NO.SK.9tt. S um) of those profound philosopher in 'poli tics, it.oials, religion, finance, fashion, mid nllf that sort of thing, who fire continually inn no factoring 'tremendous excitements.' upon aj hcntic information' from 'the highest sources,' ti ll us that Europe opimsos annexation, 'not only to interpose a check to the further progress of republican institutions on this continent, but al so to counteract the growing influence of thiil republic on the masses of Europe !' This is a Imut a profound as the suggestion that the Fc doral Executive arc blind to every thing amnmlj t'icin, because they do not proclaim all their movements and tell all their secrets to 'our uuri v.illed corps of reporters.' The government of the 'nation ofshopkeep era' care nothing about the growth of republican-ii-ni on this continent, or any political influence which it may exercise over the masses of Eu rope. They have no fears about the influence of republicanism at home. They well knows that the present political institutions of England,?! a .lord as much liberty, theoretically and practi cally, as much security to person and property much 6cope to private enterprise, as any re publican modifications that might be introduced there. And they well know that if the crown aud the lords were abolished, and xubstituted by a president and senators, property, combination. of the wealthy, exclusive interests, political job bing, would govern the country as much, as ab solutely, ns at present. And they well know that if England is shaken by a violent revolu tion, it will be excited by hunger in pursuit oi bread, and not by political speculation in pur suit of theories. And they know that the go vernmcnt8 of Continental Europe are intent on developing their own resource.", enconragine the industry and enterprise of their own people, and closing their ports against that of Britain And hence they know that continental inonar cliy is quite as hostile to British interests as continental republicanism could be. And fur thermore they know that, as freedom from all needless restraint is a republic theory, the) would have more hope of revival to Bri'ish tradi on the continent, from continental republican ism, than from continental monarchy. The opposition of the British Government U annexation rests upon totally different ground and ground much more congenial to a 'nation ot shopkeepers.' They are verv desirous of divi ding this continent among independent nations without the slightest concern about their form of government. Indeed they know that with al tne increasing immigration from hurrpe, its present wilderness must be principally settled by Americans, and that American republican iwn will be the government of every natiun es lablished upon it. But they greatly dread its union under om confederacy, knowing that such confederal would eventually, and nt no distant period, re duce Britain to a secondary commercial and na val power, while the division of the coiitinen among several nations would render them harm less through their discords. Then the Brilisl want Texas and the country contiguous to thi South and West, for the support of their eottoi manufactures ; for they ore not sure of the ca pacity of India for producing the American va rietiea of cotton, or of being always able to re tain that dependency against the increasing power uf Russia. Then they want Texas for smuggling point, through which to coiumani the market of this continent for British manufac turep. And if able to keep us ontot Texas, the) will be bitter able to acquire California. Am having accomplished this, they will build their railroads from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico and thus not only shorten the road to China, bin monopolize the China trade for this continent. But the main object tor which they seek tin prevention of annexation, and to which they are encouraged by the insane ravings of the .South Carolina politicians, isthedivision of the Union and through that division, the command ot tin I whole. If they can maintain Tcxna in iudcprn deuce, and under British influence, they expect what u cerium class of Southern politicians hav threatened, an union of our slave Slates with Texas in a separate confederacy. And if they can accomplish this, they know that they will' command the Southern markets for their manu-l lectures by free trade, and the Northern by smuggling. A very deep intrigue may be in progress between British rtatesmcii and soim of the ultra disunionists of tho South Carolina school. The former seem to be changing their views in relation to slavery. And if they shout. the hostility ot the latter to Britain might sub aide into the amicable fueling that reigned ii the days of nullification. We go not too fur ii Faying that the safety of this Union depends on the annexation of Texas and the occupation of Oregon. Phil. Ledger. R settled in the place two years before, Were