u:ims or tiik amekicax." It. H. MAKSSER, ? Tu Muslim JOSEPH KISCI.Y. S 1 Itl'PHIHTOHS. It. It, 7MSSEII, Editor. Office in Centre Alky, in the rear of 11. li. Mas ter's Wore THE" AMERICAN" ix ptiMinhrd every Sntur day nt TWO DOLLARS per nnnnm lo bo paid hnlf yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till all arrearages are paid. No subscriptions received for a less period than six MimBs. All communication nr Idlers on business relntin. to the office, to insure attention, iust be rOSl' PAID. H. 3. 2ASSE?., ATTOKN V, Y AT LAW, SUIT BUIIY, PA. Huslnrss uttended to in the Counties of Nor (huii'lrrlnnd, Union. Lvconiini; and (Jolumbio. llefi r loi Twinta Hht A Co., " Lnwni V IIjbhui, II iht, Cum i i ins & Haht, 'Am. I'mNor.ns, MrPAHt.Aii & Co. Ni'mu xii, 'Joiiii ft Co., bTir(!ilTrS PATEN'l' VjLOZiXITGr IACHI3.TI2 ffllHIS M idline Ins inw been tested by more JL than tbiny fii'inliis in this neiii.hbnrh.iod, nnd h is given entire satisfaction. Ii is to wimple in its construction, ihnt il cuniiot pet out of order. Ii remains no iron to ru-t, and no .prion. or roll: r to Cil out of reoiir. Ii will 1I0 twice ns much ws,h- ItlU, Will lS 1117,11 1 1 :i I HIV V.1'111 1111,1 11(11 ,'l till, "I ' , 1 1 , . : ' I in l i.ii'i.iili.iiiri. nn.l ivh il Id fit nTenfpr In lirr. i : :.u 1.... . i i.i .1 1 - ..f f 1 t iiite.il costs but lit It over half .is much as other ashinir murrain's. The Mibwribrr has the exclusive richl for Nor. t hunilii-r land, Cuiori, I. coiiiiiog, Columbia, Lu zerne and Cliulou Counties. Price of single nn ihtncffi. II. U. M ASJ-EK. Ti e fullnwii B ceitifieate s fioin n few nl' ilmse who have the.-e tnucbine in use. funbuiy, Auk. 21. 11 1. We, the Fubseribeis. in rnty Ibnl we Imve now in u-ie, in our families, 'Mniiii'il's patent M'nsh- Hid Myelinic, nn.l iioi.niiif Mi'.ie kijiiiu trmi u i n most excellent iinvmiin. I'h.il, in a-bing, I ii .1 .. k ii .!. .... i i i it will t-avc more than one h ill the usual moor. I 'J'lint it dm s n -t require more than one tiiird the j usual qtianiiiy ol so. p.m.) water ; nn.l that il ere is no rulibins. nn I e ns. quenilv. I lt'e or no wear- 1 1 . . : 1112 i'f leaniii!. 1 1 1 it il knueks h no tuitions. miiiI i that the finest do lv s, si c'l lis Collar-', laeis, terlts, frills, Vc, m.av be was! r.l in a ve y short lime XTilbotit the b ust ir.jur , and ill fact Wiih. ut any apparent wear and I. ar, wh ilev.-r. We then f.ir.' clji erfully recoiiuneinl it to our fi ien ls sud to. the j ublic, as a moot useful and l i)"r ssvioe miehii.e. CUAI.'I.ES W. ULtilNS, A. .lOltliAN. CHS. WEAVER. CHS PLEASANTS, Oll)i:0 MARK I.E. I II..,,. C. WEI.KER, ! lil'N.l. HENDRICKS, (ilDEON LElSENIilNtS. ITrnn's Hotki., (form, ily Tiemoiit lLm-e, No. 116 Cli. snot suiei,) I'liiljdelpbia, epteuilM r 21 si, I S 1 1 . I hae iimsI slmoi rl's Patent Wa-hinri Machine in my bou-e upw arils of eihl inonih-, cud do nol lieritate to tay that I deem il one of ihe mo t use ful and valuable labor-savinR machines ever itiven- t. .1. I f.iiinerly U' 1 1 Iw.i w.uiieii cm tiiiuuliy no rnpied in nnshirc, who now do as mui h in two ! liny as ih.y then did in one w.-ik. i here is no j wear or tear in ws,hiii". Hi.d it reinnus nut more f .i i, i ii I than one-third the usual (pi iniity el snap. 1 have bad a number of o'lur in chines in my fain ly, but I this Is so ilecidi'dly supi n.ir to every llnnp else, and bo li tie In:1 !e to cl mil of i p or, liial I would lint lo without ol.e if lliey should cosl leu l ines the Tice ihey re s. I.I f .r. 1UN1EL Dl'iC!. UMlJUi.I.I.AS &. PARASOLS, CIISAP FOR CASH. Umbrella nml 1'arasnl Manufactory. jVj. .' iV7A 7Vix r-, urn iW belnw the try i ion-: i I i 1 1 a ilolp Etia. A LWAYS on .a,.d, a larae vtock of l"M y PKLLI.As t, PAI!S()I S, i.,i!u im; the i . . . .. i l:. i . i I.VI ....l l. ... ..i' k.. aiiM ll.'w if in 1 li. I., u 1.1.. u I ail'.'', .'. in,- . , . . . , . , . .i . .. n i best w.iiUni ins' p Hi.d malirisls, nl prices Ihnt will , make i an nhjecl loCouiitrv Meichmis sod ..lliers 1 to call and ixminue Ins si i k 1- f.