Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 31, 1845, Image 4

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From the Cultivator.
Management of the Orchard.
Mn. Editor. Your correspondent's article
on the management of the Peach Orchard, (nee
Cultivator for Jan. p. 39.) has a strong advocate
in the person of Mr. John Mason, tenant of John
0 il, Esq , of Ilandonficld, New Jersey, who
cullivateaa noble farm of 200 acres, upon which
i an extensive orchard of apple trees of the fi
nest kim!. In a late conversation with Mr.
Mason, who is a native of the eastern States
and a very intelligent man, bred originally to
mercantile profession, he remarked :
'When I came here, 1 found that the orchard
Jiad been kept under careful tillage.sencli man
agement being csnsidered essential to its well
being, according' to the generally received opin
ion ; but 1 observed, that although the boom
ing1 of the trees was abundant the tree them
selves soon become covered with the nests of
caterpillars bo thick ad to give the appearance
of hoar frost ; while the fruit soon after bepan to
dropoff1 in immense quantities ; what remained,
being cankered and almost worthless. 1 there
fore determined to change the plan, and imme
diately laid the orchard down to grans, conver
ting it into a hog pasture ; only mowing the
tall weeds that spring up d'iring the summer,
and turning in young eattle to grazo occasion
ally. The next year there were scarcely any
ratterpillara' nests to bo seen, the Imps picking
tip the fallen fruit, and destroying the malady of
the bud. The year lollowing, the evil was to
tally eradicated, the yield of fruit being of the
finest quality, and enormous in quantity ; and
at present I know no orchard so vigorous, or that
promises so fair a prospect, whether furgraBsor
I find that the system of "rigid pruning of the
peach tree" lias been adopted by the Messrs.
Downing at their extensive nurseries at New
burg, and no doubt it will bu attended with suc
cess ; the fact that "no tree beursthe knife so
well as the peach," having long since been as
certained and verified by universal practice in
England. And to prove my faith by my works,
1 have taken off many leading branches the
present spring, and find the trees much impro
ved in appearance by the operation. The ex
periment has led to the inquiry, whether, as it
is proposed to keep the orchard in grass as a hog
pasture, the mode proposed would not admit of
their being planted thicker or nearer together,
depending on the system of "rigid pruning" to
keep them within due bounds and with upright
heads, affording a proper degree of exposure to
atmospheric influence, and due and equal pro
portion of sunshine ! Thequcetion is an inter
esting one; would your correspondent take it
up ! Your subscriber.
Springfield, N. J., 18-15. J. L.
For Fruit Trees. Scrape the trunk and
main limbs ; then wash with a solution made of
2 lbs potash and 4 of salt, dissolved in ten gal
lons of water. About the 1st of June, niuke a
mixture as follows : Bail 2 lbs. leaf tobacco in
a gallon of water, until reduced to half a gal
lon ; pour it off into a vessel, add 5 gallons of
good soft sonp, and 2 lbs. sulphur ; stir the
whoio we!! tnCther, and paint the body of the
trae will) it from the earth up to the limbs.
Amrr. Purmer.
Soaks for Corn. 1. Dissolve at the rate
of 1 lb. of saltpetre and 1 lb. of copcras in 5gal
lons of water, souk your corn therein, and when
you are going to plant, roll it in planter, lime,
ashes or soot, and neither worms nor crows will
touch it.
2. Put a quart of tar into a tub, pour over it
five gallons of boiling water, stir the whole un
til the tar is completely dissolved and mixed
with the water then put in your corn, and soak
24 hours when you desire to pUnt, lake out
ami dry the corn in ashes, lime or plaster, just
so as to cover the grains. Corn thus prepvred
escapes both birds and worms.
Potatoes. To keep Irish potatoes from
rotting when dug early in August, I,ay down
tome rails or other timber on the floor ot a dry
cellar, on which lay floor plank a few inches
fiom the ground, spread your potatoes on the
floor, exceeding six inches in depth, and then
sill dry slacked lime over the whole lot. This
will be found a sure mode of keeping them
aound. We speak from experience.
Fkkdinu Cattm:. A late Englirh paper
states, that at the Clitliere agricultural meeting,
a communication was read from Professor Play-
fair, which contained the following facta worthy
the attention of every farmer in a cold climate.
"Ileal is an equivalent for food, and by knowl
sdge of this facts, we may economise the latter
.cry considerably. We know that cattle fat
en much more slowly in winter than in su in
ner ; the reason beinr, that part of the food is
expended in the production of the necessary
i at. Lord Dicre w as kind enough to commit
licate to me an experiment of his, on 1(0 sheep
n the open air, and another 100 in the same
pace with sheds to retire into at pleasure. Tlio
rst lot eat 25 pound of sweeds (turnips) per
ay, the latter only 20 pounds ; although this
it, with 5 pounds a day less had gained on a
erage, two pounds per sheep, more than the
ther, at the conclusion of the experiment.
