TKIIMS OP THE AMERICAN." II. R. MA88ER, JOSEPH EISELY. ? PmtiftRKiti Ann S PnormnTens. . It. JMSSEH, Editor. Office in Centre Alley, in the rear of 11. H. Mas- ser't Store.) THE" AMERICAN" Is published every Satur day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to lie aid hnlf yearly In advance. No paper discontin ued till Att arrearages are paid. No subscription!) received for a less period than six jiohths. All communication or letter on business relating to the oliice, to insure attention, must be POST PAID. """E.B.LEASSER,'. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SU1TBUIIY, PA. 1)u!inPfs attended to in the (""onnlica of Nor liuulcrlnnd, Union. Lycoming and Columbia, ltribr to I Thomii II art & Co., Low nn & II a nun. & Hart, -Vhilad. KkTSOLI'II, McKAniAKU A Co. SpKRINO, 'Joun & Co., si i u( ; kuts iatkxt VJLSHI1TG- 2ACHI1TS. f I1HI.S Machine h i nnw been leMed by more JL than thirty familica in this neighborhood, and li in git-en entire satisfaction. It is so simple in it construction, that it cannot Ret out of order. It ccntaim no iron to ru-l, niul no rprintM or rollers to pet out of repair. It will do twice a much wish ing, with Icsa than hull the wear and tear of an) of the lite inventions, rind what is of greater in.por t'ttice, it costi but little over half it much us other washing mschine. The snbsi rilicr hn the exclusive riqht for Nor tliiimberlnnd, Union, L coming, Columbia, Lu yernc and Clinton counties. Price of sinale ma chine ?fi. H. U. MASMil!. 'J'he following certificate ' fioni a few of lliofe who have these rn ichiccs in use. Si.nhu.y, Auc. 21, 1 1. We, the subscribers, certify that we have now in u-e, in our families, "SSIniRctt's Patent Wish ing M.ichiue,"diid do not htsituto union tint it is a most excellent invention, 'i'hnt, in Wn-hing, it will save more than one hnlf the uual labor. Thnl it d.ies not require more than one third the usual quantity ol' so ip und water ; hikI that there i no rubbing, on I const iui nilv, little or no wear ing or tcniiug. That it knocks ilVno buttons, and t'r-at the finest clothes, as collars, lace, tucks, trills, &c, may be washed in a vc y shoit lime without the least injury, and in fact wiihotit any apparent wear and tear, v. hatov. r. We therofire In ertully recommend it to i (he uhlic, us a most Ustfuliind labor ravine machine. CHAKLEH W. HEUINS, A. JOUDAN. CHS. WEAVER. CHS PLEKANTS, C'DEON MAKKl.E. ii.mi. ;i:o. c. wklker, UK N.l. HENDRICKS. f.'ll'EON LEIISENIUNC. Hkhh's Hotki., (formerly Tremonl House, No. llfi Chi snul street,) Philadelphia, Scpieniber 2 IV, 1HM. I buve used IShnserl' Patent Washing Machine in my hou e upwards of eight mouths and do not hesitate to tay that I deem it one of ill.! mo I use ful and valuable labor-saving machineg ever inven ted. I formerly kept two women continually oc cupied in washing, who now do ns much in two liiivs as they then did in one week. There is no wear or tear in washing, and it require not more tliaii one-third the u"ual quantity of son p. I have had a number of other machines in my family, but tins is so decidedly superior to every th'ng else, and ho liitle liable to pet out of tcpiir, that I would not do without one it they should cost ten times the price they arc sold for. DANIEL HE Kit. UMimCIlXsSc PAKASOLS, CHEAP FOR CASH, J. SV.I1T'S Umbrella and Parasol Manufactory. Ao. 37 Xorlft '2'hiul flrett, two iluorn hi lulu tht city itovr.i., Plilladclii hia. A I.WAVS on, a large stock of CM UKELLAS on t PAKASSOLS, inclu.tinn the latest new st le ol I'iuked Edged I'ur i-o'a of the bctt woikmanship ai d mat. rials, at prices llmt will make I' an object to Country Meirhan's and other to call and Ins tltV In tore puicha-iup ilsewhere. Fe'-. Ti, I S t ". 1 y S P ANI S H " H I D H S TAXXKIIS' OIL. ;Of0 D y Li PI it i Hides fir.-t quality. ii.'tOO Dry Li liuira. do IOOO Dry Salted L i Cuira, do ViitOO Dry Sail, d 15r ail Hides, do ;.' Ua!es Creen Sailed Pulna Kips. MO Hal, s Dry Pa lm Kips. . iO HarreU 'J'ulinera' Oil. 