Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 21, 1845, Image 4

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!! J "I
,1ml I lie Thing.
Our old friend Dennis Corcoran, of the Tien,
yunc, (and tlio 'broth of boy' lie in ton,) tells the
following story:
Tub Amekicai Eaoi.e aid Danikl O'Con
nm,l It cyan Moguire nnd Phil Mahony were
yesterday charged bfifore the Recorder with
ht''ng nnd disturbing the pcnc.3 on Monday
night. Tlicir appearance told that thpy belong
ed to neither the peace nor temperance wicie
tie. 'Mahony nnd Mngnro, yon hnve boon fig-tit-ing.'fmid
the Recorder. 'Have you any Hung
to nay to the charge V
Mahony looked at Maguire, and Mnguire
scratched his head with his dexter Imml, and
looked at the ground.
'1 see that neither of you have any defence to
make,' said the Recorder.
'Oyis.ycr hanoreaid Ttryan, 'Phil hits ; he'll
till ve all about if, for he's cot the liirniii' : he
brags himselfon sackin a schoolmaster, and of !
. ; ...c. t.-n.i- . .1
oem as lur us iiib iiuie oi ii.rue in I ruciiona
Speck to him, I'hil
And acting on the hint, Phi Fpuke : 'M.iy
it plase this hanorublc crjort ; meeelf and ISyran
here wbi last night tnkiti' two julepH, as happy
nnd as comfortable as if we'd found o b-pora-huiiu's
pcxild, or was in possession of a four lu
ted fduinirogiie, nnd could git what we wanted
jidt lor aekin' it. And how cud we bo other
wise! for, osleuid afore, there was our juleps
afore U9, wid the ice ehinin' in the toumblcrs like
lumps of diamonds, and the mint clustered all
over the top o' them, remindin' a body of the
green fields of ould Ireland. 'Now I think,' sis
l'hil to me '
'I think' faid the Recorder, 'that I evince
(:reat patience in listening to all this. Why do
you not nt once reply to the charge V
'That's what I'm comin' too,' said Drynn 'so,
as I was 6ayin,' eis l'hil to me, pis he, 'I b'lieve,
fSrynn,' said he, 'there was a time in Ireland
whin it VI be tlirason to dhrink one of thiin ju
leps there,' sis he. '1 suppose you mnne pence
Father Alnthcw made them all siriet letnpi'r
nnco min ?' eij I. 'No,' sis he, 'but in fK
Why in '1)3!' fiis I. 'Jiet bekasc tlir y'io grten,'
fa he ; 'ye know at.y one that showed a prc
fcrincc in them days for the national color in any
way, they wor aither hung or eint to Rotany
Ray. Don't ye know,' eis he, what the ould
ong sis ?
"It's a poor distressed country
As iver yet was seen ;
They're hangin' min and women
For the wearin' of the green."
'O, I know all that,' eis 1 ; 'yi, and it 'ud be
eo still f..r O'Conncll
1 "O, Dan was the boy
That in spiti? of King or Queen,
Pulled down tlin orange
And ran up the green !' "
Ami, aflliiT fringiu' this varse, he tuck up his
touiubler and said. 'Here's his health !' 'I'll
not dhrink it,' sis I. 'Thin ye're no Iri.-hman,'
f i he. 'As good as you are,' sis I ; 'but I'll
dhrink no man's heMth who eis a word against
the Amiricuii Aigle, that tloits above and watch
es over the nist where Liberty hntches her
young.' O, I knew ye had the Suxon dhrop in
ye,' bis he.' 'It'sn li,' bis I. 'Take that thin,'
eis he.' 'And that,' tis I ; and to it we wint,
and at it we kept till the watchman arrested
us. we talked the thing over in the watch
house last night, and made it all up. Phil sis
he'd FutTer to be cursed by the priest rather
than propose O'Connell's health, if he knew
that lie snid a word against the Amirican
Aigle ; so if yer honor lits us off this time, we'll
neither brake the pace nor one another's head
for a month of Sundays.'
Tho Recorder took them at tlicir words and
ordered their immediate discharge.
Machkadv's Pkrplfxitv. The manners
and customs of the inhabitants of the New
Wrrld excited in Macready many emotions of
curiosity. He could scarcely futhoin many of
the '( ccentricilies of the Yankees. doing to
one of the theatres in which he was playing, he
Mid '.lr. what a singular company you
have how eccentric ! how queer !
How so, sir1'
'Why, one man comes to me nnd says 'I'm
tight,' another iays 'I'm high,' another 'I'm
'blue,' another 'I've got a brick in my hat, ano
ther 'I'm making a Virginia rail fence,' another
I'm ubfuticsted !"
Well, sir, 'interrupted Ihe niananor, surely
there is nothing remarkable in all that.'
'Ilia very remarkable,' said Mdcready, pctu
lently, 'for, upon inquiry, I find that all ihoe
tneu ure drunk. Aoo' Mettengtr.
Poetry. The Key West Gazette has a cor
rerHi)ideut who calls himself tho ' Key West
iijiril'atid the following is a specimen orrs
fctyle : .
Of all the girls in Key Wct,
The most amiable and tha vpry best,
Is she whom I saw yesterday dress'd
In inubliu de laiue.
Iler eyes are soft and very 00"
Her figure is good hei temper too,
And then the never Jtei tffe blue
Devili or any pain.
A young poet ol Cleveland Ohio, bus (alien
in love tho second time. It may be lute tlmt
"true love never did run smooth,'' but it can't
be said ot his poetry.
o wunst i Itivd a nuther girl,
Her name it wus murrier,
but betr-y deer my luv for u
is ! limes inure higher.
A Joung lady, a tew evenings since, said to
ler caialur, "please clasp my cloak V "t'er-
aialy," said lie, clasping hit arms around her,
'and the content, too.'
The f illowing lit) shnwg the current vrtliiP of all
Vnnsvlvaiiia Bank Note. The moot implicit re
liance rt'iy bo placed upon it, as it is e very week
mri'fully r unpired wilh ai d corrected bom llick-In-It's
i::taks lit Philadelphia.
i Disc, i
Bank of North Anieiien . , par
Bank nf the Noithero Liberties . . par
Cominereii.l bank nf Penn'. . . pur
Farmers' and Mechanics' Hank . par
Kensington Hank . . . par
Philadel his 1! ink . . . par
Schuylkill Bank . . . par
Soinhwnrk llnnk . . . par
Western Hank . par
Mechanics' Rank .
