BALTIMORE HARKKTi Ofjfieeofthe Baltimori Ammcn, June 14. GRAIN. There re tto Penna. wheat at market ; we quote light inferior to best reds at 2 a 32 cents. We quote good to best Md. reds at 85 a 00 cents ; and good to prime Md. whites at 05 a 100 cents. We quote Aid. white Corn to-day nt .17 a 3 cents, and yellow at 39 cents. Tenna. yellow, if here, would bring -10 a 41 cents. Penna. Rye would command 57 cents, if in market. Tcnna. Oats are worth 27 a 38 cents, and Md. do 25 a 27 cents. WHISKEY. Sales of hhds. at 20 cents, and of bbls. at 21 cents. Cojstast When constant exercise cannot be used, com any cause, the occasional use of opening medicine, ajch as Itrandreth's Vetfelit ile Universal I'ill, is absolutely required. Thus the conduits of the m.tion, the fountain of Iff, are .kept free from those impurities which would pre vent its steady current ministering health. The morbid humors are prevented from becoming mix--d with it. It is nature which is thus assisted through the meant and outlet! which the ha pro vided for herself. Daily use of these I'ill will ne ver be injurious, because the longer they are uo I the less is required to produce an operation. They are the only medicine known which possess ih s quality. Reference can ba given to some of our most respectable citizens, whom they have cured of c nstituiinnnl costivene-a. fj-j-Purchase of II. U. Master, Sunbury, or of the Ruerits, published in another part of this piper. . n a u it i k it , On the 10th inst. by Rev. F. RnthrautT, Mr. Gkoiujk P. Hi bss, of Maryland, to Miss Catiia itiNe K. Ri rtiRAiKF, of Milton. On Thursday morning last, HARRISON son of Mr. Simon Mart., of this place aged about (i years. l'l.ICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. Whkat, .... 8.1 His, f( Cons, 40 Oats, 25 Pork, - 5 Flaxskkii, ... . 112. llUTTKR, - - 'l Eutis, .... . 0 IIrkswax, .... 25 TiLLIIW, ... 10 I' LAX, ... .8 lltCKLKII FtAX, - 10 Dkick ArrLKs, - . . 60 1 PtACRtS, . - ISO Tlic "Suscsir Coatod IMIIrs." Reward vf Merit Certificate of our Jnvenlinn, Nr.w Your, June Kill), 1844. V'STE, the undersigned, never saw or heard of "Sugar Coated Pill," until Dr. G. Benja- nun Smith manufactured and exhibited them to us about a year since. Ishakl Knholpr, M. D., 86 Lil-erty st. It Lsit ton & Co, 110 Broadway and 10 Asmi House. HORACS EvrRKfT, Druggist, KG llud.n st John CssTRnr, 07 Hudson at. Lest nome few m.ty he deceived ly ignorant epiacks. we pu dtsh the following; and none but unprincipled dealers wdl countenance any imit a tion of this inv'le uicdone. Ptvt Orrica, Received this 17lh d.iv of Jun 1844, from Dr. !. Benjamin Smith, the fv of JoO, payable on his application for a patent lor a IMI "Coated with trugar.n H. 1.. Ellswokth, Contni-tooner of Patenti. As these Pills are piepare.l by an edueste'd pliy sician, they have an a.lvantHgc over other prepara tions so much sdve.liMd. and ure sufficiently ili tingu shed from all others by their virtues, aside from their peculiar pleasantness. 03 CAUTION. As a miserable imitation hts la-en made, by the name of 'sUpir ( "oste.l Pills." it is ne-ccss iry lo besure thai Dr. G Uf.nj Smith's cigtia'ut is on ev. ry box. Piice 2.1 tents. PrliKVpal Olliee. 179 (Srepiiwirh St. New York. Sold by JOHN W. FH11.ING. Sunlmrtf. WM. FOilsYTHE, Xorlium'J. Sunbury. June 81 st, IS45. Xortliimilwrl'tiitl County, nn. in the Orphan Court if said County at April Ten A. D. 1845. ON motion of II. B. Masser, Esq. The court grant a rule on the heiis ind legal repre sen tntives of John Bucher, Senr., late of the horuiigh of ISurilury. ileeM,. I. svii g issue seven children, to wit : John Bucher, Ji., I 'a harine, ma ried to Owen T. Roher's, Ma g ret. in irrn d to Win Fisher, Ma ry Hucher, Julia Ann Bucher, Deborah, murried to John Morreon, and George Ilucbe', heirs and Oia'ri' utees of John Dueher, Senr., late of the bo. rounh of Sunl'ury, f aid ciunly, dec' J. To ap eai in our next O.phans (Jourt to he h. Id for aid county , to wit : on the 4tli day of Auuu-t A. I). 1845, and acceit oi lefuse the rslsic of the md lohu Uuehrr, Senr , drc'i!., or show cau why the same slioul.l not be so'd. Ortifie.l from the records of our said Orphans' I'ouit, at Sunhury, this 22il dav of May A. D. 1814. EUtt ARD OYSTER. Clk. O O. Suidmrv, May 31.-1, IS45. 