PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly hy Henry Yoxthrtmer. Whrat, . 8ft Rtt, 60 Conn, 40 Oats, ...... 25 Posk, ...... 5 FtAtSFtD, .... MlJ BcTT, . . . 14 Eun. .... 6 BcKSWAt, 35 Tt low, ... 10 Flas, ... .8 HscRicn Flax, 10 CENTRE TURNPIKE. tN Elrrlion for officer of the "Centre Turn pike Road Company, leading from Rending to Sunhurv," will be held in the Borough of Sun bury, on Monday the 2d day of June nest, nl the limine of Elisabeth W. Intel The flection will open nt I o'clock, P. M., and close nl 4 o'clock, P. M. The account i f ihe Company fur the pint jentw II le submitted to the Stockhohlpr present, st the nme lime and place. JOHN U. BOYD, Set rotary. Northumberland, May 10, IH45. 41. MRS, FOLLIYIER, INFORMS her friend, and the public in gene, tal. that flic lias opened a new and handsome ussortmrnt of with which she can supply them at very reduced price, at the Ot.n Staiii, West of I tie Pout Office. Xunl'ury. M y 10, 1815. tf. llobcrt l'ariistvoiliris Instate. "kJOTICE i hereby g vpn that letter ofadmi nislr.tion have hem granted to the subscri ber , on the estate nf Roboit Farnorth, Sr., decM., Lite o( Shumnkin township, Northumberland en, All persons indrhwd to said estate are requested In ni'ike immediate payiiirnt, and all those having cl;m mill pre' nt the rRtif, duly authenticated, In the subscriber in Sunhurv, or at the residence uf r-iiddic'd. JOHN FAR.NSWORTH. Sunhurv, M y 10, IH44, Gi. Admr. In llic Healing Art ! Important t't Inritliif.i and Friends ofthe. S'rlt "EDIC5NE, h'iri f ffifScious, h bIwbv bren taken i li die-atisfaclion hv the nick. owing to in uii lea-ant nature. Hence it has e. vet been the study of all great physician to dis. puisc it nauseous taste, Uut their rirl'a have ne ver been crowned w'Mi c mplcte success, ll wa left for l)'. Smith to arcompli-h. Having aiven the an pet hi utnemilting attention for nearly two y-i, he ha, after spending a ronideralle mm of mom y, produced n medicine which, while itiseteiy wav agreeal-le to Ihe palate, ia ailre to tr ninph ovtr DISEXSE und ill opposition, tnd to irpay him for hia devotion to the iinprovrm- nl of the niedicitl -cn nee, DK. a. nnxr. smith ssnr c,it,d Impror d Indian Vrgrtiilde ''" are 'he result t thm laboi. Then ellec a, nd the g- neral f ivor wi h winch they have In en received in all part of the United S'ntes, warrant the proprietor in the lecl iratimi that 'thev aie the greatest improve, mem in medicine rvpr known," Unlike-all other pi t. these neither gr pp, produce nausea, nor any other upleasant sensation, while they are as pow erful, as t is pna-ihle for a me. jrine to he, and le hanmi.f.. PARENTS cinnot be loo rau ieus of minend meilieinp which exert such nn all power, ful influence ii on the system as lo ii ercde every thing el-e ; s i ling and si'cncins l ill the disease ami native heiself altogether, and often ennstitu tmg a geat r and mote erievinu discs e, which shall wcie,h upon mm t lir.iti i; h life. Simwrs Chi i.mir.x r qui" Ihe ptnin cfT-ct of t in Id Bnd ntr.eille n ! i im n.e.l cioe. I ke iIhkc pilln. Wiibms are instxiiilv ejiel ecl Imm th" system hv lhe;ru e. Fmil Mumm h and Fninl Tonutie find p.wiij.e in id 'le in tliene Nog ir C at d Pill." t'r.M ai.k under m y rin iin.sini.C' , may takeihein, bihI they will promote leulir lion, and prcarrve loal h and n nuih nf h"dv nml viv rily nf mind. For cert fieaiea of ladies, we tcfer the mv.t'id to a p mphlel to I e h ol nf ihe azent'. But he will merely refer o a few who have been cured by the U-e of the-e, li. Themp-nn. 6R Nor h Moure aire t, (ne; hew ,if Ihe l ite J n ee Tliotnpsou,) i uird of periodic.d lliadnehe hi d p in in he bn at, R M P.nk. II. ivv. fever and 'coful i. Mis. S. A. uhl. (M lion ul the 1'. S. Naval II "pit I) cund nf he.iilache and billi ins nlleelion. Jhh. M. Tur. er,' lu'e of the V. S. Navy, 51 (iieeiiHicli si , cund of eakna in the bicd, cos tivenes and ililfirnln of I remhn e. J une J. Bevm deiiuiv shenlT, hi seen them Used in ihedehloiV pi i with aa' reulu. ' (XT' (JAin iON, Ti e tu lie should remeinter j that NO (HL'ar (boated) Pill can I e genuine, nn. I less Dr. (j. BEN J. SMITH 3 signal ure is on the I ide of m i iit box. Tli' i iinpoilHtit, a nvscia- i ble mid cine may be envi I ped with rugar. These I I'll n nr.' maile of ihe veiy rmr.T t iTUtiu, anil they nil bear iha scrutu y of eithi r physieiun or ' rhi init. lint a wo'tlde.s im tation h is It'en mu.le, j liii ft ha no recoinniei.d iiioii but ibesugir which j lovi is up a vile niix'tirc of alue and colcynih. Be- I ware of un h iminsilion. ! Sold by J(HN W. FRIMNCi. Sunbwtt I WM. FCRYTHE, Xrlhunftt. Ori'li.'in1 Court Sale. I ' N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Norihuinl'i-rlaml countv. will he so d at pu!. 1 be vei due, on !Ss unity tl e"4ili Mav int , mi the , prcnii cs, to wit : A reria n tract of land ai'uale j in ihe I 'Wnahip nf hnnvik n, in aiid cr.unty, e m. laming twentv-ieven ami tntre.toU'lli acre ami ghl erehe. adjoining Ian I nf Jacob cV U ivid lieed. Gen. Hummel, Ds'ii. I CHinp'.i. II, and the Minnokni Cietk. on which is eric ed a bg dwel ling hou-c, a bank bain and a amall orchard. Al an 1. 