Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 07, 1845, Image 4

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the Knickerbocker furnishes thr following
Tactical Epistle,' from J. G. S , to a bachelor
friend, urging him at once to enter into th con
miliial state. He thinks it "the sovereign'st
thing in creation :"
Don't tell me you 'haven't got time.'
That other things claim your attention ;
There's not the least reason or rhyme
In the wisest excuse you can mention ;
Don't tell me about 'other fish,'
Your duty is done when you buy 'cm ;
And you never will relish the dish,
Unless you've a woman to 'fry 'em.'
You may dream of poetical fame
But the story may chance to miscarry ;
The best way of sending one's name
To posterity, Charles, is to marry.
And here I am willing to own
(After soberly thinking upon it.)
I'd very much rather be known
Through beautiful son, than a sonnet.
Don't be frightened by querulous stories
liy gossiping grumblers related,
Who argue that marriage a bore is,
r.ecause they've known people mis-mated.
Such fellows, if they had their pleasure,
Became some 'bad bargains' are made,
Would propose ns a sensible measure,
To lay an embargo on trade !
Then, Charles, bid yoi.r doubting good bye,
And dismiss all fantastic alarms ;
I "11 be sworn you've a girl in your eye
That you ought to have had in your arms ;
fomn beautiful maiden, God bless her !
Unencumbered with pride or with pelf,
Of every true charm the possessor,
And given to no fault but yourself.
To procrastination be deaf!
(A caution which came from ahove.)
The scoundrel's not only 'the Thief
Of Time,' but of Beauty and Love.
Then delay not a moment to win
A prize that is truly worth winning :
Celibacy, Charles, is a sin,
And sadly prolific of sinning.
I could give you a bushel of reasons
For choosing the 'double estate ;'
It agrees with all climates and seasons,
Though it may be adopted too late.
To one's parents 'tis gratefully due ;
Just think what a terrible thing
'Twould have been, Sir, for nic ai.d for you,
If cun had neglected the ring.
Then there's the economy (clear
By poetical algebra shown :)
If your wife has a 'grief or a 'Irar,'
One half, by the law, is your own.
And as to the 'joys,' by division
They somehow are doubled, 'tis said
(Though I never could see the addition,
Quite plain in the item of bread !)
Remember I do not pretend
There's anything 'perfect' about it,
But in this I'll maintain to the end,
Life's very i'm-perfect without it.
'Tis not that there's poetry in it,
(As doubtless there may be to those
Who know how to find and to spin it,)
Hut I'll warrant you excellent 'prose.'
Don't search for an 'angel' a minute,
For suppose you succeed in the setjuel,
After all, the deuce would be in it,
For the match would be highly unequal ;
The angels, it must be confessed,
In this world are rather uncommon,
And allow me, dear Charles, to sup gest,
You'll be better content with a wuman.
Then, Charles, be persuaded to wed ;
For a sensible fellow, like you,
It is high time to think of a bed
And a board, and 'fixins for two.
Don't think about 'something else' first,
A poet almost 'in the sere !'
A 'Major !' and not married ytt .'
You should do 'nothing else' for a year.
'"HMHmagiMiM is J ..I i "
The following list shows' the current value of all
Viinsylvnuis Hunk N 't. The most implicit re-
hancemiybe pt.ic.pd upon it, a it it every wele
sa re fully compared with si d correcled Bhk-
null's Ivrporrer.
I tank In riillatlrlplit:..
, Disc, ti
NAMr. LncAT.o. r(ittn
Bsnk of North Amoiie .
Hank of the Nntlhcrn Liberties
(,'otiiinereial Hank of Perm's. .
Farmers' and Mechanics' Unnk
Kensington Dat.k
Philadelphia Hunk
Schuylkill Bank . . .
Sniithwark llnuk
Western Hank
Mechanics' Dank
Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Bmik
Country IlnnUs.
Bank nf r'hester Count Westchester
Bank of Delaware Conmy Chester
Bank nf (Jermaiitown Ocrmautnwn
Rank of Montgomery Co. Nnrrispown
Diyl'stown Bank Doylestown
Easlnn Bank Rnsion
Fanners' Bank of Bucks CO. Dri-tol
Omen of Bank of renn'a. Harrishnrg
Qflics do do Lancaster I
Office do do Beading ( do not
Oiliee do do Eash.n J issue n.
Rank of the United Mates
Bank of IVnn Township
(iiinr.l Dank
.Movamenstng B ink
Bank of !'eiins Ivnnii
Miners' Bank of Poltsvillo
Bank of Lrwistown
Bank ef Mid.llrtown
Bunk of Niirlhtimbeilnnd
Columbia B ink & Bridge co.'
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
I). i di branch of
Fnrniers' Dank of l.ancastei
Lancaster County B ink
Farmers' Bank of Itesdllig
Ilarrislairg Bank
Lmeas'cr Ban!.
Lctianon Bank
Merchants' V Manuf. Bank
Hank of Pittsburg
West Biunrh Bank
Wyoming Bank
Berks C.iuiily Bank
Office of Bank of U. S.
1) do do
Do do do
Kensington Sav. In. A
Penn Township Sav. Ins.
Bunk of Olianihersburg
Bank of tJcttysburg
Bank of Su-qtiehanna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmer.' St Drovers' Bank
Fianklin B ink IS ..nk
Mutinng'ihela Bunk of B
York Bank
N. B. The notes of those banks on which we
amit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia hrokers, with the
exception of whic h have a letter of n fcr. nee.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed
I'hiliulelphia Loan Co. do fulled
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do f.iled
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dvott, prop.) failed
s cot; NT.
