Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 12, 1845, Image 3
al IxtcustfJap. The mountain here ii about U miles through it, containing twenty-four veins nt vU Varying in th ic knees from 5 to 30 feet. And though tome twentfivo miles further from Philadelphia than some other regions, the facilities for mining and tin ready recess of the coal would curtail the expenses to an amount nuch pre-ster than the coat of transportation for the increased distance. The completion of the projected Mil mad from Schuylkill tlaven to the eastern termination of the Danville and Pottsville railroad, near the town of Shamolcin, connecting the Reading -with the Danville and Pottsville road, would at 'once develnpethe richciof this region, and bring its mineral wealth directly to market it Phila dolpliia. A thorough examination of the ground by sur Vey, was made last spring by Mr. Cleapr, a -skillful engineer, who says in his report, that a rail road from Shamukin to Schuylkill Haven, a distance of 30 miles, through Locust Gap, (na ture made the G.ip for a rail road to pass through) without an inclined plane, or such high graces as shall be objectionable to locomotive tngirres, drawing heavy burden trains. This road completed, I'hilabelphia and Sunbury at the junction tif the north t west branches of the Susquehanna, will be connected by a continu ous rail road of l.VJ miles in length, without an inclined plane or other obotroctirna to the pas sage of locomotive engines, the whole length of the route. The trade of the north and west branc': canals, together with the army of pas sengers thht :ould travel this way, in addition to the iron anJ foal and other products that would be carried on road, could not fail to make it at least as provable as the Mine Mill rail ruad that carries coal oily ; and that road pays a heavy dividend. TiVtt is no projected improvement of the kind in which the city of J Philadelphia has so deep an interest. Make connecting link of rail iD"d, and j neither the "Slmylkill Navigation," with il'its j increased facilities of stesitt navigation, nor the Heading rail road with its double track and mammoth locumo'ive, drawing almost endless trains it coal cars, need liar competition from ; the other. My word for it, in one year after i the rond thai I be in operation, both will have work enough to do. The fueling of rivalry which now exists between them, would .hi? sup planted by a desire to assist each other, rather than throw obstacles in each other's way. Why, I was told by good authority, that the "Danville Iron Company" have said if the Heading Rail llo'id Company will inako the rond from Schuylkill Haven tit the town of Shamokin, that they will mike a road from Danville to inter sect it at a distance of 0 iiiilcs, and guarantee to run eighty thousand tons of freight on it per annum, themselves. If these companies will examine the matter minutely, they will be convinced that I am cor rect. If capitalists of Philadelphia will look in to it, they will find that I have not overdrawn in the description, but that not more than one half of the advantages have been named. Important antl (.tnrlona Nrwi from Texas, On the eve of the great day which is eonse. crated to the independence of our country, wo hail the re-union ol Texas with the I'nited States W will now tread the road of freedom and greatness together. This news comes to us by i the Princeton steamer, which arrived at Anna polis to-day at 3 o'clock. Dr. Wright brings the despatches from Annapolis. He left Washing ton, Texas, on the 21st June, and arrived at Gal veston on the 2'-M on which day the Princeton left that place. We are favored by the Doctor with the following memoranda "The United States Ship Princeton, Commo dore Stockton, arrived at Annapolis, from Gal veston, Texas, alter the short passage of nine days, having consumed only 9:1 tuns of coal. She steamed against head winds, with the excep tion of only lid hours, w hen she was assisted by her sails. No Atlantic steamer has ever made so good an hourly average, with the timn eco nomy of fuel, and, considering all the circum stances, it may be regarded an unprecedented pa-age. The news brought by the Princeton is of the most interesting character. Roth houses of the Texan Congress have unanimously consented to the termsof the joint resolutions of the United States. The Senate had rejected the treaty with Mexico by a unanimous vote. Captain Wagga man had arrived at Washington, Texas, to