Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 14, 1845, Image 3

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    Polk anil Peel,
i. n. osfoS.
Say Tkkl to Pom, I do not like
Your Yankee way of Wnr fun,
You've I'oked from us our fairest realm
YotiM roke ne lit of Oregon.
Our Lion roan just aee him grin
I Tear 1 cannot hold him in.
Sayi Poi.k to Vr.r.i., 1 much regret
To stir your bile, or chafe John Bait,
But it you'll enrrre across the seas
To I'eelu ci our land or wool
Your Linn heretofore ha tqutnled.
And may, next lime, gel I'oked ami reefed.
Cotton wool in allusion to the desire of
r.nglaud to get up a rival cotton interest in Tex
as. Post Office IUllamlk. A rrwn "out West,"
observes the N. O. Pic, hi-nring that "post office
balances" were to be adjusted in Washington on
a particular day, wrote rt the Postmaster On-
oral, informing him that J F , the post-
master, who had absqtratirlatoiJ from his town
and gone to Texas, was in his debt $15, being
the balance of an account fof work done for the
post office. He begging of him towljist it with
the other balances.
Corrected weekly by Ifenry Yuxlhtuner.
Whkat, . 85
K ik, . ... fifl
Cor, ...... 40
'Oat, ...... 5T5
I'll UK, ... A
FtAisr-Mi, ... .
lil'TTKH, ..... 'i
F.IIHS, - . -
Bkkswax, . . 25
Tallow, ... 10
Flax, ... 8
11 II Flat, . 1(1
IIhikii Acplks, ' . fitf
Do.' Psschks, . . ISO
j. 1 1 u 1 i . e
OF Northumberland County, fur Argnst Term,
a. d. ma.
(rand Jurors.
Tiirhut. Ah-sham Klsitger.
Prfiiwarr. Wm. Mc.Wtlhams, Christian Gosh,
snr., John N. Oyster, George Mas'eller.
. mv's Andrew Ken-hm r, jr.
.tilttn. Leonard Bcdelinm. Jonathan Adam.
ChilififiuiQif. J,.hn Mc William. Jamea F.
Aluiray. George W, fries. Benjamin TniJrl,
1'mnt. D -niel Pur-el.
A'rrtfiiitiiltrrund. Spurge A pslcy,
Surilittry Samuel Gohin, Benjnmin Kohhis,
tiro g Young.
Augusta. Nathnnbl Lytte, James Campbell.
Slmnuikin. John Gas..
I'pper Mufinnnt,. Gnlcon Shailln.
jiwer Mulumny. 'hristi in Albert, Peti r Ecirz.
Jackson. George Br ppin.
Traverse Jurors.
Turhut George Kmc.
Deluuuirt Joseph Hynesreon, James Evert,
tif ise C. McKee.
,r,ri Mj r Sweeney.
Miltnn. George Koliler. J. nn Frick, Jefferson
1 ...rx'erf, 1 ewis E. Evans, James Miller, John
CiiVMfiMrrlC. -Hugh McGLDghlin, Lev?
K'lUpn, Aim Shoemaker, Fleming Neabil.
J'nint. Wm Lemon.
Knrlliuiiihrr.imil William Wemk.
S'hihci. Mark ScirphHnt.
Augmtu Char'es Ekmn, Simuel Shipe;
J. hn Coop', Jacob Hoover, G.urge Keefcr, Peter
Hull, John tvicmer, of Berk, Simon Snyder, J.r.
Shanwki'n.-lnVn Ksseman, John unklrberser.
Ji'unA. WiH'mm (Jla'k, William Vns'inr, Wil.
Tiarn Me.ler, 'jr., Fife U riek Weaver, John Cuiupbi ll.
Coal. J n niiuli Ziintm rinnn.
X'pper Sltifxmny. Michael Kii'z
liiwcr Ma firm fit Snlmiioii Dachman, fieorge
Emrich, mil , Mit'lmet fcmf eh. John Trhopp.-
l.'ttle Mtilimy.u Piftr, Wipiam ltilifr.
Jackson. 1'eier Klock. Oeorij" Hei'hrr. Joiim
llohner, Salomon l)ieUi, Mirhitl Widf, John
l'elit Juror.
Turhut." John M. HouScl, Enoch fci.rihauch,
j .hn l.e dy.
I)fiiwarr. S hrf Nirrlv, Minrv Hfrfder: jr..
Henry Kit fl- ndertirr, Willmm HoOcf,
Isiris. William I'urkmtm.
M linn- W H ani Sirine.
VliilUtqunque. Joseph K ine.
i'mnt Jnliii Paul.
Rnrllmmliti limit. Conrad Wr nek. fr.
Sutilmry R-n'frtin Hen.friiks. (Suleon M.
Vo'liH. (ieoifie, Ttminas Koliiim.
Augusta. Uaiiiil Zaitinin, Daniel Ziinmfi
fn.oi. Shiimokin. Joceph Kaseman. R dnmorr Ham
ni l, Car Ad uns, Augusru Uuev. j.ihn , Duh
k.lliiBir, ton of Hihry, ftiifip Kell.r, R.ibert
t.'aiiiplwll, yt
Coal. VVilliam CenrhaTt, Stephen Billenln
di r, fS.jloinon Wary.
