m For the Amciitan. To Izmlore, of V- Tl.Ti-'s bounty in the evening sky, As the last tints of daylight flee; Then fancy rndient mount on high, To wan her thoughts of poetry. TheVs hennty in the summer flowers And in the Autumn's mellow shades, When crimson sunset gilds the hours, And throws sad glory o'er the glades. There's beauty in the morning's plow, Tinging, with roseate hues, the sea; 1-nt, oh ! such beauty earth ne'er knew As lives, sweet lzadore, in thee. Thy form, thine eyes, the silver ring ( f thy sweet voice upon my ear, Tl y unburn curls, which thou dost fling, In glit'ring waves upon the air They came before me like a dream Of lovliness, nneaithly fair ; And as I watch the hazel beam Of those dark orbs, now smiling there, A wish that thou might'st ever bo The brilliant picture now thou art, I Moating up to Heaven for thee, To guard from flight thy merry heart. E. TI1K EDITOR. The editor who wills to please, Must humbly crawl upon his knees, And kiss the hand that beats him ; Or, if he dare attempt to walk, Must toe the mark that others chalk, And cringe to all that meet him. Pays one your subjects are too grave Too much morality you have Too much about religion ; Give me some witch or wizard tales, With slip-shod ghosts, with fins and scales, Or feathers like a pigeon. I love to read, another cries, Those monstrous fashionable lies In other words, those novels, Composed of kings and queens and lords, Of border wars and Gothic hordes, That used to live in hovels. No no, cries one, we've had enough Of such confounded love-sick ttufT, To craze Jhe fair creation : Give ns some recent foreign news, Of Russians, Turks the Greeks and Jews, Or any other nation. The Mttle Piggies. The dear little piggies how happy are they ; They're frisking and frolicking all the long day ; Now they sleep in the pen, now they caper with out, All the while their old mammy goes grunting a bout. They prick up their ears when they hear n strange noise, And run like the dickens when chased by the boys ; Tut when out of danger they turn round and look With their pretty black eyes just as wise as a bonk. When I.-aac conies forward to give them their swill, How pretty they seem while they're getting their fill ! They look quite enchanting a little way off, Rut the dirty young scamps :-tick their feet in the trough ! Oh! see the two spottieseat out of the pails ! llow funny they wiggle their delicate tails! That black chap I II catch, if I can, by the heel ; Tin whistles and bonis! don't it take him to squeal. Oh, the dear little piggies, how happy are they ! So cunning, so lovely, so lively and gay ; They frisk with the freedom of fairies and elves; Lut they quickly grow up and make hogs of them selves. SlYOONS, O. Ci. L.acunlc Corrctiiniideiice. Drevi'y in cpistulary correspondence lias lonp aiucu come lobe regarded as a characteristic of ami minds'. Wla-lhcr the following corres pondence ia to be regarded a the emanation ol (reniun, a "dincerning public must decide," as the quack aid when he spoke of the curative power of his patent medicine. The lirHt letter is from a lady who keeps a bjurdiutr house iu lliis municipality to one of her ut t klic$ ; the second in his reyly. "W'kd.mmuv, 10 o'clock, a. m. Mr. , Room N'a '-il, Sir I tend your uccuunl by my Bill, foot it immediately or quit the house. Youis, in want of moi.ey, J K . Hill, we would liete remark, is the lady' co lored bervant, well known to all the boarders us "ihe man of all work." A few minutes after, .Madame J It put h-ir note in the Hands of Bill, Ihj came running down ttairs, 'rying as loudly as if some person hod attempt 1 to ateaaitiimte him. The lblkiing note, vhicli he held in Ins hand and handed to hit Distress, explained the cnuen ol his wailing. Vhttt T fci facetiously calls "fooling our Bill" means kicking his potdcriora : Vcineda, Room 24, about 10, a. m. Irs. J R , Madam Not finding it convenient to foot mi acciufht, I have footed your Bill. Yours, though lying easy in bed, extremely hard up, ' T S .' wtHTV '""mitij ''-'!! .u. . J.-. HANK NOTK LIST, ii:sTi.rAiiA. The following list shows the current slue of nil 'eunsylvnnia Bank Notes, The mnt implicit re liance may I placed upon it, as it is every week arc-fully compared with and corrected from Dick noil's Reporter. HnuKn In Fliilailctpliln. Nur. Locatio. 1)'". lit 1 H 1 LAfl. NOTES AT PAR. Bunk of North America , Bank nf the Northern Liberties Commercial Rank of Pcrin'a. . Farmers' sml Mechanics' Hstik pnr par pnr pur pnr pnr pnr pnr pnr pnr pnr pnr pnr par par pnr par Kensington Dunk Philadelphia ll.iuk . . , Nfhtivlkill Hank Snuthwark lluuk . . . Western Dunk . . Mechanic itnnk . . Manufacture! A, Mechanics' Dank Country HaiiliN. Dank nf Chester Count) Westchester Dunk of Deliwnre County Chester Rank of lieriniiiitown Oermnntown Rank of Montgomery Co. Norristown Doylcslown Dank Doylcslown Kaston Rank Huston Fanners' Dnnk of Ducks CO. Bristol pnr Otn.