U ft I u t l as n. Sing with great npplauic, by Mr. Sua nf iV.e Walnut Street Theatre. 'T was down at Major Parson's House The pals they had a quiltin' Ju-t for tu show their handsnma looks And liava a little jiltia' ! Yankee lasses are the U 'mvcraal aiith betwitchin.' They're good and true and handsom tu, in parlor and in kitchen ! 'I here was Deacon Jones' darter 3al, tfijuire Wheeler's darter Mary. An I Gineral Carter's youngest gal That looks just like a fairy. Tbore was a Lucy Whito and Martha Brown And Parsons' darter Betty, Emimo Pinkhorn, Prudence Short. And Major Downing'a Hetty ! Tut if there was a handsome pal, To make a fellow's heart ri'lit, ! piicss it was by all accounts, Miss Carolina Cartwright ! Wall, while we were a whirlin' plate, And plnyin' hunt the slipper, .Terusha Tarson went to git Some cider in a dipper ! Put just as she had left the room And got inter the entry, 5hc give a scream and stood stock still, Just like a frozen sentry ! V nil ran out, and there, I swow, Iiotli hoggin like creation, Miss Cartwright and Sam Jones ws saw, A kissin' like tarnation. O, such a laugh as we sot up, Ton never heered a finer, Says I, ''I reckin kissin's cheap, Don't you, Miss Carolina T-' 1 wish you'd saw Miss Cartwrijjht blush, Jest like as if she'd painted, She said she had the cholic and In Samuel's arms had fainted ! And now, young gals, I'd say tu you, When you go tu a frolic, Don't let yonr fellers kiss and hu; Unless you have the cholic ! A letter from Berlin, Prussia, published in the Madieonian, says One of the first things which strikes the no tic.eof a stranger, after hecoinin somewhat ac quainted in Derlin, is the uncomfortable nrtanoe tnent8 of the (otherwise) elei.ro.ut dwelling houses. So illy CoiiBtructed arc their family mansions; bo little is taste and comfort consul ted in their architecture, thai visiters arc fre quently compelled to pass through a suite of sleeping room!), bed chambers, and sometimes even through the kitchen, before they are able ti reach the parlor, or receiving room. The houses generally are built of the bejt materials, handsomely finished and furnished, and hut for the inexcusable fault in their internal architec ture to which I have alluded, would equal, in fx tint of rnn;niiiccnce, almost any in the world. A yankee builder would etare "pret'y consider ably,'' if nut more, were he to examine the plans upon which the houses here are generally built. Dogs are here put to ome use they are nviJe to earn their living at least, if not a trifle more. You see them harrensed to little carts in all direction ; some belonging to the nii'.k inun, others to the wash-woman, fruiterer, market-woman, Axe., &c It would be some conso lation to the dwellers in unr towns and villnges to know that the howling nuisances, which "make the night hideoiiH," would make some littlo atonement the next tlsy far destroying their rest. If you walk abroad in this good city of Ber lin after ten o'clock at night, you will hear eve ry now and then, in almost all directions, the bound of what seeing to your ear a boy'a penny whistle ; the mystery is explained, however, btlore you haw walked tar. You meet a gxnir d ion of the night, armed with a pike, a short sword, a brace or two of pistole, a uouden vhis tic, and a large bunch of keys ; of what possi ble use the latter could be to a watchman, I w;is unable to understand, until one night, having boeu locked out of my lodging, my companion called " M'att litr," in German, when one of the guardians aforesaid crossed the street, selected the proper key from li:sj bunch, nnd opened the door ; we entered -he closed and lucked it al ter us, and tin; secret was out. He could open the duor of every homse upon his beat, at will, in case ol fire, violence, or any other justifiable cause. Firino THi M Oct. Tho Madiboninn says, that the recent fire in the Dismal Swamp