Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 17, 1845, Image 4

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A writer in Knickerbocker haiaomt wrll-ti-rbi-il
remarks on tha Pharisertsm of tha age.
This is a subject which, moat publication, anil
most writers, out of ptHillani.noits lunr of'reijm
inj interest, ire afraid to handle, but it never-tn-Mees
ia one for mm to think and to apeak nf.
" I'lti Pharisaical heresy, thia divorce nf reli
gion and moral," ia much to be deplored in its
effects on the morala and manner of the people
r- !iu are under ita influence. Pride, hardness
v-f character, sourness of disposition, inottkinm
out ol'dours, if we may an call it, are ita rffrcte,
On thia aubjocl we have already observed an
excellent article in the Mmemngarrie, entitled,
"A few candid ob.ervationa." Our liberal li
terary men would do well to dilate upon it.
Wo need thejuat mean of cheerful, human-re-liiriivjs
feeling ; a broad catholic ee,itiment,eon-it-t-ted
with joy, gaiety, hilarity, and an appre
ciation of the beauties n nature, and purlieu
I n ly of m t, aa exhibited in all ita reaouicca and
The following passace from the Knickerbock
er are significant :-l'Lil- Ledger.
"The Chrietian Religion ia n. great moral
erred. The aeccmd of thoae two (,'rcat cum
;iande in which the Saviour of mankind con
densed all the law and the prophet?, is, Thmi
'wit love thy neighbor aa thy aelf;' meaning,
without doubt, that we should accord to all those
iih whom we sustain any arciul relations
whatever, all those acta of justice, or of kindness
and courtesy, we would in liko circumstances
with them to accord to ua. Now wh it ia thia
but an injunction to the practice of good work!
What boots it to love our neighbor unless we
demonstrate it by deeds whenever occasion re
q iires ! This sort of reformers thru are those
iio denounce all acta of justice, kindness, for
pivenew aud charity aa 'filthy raj: !' Nay, I
have on more than one occasion heard theae
preachers of practical religiotwsole inly ii-sure
their hcarera that the vir lata and pood deeds of
r.n unjenerate man are an insult to hia Maker.
Thin we are likely to have a religion consist
nr; entirely of abstract principle of faith, and
divested of all ita rich regala ir Christian vir
tnes; all its justice; all ita brmevolenee ', all
its charity ; all its morality. These are seta
drift, denounced, proscribed, to pivn place to pi
ny without substance, and bijotry without re
ligion. Rfligion ia but another name for love. It ia
neither compounded of fear, hatred, pride, pre
ptimption or persecution. It ia all love. 'Thnti
ehalt love the Lord thy Goo with all thy henrt;'
and 'Thou shalt Itive thy neighbor r thyfelf.
On these two commandmenta hang all the law
and the prophets-' There is nothing to fear ;
nothing of sectarianism ; nothing of bishops or
presbyters; nothing of the r'al presence, or a
ny of those outward forms ond ceremonies, those
inctaphpical subtleties, which have no more to
(Jo with the fundamental principles of the Chria
tion religion, than the cobr of a man's coat has
with his opinion?. All these are omitted by
the Author of Christianity when condensing in
two great enmpresensive precepts the whole du
ty of man to Goo and his fc How-creatures ; the
( ntire sum and substance of flint sublime sya
tmj of morals which it was one great object of
his divine mission to propound mid to inculcate "
JivrNTtE Covraoe. We lately met with an
account of an incident, which occurred in the
tuwn of Wnser, in Germany, in winch a re
markable (Jegtecef courage and presence of
mind was manifested by a lad of only seven
yeirs of age. lie was playing one day with his
citer of four years old, when he was alarmed
by the cry of some men who were in the pur
suit of a mad do. The child suddenly looking
round him, an w the doj ruining toward him:
iiit intttdd of in;iking hi-escape, he took ifl
us coat, and wrapping it round hia arm, boldly
jciii the dog, aud holding out the arm cover
J with the cunt, the animal attacked it, and
vorrii'd the coat till the men came up, who be
:g armed with clubs, killed the dog. The
len reproachfully asked the boy, why he did
ot run, aud uvuid the dog, which lie could have
one so easily. Yes, tad the little hero, 1
:Hd have run from the dog; but, if 1 had, he
Vtm' hive attacked m sister. To protect her,
herefoi j thoncht if uttering him my Ccet,
vhich he vght tear at uH you should come up
nd kill hnn.
The men, as well they might,
ri't admired h.
1 courage in facing the ilrg ;
Jt tuey were ti.b attonistud l the pru
nee and finnnewo-. ,) uucovereJ by the
ii'iiomenon. The cexjuct olllns wonderful
old furnishes, a useful l.n, ( persons of more
itureage, in proUcinij tiemuelvea from the
:v;k o! a iuu doj.
The editor of the Kniel:eibocke ludicrously
jstiutes the nicosity of a reform ');cal
menclature. Vtiy rnuih conlutinUvl, be
s, w.s our friend Dr. Donne, a few jrara
ce, by a teuiurk oi'oue ot hia paiit tits. The
previous, the Doctor had prttctibtd that
i aud palaUble remedy the syrup of buck-
rn, and hud Uft hia prescription writ
in the usual cabalistic character : 'Syr.
im. Caih.' On inquiring if the patient had
a the medicine, a thunder cloud darkened
eyes, end the roortd out: "Not 1 cau'l
' your doctor-writing and I ain't sgoin to
the Syrup nfRam cats for any body under
whims-cat comparison being made between
'Ck and n woman. Charlea x obrerved
be thougnt the simile bad "Pur," said be,
3ck serves to point out the Lours, tad a
in to Uiike ut forget them.''
lbbjj- L-ieawawewg;
II A ft li. SOTE
Tie f .lliiwim li"l "hows th curn-nt lne of nil
'en-idvlvmiia It ink N ti s. The mnt implirit re
li inrn m iv t e tacfd upon it, a it i fwv week
ari f.illy compared with and corrcclcj fiotn Uit k
null's Hi-porter.
lMnUs la Philadelphia.