-e nf Dmkof Pcnn'a Olltce do do Office do do Office do do NOTES AT llarrishutg"" These I.nncnsler I offices tending f do not Eustnn J issue n. DISCOUNT. Rnnk of the United States rtnnk of l'enn Township . (Ji'ard Dunk Moynniensing Bank Dnnk nf !'cnn Ivanh Miners' Dunk of Pottsville Dnnk of Lewistown Dank rf Midilletown Dnnk of Northumberland Columbia Dank & Bridge co.' Cnrlisle Dank Exchange Dank Do d i hrnnch of Farmers D ink nf Lancaster Lancaster County Dank Farmers Dnnk of Reading ILurishura- Dnnk Lancaster Dank Lebanon Dank Merchants' A. Mnnuf. Dank Dnnk of Pittsburg West Branch Dank Wyoming Dank Northampton Dank Derks County Dunk Office of Dank of U. 8. Do . do do Do do do Kensington Snv. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Dnnk of Chainhcrsliiirg Dnnk of Gettysburg Dnnk of Su quelianna Co. Erie Dnnk Farmers' V Drovers Batik Fianklin Dank lloncsdalu I!jnk Mounngihclt Dunk of B. York Rank Philadelphia nia.33 pnr i . . par . . pnr Pottsvillo j Lewistown I J Midilletown 1 Northumberland par 'Columbia pnr Carlisle 1 Pittsburg 1 llolli.l ivshiirg I Lnncsstei pnr Lancaster par R. adiirg pai Harrishurg 1 I.nncnsler pr Lebanon J Pittsburg I PilUhuig I Willimnsport lj Wilkesharra 1 Allcntown Heading Pittsliurg failed Htifl do Near Brighton do .1.) do ('hnmbershiirg I Gettysburg I Montrose 05 Erie 2 Wnynesburg 2 Washington I Honesdnle I J Brownsville 1 Yoik 1 N. D. The notes of thnso hanks on which we amit quotations, and substitute a darh ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN B A N K S. Philadelphia Snv. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. eVhuvlkill Sav. Ins. Philadelphia do do failed tailed failed failed Manual Labor Bunk (T. W Dyoti, prop.) 1'owanda Dnnk I owanua Alleghany Bank of Pa. Dank of Denver Dank of Sviatara Bank of Washington Centre Dank City Dank Farmers' & Meih'ca Dunk Farmers' A Moch'cs' Hank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Dank Haimony Iu.-tituto Huntingdon Dauk Juninta Dank Lumbermen's Dank Northern Dank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhuiub'd Union Col. Dk. Bedford no sale Denver closed llurrishurg closed Washington failed Belli forilo closed l'ttl-buig no Mile I'ltlsbiirg failed Fnyette co. failed itreencaste failed Harmony no sale II Hilling, Ion no ralo Leni-.io.Mi no sale VN'aneu fulled Dmiilatr no tale New Hope dosed M illon no sale Mcadvillc cluwil Port Carbon Carlisle fulled Monliose closed Uiiioiiiown failed (ireeiisburg closed ilkebarre nossle North Western Da'ik of Pa. Office of Schulkill Dank Pa. Ar. & M iniif. Dank Silver Lake Dank Union Bunk of I'enti'a. Wtvtmoielaml 1! ink Wilkesbime Diidge Co. dj" All notes purpoilint; lo be on any iVnu-yl-vania Bank not gucn in tliu ubove li.-t, may le set lown as frauds. kw ji:ksx:y. Dank of New Biunsw ick Uelvideie Dank Durliuglon Co. Bank Commercial Dank L'lillilieil Hid Bank Fanm is' Dank Farmers' and Mechanic' Dk Farmers' and Mechanics' lik Druiiswiek ltelvolete Medfotd Penh Amboy Dridelon Mount Holly Hub way failed 1 par 1 par par i N. Biunswitk failed Farmers' and Merchant!,' Dk Midilletown I'l I fail.d lail.d failed faded failed 4 failed Franklin Dank of N. J. Jersey City llubokcu UKS.& UlUZillg I O Ilobokeii lersey Cttv bunk Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Dk of N. J Jcisey City lalleisoo Belleville Morristowu Freehold Mechanics Dui.k Newark Meehaiiics' and Mnnuf. Dk Trenton Morris Canal and Lkg Cu Jersey City Po-t Nolea Newark Bks A Ins Co Newatk no kale 1 i New Hope Del biide Co LamderUulU i. J. ManufdC. and Dkg t o Hoboken failed lulled ! N J Pruleclon & Lomburd bk Jersey Cily Orange Bank Oruui;e Pateron Bank l'a'eiuii Peoples' Dank do failed J pur par Piincetoii Dunk Princeton Salem Dunking Co Salem Slate Dank Newuik Stale Dnnk Kliziiheihtown Slate Dink Camden Slate Dank of Munis Monislown -State Bank 'J'niiloit ulem and Philad Munuf Co Salem Sussex Dank Newlon Trenton Dunking Co Trenton Union Dank Dover Washington Banking Co. Hackensack ii:i.iavauiu Dk of VYilm J. Brandy wine Wilmington Dnnk of Delaware Wilmington Dunk of Smyrna Smyrna Do biunch Milluid Farmers Dk of Stale of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcistle I'niun Bank Wilmington tt I'nder f't i i par I failed lulled J par i failed par par par par pnr par pr par par fXJ On alt banks marked thus () there are