Upper Mutionriij. -(feorgft (Shaiile; George
lleim, John 8inick.
ijjxi-tr AiiSnnelft. Peter Kother, George Em
rich, jr., Peier Bil- r;
JaclisoH.iiitoh ftrofiius ffsae Tteiix.
itife Sti&rnr C'o
'oa tod "Improved In-
Are now didng' move real good lhan all other me-
diciues together. 1 bey aie universally approved
of the?f unrivalf'd iricrvai etod pleasanlnvrs;, in
Consecueru'e of which they have become a shilling
roars, ngainsi vtoicn no urn sirov.. ui ru.j sou um
nupointed bot e are levelled without d srinclion, the 1
town and country slilte resound With their praises,- i
fXj Important Caution i ! No Suraf C.iisted
Pills ate genuine, unless Dr. G, Denj. Smith's sig
nature ia 00 every box. A worthless imitation has
Ucn made, Which is very dangerous, being made
mostly of a vile i.m(uie of Cape, Alo- s snd Gam
huge, perceplilde 00 breaking Ihe pdl open.
Plincipal Ollice. 179 (ireenwich st New York.
Soklhy JOHN W. FIL1.G, Sunbury.'
WM. FOKKYTHE, Nortfntm'd.
Sunbury, June 7th, 1845,'
IVorlliutiibt-rlaiici County, hs.
The t'ommonweslth of Pennsylvania, to Sarah
McGee, Caiheiine MtOes, Nancy Buoy, Nancy
Troxal, intermarried with Jacob Troxel, Cather
ine Kinsley, Cuey McGee and Manatee Mo
Gee, befis sud legatees of Maiius McGee, dee'd ,
and1 all other person interested. Gaixriao,
1S7"0U are hereby cited and commande.1 to ap
J pear before our J u Iges of the Orphans' Court,
ai aunbury, the 4th day of August, to show cause
if any you have, why the administration account of
Barnard McGee, executor ot Manila McGee, late Of
t'hthsquaque township, dee'd., should not be re
viewed, reversed and collected, agreeably td an or
der made in our said court'.
Witness the Hunoiable Joseph B. Anthony, Esq.
President of our said court, the 27th dsy of Msy,
May 31, 1815. f-t Cl'kO. C.
Sheriff's Sales;
BY virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo
nas issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Northumberland County to me directed,
will be exposed to puMic sale, at the Court House
in tha Borough of 8anbury, on Monday the 14ih
day of July next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow
ing described property to wit t
A certain tract of land situate in Coal township,
Northumberland county, surveyed oft warrant
granted to Michael Kroll, containing 3S0 acre
more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names,
Frederick Cranvf, Matihias Ximmermm, Bernard
Huhley anil others) about 8 acrei of which are
ALSO The equal undivided thiee-fourth purl,
(.the whole into four equal parts to be divided.) of
three cerium contiguous tiscta of land, filtrate in
Coal township aforesaid t one fhcfi of survey'! on
warrant granted to John Nicholas Bailey ( cine o
ther thereof surveyed on warrant to Peter Haas
man, and the other thereof surveyed on warrant
granted to Peter Maurer, adjoining lands surveyed
in the names of B irnard Huhley, John Cowdi n,
Benjamin F. Young anil others, containing in the
whole 51? acres more or ress, shout Sr nrrrs of
which are cleared whereon are en ded a 1 1 story
log house, a Fog barn, an nrchaid, &C, now in the
occupancy of Michael Kerstetter.
ALSO The equal undivided nnedonrth part,
(the whole into four eqrnil parte to he divided J of
a certain tract ot piece of larnl.shuate in Cual town
ship afote.aidr containing 700 acres or thereabout,
(being part of a larger trsel surveyed in the nan e
of Daniel Rees, called "Springfield.") about 40 a-
ens of whKh are cle.ireil ; whereon are ereced a
two story b'R house, a lug barn, an orchard, Ac,
now in the occupancy of Davrd Thompson,
ALSty The equal nn fiyidcd one 'fourth part of
a rertnin tract of land, situate in Coul lownxhip n
f Ti'taid, containing StlO acres or therraliotits, (he
im part of a larger tiact surveyed in the name of
Daniel Rees, CaHed ,rSiirinR(reld,") about 49 acres
of which are cleared1 whereon are erected a two
stury log house a log bain, an oTcliaul, Ac, now
in the occupancy of D.ivid Thompson, subject to
mor'gaite to John C llovd.
AliW The equ il undivided one-f'Ur'h part,
ufa ccrl.iiti tract ofland, situate in Go if tp. afore
said, called "More IlciiRe," surveyed in the nsme
ol William Tomltnson, containing 245 acres, or
thereabouts, about 60 acres of whhrb arc cleared ;
wlnr eon are ete led a two story log house, a hg
barn, a spring hou-e anil a l irge o'chard,- now in
the ocenpanev of John Thomjison, 8enr.
AlO T he eipial utidivhh'd one-fourth part,
of a certain tract of laud, situate in lown.ihip
aforesaid, called 'Stone Henge,' atirveyed in the
name of William Tomlins'in, containing IS acres
or thereabouts about CO arrt s of wIiilIi are clear
ed ; are erected a two story log house, a
fpring h u-e mid a largo orchard, now in the oc
cupancy of Jiibn Thom, sn, sr., subject ro a mort
gage to John C. Boyd.
At, SO A Cinain tract of land, situate in Coal
to" n-hip afnieaid, ailj -iniiig lands now, or late
of Diddle, Company V others, contiinii g Ki5 s
cres mme or less, aSout tl acres of which are
cleared: wber on are erecldl a two story log h,u-e
and a log stable, subject to ceiiain mortg.mes.