NK. '"' ,.Hltin.
1nk of Vor'h Amerira , ,
Bank of the Northern T.i!ertip ,
fjommeri-inl Hink of Penn'a. . ,
Furrerrs' and Meehanirs Bunk
tf iniri?tin It.o.k , ,
par IImA
S mthwatk ltmk
Western Hiik . ,
Meclianies" f!nnk , .
Muiiufacturcr' cV Mechanics' Hank
Country llnnh.
nanV of f,beier Cnnntv Wpatchrstcr par
Hank of lXuwnre County ("healer par nf (Sermniitnwu (Sernnnlown pir
Hank of Monteomery Co. Nnrris'own par
rovletni.n Hank Pnvhuiown pur
Kaioon Haiik Koslon par
FVmrra' Hank of Hocks eo. HrMn! par
Wc of Bank of IVioi'a. llarrirur Thee
Oijlc do do l.mensler I nrTiera
Otllrs dii da Rending f do not
Oilico do do Gastrin Jlsauen.
nnk of the United Mato
flarik of I'mn Townahip
Ki-iird Pjnk
Vtovami-noins Tt ink
Oank if "eiiniivlviinia
Minrra Har.k of Puttf ville
Hank of l.ewii-town
Hank i f A'-ddlitlown
Ui-nk of Niirthiiniheihino
Tbiladilphia 31,,n2
. par
.' i
N .rlhiiml'crland par
I'nhiinl-ia Dank & Hriugn co.('olu'nlna
Carlisle llrfhk
Exi li3iim liank
Ilo d branch of
Fanners H.-nk of l.ancnatei
l.nnraatcr t'nnnty B-mk
Farmers' of Iteading
llniri. liore Dunk
f. inciia'er Itaus
Lelmnon Hank
Mcn haiiii' Mariuf. Bank
Bank of FittKliurg
West B.a.ich B.nk
Wyoming Hank
rth itnptoii Itink
Berks Cotintv Bank
Oince of Batik of IT. S.
U do ilo
l)o do dit
Kenaineton nv. Ins. A
I uncnstcr
) ailiiij
Piltsl nig
W illiRiimport
Yi:ke "l-ane
1.1 10
Nevr Itrigliton
(J. II) nixing
VV ny nratnirg
Penn Township Sav. Int.
B:ink of ChainlHTsburg
BNk ot (ii-iryturi(
Bank of SiiMjuchanna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmer' Plovers' Bank
Fianklin Bunk
Hmievdide Batik
Monnmratiel Bank of B.
Vo-k Bank
N. B. The notes of thoe hanks on which we
imit quotntii'iia, and sulitittite a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philailelphia broker, woh the
exception uf those which have a leiter ol nferince.
Philadelphia Pav. Ins. Phdadrl.hia
Philadelphia Loan Co. da
Schuv Ikil I Sav. Ins. do
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Pyolt, prop.)
I owauda l'ank
Alleghany B i.ik of Pa. of Beaver
Bank ol tSwatara
Bank of Washington
Cerilte Bar.k
City Bank
Farmers' & Me h'cs' Bank
Farmers' A: Mecli'i-f' Bank
Fnrmera' iV MechVs' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bunk
Juniata Bank
liUinl'crinen'a Bank
iNnrtherii liarik of Pa.
New Hope Bridge Co.
Noitluiiiili'd I'niou Col. Iik
North Wealern Bn-ik of I'u.
It like of Schuylkill Bunk
Pa. Acr. &, M tnuf. Bank
Silver Lake B.n k
t'nion liai.k of Penn'a.
Weaiiuoielanil Bank
Wilkesharre Biidge Co.
Bedford no aule
Beaver closed
II .irrislmrg clnveil
Wusliinaton failej
Belli finite chisi'd
Pitisliilig no -ale
l'lllslitirg l.illt'il
Fayette co. faded
(i rcrnrnst e filled
Harmony no aic
Hiiutiligiltui no mli
Len iitowu no sale
Warien fnile.l
Inindatr no mili
New Hope cl-ise.l
M ilton no i-alr
Meadillo cliwtd
Carlisle failml
Montroae eloaett
I'uionlnwn filled
tirepiialiurg closed
llkeal-arie nodule
fXj- All notes purporting In he on any Penury I
taniu Bank not given in the above Iit, may be act
Jown aa frauds.
Bank of New Biunawick
Uelvideie Batik
Burlington Co. Bank
Doinuiercinl Bank
umlrl.ind Bank
?armer' Bsiik
Brtinawii k
Pi rill Anitmy
Mount Holly
fa ill d
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Ral.wav
Furnier' ond Mechaniea' Pk N. Riuns-.virk
Farmer' and Mrrehanu' Bk Midillftottn I'l
Franklin Bink of N. J. Jer-ev City
tlonoken liii.A liuzilig I o llnt,.;en
lersey ' II V Bank
Ji iry tljiy
Mecbaiiiia' Dink
I reehold
Jeiary City
Ni waik
Mauufiicturer' Bank
Morri onniy Bsuk
Mnnmouth Bk ot N.J.