ci, ther ceuiiterfi il or altered uo'.cs ol l!.o various tit- njruiiiuliocs, in c.rculativiii. AVI STAR'S it ii.s4i of wixo ciinmiv, A Compnnnri llalsmnle Preparation fram llrt Cherry Hark and Tr, Vie beat remedy known to the world fir the mrt rf coni;hx, enldn. anthma, eroup, bleeding of the lung, whooping rough, brimrhitit, inflif enza. thurtnem of breath, pain and ternlinew in the breast or irfc, liver rnmifaini, anif the Jirt ntnge of CONSUMPTION. We will not assert that this BALAAM will cure Consumption in 1st vmrnl form, hut it has rured manv after all other rnenns of relief had lioen tried in vnin. And why not ! It sterns lht the WILD CIIF.RHY wns destined by Nature In be our PA NACEA for the invnaina diseases of this c ls litude. Let not the despniring invnlid wns'e his mney and lone TIME, to him stall imporiant, in t.rirrimrnfin wilh the trsshy notrunis of the lay, Imt use nt nner a metlicme Inst ill cure, it a ' f mo l t ' 1 i m ns rateo . cure lie n s-ible a mi-rbcine thai science and manv years of experience hnve d that It n'(ii relieves. " There in no mrh thine: as fail, in the h'story of this wonderful BALSAM. Evidence the most convincing evedencn that no one fan donbl. fully eslabli hes this fart. For the nuke of brevity we se'eel the f.-l owing from thousands. Isaac Pls't, Esq., Editor of the Pokeepsie E.iele. one of the most infiiienllnl journals in Ibe slaie of New Yoik, stales undot iho nnthoril of his own imme, lint a young lady, a relative of his. ol ver? delicate eonsli iilinii, was allacked in Feb. IS 12. wilh severe cold, which immediately produced fpil- ting of blood, cough, fever, nnd other ilnnperous and nhirmit g symptoms. Thr.iiiah meilienl tienlment nnd ciio she pnitinlly recovered durina summer. It it on (he return of winter she was all ickcd mme vi.ilenlly than at frsl. she became scare Iv able to walk and wj Imubled with couuh, chills and fever eveiy dav, and appeared In be going rnpidlv wilh .' '. : .i : . l .k.... I.llltllllll'ilill . ni mi ion.-, w llfll iiii- wu ii - piuii . . ' . .. , , .,, 1 1 of iiniirovenienl, Mr. Platl procurd a bo'tlc if; .'.. it.. ' v. II llin H IJILim r ii ll.li 'nf, uni. niniii look, ond it s. eminply restored her. fche g it sr eolid, nnd nfie it was half taken he was restored to i rfrct hi , hub she has i njoyed to the pre sent lime, without the slightt rt symptom of her for iner die m. Mr. P alt snv "the cure c ime under my own oh seivntion and I cannot he mistaken as to the fads." EXTRACT OF A I.KTTF.R FltOMA POST MASTER, HATED I'cMnnnKK, Washington co., Mnine, Apr. 20, 1 ft 11. MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At the re quest of many of my friends in ibis place and vici nity who nre sffiictcd with consumption and liver complaints, I lake the li"rr'y of asking you to ap point someone in this county ns scent to sell Wis tah'i. Balsam or Willi ('iiKHHT.aud to send bin a few d.iy.-n. as there in none of il for sale within S00 miles from litis. I hnve no doubt that it would meet with a reoily snle if it were where il eou'd le i locured without loo much expense mid ilelav. My wife was attacked about six m uiibs since I Wlin Wliat ine pnysieinns vaneo inn nri nsr cu consumption a coiii.lnint very pievalent in this siCtion nfcounlry. Having seen the Balsam ad vrrt'scil in Augusts. I t u k Ibe pains lo send there for a tsillle of it, which she look, and which helped her so much that I sent for I no bottles more, which, she has also ta ken, nnd he now says she has not fell so well for rix years as she docs nl this lime. All ihoss who hate inquired of ine and as 'ettained what elleet the Balsam had, ore ami his to have some for sale in I hi- vicinity, which is the cnu-e of my writing you. Flca-e inform me by ictn n of m dl whether you conclude lo send some, and il so tu whom, in order that il may he known where il can lie bad. I am with reflect vours, etc. P. G. FARNSWORTH. P. M. The whole country is fust learning Ihnt i.o medi cineno plivsic nn no preparation of any kind whit, vi r can equal UK. U mill IIalsam of Wilo ('ur.nnr. a tui'i.y M oii:isn I. ( I RF. atssvii.i.s, Oneida co.,N. Y.Sejit. IS, MM. Dear Sir I owe it lo the nfllieted lo inform y II that in J iiionry Im-t I was iituikul by a very vio lent cold, caused by wotkn g iu the water, which settled on my lungs. Il via accompanied bv a ve ry i if c pu.n in my breast and sides, and uls i a ilisiies-n u Ci iigli. I hnd in attendnuce ail the t-est medic d Old ill our village; hut after exhausting ill their ski'd 'o no nv.il, they ironnunreJ my di-ense a ioNnuM. il i tiMsivirniiM, and ih y one and all titre ine up to die. Afier much persuasion I got the consent of mv physician In use ihe Balsam of Wilii Cm mat r- pared by Da Wistaw. I pur chased of ihe Asent in cur iUe one boille, Wfore usii.g half of which I began to gain strength, and it was very evident my cough was much Ix tli r and my FVinplotus in every w ny iinpr iving. I hnve now used three boitles, mid am mtnrtd In Jicrfcl health. This re-ull ia abme owins lo ibe ue i.f DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHER RY ; nnd I take this method nf giving you the in r , . , I , . .