iloRRin Murder Etc ape or the Mi-idkr. We learn from indubitable authority that Mrs. Holloway, wife or Mr. Ilelloway, of Per on county, (who wag once member of our Legislature) having prevailed on her husband, one day lust week, to tie the hanila of one of their negro women, beat and tortured her to death. It is said that she heated pan handle red hot and ran it down the negro's throat, be sides burning her lips to a crisp. The horrid tale about the burning seems too incredible to be believed, and we mention it on the authori ty of rumor, without vouching for its accuracy. The nepro was privately buried eight feet deep, in an onocure place, and Mr. and Mrs. II. made their escape to parts unknown to their neigh bors, doubi I I'M to Texas. Whether Mr. II. was Accessory to the murder, further than to tie the negro, we are not apprized. Richmond Star, April 21. A New York letter eays : The executor of the late Joseph Bonaparte, Alone MtitxtRD, who arrived here in the Great Western, has come to carry into effect the will ot the testator in regard to American pro perty. Among his bequests are a bas-relief in marble, representing Napoleon as First Consul, tojosim IlorkiNSON, ot Philadelphia; an e tlition of VolMire to Dr. Chapman ; a b:is-relief in marble of P inline Bonaparte to Mr. Siionr ; a rt.itue in brttnso of Napoleon w hen General in Chief ofthc; army in Italy to Mr. C. F. lyoEit oi.l. II in real rr'Ves in this country are loft to his grandson Joseph. The Grand Ixlje of Odd Fellows of Missis sippi, have repudiated duelling. The penalty of an infringement ofthc nut i cxpul&iun from tiic fraternity. Uf.i'i hi.k amvii in JIkjiami. The autograph of General Washington brought more at public iiiittion in Knjjhuul than those of the crowned lu ads of Europe. A sr.w kd or Ink. An English Lord has discovered a new ink which is colorless unless ised upon paper expressly prepared for its recep tion. If spilled over linen, furniture or any thing else, it leaves no trace behind. It is called "the Queen's Ink," and is much used. Yorkminster has been completely restored, at A coA ot 90,000. The great bell, with its stock, -weighs sixteen tons, and will require twelve men to ting it. What's in a Name The newly born foiiriii daughter of the lajiieen of t'urluul was Jjttp'it-ed on ill" 22 I lilt., in the chapel of the put see at Bi'lein, by the Cirdinale Pairiarche of Lisbon. The little princess received the names f Antonia Marin Fernanda MicaeU Gabriela Ralaela de Ais Gnnzapn Silvertn Julia Augus ta de Ikaganza e Buurbon-Sujonia-Cuburg-Go-tha. Pome timeasn, at Munich, a girl, six years of gi, was placed as dead in an open coffin, in what called iijthat country the hall of death. prem Tatory to interment. On the following day she Mas found playing with the white roses which liad h-en strewed over her. The keeper ofthc hill look her in his arms, and carried her to her mother. In Fiance, ays the I'restc, which men tions this fact, where there is no precautionary measure of this kind, the child would have been buried alive. II A I. TIMOR IS JIABKKT, OJJlce. a 1 lie BiTiMms Anssic. April 21. WHEAT. The receipts of Md. Wheats were very smill this week. The few parcels which reached the maiket sold at 100 a 103 cents for prime lots, ami one very superior parcel at 108 rents. Several lots ol Penn'a reds sold at 95 a 102 cents, and inferior parcels at S3 a 90 cents. A lot of very superior Md. family flour white sold at 120 cents. A lot of Peun'a. white, quality not prime, sold at 100 cents, and a lot of very f rime ditto on terms not transpired. WHISKEY In barrels, 22 rts. per gallon. Mincrar, wheifier in (he shape of Blue Pill, Calomel, Corrneve SuM mate, or any other form, l.ever can elTccl a peimanent rura of any disease, becau-e, iteiug a miners!, it cannot Le digested, and consequently cannot purify th blood. The only rurstive propi rtits it possesses is lo change the ni nt di v. Icinicnt of the disease and substitute another in it place. Biaiulreth's Vegetahe I'ni vcrsal Pill eland pe-eininent ill the cuie of dis ease, becau-e Iheir ffccis are as ceitain as tbey are duts-y, arid leiii) coniMi'd entirely of v g. la l ie , they cmnot p.miLIy injure; therefore a trial of them is always eafe. Purchase of II. B Masser, Sunbury, or of the agents, published in another pait of this psper. I . . mmmmmmm Good Intent IT re Company.' A STATED MEETING of the Company will he held en Tvwl iy evening next, at 7 o'clock, l the Court House. Punctual attendance is re quircj. CllAS. S. WEISER. May 3, 1845. Seeetary. "Wiufkiiigtou ITr Comimny." THE numbers of the "Washington Fire Com- pmy" are