Mechanics' Bank
Mechanics' and .M.inuC (!.
Mori is Caml mid Bkg Co
Post Noli-a
Newaik Bks &, Ins Co
New Hope Pit Brnh-e Co
N. J. Mjoule. ai d Bkit Co
no tnle
Hoi inke 1 1
N J Piolecton & l.uuil uid Ik Jersey Ciiy
llrauge cank' limine
Pa ers.ii) Bank l'aieison
Peopli-s' Bank do
Piineilnn Bunk Puneeton
Salem Banking Co in
Stie Biik eark
Sm'o Bank Llizalieihtown
rtlate Batik Canuleii
Slate Bank of Monis
Sisia Ijvnk Tnntoa
Astern and Philad Manuf Co Hulem
Sue Bank New inn
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Paver
Waihu.gluu Banking Co. Hackeosack
Bk of Wilra Si BranoyiauKi V iuniegton
Bank of lMare Wilmington
(Sank nf bu.yrua Smyiua
Uo luanch MdlorJ
Farmer' Bk of Plate nf Del Povci
Pa branch Wilmington
Do bramh Ceoigetown
Dn bidiiitk Newcisile
Union Bank Wilmington
Viut ' 6's
fry On all bar.ka maikf J thua fi Ihera r ut
Iker tsunteiffil nr alirrrd itt sf iha vraa it
asatioau'eiis, ia aiiaslatisu.
i jg Jt'"! u '. a 1 j j. - 'j ..mi i. i
surfEunv, rA.
IliisinrM aitemleil to in the Counties "of Nor
thuinl rrland, Union. l.romin and Columbia.
Kt ivr lol
Tun 11 4iiT Co.,
T.ntrrtt A ttARnnW.
Hi nr. Ci'WMnns ft HiST, yi'Mlail.
KittKOLna, McFaatasn A Vo.
HpKtJio, 'toon (V. Co.,
leln alctl I jiiiiIIv ll dicinc
TS, TVT ILL nni cure every Ihn g. but slill n
'f nnequalled in their srvcral department by
everv thing ever offered to the public, who have
v.ilnnlHry came forward and offered immerona and
IorMv r apeclnble trsiimnniaU of their superinr
Ctinlrrll't Comprmtiil Mtdicatul
mpnr Ua i or, iiti-.Scirhiilic Syiup, for Ilo-
ol eoituls, t'hronic Whetnn itim. Chronic Swel
lii,g ol the .loint. Eniption nf llie Skin, and all
l!ea e aiising from the alinse of Men n-y, tf.,
in .sur.araed hy aiy thing in the nia'kft, eonilii.
ling all llie vutm-a re-ident in the !Sar-ap.iri:!ii
with a nn dero nndicament. only lately brought
mo by the moat reaped alilo medical authorities.
Price, 60 cenia ner h t'le.
CttntreH'M Jnti'Disprpti't Pnrerrr, for the re
lief ai-d permanent cine of thut most diatreaaing
complaint, Pypcptdt. in all it- form and s'agoa.
It ia Uulv inoi" volu hlo remedy. 8nld in I'Otilea
ai 25 and 50 c.en' eieh.
Ctintrcll'i .1aur Mixture and Tunic Mnliea
menta, stands al thn head of the list unrivalled hv
ny. or all tde iunumt-raUe. meilicin-a in u-s
lit nglioiit the li nglh and bread h of the bud, fir
the ci.rp nf Ftvia .nil Aocs in all ila nUges, and
frem nil it consr qnencea.
Kr-iili nt ill Fever and Ague dialricta should
never l wiihont it.
The suliac ilr will forfeit EIFTY POI.LR
where lj medicine fail-t to jeiform a cure in tin
most ol's'om'e ca-c.
t Id Whoe-dr and Retail bv CALEB CRES
SON. at l.i prill Warelion-e. No. fi Nonh 't hird
Street, I'lnliuleli.liia ; Uo, l-v ll-e r-pul trlv ap
pointed anent. SE I II W. ROBERTS, Wtmlcta e
Drutttfist, No. St Wn'e' Hired. Mnhde.
I'ri piin-d nidv lv t' e Sul-erdier, corner ef C R.
I ENTER mid SECONP Sir. ei, helmv Ciri-li-an,
PliiUd' tpl'in, where ii i also retailed.
Ot'eive, none aie iteimini- u itlinot me nim a'ure
C aiitroU's .tlKturr, or Tonic
! ll siiiu'iif a.
For tht Cure of nil H 1'nus vffeetmns, if taken at
Cfiriling to ilirrclion.
It ! a neter IhiIii e leniedv viliieh no fiiini y
oiiah' t be vtidiout, epcially in low'V
com trie.
A I'll" medicine ia put up under the p-oprie.
tor's immeili iie inapeclion on the most tu-iennfn'
I rii.ciple. Iie ng Pur. ly Vgelnlile, and liavn g
tried IW rlficaey on iboii-Hndi. for upwards of i
viar. and loh koowlei'i-e wl en 'ak''ii sirietlv ac
corilioa to di eclinns, there ha not In en one fa lore.