-.i f iimiMon, liar'ly to pav you the debt of gratitude i .... .... '.i? L ,k, ,.,i.,. m....,.i I owe yi.u, and partly that others similaily afllicled ma) know where to apply lor tehiT. Veiv l.ulv yours, JAMES KAOE. Mil. Pai.i:r. Tiuggist, under dale of Wstt rville, Sept. Slih, I81;t, wi.tis; I'be statement given you by Mr. James Sage is well known to be nun by this U'Aot nniimiinilv. Il Ctrl .inly was a most remarks' le cure. The sale of ihe Balsam i very IM id, and i's success in cures tru'y list. nil g. Ykuis resp. ctfullv. D. D. PALMER. TlIK most akkaiiu: V' IlAi.noxririn, N. J . April 20. IS. 3. I l in or uuoul llie loin day ot im .iki, i t . i, i was t taken wi'h a violent pun in ihe si le near Ihe livir, . which loulimied for about five days, and was fit- J lowed by the breaking of an u'c.r, or uhsees, in- ' wuidly, which relieved lha pain a linle, but csu-e.l I mo to throw on a ereut on intilv nf i.tTeiedve uialler ! 5 I and uls much b'o.id. I', ins reallv al aimed at ! this, I applied lo a physician, hut he said l.e ih u1 he could do but linl" tor me except g.ve lin- s -me Mrrenry Fi!l, wh'ch I tefused to lake, deling .atislied thai they ci uld do me no go.sl ; mai.j o- tin r Mii'dif v were then rcured by inv w.fr and fiiends, but none did me soy g.vod ai d llie lls charge ot Moo I and cmtiipii .ii still coi.tMiUcd rv rv f. w days, and al last become so oir.-i sive lb at I Could scarcely breathe I Wjt uls seized with a vi. tdcnl cough, which at lime csu-ed me lo raii-e nimh morebloo l than I bad done U fore and my disease continued in thi. wsy, still growing worse, until Frbruitry, when sll hope i.f my recovery was given up, and my fiiends ull thought I would die of a (lALioriao Cuaaurriosj. Al this inoininl, when my hie was apparency drawing near iuclo-e, I heard of DR. 1-S TAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHEERY, and got a bottle which ai uivin m a iMMt.iiiATrLT ; and by the u.e of only three Is.liles of Ihl med eiue, all my pains were removed my cough and (pitting of b.'ood and cor ruption entirely slopped, and in a few week my health was so far testoied as to enable me lo w.nk al my trade, (which is a carpenhr,) and up to thi lime I have enjoyed go, si health. THOMAS COZENS. (aLorriti ta Couxtt, N. J , ss. Pt-rs. lastly came ttUic aie, the .uUcriUr, ouc of Ihe tititicet of the Peace in and for the said con ty, Thomas Cozens, and being duy affirmed ac cordmg to law, sailb the above statement U in all things true. Affirmed before me, on the 90ih of April. 184.1.? J. CLtMtRT.J P. 5 Such ia the unprecedented success of this UAL SAM, "SATIRE'S FAVORITE rRESCRirTIOV prescription rongeni il to nor wants, as it is pie pared from cheinieil eitiarts from substances which the author of natnre has placed in our own Isnd fof wise purpose, that many who know nothing of the mode of its preparition an; endeavotint to reap pecuniary benefits by aellinc an ailicle similtr in nsmn, or in appearance, or by representing their own trash as stieriir In this BALSAM, or bv put ting up a minima mid s demnty assrtersling thai il is imparled tram a foreicn country, which is not the case. All tr.es deceptive aria goto snow Irtit WlT' Di.sm i known In ihe World to he '777; O III: AT JIEMEDY." ami ihnt In nell nv tnii'ure it must be Mte this in nnarf, r pur. i l,url ,a r ,,ke '" '"'" I Believe no! ibe conntnizlv wronchl fsbrirn- ! tims nnd lake on'y ihe oricinal and genuine i WisTtn's lliisM or Wns I bum. NO OTHEB CAN BS X.ISS XT. Ad.lress all nr.lrrs to ISAAC BUI' I S, No, g.j Ann St., New Y ok. Agents, JOHN U FRILTNO. f-nl.ury, D. BRAIT I'lGAM. Krthunhert,tnd, i. K. MOYER. .WWurtr, J. WAt.GONsr.I.LER. Sfln.f;n,re, BROWN St CREASY, MjJIinrill,: Feb. C2d. 1845 ly FI LTY DOU. iiis"KVA H 1)7 CANTREIiL'S CclcVialc(l Family .llcli iiics "WTJfTILL not rure every thing, bul s'id rem lin )f V unrqus1el in their several d-psrtmci.t by every thing ever offered to the public, who have , . volunUrv came lor .. .. ' . ,. '"!l'y r.spcctable rwtrd and ottered numerous anl peclahle tes im niiaU f Ihur tcperior ; efbe icy. j Cnntrtir s Compound htedirolrd Syrup of Sai- fapar lla t or, Aim-Seorl.tiUc Syiup, for the ct.r I ot Seorluls, t 'hntnir liheu.n itistn. Chronic Swels i l ugs of ihe Joints. Eruption of Ihe Skin, and ell , Diseases atisinc from Hie sbuae of Meirn-y", Ac nusurpasscd by any thins in the niaikei, combi- j ning all the virtues re.