-r.- puicba-iiig tlsewhere. 23, IM5 - ly S P A IT Z S H HIDES TANNKHS' OIL. rOOf) ly L. Pliti lluhs-f.r-t qunliiy. ;!50U Dry Li Cuiis. d i HHHl 1 i V Salted Li (iuira. do ICOU Ui'y Sa'l.d Ur zil Hides, do :$." Ua'is (.'reen Salted Patna Kip". 2t Rut. I'rv Pa in. Kips. liO llarie s Tiilili. .s' Oil. Tniim rs' and Curiieis" 'J'nols. pur sale lo C.nii.ti) T..I i.trs ul die Itnv. st pticrs did upon Ihe 1 est t ri.is. N. II. The liin'iist uiiikel prices pud f,.r all kii.Jn ufhudicr. 1). MRKPATI ICK A; SONS. N '. -1 , s,.ii'!i I lord St. Pl.il.di'l hia. Kppifniber I I, 1M 1. ly. vsxirr ntM: hhipoi .m), run Tilt rr mi i r 1 V V 1 I.' P 1 A fTTlHIS Medicine s.fivr.l to i'i- i-u'dic ceuer-'...;, 11 allv. IV. f il fil l nnvif'U..li 1 il IK - uiitritr ..,., ..."I .!,.;., v I., r.r.i,.. .-,..i Dvsp. psia, l.i'er Ceiiiphiini, N.rvoii Debility or Ilo.lily e kui-s. Ae. IL i tr.f sl.av,. I,en ..-ted in a pri,te prnc.ice (I lit: II I t IJ I (l nn, nun II i linn 1 naiti 1- ci'cuhited, ul ihe . li. iiude of many who have r teive.l the must siim d I cnefit from it e u e ef it. The following is one anions a iiuiuU-r of ri rlifi ratps received in ii-l.il ion to the nuctrst uf this nie dicinc : Lncstmi Co. March Is. Dn. (iifmaE W. Ai.lkn', 1 tear Sir : It it wilh t-'.-at . 'ensure that I in form you of ibc biici ess Meiidn p ynur IKspeplic Medicine, while 111 1 1 ved in ii.ypHCiice. Piotn past i J pen- n. e, I lirii.lv b hi ve tout in ei;ht rases nut of ten, the D sprptic, by the use el j. ur medi cine, may emir ly rid himself of ibis thorn 11, die pathway of life: not only in dyspeptic raset, but in all c ise of routlipation, and dlttfa-es deiid,iii; on a dil.ilitaied stale of the nervous system, tope, ther with a lo.pi.l stitenf the b iwtda, will your E li.ir he f iU'.d of iiir.tilil ddt' value. Numerous ill lances wherein Ihe usifu'nesa of ihe medicine baa beru rea'i-ed, may l foi warded, if required. I w ii-h yiu grrai kuccets, and recomini 11 J the uiedi cine to the kUtVeriug part of mankind. Youif, with crest respect, ROUKItT AONEW, M. I). Cj- For sale at Ihe store of It. 1J. Manser, agent for ihe proprietor, Sunl-ury, I'a, OnnlTf 3i.it., lrtl t. ly FL 1 V t I : i:i. Tb7i5fsTei price wTlITe Ijiveu lor l'lat tin'd, by Aug- 3!, 181 J. 11. D. MASSER. Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the Ily Massrr & i:tscij-. "Slnnd by Vour Cnnnlrj.'1 "I.SAVS VOI It riilENn AM) STAn f.T YOIR CorxTRY !" was the emphatic admonition of "'rra Jackson, to a delecate to the linltimore ' . -! 1 . a I . . .1 11 . . I v onvemiou, w no sioppeu ai me J icrninngr, nnu expressed to the old Hero his embarrassment be tween bis fi iemkhip for one of the Presidential candidates, and his principle in favor of the an nexation of Texas. Ai t 1 . .., . , , ".Si flw by your rnunfru .' Let each word ' Sink to the soul like-living llame ; For, in a Patriot's heart they stirred, And from a Patriot's lips they came; Prom one, who, although at the prave, f-till sends his voice to warn and save. "Sfimil litf your emiulri .'" What are nil The ties of friendship or of blood, When they would lure yon from the call To battle fur vour country's cood your country's rij;lits) ? Oh! next to Heaven, T . , , ,. , Let your heart ami baml to her be given! ' "Stand by your euttnlry .'" Never sleep, Por many a m vrmidon is near, . .. ' , , . , , W ilh hitter seorn anil iintri .1 tteen 1 Of alia freeman holds most dear : Men who would have you bow the knee, Like tin m, to ruthless Monarchy. 'K'nnrl by your munlry ' To the sky Let her proud banner be unroll'd, Nor to one honest heart deny j The shelter ot its starry fold ; I Put hail with joy each added ray That tells of Freedom's onwa'd way. , t ,, , . ".' A'" ,r """ru 1 Pollute her soil or hover near ; And Texas ! ne'er should History show That Kniiland's 'moriiins drum' beat there, Or that the Hritish lion's toar Was heard on Oi:i:.;on's wild shore. 