they r11 I .1 ,.. i .:. .r . ... I . Miuiiuweu uie inuusmai occiipmoni v. iThey belonged to that class of Irish penplecall THE AMERICAN. Saturday, June 21, 1845. f. II. lll,JIElt, Est., al hi Itntt K- tate and Ctwl OlKee, ,AV. 5'J fine Street, VM- itntlrljiila. In aulhorited to art an .Igent, avtlt receipt lor all umnlei due till office, for siifr-j nerlittton or adverlltlnf. .lino, at hli Ollee.'S'b. 1G0 ."sImmm Street .Mi IVt. .1d S, K. Corner ot flattlmore and Calvert its , Ualllnwre, ft led the yeomanry, distinguished for the quiet vir-ljthe defenceless inhabitant on the frontiers. Fort ted by the representations of the celebratcdJRrecalled to serve his country in the field. Inl Chief Tecumseh, had become hostila to the U-Ll3l9 ho received orders from Government, tnl nited States government, and were imirderingkunarch an army into Florida and punish the Sem tues of honesty, sobriety and hospitality. Short-Ej r. 1 .1 . ...I t I. ., I. la rll,.rPI jiy aner me uiriu oi liuirew i m. ......... died, leaving him along with two elder brothers to be provided for by their mother, a woman who seems to have possessed many of the most ex ccllent virtues of her sex. The patrimony left by Jackson's father was small pot enough to. locate liberally the three sons ; it was, there lore, determined that the youngest should be lrought up for the ministry, while the brothers. Hugh nnd Robert, should follow the tailing ofj their father. Andrew, accordingly, was sent to a flourishing school in the settlement, where be Minims, in the Tensaw aettlcmcrit, had bcei captured by a band of braves, and 300 persons 'savagely butchered. Only seventeen escaped rhe pftoplo of Tennesson were exasperated by i he news, and all eyes were turned towards Jackson. The legislature ordered out XjfMiv men al the head of whom, in the middle of ()c I Jtobcr, Jackson crossed the Tennessee river and entered the hostile territory. lie shortly alter fought the battle of Talladega, in which nearly remained occupied with the dead languages untitpr,,,,rr UenA quarters. From the repeated Capt. Fbemost recently addressed a public assemblage at St. louis, which had gathered fo the purpose of hearing him explain the object oi' hi9 expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Tin Missouriaii says : From this little specimen of the public leel ing, the foes to the iinmejiate occupation of Oregon might read an important lesson. Some twenty meu were to be selected for the cxpedi tion towards the setting sun, and at a tew hours iiutice they appeared in such numbers that a whole regiment might have been at once raised of active, intelligent and daring young men who could have proudly honored the broad ban ner of their country, against all opposition, ti the shores of the Pacific. Such is a slight ex hibilion of the deep-sealed feeling in the breastr of the Western people, in favor of pushing our settlement, beyond the mountains." General Andrew Jiirkson is Dead. The death of this venerable patriot has beei frequently announced before in the newspaper soys the Ledger, but this intelligence come; through a channel which establishes the fact be yond a doubt. The news of his death has been expected for some months pfst, his case having issumcd a character which forbade the holies ol a favorable issue. fien. Houston, of Texas, the personal frienil of Jackson, who rame to the United States ex pressly to see the General before his death, nr rived at Nashville just in time to find that his friend had expired. The following letter, frou Gen. Houston, confirming the report of the death of Gem. Jackson, was published in an extra ol the Washington I'nion, of the 1 nth inst .- Hermitage, Juno ISI.'i 1'J o'clock, M. My Peak Sir : In deep sorrow I address you this hasty note. At six o'clock this (Sunday evening, lien. Jackson departed this life. He retained his faculties to the last hour. 1 lament ithut I was denied the satisfaction of seeing him 3in his last moments. I was unfortunately de tained in ascending the Mississippi, so that I did not reach Nashville until half past six o'clock ibis evening. I immediately procured a conveyance, am ame out with my family, having understood that the General's health was exceedingly preca rious, and being anxious to administer, if I coulol some comfott, in the closing scene of his event ful life. On my wav.a few miles fiom the city. 1 met the family physician, who informed im that the General was no more. About three hours before his departure, hi onversed for some time with his family and look an alfectionate leave of them, as also of bis lomestics. His physician represents the scene .is most affecting and remarkably touching ; that he departed with perfect serenity of mind, anil with a full faith in the promises of salvatioi through a Redeemer. I have seen the corpse since my arrival. Th visage is much as it was in life. The funeral will take place on Tuesday next