-ideul in the Ssr nnri;li j wilh a niialern m-dicamenl, only Intcly broiiaht out tiy ihe most respectable medical authorities. Price, 50 cents jrr b. ttle. CimtrtU's .liiti-Ihsprptic V-wdir, f ibe re lief and permanent cure of lht mosl ilistreswng complaint. Dyspepsia, in all l forms and s'aar-'. Il is liuly a most alu d If remedy. Sold in lollies at !5 slid 50 cents each. CtintrrW ,1nie Mixture md Tuiiie .Vt.'rn menla, stnnds at ibe head uf the li t. nnriia'le.l by sny, or all Ibe innumera'. le med'C'n' S in ne ihrougheut the length and bread h of the I.n.d, for the cure of 1'r.vf a mid Ac it in all its stjces, snd from nil its roiisequi-nees. Kesidetits in Fever and Ague districts should never he with. ut il. The sulciitr will forfeit EIFI'Y DOLLRS where bis medicine tails to peiforrn a cure in the most obstinate ca-e. K .Id Who'es de a.-d l.eiail bv CALEB CRE-S. SON. al bis Drui Waiehouse. No. fi North Third Street, Philadelphia ; also, bv ihe refulailv a liointed aa nt. SE III V. KOBE UTS, Wt)ilca Di'uggisl, No. 54 Water Sire. I. Mobile. Prepared oi:lv bv the Sulirrdi r, corner of C . R PENTER and SECOND Sir.eis, ll.iw I'liiUti an, Philadi Ipl.ia. where it is also retailed. Ol-serve, none are genuine wtthmil li e siera'ure nf .JOHN A. CANTKULL. C'antroir ieritf Mixture, or Tonic ..cllraiiiru(a. For Ihe eure f nil B "" nffrrlions, if taken ae ettrliw in din et ion. It is a never tailing remedy which no fVimi'y oiigh' t be without, e-peril'y iu low nur-d-y countries. As tbi- medicine is put up under the p-npiie-or's imtnediate iusieciion on the most sri.-ti ilic piineiples, lieing Pur. ly Yrgetnble, and basics tiled il rincacy on thousands, for upwards of I'S yean, and lohis knowb.lce when isken stiiellv ac cording lo directions, there hss not Ken one fjdure. Under such eirctim-iarre I recommend it la Ihe public, adding a certificatt iu support nf n y s-ser- IIOI). I, John Burns do ee.tifv that I was iu the ship Tob.icro ri.nl uf I'bil.d. 1,1 ii. Cupl. Rrtil, m June, lt.27. bound Ir. Liv.-rand, to..k Ihe ft ver and ague and laid in l.ivi-i, ol some lim nnd. i the doctor's hinds, we it f.o.n there t i Pi'lim nc, lay in the Infirmary tor l.-ur or five wiks f oin thence lo Philadelphis ; wassii im nlba under Dr. Coal ; from ihence lo New Y rk w.r.t to the Hospital, remained thin- aU'Ut fur w.rk without any relief Mid every thing wiihout nv l-cfiefit, for five year. Heiriug of Catme'l's Ague Mn turefiom a ftiei.d, I went lo l.i-. store, lol.l him ) h..w I was atl'.icled, and get a UHleof his niiiturr I anJ us. d it cr 'ine lo directions, Il ina.le a ler- ei line, biio I iia.i- 11. t uaif u.v irnsi I U-'1I miw , , . ' , , , .. . ... J confidence retomn.end it tolhe public. leet cure, snd I have ii. t hJ ihe less! r'lu.'H ince. JOHN BURNS. Mt-tllc alrtl Ss i up urSarsn pai ll!a. I hdsd.lphli. April loth. I;-1 1. Mr. Jon A.Ca i iii, D.ar Sir, Having le. n afTlie'e.l f .r npward-of two ears wilh uleer.t.on id the throat, destroy i..g j lite whole i'f ibe soft pl.te, llien il.ioiivh ihe uprr psrl f uiy mouili nitn my u.se, from which m-v, r- al piece of lioi.e csme .t, which sr'isl y de-tioy. , i-d my sech, ihromih a kind Pro k1 race n l y.,i.r ' Medicated Syrupol Sjrs .iiil i, I am now ie.-l.ir. d j to peif. rl heihh.and my sight, which w isso much ' impair d, is as riroug as win n a loy. i I ihoiichl it a duly I owtdiuyou and those iuu larly alVecl. d, to make it public. YuUis, It spi-C'luilv, SAMUEL KIRK. Corner f Tenth and C. a es Street. I, Oa'.ril Jonston, No. C ReAhss Street, do cu- t fv 1'iat my wife, Jjee, was slTl'CtsI ! lw. jeir t ' with Rheums'ism. and at la-t wss rtiturly dt-a !e.l. so thai she w as ..hhsed be cot lit c I to U d , bear ing if Caiit ell's Me'i aled Syiop if Sj.k,.r,"a, ' 1 1 Ami Semt title Svrup. I pr.utr.l f.-ui iv. tit-, which r .mpl.trlt rem. .ted all t.rr ptm and n tf- nes from her lunl ; Iw.i m. re Kittles made a p- r- le, t eoie. S i i,(,w able s'lrii.l to hrr Ii-hims tiol l Joins as u-uil. (. AUUIL JOA-IO.. I'hilad.lj hii, Jan. 2 -J. 1811. cry Dex-iiptive PaiupbLt mav be haj of the agents. (Cial.) J. W. FKlLINti. Sunbuiy, Nov. 9. 