Under ain h circiim-tanre I recoinmend it Is the
puldie, adding a cerufnata in support of my a-ei.
f, .lohti Born", do certifv that I was in the ship
Tnli.cio Plnlit nf Philadelphia, Reed, in
June, lfi27, hound in Liv.-rpool , took the fever
and sane and li .l in Liverpool some nine ond. i
the docnir I ami, went Pom tide to Pn liin re,
lay in the Infirinary for lour or five wnks from
llienre in Philadi Ipd ia ; w as six uiolit'is under Pr.
Coais : fiom thence to New Yi ik w nt to ti e
Hospital, rema'ii'd iher aliout fmr week withoot
snv relief tiled every lliinj without Miv henefit.
for five ear. He iring of t 'aulre'd'a Agu Mu
tme from a fi eid, 1 Went to I i-i -tore, t old him
h w I was atfl cted, nod roI a bottle of hi miiture
mid na-il it ceor.liiij to iliri rtion. It nude a per-
led cine, and I have in t had the lenst r-tuin mm-e.
I do wilh confldeiue re. oinoieinl il to the pnlilic.
?!rllracd iif SiiiMipiit Ilia.
I hihil. Iptua. April 1 Mi, IMt.
Mr. Snun A.Ciitsili,
Idar ir, IUmiii Le.n afllic ed f 'r upward of
two ear th uleemimn of tin- throa', de-troyii g
ihe whole of die mh p .1 te, then iliionnh the Uppet
part ..f mv mouth inin mv nose, from which seer-
..1 piece ef Inn e eniiie ont, wloeh parua' y ile-trov-
d mv sperch, ihroiieh a kind I'r.o id, me .Old vur
Medicated Syrupol S.irs p n ill i, I am now ie-lon (l
in peifii-l I'.e ilt'i, and mv sinhl , w Inch was so much
impair d, - a rtroni; w hen a I ov,
I i l-iujoht it duty I cmd lo you nj those aiini
larly alTeii J, to make it public.
Yuiita, !! spec lullv,
Corner of Tenth and l.Va c Siiects.
I. Oa'iril Jorston, No. C It- kb Sirret, do ccr
t fv tl.Ht my wife, J o e, wa nMbcied for two yeai
w ith Rheuiui I in. arid nt l i t entirely di-a'led,
so that she wa idiliged 1 1 be con fie, I to In d , I csr.
llifi f Cant eltV Mr iea'cd Kymp of S, ,pri is.
or Anli Coilni'ic iwU. I pr.a uie l four liolll, ,
which e pi, l. lv removed all her pain' and still'-
lies- from her 1 ml' ; two in, re Im'tles made p r
le I rure. S. e is now l,e n 't rid in her hnii'
hold dim, s a- em.'. (I M)I(IL JON I ON.
Philadelphia, J in. 221. 1814.
(Jjf Pe-cripiie I'ainphli t may he had of the
ace-.n (Oral..) J. W. FRILIM!,
S. hmv. Nor. 9 IMt ly .i,vri.
fiOOO 1 y Li I'l iii Hides fir t miulity.
;t.iOO lrv Li (iiiii. do
IUOO Hiy S4h.1l La Coin. ilo
M(tl) I V frl d Br ail Hides, do
Ha es (ireen Miipil Pnii. Kips.
JO Bab a Iiv Pa u - Kips.
I Zii B ine s T .nni '' Ol'.
Tanner-' and Cuni rs' Tool.
For sale to Cotintiy Tanners at the lowest prices
nod upon the 1-esl triu.
N. B. Tlie login si ui.iket price pdd for all
kiuda nf h a her
N 2l,suiti I bud St. Phil dclphia.
Peplembrr 14, 1HL ly.
to ?inu i s & .iiii.i.ivi.iis
M. M. & JOS. K. MAL'LL,
8 1 RAW (ittODS.
.Yo. CO, AorA Second Sirei I, f opposite the
Ma a non J Inn m, J
fTVj WHERE wilt be fuinds general assort.
liBient of Florence Braid-. AHers, Rui-t9aU
lands, IV, klles. Wipow Plait, Rice St aw, aud Ihe
much admired Neapolitan Lace, and r ancy B ui
net, manufactured by ", and for aale a Iha low-l
manulurtuie nnces. Idercliant and Milliner are
invited to give ua a cdl upon visiting Ihe City.
N, B We have tdn eon-lamlv niik ng our
aupi lior ha r snd ail .1 edsiiiss, fell t1 whicb will
be so'd i hrap, foi a.h.
Philsdelpbis, May 35, 18ii ljr
ii:it itATivr, sinii.
flHE vluah'e properiies of Oakley's Depina.
1 live Syrup of ISaraaparilla, aa a purifier of tha
blood, i so well known to iha puldie generally,
that il i unrecessiiy to occupy much pare in set
ling forth Ihe advantage to Im derived from its
use; wherever the medicine has nnee been intro
duced, it take precedence oer all ntheia: evny
one that has taken it, have derived so sinnl bene
ficial re. nils from it, that it is recommended bv
Ihem wiih the u moat confidence. Phyicin of
the hishrst standing in the profession, prescrila it
lo patient under their car ; containing nothing
deh teriou. hut being eompnued nt the most mild,
yet efficaeiou vegetable materials, it is offered with
confidence, a the chen?st and mnt ellicient pu
rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few
boliles, pscial!y in the spiing month, will be at
tended with a most decided improvement in the ge.
tiernl alrene'h of the system, eradicaiine nnv peed,
of ilineae that may have been general, d, beside
giving health ntol vii, r to ihe body. For the cure
of Scrofula or K nas Evjl, Itheiun itism. Tetter,
Pimple or eiitplioni nf the Skin. While Swellinif,
Fislu'a. Chronic Cough Ar-thmn, Ac. The nu
merous ccrtifira'es in llie pnosession of the subscri
ber and In agents, fiom physician and others, ure
siillicietit lo cnn v nee llie most skepl leal of lis su
periority over all preparation of 8.irtpatill.