1 the came time and pl'iee a cerlain other tract nf land, xitua'e in the township and com ly afore, aaul, iHljoining laud nf J dm Reed, Jacob Ac D.i vid llenl. Stun 'el oV Vnuugman nd Vincent Den e'er, cnntainiiig 31 sen a and MS iiercher of which luut twelve acre ar cleared. l.nle the eatale of I Henry Zuumerin in, dee'd. Sale to commence all 10 u'cliMk, A. M. of n d day, when the condition I ofajle will ue made known l JOII ZIMMERMAM. DANICI. ZIMMERMAN, HENKV ZIMMERMAN, jr. SAMUEL EI'LER, VALENTINE KLA8E, guar dian of the minor child en. Simbutv, May d, 1815. 4t Ul-lllUlll, Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Nonhumlw il .ud county, will b sold at puh. lie vendue or ou'ery, on Saiuiday the 21th day of May ins!., at the Court House in the borough nf Kuubuiy, to will A certain tract ol unimproved laud, situate in the townahip nf Au iiata, in Mid curty aojniiiiiig Unda of Jacob Ship, (Jeorga ,.Cmrad and other, coniainnig 83 acre and lUfl ' pen he. I.nte the e.ia e of William Urarhit, dre'd, Sjle tu commence al 10 o'clock, A. M. of iid iy, when lha terms will be mada known by MARY H. OEAKHART, Kunbu'y, May 3, 1845 4l Gundiin. AIIIISTn4TOn'S SAI.K. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. BY VIRTUE of the power fesied in me, by the will of the lain Thowa On sit, dee'd., will be aild at public aale nn Wetlnerlay, the 23d day nf July next, at the Mmaion House, upon the premise nf ihe Mansion Farm nf the late Tioma (rant, dee'd., In Augusta township, Northumber land county, Pa., siiante cn the east side nl Ihe Ri ver Susquehanna, epihlitatit, and about a mile from the Bornngh of Sunbury anil Nnrthurnber. land, all that Valuable estate, late the Mansion Farm of fa d Thomas tJranl, dee'd., adjoining the firm nf Samuel Hunter on the smith, land ol Tho rn i Rohjn on the east, other land of the lte Tho mas Grant on Ihe north, and the Su-quehanna Ri vi r on lh' weal, containing, together, two hundred and twenty ait acre and seventy perphe. more or less, of which about two hundred and fifteen acre cleared and about one hundied and fiflt en acre are fiist rata River bottom land. 'I he improvement coni: of a twn atory double farm house, 40 feet front by 30 feet in depth, wilh frame back building and frame kitchen, and alone milk house and oven att'iched, and a pump and well of excellent water in ihe k'tehen, a atone smoke house, a la'ge hunk birn, 1st story stone. 2d d.. frame, 80 feet long by 3fi f, ct in d pth, a 2 stniy wagon house, wilh gtannry above and own crib attached, a frame earring house and granary, and a large log turn and stable, wi h a new and imi rovrd rider presa, with shingled roof over the .ime. And ALSO s A two s'nry brick dwelling house, con t iniiii in front 26 feet and in depth 27 feel. 10 inches, tnd hiick two story kitchen, 20 feet in front by 14 feel, 6 inthes in depth. There are upon the premi e s two apple orchard in excellent order, ofthe most valuable fruit, one con'aiuing about eight and ihe other shout nine acres. This Farm ia one nf the moat valuable and pro. dueiive in the Slate, i in the highest slate of cul tivation, and located in the heart of a district, which, for salnhr ty nf dim te an I picturesque scnry, is unsurpassed. It is situate on the pool of ihe Shamnkin al the eastern terininati n nf the Norifitimbrrl ind Bridge, It proximity to ihe thriving homuchs of Sunbury and Notlhiimheilsnd, d ihe pmhahilny that the hi I contain Valuable bodies of Iron Or , and itsadin rah'c location in the heat I ofthe Iron nnd Coal regions of Pennsylvania., to which thete is a heavy and increasing emigra tion, gives this prniierty nn additional value, and renders it wi ll woilhy i f the attention of capital, isis. (j T erms made known on ihe dav of sale. KENDEIM'ON fs.MITH. Adm'r., Ar., of Cirant, dee'd. Sunbury, May 10. 1815. Kt. Orphans' Court Salv. IN pii'sunice nf an order nf the Orphan-' Court ol Norihumberl.inJ ('oiiuty. will In-solil at pjh l c vendue or outcry, on S.iimd y the 10th dav of Mav next, on the premises, to wit : A e riain tract of land situate in Shainok n tow nship, in said county, a-'joiuiug lands of David McWilliams, E lisha U .rum ami Oli diuh Camptell, coniaining Iwenty-fivfl acre and one hundred ai d ihhty-ninc I erche more or It's, on which are erected a large two -lory fiame house, bain ami other ouihouser; l'e the esia'e of James Camphell, dit'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A.M., of said day, when i he condition ol tale will he made known hv OIIAUIAH CAMPBELL, WILLIAM PERSINO. Sunbury, April 19ih. 1815. 