Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 07, 1845, Image 3

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    Some Oriii.hi RuMor. in New York have
liad in contemplation the establishment of a
Free Church for the especial uao of British im
migrants, and being good and royal subjects of
Queen Victoria, vcre desirous that the English
prayer book should bo used in the services of
the Church, retaining the proscribed prayers tor
the Queen and royal family. They applied to
Bishop Oderdonk for his Episcopal sanctions,
but the Bishop, in his letter of reply, questions
the expediency of instituting worship strictly
According to the forms of the English Church, in
this country, where natives of Britain come,
mostly, with a view to permanent and not mere
temporary residence. Such a course, he con
ceives, would tend to an objectionable keeping i
.ip of national distinctions and cherishing of fit
teign attachments, and as such could not right
fully be sanctioned by ecclesiastical authority in
Miis country. The Bishop also points out the
impropriety of expecting the Episcopal Church
of tho ITuited States to recognize either a cler
gyman or a liturgy emanating from a foreign
ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
Slavery Anoi.isiiKO in tiif Island of St.
Baiitiioio.mkw.-A letter from Stockholm, dated
the 12th of April, says tluit theSpedish Diet has
refunded to the appeal nf the King, and in a
manner which secures freedom to the four or
five hundred slaves belonging to the Swedish is-1-ind
of St. Bartholomew. The Estutencceded to
thi! proposition of the King by votinff 10.000 pi
astres yearly, for five years, to be expended in
redeeming the slaves of that island and compen
sating the losses of their musters.
Office of the Baltiwihir Amkhicax, June 2.
CtRAIX. A pniccl of cood Pennsylvania red
"Wheat was sold to-day nt '.to cents, and another
parcel of inferior of 82 cents. A sale of pood
white Md. to-day ut 100 cents. The weather
continues for the "rowing crop.
We quote .Md. white Corn at 3 a 39 cents, and
yellow nt 4 1 cents.
We quote Md. Oats at 2' a 2fl tents.
WHISKEY. Sales of hhds. at 20j cents, and
of bbls. at 21 a 21 J cents.
Cohstaxt Etfrcisk When constant exercise
rsnniV be used, from any route, the uccisionul use
tif ojirning medicine, sich as lirandrcifi'n Vegefa
hh Vitircrml I'ils, is ahsilirilv rcipii'ad. Thus
he conduits of ihe tiimin, the. fnun'nin of I fe, are
liepi free from those iinoU'ities which w.iull pre
Vent its steady curient mini-teiii g health. The
in. wind hum rs ore preventeil from I coming liri
id with it. It is natur.' w hic'.i is thus arsii-tcd
llnough the mean and uitleti which i-he has pro
v di d fur hersrlf. Uady ue i f lhee Pill will ne
ver he injurious, bee ruse the longer they are use I
The has is required to produce sn operation. They
me the only medicine kuovn which possess ih a
vpiali'.y. Reference can b. given lo some of our
inn-t respectable citizens, whom ihey have cured
tif c iisl.toiimal co.tivcne-e.
fjj Purchase of H. B. Mssser. Sunhury, or of
the Muents, puhlifht'd in another part of this piper.
.ir .i it it 1 1: it ,
At Snydertown. on Tui'sdjy lust, by the Rev.
J. II. Woi ii-ll, Mr. F.owakii C. Kiski.y to Miss
iSaiiah -Mooiil, both of this place.
amn-inrasirTT r ra ssttccijprtta-ttarnrff nai aaiiaciJ t
i i i; ii, i
In Augusta
Augusta township, on Sunday last, Mrt. '
MARTIX WEAVER, a;;ed about 73 years.
Corrtrted weektg by lttnry Yoxllirimer.
AV', .... 85
IUk, .10
IIINSI, ...... 4(1
Oats, S5
I'll UK, ...... ,1
Fuxskhi, ... . 12J
l'.l'T'l'KH, - . 'l
Eutis. . 6
lUi.swAt, .... V.5
Tallow, ... It)
Flax, ... R
IUiki.icii Flax, to
lisikii Aert.Ks, . . . 50
Do. Pkachk. ' . . 150
Utii Vc tall' I'IUh,"
Are now doing n o'c real gonj ih in all other me
dicines In. ether, They are mdversallf np; r vcd
t.irlh-ir unriviil d virtues and pleasuitot -s in
consequence of which they have hoc. me a hining
mark, sgaii at wh cH nil the arrowio' envy and dis
nppomted hope ate huelled Wilh' til d stinitioni the
town and country u ;i!c- resound wi h llieii praises.
Iti'p rtnt Caution ! ! No Km ar 'atod
Pills ate genuine, unhss Dr. O. Henj Smith's sig
nature is on every toX. A worthless imitation has
been made, whirh is very dangerous, In log made
mostly of a vile Mixture nf ('ape, A'O'i and liam
b.'eH. perceptihle on I reaktng the pdl open.
Principal Ollire, 179 (,'reenwirh st. New York.
Sold by JOHN W. FKIl.t.N't!. Sunburv.
WM. FORSYTHE, Xorthum'd.
Souhiirv. J one 7 b, IS45,
IHERE will be a grand Precession nf Mulc.a!
Lmlge No, at, of ths I. O. of O. F. held in
Milton, on Til FRIDAY the 20 Jay of June next,
in full Regalia. The I rethien of the order are
repectfully iovitej to attend arid participate.
A. W. COMLY, Sec'y.
Milton, May 3tt, 1845
XurtliiimbcrliiiiU County, km.
