Sheriff's Sales. Y virtue or certain writs of venditioni rtpn t nsa issued out of the Court of I .otmmnn pieae of Nnrthun bcrland Count to me directed. will he exposed to puh,c eale. at the Court Hhiim in lh Borough of Sunburv, on Monday the 14th day of July next, at 1 o'ciork, P. M., the follow ing de-crilied propony to wit t A certain tract of land situate In Coal township, Northumberland county, surveyed on a warrant granted to Michael Kroll, Containing 250 acres mure or les. adjoining Unci surveyed in the nnmri, Freilerb k Canu f, Matthias Zimniernan, Bernard Ituhlev and other) aliout 8 len t of which are clean-if. A I, SO The equal undivided thiec-fnurlh parts, (the whole into four cqunl parts to he divided.) of thrpe certain cont giinus tracts of Unit, situate in Coal township aforesaid t one thereof surveyed on warrant granted to John Nicholas Bailey; one o ther thereof su.rvr yed on a warrant to Petri Sass t. man, ami the nther thereof aurveyed on a w irrant (ranted to Peter Maurer, a 'joining I md aurveyed in the name of B irnaid lliihley, John Cowd.n, Benjamin K. Young ami olliera, containing in the Whole 612 arre moie or less, shout fill acres nf which are created ; whereon are erected a 1 J s'orv log house, a log h ,rn, nn or haul. &c, now in the occupucy of Michiel Kerstcllrr. A I.St) The equal undivided nne-f turlh pvt. (the whole into four equal parts to he divided,) of a certain tract or piece of land, situate in O. al town eh'p aforesaid, continuing 2H0 acres or there .bouts. (being pa't or a I irger tract surveyed in ihe name , of Darnel Keen, called "Spiingficld ") ntinut 40 a cres of which are cleared ; whereon are erceed a two atory log house, a log barn, an orchard, Ac, now in the occupancy of David Thompson. ALSO The iqoal un livd. d one-fourth part of reitiiin tract of lai d, situate in Co.d township a f re-aid, colli min i, 2!ltl acres or tin readmit, (be ing pnit of a larger tiuct surveyed in ihe name of Dnii I Bees, Called "Springfie'd.") ahnot 40 acrea of which are cleired; whereon are erected a two lory log house, a loit li.nn, an orcla-d, &p now in the occupancy of D.ivid Thompson, sul jccl to a Mortgage in .lot n C lioxd. A I, Sit The equ l undivided nne-f urh part, of a ccri.iin tract ol 'land, situate in Co.d lp. afore, aid, called "Stiine lleige," survey, d in the nan e ol William Toinlmton, containing 215 acrea, 'ni thereahou'a, about CO acre of which are cleared ; whireon are tie ted a two story log house, a leg harn, a spring hou e and a large orchard, now in (be occupancy of John Thompson, Scnr. ALSO The equal undivided one-fuurth part, of a cer'ain true! of land, situate in foil township foresaid, calVd 'Slope Hinge,' surveyed in ihe name of Wpliarn Tntnliis'ii, containing 215 acies or thereabout-, ahout 00 acres nf which are clear ed ; whcieon are erected a two atory log house, a spring h iu e and a large mcliaul. now in the oc cupaucv of Joi n Thnm, son, sr., subject ru a mort gage to John C. Bovd. A I, SO A cram tiacl nf Imd, itunte in Coal 1o n-hip afonvuid, adj ining I n il- now, or late t liidille. Comp any Nt mhera, cont tinii g 105 a crra moie or Ich, a'mut 12 nciea of which are cle .red; wln r on are ended a two .iory log h m-e i at u a log stai4e, i-ul-j' ct to ceiiniu unrtgaue. A LSI t A certain tractor piece nf I mil, ailnale in Coal townhip hIiiick i'iI, adjoining land- of '.lie Av loin Co , llid ile.Si Co., S rah lieea ct o h. onlaiuing I(il2acria. 43 percln a and al owam e, r'ire or leK, (I emg pail of ihree coiii'gu ua iracta of land, aurteyeil in the names of William Poch ard, (S'O ge ( oldraiu At An Irew Slmher.) admit one acre of winch h" cl an d ; ulieieon are ciec ed a I g hon-e and an etcelh nl n.iw-inill, or'i ihe mam diaiich ut st-Minokiii creek, which pua-e tluuugh aid land. Al.!Sl) Two certain Ir c.t of land, siuivo in 4'al toun-ihi;! afoenid, adjoining dirda of Tom iinson, Van. all, Mcmm', Vielchoir Smiih A nlhera C'liiiaiiiiog logiiM r l'7 screa, 5ti ien li' a nnd low nice, more nr Icua, hciog the a one tr eta of land which was a'irveyed in pursuance o f t wo w irrama, cr mied to Peter Zeig -iif.ioa, daceil the 1th li and 21-1 day of Deceniher, 182!), respective. ALSO A certain tract of land, nit II ate in towuat ip af. rm.iiil, a. joining lamia nf Met: hoi r tiinilh Sc mtiera, containing twentv one arna, 13 4 ercdea and allowance, niore or I aa. AI-S(I The equal umhvnleil four-twelfth part, (tht wh. len to I2cqui aria to lie divi,l,., ) of 31 coiiiiguoii tracta nl In d, aiiuaie in I. it tic Muho Hoy & t'oal low o..i.R afore-anl ; one I hereof aur. ccd on a warrniil, gr .n ! to William CiHik, Containing 417 acre. 140 perct e more oi lining lanil-i unvexe.l m ihe namet of Jeremiah Jaikaou. il i nn (iray & uihera ; one other there. if. surveyed on a