4t Adm'r. Deborah f.runt' Instate 'TOTICE ia hrehy given, lhl b iters of ad iniiiitialon have heen granld ! the suh scriler. on the rst iie of Dch rah (i an', d c'd , late nf Augusta township, Northumleitand countv. All persons indebted to said isl.te, will make im mediate niymeiil and having will resont the same, duly auth niira'.e l to Pete I. ma- I iuP, Sunl ury. i r to the sul scriher, No. 112 Walnut, Philadelphia. KENDERTON SMITH. April 19ih, 164561. Adm'r. T the Electors of Nortluiiiibcrlunil County. S-lF.l.l.OW CITIZENS. I hed.y ofT.r my self . a cin lul ne, f r ihe i fiiee of EaZSTa AND RECORDER. I can only promise, tioul I I he lortiinate noiiuh to be re-elecied, to disih .rge ihe duties of said office with fills lit jr ..nd impar'i.iiv. EDWARD OYSTER. Sunhurv, May 10, IS 15. To llio Electors of NoithuiuberliJiiil Comity. j T," El. LOW CITIZENS I hive If en induced J- to illVr invseif a a c ndulyte fm the uliiic i f I'lotlioiioturj, At the ensi i.ig election SSn u'd I fortnnilely be elected, I here'.y promise, f .i hfill y and impariid ly to discharge the duties of a d nllie.e. JOHN FARNSWORTH. Siinhnry, May 10, 1815. To the Electors of iSlorthuiuLicrlaiul Count v. IELI.OW CITIZEN'S: A I have been great, ly rncouiaged hv my frieinis, I aulicil jour support for Ihe olTice of S II E 11 I V V. Should you confer this office upon me. I shall endeavor 10 discharge the dut p lh- rpof with lidc Inv, THOMAS BILLI NO TON. Ntinhu y. April I9ih, 1815. To the Electors of Northtmilierlaiul (V'.intv. TELLOW CITIZENS. At the ailinta ion of - a iiumhcrof my triend, I have Conscnti d In be a candidalo for the ollice of REGISTER AMD RECORDER. I promise ihe -it u u ol the county, that .f I am cltcled. I will endeavor to discharge ihe duties of the cilice faithfully aud impartially. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Sunbury, April 1 9th. IM45. To the Electors of Northuinbci laud Countv. 7KLLOW CI TIZENS. Having been Js raged by my frit-uda, to oiler iiiyavli' 4 a candi date for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIOrjT:ll, I tespecHu'ly solicit your supp.'.rt. Should you see proper to confer the office upon me, I will en deavor to di-chaigo the duiibs theieof wilh fidility and impartiality. SEBASTIAN HAITT. U"bviry, A priM9ih, JS45. To the Electors of Northumberland County : J7ELLOW CITIZENS: I beg leave to floi myself aa a candidate, at the enauing election, for the office of County Commissioner. Should I be so f irtuntte a to h elected, 1 pledge myself l discharge the duties of iba olHcs with promplneaa and fiJelity. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, April 6:h, 1945. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of a writ nf levari Facia, Issued nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum bi rland county, to tne directed, will be exposed to public sale, at Ihe house of Franklin A. Clark, in the town of 8hamokin, on Wednesday the 38th dav of May net', at I o'clock P. Vtthu fol lowing descrilxd property, to wit t All that certrin tract nf Coal Land known a "The W.thetill Tract," situate in Coal township. Northumberland county, and bounded and descri bed as follows I beginnim al a heap nf stonea near the southerly side of the Oreat Road, a coiner nf land surveyed in the name of Samupl Cla.k, thence by the same, south 311 perchea to a pt, thence by formerly vacant land, (now su veved in the name of Willi im Oreen and Ro'e t (Jrav,) past 2fi3 erches In a ainnll maiked hlackoak, thence by land surveyed to Robert (Sray, nmth 13 perrhe to a marked Chesnul, east 29 perches to a marked che-nul oak. north 10 perches to a marked chesnut, east 30 peiche to a marked chesnut, thence hy lund surveved in the name nf John Drady, north 139 perches lo a marked wh teoak in the middle nf the (treat Road, thence along the middle of the aaid road, and by land surveyed lo Wm. I. imhert and Luke Fuller, north 78 degrees west, 53.) per rhe to a marked whileoak in said road, a uth 76 deurc s west, 83 perches lo a marked whitroak. noith 80 dcgiees west, 133 perches to a marked whileoak, and north 5(1 degrees weal. Re) perrhe to the place of heuiniiiiiR. containing MHO acres moie or less, shout flO sere of which aie whereon are erected a log hou-e and l,t( bare, a hiick k in, saw. miM, Ar, al.o a la'Re anthr iciie fin mice, enei- e In usc, a store In u-e. and ah 'til 18 or 20 dwelling hou-es. Ther are ;dso -everal cod vein ai d drifis, rail road tracks, Ac, Ac, on ia d piemiae. ALSO Another tract of land situate in Cna; township aforesaid, known aa the "William I'oyd Tr-cl." and descii'ed as follows: heninnina nt a pine, thence tunning hy laud urvey d In Jeremiah I'aul, north 63 dearecs east, 30 perches lo a white oak, south 20 degrees east, 12 perches to a atone, thence ly land surveyed to Meirick Star, north CI degrees past, 5(1 perches lo a stone near a pine, uorlh 49 and nne tenth perches lo a maple, tioilh 58 degrees we-t, 81 perches to whi'eoak, south HI degrees west, !I2 J petehe lo stones, theme hy laud soiveyed to Andrew Shuber, south east, 61 perches to a post, noilh 78 degrees east, Ifi percl es t.