Mnnuf.icturi rs' At Mechanics' Bank
Rank of 'Micsler Countv
I 'hester
Bank of Delaware County
Rai.kofMon.LMmirry Co.
D.'yli-stmvn UnnL
r.BHton Hank
Farmer.! H; nk nf r.ue'-.i co.
Oin.-e i f Pmk of 'Yini'a.
OlVir do do
tlilVe iln do
OiVice ibi do
lT.irri.iluirii" Thrr
l.aiiniNter o,Tu-e
IJendiiiR do not
KhhIoii J iMue n.
tank of the Ui.ited Stalen
(tank of I'enii 'I'uwnship
(tirard ilk
Nfovaiiieiminc I) ink
Hank of iViiimx Ivrii.ii
MinrrB of Poltivi!le
Hank nf l.evituwn
(tank i.f Middletown
Bank of ISiirlhiiiiilieil mil
Philadelphia i!ln:i2
irthnmlirilaiid par
lolumlia 15 mk & Diidge co.t'"lumliia
HnrliMle Dank (.'.'irhsle
tlxi'haiine Hank PilNburjr
I), il l branch of llnllid ivnliurg
Farmem' Hank of I.niu-Hslei Iiancislei
Lancaster County ll;iiik l.nncoster
Fiirmrrii' llnnk nf lieadiog H adinR
Ilairislmrg Uank Harriluirg
I.ancas'er Hank Lancaster
Lelianon Hank Leliaimn
Metehants' Sc Mnnuf. Dank Piilnhur
Hank of Pittsburg PittbliuiR
Wist 13 ink WiHiainspnrl
Wyoming Hank Wilki bano
Northampton Hink Allentnwn
Iterka ("niiuty llnnk Peadiui;
OllUe of Uank of IJ. . Pitlslmrg
' i
I do do lie
Da do do ISew l)rii;hliiii
Keiitiimrtoii Suv, Ins. A do
Penn Townsliiji H.iv. Ins. do
Hank of I'liauiiie.vliurg Chamlierxliuig
Hank of Cietlvfliurij tii liyihurg
Bank of Sti'iiuehann.i Co. Monliosc
Crie Bunk Kri 2
Farmers' - Drovers' B ink VX 'ayrnvbiirn S
Fiankiiu Uank Washinelnn 1
lliineiidale lUnk Houehibile
1.inont;iihi la of lirownxville 1
Vork Bank York I
N. B. The notes of thoi-e hanks on which we
arnit (Uolaiions, and sulmtitute a da.ih ( ) are not
purchased hy tlio Philadelphia hrokers, wilh the
exception ol those which have a letter of n feri-nce.
II li U K E N B A N K H.
Philadelphia Sav. Jos.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill iSav. Ins.
Manual Lahor liaiiK ('P. W
I'nwanda Bank
Alleghany Hank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of Swatarn
Hank of Wuhingtnn
Centre Batik
City Bank
Farmer & Meih'cs' Bunk
Farmers & Mech'cs' Bank
Farmer' eV Mech'tV Uui.k
liaimony Instiioto
Hunlingdoii Bunk
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen' Btik
.Northern Bank of I'a.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumli'd I'uion Col. Ilk.
Noiih Wetim Bank v( P.
DlVue of Nchn!kill Bank
Ph. Aur. iV. Mnnuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
I'uion Uank of Pcnn'u.
Wpstiiioielund Bank
Dyotl, prop.)
Pielh fonte
I'ayi tie cn.
1 1 armnuy
Leu i-'oii ii
V arren
New Hope
M ill .hi
Mi i. lviile
I'orl Cmlion
( 'urlirle
1 'nioirown
no sale
no rale
io Mile
no hale
no " lie
11 1 S'lll-
no sul.
!.. ...I
Wilkesbarte Bridge Co.
U ilkesharie no sale
fjy All notes puipmting to he on any Petinsyl-
vania Hank not given in the uhove list, may
iy lie set
Jowu a frauds.
kcw .ii:km:v.
Bank of New Bumswick Brunswick
Llehiilcie Bank llolvul. r
Burlinplou Co. Bank M. .II .r.l
'.Jomnii rcial Bank Penh Amhuy
Dumherl.ind Bank llridi'pton
rarmeis' Bi.lik Mount Holly
runner' and Mechanics' Bk Kahway
Fanners' mid Mechanics' lik .N. Bicns.viik
Farmer' nnd Merchant' Bk Midillitown Pi
Fruliklin 11 oik of V J. J'-r-ev City
Hohnken BkgiV liiazmg Co lloh.kcn
lerbey ('ity Bank Jirs.yCity
Meclianii' Ban!; Puiieison
Manuf.icturi rs Bank I'.iiliiiile
f id. it
Morris County Bank Morristuwu
Monmouth Bk of .N.J. I reehol I
Michauic' Bank ew.nk
Mechanic' and M inuf. l'.k Tn-nl hi
HO kale
Morii ('anal and iikg u Jem) (Jay
Post otea
Newark 11kg &. Ins Co Newaik
iVew Hoi Del Bridge Co L.imfuaLstillt)
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Ho!
N J 1'iou clon A Louihaid I k Jei
Orange Bank 'rail's:
Pa'erson Bank ran ts.ui
People' Bank !
Plilicetoti Bal.k Prueetou
p. 1
j .r
Suletii Banking Co Sahm
Stale Bank Newnrk
State Bank Llinlclslow n
State Bank Camden
Stale liatik of Morris Morn-town
4:te Bank 'i'lintoii
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Suet Bank iS'ewlmi
Trenton Banking Co Tieutoii
l.'nioii Bank Dnvrr
Wuabiugtuli Banking Co. Jl n keiis uk
Bk of Wihn & Braudywiuc Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Uank of 6hiirua Smyrna
Do hianch Miltord
Farnur' Ilk nf Slate nf Del Dovrr
Do liruuch iliuingtoti
Do liraiicli Oeoigclowu
Do Irani U Ncwcinle
I'uion link Wilmington
ay I'lohr .r'
QJ- On all hanks maikej thus () there are ii
ther reunleifeil or altered lluie of Uie variuu
nouiiiiuiioiii, iu circulation.