Scarecrow. If the crowa are troublesome,
ike sheets of bright tin auipended by wires
oin poles through your fields four for five a
rea is enough. Every breath of wind will
use a reCcction as frightful to the crows as
it report of a gun.
The following list shows the current value of nil
'cnnsylvania Hunk Notes. The most implicit re-
litinea mi? I placed upon it, ss It is cvrry week
art-folly compared with ai d corrected from Dick-
nelPs Reporter.
Itiitik In Philadelphia.
t Disc, i
UCAT.O,. j,,,
Bank of North America , ,
Bank of the Northern Liberties .
Commercial Rank of Penn'a. . ,
Farmers and Mechanics' Hank .
Kensington Rank .
Philadelphia Rank .
Schuylkill Bank . . .
Sonthwark Hank .
Western Bunk .
Mechanic' Rank .
Manufacturer A Mechanic' Bnnk
Country Hank,
flank of rl,cstcr County Westchester
lo not
Hunk of Delaware County of (lerinnutnwn
Rank of Montgomery Co.
Doylcstnwn Bank
Canton Tlnnk
Farmers' linnk of Bucks co.
Oftiee of It ink Bf Penn'a.
Qflics tlo do
Office do do
Olfica do do
r.nstrin J issue n.
D I C o i; N T.
Rank of the Coiled Stale
rlnnk "f 1'enn Township .
fJi-srd Hank
Moyamoiwmg B ink
Hank of "cnnsvlvnuia
Miner' Hank of Potlsville
Hank of Lcwtstnwn
Hank of Mtddletnwn
Brink of Northumberland
t'filumliia Bank & Bridge co.'
Carlisle Hank
Exchange Hank
Do d.i branch of
Farmer' Bank of Lancastei
Lancaster County Hunk
Farmers' Bank of Heading
Harrishurg Bank
Lancaster Hank
Lebanon Hank
Merchants' At Manuf. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
Wot Branch
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bunk
Berks Counlv Hunk
Olhco of Bank of U. S.
Do do do
Philadelphia 3ta32
. pr
I i
. . pr
Northumberland par
Allf mown
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
Do do do New Brichton do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Perm Township Sav. Ins. do
Bank of Chamhershurg Chambcrsburg 1
Bank of Ocltyshurg " (Jettysburg t
Bank of Su-quchanna Co. Montrose 3.r
Erie Bank Ens 2$
Farmers' & Drover' Bank Wnyneshurg 'i
Franklin Bank Washington I
llnncsdatc l!.nk Honesdale 1
Monongnhcln Bank of B. Brownsville
Vork Hank York 1
N. B, The notes of those hank on which we
imit quotations, and snti-ritnle a dash ( ) arc not
purchased by the Pliihch Iphia brokers, wnh I he
exception of those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia failed
dii failed
do filled
Dvotl, prop.) failed
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill !Sav. In.
Manual Lahor Bunk (T. V
I'owanda Hank
Alleghany Bank of Ps.
Bank of lleuwr
Bank of Kuatara
Bank of Wushington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' & MerhVs" Bank
Farmer Ac Mech'c' Hank
Farmers' &. Mech'ca' U.uik
Harmony Insiitutu
Huntingdon Bunk
Juniata Bank
Lumherineu's Bank
.Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Di-I. Bridge Co.
Norlhumti'd Uninii t'ol. Ilk.
North Western Haik of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Hunk
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
W esiinnielaud Hank
Bell, fonte
Fuyctte co.
( replicant's
no sale
no Mile
no hi li
iontington no sate
).piiowii noa.ilv
New Hope
Mradf ille
Port Carbon
nn led
no snle
no ule
Wilkcsbarre Bridge Co.
Wiikesharie noanle
Qj All notes purporting to be on any lYnn-yl-vama
Bank not given in the ahove list, may be set
Jowu a frauds.
kexv Ji:sisi:v.
Bank of New Biunawick
Uelvidete Hank
Burlington 'o. Bank
Dommercial Hank
uuinlirrlaiid Hank
Farmers' Bnk
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk
Farmer' and Mechanics' Hit
Farmer' and Merchant' Bk
Franklin Bank of N. J.
Penh Amhoy
Bridget on
Mount Holly
M. Hiuiisit'uk
Mllhllt-tOMII pt
J el re y I'lty
la. I. d
fail, J
Hohoken Bkg.& liruxing Co 1 1 oh ken
lersey City Bank
Jiiwy City
Jersey City
Mechanic' Bank
Manufacturer' Bank
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanic' Bunk
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Morris Canal and Hkg Co
Post Notes
Newark Bkg Sl Ins Co
New Hope Del Bridge. Cu
N. J. Manufac. snd Bkg t'o
no sale
N J Proleclon &. Luiulwid 14
Jer-H'v t'i'y
Orange Bank
PaterMin Bunk
Peoples' Bank.