-) a post, sooth 12 degre- eaal, 40 pi rcht lo a post, south 78 degrees wet. I G H-rehe lo a post and south 12 degrees east, 15 perche to ihe place of beginning, roninining 43 acics and 147 perches end allowance, more or less. ALSO One fulliqual undivided four h ptirl (the wlndp into four equal parts to be divided) of mid in all ihat certain tmel of land situate in foul , townsh p aforesii.l. and known a 'The Merrick I Slar Tracl." and described aa follows: hen nning t a atone, thence hy land snree.l to Jrsse lirouk. north 74 ih gre-s eas1, 240 perches to a s n-.e, thence soulh Ifi degrees ea-t, 85 a?rches to a stone, Ihei c south Oil degree esi, tit) perrhe lo a sh lie, south 31 J. grip us', 35 perches lo a slot e. sotit1! 2 degree wei, 35 perches to a ston-. south 31 ile grees ea.l, fiO p.-n he to a dead pine, south 0:1 ,le grce west, 87 perches loam pie, theurn north 27 degrpts west, 35 perches lo a stone, thence north 61 degrees ea-i, 57 perche to a stone, north 5:1 perchea lo a maple, south 58 .bgiees west, 80 per. chex to a whileoak, south 81 degrees west. 80 per i lies Ic a stone, south 74 degn es west, 58 perches lo a slone, north 16 degrtrs e-t, 8 perches to a stone, south 74 degree wesl. Illfl perches lo s stone heap or dead white..ak, nor'h 16 degrees wis. 106 pe-ches to a st. no sml place of gmninc. contain ing, hy a r cent suivey, 2U6 acies and 7J perches and nl owance, ALSO One undivided fonilh pjrt of 155 arts or shares, (the whole into 226 p Ms or shares lo he ilividul) ol snd in 13 tract ol Coal Linds. lying contiguous to each other on the w iters of Shaino. km and Mahnnoy creek, or a much ihtr.of as i M'li.t'e in t'oal township, Noithiimherl tnd county ; which said Ir ids were ureed in pursuance i f 13 warraD'a for 4n0 ;.cres e.icli, all hearing da e the 10th d.v of Mav. A. I). 1793, giauird to Witdsm I'.llioit. (Se..rj;e Asion. Cale'- Lown . John Young. .1 'hn Wlmeinnn, Joseph J. nil n. Ku hard 'Tunis, John Warner, Daniel Reese. Willi nn I' rter. Wi' li .in Mtder, I'eier llehaveitant Wi ham Powell, nnd patented o J. hn N tcho'son on ihe I7h, 20ih, 23 1. 2t h and 25ih I'ava of October, A. D I7'JI. aud which smd tiacta of land are. by theolliei il ie 'un s ol .in v. v, computed to contain 5346 acre and 129 perches and allowance. ALSO At the same lim- and place, by virue of a wnl if Vtn in. ni Etpniuis, to me ill pen d, A ceit in trot nf laud situate in Cial township nfotesa d, ailjmning ihe first above ih scrihed I oid, mrv.x.d in il.e i ante of Samuel Weitteill. I mil suiveyed n ihe nnmsof W m, tireen, end land of Mil a. iv, Davis, Juiiian and oihers, containing 90 hrr.s more or less, n he eon are reeled a' nut 15 dwt lin g b us. . a s iw-iii II, :tnd a par nf Ihe Cis . ini hue if the hamokin furnace. There are al so s- veial t o .I vein open d i n said pu, i.nd a I i arch lad io d AI.Mt 'The undivi 'ed moiety of I3etr more or less, ailjouiilig the above It art, surveyed in he name ol S.iiiuel Wilherill and others, laini" par' nf a tract surn ve-l in the name of lioheri day, upon which a coal vein nr drift t opened. Seizi d, tak- u in eieeu ion, and to be s .1 1 as tl e proppiiv ,f ihe Sham. .kin Coal and I on I'oinV'Uiy. Willi noi re I i Hi .j ninn H. Yarmll, as gnee of Ihe h on km Coal and lion C. nipauv, tie. ie Armatroi.g, snr , an I nlheis, terirtenant. FELIX MAL'RER, Shmff. Shi tiff kOll'iee, 2 Sunbury, A. 26, 1845. $ NEW SPRING GOODS. A. 11. MA It SHALE. WHOLESALE X RET All. DEALER in I 'tuhioiHible, Snpi rior and Mtttium t'unvy aud Staple Diy liwnls. No. 18S Ciu'siuit L, between Seventh anJ Eilith strce?.-, I li 1 1 n d p . p n , IS now in tegular re ',,t of New Sly'ea S Ha Mou-elui de lair-, 'wns. Organdies, Jao. t.pts, (jinihams, Ua ,.r . f) Marque, Eoli-n. lUtzoru e., t 'nmhr'cs, C'.mizi i. IL nih zincs, Alpic is and o. ther es.,,ub'e Drea l.'o.xUr, also. Sh-wl, Scarfs, Vidi En binidi nr, Hieiv. I .. ,, liloves. Liu en, Cambric II inVf-.slid Iri-h L'liens; Calicoes ul 12 its. a yard, Mu'iu, nnd other cheap Coods, Slrnnger w ill find it p otn ulaify to their in'eiest Id call, as the goods aie all wanauled, and the hufit cufh prices inva iabty named f.isi. l'hiludilpliia. Aptn2Gih, H45. Cm. liost ! ON Friday, the I lib insl.. on the mad leading from Sunbury to Danville, a large leather I'ockel Hook, con'aining a thick on the Bank of Noilhuniher land lor (125, several relief notes, a number of promissory notes, ami o'her paper which will he of no use lo any peron but the owner. Any per son finding sani poikit ho k, and forwarding ii to the ownrr at Shainokin. m leaving it ai Ihe i Hire