requested to meet at the Bute House, oa Monday bventng, May 0, at T o clock, precisely. Punctual attendancs is required. May . D. W. BH1NDEL. See. Orphan' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the. Orphans' Court of Northumberland couuly, will be .old at pub. lie vendue or ouicry, on Seiuidsy the 84lh day of May inst., at tlx Court House in the borough of Bunhu.y, to mils A certain tract of unimproved land, situate m the township of Augusts, in said county eujointng Unds ol Jacob sbipe, Geotga Conrad anil others, containing 93 acres and 130 perches. Lats the eslais of William Grarhail, dee'd. Hala lo (oinmauce at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said dajr, when lha term will bs made known by MARY H. GEARHART, Sunbury, Msy 3, 1845 It Gosidisa. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. Wiisat, ... 85 Rts, . . .60 Cos, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 55 Posit, ...... 5, ... . 2j BuTTta, ... lit Enes, .... .0 Bkrswai, . . . . S5 Tallow, ... 10 Daitn ArPLits, 60 Do. Pkachis, . ISO Flax, ... S HacKLtn Flax, 10 Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland coontv, will he ao'd st pub lic vendue, on 8aiuiUy the 24th May inst , on the premi-es, to wit 1 A certain tract of laud si'uate in the township of hamokn, in county, con. reining twenty-seven and three-fourth acre anil eight iierrhe. adjoining land of Jacob A DuviJ Reeil. Geo. Huuimet, DnnM Camp'.x-ll, and the Khainokin Creek, on which is ereced log dwel ling houc, a bank barn and a small orchard. Al so at the same lime and plscn a certain other tract of land, situate in the township and county afore. said, adjoining lands of John Keed, Jacob Ac Da vid Keetl. 8hin 'el St Youngnian and Vincent Den gter, containing 31 acres and 38 perchers of which about twelve acres are cleared. Lute the eainte of Henry Zimmermsn, dee'd. Ssle to commence st 10 o'clock, A. M. of ssid day, when the conditions of s.ile will be nude known bv JOHN ZIMMERMAM. 1MEI. ZIMMERMAN, HEN KY ZIMMERMAN.jr. SAML'EI. EPI.F.R, VALENTINE K I. i4SE, guar dian of the minor child en. Xunbufv, May Id, 184.1. 4t NEW SPRING GOODS. A. 11. MA II 8 II A Lis. WHOLESALE A RETAIL, SEALBB in I'uMonibU, Snprrinr mnd Medium Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. No. 1S8 Chfsntit st., between Seventh and Jighth streets, P li 1 1 a ! e I pit I n, IS now in tegular receipt of New Styles Sdks. Mon-elin i'e Nines, l.nwns. Irandie, Jac.ineis, (inehsm, B irrgrs. Marques, Eoli .ns, Bslioriries, t'mhr'c, thintzea, Biimhitines. Ah"C's and o ihpr reasonable Pres Oood ; nln. 8h wis. Scarf, Viils Embroideries, Hosiery. I.aers, Gloves, Lin en, Cnmhric llnnkf-'. nd Iri h Linens; Calicoes at 12) rts. s yard, Muslins, and oter cheap (i.vod. Srrangers il find it pntirulsrly to their iniere.t to rail, as the foods are all varrnntrd, and the foirrtt rnsh prices inaiiably named first, Philsdt lphia. April 20lh, 1815. 5rn. Orphans' Court Sale. IN pii'suiiice of an order of the Orphan-' Ou't of NordiuinlH-rl.ind feuuty. will In so'd at pub lic vendue or outcry, on S-noid y the 1 0th lav of Miv next, on the piemi-cs, to wit : A ci-rnin trct of land situate in SlmrnoU n townaliip, in sid county, a 'joining lands of David McWilliams, E liihs B inon and Oi idnh t'amp!!. coniaining iwroly fie acres and one hundred ar d thirty-nine I erches more or Ick, on which are eree'ed a large two -tory frame house, bsm and oiher ou.houses; j e the csia'e of Jamea CanipScll. d('d. Hate lo commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., of 'id day, when ihe conditions of sale will le made known bv OKADIAH CAMPBELL, WILLIAM PERSIXO. Punhurv, April lOih. 1845. 4t A.lm'rs. Ijost ! ON Prid tv, the ltih inst.. on the road h ailing from tunl uiy to Danville, a Urge leather Pocket Hook, ron'aining a thick on the Bank of Northumber land fur $125, several reluf notes, a number of prom s-ory notes, and o her papers which will l of no use lo anv person but the owner. Any r. son finding sa d pot kt o k, anJ forwarding it to the owner at fhamkin, or le ivin it at the 1 ffice of Ihe Sunbury American, will tie sui'aMv re war.led. W. D. GEARH AR I. Shmiokin, April 19th, 1815. if ' Daniel Keller's. Estate. NOTICE ia henbv given, that tellers of admin istration have hern granted to ihe sutnurher, on the estate of Daniel Keder, Lie of the borough of Kunbury, dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate, or having claims sgiiut-t Ihe ssinr, are rt quested to call on the snl-i riler f..r s. tllemrrit. BENJAMIN ROBIN8. Sunbnrv, April 13ih. 1845 81 Adm'r. To thu Electors of Northumberland County. FELLOW CITIZEN'S: As I have been ly encouiaged by my frierula, I solicit your support for the olfice of S II E R I V V. Should you confer this office upon me, I ahall endeavor to discharge Ihe duties thereof with fide Inv. THOMAS . BILLING TON'. Kunhu y. April I9:h, 1815. To llie Electors of Northunibcrland ('outilj'. PELLOW CITIZEN?. At the soHrita ion of a nomUrof my friends, I have consented lo be a candidate for Ihe office of BSGIST&R AND RECORDER. I promise the citions of the couniy, that if I am rlecltxl. I will endeavor lo discharge the duties of the 1 rlica faithfully and impariiallv. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Runbury, April 19th. 184 5. To the Electors of Northumberland County. FELLOW CITIZENS. Having been ineou laged by my friends, lo offer uiyatlf as a candi date for the office of COUNTY OOHKIMIONEB, I respeeifuilT solicit your support. Should you see proper lo confer the office upon me, I will sie desvor to dicharge the duiiea thereof with fidelity and impartiality. SEBASTIAN IIAUPT. 8unbury, April 19th. 1845. To the Electors of Northumberland County : FELLOW CITIZENS 1 I beg leave to offei myself as a candidate, at lha ensuing election, for the vlfica of County Commlttaloner. Should I ba so I lunate as to be elected, I pledge tnyaeif lo discbarga ibe duties of the olTice with piowpluesa and fidelity. r CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, April 6th, IS4. Slieriir s Sale. BY virtue of a writ of latvart Farias, Imued nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Nnrthom berland county, to me directed, will be exposed to publie sale, at the hou of Franklin A. Clark, in the town of 8hamokin, on Wednesday the 28th dsy of Mny I o'clock P. VI., the fol io ing described property, lo wit 1 All that certrln tract of Coal Land known aa 'The W.therill Tract," aituste in Coal township. Northumberland county, and bounded and descri bed as follows t beginning at a heap of s'ones nesr the southerly side of the Great Road, a coiner of land surveyed in the name of Samuel Clark, thence by ihe same, south 311 perches lo a p.nt, thence by formerlv vsesnt Isnd, (now surveyed in the nsmes of William Green and Robe t Grav,) east 363 perches to a small marked hlacknak, thenee by land surveyed to Robert Grny, north 13 perches In a marked Chesnut, east 39 perches to s marked che.nut nak. north 10 perches in a marked chesnut, east 30 perches to a marked chesnu', thence by land surveyed in the nsme of J hn Brady, north 139 perches lo s marked wh teoak in the middle of the Great Hnad, thenee along the middle of the said road, and by land surveyed to Wm. L imbert ami Luke Fidler, north 78 degrees west, 53) per. ches to a marked whiteoak in said road, S'Uth 70 degrees west, 83 perches to a mtrked whiteoak. north 80 degrees weal, 13'.' perches to a marked whiteoak, and north 6A degrees west, 80 perches 10 the place of beginning, containing 380 acres more or less, about CO seres of which are cleared, whereon are erected a log houe and log barn, a brick kdn, saw-mill, Alc, alo a large anthr irire fur nsce, engii e house, a store hnue, and shout 18 or 20 dwelling hou-es. Ther- are also -evr ral cod veins a d drifts, rail road tracks, Ate, Ate., on sa d premises. ALSO Another- trart of land situate in Coat township aforesaid, known aa the William Boyd Tract, and descri'ed as follows t beginning at a pine, thence running by land surveyed to Jeremiah Paul, north 63 degrees east, 30 perches to s white oak, south 30 degree, east, 13 perches to a stone, thence by land surveyed to Merrick Star, north 61 degrees east, 60 perches to a stone nesr a pine, north 49 ami one tenth perches lo s maple, north 68 degrees went, 81 perches to s whi'eosk, south 81 degrees west, :i2) perches to stones, thence by land suiveyed to Andrew Shuber, snath 12 degriea east, 61 perches to a post, noith 78 drgiees ea.t, 16 perches In a post, south 12 degree east, 40 m rchrs to a po-t, south 78 degrees weal. 16 perches lo a -at and south 13 degrees east, 15 perches lo ihe place of lieginning, containing 43 acies snd 147 perehea and allowance, more or less. ALSO One fulliqoal undivided foor h part (ihe whole into four equal parts be divided) of ami in all that certain tract of l.ind aituste in Coal townnhip sfureaaid, and known as "The Merrn k Siar Tract," and described as fol'ows: beg nuing l a slone,thence by land surveyed to Jesse Brooks, north 74 ilegrees east, 340 perches to a sio ie, ihence south 16 degrees es-t. 85 perches to s stune, there south 69 degrees es, 90 perches to a stune, south 31 d- grees east, 35 iierches to a sto- e. sooth 3 degrees wes', 35 la