Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 03, 1845, Image 4

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mi nan who iwr t uie.
I 1,11,1 on appointment one morning" with a
Mr. Bonjarnin Hin. who always sipns his let
ters 'B. Hind,' (Ae-AW,) and certainly a more
appropriate eig-ntture was npver known. I
wattd from 12 o'clock, the hour appointed, un
til near two, before he came, and I gently hint
rd io Mr. B. Hind how much he was behind hia
'My dear air, said he, yon may think it very
pt range, but I had the misfortune to be born half
tin hour ton late, and though I've been in a bus
tle ever since, 1 have never, with all my indus
try, been able to bring up lost time.'
'Indeed, how so V
'Why listen and I'll convince you that in my
appointment with you, I have only been keep,
in? up the part allotted me by fate, even before
I was born.
"My grandfather hat' two daughter who wpre
rtmrried on the same day. He made hia will,
an I read it to them. By it he bequeathed the
wind of hia property, 20,000, to that daugh
ter who was first blessed with a mn,
"The momentous hour at length arr'ved, big
with tho fate of 20.000. At eight o'clock in
'ie morning1 I came into 'this breathinij world,'
lut my fortunate rival at half past seven and
thus I was too late, because he was before me.
My parents, disappointed in their expecta
tions of wealth, cared little about me ; and I was
differed to run wild till 11 years of age, when
they sent me to school. The young urchins
laughed to see a great boy, or booby as they
called me, spelling his a, b, ab, and so teazed
me during the few months t stayed, that a
dunce I remained a sad proof that I had gone
to school too late.
"At length my futher procured me a birtb
on board an Indiaman. 1 was rigged out my
stores sent to the vessel- -I parted from my pa
rents without regret, for they loved me too lute
passed two days in London left in the even
ing travelled all night to Portsmouth, and to
my utter consternation found the ship had sail
ed the day before -of course I was too late.
"My father thought then that the best plan
t settle me would be by matrimony, and I was,
introduced to a young lady who possessed beau
ty and money, but she had another suitor. How
ever, her father and mine agreed upon the wed
ding day the ring was bought, and every thing
arranged. To keep the matter private, I was
to meet her at the church. Unluckily, I over
rent myself by the fatal half hour I arrived at
the church doors just in time to sec my intended
bride walking out as the wife of my rival ! I
was too late, and remained B. Hind, solus.
-In short, I was born too late, educated too
late, because I have never been settled at all.
I can't keep a lodging, for all my landladies say
that I come home too late. Then I am unfit
for business because I get up to late ; if I go to
the play I'm too late, whether I have to buy or
sell I'm too late;' and I verily believe, that if I
were going to be hanged, I should come to the
sctifT.IJ half an hour too late. I am called the
lute Mr. B. Hind, and true to the cognomen, I
am always behind."' JV. I'. JVuf.
Frontier Antcdofr.
Major , wiio figured very conspicuously
as i cool, collected and brave officer in the late
war with the Sacs tnd Foxes, was engaged in
many of those during exploits which are so
common to the sons of the frontier, and which,
were they more known, would place the actors
"high on ther"'lof fume." Near the close of that
t!l futed struggle of the Indians, he walked out
from his camp, as usual, one morning, accompa
nied by a "fellow in arms." Having advanced
Fotne distance from the camp, they suddenly
came in view of three Indians. They quickly
drew their rifles to a level with their opponents
-nnd the unerring aim and the keen eyee of the
western hunters caused two of the three "sons
nf nature" to kiss their mother earth. Mjnr
, dropping his rifle made chase for the re.
maining Indian, who fired his rifle without ef
fect. But a tdmrt distance waa passed before
the active officer bad griped with his red foe,
and unfortunately loel his knife b fore he had to
use it. The Indian, observing the approach nf
the Major's companion, made a desperate effort
to floor bis adversary ; but bia active opponent
parried the trip and threw him. Still, neither
could use the knife, for the Indian locked him
self so close with the Major that he buritd bis
teeth in him as they were fulling.
At this moment the Major's companion came
up with hia two scalps.
"join," sayB the Major, "have yeo got e
"Yes," said Tom.
"Then cut this red devil's throat"
"Oh, no, Major," says Tom, "give the ftllow
fair play some tliunce for his life."
"You rascal," was the angry reply, "cut
his throat iju icily ; don't you see he ia biting
"Well, Mijor, lite him too ; two on one
iiin't fuir ; but if ha masters you, I'll give him
a round aftcrwarda."
"Yuu interna I villain, if you do not cut bis
throat iu a minute, I'll cut your'a."
But it was Dot until these tbreatninga were
repeated over and over sgain, that Turn would
consent to do this act fur his commander, which
he finally did with a very sullen air as if it
was a great piece of imposition to hia enemy
He very leisurely drew his knile across the In
diau's throat, and as leisurely wiped it, and con
igncd it to its proper place, muttering all the
while agaiu.t his officer, who, no doubt, carried
bitu through a regular courae of drilling alter
wkid and impressed upon his mind the uectS'
atty of quickly obeying ao order.