The Cominonwralih of Pennsylvania, lo Sarah
McUee, Catheilne McGee, Nancy Uuoy, Nancy
'i'roxel, interiiiarrird with Jacob Troxel, Cather
ine Ktiuby, Ciifey Mctiee and Manasses Mc
tie, heirs and legatee of Manut M.liee, ilec'd.,
and all other sroiia interested. Uk,itio,
YOU are beiehy r;td and commanded to ap
pear Ittfors our Ju'lgaa of ihe Orphans' Court,
ti eiunhury, the 4ih day of Augu.t, lo sh.'W cause
f any you have, why tba administration account of
Barnard MrOee, executor of Manua McCee, late of
L'hilisquaqua township, doe'd., should not be re
viewed, reiersrd and corrected, agieeably lo an or.
jer made in our said court.
Witness the tlonniabla Joseph B. Anthony, Eij
President of our void toorl. the W7lh day nf May,
A. D. 1x46. EDWARD OYwTEK,
May 31, l46.f.i Clk O. C.
Northumberland Count)-, m.
In the Orphans' Court if mnl County at April
Term A. D. 1845.
ON motion of II. 11. Massrr, Esq. The court
grant a rule on the heirs and legal represen
tatives of John Uucher, 8cnr., lute of the borough of
Sunhury, ilec'd,, leaving issne seven children, to
wit John Uucher, Ji., Catharine, married to Owen
T. Roberts, Msrgsret, married to VVm Fisher, Ma
ry Bncher, Julia Ann Uucher, Delmrah, married
lo John Morrison, and (Jeorge 11 nonet, heirs and
distributer of John Buohor, Menr., late of the bo.
ninth of Sunhury, i.f said rnunly, dee'd. To ap
peal in our next Orphans' Court to ho hold for
said county, to wit i on ihe 4th day of August A.
D. 1845, and accept oi refuse the estate of the
raid John Burlier, 8enr, dee'd., or show cause
whv the sums should not be eotd.
Certiflnd from the recorils nf our said Orphans' j
Uml, at rontur, thia 2d dsv or Miv A. 1).
Sunhurv, May 3tt, lf15. fit
TVOTICE is her. by civen rn the heirs snd lennl
reprei-eutalive of Henry Ar.tis, dee- a-ed, that
by irlue of a wri' of Pa' litinn issued out of the
Orphans' CnHrt of Northumberland county, to nie
directed, an inq'tc9t will le held at the Iste residence
ol Slid ileee.ised, in Ihe hcrough of Nnrthum'icr
Isod, Northumberland county, on Friday ile lSJih
day nfJu y next, at 10 oMork, A. M.. for the pur
pose of making pari it inn of or to value and ap
praise the real estate of said deceasi d, at whirh
time and place you inav at end if vnn think proper.
Sheriff's Office, 1
Suoburv, May 31, 1S45. 5 6i
MldiHCl rVtalo.
TOTICE is hTi:ly given to those imh h'nd to
V HHli I l-allltA. Ill rail oil thn Sllhrriliir f..r ant.
dement, at the i fries of John Yordv. I.s , in Au
gust i tow I. ship, on Saturday the 14th day of Juno.
The eccoun's of those who neglect to rail nt that
I tune, will Its placid in the hnd of the Justice for
! ., o &s i' k I V r- n
j Augus'a, May 31sl, 1815. 3t.
cz: .TLV- w
; fOTICE is herehy givm that the Hooks of
j 1 th Nkhth 1Jia!cii ('axl I'omfawt will
I he opened on Turviuu the seventeen' h day of
June next, at two o'clock in Ihe afternoon at the
! Phoenix Hotel m Wi'kee'.'aire, Pa., where the tin
i dersigried. Oo.nmiseioners under the law fir thtt
j pu-pose en icteil, will attend Li receive subscript
I lions for stock of iJ company.
O. M. Holleii' ack,
Chester Hu'b r,
Sam I. , and,
E. W. Stuid. vnnt,
Koh't. A. I'AirUb,
V.E. Piolt-t,
H. I). Phe ps,
Wm. Colt,
Win. M't'elvy,
JoKfph fiiertly,
Henry Kill);,
Mav S4ib, ist5.-:it
fteii. P. Steele,
Oirrick Mallery,
fM.. Ward.
N. Overfiehl,
Henry Stnik,
S F.'Hea.llev,
Oe,.. Ma. k,
Thos. P. Cope,
Ehhu ("haunecy,
"VTOTICE is hrrt by given, that (lis suhcrilsrs
' h It tht ir ht'ks mid notes in the bands of
(Jeorge V t ii-cr, Es.. for n'ttlenitnt and collection.
All person inilel.lrd to the la e firm of Miller c
Martz, are. requested to p iy up by the first of June
next, snd all persons not emnp ying with the shove
mil ire. may expert ruits lo he hroiicht aeainst ihem
f.,r speedy collection. CMAKI.K Mil. I. Kit,
Sunhurv. May 17th, IHlft 3l.
c i ii ii c r s .
rilllE suhscrihers would topcrtfully inform the
L (.'ilizenn of Sunhury ami the pnhlie geiienlly,
tli it they h ive piurliased the shop of Mr. Willi ,ni
ll i..vei, in Market sliert, nee door west uf (he I,tt
OlKce, where they will euntinue Ihe.
Ctauiicl-.llnkiii IliiMincssi,
in nil its br niches. The puhlic may expert their
work in ihe Intest st le. They ho;, hy strii I
attention to hui-ims-, t) merit a share of puhl c
rVj" t'olhns made to ordef on the shortest n viie,
and countrv pr.wl ice t-.kei, in exchange for wmk.
t;n.'s. o. & henry c. martin, i
Sunhurv, May 17'h, ltS. ly.
