Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 17, 1845, Image 3

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    BBBWP I.. !.. ... IA-J LB
Corrected weekly by Utnry Yvxthetmer.
Whkat, ' . . 8ft
Rtk, . .... 60
Coast, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 25
Pons;, ...... fi
FiAXarxn, 112
Bcttrb, lit
Eons, .... 6
Tallow, ... 10
FLAt, .8
Httcmxti Flax, 10
Damn Ariar, . . So
Do. 1'itAcnr.s. 150
TOTICF. i hereby givi n, that the subscribers
J- ' have left their hooks nnd note in the hands of
George Wtisrr, Esq., fitr setdcrnrnt and collection.
All persona indebted to the lire firm of Miller Ar
Marx, "re requested In p y up by the fust of June
rent, ami nil persons not rump ying with the above
nutire, mil expert ruili to he brought nzniriKt them
f,.r speedy collet-tie,.,. CHARLES MILLER,
Rnnbnry, Mny 17ih. 1815 3f.
THE subscnliers would respectfully iiifomi the
Citizens of Sotthury and the public generally , they hive purchased the shop of Mr. Williiitn
llo.iv", in Maiket strict, one do ir west of the Post
Office, wheie they will continue the
C iiltiiit f -llnh in? Slushies,
in nil it brunches. The public mav expert their
Wink d.'lie in ihe latest st le. They ho f, by strict j to hu m s , t i mi nt share uf public
(Xj Coffins mule to order on the shortest n nice,
and c nini'v prod ire taken in exclimge fur ivoik.
Sunhury, Mav I7'h. I84.V ly.
P I A N O S.
rpHE SCD-sCRIBER has Ivrn ni pointed agent.
1 fin tt-n ..I.. f I'UMI L) MEYER'S CEL
ANOl), at this lure. These Pianos hove a plain,
massive mid htauiful exterior fn.i-li. ai d, fur depth
ai d swei ln es of tone, and eh g ince of workman
ship, are nut s'tipa-sed In any in the United Slates.
The following is a recommendation I'limi Cmi
1'Ikts, a cell dialed petlointr, and himself a man
ul'.icuier :
A V. A 11 IL
It itivn the tilrn-nre nf trvinrr the eTrel
l. nt I'lii.o Fortes mnnftictured by Mr. Meyer, and )
fx'-.ibred i' the exlnbi'ton of
ofibe Fr.nklin In. I
ti'U'e, I f. el it due to llteiri.e merit of the maker
to I'eclare thnt thes.' iusti umeiits are ipii'e ipia',
and in i-oiiie ropic'sevi n superior, 'o a'l the Pi
ano Foiti", I saw at die espit ds of Eit'Ope, and
ilu'ii'R a sj"iirn uf two yenrs a' P.iri.
Thes. Pianos will -o il at the manufacturer's
lowest Philadelphia prices, if not some hinfi l.iwer.
Pers.iiis are tecpie-led mi call and examine foi
tin inseive-', 'it the resilience of 'lie suhi'rilu'r.
Sunhury. May 17 1H 15. H. D. MASSE IJ.
NFOUMS her friends, and the pudltc in gene
ral, that she has opened a new and hai dsomc
assortment of
(tfc-Sptfiifj jfHflifnrni titt JFn;nr
u Dry Ctooos,
wi'h which she ran supply them ai very reduced
juice-, i t the Oi.n Stamii. ''est of ihe Post OHice.
Suni nrv. M y 10. 1845. tf.
lu the Iloullnpr ill 1
Jinpnrlniit lu Invalid uiirf Friend nf the Sick
EDICINE. however i fficacimis, has always
luen tiiken wi'h dis-aitslartion by the sick,
ownn to its uii leti nnt nature. Heme it has e
vei been ihe study of all ceat physicians to dis.
guise its nauseous lane. Unt their etl'or s have ne
ver been crowtie.l wiih C niplete sueeesg. It was
left for Dr. Smith to accompli h. Having given
the sH'jirt bis utiiein'utins aitenlion for neailv
two y. sis, he his, after speridinit; a considi ralde
utn of iiioiny, produced a uiidii ine which, while
it is PAeiy way iniree i' e to ihe palate, is sure to
It n n i ph over DISE ASE mid ill opposition, and in
i pay him for his devotion to the iiopiovem. ill of
the nieiltcnl sen nee.
Dti. C. IWSJ. SMITHS Stignr Cunttd
"Jmirtivid lud an Vi-grtublt 'lit." are ihe nsult
ol this bihoi. Tl.eii ellic's, nnd the general fivor
vi h which tin y have l. en received in all purls of
the United S'lites, warrant the proprietor in the
lccl irntion that 'they aie the gieaiest impiovc
tiirni in medicine ever known." Unlike all other
pi Is, thise m ilher gr pe, pio.Uice nausea, nor any
oilier ii le.oanl sensalinn, while they are as p nv
rrful, h t iii pos-itde for a ine.'icine to be, and l e
HAHMLIKH. PAKENTS c.iinol be too rau iousnf
nnneinl meilicines wl.iih exert such an all power
ful I' Jluence ii,'Oti the sv.tC'ii as to soperaede i very
tl.ilit' else ; s' i ling and si'eueinu le tll the Jisease
and naluie heiself ultouether, and often cntistilu
til g a g'eiitir and morn tirievious disei e, which
fhall writih upon mun thioiigh l.fe. Sh ii
C'uiliiiikn riiuiris the icilaiu elferta of a in. Id and
agneille pirga ive medicine, like these pilU'
NNoima are instantly i xpebed fiom the system by
ttieir Use. Foul Momurli und Fuired Tongue find
a iHisitiie nn'idote in thi se "Sug ir (-..ated Pills."
