Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 28, 1845, Image 1

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    '! '. . J. - 1J . t ' . ,Ji ' W 8
' IT. Xt. MA88ER," O Pvusnns ash
if. 17. n.JSSKK, Editor,
Office in CcnUetlleif, in the rear of It. B. Mas
ter's Store.)
THE" AMETttOAN" is puMinhcJ epry Satur
day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be
paitl half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till all arrearages are paid.
No subscriptions received for a less period than
ri wosTirs. All communications or letters on
business relating to tho office, to insure attrntion,
Must be POST PAID.
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tbuinlerland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia.
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Absolute acquicfcrnce in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there is no appeal but to force, the principle and immediate parent of despotism". Jftrmiotos.
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Ily Manser &
Suuburj-, Nortliumberlniitl Co. Fa. Saturday) June Is 45.
Vol. 5 Xo. IO Whole No, ill 8.
fjj!Sixteen lines make a square.
Tun Mia HiKT A', (Jo.. "
l.owr.n & Uariiow.
Hart, Commuhs
IvKtXOl.liR, McKAtlLtII fc Co.
Spkriso, 'ioon &. Co.,
V.SHI1TG- 10.C2X1TE.
flUlS Machine hia now been tested by more
JL than thirty families in this neighborhood, and
ti.ia gien entire satisfaction. It ia so simple in its
construction, that it cannot get out of order. It
rcntiius no iron t.i rn-t, ami no sptinesor rollers to
pel out of repiir. It will do twice ns much wish
ina, with less thnn hull the wear and tear of an) of
the lite hive in ion:l and whit is of greater in per. costs but liltle over half as much as other
washing machines.
The subscriber has the exclusive riehl for Nor
thuiuherlaml, Union, L coming, Columbia, Lu
zerne, and Clinton counties. Price of simile ma
thine ft!. II. U. M ASsKll.
The following certificate ' fiom a few of those
who have the.-e m in use.
Suiihury. Aug. 21, IS-H.
We, the subscribers, certify that we have now
in Ue, in onr families, "Shtigcit's I'.itent Wash
ing Machine." and do not hisitite siting Out it ia
a most excellent invention., in Washing,
it will save mure limn one hM tlio u-unl labor.
Thai it dots n l require more than onejliiril ihe
usual quantity of so ip and water ; mid that there
is no rubbing, an I const qucntlv. I tile or no wear,
ing or tearini!. "I'll it it knocks H'tin butlons, and
tlmt the finest clothes, anch as collars, laces, lucks,
frilis, may be washed in a vp :y short time
without Hie lest injury, and in fnct without any
fippinent wear and tear, hiitevrr. We therefore
cheerfully rei-ominend it to nnr friends and t the
i ublic, as u most useful nd labor savine machine.
Hon. (iKO. J. WEI.KER,
henj. iie.M)i:h;ks.
gideon i.eisenuinc.
Hrnn's Hotki., (formerly Tremont House, No.
Ilfi Chesnut street,) Philadelphia, September
Sin, 1814.
I have used Sbncert's Pstent Washing Machine
in my hou-e upwards of eight months, and do not
lic-iiate to ay that I deem it one of tlx- mo t use
ful and valuable labor-saving machines ever inven
ted. I formerly kept two women coiniiually oc
cupied in washing, who now do as much in two
days as they then did in one week. There is no
wear or tear in washing, and it requires tint more
than one-third the u-unl quantity ol sonp. I lime
had a number of other m .chines in my lam ly, but
this is so decidedly superior to every tlnng else, ami
ko ti tle ha'le to get nut of irp iir, that I would lint
do w ithout one if they should cost ten times the
price they are sold for. DANIEL IIEIilS.
Umbrella and Parasol Mannlhctory.
Vo. 37 North Tim it ttrrrt, two duort l.clutv the
cri'Y Hon: i..
V ii 1 1 a ri e 1 i li 1 a .
A LWAVS on hand, a iiirae st.K-k of I. M-
'A UIIEhhAs an. I PAKASOhS. inclu.iiinr the
lutfsi n.'w six le ol Pinked Eded Parvols of the
best woikmansliip and materials, at prices that will
make i' an nbj.'cl lo Country Meichanta nnd other
to call ai d examine hii stick hi for.- puichaing
be here. Ke '. 22, I H 13: ly
SPANISH k id es
hOOO Dry 1. 1 Plata Hides fir,t quality.