I'. UJU '
J, -X
The f l!nwiog lit shows the current value of nil
'ennsylvania Bank Notes. The most implicit re
Imnre 'may I placed upon it.' as it hevrrjfWnk
arcfuHv compared with and corrected from Ilk-knell'
Kuiiks In Philadelphia.
Na". .."catio. )HiiAp
Sank of North America . , par
Bank of the Northern Liberties , , par
Commercial Hunk of Penn'a. . . par
Farmer' and Mechanics' Bank . par
Kcnstnirlon . par
Philadelphia Hank . t par
Schuylkill Hank , ..... par
Sonthwark Rank . . par
Western Hank . par
Mechanic Rank . . par
Manufacturer St Mechanic Bank par
Country Hank.
Bank of Chester County
Bank of Delaware County
(tank nf (Jermantown
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doyleatnwn Bank
K union Bank
Farmers' Hank nf Bucks CO.
O'uce of Bank or Penn'a.
Office do do
Otfice do do
Oiliee do do
Harrisburg" These
Lancaster I nffice
Reading f do not
Easton J issue n
Hank of the United (Hates Philadelphia
flank nf I'enn Township . .
(Ji'ard Rank
Movamcnsing Bank . .
Bunk of "crinsylvanis
Miner' Hunk of Pottsville
Hank nf Lewir-town
Hank nf Mtddletown
Bunk of Northumberland
Northumberland par
Columbia Hank V IJrulgo co. I.olumhia pa
Carlisle Bank Carlisle
Exchange Hank Piitshuijr . 1
D V branch nf llnlhdavaburg I
Farmers bank nf I. ancaslei" I.nicistet par
Lancaster t .ounty Hank Lancaster pir
Fa'mers Bank nf Reading ! ading par
Hamshurg Bank Harrishurg
Lancaster Hank Lancaster pt
Lebanon Hank Lebanon j
Merchant' &. Manuf. Bank I'ntftur I
Bank nf Pittsburg Pitishuig 1
West Branch B ink Williamspnrl 1$
Wyoming Bank Wilkeshane 1
North imptoti B ink Allentown
Beiki County Bank Reading
Ollice of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg failed
Do do do Erin do
Do do do Net Brighton do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Pcnn Township Sav. Ins. do
Bank of Ohamliersburg Chamliershurg 1
Bank of Gettysburg (JVltysburg t
Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose S5
Erie Bank Erie S
Farmer. St Drovers' Bunk Waynrshurg 2
Franklin Washington I
Hnnesdale Bvnk Honesdnle II
Monongahet Bank of B. Brownsville 1
Vnrk Bank Yo,k I
N. li. The notes of those lank on which we
smil quotation, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
eiception of thoso which have a Inter of n fennce.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
ichiiVlkill 8uv. Ins.
Manual Labor Bunk (T.
I'owanda flank
Alleghany Bank of Pa. of Beaver -0
ink of Swatura
Hank of Wn-liington Iphia
Dyoti, prop.)
Belli fume
Fayette co.
t;reen at e
New Hope
Purl t'arbon
I 'arli-le,
I 'nioniown
no sale
no iale
no hale
no ule
no sale
no sale
no ule
Lentre Hunk
-ity Hunk
Farmer' & MechYs' Bunk
Farmers' St Mech'cs' Hunk
Farmers' St Mech'ca' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bunk
funiata Hank
wunihermeu'a Bank
Northern Bank of I'a.
New Hoie Del. Bridge Co.
Korthuinh'd Union Col. lik
North Wrxtern Baik of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bunk
a. Aiir. St Manuf. Uuuk
Silver Luke Bank
nmn Bank of I'enn'j.
Wesimniclaml Bank
Wilkesharre Bridge Co.
llkesharrr Do sale
(Tj All notes importing to I on anv i'vnni-vl-
vama B ink not given in the almve lut, uuy be set
Jown as Irautis.
skw ji:itsr.Y.
Bank of New Biunswiek
Perth Am1 my
Mount Hidly
N. Hiuo.wiik
Belvideie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Commercial Bink
Jumlierlund Bmk
Parim rk' Bnk
Parimrs' and Merhauies Ilk
farmers' and Mechanics' Hk
Farmers' and Men hants' Bk
Midillelowil Pi. I
JefM-y tllly failed
Franklin Bank of M.J.
Holwkeii Bkg.& (ifuxing Co Holh-ken
luili tl
lersry City b ink
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' Hunk
Morris Comity Bank
Monmouth Bk of N.J.