6l KorllitiiiitM'iiuml Cuuiify, ks. The t'imunOM wealth of Pi'iinsylvauia, to ISarah MeGee, Ca'heiine McGer, Nancy Buoy, Nancy Troxel, intermairied with Jacoti Troxel, Gather, ino Kmsley, t'n-ey Met ice ami Mauases Mo Jee, heiis and legatee of Manus McGee, dee'd , arid all other a-rson iiiler.slcd. (jin;ri.v, YOL' are heieby cili'vl and commandiHl to ap pear before nui Ju 'ges of lh Oiphana' Court, I buuhury, the 4ih day of Auuu-t, to sh-w raus' if any you have, w hy the admiiiislratin account ol Barnard Mctiee, executor ol Manus Mctien, l ite of ChiliMjuaque township, ilec'd., khould not he le viewed, reveled and conocted, agieeably to lii or der made in our raid court. Witness ihe HutioiahlH Joseph B. Anthony, Esq. President of our aid court, the 7lh day of May, A. D. 1845. EDWARD OV'.XTEK, May 31, 1845. fit Cl'k O. C. NOTICE ia hereby given to the heirs and legal representatives of Henry Antra, deceased, that by virtue of writ of Paitnion iaued out of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, to me directed, an inquest will lie held at the late residence ot aaid deceased, in the bctough of Northumber land, Northumberland county, on Friday the 18tb day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the pur pose of making partition of or to value and ap praise the rejl estate of aaid deceased, at which time and place you may attend if you think roper, FELIX MALRER.&Aen. Sheriff's Olliee, ? Sunbury, May 31, 1815.$ 6 Sheriff's Sales. BY Virtue of certain writs of venditioni etp-. ttss issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Hunbury, on Monday the 14th day of July next, at I o'clock, P. M., the follow ing described property to wit t A certain tract of land situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, surveyed on a warrant granted to Michael Kroll, containing 250 acres more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names. Frederick Cramer, Matthias immernan, Bernard H ublc v and others: about 8 acres of which are clearrif. A I iSO -The equal undivided three-fourth parts. (the whole into four equal parts to be divided.) of three certain contiguous trsrts of Isnd, situate in Coal township aforesaid : one then of surveyed on to John Nicholas Uailpy ; one r ther thereof surveyed on a warrant to Peter Snssa man, and the other thereof surveyed on a w.irrsnt granted to Peter Manrer, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of U.irnard Hubley, John Cowdcn, Henjamin F. Young anil otheis, containing in the whole 542 acres moie or less, about 50 aerea of which are cleaied ; whereon are erected a 1 J story log house, a lo'g barn, an orehatd, cVc, now in the occiipnicy of Michael Kerstetler. Al.t Ihe equal undivided one-fourth part, (the whole into four equal parts to be divided,) of a certain tract or piece ofland. situate in Coal town ship aforesaid, containing 200 acres or there ihnuts. (being part of a I rger iracl surveyed in the name of Daniel Rees, called "Springfield.'') about 40 a eres of which are cleared ; whereon are ereced a two story log house, a lug barn, an orchard, c, now in the occupancy of David Thompson. Al.SO The equal on livided one-fourth part of a certain tract of land, situate in Coal township a foresaid, containing 200 acres or thereabouts, (be ing part of a Inrger trnrt surveyed in the name of Daniel Rees, called "Springfield,") about 40 acres of which are cleared ; whereon are erected a two story log bouse a Ion, bmn, an orchard, tcr now in the occupancy of David Thompson, subject to a morteaen to John C. Hoyd. Al,.Stt The equal undivided one.f-unh part, of a certain tract ofland, situate in Cod tp. afore said, called "Stone Henge," surveyed in the name ol William Toinlinson, containing 245 acres, of thereabouts, about 00 ecres of which are cleared ; whi reon ate rie led a two story log bouse, a log bat ii, a spring hou-e and a large orchard, now in the occupancy of John 1 hompsnn, tenr. ALO The equal undivided one.fourth part, of a certain tract of land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, called 'Stone Itt nge,' surveyed in the name of William Toinlinson, containing 245 acres or thereabouts about 60 seres of which are clear ed ; whereon are erected a two story log house, a spring hiu-e and a large orchard, now in the oc cupancy of John Thompson, sr., subject ro a mort gage to John C. Uoyil. ALSO A ccr'am tract of land, situate in Coal toe. n-hip aforesaid, adjoining lands now, or late of It id. lie, Company & others, containing IBS i cres more or less, about 12 actes of which are cleared; wber on are erected a two story log h use and a log stable, subject to certain mortgaces. AL.SO A certain tractor piece of land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, adjoining lands of the Asylum Co., Diddle At. Co., Sarah Rees St, o.heis, containing 1012 acres, 43 perches and allowance, more or less, (being parts of throe contiguous tracts ofland, surveyed in the names of William Piich ard, Gco'ge Coldrain & Andrew Shuber.) about one acre of which is cleared ; whereon are erected log house and an excellent saw-mill, on Ihe main branch of Shamokin creek, which passes through said land. ALSO Two certain tracts of