select posts to be occupied by the United States troops, and to provide for their subsistence. A resolu tion was introduced into both houses of Congress requiring the executive to surrender all posts, navy yards, barracks, ke., to the proper autho rities of the United States. The joint resolu tions were introduced into both houses of Con gress on the same day, and were almost identical in their tenor, The resolutions passed the Sen ate on the I eth of June, and were sent to the House ; the House laid them on the table, and sent them to the Senate on the nest day. In the mean time, considerable jealousy arose as to which branch should claim the honor nf paterni ty of the resolutions ! and it was finally settled that the House should take up the resolutions of the Senate, and amend them in third section. The House then passed them in their present form, and sent them back to the Senate, which body concurred in the amendment. The Presi dent is pledged to give full and immediate effect to the will of Congress, so fur as depends upon himself." The Texan Convention, which was to meet 4tli of July, there was no doubt would adopt a Con stitution for the Government ofthe State of Tea as, as a member of the United States. Presi dent Jones submitted a message to Congress, re ferring to the treaty with Mexico, along with the resolution of annexation. H'uihiugirn Vni :n, July ' Eilract of Judge Ltwli' Spseeh. The following is extracted from the address of Judge Lewis, before the people of Lancaster, at the funeral ceremonies of General Jackson : "His early participation in the revolutionary struggle for independence attached him to the principles of liberty and the loneliness of his orphan desolation, which stripped him of every object of love, concentrated his undivided affec tions upon his country; the hnrdship$ ofhit youth enabled him to sustain the storms which assailed his tnanho&l. The llorm$ of his manhood drew the attention of his countrymen to the nature of their free institutions, and made them familiar with the principles by which they were to be perpetuated. When we see the humble orphan boy become a mighty ruler, we feel increased attachment to our form of Government which secures alike to high and low its blessings and honors. In his old age, he taught the lessen that the man who had occupied the most exalted sta tion in the whole world, was not too proud to become a follower of the 'meek and lowly Jesus' that the Spirit which had never tpmiled to man could bow in meek submission to the will of God and that while Royalty was seeking his likeness to ornament its halls, and Antiquity was surrendering its monuments to adorn his se pulchre, he preferred a simple burial bythe side of his deceased companion, to the vain ambition nf reposing in a Sarcophagus, which had preserv ed the remains of a monarch nf the old world more than a thousand years He was laid by the side of his wife ! Their Kjtars were united on Earth their si-ians shall mingle in Hmvkn and the kmiwsrs, that bloom over their resting place, shall 'blend their sweet perfume together.' " BALTIMORE MAIIKKT. Offiteoflht BtiTiMona Ankmicss, July 7. GRAIN. There has been various parcels of new wheat to mallet to-day, but most of them were soil andttamp, and unfit for grinding. The quality of the grain, however, proves the crop to be excellent. We quote the range of prices for new reds, according to cirditionand suitable- ness for grinding, nt SO to 11 cents. So also we quote the range of prices of new white wheats, at t0a 100 cents, as in condition. We note sales of Md. white corn to day at 40 a II cents; also of yellow at 42 a 41J cts. Sales of prime Oats at 74 a 35 cents: WIHSKKY is advancing. Sales ofhhds. at 20 a 20 J cents, and of bbls. at 21 a 21 J cents. Tnosa or oi a Cirii,?. who de-ire a good Medicine, will find one in the justly celebrated Pills of Doctor llrsndnth, which huee perfumed cures upon thousands of hclple-s and hopeless per tons, after the usual scientific kkill of physicians had consoled ihem witli the assurance tlta. they could do no more. The propcitiea of these Pills, vs ai: anti-bilious and specimen! medicine, are uuriv ,. led ; all who ue them recommend I be in ; iheir vir tues surpass all eulogy, and mu-t Ie used to be a p. p-cciated. The wesk and delicate will be strength eneJ by their oe, not liy bracing, but by removing the cau-e of the we.dines, the gross and corrup't humors of ihe body. They require no change in the diet, or caie of any kind. Plain directions ac company each box, so that every one is his on n competent physician. Purchase of If. U Msser, Sunbury, or of the scent, published in another purl of this paper. I'lUCK CURRENT. Whkst, .... 