ALSO A certain tractor piece of I. nd, situate
in Coal town-hip sforcsaid, adjoining lands of the
Asyhrm Co , ftiJille Sl Co., S irah Itee &. oib'is,
containing In 12 acres, 43 perches and allowance,
more or-Jes, (I cing parts of three contiguous tracts
ofland, surveyed in the names of William Piich
ar i, Oi o ce Coldraiu &, Andrew Shutter.) about
one acre of which is cleared ; whereon are erected
a log house and an excellent saw-mill, on the main
branch of Phumo&in cretk, which pas es through
said land.
ALSO Two certain tr icts of land", situate in
Coal township aforesaid, adjoining lards of Tom
linson, Yamall, Meivine, Melchoir Smith & others
containing together 127 acres, 56 perches and al
Iowa nee, mure or less, being the same trcta of
land which was surveyed in pursuance of two
w.irraius, granted In P.-t r Zeinenfoos, dated the
I Ihh and 2 1 it days of December, 1859, respectively-
ALSO A certain tract ofland, situate in Coal
township aforesaid, aiijimiing lands of Melchoir
Smith it others', containing twenty one acrts, 134
perches and allowance, more or less.
ALSO The equal Undivided four-twelfih part,
(the w hole into 12 equM ftn to bo divided.) of 31
contiguous tiacta of I mil. situate in Little Maho
noy cV, Coal tow naliips aforei-aid ; one tl.ereof sur
veyed on a warrnnt, gr.n'ed to William Cook,
Containing 417 acres, V ltl perches more oi f(-,nJ-joining
an1s FUivpyed in ihe names of Jeren.i.h
Jackson, il rim Irray K. others ; one otherlliere
of. purveyed on a warrant granted to
Wilson, containing 393 acres. 104 perches more
Or CSS. niiLiHIllllu .mu" piiiveyril III lor iiiiiM-it ui i
I 1 Li. 11 it'" L A i .1
i l: : r....i.. . ..... .1 :.. .1... ... . ...
thereof, surveyed one warrant crarite.l td ' Thetnas
JtlsnuUon, coutHiiiing T 12 acres, 45 perches and al
lowance, more or lc. ailjoiiiiiig lanils surveyed in ;
.1 .. r .k t .i ... ..f i
wtv liaillt w vi k'niii". i - .nin.w,, oun
others f one other thereof, surveyed in puri-ii'inc
of a warianl to Thomas Grant, contain ng 118 a
cres, 80 perches anJ allowance,' siljoinii g InilJs
suiveyed in ihe uimes of Thomas Iteese. Thomas
Hamilton & others one other thereof, surveyed
or) a warrant id Thomas Reese, containing 433 a
cres, 42" perches and allowance, more or less, ad
i lining lands sin veed in the uames of Thomas
Hamilton, T. Grant & others ; one o'her thereof, j
rCTveycd on a w.i rant to Jvr. iiiiHh Jackson, con
taining 315 acres, .r:0 perches and allowance, moic
or less, adjoining findi Inst aforesaid, lo wit :
Tliotuas Heese, Thomas Grant anJ others ; one
other thereof, surveyed on a warrant to Alexand ir
Hunter, containing 420 acres, 23 peiches, more, or
lei-a. sdtoiuing I nula surveyed in the names of T.
t Grant. Christoiilier Uunklelierger and otners ; one
I thereof, surveve.1 oil a warrant to John t'ovr-
den, eoniaining 403 acres, 137 perches more or leu,
adjiiiiin lands rurtcyeJ in the names of Wilbmii
C. Duiiklebetger and others? one other tlo r. of,
surveyed 011 a wsrranl lo ililatlt titay, contain-
ing OJ'J acres, i jieicnrs more vi res., oj io
landssuiveyed in the names uf Jeremiah Jackson,
John Cowden and others V one other theieof, ur.
veved 011 a warrant to Thomas Gram, lontailiing I
419 acres, 37 perches more or less, adjoining lands j
surveyed-iii the nsme uf ;
one other lb. reof, suivi ved on a warrant to Samu
el J?coft, containing 326 acres 5 perches and allow
ance, adjoining lauds aurveyed in Ihe namej of
William Hamilton, Thorn is Heese & r.thors; one
other thereof, suiveyed on a warrant til Jacobtiright,
containirg 188 ncrt a 59 perches more or hvs, ad
joining I inds suiveyed in ihe names' of Esther
Cramer, Godfrey VVateia and others j one other
thereof, suiveyed on a warrant lo William C. Black,
containlug 12 f acres G8' perchr and allowance,
adjoining lands surveyed in the name uf Kicbl,
Hunter, Martin and others f one other thereof, sur.
veyed in the name of John Buyer, conlainiug 116'
acres l it perches more or less, sdjoining landui
veyed in iho names of John B. Price, Michael Kroll
and others ; one other thereof, atirveyed in the
name of Charles Deritig, containing &5 acres 97
perches more or less, s.lj lining IvnJs suiveyed in
the nsmes of Hunter, Waters,-Kiehl and others;
one other thereof, surveyed in the flame uf Alexan
der Jordan, containing 1?4 acrrs 150 perches more
or less adjoining lands surveyed in Ihe names of
Grant, Martin, Shartell ft ethers;' one Other there,
of suiveyed ia the name of George W, Kiehl, con.
taining 1 13 acres 137 perches mote or lets, sdjoin
ing lands surveyed in the nsmes of Hunter, Black
& others ; one other thereof, surveyed in lbs nam
of iohri O. Martin, containing 100 acres more or
less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Grant
Bogar A. Kiehl one other thereof, surveyed in the
name of John O. Martin, containing 174 acres 143
perches more or less, adjoining lands sutveyed in
the names of Himmelreich, Yoxtheimer & others :
one other thereof, surveyed In the name of George
Prince, Containing 117 acres R6 perches more, or
les, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Zei
gler, Grant, Cowden & Bailey I one other thereof,
surveyed in the name of John B. Price, Containing
118 acre 34 perches more or less, adjoining lands
surveyed in the names of Bogaf, Grant and others J
one other thoreof, surveyed in the name of John B.