land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, adjoining lards of Tom linson, Yarnall, Meivine, Mclchnir Smith iV otheis containing together 1-7 acres, 50 perches and al lowance. more or less, being the a.ime tncts of land which was surveyed in pursuance of two warrants, granted to I'et- r Zeigciifons, dated the lllth and 2Ul days of December, 1829, respective- 'y- ALSO A certain tract ofland, silnato in Coal township aforesaid, adjoining lands of Melchoir Smith others, containing twenty one sens, 131 H-rcbes and allowance, more or less. ALSO I lie equal uiolivnleil lour-twellth part, (the whole into 12 equal parts to be divided.) of 31 contiguous tracts ol land, situate in l.iule Mabo noy Coal townships afore-sid ; one thereof sur veyed on warrnnt, granted ta William Cook, Containing 417 acres, 140 ierchc. more or less, ad joining lands suiveyed in the names of Jeremiah Jackson, William Gray eV others; one other there, of, surveyed on a warrant granted to William Wilson, containing 3113 acres. 101 perches more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names ol Jacob Shailell, John Cook &o'hers; one otbec thereof, surveyed on a warrant granted to Thomas Hamilton, containing 412 acres, 45 perches and al lowance, more or less, ai'joTimig lands surveyed in tho names of S .muel Scott, Jeremiah Jackson ami others; one other thereof, surveyej in pursuance of a warrant lo Thomas Grant, containing 418 a cres, 80 perches and allowance, adjoining lands surveved in the nunies of Thomas Reese. Thorn is II million & others; one other thereof, surveyed on a warrant to Tlnun i Reese, contaiuing 433 a ere, 42 rehea and allowance, more or less, ad j inini! lands stu veyed in the names of Thomas Hamilton,'!' Grant others ; one other thereof, surveyed on a Wi rant lo Jeremiah Jackson, con taining 315 acres, 50 perches snd allowance, mote or less, a'j tilling Inula last aforesaid, town: Tli. Unas K. ese, Thomas Grant snd others ; one other thereof, surveyed on a warrant to Ah land tr Hunter, containing 420 acres, 25 peicties, more or less, adjoining I itids surviyed in the nanus of T. Grant, Christopher Dunkleberger ami others ; one other thereof, suiveyed on a warrant to John Cow. den, containing 403 acres, 137 perches more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Will am C. Dunkleberger and others; one other lher of, urveved on a warrant to William Gray, contain trig 31)9 acres. 21 perches mire or less adjoining lands suiveyed in the names of Jeremiah Jackson, John Oowdeti and others ; one other thcieof, nr vcyed on a warrant to Thomas ('ran', containing 419 acres, 37 perches more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of . ; one other lie reof, surveyed on a wanautto Samu el Scott, containing 3'id acres 5 perchea and allow ance, adjoining lauds surveyed in the names of William Hamilton, Thorn is Ketse & others; one other thereof, suiveyed on a warrant lo Jacob Bright, coiitaiuii'g HS cris 5'J perches inure or lest, ad joining lands suiveyed in the names of Esther I'raiuer, tiodlrey Waters ami others one oilier thereof, surveyed on a warrant lo William C, Black, containing 121 acrea f.rt perches and allowance, adjoining lauds surveyed in tbe names of Kiehl, Hunter, Martin and others; one o'.lier tuereoi, sur veyed in the name of John Boyer, containing 116 acre. 144 perches more or leas, adjoining lands sui veyed in the name of John B. Price, Michael Kroll and othera ; one other thereof, surveyed in lbs name of Charlea Dering, containing 9.1 acrea 97 perches more or less, adjoining lamia surveyed in the names of Hunter, Waters, Kiehl and others one other thereof, surveyed in the name of A lei sli der Jordan, containing 121 acrea 15U peiches more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in Hie names of Grant, Martin, Sharlell cV others; one other there, of auiveyed ia the name of George W. Kiehl, con taining 1 12 acres perches mote or less, adjoin, ing lands surveyed in the names of Hunter, Black V others ; on other luaieof, lurveyaj ia the imue of John G. Martin, containing 100 acres more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Grant Bogar V Kiehl ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of John O. Martin, containing 174 acre 142 perchea more or less, adjoining lands suiveyed in the rami s of Himmelreich, Yoxthelmer Sc others t one other thereof, surveyed in Ihe name of George Prince, containing 117 acres 86 perches more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Zei gler, Grant, Cowdcn &. Bailey t one other thereof, surveyed in the name of John D. Price, containing 118 acres 24 perches more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the namea of Bogar, Grant and others ; one other