U.VitO Dry hi (iuira. do
KIOO Dry Salted ha (iuira, do
2000 Dry Salt.d l!r lil Hides, do
Ba'e Creen Suited Pallia Kips.
2 Ualea Dry Pa mi Kips.
Barrels tunnels' Oil.
Tanner"' and Curriers' Tunis,
For sale In Country Ttuniers at the lowest prices
mid upon (be best terms.
N. II. Th highest inmket price piid for all
kinila ol leather.
I). KlRKPATIilCK & sf).s.
No. 21, South Third St. Phil .del j.hia.
September 14, IH44. ly.
rok tiik roiiK i.r
1) v s r L P S 1 A .
'B1 r"""'" '; MW''a,ir ry"V.:
m lit j 11 1: . jt I ,1. .
111 ir.itii inn i-iiii viri iiiri 111M1 11 m Miiit-nur
t 1 any othei ni'ilieine now iu use, for the cure of
Dvsp. psin, l.iver Conii.latni, Nervous Del.iliiv or
lioJilv Weakness. Ac.
IU i ir. c-s have been tested in a private practice
f.f neir einht ), and it is m.w nior erensively
citcoUted, ut ihe s .licitu.le of many who have re-
ccived the ,no, signal b. nef,t from ihe u-e of it.
'I'l... C.ll.... ... ij Mr.., ..I fn.rltt!.
cates teceivi J in iclaliou to the suices of this uio
Jicine t
hixcASTta Co. March IA.
Da. (iFoaoa W. Allkm,
Dear Sir t ll ia with ttrrat pleasure that I in
form you of ihe uct es unending your Dyspeptic
MeJicine, while emtdoyed in my p atlice. From
anl experii nce, 1 firmly believe Ibat in eight cases
ml of ten, Ihe D)spepiic, by the use of your medi
ine, may entirely ml himself of this thorn in the
alhway of life: not only in dyeptic rases, but
n all cases of eontlipatiou, and diseases dend n
n a diloliiated slate of Ihe nervous system, toge.
her w ith a toipiil .t ite of the bowels, will your E
ixir lie found of mrstiinuble value. Numerous in
tuncea wheiein the usefulness of the medicine has
teen realied, may he forwarded, if required. I
vi.h you great success, and recommend the medi
ine to the .offering part of mankind.
Youis, with great respect,
fjj" For sale at the store of H. li, Manser, Jgent
'or the proprielor, tSuobury, Pa,
Ociulcr Stiih, 1814. ly
FL. Kr.KU The bighe.t price will Ihi
ci veo for t'Ul Heed, by
Aug. 31, 1811. 11. B.MA6EH.
Procrerilngs of I lie vv York Historical in.
cirljr on the Death of Ueneral Jnckann.
We nee, by the Npw York Journal, that the
Historical Society tif that city have had a tnoet
inp nd discussion relative to the funeral obse
quies of General Jackson. The Society did it
self the honor lo pass resolutions, appointing a
Committee to co-operate with the Common
Councils and cither public bodies in their ar
rangements for suitable observances. But there
were some spirits in that body who allowed their
illibernlily and vindictivencas, by opening the
incisure. One individual, named Fessenilen,
even indulged in a gross nltnck upon the char
acter ol the deceased patriot, and made some in
decent allusion to his sins and his repentance.