Price, containing 24 seres 44! pe ches more or less,
adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Yonthei
mer, Shissler and others ; one other thereof, sur
veyed in the name of G.alfrey Waters, containing
120 acres more or less, adjoining lauds surveyed in
the names ofBiight, Hunter and others ; one other
thereof, snrveyed In the name of Henty Yoxtheimer,
containing (l9 acres il) perchrs more or less, ad
joining lands surveyed in the names rf Gran', 'ox
Ibeimer and others ; one other thereof, surveyed in
Ihe name of Henry Yoxtheimer, containing 173
acres 50 perches more or less, adjoining lands sur
veyed in the names of Iteed, Martin, Cowden and
others 'j one other theieof smveyed m the name of
Isaac Z-:egler, containing 126 acre 6t perches more
or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of
Grant, Price and Bailey J one other thereof, snrvey--ed
in the name of Jacob If eller, containing ?13 a
eres 108 perches more or less, adjoining Boyd,
Kramer, Maurer and lltmmelielch ; one other
thereof, surveyed in ihe name of Henry Himmel
reich, containing 458 acres 40 perches more or lets,
adjoining Boy. I, W ilson, Maurefond others ; one
other thereof, aurveyed in Ihe name of Henry Mii
ler, containing 150 acrea more or less, adjoining
Jordan, Reed, Yothciiiier and others f one other
thereof, surveyed in the name i t John Boyd, con
taining 411 acrea 12 perehea more or less, adj lin
ing lands surveyed in ihe names of Frederick Cra
mer, Pelef Maurer and others ; and the olln r there,
of, patented to Joseph Wallis, contaming 123 scies
mi-re of less, adjoining latn's suivi yed in the names
of Himmelreich, Yoxthiemer and others.
ALSO A certain tract ofland, aituate in Coil
township aforesaid, surveyej in pursuance of a
warrant granted lo J icob Weiss, jr., dated the 8d
day of Septembt r, 1828, containing 5 acres mure or
less, adjoining lands surveyed in the namo ol Ed
ward G. Mnrkley and others.
ALSO So much aa is situated in Coal town,
ship, Northumberland county, of eleven contiguous
tracts of land ; one thi reof, surveyed in the name
of William llovd, containing 4 10 acres M peicln-s
morn ot less; one other thereof surveyed in ihe
nan e of John It Stout, containing 430 acres more
or less; one other thereof surveyed in the name of
John C.Boyd, containing 372 acres tlO iercbcH
more or less ; one odier thereof surveyed in the
nama of John C Uoyd, rontarnint 3'Jt) acres more
or Ic.-s ; one other thereof, surveyed in the n mie of
Samuel Morgan, Containing 415 acres 1 15 perches
more or lose one other thereof surveyed in Ihe
name of John 0 Boyd, containing 413 acrea 64
perehea more or less ; one other thereof surveyed
in Ihe name of Hester Scott, containing 421 acres
79 perches more or less; one other thereof surveyed
in the name of H.nnah M Boyd, containing 427
acres perches mote or less; one other thereof
smveyed in the name of William Boyd, Containing
43ft acres 157 perches ni ne or leas ; one other
thereof snrveyed in the nsme of Eliza S. Dovd. con
taining 443 acrea f perch mote or less, and ihe o
iher thereof surveyed in the name of William Coyd,
containing 357 acrea 128 perches more or less.
A Li"tl So mrn-h as ia situated in Coal township
Northumberland county, of the equal undivided one
fourth part of 155' part a of 226 parts of thirteen
contiguous tracts ol land, surveyed on warrants for
401) seres each, dated the 10th day of May, 1793,
granted to William Elliot, George Ashton, Caleb
Lownrs John Y. ung, John Whiteman, Joseph
Jordan, Richard Tunis, John Warner, Daniel U. e-,
William Potter, William MifiVr. Peter Dehaven
at d William Powel;- which said tracts of land are
by ihe official return of survey comptiltd to Con
tain 5346 acres 120 perches snd all iwauce.
Siized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the
property of Bnrd Patterson.
ALSO The. one undivided 5th part of a ceituin
trad of bmd tiituaic in Augusts lownxhip,' Nol
thumtierl.ind county, containing 200 acre", more or
lea', adjoining lauds of Augustus lioey, K.clier
and otheis, about 1110 acrea of which ia cleared ;
whet eon are erected a Iramu house, arr old log
bain, an orchard, Src.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Jonathan Fuiman.
ALSO All Ihe defendant's interest (supposed
to le Ihe undivided m iery) of and in a certain
.ft- " I tract ofland situate in Coal township, Norihum
Wnltam , ,. ..... ...... i V.. -pi
oeriaoil COUiny, EUivcjrru on n nuildlll iu i iiuiiins
Hamilton, containing four hundred and twelve
. , I . i t 11. j
acres moie or lefe; about twelve acies of which are
cleared : whereon sin elected a small, log house
and d log stab fi. Said tract nf l.ihd is fiounded by
lands survevej in 'he ham-a of John Car.ou, Sam
uel Clark, John Brady; John C.iraon tfud ither.
Seized, taken in execu ion, and lo bo sold as the
properly of Marks E. Eck- rt.