has driven front their hiJing placet a lurge number ol runaway slaves, who have in many cases, been secreted tir yeurs. An old black woman, being burnt out of her capacious home, sought out and claimed her muster ; and, in udtlition I i this) return of properly, the brought with her i leveti children, all her own, serving as an in ilemrnty or remuneration fur her long absence. Any quantity of bears, fexes, and other animals, already roaste,!, ii to bn tunnel ; and u 1 1 that a hungry ina'i has to do is to hie to the smukiiig ineuts and sjtiale liis appetite. SfRtrruiE ton rT. An English paper Bays there iaone passage in ,0 Scripture to vvbich all the potentates of Europe brem to have given their unanimous aseent and approbation, and to l,ue studied it so thoroughly as to huve it quite at their fingers' enls : There went out a de cree in the day of Cluuditi Ctesar, that all the world should be taxed." This act haa never been repealed. T II U l 1 I. .11. ii" .-iii -li ,1 X K NOTK 1.1 ST. Ti e following list shows the current value, of nil cniisvlvania Hank N..le. The mo-l implicit re- hrince may lo placed upon it, as it is every freec arrf.itlv compared with and correct nun. pe ncil's Reporter. ItaiiU In IMillatlclpltln. Disc. 1st NAR. Location VutLkV, NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America . , pur Rank of the Northern Liberties par Commercial Hunk of Pcnn'n. . . par Fnrtncis' mid Mechanics' Batik par Kensington ll.ink . par rhilad-li.hia 11 ink . . i pnr Schuylkill Hank ... par S-iithaik Panic . . pir Western Punk . pir Mechanics' Hank . . p'U Manufacturers At Mechanics' Hank par Country IMaiks. Hank of Chester County Westchester Hunk of Delaware County Chester par par par par par par par Thee olliccs hi not ll.ink of (iermantown Oermantown Norris'own Doylestown Esstun Hank of Montgomery Co. Ilovlcstow n Hank Kaston Hank Fumers' Hank of Bucks co Bri-lo I Mice of I) ink of IVnn'a. Harridiurg Oilier, do do Otlica do do Ollieo do do Lancaster Heading I.iistnti J issue n. N O T ns AT D I sen i: N T. "ink of the United State0 (tank of Penn Township . Phil.idrlpl.ia 2H par ,! i pir par Pntisville J j I.ewilown 1 i j Mi.l.llctown 1 N.iribiiiiilierland par ('oluinhia pir Carlisle 1 Pittsburg 1 lli.lli.l ivsKiug 1 l.incitei par I.Hiicaster pir If . ailing par Harri-lnirg I Lancaster pr Lebanon j Plllsbiirg I Pi'.fshllig I illiainspiirt 1 Wilkesbane 1 Allentiiwri Heading Piltstairg failed Brie do j Ne.v Brighton do do do Chambersl'iirg I (iitlysbiirg I Mf.ntrose 85 Brio Wiiyneslmrg 2 Wu9hinton I Honesdule IJ Brownsville li Yo.k 1 fJi'ard Hank . Mnvam.nsttig Hank Hank of Pennsylvania Miners' Hank of Pottsville Hank of l.ewitown Hank i f Miil.llctown Bi.nk of Northumberland Columbia Bmk & H ridge co. Carlisle Hank Exchange Hank d branch of Farmers Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County 11 oik Farmers' Hank of Heading Harrishiirg Hank. Lnncns'rr H ink Lebanon Hank Merchants' A Manuf. Bank H oik of Piilsburg West Btanch H ink Wyoming Hunk Northampton It ink Hi'ika County ll.irik Oir.ee of Haiik of V. 8. Do do do l,i do do Kensinclon Sav. Ins. A Penn Township S iv. Ins. H.mk of l'lianilier-.lmrg II ihK ol liettysnurH- i.t iivseurg i Rank of Su-quehanna Co. t'.ne H u k Fnriiier!' A- Urovers' Bank Fianklin Uank Monesd.ili! Biiik Moeonu iliel i Hank of U. Voik Hank N. U. The notes of those tanks on which wc noil imotations, and siibMitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia broker, wiih the exception ot those which have a letter ol riferince. B It n KEN B A N K . Philadelphia Sav. Ins. I'lnhuli l Ilia failed Pbiliulehihia Loan Co. do lulled Sehuvlkill Sav. Ins. do f illed ) Manual Labor Hank (T. lyolt. prop.) filled Powanda Hank Towandj Alleshany Bank of Pa. Hedtord Uai.k ol Heaver Heaver Hank of Sualara llaiiisliurg Hank of Washington Wa-hiugton (.'