Y VIRTUE of die powei vested in ino. ly j
the will i.f the late Thomas Ohavt, dee'd.,!
will he a ild at puhlic sale on Widiie-dav, the 23d '
day ot July next, at the M uision II. use, mmn the !
i prniiisra of the Man-ion Farm i f the Isle T'nnn ,
j tirant, dee'd., in Augusta township, Nurthumher
' land roun'v, Pa., -iim i(h rn the ra-l 'i'le ol lue Ri. i
ver SiiM'iehaon i, iquidistai.t, and shout a mile :
i from the Uorounh ol Sunhury and Norihuniher. 1
j land, all tlmt vnluahle estate, lale the Mauai.ui
Farm of sa d Thomas tlrnin, doe'd., adjoining the i
J firm of Samuel Hunter on Ihe south, laud ol Tho. ;
j m is Rohlns on Ihe east, other land i f the I ile Tho. ;
( nia dsn! on the north, and ihe. Ku-qnehaima Ki :
ver on ih- west, cori'aining, together, two bundled
and twenty six acre and seventy perchrs. more Of
! lefs, of whirh abuil two hundred and fiftien ucre
I are cleared an I aht nt one liun.l ed and lilu en acres
are fust rale River hoiio'ii land. J
I 1 he improvements ronaist of a two story 1'ouh'a
' firm house, 4(1 feet fioni hy 30 feet in depth, with j
i frame hack building and f ame kitchen, and stone I
milk lions' and oven att ichrd, and a pun p and I
well ol excellent water in the k.l-hei!, a stone i
; smoke house, a laige bank barn, lt story slope. 1
j 2d do. frame, 80 feet long by 36 feet in depth, a 2
j stoiy witgo'i house, with giauary above and corn J
i crib at ached, a f ame carriage h )UM ui.d granary,
i and a l. re .ig !i mi and stahle. wi h a new and t
! improved ci.ler press, with hlng!J roof uvsi thai
. sin r. And
j A I.St) : , l wo t'ory 1'iick dwelling house, con. '
I tsining in fioiilCfi fit a?id in depth 27 feet, 10 i
inches, and htick two story kitchen, SO foil ta '.r.nit !
j by 14 feet, (I inches in ih pih. Tbne jre iion i
the iiremi-rs to spi le orchards in ex. client mder i
oftlie most valuable (mil. on voiHaiuing about '
eight and the other about liiue acres. j
This F'nm la one of ij,e miM1 ,,iu,i,le and pro
ductive in the Mini', j, in the highest Mats of cub j
ovation, and locked in ths heart of a dUrid, I
which, for sa'.ubnty of climate and pictuiesque i
seen try, U unsurpassed. It is situate on ths pool '
of the ShsmoVin dam. at the eastern te rminali n of ',
lb Norihumberland Bridge. Its proximity lo Ihe i
thriving borough of Sunhury and S'oilhumbeiland,
snd ihe prohahiliiy that the hills contain valuable
bodies of Iron Ore, and i'sadm rahle location in the '
heart of the Iron and Coal regiona of Pennsylvania, j
li wnicn inersj i a Heavy and mcreaaing vmigia.
lion, givea Ibis propertv an additional value, and
renders it well worthy of tbe attention of capital.
its and farmers.
fT" Terms inaJa known on ihe day of sale.
Adm'r., Ac, ufThoinaa lirant, dve'd. i
Sunbuty, May 10, IM;. n. i
Sheriff's Sales.
Y virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo
nas issued out of ihe Court of Common
Picas of Northumberland County lo me directed,
will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House
in tha Borough of Sunhury, on Mondsy the 14lh
day of July next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow
ing described properly to wit t
A certain trart of Isnd situate in Coal township,
Northumberland county, surveyed on a warrant
granted lo Michael Kroll, containing 250 acre
moro or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names,
Frederiik C-smer, Matlhjas Zimmernnn, Uernard
Hubley and others; about 8 acres of which are
ALSO The equal tindivijed three-fourth pirts.
(the whole into four equal parts to he divided.) of
three certain contiguous tracts of land, situate in
Coal township aforesaid t one thereof surveyed on
warrant grante.l to John Nicholas U.itley ; one o
ther thereof purveyed on a warrant to Petri Sa--s i
man, and Ihe other thereof survey id on a w.irrant
granted to Prter Maurer, adjoining lands survrved
in Ihe names of U irnsrd Hubley, John Oowibn.
Ueijamin F. Young and others, containing in the
whole 512 acrei mors or bvs, about 50 acres ol
which are cleaied ; wrereon ara erected a I s'orv
log bouse, a log hum, an orehsid. cVc, now in the
occupancy of Mich irl Kerstrller.
AI.SO The rquil undivided nne-fmrth pirt.
(tbe whole into four equal parts to be divided,) of
a certain trart or piece of land, situate in O. al town
ship aforesaid, containing 200 acres or there. diouts,
(being part of a I .rger tract surveved in ihe na ne
of Daniel Rees. calhd "Springfield.") about 40 a
errs of which are cleared ; whereon sre erec ed s
two slory log house, a log barn, sn orchard, At.,
now in the orenpanry of David Thompson.
AlSO The equal unjivulcd one-fourth part of
a certain tract of land, situate in Coul township s
f. resaid, containing 2(10 acres or thereabouts, (be.
ing psit nf a larger tiact surveved in tbe name of
Daniel Rees, called "Springfield,") about 40 acres
nf which are cleared ; whereon are erected a two
story log house a log barn, sn orchard, Arc., now
in the occupancy of David Thompson, subject to a
mortgage to John C. l!o)d.