Sold whntenle and relnil, bv ibe proprietor,
OEORt.E W. OAKLEY, North 5th stie.t. Rea
ding, Beiks Comity, and to be hd of the following
pi i s,,ii :
In Norlhumhrrfmt Ctiintti. II. B. Mr,
Smibury ; l-elaiul ft Mixel, .McEwensville ; I)
Krau r. Milton.
In Union County. J. Oearhart, Seliiif grove !
A. Oulelius. Mifftinburg.
In Columbia County. il. W. McCay, Wash
Reading. March I t, I8t:t.
Ma. Otttl.fT! I believe il the nty of every
one tn do w li ,n ver in llieir power 1 te--, for the b lie.
til of ttu ir fi Mow mi", and having had po-i ive
proof in mv own family, of the wonderful proper ie
of your Pi porative Sy nip nf Sainnp irilla, I m at
con, ienliou-lv recommend il lo the afflicted. We
had the nii-foilune to I sp two ofmir children, by
the breaking nut of ulcerous sore tha' covered tin
face, bend and reek, nllhoiigli we b id some nf the
moul M'iciiiilir physician lo aneiid lh m and had
tried all the known leuiedie. including Swnhn'
Panacea, without avail. Ano'ber of mv children
a anniked in the aaine manner, her fnce ord
neck wa coii p'etely covered; the d srha-gi- wa so
offensive, and the ihspasi at such a hemht, that we
despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effect
of our Pepi.rnivc Synip r.l S rsapari I , we weie
induced to make trial ol it. a ti e last ns rtj it
bck-iI like a cbmin ; the u ci rs commeiiei d In alma
iinuiedialely. a f w bullies eulirely restoiedjn r In
I er be-lih, vtliieh ahe f. set joyed uninttritii ledly
i ver sit ce. A a ptiiifief of the bio, d, I verily be
hive it has tint Ua cipml.
JtHN MOYER. Tilor,
alnut strett. near Fourth, Rej ling.
Pmigl ,si!te, April 13ih, 13Lt.
TM. Oikift: My son Ei'mnnd Leaf, had the
scrulnhi in ihe tnosl dreadoil and di-tres-ing inun
ner for thne year. diniiie wh-ch lime he wis de
prived of li e use of bis limb, hi he -d and reek
were cimred with ulcers. We Irbil all ihe ihlTlr.
cut reinedi, s, I ut lo no i fT rt, unt.l recoinnii lideil
l y Pr. Johnson of Noni-town. and do l)r, Isaic
Hiesler, of ISeadii g. lo Use jour Depnra'i ve Synip
of Srapnnlla, of w hu h I oMained scvnul lionle.
the ue of which d-ove the di-ea-e eniin ly out of
ha system, the sme bededlip, and the clnld w is
resluied lo prilect health, which be ha enj.ned
iininlenupiedlv evi r since, to the a-t nisluii' nt ol
many peisons who seen him lin ing Ins affliction.
I have thoutiht it mv du'y, and semi vii this reiti
lieaie thai nihe's who have a hke alfli.'iion in the
family may know where to olila.n so valualde a
meill, llie. Your n u' .
Sept. tfi, 1S4H . lv
OlllltM -lirlfri'N
ie nui'lie will nleaav observe thai no Br.indiclh
III are tie none, unless the hoi ha three l i
bel upon it. (the top, the ai,'e and the boll., ml
.eh coiiuiiiini! a f tc-imf1e signature of my hand-
writing, thus B. BntKiiNKTii, M. D. These la.
bel aie em-raved on steel, beautifully desiur.ed,
and dope at an expense of over If .0n0. Therefore
it will lie seen Ibat the onlv thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in il purity, is to nbsene these
Remember the lop, the side, nnd the bottom.
The I illounii" respeclive person arc duly aulln ri
Znl, and hold
For the sale of lirandmh's Vegetable Vnivertul
NorthuinbetU' d countv : Mihon M ickey &
Ch iiiiheiliii. Suuhiiry H. B. M asser. M'Koens-
vtlle IrelimliV Meixell. Noiihuml eilaiid XX in.
Forsyth, (ii-orcelown J. A J. XX'alls.
Uiu m C iiiuty : New Berlin Bogar A XX'in
ler. Seiinscrove Cieorge (iundiuiu. Mid. lie
hurtf Isaac Smith. Beavcr'own David Hubler.
Ad nisburg XX'in. J. May. M illlinsbuiii Mensch
V Ray. Ila llelon Daniel Long. Freehurg
ti.A. F. C. Mover, Lewtsburu XX'all A- (Juen.
loilumbia county : Danville E. B. Rcvnolda
A Co. Berwick A' R Henhouse, fa -lawivsa
I', il, Brobts. Bloomghurg John R.
Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bis-1. XX'ashiuctnn
Rohl. Met'ay, Limesioiie linlb-t ft HrNmch.
Observe that each Aueul has an Engrav, d Cer
tificate of Aeencv. containing icpies- ntatioii of
in BRANDRETIi's Mauulacn-rv at sing SuK,
and upon which will also he seen exact copies ot
the ntw lalietH new used upon the lirandrtth 'ill
Philadelphia, office No S. North 8th street.