The hisses and other marks of disapprobation
which interrupted his remarks, were a just and
deserved rebuke. Mr. Charles Kino; also op
posed the resolution. How different was the
conduct ol a really prcat man that of Daniel
Webster the following remarks will show:
Mb. Wfbhtkr's Remarks. Nothing could
he more natural or proper than that this S.icitty
tdiould take a respectful notice of the disense of
so dihtinouir-hed a member ol its body. Accus
tomed oceiiMonnlly to meet the Society, and to
enjoy the cominuiiications that arc inndc to it,
mid proceed Irom it, illustrative of'tlie history
of the country and its rruvi-rnmelit, I have plea
sure in being present lit this time also, and tin
this occasion, on which nn element so mournful
mingles itself." tien. Andrew .lac I; eon lias been
from an early period conspicuous in the service
anil in the early councils of the country, though
not without luiiy intervals, so far as respects his
connection with the General Government. It
is fifty years, I think, Fince he was a member
of the Congress oft he U. States, and at the in
s'ant, sir, 1 do not know whether there be li
ving an associate ol General Jackson in the
House of Representatives of the United States
at tlmt day, with the exception of the dittiu
guiished and venerable gentleman who is now
Prenident of this Sciciety, I recollect only of
the Congress of it! this moment now liv
hut one, (Mr. Gnlliitir.,) though I may he mis
tnken. General Jackson, Mr. President, while
he lived, and his memory anil character, now
tlmt he bus deceased, are presonted to his coun
try and the world in diflerent views and rela
tion.. He was a soldier a general officer
and acted no unimportant part in that capacity,
lie was raised by repeated elections, to the high
est station in the civil government of his coun
try, and acted a pnrt certain')" not obscure nor
unimportant in !hnt chnractpr ami capacity. In
regard lo his military service, I participate in
the cenernl sentiment of the whole country, and
I believe of the world. That he was a soldier i
of dauntless courage, ureal daring and perneve- !
ranee an eflicer of skill, and arrangement, and !
foresight, are truths universally admitted. 1ii.
rs the period in which he administered the '
general government ol our country, it was my
fortune, during 'he w hole period of it, to be a
nn uiher of the Congress of the l Slates, nnd,
as is well known it was my misfortune not to be
able to concur with many of the inott important
inehstircs of his administration.
J'nlertaining himself his own views, and with
a pow er of impressing his ow n views to a re-
inorkable degree upon the convictions and ap-
probations of others, ho pursued such a course
as he tiiounht expedient in the circutns'.ances
in which he was placed. Entertaining on tna-
ny questions of great iuipoitaiice different opin-
ions, it was of course my misfortune to differ
from him, and that difl'-.ence gave me great
pain, because, in the w holo course of my public
life, it has been far more agreeable to me to sup-
j port the measures of the government than to be
called upon by my judgment and sense of whut
w as bei-t to be done to oppose them. I desire to
see the government acting with an un:ty ofspi-
rit in all tilings relating to its foreign relations,
cMlv ..d in M hI measure.
1 -j j - - 1
j of its domestic policy, us fur as is consistent
H.j,, tJie t.x,.rci,o of perfect independence a-
I ... . t . r . r .
' " ners. j..i .. .1 uB my uiicunuia- ,
i lo differ from General Jackson on many or most (
J L,f the great measures of his Bdmiui.tratioti, :
fc occisinns, and tliwe not uoimpor-
taut, in which I felt it my duty, and according
to the highest sense of that duty, to conform to
his opinions, ami mippnrt his measures. There
were junctures in his administration periods
I which I thought important and critical-
which the views that he felt it to he his duty to j
adopt corresponded entirely with my sentiments
in regard to the protection of the best interests
of the country, and the institutions under which
we live ; and it was my humble endeavor on
these occasions to yield to his opinions and mea
sures the same cordial support ai if I had never
differed from him before, and expected never to
differ from him again. That General Jackson
wis a marked character that ha had a very
remarkable influence over other men's opinions
that he had great perseverance and resolu
tion in civil as well as in military udministra
tion, all admit Nor do I think the candid a
mongbt mankind will ever doubt Ibat it was his
desire mingled with whatsoever portion of a
disposition to be himself instrumental in that ex
altation to elevate his country to the highest
prosperity and honor. There ia one sentiment,
particularly to which I recur always with a feel
ing of approbation and gratitude. From an ear
ly period of his undertaking to administer the
affairs of the government, he uttered o senti
ment dear to me expressive of a truth of which
I am most profoundly convinced a sentiment
setting forth the necessity, the duty, and the pa
triotism of maintaining the union of the St iles.
Mr. President, 1 a.Ti old enough to recollect
the deaths of all the Presidents ol the U. States,
who have departed this life, from Washington
down. There is no doubt that the death of an
individual, who has been so much the fuvorito
of his country, and partaken so largely of its re
gard as to fill that high office, always produces
has produced hitherto a strong impression upon
the public mind. That is right. It is right that
such be the impression upon the whole commu
nity embracing those who particularly appro
ved and those who did not particularly approve
the political course of the deceased. All these
dictinguiehed men have been the chosen ol their
country. They have fulfilled their station and
duties upon the whole, in the series that have
pone before us, in a manner remitubleand dis-tingtiit-hrd.