warrant granted to William Wili-im, conluii ing 3!i;l ai re 101 n, iches more or , adjo'iiing lands Miiviyeil in ihe n iinea of j J noli Shmiell. John to.ik Aiolex; one oiber tliere if.eurveyid una warrant grimed to Thomaa llaniiltoti. containing 412 acre-, 45 perches and ah I, more or te adjoining IuihIk aureye,l in the iininin of Samuel Scott. Jeremiah Jackson ami oihera; one other thereof, rurvexed in puri-unc-of a variant to (irant, contain ng 418 a crca, SO pcrchra and alliwn"re, adjoini c lainla io v. veil in the iiaiiM-a nf Thoniaa R. c-e llanullou Ai other-; one oihci tin r of, aurvryitl on a warianl lo Thoin l!eee, coiitiiiiiiiig 433 a cret, 42 (en Ilea and allowaore. more or leaa. ad- J j lining landi-aur veed in the riaim-a of Tiioiuaa llainiilon.T tir.nil o her- ; oiieli'ln r theuof, turveyid on a w rant lo Jeremiah J.ick-oti. con taining 315 acrea, 50 pi rcln a and allowance, lim e or leva, ai'ji ining lamia la-t aforesaid, to wit : Thomaa Itieae, Thomaa Uraut and othera ; one olher thereof, anrveyed on a warrant to Ah rand ir Hunter, containing 420 acrea, 25 perc'iea, more or li'ka. adjoining I nda aurviyed in the iiann a of T. Grant, Chr.stoplier Dunkluhi rger and otlieta ; one other thereof, aurveyed on a warrant to John Cow. den, containing 403 acre, 137 perchea moie or ia, adj lining lamia ureye.l in the iiainca of ill am V. Dunkleheincr and oilier ; one other thir. of, urvcyed on a warrant to Wil iain Cray, contain ing 3U9 acrra. 2 1 perchca more or li s., adjoining Ian IsbUivcycd in the rianua nf Jeremiah Jack ion, John Cowduu and other ; one other theieof, mir. vexed on a warrant to Tho.-naa (irant, i oiitaining 419 acrea, 37 peichea more or h fa. adjoining lands i uiveyij hi ihe iiamea of ; ! one other tin re,.f, aurvi yed on a wunant to s'amu- j cl tScott, cniiiniiniig 326 acrea 5 peiclna arid allow, j ance, adjoining lumla aurvc ycd in the namea of William Hamilton, Thorn .a Kecae A other ; one I Other ihereol, sutveynl on a warrant lo Jacoh I) right. Containing I8S ncr.a 59 perchea luore or lesa, ad joining land autveyeil in the namea of Esther Cramer, Godfrey Wateia and othera ; one other thereof, aurveyed on a warrant lo William C, Ulack, containing 121 acred C8 perchea and allowance, adjoining land auiveyed in the name of Kiel. I, Hunter, Martin and nthera; one o'her thereof, aur. eyad in the mine of John U yer, containing 116 acre 144 perchea more or leas, adjoining landaaui" vexed in the namea ot Jjim U. Price, Michael Kr.. nd o'her ; one other thereof, aurveyed in tha na'ue of Charle Denng, containing U5 acrea 97 perches more or ea, adjoining Inula surveyed in the ii une of Hunter, W aiera, Kiehl and othera; one other thereof, aurveyed in the nunc of Vleian oVr J iidan, coiilam ng 121 aerra 150 peichea more or tea-, adjoining I mla surveyed in the namea ol Grant, Martin, fcharle.ll fi Hthera; one other there, of auiveved la the name of George W. Kiehl, con taining 1 12 acrea 137 perchea mote or leaa. adjoin ing landa aurveyed in the uaiuea of Hunter, black A olbra pne pibw thereof, aurveyed in ib name of John G. Martin, contnining 100 acres more or leee, adjoining landa aurveyed in the namea of Grant Dogar Jr. Kiehl one other theieof, aurveyed in the name of John G. Martin, containing 174 acrea 1(3 perchea more or lea. adjoining I mile an veved in the namea of llimmelrekh, Yottheitner A mhera : one nther thereof, aurveyed in the name of George Prince, containing 117 acrea R6 perchea m ire or Ua, adjoining landa aurveyed in the namea of Z-i-gler. Grant, Cowden A Ha ley ; one other thereof, purveyed in the name of John U Price, containing 1 18 acre 24 perchea m re or leaa, adjoining landa auiveyed in ihe namea of Hogar, Grant and othera; one other thoreof. aurveveil in Hie n ime of Jihn B. Puce, contaii ing 24 icren 4 1 pe chea more or leas dj lining landa aurveyed in the namea of Vmthei mer. Shialer and olhera; one other thereof, pur veyed in thejiime of G alfrey Watera. containing 120 acrea more or !e. adjoining landa aurveyed in the namea ot 1) ight. Hunter anil nthera ; one oilier thereof, aurveyed in the name of !! nr Yimheimer, cont lining 99 acei 70 fierchra more or le-a, ad joining landa aurveyed in the name of Grant, Yot theimer and othera ; one o'her thereof, auiveyed in the name, of Henry Yoitheimer. cont lining 173 acrea 56 perchea more or leaa, adjoining lamia aur vexed in the namea of Reed, Martin, Cowden and othera ; one olln r theieof auiveyed in Ihe name of Naac 7. egler, containing 1 25 ace fi I perchea more or leaa, adjoining landa auiveyed in the namea of Grant, Price and Dai Icy ; one other Ihereof, aurvey. d in the name of Jacoh IMler, contnining. 