ALSO A certain tract ofland Minute in An
cu-ta towrahip, NorthUnil rrland eountv, ailjnin-
ing lands nf now Lewi. Dew art, Christian Shisslei's
heirs, uiida of Mrs. PhafT;r, John (Jaik, 11., sud
otheis, coinaluing two hnn lred ami fifty acus mme
or less, about one hundred and ninety five acres of
which are cleared ; when on are erected a two story
log house, a atone tenant hnUso (rough cast) and
large bank bun.
Seized, I ikeii in execution, and lo be sold as the
property of Adam Shis-dcr'.
A10 A rCrtain tract or piece of land situate
in Shamokin township, Norihiiiuhcil nnl county,
conl.iiuiilg f. nv eihl seres and nine perdu s, ad
joining lauds of J.ihn Evert, George Arnold, Jacob
hJa!, John Horn and others, about J8 ucns of
which is clean d
j reiz d, ink 'n in execution, and to be bo'.d as the
projieriy of Willi mi Mait..
I ALSO 'I'lie undivided ?h part of 11 cer'aiu lot
0r jrUU liiui.'ltii III the liorougti ol uuhiltv, .'or
thumb, rl md county, hciiiff ihe Western lull' nut
of lol No. 129, as m irked in the geuernl p'au nf
siid town, bounded on t'm noiih by hewi.ury
stieel, mi ihe soirh by an alley, on iho we-t by hit
No. 110, and oil the eaat by Iho other part of lot
No. 139 ; on which are 1 reeled a two .lory Iniek
dwelling house, lo which i attucl.ed a none Muh
vn, with a shed loot. There arc. uImj some I'U 1
tree and a log sl .ble on said premise..
Seized, taken in execd ion, and lo l-vsold as ihe
piopeity of Samuel Uriukeunller.
FELIX MAUKEIt, I'htrljf.
Sheriff's Ollice,
Sunbury, May 3l.t, 1815.
1. O. of O. F.
1IICKE will be a grand Prefcseion of Mutual
,odge No. St. of the I.l). of O. F. held 111
Milton, oil THURSDAY the 26 Jay of June lie it,
iu full Itegslia. '1'lle brethren of the order' ate
lesiK't'.lully ilivited to attend and participate.
A. W. COMLY, Secy.
Milton, May 31st, 1S45.
ALL PERdONS indebted lo H. B. Mss er, on
tKKk account, or otherwise, are requested lo
call and settle without delay
Suubury.Mev 17, 1815. II. 11. MAfcSER.
Xortliiiiiihrrlnml Cuunlj-, hh.
In tht Orph(tnsCiurt of laid Count u at April
fe.,m A. I). 1815. '
ON motion of II. B. Maascr, Esq. The emul
grant a rule on the heiis and legal represen.
tatives of John Buche'. Senr,, late of the borough of
Sunbury, dee'd,, leaviif issue seven children, to
wit: John Curlier, Ji., Ca harine, married to Owen
T. Hoberts, Maigirel, married to Wm Fisher, Ma
ry Bucher, Julia Ann Bucher, Deborah, married
to John Morrison, and tieorge Bucher, heirs and
distributees of John Bucher, Senr., late of the ho.
rough of 8unbury, of said county, dee'd. To ap
pear in our next Orphans' Court to be held for
said county, to wit l on the 4th day of August A.
D. 1845, and accept oi ret use the estate of the
aid John Bucher, Senr, dre'd , or show cause
why the same should not he s.i'd.
Certified from the records of our said Orphans
Court, at Surrhrrry, this 22d ilav of May A. 1).
1844. EDW ARI OTS I'EK. Ctk. O C.
Sunburv, Msy 31-t, 1845. fit .
TVOTICE Is ben by given to the heirs anil legal
v representatives of Henry Antes, deda-ed, I h sit
by virtue of a writ of Patilion isshed oUt of Ihe
Orphans' Cnttrl of Northumberland county, to me
directed, an inqnesl will be held st the late residence
ot Said deceased, in the bctough of Northumber
land, Northumberland county, oft Friday the 18ih
day of Ju'y rtext, st 10 o' Kick, A. M., for the pur
pose of making partition of or lo value and ap
praise ihe re.if estate of said deceased, at which
time arid place you may ai end if von think roper.
Sheriff's Office, 7
Sonbury, May 31, 145. J Ct
aiiciinel XcliJis'si Estate.
ATOTICK iahtreby given lo those iYxMiVil to
" said estate, to call nn the suloerilier for set.
llemenl. al Ihe 1 ffice of John Yordy, Esq ; in Au-
gusta township, on Saturday the 14th day of June,
I he accounts of those who neglect In call al that
lime, will lie placed in the hands of thn Justice for
collection. H. . WAG K K,
Augns'a, May S'lsl, 1815. 3t.
.jBk. "JQaT ulBL.
mOTICE is hereby given that the Books of
lJ the Nnrtt BtiAieu I'ahl ('6'mpavv will
be opened on 'tuisilay the seveuteeinh day ol
June next, al two o'clock in the afternoon at the
Plnenix Hotel 111 Wi'kesbarre, Pa., where the un
dursigned, Co.;uiiie'oner under the law for that
put piiee en icled, will attend to receive eubkerip.
lions for stock of said company.
G. M. llollent.ark.
Chi r llui-r
Sam'l. Hot and,
E. W. Sturdevaiit,'
Kob'l. A. PainMi,
V.E. Piole't.