"".I. .'M' iiii,t.i .1.1.. Jl. ..'.
n.4is in orr mim) c iinmiY,
A Cninpnnnil ttnlsnmip Prrpurni Inn fram
Wllil diet ry Hark nml Tnr,
Tlie heft remedy kami'n In Ihe vnrtd fr the eure if
coughs. Colds, aithmn, crimp, hh-eding nf the
lungs, ri'himpino enugh, hrnnehitii, in flu
enza, tlmrtncus nfheealh. pain nnd
weakness in the breast or tide,
liver cmndaiiit, ana' the
first stage if
We will not assert itiin 11 LM will cure
Consumption in inl irnrtl form, but it baa cured
innnv after all other means of relief had bifii tried
I in vain. And why not ! It seems that the Wll.l)
iPIIl'iiilV ii destined by Nature In lip our PA
NACEA fur ihp ravniins dieeasea nf lid e -Id la
titude. Let not thn despairing invalid wastis In
i m tii'V nnd Init'f) 'i'IMI. In him a i nil impni'atil.
in extxrinieuiing wilh tin' trash? nostrums nf ihp
... .. . ... . .
J it iy, I'lil oe til wire a meiliemn tlial will euro, it a
cure lie p iliie a iin iLcine that science app'uvcs,
j and ina'iv year of tper ence h ive di mnnstrated
1 that tl omvis relieves.
! 'There m ho .mrh thin'T an f";f." in the history
I 'f 'his wonderful BALAAM, l'videnee the inol
! convincing eve h'i c that on one r.i doubt, fully
; Pftahli bes tMs fvt. For the n iVe of Invity wc
se'ivt te f I owirp f'nm l',inor.nd-.
I.aar l ia't, ls.., lulitor ol Ihr I VkPep- ie 1. iRle.
one of the in M iiillueutlnl j.itini il in tl.e s'atp of
Mev York, si iti s nnd 'i the nnthortlv of hisnw n
nnniP, th 't a young; Indy, a rel ilivp of his, ot very
delicate cmisli nlion, wni B'l.irkeil in l'eh. 112.
with : cvcrc cold, wh'rh immediately ( rodurp.l pit
tinu of hhmd, rouc.h, feet, m d o:her danccrnu atnl
ahirmii g j-y inptuiiH. Tbrngh medical tieitrneri'
and cite slip paithillv rep;.vpn d limine summer.
But on thp return of i inter i!p w is bII ickrd more
violently limn nt Inst, she In pame senrc )v ahle In
walk nnd wa; Imiihled w;th pounb, chilli' an. I feier
every day, nnd ni.r;neil .i he uoing r apidlv with
pi!iisiiini'bii ; at thii lime, hen theie nn n iijn
of iinprovemeiit, Mr. Plan prociiri-d a ho'lle T
Wistah's IU i. M or Wii.m Ciikrht. whieh the
look, and it RiPiniuelv rest. 'led her. c-Iip c; it a se
cond, and In f,np it v. a half tnki n he w as restored
In perfect health, which r h is enjoyed l i IliP prp-
! sent nme, without the Hlnhtirt symptom other fir
i K .
tiler ni.-r sr.
Mr. P n't snv "ihe ri rp c ime under my n nh
fi'ivatinn and I cannot he mist ken u to Ihe fa-'s."
Pkmhrok k, Wiishingtoii rt., Maine, Apr. 2!l. 1 SI t.
j M!!. ISAAC 111; TTS. Dear Sir: At ihp re
; ipii'fcl of many of my friiniU in 1'iis place at d vici
I I i'y who tire aOlicled wit!i con? ti'iitioti a:i l liver
j cnirp'Bio's, I lake the I In r y of nuking you to up
i mnt some unc in enun'y as agent to r.ell 'i
j tab's Bit. sam os W 1 1 it Cn : ii ii t, and to si nd bin
I a few d.'.en. as there is hoop of i' for sale
' 900 nnlcM fr.iiti tltij I havi mi dnidit lhal it would
inp. I wilh a ready ile if it wire when
il eou'd I c
I delay.
plneiireil vvilhoiit lo t mnrli i pcnnp u:n
Mv wife v8 Hll.icked :d
nt m in ntl.s Hince
'o' ...ill. U-lfll lliff lit V.tlMlllW l:lllpil l!lH Cl r I niC Itf
Ci n-nmi'tioii a Comniaiiit v ry iiievmeni in
a coiiinl.iiiit vi ry niemli'iit in lliix
si cioii of country, llauni; seen the Bals iinad
urtsed in A Hi.' net a.
200 kiles racrx sisre, o
I took the pauis tJ aeud there fur a I otlle of it,
whiih she took, and hich helped her su much that
I sent l"F to bottles more, w hich t-he has !) tn
ken, nml he now says she has not fell so well for
,11 years as she does Ml ihis limp. All ihoae who
have inquired (if me and us'-pitamcd wlmt effect toe
Balsam hud, are noxious lo hive miiiip fir sa'e in
this vicinitv, which is the c.iu-e nf mv.writn k you.
I'lea-e in fur m mo ly tetu n of nuil whether von
conclude to send some, and if so to whom, in order
dial il may he known where it csn he l ad.
1 bin wilh re-peet voiirs, tp.
P. ti. FAKNsWiHM'H. P. M.
The w h"le country is fi.-t lean irg that no medi
cine no phvsician no piefarutioti nf any kind
whit.v.r can i.pial I'll. Wiktau's Balsam or
a Tin i-y Y'o2ii:nri'! c i nr..
'A ri.iivii.i.r,Onei,laeo.... Y.S. pl IS. 1SH.