it 11 o'clock, A. M. A nation w ill feel this loss is a nation has received the fruits of his toils du ing the best years of his life. Very truly, youi friend. SAM. HOTSTON. j.ts. k. rui.K. The President, on the reception of this letter ssued an order suspend ing business in the Exe- utivc Departments, for at least one day, as ; iribiite of respect for the illustrious dead. II' lircctcd that the Department of State, theTrea ury. the Navy, the Tost Office Departments am1 he office of the Attorney General and the J'.xe u'ive Mansion be instantly put in mourning Gov. Slmnk also issued an order suspending the business in the Executive Derailments ol this state. The offices of the Secretary of tie 'oiumon wealth, Auditor General. State Treusu rer, urveyer (, Atto v General and Vdjiitant Genera were put in mourning on tin 19th inst., and closed during the whole of that lay. There is no man in the nation whose death will cause such general regret among the peo i i i , . i ...... . pie. i ney reuiemuer wnn "runtime his iieei levotion to his country's interest, and his eini nent services in its behalf. Even in the bitter ness of partisan rancor, the merit was conceded him by all partiesof being a true patriot, as sin cere and honest in his purposes as he was rigid and unyielding in his w ill. His l.i-t thuu-lil- were for his country and its honor and prosperi ty. It is a matter of regret among his fiiend.- that he did not live to see the final cousuiiiiiiutioi liy both governments of the act of annexing Tex is to the United States, for which he manifcste so deep an interest, knowing well its minor tance to the future p.'ace ami welfare of the I'ni on, and justly apprehending the interference and lintrigues of foreign governments on that repub lic wiiiie sepeiaieii iroin Ilie l in ted Mates So eventful has been his life and so public hi ictious that every one is l.uuiliarly acquainted with and has already formed a judgment upm ihem. Posterity will render justice to hischa- racter, and its decision is already foreshu. lowed n the almost universal sentiment of the nation Gen. Jackson bequeathed hie papers to Mr. lilaii for the defence of his reputation, as he said in his letter to Mr. 1!. apprising him of the fact That defence is written iimu every page of tin history of his country for the last thirty years His memory will be cherished with atfectiou by his countrymen, and his name be placed among the great and good. In his dying moments In requested that he should be buried in an unosten taticus manner, and without any militai y parade The following biography of the Geneial, taken from the U. S. Gazette, will be read, at thi Etime, with ileep interest : liiogmjiliifDl Kkclrh OP A N J It K W JACKSON. Andrew Jackson was born on the lfith of March 1707. in the "Waxhaw" settlement, S. C. His parents were emigrants fiom Ireland, who had the revolutionary war brought nn enemy into the neighborhood. It now became necessary for e- ven boys to shoulder the musket or rifle, and at the tender age of fourteen, encouraged by his pa triotic mother, the young Jackson, accompanied by his brothers, sought the ranks of the Ameri can army, and ranged himself under its banners The 'U'axhaw settlers, among whom were the! facksons, were obliged to retire before the Iiri tisth into North Carolina. They, however, soon returned to the Waxbaws. Shortly after theii return, a band of forty patriots, with whom were Andrew Jackson and one of his brothers, (the o thcr having already perished in the battle of Stoiio) were surprised nnd routed by a snperioi British force, many of their number being takenlj prisoners. Jackson and Ins mother escaped, hut n the following day, having entered the house of a frienil to procure food, they were captured Jjhy a marauding party of the enemy. An anec- lnte is told of Jar kson's conduct on this occasion. jPieing ordered by a Hi itish officer to wipe the tnud ofThis boots, Jackson peremptorily refused demanding the treatment due to a prisoner oi war. On his continuing to refuse obedience to the commands of the ollicer, the latter became (last became mutinous. Jackson used every ef Hof the I Jiiitcd States. lie held this office unti inolcs, who had been perpetrating bar baron luttagcaonthe settlers. This he accordingly Jid. In 1812 lie was appointed Governor of the Florida Territory which had been ceded bvK a i - 'mi BaSpain to this country. In the middleof the year he proceeded to the scene of action (Pcnsacola) .and after some vigorous action on his part In placed the adininistaation of the territorial go vernment on a firm basis. His health obliged him to return to his farm at Nashville at the close ibliged for want of provisions, to return to Fori ailures of contractors to supply his army, the atroops suffered the extreme of hunger, and at itM) warriors weru killed and captured, but wastfof the year. Here he remained occupVd with rural a flairs