Philadelphia 2W-V2
,' i
Pottsvillo j
Lewistown I J
Middh-town l
N rlhiimhetl.ind par
' Columbia pr j
Carlisle 1
Pitt-burg 1 j
llollidaysburg 1 I
Lancistei par
I.Mtic.iKter p.r
Bailing p"'
Ilarrishurg 1
,ancas!er pt
Lehanon j
Pittsburg I
Fittshuig 1 !
Williarnsport Ij
Wiikesharie I
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Chsmberahurg I
Gettysburg 1
Montrose 35
Er. 2.
V nyneshnrg 2
Washington 1 1J
Brownsville IJ
York I
mi.s m or ciii:miY,
A rsmpsnml Hulnnmle Prersrlm fistm
Wild Cherry Hark mtl Tnr.
The bent remedy known to the world fir the cure nf
Cnuvh.i, rolds. O'Am.-r. crntip, hl'-edin nf the
lung, whnrrpint ciMfrh.brnnchitil, it) flu
ensa. tlmrliiess nf breath, pnin and
writ tenc in the breast nr idc,
liver atmfdtiint, und the
first tn!trn nf
We will net assert that this B ALAAM will cure
Consumpiion in ist lwsr form, hut it has rnre.l
manv fter all other means of t'lief bs l been tried
in vain. And w hv not t It Sfeins the WILD
I CHF.IillY win destined by Nstuie to lie our
NACEA fir tlie tavaeina ilisees of this e M la
titude. Let not the d 'spiirinir invalid ware his
m ii.'V nod looo TIME, to biin s all important.
in 'Xerimrntins with the trashy notMtm of li e
d .v. but use at unee a nv dieine that will rore. If a
riiri'hep s ihle n nied'chie th-it science npp'.ic.
and many y av of xper encc h ive demonstrated
that tt awous relieves.
'There i no ueh thins a fi!l." in the history I
of litis wondrrlnl II M.s.M. Evi.'enre the mn.i
Convineine eve li't C'1 inal no o.'e cfin ilnner. tuny
e-iahli he this ra. t. For the suke of brevity we
se'ect ihe f l ow.rm from t! ousmds.
tsane I'h t, E-q., Editor of the E icle.
one of Ihe in nt influent's! j ui'lisls in fie s'a'e of
New York, undei the sutl oiilv of his own
name, th it a yonne. 'sdy, a re I itie f h'. of erv
delicate ennsti'inion. oik altarked in Fe'v ll?
with se-ere cold which immediately produced pi
linn f blood, roniih. fever, m d Older dsncerous and
ahirmii g svmptonis. Thr ui-h me.licnl neatrnen' i
nd rite she p i tml'v lee vcr d duritin snmme'.
Hot on the return of winter she w is fit irked more j
M.'lcmly l! tn at Ivst, he hican' senre-lv able to j
wa'k and i tuMil'led wuh coueh, chill and fever
evety day, and appealed t be coins rapully with
ciiiisiiuip'i n : nt ibUlime, when iheie wa n sign
nf improvement. Mr. Pbti procured a bo'tbi .f
Wtrn's Bi.ssi op Wii.ti t'ltmiiT. which she
look, ai d it emii)i;ly restored In r. ehe g .1 a sr.
coiid, and hefii-e it wa- hlf tskrn .he w as restored
to pirftct health, which she h is enjoyed to the p'r
sent tune, without the slighter! symptom other for
mer di-e se.
Mr. P ! sav "ihe ci re c 'me under my i wn ob
-eivnlton and I c.miiot he mist .ken as In ll e facts.''
Vr.yi nnoKK. Washington co., Miin'', Apr. 20 I 1 1
Mlt. ISA -C BtTTTS. Deir Sir: At the te
qiiesl of imitiy of try (riend- in this pi ice ai d viri
the Justice of the Peace in and for the said eonn
tv. Thomas Cotens, and beisg did.y idl'irine l sc.
ro'd nn to law, smith the above si.ilemei.t is in all
thine true.
Affirmed before me, on the SOth of April, 1843. ?
J CiiMivr.J P. S
flitch is the unprecedented success of this BAL
s preetiptinn conrjetil I to mir wants, as it is pie
patcd from rhemicil extiarts from suh-tances wh'rh
ihe stlthor of n ilu.o has placed in our own lind
f r wise purpo-e, that many who know liothinR
of ihe mode of i's preparoion are en.levnrini! to
reap pecuniary benefi's by selline, nn aiticle simil ir
in name, or in appear inre. or by representing lh ir
own iia-h a superior In this BALAAM, or hv put
ting up a mixture and solemnly assevernting that it
is imp rtcj Ir.m a fureien country, which is not the
case. AH these iteceplive iris goto sliow itvil
Witiii' tAt.sit i known to Ihe world to le
"THE aiill AT JIEMEDY." and th.t to sW
any mixture it must h.- like this in name, nr jmr
port to hi- like it in su' stance.
Xj' Believe not the cunningly wroniiht fahiira-
ll is nn'l take on'y '.lie oncnal ana genuine
Wisrun's Bais4M ur Witn Ciiinnt.
Address ll onlsrs to ISAC BUI IS, No. 8'2
Ann St., New Y 'tk.
Agents, JOHN W. FliM.TNO. Snnlmrn,
D BltMII IOAM. Northumberland,
J. K. MOVE It. WimmlHs,
J. WAtif.iiNSKLLEIt. Stln-firovr,
BROWN ft CltEASY, Mflntville.
Feb. 2'M, 1815 ly
ri LTYi) ( .'. S II V. A II I) !