Princeton Bank
feulein Banking Cu
tte Bank
( trance
Morrison n
Trt utoii
Htate Hank
State Bank
Stale Bank of Monia
Slate Bunk
Salem and Philad Munuf Co
busses Bank
Tienton Banking Co
Union Bank
Washington' Banking Co,
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington
Hank ol Ilelaware
Bank of Smyrna
Do hianch
Farmers' Bk of Mate of Del
Do branch
Do branch
Do branch
I'nion Bank
(XT I'nder 5'
QJ all I'snks market, thus () there ar eu
ther raonisrleii ot altered bsus el tb various da-
nuMiimrtioni, in cirsulsliun.
H. B. llASSEPs,
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
thuinl erlnnd, Union. Lveoming and Columbia,
llrfrr lot
Tnnwts IJart 6l tvo.,
I.nwrn iV Binnnn.
HnT, CvMMinns Jk Hast. V!iiluil.
Rat ajoi.ns, McFASi.twn & Co.
SpuniSiO, ' Innn St Co.,
I'll TY DOM. AliS HF.WAMi !
fYlrhrnteri ratnlly .llr(licinr
W VILL nni cure every thing, bill still r. rnin
unequalled in their several departments ty
every thing ever olfcrej to Ihe public who have
volnnlnry cmne forward snd nlTered numeroii nnd
hiahly nspectnhle testimonials of their superior
i (fie icv.
Ciiitreir Compound MriVi uteit $rtp nf Stir.
fnpar-!it ; or, Anii-Seorhulic S rup, for lh-'
ol ptpurfiila, Chrnnie IJheinn itism, Cbrnnie t cl
Img ol I he .loiriis. Eruptions of the Skui. and all
Dise-es arising from the sbuse of Mi-n uiy, ie..
uriniirpnssed t'V any tti inot in the ina-kel, coinl't.
noig all the virtue re-i.h nt in the Snr-aari;a
with a modern mubeament, only lately brought
nut by the most respectable medical authorities.
Price, 1)0 ceni .er h Itle,
Citntrell't .Inli-Dipprptic Puwdrr, for thp re
riff and permnnt lit cure of that most distressing
complaint, Dypepsi i. in nil it form nnd s-ng-s.
It inimlv a mosi vnhi ible remedy. Sold in bottle
ai 2ri aii'l At) c-ms etch.
CuntrrWi 1s;ur. Mixture and Tunic Written
nirnln, stands at the bed of the list unrivalled by
nv, or all the innumerable meilicin- in u-e
hi ug!ioui the b nath anil bread h of ihe lar d, for
the core of I'K.vtR nd An ft in all lis stages, and
trull) all its consequence.
LV-iilents in Fever and Ague districts should
never be wnh.'iii it.
The subsc iU-r will forfeit EIF'f'Y POLLMlS
where bis medirino fail to (icrfiirm a cure in the
most obi ''on e ca-p.
Id Vhn..e nrl Retail bv CALEB CRE
ON. at lii Dmis Warehouse. No. 6 North Thud
Mreet, Phihidelpbin ; slso, bv ihe n cul irlv ap
iminled neeor. SE IU W. ROB K UTS. Whiilesa e
Druuitist, No. S4 Water Street. Mobile.
I'n pared oelv liv I1 e Siilienber, corner of C R.
I'EN I ER and SEi;l.D Sineis, below I'hiisli
an, Pliihiib lphin, where il is also retailed.
Observe, none are genuine uubont tbc siirnature
Canlrrll's 4cuo liliiro, or Twnlr
.tliitii-ainriif a.
For the cure nf all H.ttitus tifftrtmiif, iftuktn ac
tiir'linix to riirrrtiims.
It is a neer tailms remedy winch no fami'y
ouiln to l-e without, especially in low marshy
A this medirine is put up under the proprie
tor' immediate insiectioii on the most scientific
principles, be ng Purely Vegetable, snd having
tried its elficaey on thousand, for upwards of I'l
yearn, and lotus knowledge when taken siriet'v ac
cnriling to dnectiotis, ibere has not turn one fa lure.
I'nder such crcum-tanrr I reeomrnenil it lo the
public, adding a certifies! 9 in sopp irt of my a-ser-lion.
I, John Hums, do certify that I was in the ship
Tob.icco Plant of Philadelphia. Capt. Reid.iu
June, 1827, hound to Liverpool , took Ihe fever
nnd acue ami laid in Liverpool some pine iiud-1
Ihe doctor's hands, went fmin t1 ee to lta!un. re,
lay in the Infirmary for four or five weeks from
thence In Philadelphia; was sit months under Dr.
Coats ; fioiii thence to New York w nt lo il.e
Hospital, remained tbr about four week without
any relief tried every Ihniff without snv benefit,
for five ci. He irinu of ('autreil' Ague Mil
luiefruiil a fi end, 1 went to his stor". told him
h 'W I was nlllu-led, nnd got a Uitto-nf bis millure
nnd used it Recording lo ilireelions. Il made per
tei'i (ore, and I have in t lis. I the least n lum since.
I do wnh confidence leioiiuneiul n l.iihe public
.tlcilU atcd i up strsartanpai Ilia.
I hd id. Ipbia, April Itllli, lt4 I.