of the "Sunbury Amtuican," will be suitshly re warded. W. D. f.EARHARr. Shjmoklii, April 19lb, 1845. tf HAAS'S HOTEL, 3 TJ IT B TT P 7, IVortHiimborlnnd County, PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS RESPECTFULLY inform his friend and Ihe public in general, Ihat he has taken the brick stand, in the Borough of Sunbury, lately nrrunied by John Haus as a public houar. (west nf he Sta e Hon,), and nearly opposite the Court Hntt-e,) where hn t prepared to arrnmmndate hi friends, and all other who mav favor him with their cus tom, in the best possible manner. His BAR st all spirkle wilh the choicest of Ll at'OR. and hia TAIILB shall he well supplied with the very liesl the market afford. In short, no pain nor cpen will he spared lo render hi house in every way worthy of public pa'ronage. A liheral share of cu-toin i therefore solicited. Sunbury. April I3'h. ISl.V H,n RB'WV A"3Di7 V" AGHI1TGT01T HOTEL, 'rl sirV of Main nt., in tlir Ifarn' of LYCOMINC. COUNTY, PA. riHE suhscrihrr would rcapcctfully inform his JL nld f iciid. and the travelling puhl.c, thnt be lias recently t.ik.-n and fiiurd up, in a superior in inner tins paci ni brick edifice, sign nf where he i pr.pi ed to accommodate traveller nnd j visitor In the very lest ami pleasing My le. Ill I hnune is siinaied in the roost ph nsnnl and renlral pari nf Ihe hor..iili, convenient to hostile, nud . is large and the room airy. j 'Th nikful for the lilteral support white keeping! the old Muncv Hotel and the Arneii. an Hotel, in ( this borougit, for Ihe past Ihree yeer, he icsptct- fully solicit a commit mee nf ih" same. j THI OI'ORE WEI.I.s. I Money. April I2lh. 1S4.V if J N. II. 'The llarisliuig. Notthitniherlnnd, titts ..III.. 1l.n. .ll W.ll . I .. b II an I Belief e Stages ai rival at ,d depart from this '; Houe.Wv. T.WELLS. j - j Dttlllt'l Ks lll'l 'ss I'.Klilf '. "I-TOTICE i hereby given, that teller nf admin. istralion hive hern mauled to the uhi r her, on the estate . f Daniel Ke ler. Lie of I lie latrouch of Surihuiv, dee'd. Ad ie.ou imlenied to s .id rstate, or having claims Kgtiust the same, are re quested lo call on the siih-criher for tttemenl. BENJAMIN ROBINS. Sunhurv, April 19th. 1845. lit Adm'r. .'? Na llKllIN llsitsitr. ""JO'TH'E i herel y g ven thai letters of ad X ;,iinistration have U'en g'antid to the 8ih-ri-her. on the estate nftienrge Neihart, In'e of An gii-t.i township, Noiihiunheil nd county, d. c' '. All iN'rson mdehtid to said e-'ate, or having d- .ul.-cnh.r. on Mond.y th I2ih day nf May nest, ! .... .n.ii.,1 in., s ittin n r. ipiotnr,,.! i.t im-ei me at tin house of Ihe decea-ed. for senb merit. JACOB ZARTMAN, April 5th, 1S15 fit A'm'r. in c . JOHN W RESPECTFI'LLY inform, the ci- "j tizens ol eiinbury ami it. vuiui'y, th I he ha removeil to the B ick Hvu. , to Ma.kel sire. I, l. iinerlv occupied l y !) iij4i.iii llendrieks, eist of ihe store formerly oc cupied by Mi. ler ti Mariz, and now hy In T. Cle inent, where he will be happy to receive c ill in the line of hi- r les-iou. unhU'y. Maich i9ih IH15. lCZrSCIIlTZSrEPwTTD, DYESTUrFS, PAINTS, . rililE suhscrihci keep const oply fr sale on the JL nnist reasonah e terms, an s-sortmenl of Mi'.li rim s. Drugs, Dyesiiill'ii, Paur. Oil. Vi.rinshcs, (if. Being engignl in grindtn.- suclt ar.nles aa tin get, Mnbiad i.nd Pep er. he ha- th m lot ..le n a sua-ri o qu I i a , l. low tin- niaikrt puce. He would menli n thai he ha a Puti nl M clone wn.ked by sli-ain power, wlnrh iitahli him to s. II Pr rTt ol the v.-ry h. st quality lot 3J cents a Ih. in l.l.i.'.l r, and 3 i ruts in Hulk. lit- C. lilnh lli'y ssseits Ih.l his prices are such as lo give sa i-luciioii io those who in v tavor him with a call J. W. W.titlb'DON, No. 152 We-t Pratt St.,, n posile Bub lim. re and Ohio R.ol I!. .ml Depot. N. B. No ch.tge nuile foi d Inning (ioods in any pari nf ihe mv. March Hih. IK45 Hin IS o o t & Slio e IVIAKING. riHIE Mibcrilr. latent ihe In lit . f B- ck B,0 JL siu. wou d re-pecilullv infoini his o'.i est. ni- is .nil the public generally, thai he now- . ,.,., ,.. ihe new buildit g we- nf len-. I'm.,,', i'a lor U ... .. .1 ...... t.. - ... I,.: . , i..i, into M i.r or.n..r iii-n g ll.U" -1 in M UiH -tren, nuni nry, W.eie . j,,,,., d on hi former hiisines u lu cam HOOT cV S'.iOK MAKINC. i in nil its vaii. ns crain hea. He vsi I lie I to ! do a I kin''., ,, ,,, ,K irr,,. al ,),,. wn, ,,, t . I Itce. n-.,i , ie ,ltti 1( ni inner. He is lha, k- , "u1 t -r forim r p.ilionii;e, mid h strict utter danr. lo j l"i iuess ami rea.oi abh- vharges, will cnJeuVor lo ! I'e-eive a cnn tiiuai ce of it I JOSEPH BE K. SmduiTV. Teh. 22 '. t e'4 6m i lTEV" C.P.PETZ1TC-3. riHE sub-criHis have received, mil nr.