'clo?)ralcd I'atnily .lS-difiiic
TILL not nire rvi rv tit it g. hut s'l.l run 'in
lliieonalb il to IlKir srvi il-pariilienis tv
ev.rv thing ever nllered to the public who have
v..iirti.iry came forward soil olH rid numerona tiiol
hia'tly nsprctahle It s im .liiaU i.f their suprti .r
i Hie n v,
Ctinfrttr Cnmpnund Mnlit ttttd Syrup of Sat
imparling or, Anii-Seoibnlic tSiup, lor tin ct. re
ol cotlula, Chmiiir llheu.n itisin, tJhnniic Siveh
line- ol ihe Ji.iiit-.. Erupt'ons f Ihe Skin, and ell
Dim s cs srinnit from tbr abuse of Men try, V'
uostirpasaed by any Ihiiiif ill the ma kel, Cionbi.
lung all ti e virtues re-ideiit in the Sar nptri lt
with a no dern nr tliraint nt. only lately liroitght
out by ihe iil"st res rctuble tin dtcal atllhorilii s.
Price, SO ceM ir h tile.
Cunt rtU' .liiti-Dypfptie P;wd,r, for the re
lief m il ( irninli. nt cure ol th .1 mo ft !ist'i -s r g
I eoinplaint, lly -I'i'psi I. in nil it- form- .Old s itij. -.
H tbl III l ollies
ii:riiiATivn sTiiti.
THE vhi-ib'e proprriies nf Oakley's Depura
live 8ymp of Pnraaparills, as s purifier of the
blood, is ao well known ti the public geturally,
that it is unnecessary to ocenpy much spare in set
ting forth the odvaritape to tie derived from its
use j w herever the medicine has once been intro
duced, it takes prrcetlence over all others: evrty
oi.ethst has taken it, have derived so siunnl hi nr-
lirtal results from it, that it is recommended by
them with the u most rotifidrnce. Physicians of
the highest slnivliug in the prnfes'ion, prescribe it
to patients under thiir care ; conlaiuing nothing
dt I. lerious, but b ing rompowd ot Ihe mml mild.
jet itltcaeious vegetable material, it is olb red wnh
ron ti-:tti:k.
RttowotiKs, on the fack, and OIIIK
fjJ" The fnlloujini; rertifieaie dencribe one of Ihe
mntt extraordinary aurta ever effected by any
Piirr.Aiirtriiii, February 10, Ifl.lS.
IOH twenty years I was severely afiliclid with
Ti.TTF.n on the Face anil Head: the disrae
commenced when I w is seventeen years old, ami
continued until the Fall of IMf), varying in vio
lence, hut without ever disappearing. During nvvt
of the lime, great part of my f.ce was covered wills
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing ; mv bead swcl'ed at limrs until it felt as if it
would burst the swelliri j was so eiet, tht,t I cou',t
confidence, as the cheapest and ninrt elTictent .n- ,rBt,.,v my hat on. During the long peri.i.l
rifter of the ttlood now known. The use of a few
bottles, especially in the spring months, will he at
tenth d w ith a most decided improvement in the ge
th .t I was iifiltrted wi h the disease, I use.l a great
many nt plications, (among them several celebrated
I i.rpo itntionl e will s liikiin' inward remedies.
to ral strength ot the system, eradicating any see.U : j,,,,,!,,,,, ,11)nii,r f i.tH, s of .Swnim't Vanar. n,
of disra-e that mav have been generated, b sides j:j.lrncl tlj-;llr supnrillt, &c, In fact, it would be
giving health ami vicor to the body. For the cure i,,,,.,;,,), ,n r,,umPra,P Sn the medicines I used.
..f K, n.ful t or Kings Evil, nhciimmsm. I . tier, i , XV!)S ft)i(i) itM,rf 1()(t r )W( f iUp l)i) ;t (ljil
I impli s or etuplloiis ol the Nkin, lute Kwrlltng,
I -
. . . . , . . . i I I. :- ....I.. 1.. 1 . u
i.ltV hn ure ulllictiM wtttt rottsii opium n ' nver n it nttiv v miiu . niui.ij
rmnii'aiiiii. I tnlie the li! er v of Bskioc V.tll 'o bp- i at 25 and SO cent- eirh.
I'owanda Bank
no sale
in sale
ft, led
no .-:tle
Mihabrav. It is euid that the celebrated
Mirabeati, in ttm latter years of his life, bitterly
regretted the follies and vices of bin youth. If
his moral character had been pure, his influ
ence would have been immense. One ol his
biographers tays that "lie was eo fully aware
that if he had enjoyed personal consideration,
nil France would have been at his feet, that
there were movements when he would have
consented to pass 'seven limes throttoh the
heated furnace,' to purify the name of Maribeau
I have seen him weep with grief, and heard
him Fay, almost suffocated with sobs : '1 sin
cruelly expiating the errors of my youth !' "
Mleghnny Iljnk of Pa.
Bank of Beaver of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
I'ity Bank
Farmers' & Met h'cs' Bank
Farmers' Mech'cs' Biii.k
Funncrs'& MerhVs' Bank
llaintony lusiituto
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata B ink
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank nf i'n.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumh'd Union Col. Bk.
Noith Western Baik of I's.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr, & Msiiuf. Bsnk
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Pcnn'a.
esimoteland Hunk
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
All notes purpotting to be on any Penn-yl-vsnta
Bank nut giveii in the above ll.-t, tityy be set
Jown as frauds.
may ji:ksi:y.
II irrisblirg
Fayette co.
( ireeio list e
11 imioiiV
lIniitini;ilon no sule
Leni-loivti In. nle
New Hope
Port Carbon
I o tit some noe in this conn'y as Ln nl to e I is
tsii's B t.sM nr W I i.n Citr.n ht. and to send hi o
a few d. ..en. as there ;s none of i; fer sab- will in
COO miles ft, m this I have no doubt that it w tilt'
me I with a r. stile if it were where it eoti'd le
ploeiired without to i much ixpritse and delav.