Mr. Johi A. Cithi ti ,
Pear Hr, Having I, n nfllic'ed for upwards of
iwo tenrs with uleertiou nt the!, le-lr..yii n
ihe whole nf the soft pslite, then ihrouith the upppr
part of rnv niotiih into mv nose, Iroiu wlneli sever
al pieces nf boee csine out, which par'ml'y de.troy.
ed mv speech, throtieh a km. I Provuleiire aie' your
Medicated Sjrupot S irs ip.nill i, I
lo pei f. el heiltli.aiid my siitht, which was so much
impair, d, s as strong n w hen a boy.
I iliouitht it :duly I own! to you and those simi
larly Btlccttd, to make II public.
YoUis, ! specfullv,
Corner vt Tenth and Coatea Street.
I, Oa' ril J Hist n, No. 6 R. "kb ss Street, do cer
tify thai mv wile,, wan nfllic'ed for iwo year.
with Rheunu ism. and nt l i-t ' entirely di-a"le.l,
o thai she w as obi tied t he confined lo b. d , hear
inj i f Cant'ell's Meinated Sviup of Sa sipariila,
..r Ami Sc.irliu'ic Siui. I pr H-uiel f ur ti. tib ,
which coinpb tely removed all her pains and si ill'-
ne- from her lints; two more hot lies made a p r-
lei I cure, S e is now able lo n'tend 'o tier b"iie-
hol l duti s a- ususl. 12 Hi:iL JONSlON.
Philudilphi., Jan. S2d. Ifl 1 1.
(Tj Pe crip'ive Pamphh I may be hnd of the
auenu (fSratis.) J. W.HMLIMi,
Su buiy. v, 9. IHI t ly .Tjfcrir
TAXX Kits' Ol I,.
:000 l v Li Pint Hides fir-l quality.
;t."iOO Pry L (iuini. do
IIIIKf PiV Salnd La Cuirn. do
riOOO Pry Sail d llr ail Hides, do
it.! Haie (ireen Sailed I'atua Kips.
0 Hale Prv Pa in. Kips.
ViO I) irre s T..nii"k' Oil.
'I anner-' and Cutiieri.' Tools,
For mle lo t'oiinlry Tanner at the lowest prices
snd upon Ihe be-t ti mis.
N. It. 'I'lie highest mmket price pud fnl all
kind id bather
N .. 21, South I lord St. dilphia.
Seplemher II, IHt4. ly.
TO 3Ii:itC S & .tllM.lM'-US.
M A N I ' F A IT I' R E l S ' , PE LERS IN
SI RAW coops.
iYo. 30, Sorlh Sironil Strei t, ( ojjotite the
MadiKon llouse,)
WHERE will la? f.unil a general assort. J
nienl of Florence Braids, All errs, Kui-isi
lands, Peddle, Willow Plait, Rice St aw, and the
much admired Neapolitan Lace, anil Fancy Bon.
nets, manufactured by us, and fir sale al the lowe-l
iiianutoclu e prices. Merchant snd Milliner are
iuvned in give us a cih upon visiting ihe City.
Qj" N. B. We have aUo con-laivly making our
sup.' liar hair and o'l sr edging, all of which will
be sold cheap, for rash.
Philadelphia, May 35, 1IU. ly
THE valnab'e properties nf Oakley' Depnra.
live Syrup nf Sarsapnrilln, as a fiurifler of ihe
blood, Is so well known to (he public generally,
that it is uniieress ny to occupy tntirh space in set
ting fonti (he advantage to he derived from ils
use; wherever Ihe medicine has onre been intro
duced, il takes precedence over all nthers i eveiy
"lie that has Inken it, have derived so signal bene,
ficinl results from it, thai it is recommended by
them with the u moFit confidence. Physician of
lh highest standing in the profession, prescribe it
to patients tinder their t nre ; containing nothing
deleterious, hut being composed ol the most mild.
Vet efficacious vegetable materials, it is off. red with
confidence, nn the cheairnt and most efficient pu
rifier uf Ihe blood now known. The use of n few
bottle, esiiecinl'y in the spring mouth, will be at
tenth tl with a most decided improvement in the ge
neral stretiuth nf the system, eradicating nnv seeds
of (lisen-e that mnv have been generated. beides
giving health nnd vin..r lo ihe body. For the cure
of Scrofula or Kmu Evil, Rheumatism, Ti itc.
Pimple or eniptions of the Skin, While Swelling,
F slula. Chronic Coueh Asth.-ni, Ac. The nu
merous eerttfirn'es in ihe possession of the subscri
ber and his agents, from physician and others, are
sufficient lo convince the nio! skeptical nf ii su
periority over all preparation of S,iraparilhi.
S,.d whole-ale ntul retail, by lh proprietor,
CEOItCE W. OAKLEY, North fllh meet. Rea
ding, Beiks Comity, and lo ha had of the following
persons :
In Korlhumhrrhind ('nunty TI. B. Mnsss,
Siinbiiry . eland A. Mixel, MeE Aensville ; P
Krausir, Milton.