S. D. Pheip.i,
Win t Toll,
Wm. M'Celvy,
Joseph I'rie'ftljr,
Henry King,
May ilh, 1845.-31
t.vo. P. Steele,
Ojrrick Mailerv,
C. L. Ward,
N. Overlield,
Henry Wlaik,
K F. Ileailley,
Geo. Mack,
Thos. I'.. Cope,
Ebhu GI'Humey,
Di hiker.
riHE sulscrilM-rs would respectfully inform the
M. Guircn ofSnnbmy and the public generally,
that they have purchased the shop' of Mr. William
Hoover, in Market Ft net, one west of the Post
Ollice, where they will continue the
Cabinet-Making Iliisiiiii:',
in all its branches. The public may expect their
work done in the latest style. They ho), by strict
attention to huMii.iT, tj met it a share of pubbc
patronage. .
Collins made to order on (he shortest notice,
and Country produce l;iken in exchange for work.
Sunbury, May 17th. IM45. lv.
AD.lll.V ISTlt ITOIfS Si I.i:.
FtMt 3 A f. II.
Y VIISTL'E uf ihe isiWei veliir in me. by
the will of ihe la e TiiuiaJ (Ihwt. dec'.l.,
will le s dd at public sale on . dne-ilay , the 23.1
day of July liexl, al ihe Mansion House, upon the
premisrsof the Man-i.ui Farm of the late Tlioma.
(rant, dee'd., in Augusta t.iwi.bhip, Northumber
land county, Pa., iiu ite 11 the i'a-1 vj lo ol the Ri
ver t'usipiehauna, 1 qnidi.-taf.t, and ahont a mile
from Ihe llomuubs ol Sunfury and Northumber.
land, all that Valuable e-tate, late the Man-lion
Farm of sad Thomas Grant, dec "if., adjoining the
firm of Samuel Hunter on the south, land olTho.
m ia Hoi ins on the east, other land nf the die Tim
ma Grant 011 the north, and the iSu-q'uehiinua His
v. r on ills west, entraining, togeiher, two bun. lied
and twenty six acres and seventy perch' . more or
leis, of which about two hundred and fifteen acre
aro cleared and about otic huu.lred and lifuen acrea
are fist rale Kiver bottom land.
I 'I he improvements consist of a tw o story double
: farm house, 40 feet front by 30 lectin depth, with
frame back buibhng mid liame kt'eben, and stone
milk house and oven alt iched, and a pump and
well ol excellent water in ihe kitchen, a stone
smoke house, a largd hank barn, 1st story slonev
2d do. frame, HO feet long by 36 fit in depth, a 'i
stoiy wagon house, with (ttanury above and Corn
erih at aclied, a fiairte carnai ! houe and granary
and a large .j b rn an I stable, wi ha licit and
iinproveil cider pless, with shingled r ict over ihe
same. And
ALSt) ; tAV.i s'ory bii'ck d.Vellii.g house, eon
taining in fiont2t bet and in depth 27 bet, 10
tucbes, and In ick two story kitchen, 20 fret in I10111
by I t feel, u iiuh. s in di pth. Them are
the pieml is Iwo apple oicliardn in excellent inner,
of the mo-t valuable fruit, one cotraiuiuj about
Cight mid. the oilier ub.uit nine acres.
This rami is one nf the most valu ''! and pro.
duciivo ill ihe Slat.', iJ in ihe binhe-l mate i.l cul, and loratvd in the heart ol a tli-lnei,
which, lor abibnly of clini..o uod p'Ctiirenpie
of the h luioUin d.iltt at the ea-l. ill li ruilliali .11 of
he Nonhiiinhcrl md Itriilge. fu 1 roxmniv lo the
thriving boioniili.ol Sunbinv and NoiihuinlH-ilan.l,
and the probabihiy that the In Is contain valuable
b j.lies ot Trou Ore, ami us a.lui'iable locailou in the
heail of the Iron and I' .al region of i'eniisy Ivan, a,
lo which llieto Us heavy and
linn, gives this roiertv an idditioiitd valut', mid
render il well wutihy t the al.euuoii ofcapilal
ils and funnels.
(," Terms made known on the day of sale.
A.lill'r., Ac., ol I hoinas Giant, dec 'd.
Suiibuiy, May 10, IS 15'. M.
HotK-rt r aril vYoitir) ltalr.
NOTICE i hcieby given Ibat l. l'ei. i f a.hni
nistration have been gisiiled to the siilwii
ber. olilhrt estate of RoU'it rarnsvaorlh, Sr., dee'd.,
late of Shamokin town, hip, Nonhumleilud c'o.
All ersoiu iiidthtrd to said entile are requested lo
make immediate payment,, and all those having
claims will ptesenl Iho same, duly uiilhootk ated, to
the subscriber in tSunbiuv, or at lbs resilience of
tsid dee'd. JOHN FAK.Nss WilRTH.
buubury, Mjy 10, Isll Ct. AJm'r
fltllE StBSCniBER hs been appoinled agent.
B lor the sale nf GO RAD MBYBH n 1.1-1,-EHKATED
A N at this place. These l ianns have a plain,
massive and beautiful exterior fiui h, and, for deplh
and sweetness of lone, and elegance of workman
ship, are not surpassed by any in the United Slates.
The following i a recommendation from Carl
Dit. a cclebia'cd performer, and himself a man
ufuciuicr: A c ntn.
Hflr' bad the ilraure of trying the excel
lent Piano Fortes manfaetured by Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited at the last exhibition of iho Franklin In
stitu'e. I feel it due io the true merit of ihe maker
lo I'eclare that thera instruments are quite equal,
and in some respects even superior, to all the Pi
ano Foites, I saw at the capitals nf Europe, and
during a Sojoorn of two years at Paris.
The Pianos will be sold at the manufaeturer'a
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower.
Persons are requested to call and examine fur
themselves, lit the resilience uf the sulrscribcr,
Sunbury. May 17. 1815. (f. B. MASSE ft.