J im v City
I'nt'i I..HI
Mutn.t ovn
Jeisey City
Michunics' Bank
Mechanic' and Munuf. Bk
Morris Canal and likg t'o
root Notes
110 sale
Newark Bkg St Inn Co
New Hope Del Bridge Co
i. J. MjiiuIjc. and llkg to
N J I'lotccton St Lombuid lk Jersey City
Orange Bunk Orange
Paierson Bunk Pateiaon
Peoples' Bank do
rriuceton bank rrinrelon
Sslein Banking Co 8ul, in
State Hank Newurk
8iaie Bank F.!izaleihtown
8tate Bank Cam.len
Slate Bank of Morris Moriiiown
Slute Bunk Trenimi
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Mussel Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Tienton
Uninn Bsnk Dover
Wa.bington Banking Co. Ilackwitsck
Bk of Wilm cV Bruudywint; Wilmington
Hank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank nf Smyrna Smyrna
Do branch Millord
Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dover
Do branch
Do brunch
Do Uaiivh
Union Bank
fjr Under 6's
thus C) there srs ri
nr On all banks roaikej thus (')
tber csunteifeit or altered nslcs f lbs various da-
l nentinaiioua, in tiisalaiien.
Business attended to in the Counties of Nor
thumlcrland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia.
lleftir lot
Tho has Hast St Co.,
Lnwtit St BAnnoit.
Hast, Ccmmisos St IIamt, l'Mlad.
Rat noma, Mc FaL)n St Co.
Sptcaina, Oonti St Co.,
run ths era e
THIS Medicine is offered to lhn public gener
ally, from a full conviction that ii ia upprinr
t,i any othei m'diene now in o.e. fur Hie cure nf
Dyspepsia, l.ivcr t'onijiloint, Nervous Debility or
Boilily Weakness. &.c.
tl vfTcriB have been tested in a private practice
of neir iirIiI yeats, and it is now mure extensively
ci'i'iilated, at ibe ilieitute nf many who have re
ceived i lie mo-t .iuntl lnefit from llie u-e ut it.
The following is one among s numhe nf certifi
cates tecelvi J in itlatioii to the success of this me
dicine: ICATra Co. March 1".
Dn. firnsoa W. Atir.
2cor Sir . It is with great pleasure that I in
form you of die success attending your Dyspeptic
Medicine, while employed in mv p sc tice. From
pasl rtperienee, 1 firmly helieve that in eight case
mil of ten. the Dyspeptic, bv the ue nl'y.iur niedi
tine, may en'ir-ly n.l hmxelf of ih ihorn in ihe
pathway nf life: not only in dyspeptic c:ipe, lmt
in all cise of const ipatimi. and diseases depend n
on a diliilna'cd slBte nf ihe nervous system, tone with a lo pi.l Ft le ,(' the lv weU. M ymir E
liir hefoiii d of inestim.iMc value. Nuit'ernu in
ttunci s wheiein the iist fu'n' ss of the medicine has
heeii rea!!-cil, may le foi warded, if reqiiired. I
wii-h V"U gren' nud'es, and recomnu nd the medi
cine to the MillVr Pi? I 't of m.n kind.
Vouis, with cre:tt i,peet,
Kt)lir. I! I' AtiNEW, M. D.
fjT For sale nt tl.e t.ue nf l.4i. Mj.ser, sgent
for die proprietor. Sunl'iirv, I's,
October aiJih, iHtf. ly
A S II It Y A It O A I.
South Llast rnrwrnf Murhit and lh ..
"TriIERE ihey slwavs kep on band an rilrn
' five -s .itimnt . f II ATS & CA PS of everv
description, got tip in the el and most approval
stj le. us deriri'lisof porrh i.inu superior ni-
cls on the nnt n am n il le terms, mil hod H to
their advantngo to call bi f re making putchnL-s
risen hern
Philadelphia. Oct. 6th. 1911. I
ftOOO D y Lu Plata Hides firl quality.
:WO Dry L tiuna. do
MIOO liv Salted La Cuira. do
'iOOO Diy Sitd Hr ail Hide., ,1,,
;." li i'es Creen Suited Putna Kips.
SO Hal' s Dry Pa im Kips.
12 B.irre'a 1'uniieis Oil.
Tanner-' and t 'tuners' Tools.
For sale to Country Tuuncrsat the lowest prices
and noon llie hct t-rtns.
N. B. The highest mmket prices piid fur all
kinds nfli.Vtier
No. 2l,S,Mith third St. Philadelphia.
Seplemlier It, ls-14. ly.
vashiitg i.cj:-:iite.
flllll Midline h.s inw Im en leteil ly more
I than thirty families in tin ueighlNirh-Mid. and
h is given entire mtistariion. I is m simple in it
c, i slructii n, that it cannot put out of (r.l, r. It
cr. ma in no iron to m l, and no piincsor roll, rs lo
eel out of icpur. Il II do tuice as much wauli
inu. with ie-s than ttslt the wear and tear of anv ot
the hie invcn'iiittr-, and nhd is nl greater in per
taiice.ii cisti4 hut hide over hall us much as ulher
Mu-liiug nisrhines.
The kiilnu riU'r has ihe ejdii ivp right for Nor
IhumtH-rland, t oioii, t,c.imii g. 4ilunihia, l.u-
terue and Ciiulon Couultes. Price of single ma
i hmeffi. H. B. MAKsElt.
'J'ne fullowii g ceit fii at--'s fiuiii a few of ihos-
who hate ihe-e mu hines in use.