1M. Iv .l'xt. A M II IB Y A: It O C A 1", WZIOLCSALB &. GET All- HAT fc CAP MA.NUrACTL'llUnS, SotUk F.ust rorxrr of Marltl and Ilk ttt IMiiladeliihla, TIHERE they alwav kevp on band an eiten- aive aMSortioent vl" II A J'.V J CA I'S wf evwry description, got up in the Ism. and inos aptotrd s'.jle. Pt is. ntdeiirousol purvhoing uioi as .is clr on the nnM rtan.nat le lenns, wili Cud il la their advantage lo call UluN tusking urtha elsewhere. Pbdadcljbia, Oct. .'th, Hit. ly OAKLEY'S wrptnATiTE svnri. THE vnluabte properties of Oakley's Dcpma. live Syrup of Snrsaparilla, as a purifier of the blood, ia so well known to ibe public generally, that il is unnecessary to occupy mnch space in eel ting forth the advsntaees to l derived from its use ) wherever the medicine hss once been intro duced, il lake precedence over all olhets : eveiy otielhnt has taken il, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended hy them with Ihe u'tnnst conf.denre. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescrihe it to patients under their rare ; containing nothint deb terious. but bring composed ol Ihe most mibl, jet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offered wilh confidence, as the cheapest and mo efficient pu rifn r of the blond now known. The use of a few bottlea, especially in ihe spring months, will be at lendrd wilh a most decided improvement in the ge. neral atrenath of the srslem, era.ricming any seeds of disease that may bnve been generated, besides i'n health and visor to Ihe body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eruptions of Ihe Skin, White fwellinB, ; r isuna, t nrnnie i.ougn Asin-na, c, ids no- merous remfica'es in the possession of the sul arri- j Ifr ami his agenK, from physicians and others, nre (sufficient to convince the moot skeiitical of i's so- , periority over all preparations ol 8 irsspnrilla. 1 K.d wholesale and n-inil, hv the proprietor, f.EOKGE V. OAKLEY, North 5ih tre.l. Ilea- dins. Beiks Conniy, and to lie bad nf ihe following 1 ieisons : j lit Krtl.imtrland Vmintti U. B. ?.las-s, Sunbury ; IreUud fc Mnel, MiEwensville ; D j Kraiiser. Milton. j In I'nion Cnunty. J. Genrhnrt, Pclin'sgrove ! j A. Out. lins, Miflliiibiirs. J r Columbia County, R. W. McCay, Wash inglon. Readinc. March I t, tl l. Ma. OjKi.rt: I Wlieve il the uty of every one to dj wlo.lever in llirir owcr I te--, for the b-nc-f.t of ibeir fellow ma", and having had poMve proof in mv own family. of the wonderfol .ro:er:ies of your D" puralive Syrup of SsrsaptriHi, I m ! ronsrientiou-ly recommend il lo Ihe afHieteil. We hail Ihe niii-foitune j l.ise two of our chil.iren. tv t1P hnaking out of oU erous sires that covered the f.re.besd and r eck, although we bad some uf tl, most scientific i ysiciar.s l al'end Ihi m and had tried all the known remedies, including Swnini's Pannei a. wiihout avjil. Anoiber of my children was al'StkeJ in the same manner, her face ai.d neck was con plelely covered; the d schatge wns so olTensiv.', snd ihe tiisease al such a heicht, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effect of your Dcpura'ive Syrup r.l S irsiporilla, we weie induced lo make trial of it, as the last n s rl ; il seed like a charm; the ulcers commenced healing immediately, f. w boille entirely reflorti! ti t lo l.i r l e.lth, which she Ins enjoyed uiuiitetin j te.liv er since. As a puii.itr ol the hlo. d, I verily tie heve il has not its equal. JOHN MOYER. Tail.r, Walnut street, near Fouilb, Kra lin;. Pouchssvi'le, April 10th, 1913. Ma. OiKLtT : Mr son Edmund Leaf, had Ihe scrofela in ibe most drradful and di-tres-ing man ner for three years, durins which lime l.e wis de- t prived of the use of his limbs. - he.d and neck I were rovrml w ilh ulcers. We tried all ihe dilT-r- 1 enl reuirdo s, I ut to no iiTecl, until n commended I by Dr. Johnson of Norii-town. and also Dr. Isaac Hiestn, of Reading, lo use your DepU'alive Syrup of Sursspnrilla, of which I nMalned several bo'tles. ur ... w.o.u u-o,r .or .-. r-. i... iu, o, I.. sys em. tne sore neniea up. ana tt.e cinui w -is resloredto pv.fect health, which be has enj ayed unintertuptedly ever si. ce to the aM-.n-shmrnt of many j-eison w ho seen him du'irg his nffiiclion I hve thought it mv duty, and send vou this certi ficate thit olhe-s who have a like aSliction in Ihe family may know where to ohU n a valuable a medicine. Your trulv. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. It?. 113 ly To Counlrv .lltrthaiits. Pioot. Shoes, Ronncls. I.c5horn ami ' -3 Palm Leaf Hats. (.. AV. Ac L. Ii. TAYLOK, j ut the S. K. corKtr of Market and Filth Sis., PUIXcVDEI-PIIIA, jrFER f. r sale an rxtenne Mf-onoont of the - Mlx.ve i'. cl s, all of w hich .hey . il at unusual ly low pi ires, and paiticul.ily invite If e attention of l uvrr viMtii g Ihe ci;v, tonn enmonli n of their i.a.k. t!. W. A I- B.TAYLOR. 