My wife was at1 'died ohni't ni 111 nibs nince
with what the pt-.ysic'ari" cnlled the fr-t s ags of
e. n-iitnti'ion a complaint v. ry ptevaleet in this
si cion of country . Having seen the D i's un ad
vert setl in AuiM'sta.
rrr 200 prom here, -era
I took the B'os to mil 1 1 ore tor a boitlr of it,
w hich she look, and liich I elped her so much that
I sent fol two hotde m re, whnh ho has s In
ken, and he now s.ys site has not felt so well for
ix years as she does at this lime. All those who
have inquired of me in d asi eitniord what ellect the
BaUati) hud, are antioits to h .ve -ome f.r .i'e in
tbl- vie nil v. which is the c..ue of mv wrttn g you.
Plea e infoim me by irlun of null wheth. rvou
conclude to send some, and il so t. whom, in order
ill tt it may W known whrte it ian be had.
I am with re-.rrt voiirs. i tc.
P. !. FAIlNsWOItiTI, P. M.
The wh. le coin. iry is fast learning th .t t o medi
ciin 110 phVBU 'BU no pirp'irMiimi of any kind ran ripial Dm. Wistau'm Uiuih w
' 1 un Chi ii t.
CnntrtU'i .lane. Mixture and limiC Sinl:ru-
meiita, st'imls at tbu be nl ut ihe li-t in r vinl b
:inv, or all li e inniiinera' le mrdicm in u-e
thtoiighntii the litiith mid I tend h of the I n il, f.r
the of I'l.vnt .ittd Ann: in all its slsges, and
from nil its roiiMntiei i rs.
Ke-i.lei.t- in Fever and Ague districts should
never be without it.
The sulc.iber will f.nfrit EIF'I'Y DOLL ML"
where l is medicine (nils to petfortn a cure in ttie
niil obH'tiore cae.
S 1,1 Whoe-de and Itelail bv CAL'Ml CUES.
SDN, at hi- Drug Wa'et.oii-e. N". fi North Thud
Street, Pluhide'i bia ; mNo. bv the r. guli'ty ap
i.omt. ,1 aci.t. SE I'll W. KOP.EItTS, Wholiae
Drui-ui-'. N'o. St. Water Stre.t. Mobile,
rrrpiire.l oi'K bv ll eSubsrrdii r, corner of O U
PENTEB and SECOND Str.els, hel.i.v Chrisli-
an. Pbihiih Ipbia. where il is also retailed.
Observe, none ate genuine w ithont ti e siei a'ure
no mIi
no -ale
Wllkrsharre no sule
Bank of New Biunswick
llelvidete Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Joinnirirtal Bank
'JuniUrl itid Bank
Farmers' Hiik
Penh Amhoy
Mount li dly
failed I
Parmer' and Mechanics' Bk lial.wav
Farmers' und Mechanics' Ilk N. Diuuswirk failed
Farmers' and Men ham' Bk Mid lietowti I't. y
Links. Ilonett industry has brought that
man to the scaffold, said a wag, as ho observed
a carpenter upon the stage.
Sptaking of wags what is more uaggith
than a dog's tail when he is pleased ?
Speaking of tails we ulwsyg like those that
end well. Hogg's lor instance.
Speaking of hoys we saw one of these an
imals lying in the gutter the other day snd in
;he opposite one a well dressed man : the first
tad a ring in his nie, the latter had a ring on
lis finger. The man was drunk, (lie ling as
ober. "A hog is known by the company he
eeps," thought we eo thought Mr. I'orkcr,
nd off he wont.
Ppeaking of going oJFpuis us in of a
tin we once owned. It went ojfw nl.t and
e havn't seen it since.
Wisb OssfcavAiiONs. Always get up from
e table hungry mure will be lift fur your
Never spesk the naked truth it is indecent
posure. Disguise is the pink tif perfection
3ver run when you are in a hurry. It is un-
jnifitd. Slowness is the mark of wisdom.
Nothiko. The most sbuodtnt article in a
icr't pursue.
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jer-ey City failed
Hobokrii BkiL&. (irazilig Co I lull. km faihd
leisey ("ity Bunk Jersry City lulled
Mechunii s' B ink I'nlli r 01 failed
Maliuf U'turers' Bank Itrllrville failed
Morris County Bank Mmristown j
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Fieehold failed
Mrchunics' Batik
Mechanics' and Manuf. Ilk Trenton pm
Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Jersey City
Pobt Notes IIO kale
Newsrk Bkg &. Ins Co Nrwsik i j
New Del Bridge Co' Lauilirtuvtlls j I
N.J. M.iuul.c. aid Jk; Co lloliuken j
N J Piolrrli.n &. LullibalJ ll Jtiey t'py laile.l
Orange Bank Or jnge
PsterMin Bank l'ateisoii fail. . I
Peoples' Bank do J
I'lliirrtoll Bunk Priurrlou par
Salem Bunking Co Salem par
Stale Bunk Newark i
State Bunk Llbahc'.hlowu J
State Bank Camden par
Slate Batik of Morris Morn.tovvn )
Cilate Bank Trriiiou fnilr.1
Salem and Philad Munuf Co Salem failed
Susses Bank Newton i
Trenton Banking Co Trenton pur
Union Bank Dover j
Washington Banking Co. ilarkensark failed
.1 nti LV noi)i:nri t. 1 111:.
Wrwvn i.t,'nriilaro.. . Y.s.-pt. 15, 1813.