Sunhiny, Auu. 51, lPtt.
We, the su' sfritiers, certify thai we have now
in u-e, in onr families, "ShiiB' tt r stent Vh
ing M chine."nd do r.nt hiatal si) inu Ih n il is
a most txi ell. nt invemi .n. 1 hat, m W a-hn g
it will .ave mure than one half ihe u-Un labor.
That it doea nt reipiire more than one third 'he
iis'.hI onaiiliiv of so-n anJ w iter ; and thai there
is uo luhliiug, and C"iis uui nily. title or no wear
ing ir n si in il knocks i ll'no huttons. and
ItiHt ihe fine. I rlo'h. s, si.cli as collars laeea, locks,
Irihs, Sec, nisy lie wasl.ed in a ve y .hurt lime
wiihontthe leui-t injoiv , and in fset wiihut nv
appment wear and tear, hate'r. We ihfieh.r
ciieerfolly reeommend it 1 1 our fi lends and to the
putilic, as a mot.1 uwful and lslsr saviitg innehuie.
a: jouuan.
t ils WEAVLR.
(ilUEtlN VI AlvKI.U,
Hon. tibo. .. i;,
Hfsm's Hotel, (form rlv Tremoot If .u-e. No.
116 Crnmiut titee1,) I'l.ilade'phia, Sepiemb.r
21s', ltt.
I have u-ed Shncrt's Potent Washing Machine
in mv hon e upvv ods nf eight mmnli-, and do not
hisi sie la lay that I deem it oi.e of ih'- mo t use
lil and valuihie luhi'r-.sving machines ever inven
ted. I formerly k' pi two women coi initially ne
copied in washing, who now do as much in two
days as they then did in one we, k. 'I heie is no
wear or tear in washing, and it re. puns not mure
than one-third llie u-ual ipiHiiiitv ot smip. I have
had luimher ol o In r in chines in ny lam ly, but
this is so decidedly snis'iinr to every llnngelMi, and
so li lie lifihle lo get out nf u p or, Ihat I w ould ul
do wtltiout one it tiny should cost leu limes the
price ihey are s.dd for. DANIEL UK Hit.
UM. M. & JOS. K. MAt'LL,
.Vo. 30, Xorlh Second Strett, ( ojtpotitc the
Matltson Jluue,J
WHERE will he f .nnd a general aasnrt. "
merit of Florence Bruids, Aliens, l!ut-C
lands, Pedillea, Willow Plait, Rice Straw, and Hie
much admired Neapolitan Lace, a d Fancy Bon
nets, manufactured by us, and for sale ai Ihe lows-l
manulaciuie pines. Merchants and Milliners are
invited io give na a Call upon visiting the City.
rX" N. B. Ws have sUo con-tamlv making our
soiM'iinr hair and oil .r edgings, all of which will
be sold cheap, for fash.
Philadelphia, May 23, 1814. ly
flHE vnhinh'e properties nf Oakley's Depur.
1 live Syrup nf Sirsspnrilla, as a purifier nf the
IiIimmI, is ao well known to the puldic genr-rallv.
that it is unrecessiry tn occupy much spare in set
ting; forth the advantage to be derived from its
use; wherever Ihe medicine hss once been intro
duced, it lakes precedence oer sll others t eveiy
one Ihat has taken il, have thrived so signal bene-
heial results from it, lhai it is recommended bf
them with the n-mnst confidence. Physicians of
the highest standing in the profession, prescril it
to patients under their care containing nothing
deleterious, hut being composed nf the most mild,
yet efficacious vegetable Is off-red with
confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu
rifier nf ihe blond now known. The use of s few
botiles, especially in the spring months, will be at-
tended wuh a most divided improvement in the ge
neral strencth nf Ihe system, eradicating any seed,
of disease that msv have been generated, besides
giving health and vigor to the Imdy. For the cure
nf Scrnlula nr Kings Evil. Rheumatism. 'Fitter,
I'imples or emptions nf Ihe Skin, White Swelling,
Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The nu
merous certifiraies in the possession of the subscrl.
her and his agents, fiom physirisns and others, are
eiiffirient tn convince the most skeptical of i,s su
periority over all preparations of Sarssparilla. wholesale nnd retail, bv the proprietor,
CEORCE V. OAKLEY, North 6th sire.t, Rea
ding, Berks Cnemy, and to be bad of the following
pel sons :
In pin-lhumlrTlimd Cuuttti . II, H. Masr,
Siinbiiry ; Ireland St Vuiel, McEwensville ; D
Krsusr. Milton.
'; Vinmi County.--J. Ginrhart, Srliiisgrovei
A (illti lios. Mifflo burg.
In CXXumbiu County. RV. McCay, Wat-h
Rtading.Msreh 14. 1R:1.