'iiUdelphia. May 23, 1814. ly j iouiitcrfiHerj.' DEATH BLOW. I ?,',f'U "C , , '! ura,""e1,u m nifj pruuiiu, ui.htm iuc iia lUirr I I- he's upon it, (die top, Ihe si.!e and the bottom) nih containing a f-c-simile signature of my hand writane. thus B. BasMDatTH, M. D- I'hese la. 11- ate engraved on !evl, laul. fully desicned, anJ dune at an eipeuse of over Ji.lHiO. Therefore it w ill 1 seen that ihe only thing necrsiy to pro cure the uiediciue iu its purity, i lo ulseie tiicse laUls. Rememlx r the lop, the side, and the I o;ioin. The I dlowing resiiertive i-rsou are duly autu. ri j i-il, and hold CEUTinCATES Or AGENCY For the sale of Rrindreil't Vegetable I'niverral J'lVs. N.Mihun.beilai d couolv : Milton Mickey A ChtmlH-ilni. Sunbury 11. B. Miswr. M'Kwens ville lit I oid A Men. II. Northuin'.land Wiu. Forsytlt. lieoigetown J. J. Wnbi. i i ui.'O .uniy : Ac Uiinn iiogar m , t. r. tvehnsf roe Ceorge Cundiiiui. V id. !le I t.uri! Uic S.i.iih. BciT. rMwo Pvi I Hllbler. j Adaicl-utg Wm. J. May. Miti:nhuie Mrlisv I. ' .V Ray. Haitletcm Daniel Loin;. Fnvhurg U. A: F. C. Mover. Lewi-uSurf Walls & rireen. I (dumbii cocutv : lauilk' E. D. Rev no!.! ' V Co. Dei wick .-human A U Henhouse. IV- ; J tiwia t. U. Brobts. Bloom.burg John R. Mover. Jeiaey 1 own l-evi Disel. ahiuclou Rol4. MvCav. I.iuetone Ball"! ii McNoich. i llbie that each Ageut ha au Engrav.d C.r- .ideate of Agency, c.mluiniug iepirenlaiiiiii nl ! HIIANDRETH S Manufactory at S.ng Sum, I and up-n which will a'o be seen etu-t copies i t J the tjeit- lu Ult Uutr isxJ the tlruiulrtih 1'iU tV.crr. I'bdad. Iiihia, cilice No. 8. Nmlh 8ih street, li. URANDRETH.M.D JuneSlih. lf43. CITY FriiMTl UK ArCTI(, ATTD PBIVATS ROOMS, Noj. 'i'J anJ yi North Thiil fStrcct, .Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CI. MACKEY, Action.r, resctfu!y in- vile tha attention of eroo desirous of pur v basing Futniluie. to bia extensive Sales Rooms, (Isith ul.lic snJ l'i iv ale,) fof every dewriitiaa of IIiMtscboU Fuiuitute, whire can l obtained at all tiaw. Urge aortmenl uf fashionable and well niaaufactured Cabinet Furniture, Bed, Mlue, Ac. at very reduced price, f-ir cah. (O Sc-ie by Auction, twice a week. May S'.vh, I SIX ly ROSE OINTMENT FOK TCTTEK. RIMOWORMJI, riMPLESI OJI TlIK F Af K, AND OTIICR n-TAKEoisi r.Rtmius). fjj Tlit filhm'ineerlijiea'e derribr one nfltte mntt txtrnnrdinary oitrtt ever effected by any appfiratiivn, PHitnimrrm, Febtntry 10, 193S. lOR twenty years I was severely aftlicted wilh Tstts on Ihe Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen yeaSn old, and continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio. lenre, but without ever dia-ippraring. During mit of the time, great purl of my face was covered with: the eruption, frequently attended with violent ilch iug; my hend swel'ed at times until it fellas if it would buret ihe swelling was so gieat, that I eouKl scarct ly get my hat on. During the long period that I was afllieleil with the disease, I useit a greut many sj plication, (mnnng them several celehrnlej prep (ration-) itn well as takintr inward remedies, including a number of buttles of Struiiu't Panacea, Kxtraet if SannpitriiUi, &c, In fact, it would bn impossible In enumetate all the medicines I used. i I u na nln nn.lnr th r ri if t nro iT ihn most tinguished physicians of this city, hut without re- remng mtich benefit, and I deep paired of ever being cured. In the fill of H:ir, the disease nt the tinm lieing very violent, I commenced usine the Rune. Ointment, (prepared by Yaughan ft Davis.) In a fi w n plicnlious the violent itching ceased. Ihe swelling abated, Ihe rruption legnn to dissppenr, and U'f.ire I had used a jnr ihe disease wns entirely cnted. Il has now l-ren nearly a yiar and a half since, nnd there is not a vestige of the disease re maii.ii.c. except the scars from the deep pits formed by the dieae. It is impossible for me to describe in a ce rtificah" the severity uf the disease nnd my sulTcrinp, bul I will he pleased to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the lime I communccd using the I! se Ointment I would have given hun duds uf dodais lo l rid of the disease. Since II sing it, I have recommended it to several persons, (arnonc them my mother, who had the diseaso bad Iv on her aim.) who were n I cored hv it. J AMF.H DURNULL, No. liiG, Race St. rjj- The Rose O.titineiit is prepared by E. D. Yatuhan, Snu'h East corner of 'J'hird and Raco stte.ts, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sonhu ry. bv II. B. MASSED, May 14th. 1913. A tent. iJoc (In, t uuia t, i'ov 'VvtivvT A I'liUUE UF ITS El riCACY. I'liiLinLLriiiA, May 27th, H:ill. rT",IIIS is to certify that I was severely ullhetel -- with Tetter in Ihe hands and fi el for upwarl.s of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I apphed to i.nmK rof physicians, and ns'd a great many appli cations without t Heeling ci.rc. About ay.nr since, I sppl.ed ll.e Rose Ointment, which entirely stopjied the ilchiiiK, and a few applicalions iuime.li rttilyciind the disease, which there has been n i return of, although I hnd iiev-r ls-en rid of il at i any time f..r I .rly yeais. RICHARD SAYAl.E, ! Eleventh, In-low Spruce Street, j fj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. 