Fut ttta under "V circuinstanci s, may lake them,
and they will promote tegular action, and preserve
In al h and sin tigih of body and vivacity ol mind.
Foi cert fn ales of ladies, we refer the invalid to a
p niplilet to l had of ihe agent'. 15 ut ho will
merely n fer lo a few who have 1st) n cuted by the
u e ofthcse Pids.
It. Tln iiiii-on 50 North Moore aire t, (nephew
oflhelxieju Re Tlioinpson,) cuud of fiiodiCal
lleadche and p in in 'he hrei si,
K. M. PaiW, U. . Navy, fever and sc ofula,
Mis. S. A. ti. ulil. (M itmn of the C. 8. Naval
llospit d) cund of heailache and blllious HlK-eltons.
Jaa. M. Tuner, lute ot the U. S. Navy, 51
Ciieeuwirh si., cund of wenkmas in the hie.l, cos
tivenesa and dtlliculty ot breslliu g.
James J. lli'Vins, depu'7 sllerilV, h' seen lln m
Used III till' deliloi's with asonishiii results.
fXj" CAUTION, The pu! lie should lememler
thai NO (Sugar Coaled) Pills can be genuine, un
less Dr. (j. HEN J. SMITH'S signature is on the
aide of vmi I vol. Tina ia impoilsnl, as misers
tde medicine may be enveloped with sugar. These
Fills are made of the very ruacsT matkrials, and
they will hear ihe scrutiny of either physician or
chemist, Uul a worthless imitation has been made,
which has no recommendation but the sugir which
Co vims up a vile mixture ol aloes auJcoliyulb. lie-
ware of turn imposition.
Patsst Orrica.
Received this 17th day of June. 1844, fiom Dr.
O. Henj Smith by Col. J. D. Htevmsou, the fee
ofTh rty Dollars payable on his application for a
Patent lura Pill "Coated Willi Sugar "
Commissioner ot Patenta.
SotJby JOHN W. FKILINU, Sunbury.
WM. F0KSVTHE, Kurthum'd.
To the Electors of Northumberland
AT the solicitation of a number of persons, in
different ftarln of the county, 1 kave consented
to be a candidate for the office of
of Nnrtliumbciland cnun'y. t need hardly aura
my fclow-cilif.ens, fhnt if I nm circled, I will en.
deavur In discharge (lie duties of the olljce f.iiihful
ly and impartially.
Sunhury, May I7ih, 1 815
To llio Electors of Northumberland
THE subscriber, from the encouragement recei
veil from hia numerous friends, hereby oilers
himself as a candidate fur the office of
of No thnn berland county, fur which lie solicits
the snlTingi of his le I w citizens. tSln old he he
elected, he will fulfil the duties of ihe fTic with
Sunhury, May 17th, 1815.
To the Electors of Northumberland
TF. 1.1.0 W CITIZENS! I wnnlJ respectfully
olTnr myself to your consideration, as a candi
date for tho otlite of
1 0 TIHhVO T.J it I.
Should I ho will be my plrasuie. as
well as duly, to attend to the bus man of the office,
with fi b lily and punctuality.
Sutibury, May 17ih 1815.
To the Electors of Northumberland
-L U
LOW CITIZENS. I Stave I ecn induced
to i Her in v self as a candidate fm the office of
At the ensidng election Should I fortunately be
eleeied. I here y premise, f.iiililnl v and impnrii il
ly to discharge llit dinie" of ,i d otliee.
Sunl nry, May 10, lUiX
To the Elee.ors of Northumberland
FF.l.T.OW CITIZENS. I he'cby offer my
self us a randtd'itr, f r die otiiee of
I call only promise, sloml.l I be torliiiiale I'noiiuh
to be re-elected, to disch rie ihe dutirs of said oll'ue
with lidihty Mild iiniur i ei'v.
Pitnl tirv, Mny 10, 1S15.
To the Electors of
Count v.
lEI.I.OW CI TIZENS. At the soticita i.
iin of
nuniliir ot my Irteiuls, l nave cnsenli
(111 J to
be a candidate for the otl'tce of
I promise ihe rtliz n ot the rouuvv, thai f I am
elected. I w ill endeavor to discharge ihe duties of
Ihe I'Hice faithfully and itnptirtin'lv.
Sunhury, April l!)th, 1845.
To the Electors of Northumberland
lELLOW CITIZENS: As I have been greal
' ly encouraged by my friends, 1 solicit your
support for the office of
Should yon ronfer this offire upon me, I shall
endeavor 10 disrharge the duties th- reof with fide
Sunbu y. April I9ih, 1845.
To (he Electors of Northumberland
IEI.I.OW' CITIZENS Hiving been
railed h mv fr;enil8, to ofl'i r myself as a candi
date for the olliee of
I lespectlully solicit your suppoit. Should you
see proper to confer the office upon ine, I will en
deavor to disiharge the duties thereof with fidi lily
and unpait'a'ity.
Sunhury, April I9ih, I H 1 5.
To the Electors of Northumberland
County :
TEU.OW CUTENS: I heg leave to nir.i
-s- mvB.lf as a c.udidute, at the ensning election,
for the otliee of
County C'niiiiiiiMNloiicr.
Should I he so f otunste as to he elected, I pledge
myself to discharge the duties of the office w att
promptness and fidelity.
R.inhurv. Apnl ft h, 1845.