AI.SO The eqn d undi ided onc-fitir'h part,
of a rerl.iin tract ol land, situate in Co il t. afore
said, called "Stone Ilenge," surveyed in the nan e
of William I'oinlinson, containing 215 acres, oi
thricahonls, about fit) srres nf whirh arc cleared ;
whereon are eie ted a two story log house, a log
barn, a spring hou-e and a Inge O'fhar.l, now in
the urcupaiiey of John Thompson, Re nr.
ALSO The equal undivided one-fourth patt,
of a certain tract nf land, situate in Coal townsMp
nfotes.ild, called 'Sione Henge, surveyed in the
name of William Tnndinson, containing 245 acies
or thereabouts, about fill acr. s of which are clear- j
ed ; whereon arc erected a Iwo story log hnne, a
pring hiu-e end a largo orchard, now in the oc
copancy of John Thoui; son, sr., subject ro a niort
gage to John C. Uoyd.
AI.SO A certain tract of, situate in Coal
toe n-hip afotcaid, adj ining lai.J. now, or I id
ol' Biddle, Company & others, coi.tiinir c IPS a
rris more or les, al'nut 12 acirs of which er
rle.'red; wher en are erected a two siory log h iu-e
at.d a log stable, subject to ccrtiiln mortgages.
ALSO A certain tract or piece ol I mil, situate
in Coal town-hip afoicsaid, adjoining lauds of the
Asylum Co., Diddle cV Co., S irah Iters & others,
containing 1012 acres, 43 perches and allowance,
more or less, (being pails ol three ront' irarts
of land, aurveyed in the names c.f William dieh
ard, (i. O'pe Coldrnio ct Anerew Shuher.) about
one acie of which is cleared ; wheioon are erected
a log house and an excelbnt s.iw-niill. on the main
branch of Shaiiioftiii creek, which pus.-es throutjli
said land.
ALSO Two certain tracts of laud, situs's in
Coal lonhi; aforesaid, adjoining lands nf Tom
linson, Yarnall, Mervine, Melcboir Smith fi others
containing logethi r 127 acres, 50 perches slid al
lowaoce, more or less, being the sime tr cts of
land which was surveyed in punnMure of two
warrants, er.Hited lo Pet-r Zeigeuf.ios, dated the
10th and 21-1 dsys of December, lKQ'J, respectively-
ALSO A certain tract of land, situate in Coal
township afons.iid, adjoining lands of Melchoir
Smith & others, containing twenty one acres, 134
purehes and allowance, more or less.
ALSO The equal undivided four-twelfth part,
(the whole into 12 equal parts tol divided ) of 31
contiguous tracts of land, situate in Little Maho
liny fc Coal to nsbips aforesaid ; one thereof sur.
vevejnn a warrnnt, granted to William Conk,
Containing 417 acres, 140 per.-l es more oi b s:,ad
joinii g lands unveveil in the names uf Jeretiiiah
Jackson, Wd iam Gray A- others 5 oie other there,
of. surveyed on a warrant granted to William
Wilson, containing 311.1 acres. 10 1 pi tches more
or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the n .lues of
Jacob Shaiiell. John Cook A' others ; one olbrr
thereof, mirvevod on a warrant granted to Thomas
Hamilton, containing 412 acres, 45 perches and al
lowance, more or le-s. adjoining laud' surveyed in
ihe names of Samuel Scolt. Jeremi ih Jackson snd
oiheisj one other thereof, surveyed in pun-uanr..-of
a wanant In Thomas (irant, contain ng 418 a
cies, HO perches and allowance, adjoini- g lands
surveyed in ihe nmnes of Thomas Roe. Thomas
II uniliori fV others 1 one other then of. surveyed
011 a warrant 10 Thoniis Reese, containing 433 as
ere, 42 perches and allowance, nmre or less, ad
j liiiiug land sniveyed in ihe names uf Thomas
Hamilton, T tirant it o hei. ( one other thereof,
surveyed on a w.t. rant to Jen mish Jackson, con
taining 345 seres, 50 porches and allowance, moie
or less, a. Ij tiling I nula lat aforCMaid, to wit 1
Tnonias, Thomas Grant mid others ; one
other thereof, surveyed on a wairanl to Ah xaod ir
Hunter, containing 420 acres, 25 perches, mmc or
less, adjoining I nula sorv. yed in the names ol T.
liraiil, Christopher lliinklelietger and older one
other thereof, survi yed on a wairant lo John i'uw.
den, c. nuiomg 403 acres, 137 perches nui:ti Ids,
adj lining lamia ,uroye.l in the nai'.n of Will am
C. DuiiMrheigcr and others; run oth. 1 iln r of,
surveved on a warrant 10 Wi;,am day, eoni iii,.
ing 3'JU a rrs. 21 pirchea .0 .re orb-, a.lj ining
lait.Usuiveird in bs i onics i f Jeremiah Jarksmi.