Den S r I owe it io li e Hlllieied 'o inh.rin V' u
that in .1 .nuc-rv I i-t I was alunkul l y h ve-v vio
lent did, cans, d hy wo kn g in the wsler. whieh
willed on my lungs. It hi con. p ini.-d hy a vc
ry s. vce pa o io mv hreal bnd siili s, and ids ' a
cis'tt-s-inu C' ujh. I .'mil ia ailei.iUine a I the test
mei''e..l aid in our village; hut afur exhausting all
llieit ski I o no av ol, l hi y proni.nie e I my oi ea-e a
Iii.viihmiii enssr vr i ins, ant itny nt e ami all
I f'"'c ie up In die. Alter much pi rsinisinti I got
'be lon-ei.l ol mv phici.ui lo use the Baisim o
I k" '"" pr. pared hy Dh Wkpah. I pnr-
chiised of the Agent in our ida. e one h .ttle, hefore
' Using half of whicli I t eean tn gain streng II. Bud il
' ... .a Hru mv ruiM'ti 1VH llnii'h l.tlr nnd I
. very pvuteni my coiig'i whs inocn i
I have
I "J '"t'o'oi"
now used three bottles, nnd am rrstnrid lit perful
health. This re-ult is id'lie ntving lo Ihe Use of'
j li V ; and I take this method nf t ving you ttm in
! formation, partly to pay you the deht i f grilitin'e ,
I owe nu, and partly thai other- si nilaily iilllicled j
j mil km W' where lo nppiy fur lelief.
j Veiy trolv yoi.r-, J M KS K f ; !L
I Mil. Pa I. ii i n. Driti.'i-l, under d ite of U .iti rviile,
i 51lh, ISl:l, writes; '
I TI e str.t ineot gi-en Il hy Vr. .times w'a(!e i" .
j well known to he Irue t v lids vhide eiiiuiiiUiiit V j
I II crt iulv was a m.irl reiiunka; le cure. . J'he sale j
! i f die Hal-.mi i very en ul, ami its success in ciiie-
j nu'y I'.j.'iri. g. Yolo r-s;. cifu'lv.
lUnnoMirni. N J . Aoil 50. I SI I.
On or ah, ml ihr Uth day of Oel. tiei, 1 fl 1 1, I w a- i
taken wi !i a violent p. in iu the si le near the hv. r.
which loiitioiied tor a'mut live days, and w is fol. j
lowed I'V Ihe freaking ol an u'Ci r, or .il es. in- j
ward'', wl.x'i lei evej ihe pnlu a li'lle, hut cau ed !
me In ibrow iia creat ipim'.tv of i lVe.i-ive matter j
,. 1 1 , 1 i, ts i much I'Iii mI II. ing gready aliiim det'
il,K, I -ipplieil to u phy-i. tat', hoi In i, I e ill tig' t !
he c n Id il . l ul I i. for me evep g ve me im
Meeftiry t'lllh, wheh Intued to like, Iielui4
.n'islii.l that il.ey could do me i o uoml ; n n.i o
'hi I T. in die were tin ii r. cured hv my wilu and
fi ii-ii:l, hut none me mo guod a. d the dls- ,
churae ol tiiood :il.'l c onupti n '.!l c I.I mud ev. rv
f w da, a id ut it I ecoin" s.i I'ln i sue th I I
Cou'd scarcely I reaihe I w i also seicd with a vi
olent cough, win hut lime can-id wnlo rjie
niuih iiioiebloo.l ihnti I hid done and my
PHr I disease continued in this way, mil growing wore.
I until rchruary, when all I. one nf uiy iccovery was
given Ui. and my Iiicm.! all llmuuht I would die
ul a (i ALLoPIMI CukklMI'TloS. At this IllOmPIlt,
w hen my lite wj appuren ly lirawing near il close,
I heard ol DR. W lsTAU's B A L A M O F
WILD CHIH.KY, and got a bottld winch at
tttviu mk iMMniiATrir ; and by the Use of only
lliree b tile of this nnd cine, all my p ons wero
removed my cough and s iitii g of hlond and cor
rupiion entntly slopped, ami in a ( w week my
In ..Id. w a so far iclmcd a to enahle me lo woik
at my trade, (which is a earpcutir,) and up to tin
tune I have tnjoytd gaud In atth.
b'tni cinri ('iii's rt, N. J ,
Ft i, iml!' came before me, the tuLscrilcr, one of
the .f usticr of the Praco in and fur the said cntin
ty, Thomas Cozens, and heing duly affirmed ae
cording to law, siiith the above ataloment is in all
thimrs true.
Allinned bi fore inn, on the 20th of April. 1843.5
J . Clkmrnt.J P. 5
Sue)) is the unprecedented success of this BAL
a irperiptinn congeniil to our wants, as it is pip
liared from elipmicil rxtincts from substances hieb
the aulltor of n ituie has nliiced in our own land j
for wisp purpo p., that many who ki"W imtliing
of t''p mode of its iireimr ition are endei.vorina to
reap pecuniary benefi'a hv sellinr'. sn aiticle aini'hir
in name, or in appear-mce. or liy rpirepntiog tin ir
own tiBfb ss suoprior hi this'lALs M, or by put
ting lip a minora nnd r. .lerpn'y asM-vernling that il
is imported tr im a f irei-n country, which is not 1'ie I
pesn. All lres. iteeeiitivfl arts gold rtiow
'i-T' HtsM ii known li the worM to hp
"THE (1 HI'. AT itnUCOY." and (li .t M grit
sny mixture i: must lie like this in twine, or pur
port to hi' liliP it io FU'-stance.
(X J" Helipip not thp cnniiingly wrmichl fnlniea-
tioim r,nd Inke on'y the nricinal and genuine j
Wistih's Bai.sam or Wn.n Chkhht
no otiiet: cah nn like it.
Addres-nil or.lers i.i S .C BLTTt. No.
':n ft.. .New Yok.
Agents, JOHN W. FlMI.INfi. S:;nh,lri,
1 HIIMT I'KSAM. X.rl.umherl.wJ,
.1. K. MDYI'lt. I!'..n,i,shiir;,
.1. W-X'JtJfiNsKLLF.I.. .v..n.-r.Voir,
HllinVN ,V CUKASY, Mlhm-Ulc.
rt'lclrraU! C'asraily iTIc'riicim
J"KILI not cure everv thing, hut s'id rem-iiti
y' y iinciualb d in thrir several department hy
everv thing ever offered to the public, who have
v.iliinl.iry euinp f irwanl sml nlVer 'd numetotis tin I
highly respectahle tesiini iiiials of their suju i i .r
ell'ie icv.