thnreof, surveyed in the name of John D. Ptice, containing 24 acres 41 peiches more or less, sdjoining lands surveyed in the names of Yoxthei mer, Shissler and others ; one other thereof, sur veyed in the name of G.nlfrey Waters, containing 1 20 acrea more or less, adjoining lauds surveyed in Ihe names of B'ight. Hunter and others ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of Henry Yoxtheimer, containing 99 acres 70 perchrs more or less, ad joining lands surveyed in ihe names of Grant, Yox theimer and others j one other thereof, surveyed in the name of Henry Yoxtheimer. containing 173 acres SIS perches more or less, adjoining lands sur veyed in the names of Reed, Martin. Cowden and others ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of Isaac Ziegler, containing 125 acres 61 perchea more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in Ihe names of Grant, Price and Bailey ; one other thereof, survey, ed in the name of Jacob Heller, containing ?13 a cres 108 perches more or less, adjoining Boyd, Kramer, M aurer and Himmelieieh ; one oihct thereof, surveyed in the name of Henry Himmel reich, containing 458 acres 40 erches more or less, sdjoining Boy. I, Wilson, Maurerand othera ; one other thereof, surveyed in Ihe name of Henry Shis ler, containing 150 acres more or less, adjoining Jordan, Keed, Yoxtheimer and others ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of John Boyd, con mining 441 acres 12 perches more or less, adjoin ing lands surveyed in Ihe names of Frederick Cra mer, Peter Maurer and otheis ; and the other there, of, patented to Joseph Wallis, Containing 123 acres more or less, sdjoining lands suivt yed in the names of Himmelreich, Yoxlhiemer and others. ALSO A certain tract ofland, situate in Coil township aforesaid, surveyed in pursuance of a warrant granted lo J icob Weiss, jr., dated the 3.1 day of Septemlrrr, 1828. containing 6 acres more or less, adjoining lands suiveyed in the name ol Ed ward G. Markleyand othera. ALSO So much ss is situated in Coal town ship, Northumberland county, of eleven contiguous tracts ofland ; one thereof, surveyed ill the name of William Boyd, containing 440 acies 94 (etches more oi less; one other thereof surveyed in the naiec of John R Stout, containing 430 acres more or less ; one other thereof surveyed in the name of John C. Royd, containing 372 acres 110 perches more or less ; one other thereof surveyed in the n iinu of John C Boyd, containing 390 acres more or le-s ; one other thereof, surveyed in the n tme of Samuel Morgan, containing 4 15 acres 1 15 perches mora or lese ; one oilier thereof surveyed in Ihe name of John C Boyd, containing 443 acres 64 perches more or less ; one other thereof surveyed in ihe name of Hester Scott, containing 421 acres 79 perches more or less; one other thereof surveyed in the name of Hannah M Boyd, containing 427 acres 140 perchea more or less; one other thereof suiveyed in the name of William Hoyd, containing 458 seres 157 perches more or less ; one other thereof surveyed in thenamo of Elixa 8. Dovd.con taining 443 acres 1 perch mote or less, ami the n the r thereof surveyed in the name of William Boyd, containing 357 acres 128 perches more or leas. A LSI ) s much as is sitnotcd in Coal township Northumberland county, of the equal undivided one fourth part of 1 55 parts of 220 parts of thirteen contiguous tracts ol land, surveyed on WMrant for 400 acres esch, dated the 10th day of May, 179:1, grained to William Elliot. George Ashton. Caleb Lnwnes John Y ung. John Whiteman, Jorph Jordan, Richard Tunis loiin Warner, Dalitel Reo, William Poitpr, William Mill, r, Pete r Dehaven ai d William Powel; which said tracts of land are by ihe oil'iciul returns of survey com puled lo con tain .')'l4fi acies 120 perches and all 'Wanee. Seir.ed, taken in execution, and lo be sold as the property of Rurd Patterson. ALSO The one undivided 5th part of a certain tract of land silunie in Augusta township, Nor thumberland county, containing 200 acre., more or less, adjoining lauds of Augustus lloey, Kocher and otheis, about 100 acrea of which is cleared ; whereon are erected a liamo bouse, an olJ log barn, an orchard, cVc. Seized, taken in execution, and to le sold as the s-opeiiy of Jonathan Fuiman. ALSO -All the defendant's inteiest (supposed to be the undivided m iety) of and in a certain tract of land situate in Coal township, Northum berland county, surveyed on a warrant to Thomas Hamilton, containing four hundred and twelve acres mo.e or less, about twelve acre of which are c'earvxl ; v-heveoti sie erected a small log house ami a log stable. SaiJ tract of l and is bounded by lands stirveved in the names of John Carson, Sam uel Clark, John Brady, John Carson and others. Seised, taken