In Union Cnunti. J. (ienrhnrt, Selinsgrove ;
A (111111111. MltTlinhtirg.
In Columbia County. XI. W. MrCay, Wash
R. nding. Mnreh II. 1 n.
Ma. Otsi rr: I believe il the utv of every
one to do whsteverin their power I ics, fir ihe b ne.
fit of their fellow m", and having had pn-i ive
pront in mv own familv.of the woinlerfnl properties
of your P. purativa Syni)i of Sainp iril 1, I m st
Conseirnliou-lv recommend il lo the afllicled. We
bad Ihe misfoitulie to fse two nf our children, bv
Ihe breaking out ot ulcer.iu sores that covered lh.
facc,henil and neck, Hlttoiugh we h id some id Ihe
most scientific physician to atieud th m nnd hnd
tried all t!i" known letnedies, iuehnling Sw aim's
Panac a, without avail. Another of my children
was attacked in Ihe same mmni r. her lace ui.d
neck w as completely Covend; the d siharge wns so
ollensive, ai d ihe iliease nt sin h a he ghl. llint we
despiii'ed nt her life. Seeing the wonderful elfecls
of your Pepnr.nive S nii ol S iis.ari 1 1, we weie
iiidueid lo make trial of II, as the last n rt ; it
ncted like a eh aim; the u'cers coiiiiiienei d healing
imiiieihalely. a f w hollies entiielv rf stoiedlo r to
her he ihh, which site hs enjoyed iiuinteriui teilly
ever since As a piinlier ol the li.o o, I vtrily !
lit ve It ha nut It equal
Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading.
Pouglissville, April 1 Ot!.. 191:'.
Mm. Ojki.ft: Mv son Ki'mniid Leaf, had the
serolnla in ihe most dreadful and di-treg-ing man
ner for three years, dtuins winch time be w ig de
prived ol the use of his limhs, hi- he .d and neck
weie covered wnh ulcers. We tried nil ihe dilfer
ent remedii s, but In no effect, until recommended
by Pr. Johnson of Nonistown, and also Pr. Isaac
llnstel, ol Reudii g. to use your Pepumtive Syrup
nf S irsnpnrilta, of w hich I oMallleil seveial bottles,
the use of w inch ibnve Ihe di-en-e enlin ly out nf
Ins system, the sore healed up, and the child was
restored lo perfect health, which be has enjoved
uninterruptedly ever since, lo the a-h uishmeni ol
many peisoii who seen him ilu'it g hi affliction.
I have thought it mv duty, and sen. I you tins certi
ficate thai othp' who have a like affliction in ihe
family may know where to ohla.11 so valuable a
toed I. ine. Your duly ,
Sept. Ifi, l t:J. ly
Count rrl'll'rst
rPhe pu' lie will please ohservo that no Brambeth
Pill are genuine, unless ihe hoi has three la
bels upon it. (the top, the side and the bottom)
cch containing a fic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. IIbamiihktii, M. P. These la.
I'd aie engraved on steel, beautifully ilesmned.
and done at an etpeuse of over fJ.OliO. Therefore
it 'a ill lie seen thai the only thing necessary lo pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe there
Remember ihe lop, ihe side, and the bottom.
The following respective person are duly autln ri
zed, and hold
For the sale of HramU eili'$ Yegttulile Universal
Northumberland counlv : Miltnn Mickey A
Ch imheilin. Sunbiiry H II. M isser. M'Kwena
ville lielnidA Meii.ll. Niiithuin'eilaud Wm.
Forsyth. Oeorgetown J. A J. Will.
Union C unity: New Berlin Hog 11 A Win
ter. Splmsgrovp (ienrge fiumhuin. Mid Me
burg linc Smith. Beavcriowu Pavid llubler.
Ad unsburg Wm. J. May. Mitlliushuig Menseh
A' Ray. Ilaitlelon P.irnel Long. Freehurg
IJ.A F. C. Mover. Lewtsburg Wall A (Jreen.
Columbia mntiiy : P uiville E. B. licwiolils
A Co. Berwick MiuininA I! tienhousp. ('-.
tawissa C. (i. Broht. Hloouishurg John R.
Mover. Jeicey Tiiwn Levi Hisel. Wushiuatou
Roht. MrCay. Limestone Halb! M?Nnch.
Ohseive that each Agent has an Kiigravnl t'ir
itlcnte of Agency, conluining a repres-ntaiion of
llr BR .N PKKTII's M.uiufaciorv at Sing Smg,
and upon which will a'so he seen eiacl copies ol
the lubt is nuw used upon the lirundnth 'ill
Philadelphia, office No. H. North 8ih street.
June S4ih, 14:1.
city itiin rrriiK ATCTIOX,
Nos. V2i ntul '.il .ortli Thiol Street,
Near the City II o t e J,
C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-peetful'y in
vile ihe atli iilion nf perso . disirou of pur
chasing Furniture, lo hi eilensive Site ICmiiiis,
(lanh pu' lie and 1'iivale,) for every description ol
Housiln Id Furniture, win re ran lie ohl oned al all
time, a large assomni nt of fashionuhle and well
manufactured ('abinel Furniture, Bed, Mlirse,
Ac, at very reduced prices, for cash.