'Slaml by your enunt-y Riaht or wrong, lie readv. in the hour of need Thoush countless ills should 'round thee thronj Al, m,nl(,s i. wrerk'd and bosoms hi I. , , , . . , , , , , 1 o plead her cause, and wield the brand ' For Freedom and your native Land ! There are few faier FentimMits, or few timro beaulifully i xpressed, in the wholo library of j poets, th in the follow in iroin Talford's Irnge- ily of '-Ion :" ''J'is a little thin? 'I'o jriv.- a cup of water, yet its draught Of cool i efieshineiit, drained by fevei'd lips, May semi a shock of pleasure to the soul, More exquisite than when iiectariuu juice, Renews the life of joy in happiest hours. 'Tis a little thing to speak some common word Of coinlbi t, which hath almost lost its use, . , - . . , ... ,- I't on the ear of him who thought to die I'nmouriied, 'twill fall I ike choicest music. Tlie ( liiiicll ISfIIn. The flillowin!: from rn article in Jerrol's Ma Ijnzine, entitled "St. (!il s airl Sr. J:i,iri" is truly admirable. It cannot be read without einnl ;on. "Tie re's fomethiiH' benutiful in the church-! bell.-". I'eiiutifol nnd hopeful ! they talk to l.i eli and low, rich nml poor in the same vo ce; I there's a sound in 'em thot should scare pride, j and envy, npd meanness of nil sorts from the ' I. part of man ; that should make hint look upon Ihe world w i!li kind forsivinj ryes ; that hoiihl make the e;:rth itself seem to him, nt least for n lime, a holy place. Yea : there's a whole sermon int! e very found of t!n church pel's, if we have only the ears to rijjhtly under- stand it- There's a preacher in every belfry, ; .... . - , ,', I n hat tmrcr prospects ol t-uccess couu! be pre Ihat rn.-s 'Poor, weary, Mruirg'ing, fi"hlinff . ,, ., ., ". . r " anted! hat is tnore in ccssr.ry than for Ihe . V i .!.';... . ....... creatures p'nr liuiiinn things: tune rest, be f . . .. . e.K :..y crait. your I . nrt Imrnmgs ! Am! you, humnn yes-. Is. gilt nn.l painted ; believe j tlie iron loiieue lin t tells ye, that for all your . n C(, -re (f ie Mmj A dam's rarth wilh ihe beggar at your gates. Come away. Come, cries the chur;h bell, and learn to lei humble ; b timing that, however daubed and stained and stuck about w iMi jew els, you nre but grave clay ! Come, Oives, come j und be taught that all your glory, as you wenr i', is not hnlf sn beautiful in the eye of heaven, ns t tie sores of uncomplaining Lazarus ! And ye pour creatures, livid and faint stinted and criibhcd by the pridu and hardness of the world, come, come, cries the bell, with the voice of an angel, coino and learn what is laid up for ye. And learning, take heart and walk uinong the w ickedness, of the cruellies of tho vorld, calmly as I'anitl walked among the lions.' " Moni:y Makimj. "l this good money!" taid a man to a suspicious looking wng, who made noiiiu small purchat-o of him. "It ought to bo good, for I made it inybelf," was the reply. With lluit he took the wag up for counterfeiting hut he proved in defence, thut he mado tho mo ney by fiddling. UNBUKY AMBBI AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. majority, tho vital principle of Republic, from which Buiituir, Koi'tliiimbciiuiHl to. Whitt Is to lircome of our Country t 11 Y JfllOE MOBY. Whrn we reflect on what has been and what if, how tait possible not to feci n profound sense of thercspiin.'il)ilitig of this republic to nil fit ture Bgrs! Whtit vast motive press upon us for lofty effort'. what brilliant prorpeets invite nnr enthusiasm what solemn warnings nt once drniniul our vigilance nnd inodcr.ito ourcoiili denrft ? The old world hnn already revealed to ns, in its unsealed bi)l:, the inpjnniny and the end of nil mnrvellous strnrjolrs in the cnuso of li birly. Oreece ! lovely (Jreccn ! the land nt scholars and the nurse of arms where s'strr republics, in fair procession chanted the praise of liberty where is she ? For two lhoii--nnd years the oppressors have b( und her to the earth. Her arts are no more. The last sad re licsofhcr tomplea are but tho barracks nf a ruthless soldiery. The