until l$'2t. He was then proposed is one of the candidates for the Presidency , but m the election he was defeated by Adams. II (again stood in 192 and was elected President fort to prevent their return, and succeeded in ptel'.ing revolt after revolt. Having waited in vain for supplies, he was at last compelled to yield his reluctant consent to their return, and was thus deserted by all but about 100 brave Umen. In January, a fresh force of a bout tWI volunteers having reached him, he penetrated to Emuckfaw Creek, on the Tallapora river. Iwhcrit he touuhtthe Indians, leaving nearly 200 of their warriors on the field. From the weak ness of his force, however, he was obliged ti retreat to Fort Strothcrs- Toward the end of February, his army was increased by a fresh draught of militia to tin mimhcr of H.")00, and he Commenced his march tor the "Horse Shoe" Bend (Tohopeka) on the Tallaposa river. Here the hostile tribes had concentrated their strength, and having fortifi.-i ihe bend, were determined to make a desperati and final stand. Jackson arrived in the neigh Uirhood of Tohopeka on the "(Sth of March, am' m the morning of the 'J7th commenced the at nraged, and, drawing his sabre, struck at th.iltnck. Both the attack and defence were man head ol the young Jackson, which blow Jackson caught with his left hand, receiving a wound. the mark of which he carried with him to his grave. His brother, for a similar offence, had Kliis head laid open by a sword-wound, which af terwards caused his death. The two brothers were carried to Camden. r: where they were imprisoned until after the bat tle of Camden, when they were released by the xertions of an affectionate mother. This heroic woman shortly alter expired near the city of Charleston, to which place she had gone on ai rrand of mercy the relief of the suffering A inerican prisoners. Jackson s remaining brother Iso died about the same time, leaving him friendless in the world. The war was brought to a close, and J.ick'oi naving conrracreu an intimacy with sonn wealthy and rather dissolute young men belong ing to v liarleston, anil who had been staving at the Waxhaws, now accompanied them on theii return to their home. In such company his mall patrimony soon dwindled away, and Iip wa hourly contracting pernicious habits. liefore it was too late, however, by an energetic step, h. 1 ii- . I t . .... oroKe on iroin uis evil associates, ami in the win ff ler of 1751, at the age of is, he retired to Salis ury, North Carolina, where he entered a law yer's office, ami commenced the study of the law In two years he was admitted to practice, and lot liking Salisbury as a theatre for his talents he emigrated to Tennessee, (East) and alle; wards to Nahville; where, in ITS he located himself permanently. Here he soon obtained a lucrative practice, and was also distinguished among tie citizen soldiers and bold splits of the place a-t ine of the boldest. Ill 17:li, he was elected one of the members of i Convention, assembled to frame a constitutioi lor the State. In the following year he was sent to Congress, to the House of Representatives and in the next he became a member of the I'ni ted States Senate. He resigned however, in th. same year, not being satisfied with his political duties at Washington. While he was still a' Washington, in the capacity of Senator, the Ten nessee militia, without consultation with him had elected him their Maior General, which rani. e continued to hold until 1st I, when he receiv- 1 the same grade in the regular army. Inline liately on his return from Congress h-'wasap pointed one of the Judges of the Supreme Coin I if Tennessee. He entered upon the duties oi lis office with reluctance, and laid them down is soon as he conveniently could, retiring to his arm on the Cumberland river about T2 miles a hove Nashville. Hern he remained occupied with rural pursuits and pleasures, until the new I a war with Great Britain, in 1M2, called bin nice more into the service of his country. Whei he United Slates Government authorized th ailing out of volunteers, Jackson, as Major Gen rat, published a spirited proclamation to his di vision, to which .'ilill brave fellow readily re ponded and assembled in Nashville. Jackson leceived instructions to cairythem down the Mississippi, for the defence of the lower country which was thought tube in danger. In the nonlh of January, 11,, be conducted his troops to Natchez, where he had been instructed to a- wait fuither orders. Heie he continued for se Jv.