'Caniier' and t 'un ieis' Tools, Por sale to t'ountty 'i'aiineis at the lowest prices and upon ll.e bet t. no. N. H. The hiuhest maikct pricen pnid for all kinds uf leather. 1). KIRKPATRH'K vV sOXS. No. SI, South I bird St. Phil delpbia. September 11, 114. ly. v lXiErrtisM: co.tii'oi .i, im rn- era k f i ) v s p i: p s i a. IIIIS Medicine is nfl'ereJ to ihe Iillldic eerier ally, from a full conviction thai n is superior . t1 siiy oihei mediciii.i now in ute, for the cure of I vsp. i.sia. Liver Com:.laint, Nervous Debility or ,, . . ' ltodllv W eakness, Ac. II. rir.-ru have been tested in a private practice of ueir eipht jearij, and it is now more extensively culateJ, ot the sol.c.tu.te ol many who nave re itived the niod i-iju.d benefit from the u e of it. The following is one au.oon a number of ccrtili cates received in iclation to the suice of this me die me i Lancaster Co. March . Dii. (ii.oaor. W. Alles, Hecr Sir: Il is with (trrat pleasure that I in form you of die success attending your Dyspeptic Medicine, while cuij loyed in my p actio. Prom I n.l experience, 1 firmly believe that In eight esses out of len, ihe Dyspeptic, by the ue ol your medi cine, may rid himself of this thorn in the pathway of lite: not only in dyspeptic rases, but iu all ctses of constipation, and dueates deiciid.lif en a dibililated staid of Ihe nervous system, lour, tlier with toipid kt ileof the boncls. will your E lixir be found of inestimable value. Numerous i li st unets wherein the usefulness of the medicine bus been realised, may l foi warded, if required. I wish you great success, and recommend the. medi cino to the tuH'cring ( art of mankind, Vouis, with ureal retpcrt, KOUEUT AUNEW, M. P. Pot sale at the store of II. II, Master, Agent for ihe proprietor, Sunbury, Pa. 311th, 1844. ly ITlllX M:i:i. Theniighe.rp"ricVwiU be ' given for Flax Seed, bv Aug. 31, 1SU. H. D. MASSE R. SUNBUMY AMERICAN. ' AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. Absolute acquiescence In the decision of the lly Manser & F.lsclj , A Public Patriot, OR, AN ACUTE AM.KRIIANIAN. Tlinmo Jeftnroon Wnsliinpton Jones, was yesterdny brought boforn the RproroVr, on the charjreof patlierinij a crowd and creating a dis turbance thn eveninp previotip, at the corner of St. Charles and fSravier Streets. Air. Tltomns Jefferson Washington Jnnps i a (rcntlcmnn of a full habit but scanty wardrobe phi ofpatriotisin, but tninu of means. 'In whnt manner did the prisoner pnther a crowd !' said the Recorder, 'or how create a disturbance V Why, he waa a cullin'tip nil kinds of didorp,' said the watchman 'a-talkin' about Annc.wi linn and Omrrnn, nnd all that, and rtts.-'in lite 'letoriral Society, 1 tliinks he called it.' 'I protest against nny charge made by that individual being recorded against me,' aid the prisoner ; "he has neither copneily to under stand my position, nor patriotism to appreciate it.' 'lie is a municipal officer,' paid the Record er, 'and I am bound to receive his statement,' Then il such be one of the streams tlirouoh w hich justice flows.' replied the prisoner 'it he be one of the conduits through which law is ad ministered, justice necessarily needs filtering law requires a less impure course. If it please you, however, let him proceed, and Hea ven help the Republic, 1 say ! This nnpoal he accompanied by a reverential twist of his eyes upwards. The Recorder told the watchmen to ijo on and Mute the circumstances under which he arrest ed the prisoner. lie stated the same in substance ns was writ ton in the charge. The prisoner was harran gtiing a crowd about Texas Oregon and Alle ghauia, nnd le; knew not vvlmt. He tuld him to go on, but, instead of complying, ho ubuscd him and went on with his speech. 