fragments of her co lumns nnd pabices are in tho ilnsf, yet beauti ful in ruin. .She fell not when tlm mighty were upon her. I lor sons were united tit Tliermopy la? nnd Marathon, ami the tide of triumph rolled back upon the Hellespont. She fell by the hands ot her own people. The man of Mace donia did not the work of destruction. It war, already done by her own corrupt i.ms, banish ments and dissensions. Rnine ! republican Rome! whose enjles "Inured in liie risinir pun where nnd what U she ! . The eternal city yet rennins, proud e ven in her desolations, noble in decline, en crnli'o in the tr.njesty of religion, nnd c.ilni as in the composure of death. The Malum has traversed the paths worn by the destroyers. More thsn eighteen centuries have mourned over the Ins of the empire. A niori.il disense was upon her before C'n-sar had crossed the Uu biei ii, nnd I! rutin did not restore her health by the deep pr bmeg ,f the .Senate chamber. The (lollis and Vandals, and iiiiiiimrtable swarms of the North, completed only w hat was hee'uii.at home. Romans betrayed Rome ! The leci ons were bought and told, but the people paid the tribute money. And where are the republics of modern times that clustered around modern Italy! Venice und CJeno.i, exist but in name. The Alps, in deed, took down upon the brave peaceful S.iss in their native (nstnestes ; but the puaran'y of their freedom is their weakness and not their strength. The ini.iititains are not easily ro t it i in tl. hen the invader mines he moves like an avalanche, virryinu destruction n his path. The peasantry fink before him. The country lo", is too poor for plunder, and too rou'h f'.r valuable conquests. Nature presents her eternal harrier on every side to check the wantonness ol'ambition. And Switzerland re mains, with her xiinple institutions, a military road to cl. mates, tcarctdy worth a permanent possession, and protected by the jeii'misy of her lieirhbors. We btand the latest, and if we fall, probably the last examp'e of Kelt-government by the , people. e n.ive I lectin under circum-taiices of the most auspicious nature. We arc in the I vijjor of youth. Our growth Ins never been checked by the oppression oflvTnuny. Our i constitutions have never been enfeebled, by the ! vices or 1'ixuriis ofthe werld. ! Such as we urn we Imvu been from the be i piniiini', simple, hardy, intelligent, accustomed j to self-ooverunienl, nn I self-respect. The At : laniic tolls between us nnd a fiirtiiidahie foe. : With'iiour territory, Ktretehini through many ! degrees. of latitude, we havelhn choice of inn i ny products nnd many means of independence. I Tho t'overnnient is mild. The pre.-s is free. l now ledirp renehes fir mnv rnneli i-vrri' home P''e to presi rvu w hut Ihey thcm.-cvcs have I CrLUlLU . Already Ina Ihe age caught the f-pirit of our institutions. Il h is ascended the Andes, und snu.Ted (he brere of both oceans, it h.'is i:i!u.-ed itself in the lile-hlood of llurope, and warmed the sunny plains of Trance, nnd the lowland. olTIollnud. Il has louche I the plulosopl y of (icruiauy and the Notlh, ami moving onward tow ard tho South, has opened to Ci.-. cce the les niiis of her belli r days. Can it be that America under such ciieuin Maiices run betray iieise'.l'.' That the is lo ho added lo the catalogue of republics tho inscrip tion upon whoso ruin is, "They were, Lot they are not !" Turbid it my countrymen ! Turbid it Heaven ! 