1M3 a eea 108 pcrvhea more or Insa, adj ining Il-iyd, Kramer, M lUrer and Himtnelieich ; on,' o iie thereol, surveyed in the name of Henry Hitnmcl reich, c lntnining 45S acrea 40 ierchea more or lea. adjoining Hoy I,, Maurcran l othera ; one other Ihereof, aurveyed in Ihe name of Henry Shisa ler, containing 150 acrea more or leaa, adjoining Jordan, lieetl, Yoitlieimer and otlieta ; one other therenf, aurveyed in the name nf John Hovd cim I lining t il acre 12 ( fich.a more or le, adj lin ing landa aurveyed in the namea of Frederick Cra mer, Peti t M Hirer amlothara; and ihe mhir there of, patented to Joaeph W'allia, cont lining 123 ace in re or leaa, adjoining landa auiv yed in the name of Hirnmclrcich, Yoxthicmcr and othera. A I. NO A certain tract of land, eitmte in Cm! township Hlorcsaul, furvey d ill (iiirau nice of a warrant granted J 'Cod eiaa, jr , dated the 3 I dav of Septendii r, 1828 containing 5 acrea more or lesa, adjoining lamia aiirveyeJ in the name ol Ed ward G. Maikley and oth ra. ALSO So much ita ia ait in ted in Coal town nhip, Northiimderland county, of eleien contigintia tracta nf land ; ntiethirenf. aurveyed in the name of William Uovd. containing 4 10 acea 91 pe cln a more or less; one older thin of surveyed in ihe nao e of John It Stout, cont lining 430 acrea more or leas; one odier thereof surveyed in the name of John C. Boyd, containing 372 acrea 110 p-rchea m re ortea; one other ihereof rurvexej in the n una of John C Boyd, coi.t . joint 3'JO acrea more or le-a ; one othet thereof, surveyed in the n me of Samuel Morgan, containing 4 1 5 acrea 1 15 pen-lie-maii or e-e ; one other ihereof survey d in the name of John C Boyd, c intailiiiig 411 ncrea fit perchi a more or leaa ; one other thereof survi ve.' in the name of Hcler Scott, coniiining 421 .rrea 70 ierchea more or leas; pne olher thereof aurvi y. in the name of II miah M Bovd. conta n'tm 427 acrea 140 rc!ita nuve or la-; one othei thereol' atnveyid in the name nt William lloxd.eontaiinnB 458 ictea 157 perchea m ne or ha-; one o'hei ttureof aiirvexed in the name of Ehr.i H Bitd.cou tainit'g 443 acrea I pi ich moie or !. an I the o thi r there. f aurveyed ill llie name of Willi in Hoyd containing 357 ncrea 128 perchea nnne or leaa. A Lsi So mm h as in a mated in ('oal lnwu-hli iNor'humlH'r and county, i f the equal uinltvi ed one fourth part of 1 55 par1 a of 226 part- of ihhtem c ntigioua tracta ol land aurveyed on wairan'a for 400 acrea cch. dated the loth dav of Max, 1701, g all ed to William Ediot George AaMon. h Loxvuea John Y ling. John Whiteman, J.weph Jordan, Richard Tuni-, lonn W irner. D ill el lti-e-, VVilham Potter, Wil iam 1 ilh-r, Peter Dehaven a' d William Powel; which annl tracta oflai d are hy the oiTieial return-nf survey compuied to con tain 5346 acrea 120 perches anil all wn nee. 8. iieil, taken in, and to he g.ild as the proja rty of Burd PaUei-on. ALSO The nee undivide l fllh part nf a ce'tain tract of land aitiia'e in Augo.-ta lo nsh p, .N r thumherland coun'y. containing 200 ai-re-, more or lea-, adjoining landa of Augustus ILa-y, K4her and olhe'a, ahout 100 acrea of which t ch nred ; whereon are erected a liuine house, an old log ham, an orchard, fit.. Se'eil, taken in execution, and to be Bold as the property of Jonathan Putinnn. ALSO All the i!i fendnni'a interest (eitppoeed t' la-the urn1. villi d in ieiy) nf and in a certain tract of land silmileinCo il township, .orihum hcrland county, surveyed on a warrant to Thomas Hamilton, containing four lion red andtwilve acrea mo e or le-a, aliout twelve acrea of which lire c'eareil ; whereon are erected a email log house and a log alad'e. Sa'.l tract of I 'in! ia hounded hy landa surveved ill 'he ninna of John ('u on, S ,m uel Clark, John llradv, John Carson and others. Seiicil, tnken in ex ecu ion, audio be aold a the proner'v f Maik- E. Eck rt ALSO A certain tract of lind situate in All fust i towi ship, .Noithum' erlanil count' , adj an ing lands of now Lew i- Lew art, Christian 8 nsa ei's l.eira, l ind ol" Mra. Sh ilT r. J din Cla k. j' and othera, cmraining two hundred and fi'iv aci a nnne or le-a, ahout one hundred and ninety five acres of which are ch ared ; whereon are e ected a Itvo atory I g house, a atone tenant houa.' (rough raal) and a large ha-.ik dun. Seized, t ken in rxccu'inn, and to he aold aa ihe pmp- riv of Adam Shiaslcr. AFjSO A certain tract or piece of land ainiBte in Minrnok'n township. Norihiimh rl nid County, cor tail ing fortv eight acrea and nine percln a, ad joining laud of John Evert. George Arnold, Jiich K are, John Horn and others, ahout 38 acrea of which ia clear' l, S'ciz d, taken iii execution, and to be told aa the property of Willi mi M nil FELIX MAUIiEU, Sheriff. SherifT'a Oiriee, 5 Sunhury, May 31st, lt45. $ Sllcliiifl tVildlic'M lUttatc. ATOIICK iahvrel.y g ven lo thoa in.l. h'ej t sai.l eitate. to call on the uh-cnla r for aet. tlemeui. at the i Ifice ol John Yordv, Kaq , in u guata lownahip, on Saturday the 14th dav ol June, The accoun a of those who uegh ci to cad at that t rue, will be placed in the hinds ot the Justice lor co. lecli.