June 24th, !M4:t.
c it v ii 1 1 NrTrn ka rcn ( Tx.
Nos. 'Ji and 1 North Third s-trcet,
.Near the City Hotel,
fi C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pectfuPy ill's-'
vjie ihe attention , persons desirous of pur
clia-iiiK Fii'lii'Ute. to Im extensive Sales Roet is,
(bo-h public and Piivan .) lor every description of
Househuld Furnilure, win re tan 1st- i.hliined at all
tunes. larce assortment of fasbionuble and well
manufactured Chun Furniture, Beds,,
cVc. at verv reduced price, for cash.
07" Sales bv Auction, twice a week.
May 27th, I84X ly
'rWEEDt LOTH, a handso.n .rude, all wool.
light aud el.isiic, lor Summer Coats and Paula,
for sale, very low, by
Jure IS H. B M.iSER.
B A I Zl t RIN ES, haudaoma ailicle for L.diTi.'
Dresses, tor sale cheap, by
June LV H. B. MSSER.
A Tlir? Hlilnfir .tlaciiluc for Sale.
fllHB subscriber niters f-r ssle a THRESHING
1 MACHINE, rspw and in food outer. The
Machine has been tried, and prove In be an excel
lent one Il will be sulj at a reduced price, and
wanantrd. Apply lo H. B. MASaJER.
July 1st, 13.
VHr!, HILE1CA1T & CO.,
uwi ait , i -
Commisfiion fit Forwarding Merchants,
loot of It ttlow Slrrrt Rail lionil,
o Taa nrtAwtMr,
TjlAVINO associated tai'h them Joseph Bnrnet,
J-- late of Eastiin. Pa., respectfully inform their
frieml aud tha public generally, that they have t.1.
ki n Ih if large and wdl known slnre and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately ncrupie by
Jacob Martin, where ihey puriiose doina a (ie11rr.1l
Commiion and Forwarding l!uine, and Torn
(he local advantage nf ihe place being enuni cled
wilh nil the public Improvement that have their
outlet in the city, they flatter thcmai vp ihey will
be able to do bnaines to as ii'e it. if not g r a'er ad
vnnlnge, and upon as rea ,n:ihle term a any oilier
hotlse, and they unsure their fitenda that any con
signment made lo Ihem shall hnve their. strict at
tention, nnd no exeitions spared to give entile satis
faction. Thi y are also prepared to receive and forward
good to any point on the Delaware nod Lrhiuh
river, between Manch Chunk, Enstou and Phils
del. Id, vii Di-h.tvnre Division and Lehigh Cm ,1;
also, to nnv point nn the Juniata river, or Norh
nnd W st Blanches of the Su-ipic hannn via Scliuy I.
kill and 1 1 mon, or the Chesapni.kc and I ide Watet
For the accommodation of Boat coming or go.
ing via Schuylkill and Uni.m Canal, a Sieonhoat
will he kept ejprejsly for towing boat from ihe
Schuvlklll around to the Defaware and back, which
w ill en hie merchant to hnvp tbpir produce deli
e,ed on the Delaware, and their good sl.ippid at
a saving ot fr to 75 per cent, o" tha price fir
hauling lido.-, with theae advantage they re
spictfully solicit a share of patr-mase.
V 11 ."V.V Ol. U KJ.
3 Philad.. May 14. 1S13. I v
W. 1I1.1LMAN & CO.
William Heilman,
v illiam vv . Keysc
Joseph lli.ruet. J l'hilad...May 14. ix:t. ly
J. ZA YXiANXr, JR. &. CO.
JmhiII ami I uharco .Manularuiifrs,
.o. Hi) Aor't West corner of Race and Third ,
rpilF, underieiied have formed a Co-partnership
-I tinder ihe firm of J, MAYLAND .la. ck Co..,
a succror to ihe late firm of Jneah .May hud d
Co., nnd will continue the b-vine-a nt ihe old esta- j
blishrnent, on ibe-r own account. In inli'iiinn in j
ihcir own chiae attcnlion nnd experience for ninny
years, in the manufacture nf their eplebrnted snntV',
Ac, 'hi Linn experience of l e senior paitner of II e
late firm, will al-o tie devoted to the intere-t i f 'he
new corcern and aa no exertion and care will le
pared to insure their good, at nil tim- s of ihe ve- ,
rv bet natality, they solicit a continuance of the
confident e, of the fi tends and customer-' of ihe late
J. M A i' LAND, Jr.
Philadelphia, May Mlh.
To fount rv
Till! Subscriber, Agent of Lyon & Harris, Hat
Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia.
Baltimore and other Inrue cities, -a osn Hutu ure
highly commmded ijish co-jr nnd duml.ility,
ha oi band a lir-t rale asi;iliie'iit of HA I S nnd
CAPS, suit it Ic for Sprinp tle, wh ih will le sold
verv low. foi cash or appioved cretht, ul ihe ni trd
rlifnp ,ire. No. -10, North Tlnrd 'ri--t, npp isi'e
the City Hotel, Phil lelphia.
N. B. Orders for Hals in the rout. promptly
attended to. Tha hit-hest price in ftWj r trade
given for Fur kin.
Philadelphia, June 11, 1843--ly
C.rririnl C oiiiiiiissioii .llci-cliaiilM,
For the Suit: of Flour, drain, Sted. e., e.