1 call upon you, Tatiikrh, by tho shades of your ancestors, by the dear ashes which repose in this precious coil, by all you hope to be, re tsiot every attempt to feiter your conscience, or smother your public schools, or extinguish your system of public instruction. I call upon you, Motiikrm, by that w hich never fails in woman, the love of your i ffsprir.g, teach them as 'l,ey climb your knees to lean on your l)0so.f the blessing of liberty. Swear them at the alter as with tho baptismal vows, to 'uo lruc l(J ,)ejr country uml never fjuakc 'lu.p there is no appeal but to force, the vil.il piinriplo Pa. Saturday, .tunc 21, is 15. I call upon yon, Yoi no Mrs, tm remeinber whoso sons ye are, who: 0 blond flows in your veins. Life can never be Ion short which brings nothing but disunion nnd oppre-rinn. Death can ne er eoine too smhi, il necessary in defence of our eoitnfiy. A Fnlllifut Dot,-. The Rrooklyn Advertiser say--, "some years since, a family residint: in one of the Southern states possessed a Newfoundland dog, which conceived a htrong friendship for the little daughter of its owner. Thischih! he used to escort regularly to school, carrying her si'el el in his month, nn.l was fjennnlly nt the door when the hours of her penance were over, to trot along by her side homeward. Onediy, the girl, having strayed nway willi out the knowl.'diie of her pi rents-, saiM.'erod n- long to the water, nnd was amusing herself by walking upon the striiiL' pieces of a pier. The dog, as usual, was her only rttendaut, nnd seemed to watch her pranks wiih much ntt-n-t on and considerable uneasiness. Frequently warned by various persons upon thewhar1", to keep further from the rdief she nevertheless, with juvenile waywardness, continued her dan- rjernus pnstime, until finally miss-mir her foot ing, (die fell into the water. Instantly the neii.'h!iothood was in nn uproar : some ran to loosen a boat, others flung hoards ititn'hestrenm and a sailor present stripped oil' his jacket and shoes for a plunge alter the lil'le castaway. Rut Towser fully comprehended the matter nt n glance, nnd belure it was fa ily know n that she was in peril, w in by the side of his youn mistress, had MT.eil Iot by her floating dress. nml was padiliii.:,' bad; with his pr eious bur iii n to the wharf. The genemus Jack tar bad now only to leap into a slrp's ynwl lu.id by, and pull both of the dripping ert a'ures into it, nnd deposite them upon the dock in salVty, 'Powser, 'if course, bec.ime more than ever a favor, to wilh th(! family, and held a very envi able rank above others of his species. As his mistress increased in ttrength mid stature she was never allowed to forget the debt of grati tude c! no her canine companiot., although she had i.iitorown the neces.-i y of railing upon linn tor further services, so that he slept and prew fat upon his laurels, like soineold soldier, whose jouthful privations and evulenci s of va lor have procured him n pension for t ie remain der of his pilgrimage. Some five years after this occurrence, the fa mily had resolved upon chr.niiitiL' their place of residence lor the city of St. Aiii'iis'iue. The morning of their ih partnn; bad arrived; the schooner which was io convey them to their new homo w is castiti ; oil from the pier, ll.e very one which had been the scene of I'ow.-er's exploit, but he was now here In be found. Tl.ey hi.-tb d nnd called, but no dog npp.-ared ; the cup'.iin became restive, swore hi-would w.i.t no longer, gave the order, nnd l!:. craft :v. opt n long the waters with a sparkling bre. .". and was soon u qu irter ofn mile from tho shore. The girl and her father were i-iaudmr?; nl the stern of the vessel, lookim.? back upon the city which they hid pro'.ub'y lelt tbrrver, when sud denly Towser was reen running down to 'he edee of I he wharf w ita soinothing in bis nuiutli. Willi il t;btss tliey discovere I tti.it it was his niaster's poclo t h indkerehicf, which h id been dropped sotnewhi-ie Ul'o.i tie' rmd lio'.vu lo tiie Vessel, .Hid W hell he recollected, villi MUle coinpuiictiiisis of ConscieMce, that he h id sent his thag!y servant hick tohmk at . r. The dog looked piteou.'y h r. I tl-t np..ri t!ie bystanders, then at the retreating vessel, mid leaped boldly into ihe water. Mis mister im mediately pointed out the noble brute t i the captain, and requested him to throw his ves-e into the win 1 unlil the animal could near them; he also oU'ered a 'urge sti-n if he would drop his beat and pick him up, told him of the mumer in which he had preserved the !::' of hi.' daugh- 1 ter, and ag.vn oir.