Ma. Ommv: I believe il the utv nf every
one to do whatever in their power I icj, fur the b' ne.
fit of tin ir bllow mao and having hail no rive
ptoof in my own family, of Ihe wonderful properiies
nf your Depnrative Syrup nf Saisap.irilla, I m si
consrieutioulv reenmmeml it to the aflltrle.l. We
hatl the mi-fiittine l se two of our children, by
the bri sking nut nf ulcerous sores that covered the
face, head anil I eek. although we had some nf tbr
most fcientific physicians lo attend th- m and hail
tried all the known remedies, including Swaim's
Panacea, w ilboot avail. Another nf my children
was attarked io ihe same manner, her face or.d
nerk was rnmpvetcly covered 5 the i.rhage was so
olVensiv.i, snd the dineasH at sin h a height, that we
despaired id her l:fe. Seeing the wonderful elferts
of your I'ept.r.nive Sytnpr.t S irsapsri'l ,, we were
induced tn make trial nt it, a the last Im rt ; it
seed like a criatm; the u cers commenced healing
immediately, a f w bottles entirolv re-toredJn r tn beahh, whieh she li .s ei j y d uninlernii te.lly
ever since. Asa purifier ol the blond, I vcnly be
lieve it has not its cipial.
JHN MOVER, Tailor,
Wulimt st nil, near Fourth, Reading,
Dotigl osville, April lflth, 184:t.
fn. Oiaur: Mr son Ei'mnnd Leaf. Ihe
sernliila in the most ilremllul and di-tresinn man
ner for ihrre years, doting wh rli time he was de
prived of the use of bis limbs, hi' fieol and neck
were covered wuh ulcers. We tri-d all the ihll'-r.
ent reniedn s, I ut In no fTct, until recommendi'd
l y Dr. Johnson of Noribtown. ami ahn Dr. La ic
Ilir sti i, of lleailii g. 10 use your Depurittivo !yup
of Sarsaparillii, ol w hich I o'ltainrd scvcial boiiles
the use of which d'ove the dteae emir, ly out nf
h'S system, the sore heihdttp, and the child was
restored to prrhct health, which he ban enjmed
uninterruptedly ever Bii.cs, to the asl.'nishmeni of
many persons who seen him du it g his affi'Ctinn.
I have thnuiiht it mv duty, and send v. m this certi
ficate that nil cs who have a like nltlinion in the
fin ily mny know where to obtain s i valualdo a
metlii ine. i'tiurs tro'v. .
Sept. 10, 1913. Jy
4 oiiiiIm'U'IImV
rPhe pu'dte will please observe that no llrandreth
I'll's are genuine, unless the box has three la
bels upon it. (the top, the so'e and Ihe lottom)
est h containing a fic-simile signature of my h ind
writing, thus B. llrttsnnKTii, M. D. 'I'hese la.
Iel ate enuraved fin steel, beatitifully desiuned,
and done nt an cvpense of over f i.CtiO. Tln refore
it wilt he seen Ihat the only thing n'cis.ary to pro-
1 ure ihe medicine in its purity, is to uleive these
Remcm1n r the lop, the side, and the bottom.
The following respective poisons are duly autln ri
zed, and hold .,
For the sale of Brandreth't Vegetable L'liivutiil
Norlhumbetfand eonntv : Milion M u-key &
Ch nnheiliii. Sunbnry II. B. Masses. M'Ewena
villc lielaiid St Meixell. Norihuml'etland Wm.
Forsyth, fieorgetown J. & J. Walls.
Union (! unity: New Herhn Bngar Si Win
ter. Setinserove (Senrge (iundturn. Mid.lle
burg Isaac Smith. Beaveriown David IllihU".
Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Miltiitishaig Mensch
& Ray. Ha'tlelon Daniel Long. Prechiug
tS. A F. tl. Mover. Lewisburg Walla St Ciern.
t'olumbi 1 county : Danville E. B. Reynold.
iV I'u, Berwick Whitman At R Henhouse. Ca
tawissa C, (J, Brohts. 'Blootnshurg John R.
Mover. Jeii-cy I'nwn Levi Bisel. Washinaton
R.ibt. McCsy. LimeMone Halli h MrNoich.
t Ibserve that saeli Aaenl has sn Kngrnvid t't r
ificateof Agency, containing a repres'iitalion ol
llr llllANDKEill'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will a?a be aeen exact copies ol
ihe nrn lahti mw twed upon the lirundrttk I'ill
I'hihJi Iphia, office No. 8, Noilh ih street.
June 24th, XfHX
cm FiTHTriJiVir Ai (7riox,
N.s. y and ai .North Thiol Street,
Near llie Oily Motel,
CI'. MACKF.Y, Auctioneer, re-peclful'y in-
vjies the ailenlion nf persiw,s desirous of pur-
chj-ina Fumnute. In his extensivu S.des R ioms.
(both put lie and I'tivate.) for every dccriplion of
If hum hold Furniture, whi re can I obtained at all
times, a lurge assortment of fushinmthle and well
manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maliras.cs,
Ac, at very reduced prices, for cash.
(tip Sules by Auction, twice a week.
May 7th. 1843. ly
WEED t LOI IL a bamlsome article7alil?7aiT.
bght and elaatic, for Summer Coats arid Pants,
for Sale, very law, by
June 15 H. B. MASSER.