To tlicj Electors of Northumberland
BEING solici'Cif by m' my of my friends, I
hsve consented to ofTer myself as a candidate
for the office of
Tre anurcr
of Nnfihumbefl md eminty. Should you see pro.
per to elect me, I pleilgn myself to perform the
duties of said ollice with fidelity.
Sunbiny. Msy 31st, 1835.
tlic Electors of NortliuuiberlanJ
( outity.
A T iho solicitation of a number of persons, in
diir rfnt parts of the county, I have Consented
In be a candidate for the oliVe of
Til E.I SV II Kit
of Nor thum'.iei land cooiry. I need hardly aasure
my fellow-citizens, that if I am elected, 1 will en
deavor to discharge ihe duties of the office faithful
ly and impartially.
Sunbury, May 17th, 1815
T ihe Electors of iNioitluimbcrland
rPHE aiihscnlM', from the encouragement reeei
-- ved from his numerous friends, hereby oilers
himself us a candidate f r the ollice of
of No'tlininberland eouo'y, for which ho solicits
die MifTiHges .f his fellow eiH7.ens. Should he be
elected, ho will fulfil the duties of the etlice Willi
fidelity: FI5ANCIS BL'CIIEK,
Sunbury, May 17th, 1845.
To the Mice tors of .Northumberland
lELI.GW CITIZENS: I would respectfully
- offer myself to your consideration, as a candi
date for the office of
Should i be elected, it will hn my pleasure, as
well hs duly, to attend to the busn'ieas el the office
wilh fidelity and punctuality.
Sonhurv; May f 7th. T8 r5.
Tb the Electors of Xortlitunbcrland
El. LOW CITIZENS. I haVe I ecn induced
to' offer myself ss a candidate for ihe office of
Al the enrti hig election Khnjld I fortunalery be
elecie.l, I hereby promise, f.iiihfully and Impartial,
ly lo discharge the duties of said ollice,
Sunbury. May 10, IS 15.
To tfie Elcciors of Northumberland
FELLOW CITIZEN'S. I hereby ofter my
self as a candidate, fir the office of
I can only promiM-, yhoul.l I be fortunate enough
lo lie re-elected, to discharge the duties of said office
with f.dihly and impariialitv.
Suiil.urv, May 10, IS45'.
To the Electors of Northumberland
lEM.OW Cri'lENS. At the solicita ion of
i- a iiuniliir'of my Iriends, f have consented lo
be a candidate for Ihe ollice of
I promise ihe citizens of the county, that if I am
elected. I will endeavor lo discharge the duTles of
the ollice fai'lhfulty arid impartially.
Sonbmy, April 10th, 1815.
To the Electors of Northumberland
lELLOW CmZENS : Aa I have been great-
ly encouiaged by my friends, I solicit your
suppoit for the office of
S I I E R f F F.
Should you confer this office upon me, I shall
endeavor lo discharge the dutiea thereof with lide
ssunbu.y. Apiil lOlh. ISI5.
To iho Elector ol ISorthutubcrlatitf
11 F.fNG aoli'eited bV mv mi'inerou friends in the
I ' il ll'erei I elions ol the cuiitv, I have
ted to oiler my .ell lo yotii coiiatutrauon as a c un
dulate loi the office ot
Should I be elected. 1 pledge in v self to fulfil the
dull s .1 the oll'u'e with li.leliiv ami iuii iil alitv.
A'ugiisti May :iUl, 1S15.
To iho lilectois of Noithuniberlartd
CiMinty .
lELLtlW CITIZENS. Having been ri -oij-
1 aged by mv Ir.ends, 10 oil. r iny self a candi
date for the ol.i.'e of
I te-pecitullv s.ihclt your . upp.iit. t-lioul.l you
see proper to confer the ollice upon me, I will eli
de a .'01 lo dishaige the duties ll.eicof with tidility
and inipuiliallly.
Suiib-jiv, April 1 3th. s)45.
To llic Electors of .Noilliutnbcil.ifid
('oiiulv :
l."1 El. LOW CITIZENS:! beg leave to otl.i
- myself s a candidate, at tbJ ensuing election, 1
for the ollice of
fuiuify 'oninilHloiior.
Should I be so forlunste as 10 be elected, I pledge
myself 1.1 .IL.-hs'ies the duties of ihe office v.ili
piouiplneLt and
Suiibury, A j.iil bth, lt45.
' 1 .! "iim
.Vortlni 111 lirrlaml Couint
ESPECTFULLY informs his (ricmls and ih;
, public in general, that he has taken the bii
ilaml, in the Borough of Sunbury, lately ncefyii
iy John Haus as a public house, (west of th Sti'e
House, snd nearly onpoeito the Court HniJ'J
where he is prepared to accommodate his frierd;
snd all others who may fsvor him with their
torn, in the best possible manner. ,
Hi BAR sfiall sparkle with the choicest ot .t;
di'on, end his TAULE shall be well sup)re.
with the veiy best the markets alTord. In fhor!, it 1
pains nor expense wiH he spared to render Ins
house in every way worthy of public j.atroiiij v
A lilral share of cu.tofn is 1 here fore solicited.
Sunbury, April 1 2th, 1845. 0m
H'rsf re of Main st., in the iiiro' of
ron: -bcj rr Z2
TIHE subscrilier would respectfully inform bii
JL old friends and the travelling public, that I e
hss recently taken and fulled Bp, in a superior
manner, this spacious brick edifice, sign of
where he is prepared to accommodate travellers jnd
visitors in the very best and pleasing style. If s
house is situated in the most pleasant and centml
part of the borough, convenient lo business, und
is large and the rooms airy.