Under thtir administration, in the
course of filty or sixty years, the government,
generally speaking, has prospered. It becomes.
j then, all to pay respect when men thus honored
j are called to another world. Mr. President,
we may well indulge the hope and the belief
that it was the feelings of the distinguished per
son who is the subject of these resolutions, in
the solemn days and hours of closing life, that
it was his wish that if he had committed few or
more errors in the administration ol the covem
rnent, their influence might cease with hi in ;
and that whatever of good he had done, might
be perpetuated. Let us cherish the same sen
timent. Let us act upon the panic fjeling ; and
whatever of true honor and glory he acquired,
' let us all hope that it w ill bo his inheritance
forever ! And whatever of good example, or
good principle, or good administration, he has
established, let us hope that the benefit of it may
also be perpetual.
Mr. Webster then resumed his eat amid ge
neral but subdued expressions of applause.
The Itlolhrr ami lirr Family.
Philosophy is rarely found. The must per
fect sample I ever met, was an old woman who
was apparently the poorest and the most forlorn
of the human species, so true is the maxim
which all profess to believe, and none act upon
invariably, viz: that happiness does not depend
on outward crcumstances. The wise woman,
to whom I have alluded, walks to Boston, a
distance ur twenty or thirty miles, to sell a bag
of brown thread and stockings, and then pa-
1 tiently walks tmck with her little gain. Her
: dress, though tidy, is a grotesque collection of
j Shreds and patches' coarse in the extreme,
j 'Why don't you come down in wagon !'
' said I, when I observed t-he was wearied with
1 her long journey.
J Wc Imv'nt got any horse,' she replied : 'the
! neighbors ore very kind to me, but they can't
i spare their n.and it Would cost as much as my
1 thread would come to,'
' 'You have a husband don't he do anything
for you V
i 'He is a good man he does all he can, b;it
he's a cripple and an invalid. He reels my
: yam and mcruls the children's shoes. He's as
' kind a as a woman need to have,
I 'But his being a cripple is a heavy misfortune
lo you,' said I.
' v hy, ma am, I don t look upon it In that
' light,' replied the thread woman, '1 consider
1 that I've a great reason to be thankful thai lie
1 never took to any bad habits.'
! H -w many children have you 1'
'Six sons and five daughter-!, ma'ain.'
'Six sons and five dnitghters ! W hat a fami
ly for a poor womnn tosiiptKirt !'
It's a luinily, uia'uin ; but there ain't one of
'em I'd be willing to loose. They are all
healthy children as need to be, all willing to
work, and all clever to me. l'veu the littlest
j bo), when he gets a cent, now and then, for
j doing an errmid, will liu euro to bring it to inc.'
Io your daughters spin your thread V
'.Nil, ma urn ; a soon as they are big enough,
they go out to service, as I don't want to keep
them always delving for me ; they ure always,
willing to givo me what they can ; but it's lair
that they should do a little for themselves. 1 do
all my spinning alter the folks are ubed.'
'Don't you think you klionld bo better off if
you had no ono but yourself to provide for !'
Why, no, ma'am, 1 don't. If 1 haU'nt been
married, 1 should had to work as hard as I could
and now I can't do more than that. My child
ren are a great comlort to tne, and 1 look for
ward to the time when they'll do as much for
me as I've done for them.'
Here wus true philosophy. 1 learned a les
son from that poor woman which 1 t-liall not
eoon forget Mits SvJgu-iik.
The Tutor and Ike Proprietor.
We passed pretty near a house which was
a short time ago the scene of an incident which,
in the hands of a skillful novelist, might be so
pptin out as to make the orthodox three volumes.
In that house there lived I am sure that he
does not ttill live there an eccentric old rich
proprietor. His own dress and manners were
plain, and his modes of life homely ; but, in
tending a handsome fortune for each of his fain- j
ily two sons and a daughter it was his great
ambition to give them a first rate education.