'Fool !' exclaimed the prisoner, 'what cltHs should I do hut abuse you 1 Praise of you would be censure in disguise besides ' 'I shall not allow you, Mr. w hat's your name,' replied the Recorder, 'to use such lan guage to the wn'clnuan in my presence. If you have anything to say in your defence I shall hear it ; preserve your vituperation for another place your invective for a more fitting oppor tunity.' 'I thank you, most worthy judge,' said the prisoner, 'for the advice, nnd shall lo guided by it; mid now for my defence. Rut first of my name, which you seem to have forgotten, but which I thought was giaven the door plate that opened the door I inetin, your honor, not the plate to the inner chamber of every American heait. Who, sir what American can forget a name linked by ion of i.!cn, at least with the f age of Moiiticello and thn hero of Mount Vernon; for both of whom history hns erected her monumentsmore solid than mar ble, nnd more enduring than brass ! Now ' 'This is all very well, Mr. Thomas Jcllers.ui Washington Jones. I now remember your nanip.'mlrrrnpteil the Recorder ; 'but what has tt to do with thp watchman's charge' 'I was about to come to that, sir,' said the prisoner, 'but thought it necessary before doing so tossy so much in vindication of the honored names I bear. And now, sir, for the charge.; and if a crowd did gather round me, it was done of their own volition ; if they did wrong, I cannot pereeivo by what rule of inw or ethics I am to be visited with punishment for their transgressions. I was speaking somewhat loudly, it is true, but am yet to learn lleit there is nny Municipal ordinance itistittiling a iciice-timetct , nnd mak nig it pcuul to pitch llio voice uIkjvc a given standard. I was speukinir, sir, of tliO witdom and the policy of Annexation, and our right our imprescriptible right to Oregon ; and he whom these subjects would not n rouse and cause to speaK louu at mo present cnts wouiu j suil'er a man to take his julep front before him ; ... . , i. , ;,i .,, , ,, ond driu k it without remonstrance, nor would ! ! ' c'y 'h'"P thief! if a fellow rill away with ! his lust shirt. I touched too, sir, on tho at- ; , . j c , b , ....,,; I,.,,..,,.,.... j to change desecrate, I call it the name of my J beloved country, and is it to be wondered nt j that I felt indignant and spoke loudly ! Take the name ot the United States oway, sir, and will not niter ages be puzzled to know the land of my illustrious namesakes ! and then to pro pose giving it such a name Alle Allegbania! why it's a name fit only for a country inha bited by Turk ! I would nut, so help me ' 'That will do,' said the Recorder, 'I perceive that, although you did err, your motives render the act excusable. You may go, but in future find some more appropriate place for your lec tures on Oregon, Annexation and Alleghunia than the sidewalk ; for however much, in such a place, you impel the inarch of mind, you re tard considerably tho movement of the body.' Thomas Jefferson Washington Jones, regard ing tho watchmoii as mere human an'unalcuhe, lert the court impressed with the belief ihut his release was a decided triumph of mind over matter. Vkoyunc. mnjori.y, the vital principle of Republic, from which Suiibury, IVortliuinbrlaiul to. Rxtranrtliitiiry Rtortca of an Indian Fakir. The monotony of our camp life, was broken this morning by the arrivnl of a very celebrated character in the Punjnub, a person we had all expressed great anxiety to see, and whom the Mahn-Rnjah had ordered over from Uiiirutscr on purpose. lie is a Fakir by name, and is held in extraordinary respect by the Sikhs, from his alleged enpneity of being able to bury him sclfalive tor any period of time. So many sto ries w ere current on the subject, and so many respectable individuals maintained the truth of these Ftories, that we felt curious to see him. He professes to have been following this trade, il so it may be called, for some years, and a con siderable time ago several extracts from the letter, of individuals wl.o had seen the man in the upper Provinces, appeared in the Calcutta papers, which were nt the time, naturally