-ied him t!ie pric I j' il 'ho would savo the tai'uhil creature. The j irl joined her entreat o'-' v.;:h tho-. of l.cr hi ther, went in I implored that -r er.ily IVi -ud might be resvied; hot lh. capt nu wii-i n si vage: he was deaf to ev eiy a; ;m-.:I c! buinaiii ty ki pt i.'.i; tinatrly on hu co irso, n.,,J t:o- bet ter animal of the two I'd low ed the ves-el, (o,tt his strecgtli e.v'.Ti-'ed, an I his grin r.eH heart c'.iiih.l by i!esp..ir, he rank ainoug the more merciful billows. Ily heaven ! wo would have thrown the captain overbouid ! (TheN, V. Advertiser says, wo cannot to tpiite so far as thut. To be sure the f' How was not fit to live but then he was me.L'h more un fit to die.) A t;oor .k. A '1Rl relating to one of bis companions t'-.e exploits of his futhcr in hunting, 011 the 'rev ions day, asserted that lie had killed '.'one iHinnred and ninety-nine pigeons at one shot. I lis companion observed that it would have been well to have added one ti the number, and make it an even thousand nt which the lad in high dudgeon retorted "ll'.n 1' .''"' mi) fa!nr tcnuU til! a lie fur u.it ;gt -on." CAN. mid iiniiicdin'e parent of desp ilisin. .frrrniisos. Vol. f--.o. 3:--lVliolc Xo, 2 1 7. Kloq'irnt Kxlrnct. The following in nn extract from the speech of the Rev. Mr. Longsdrcntli, cl'tieoryin, before the Southern Methodist Convention, upon the iUti..n of separation : 'No ; we must part, nnd the snonfT tho bet ter. l.-l ii', with our new oignni.ition, try to get hark to primitive .Mi thodi.-ti.-m. I spenk not of its externals, s une of w hich never legiti mately In Ion rd to it, but of its inward graces. I speak of its forme zeal, which glowed with equal fervor amidst the miasm ot the lowland swamps, ami the healthful breezes of the moun tain which bdlhe Methodist preacher to seek the !o,t sheep of the fold of Christ w bitherso- j i vi r tin y w andered. 1 spruit of that Medio-ili-m that preached not only on tinted days, tuid nt stated times; but which preached at all times und in all placer- in ihe chapel, tin hu the kitchen, the grove, tho wilderness to fathers, mothers, husliaud-', wives, parents, children, masters, servants which never entered a house without a word for tin; Lord, and never left it without praying a blessing upon it which plan ted Ihe s'linioird of the cross on the spot which we occupy ere the ell: and the buffalo had left it which pushed mi its labor?, at times, until exhausted nature rnr.k under them. When 1 thus speak of Methodism, let me li d he understood as c'niuiing for our sect all ihe religion that is in the world. Far from it there is us pure religion in the other churches as in ours. It I possess one christian virtue, it is love tor nil who love iiiul serve the Linl Jesns Cl.r st; hut I coti'l'ss I feci a kindling emotion, allied to Ihe moral sublime, when I contemplate Methodism personified in such men as otjr Nol ly, whose tuner il obsequies were performed by himself, whose dirge was sounded by the win ter wu. ds, nnd whose monument was the sturdy oak of the forest found by the woodsman fro zen on his knees, and buried in the attitude of prayer. Of Myself I will not glory, of my church I will not glory, but of such men ns these ' I in flit become a fool in glorying, and nl! men ! would pardon me, it" tint join me. Yes, were I to inscribe on the root of w hich was his last pil- j low, 77c ( 'hrirttun's lust innnnmrnt. every Christian of 1 very branch would cheerfully in scribe under it Amen nnd ninrn. To this kind ol Mi the.dism let us get Lack; let it bo the char acteristic of the Southern church, and then, if they will, Ut the Northern church all ihe refct." An i.M i.i.ni. Not long since nt n table less than a thousand j r"J o - - - miics from this place, says the Vick.-burg News Shrruian wcra of this class ; and similar, thoug't some hopeful young soap locks were anxious to i !p6g s,-tri!;itifr, in.