John Cowden an''. u,ners , one other thrieof, si r
vetej 011 a W'.iriii to Tho:ua (iraii, 1 onluming
4 t'J acres, 37 eiches more or bars, adjoining holds
sorvcj.tiln the names ol . ;
ore other tin levf, sur veved on a wanantto aiiu
e Scott, coniniiiiug 3211 acres 5 peiches and ulbm
slice, udjoiuing lauds survi ved in the names of
William Hamilton, Thorn .a Reese cVothe s; one
other thereof, suiveyid 011 a wairant lo Jacob lirighl,
containii g 188 urns 6!i perches mme or le-s, ad
joining lands suiveyed in the names of Esther
Ciamer, GoJlioy Waters and other ; one other
thereof, surveyed on a warrant lo William C, black,
runtainiiig 121 acres 68 pirchea and ollisai ce,
adjoining land surveyed ih tha name of Kiebl,
Hunter, Martin and others; one other thereof, sur.
teyrd in the name of John B.iyer, containing 116
sere 144 percbe more or less, adjoining land mil
veyed in Ihe names uf John U. Price, Michael Kroll
aud others ; one other thereof, surveyed in ths
name of Charles Dering, containing 95 acres 07
perches more or less, adjoining lands kurvcyrj in
the name of Hunter, W aters, Kiehl and others
one other tbaieof, surveyed in the name of Alexan
der Jordan, containing 124 acres 150 perches more
or less, adjoining lauds surveyed in the names uf
Grant, Martin, Sharlell A ethers ; ona other there
of suiveved is the flame of George W, Kiehl. con
taining 1 12 acre 137 ptrchc moie or less, adjoin
ing lauds r-urtrved in the rumen, of Huntir, Ulaik
A olhtt. ; cue othet theteuf, tuitevtJ 111 thi ruiiu
"" ' J 1 "l '.I "O'lll '
of John O. Msrtin, containing 100 acre more or
less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names uf Oram
Dogar Ac Kielil ! one other thereof, surveyed in tho
name of John G. Martin. Containing 174 acres 142
perchea more ar less, adjoining lands sutveyed in
the namca of Himmelreich, Yottheimer A; others :
one other thereof, surveyed in the nsme of George
Prince, containing 117 acres 80 perches more or
less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Zei
gler, Grant, Cowden A. U;ley ; one other thereof,
surveyed in the name nf John I). Price, containing
1 18 acres 21 perches morn or less, adjoining binds
aurveyed in the names of Ib'gir. Grsnt and others ;
one other thoreof, surveyed in the mme of John 15.
Price, containing 24 acres 41 pexhes more nr less,
sdj. dning Isnds surveyed in the names of Y'oxthei
mer, Shisslei and others; one other thereof, sur
veyed in the name of G.Mlfrev Waters, containing
120 acres more nr less, adjoining lauds aurveyed in
the names of B.ight. Hunter and others ; one other
thereof, surveyed in the namo of Henry Yoxiheimer,
containing 9!l acies 70 perches more nr leis, ad
joining lands surveyed in lbs names of (irant, Yox
theimer and others; one o'her thereof, aurveyed in
the name of Henry Yoxtheimer, cootaioing 171
seres 50 perches more or less, adjoining lands sur
veyed in the names of Reed, Martin, Cowden and
others ; one otln r thereof am veyed in the name of
Isaac Ztegler, containing 1 25 acres 5 1 perches more
or less, adjoining lands surveyed in Ihe names of
Grant, Price and llailey ; one other thereof, survey
ed in Ihe name nf J icob ILIIcr, containing ?13 a
eies 10S perches more or lesg, adj lining li.tyd,
Kramer, M iurrr snd Himinelieirh ; one oilier
thereof, surveyed in the name of Henry Himmel
rrich, containing 45s1 acres 40 perches more or hvs.
adjoining Uoyd, Wilson, Maurer an I other ; one
other thereof, sutveyed in the name of Henrv 'hos
ier, containing 150 seres more or less, adjoining
Jordan, Rred, Yoilhciiuer and others ; one other
thereof, surveyed in the name i.f John Uoyd, ron
taining 441 acres 12 perches more nr less, mlj , in
ing lamls surveyed in the names of Frederick Cra
mer, Peter Maurer and others ; and the nth. r there
of, patented lo Joseph W.illis. e . nt lining 123 aces
more or les, adj dning lands suiv. yed in the names
of Himmelreich, Yoxthirmer snd others
AI.SO -A certsin tract of land, situate in Coal
township afoiesaid, surveyed in pursuance of a
warrant granted lo J .cob Weiss, jr, dated the S I
day uf Si pteiiilier. 1S28 containing 5 acres more or
less, sdj lining hinds so. veyed in Ihe name ot Ed
ward t. Maikle) and oth- is.
ALSO So much us is situated in Coal town
ship, Northumberland c utity, of eleen coniiguous
ttacts of land ; olinthireof. surveved in the name
of William lloul containing 410 ncres !I4 pe ril s
more 01 less; one oilier then of sotvyed in the
nan e of John It Siout. containing 430 seres more
or les ; one n her thereof Mirveve.l in the name of
John C. Uoyd, containirg 372 acres 1 10 perches
more nr less ; one o-lu r thereof surveved in the
mm of John C Uoyd. rontdninf H'.IO acres more
or lc-s ; one othei thereof, surveyed in tbe n me of
Samuel Morgan, containing 415 acres 1 1 5 porches
mora or Ice; one oilier then of survevi d in the
name of John C Uoyd, containing 413 arres 01
perchea mere or less ; one other thereof surveyed
in ihe name of He-ler Scott, root lining 421 rcrrs
70 perches m ue or less; on- other thi root survey ; d
in li e .. uiie of H linah M U.iy d, roula noig 427
iicres 140 perches more or lis-; one othei thereof
surveyed in tbe name of William liovdvcotitaintiig
4.18 jcie 157 perchea more or les ; nno other
tin reof surveyed in the name of Ehzi S. Uovd.ron
laming 443 acres t pitch mme or loss, an I the o
ther thereof surveyed in ibe name of William Uoyd,
containing o.17 acres 12 perches mine or less.