rches in a ston-, smith 31 de grees es.t, 60 r ri lie. 10 a dead pine, aou'h f3 ile grees weal, 87 perches to a m pie, ihence north 27 ilegrera ei, 35 perches to a stone, thence moth 61 degrees ea-t, 67 perches 10 a .lone, north 5:1 perrhes to a maple, smith 68 dr gieia weat, 80 per ches to a whiteoiik, south Hi west, 80 per ches tc a stone, south 74 degrees wist, OH rc'ns to a stone, noMh 16 degrtrs ue-t, 8 pi tches 10 a alone, south 74 degrees weal. 1 110 itcl e lo a stone heap or dead white, ak, nor'h 16 degrees wi st. 1116 peichea lo a stnno and place of tt. ginning, contain ing, by a ri cent rurvey, 306 acies and 7 J perches and arnwance. ALSO One undivided fouith part of 155 l aria or shares, (the whole into 326 p. rts or shares to be divided) of and in 13 tract of Coal Lunls. lying contiguous to each other on the waters of fhsmo km and Mahonny creeks, or as much thereof aa ia si'Ui'e in Coal township, Northumberland county ; hich said tracts were surveyed in pursuance of 13 urian's for 400 acres each, all bearing da e tl.e tilth diy of Mav. A. D. 1793, granted to Willi. m Elliott, Oe.irge Anion, Cale' Low n- s, John Youi.g J. -tin Whileman, Joseph J. ml n, R hard Tunis, John Warner, D iniel Iteere, William P- rirr. Wil li im Miller, Peter Dehaven and Wi hum Powell, and patented to J-hn Nichotsoii on the 17ih, 2Uih, 23.1. 24ih and 25ih i'as ofOit-Ur, A.I). 1794, and which said tracts of land are. by the nllicial ie turns of mi vey, computed to contain 5316 acres and 129 perches and allowance. ALSO At the same lime and place, by virtue of a writ of Veniliiii ni Eipnuas, lo me di ertnl, A cert i n trurl of land snuate in Cual inwnahip aforesa d, adjoining the firat above decrila-d I .nd, surveyid in the name of Ssmuel Weiheiill, I nut survered in the name of Wm. tireen, at d land of Mct'ariy, Dji', Jonlan and inhers, containing 96 acres more or les, whe eon are erected a' out IS dwelling houai-s, a aaw-m II. and a pan of the Cas tng h' u-e of Ihe nhsmokin foniMCe. 1 here are al so several coal veins opemd on said premises, and s branch rail ro..d A l.M) The undivided moiety of 1 3 acres more or !, si'jointrg ihe ati.ive liart, surveyed in be name of S.iinuel Wilherill and nllv is, being part of a iraei survryed in the name of Hubert Gray, uion which a en si vein or drift ia on nej. S iaed, lak n in eiecu'ion, and lo be sold ss Ihe propeilf of ibeSbsmokin Coal and Lon Comysny. with notice to Uetijunin H. Yarnill, sasignee ol the bamokin Coal snd Iron Company, George Armstrong, snr , and others, li rretenanls. FELIX MAL'liER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Olfice, 2 Sunbury, tpr. 26, 1845. J Ueborali Cranl'aj Itale. NO'l lCEia hi reby given, that b iteis of ad. ministialiiin have been granted lo the suit scriher. on the estate of Deb irsh G'Sn, d- e'd., lata of Augusts township, Northumbeilsnd county. All persona indebted to siij .sloe, will make im mediate payment, snd having rlaii.ia will present ihe name, duly auth ntirateil to Piter Laza ius, Sunl'ury. r to the sul scri'.a r, No, 112 Walnut street, Philadelphia. KENDERTON SMITM. April 19ih, 184561. Adm'r. REMOVAL. T'AGHIITGTCIT HOTEL, ll'est tide nf Main St., in the Hern' of LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. rilUE subscrilarr would lespectfully inform bis X old fiend snd ihe travelling pubic, that he has recently taken and fiinsd U(., in a fupeiior manner, this spacious brick edifice, sign of OENfiatJaJU WAimiNGTON, where be is prepared lo accommodate travellers and visitors in the very tarsi snd pleasing style. His bouse is shoaled in Ibe most .h asanl and central part of Ihe borough, convenient lo bu.imas, aud ia large and the rooms airy. Thankful for tha liberal support while keeping the old Muncy Hotel snd the Amfiiran Hotel, in ihia borough, fot tha past three yeers, he iep. cl lully solicits a eon tin u j nee of ihe same. THEODORE WELLS. Muncy, April 12h, 1845. tf N. B. The Harri.burg. Northumberland, eiita- Iville, Danville, William.(.oil, Lock H.ven anJ Bsllsfonls Stagas strive at and depart from tkis Hsu.s daily. T.WELLS, lliXJll-' KJ JL V X lJli. SUITBTTP. 