07" Sales bv Auction, twice a week.
May SVih. IM3. ly
f P WEED LOTH, a h7ndsTmT7a7n7Te7afllvTiTT.
light and elastic, for Summer Cnais and Pants,
for sale, very low, by
Juts 15 If. B. MASSE R.
AI.ZORIN'ES, handsoinn article for Ladies'
Presses, fur sale cheap, by
June H. n. M ASSER.
A Tlironlilii? Itlaclilne fur Kale.
rilllE .ubscriher offers f-r sale a THRESHING
JL MACHINE, new ami in good order. The
Machine baa been tried, and prove 10 he an eiceU
lent one. It will he suM at a reduced price, and
warranted. Apply lo II. B. MASTER.
J sly 1st, 1043.
J7K. HBI1MJL1T fc CO.,
Commission iSt Forward ins Mcrr.hnnta,
Foot nf Willow Strrrt Kail llond,
ait th a t'tt.iwitir,
TTAVINO associated vi h them Joseph Tlnrnet,
A-alnlenf Ennton, Pn respectfully inform Iheir
friend and the public genersilv, that they have la.
ken th t large nnd vve'l know n store anil wharf nt
foot of Willow Street Riiilroad, lately occupiel by
Jncoh Martin, where they tun pose doing a Ornnral
Commission and Forwarding Business, ami fom
the local advantage of the place being connected
with nil ihe public improvements that have their
outlet in Ihe city, they flutter themselves ihey will
be able to do business lo a great, if not gteater ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other
house, snd they assute their friends lhat any con.
signments made to them shall have their strict at
tention, and no exertions spared lo give entire satis
They are also prepared lo receive and forward
goods lo any point on ibe Delaware and Lelcgh
livPrs. hrt l ..., Xf.nti f l,i,,.tr Paalnn nti.t Pkdn- I
lei, l.i-i. vi, Delaware Pivish.n'nnd Lehigh Can Is; j
also, to any noint nn the Juniata river, nr Norih
and (t Branches of the Susquehanna via Sphuyl
kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Water
For ihe accommodation of Boats coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Siemibnat
w ill be ki pi expressly for towing boats from ihe
Schuylkill around to the Delaware nnd bark, which
will en ible merchants to have Iheir produce deli
vered on the Pelawnrc, and their goods shipped nt
a saving ol 50 to 75 er cent, on the prices fir
haltin g scoss, with these sdvantagea they re
spictfully solicit a share of pntr"nni;e.
W. 1! Ell, MAN A CO
William Hcllmm,
William W. Kcyse
Joseph Bamel. 3 Philad .May 14, 1S1.1 ly
Simir ntl Tohacro Mnniilacturors, ;
An. yy JrrA West corner 0 llace and Third 1
Streets. !
'P H E undersigned have formed a Co-partnership '
I under the firm nf. I. MA Y LAN P. J 11. A ('..
a successor lo the late firm of Jncoh .V iiInml J, :
Co., nnd will continue Ihe business nt die old esta-
blishineiit, on their ow n nccount. In addition to j
their own close attention and experience for many '
years, in the manufacture of their eefehrated siiutlV, 1
A c the long experience of the senior partner ol the
late firm, will also he devoled lo the interest ,,( the ;
new concern and as no exertion and care will be ;
spared lo insure their goods, at oil times of the ve-
ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the ,
confidence of the li.ends and customers of the lute 1
J. MAi'LAND, Jr.
Phili b lnhia. Vav 1 1th. 1 NI3, I v
1 oiiutrv
1111". Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, lint
M.inuf iclurers, for New Vork, Phil.ulelphia,
Baltimore and other lurge cities, w -os- Hutu are
highly commended lor quod tol-it and dur-tl.ility
ha 0.1 hand a fir-l rale nssertm-iit of II ATS and
('APS. suitable for Sprint des, wh rh will be sold
very low, foi cash or appioved credit, at Ihe m ted
cheap store, Su. 40, North Third stre-t, oipisiei
the City Hotel, Phil 1 lelnhia.
N. B. Orders lor Hals in the rouh, prooiptly ;
attended 10. Ths highest rice in tuh or trade ;
given for Fur :'.. J
Philadelphia, June II. 18l:l.--ly j
C.'ritt'i al ( oiiittiiv.liui Men lianfs, I
'or the Sar of Flour, drain, Scd. c, 4 c. '
I ) E-PECTFI LEY inform then Iriend nnd !