CtintrcW Compound Meilirnfrel S'r'ep rf Sin - i
wpnr tin t or, Anti-eor!itilic Kyiup, for Ihe
ol feorliita, Chronic I'hiot.n itism, Cbrnnie Swel. !
lines of the .loint. K r n t inn - nf the Skin, nml nil I
l)i.-c-ex allying from Ihe alntse of Mercu'.v, ir.,
unsurpnssed hy any thing in the market, comin.
ntng all the virtues resident in Ihe Sar-np rill a
with a modern m dievncnl, only lately brougbl
om liy the iint respectahle niodical authorities.
Price, Ml cents per h-He.
Ciintr'U' .inti-PipipHe lwder, for the re
t lief ami i crmnni nt cure of th it m st distressing
complniot. Dyspepsia, in li'.l .t- fortiM nd s'ntfes.
Il is itolv mo! valu dih' remedy, old in l otlles
at 25 and fit! cents each.
Cuntrrll't .tiir Mixture and Tnttie Mi lien,
niriita, ft inds at tim he.i l of the li -t nnriva'tnl hy
ijiv, or all lie innume rn! 1p niedieni in u-e
tbroii(;ioiil the lenclh nnd hreml h of the lai d, f r
Ihe pure of f i. is nnd Am k in all its stages, and
In. in nil its rnnsetpienccs.
e-ideiti in Fppr and Agup districts thoidd
never he without it.
The suhsciil-er will forfeit FIFTY DOLLARS
where his medicine lads to poforui a cure in the
most ohstiiia'p ca e.
H. Id Who e.dr and Retail bv CAI.r.B CRKS.
SON, at his l)ru Wiirphnue. No. f North Third
Street, l'hihidel(ihia ; nlso, hv ihe rcul nlv up
pointed agent. Si; 1 11 V. ROB l". It I S, Wholes e
Druggist, No. S4 Water Street, Mohilo,
Prepared orlv hv the Snleu-nher, corner of C AH
PKN'TKI and SF.COM SSir.ei.-, helo v i'hrisii
an, Philadelphia, where il is also lelniled.
Olwrrvp, none are genuine witho-it the sinnature
t'anlrrirs Ajrno ?llluro, or Tonic
Toe the cure 'full H limi njfietinni, iftaktn lie
cording I" dirtetinns.
It ia a never l..ilmg remedy which no faioi'y
nogh' I i bo wiihout, cs'ni.i!y in low niaisl y
ri'Ui tr'es.
As thi io"dicinP is put up under the p-oprie.
tor's im'ii'iliiie inspection on Ihe most srieunfic
principles, he in Yi gelablp, and having
tried Its rtl'icicy nil ihoosand-, for Upwards of 12 and to his know h dee wlipn isken strictly ac
pordii e to dneetiops, Iheie has riot hi en i lie fa lure.
I'mler such r-ri niii-lsore I recoinmetn! it la the
p'll.iic, adding a ceriifi.-ati i:i suj'p.irt of my n.-set-lion.
I, John Burn-, do eeilifv ibnl I was in the ship
Toll: CCO Plant lit" Plol idl ll l i t, dipt. R'lil. ill
June, I8i7, hound tn 1 iv:-rti"ul , took il.e lever
mid S"Ue snd la'd in Livrrrool some I me under
Ihe iloc'oi's I amis, went t o. 11 there t l l.'allimorc,
lay in the Iulirmary for four or five weeks from
ihcucit lo Phila.Mphi a ; was six mont,ls under Dr.
Coat ; f. om thence to New Yi tk went to ti e
Hoipilal, lemuimd iln re aheut four wek without
any iel,ef Iried every llnng without unv henefit,
for live x.ears. Hearing of Choired' Ague Mix
tti'efiotn ii fi end, I went to his store, t d.l him
h 'W I was sflU'lcd, and got a bnttle of his mixture
i mid i. sed il a. cot ling to dir. etions. It m nle a per
I Ii ct i uie, I have n. t had the It .ist n turn since.
I I do wtih coidi.'.t me rctumu.ciul it t the pi.l.tip.
I llt'tlcatril S.i tup Sni sijTij'ai ilia.
1 l !i,; i I l lo i. A i r.l l.nh, Islt.
Mr. .Inn v . C i s i II t I I ,
i Dear sn, Having he-n ntllicied f-r upward of j
j two vcar- with uleeialinn uf llie Ihroat, i'e-lroi' g j
the v- hole i.f 'he mil p d v ihen thiou.'h the U per j
I pari . f mv mouth 111:0 my nose, from whie'i sever- i
: el pit t id hot e came lit, which parual y de.-tmi. !
I i d mv speech, ihroii :h a km I l'r..v iih nce mnl inr 1
i '.lid.raie.l Srupul S ,r ipi'l.l i, I lull now le-tor. d ,
j to p. M. et he dtli, and luv siphl , w h c'o w 1 so much 1
mil aii d, 1- as iironu iisw'.o na Lov. I
j I I' it .1 duty I owed to you auJ l!:oe siiui- j
1 larly ulKclid, l i m ike it idle. j
I Yl'UIS, R. MtCC'tllliV, I
' Corner i f Tent'i uml l.'.n'rt Slicits
I. ti.i". ril .1 est' n, No. t Re-kh ss Stteel, do cer mv wife, J me, n il aHlic'ed for two car
with Rlo'iima i-m. and .1 la-t was intmlv ih a led,
so 1 1 . ,t 1 slm w A ..hi. nt'.l I 1 he eoiitp.,-,! 10 I. d , I 1 ar.
ing 1 I Caii!' if Mi' 'i nle.l Syiop nf S.i s .panda,
or Anti Si-oil u .e Snp, I pr .iuicl f an I tths,
which e inpl.lelt leinond higher pain- and s. li
nt s f-om In r I nil-. ; Iwo in. re fou:es iiuide a per
Icel cure, S; e is now uhlo to ;r li ud 'O hi 1 Im use
hold duti.a a- u-uii. liMU.IL JU.Nfl ON.