-ral weeks in bivouack, drilling hisariny. The lauger of invasion on this qualter passed ovt-r mil Jackson received orders from the Secretary of War to disband his troops, and deliver up tin I'O, having been re-elected in 1SIK!. On leaving this high oflicc of the Presidency lie returned to bis beautiful homo (the "Hermit age") where he continued to reside until his Icath. The Weiuiit ok a Letter. Everybody in Rthis republic, after the 1st of July, will feel an interest in knowing exactly how much they cat put in a letter, without making it exceed half an ounce in weight. lie editor of the Olive liranch.pjliad been ordered to New Vork to of Doylestown, having made some careful expe Prom Msxteo. lUNismtEiT or Saxia Ansa, By an arrival at Charleston, S. C, files of papers from Havana have been received to the 8th instant. The T.ritish Mail Steamship Meday arrived at Havana on the 7th inst., from Vera Cruz, which port she left on the 1st inst., having on board Gen. Santa Ana, lady and family, who were ban ished from Mexico. They were going to Vene- j.uela. General Santa Anna was received with every mark of respect on his arrival at Havana, fjbeing escorted to his lodgings by bands of music, while little attention was paid to Genejal Bus tainente; thus showing that popular opinion was piitu unfavorable to the newly constituted au thorities in Mexico. No paitieutars are eiven is to the course pursued by the Mexican Govern ment in banishing Santa Anna, but Captain P. understood that the decree prescribed an absence often years that his private property was re spected that he had with him a large amount of Imoncy, and was in good personal health and spi rits. The British Mail Steamship Dee also arrived it Havana on the 7th inst., with General Lusta- mente on board on his way to Mexico. It is stated that all anticipations of war be tween the United States and Mexico had subsid ed; and a strong practical evidence that such was the case, says the Charleston Courier, is tie? fact that the Neptune, the property of Mexicans refit, which aL'ed with exceeding skill, and the contest wa severe nnd bloody. The Tenncssean, however it last drove the savnres from their strong boh with immense loss. Hardly 'JIM) escaped out o'M 1000 warriors, who would neither give nor ri e.etve quarter. I hese only 6tole away in tlu larkness of the night. The defeat of Tohopeka broke the war spiri' f the Indians, and the hostile chiefs soon afle nhmitting, the campaign was brought toa close nd the Tennessee army returned to thei homes, and were discharged. General Jackson was now appointed a Com nissioner to enter into a treaty with the con piered tribes, during the ratification of whicl he received information that a British force hat' liocn landed at Pensaeola, under the very ey f the Spanish Governor nnd were proceeding to arm and equip hordes of savages, who had ta ken shelter in the neutral territory. He ac jordingly sent advices to the government, ami irgcd the necessity of dismantling this fortress In the mean time this British force, with Col Nichols ot its head, attacked the American pos' it Fort Bowyrr, but were repulsed with seven osh. General Coffee now arrived on the srs.i villi JJHHI well armed Tonnessoana, nnd Jack- on placing himself at the head of tics force, en lercd Pensaeola, drove out the British and In lians, and reduced the Spanish Governor t terms. Ilcnid not hold the place long, an hi had become convinced Miat New Orleans wa: the chief object of attack, and thither he march id on the 1st December. Making the city o' New Orleans his bend quarters, he prepared fin its defence. On the Kith, the British force entered the lakes Iving to the east of New Or leans, and on the 'SU, General Jackson recei veil certain nformation that they were making 1 landing through the Ihiymi llienvruu, alniu eight miles below the city, on a narrow strip ot and lying between the river and the swauij mil running all the way up the city. Jacksoi inuieiliiitely marched to the spot, nnd reached t at dark made an attack on the enemy. Th -piritcd attack was kept up for several hours in 'lie darkness, when the troops, getting inti some confusion, were withdrawn to await th looming light. The battle of the 'J'J.I was tin iieans of saving New Orleans, es it had the ef feet of restraining lie- British troops, until tin 1. One and a half sheets of letter paper, sealed with wax or wafer. 0. One sheet of do., with large or small en avelope, wax or wafer. .1. One sheet of foolscap, with small envelope sealed with wafer. -I. One sheet of letter paper, with a quarter agle (v2 ,'()) enclosed, nnd secured with wax and tithe letter sealed w ith wax. f. Haifa sheet of letter paper or light fools ap, with a half eagle enclosed, secured and scal d with wafers. 0. A shet of letter paper may contain a dimi tnd a half, or a half sheet may contain a quarter lollar. 