A N Eleeiion fur officers nflhe "Centre Turn
J. bL I1''' R ""d Coinpanv, h ailing fiuni Reading
to fmiiliurv,'' will lw held in the llomugh i t Son
buiy, on Moiiduy the 2d day of June nex', ut the
house of Elinhetli Wi itzel The election ill open
at I o'clock, P. M and close at 4 o'clock, P. M.
The accounts of die Company for the p ist veur w II
be submitted to the Siockh Mem present, at the
same lime and place. JOHN U. HO VI),
Nortliumbeilitnd, May 10, 145. 4t.
ltobrrt I'm nswoi llCi I'.slaU'.
TkTOTICE isheieby given that letters of uilnii
iiistr.ition have been granted lo the suliseri
her, on the istiteol K.ihini FsrnsAOith, Sr., dee'd.,
late of Shamokiu town. hip, Northuiu'ierlund ro.
All ersoiis iudi blid lo saiil estate are requc-led to
make immediate payment, and all those having
clanus will pieai nl Hie ani. , duly aulheottiaied, lo (
ihe suhseritier In Suiihurv, or al the resuh nee of
said dee'd. JOHN FARNS WORTH,
Sunlmry, May 10, 1844, 6i. A lm'r.
Ot'iIiaii' Court Kale.
IN pur-uance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Norlhuinlierlaod county, will he so'd at pub.
lie vendue, on Sjiunlay ttic24th May inst , on t.e
premies, to will A rerian tract of land si'Cate
in the township nf Shamokui, in said County, con.
isiniiig twetity-seven and Ihree.fourth iere and
eight perches, adjoining land of Jacob A David
Reed, Ceo. Hummel, Danii) Campbell, and the
Shamokin Creek, on which ia ereced a log dwel
ling house, a bank barn and a small orchard. Al
so at the same time t.rid place a certain other tract
of land, situate i.i the township and county afore
said, adjoining lands of J din Reed, Jacob & Da
vid ReeJ, Slun 'el & Ynungman and Vincent Den
gler. containing 31 acres and 34 tierchera of which
about twelve acres are cleared. Late Ihe estate of
Henry Zimmerman, dee'd. Salo to commence at
10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, wbeu the conditions
of sale will be made known bv
dian of the minor child en.
Sunbury, May 8d, 1845. t.
BY VIRTUE of the power vested in me, by
the will of Ihe late Thomas Grant, dee'd.,
will he eild at public sale on Wednesday, the Md
day of July next, at the Mmaion House, upon Ihe
premises of the Mansion Farm of the late Thomas
(rant, dee'd., in Augusta township, Northumber
land county, Pa., silaate cn the rat side nf the Ri
ver Susquehanna, equidistant, nnd about a mite
from the Uoroughs of Sunhury and Northumher.
land, all that vduahle estate, late the Mansion
Farm of ra;t! Thomas (Srnnt, dee'd., adjoining the
farm of Samuel Hunter on the south, land olTho
mas Robins on the east, other land of ihe l ite Tho
mas Grant on the nnrih, and the Suquehnnna Ri
ver on th wesl, containing, toge'her, two humhed
and twenty six acres and seventy perches, more or
less, of which about two hundred and fifteen acres
are cleared and about one hundred and fifteen acres
are first rate River bottom land.
'I he improvements ronsist of a two story double
firm house, 40 feet fronl by 30 feet in depth, wiih
frame hark building and frame ki'chen, and stone
milk house and oven attached, and a pump and
well of excellent water in the kitchen, a atone
smoke house, a targe hank barn. 1st story stone.
2d do. frame, B0 feet long by 3tl feel in depth, a S
stmy wagon house, with ginnnry shove and corn
crib at ached, afame carriage house and granary,
and a large log turn and .stable, with a new and
improved cider press, with shingled roof over the
same. And
ALSO i A two sinry brick dwelling house, con
t lining in front 20 feet and in depth 27 feet, 10
inches, and brick two story kitchen, 20 feet in front
by 14 feet, G inches in depth. There are upon
the premi-es two apple orchards in excellent order,
ofthe most valuable fruit, one con aiuing ahoui
eight and the other ahout nine acres.
This Farm Is one of Hie most valuable and pro.
due live in the Slate, is in the highest state .f cul
tivation, and located in the heart of a di-lrtrt,
which, for salubrity of clim.ile and picturesque
scenery, is unsurpassed. Ii ia situate on the pool
of the Sliamokin dm at the eastern termiuati .n of
the Nor hiimtx rl iinl Uiidge, Its proximity to the
thriving boroughs of Sunhury and N ulhumherlaiiil,
mbiI ihe probability that the hi Is contain valuable
l oilies ol Iron Ore, bikI itsadm Table location in the
hi ait ol the Iron and Coal regions of I'euusy Ivauta,
to which theic is a heavy and increasing emigr
lion, gives this properly an idditioiial value, and
renders it well worthy of ihe al entiou of capital
ists ai d farmcs.
Terms m ule known on ihe day nf sale.
Adm'r., Arc, of Thomas Grant, dee'd.
Sunbury, May 10. 18 15. 8t.
Orphans' Court Salo.
TN pursuance of an order i f the (t phans Court
of Norlhoniheilaiid county, will lie sold at pu'i-
lie vendue or nU'crv, on Saiuuliv the 2flh day of
May inst., at the Court House in il.e huroligli nf
Sunbu y, to wit: A certain tract ot uniinprnveil
laud, situ ile in the lownsbio of A ui itn, in said
county adjoining lands of Jacob Sbijie, tie. "go
Conrad and others, cnu'ain'iig 9!) acres and tVft
perches. Late the esta e of Willimn (ienrha.t,
dee'd. S ,le o commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of
said day, when the terms will br made k"in by
Sunhury, May 3, 1845. 4l (.'u olin.