IIALZORI NES, a handsome sit.cle for Ladi'
a- Dressesflor sale cheap, by
June 15. IL B. M ASsER.
A Threshing Dlticlilue fur Kale.
fMHE snbscrdier offeis f .r ssle a THb'ESIHNfJ
M. MAt'HINE, new and in good ordir. The
Machine baa been tried, and proves to be an exreU
lent one It will be sold at a reduced price, and
warranted. Apply to II. B. MASSER.
July 1st, 1843.
stsO aBiMajjajaw srw -
I'ominissinn At Forwn riling Mcrrliants,
loot of Wtllow Slrrrt llnil Komi,
TTAVINfl sssoclntcd wi h them Joseph Barnet,
Ablate of Eastoit, Pn., nsnectfolly inform their
friends ond the public generally, that they have ta
ken that large ami we'l known store and wharf at
foot nf Willow Street Railroad, lately occnptel .y
Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a fieifral
Commission and Forwarding Business, and f om
the local sdvantacea nf the place being connected
with nil the public improvements that have their
outlet In the city, they flntter themselves they will
be able to do business to aa great, if not g en'er ad
vantage, and UMn as reasonable terms as any other
house, anil thev assure their friends that any eon
sigumeiits made to them shall have their strict at
tention, aud no exertions spared to give entire satis
I'ht V are also rarenaied (o receive and forward
goods to any point on the Delaware end Lehigh !
rivers, between Mauch Chui.k. Easton and Phila-
del, hia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can
also, to anv point nn the Juniata river, or North
and Wist Branches of the Sii'tpichunna via SclniyU
kill and Union, or Ihe Chesapeake and Title Wutci
For ihe Accommodation nf Boats coming or go
ing via Schuylkill and Union Cuuals, a Sieunbnat
will he kept expressly for lowing boats from the
St'huvlklH around tn Ihe Delaware ami back, which
will eiinhle merchants tn have iheir produce deli
veied nn ihe Delaware, anil their goods ehipisd nt
a saving nt 6:1 tn 75 per rent, on the prices fir
hauhi'K acio-s, with these advantages tuy re
spectfully solicit a share nf pstronat e.
William Hrilmin,
3 Philad., Ma
William W. Keyser,
Joseph Unmet. 3 Philad., Muy 14, 1S1H. ly
J. IMAYLANE, JR. fit CO. !
iStiull" and Tobacco iManiilactiircrs,
.Vo. )'.) Sorth West corner of Rare and Third '
THE nndiT'lgned have firmed a Co-partrrrsbip
under the firm nf. I. M AYLAND. J. St Co..
ss successors to the late firm of Jtienh .Miiilond d,
Co., nnd will c mlinue the husiiiei-s nt the old esta- , tit, nn iheir own account. In ad litioii to
their own close attention nnd experience f it tnh y ;
years, in the manufacture of their eelehrattd snnlV-,
Stc, the long experience.)! ihe senior paiti er ol the .
late firm, will al.o l-e devoted lo ihe interc-t of 'be i
new concern and ss no exertion and c a e will le
spareil to insure their goods, at till titO' Sot ihe ve
ry l est quality, tht y solicit a coiitinuauce of the
conlideuce ol the lucnds and cutoir,i r of the lute
firm. TH A8 ADAMS,
Philad. Iphia, Msy Hth. 1813. ly
" To 4'niiutrt
rl,H E Subscriber, Aeent nl I Von A Harris, l!.it
Mamdaeliirors, for N:w Vnrk, I'lnl di Iphia,
Halliinore and other larue cities, wjosr: Ibitu ioe
highly rnrnirMnded f tr (mmm c- mid durnlrllty,
has 01 hand a tir-l rate morlm it of II A I'S at d
CATS, suitable f.r Spring sites wh cb wdl le s.dd
very low, foi cas'i or npptoveJ credit, a', the mtfd
cheap store. So. 40, North Th id s'hj I, o p wi'e
the City Hotel, I'hila U lphis.
N. B. Orders lor Hals ill ibe r .'r V promptly
attended lo. Tin highest 1 rice in tush tra
given far A'nr itna.
PliiUlelphis, June II, 1S13.--1V
ente ral Cum mission .i: 11 Iiiinls,
For the Sole of t'iour, (train, Sttd, ic, Hf.
jlliSt -
1 ) -PEf -TFULLV inform their friend and
-S k th, Merelinnls npuprultv ihnr lh
be Merchants cenerullv, that they have la
ken hiiL'e and coininodious Whar s, w it li two
Dmks, ninth of Chcsnul str,et, on the lb law ire,
together with the store No. 19 South Wharves,
where thev won Id be pleased lo receive consign,
nients of Orain, Flour. Seed, Whi-key, Iron. Ac.
A'C Being also well prepared to forward all kinds
of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by
the Chesapt ske and Ti,te Vater Canals, as tow
boats are kepi expresi-ly foi the purpn.e of tow ing
hosts by ri I er mute.