e notigh, looked upon ns a mere attempt at a hoax upon the inhabitants of Calcutta. Cap tain Wade, political agent nt Lttdhiann, told me that he was present at his resurrection after nn interment of some months; (icncral Ventu ra having buried him in the presence of the Maha-Rajah and many of his principal sirdars; and, as far ns I can recollect, these were the particulars witnessed by (leneral Ventura : After going through a regular course of prepa ration, which occupied him seven days, and the details of which arc too disgusting to dilate upon, the Fakir reported himself ready for interment in a vault by order ol the Mnha-Rajah. On the appearance id Runjoet and hiseourt he proceed ed to their final preparations that were neces sary in their presence, nnd after stopping with wax his cars and nostrils, he was stripped and placed in a linen bag ; nnd the hist preparation concluded by turning his tongue forwards, and thus closing the gullet, he immediately died a- way in a kind of lethargy. The bag was then closed, and sealed w ith Runp el's seal. The box was then placed in a vault, the earth thrown in and trod down, nnd n crop of barley sown over the snot, nnd sentries n need round it. The Malm-Rajah was, however, very sceptical on the subject, nnd tw ice in the course of ten months he remained, under ground, sent people to dig him up, when he was found to be in ex actly the some position, nnd in a state ol perfect ly suspended animation. At the termination of the ten months, Captain Wade accompanied the Mnhn-Rajah to fco him disinterred, and stales that he examined him personally nnd minutely, and was convinced that all animation was per- lectly suspended. He saw the locks opened j dergo the cntilinc meiit in n place wheic hisae nnd the scbIs broken by the Mnha-Rnj-ih, nnd thins iiiav be observed, it is needless to form the box brought into the open air. The man was then taken out, mid on feeling his wrist and heart, not the slightest pulsation was per ceptible. The first thingtowards restoring him to life, was the forcing his tongue back to its proper position, which was done with some lit tle difficulty by n. person inseriing his finder nnd fo: ciblv pul!;n it back, and conlinuinoto hold it until it gradully resumed its natural place. Captain Wade described the ti p of bin , Peking ! Is it to sit nt n shnt'ered table in head to have, been considerably heated; but PTret, wiili a omise qutil behind the ear, all other parts of the body cool and healthy in "d a fore !ioei between the eve-brow s, sup appearance. Pouringa quantity of warm water 1 l""'" an editors nching head over a blank upon him constitutes tiic only further measures ' 'l"'rc of pnper ! All these euiployn euts may for his restoration, and in two hours time he is j 00 honorublo so far a they are useful to society as well asever. and no farther. Do you agree lo this ? Then On my return to Simla, accident placed ininy ! 'im VVI" "btongree to this plain rule; whatever hands the nppendix to a medical tojiogruphy of is 1,1,3 "Uh!l ''"' 'I'0 uw"1 honorable nn Ludhiana by Ir. McGregor of the horse arlille- ; Payment. Apply this rule to the skilful, in whose permission I have extracted the ! 'I,,!,lri""s B'1 hmiea eullivalor ol tho earth, following account of the former in'.erments and Who em'1'1 1,v,! 1,1,1 f"r ! W,,H P""1'"- resurrecttnt. of the Fakir:-' Fakir who nr- j 0 ,,f w 1,1,1 18 ,,'ll"y ni'l"-H-iib!e to rived at Lahore engaged lo bury himself tor any ! W:ml" "f ,,M ,l "'m'S aS 1,0 1 ls "0l ,!"S lI,C length of time, shut up in a box. und without I '"'l) ''''. "., ... pro,rlio.i as cither food or drink. u..jeet nn'.urallv d.sbe. j Ui ,i,U,M bta lU Urtl'ul 1,1 nnf '" ,!iu lieved the man's nssertions, nnd was determi- ! worM ! ,A'' be " Pffa nb d nceordingly. ned to put then, to tho test. For this purpose ScxX ,u l,iln U ,l,c Ft,' l"'ic Mechanic, who the Fakir was shut up in a wooden box, which ' our Bml "'''I'"' ",i,k"i ",,r was placed in a small npartn.ent below the ! P0"'18- He too should bs honored, middle of the ground : there was a foldi.o "'V ll,,,t Invent. .HImt Hihii eucmrage to this box, which was secured bv a luck and pri'utlu'ro wl.o laU.r to pr. to key. Surrounding this apartment, there was "iee earth and g.xnl w.!l towards ...en," the ga.den-hou.