Phi!ad. lphii, Jan. SSd. IS II.
rfj- De ciip'ive Pamphlets may be bad of ihe
agenl. (liiatis.) J. W. I'KIl.lM",
Sin. hui v. ov.d, Htl ly .Igrnt.
a s 11 it v v 11 o e a r,
South rust corner of Market and 4A ..
AAniERn they ilwoi keep on band an exten-
' ive asaoitineiit uf HATS if CA TS of every
description, got up in li e let and most approtrd
1 lo. Pi 1 nt deiir. us of purchasing sii uot art i
ch oil Ihe in.isl reasi iiable terms, w ill find il lo
their advantage lo call hi ford inuLuig puiihune
vlsew here.
Philadelphia, Oct. .'.ill. 1811. ly
m:iLiiATivn svinrp.
riIIK iilnah,e prnperiips nf Oakley's Dppura
l live Syrup of c irsaparilla, as a purifier of the
blood, is sn well known t thn puhlic generally,
Hint it is unreppssaty to occupy much space in set
ting forth the advantages to ha derivrd from its
usej wherever the meJiritiB has once brpn intro
dured, il Inkrs precedence over all olhera : tveiy
oiiPllint has taken it, havp derived sn signal bene
fteial results from it, thai it ia rpcninuipiulpd by
them with tho uunnst confidence. Physicians of
the highest standing in the piofc'Mnri, prpscrilp it
to patients under their care ; Containing nothing
ih li terious, hut In ing computed ol (hp most rnihl,
yet efficacious vegelnhle materia!,, it in ofT. red wilh
ciinli'lericp, as tnp rnenneio an:I mnt ptri?l"nt nu
rit'er of the blood now known. Ths usn of a few
hollies, especially in the spring months, will lie nt
tendt il wn!i most decided improvement in the ge
neral strength ofllia system, pradicaiing any seed
of ilisea-p tlinl may have heen qrni r iti d. hi sides
Riving health and vigor to thp body. For ihpcnre
of Herntiihl or Kinirs Evil lllo'tim ilisin. '1'iitpr,
Pimples or Piuptlons of Ihe Skin, White Nwcilina,
r stiiia. Chronic Couch Asthma. kc. Tho tui-'
nterous eerlil'ien'ps in ihp possession of thp sul si rl-
1 her ami his agents, fmrn physiriaifs and others, srp j
snmeieni to convince tne most rKenlical i t i s su-
peiioritv over all preprations o( 8 irs iparilla.
Sold wholpsale and retail, .y
f.'LOKCi: W. OAKLKY, North
nip l "',rlMIIr' ,
fith slreil, Leu.
I dimt, lleiks Connty, atnl lo hn had of the following '
i pi i sons :
! Korthumherlnnd Vannty. II, 11. M.m:r, j
i Snnhury : Leland ife Mixel, .Mi'K.vensiille ; I) '
j Kransi r. Milton. j
In t'nian Cini'ity. J. fiearh:irt, felinsgrove: '
I A. t !uteliiis, Milflmhurg.
Cnturnhia County. R. W. McCay, Wmdi ,
ington. I
Rea line. March 11. 181:1.
Ma. 0Ki.y.t : I believe it the uty nf every ,
one In do w huteverin their power I ic, for tho Iimic. j
fit nf their fellow man, nnd having had positive ,
proof io mv own family, of the wonderful properties .
of your Depurativo Syrup of Snrsaparilli, I m si
Conseienliou-ly recommend it to thp efilteted. We
had the inii-fortnnn t i ,.dc two of our rhddren. hv
the breaking nut of uteer.ius sore tha' covered the
face, bend and reck, although we had some nf tin (
most scientific physieiiins to attend th' m ami had j
died all Ihe known leiiiedies. including Swaiiii's !
I'inae a, without avail. Another nf my children
was ni'nikcil in llie fume m inner, her face m:
neik was completely covered; the il'srha'ge was so
offensive, and ihp nit-Pase nt FUih a height, ihnt we ,
despsireil nf her life. Seeing the wonderful etfects
i.f your Deptinlive Syiup c.l S.irsnparii i, wp were
inilm iil to make trial of it. as the lust r s .rt ; it
acted like a charm; the u'ctrs comrnenci d healing
immediately . a f i w bottles entirely re-lorpdier to
her Iip dth, which shp In.s cnjoyid iiniiiteritl lediv
ever since. As a p mi fur of the li'o d, I verily de
bt tc it has nut iu e.ii il.
Jon.N MOYHR. Tailor.
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Dottgl .ssvillp, April 10th, 1843. !
Mil. OAKltF.T: My son Foimnml I.paf, ha I ihe ,
scrofula in the most ihr.idlul and man
ner for thrc yea's, dining wh eh time he was de- i
prived nf tl.e use of his limh, his l,p..d and lo ck
weie covered with ulcers. We tri. d all ihe dill'-r. j
nt riinediis, l ilt lo no 1 met, until ree.aimo n.h'.l ,
hy Dr. Johnson nf Nonistown, and nUn Dr. Isaac j
Hiestei, of Reading, lo use your Depurative Syiup j
of S.irsapnrilla, nf w hich I ol.lnined seveial bottles. .
the use of w hich d'oic the dirca-P entiri ly out of
b.s system, Ihe sore healed up, and the child was 1
restoird to prifect he.ihh, which l.e 1.0s enj.ned .
nninteriuptedly ever since, lo the a-n nisbment of i
many pernor w ho si en him du ii g Ins iilHiction. ,
I h.ivelhouttht it mv dtry, and send vm th.isreitt- :
tii-ate that i ll cs who have a like ntlliclton in the j
family may know where to ohta.n s i viluahle a ,
medi. me. Your ltu! , 1
Sept. If,, l4o ly j
To C ountry .TlcrcSinnlx.
Iioots, Slitics, I'uimols-, Leghorn and
I'iilin Leaf Hats.
;. V. vV L. It. TAYI.OK,
at tin' S. I', etirm r of Mai ki t and I'tlh .S'.'s..
"AFFl'R for e 1111 ixten-i.e t t-oiinunt t f ihe
ah e ar'. cl. s, all uf whii ! they r II at i.i.ns. .al
ly low j lice-, sml p iilicul irly iuvde ti e atleiitioii
ol' Ian 1 is vi-iln.K ti e cite, 1.1 nil 1 x iiinmiti ai of
1,. ir "stoi k. (J. W. A- L. B. TAYLOR.