Drar S.i I owe it to the nllltetrd to inform y. u
that in .1 .unary lot I was ntta.lnd by a vetv vin
In, I fold, uti-d by wo ki. g in the water, wl i.h
Mtl'rd on my lungs. It v as a- rotnp niieil by a te
r scvcie pa ii in mv breast and ,-iitc, and als i a
ilis'ie--tt.g c.-liah. I had ii a 1 the I rl
medic .1 aid in i ur vilDge ; but afier exhiinsimg all
their rkt I io no hv ol. ihry pronoiuite I my ili-en-e a
t'nriKM.u riivt-irernii, an I tiny one and all
Xiirt me up In ilie. Alter lion h p. rsu minn I gol
he r.iii-eiit of mv p! I i use the BttsiM of
Wii.i ; bht pr- pared bv Dil Wistam. I pin-
chaed of the Agent in our tliee one h.itlle, before
usirg half if which I I rgan to gain slreng h. and it
w s very evident my cough was much be lt-r and
my symptoms n every way impr vine. I h ive
w w iisi d three h.i'lh s, ami am restored la jirrfecl
In nil fl. This re-tilt is hI lie owing l.t ihe u-e of
I.' V . 1 I li.L.. tbia nifllioit of vino v in I I.h ill I
4 ! f .un niriU' In nay von the debt of crititnde i
I owe vim. and put v that other- si i.i' afflicted '
mav kn w whete to npp'y tor te'ief.
V. rv tmlv voi is, JAMES HU.E.
Mil Palmi h Diuggil, undi r dale of Walrrville,
I 21ih, lt:i. wtitrs;
i The tat me.i! yiven y, u by r. J uni SaBp
well known to lie Hue ly t'.is n-imie eoiniiiU'lilu
i crtdidy was a tiio-t iriuatka le cure. The sale
of ihe llal i.oi i very un nl, an. I i s success in cures
liu'y llsttriiog. Youis reso rtfu'lv.
1. D. PALME It.
tin: most i.kmai.kaiim-:
(t-im-: F.vr.i! iuxoiidki).
CaiitrrlPN p:u ?lfiir, or Tonic
.Mi li iimriif ;i,
For the cure of oil It I'ou aff,eiionn, if token ae
curtin tti itirtrtiiinn.
It is a never b.llu.g which II" ft. mi y
i.ttuht I i be without, especially in hov marl y
rout tries,
A this medicine is put up under the proprie
tor's immediate inspection on the most wieo'ili.
i.iioc iib s. beng Vt gelnb'e, and having
tried its ili'.racy mi ll.oil-iiinl-, f.r upwards of 'i
. bis, and to his knowledge when lakeu htrietly ac
cording to dneciioiis, there h is not Uen i ne fa hire.
I I, del such circoin laorr I recommend 11 to ihe
public, adding a reriifican in support of my a-n-lion.
I, John Burn-, do rrtlifv that I was in the ship
Tnb .cro Plant of Plnl .drl, I i... Cap!., in
June, bound to Liverpool ; look ihe fever
and actio un.l la d in i .1 vrrj o..l Mime I'm" und. i
ihe doctor's bands, wi tit l.tioi tl ere to Baltimore,
lay in the InliruiHry lor lout or five w r. ks from
thence to Philadelphia; sis month under Dr.
Coals ; fiom thence to New Yrk w.nt to tl e
Hospital, irmutiied 'lor.- uhrut f .ur ck without
any relief tiled every thing without uv brio lit.
for five years. Hearing of t'antrell'a Ague Mix
tiiief oin a fnei.d, I went to his tore, told him
h w I was afll.rled, and got a bottle of his niiilurr
i.i. i) used it according lo ibr. etions. It made a per-
lecl cute, and I have Hot had Ihe least return since.
I do w ith confidence tetomnieiol it to the public.
r -tttla. ( hroiuc Cough, ive. the pn
rtterous cri-iifira'es in the piwsrs-ion of the sul scrt- !
her and his agents, from physicians and others, are
sufficient lo roriv.nce the most skeptical of its su
periority over all pieparstions of 8 irsapatilla.
Sold whole-ale and retail, by the proprietor,
C.Ell!(iE W. OAKLEY, Notlh stre.t. lira-
ling. Beiks County, and to hn bad of the following
pet sons :
In Northumberland Count'. II. B. Mass-r,
Simhiiry ; I eland cV Mtxel, McEvvrusville ; D
Kraii-. r. Milton.
In I'ii ion Count i. .1. Orarhart, Selite grove
fluti lius, MifTliiibu'g.
In Columbia Cvunty. K. NV. MrCsy, Wash
It. ailing. March 11. .
V,. OAKtltr: t believe il the uty of every
one to do whatever in their power I te-, for the h nr. fellow mv, Bttd h iving had p -i ive
prool in n.v ow n family, nf the vo,d. if,il pmperttrs
of your Depnritivo Syrnji of, I m st
CotM. icnliou-lv recommend it lo ihe alllo ted. e
hi. I Ihe ini-f.itiilie to ,we two of our ch I hen, bv
the br. akrng out of uleer.iiis s. res tha: coveted th.
face, bead and reck, although we h id some ol tl.r
ni. st rrientilir physicians to ntiei.d lip in and in. I
tried all llie known Iru.edies, including Swaim's
Panne, a, wilhmit nv ail. Ano'hcr nl my t hddn li
was attacked in ihe snme in n.i.rr, l.rr face ui d
link wa- run p'elrly covered; the ibs'haige was so
offensive, and the disease a! null a he gilt, that we
dt sp ur- d of her I fe. Seeing the won. I. rtnl el, eels
of voiir 1 'epurative Sjinp rd S. is .pari It, we wen
in. hii i d In make tiia' ol il. as the last i s rt ; it
ac rd like a chu'iin ; Ihe u errs roniinrnrrd h. aln g
ilnineihairiy. a f. w bottles riilitelv rr-t.or.U'i. r lo
b.r l.eihh, which sie lo. ei j.. i d i.innleriU tediy
iversiioe. A a puiificr ol the b!i..d, I vrnly In - ,
In v tr it h is Hot its eipial
.InllN MtiYF.R. Tailor,
Walnut street, near Fourth, Kea ling. t
Doiigl.-sviMe, April 19th, H:l.