P Ef
PF.C'PFI'LLY inform their tnends and
he Merchant eeuerllv, that they have la-
ken those laree and commodious XX harv. , wilh two
Dock, noith ol Chesniu street, on the 1), law ire,
Mogether wilh the shoe No. 19 South Wharve,
wneie inev wninu nn pieasen 10 receive consign
nent of Oram, Flout. Seed, XX'hiskey, Iron. Ac.
A. Being also well prcpaied to forward all kinds
ol Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by
the ChesnM ake mid Tide Water Canals, Sais tow
boat arc kept expressly Pu the purpose of towing
boats bv ei' route.
Men hunts will please be particular to send their
no. tls destii ed by either caiuds, to No. HI South
XX'barves, between Market and Chcsnut slreeis. on
the Delaware, with directions accompanying ihem
which route ihey wish them to be shipped.
fV Plasier aud Suit fur sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A Co.
Mnrch 19,1813. No. 19 South XX'harvea.
Xo. 2:i7, jarlh Third, above Ci.tlowhill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsylva
nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., la e of A
mi ricau Hotel, Columbu. hio. lake pleasure in ne
quuiuiing their friends snd the public cienerallv that
Ihey have Inken the large and commodious Hon I,
recently built bv the Mrsst. Hart, on Ihe same site
once occupied by the old established Hold known
as Ihe Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Culluw
hill at.
This Hotel is finished in ihe very !?st possible
manner, bi d of the best materials, lis location is
very ih suable, particularly forcciuntiy merchants ;
the arrangement for healing and ventilating each
room is such aa to secure any temperature. The
bfd. minis are all liffht nnd airv. ail lurnished ilia
neat sty e, so as to insute loinlott.
'I'hc r. eeivitig parlor aie aUo fun ihe I in a su
perb slvle, the windows are on the French style,
foiining an dinauee to a Jislceny in front, win, b
make a pleasant recea. Pirticulai attention has
been given to ihe bed and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are eininly new.
r rmn yea's' experience in hotel business, we
trust, by strict assilmty tc bus nesi, to make thi
house a desirable stopping place. Our table will
always l supplied wuh the very bifl our ma tel
can allopl, and nur bar uh Ihe best Iniuora and
w inc. of Ihe most approved brands.
P. S. There am fir. I rate stabling and carriage
houses attached to the hotel. Attended by r cf jl
and sol?r hostlers, and our charges will Id low, in
accordance wilh the present hatd lituea.
Philadelphia, Oct. 7ih, IM.
S JD X 0 riL7.1S 3 Q sa
Ao. 0'J AorA Third, above Arch Street,
pHAHLES WEISS, Uieof the "XX bite Swan,"
aud Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
forms hia friends aud customers, that I e has become
Ihe proprietor of the abova well known Hob I.
Country Meicbant will find the above Hotel a
central ligation, and the best nf fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a laige
yard aud good stabling for hursts, and Ihe best of
ostleis. Boarding 1 per day.
May Mib, lii if.
run ti;ttkii.
miwnims, rmn r !t tup. fa-b, and other
M'TANFOlSl tut W liiN;.
fjj" 77if fnlliiwitii crrtifim'e ditnilir one of tht
moat extraordinary cures ever effected Ly any
rim.Aiirrrrm, February 10, 18:19.
LOR twenty year I was severely nfflicti d with
'I'r. ttkh on the Face and Head: the disease)
commeneid when I was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Full nf IS:IH, vaiving in vio
lem e, but without ever disappcarim;. During most
pf the lime, great part of my face wa covered with
the eruption, frequency atiended with vio'ent itch
ing; my bead swet cd at times until it fell n if it
wi ulil hurst the swelling was so g eat. that I couUl
can-ely get my bat on. During ihe long perioJ
that I was nff'icie I with the disease, I use,l a great
many a plication, (among them several cclchrnted
prenainttnn-1 e Will a taking inward remedies.
i iniliuling a number of bottb a of Sivnim's Vannem,
i F. rlrarl of SnrsnpurHlii, Ac, In fact, il would ho
! impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used.
I 1 was also under llie Cire nf two of the most dis
; tinguished p!.vsici in of thi city, but w ithout re
, ceivtiiB m ich benefit, and I despaired of ever being
; cored. In li e fill nf lt:lfi, the diea-p i.t the time
being very violent, I co'iimenced Usino the linse
I Ointment, (prepared by Yaui'lian fic Divis.) In
j a few applications the violent itching ceanl. the
j swelling abated, the iruptioti bcaan to disippear,
j nnd I f,,re I had used a jar the disease wa entirely
! cuied. It ha now bivn marly ymr ami a half
; since, and there i not a vestige of the disease re
' Inaitiine, except ihe scars f-oni the deep pit formed
; by the di-case. It i imp, ,hle for me to desrrihe
in a rrrtificati' the severity of die tlisea. e and my
sulli rine. but I will be pie ond lo awe a fuller nc
coiiui t,i nnv perron wanli: g funlier siltsf.ietion,
w ho will c .11 on me. At the time I co ntnence,!
using Ihe I! se t liiitin- tit I would have given bun
dled nf do lata to be rid of Ihe disease. Since u
s:ne it. I have recommended it to sever d persons,
(tun nog them my mother, who lui 1 ihe diseu-e bad
ly on her amO who w. re a I cured bv it.
JAMES DURNELL, No. tr.ii, Race St.
Cj- Tl e Roc Ointment is pr, pareil by E. It.
X'nivhan, Son h East comer of Third end Race
stici Is, Pliiindi Iphia, and sold on ncencv in Suubu
rv. bv H. I!. MASSES,
' May Mih, 113. Ais-nt.
llov (l'.t;Kla for 'S'oltfr.