Al.St Mo much as iss lna'ed in Coal tnwmhip
Noiihumbt'raiid enmity, if the equal undivi ed one
fourth part of 155 para of 220 parts of thirteen
ciiiitigtl'ius tracts ol land, surveyed on Whiran1 for
400 acres each, ditid the 10th d .y of May, 1793,
granted to William Elliot. George AM"n. C deb
Lownes John Yi Uttg, Ji.hri'tn.-n, Joseph
Jordan, Riehard Tuni-", loan Wurner, Dm el lice-,
W illiam Poller, Wil i mi M ill r, Peti r lVhavi-n
at d William Powel; which said tracts i f land are
by the o.'licial retuiu-of .uivey coropuied to con
tain 5340 acres 120 peiches and all iwanre.
Si ized, taken ill execution, and to be a dd as the
property of Dnrd Patterson.
AI.SO The one undivi. 'el 5th part of a eeitain
tract of land situate in Augonta lovnshp, Ni-thuiii'-erlan
I coun'v. conlsining 2ti0 sore, m.ire or
Ira--, adjoining lauds of Augustus llorv, K.K'her
snd others, about 100 acres of which is ch ared ;
w in icon are circled a Irnnio bouse, an old b g
bam, an orchard, Ac.
Seiz'd, taken iii execution, atidt) be s.i'd as the
pro;eiiy of Jonathan Funnan.
AI.SOAII the b fondant's interest (supposed
to le the un.'.viiled m iety) of ami in a certain
tract of laud Minnie in Coal tow nship, Northom.
berland county, surveyed on a warrant to Tboinas
Hamilton, contain ng four bun Ire.l urultvv. ve
arres nio.e or lei-s, about twelve aies of which nre
e'eaird ; whrrcon ate errcU'd a urna'l log bou-e
and a .g slab'e. SaiJ tract of 1 md is bounded hv
lands surveved in the n von s of John Car-mi, S ,m
uel t'lark, John llrailv, John t'ars m and others.
Seized, t iki n in exeru ioo, and to be sold as the
property of Ma ks E. Fckert.
ALSO A certain tract of bind situate in Au
gusta township, Noithum' oil iiid count.', m'j in
log lands of now LcwN Dew art, Chiistian Shinslei't
beiis, lands of Mrs. Sij.itr-r. J ihn Claik, jr., and
others, entraining two hundred and filty e. ueoe
or les, shout one hundred snd nim ty-five acres of
which are cleared ; whereon are e. cel. d al.vosi.oy
leg bouse, a stuue tenant bouse (rough cast) and
a large bank bam.
Seized, l. ken in ex- . uiion, and lo be ao!d a ihe
property of Akin Sbislcr.
ALSO A certain trat I or piece of land situate
in SU miokin town-hip, Noriluuiib. il ,nd c -uuty. f..rtv eigbt arte and nine perrh.s, ad
joining lands of John Evert, George Arnold, Jac.ih
Klnzc, John Horn tlij olhcrs, about 3d acus ot
which is clean d.
e-eiz d, tnt u in rxocution, and to be tol l as the
property of Willi uu Maitz.
Al.St) The undivided p'h part of a cer'ain I t
of ground, aiiualo in the borough of Sunhury, X.r
diuuibi r ,ud county, bring ihe Wettem half part
uf lot No. 129, uS III rki d in the general p'ao if
said town, lio.inded on the no th by Dcwltiry
snret, on the s 'li b hy an alley, on the we-t by lot
Nu. 140, an I on the east by the other part of lot
No. 13'J ; on w hich are reeled a tarn slory brick
dwelling bouse, to which is attached a sione kitch
en, wi h a shed toof. Thorn are also some I'u l
tree and a log at ib!e on ssid prcriiisi.
Seized, taken in ei cu ion, ui.d lo be sold as l!ie
piOperty ofSainuel Drmkemiller.
Sheriff's Office, ?
Sunhury, May 31.1. 1845.
Hubert rnrnswoi til's i:tatr.
NOTICE is hereby given that b iters i.f admi
nistration have been granted lo the suluicii
bei.on the estate of Rolaart Fsrnsworlh, Sr., dee'd.,
lale of Shamnkin lown.bip, Northumberiand c
All person iudtbtrd to said estate are requested lo
rruke immediate payment, and all those having
claims will present the same, July authenticated, to
the subscriber In Sunhuiy, or at ths reaidenrs of
aaidd.c'd. JOHN FARNS WORTH,
Sunhury, May 10, 1814, Ol. Adm'r.
' Li.S7lTbTIC".
A I I. I'EKSONS ir.dehi.d in II H M.a er on
-V took acec'tim, or oihnwie, ate requested tot
cs'l snd set lb? without delay !
t;u:,bury,May 17, lei;,. II U. MAC'-ER. !
rpiIE SUBSCRIBER has been sppnintsd agnt,
1. for the aala of CONRAD MEYER'S CEL.
ANOS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain,
massive and bf autiful exterior finish, and, for depth
and sweetnr-ss nf tone, and elegance of workman
ship, are nut surpassed by sny in the United Slstes.
The following is a recommendstion from Cabi
Dirts, a cclcbiatcJ performer, and himself a man
uf iduier ;
II ri no bad the pleasure nf trying the excel
lent Piano Fortes manfsetured by Mr. Meyer, and
exhibited at thol ir-t exhibition of the Fr.nklin In
stilu'e, I f. el it due to the true merit of the maker
to ilcrlaie thill these instruiiieute ate quite i qua',
and in some resprcts even fUporior, to all the Pi
ano Fortes, I saw st Ihe capitals of Europe, and
during a sojourn nf two years at Paris.
'I lies - Pianos will be sold st the manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower.
Pits, ns are requeued to call snd diamine for
themselves, at the residence of Ihs subscriber.