Ma. My .mi Edmund Leaf, ha I the . in the most diriid 'nl im.l di-trm-ing man- for thr'C vears, during whrh time he wis dt
pnved of the use of his limbs, hi- ,e tl and i.rck
vvrte covi red with ulcers. We Iri. .1 nil lie dill', r.
. nt n no di. s, but to no . fl'. it, until reeomuu tided
I'V Dr. J..hnoiiof N'oriirtowo. and td-o Dr. Isaac
Hie-tn, of Heading, to use your Deptnative
ol Sarsapiirilla, of w hit h I obtained seventl bottles,
ihe u-e of which d'ove the di?ea-e cniin ly out ol
In system, Ihe sore healed up, ami Ihe child was
rrsl.itrd lo peilecl health, winch he has enj ved
nninter upledly ev. r, to the a-l. iiishni. nt of
many persona who seen him tlu it g his tillLctioii.
I tiave thotithl it mv duty, nnd send v .n Ibis certi
ficate thai oil e'S who have a I ke rtYlinion in the
fatt ilv may know where to obtain so valuable a
in. ili inc. Yours liulv.
Sept. Ifi, tf l:l ly
'PHH is to
-- w ith Tetrei
To Con ii Iry
DI('dl('af'l Syi iinirsartiiiai llla
Phdi h Iphia, April 10th, ls-tt.
Mr. Jon v. A. 1'aitiiu.i .
Deur Sir, Having I e. n afflicted for upwards of !
Iwo vears w.lh ulceration ot the ihtoat, de-lroyp g
ihe wholeef die soft p.late, ihen ilnotigh Ibe upper
part . f mv moiilli into mv, Irmn wdtic't s..vrr-
id pieces of hot e rsme out, winch panial'y desttov
nl mv speech, ibronvh a kind Providence mid v. air I
ars .purl i, I am now te-tof. il
Si(it? 1'nlHlCtS. LprjIlOI'll
Taltn Loaf Hals.
('.. Y. fc L. It. TAYI.OK, I
ut the S. n.cormr of Murki t and 1'iltlt St.t.,
OFFEIv for ,i r 1,11 .xtro-ne i.toiiiin lit of the .
uhovr ar'n I. s, all of which day s. II til'ia'.
ly low piice-, und paitirul.tly invite the attention
of huvt ts vi-iliog the citv, to nil t samilintiou nf Mo.k. ti. W. A. L. B. TAVLOK.
Philadelphia, May .:, lSl I. Vy I
C ountt'i IHIciV '
rphe pul lie will please observe thai no Br.iiid.eih
Pills tire geiniinc, uidrss the ho ha three h- J
brls upon it. (the top, the side and the bottom).
! rsth ront.iiiling a f ic-siinile sianature ol my hand- .
writing, thus B., M. D. l'be-r la. i
hcl an- engraved on fieri, beautifully drsignrd, ;
und done at anetpeuse of over f 2,00(1. Thrref.ue
it will l" seen thHl ihe only thing nn e-sary to pr. 1
cure the mrdiciue in its purity, i to nbeie
Remember lite top, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective persons ure duly until, ri '
zi d, and hold
c iiTincATrs or agemcy
For the sale of lii andreih'i Vegetable L'niverml
Northumberland county ; Milton Markcy A
t'h illihrilin. Sunburv H. B. M irser. M'Eweis-'
vtlle lie! nd A Mem ll Northuiii' eilaml Win.
lingtiished physiri.ius of this city, but with nit re
reiving much benefit, and I despaired nf ever being
cured. In the fall of ls:tO, the disea-e st the titnti
U'il g very violent, I commenced using the me
OS ol men!, (prepared by Vnughiin & Davis.) In
a f. w applications the violent itching ci ased. the
swelling at.ated, the . ruptioti began to disippear,
and bebre I had used ajar the di-e.ise wa entirely
c iied. ll has now In en marly a yrar ami a half
siitre, and there is mil a ve-tige of the disease re
maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by the ili-ea-e. It is impossible for nie tc) drscrii e
in a Cfrtificato the severity of the disease ind my
sull'iring. but I wiil be pleisul lo give a fuller ac
count t any prr-on war. tit g further satisfaction,
who will c .11 on inc. At the tune I co i,, I
tisirin the I! 'se Ointment I would have given hiin-
beds of iln'liiie to be rid of the disease. Since u-
ti g it, I have recoinniriiili d ii to sevird persons,
(ritiione ihrni titv nioihrr, w ho ha I the di.-ra-u bad
ly i ll Let a.m.) wh i w. ro a I rnre.l bv it.
.1 Wll'.S M'I(. ;i:LL. No. 1515. St.
fJ"V 'l i e lione Oiiiltiient i pi. pared by E. II.
'aiihat., Si tt h I'ust roiin r of Third and Waco
stir, ts, Phi'adi Iphia, aii.l mid on neenev in Snnhii
iv. bv H. B. MAssElt,
' M ty I lib. l!l:t. A jrnt.
ICove C.ji.MH'iiS, for T(v.fv4
A TliOOl' OF ITS ; 7 '(,',! (,''.
1'n 1 1 a n 1 1. run, May 57 th, I Sd!h
certify ll at I was severely atl! ere. I
etrer til the hands ami I- Ft tor ii.war la
of forty Near; the disease w as attended generally
witit mo i t t it. hirta and swell. tij. I t.ppi.ed to I
iiiiinb. r of pht -if ns, anil us. d a gn at many appli
cti ioiis with, ul i lie. tit. g a rt re. At. out a ur
since, I appt i d tl e l'o.-e Oti.l.nent. which entirely
-topprd the licit In:, and a fi vv appltc ili 'iis iniiio'di.
ritrlycund the disc i-e, which there has "cen no
r. ttirti of, tilihonah I l.d nevi r hren lid of it lit
tiny time for foity veats. It I ( ' 1 1 A II I ) S A V A t . E,
I'.livrnlh, hrh.w Spritre Sireit.
fjf y The Itose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Y.tu. ban, S milt Fa.-t corner of Third and Bare
Stria is, I' Ij I. la, and s. Id on ajriiry tn Stiiihu
" Mav Mill, l. Agent.