I'm i Aim em . May 27ih, ls:t'..
THIS i to eertify II at I wa severely atTl.ctPil
- with Tetter m the ftnnda tind Pel for upward
of tnrtv years ; the disease wa attended generally
with vio'ent iteh'tig am! swelling. I applied to 4
nitrnbirof hvict ins, and used a crent many iippli
ca ions wiiln ut elVeiting a ci re. About aynr
since, I tippled ti e Rose Ointment, which entirely
-topped the Prima, and a f w apphc-.tion tmincdi-
an ly cured the disease, w Inch ihere I, a hi en tut
return of, iillhoiili I had never been n,l of il nt
any lime for f,,ny enrs. lill'lI.XliD S.XX'AtiE,
Eleventh, below Spiuce Slreei.
The Rose Oinlinent is
X'inii;han. S mih East corner of 'l'i.inl and Race
Stieets, I'hil.iiii Ij loa, and s- Id on naein'V in Sunlni
ry by 11. B. M ASSllR.
May Mih. 1S1X Airrit.
OJ the HOSi: ()l.l'Mi:.T,for Titi'r.
LTHorCH ihe superiority ol ihe prepniaiiort
over nil nth, rs is fully c ablished, the proprie
tor take pleasure in laying before the public tho
follnwiiici; certificate from a res ectahlo physician,
a graduate of the University of Peons, kani. Dr.
II ii.'sK bavins found in ihi it, at relief for
a Icdii us and di- agree a'de alii-, tion which the means!
w ilhiu the mme of hi proh'si ,n tiled to atlord,
has lint In siluted to give it his app-ohali n, i-lthougll
the prejudice and interest of that prufoion aia
pposeJ to secret Reuicliea.
Philaiiklpuia, Sent. I9t t R.
I was recently noubied wttii a tedious herpetic
eruption, which co-eied nearly one si 'e of my f.iv,
nnd exteuih d over the ear. V.r. X ailuhaii. proprie
loi of ll.e li use I linttnei.t, uhsei c inir my f i--e, in-i-led
mi my t'jiua los preparation, of which he han
ded me a iar. Although m comuion with he ineui-
j , u'y ,irfe-,j, ,lt-uni.ntiue ..nil ili-np
piove ol the mi, urn us nostrum pahned upon thn
public by iouoi nil pn tenders, I let I in jus ice hound
to except the Rose Ointment fiom that c!as of me
d ones, snd to nive it mv approbation, us il entire
ly ured the eruption, ahh. High U h nl resisted the
u-u I eppln ation. DAM, BM till, XL D.
fjfjf' Ihe Rose Oiolinenl is d l,y E. IJ.
X'uuuhau, onih Eu.-t comer of I'l. ml and Rare
Sireets, Philadelphia, aud sold on ngi ncv in Sun
bu.v. bv H. B. MANSER.
May Mlh, ISt:. As;nil.
'n-H CD ".U7 133 "ET ctx,
I'armr ot Th nl n-id Vine Struts,
IHE subscriber ri sia-i tfullv anuouuci s lo the
public, that be has oi?nctl a Hotel in the com
modious briik I uiltling situ. tie on the corner of
'I hird and Pine streets, where be will be happy t.1
wait up -n those who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni
ent, and furnished in Ihe bc-t modem tle, Ii H
provided with a huge number of well airetl and
comfortable s'ei ping spartmet i. room, private
pnilors, cVc. Peisons visiting XX illiamsport on bu
siness or plea-ure, nnv ret as urnl that every ex
erlioii w II l e used to render their s j nun at ihe
"Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and agreeable. HisTal lo
will he supplied wilh the vny Usi the market af
ford, am his bar with he choicest nines and ott er
lujuors ihatyes re sotial le. The C-igla Hot-1
porsessea greater advantages in point of locnlioti
than any othei .r i slal hshinent in ihe borough,
being uiluate in the husiness purl of the town, and
within a convenient dist tnee of the Coiut House
aud XX'nhaiuspori and Ehuir Ha I D- pot.
Sutlu ienl Siahliiig provided, and good and trusty
ostler :! a in alien, hut, e.
Alif ntive, net oii.miMlaling and hone-t Servants
hate It er inrloied, and Lot! ii,g I, fi nielone ih it
will adj to the coinloil bi d accoimnodaiiun of his
There will be a earring,- always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
ihe Hou-e, lire of tharcc.
Mv Mth, 1812. if
H icliarl v: vv aV Son,
norE imakehs & smr chandlers.
An. 13 .WM Water Street, Vltiladt Iphia.
A r. constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of t -ordage, Seine I w iuea, Ac, viz :
I si d Rope. Fishini! Ropes XX'hile Roives, Manit
la Ropes, Toiv Line tor Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Si iue Twines, Ac. such a
Hemp Srad and Herring Twine, Best Patent tiill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and fieri in g I'wii e.Sh.Hj
'I'hreads, Vc. Ac. Also, Bed t'oids, Plough Lines,
Halter, Truce. Cotton and Linen Carpel Chain,
Ac. all of whic h they will dispose of on reasonable
Philadelphia, November 13, 18.4?. ly.
S I VAX I . (; r t i t OD aT i d
No. KJs Matke-t Sirtet, IMiiladelphia.
I NX IT U tha attention of Cnimtiy Merchanla
lo their extensive assortment of Briloh French
and American Dry Coods, which they offer forssle
on the most reasonable terms.
Philsdclphia, November 13, 1843. ly.