( Hire Haiik Pell, f.nilo City Hunk Piltsbuig Farmers' k Mech'ca' H oik Pitlxhiirg Fanners' Mech'rs' Hank Payelie co. Farmers' iSt .Mecb'cs' Bui.k (Ireeiieast'e Harmony Insiituto Harniony Huntiiigdoi, Bank llnntingJon no sale '! closed closed i fulled ! Closed ; no mle filled foled failed no i.le no sale no sale laded no sale el.ise.1 no -ale c.ed failed closed failed closed luiiiata UjiiK J.eiM!on Lumbermen's Bank Warren Noiiberu Hank of Pa. lun,l ,V New Hope Did. Bridge Co. New Hope Norlhuinli'd I'nion (.'ol. lik. Milnni iNmlh Western Ha'ik of Pa. Miadi!le nihce of tSi huy Ikill Bank P.rt Curbon Pa. As:r.St .M uiuf. Uunk ('arlilo Silver Lake Bank Monliose I'm. hi Bank of I't nn'.i. I in. iiiown estinoielaml Bank (in n t.l ur llkc.-.l.arr Budge Co, llki shane no sale rr'y All notes piii orln g to he oil any Penn-yl-vama B u. k not given in the ahove h-t, may be set low u as frauds. xnw jmtsr.v. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick tielvideie Hank Belvuleie Hurliiigton Co. Bank MnllorJ Commercial ll-titk lYnh Amhoy Cumherlaiid Bank Hri.let.in faiiin is' Hi. nk Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanic' P,k K.ibw.iv Karmers' and Mechanics' lilt .. Pionswiik failed t ar i par pir 1 f.il.'d Farmers' mid Men limit.' Bk Midd'n town Pi. i Franklin Bank o! N. J. Jcr-cvCity fid d Hoboketi BKp.Ac (irazing Co Hohokcn laibd lersey City H ink Jiriy'ity tailed Mecbauiis' Bank Plitleis.ill failed M ii of ii tor. rs II ink Belleville l.ul. d I Morris County Bali1. .Motri.-towii Monmouth Bk of N. J. Fieeli.dd fail Mechanics' Bank New ok i pur Mechanics and .Manur. ltk 1 renton Munis Canal and Bkg Co Jcioey City P.it Notes no sale Newa'k Bkg A- Ins Co Newaik i New Hope Del Hiidge Co Lainbeitsv ille j' N. J. M.iuul'uC. and Bkg Co lloboken failnl N J Proiecton &. l.ouilninl I k Jersey City lulled Orange Hank Orange J Palersou II ink I ui. i,u Peonies' Bank do failed Piiucetoii Hank Piineeliiii Sulem lljliking Co iIi-iii par par i 1 Ji.r 4 fulled lalle.l i par i faded Stale Bank IVeuark State Hunk l.hy aU ihlowii Ktatc It ink 'ani.leo Slate B ink of Morris Moni-lown fitnte liut.k Trenton alcm fciid Pbilad Manuf Co Salem Sussi i Hank New Ion Tienton Banking Cu Trenton Cm .n Hank Dou r Washington Banking Co. Harkcnaack ii:i.iiviiii HliofWihnA Briiidywiuc Wilmington Hin k nf Delaware Wilmington Uank of Siiiiyrua binyuia Do branch Millord Farmers' Ilk of Stale f Del Dover par par par par par par pir psr par Do branch Wilmington (ieuig. tow n Neweaslle Wihuiii;tun Do hi. uuh Do Iranih I'nion Hank (Jj- Cndei ft's (Ij-On all bunks marked thus () there are i ther touriteiliil or slicred nates (if th vsnous it i i.amiratioi.s, in virrultiion. ... " ;'i m.) j " .- i.. u.i 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUITBUnV, PA. BubIiipss Heiuled to in the (bounties of Nor thuud erland, Union. Lveoming aud Columbia, ltrfrr tot Tu n u i. tt i v X I . 1 L.iurrn iV IlAnnn. Habt. CiTMMrnos eV Hatit, V'AiVtfi. nKt!oi.ns, McFabi. jtii A: Co. Srrnro, iooii Ac Co., Hi i:ta iii.i: tioi 101 a i, Fll Tlir CIMI K ft P T) YS1' Hl'SI A. "TTHH Medicine is ottered to the public gener U a'lv. from n full rnnvictinn tht.t it is superior I i any other m-dieme now in Use. fir the cu'rt of Dvsi.'psia, Liver Complaiiil, Nervous Dehililv or llo.lily Wcikness, A.C, lis elTiCia have been tested in a pritrste practice ef ne ir liithl years, and it is now mere eslensively ri'cutateil, nl the s..lieitu.!c ol ni.inv who have le ccivetl ihe niovl ipn.il benefit from lb u e ..fit. The following i one among a number of cntifi rates icceived in relation to the success of thin me dicine : I.ANCASTrn Co. March IS. Dn. Cronos. W. Alik, Jhar Sir.