7. A sheet of letter paper may enclose seven hank notes, and be sealed w ith wax ; or three hank notes and the whole in an envelope. H-.vould, of course, not have been done if the own- intents, says that nn avoirdupois half ounce is ers were apprehensive of such an event. '.'SI 3-1 grains. We may therefore send as a 1 The Havana papers say that in their Mexican single letter, ijliles they find nothing touching the difficulties a- Magnetic PitixTiNf; Tele.; riA r v The New York Journal of Commerce of Thursday, says: 'We have seen a specimen of worth printed by 1 machine of the above title, but have not yet been made acquainted with the mode of working t. All we can say is, that if such letters can be jCprodnced by telegraphic wires, and produced la-i pi.lly and accurately, as we areassured they ran lie, this invention, fur practical usefulness, far surpasses any other of the kind which has yet heen brought before the public." Mo-t U.FonTrsAiE. The Fittshurg Tost ays: One of our most worthy citizens ba been burnt out no less than futtr times within the last two months. He was one of the manv hundreds who suffered on the 10th of April ; on the 27th of May, he was again caught in the fire on Seventh street : from there he moved to '.irigton, Reaver county, where his ill luck ap peare.l to follow him, and he was again burnt out by the fire that occurred in that place. Sinct then he has been purchasing things to make an other start, and we understand they were al consumed in one of the buildings that was burnt -m Penn street on Thursday morning. Inoi-irv Anwereo. The Mayor of Baltimore has received a letter from Babe, the pirate, now under sentence of death in New York, for mur- ft ler, making souie inquiry in reference to Abra ham Johnson, the cook of the brig Orleans, who has just been convicted of manslaughter for kil ling James Druminoiid. Babe was convicted foi killing John Johnson, a cook ; he denies beiut' guilty, and wants to know whether Abraham fohuson is not John Johnson, allegfd to hav. been killed by him. Abraham Johnson has beei questioned, and says he knows 110 such man as Ihibe, and to his knowledge never sailed in the l.avinia ; nor did he ever sail in any vessel with him. I.ARiiEsT Cvi.FM.ia ix tub, WoRi.n. Then .was cast at the works of the West Point Koun jjbout Texas which certainly indicates a great moderating of the current of Mexican wrath. A difficulty had occurred with the French Se cretary of Legation and some Mexican Soldiers, in which the former considered himself mid his nation grossly insulted. The Secretary had re quired of the Government of Mexico prompt re dress for the insult, in the punishment of the sol- rydiers, or he would immediately demand his pass ports. Ohkoox. The editor of the Independence Expositor writes from the camping ground, May loth, as follows : "A ride of one hundred miles rum Independence has brought lis into the midst ofa scene the most grateful and anima ting my eyes ever hailed. In the centre of a beautiful prairie, which the wild Wsteof'tlia Kaw Indians Ins selected for their permanent v illage, is the rendezvous of the Oregon emi grants, assembled here to complete their final organization. One hundred and four wagons, arranged in an oval ring, and linked together with ox chains, form at once an immense carat to enclose the stock, and an impregnable for tress to protect them. One hundred more wa gons, encamped in groups, at small dis'ances, :imiple;e the troop here assembled, wlrch, dot ting the plain with their snow-white covers, re sounding with a busy multitude plying to and fro in business of preparation, or herding the :loud of stock engaged in devouring the luxu riant griss, serve to heighten in interest a scene full of animation, sunshine and excitement. Simultaneously with the departure of this body if emigrants, of whom weare now taking leave other bodies have already commenced then EJjoiirney from St. Joseph's Savannah and Conn :il B ufls. These, of whose number we bavi no positive information, by report equal the ems .'ration by the routo of Independence." American commander completed his celebratedfcl,,y, on the 1'Jth, a Blast Cylinder of 120 in di breastwork, which ufterwarda onnoscd their ml Lances upon the city. On the morning of the 2 1th learning the su perior strength of the enemy, Jackson saw the (necessity of ucling on the defensive, and imme diately commenced throwing a breastwork a- (cinssthe narrow neck of land which ollercd the onlv flonroMch In llip eitv. This tbn ontonv nl. J ' ' . , ' ' f ) lowed him stiflicient tune to complete. Theyisn nn Is.i.l t : aiiietcr and 11 feet in length, weighing ten tons P It is intended for the Mount Savage Iron Com pa i ny, near Cumberland, Mi!., and is to blow four Blast Furnaces of the largest class, making -100 ptons per week. The time occupied in runningf the iron from the luinact s to ttie seconds. Two Tuns ok Si kawiieimiiks. Cincinnati i ihecity for strawberries. Upwards of -Inn piar's are sold there daily. There are ahou twenty-five daysof full sale of straw berries i that market. At lllllll quarts per day this give one hundred thousand quarts of strawberries sol in one season. They average s cents per quar: which makes rig-'i Ihnusanit iftilum paid in a lit tie more than eight weeks for strawberries. Oiieuon Aiimv. A lady in Concord, N. J was delivered of three tine healthy boys on