ihe Merchants generally, that they have la- '
Ken lliose large ami roinmotlioiia liarvr. w nil two
Porks, tiorlh ot Chesnul street, on the P. law ire, , ,le,ip jr. Although in common with the mem
together w ith the More No. 19 South W h .rves, j ,,.t8 ol II)V Iir,.f,.MII)t j discountenance su.l ilis;l
where they would be pleased lo receive consign- ! ,ve ol the t.umerou nostrums palmed upon Iho
merits nf (Jrain, Floui. Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac. ; M,,ic. ,v inoiaiil pretenders, I feel in jus ice hound
Ac. also well prepared to forward nil kinds 1 toexcip'l the Rose t liniment Inmi that clas of me-
'" -r y
ihe ( tiesauake and I nle ater I anals, as tow- :
hunt are kepi expressly for tlie purpose of toning j
bonis b ei er rou'e. j
Meichmit will please be particular to semi their ;
good destined by either canals, to No. 1'J South i
Wharves, telwi-eii Market and Chesnut street, on I
the Delaware, with directions accompanying ihem 1
which route they wish them to he shipped.
cy Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar-
ket price. BOLTON v, Co.
March 19.1SL1. No, 19 South Wharves, i
A'o. 'sJMT, AorA Third, almee CullowhiU St.,
JOHN Pl'NVAN. laie from the Permsvlva
nia Firmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., la'e of A
mericaii Hotel, I'olumbus. I Ihio. take pleasure in ac
quainting their fiiriul and the public generally ih it
1 tin v have Inken the large and commodious Hold,
leceiiily built bv the Messis 11 ill, on Ihe site
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill st.
Tin Hotel is finished in the very Vt possible
manner, and of ihe best materials. It local. 011 is
cry desirable, particularly for country merchants;
the airange nicin for heading and Ventilating lach
room is sui h a to secure any lempi ralure. The
brdioiim are all light and airy, all luini.hed in a
neat sly1, so a to iiistiie lomfoil.
The receiving parlors are also fun isbed in a su
perb style, the windows are on the French style,
t'uniit g an eulrance lit a balcony in front, whi. h
rn .ke a pleasant recess. Purliculai atn niion has
been given to the bed and hrddiug, which, with
the furniture, sre emir. lv new.
I' rem yn'i' experience in h.Hel business, we
I'usl, by strict asuduity tc. husmest. In make ibis
house a desirable stepping place. Our table w ill
alwsy I e supplied wnh iheviry bcsl our uiakel
can atlord, and our bar with the best liquors and
wine nl ihe most approved hi amis.
P. S. There sre tir.t rale .tabling and carriage
bouses attached to the hotel, altinded by ca.if il
and ol'er ho-ilers, snd our charges will be low, in
accordance with Ibe present haid limes.
Philadelphia. Oct. 7th. ISMS.
No. O'J Aort Third, above Arch Street,
CHARLES WEISS, lateol the V bite Swan,"
and 'Mount Vernon House," resieclfully in
forms his friends and customer, lhat he ha become
Ihe proprietor of ihe above well known Hotel.
Country Meichanl wilt find ihe shove llo'el a
central location, and the beat of fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling for boraes, ai.d ibe best of
ostleis. Boarding $ I per day.
CliTANEOt's) ERflTloriS.
(j The fnllmiinqcr.rtiicii'e desniliftone nflht
mnut extraordinary cures ever effected Ly any
PHitrr.trniA. February 10. 1819.
IOR twenty year I was severely afllictul with
TsTTr.n on thn Face and Head: the disease
commenced when I wa seventeen years old, nj
continued until the Fall of t:l6, varying in vio
lence, but without evpr tlisippcaring. During most
of 'tie time, great pari of mv face was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent Itch
ing; my bend swel'eil nl times until it Ml ns if it
would hurst the swelling wn so g e it, that I coti'd
cnreely get my hat on. During the long period
lh it I was nfHicled wi ll ihe disense, I use. I a great
ninny a plications, (among them seyernl celetimlej
I rep nation-) ns w II as taking inward remedies,
ini-liidiut-a number ofb ittle of Sira!m' Panarm,
Extract if Sarmipnrilhk, Ac, In fact, it would bo
imiiosaihle to enumerate all the medicines I used.
I I wn also under the care of two of ihe most ilia-
'i"ui'!'' I'bv'iciaris of this city, hut with .nt re.
ceivtng much benefit, nnd 1 ih'wpaired nf ever being"
run it. In the fill of Hiifi, ihe ihsen-e nt the time
being vi ry violent, I commenced using the Host
Ointment, (prepared by Vnughan A. Davis.) Ill
! a few applications the violent itching ceasetl, the
swelling abated, Ihe motion began to disappear,
! and before I hud used a jar ihe di-ease was mutely
I cured. It ha now la-cn nearly a yrar and a half
I since, and there is not a vetige of the disease re
! maiiiiug, except the scars from the deep pits formed
: by the di-ease. It is impossible for me to describe.
I in a certificate the severity of the disease and my
I sutl'ering, I'll! I will be pie iscd to give a fuller nc
j count to any per-on wanting further satisfaction,
I who w ill c ill on me. Al the lime I couinnceJ
I using (lie R se Ointment I would have givpn hun
I duds nf do lat lo he rid of the ibw-asc. Since u
j sing il, I have recommended it to sever il per-ona,
: (among them my mother, who h. I ihe disease hud
, ly on her arm,) who w. re a I cured bv it.