-e, tl.o doo. of which was like- r,,,l!,'r l!u" ,0 ,'', "(! ,!"! 'rr,Brn ""t..athies Wise h eked, outside the wholo" a hih wall, ! l"'rers ; duel.,., wl.o seek lo prevent having its doorway built with br.cks and mud, I 'lisl'"sc rj,l,,r '"H,l- ' wh itfi.r alee; in order to prevent nny one f.oni approarbiie. tho place, a line of s. nti.c was placed and re"- lieved at reanlar i,i.,.sU Tl. ..........1 w as keel on for the ,,f fort . b,v I ly nights, at tl.o e.vpiration of w hieh period the Maha Raja, attended by his graudsoii and Seve rn I of his, ns well ns (icncral Ven tura, Cuptnin WaHe, m l myself, proceeded to disinter ll.e fakir. The bricks Mid mud were removed from the outer doorway ; the door of the garden house was next unlocked nnd last ly, that of tho wooden box containing the Fakir: the hitter w as found covered w ith a w hite sheet, nn removing which the figure of tho man pre sented itself in a sitting posture his legs and arms wero pressed to his sides, his legs and thighs crossed. The first step of the operation of resuci'.ation consisted in pouring orcr his head a quantity of w arm water i after this hut cake of otta (wheat flour) was placed on the crown of his head j a plug uf wax waancxt re moved ! 101.1 one vi hi Hc.liiL-, aiidoii Liin there I, no appeal bat to force, the vital principle ln. Saturday , June 11, IS15. done, the man breathed strongly through it. The mouth wns now opened, and the tongue, which had been closely applied to the roof of the month, nnd both it nnd the lips anointed w ith ghcc(carified hitters.) Durng this part of the proceeding, I could not feel any pulsation nt the wrist, though the tcmpernture of the hinly wns much above tlio natural standard of health. The legs and arms being extended, and the eye lids raised, the lormer were well rubbed, and a little ghee was applied to the latter ; the eye balls presented a dim sufltised appearance, like those of a corpse. The man now evinced signs of returning animation ; the pulse became per ceptible at the wrist, while the unnatural tem perature ofthe body rapidly diminished. He made several inellectual efWtsi to speak, nnd nt length uttered n few word, but in a tone so low and feeble ns to render them inaudible. Fy ami by his speech was re-established, and he recog nised Fomcof tho bystanders, ami addressed the Maha-Kaja, who wns seated opposite to him watching nil his movements. When the Fakir wns nblo to converse, the completion of the fact was announced by the discharge of guns nnd other demonstrations of joy. "A rich chain of gold wns placed round his neck by Runjeet, nnd ear-ring1, baubles, nnd shiwls were presi nied to him. However extraordinary this fact mny appear, both to the I'oroneans and natives, it is difficult if not impossible, to explain it on phy siological principles. The man not only deni ed hia having tasted hmd or drink, but even maintained that he had stopped the function of respiration during a period of forty days and nights. To all appearance this long fasting had not been productive of its usual t-fti-ets, us the man seemed to be in rude health, so that dies tion and assimilation hml apparently proceeded in the usual manner ; but this he likewise de nted, and piously asseited, that during the whole time he had enjoyed a most delightful trance It is well k'iown that the natives of llindostan, hy constant practice, ran bring themselves to exist on the smallest portion of food for several days; and it is equally true that, by long train ing, the same people nre nble to retain the air in th?ir lungs for some rnin.ites ; hut how the functions of digestion nnd respiration could be nrresled for such n length of time, appears uu nccountable. The coneenltnent of the Fakir during the performance of his feat, so far from rendering the latter more wonderful, serves but to hide the means he employs for its accom plishment, niul until he can be pursiiaded to tin- any conjectures repardinu them. i'nptain Ox home's Ciwrt mul Ctnnp. 