85 It i a, SO Cons, ...... 4(1 Osts, 25 Puns, - . . . S Fl4Xkmi, 112 J HuTTtH, ..... 10 Enss, H Bsaswsi, .... 25 TilLOW, ... 10 Flax, ... .8 HxcKLan Fust, . lu DattM ArrLta, fid Do. Pkacnks, . . 150 LAST NOTICE. PER Itr RHONS imletiled M the late fiim ol Deck & ro. us, ar- r n ues' ed. to come forward nml pay up, on or liefoie il e 23th in t. The Imnksare HI the h inds of Gciogc Wriser, E-i. for rillrmrii'. Tl use wishing lo ae c.t. can do so by strictly eoiupl)irig with this irquial. JO.EH 1IEIK. ELI AS BROSICS. Sunbury, Ju'y 12th, 1845, Hi To the Electors of Norllmmbcrlunil County : BEING solicited by many of my friends to offr myself a a e n.dnlale for the office of 633Ta."avr aij?1 nf Norlhuinbeiland rouoty. I re-p.rtfully so'icit y-ur Uiorl. I will eudeavr to discharge the du lies ii the office fiithfully, should jou see projxr to confer Ihx sjme upon me. JOSEPH NICELY, Delawrs township, July 12 I-M5. To tlio Electors of .Northumberland ( 'mint v : I RESPECTFULLY solicit the support f my Fellow eilttens, si the ensuing election, fit the olli e of v o it o x i: it . I protn'e, sbonlil I be eleeled, 10 discharge the duties of Ihe oMire with proni'tne. Kunburv, July IMi. Iflt.V Shcriil 's Sale. KY virtue nf a certain wiil of vrndiibuii eip c nas issued out of the CoUrt nf I'oiiimnu tVas of Northumberland County lo me directed, will be eipoaej to puUiC sale, SI the Court House, in lbs Borough of Muuhucy, on Monday the 4th day nf Aunu.l neil, at I oYhxk, P. M-, the fallow iug ilerrilird proiieriy to wit: All I tie drtViidam's ilHereal, supposed to be the undivided moiety of a r Main Iran of land situate in Coal township, Nuiihumberland county, survey, rd in the name uf Mathias Zimmerman, eunuiniiiR D6?aeie mors or Us, aitjoinme land of survi yed in Ihe nsmea of Peter Maurt-r, Michael Kroll, John N'm-IioNs Uailey ai d oihrra. Heited, taken in rircuiion, and la be Sold as the property of Calvin IlKthe. FELIX MAUKER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbuiy, July 12, 1815.5 ALL persons are heiehy cautioned against pur chasing or receiving a certain promissory note, of $35, dated either the 1st er 2d of July, IMS, given by the stibscri1er to Henry Wilhelm. Not having received value for said note, the suhsrri her is determined not tit pay the same unless enm relied hv law. JACOB MARTZ. July 12th, IK4.V 3t IVoticc IS hereby given, to all legatees, creditors and all other persona interested in the estates, of Ger trude Snyder dee'd, settled by her executors John lletrich and Daniel Snyder ; of George Troxel, dee'd. settled by his sd nit's, John Leibert of Leon ard Ferster, dee'd. settled by his admr's. Peter Per ster and Ssmuel Waner ; of Christopher Dimm. dee'd, settled by his adm'r, Jacob Beeber j of Chsrb s Bckman, dee'd, aetlted bv his adm'r, Jsmrs Eek man "f Barbara "eit. dee'd, settled by her adm'r, Peter Wagner t of Simon Keiis, dee'd, settled bv his adm'i, Peter Dunkleberger ; of Anna Maria Driesbach, dee'd, settled by her ex'r, Daniel Dfiet- i bach t of Joseph Keffer, sr, dee'd, settled by his ; ex'rs, Joi n and Joseph Keffer ; nf (Seorge Wag ner, dre'd, sett'ed by Jacob D Hoffman, adm'r of Frederick Raker, dee'd, who was Ihe ndm'r, of (Seorge Wsgmrdec'd; of Julian Cenrad dee'd, set. lied by her ex'r, tsaae Hottentine ; of Jacob Snrvia dee'd, settled by his adm'r, Wm Dcpitcn ; of Geo. Long dee'd, settled by his sdmr's, Samuel Gamcrt tnd Jacob Seasholtr. I nf Jacob Klock dee'd, settled by his adm'r, Henry Klotk of Miry H. Ibieg. I he'd, settled by her' adm'r, G llellriegel; of Philip Himh, dee'd, settb d by his exr's, !2 Kline and J Whive; ace.'i of S Campbell, the guard'n of Samuel Wilkerson S the account of Maiy II Cieohot, fu,rd'n of Mary Ann. Maclay, WaohinRion and Charles Gearhart J account of Jacob Hillbish, gurd'n f Wm Ehriaht the areounl of Hei ry Keadir, guard'n nf Daniel and Will am Mengas the ac count of David Hifih. cuard'n of Solomon and Su san Mengas, late of Noitbumber'and county, ilecM; that Ihe executor, administrators ami Rur.lians of Ihe raid deceased e-tates, have filed their account with ihe Keg ster nf this county, and that thy wib be presented In the Orphan's Court nf atd county, on Titesd ty, the ftth day of Augu.