in execu ton, and to tie sold as the proerty of Maika K. Lckert. ALSOA certain tract of land situate in A u- custi township, fsoillium'-erland count'', adjoin ing lauds of now Lewis Dew art. Christian Shiastei's heiis, lauds of Mrs. Shalf r. John Claik, jr., and otheis, containing two hundred and filly acr.s more or less, about erne hundred and ninety-five acres of which are cleared ; whereon sie erected two story log house, a atone tenant bouse (rough cast) and a la rye hank bun. Seixed.t .ken in execution, tnj to be sold as the property of Adam ShissUr. ALSO A certain tract or piece of land siuiate in Sham. .km township, N oithuinb. il ind county. containing fortv eight acres and nine pcielos, ad- joining lands of John Evert, Georue Arnold, Jacob Klar.e, John Horn and others, about 34 acres of which is cleared. Seiz-d, taken in rXeciitbin, and to be sold aa the property of Willi im Manx. ALSO The undivided 5th part of a c. r'sin .. of ground, situate in the borough of Sunbuty, Nor. thumb. i md county, being ihe Western half part of lot No. 12'l, ss m irked in the general p'au of said town, bounded on tbe north by Dewberry street, on the a u'h by an alley, on the west by lot Nn. 140, ami on the east by the other part of lot No. 1 311 ; on which are erected a two story luick dwelling house, to which is attached a stone kitch en, with a shed loof. There are also some fruit trees and a log viable on said premises, Seiied, Inken in in cu ion, and lo be sold as the piopeity ofSamuel Druckemiller. FELIX M A V I! E It, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Sunbury, May 31.1, 164.1. $ I. O. ofO. F. f plIERE will be a grand Precession of Mutual JL Lodge No. 84, of the I. O. of O. F. held in Milion. on THURSDAY the 20 Jay of June next, in full Kegalia. The brethren of the order ate respectfully iiiviVfd to attend and participate. A. W. COMLY, Sec'y. Milion, May 3 1st, ISM. L.3T 1TOTICE ALL PERSONS indebted loll. B. Maaer, on book account, or othe rwise, are requested lo call and settle without delay Suubuty.May 17, 1815. JL B. .MASSER. LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County, for August Term, A. D. 1845. CiI'.ukI Jurors. Turlmf. Abraham Kissinger. Delaware. Win. McWilliams, Christian Gosh, snr., John N. Oyster, George Mastcller. .c'. Andrew Kershner, jr. Jitiltim.- Leonard Beidelman, Jonathan Adam. Chilli.iluniue. John McWilliams. Jnmes F. Murray, George W. Fries, Benjamin Troxel. 1'nint. Daniel Purscl. Northumberland. Georgn A psley, Sunbury Samuel Gobin, Benjamin Robins, Gcoige Young. Augusta. Nathaniel Lylle, James Campbell. Shomnhin.iuhn Gass. Upper Muhnnny. Gideon Shadle. Jenifer Mahmuty. Christian Albert, Peter Reit.. Jackson. George Deppin. Traverse Jurors. Turhut. George Kulx- Deluware Joseph Rynesraon, James Evert, George O. MeKee. Letiris. Major Sweeney. Milon. George Kohler, John Frick, JefT-rson Landers, Lewis E. Evans, James Miller, John Cla.k. Chillhiuarue. Hugh McOlnoghlin, Levi Kaupn, Al'en Shoemaker, Fleming Nesbif. J'oint. Win. Lemon. Sorlliumher.'nnd William Wenck. Sunbury. Mark Scupbam. Augusta Charles Eckmsn, Samuel Shipe, John Cooper, Jacob Hoover, George Keefer, Peter Reitz, John Kiemer, of Beiks, Simon Snyder, J as. Ross.'n Kascman. John Punklehereer. Ruth. William Claik, William Vas'ine, Wil. liam Meiler, jr., Frederick W caver, John Campbell. Coal. J.remiah Zimmerman. X'pner Muhitniw. Michael Reit lAiwcr Muhiiiiot Solomon Baehman. George Emrich, snt , Michael Lmrich. John I chupp. Little Mahiii'iy..ohn Pifer, William Rsker, Jiithson. I'eler Mock, treorge Itei ner, .loiuis Bohner, Solomon Dressier, Mich. 1 Wolf, John Weutzel. Pel it .furors. Turhut. John M. Housed, Enoch Eshbauch, John Le'dy. Delaware. J din Nicely, Menry Reader, jr., 1 Henry Dieflcnderfrr, ilham Hood, Iswitt. William I' tick ma n. Miltnn. William Stririe. Chillinuniur. Joseph K ine. J'ltiut. John Paul. Nnrthumlifrlnnd. Conrad Wrnck. jr. Sunbury. Benjamin Hendricks. Gideon M. Yoiks. Gcoige Zimmerman, Thomas Robins. Augusta. Daniel Zaitman, Daniel Zimmer man. Shamokin. Joseph Kaseman. Solomon Hum mel, Casper Adams, Augustus Huey. John Dun kelberger, son of Henry, Philip Keller, Robert Campbell, jr. CW. William Gearhart, Stephen Ditlenben- der, Solomon Wary. Upper Miilmnny. George Shadle, George Heiin, John S.mck. lAiwrr Mtihonoii. Peter Kochcr, George Etn-rie-h, jr., Peier Bixb r. Jackson. Jacoti llrosius, Isaac lienr.. PIANOS. rplIK SI BSCRIIIKR has been appointed aeent. I for tbe salo .4 CONK D MEYER'S CEL. EISRXTED PKEMICM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain, massive and Uautiful exterior l"i .i h. and, for depth and sweetness of lone, and elegance of workman ship, are not surpassed bv any in the United States. The