Of t'u llOSi: OI.TMi:.T, for T'tlir.
LTllU'!ill the supi rioritv of the prrpuiatioll
over all ol'.i. r; is fi.lly cs ubli-hed, the pnpr't
lors lake pi nsiiie in htying before the public tho
followii g re.tiftea'e from a respectable physician,
a graduate of tho University of IVnns, Iv.inia. Dr.
Haiiiih, having found in Ibis .eiiinly that relief fir
a tedious and di.-tign cable all'e. lion which ihe means
vvithin the r ioge of his profession failed to allotJ,
! has not hetitntcd to give it his approbation, alth. iiig'.t
j :he piejiuliees and inierrsla of thai profession ate
i ppoM'd to secret Itemediiis.
I PiiiLAMLruiA, Sept. 19, 18:lti.
', I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
j erppiion, which covered tie irly one si !e of my fice,
' and evtriithd over the ear. Mr. Yauhan, proprn -1
lot nl' t It.- Ih.-e ( lintinei.t, ohscivnii my f t.-t, ii.i
led on my laying bis ptrp iratt.m. i f which he h i.'i
, di d n.e a jar. AlihoUuh in cotii'iioii w ith ihe mens
. l ets nt my profession, I di.scoiintetriiire anil ili-an- ot llie t.iiti.i rous uostitiois pahiii.l upon l!t
publicly i.tiot iim pr. tenders, 1 l.rl in jus.ii e bolt ,d
lo en pi the I lintiin nt limn that c'a s of n.e
tl .cities, ami to ptve it my a pr iba'.ion, us it entire
ly .urn! the eruption, aitbougii it hid rrsistrd the
u.-ud apphcuions. D.NL BAKill.M. D.
(Jj- '1 ho Itose Oinltne. t is prepared by E I.
Vat..h.iii, South East Coiner t t Tt.iid and line
Stuvis, I'liiiade'phia, and sold on su:cv in Snu-
: buiv, i v ii. u. masi:k.
I May'Ulb, IS!. I. A;rnt.
M ... I . .,...1 run ot S
men w..i much ' ror-yin. lenn-riow n a. v j.
(Viiinty: New Berlin I'ogiriV W m
Bk of Wilm &i Brand) wine W ilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Hmyina
Do branch Milloid
Farmers' Ilk of State of Del Dovri
Da branch Wilmington
Do branch (ieoigrtown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
(T Uudet 6's
(JJ- On sll banks maikril thus ('J there ars ei
ther ceunteifcit or alined ustes of lus vsr.ous ds
nemintiions, ia ciiculsiiuu.
to prtf. rl hejth,at.d tnv sight,
impair, d, I as strong as when a bov.
I tlionuht it a duty I o. d lo you and those simi
larly sllei t. d, I i make it public.
VoUt, It- spec Inllv,
smuei. km:k,
Corner of Tenth and C. a'e St t eel.
11 Aimosn ki n. N. .1 , Apiil '-'II. 1811.
On orahoul the I'dtl. day nf I htola't. Mil, I was
taken wt h violent psin in ihe side near Ihe liver,
win h roiiiitnii d (or about fiv, d), and w.s fol
lo.ved by the breaking of an nor, or a's.c-, tn
ward'v. h c'i rei.rv.'d th sin a tittle, ht.t ratt-r.l
me to throw up a ureal on .utity of oirenive matter
and als i much blood. II. nig grea'ly
this. 1 ni phe.t to a physician, but he Jtd he th ll ' t
he could .1 . but I lb for n.e ef c- p' g ve m. . me ( t that sbr wa ..bbgrd ! he cuid'n ed to l d , I ra
Meieiiru Pills, wh ch lu fused to lake, f. rling ing i f Cant ell' Mo ii atrd Syntp ,.f S. , parol
... . . ... . I . .. s. fl . . 1 r .
a' H at they i t lil.l tto um i o goml ; many o- . or .mil .-coti u'ic c-vnip. I ir..ciiie i i.nti o. in
ill. r r m diev were then procuird by loy wile slid
fnci. d, t ut none did ire any good ai d the . is
charge ol hb.o I and conup'i II st ill coi.l liu. tl V. rv
fw .lav, and at last become so i fli'.si ve lb it I
coiid kiiirirly On a. ha I w. also ei!rd with a vi
ol. nt rough, which at limes rsu-.d me to rsise
mm u mine hloo I than I hail done U'fore ami my
till growing worse.
disease continued in this way.
until rehrusry, when ah hope of mv irCovety was
given up, ami my ti.ed all thought I would die
ot (i a L toPl so (.'.imi'MtTiiis, At this moment,
when my hie wuiappurrn ly drawing m ar it. clo-e,
I heard of Dlt. IsTAK'S BALSAM OF
WILD CH ELRY, and got a bottle which at
Litvtu mb IMMI.IHATILV ; and by ihe ur of only
three h ides of this li. rd l ine, all my pains were
removed my rough and rptliug of blood and cor
ruption entirely stopped, and in a frw week my
health was so far replied a to rnsble me lo work
at my trade, (which it a carpet. ti r,) and up to this
iiuid 1 have enjoyed good In alth.
G io uc ot ( a Counts. N. J , s.