S('lMruli ;iaiil'H IXate
ITOriCEia hereby given, thit'leileis of ad.
niiuistiBtion have been granted to the sub
scriber, on the estate of Dehoiah (J'ani, dee'd ,
late nf Augusta township, Northumberland county.
All persons indebted lo said i si ite, will make im
mediate payment, and tin se hiving will
present the -aine, du'y authenticated, t Petei Laza
rus, Sunhury. r lo the subscrila r, No. 112 W'a not
street, Philadelphia.
April l!)th, 1815 (it. Adm'r.
S J IT 3 "J Ps T,
. o r t li ii hi' Ii r r I a ii l o u n 1 3 ,
ESPECTFULLY inf iitrishtstrietidsand l'ie
public in general, that he has taken tlje bruk
stand, in the llorough of Sunbury, lately occuried
by John llau- a a public hous.-, (wi si nf (be Stun
House, and nearly opposite Ihe Cmitt Hon-e,)
where h is prepared lo accommodate Ins friends,
und all others who mav lavor hitn with their cus
tom, in the be-t possible manner.
Ilis BAR si all sparkle wiih the cho'est of Li
nt 011 s, and hia TAULE shall be well supplied
with the very best the markets afford. In -hurt, no
p litis nor expena.i will be spared to render his
house in every way worthy of public pa'mnnge.
A lilfral share of ru-tom is therefore solicited.
Sunbury, April 12ih, ISIS. fitn
H'raf side of Main St., in the Hiiro' of
itm: 'hj rr az: "!r 9
rilME snbscrilfr would rrapertfolly inform his
L old f iends and Ihe travelling public, that he
has recently taken and fiitled up, in a superior
manner, tins spacious brick edifice, sign of
where he is prepared lo accommodate travellers nnd
visitors in the very best and pleasing st b'. li s
house is situated in the most pleasant and central
part of the borough, convenient lo lustn. us, and
is large and the rooms airy.
Thiukful for ihe lileral support while keeping
the old Muncy Hotel and the A.neriean Hotel, in
this borough, for the pat thri-e yeers, he rcspict
fully sialic its a conliuo nice of ihe same.
Money. April 12th. 1815. if
N. I) The llairmhu'g. Noithiimlx rland, P.nts
ville, Danville, Willi .m-( oil, Lock II iven mi l
He'Vhinte Stages atrive at and depart fr on tins
Hoo e daily. T.WELLS.
DanUI Hi I Ui ltatr.
"tJTO'TICB is hereby given, that letters nf admin.
istralion hive brtn granted to the suhsi r her,
on the rstata nf Daniel Ke ler. Lie of ihe borough
of Sunhury, dee'd. Ad persona tude'led lo
estate, or having claims against the same, are re
quested to call on the sohsrrilier fr atllemeiit.
Sunhury, April 19lh, 1815.-61 Adm'r.
11 e m o v a
KESPEC I FL'IJ.Y informs the ci-
-w titens ol Sunbuiy and it' vicinity, tint
be has removed lo the Uilck House, in
Maiket street, formerly occupied by
Ui nj iiuni Hendricks, east of the store formerly oc
cupied by Miller 6l Marir, uuJ now by Ia T. t'ls
mem, where he will be happy to receive call in
the line of bis profession.
Suulury, Marcb i"Jih 1915,
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of a writ nf Levari Facias, issued nut
of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum
berland county, to tne directed, will he exposed 10
public sale, al the house of Ftnnklin A. Cla'k,
in the town of Shamokin, on Wednesday the
28th day of May next, at I oVI rk P. I ., the fob.
lowing described property, to wit t
All that certrin tract of Coal Land known as
"The Wethetill Tract," situate in Coal township.
Northumberland county, and bounded and descri
bed as follows : beginning at a heap of s'lves near
(he southerly side of Ihe G'cst Road, a corner of
land surveyed in the name of Samuel Cla'k, thence
by the same, sotilh 21 1 nerches to a p t, thence
by formerly vacant hind, (now sii'Vevel in Ihe
names of William Green an I Rn'ifi t Grav.) east
203 perches to a small mmked blaeknnk, iheuce
by land surveyed lo Robert Omy, ninth 13 p'-rehrs
lo a maikcd Chesnut, east 28 perelna to 11 ruaiked
che-nut oak. north 10 perclies to a marked chesnut,
east 30 parches 10 a mmked chesoui, thence by
land surveyed in Ihe name nf J ibn lira ly, noilli
12!) perches to a markod white.iak in the middle of J
the Great Itoad, thence along Ihe mi. I, lie ol the
said road, and by laud surveyed to Win. Limbi rt
and Luke Fuller, north 78 degrees west, 52 J per
ches In a marked whiten ik in sai I ronl, a ulli 70
degree west, t2 perches to a marked whileoak
nmlh 8(1 degtees west, 132 perches to a marked
whiteonk, and north 50 degrees west, 80 penh"s
10 the place of beginning, containing 30 noes
mote or less, about bO acres of which ae ele .red,
where.m are eiected a log houe and log barn, a
brick k in, saw. mill, eVr, nl-o a la'ge ant! riritefui- '
nnre. engiee house, a store h"U-e, and nhoiil 18
nr 20 dwelling h"U-es. Ther are also several co d j
veins and drifis, rail road tracks, Ac, oVc, on ss d 1
ALSO Another trait of land situate in Co-it i
township aforesaid, known ns the "William Boyd
Tncl," and descri1 ed asfnllons: beuiiining at a j
pine, tbence running by land siirveyul to Jeeiniah ,
P .ui, north Ii3 degrees rasl, 30 perches to a while
oak, south 20 degrees east, 12 perches to a stone,
thence by I ill I suiveyed t i Meirii k Mar, north fit
degree east, 50 perches to a stone m ar a pi'"',
11. 'rill 4!) and one tenth perches to a maple ninth
58 di (irecs we-l, 81 perches to a whi eoak, sou in
81 ilegrees e-l, !I2J pi tches to stones, 'hen e by
land suiveyed to Andrew Shober. south 12 ilegrie
east, til perches to a post, nmlh 78 degiei a easi,
Ifi pi'rcl es !o a p sl, south 12 di gre seist, 40
pi n il s to a po-l, soolh 7 d giees wet, 1 0 perelu
lo a o-t arii! sooth 12 ib'g ees ea-t, 15 peicbrs to
the place nf h gaining coiitainii g I t acres and 147
per In s nnd a loivi ce, ni ne or less.