The daughter, being the eldest, had returned
from one of the first boarding schools, quite an
accomplished lady. He doated on her, and ful
ly made up his mind, she should either be mar
ried to a man of rank and importance in the
world, or not married at all. For the two sens,
in order, as he said, that they might be educat
ed under his own eye, that he might see that
full justice was done them, ho employed a ta
lented young man, whom the tdd eccentric
L'entleman constantly lauded to the skies for
his exceeding modesty of manner. Things
went on for a season as sniooih'y as either par
ty could wish, the tutor growing every hour in
the good graces of his patron. He became, in
fine, a confirmed favorite, ami was in every re
spect "treated as one of the family " One day
after dinner the modest tutor, (there being no
one present but themselves,) said to the old
gentleman, in hesitating accent.'', scarcely ven-
turinr to raise his head as he spoke, that he
wished to consult him confidentially for a few
minutes on a very important and delicate mat.
ter, and to get his advice as how he ought to
act in the peculiar circumstances in which he
was placed.
'Quite ready to hear you, sir ; and to give
you lbs best advice in my power,' observed the
other, who had always been remaikable for his
blunt manner of speaking.
'I really do not know how to begin, I'm nl-
most a fra id to mention the thing to you,' re
marked the tutor, tying and untying a piece of
twine on hia linger, on which he kept his eye
thoughtfully fixed.
'Oh, don't be afraid, sir, out with it. It's no
thing horrible, I hope !'
't)h, dear no.'
Well, then let us hear it at once.'
'It's about an affair of the heart.'
'Ah! an nfiair of the heart! Ay, I see you
young men know something about Ihcso mot
tors. It's long since 1 hid an affair of the heart,
though 1 have had plenty of other 'affairs,' lar
more serious ; but young men must be young
men ; yes they mu.-t. I nine, inkea glass ot
wine, and teli us all about this atlair of the
As he spoke, the eccentric old gentleman
poured out a glass of unexceptionable port, ami
handed to the tutor, which the latter deliberate
ly drank oil'.
'Now sir, for this love story this afiair of
the heart, you h ive fallen in Ijvc with some
pretty girl, and wish to marry her, I suppose.'
The tutor owned the soft impeachment
Well, and why not marry her V
ThaiV jiibt the point about which I wished
to consult yon.'
'i she an amiable girl V
'The very perfection of every thing that is
morally good and mentally excellent.'
'&, so. And belongs to a respectable tatni-
ly V
'A very respectable family. Indeed she
moves in n better ephere of lite than myself,
and her family are so respectable, that any gen
tleman might and would be proud to bo con
cerned with it.'
'Then why, you spalpeen, don't )oii marry
her at once V said the old man, rai.-im;
right leg and placing it on an adjiceut chair.
lint I have not yet obtained the consent of
her father,' replied the tutor, speaking iua
seemingly subdued and timid tone, and lint hav
ing courage enough lo look his patron in the
'Then why, sir, don't you obtain it !'
'I am afraid lo utk it.'
'Why afraid to ask it 1 Don't ben coward.'
'I'm afraid, because she assures me licit she
knows that llVr father would never give his con
currence to her marriage to one who is entirely
without means, au lias nothing but his educa
tion and good moral character to re.'oininetid
'Does she speak confidently on the point V
Oh, most confidently. She i. quite positive.'
'Quito sure eh !'
'Perfectly ceilain.'
'No chance of the father yielding V
Not the fclightel.'
Is he an eld man V
He is advanced in years.'
Then, sir, he must be uu dd fool, CVne,
take another glass of wine.'
The rccculric old gentleman here filled up
the glass of his sous' perceplor, and the latter
cmietly rjuaffed its contents.
'Do I know this stupid piece yfautiijuily !'
And for some time V
'For many years.'
'Does he and his daughter reside in the
neighborhood !'
'They do.'
'Is it a fair question to ask the old idiot's
name !'
I would rather not mention it in existing
Oh, very good, very good. I would not press
you, not by any means I ay !'
The lovcstrnck tutor was all attention.
'Listen to me, sir. Lend me your cars."
'I will with the greatest pleasure.'
'What lam going to say is worth hearing.'
'Pin anxious to hear it.'
I'll tell you what you'll do.
'I shall be most grateful for your advice in
so trying a situation as that in which I am
'Take another glass of port. Kecpttp your
heart, sir.'