1). I Yichari, South East corner of Third and Race ' Streets, Pkiladclj hia, nnd sold on agency in Sun'm iy.ly H. D. MASS Kit. I Mav Uih. 1843. A arm I. WEDJCAI. A.PP jS OE ATIOT Of the ROSE OI.TMj:.T,fur Ttttir. LTHOUOli ihe siinerioritv of ihe iirenaiuii ii over nil others is fully established, ihe pr.pr c- lor take pl nsure in Inyir.g bef.re the public llu following certificate from a re-peetuble phvsici.ui, , KrailUnte of the University o! I'enns, Ivauia. Dr. tj.,,,,.,-, b,vina funj in ,ni, iprni llv tlm, .i(.n r . ,eiliou and di-ncrceiM -atlerti m which the means , ni,hm ,hp rinet,,t lit prr,.8ion hM , ,,;,, j nas rm nesiiaieo to cive it nis n.protia:i.in, hiiiiou.i j the prejudices and interests of that prulessiou aie i pimsed to secret Remetlie. j PniLAni trai, Sept. 19, ll:.(. i I wa recently troubled w ith a tedious herpetic j eruption, which coeed nearly one si.'e of my f ic, j and extendi d over the ear. Mr. Vauuhun. pr.;in. -I tor of the Rose Ointment, nhsciving my face, iusi- j led on my tiyinei his preparation, nf which he hati- ; ;U"J n" ' Jar- A;tn.i.onwiihiiieme.,,. 1 !.-. fit rr.V tir. .t..l..n 1 l.c-.nnlnr,A..a .....I .1. .... j v. ...j -. .... .....i, . i.ui. r i,,,m ui.a- prove ot the numerous nostrums palmed upon tho publieby inniaut pr. tenders, I feel in justice h 'Und to except the Rose Ointment from lhal c'nss of me dicines, nnd to'Bive it mv apptobation, ns it entire ly cured the eruption, nhhoneh it had resisted the u.u.l applications. DANE. DAUfiH, M. D. Cj" I he R.ise Ointment is prepared by E. D, Vau-han, South East corner of Third ai d Raco St, eels, Philadelphia, and sold on niri ncy ill Sun bury, ly H. D. MASSKK. May Nth, 191:1. Ant. BAGLS gd rzi u-z Comer of Third and Vine Slrrrti, ; M.T.T A TV. PflTl'. frIIE ul-serdier respectfullv announces ,i Ihe 4. public, that he has opened a Hotel in the com modious hi u k building situate on the comer of Thin! and Pine streets, where he will be happy lo wait upon ih.we who may favor him witii their company. The Eaijle Hotel is lu'tte ami conveni ent, and fun win d in the he-t modem si. e, L is provided with a huge tuitiihcr of well aired and comfortable sleeping sparlineots, rooms, privatu parlors, A c. Person v ii.il ing ilhn:iisHirl on bo nnes or plca-ure, nuv iel a tired ihnt every ex ert i. .11 will I used to lender 'heir soj nun Bt tho "Easle Hotel" pleasant and nri-eahle. llnTal lo w itl tw supplied w ith ihe v.ry begt the in n ki t af fords, and hi bar with die choicest wines and nib, r li.pior charges re .aonable. The Kacle Howl possesses greater advantage in point i.f location than any olhei similar , sl iMi-hmenl in the borough, being situate in the business part of the town, and within a convenient disl nice of the Court ILmso and Williainsporl and Eltnira Rail Ro..d Depot. Sufficient Stal.hng provided, and good and trusty o-llcrs always in attendance. Attentive, arcoii.in.Hhiting and hone-l Servants hare been cmj-loyed, and noil ing left undone that witl add to the coiuluit and accommodation of hid gUCi-ts. I here will l-e s csrnagi- always in attendance at ihe Boat Landing to convey passengers tu and from ihe Houe, l ee of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. Miv I lih. 1814. if norc otahecs a. smr ciianolees. .Vj. IJ.Yur.'A W.tiir Sired. I'liiludi 'phia. pi Ai I. cousisntly on hand, a general sorl mcnt of Cordage, Seine 1 wines. Ac, vn 1 Rope, FUhiug Ropes, While Roiies, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boat. Also, a com pie I e aksoiimrnt of Sii:e Twines, Ac, such as Hemp SI. ad and Herring Twine, Dost Patent liill Net Twine, Cotton Shad snd Herring Twice, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cord, Plough Lines, II alter, Trces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable teim. Philadelphia. November 13, IMC ly. spj:u!.c:7c:oud '& coi Xo. Market Street, Philadelphia. INYI'I'E the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment uf British French ud American Dry (iooda, which they uflcr for sale on the most rea liable term. Philadelphia, Nou'iaUl Id, ISIS. ly.