-t next, for con. finnation and alfowance. EDWAKD OYSTER. Sunbury, July Ath, 1845. 4i. Regis cr. Itule of C alliaiine Hill, ilrc'sl. IOTICE is hereby given, that lelti rs ef silmin- ' Ulra'ion, have lit en granted lo Ihe subrcriber, on Ibe rstaie of I'athsnnc Hill, late of Miamokin township, Ni nhumlierlnnd county, dee'd. All per wins inilel'ted to said estate, or having claim' against the same, are r quested to call and setile, on or be fore the 1st day of August next. JOHN CONRAD. Shimnkin, July 5th, 1845. 6t. Adm'r. . SMITH'S (Sueur ConttMl) "lin proved lutllun TcgctHule 1111,' A l!E dai'y rffee.tinu some of ihe moot astoniah ishing and wonderful cures that have ever ttcH hnuwn, in cona iiirnc 01 nnicn iniy nave now ircame a shining murk against whicti all the irons of disappointed hope, envy, and unchanta bleness arc leteih-d without distinction. The town iid country are alike filled with Iheir praise. The pal ice and the poor-house alike echo with thir vir. , lues. In sll climates, under all lempernlures, they tilt retain their wonderful ower., and exert thi m unaltered by se' or situation. They are simple in i prrparstinn, mi d in tin ir ac lions, thorough in all their operations, and unrivalled in their r. suits They are anti-bilious, antidyscptic, and anti-mercurial; and they are peculia-ly in the fob lowing complaints : fever and ague, yrlbiw nnd bit- ions f, eis. dyspepsia, croup, liver coinplaiiit, sick I head.ictie. j.iundice, asthm, drop.y, splr. n, piles, i cholic, obstiuciinns, heartburn, furred tongues snJ j foul suimaehs, nausea, diurrhiea, coslivrnes. I irs of , ppelile, .i biw complexion, colds, and in all cns' 1 4 loiper ot the bowels wheie a cu li.ntic or an pen ult is needed. N. B No Sugr C.iiled Pills can le genuine, unless ev ry box has on it the signature if G. BE.VJ'N SMITH. M. D. 5j GAIT 1'ION. As a mifersble imitation tins j been made, by ihe name nf Sugtr Coaled Pill," it is neeess.ry lo besure that Da. G Br.iJ Shitu's i siL'na'io is on every bni. Price 25 rents. j Principal Office. 1711 Greenwich st. New York, i 8.ddbv JOHN W. FlilLIXG. Sunlmnf. I WM. FORSYTH E, Xurthtmi'd. J.ily 5lh, IS45. ! Orlmiit Court Male. ! IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans t.otirt ol Ni.nlinnihcrhi d county, wdl be xd I at public euduenr outcry, en Saturday, the Stith day of Ju ly ins ., at the house ol C harles l. Wharton, in Ihe boronqh if Sunbury, to wit : A certain house and lot i f iirund, situated in Augusta township, in -aid cuUHiy, adjoining land of Aaron Robins and others, ront on ng ah ut three acres, lite the eslnle of Dan iel Ke b r. dee'd. Sd lo commence at 10 o'clock I'. M.. of snid Jay, when ti e rornliiions of rata will U-made known by BENJAMIN ROBINS Sunbury, July 6tb, IHI5. Adm'r. CASH STORE. CIIKAP, FUR CASH OR COl . TRY rRomcK. Tvrnty Per C'rnl. Sanl F11HE .gh.enla r having I'urrhssed the store of JL H. R. Mas r, has just replenished the same with a new stork of goods, which being purchased al e isli prices. Will be sold fur Cuth nr Country I'rmtute. Iviruly per cent, chesper lliau usual. Call and jodiiC yourselves The following are among the articles lUrr.d toll. n drilling, at 1SJ (itrman linen, at I2J Muslin, at CJ CuliCiH-s, f.i.l colors, at 7 Writing piifier, at I'-JJ pri ijuite Si gar, al k do go, d al tl Coffee, al ItMo I.J GUss 8 by III, at 3J cts per duren KI.sIjc rot'en gloves, at l) Mobs r m is at 6J Brawl'islil day clinks, waliaiileJ, at f t Thin hour ' 0 " Alarm " tl Beaiilea Lkiimos and Groreiies of all kind-. Leg. h'irii, Fur and f i k hats, I weed t a.-mirfe, Lu ton Yam. Caiiict Chain. Uuibr. llas, I'jla.oU. I.atd Lamps, Ac HENRY MASsLR. Kuubuiy, Julj 0, 1815 to a is is com: iirxkh. 11. 11. MAXSKK, re-peclfully informs his old friends and customers, that he hss sold out his stoe l)i Henry Mssser, and respi clfully ie(pieU all ihos,? inihbted to him, lo s ttle iheir actMtin s without delay, as they will be placed in the hands uf a Justice for collection, w ithout respect to persons, on the l.t uf August. Sunbury, June 3,1815. II. B. MASSER. A 1.XLLE?. WAIT T ED IN anew settbioeiil, where he can oluain AO UC'rrs) of lUlltl. and other advantages, if soIsm and industrious, l'mpjiis of I Sunbury, June 3d, 1915. HI GH BELLAS. R E Ii I li V K A X D Ii 1 A 11 , T H O IKS ON'S Compouud Syrup or TnV V Wooil Kapflm. r1HE unprecedented success nf this medicine, in M. the restoration nf health, to those wild, in des pair, had given up all hopes, has given