- It is with ijrrnt p'ensii'e (lint 1 in furm you nf ihe success attending your Dyspeptic MeJieme, while einpl 'Veil in Iny p atliee. From pas! experience, 1 tirinly believe that in eiuhl rases nut often, the Dyspeptic, hv Ihe use ol your medi cine, mav emir, ly n.l bioisi lfor ih thorn in the pathway of life: not only in dyspeptic rars, hut in all c ises ef constipation, and diseases depend iiii on a dibihta'ed slate of the nervous system, tone, ther ith a totpid st .te of the b iwels. w ill your B !i x i r he foiit d of inc stini ible value. Nuinereiis in--lances whe.em Ihe osi fu'n. ss if the medicine has been reaped, may le foiwarded, if required. I i-li y. u e"n' Kiiccess, nn.l reenmnn ud the medi cine to the MiH'erini pail of mankind. Yonl",illi ereal re peel, KtlltKKI' At IN EW, M. P. Qj For sale nl the tme of 11. B. M asser, agent for the proprietor. Sunburv, Pa. tlctolrr 21'nlt, IS J t. Iv A IS 11 V V 11 O V. A I, WHOLESALE & KETAIIj II AT vV. CAP M A , U I'C'TlT 1! MUS, South I'.nyt rnrtitr of Morl.il and ith lltil:tilt Iplila, "WrilKRK they alw.ivs ke. p on bnint an exten sive as .rtim nt of HATS ii CA 'S of everv description, Tot up III the best and most approved tj le. Pets ns ili-nn us of purch tsine supeiior sni cbs on the most rensonal-le terms, ill find it to their ndvautnge to Cull bi f. ru making purchases else here. Philadelphia. Oct. Sth. ISll. lv SPA Nl SH HIDES TA XX Kits OIL. :000 D y Li Plat i Hides fir-t quality. :i."00 Dr'v hi (inim. do IOOO Dty Siltid La (nnra, ilo iOOt Dty Salt, d Br zil Hides, do :t." Ba'es (ireco Salted Patnn Kips. 'iO Hah s Drv Pa ii a Kips. i'M B trie's TaniieiH Oil. Tanner' and Curriers' Tool. Fur sale lo Country Taimeis at ihe lowest price s mid upon the bet terms. N. P. The highest matket prices p lid for all kinds i.l Ua'her D. KIPKPATPICK A SOs. No. 21, Sou'h I lord St. Pl.il .d. I hia. September II. 1I4. ly. sin iiiZn rs patf.xt T 1 1 IS Machine Ii s now been le-led by more than thiity faMiilics in ibis neighborhood, and hs given entire satisl'at lion. It t -o simple In It ci I strui ti. n, that it cannot pet out of nnb r. Il cr. .it i in no iron to tu t, and no -punas or roll, rs to nel out of if pur. Il Will do twice as much wish ing, Willi !e-s lb in hall the w.ai and liar ol an) ol the I ite mvi 'ii'ioiis, nnd whit is of urea'er in per iai.ce.il cost but lit le over hull as much ns other washing nwthinfs. The subscriber has the exelu-ive right fir Nor thiimherlaiid, Cuton, Lvcoiineg. Coluiiibia, Lu zerne and Clinton Counties. Price of single tn i ,h . e H. H. M ASsF.ir. 'I'l c follow ing ceit'ficnte ' f.oin a few ol those who bae the-e m .ebb es in use. fS.jnt.iny. Aug. 21, 1s t I. We, the subscribers, i. ruly that we have now ill li-e, in nor I'jinilies, 'Shugeil's Patent 'ash ing M idline. "nn.l do not h. Mlite siyiug tint it is a most acrlb nt inveo i n. That, in Wa-hu g. it will rave mure ihau one hall the o-u lalmr. That it ibas n .t rcjiiite ntoie than one third die usual quantity of so .p and water ; and that it. ere is no rubbing, an I coiim quciitly. I tlle or no weal ing i r teaiing. Tint it kins Is IV no buttons, sod that the (in. -si cloihis, s..cli as collars luces, tucks, fill s, Ac, may be was' . I in a veiy si... it lime wiilnoil the le.st injuiv, ai d in fuel wiih. nit ny apparent wear and I. a', w batcv. r. We ihen l,.r clie. rlully reeoiionei.d it to our b ien.ls and to the I ill lie, ss a most um tut and fiber saving machine. CHAIiLBS W.HBCINS, A. .inlfDAN. CHS. WBAVF.R. CHS PLF. S.NTS, ( ; 1 1 1 1 : S MA UK LB, Hon. CKU. C. KLKBK, Hi:J. HF.NDI.ICKS, (JlDBtiN LLlsBNUIMJ. 1 II ma's Hoiri., (form, rly 'Fremont House, No. d lift Clnsiiut siiiei,) Philadelphia, September eist.isni. I hnve u-i d Khiigrrt's Patent Washing Machine in mv bou-e upwards of eight months, and do not hesii it,, (u iav that I deem It n:,e of the mo t Use li.l and vaiii ride labor-ravu g machines ever in v-u-l. d. I formerly kept two women col Initially oc cupied in washing, who now do as much in two t'ays as lin y ihen did in one week. '1 heio is no ear or lor in wastum-. ami II leoun.s mo more 1 limit ..lie-third the u-ual iju unity ot soup. 1 have had .. nutnU r ..I o h' r in chines iii iny lam ly, but this is so iteci.led'y siia-ii..r lo ev. iv tl.