74 IVortlnimbcrlnnfl County, PENNSYLVANIA. HENRY HAAS RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has taken the hnck stand, in the Borough of Sunbury, lately occupied by John Haus as a public hntise, (west of the Sts e H.ioaa, and nearly opposite the Cmirl llottae,) where he is preusred to accommodate his friemls, and all others who may favor him with their cus tom, in the be-t possible manner. His BAR shall sparkle with the choicest of Lr .cons, and his TABLE shall Sa well supplied with the very best the nvirkels afford. In short, ni piina nor eipense will be spared to render his house in every way worthy of public pa'ronagn, A lilieral share of ro-tm is therefore solicited. Stinhury. April I3ih, 1845. Hin NO UT 1 1 UAIDK RIsAND BPalDGE COMPA1T7. A K Eb ctton for officii a of the Nonhum-erl md a Bridge Companv, lo eervr- fur one year, will be lie Id at the house of James Lee, in Northum berland, on Mondsy the 6th tiny nf Mav nrit. The election wdl open at 1 o'clock, P. M., and c'ose at 4 o'clock, P. M. The bonks and accounts ol the Company will be an ! milled lo the stockhol ders for theii inspection, st the same time and place. JOHN H. UOVU, 1'iee'L Nori humhi Hand. Apul 12, Ih46. 4t Cienrc li'elliarl! ltale. TeATOTICE is hereby g'ven thst letters nf ad 11 Ministrntion huve la?en gniiilid to the snh-ri-ber. on the estate of f Seorge Neiharl, la'e nf Au gu.ta township, Norihuinbeil md county, drc'.l. All persons indebted lo said e.'ate, or having de. m m Is against the same, are reiue-led to meet Ihe subacrihiT. on Mond.y the I2ih day of May next, st the bouse of the deces ed. for seoh-ment. JACOB ZAUIMAV, April 6th, 1845. 6t A.lm'r. "WWW Removal. 1)11. JOHN W. 1KAL. RESPECTFULLY informs the ci tixens of Kunbury and it' vieini y, lhl I e has removed lo (he U lrk House, to i Make! atreel, formerly ncrunied by Iti'iij tinin llendrieks, ei.t of the store formerly o cnpiid by Mider V Manx, and now bv Ia T. Cle ment, where he will lie happy to receive cilia 111 Ihe line of hi. i.r.-f.-s-ion. .uiil.u.y, Maieh 29ih 1815. lEDECliTES,Tr?kTJGS5 DVESTUXTS, PAINTS, e. riHE siibscrtbel kil'ps cotislnn'ly for sale on the JL mo-t reaa.n.ali e tinns, an a sorunet.l of Meitr cloea. Drug., DyefUifl's. Paul's. Oils, Varmrhea, Ate. Being engsgid in grni.lio. mc'i ar iib-a aa tin ger, Mnt.ta.d .nd I'ep er. be ha- th in tor s.ile of a ni-ert.n quilt v, hi low th-- muket puce. He would menti n thai he hm a Pnii ul M clone wo'ked by fleam power, whu li nali'i s him to H Pt'TTT ot the v rv b-sl toaltiy lot i cents a lb. 111 lila.ldi rs. and 3 cents in Hulk. He cmilid. nily i.M'tla lint Ida prices are aoch a lo give sa i-fjciioii to those who m 'V t ivor hitn uh a caii. j. w. w. t;oi;i)o. No. 152 Wet Pratt St., Pah. more, i. jaiMle Bal- and Ohio Rail I!. .ad Deioi, N. B. No ch oge m.ule for delivering Goods in any put nf ihe cnv. March 8th. 1845 3m Hoot i)c S h o e IVIAKING. TH E nubscr.btr. late ot Hie fi'in . f B ck A llro siua. wou'd re-pvctUilly inform hiB.IJ cuat..m im and Hie public illy, that he now . crote the new boildn g we-l of Hemy llaopl's Tailor hop, and opposite Oeorje lirigln's Drug, in M rk. I ftrei l, Sunbury, where he intei.ds to cany on hie former business of UOOT & SHOE MAKING. in alt i'a vatii u l-ranrhea. He wi I be prepired to do ad kinda of ork in bis hue at the sh .iliat no. lice, and in the m.att dur.ible manner. He is thai k ful for f.'rin r paiionage, and hv strir ntti t daiK-. to bu ine-a and reaaonable charges, will endeavor to de-erve a of it- JOSEPH BEI'K. Sonbury, Feb. 32 ', 1845, 6m TrawlSARFETIlTGST THE sub-eritM-rs have reeeiveil. and r now oi ing a splendid araortment of ike following g an!. Haiony. Wilton and Velvet Carpetings' Rrusnela and Imperial 3 ply do CAR- Eitra superfine snd fine Ingrains do f PE I'- Kngli.ih i-hadi'd At Daina.-k V'eio tijii do I.N(i. Ani'iicaii twilled and lig'd do J Euglt-h Drugged and Wood 11 Floor Cfuhs flair and Parage Bock ngs Einh.weed Piano and Table Covers I, n Inn Chenille and Tnfte.l Rugs DiHjr Malta of eve. y deaenoiion, ALSO A laige and exn n-ive 1 s.O'tme' t of Floor Oil Cloth-, Irom one in eight yard, wide, cut to fit eve ry iVscriptinn of ro-.nia or p.s sees. AIo, low pnreil i grain CaiMiga fi m 31 lo 62 J cents per yard, together wrh a large amleiieli sivs assortiiirul uf g.axls u-ua ly kept by cj pei merchant. The above goo Is will be sold w Vole. -de or retail st the loweal msikil prices. Coiiiiry tin n h. inl and od.era aie particulsilv invited lo rill an t eia mine our stin k before mnkiog then ae'ecnons. I'l.ARKS'lN. RICH Ac Mri.l.HJ N. Successtirs to J. seph lll.ickwood, No. 1 1 1 Che.uut, corner of Fr.nkiiu Pin e. Plula hl, bia. FeiiSl I. 1845. V M I U I : l. LAS &, l' A U A SOLST" CHEAP FOB CASH J. VtT. Umbrella and l'arasol Ala nufar. lory. Ao. 37 Soiih Th"t street, two doors below the Cf f HO WL, P h 1 1 U 4 e I p b I a . tLWAYS on ha..d. a largo stock of CM. BllELLA an.l PARASOLS, iutlu tng the latirt n.'w sivtuol Pinked fcSilged 1'sr ins of the tiesl woikmaiialup and mat. rial, at prices that will make I an ul jert to Country Meirhau a and other, lo call and eiaiuine hie sl.ak bifure puicha.iug etw where Fe . S3. 