It nn exal ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic vslue and power, as tht) nil ly agent which can be relied upon for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Urolichhtis, Aithmrt, Pain in the ride and Brrfltl, Spilling of Blood, Whooping Cough, Group, Ac. Attention Is requested to the following ASTON. ISHING OCRE.Iiv ThomsoVa Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nsptha! ! Vhlhtlrphia, Mat 3r, 1841. MM. THOMSON Dear Sir-lWith crnleful feelings I inform Von of Ihe astonishing effects of your medicine, which has literally tnis d me from ; a desth-tHd t My disease, Pulmonary Cnnurup. lion, had rednced me so low my physician pro no inced my ease hoiieless I At this junction I be gan lo n-eyour medicine, and nilraculotis ss it may seem, il has completely restored me to health, alter everything else had fsiled. Respectfully Vntirs, WASHINGTON MACK. Chsihttte street, above Geoige street. The undersiuned, being personally ncidaitlted with Washington Mark and his sufferiniia. beir witness to Ihe astonishing effects nf Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of the a. hove statement. JOS. WINNER, .118 North Third street, DAVID VICKERS, 42 Almond street. HUG II M'GINLKY, S. E. corner Tamauy and Fi.Urth stleets. Prepared only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of nth and Spruce streets, Pbl aile'pllis. Agents. II. It. Maasrr, Sunbiiiy D. firos, anil Dr. Marphcrson, Harilsburg Jo , G. II row n, Pottsville Geo, Erl, Re ding ; Houston A Ma on, Towanda. Bradford county, Pa, Price 60 cents ptr bottle, or f 5 r r dofen. (Jj llrwnrr nf all imilaliiml. Philadelphia, June CMih, s A, Aolirc lo Crrdilorat. nHE Orphan,,' t'outl of Noilhunibeiland eoun ly, having appointed the sub-crilter Ahdbor, lo distribute the b ilance in ihe hands nf KIMia Kline and John Shipe, K termors ol Philip Straw, late of Augusta township, in said county, dee'd , lo and among the creditors and otlieis entitled to re reive ntu nf said balance, tbe !sid And tor here by gives no'lee, that ho ill attend on Saturday, the 19th day vf July neit, al tiie house of Charles Wiaver, in Simlerry, l lit o'clock, A. M. of said ilsy, lor muking ssid distribuiion. when nnd where all per.nns in'enslrtl ate reipiosted lo present their respective claims: PETER LAZARI'S. Sunt nry, June 28th, 1843 4t. Auditor. IS hereby given, I hit I have purchased al Con stable sale, as the properly of Joseph Divis, nf Point township, Ihe following proiwYiy, Wednes day, June I8ih, :n5: 3 h. gs, h small pigs, 3 Cows, t calf, I biuub, 8 sheep, 2 sets harness, I love, l'liisutle cloik, 1 bureau, HX in the ground more or bss, I be undivided hull' of corn in the ground rnoic of less, one half of 4 seres nf osts in Ihe ground more or leas. Alt of w hich I haVe loan id to said Davis, during mv pleasure, of which ihe public will take untie WM. II. WAPLES. June SSth. 1815.- 3t. TERMS REDUCED. hAGUEKHUS CAU.l'.ltY f I'ulrnl Premi wn Cufarrd liknirmm, nnd I'lmtogruphic Xo. l.'lfi t'hesinit Street, I'liil.ulelphia. No. 151 Brnadwav, New York ; No. t5 Court Stoel, Boston No. Inn Chesnut Hireel, Phils delph'S Biltiinnre Slrei-t, llsltiinore t wiv, SaiHloK Springs J N", Mi t'snnl Street, NeM-Oilcatis ; M iiu !tre t Ncpult, R. ). And Main Sirert, I III Itmple, Iowa. 'tONSTlTI'TING the eldest and most Exten sive Est.ibli hmenl of the kind in iheWorfl, 1 . ! . llliklf .VI, llitlt son corii.iiinns more man a i inn .-vi.i run- j I b Al I s. ernl riiclno those ot some ot tbe most distinguished individuals, in the I'nited St.itcs, Adiint'am e free. This Establishment hvintj U'rn award) il the Vrdat, t'nur l'irt I'rriiiiumf, mid lien H tzhrtl IL.iiar' at the Exhibitions nt Boston, New Yoik and l'hilai!el hia, rrsperlively, for best Pietuie. mnl Apa'Hius, is tluia oHIei.d'y susisineil in tbe posi tion of sufcrionly tier, ., unitersdlv aasigmd it by the puh'i' ss " ' JU Hit W'urld? June S8th, 1815 orlliiiinbfliitiil 4 oliiil), m. In tht Orphan' Cnurt of taid ( 'nunly at April Trnn A ' It. 115. N motion of II. II. Masser. Esii. The r'uirt a rule oil Ihe hein iml legal represen. I.ilivrs ot John Bucher. Senr., lute of the Uiroiigh of Kunl ury, 'ee it, b'avn.i; i-oe seven (tillilten, to wit John Bucher, Ji., Ca huhne. ma n. d lo l)en T. llol ris, Ma'g irrt, murii d to Win Fisher, Ma iy Biliher, Julia Ann Burlier, Deborah, III rried lo John Morrison, and tieoige llurliei, heirs and tl tairiliiit. es, f John Bid her, Senr., l it)- of the