1 1 oiio nt III e 10 m )) t . W hat is the iiiokI honorable employment ? Is it to carry a green big and talk m knotty Mints of law in opt n court ! N it .. ampiiv a yardstick with graceful dexl"rify ! Is it to ' W1'nr 8 cockade as a sion ot successful office- , '", rcU""u w 1,1 ,H,r l"11' "'''! j ,i,,Mr rN k, ll' ,r"c ai;4l"""i tUv " HUU'i-a Hi! oilier Classes, nre Us.'.... cwewcs. ! and nre uselul and necessary" in tsoe.e'y, in isou.e'y, a n.l should be encouraged and honored accordingly ; but it is time the not ion was done sway, that fanning and h.indiciaft nre not lesjiertaMe. Thry are on the whole more useful, itnl ll.e.e fere should be regarded mriro honorable. The men who own the soil they till; whocnnlive independently by their own productions and then supply other ila.-srs of citizens w ith Ihe means of subsistence, nre the true no'.iili'y of a Rcp-iblic. They ate tho "bone and muscles" which must keep the body politic together. We respect them. Would that there were more such, fewer idle, lazy drones, who scorn honest labor, and strut in gay attire, living upon the productive industry of those far better than themselves. A.I apt quotation is like n lamp which flings llbliht o 1 1 1 the whole si ntuicc a..d immediate p.n,,t of dcspotism.-Jarn.aso,. Vol. 5Xo. 3Wliolc Xo, 24. M. CAMtt.R' CtUTAtil 1,KCTIIIK,. Mn. Caihi.e thinks it "IIioh Tivk' that I .IK ClIII.DKEM SJIIOI'I.U ii m: Sdmm'.R Clo 1 II i NO. There, Caudle ! If there's anything in the world 1 hate and you know it it is asking yon for money. I run sure, for myself, I'd rither go without n th n thousand times, and I do the more shnme for you to let me, but there, now I there yon fly out ngaiu! IVW tin 1 want vnw ! by, you must know what's wanted, if you'd any eyes or nny pride for your children, like any other father. What's thr mattrr und what am I th iving at Oh, notifense, Caudle! As if you didn't know! I'm sure if I'd any money of my own, I'd never nek yoii for a farthing: never; it's painful to tnr, goodness knows ! Whnt do you say 1 If it's painful, irhy y opt n ilo it? 11a ! I sup pose you call that n joke rne of your club jokes ! I wish you'd think a little more of peo ple's feplins, and less of your jokes, lla! as I siy, I only wish I'd any money of my own. It there js anything that humbles a poor woman, it is coining to a man's pockets for every far thing. It's dteadlul ! "Now, Caudle, if ever yon kept awake, you sbnll keep awake to night yes, you shall hear me, for it isn't often I spenk, nnd then you may go to sleep as soon ns you like. Play do you know whnt month it is ! And did yon sec how the children looked nt church to-day like no lnvly else's children ? H7nt wax the mattrr with than .' Oh, Candle ! I low can you ask ? Poor thinL's ! were'ut they all iu their thick me rinos, nnd In aver bonnets ? What do yon say 117; uf it f What, you'll tell me that you didn't sec how the Ihi'jo's girls, in their new chips, tinned up their noses at 'em And you didn't see huw tin; Drowns looked at the Smith's, and then at our dear girl's, as much aslo say, Poor creatures! what figures for the month of May !' Ymt ditln't re i7 The more shame for you you would, if you had the feeling of a pneiil but I'm sorry to say, Caudle, you ha ven't. I'm sure these Driges's girls the lit tle minxes ! put mo into such a pucker, I could have pulled their ears for 'em over the pew. Whnt do you say ! uught tn he asha med nj rvysi If to mm it ? No, Mr. Caudle ; the si. nine lies w ith you, thul don't let your children nppenrnt church like other people's children, that tnnke 'em uncomfortable at