-u. U.S. WAGNER, , i . GEtl t'ONKAD.S Augua'a, May 3lt, 1815. 3t. urf liumbrrlaiid C'utiiily, mk. The Commoi wi ahh of Penn-x Ivama, lo H.irih Mcliee, Catheiine Mcfiee, Nancy Uuoy, Nancy Troiel, intermarried with Jacob Trmel, ('atn-r. ine K n-hy, Cti-ey Met Jew and Mana-ae Mr. Gee, heira and legatee- ol Maiiue M Gee, de. 'd , and all other person inter, atcd. Gui kritmi, Yt lC are hereby c l' d and enmmaujed to ap pear def'reoui Ju 'ge of the Oiphan' Coun, at auuhiiry, the 4 h day of Augu-t, to show caua if any you have, why tha admlnl-lrati n arc .mil nl Barnard M. Gee, executor ot M tnua 1i (ice. I tie of Chdisquaque lownahip, dee'd., ahould noi be re. vieweJ ri ead ami ronected, agiceahly io an or der made in our said cuurt W 'tueaa ihe lloiunahle Juaeph n Anthony. Esq. Preaident of our aid court. Ihe 27th d-y of May, A. U. 1845. EDWAKU OYTEK. May 31, 1846. f Cl'k O. C. PIUCE CURRENT. Cnrrerted wctkly by Hmry Yoxlhetmer. Whkat, 85 60 40 25 5 112 12 fi 25 10 8 10 fin 150 Rtr, CoRHi Oat. Pork, Ftxxar.xn, HttTTaa, Enna, BaKawat, Tllo w, Fiat, FtAT, Dnikii Aeei.ra, Do. Prachcb, I. O. of O. F. THERE will he a grand Preceaainn of Mutua' Lodge No. 84. of the I. O. nf O F. held in Mil on. on THURSDAY the 26 lay or June next, in full Regalia. The hreih'cn of the order are respectfully invited to attend ami participate. A. W. COMLY, Hcc'y. Milton, May 3lst, 1815. Jolice. JNJOTK'E i hereby given to the heira and legal ' repre-enlntivea of ILnrv Antca, dee a-ed. ibit by virtue or a writ of Pa-tnion ia-tied out of the Orphana' Court or Norihnm' erland county, to me directed, an imp eat will he held t the late reaidenee ot a iid dece.iacd, in Ihe In rough of Xorthutnher land, Nor'hiimbeilirid county, on Friday the I81I1 day of Ju y m xt, at 10 oMnck, A. M., for the pur pose of making partition nf or to value and ap praiae lhr re l etnte nf aaid deceae' d. at which time and place you may at end ir tail think i rotn r. FELIX MAUREIt,.S,rr-. fherifr'aOlTice, Stinhurv, May 31, IMS. fit Aorf liiifiiiHTltiml County, nn. In the Orphans' Cimrt nf m'H County al April 7-m A.'lt. 1815. N motion of II. B. Maaaer, Eq. The court grant a rule on the hena mil legal renr aen- lativca nf Jo' n Uucher, Scnr., late nf the t'ormigli of 8uti'urv. ilec'd,. leaving ia-ue .even rhil Ireo, lo w't : John Bucher, Ji., Ca hruie. ma ried io Owen T R.ilier'a. Ma giret, married to Win Fisher, Ma ry Bucher, Julia Ann Pitcher, D 'l.or ih. married in .lotiu Mornaon, and (iemga lliirh"', heirs ami d'a'ri ntr ea of John Bucher, Scnr . late of the bo r -ujh of Sunhury, . f said County, ilec'd. To ai peai in our nut O'phana' Court to be hi Id for sod county, to wit : mi he 4th day nf Autu-t A D. 1815, nml accept oi lefuse the e-la'c of Ihe aid John Uiicder, Senr, ibc'd.or ahuw cau-e why the aatne should not he a d Certified Iron the recorda nf nor and Orphan' Court, at fun'-urv, iht 2Cd tlav nf Mir A.I). 1814. KDtt'MiP DYSI EIt Clk. O C. Sunhurv, May 31 t. 1815 fit SI fi lit ( OiTLI) 11.. TR. G. .i. "SMrrH'a Sugar Coated l id nn ' Vegetal. Ir Pdl.a," are now the fav.iri'e m.iltc:ne of ttna C'lintry. Manv new reiiie.lies have been discovered ami nulled into brief notorietv, hut we have no kmnvl ,lge of a meibrine com' ineil e rnileh that ia elfi ncioua and lea-nut aa these Pilla The idei r taking I'i hi l.erelofore h ia Ifen nan ea ing in the highest degree. Mneheiiall i-dne Dr Smith for It nging out this valuable me 'ici e. We know of more than twi n'y cures of 'ia-s' a considered bv other d ctora a- ilaiu'ernns ; nn c -ae of confirmed Itvapip ia in parrirular, wheh enme nndei mv own inimnliulr k"On ledue. We h ive tried hem on selves and in our fimi'v, fir headache, colda ant pons in the aido ami hreaa'. and we can anv, we nexersaw their equal both for pleii-intm ss M il elficacy. One Word in reference to ihoae wholes de mtr direr, who, not havnij h ti'sty en cgh lo wn k lor an iiidepenib nt liv. lih anl. i unterli n r i'.i onte u ' valuable n ine ties as D . Smith's I' II S'liznr Cmileil'' Pill-orifin ted with Dr. tj. II nj Siinh who .pi lied lor a Patent hi g b f re any d dy clue ever hear1 of iln m. theie'ore it w i I he seen ih it all nther 1'ith el imiog to be "Sug r t'oite'l"are spiriou amid nge una. ami we ..d vi-e theae who buv to examine careful y the t ox for themselvea, and see that Dr. Smnh's nnne ia on it. Piine; Oltice. 1 70 C, reen w ich at w Y'rk. Sold by JOHN VV. FIMI.ING Sunhury. WM. FOK'YTHE, AMi'rf. Sunbory. May 24'h, r45, xoitrn liu vxrii az: jtzl. iw xl. fJTH E ia Iterel'v civn that the Hooka ..f il the N nil i Hhavch Cav L I'oxri VI w ill he npened on Txietihii) ihe acveme. n h day nl June) next at t wo o'clock in the at'emonn at the Ph. eon Hotel in Wi kea'iair-, Pa., w in re ih- un tleraigneil, Co.