bo. rouuh ol Sunbury, if said county, deed. To p Hai in Ur next Oiph:uis' t'oUrt lo be said county, lo wil t on ihe 4th day of August A. 1 D. 1 8 15, and accept oi refuse the rsiaie of the j rutil jonn iiui, nenr, ore t or snow cause why ihe same should noi be sold. Certified from Ihe records nf our ssid Orphans' Court, at Suriburv, this 2-M dnv of Miv A. D. 1814. EDM ARt't OYSTER. Clk. O V. Sunbuty, May 3 1 si, 1815. lit Xoiiliuiiibf rlmid C'uiiuly, s., j Tbe l.intnoi wralih of Pinnsylvatna, lo Kir.di MrGee, Csdieiine Mel iee , NsurV ltil".V, Naury ' 'I'rotel, iniermarfied with J.irOi Trotel, Cather. ine Kmsley, I'u-ey Mrtiee and Msna-se Mr- Gee, heirs and legatees of Msiius Mi Gei dec'il , I sud sll other rr.iiiia niter) sled. tfmr riin. Till" ate heirby c lid anil commanded 10 ap pear tirbire mil Jil'gi's oflhe Oiplians Guurl, ai e-unbury, the 4 ill day of AugiM, to :U tV ruusi il any you llse, h) iheadiuinl.lrali n aecouut ol Barnard Mi I lee, eteeulor ol Mjntis Met li e, I , le of l'hiliHu.nile loWnsbip, drrM., should urn be ie- lew id rr-eisid sud roncciid, sgieeably Id ull ttr der insde in our said court. Witness ihe Honuikble Joseph tl. Ai.lllont, E-q. Pirsident of our said court, the 21 h iUv of May, A. D. 1840. EDWARD IIYwTEK, May III. fMI.'i. f,! ri'k o. t;. Nolicu TfJTll'fi i ben by given In the heirs and legal 1 repiesrlitatilt s of Henry Anlis, dee. S.ed, thai by virtue of a writ nf I'u. is.tled riut of Ihe llrphatis' Com! of sionliunilwrlsnd roumy, In trie directed, an inquest will be held al Ihe Ilia residence ol ssid deceased, in the U rough of Northumher laud, NorihUuibeilsud Cnuhly.un Friday ihe 1 Sib day of July He it, at It) o'clock, A. M., for ihe pur pose of muking partition of or to value Slid ap praise the re 1 1 c.tais of Said drresaed, at which lime and place you may ai'cn.l if vu think proer. FELl MAl'RKW, Huff. Sheriff's tlllife, Sunbury, May 31, 1845. S tit LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County, fof August Term, A. D. 181.1. ta'itud .lupoid. y'nrotiLssaAbiaham Kissinger. brluU'arr Wm. MeWtllisms, Christian Gdsh, snr., John N. Oyster, Oeorgfl Masiclltr. l.ruin . Andfew Kershner, Jr. .1itfori. Leonard Beidelmsn, Jonathan Adnrtt. CiWisvtirfjftr.Jnhn Mf Williams, Jaims P. Murray, Geofge W, Pries. Benjamin Troxel. l'ninl. Djnlel PutseJ. Pturthnmhrrland. ttonrgn A pley, Sunbury SattiOel Gobln, Benjamin Robins, Geoige Young. Auirfffu Nathaniel Lytle, Jumes Campbell, Shnmnkin John Gss. Vpprr Mahann. Gideon Sbadlc. Lincrr Mahnnny. f 'hrithn Albert, Peter licit.. iifitot, lieorge Prppirl, 'J'l'avcrmc .IupoPm. 'Vnrhul George Kutx. Ihlnn'nrf' Joseph Rynearsun, James Everli Genrae tJ. MeKee, .ei's. Mj ir Sweeney. Mi linn. George Kohler, John Prick, Jeff, rsnn Litnlers, Lewis E. Evntis, JatncR Millet, John CIs k. . .... .. . 4, ..I . ) . i mtiitifuaqut.- -iiugn ntctiiiugtiiin, i.evi i Ksnpu, Alien Shis miiker, Fleming Nesbit, j l'ninl. Wm Lemon. j A'iri'iiW.Wili- William YVenclt. i Xitnlnni. Maik J'rttphsrn. j. Atiau'tit Charles Eekman, Samuel Sbipe, j John Crtojie', Jacob HooVer, George Keefer, IVti'r Reitz, John Flintier, ol links, Simon Snyder, Jjs. Rosa. Mmofn."-.tol'n Knseman, John Dunkleberger. Hnh. William Claik, William Vssiine, Wit- i llsm Metier, Jr., Frederick Weaver, John Cumpbelli ' f'on. J)remiab ZlnlmrlUiaii. I pptr Miimnni. Michael Reitt. leaver M'lh'mnif Sidomon Rdchman, tieotge I.intich, snl , Mieiisel Einrieb. John Tchupp. f.illlr Miihminy. John Pifer, William Raker. Jarktnn. Peter Ktoek. George Hepher, Jonn Bohtirr, Solomon Drcsslet, Mirhiel Wolf, John Weiit.el. Tcfit .liiroi's. Trn. -John Mi Housel, Enoch Eshbsuch, John I.P'dy. tlrltni'arr. Si hn Nicely, ilenry Rrader, jr., Henry DielVenderlrr, Williant tlawl, lwin. William Ruekmsn. M'llmi. William Strinf. Cbillimiiniiir. Joseph K ine. l'ninl. John Poul. Miirthumlierliintl. ('onrad Wrnck. jr. Sunbury. lliiijunin Hendricks, (iiilenn M. Yniks, Geoige .iiiioieini ,n, Thomas Robins. Auiriii'tn. Daniel aitmsn, Daniel Zimmer man. Shnmnhin. Joseph K.iseinrtn. Solomon tfim nnl, Cas,er Ailnns. Augustus Huev. John I 'tin -kepH'rger, sou of Henry, Philip Keller, Robert Campbell, Jr. Ciml. Wlll'mm Gearhart, Stephen tJittenls-n-der, S.ilomnn Wary. Vpprr Mabnny. George Shadle, George Heiui, J)ih' Smii k. Ijiu-rr Mnhtinnt. Peter Kocher, GeOrge Em. riV-h. jr., Peter Bixb r. Jurlisnn. Jacob Dros'ui, Isaac Reilx. r I A M o s. rpHE SI.'BSCRIBt'.U has been appointed aaent. I for &e sole nf CONH D MF YKR S CEL. EBRXTED