following is a recommendation from Cnt. Di:ts, a c Minted perfotmer, and himself man ufacuiicr : A V, A 11 I). HvTii.i had the pha-ure of tryii's tl.e excel lent I'l -mo Fortes inanfaclured by M '. Mey r, and exhibited at the list exhibi'iou ot tl.e Fr-tiMm In stitute, I feel it din' to the true merit of the maker to I'e-clare that these instruments are quite e qual, and in some respects even superior, to all the Pi ano Fortes, I saw at the capit da of l"u ope, and durieg a sojourn nf two years al Palis. TIkw Pianos will be -u'd at the manufacturer's lowest IMiiladelpliia prices, it not snine'hinr I .er. I'ersons are r-pcsic.t to can ami examine I ! .n.'mseives, hi me re-i.ienceoi "tie .uosrriner. Sunburv, May 17. 1815. II. II. MASSER. AimisisTit t'roirs s VALUABLE FA KM F l) It SALE. BY VlltTCE of ihe powei vested in me, by the will of the la'e Thomis (Imxr, decM., will be sold at public sale on Wielue-day, the "M day of July next, at the M ansion House, uihui Ihe premises of ihe Mansi in Farm of the late Ttioma Grant, dee'd., in August township, Northumber land coun'y, I'a-, sitH ile en the ia-1 si. In ol the Ki ver Sustpieliauna, i qui.lislai t, and about a mile from the llorouubs ol Sunbury and Northuinhcr land, all that valuable estate, late the Mansion Farm of sa d Thomas Giant, dee'd., a.ljoiiiinn the farm of Samuel Hunt, r on Ihe south, laud nt Tho rn is It.. I in on Ihe east, olio r land of the I ile Tito mas Grant on Ihe north, and ihe SU'i'ochaona Iti v r oil ihe west, containing, together, two hundieil and twenty six acres anil seventy perches, more or less, of which about two tun .Ire. I and fiftieu seres I ae cleaied and about one huii.l.ed and acrea are fust rate l'ier I. .lio'ti land. 'I he improvements consist of a two s'ory double firm hou.e, 40 feet from by 30 lei t in depth, with j frame back building and tiam ki'rbcn, and stone milk hoosri and oven attached, and a pump aud well of excellent water in ihe kitt-hcn, a stone smoke house, a large hank ham, 1st stoiy toue. 2d do. frame, NO leet long by 3G feet in d. pth, a 2 stoiy wagon bouse, with giainny above and corn crib at ached, a frame earring.! house mid granary, and a larne l g h.rn and stable, wi h a new and improved cider press, with ahiucled roof over the same. And ALSO ; A two story brick dwelling house, con t in front 20 feet and in depth 27 feel, 10 incbes, and hiick two story kitchen, 20 feet in front by 14 feet, H inches in dt pth. Them are tipo.i i lit- prcnii-es two apple oictiards m excellent oid.-r, of the most valuable fruit, one coinuiuiiiii about eitbt ami the other about nine acres. This Firm is one of the most valuable and pro ductive ii the Mute, is in the bigheal state of cul tivation, and located in the heart of a district, which, for salubnty of and ptctutesijue sce nery, is unsurpassed. It is situate on the pool of the Shamokin dam. al ihe eastern terminal! n of the Northumberland Iliidge, Its proximity to ihe thriving borouahs of Sunbuiy aud Noiihuinheilaud, and ihe probability that the hills contain valuable bodies of Iron Ore, and itsadtn rahla location in the heart of the Iron and Coal re n ions of Pennsylvania, to which theie is a heavy and increasing emii;i a tion, gives this pro(ieriv an additional value, and renders il well wouby of the attention of capitali sts anil runners. tf Terms made known on ihe ,!ay of sale. K END KK TON f.MtTI. Adm'r., Ac, of Thomas Grant, dec 'J. Sunbury, May 10,1815, bt. To the Electors of Northumberland County. AT the solicitation of a number of my friends in dim-rent parts of the county, I have consented to be a canilidite for the office of PROTHONOTARY. Shou'd I bo so foitiinatc ss to be elected, I pit due myseil to elischarae the duties or the office with promptness snd fidelity. JAMES BEAItD. McEwensijllc, Jum. 21st, 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland ( 'omit v. EIG solicited by many of my friends, I 19 have consented Id "offer mvself as 'a candidate for the office eif T r c u ft ii r e r of Nerthumbeil in.l county. Should you see pro per to elect me, I pledge myself to perform the duties of said olliee with fidelity. WILLIAM CULIUK. Sunbury, May 31st, 1835. To the Electors of Northumberland Count v. T the solicitation of a number of persons, in ' ililT-rent psrts of the county, I have consented to be a candidate for the olliee of Tit K.I Sl'lt K It of Norlhutiilierland coun'y. I need hardly assure my Icllow-citizens, that If I am elected, I will en deavor to discharge the duties of the olliee faithful ly and impartially. JESE M. SIMPSON. Sunbury. May 17th, 1845 To the Electors of Northumberland Cotiutv. rP II V, subscriber, from the encouragement recei- ved from his numerous friends, hereby oilers himself as a candidate fur the olliee of YBEASUHEIl. of Northumberland county, for which be solicits the sull'.occs nf his fellow-citizens. Should he le elected, he will fulfil the duties of Ihe office with fidelity. FRANCIS BL'CHER. Sunbury, May 17th, 184 5. To the Electors of Northumberland Count v. ir-KLI.OW CITIZENS: I would respectfully A olli.r myself lo your consideration, as a candi date for the oflice of I' It ft TIO.YO T.I It V. Shou'd I be elected, it will he my pleasure, as well ss duty, to attend to the business of the olliee with fidelity and punctuality. WM. J. MARTIN. Sonbury. May 17th. 