- imw 1 o ci ing a splendid a.. nnn nl of the fo.lnu as g oil. Sasoiiy, Wihon and Yitvet Carpeiipgs Brussp'a and In. peri il 3 Iv di j CAR. Extra sui-eitine ai d line I ur,.ins ill i PE !' PET Jo l.Ni! Eng'i dt Ti ul. d tV D im i-k Venili.ui d Auuiicall twilled slid lu'd do English I 'ruige't and Wihi. n I'l.tor Cl.uhs Suir and Passage Rocking Einh.isr'e I Piano and 'Table Cover le ll Ion Cheuille mid i'uf e I Rous Door Matt nfevety description. ALSO A laige and ,sn n.ive is-mtmrnt of Floor Oil Cloth-, lioni one lo eiglu yards wide, rut 10 lit ce ly description of mom or pia-attcs. Abo. low Hied Ingrain fi. in 3 1 J to 62) cents per yard, logeiher wnh a laige andptten sivp asaoitiueiil of good Usua'ly kept by ci'pei nn rchanU. The above good will be sold wKole.ale or retail at the lowest nmrket price. Coiiiny mirrhmt and o'her are paruculsily invited to call an t ej mine our stia k hefme making then select ions. CLARKsiiN. RICH cV ML'LI IO N. Succissi.ulo J seph wood, Na. Ill C'he.nut, corner of Franklin Plate. 1'hiladtlj hia, Feb. 23.1, 1845. i SI c v n 1 . . PEA Is. nit csslm WISTAR'S mi.sAiti of Trim ciicnnv, A Coropnnnrt nalaamle Preparatloia frm Wild Charrr Bark anil Tar, 77ie 6m remedy known to the tvorldfor the turt nf couirh, cold, aithma, croup, blrtdi'ng o f (fie lung, whnopin$ emigh,ornnehiti, influ enza, thortnet of breath, pain nnd weakness in the breatt or si'rfe, fitter enmdaint, and the Jirnt stages of CONSUMPTION. We will nrl assert Ihat this BALSAM will cure Consumption in ist vnrst form, hot it ha cured many after nil other means of relief had heen tried in vain. And why not 1 It seem that the WILD CHERRY was destined by Natnte to he our PA NACEA for the ravaging diseases nf this c ld las litude. Let not Ihe despairing invalid waate his money nnd loose TIME, lo him so all important, in mxprrimrnting wilh the trashy nostrum of the diy. hut use nt nnee a medicine that will rure. If a cure be p s ihle a medicine that science approve, nud minv years nf experience h ive demonstrated that tl atwnts relieves. 'Thfrr if nn surh thing as fill," in Ihe history nf this wonderful 11 t.MAM. Evidence the most convincing eve lenco thai no one ean doubt, fully esiabli hes this fact. For Ihe sake of bnvity we e ect the f. owing from thousand. Isaac Pla t, Esq., Editor of the Pokeepsip E igle, one of ihe m .t journal in the state of New Yoik. stall tindei the authority of hi own name, th it a young lady, a relative nf hia, nf very delicate consti'itiion, was attacked in Kelt. 1812. widi severe cold which immediately produced spit '.ni 'fhlnod. cough, fev, r, nnd other dangerous and altrmit c svmptoms. Thr.-nuh medicnl liealment "nd c-ne she pnti.illy rer vend during sitntmer. Hut on the return of winter she wa attacked more violently limn at Inst, she became scarcely able to walk and was imuhled with couch, chill and fever rveiy day. snd apHaied to be going rapidly with cmiMimp i .i ; nl this lirue, when there wa no sign of improvement, Mr. Plait procured a bottle if Witii' of Witn t'DFtinr, which she took, and it s. ettiinulv restored her. She gn a se cond, and before it w as half taken he was restored to pirfrct In nit h, which she ha enjoyed to the prp. -'" line, without the slighter! symptom of her for. mi r d.-e e. Mr. P att iv "ihe ct re c ime under my own ob seivation snd I cannot he mist .ken a to the facts." ' A TRACT OF A J.F.TTF.R FfiOMA POST MASTER. DATED P m aiii'RV.. Washiuglon cn., Maine, Apr. 29, 1 814. MR. ISAAC Ui:TTS.Deir Sir: At ihe re quest of nmny of my friends in this place and vicl i i'V who are afflicted wilh cnrisuniptinn and liver eoinp'ani's, I lake the Ij' er v nf asking you to ap point someone in Ihi county as assent lo ee'l Vi tak's Biam of Wii.ii Ciikiiiit. Bnrl to send bin a few d n n a there i none of if for ale within 200 mile from ihi I hnve no il.mht that it would u.eil with a reaily sale if tl were where it could I piocurcd without loo much expense and delay. Mv wile wa nli icked about six m -nlh since "U wl "' ',"' valle,! ihe first .-age of r n-ntnp'ioii a eoinnlaint v. ry prevalent in this . clou t ci.uniry. Hating seen the Balsam ad vert sed in Augusta. tr?" 200 MILES FROM HERE, .0 I t k the a n to sen. I there for a bottle of it, whiih she look, and hich helped her so much that I sent for I ao botde more, which fhe has sis i ta ken, and he now sivs she has not felt so well for si year as she dors al ihi lime. All thoao who have it quired of me and a -eitained w hat effect the B dsam hid. are aitsiou lo have some for sale in Ihi- vicinin, which i the cati-e of my writii g you. Plea-e infoim me hy nlii'ii ul in til whether you iimctude to send -ome, ami il so to whom, in order 'hat ll may he kn.