Al.Stl due fulliqoal umhv (led four h iart
(the whi le inlo lour iqn.1 pail- to be I'iviilnl) ot
nnd in a'l thai c 'lain ti irt of situate in I'onl
t m nsh p atoresaiil, nnd known as "The Menu k
S ar 'I'r ici " and desci ib d ks lol'ows: tisg nning
ut a stone, thei ce by Iin ' snieeil io Jssse Hr. nks,
iiordl (I ibgrees eas1, 21(1 pen brs lo a so .
iheuce south Ifi ib giees a-i, 85 ieic' es to a si. ne,
there soinh 09 di giees eas', '.III peicln to a st ne.
smith 31 d gi.esuist, 35 perelie- to a stir e. mit
2 degrees wes', 35 perches lo a lin , south 31 de
gries ea.l, fill pi r bes lo a dead pine, south (i.t de
gtees wesl. 87 perches lo a m pie, thence north 27
ilegrees we.-i, 35 pen hes lo a stone, thence truth
01 ib grees ra-i, 57 perches to a -tone, north 53
p-rehes lo a maple, south 58 .bgieis west. 80 pei-
dies lo a whitciik, south 81 degr es west 80 per
! eties tc n stone, sntitti 74 degires 58 pi'reto-s
1 to a slone, noitb 16 degnes we-t. 8 peirhes lo a
slone, south 74 degrees west 100 i etches lo a alone
; heap or dead while ak, iiordl ltidegres wes I (10
pe-chea lo a st"iie and place of U gointng, c iritatn
nig, l y a riceul .-utvey, 200 acics and 7 perches
and al owance.
Al.sf) ( tne undivided fouith purl of 155 arts
or shares, (the whole inlo 220 pirts or shares to be
divided) of and in 13 tract ot ("oil Limls. King
contiguous lo each other on ihe wntrra of Shamo
kui and Mahnnny ciei ks, or as much llienof as is
si lire in Coal township, Noithnmberl md county ;
which said tracts were survewd in pursuance of
13 nsrian's for 4110 acres each, all bearing daethe
lOlli diy of Mav, A. D Pi 03. graniid to Willi mi
Ellnitl. ( ieorge Aston, (! ile Low n s. John Yom g
John Whiteinoi, J osei'h J mhn, Ru tniril Tunis,
John W arner, Daniel Reese. Wt'li in P rter, Wil
lion li ler, I'eter Deh.aviii and Wi linn Powill.
und patentid 'o John Nieho'sonnn the 17ih, 20i!i,
23d, 2th and 2.rith I'aya old. t iber. A. D 1794.
mid which said ti acts of Inml are by the otlieial n
urns nl -nt v. y , eoin tiled to coiitnin 531ii acres
mil 121t perches mi I alb wanee.
ALSO At ihe same tint" nnd place, by vir'tte
of aw. it. f 'i ti i'ii t;i K pou is, to medieciid,
A ccilatn ir ct i f land si u ite hi t-al niwi ship
iilniesa d, .idjoiiunj the li'st a''ive d. scri ed I md.
survevid in ihe i.aine of S uiiui-i Weiheill, I nut
surveyed 'ii the name of Win. Green, . nd land nf
Mi (,'ai!y, Dims, and o'liers, coifaii ing !ili
acres more or less, wlie't on aie ereite.l about 15
dwa llmg housi s, a saw-in II, and a part "file (Vis -lug
h u e ot the Sliamokin luiuace. There are u.
so scleral coal veins 0 etr d on said print .es, mid
a hi n.rh I ait io d
.MX) The undivi 'ed moiety nf Cli.rvs m oe
or less, aojolntlig ihe above tlaci, smxeveu ill -he
name ot S inuel Wi tin rill and mln-is, t.eing pari rl
a naet survi ved in the iimne of It iuti Giay, Um)ii
which a coal vein or drill is nju tied.
Si iz d, taken in execu ion, and lo he sold as the
properly i f ihe ShainoUiu Coal and Iron t 'oinvany .
with nol ce to Itenj iiuni 11. Yam. II, ass guee of
the Sh nit i 'k in t'o'al snd Lou ('. inpauy, George
Armslroug, siir , an I oibeis, leru-ieiianis.
FELIX M At'RER, Sheriff.
Sunhury, 4pr. 20, 1845,
wiiolesalt: & hetail dealer
in rtxhnut'ilile, Snu riur und 1 iIihiii
I'll ml) lid Sliiptr Dty (limds.