1845 - ly GLASS 8 by 10, hestqualiiy, Cut Nads, all s ie, talt, I y the sack and barrel. Hals and Cap., ot the quality. All fur sale at reduced prioes, by Sunbury, Oct. ;e, 184,4, H.B.MASSBR. Ha WIST A IT'S iiaiam op wild curnny, A tinpnaait tlalaatnle Preparaftnn from Wild Cherrjr llark and Tar, 77ie brut remedy known to the umrld for the erir nf tanirhs, told, tnfhma, ermtp, blredintr nf the lungs, whmping rough, bronchitis, tn fltf emn. shortness of breath, pain and weakness n the breast or side, liver complaint, and the first stages nf CONSUMPTION. We will not assert that thia BALSAM will cure Consumption in ist worst form, hut it has f ured mnnv after all other means of relief hsd been tried In vain. And why not 1 It seems that the WILD CHERRY was destined by Natuie to be our PA NACEA for the ravaging diseases nf this e dd la. titndn. Let not the oVapairing invalid waate his m mey and loo.s TIME, lo him ao all Important, in txheri minting with the trashy noalmms of the d iy, tiut use ot once a medicine that will cure. If a cure he p a ible a rivdici ie that science approves, and manv yi ar of eiperience luve demonstrated th tt it nlwnys relieves. 'Thrre is no such thing as fm'l." in the history of ihts wonderful BALAAM Evidence the moat Convincing evedenco that nn one ean doubt, fully e-tabli he. this fact. For the soke of brevity we se'ect the f. owing from thou.ands. Isaac Pla't, Eq., Editor of Ihe Eigte. one of Ihe m-at infliienliat j mrnsls in tlie sts'e of New York, states umlet the authority of his own name, thit a young lady, a rel itive of his, of verv delicste consliiution, wa attackeil in Feb. 1812 with soere cold which immediately produced spit ting 1 f blood, cough, fever, snd other dsngerous and slnrmitig symptoms. Through medical Meatmen snd C'ue she pn'tinlly ree verd during summer. Hot on ihe return of winter she was altaek-d more violently than at, .he became scare, ly able to walk and s tmubled with rough, chill and fever every day, and appemed to lie going rapidly with ronsiimp i n ; at lhi time, when there wa n sign of improvement. Mr. Plnti procured a bonte f WisT'a Bvi.aiM nr Vu.n I'ntsitr. which she look, and its-eminglv ret 'ted her. She g.. a ae rood, and bi fioe ii w a- h df taken -he was reatored lo prrfrfl hrallh. hu h -be h is erj.ived to the pre sent nine, without the slighter! symptom other fir mer th-e ae. Mr P ait ssv'theri re eime under my ewn oh seivatinn snd I cannot I mistaken ss to the facte." EXTRACT OF A I.KTTF.K FROM A POST MASTER. PAVED Prvssfsr, Washington co., Maine, Apr. 29. 1814 MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Deir Sir: At the re quest of ninny nf my frieoda in this place and viel nity who sre afllicleil with cnnsu'iiptton and liver comp'aims, I tske Hie lil'er'y of asking you M ap point someone in Ibis county aa agent to sell Wis tah's 11i.m or Wiin Chkmst. and to send hin a few d"7.en as there is none of i' f r sale will. in 200 miles from this I have no doubt that it w.'uld me-1 with a ready side if it were where it oou'd I e I 'torn red without too much upense snd delay. Mv wile was aP icked .ibout sii m nlhs since with what Ihe pliyaic"iri railed the firs! s age of c n-nin''ioii n coini.hiint vi ry prevalent in lbi a cioo of eoiuitry. Having atu-n the Balsjm sd vi rt seil in Augusta err 20O MXI.ES FZtOM nEfiB, wC3 I I n k ibe lams to send there for a bottle of it, whiih she took, and which beloed her so much that I sent fur t o hotih s more, whii h i-he has alsi ta ken, and In" now s.v she ha. not fell so well for -ii vesra aa she doea at this lime. All thoae who have inquired of me mid as -clamed what effect the lid-am hid, are undone to h.ive some I r sa'e in thi- vicmiiv. which is the e;iu-c of my writing you Plea e infortn me bv lelu n of miil wbeth. ryoo rom 'oile to aeud -ome, aud it so lo whom, in order thai It mav be known where il can lie had. I 11 in with re-pect v. etc. I. (i. FARNNWORTH. P. M. The wh de country is faat learning ihut no niedi rtn. no plivsican no pirpiraiion of any kind whativ,r ean equal Da. Wisrsa'a UslsaM of Wiin ( '11 ni hi. A Till I.Y HDvlH'.RH L C I III:. T..a vin.v, t tneiila co.. N. Y. Mepl 15. 