The tutor took ano'.her claw, the example be
ing Fot by his friend and counsellor.
'Is the young lady very much attached to
you V
I have nn reason to doubt the ardor of her
affect ion.'
'Would she elope ; that is, run away with
you I
'She is willing to do anything.'
'Then, sir, your course is clear. Carry her
otl and get married at once.'
I'm afraid of offending the old gentleman,
her lather.'
Oil ! the old gentleman, her father. Never
mind him if yon can get the girl herself.'
'And would you really advise me to run a
wny with her!' I would not like to take so
important a step without your approval.'
lVorr7 advise yon 1 1 Jn advise you, and
let it be done directly, sir. Why, sir, you have
nn pluck or spirit about yon, or you would have
doiin it before now. Thunder and lightning !
old as I am. sir, 1 would do it myself. You do
it at once.'
'I was anxious to consult you on so delicate
a matter.'
Well, sir, you know my opinion nnd have
cot my advice. Don't be faint hearted, sir ; get
up early and elope with the lady to morrow
morning ; and take my horse and gig for the
purpose. They are quite at your service, very
niiirli at your service.'
'I am really under infinite obligations to you
for the deep interest you have taken in the
matter. I'll adopt your advice, and avail my
self ol )'"iir kind offer of your horse and gig to
enable me to carry her oil.'
Do, tirdo ; and mind you do it effectually.
Let there be no mistake, no failure in the mat
ter. Success to you in your enterprise. Let
me know when oi huve nude the young lady
your wile.'
I will with the greatest pleasure.
On ihe following morning, ihe old gentleman
summoned his daughter, as was his custom,
down to breakfast, ho stationing himself on the
occasion at tho foot of the stair. No response
was made to the first summons.
'What do you mean, you lazy, indolent huz
zy, that you don't come when you are called V
bawled out the old and eccentric personage, in
the way of continuing his first call.
Still there was no answer.
'You are sound asleep, I suppose. Why
don't you get up and cume down directly ! Do
you hear !'
Still there was no response.
'I say, you indolent, goisTfor nothing piece
of goods, why don't you'
Please, sir,' interposed an out-door man ser
vant who had just entered the hall ; 'please,
sir, I saw M iss and the tutor driving away this
iiiorninir, at o'clock, in ym.r gig. And more
than tint, please your honor, they, (horse, gig
and all,) seemed as it they were in a dreadful
hurry. They were, indeed, sir.'
The obi man audibly groaned, and sank
down u:i the stairs. The truth flashed into his
ritiinl. It was ln. o'.vn daughter who had eloped
wiih the tutor, in obedience to his own adv ce
tendered to thu latter so emphatically on the
previous day.
D uu I'oi hiMiii'. At Kutwyck, it was
lormerly a piec e ol Dutch courtship for the woo
er to take Ins mistress in his onus, carry her in
to tho sea til! he w is more than knee deep, set
her dow n upon her feet, mid then, bearing her
out again, roll her over and over upon the sand
bills, by way of drying her.
A Yankee boy had a whole Dutch cheese
set before him by a waggish friend, who, how
ever, gave him no knife. "This isa funny cheese.
Uncle Joe; but whrrii shall I cut it!" "Oh,
cut it i here you hke." "Yery well," said the
Yaiilt.'e, coolly putting it under hi arm, '!
guess I'll cut it at home,"
Whattree is not known by iu fruit 1
A lioU tree
The Food of Plan.
The Genesee Farmer gives this brief eummi
ryofthe native countries of our most famdhr
plants :
The potatoo is the native of South America,
and is still found wild in Chili, Peru and Montu
Video. In its native state, the root is small and
bitter. The first mention of it by European
writers is in IS". It is now spread over tlio
world. Wheat and Rye originated in Tartary
and Siberia, where they ate indigenous. The
only country where the oata is found wild is i.i
Abyssinia, and thence may be considered a na
tive. Maize or Indian corn is a native of Mcx.