-imise oner under ihe lac for th it pu pose en icti d. will attend In receive tuhacrip- lion lor nt -aid company. G. M 11 dlenhack. Che-ier Uu'br, S imi'I. II d and, E. W. Sim. I, vniit, Roh't K. P nrish, V. E. P.olc't. S. D. Phe pa, Win Colt, Win. M t'elvy, Joapli Pne-lly, Henry King, Ge i. P. Steele, (iirrick Mallery, C. L. Ward, K. Ovenield, Henry Sia.n, S F ilea llcy, On. M ick. Thus. P. Cope, 1.1 hu Cbauncey, Heriiy Diii.ker AIay21ih, 1845.-Mt Not ICO TO T('E is hereby giv, n. that the sub eril-era i- h ave left their laioka and notes in the hands of George Wiiser, Esq , f ir seltlennnt ami co"c. lion. AH persona imlehled In Ihe 1 1 e firm nl Miller V M ir x, are reipie.ied to p y unbv ihe fust of Jimp next, and all pera- ns not Comp w oh the above mitire. max expect ruits to la-hioujhl ajaini llie.n lor speedy collection. (Ml Alil.ES MM. I. Kit, WII.I.UM MAUI. Suiibnry, May I7lh. IKI5 3. jir.Li' tiiiF Beginners. rilllE suhacritiera would re-peclfully info m the 1 Citi7eiis nf Stiiihuiy and ibe puhlic gi ner -lly , III it lhe hive purcasial iie shop uf Mr, Will on H i iVei, in Market atr el one do r west ul the Pott llll'ice, while they will i onlinue the 4 abinel-llaUiii": 15iiiiu'.i, in all its br liche. The puhhc mav iXpecl Iheil work d lie Hi the latest stxle. They hi), e, by stmt tteiiti.iti in bu-in. a-, t meiit a .lure of public patronage, fXjs Cnllina made to order on the ahnrtest n o ire and c.nmtrv pro.loce t ike, in exchange for wmk. I'lllX (i & HEN It Y C. M AIMT.N. Sui.hurv, Mav 1 7 h . I Mi 1. L.ST 1TCTICE7 ALL I EKSONS to II II M .a er, nn I o k ii rnutit, or mh-rwise, uic n que e l io call . nd m l ie wi'boiit dc'ay. Su ..bu y. May 17. 1813. H B MASSFIt L1 11 l!t nl a anpenoi quality , can now be h id al lUu Lime Kilin ul Henry Masi r, in Sun liury. May 17, 1H15. To the Electors of Northumberland Counly. V) EIN'G Boticited hy mt numerous friewla In the tbdere t a- ctiona of the c unlv, I h 'e eonaen. led tooir r myaelfto youi consideration aa can didate foi the ofTice or co Axmissxomra. Should I ' he elected I pledge mxself to folfl' the dull, a or the olHco wilh fi 'r litv and impart ahly. PEIEIt VANDLING. Augnala, Mav 3lt. 1815. To the Electors of Nonhumlurlainl (ounty. BEING aobri'ed by nrny of my frienda, I have consented to ufTer myself aa a candidate for the office of Tre nnurcr nf N'nrihnmberl n I coii'.ty Shinhl yon aee pro er lo elect me, I pi mva. If to perform the tluliea nf aaid olfice with fide'itv. WILLIAM GLLICK. Sutibtpy. May 3 1 at, 1835. To llie Electors of Northumberland County. A 'P the solicitation nf a number of peraona, in ' iliff rent paits of the c imlv, I have coiiaentcd to be a catub ' ite for the nllire or Tiin.i st n t: n of Nnrthumberlnnd c .un y. I need h irdlv assure my fell iw.cit T' in, that if I am elected, I will en. denvor to diaclnrge the dtitica uf the nirtce fat hful ly and iinpurtiallv. JES-E M. SIMPSON. Pnnbiiry, May 17th, IN 15 To ihe Electors of Northumboi land ('ounty. r",HE stihaeriber, Troin the encouragement reecN veil Irom hi numeroua trienils, ben by olllis himaelf aa a c n didate f. r the nil ice of -rREASoniin of thnmherlaml cimn y, f. r which he snlieit 'be sulV ag a nf his le I w ci' r.en-, Sm utd I e be elected, ha will fulfil the duti nf h- tVice xv th fnlelly. FRANCIS lilCllt.K. Suntuiry, May 17th. 145. To the Electors uf Northumberland County. J7F.LI.OW CITIZEN: I would r.ap.c full A nllcr m a If io your consideration, aa a candi date for the nllire of r now fKvoT.i n v. Shou'd I he elec ed, it will be mv plea-me as well as ilu y In attenil lo the bua n-as nl ihe otfiee with fidihty and puncualitv. W M. J. MA It TIN. Sunhury, May 17th 1S15. To the Electors of Northumberland ( 'ounty. PKLI.OW CITIZENS. I !i .ve ' een indu ed -a- to idler in v self aa o C tidnUle f n the i.ll'ue of 11 otliouolai) , Al the enat ing eleilion Sli u'd I rnritm itelv b elected. I here y pr nnse. f i hlnly and impani d y lo dl.-cll irge lliedlVtes nf d ollice. It II V FAIiNsU OKTH Sunhury. Max Ul, IMS. To the Eleciors of Northumberland Cotiuiy. F ki.i.ow ciTl'r l ho .hu n:. m.. i ...If . r. ... I,. I .... f. I,.. . to.... .-I ACaiSTCR AXTD RECORDER. I cull oiuy promts. . a' out I lie toiniinte euoii''h t.i In- re-elec ed to d'sch rge the duties of said . Hue with tidihty -nd iinpar .i v. EDWAPD OYSI El'.. Snn'riirv, May 10, ISIS. To the Electors of Northumberland Ci unity. JF.LLt'W CHIZENS.M the so'ieitn ion of a nninh. r.'t m Ineiitls, I have c 'tiseun d lu he a eiiinli.l ,ie for ne otlice of REGISTER AND RECORDER. I pr. mis. Il ' ell 7. lit. ol Ihe eollll'X. Ill It I' I mi elected I w ill elide ior lo ili-c H'ge the duties nl i llie i llice laiitifnlly ami impirnilv. I WILLI .M M. (.It AY. Sunhury, April 1'Jf , I Sli. To the Electors of Murthumbei land County. 