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland County. lEI.I.OW CITIZENS. I have a- to oiler tiivself as a candidate for i 1 ecn induced bdate for the office of 1'iotlioitotary, At the cnsi.iug election. Should I fnrtunatelv be elected, I here' y promise, faithfully and impartial ly to discharge the duties of said office. JOHN EARNS WORTH. Sunbury, May 10, 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland County. FELLOW CITIZENS. I hereby offer my self as a candidate, for the oftice of REGISTER AKU RECORDER. I can unlv promise, should I be fortunate enoimlt to be re-clec led, to disch irgo the duties of said olliee with fidelity mid impartiality. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunburv, May 10, 1845. To ihe Electors of Northumberland County. l?ELLoW CITIZENS. At Ihe solicita ion of a numbirof my Ir.ends, I have consented to bo a candidate for the olfice of XIEGIST-R AND RECORDER. I promise the eit I -lis ol tl.e county, that .f I am elected. I ill endeavor to discharge the duties ol tl.e . lliee faithfully and imp 'riiaHv. WILLIAM M. GRAY Sunburv, April 13th, 1845. To I ho Electors County. of Northumberland j t " EI.L' ) CITIZENS: As I have l-een great , i v n. outlined by my friends, I solicit your suppuit lor the of S II K 11 I F F. Should von confer ibis olliee upon me, I shall endeavor to discharge the duties thereof with fide lity. THOMAS A. BILLINGTON. Siuihu.y. April I'.lih, 1815. To the Electors of Northumberland County. 1 El NO solicited by my numerous friends in the J drllerei.t s ctlons of the n untv, I have consen led to oil. r my self to your consideration aa Can didate foi the olliee ot COMMISSIONER. Should I be elected I pledge myself to fulfil tbe duties ol the otbee with fidelity and impartiality. PETER YANDLING. Augusta, May 31st, IS-15. Tt ihe Electors of County. Northumberland f ELLOW CITIZEN'S Having been eneeu- - raged by mv Inends, to offer myself as a candi date lor the othee of COUNTY COIIMISSIONER, I lespccilully solicit your support. Miould you see proper to confer the upon me, I will en- deavor to disihuge the duties iheicol with fidelity and impartiality. SEBASTIAN HAL'PT. Sunbury, Apiil l.)ih, 14.1. lo lliJ, lectors of Northumberland Co i I ITENS: I beg leave to olfei as a c .iidi. lute, at the ensuing election, for the office of , County C'oiiiiiilKsifiiirr. Sbo ill. 1 I he so f .itiiuate as to he elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with i romi.inesa and fidelity. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury. April uh, IMS. ii ixi' TnYf 15 c g i n n c i s . FI1IIE subscribers woulJ rosnecllullv inform the I Cniiens of Sunbury and the i ublie aenerallv. that ll.ey have purchased ihe shop of Mr. William Hoovei, hi Market stu el. one door west of the Post Oil'tce, wheie they will continue tho C'nbiiK-l-.lIiikiiiy llutim-, in all its br.incbes. The public may rXiect their work done in the latest lle. They hope, by slriel attention lo l u-in s , t. merit a share of public pal. online, (CjT I'eilbna made to order on the shortest boi'm e. and ci nirv pro.1 .ee I X- m rxchai.i.1 f..r ..rk. I DAS. G. ev HENRY C. MAI! 11. . Sunbury, May 7(i1 14j. ly. - myself HAAS'S HOTEL, ' STTITBTJP. T, X o r t li ti m h e r I it it l Count y, PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS RESrr.OTFIiLLY informs his friends and the public, in general, that he has taken the brick stand, in the Borough of Sunbury, lately occupied ny jonn iiansaa a puttiie House, (west of the Sta n Mouse, ami nearly opposite the Court Hou-e. 1 where he is prepared to accommodate his friends, and all others who may lavor him with their cus tom, in the best possible manner. His BAK shall sparkle with the choicest of Li- qi'ona, and his TABLE shall bo well supplied with the very best Ihe markets afford. In short, u pains nor expense will be spared to render his house in every way worthy of public patronage. A ltla?ral share of cu-tom is therefore solicited. Hunbnry, April 1 2th. IS45. fun VfASHIlTG-? C1T HOTEL, lii'M awe vj Mam St., in the Iforo of rr "hct Tr r 9 LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. TIIHE