Philadelphia, May 2.1, I fill. ly
I lie pu. lie will pr.wr nost-rvr uini i.o .......o.. ...
-1 Pill are genuine, unless ihe hex baa three 1 1-
hels upon it. (the top, tho aide and Ihe lajllom)
each containing a f ic-siiuile Kigni.turt. of my liaiid-
w ruing, 1 it us u. uha! iimrn, m . 1 '. i;i-i- 1 li
bel aie engraved on steel, heantifully desiuiied, '
nnd done at an expense of over S.ltltO. Tin '
il v ill l-.e fcen thill the only thing nece-saty lo pro- :
cure 1I111 medicine in its purity, i to ohserve these
lul.. I,.
Remember tha top, the side, and the hu'tom.
The tallowing icsp.Tlive person are duly until, ti
7.. d, and hold
For the sale of JirnnJreil's Vegetable Vnieemal
Nortlni'i beiland countv : Milton Mickey A
Ch.iiiiti.'ihu. Sunliury II. B. .Master. M'Feei s-
villi- Ir. 1. 11. lot .Men. II. .Nuitliuni' 1 iiaml-
i Forsylh. (ieoicetown J. iV J. Wnils.
I L'nioii .unly t New Berlin Bog not Win.
j ter. tleorge (iui.diu:il. Mid. tie.
j hlirj IsmC Soii:h. Bl'aVi rf.iwii Datid Hulder. 1
j Adam.-l urg Win. J. May. Millliiisbuii! Mensi h
I oV Ray. Ha.lleloii Daniel Long. Freehora ;
. li. et F. i'. Mover. Lewishurg Wall tV (i een.
j I'oliiii'hi.i cot, nly ; Diniillc 1'. B. Reynold
I o Cn. Berwiel; Shiimau V R tti'iihouse. Cu1- '
!awisa C. li. Brohts. Bloomshurg John It. t
Mover JeiH-y Tow n-L, ti B.s. I. Washincton
R.ibl. MtCay. Liuie-looe-lla.!..-. i: McN-.'Cb.
lil'sene ill at path Ati'i-.l tins an 1. 1, j41.1v. d I , 1-
ilicaieof Agenev. coni lining a remc- nlutiou ul
Hi BRANDRKI'H'S Mauulaciory at Sing Sing,
mid up hi which trill a u he seen ex act copies ul
ihe new lubtU m u u&td upon the UrunJrtth J'iil
Philadelphia, oJlice No. 8, Ninth Sih street.
June 21th, 11:1.
N'os. J! and il North Thiol Street,
Near tho City Hotel,
CC MAC'KF.Y, Auctioneer, reipectfully in-
t iles the attention of persons desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to hia extensive Sale Rooms,
(IkiiIi public and Piivate.) for every detcripliou of
Iloust hold Fumitute, whire can he ulitained at all
times, a large assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Chinel 1'uiuiture, Beds, Mattra?,
&p at very reduced price, for cssh.
05' Sales by Auction, twice a week.
May -'nil, lsU3. ly
mil THTTEIl.
CltTANDOrn imtt'TI'INS).
fjjf TAe fidhavintr etrtifira'e deterihen nne. aflha
fnmt ertraordiiuury ourts ever rjftcted ly any
Pint.inrt ptn.t, Febtnaty 10. 18dS.
"Ij'On twenty years I was severely afflicted with
'- Tr.Trsa op thn Face and Hind: the diseasa
ciimmcner d v hen I w ie ppventeen years old, and
cotitiiiued until tho Fall of ltt)fi, y ,r ing in vio
lence, but without evpr disappearing. During mot
of the time, prent part nf my f-ce was rnvend wiili
the eruption, fri ipien'ly a'temled with violent itch
ing; mv hp id swel'pd at times until it Ml ts if it
would hurst the -welling was so g e it, that I couM
scarcely get my hM on. During the long perio.l
thai I was. afflicted wi'.l tl.n disease, I used a crent
many a) p'.ii atioii-, (i.r.iong lliein aevpral celehrated
p.-ep iintnin-) ns m II as taking inward remedies,
; incliiiling a uiimher uf h-.tth s of Siraim's Vanneea,
! Hxtrael rf Samapurilhi, Ac, In fact, it would hn
j imposihlp lo et'liiiiPTH'e all the nied'cines I usi d.
; I was aim under the c ire of two of ihe most dis
tinguished phyicii'iis of thi- city, ,,t without re
ceiving much henefit, anil I despaired of ever heing
corid. in ihe f dl nt lni'.fi, the di.ea-e nt the timu
,j,K'v,.,y violpot,
com.m'imed using thn live.
Ointment, (prepared hy Vaughan oi. Davis.) In
n I, w nt.nlieutinnii Ihp violent itcliitifi .'iiseil. ll.fl
swelling ahared, the 1 rupiion hegan to disappear,
, .,. 1 .,1l ,,u..,i , ,,, ,!:,- ..,.i
' " J - '
ctitr.l. It has now Iseo m arly a yar nnd a h 1 f
since, nnd there is not a vestige of I tie disease re
maining, except the scarg from the deep pits formed
I by the disease. It is itnp.'ssihle for me to deserti e
: in a crrti'.ieal'' the severity nf ihe disease and my
MilVcrin", hut I will hp pleased lo givn a fuller ne
i count to nny person wanting further satisfaction,
! wlei will call on me. At tho time I co niniMiceJ
! using the Rose Ointment I would hnve given hun.
j d a lis nf do lats to lie rid of the disease. Since u
i sing it. I have recommended it to several persons,
i (among them my mother, who had the discaso bad
. ly on her mm.) who w. re a 1 cured hv it.
.lAMl'.s DCR.NKLL, No. lo, Rice St.
ty The Roso Ointinei:t is prepared hy U. I!.
Ydiud.ait, S..n '1 I'.nsi corner of nml llaco
sttei ts, Philadelphia, and sold on agency iu Snnhu
ry, hv H. 11.,
i Mav 1 4th. I 13. Agent,
t5oMi CHnisri fii, loj TclJfi.