JAMES 1)1 KN ELL, No. lot;, Race St.
CTjT The Rose Ointment is i. pared hv E. II.
Vnughan, Sou h East comer of Third and Race
stiei Is, Philudf ltdiia, and sold on aeency in Sonhu
ry. hv II. B. MASSER,
May 1 1th, IS 13. A-rrnt.
1 ISos( (tinltiit'iil, for Irlltir.
j ,1 I'llOUF OF ITS I.Fl'IdACY.
1 Pint mn phi A, May 27th, HUH.
: rPIILS is to certify that I was severely alH cied
j with Tetter in the hands and f. et for upwards
i of forty years ; the disease wa attended generally
I with violent itching and swelling. I appbed to 4
' niimhi r nf ph sici n, nnd used a great many xp,ili
cmiors without ellicting a cure. About ay-ar
i since, I applied Ihe Ro-e Ointment, which entirely
i Mopped the itching, and u few applications irntnedt
j at, ly cured the disease, which there ha-t been no
, return of. alihoui'li I had never hern rid nf it at
j any time for forty year. Ril'IIAIi'l) SAVAtiE,
1 Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
! (Xj" The Rosp Ointment is prepared bv E. B.
I Vaii-hari, S mill East corner nf Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agencv ill Sunhu
! ry by H. B. MASSEU,
Mav M1I1. Hin. A-'eht.
" " - '
J 'O.V.' OIXTM l'..T, for T'ltir.
A bIHdl I.M the superiority ot the prepataton
- over 1111 nun r. 1 iiiuv es ann-neii, ine it iprie-
pr .pi
tors Inks ph asttre in laying before ihe public iho
lollowing certitieate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the I niversity ol' Penns Ivuuia. Llr.
Bangh, having found in this remedy tliat teliet f r
a ledtous mid disagree able nlli' 'tnui which the means
within the range of hi profession failed to nll'ord,
has not hesitated lo give il his approbation, although
the prejudices and uitere.l of that prole.sion aie
epposed lo aecrel I'emedie.
Phii.ih lcji , Sept. 10, H:lfi.
I wa recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, w hieh coe,ed nearlv one si 'e of mv f ice,
and exleuded over ihe ear. Mr. Vnughan, proprie
tor 01 ine nose 1 iiiiiiueni, nnst iving mv lace, oims-
1 n,v ,,., ,ei,aratioH. i f whirU he I, in-
' itinnes. ami to give it my aiinrohation. as it entire.
ly tured the eruption, although 11 hid resisted the
usual applications. PAN L. BATCH, M. D.
KJ The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Race
streets, I'liiludc plaa, and suld unngmcv in Sun
hury, by 11. B. MASSER.
May Mlh, 181:1. Aeijf.
Corner of' Thml and Vine Slriels,
FWIIE subscriber respectfully annouiices to the
Jl public, lhat he has opened a Hotel in the com
niodmus btiik building stinteon the corner of
'I hiid and Pine streets, where he w ill he hnppv lo
wait rp..n those who may favor him wit'i their
company. The Ele Hotel is la'ge and conveni
ent, and furnished in Ihe la-l m u'eili Mn. It is
provided with a huge number of well aired and
comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visilmg Wilhamsort on bu
siness 01 plea-ure, mav re-t as-ured lhat every ex
ertion will be used to Mider their sojourn nl the
"Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agr.eable. His Table
will he supplied wilh the very best the maiket af
fords, and his bar with he choicest wine and other
liquors 1 harges re .soiiuMe. The Eagle Hotrl
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any othei similar establishment in the borough,
hi ing situate in Ihe buiness pari of ihe town, and
vvilhin B convenient disl nice of the Court 1 1 ou so
and Wilhamsporl and Elmii.i Rml l.'osd U pot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty
iislh r always in atli luhin.e.
Attentive, accon miHlHiing and hone-l Servant
have tieen rmploved. and noil ing left miilinie that
will add to the ctimloil and accoiiunodaiion of bis
There wi'l he a carriage atwats in attendance at
the Boat l anding lo convey passengers to and from
Ihe Ilou-e, lue of charge.
Mav 11th. IS -tf
V2i( h:it l XVcaviT C .ion,
An. 13 Sorlh Wattr Stretl. I'hilodr'phia.
HAVE constantly an hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, vii:
1 ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil
Is Ropes, Tow Line lor Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment uf Seine Tw ines, A r, auch a
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent liill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
II alter, Trace, Cotton ami Linen Caret Chain,
Ar. all of which they w ill dispose of ou reasonable
Philadelphia, November 13, IMIS. ly.
siM : III Nc.rtiooi i""5f CO.
No. 13S Market Street, Philaileltihia.
NVITE the attention of Country Merchant!
to their extensive assortment of Britith French
ud American Dry Cooda, which ihev otTer for sale
on the most reasonable term.
I'biladelphia, Novetcber 13, 1843. ly.