Merchants will ple.ise be particular tn send their ,
e ei!s desiii ed by either canals, to No. 19 S n lh .
h uvrs, between Market and Chesnul streets, on
the Delaware, with directions accompanying them 1
w hich route they w i.h them to he shipped. i
(J j' Plaster and Salt fur .ale, at the hiivet mar- I
krt price. Ill tl.TON cV C' . I
March 19, IR4.1. No. 19 South Wharves. I
UOItLiltT C.4IlTi:ir7TsO, " J
l.ooibtird Street, Ituttlmore, I
1 T AVE constantly for sale, Priming Paper nf sll j and qualitn a, Cap Writing Paper, ruhd !
and plain. Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and
plain. Hanging Paper, fine and comm. in, Envelope j
Paper, dn. do, medium, doub'e crown, crown and
exits sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and '
Royal Papeia, Bonnet, Binders' and Suaw Box '
Boards, '1'i.sue Paper, aud all articles in their line, i
whnh they will sell nr. sccoininodailng terms. ;
U gliest price given fr old rags. j
March 19.184:1. Elkton. Md
.Vn. 2:57, Aori Third, nboirC.ttou Kill St.,
JOHN DUNCAN, lute from the Pennsylva
nia Firmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., U e ul A
Hit rican Hotel, Columbus, I ihio, take pleasure iu ac
quainting their ft ii nds anil Ihe public generally thai
liny have taken Ihe large and commodious Hotel,
teceiitly huill by the Missis. II uf.nn the same site
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull's Head, in Third stieel above Callow
hill at.
'I'll is Hotel ia finished in (be very Iie.t possible
manner, and of the best nisieia's. Its location is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants;
ihe arrangements for heatir.g snd ventilating each
roatin ia such as to secure any temperature. The
bcdioomaaie all light and airy, all furnished iu a
neat style, so aa to im-uie comfort.
The receiving parlors are also fuii i.hed in a su
fh style, the windows are on the French style,
firming an entrance to a balcony in front, vihiLh
makes t pleasant recess. Purticulai attention has
been given to lbs beda and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new,
trom year.' experience in hotel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity tc business, lo maks this
house s desirable stopping place. Our table will
alwaya be supplied wuh the very beat our msikel
can arl'ord, and our bar with lbs best liquors aud
wines uf ihe most approved brands.
P. H, There are first rale stabling and carriage
houses attached to the hotel, attended by catcful
and aolr hostlers, and our charges wilt be low, in
accordance with the present haid times.
Philadelphia, Oct. 7lb, II4S.
F4lt TI'.TTEIl.
niNowoRM.a, ojt tub tact, aso oriit
cTTAi!-:nra rni'rrtoNia.
05 The fiiltntjuiniferrliirn'e dentribfK one nfthe
mnt rTirmirdiiiary wret rvcr effected by any
Piutnr.rritTA. February 10, Una).
TOR twenty years I was severely afflict,, I with
'I'r.TTm nn the Face and Head! the disease
enmmened when I was seventeen years 'old, and
continued until the Full of 18:10, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the time, great part of my fc was covered with.
the eruption, frcijnently attended with vio!enl iicli.
ingt my bead swel'cl at times until it felt as if it
would luirt the swelling was so g e it, that I eouM
scarcely get mv hat nn. During the long period
that I was afflicted wi'h the dUease, I used a great
many r plication", (among them several celchrnlcd
preparation-) as wi II as taking inward remedies,
including n number nf holtha nf ftrWrn's I'anaccu,
Kxlraet Sarsnpurillu, Sic, lu fact, it would be
""l""-sible to enumerate all the medicines I used,
1 w"a aUn ,,n,,pr "f "f m"s'
""Cuthed physicians f ihis ciiy. but without re.
ceiving much benefit, snd I despaired of ever being
cored. In the fill nf 18 16, tho disease id the time
being very violent, I commenced using the Hone
Ointmeid, (prepared by Vnughan oV Dtvis.) In
a few applications the violent itching ceased, tho
swelling abated, the iruption began to disappear,
and U'fore I hud used .1 jar the di-case was entirely
cuied. Il has now been marly a yinr and a half
since, snd there is riot a ve-tigp of the diea"e re
maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by the dicnse. It is impossible, for inc. to describe
in a certifies!.1 the soerily of the dise-e snd my
sutTt rine, but I will be pic iscd lo i;ive a fuller tic
count to any peron wanting further satisfaction,
who will c ill nn me. At the time I co nmencej
li. ing the R. se Ointment I would have given bun
ibrtls of do lais to In" rid of the disease. Since U
ing it, I have recommended it to t-everd persons,
(among them my mother, who had ihe ilneuc bad
ly on her aim,) who wore n'l cured bv it,
JAMES DCIINlvl.l., No. 1.10, R ice St.
rj Ti e Rose Ointment is prepared by E. II.
Van.ihnu, S,.ii h East coiner of Thir! and Race
t-tie. t-, I'hiiadi lohia, and sold on a.jencv in Sonbu
IV. bv H. II. MASSE ,
' May 1 4th. fta. Ajrnt.