No. ISS Clu'siuit hi., Itftut'in Seventh
it i nl Eighth si reels,
1 Ii 1 1 a l e I Ii I a,
IS now in tegular reeepl id N w Sty'es S Iks j
Voii-cl'l. i'e l inns. I, .wi a I 'rjandies, lad ne s, !
Gin ti iin-, Bi'ig.s, V qnes, I. . ir. ns. on e-, 1
CHinbr'Cs, t'l.iini. Bombazines. Alpiras aril o. )
iber -eas. ii. able Dres- doo l-; also. Mi Is, Si aif-, ''
Vi ils Einbioidi ries, I'lis e v. I.aeis, Gloves L n i
en. Cambric II kf-. mid lii-h l.mens ; Calicoes at
12 '. els. a aid, Mus'r , aid other heap timsls.
tor. g.-is w ill f.nd it p tti. nl.iily to their tu'eie-t !
to call, as the good, are nil wn'isulcd, and (In!
lutrrst cash prices invs iablv nsmeil first,
Pbilad. Iphia. April 2'iih, 1845 2rn.
J. V". 5VAX1T'S
Umbrella and l'arasttl iManulat-tnry.
No. 37 North Thifl tlrrtl, two dtiort beiow the
I Ii 1 1 u tl e I p li I n
tLW.VS 011 ba d. a large stock of I M
HHKLI.A snd PAR sol.S, inrlu iua the
Uti.l new sivle ol Pinked Edged Tsra-ois rl the
liesl woiktnanship and utat, rials, al puces that will
ntske it an object 10 Country Metrhanis and other
to call and examine Lis klork Ulore pu. chasing
elsewhere. Feb. 22, 1S45. ly
A Coinponnct Italaamle Preparailon fram
Wild Cherry llnrk ml Tar,
Hie bent remedy knnwn to the world fur the rure nf
cuuirha, enldn aithma. ernup, bleeding nf the
lunr, lohnnphic enugh. brnnchilit, n7n-
cun uliartnc.ns nf hrrnth. pain nnd
Wenknenn in ihe, breast or tide,
liver cnmjda'nt, and the
firt tlngr nf
We will net assert that this BALSAM will Hire
Consumption in isl wnrtt farm but it has cured
nnnv after all ether means of relief had been tried
in vain. And why not t It seems that the WILD
CHERRY wis destined by Nntute to he our PA
NACEA for the faagina diseases of this c 1d las
in title. 1 .01 not the despairing invalid w aste hie
nietn y nnd loose TIME, to him an all important,
in trt'erimenlinil with the trashy nostrums nf the
d iv. but use nt once a medicine that will cure, tf a
cure be p. a-ible a rnedirinr that srienre approves.
and nifinv years nf experience have demonstrated
i, it it rrm.r's relieves,
"Thrrc i rm encli thing ne fill," in the history
nf this womlerliil BALSAM Evidence the most
convincing eve.lence thai no one ran doubt . fully
eslabli lies this fact. For Hip snke of brevity we
se'ect the f I owing from t' ouands.
Isaac Piatt, Esq., Editor ofthe Eagle,
one of the in st influential journals in the a'a'e of
New Yoik, slalis undei the authority nf his own
name, th it a young lady, a relative nf his, nf very
deliean c 'nsttniiioo, wa altacked in Feb. 1842
with sn ere cold which immediately produced sjiit
ling "f blood, rough, fever, arid other dangerous and
alarmi' g symptoms. Through medical neslmeiii
and c ue she pa ti illy rec vered during summer.
But on the return nf winter she was attacked more
violently than nt fust, she became scarcely able to
walk and wa- tumbled with cough, chills and fever
every day, slid appealed to be going rapidly with
consiimp i n ; at ibis inwe, w hen there was n sign
of improvement. Mr. Plan procured a boMle .f
Wistaii's ni.sM or Wild ('iitanr. which she
look, and il sierninglv retorcd her. She g it a se
cond, and hehne it wn- half laken she was restored
In pirf el hnillh, which she has enjoyed to the pre
sent time, without the shghtert Fymplont of Iter for
mer di-e se.
Mr P alt sav "the cure c me under my "wn olw
seivntton slid I cannot lie mistaken as to the facts."
I't MBin'Rt!. Washington co., Maine, Apr. 29, 1844.
M I!. ISA AO Ul'TTS. Dear Sir : At the re
quest of ni.iriv of my friends in this place and viet
riiy ho are afflicted with ennsu. option and liver
coinp'a'ins, I lake the liber y of asking you io ap
point somi'one in Ibis county as agent lo se'l Wts
tah's IIms.m or Wiih Chkiiht. and to send him
t few d .en as there is none of it for sale within
200 miles fi. m this I have no doubt (hat it would
me t w ith a ready sub- if it were where it could l e
piocured without too much expense and delay.
My wife was ot'icked about six m nibs since
w ith what ihe physicians called the first stags of
c n-nmp'ion a Complaint v ry prevalent in till
s c'ion of country. Having seen the Balsam ad- :
v rt sed in Augusta.
I I .ok the pains to .send there for a bottle of it.
which she look, arid which helped her so much that
I sent for I An hotiles more, whii h she has also ia
ken, and ho now siys she has not fell so well for
-tx ears as she docs al this time. All those who
have impii-ed of me and ns eilatned what e licet the
IS 1 1 a in It nl, are anxious lo have some for sale in
II, is vriniiv, which is ihe rau-e of my writing you.
Plea-e inform me by elu n of nt il whether you
cone! title to send -01110, and il so te. whom, in order
hit il mav be known white it can be had,
I nut wiih re-pert v urs, etc..