ico, and was unknown in Europe until after tho
discoveries of Columbus. The bread fruit tree
is a native ol the South Sea island?, particular
ly O'ahcite. Tea is found a native no whero
except in China and Japan from which country
the world is supplied. The cocoa nut is a native
of the most erjuinoxial countries, and is ono of
the most valnobla trees, as food, clothing and
shelter are afforded by it. Coffee is a native of
Arabia Felin, but is now spread into both the
Fast and West Indies. The best coffee is
brought fro n Mocha, in Arabia, where about
fourteen millions of pounds are annually e.xpor
ted. St. Domingo furnishes from sixty to se
venty millions of putinds yearly. All the varic
ties of tho apple are derived from the crab ap
ple, which is found native in most parts of the
The peach is derived from Fersia, where it
still grows in a native state, small, bitter, and
wiih pionous qualities. Tobacco is a nativa
of Mexico and South America, and lately nne
species has teen found in Nov Holland. To
bacco was first introduced in,r Fngiand from
North Carolina, in 1 V-0, by .Walter llalcigh.
Asparagus was brought from A;ia; cabbage
and lettuce from Holland ; horse radish front
China ; rice from Ethiopia ; bean from the
j Kant Indies; onions and garlics aro natives of
various places both in Asia and Africa, The eu-
gar cane isaintive of China, and from tiicnco
is derived the art of making sugar from it,
Smct it Wheat. One word respecting
smut in wheat. When I was first acquainted
with this country, being a boy, the wheat taiseJ
here was all smutty, so much fo indeed, that it
required to be washed before it was fit to use.
The first year we sowed the wheat procured in
the neighborhood, which was smutty, for seed,
ihe crop was very smutty. The next sea-on
some for seed was procured from a distance,
clean, of smut t this wheat was washed clean,
and while wet, as much good ashes was mixed
with it as would stick to tho wheat, and sown
immediately. The crop was clean of smut, and
for more than twenty years in succession wo
practiced the same way on the farm. We pro
cured wheat clean of smut, washed and ashed
the seed, nnd during tlio whole time never rai
sed a crop ol smutty wliei.t. 1 have more tin ;i
once sown beside niv neighbor V lot, m!!o i; lit
fonoe dividing us, he sowed his wheat i!r
anj a4 (,,vc stnteil, Irs w vorv smu'tv, mine
quite clean. All tVs tine winter wheat wad
sown and occasionally spri.ig wheat; and t.i
this time, which is more than sixty years, I ne
ver have raised a crop of smutty wheat when I
observed the above rule ; or procured when!
clean of smut, shed, etc. Onco I had sonic
spring wheat eomew hat smutty, and it was from
smutty seed, For a number of years of thU'
time 1 speak of there was no lime iu tho coun
try, otherwise lime would have been used in
stead of ashes, as wo have since lima has bo
come plenty. r.xeliangc Paper.
A Good Joke. A 6liort time since Govern
or Wright turned out all the keepers in Au
burn State Prison who had been appointed by
Houck. A correspondent of the Albany Even
ing Journal says that it is au established fact io
the prison, that Jjulllilo sends thither the ghubbi
est convicts of any pirt of tho Slate; and ac
cordingly, v. hen the new underkeepera filed in
to take their places, a convict, supposing by tin ir"
looks that this must be a reinforcement of con
victs from tho City of the I-ake, observed
"Well, Captain, ItitjYulo has tint the hardtst
Win;' of this tine that t cr came (o thin
A philosopher mid a wit were at i'a, ami -j.
high swell rising, the philosopher seemed u' .J.-r
yreat apprehensions !e.-l hesboulJ go to li.eU,.
torn. 'Why,' observed Ihe wit, 'tlmt ".ill j.t
Vourgeuius to a tittle; as l,r my part, 'yn ;-t-t f
I am only skimming the surface of '.hins.
"Ma! ma! cousin Poll, he's m ifco
w itli siter Sail, and keeps biti:.' hcr."
'Cousin ibll bu ng my Sn', ;
"Yes'm 1 seed him Inia her e.'er so 01.1:17
times on la r inouth a.ei the t'..i'nt !i .;itru bu"..
"Oh ah ! never iinuJ, r.j encashed o
hurt her much."
'r her ! .a by j.0sii ;e ones it. a
kep a lettin bii.k, ar,,'. .,..i l sa- m.i
unaiked llier ii, ihm.,.:;
'ttV. IhrugU ihe key hole,
him, by g olij.
l .. - vi ; I e;-.
I'll tUO til" ins