PREMH M K'ISE WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. These Pianos haVe a lsin, massive and beautiful eiteiinr fmi-h, and, Tor depth and .weetrirss nf tone, and elegiinre nf workman ship, are not surpass)')! by any in the tTntttd Stales. The following is a recommendation bom CshL Uists, a celebriited frfoimir, and himself d man. Ul'jCtuirr t A c: A It II. H isii bad ihe plea-u ie ol trying the excel lent Pi iiio Fortes inniifacturrd by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited al theli.t rxhibi'iou ofthe Kr.nklin lo stiltite, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker to iVcl.iie tbnt these instruments ate ruiie ripial, and in soinl rcsprfcii. rven siiH'rior, to all ihe Pi ano Foites, I siivv at the capitals of Europe, and duiing a sojourn uflwo vears At Paris. 'I'bes- Pianos will be so'd al Ihe manufacturer a lowest PhiUdi Iphia prices, if tint sonteitllng lower. Persons sre teipiesled lit call and examine for ihemsrvet ut the rrsbleiit'e of the suhscriU-r. Sunbu.v. M iv I?, ix 15. II. B. MASSEIJ. Aiiiii.vrit ITOIPN N Al.l't VAJ.UArl7H FARM Ft) It HA LE. RY VHtrCEofihe power vested in me. by the will of tbe jte Thovss GiUxt, def'il., will be s dd at public sale on Weiloe-day, tbe tMd day nl Jul V nut, at the Mmsioh Hntlw, upon the 1 . ' . . sa : . I- r .1... ... !.. . ',r, ,nlw '", " " " , .l,HI), )!))))., Ill .'i;iisi.i ,flSIII' i. III Ull 1,1- I land count w, Ps., situite n Ihe ea-t side ol Ihe Ri- . vi r rsi,ipirliauna, iipiiiltstaiit, ahil anotit a nu c from the Boroughs ol Sunbury and iXnrthtimber. land, all that Vnluible estate. Isle the Mansion Farm of sa il Thomas Grnni, dee'd., adjoining Ihe firm of S.imiiel 1 1 unlet nn the south, land ol I'ho Rubins nti the east, other land of the late Tho- ' mss Grnni on the uorih, and the Su-quehannS Ri vi r on tin' west, containing, together, twrj hUndied I and Itvetity six Seles and seventy perches, more nr ! less, nf whlrh about two hundred and fifteen at-res ! 0'C rle.irrd and about one bundled and liltecr! acres I sie lit t rule River bottom bihd. ( 'I he iiiipioteinents rnnsi.t oft twrt story drintle ' farm Imuse, 40 feet fr.iht by .10 feet in ile'tl1, with frame bark building nnd fisme ki'rhetl, Mini atone milk hniiar und ovrn all ithed, ami II pump sr d well ot rirrlh lll Water in the kilrheu, a Hoi;, t siuiike house, a lage bank I' tin, 1st tory stone. 2il do. frame. 811 leM b.ns by i!6 feel i', d. plh, a 3 , slili V WKgtm hilltsi-, Wbll gtannry nb 'Ve and corn I Crib al Si lied, fiMrtle carriage r,niMi and grjuary. and a l irge bg b .fll and sl.iMe, w i h a IteW Sod itnprolt'd ttib t Jttess, wi'.i sbiucled ut-f the 9 one. And .. I.Sl) ; (wo s'.iry brirk ilw lllnR house, con twining In liont '. (eel and in th nh .27 Irrt. 1(1 inches, and ' in k two stmy kitrheo, fnt in fr. iit by 14 b e', fi , mlii s in il) plb. Thrie ate uum llu' premi' ,'S two spple ortlniiils in eirl'lli lit onh-r, ofthe i.,o.t valimtile fruit, one containing about eic'it and the oilier uboitl nine aires. 'I bis Finn Is one of the uiosl valuable and pro ductive in the,-, is in Ihe liigbc-l sf.ite i.l rub livsiimi, slid locslKI in the heart of a district, which, fir salubrity it (-I'm do slid pictuiesijue sci in rv, U unsurpassed. It is situate on the pool of the Shativi'km dam. al thn eastern terminal! n nf ihe NorihumlierUnd Biidge, lis irotiniily to the thriving bmougbs of Sunbury and Noithtf iii1mi md, and ihe probability that '.he hi Is contain Vslusble bodies ol Iron Ore, and itssdm rable loraiion ui the heail of ihe Iron and Coal regions nf Peuiistls.inis, to which Iheie is a heavy and loeiessii.g eiiiicrn lion, gives this torlvsii sdditionat value, and tenders il Well worthy of the at euiniii of capital Ma and fiirmeis. (j'j" Teims rti.ide known on die dsv of sale. KENDERTt'N "MUD. Adm'r., Ac, of Thomas Grant, dee'd. Sunbu'y, May lit, 18 15. -fct. To tho F, lectors of Norllitimltcrlafn' Cuuniy, AT the solicitaliiln of a numbrr of my friends Irt a different parts nf the Counts. I have enetiteit to be a Caiididiie for ihe office of PBtJTHONOTAlty. Shmi'd I be so foitutiKir ss to be elected, f pledge" mywlf to discharge the duties nf the ofiirn With promptness and fidelity, I AMES BEARD. McEwensville. June 21st, 1845. To llic Klucfors of Nortlnimljcrinriii County. BFiING sotirite.1 by hisny of my friends, 1 haVe consented to offer myself as a candid 10' for the office of Trf ti si ii r r i' of Nrfihttmbetl md County. SlmlilJ yrJu srtl pfn liet to elect me, I tihdge mvself lo perform tilt' duties of said i till re with fidelity. WILLIAM UL'LlCK. ! Sunbury. May .list, Is15. . To llto Klectorj of Xortliuu.lie rlaini ( oiinly. A T the solirdritioh of a nuniiii i of persdns, irt different paits of the county, I have Consented to Iks a Candidate for the oilier tr tun m nt: ii of NrtrthUmlieilstid eoUniyi I need htrdly assiifi my ffllow.citir.ens, that if I am elected, I Will rn deaVor hi discharge the duties of the office f.ii bful ly and linjiurttolly . JHSE M. SlMrsON. f-unhury, Slay 17th, 1815 To ihe F,lcctors of Noiiluimbcr lan-l (oltntyi rpHE siibsittlier, from Ihe ciicouragemeiit rerei" ved from his numerous friends, hereby offers himself as a Candidate for the oMirt nf VBBASOREB of Nottnumberlarid county, fr which he snlicitt the stiffiagcs of his ixensi Should he hi) erected, he will fulfil the duties of the i ffir.e will! fidelity. FRANCIS RICHER; Sunbury, May lTth, t84. To llic Eiijclofs of iN'ortliuiiibt'ilatitl Colnttv. IELLOW CITI7.EN3J I would respectfully offer myself lo y)ur consideration) as a catitli) date for the office of f 'It O TtlfKYO i . Should I lie tlr-cted, it will he my pleasuie. it weH as duty, to attend to the bus ness of the nlbVe with fidelity and punctuality WM. J. MAitTINi S.inburv, M iy 17ih. 1 H 45. To tlio Eleclon of Northumberland Count v. pLLLOW crri.ENS. I have teen induced to offer nivself as a candidate fur the office of I'rotlionof ui-y j At the ensi.lng rlectinn. Should I fort tin ttety bii elected, I berc'-y promisf, f.iiihful'y and impartid ly todtkehargo the duties of nid ntl'ice. iOUS FARNS WORTH. Sunbury, May It), 1 K 13. ! Tt tire Illociors of Ntii tlutmlu-i lainl linly. WTU-LLOW CrnENS. I hereby offer mv M vlf as a c.indiil ite, fir the i.fiire of REOZSTER AND RECORDEIli I ran only irninie, Should I lie fortunate enough to e re-clccfed, to disch rgf the duties of s.iid ofJlce with fidelity slid imparii ituv. EU'WARD OYSTER. Sunbury, May 10, 1815. To lite Electors of iNorthumbcrlivini Count v. IELLt a nut' ntimlH-r of my friends, t have c'lirnU d Ii) be a catultdalc for the office of REGISTER AND UECOHIjUit. I promise the citiT.ens ofthe county, that if I ;.nl rh rted, 1 will endeavor to discharge the duties uf the rllire faithfully and impartially. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Sunbury, April 19th, 18-15. t To tho Electors ol Northumberlarvl ('utility. lKLLOW CITIZENS! Asl have here Veat- ly encourtiBed by my friends, I aoMei your support for the office of ' s ii I: u l v v. Should you Confer this '.ilTire up or, me. I shall endeavor It) discharge tb.o duties thereof with fide IllV. THOMAS A; nil.LlNtJTON. MntlhurV, April 19th. tsl5. To tho Electors of Noilliuinbil-jfui Colmty. llEIN'.i sofn itre) ly my numerous frir'iida in tho di'ilerei.t a,rtiotis of the ceuntv, I h ive cor.seiw led to offer myself lo youi consideration as a cuts didale foi the office of COMMISSION EH. ' Should I be elected, I itei!n myself t, fulfil tho' duties untie office with fideliiv and iniput nlitv. PETiill VANDLING. Allgusts, May .list, lsH'i. To the Electors of N"rthmnberhnil County. IEI.l.flW Cni'ENS. Having been tneou - rsed by my friends, to off r n.yell" a a rand. d.ilb i"or tho ot'.'ico of COTJTTTV COMMISSIONrn, I ropec.ifully snbrit your support. Should yn't see proper lo confer Ihe ollice upon me, 1 will riH di i-.vor lo disrh.irgs llio duties theiruf with llJthl and iiniur ;i"l!if v. SEllAsTlVN HAITT. Sunbury. April 1'Jih. 14S. Tti the EltJetor8 of Norihumbcrluinl ( 'otmtv '. lELLOW I I TIZl-NS : I ' leiC to nll'el ni) sell as a c . lull. late, ul ll.e ensiling tie Uoli for the office of C'Olllll3 (oilllltUtvioiK's's Should I be so f uliin.ite as lo be (I, fled, I pleilgr mVself to dUrhargs the duties of the office witf iiiomiiliirss and fidelity. CHARLES WEAVER- Sunbury, Apnl iidi, lnl.r. 11 ei. i Tin-; "J I II II C 1 S . fillE subsritbers would respectfully iiif.nm iLH 1 I'niren if funhuiy and ihe public geiierslly that ll.i'y have purchased ihe shop of M-. Williatir H.M-vei, iii Market sirnl. ore door we.t ofthe l'os IHlire, wbetethrv will 1 ouiiuue the t altiiicI'MnUiii ltiiviiM-tist ill all lis br inches. Tbe put lie m 1 Work done ill the l'e-t slvle. 'I l.t slteiitiou to bu iins-, t.i (u iit u -patronage. OJ Culhns m u!e t'l -rdtr on t!.e and country r.-.l.tee t ,Uei in m t:HA'M. Ii. HP.NRY C. Sunbury, May I'oU, I lia. ly. Hn. et " . 1 pu .: t I W.'.k MARTIN.