1 EL LOW Cl riZENS: As I have been great. ly eiieou aged hy my Iriemla, I aolicil )our support for the ntl'ice of S II V. It I V V. Should you confer this office upon me. I shall e' dcavor to discharge llie ilut es 'h re f wit'' tide litv. THOMAS x. llll.l.l.Nti I ON. Sunbii.y, April 19th, ls"15. To lite Electors of Northumberland ( 'ounty. lFLLOW (M I IZEN's Hiving la-en in-ou 1- iiigcdbx nix luemla to oil r mysell' aa a candi date for the nil'.co of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, I te-peci'U'ly solicit your support. Sli Ml'd V"ll nee proper to Copier ib.e office Unon Ine, I w i il en ih nvor io di-i II 114c the du ies ilu teut with I'ub lity and iiiipariia ity. fSEiisnN n i:iT. Sunhury. Aptil I9ih, 145. To ihe Pdcctois of Norlhumberlaiid ( 'mini v : JIM.LoiV t I I'lENS : I heg leave to ffei in v if as a c lul.ilalc, ut the en-miig election, f. r .he otlice of 4 ountj Cuiiiiiilstsionor. Should I le so f iiuna'c a- lo he eti etc 1. I id iLe my-eir t di-eharie the dote ol ihe ollice vx th I roinptnc.- and li.iel Iv. I'll MILES WE WEIL S mhurv. Amil 5 h. II5 V I A i O S . trilllS Sl'Hstt ItlUEIt has b en app i.nte l audit. 1 to e - lo f'ttKl MEVIMCs l EL. I'.lt It TED I'ULMIL'M lt -E WOOD PI- AN OS, at this place I hca Pianos have a plain, massive ami l au'il'ul exteiioi fi ih a d, f r depth a d wcelin s id nn", and eleg .nee ot workman, -hip, are nut s i pa-a d h anv in ihe I'nt'rd Suti s. Ti e i a ic. nmmen.lvi m Imm I'mi Dir.Ta, a celt bi ate. i jH-rlo tiler, and htm. If a man ut ic uier: A I A IC IK H vn had the pi. a tier ot irxingib excel lent Pi inn Forn-e m infaciured In M-. M.yir, uid ex1 il'l ed n ih. li t ex'1 bt ion of die Fr nkbn I", -t til e, I f el it du. to the 'me m. r it ol th- maker io 1 1 1 ne that the. in-trum ula aie qoi'e ipia', and in some r. -pi e's ev n siiperioi, oal ih. Pi ano F' 't-,1 saw ai die captt I- nl Eu ope, and i'U'h g a .o...ii uflwoye r- a Pot-. The P nuoa wl li. ml at ihe mauufactorer's lovxcst Phil idi h hia pneea, if lint a. me ho g I wet. Peia 'lia are irqne-led o call ami rx amine f'l themselves, t the re.j.leuce of hi -ub-ct'tv r. Sunhuty, May 17, 1815. II. U. MASTER. AOMIMSTIliTOirg SiMJ. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. BY VIItTUE of -he awer ve.leel in me. by t'.e will ,,f the la e Thoxs Obvt. dec'.l.. will lie sold at puhhc sale on VVnlne-day, the 23.1 day ol July m il, at the M naion Hotiae. upon the pr noses. .fine Man-Ion Farm ..f the 'ate T nmi (trani, ,, e'd.. in Augusta township, N irlhum'i.r. 'ami eiiun'y, Pa., siia .te rn the ea-t side nl the Ri. ver Miisqnehaniia, qni distant, and almut a mile from the llorougha e Sunhury and Northumber land all that valuable etate. late the Mansion F irm of a d Thomas (rrant, ilec'd., adjoining the farm or Samuel Hunter on the south, land otTho m .s Robins on the east, other land or the late T'u maa (5. mil on the north, and ihe Su qnchanna Ris v. r on th west, containing, toge-her, two hundred ami twenty ait acre and seveniy perches more or less, nf hn h about two hundred and fifteen acres a e e'eared and ahout one hundred and fifteen acrea are fust rale Itiver bottom hind. 'I he improvements ronsi. of a two story double farm 40 leet from by 30 leel in depth, with frame back building and fiame ki'rhen, and atone milk boiiae arid oven attached, and a pump and well of excellent water in the kitchen, a alone smoke hiise, ta'ge hank barn, 1st atory stone. 2d do. frame, 80 feet long bv HO feet in depth, a 2 sto y wagon house, with granary above and corn enli nl ached, a name carriage house and granary, and a large I g b rn and stable, wi'h a new and improved cider presa, with ahingled roof over Ihe aune And ALSO ; two B'nry brick dwelling house, con t lining in front 26 feet and in depth 27 feet. 10 net es. and biick two story kitchen, 20 feet in front by 11 feet, fi imh'S in depth. There are upon the prcmrrs two tipple orchards in excellent older, ofthe most valuable fruit one entraining ahout eight and the mher h' lit nineac a. This Farm is one of the most va'uahle and pro. dnc'ive in the Stat. . ia in the highe-t state i.f cul tivation, and locBeil in the heart of a district, which, fir salolo tv nf Him te and picturesque se n rv. is nnsnrna-S' d. Ii is situate nn Ihe pool ofthe Sh imokin d..m at th.' ea tern termination of be Not hiiniherl nil It hlge. Its i l-xi" ilv to the thriving h .toiiL-tisnl Sonhury and nhiimberl md. ed 'he pr. bah'h.y that the hi la contain Valuable lav'ica nl Iron Or , ami I'aa.'in ra'de location in the hi'B't nt die r..n and t'oal regions of I'einis, Ivan.x, to which th."e is a h. avv ai d i 'creasing