Tcrsv nsl'y csine before me, the mUcriler, one ef
I, Oihiil J 'list in, No. fi lie 'kb ss Street, tlo cer
I fv Unit mv wile, Jane, was allltried for l i jeara
Willi Itheiiundsin, and at la-l was i nlirelv di-a' lrd.
which coinphlrlv reinovrd all brr pains and st.ll
iirss from tier bud s; Iwo in. re hollies made a pi r
fect cure, SI e is now al Ir to ti'tt ltd i brr It i.i-e-hold
don. a as iisu.l. (.HIUL JO.N.-.IO.N.
Philad. Iphia, Jan. 2Sd. IHU.
It.-r. Selinsgrove f irorgit tiiinilitun. Mobile.;
j burg Isaac Smith. Bcavi rrown laid Iliil h". (
Ail iin-burg Wm. J. M ay. M itllitirbliig MeltSt h
1 A- l!av. Ha tleton Dime! Long. Freeburg
l .t". Mover. Lewi-biirg W alls A; l.rern.
C.ilimihi i eot.iity : D .nville E. B. Brv! ;
A- I '.i lt..r.fl..i.. shi, ,, Si l tlenboos. I..-- 1
i nvissa C. (i. Biobts. Blootnsburg John K. j 8UT'W wi: he a eairiag.- always in attemLiiiee at
Mover. J.irey Town Lrvi ILst I. "ashiiilou , . ., ...,,. ,,,,..,... ; .aa-einser to and from
I the lloli-e, fire nf rharge.
t'nrir- of 'I'h 'fit and tor Slnits,
WliilalAKSrCIlT, 7A,
HIE snb.-cirl rr n -prctl'iillv ainioiiiK to the
public, that he h is ot ennl a llolrl in ihe com
modious bn.k huil.ling s.tiiitonri the corner of
I liinl and Pine nlrrets, win rr he will he happy tn
wait i p tl those who mav fivor him wit ( their
company. The Eagle Hotel i la-ge nnd c .nveiii
ei.t, and furnished in the le t modem st.le. It is
pr.. tiled Willi a large intiiihcr of well air. I and
r. ndoit ible le. ping apailuieols rooms, piivala
pallors, Ac. Persons visiting illiamsport on bu
rinesHi.i plea-tire, inav re.-t as-urrd that every ci
rrtioii will le used to render their soj .inn at lit.)
"Eagle Hot. I" ph.isii.t mid s'r. cable. HisTable
will be supplied with the v.rv b. si the tnatkrt ('
f..rd, and his Oh i with ihe cl oo a t wine and oilier
li.ttirs ihargrs rrsonaMe. 'Ihe liajle llolrl
posM'SKCs greater stlvaiiiBges in point of location
than un otlot similar . fl jhli.-hinc nt in the boiungli,
la ing situate in the hii-'ini ss p , it i f the low n. and
will in a convenient di.-t line of the Omul H.iusa
and Wphanisport and l'.liinra h'ad h'o.ol I), pot.
Sutlicietit Siiihling provided, slid good and liusty
it'll, rs ulwavs in apt lid in. e.
Attentive, r. ou.inodutit g and hone I S'. rvants
have I'rrn t tr lo cd, and uott.ii g left undone that
will udd to ti c c.iit'iloil and at'Coiniiiodaiiou of his
(rj Pe'criptive Pamphlets insy be bad of the
ageul. (tiiatis.) J. W. FBI LINO,
Sui'tnuy, Nov. 9, 1844. ly .tVeri.
A S II IE Y V It O C A 1,
South F.att corntr of Market and Ath at.,
ATniEItE they always keep mi hand an eiten-
.ive isaoitmriit of II A 'I'S ( CA PS of every
description, gol up in Ihe best aud most approved
si; le. i'rts ii drnrous of purchanna suia rior inii-
ch s on the iiiimvI irasi nal le terms, will find il lo
their advantage to call btfure making pnrchas
Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1814. ly
Bol l. Mtl'ay. Lime-ton. Baib-i f: M?Nn ch.
Obseive liiat each Aceiil ha an Engrav, d ('.(
tificale of Ag.-ni v, containing a lep'es' itlalion of
Ur II u A A l U I. I ll s .Manuluclory at Mug ssing,
ami upon which will also be seen eiact copies ol
Ihe rwii' labels tu w uted upon Ihe ISruiidrilh PHI
Philadelphia, office No. 8, Noith 8th slreet.
It. BltANDKE'J'H, M. D
June 24th, l1
city" rru n tkk " ai'cjtkix,
Nos. '29 ami 31 iortli Tli'inl Street,
Near the City Hotel,
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, lespectful'y in-
ites tho attention of person desirous of pur
chasing Furniture, to his eilensive Sides Booms,
(Kith public snd Piivate,) for every description of
Household Furniture, can be obtained at a
limes, a large assortment of fashionable and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mallrasses,
&c, st very reduced prices, for cih.
03-" Sales by Auction, tw ice a week.
Msy STth, 1843. ly
May I tth, IS 12. tf
.Tliiliai'l YYtaTei V oii,
A. IJ Xirth Water Street. Philadelphia.
nAV E coiiaiai.lly on band, s genrral assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, vVc, vii:
i ai d Itopes, Fishing Hopes, White Itoiies, Manil
la Koprs, low Line for Canal Boat. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twine, Ac, such ss
Hemp Shad ami Herring Tw ine, Beat Patent tSill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and ller.iug Twit e, Shoe
Threads, Vr. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, t'lough Lines,
Duller, Traces, Cotton and Linen Crie Chains,
t. all of which they w ill dispose of on riiasonable
Philadelphia, November 13, 144?. ly.
""KiM':uixG7fiooirAi Co.
No. 13S Market Slrcct, Philailelphia.
INVITE the attention nf Countty Merclunt
to their eilensive assvirttnent of Britoh French
ai.d American Dry (iooil, which they oll'rr lor sale
on the mot reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, NovemUr 13, 1842, ly.