Sunhury, May 17. 1815, II. P. MASSER.
To the Electors of iVortliurnbcrland
EINO solicited bv tninr of my friends, I
Jj have consented In oiler myself as a candidate
for the office of
Trc usurer
of N'nnhumhorl mil county. " Should you see pro
per to elect me, I pledge myself to perform tho
duties of said office with fidelitv.
Sunbti'V. May 31st, 1835.
To the Electors of Northumberland
ihe s, lic tatim of a number of persons, in
tlifT rent parts nf the cauntv, I have consented
to be a candidute for the office of
tr srnrn
of Northumberland c..un'y. I need hardly assure
my fell w-ciliz. iis, hat if I am elected, I will en
deavor to diselitrge tla duties of the office faithful
ly aud impartially.
Sunhury. May 17th, 1845
To flic I'.luctors of Northumberland
rPHE subscriber, from tlie eiirnuragement rarei--a-
ved from his numerous fiiends, hereby offers
hitiisrlt aa a e oididate f. r the office of
of No thund erland county, for hich he solicits
the sufl.uges of his to I iw ri'izens. Should I s le
i lrrted, he will fulfil the duti. s uf the r flit-e with
fidelity. FRANCIS bl'CHER.
Sunhury, May 17th, 1845.
To tho Doctors of Northumberland
lKI.I.OW CITIZENS : I would respectfully
L ofl'er n iv s If lo your consideration, a a candi
dute for the ollire of
fllfl TIIO.VO T.llt V.
Sliou'd I he elec'ed. it will be my pleasure as
well as du y, in attend to the bu nee ef ihe office
with futi lity and punctuality.
Sunhurv, May 17th, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland.
'El. LOW CITIZENS. I have I eeti indu ed
lo i fU; nivself as a cirninljte f.ii the i-ffice of
At t!e cost ing clrition S!i.o'ii I fortuti ilcl be
electe I. I here1 y promise. Tii hl'uL.V and itnpartid
ly to discharge ihrdtrie.- nf ml oflico.
Sunburv, May 10, If 15.
To the Electors of Northumberland
ri l ntc rtTI7PV T K....I... .sr..
........... V. 3
' self a a candidate, f r the otiice of
I can only proinie, s'ionl.1 I lie fortunate enough
to be re-clecled, to dinch irge the duties nf said office
with fidelity i. rul iinparnnii'v.
Sunhurv, May 10, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
7ELLOV CITIZENS. At the aolicita ion of
a ntiiolxrof my friends, I have Consented to
be a candidate for Ihe office of
I promise ihe citizens of Ihe county, that if I am
t luted. I will endeavor lo JUcharge the duties of
the i Hico fdiil.fblly and imp artiadv,
WILLIAN1 m. gray.
"mibtirv, April 15lb. Ih45.
To tho Electors of Northumberland
tVELLOW CITIZENS: As I bsve been greet
a ly cncnuisgrd by my friends, 1 solicit your
suppoit for the office uf
8 II i: R I F P.
Should you confer this office upon me, I shall
endeavur 10 discharge the duties thereof with fide
Sunbti y, April 19th, I8t5.
To the Electors of Northumberland
BEING solicit-d by mv numerous Mends in the
d.t'i re. t cti i;s of the eeiintv, I have consen
ted to olt r mvr-e'fto your considers'ion as en
ilii'a:e lot ihe ofTice nf
rdi uld I be eleetf I. I pledge mvisi lf to fulfil the
duti s i.f the office wiih fi 'etiiv snd impart ahtv.
Almost 1, M.iv 31.1. 1M5.
To the Electors of
."El.l.OW CITIZENS. Having been .n nu-
-L tiincl br mv fiieiul to offer myself as a cand.-
date for ihe otiice of
I lespcctiully solicit your suppoit. Should you
see proper to confer ihe office upon me, I will en
deavor to dix harge tha duties thereof with fidelity
Snd impartiality.
Punburs, Apiil 19111845.
To the Electors of NorihCmberland
Count v :
TELLOvV CI flZENS: I beg leave lo effei
-I- myself aa a candidate, at lbs eiuuir.g election,
for ths otlire of
County C'omailhitlonrr,
KhnulJ 1 be so f irtunie as to be elected, I pledge
myself in discharge ihe duties of tbe office w.ih
promptness aud t lebtv.
i;maki.e8 wr-Avcii
frunlury, Af nl 6.h, te5.
X o r t h 11 m b e r I a n d Count;,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friend snd the
public in general, thai he has tsken the brlrst
stand, in th" Borough f Sunhury, lately nccunied
bv John Hsusm a public house, (wrat of tbe Sta rt
IL -use, snd nesrly opposite the Court Hon e,)
where he is preps red to accommodate his friend,
snd stl others who may favor him with their but
torn, in the best possible manner.
His DAK shall sparkle wilh the choicest of t.t
0.fons, and bis TABLE shall be well suppliej
with the very best the markets afford. In thort, ri 1
pains nor expehai Will be spared to rrrlder bi
house in every Way worthy of puhlic patronag.i.
A lit eral share of cu-tom is therefore solicited.
Siiiihiny. April 12th, 1845. Col
Uc-sf tide of Main St., in the Dnro' of
J1X "ttT TfcaT GZ3 "aT 9
riHE subscriber would respectfully inform b'S
X old fiends and the travelling pubic, that ho
ha recently taken and fiitled Cp, in a supcriut
manner, this spacious brick edifice, sign of
where h is prepire d lo accomicodate travellers Dnd
visit. ns in the very best snd pleasing style. H i
house la situated in tbe most pleasant Snd centre I
part of the borough, convenient lo business, and
is large and the rooms airy.