their devotions, poor things ! for how can it bo otherwise, w hen they sec themselves dressed like nolnxly else f ".Now, Caudle, it's notisetuiking; those chil dren shall not cross over the threshold next Sunday, if they haven't thine for the summer. Now ii. mil they shan't, and there's on end of it. I won't In. o 'em exposed to the P.riggses nnd the llmwrs afjaiti : no, thev shall know they hue a mother, if they've no father fo feel fir "in. What do von sn y. Caudle ! A uortl that I must !hi) ); if church, if I think so viti'k if what tee ,ifi in ! I only wish you thought as much as 1 do, you d be u belter man than you are, Caudle, I can tell you ; but that's nothing to do w .th it. I'm talking about decent clothes for the children for the summer, and you want to put me oil with something about the church; but (hut's s I ke you, Caudle ! "Tm tilwaii u ntiling money for clothe ? flow run yon lie in your bed and say that? I'm sure there's no children in the world that cost their father so little) but that's it ; the less a poor woman d:os upon, the less she may. Il's the wives who don't caiu where tho money come from who're best thought of. Oh, if my lime wus to conic over ngaiu, would I mend and stitch, u. id make the thing go as far as I have done ! No--I hi. I I wouldn't. Yes, it's very well for you to lie there and laugh ; it's very tnsy to laugh, Caudle very easy, to people who don't feel. "Now, Caudle, dear ! What man you uro! I know you'll give me the money, because, after all, I think you love your children, and like to sen the. ii well dressed. It's only natural that a father should, lei, Caudle, tdi ! Now, you shan't ii to sleep till you have told me. ip much i.iom ij io limit f Why, let inc see love. There's Caroline, nnd Jane, and Susan nah, and Mary Anne, ami What do you say! in i ilut count 'im, you Know hoio many there are.' I In! tleit's jut in-, you take mo up. Well, now much i. iimey will il take ! Let me bee ; und don't go lo sleep. I'll tell you in a ininiile. Von always leVe to see the dear things like new puis, I know that (.'uudle; and though I say it bless their little liemls! they do credit to you, Caudle. Any nobleman of the land might be proud of Yin Now, dou't swear at noblemen el the land, and sbk me what they've to do wiih jitir children; you know v. hut I meant. Putycu are so busty, Caudle. '.'oir much f Now, don't be in a hurry ! Well, I think with good pinching und you know, Caudle, there's never a wile who can p:nch closer than I can I think, with pinch ng, I can do with twenty pounds. Whit did yon ay! Twenty fdillihtickii ? Whnt You won't pice half the money f Very well, Mr. Cau dle ; I don't care ; let the children go in rg ; it li.c tu clop fun. chinch, and j;iow tip lik ,M. ... V rgt-."iWf?. 9f.L .-. I i iters o r 4 nv i:k tik ixu. t square t insertion, ff) 80 I da 2 do . 0 73 I ib) :i d i . in Every subsequent in-ertien, 0 2ft Yearly Advertisement : cine column, $25 j half column, f 18. three squares, f IS; two squares, f 9 ; oim squire, f Half-yearly i one column, I fi i half column, $12 ; three, squares, $S ; twusquarrs, $5 ; one square, f 1 f,n. Advertisements L.(t without directions as to tl.fl length of time they nre to bo published, will bo continued until ordered out, and charged accord ingly, in Cj-Sixteen line make square. heathens and cannibals, and then you'll sava your money, and, I suppose, be satisfied . Yen pave, me twenty pounds Jive months ago ' What's five months ago to do with now. R.; sides, what I have bad is nothing to do with it. "What do you say ! Ten pounds am enough ! Ye : just like yon men ; you think things cost nothing for women ; but you don't care how much you lny out upon yoursehe. They ojiy wnnl honnetx and frncls f How do you know what they want ! How phould a matt know anything at all about it ! And you wno't give me more than ten pounds. Very well. Then you may go shopping with it yourself, and see what you'll make of it. I'll have none of your ten pounds, I cnntell you. No, sir, no ; yon hnvo no muse to sny thnt. don't u-an. to drrxs thr. children tip like eountrnsvs ) Votl often fling that in my teeth, you do ; but you know it's false, Caudle ! you know it. I only want to give 'cm proper notions of themselves ; nnd whnt, indeed, can the poor things think w hen they sec the Briggses, and the Drowns, nnJ the Smiths and ti.cir fathers don't make the money you do, Caudle when they see them ' as fine ns tulips ! Why, they must think them selves nobody ; nnd to think yourself nobody depend upon it, Caudle, isn't tho way tomaka the world think anything of you. "What do yon say? H'Arre o I pick tip that ! Where do you think ? I know a great deal more than you suppose yes ; though you rien't give me credit for it. I lu-liands seldom do. However, the twenty pounds I u ill have, if I've any or not a farthing. "No, sir, no. don't trant to dress tip thn children like jii'ucocks ami parrots! I only wnnt to moke 'cm respectable end what da you say ! 1 "on 7 eire founds .' No, Caudle, no not a penny will 1 tuke under twen ty ; if I did, it would seem as if I wanted tj waste your money ; and I'm sure, when 1 come to think of it, twenty pounds will hardly do. Still, it you'll givo me twenty no, it's no u?e your offering fiiteen, und wanting to go ts s'eef, Voti shan't close nn eye until you promise the twenty. Cuino, Caudle, love! twenty, and then you maygotosleep. Twenty twenty twenty" "My impression is," writes Caudle in hia comments, 'that I fell asleep, sticking firmly. t the fifteen ; but in the morning Mrs. Caudla assured me, as a woman of honor, that Bho wouldn't let me wink on eye, belore 1 promi sed the twenty, and mnn is frail and woman is strong she had tho money.' I.n a "Fix.' Tho editor of lb.; Drandon PiS' seuuninntor, poor fellow! make the t.!iov in tunny appeal to his reader : "We beg our re-i' dcrs lo excuse nny that may appear in this number, cs our coiiipositor ii in a ?jrte ail ovi r and not able to woi !.." We presume that by being ''in afpr;e all over ' he means drunk on the "whole beg"' sys tem ; probably a et-tu with rt tnonkeyn.-Pii:. A Qcakui'h Set:i:ru. Dejr friends, there are three things 1 very much wonder The first is that cltiidreu n'muld be so foolioli as to throw up stones, and brick-bats and cluiv into fruit trees, to kno'jk down the fruit if they would let it alone, it would full itself. The se cond is that men should be so tooiish and even so wicked as to go to war and kill one another -if they would lei one another be, they would di i of themselves. And the last thing that 1 win -der nt most of all is that young men going al'u ( the Vollilg women if they would st;;y at hoii.J the young women would cume after them. A physician, calling one day on a geililci.l.i i who had been severely nllbcted with the gotr , found, to his surprise, tho disease gone, and t' ' patient rejoicing in his recovery over a bo!? . ot .vine. ' ( ouie along, doctor," exclaimed t. ' valetudinarian, "you uro just in time to tar i this boltlo o!" Madu.ra ; it is ihe Urol of a p.; that has iiist been broached." "Ah!,' rcp'u I the doctor, "these pipes of Madeira will ncv. r do; they are llio cause of all your suffering. ' "Well, then," rejoined the gny incurable, "n 1 up your glass, fur now that we have found ou the eaur, the 6oontr we get rid of it the bt! tcr." Now, Tmk ! Tki.l Mk. What strange n- taniorphose do people undergo every night ! they lurn into beds. How may a perfect!) good man bt'coit better ! I!y laying a wtftr. What may yuu do legally lo tn which yoi may not do when they are halihed '. Poi them. Divsnu Li.-hcow give buttermilk? So nothing but her m. Ik. How does ftinuacineuU renew our exisV ve il recreates us. Why is finding a lady driti in a ! near Rsmsgate l.ko thy finking of cur e ship ? Because we fmind her at ea. What ssiclutice. does a monarch give his lies when they are wcali m artillery .'O-nolla.d. 0