-wn white it can be had, I um wilh re-nect v. in, etc. P. O. FARNSWORTH, P. M. The Country is fast learning thiit no metis cine no plivsicaii no p epiration nf any kind whalevir cantonal Dh. Wistau's Balsah uf Wilh Cuiiiut. a tki i.v Mvoii:nn i. h sir. Wat.hvii.I.f., Oneida co., N. Y. Sept. 15, 1843. Dear S.r I owe it to the afflicted to inform you that in J .nuary I a-t I wa atiar ked by a vety vio lent eld, cutis. d by winking in the water, width seit'ed on my lung. It v.a a roinpanied by a ve ry vp.p pain in my breast ami side, and al a niiicing cough. I hud in aitcndsnce all the het ineiicd an! in our village; hut after rxhausiiug at' j their skrl o no av .il. ibey pronounced my di-Cnc a v..-r,n-.r.. ... ,, ,...f rC. H. njj i;nvr me up to tlie. Alter much personsion I got 'heion-enl nl mv phvsir'an to use M Ualsam ni Wm, Cii.niit pr. pared by Dn WurAR. I pur ch i-ed nl ihe Agent in our id,., r,,,e bottle. Iiefore u-ng h i'f of which I I. gap (l) rfuin eBih. and il w very evident mv c ,iKl Was much belter and mv sMiiptoma n e- , rv way impr iving. I have in w us. d thiee b ,, ,,,,,1 , restnrtd to perfect litallh. 'This re i.,ii IH nl.ue owing In the u-e nf l)U WST.t u L.l OF W ILD CHER. b ; n . I t.,ke this method nf g ving you the in I. mi' lit .1 mr'lv io ,v von Ihe debt of eTtlitoile ! .- iu. ami p.ul'y Ihat others similarly atllictcd n.m km w where to apply lor relief. Very trutv yo .is. JAMES SAGE. Mil. Dniiigisl, under d ale of Wattrville, Sept Sliti, 14:1, writis; The stat nicui gUeu v. u by Mr. James Sage is wit V'K-vVn io he i.ue l y this whule C'linmunilii. I c rl inlv was a most remaika le cure. The sale I he .ni i ciy i;oo.l, and ii stii-rers in cure im y f. iviing. Yours r. sp rlfullv. D. D. PALMER. Ill: MOST l.KMVl.KAlILE 1 1 in: i:vi:i: hva oi.iir.D. j Ha Min n VI, April 20. IKt l. ! On nr about the I.I1I1J11V nf October, 184 I, I wa I taken ni b a violent pun in the side near Ihe liver, j which ion id tor ah.'iit rive days, and wa fob 1 .nid ly tin- bre-.kmg "f an n'cir, er nhsces. in j Wiullv, wh'eli Teheveil the pain a ll tie, hut caused in. to throw up a erval qiimuit cf nlli-tisive matter j and 's. niiicli II. lug grea'ly ataimi dat : Mil v I " I phe.l 10 11 phvsii inn, hot he said he thoug' t he conlil il I nl i ll- for me eve. pi g ve np' aoine I Merrury '.'., whrh I icl'ussd lo lieke, lieling I .blitti t' al 'hey ci iihl do me nn good ; innny o i itni r ni die wi ie then 1 rocuie I bv my wife nnd t'i lends, t ill l one did me ativ good ai d the ill. charg" ol ho. o.l ami coitupii n .'ill continued ev. ry I w iIjv. a "I i last l ecoim- so ntli-nNive th it I cud se.o. elv Inn he I w s Uo seized with a vi. ubit rough, wiii hat rails, d n.e lo rsrse mu. h nnee Moo 1 thiiii I had iloi.r Ixfore and my disease eoiillliiieil in tin way, slid crowing worse, ut 111 F'hruery. whin nli hope n mv nc veiy wa given up. and mv IiivhiI all ihoughi I would die ot Iiai.l .eio CoHsi MeTioa. At this moment, when mv hie w.,aippareu It drawing ni ur ilsclo-e, I heard 01 IHI. V is CAR'S J A L S A M O F WILD I lll'.I.RY, and got a botilo whuh at n lull nk ; and by the Use of only three h idea nf ihi- Hied cine, all niy pa:n weie removed my cough and s iiling of blood nnd cor inptioii enliirly aiopped. and in a few wrrks mv he. I h sit so far re.loieil as lo tnah'e me lo wo'k at my node, (which is a rara n. r.) and up to tin mi" I have mi iyd go. J tn alth- I lit M AS COZENS. Gim crT Loi'NTT, N J , as. i't ra tiilly ciue bsljrs uir, the tuhrcnlsr, out cf " . i ". i, 1 f i '. . ihe Jnslicrs nf ihe Pesce Im and for the said aonn ly, Thomas Coirns, and beiog auj sfTirmad ac cording to law, ssiih the above atstement is in a I things true. AfTtrmed h. fore me, on ihe 20th of April, 1 8 ' fl. ? J CtF.MKJIT, J r. $ Such is ihe unprecedented success of this DAI SAM. 'XATl'RE'S FAVORITE rRESCRIPTIO V a prescription congeni d to our wants, a it is t tc patcd (rom chemical estract from ruhtanrea w bieh the author of nature has placed in our awn In I for wise purpose, that many who kn.w nnlhi 4 of the mode of its prcpaminn arc endeavoring to reap pecuniary henrfi's by selling nn aiticte aimil r in name, nr in appearance, or by representing lb. ir own lrsh as sttierinr to this BALSAM, or bv pu ting up a mixtuto and solemnly asseverating that st i imp ,.rle l from a foreign country, which is tio 1' i case. All these deceptive arts goto show t-. t Witi'i Bi.m is known to the world to hn "THE nun AT REMEDY." snd that to ll any iniviure it must he like this in name, nr r port to he like it in suhslauce. fjTj Believe not the cunningly wrought fnloi. .1. lion nnd lake on'y the original and griiuri.n W'istaii's Bai.ssm OF Witn ClItRRT. NO OTHEn CAN DE I. IKE XT. Adilrc all order to ISAAC UU T'TS, No. Ann St., New Y ok. Agents, JOHN W. FRILINO. Sunhun,, D. BRAIITIOAM. Karthumhertand J. K. MOYER. ntnnm l,utg. .1. WACKONSELLER. SrPns-nmr.; BROWN c CREASY, MgimvUi: Feb. 22d. I15 ly i!Mmm:li:s Oil SAP TOR CASH. T. W. SWAIIT'S Uinhrclln ami Parasol Manufactory. Ao. U7 liurth Thitil street, tiro doors btloui tif CITY HOTEL, I li 1 1 a l c 1 p h I a . A I,WVS on hand, a large slock of L'M xlL BRELLAs nd PARASOLS, including the