emign. ion, gives tit s i ropertv an additional value, ai d renders it w. II woithy nf the al eniiun of capitul. i-ls a d far ine a. kj" Terms in .de known on the dav of sale. KENDEIiTON MITIf. AdmV, Ac., of I'hmnaa Grant, dee'd. Sunbiirv. May III 1MI5. Kt. IVIRS. POLIjIVIER, N Ft) It Ms hei friends, and the public in gene--al that she ha iqa-ncd a new and ha deome -ornueni ..r Sprfnfj ilKllfnrrn anH JTancn wrh which she can supply ihem n very reduced price-, nt llie Oi.n STJmn, We o ihe Post OlFice. Nun urv. M y 10, ISHo tf. CENTRE Tl'ltXIMKE. A N lli" lion for nllieers nf the "Centre Turn- pike R ad Compnuv, leadisg forn Reading i,i Snoiajrx " wdi Ih held in ihe II. .rough nf Sun hu v in. Morubiv the 2d tlav nf June next, at the I ouse of E'lt diet i W it7.fl The election will open 't I a'r'iH k, P M ntnl rlo-e at 4 o'clock, P M. Tt.r nccoiints nf he 'omp u y for the pnst year w II Is? sit bin t'eil to ihe Siucl.h. Iders present, al the a.iiue tune and pi ice. JOHN 1). HOYD. Hci rotary. Nor hnnibeilan l. M ly 10, 115. 4t. . itolM'it I'ariisiM oiili'N I'.slate. 'O'l'K'E i- herein g ven that letters uf ailmi- ntsir ti 'it have hei n granted to the subscti- . on the. est He ol It 'lanl Farns orlh, f"r., dee'd., I.i'e o Mi.uunki'i lown-bip, N rlhum'.eri and cu. II i'roua losaid estate are reque-ted to in ke uimeili it" payment, and all those h ivii g la ins will pres. nt the -am-, duly anlhe itm'c.l, to he suh-crihcr in Sm hurv, or at Ihe resi.h nee of adilic'.l. JOHN F Ml.NS WORTH, sunhury, M y 10, lull, (il. Adm'r. HAAS'S HOTEL, 3 "J IT 3 "J 7, ort h ii in ! r I ti ii ri f ' u it n t y, PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS PECTFt'LLY iufnrmahia Irien.Uand the public in gener .1, that he tins tak-n the I rick staml. in the Borough of Sunbiirv, lately occu .'ed bv J din Haus aa a puhic houa -. (west ol I'.e Sta e II Use. and nearly opMs'te the Court llnu-e.) where he is prenared lo accommodate his friends, 'lid all otheis who mav lavor him with their cus tom, in Ihe best possible manlier. His II l st all sparkle with the choicest of Li Urmia, and hia TAPLE shall he well supplied vx uh ihe vcty best the maikrls alfird. In -hurt, n i p .ins nor expense w ill he . pared to render hia house in ev. ry way worthy of public pa'ronsg" A hi eral share of co-tom ia herefnie a dicttcd. Sunhury. April I'i'h, Is 15. tim nnvaoy Ait. V.SHI1TG TC1T HOTEL, Wi st xiif of Muiu xt in Ihr Horn' of LYCOMINO CorXTY, PA. TIHE siibreribrr v oM respectfully inform Ida JL n:d f ieiids and the ir ivt-iling puhl c. thai he has recently taken and liit'ed up, ill a Upariur m inner this -pici u- brick edttice, sign of GENERAL WAfHINaTON, where he i pr. pi id to ui cooni oda'e 1'av I rs and visit. xain the very lest and pleaan g sty le, la house iasima'cd in Ihe ni'iat p. asant and relit ml part uf Ihe hor .ugh, con t'liiciil lu buMinaa, and is Ij'g ami the r ma ai'y. Th.it1 ttil lor the liheT.I sepporl while keeping ti e ,.!d Munex Ijuiel an I the American Hotel, in 'his Imrough, loi the pa.1 three yeera, he reacict'l. fully aoitc.t.i a Citiilinu 'in e of ih' s ns. THI'ODORE WELLS. Money. April lCtb, ILV tf N. II The Hairtstinig. Nortbuniherland, Polta vi'le, Danville, Willi un -port. Loch H ven and Itelleb.nie St igea uirive at and depart from thia Hn-iedaiy. T. WELLS. K c m o v a 1 . llll. JOHN Y. VEAL. RErEC I FCLLY inform, the ci- -jr tigena ot Suiihuy and it vicinity, th t fj If lias reiiiiiv. d to the II ick lions. , to Ma kel aire.!, formerly mcupte.l by U nja in HeuJii, ks. e.. of the shoe f rmer'y oc C I I d bv Mi b i Marti, and now bv I T mem. whi le be vxdl las happy to receive Cad ill the Ime o hi- pr. fe.-lon. unluty, March W9ih 1915, AH NEW SPRING GOODS. A. n. M A US II ALL, WHOLESALE & RET All SEALER tn Fiinhionable, Superior and Medium Funry and Staple Dry Goods. No. 18 Chesnut st., between Scvcnt'i and Eighth streets, I'tillndclplilR, T8 now in tegular receipt or New Styles Silk", I Motisetin r'e lainea, Lawns. Organdies, Jncone r, f iinirhams, Ilaregea, Marques, Eoliana, Paliorine-, Camhric, ('hintr.ea, Uombaztnea, Alpacas and n. 'her seaaonable Dress (iooda ; alao. Shawls, Scti-f , Veils Embroideries, Hosiery, Lares, Cloves, Lm. en, Cambric Hankr. and Irish Linens; Calicoes ,.t 12) eta. a yard, Muslins, and other ihenp (iouda. Strangers w ill find it pirticularly to their intere-t to call, as the gnisls are all warranted, and tiiu loirext ro.i;. rices invariably named first, Philuihlphia, April SCih, 1815. 