Eloc Oiaktincnt, for Teller.
a I'liooi' of rrs i:rn'.cY.
I'm 1 ini Lpms. May ?7lh, 1
rPII!s is to certify tl ui I was s, verely aill ceil
- w ith 'l etter in the bunds nnd f i t for upwirds
of lorly years; the disease wasstttnded g tier illy
with violent itching ami swelling. I npplied to t
nntnhi r of physicians, and used a great many sppli
cn'ions wtili. nl ell'viing a core. About a y ar
since, I tipphcd ti e Rom- Ointment, which entirely
-topped the itch. ni. and a few applications unmedi
ati ly cured the disease, which there has been no
return of, iilthoiiah I bad never been rid nf it nt
any lime for f.rty years. RICHARD SAVAOE,
J'.li venlli, beh.w Spruce Streer.
j The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Vhiu bun. S 11 ' li East corner of nnd Race
Streets, PI. il. itli Iphia, and s Id nt a.'. tiry in Stiiihu-
rv '-v II. U. MASSEH,
' May I lib, ISl. Axe-t.
OJ Ihf liOSI (ll.TMlL T,Jr Teller.
LTHOI.'CII ihu snperioni t ol the prepia't-.n
1 nicr hII olio r. is fully es ahlisheil, the I r prie-
lors til. asuie in Invutg before Hie public the
1 f,,w j, k eertifii n e from a res,.ectahl. physician.
a graduate nf the ot Peons, h nil .. Dr.
ll.ingb, having f.iund in this lemedy ihul relief f r
a tedious and di-sgree i'.b' affe-'tion which the means
within the rai se of his profes-inii Intel t.i ad ml,
biisnol hesitated to give it his jpprohati n, abh ugl
ihe prejudices and rests of tl. it prolessinu ate
I i pposed to secret Remedies.
I I'm Li uncut , Sept. 19, 1.31.
j I wasrcctutly lioitlied w nil a learns herielic
erupiii n. which cuced nearly one si 'e ofinv f.ce,
and exit-nib d oV,r the e tr. Mr. Vaimh.m. propro
I te of the Rose linrmeiil, ol sen inu mv l:ice, tnl-
led on nty l')mu bis el which he han
ded ine a j ir, A itbou jh in common u a tl he mem
bers of my rofi -sion, I dtscoini't n tot e iid di-ai-
' prove ot the iii'ner us liostnims , ilnu d npmi the
I pot lie l y iiiimi ant pr. lend, rs, I feel in jus in-h utid
to cxci pt tl.e Ruse I lintuii nt fiom thai c a-s of inc.
il cilns. and to utve it mv appinbiitioii, as il i niirc
Iv i n red iho eruption, alihoogi ii hid resisted the
u'-u I ippl cati.ins. .DAM. II I ( . 1 1 , M. D.
tjj- 1 he R..-c Oi,,t, no t is p-einrnl by E B.
, Vanthaii, ."sonili Lust con i r ol Thiid aid Rice
I Slicets, I'liilade'phia, and .old on ag, ncv in Sun-
buiy, by II. R. MER.
' May Mth, IH:t. Aiil.
M.nmlnctiiter of Writinir nml Imielli
ble Ink, No. 100 North Tlnrd Street, h.x
ihsirs Iwlow Race, (east side,)
7 ) E I'Ei; TFI'LLY inl.-nns conniiy im reliant
k. and in bets, that ho con-l anllv keeps on hand
a large stock nl his sopi lier Black. Hlue i nd Red
li k. and nlso a sttpciii r quality of ludi Hi' le Ink.
His ink is put up in bellies vaiytng in s7e, f,..m
1 lo S'i ounces, and Will Ut sold nn rtssoitahle
It mis. 'I he ri el'e. I qualities id lb s Ink has so
thoroughly eslahli-hed its ch nacter, that il is now
rxtensivily used throughout Ui cooniry.
For sale at the store of II. H. Mas.rr, Son,
bury, I'a. May 27th, 1 84:1. I v
AS tfcken Ihe ollice loin,, ill occupi d I v the
Hon. I hailes (J. I Ion in I. oi'iuisite theComt
II. 'Use. lie will aleiid lo biisme.. in the t'oiirls
of Northumberland, I.'nion and Columbia counties.
May aillh. I8LI.
Tit m if I
(f'cncrul Staye I flirr,
-XMI "BLJ :i7QfcJ "HkT
flHE Sultscriber resiecirully iufoima his frirnds
1. and the public in general, that he baa taken
the above
and Ihat he inow well prepare! to accommodate
all who may favor h:m with their custom.
His SLr.riso Apastxxts tre well aiiel, and
His Ta sis awn B will always be aappliid
with the best the market can afford.
Hia 8TaiiBH, which is goid, will it unJcr
the charge of good and carelul hostlers.
He feels confident, by stiict attention to business,
and an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who may patronise him, that he will not fail togivi
general satisfaction. H, B. WEAViJU.
Munry, (let. 1st, 184?. tf.