subscriber would respectfully inform hi L old fiends and the travelling public, that be haa recently taken and flitted up, in superiur manner, (his spacious brick edifice, sign of GENERAL WARIIINGTON, where he is prepared to accommodate travellers snd visitors in the very test and pleasing style. His house is situated in the most pleasant and central part of the borough, convenient to busineas, and is large and the rooms airy. I htinkful for the liberal support while keeping the old Muncy Hotel and the American Hotel, ia this borough, for the past three yeers, he respect fully solicits a continuance nf the same. THEODORE WELLS. Muncy, April 12th, 1845. tf N. B. The Harrisburg, Northumberland, Potts. ville, Danville, Willi imsport, Lock Haven an-l llellcforite Stages atrive at and depart from this House daily. T. WELLS. NEW SPRING GOODS. A. HI. MA US II ALE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL SEALER in Fashionalite, Superior and Medium Fancy a-id Staple Dry (ioodx. No. 188 Chosrmt st., between Seventh and Eighth streets, Philadelphia. IS now in tegular receipt of New Styles Silks, Moused in dc laincs. Lawns. Organdies. Jaconets. Ginchams, Bareges, Marques, Eolians, Dalzoriuc, Cambrics Chintcs, Bombazines, Alpacas and o ther seasonable Dress Goods ; also. Shawls, Scarf, Veils. Embroideries, Hosiery, Laces, Gloves, Lin en, Cambric Hankfs. and Irish Linens ; Calicoes at 12) cts. a yard, Muslins, and other cheap Good. Strangers will luid it particularly to their interest to call, as the goods are all warranted, aud the lowest cash prices invariably named first. Philadelphia. April Siith, 184ft. 2m. e in o v a 1 . 1)11. JOHN . I'EAIi. RESPECTFULLY informs the ci l:j.ens of Sunbury and its vicinity, 'h t he has removed to the IJ rick Iloua , i.i Maiket atrect, formerly occupied by 11. ni 1. 1. in Hendricks, east of the store f .rmer'v oc cupied by Miller & Martz, and now by Ira T. Ce ment, where he will be happy to receive cvls 111 the line of his rotVs.-ion. Sunbury. March 29th 181.1. UHiiSiUt t'g, PAINTS, r. r4HE subtcribet keeps constantly for sale on the J. most reasonable terms, an assortment of Medi cines. Drugs, Dyestutnt. Paints. Oils. Varnishes, & f. Being largvly engaged in grinding such articles as Ginger, Mustard and Pepi er, he bus th. tn lor sale of a superior uualitv. below the market price. He would mention that he haa a Patent M tcbino wniked by steam power, wh'ch enable! htm to s, II t vttt ot tire very hi st iua!ily tor 'i cents u il. ta uladders, and 3 cents :u lu.k. He coiifnl. nllv asserts that his prices are such as to give satisfaction to those who m iv favor loin with a call. .1. W. . GORDON. No. 153 West Prait St.., pos.te Bal timore Mid Ohi i Pad R-.:i.l Depot, N, B. No rhoge 1 1 1 : i ' foi .Ii tiwrir.g Gjo.'.s in any part of the ci'v. March Bin, 184.1. Jm B o o t & S h o c IVIAKING. HIE slbacriler, lale of Ihe firm of Beck eV Bio JL sius, would resiH-ctfullv irifoim his old custom ers and the public generally, that he now occupie the new building wet of Heiny llaupl's Tail.f shop, and opposite George Brighl'a Drug More, i.i M.Hkel street, Sunbury , wheie he intends lo cany on bis former business of HOOT & SHOE MAKING. in all i's various branchea. He will be prepared 'r do all kinds of work in bis line at the shortest n -lice, snd in Ihe most durable manner. He is thai V. ful for former patronage, and by strict attendance t bu-iness and reasonable charges, will endeavor 1 deserve a continuance of it. JOSEPH BECK. Kunbury, Feb. S3 I, 1845, Om ITEVtT C-RFSTI1TGS. T IHE subscribers have received, and uro imw opening a splendid asa.ntmcnt of tbe folluwii.i- gMids Saxony, Wilton and Velvet Carpetings' lliussvls and Imperial 3 ply do CAK Extra snpetfine and fine Ingrains do PE I" Engliah shaded & Danmsk Venetian do lNli. American twilled and lig'd do Enghh Drugucits and Wo.ih n Floor Cloths Stair and Passage Boe'k'ngs Embossed Piano and Table Covers LniifW'hf uille and Tufted Rugs Door .MaW ol eveiy description. m . ALSO A laige and extensive rrnrtmeid of Floor ( Cloths, from one to eight yards wi.b-, cut lo fit t ry description of rooms or p ih. j. .M, low plteej It.g'a n t.atpel.ligs fiom 31 J 6? cents peryard, (..get her it get her with a large aiulrn. . slve assortment of g si.N u-ua:ly kept tl ll nuretiaiits. The shove goods will v sold wkolesile ar tt nt the looesl maiket prices. Country ni. r!i aud .ebers are Jiarnci lstly , tie ! t i ' ,. , mine our tm-k btfoie ota....' ttoti aaiexoons I'LARKs . PlCit A Ml l.I.ltJ Successors to Jese, ' l:i Ke .. . corner of Fr .i . i p; ... , PhiU-nith. P. .. t. i - I '. "IT 1 11 1, of a :.,vii..i ,.i ,i ' . . ,-a.i ,i M i M 'he l lius Iv. I. us ol llourv Aiauei, in r Lui'y. 'May 17, Ul t