-tances may now be found in sic, w t' a few ladies present, how perfectly they j u countries. To ho educated, a man muit unit, d Ihe puppy nnd the traitor ; and in imi- 1 ,,arl) to think, reason, compare and decide ac ta ti.n 1 f the.1 ihnCJ. A Inn's school of patriots, j Curate!y. He may frtudy mctaphysicu till he i.s were el. ipier.t in deprecating a wnr with (ireat 1 n.Vi allj languages till hu is a walking p.dy- Miitam. i.ry wiiuol not light 111 a i;unrrei lor 'I e.viis or O.-egori, not Tlii y : It would be broiiL'ht on by loeof co folly, and tho locos must 11 uinge it. P. 'si we were not able to fight Cr, at Piitam. t' e most t 'Wet fill, the most ring- nniiimooo, tho l.ravrst, the best government of lie' w or'.l ! Sh She won'. I whipns; and they Wi 11 here I u t r.-gret ir. We had ?m government no.! iio v hud ra'lo r Lie under tho ltnti-h veriini.'i.t a1 any r i'e than loco toco rule. e have 111 men. said tie si? lliim;, In oppose to tie' invincible nnd diM,:pliued troops of Mng le.'id. Slie would laud her forces end over-run the roi.n'rv without rqiposition. A daughter nt revolutionary sires sit and li-toned to this puppyism till her patience was exhausted. '-No." said she, "tlreat Rritain, nor the world combined, cm over-run this coun try, lfthere are no mat to inert her and fight for (heir country, lb" American it omt n will lake nriiw, nn.l tt y w ill he mftieient to pro- t- ct ti e s .il of Wu.-liingtim and Jefferson, made fital to firit sh invasion !"' The so'ip locks looked us liiough Ihey sudden ly rciin u.1.1 r.,1 that their mothers might be ::i. .v. ous about llii.-il bring rut. Ki-!u a I'm: 1 1 v Cotsi?i. It is a grave I i'" 1 ii.,r -1 mil lias 11 man 11 r ; : 1 1 ! to kiss the tempt- reiU' eon.-i.i ! Tiie plu!os. pher ,.1 . 1 .. .. ., . , ol ihe L . -ii-, ;.-.i,. I .S i;r nvi rrctli Ihnt he has, on 1 , , . 1 . eg pi ov.i!.v d 1 1 do s they niv. tie is ! 1 I the e .so-.-t icau I 1 ' ' V' 1 ...1 if l.iii ll.i tioiits ., . . , . t..l he says tlmt the 1 . ' .. !':... I I ' 1 lu ll, ill' ill. Pi' 1 el a pnt'y rnis-iu are a tort o! nemral "rmiiii1, bi lAe. ii a si.-t' i and a stranger s. It you sip, it ia not bcc.iise you lure, not exactly because you ha-,o Ihe right not upon grounds TlaUiliir, nor wilh the cahii suliiifuctioll tlial you kiss a favorite sister. It is a eort ofnocus-pocus commingling of all, into which each feeling throws its parts, until the concatenation is thrilling, peculiar, exciting, delicious, nnd "em phatically slick." This is as near to a philoso phical uualyzatioit us he can well cine, he thinks, and then he mere than hnlf intimate that all the sweet pretty girls are kissing con- sin9 in Viryinia. The Major S1JS he hopes this custom will travel last into other Stales and become rxtenstvely fiahionahlo and tho Major is a iuhh of ta le. iMncnsop 4iyi;fiTisix. 1 square t insertion, frt BO I do t do .0 7" I do 3 do . 1 0'1 Every subsequent in "erlii.n, 0 8f Yearly Adterliseinents : one column, 25 i h'df column, f 18, thrp squares, $1S ; two squares, f ! J one square, f.'. Half-yearly i one column, IH l half column. $ 13 s three squares, S ; two squares, $5; one square, 3 SO. Advertisements left without directions as to ll e leneth of time they -o to bo published, will I j continued until ordered out, and charged accord iuclv. fjjTSiteen lines mnke a square. mmiiiiwwmMl.wt"i.i wwpy.1 I'llnrit Times." For once, we believe, w ithin tho memory of ' the oldest inhabitant," a general hum of pr. ---perity is heard from all parts of the land, lin k ing elleeiiinlly the foreboilings of those lnzy, fn tting grumblers, who have for years past, ii stead (.f toiling honornh'y for a snhsi-itence, S' ' tied down on their hnunches, nnd done nothi'.,r hut groan piteously about the s'ngnitinn pf bo. siness.and the destrtieti(in of t!iir airy cast! a. Seldom ha there b""n a time in the history i f our country, tint iudtistry, p'Ts'-refir.en -nd -terprise would not coiiitiiand i" l nnd seldom has there been a !';.'.