1843. IVar S r I owe it 'o the afflicted to inform y 11 that in J nnarv I i-t I alia, keil by a very vio lent cold, enna. d by g in the water, which settled on my tunga. It v as a eompanied by a ve rv a- ir r pain in mv bretiat and nidi's, and sls'i a !iaies-irg c ugh. I bad 10 attendance ! the mei'ic I aid in our village; hut after rlhausiing all their t-kil o no av ol. ihey pronounced my di-eaae a coriaiF.n loot srTina, and they one and ali gnre me up to die. Alter much pirsunsion I got he 1 on -'it of mv phvainan to use the BtlSiM nr Win, Caiaaf pr. pared by Dh WisriR. I pur-cha-eil of ihe Ag.'iil in our phee one bottle, before u.ii g h ilf of which I tin m to gain slreng'h, a'.j it w s verv evident my cough was much hel'.er and myevmpinme n every way imprivinj. I hive n-w uaed Ihree bonds, aud am resided to perfect hrallh This re-uli is nl ne on. me lo ihe a-e of Dli WISTAK'S BALAAM OF WILD CHER. KY ; an l I take thia me;nod of g'vmg you tha in f inu'i.'n. parity 10 iav you the debt of gr ilitode I owe ynu. and -t.uly that other, si uilaily afflicted may ko.w v.tiere 10 apply lor relief. Verv, JAMES S.VCE. Mm. Pslkkm. Dtuggiat. under dule of Watnville, .-i.'ft 21th, 1813, writis. The aiat mem given you by Mr. James Hage is well koown In be true iy this whale, eommuiulu. V c-rt 111U was a moat remaika lecure. The sale of the Hal-am is very, and i'.s success m cures uu y littering. Yours r ap'CtfuHv. D. !. PALMER. Till'. MOST 1li.MA.KAMs1. CfllK KVKU ltr.fOUDKI). N. J , A101I 20. 1S11. On or '.hi'Ut the 13th ilay nf Ocl.ihe, 1841, I wa taken wrh a Violent p un in he si Ie near the liver, which inriiiiined tor a'n til five d.iys, and W isf .l .iid by Ihe breikmg ol an ti'cV, or n'aieas. in W irdly, which relieved the pain a little, but cau-etl in.' to throw up a treat qn.n'itv of offenaive matter and also much blood. Being r.-a:ly aUmed at Ilia, I ai i. I.e. I m a phvi ian, but he said be th ug I I he could l but H il for nie erco g ve m s uite Mercury I'ltts. wn cn I reiuaeii 10 line, oenog a'.i-ni-J tbat ibi'y cold do me no good ; many o Miil MM ile weretlnii pretired by my wife and friends, bu none did me anv good at d the ills charge of blood and ronupti "ii atdl cnl'iiui d ev rv t'i w days, and at I ml l-ccoine so off. nstve th rt I C.nj'd scaTtvty l.rea he I w .s also aeiKed With a vi. ol ni roUnU, which at times csu-ixl me to raise mo h nio'' than I had iTmi re before and my disease continue-1 in this way, anil growing worse, j. Ill Fibru iry, when all hope of my tec very was givr.i u, . Slid my hrenikt all lh. .ugh' I Would die ol s t.AiL ri ve INiasi'air ri.ia. At this moment, when mv hie w.ia Kppnren lv drawii g near it. clo-p, I heard of DR. w HTAR'S BALSAM OF MILDt HELRY and git a bottle which at H 1. vi 11 :,k 1 mi vi 1. 111 ati t f ( and by 'he ue of only thtee b I lea nf ihi. med cine, all my pun-were retinoid my cough and .piling of blond and cor ruption entirely stepped, and In s few weeks my he.'lih si far ietoied ss to rnible me to w e k l my trade, (wltie.i 1- s c.ira'i t. r,) and up 10 this line I have riijiyrd g.i.'d hi a'lh IIOMAS COZENS. Glofrtsrra CovsTI, N- J , sa. Pcrs uslly rams btlora me, the rul scrder, one of Ihe .Piratice of the Peace in and for tb said" sown ty, Themss Cogens, and Ireteg du(y sflirmad sr cord ng to lew, seiih the above aleaenl Uina'l thinga true. AiTirmed befire me, on the 2flh of April, 1843. J Cumiir, J P. Such is the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM. "SATmPS FAVORITE rBESCRIPTIOV a preacripiion emeeniil 10 our wanta, as It is fie. pated from chemical est recta from aabntanrrswhii It the author of nature has placed in our swn In I for wise purposes, that many who knnw nntbh of the mode of its preparation are endeavoring l. reap pecuniary lienefiis by selling an sitiefe sirnd e in name, nr in appearance, or by representing ill ir own lra-h as suiiem r to this U A 1,8 AM. or bv pn . ting up s milture snd solemnly asseverating thai is imp irte.l s foreign country, which is no I n csae. All tnese uecepiivn aria go 10 snow 1 1 WtiTAa'a llALstn ia known to the world lo ! "THE CHEAT HEMEDY." and that t , H any ta'nture it must be likt this in flom, sr iv port lo he liks il in substance. (T7 IJelieve not ihe cunmngiv wronght rutin, s. lions iti. I lake only the original and grnu' Wi.tam's nLM or Wir.n CnranT. NO OTRGn CAN BE Z.IKB IT. Address all orders to ISAAC BLT1S, Ne. "4 Ann M., New Y ok. Agents, JOHN W. FR1LING. Sun bur v, D. BR MJTMSAM. Karthumherlmd J. K. MOYER. nom.ourr, J. WAGGONS KLLER. Sri;s-f,rorr, BROWN cV CREASY, M.fjlmville. Feb. 22.1. 