Put 1 t tn 1 rat t. May U7th, 1
rPHI is to ceritfy that I was severely alll cie.l
wilh Tetter in the hands nd f. et for upwar d
of lorty ears ; the disease wax attended g'-ceraily
wilh vio'ent itching and awelhng. I applied to t
iiumhirof physic ns, nnd used a great many nppli
ca ions without lie. ting a cure. Ala hi I a y. ar
since, I nppl.ed tl e Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itch ii.'. and a few application immedi
nti !y cured the diseasp, w hich there has heen no
return of, nhhootth I had never heen rid of il at
an time for folly years. RK'ilAh'D SAVAOL",
l'u velith, la h w Spruce Street.
Q'j' The Rose Ointment is prepared hy L. B.
Yuuuhnu. S mill Last corner of 'I'liird and Race
Stni ts, Philadelphia, and sold on apencv in Sunhu
rv. hv H. B. MAssKK.
May Hill. 1SL1. Agent.
medic yrrrnoT!ATioT
oj the r.osi: n.';,Mi:.r,for rttr.
A LTHorOH the supirionty ot the prepatan n
over nil others is fully cs ahlidie.l, the pr .pr e
tors lake pb nsure in hivma hi fore ihe puhhe the
tollowing certil'cn'e from a rp-peetahle physician,
graduate of the I'uiversily of I'puuav Ivania. Pr,
ll.iuch, having fotiml in this Hint n heff r
a tedious and di.-ngri eahh- ali'eetion w hich the mean
wi'hiii the ra."i:e of Ids prolVs.-ion failed lo allot. I,
has not hesitated lo give it his approbation, ali'i uc!i
the prejudice nnd interests of that ate
opposed to si cret Remedies.
Piiii.AHKLPMiA, Sept. 19, is:ifi.
I wa recently liouhlid w itli a ti diou herpetic
erupt ii n, wl ii h r ura'il nearly one st !e of mv f .co,
and evti inh. I utcr the ear. Mr. 'dilgliaii, proprr
lot of the Rose Hiiitmeiil, ohseivuig my t:- t, u.-l-
led 011 my tiyii.g his pu p .irntmu. ol which he han
ded me a jar. A Ithoiiuh in common w ilii die no 01
heis ul my profession, I iliseoun.enii.i e ,i:d lit-a.i-prove
ol the numerous nostrums p.i'med upon Ihe.
pnhlic hy ijnoianl pr. tender-', I fei I injustice houi. I
lo pxcepl the Rose Oiutimui tioin thai c a-s of .ue
d cu.i s. nnd lo ittr it mv approl a'.ioo, ns il entire,
ly tured the eruption, although il h id resisted tlio
iisu I applications. DAM. B Al (ill, M. D.
(J;'The Rose lliutment is piepnrt d hy 1". !".
Yaeuh ni, Sotilh K i t comer ol Third and Race
S-,ieris, Pfiilndc phia, and bold 011 ngi ncv in Si.n
hurt, hv il. B. MASF.R,
.May 1 1th. 1SL1. Ag-nt.
. C n'll' C ( fliirtt illnl I l:lr .SlritlS,
: WILI.rA!TT.&rGaT, PA.
, r,, ,.. Hlli.w.ri,,,.r, tful!v numuincea to the
1 J , fhM hp fi( , ,P11(,,, a ,,,, m (... com-
minimus link I'liil.hi g siluiteoti Ihe coiner of
I bird and Pine streets, where ho will he happy to
wait pp n those who may fivor him wit', Pa ir
compni y. The Haple Hotel is 'a'ce nnd conveni
ent, nt d furni-hed il, the he I 1 h ill sl-e. I is
provided with n laige u uo'.er of well aired 11...I
ceil. tort. ih!p slei piug up.irtme..'-, rooms,, 1
i nrlors, A p. I'eisoi.s visiting ilhamsport on bu
siness 01 ph a ure, may re-t as up d lint evert et
er'iori will he used to rei di r tluir soj uirn nt :he
"i: igte Hot. I" ph iisinl and agneible. Hi Tal l.'
will he sui plied wilh the very hi si the ma kct af
toiiU, and In- I ar widi 'he chuin-.-t wines a:ul ot'.. r
honors (harce re.s.intdle. The I'a. lo Hot-1
posM'sse riealel udtan'aees in point of loe'iti.ui
tin in unv othi 1 est ahh hment iu tin- hoiuuh,
I eitn; situnte in the h'isin. ss p -rl of the town, no. I
with in a convi ua nt distance of the Court House
and Williuiiisport and F.imira Ua l Road D pot.
Siitlic ielil Stabling provided, and good and tn..-ty
silt i -always in atuu.lan e.
Attciitite, ac. cu 111, vl. lo g ni d boiip-l Si riant
bate hern rmsloted, nnd iiu'li. 3 hit luidoi.e Hi it
wilt a, Id Iti li e n.n. loll ui.J accoimoodulioii ot In
There will he 11 carrug" alwavs m attendanep at
j , ,imlj UiC0,'yes ,,.,., to
' tlle House, fice of . hnru'e
, uj- l!()lil!
and from
Mav I Mi. IS!?. if
.laicliael Wt.iut' V Son,
uovz r:An:i:s & ship chandlers
A'o. .i ,Vo(7A Water Sieeel. Thilmli hiliia.
At r. constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordam', Seine 'J'wtnea, iVc, vii :
1 ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Rope, Manil
la Rope, 'I o.v Line I t Canal Boat. Also, t
coiiipleto assortment uf Seine Tw ine, A c. such a
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent till
Nel Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, rb.,u
Threads, iVc. Ac. Also, Bed Cord, Plough Lines
Halters, Trace, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains
iVr. all of which they will dispose uf on reasonahlt
Ptiilade'phia, November 13, 1H14. ly.
si'j:ilLNGrt;uoD tsT Co.
No. JMarkt Street, Philadelphia
aNVITG the attention of Country Merchant
to their extensive assortment of Briti.h Frent l
od American Dry i;, which ihcy olTer forsjl.
on the in, ist reas.'iiahle term.
Philadelphia, Notcmlier 13, 1812. ly.