Thiiikful for the literal support while keeping
the old Muncy Hotel and Ihe American Hotel, in
this borounh, for the past three yeers, ha resptct
fully solicits a continuance of the same.
Money. April 12th, 1815. if
N. B. The Ilarrisburg, Northumberland, Polls;
ville, Danville, Willianiport, Lock Haven an.l
Hellefonte Stages airive at and depart from this
Hon e dai !y . T. WELLS.
n Fashionable, Superior and Medium
Fancy a-id Staple Dry Goods.
No. 188 Chesnut st., between Seventh
and Eighth streets,
P Ii i 1 a 1 c I p li 1 a ,
IS now in irguSr receipt of New Sty'es Silks,
Mou-chnde laincs. Lawi.s, Orjsndies, Jacone.s,
ftinuham-i, 15 ireges, Mn-qtiei.. Eoli'.ns, Ualzorine,
Cambric", Domb.iziues, Altraras and o
ther reas-tnab'e Vrean Good?; also. Shawls, Scarf-,
Veils Emhrniili rie. Hosiery, Lncts, Cloves, Lin
en, Cambric Hai.kf. and Iri-h Linens ; (,'a'iroes nr
" cts. a yard. Muslins, and other cheap (rood.
iSiraiiRers will find it p.nticularly to thrir in'erct
to call, as the poods are all wnnnnlrd, and liie
lowest ruth prires iuva'iably named firs!.
rhiladclphia. April 26th, 1815. 2m.
e 111 o v a
IIE&PEOTFL'LLY informs the el
lizens of Sunhury and its vicinitv, thtt
JS3 l.c has removed 1.1 the Biick House, in
Ma ket a'. reel; formerly occupied l-V
Ui hi in in llendrii ks, e trt of ihe store IVirin. riv oiw
cupi. d by Mi, lei & Martz, and now bv l a T. C:e
tuenr, wnere ho will I happy tJ receive ci!U in
the brie of hi 1 rofes-ion.
eunhuiy. Mareli V9.h ISI5.
lSs5"c:iit3s, ?."Jcs,
DYESTOrrrs, rAINTS, &.
TIIIE subhcribet kctps coi.siimly f. rs b n ihr
1 mo-t reasonabic terms, sn n-sortrnenl rf Me!i
ciues, Drugs, DyoMurTs, I'mrn.fli'n, Van.!he. ..c
Being largely i:: g:io.'ins suen ar'irle
as (,'irgcr, Mimtaul 1 i d Pepi cr. he has th. in fur
s ite of a superior quality, below tho mtrket puce.
He wou'd intnii ri ilia' he has a Patent M chin
woiked by -tem power, wh'eh ii.ah'is linn to s. II
PfTrr of the v-ry het qm' for 3J CviiU a ib. in
lila ld. rs. and 3 cents in Uulli.
lie e.itifidi n!y asserts Ih it his piicet are such
a lo i:ive sa.i Cclioii to thofe who mav tavor him
with a ca I. J. W. W. UOHJJON.
No. I5J We-t P-a't ft. Bali;, opposite liak and Ohio Kil hhiad I)enitr
N. B. No rhirge made for ticlivoring Ooud in
any part of ihe ci'v.
March 8th. IS45. 3 n
oot & rhoe
THE subscriber, latcuf the firm of Berk A Bre
sius, would rei-prctfuily inform his old custom-'
er and thtf public (;ei:eral!y. that be now i-ccupie-the
new buildii g we-t uf Henry llaupl'a Tailc'
"hop, and opposite Oenrge Brighi's Drug More, i f
Market lto.t, Sunhury, where be intend lo car-
on his former business of
in all 'rs vsii.'U I ranches, lie will be piepite t In
do ail kinds of work in his line at the shotted it- .
tice, end in the most durable manner. He i thad Y
ful for fi rmer patronage, and by strict attendance '
bu-inesa and reasonable charges, will endeavor t r
de.-erve a continuance of it.
Sunhury, Tc 22 I, 1 615, 6m
flHE subrcribet have received, snd sr.-1 row
JL opening a splendid asortmenl of tbe fo'lewiny
g nails
f ixony, Wilton snd Velvet Carpelings')
Uf list's and Iuieria 3 ply do I t"AR-
Eilra aopeifioe ami fine loersins da I PET-
j Eng1h hd.d & Damitk Venetian do INO
Americjii trilled and tin d do J
Ensttah Itruiigett and Woolen Fb-cr Cbths
etair and Pasee H orkinss
Emb ao-ed I'ut.o and Table Cover
London Cheuille and Tufie.l Kugs
Door Matt ul eveiy descrition.
A latgs snd ritindvs ii'ntt-,(,, 0f fMf V,
Cloih, Irom one to e ghi y., tJe, cut to fit sve
ry ilesctipiion of t.. rn. or p .
Al.n. low j iie.l Ii gr,in Ctet nas firm 81$ (
62 J cent pet yard, loRetl-., , uh s large an.leiter
ive asaoritncnt if gouja usually kept hy cture
The above r.'Va v. ill l toll wholesule or reisi
at Ihe lowol m.rkel prices. Country mcrrhant
ando.het. t.e paniculailv invited to call n I e
ni'tie vur stmk b. fore makinc theit se'tvtions.
Succtststu J.eph Blackwood. No. Ill Cher.-.
e truer of Franklin l're.
Philadelphia. Feb. 23 I. I(!4.
If" IMiC of a quality, r.n now be IT
Md st ifts I.iics kilr-s ot Hcitrv Sur
May IT, ISl