2m. lEDECIlTES,DRkTG5l DYESTTJFFS, PAINTS, e. flHE subscribei keeps constantly for sale nn ti n X most rcssnnahle terma, an assortment of Medi. cities, Drugs, DyesiulTri, Painia, Oils, Varnishes. A e. Ileing largely engaged in grinding audi arm b aa Cit ger, Muatatd and Pepper, he has th. m tor aale of a superior quality , below the market puce He would mention that he has a Patent M cl ma worked by steam power, which epahlce him to s II Pi t rt of the very best quality for 'Ji teuta a lb. m, ami 3 cents in Uulk. lie confi.hntly asacrts that hia prtcra are such as to give suti-fuciion to those who itnv tavor him "till a rail. J. W. W. CORDON. No. 103 West Prott St., Baltimore, opposite Uol- lin. reaiid Ohio Rail Road Depot. N. II. No rh "ge made fur delivering G.iuJj in any part of ihe cny. March 8th, lSl.V 3 n Boot & Shoe MAKING. fill IE subacrilaT. late of Hie firm nf Beck & Be. X sm-. wou d re-pecifully inform hia old cueh. tu ts ,.ud the puhhc gener illy, that he now occupies the new buililn g we-t of Henry llaupt's Tailor hop, and opposite Ueort'e Hnghi's Drug sture, in Market street, Sunhury, where he intends lu cutiy on his former business of BOOT & SHOE MAKIXC. in all its various branches. He will he prepved la do all kinds i.f work in his line nt the shortest mv lice, and in the must durable manner. He is that k rul for former patronage, and by strict attendance lo hu iness and reasonable chargea, will endeavor to de-erve a continuance of it- JOSEPH BECK. Runbury, Feb. 22 1S15, 6m " UMIUJELLAS & l.vASOLs7 CHEAP FOR CASH. J. V. SW.X1T'S Umbrella and Parasol Manufactory. Ail. 37 Kurlh Thitii utrrel, tulT Jii-jrs it loi v Ihe city iion:u V Ii I I a ri c I p Ii I a . A LWAVS on band, a large sha-k of I'M BKELLA.s and PA It SOLS, inclu mg tha lutrst new si) Ic ol Pinked Edged Para-ols uf tho la'st woikn.atiKhip ami materials, al prices that w, make it an nbjucl io Country Merchants and nlhera to call and examine bis stock before pun buying elsewhere. Fee. 22, 1S43. ly ITE V7 Ci-RPETIITGOT TlllE auh.-cribera have received, and urn now i opening a apleiidid a.-surtmeut of tU fulluwiiig g (ids Saxony, Witlnn and Velvet Carpeting Brussels and Impend 3 ply do j CAR- Extra su H" fine aid line In grains do y PE I' Engii ih shaded & D inia-k Venetian do j IN'U. American twilled and fig M do J Engbrh I iruuge'ta a. d Wool. n Fl.wr Cloths Stair and Passage Bock'nga Einlios-ed Pia. o and Table Covers Ic n l m Chenille and Tuf'e l Rugs Door Malts ol eveiy ibneripimn. ALSO A U'ge and ext. n-ivc re.o'tn eut or Floor Oil Cloth-, ttom one to eight yards wide, cut to fit eve ry inscription of rooms or pisa.'es. Also, low pnce.1 . grain Caitinga from 31 l 62 J cents per yard, together with a huge ami exten sive assortment of g.ajda u-ua ly kept lycrpet tnerchaiita. The. above goo t w.l lie sold w holesale or retail at the Ion est market prices. C uinry mi rchaiila aud uiht't are particularlv invited to call anl exa mine our st. a ll hefore making then aeVciions. CLA KKSt X, Uit'H & MI LLIO N, Suecessota to J seph Itlackwoial, No. 1 1 1 Chesnut, corner of Fr itik'iu Place. Phila.hl biaj-jh 22'. I !... " aYsll It V A 18 O "cTa I, WHOLESALE & RET All HAT A: CAP MA N ITAl'Tl' Hl.r. South I'usl mrmr of Murkrt and 4th its.. llillaltlilila, SrHElJE they alwa ke- p on I and an exten aive 3sa .rtm. nt of HAT U CA PS nf exer. description, got up in the best and moet approve st le. I'die lis derirous uf purchasing suuerior am cb a on the most ica-ou il le term,-, will fi. d i iht'ir' aiLuulago to call b. f. re tnukllig urihifi else hern Philadelphia, Oct fuh, 1S1L lv UDOi .fxrT'.vfrtrifKo v i:. i:t i m.i: t tm ioi . i, F.IK I li s (INK I I) Y iS l' E rs I A. TIII-S Medicine is olfe ed to ihe public gene ally. a full conviction that it is-upcr. to any other np dicne now in use. for the cure Dvspepsia, Lixer ('.'itiplaiut, .Neivous Dehililv ( I Bodily Weakness. & c, ! Ita elTeeia have heen teste.1 in a private pr,v' uf near t ight years, ami it is noxv more r xieusu ! circulated, at the a. Itciiu.le uf manv who have ceived the most signil l-eneht trmn ihe u-e . l it. The following ia one among a number of ci it eatea received in lila'ioii to the ucces of ttita ii dicinet I.iruiH I'd. March If Da. CroBBK W. Ai trv, liear Sir: Il is with great p'eastire that I form you of ihe success a tending your I'vsi e' Medicine, wh 'e ved in nupac'ice Fi past rxpeiuiice, I la heve that in e ght r. nut ol ten the Dxsjh pne, bx Ine u- ut v.-ur m ripe, max emir ly n.i hut. m It of I la a thorn it, pathway of hi. : mil nulv in dys4-pt'C eases, in all Csea of const ip ii ion and ilisea.-ea di ( c.i on a dtl ibta'ed state of ihe nervous svalem. i ther with a si t of the btaela.will yon It tr Ih-foil, dot inealun .ble value. ISu.i er. u stances vx he nil the uail'u m. of ihe me licme 1st . ii rea!i-ed, may la' foixxarded, if require wish you gtea1 success, and recommend the i cine lo the rutfrr ng ( r, , inankind. Vouis, x ith great te-pei t. Kit II Kit P Al.NEW, M. rfj' For sale nt the store of H. B. Ma.vci. , for ihe pr 'pneior. Suutairy, Pa, Odder Stub, 1 e. 1 1. ly