg John Rs Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Biscj, Wsshintori Robl. McCay. - Limestone Ball'-! f". MrNmriu Olieie ihat each Agent haa in Engravid (.' r ifirate of Aiienrv, rontaining a representation of tr BRA.MiRf. I US Manufactory at Sing Sing. and upon which will also be seen exact copies of 1 the new laheli now used upon the llrandrtth I'ill , lloxes. Philadelphia, No. 8. North 8th street. B. BRANDRETH.M.D June 24th, 184.1. CITY FFUMTt'ItK At CTlOX, AND PRIVATE SAXES ROOMS, Nos. 2 nnd 31 North Thin! Street, .Near the City 11 o t e 1, PHILADELPHIA. CV. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vilra the attention of persons desirous of pur chasing Furnitnre, to his extensive Sales Rooms, (both public and Private,) for every description of Household Furniture, whrre can be obtained al all tunes, a large assortment nf fashionable and weH manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, Ate, at very reduced prices, for cash. QZ7" Sale by Auction, twic a week. May SVth, 1843. 1 y