Mor lay last. They are all doing well. We cite hear of two girls and a boy at one birth, ai sometimes of two boys and a gill, but three bov iirry off the palm. It is good lor married pe. ' pie to live in (""uncord if they would only thin so. Aaron Bi rh. Richmond Theatre X. Vorl was once Aaron Burr's country-seat. A cor re isiinlent of the Post relates tne following 111c lent as connected with it. "The mansion itself is a bdty two-story frau house, very large on the ground, with many a 'hitectnral emln llishnien's on its front. TI 'riime was brought from England, and Ihe boo Whiis altogether an imitosing appearance. M-n years since when Airon Ibirr was almul What ihk North poes kor tiii Soitii. fhe Augusta (Ga ) Chronicle, makes the follow ii'ticked it iijion the 27th, but were repulsed J ,,,g amusing summary of the means which th. with severe loss. I hey again assailed it on theE J Noith furnishes to the South : 1st of January with similar fortune. But their final attack was planned for the Mb. morning of this day, the Ilnlish column, lO.UHl ever conjectured wagons, public stores, &c, to General WilkinsonMlrp'd and were again rallied by brave officers if the United States Army, then commanding m this District. This order General Jackson thought proper to disobey, alleging a his excuse 1 hat the volunteer when disbanded could not reach home in safety, and that many of them would be obliged to enlist in the regular army He therefore retained the military stores, and. marching his volunteers into Tennessee then disbanded them formally. He was not permitted to remain long inactive The Creek Indiana, south of the Tennessee ri vcr, excited by British emissaries, and iufatua a 1 . -i 1 1 .1. .... 1 .1 1 I 1 iicy uuiiki uur nouses, nicy aoorn ineiu win On theif every comfort and convenience of w hich we hav. They educate our children strong, with their Commander-in-Chief, Sir E I'jckciihaiii i.t their head, moved on to the at tack. The fire of the American lines opened ipon them and they fell beneath the deadly hail of three thousand rifles. They wavered and re "iJl ...... . L"....l I I... ...I.I I ... ....,.,1 .n.l f-i'B ji.j; la ...1, ... 111? nn. ii--i hi !. mould was 0a!iU twenty acres of Ihe pasture and woodUn It was in vain their Commander-in-Chief had fallen and nearly three thousand of their coin-l rades lay dead before their faces, and after ae- veral unsuccessful attempts to reach the invul nerable breast-work they gave way and retired lieyond the reach of artillery. On the lth of January, the remnant of this fine srmy was glad to embark in their ships, leaving thousands of their companions buried in a stranger land fackson remained in New Orleans until the news of the treaty of peace arrived, when he re tired to his home at Nashville. He wan soon and cover our nakedness from head to foot, w ill hats and shoes, coats and shirts ; we eat theii llour, cheese, butter, apples, codfish, potatoes pickles, poi k and onions ; we feed our cattle with their hay, drive their horses in their bar uess to their hay, drive their horses in their car riages with their whips; we walk with theii sticks, ride on their saddles, write on their pa per, wash with their soap, scrub with their brush es, sweep with their brooms, milk in their pails, cook iu their pots, strike with their hammers blow with their bellows, cut with their axes sow with their seed, reap with their hooks, pull w ith their leather, whitewash with their lime paint w ith their iwint, march by their tunes read by their lights, drink their Congress watei and rum, smoke their cigars and last and best .of all these blessings, we marry their pretty girls, who make the best wives." 10 Mr. Aslor, for KTiO.OOO, subject lohis red tion on his return, by paying the interest. Bo was Mr. Astor s lawyer. ears elapsed anil came Inck. In the meanwhile, it had be graded, streets laid out, many improveniei made, and consequently, it was greatly enh.t ced in value. Burr told Mr. Astor he prcqsis to lake the property and refund the money, wi tTnlerest, to which Mr. Astor of course object. u-i' - : 1 1 t.... 1 ne w rn uigw wert?u. i'iiiiiuj, tiii 1 ini si n.'iinve truck Mr. A with surprise. The matter w om promised, by paying Burr an additional .' HK1. The same property now is worth nia iiillions of dollars." War. In the Crusades or Holy Wars, d tinning 200 years, 2,(KHM XI men were butch u, besides women and children. At the battle of Waterloo, more than 50,( perished. The pcrsian expedition to Greece lost 21 000 men. At the battle of tanna 40,000 Romans w -lain. After the battle, three bushels of g rings were found, showing the number of I man knights who were dain. By the will of three military despots, t a Alexander and Napoleon-six million of bun beings were butchered. The Inquisition of Spain cost that countr1 leant 2.000,000 lives. tU. Bartholomew's massacre cost Franc J hundred thousand of her beat citizens.