P. (i. FARNsWORTH, P. M.
The w h decoutilry is fast learning that t o medi
cine no phvsiciati no preparation of any kind
whatever call equal Da. W isr All's Balsam or
Wild Cii t h h r.
.1 hum noxMLitri L i nr..
WaTsnviLLr, Oneida 10.. N. Y. Sept. 15, 1843.
Dear Sir I owe it ui the afflicted to inform y u
that in J itiuarv la-t I was altai kcil by a veiy vio
lent cold, causi d by wmkn g in the water, whii h
settled mi tny lungs. It va a. coinpanieil hv a ve
r si vee pain in my breast and sides, and also a
disiies-ing rough. I had in attendance all the best
inei' aid in our village; but after exhausting all
their skid n no nv .it. they pronounced my ili-vn.-e a
tiormxiii coi I'vtrTiosr, and rtny one and al!
nave ireup In ilie. After much persuasion I got
'ho rou-ciit ot mv physician t use the BaLsim
W'iliiCuihht pri pared by Da. WisrAa. I pur
chiisi'd o the Agent io our pi ice one bottle, before
Using half of v. hicb I I ,-gan to gain strength, and it
w .s very evident my cotiglt was much hett-r and
1 mv smii toins n every way improving. I h .ve
11. 'W used lliree boith s, and n rciftirtd In perfect
I luul'i This re ult is l n owing In 'he 11- f
j DR W 1st A It's IIM.-AM OF W ILD CliER
j t; V ; an 1 I lake this method 'of g vug y 'U tin in
i f o 111 1. 11. panlv to pav ou the debt ot gratitude
I owe veil, and putty that other- si uilaiiy ulllicled
ma) know where to npply tor lelief.
Vriv ttulv vonts, JAMES SAGE.
Mil. I'alm t.H Diuggist, under d ite of Wult rvillv.
Sepl 21th, ISt3, wriles;
The slat 'litem given ynu by Mr J imcaSage is
wcl known to be huh by Ibis whule coniiHUiittt
t c rt iulv was a most reina'ka lecure. 'The sale
nf die Hal inn is very good, and its success in cures
nu y lljilcilng. iiiuis respi ctlu'lv,
llituii'MiM n. N.J, Apttl 20. 1813.
I On or iitioul (In I .Itli iiay ol Oct iIh-i, 1 8 1 1, I w as
lakeo wih a violent path in die si le near the liver,
' winch loininifd tor a ''out five days, and was to I
, loi.Mil ly the breaking ol an U'CiT, or at seess in.
! waul v, which relieved ihe pain a h'tle, hut cau-ed
1 nti' to throw up a great qumuty of offensive matter
1 nd also much I lo. si lb ing grca ly alirm' dat
i ibis. I applied 10 a physician, hut he said be lh"Ug t
he ei uld do but ipil lor ine exe'p g ve m- s one
Mirrun 1'itU, wheh I irfuscd to take, f.-ehng
satisfud ll ai 'hev could do nie no good ; many o- 1
1 ihei r m die wete then procured by my wile and
fuel. l, but noire del me any good ai d ihe ilia-.
' cha'oe ol blood and conup'i tl stdl coltltliU' l ev.rv
I t w U8. and al last become so rtlei sive th it I
I C 'U d si aiteely Iteaibe 1 w a also seized Wth a vi.
I ideirt cotigli, It at times caused me to rstse
rnu h MiHfi Ihaii I h id done before and my
i disease continued in this way, still growing worse.
m tl F'brtinry. when h hope nf mv rec. very was
g.ven up. and my liirstds all thought I would die
ol t i Al ton so Coaartirx lot. At this moment,
when my lite was apparen Iv drawing near it. elo-e,
I b. si.l of DR. w l.VTAR'S B A I. S A M O F
WILD I I1L1.KV and Rot a bottle which nt
tii vtn mk laatuuTtii ; and by he use of only
Ihiee b idea "f this med rine, all my pauis taera
reiiioM d my rough and ' tiling ol blood and cor
ruption eiilitely atopped. and iit a tew weeks my
be .1 h was so far restinrd as to enah'e me lo w ok
st my trade, (which is a carent r,J and up to tins
' i tit,- have enjoyed good health.
GLoirtsTra Covktt, N. J , ss,
Ptra. uuHy came bKa ine, lha enbsenber, one of
the .lushrrs of lhPeace in and for Uia said Mun
ty, Thotnss Guffit, and beta duly rtfTirmad ars
cording to law, sui'h the above aiatenvnt is in alt
things true.
Affirmed hi fire me, on the 80th of April. 1849.
Such ia Ihe unprecedented success of this B AL
a prescription congeni .1 10 our wsnta, as it is pie
pared ir.'Mi chemical exliacls from sultttancea wlnc'i
the author of nature has place! in onr awn hi I
for wise purposes, that many vtho know nothii if
of the mode of ils preparation are endeavoring tn
reap pecuniary benefits by selling an ailicle aitntl r
in name, nr in appearance, or by representing tl. if
own tra-h as superior to thisUALSAM, or by pit -ting
up a mixture and solemnly asseverating tba it
is imported trom a foreign country, which is no' p .
esse. All these deceptive arts goto show t' t
W'i-taii's Bai.saw is known to the world to I n
"THE GREAT REMEDY." and that to , '
any mtiture it must he ll.t this in name, sr pur,
port In he like it in substance.
fjj Believe not tho cunningly wrought fnbiiea.
tions and tako on'y the original and gentium
Wistaii's Balsam or Wn.n ('HXRnf.