- t: i ex'-rcise of these virtues iM the quietus t-a ' 'a ml times. S i it s nt ' -, set t f'nv. The general anxiety that wa- -. manifest a few years past among men lo l, ' their wits, instead of ihe joint 1 ibnr orboth Inn i and head, has been proved to be a hopeless fas! , and by a general return to the habils of industry, prosperity has been secured in an eminent de cree. That the experience of the pas' will h" a warning for the futu e, to the present neuer ntion at least. t most ardently to be hoppd, set tling as it does the scripture command, that man must obtain his trend by the sweat of his brow. The mnn who live? by scbenvnrr must be unhappy and miserable, and will finally make a misstep w hich nM only redures him to penury, '",T WIIC" rnmPr!! ll,m 10 ",K ""norarue lot j wi'hmil any qunlifidations to perform it. Shun, I therefore, such a fate, young mnn ! Re honest, ul"- "' """ .'" I will make yourself happy nnd prosperous, nn.l be tho menus of happiness to others. WliUW will jnn Dot One of the two things must ho done inllii country. Parents must spend money to edu cate thrirchildreti, or they mti.-t pay tnx to build penitentiaries nnd to punish crime. There is a great mistake about what is called educi cntion. Some suppose a learned man is en cd iicn.ti d man. No such thing. That man is educated who knows himself, and who takes accurate common tcn-e views of men nml things around him. Some very learned men arc the greatest fools in the world ; the reason is, that they are not educated men. Lenrnicr is only the means, not the end ; its value con sists in giving the means of acquiring, in t' 0 discipline, which, when properly managed, it gives the mind. Sonic of the greatest men in the world were not overstocked with learning. but their actions proved lhat they were tho- I rou-rblv educated. Washington. Franklin ami ; t,r nllj jf j,,, ,3 i,0ttiin:r i.iofo he is an un-du- catcd man. There is no class in the counti y who have a larger interest in the education of their children th in farmers; nnd the su' j i t j 8,ouj receive from thota tho attention it do ! grves, -- - j Rir.vnns. An American priest, who rejoic I i in an extremely lone beard, tircachinj one day. : remarked m the chinch a peasant whose tear i ful eyes were constantly fixed on hi 111. Worn the congregation had left the church the pries who had not lost sight of tho nun, approichi '. and said to him, "My friend, I remarked the a i tent ion wilh which ye,u littciiod to me, and '. j thought 1 perceived the traces ol'sadinss your face; open your heart tome; cnrrv.i your troubles, and if it is in my p iwtr to .-: them, believe loo I siiail i!,i u with pleasur- . My words p. tIi .p.-. " '! do n it co nprel.. n t 1 x ictly wh-.t you w i-h 01 siy, sir," interru)!:. ! 'he man ; "ih.it 1 ata .-ad, is trie1, but your s ' men was n.t the cause, f ir to tell you ihe Ire . I did not listen to it." "And what lin n fo ' have ce.asionrd the tear- I saw you shed "Oh, sir, that is uioi'hi.r matter j listen : I ; 1 a pojr inati, with a large family; nil my f. tune cntr-isled in u goat ; which my wife to children loved dearly, for he nourished wi . her milk my youngest child. We'l, so. 1 1.... ..:...i 1. . . t.. .1.,.. t,... .,,.,.1 ...i . . 1 1 ill,. .... 11. . 1 ilii ,.i,,a,mvi'n?cu au.i . 111" .1. Know 1101 11.11 u.is iJtcoiiiu 01 uer. 1 o-i , when I raw you, I could not refiain my ten: i. 1 lor ron resemble so closely my lost anim il, t. 1 ' 1 1 Hirudin re seeing you inai it was our pa. j " - J ' " The following tonst win recently givtn i' Ogilciifb'irg, New York : "Wovvn A on. thi r, she rhrrl.-i.es and re rr cts us ; a sister, she consults nnd Counsels 1. a sweetheart, she c inquests and compivrs lis ; wife she comforts and coi. fides in us ; Willi.- 1 her, what would become of us !" K NtFMMTION II V A B V( IICI.OK . A mother, sh,. sc 'lds and sptnks us ; a ho tell on and p.nchcs us; n swertheurt, i rinpiets ami jilts us; a wife, tho frowns, p- e 1 frets, cries mid torments us ; w t'lout her, w! would Ihero ba to tro.iblo us! llujj'ulo U j .'I'licea.