1815 ly 1'Tl'TY iToiTlaAHS 11F.WAIM) ! CANTRELL'S Olt-liratetl Tainlly letlicinc WILL not iure evi rv thing, but stiil rem dii unequalled in ilieir several departments by every thing ever offered to the public who havir voluntary rsme f.irwsrd and efferpil numerous an.l highly respectable testimonials of their supniur eflicacy. Cnntreir s Compound Medicated Sirup ef Sar snpnnlln 1 or, Anti-Mcorlnitic Hyrup, for the ei.rsf ol Sc.olola, tMironic Rhen.n itism. Chronic Swel lings of the Joint, Eruption, of the Skin, mid a'l Dtsea-es aiiaittg from the abuse of Mercury, 4c, unsurpassed by any thing in the naket, combi ning all the virtues re.ident in the Sar-np.itilU with a modern m-dicament, only lately brought out by the most respectable medical suthoril.tis. Price, 60 cents i-r h tile. Cnntrtll's jinti-Dyiprptie Puirder, for ihe. re lief and permanent cure of thu! most distressing complaint, Dv-pepsi 1, in all it. firm, and s'agea. It is nuly "i nun' valu .bh remedy. Suld in bottles at 25 snd 50 cents each. Cuntrell's .Igue Mixture and Tonic Medietf menta, ft mil. at thu head of the list uiinva'bd by ny, or all ibe innnmeraMe medicines in u-v ihtoiighiHtt the length and hrrml h of Ihe I.11 d, f r the cure of Fevra und Aon: in all its st.iges, and from all its conaeqiiencea. Resident, in Fever and Ague districts should never le without it. The siibsc iber will forfeit EIFTY DOLL where bia meihcino fails to pi-ifnrni a cure in the most obstina'e ca-e. M. Id Who e. de and Retail bv CALEB CRES XON. at bi Dru Warehou-e. No. 6 North Thu J Mreet, l'hllmlel hiii ; al.-o, bv the rigul u'v np notnied agent, SE I II W. ROBERTS, Wbolesa Druggid, No. 51 Water Street. Mobile. I'n pared orlv bv the Siilwc nber. Corner of C Aff I'ENTER and SECOND Str.fts, betow Ch'Mi an. Philiidelpbia, where it is also retailed. Observe, none are genuine without the sijr a'urn of JOHN A. CANTRELL. C anlreirsi Acne tlitnr, or Touic li'IU ameiila, For the cure of nil tl limts nffcetiinis, iftuktn l? cording to dtretlion. It is s never tailing remedy which nn family ought to las without, especially in low marshy countries. As thi. medicine is put up under the proprie tor's immediate inspection on ibe most scieniifi.' princ'plcs, be na Vegetable-, and having tried its ell'icai y on ihnti'Hnda, f .t n.wanlsof 1 Vi ar, and loh a knowledge when taken .trirtlv ac cording to dreclions, there hi- -,n,l In en . ne fa lur.'. I'nder such circtim-lanrea I reeomoe-nd it Is thu public, adding a ccrul'va'. s in support uf my anscj tion. I. John Burns oo certify that 1 was in the sl ip Tob.icro PUnt of Pbilmhli bia, dipt. Reed, i n June, 1827, bound to Liverpool ; took Ihe liver and acun and laid m Livnpo. I some I me utid. r the docior's ban. hi, went fioin t' ee to lla'lim re, 'iy in the Infirmary for four or five werka from thence tn Philaili Iphi 1 ; was six months under t'oata ; fiom thence to New Y. ik wtit to 11 Hospital, leinmn.d ihi f about four weeks withont any rvlief tiled every th'ng without unv lcnifit. for five years. Heuing of Canlrell'e Ague Mit lure from a fnet.d, I went 10 Ida store, told him h"W I wt.g afflicted, and got a Kittle of hts novuiri and used it areor.ling tn dir'ctiona. Il made a er teel cure, ai d Itiave m I had Ihe least rtorn s'iv'. I do with confidence recommend it to the public. JOHN BURNS. IrleeHcaled Syrup ofSarNnpni lll.t. I'hilid.lptua, April lOtli, 1S4 1. Mr. Jos w A.CTa,iL, Dear tS,r, Having be.n affHofed for upward- i f two year with ulceration of the throat, dr-lroyir g the whole of he soft pil.te, then ihjouuh the upper partnf my mouth into mv nose, from which sever al pieces of hone came out, which partial y de.truv. ed my speech, through a kind Providence "li.l your Medicated Syrep ot S.irs (urill 1, 1 am now leslori d lo peif.TI hejhh, and my sight, wh'rh was so much impair, d, 1- as .iroug as when a l o. I thought u a duly I owed to you aud those siu.i larly affcvli J, to make it public. YnUia, R. sK-c fullv, SVMI'F.L KIRK. Corner of Teuth and C a ea ftrcoi-. I, Gabril J pst n, No. 6 - -kb ss Street, do cr-. t-fv that my wife, Jane, waa aHlicied lor two yes . with RheuitisMnn, and at la-t was entirely da '. so thai she was nbbged lo lie confined lo tn d , I n ini i f Caiit'elTa Melicaied Svmp of .p . or Ami !cortu'ic Hyrup. I pr.H-uie.l four b n -which compl, ti-lv temoveil all her pain, and -t lies- from her lonbsj (worn . re bottles ihs.Ih s p r lei t cure, H' e is now able loa'l. nd m her h'"i bold dull, s a n-ul. li KUIL JO.HlO.. I'hilad. k;.hi., J .u. 22.I. Ml 4. cry- De crin-ive Paini ld t may be bad of I Jots (Grat.s) J. W. FKILIM:. agents Hu. buiv V) H Iv igf. Mi.-iiuolsiii Coat A T N O It T II U M H E It LA N P fllll E Hubseril-er has a boat load of excel! i t I Miainnk il t'onl at Norlltumta-iland, wb"' t b ntleis lur sale al the lowol puces. !' r n w'slnng lo pwu h ise will call on the snbsi iihn . I Huubuiv, or C P. Shanuoo, E-q. "I Noribrnr . land. ' 11 U. M AH.KI:. Hunbury, Jan. 4lh, 1 7vV'liV.s"iWt, XKJVt otl l,i i, U di., at f t 75, f ti by B. llUNDM'Ju.- Sunbury, Oct. 19th, 1811.