Address all orders to ISAAC BUTTS, No. h
Ann St., New York,
Agents, JOHN W. F RIM NO, Sunlwri,
D. BR MI TltJAM, Northumberland.
J. K. MOYER. ntnomnbure,
J. WAGGONSELLER, Srlin.i.Cr,.vr,
BROWN St CREASY, Miffltnville.
Feb. 22.1. 1845 ly
fjHL subscribet keeps constantly for sale on Ihe
JL most reasouab e terms, an aisortmenl of Medt.
cioea. Drugs, DyestulTs. Pain's, Oils, Varnishes, &e.
Being largely engaged in grindtn. such sr ich 4
as Gn ger, Miisiaol mid Pep. er. he bus th. m for
ale of a sunrrior quality, below the market puce.
He would menti 11 thai he has a Patent M cbin i
winked by steam power, which eh til lis 111 in lo sell
Putt of the v.'ry b. st quality for SJ cents a lb. in
lila. Kb rs, and 3 rents in Bulk.
He coiitiil, inly asserls that bis prices are such
as lo give sa i faction to those who imv favor him
with a call. J. W. W. GORDON,
No. 152 Wesl Pratt St., Baltimore, opposite Bal
timore and Ohio Rail Road Depot,
N. B. No charge made for delivering Goods in
any part nf the cttv.
March 8th, 1845. 3m
K o o t & S h o e
rilHE suhscribiT, la(eof the firm nf Beck ct Bro
JL sius, would re-pcctfully inform his old cusi. m-
rs mid ihe public generally, that he now occupies
ihe new building west of Henry Haupt's 'Tudor
hop, and opposite (ieorge Brighi's Drug St. ire, in
M nket street, Sunhury, wliete he intends to cany
on his former business of
in oil ils various branches. He wid be prepared 'o
do all kinds nf work in his line at the shorn st no
tice, and in the must durable manner. He is that k
ful for former pationage, and by strict attendane. to
hu-iuesa nnd reasuna'de charges, will endeavor lu
deserve a continuance of it-
Sunbury, Feb. 22 I, 1845, 6m
flHE subscribers have received, and arc now
X opening a splendid assortment of ihe follow u g
Saxony, Wilton nnd Velvet Carpetiugs
Brusse's and Imperial 3 ply do CAR.
Extra siipcifine and fine Ingrains do PE T
Engli di shaded & Damask Veneliun do j ING,
American twilled and tig'd do J
Eugh.h liruggctts and Woohn Floor Cloths
Stair and Pa-sagc Docking
Emh osfcd Piano and Tuble Covers
London Chenille and 'Tufted Rugs
Door Malta ol eveiy description.
A Is'gn and extensive esso'ttret t of Floor Oil
Cloth-, front one to eight yards wide, cut lo tit eve
ry description of rooms or p is-a.'es.
Also, low priced Ii grain Caipetirigs from 31j t
(52 J cenls peryanl, togcthi r with a laige and ex'' n
sivc assorimcnt of goods usuully kepi by caipet
'The above goods will be sold wholesale or ret ait
ut the lowest inurket prices. Couniry mirthmiU
Hiido'hcis aie particularly invited to call and eii
iniito our slock liefore making theii selections.
Successors (o Joseph Blackwood, No. Ill Chcrtiut
corner of FrankHn Tlace.
Phila.leh hia. Feci 22 1,1845.
Aii i iTv A. it o c r,
South llunt corner oj Mark ft and itk st.-.,
liniERE they always keep on hand nn ester
sivo asaortruent of 11 A TS y CA 'S of i et
dearription, got up in the best an I most api'.rovr
slj lo. I'l'i. ti. dertrous of puTclnsii.g supettor st
cb s on the most reasonable lorms, will fu d t'
iheir advantage to Call In fore making pur""'
else here
Pt iladi Iphia, Oct. 5th, 1844. I y
vcGirriitLr. iini,ol'w
ran Tits rt xr '
n V S 1' E s i a .
HI- Medieme a ol'"''" w "le Pu'"'c r
ally, fiom a ftiM nnurtlon tltai it ts super
i.. i.n .,ii,-, in.ibi-o. now in use, lor in- ru'v
lysi. psi.t, Liier CnOI'lai'". Nervous lVotluv
Bodily Wekness,
II , . rliTis have "en teste.1 in a private nr-
..fdcar tight vr-'. and rs now m .re cxieioot.
ci'culated, at die solicitude of many who ha.
reived ihe '"" signal I rnt fil from the u e .1 .!.
'The f.-lowi'ig is one among a numb.'r of em
rates tvceivcd in n latuui to the succcs of this i
',icu,tf: v f- n t t.
I.AVcAsi cb .1 o. Marvu 1
pH, Geo x W. AtLt v,
hnr Sir.- ii is with great pleasure that I
lorm you of die aocce.s aitenduig yom Dyspe
Medicine, while emidoyed in mvpiaiiioe. F
past t X(h ru tne, I tirudy iM hcve ibat in eight r
nut of ten, the Dvspeptio, by the use of veur in
i ine, may enur ly rid himself ol tins inrn in
i pathway of life: not only in dyspeptic rases
! in all casee nf constipation, and diseases de; er
i on adihiltiaied slate nf the nervous system, '
j irier with a to pnl st ito ofthe bowels, will yoi
i liiir befou odof ti estimable value. Nu i er ti
I stances whe-rin the usefu'ness of the medicnr
In-ili realised, may 1 loiwarilej, ll require
wish V U great success, and recoininen J Uie
emu lo the suffering patl nf mankind.
Yom a, with great re-pert,
(jj" For sale at lha store of H. U. Mass'
for ihe proprietor, Sunburv, Pa,
Octobei 2i'uh, 18U. ly