Thankful for the liberal support while keeping
the old Mun'cy Hotel and the American Hotel, it
this burouijh, for the pat three yeers, he respect
fully solicits 6 continuance of the same.
Money, April 12lh, 1845. tf
N. B. The Hairisburg, Northumberland, Polls,
ville, Danville, Williamsport, Lock Haven andf
Dellefnnte Stages strive at and depart from this
Hou-e dBily. T. WELLS.
t'n I'unh'onalih. Superior and Medium
Fiinry a 'id Staple Dry Hoods.
A'o. lss Chesnut st., between Seventh)
and Eighth streets,
1'lillailelphf ti
IS now in tegular receipt of New Styles Silks,
Mou elm ile laities. Lawns, Organdies, Jacone,
Ginghams, lljrrges, Marques, Enlims, Balzorines,
(Cambric, Chinizes, Bu'mhnzines, Alpacas and o
ther seasonable Dress (nKxlu ; also. Shawls, Scarf,
Veils. Embroideries, Hosiery, Laces, Gloves, Lin
en, Cambric Hahkfs. and Irish Linens ; Calicoes at
12 cts. s yard. Muslins, and other cheap Goods.
Strangers w ill find it particularly to their inteies?
to call, as the goods are all warranted, and t'.i
htrest rnsfi prices invaiiably named first,
Philadilphia, April 2tTth", 18 45. 2m
R e m o va!.
lilt. JOHN W. J.F.AL.
IfE-TEl' i r l LLY informs thn ci
tizens of "unbuiy and its viciniiy, t h-r
be has removed to the Brick House, j,j
Maiket alrcet; formerly occupied by
Benjamin Hendricks, east of Ihe store former y oc '
copied by Miller & Marlz, and now by Iia T. Cle '
meiit, where he will bo happy to receive sjtlbj ir
the line of his profession.
Sunbury, March 2!th l45.
DVESTXjrrs, rAiisiTs,
HE suhscrihel keen constantly for sale nn the
most reasonable rt rins, an assortmsutof Medi
cines, Drugs, DyestulVs, Paiuis, Oils, Varnishes, Aie.
IleinfT; largely engaged in grinding such arncles'
as Ginger, Muslaid and Pepper, be has them lor
sJe of a superior quality, Mot the market puce.
He would mention that he has a Patent Machine
worked by steam power, which enables him to II
PrTTt of the v.;ry best quality for 3? cents a lb. in1
llla.l.l. r, and 3 cruts in Hulk.
He confidently s-serts that bis price are such'
as to give saiiifjcltoii to those who in iv favor him'
with a call. J. W. W. GORDON.
No. lo West Pralt St., Baltimore, opposite Bui"
limore and Ohio Rail Road Depot,
N. B. No ch ngo maJe for dcli'.'eting (oods ir
any part of ihe city.
March Hth, 1815. 3m
oot it S li o
f lH C subscriber, late of the firm of Beck dc Cro
JL siijs, would rerpeclfully inform his old custom
era snd the put. lie generally, that he now nccupi;
Ihe new building wivl of Henry Haupi's Taifi'
hop, and opposite George Urihl's Drug Store, i.'
Market street, Sunbury, whete he inteudd u crttt J
on bin former business of
M6t Sc SKOli 3IAKIX(s;
in all i)s variou I ranches. Ha wilt be prepurdjr'
do all kinds of work iu his line at the shorten'.' rn
lice, and in 1 lie most durable manner. He i.i f
ful lor loriner paliciiage, and by strict attendance r. '
nu-iness ami rrahouaniu enargej, v:u cir.iea cr
deserve a coiiiinuance of it.
JSiinbur'y, Teh. 22 I, 1813, Gin
1IE subscriU'ra hive received, and a.'e n'3
0i.ciiiiig a splendid atsonmeul of the fuliowitia
g khI
Saxony, Vi!ton and Yelvel Caipcti;ig I1
Prussols am Imperial J ply do 1 C.Kf:
Etlrs kupeirine and fine Ingrains do' Vf I'
Eugli .h shaded v Dama.-k Venetian do r I.'' 1 ;
Ameiicail twilled and I'u'd do J DriiKgeiis and Woolen Floor t.'lolh
Slair Mid'e Dorkings
Emb.w.e.1 Piano and Table Cover
Loudon ChetullH and Tufted Rug
Door Mali of cveiy descriiliou.
A la'ge and ext. n-.ive ersono'eot of t S '
Cloths, 1mm nhe to ei;lil yards wide, cut to fi.' '
iv Jescrii'tion ol rooina or iita.-ae...
AUo, low ptfeed log. ol Caiia-liugs fi'.v.n 3 1 4 .'
.; I ......... . 1 ... .....l. . . v, I
o . l e Ilia yrf yuiil, luruiri ni.i. . 1.11 au....-r.i
,iti a..rtmenl uf r-oxla u.ually kept lyeiiyr
merchant. .
The above!. will lie o!d wkctesale .ir i i .i
at ihe lowest market prices. Country l'rr" .'
ud o her ' particulnlv invited to cHl s.V '
ni ne our s'.s k b. foie ii..ii.'uii then s lectin. is.'.
CI.AbKsoN, PTCH & Mtfl.LtV.
Suee. ssoi t i Joct ph H'sckwood 1 1 1 Ch",:
c .iner of Frsi.kli'i I'lare. .
l'hilalelh'. I, ii Si'. IMS.
SI.vll', of a superior t;iu(it . tan now i ...
J at the Lima Kilos jf Henry Master, in ? j,'
bury. May t l.6.