latest new nivlc of rinked Eitucd Pnra-ol of the best woikmanship and matirial. at pricp that w.ll make it an object lo Country Mpichan's snd others to call ami examine his stock. before purchasing elsewhere Fe 22, 1815. ly V IFTY ix )ltiTiTk W A 1 1 1)7 CANTRELL'S I'rh'In'altMl I aiuily IZcdiciiiCK 'V'VJII'Lum .lire ev. r tin. u bin si I r in ilu y uiuqii ill il in iln-ir sever d d- partmei.t hy every 'hing ever rrtcred to the itihlio. who havv voluntary came forward ami i H'ereil numer uis and highly rapcciuhle Us:im 'iiials nf their superior efliricv. Canfrelfs Compound Metlirattd Sirtip of Sui -tapnr lla f or, Anti-Scorhulic Svrup, for the cure ol Scorfiils, (Jhronic Rheu.nttism, Chrome Swel ling ofthe Joints, Emptions nf the Skin, and all Disea-es arising from the abuse of Mercury, d;.1 , unsurpassed hy any thing in the market, comla. ning sll the virtues resident in Ihe Sarsnpanlba wilh a modern medicament, only lately broeght out by the most respectable medical aulhomus. Price, 50 cenl per h t'le. Cnntrel's .iitti-Dy'ptptic Powder, for the re lief and permanent cure ul that most distressing complaint, Dyspepsia, in all its -frm and siage. It is ttulv a mosi valuable, remedy. Sold in bottles ai 25 snd 50 cents each. Cuntrrll's .Igue Mixture and Tonic Metlira mentil, stands at ihe liead of the list unnvVled by any, or all the ii'.numcrnMa medicin' in u-e throughout the length and bread h of the lai d, for the cure of Fevkh and Aots in all its stages, and front all its consequence. Residents jn Fever and Ague districts should never he without il. The suhsciher will forfeit EIFTY DOLLARS where Ins medicine fails lo atiform a cure in the mo-.t ohstiua'e cn-e. S,,d Whoesdeand Retail bv CALHll CRE- SON, at Ids Druj Warehou-e, No. li Nor:h 'Thud Street, Philadelphia; also, hv the r jn'oly ap pointed agent, SET 11 W. ROBE'; i. W l.okta Druggist, No. 51 Water Street, Mobile. Prepared oilv bv the Subscriber, corner of CAR PENTER and SECOND Street, below Chtisli au, Philaib'l l'iii, where il is also retui'e l. Ohsctve, none arc genuine without li e igi a'uro nf JOHN A. CAN TREI.L. C'aua rlPN Acne Mlxlurp, or Tunic oi'llc;iiii'iit;i. Fur the cure if i'U It I'mut affrrlmns, if taken ae Curiliinr to dirrtf'miis. It is a never tailing moeily which no ftimi'y ought t be without, especially in low mar-1 y corn. tries. A this medicine i t ut up under the proprie tor's immediate inspection n the most scicn'ith: principles, he'lig Pur. ly V.getnhle, and having; tried it rtfirary on thousands, for upwards of 12 years, aud lohs knowledge when taken strictly ac cording to directions, there ha- not In en one fu lure, Cndcr such circum-lnncrs I recommend it la tint public, adding a certit'nan in support of my asser tion. (.John Bums, d.) eeitifv that I wa in the ship Tobacco Plant . f I'hlltilel, I il, dipt, l'.eid, i.l June, 1 SC7. bound to Liverpool ; look the fever and ague and laid in Livcij oi l snnie tune uud r the doctor's l aud, went fioiil there to itaUinioie, lay in the lulirin iry for tout orfivewieks from thencii lo PliilaJt lptiia ; was six no ut! under Dr. floats; from thence in New Yi rk w, nt In ll e Host. nil. remain, tl ihtre ahoct four w- ell idiO"l fiiny relief Mill 1 veiy ilnna wiihoiil any lent fit. foi five year. He iruig nf Caiilrc!!' Atle Mi tun1 (nun a fnend, I went It) l is st.-re, told him how I waa attlicled, and gel a bottle nl his inii?i,-o and used it according lo ihr ct ion. It made a per teel cure, and 1 have not had ihe l asl r, linn sine. . I do wilh coulidt uco recommend it to the public JOHN BURNS. micturated Syrup of xapaiillu. PhiUihlphu, April ItUh, 1S1I. Mr. John A. Cam .ii, Dear ir, Having ! n ail'.ic'ed for upward- of two year with ulceration id Ihe throat, dp-troy ii g ihe whole of he -oli pilite, ihen h oimh the upper part . t mv in niih into mi n from which sever al piece, nt hoi e une ul, wh eh p"tl v de-lro. id mv spceeii, ih. oneh ,1 k 1: ' t'f .v,.i. in, .1, : v .- Medicated Sru olS -s p. '!..I 1 :...-.v ie-i-- ' lo peifi rl I r jiin, and on slcin , p e' ' TU l impair, d, is a- -trong is l n ' ov. I I hoi. k hi it 1 dotv I owi J V'U and llioss' sioii-. Urly aUcct.d, t 1 l I". V, Ills, U fiihv, . SWH'EL KUIK, Corner nf f'eiilh and C a es Stiret. I, f Ja'iril J i st- 11, No. ft R -kh a Street, do tei. t f V that mi wile, Joe, was at'd cird for two wilh Rheunii i-in. and .,1 la t was rnl'iely va''leG s i that she obliged to he confinrj t J , I ea ing nf Caul-ell' Meiieate.l Syiur"'' Sijparills. nr Ann Sroihuuc Syrup. I p-HUied four bolthk. w hich couipl. tely removes' all her pain and Mid ues. from her lunh: .wom. ra boitles made in led cure. S' e 1 now ahka bi iUod in bi hoi:.- -hold don-a a o-ul. fi M1K1L JONS TON. PhtlaMpMs, Jan. 221 IS14. QrTs Of crip ir I'smphhls irtav be had of tl'.a a;mi- lialis) J. W. FKiLINtl, Sui.buiy, No. 9, lstl. ly .igent.