-Hit else, and l i In l- liable to gi t out of I. p ot, thai I Would Hot lo without one it tin y should loslt.u l ines ilie price ihev aie s,. Id for. DAMK.I. Hl'.lil!. NOTICE! TO 3li:K4 1llVlS is, uiixim us. WM. M. -V JOS. MAl'LIi, MANl'FACTCItnns AND DBAl.l.liS IN FOitBION AND DOM l TIC Nl liAW (JOODS, iYo. VA Xorlh SitohJ Strut, ("opposite the Madison Ioimc,J PIIIEADEEPHIA, iWIlBUB will be found a general assoit- J Anient of Florence Druids, Allrrls, Hut-fy, lands, Peddles, Willow Plait, Bice St, aw, and the much adioired N. spi.liun l.nce, S' d Fancy Bon nets, msniif icliired by us, and for sale al the lowest maiiulitclure prices. Merchant! and Mdliiurs are invited io give us a call upon visiting the City. Qf y' N. H We have ul-o constan'lv msknig our supeiior hair nnd nil . r edgings, all tf which will be sold ibrsp, fur cash. Pliilad. ljbij, M-y S3, IS 1 1. ly OAKliKY'S niipi HiTm: SYiti i. flHB vilunh'e properties of Oakley's Depmn. m. live Syrup of S.ifsnpntilla, ss a purifier of the blond, is so well known to the public generally, thnt it is ttniieccfsary to occupy much space in sel ling forth Ihe ndvanlnges to be derived from its Use ( wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it lakes precedence over nil others: eveiy one that lias taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial remits from it, that it is recom mended by them wiih ihe u'mosl confidence. Physicians ol the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patients under their care J containing nothing deb teriotis, but being composed ol the most mild, yet rffic.irious vegetable materials, it Is nlT.-red w iih Confidence, as the ehespest and most efficient pu nfier of the blood now known. The use of a few hollies, especially in Ihe spring months, will be M leinbd wiih a most decided improvement in the ce ncral strength of the system, rrn.lirntii.ee any seeds of ilisea-e that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor lo the body. For lite cure of Scroful l or Kings Evil, Pheuniaiisni. Titter, Pimples or eniptions of Ihe Skin, White Swelling, F.slula, Chronic Couch Asth.ni, Ac. The nu merous certificates in Ihe possession of the subscri ber and his agents, from physicians and others, re sufficient to conv nee the most skeptical of its su- ;ierinrily over nil preparations nl rvirsiii ions of S .rsiparilla. Sold whole-ate nnd retail, bv Ihe proprietor, (JEOIJCK . tlAKLKY, North Rth stie.t. Ken- I ding, Bnks Conniy, nnd to he bail of the. following ; prisons : I In yorthumherliinrf fount. II. B. Mns-jfj, ' Siinhiiry ; Ireland st MiXel, McBweiisviUc ; D j Krnusi r. Milton. , In Union Count. J. (icurh.irt, Sclinsgrove: A. (iuti lios, Milllinbu'g. 7 Columbia County. . W. McCay, Wash iugton. n. nding, March 14, IS H. Ma. nKl.r.T: 1 believe it the dty of every one lo dii wht.teverin ih. ir power I tc, for the le ns. fit of Iheir fellow man, nnd having bad po i ive proof in mv ow n family, of the wonderful properties of your Depuraiive Syrup of Saisap.irilla, I m st cons.'iei.liou-ly recomnirml it to ihe nllln ted. e bad the iin-f..rt.nie t lose two of our children, by the breskmj nut ol ulceioes sores ibai covered the face, bend nnd neck, ulthougli we had some ..f the most rcielititic physicians lo nt'eml tin m mi l bad tried nil the known remedies, including Swaim's Panaci a, witbool avail. Another nl iny children was at'arke.l in the sane in inn. r, I er face ui.d j neck was c.nep'f le IV covere.l; me .1 scnirge was so I ollcnsive, and ihe disease nl sin h a be-ght. that we despaired of her life. Seeing ihe wonderful effects of vour Depuraiive Syrup nt S usapnri'l ., we were iiiiiiice.l lo make trial nt It. ns the bi-t res .rt : il acted like a cl aim; the u'eers eoinniene. d benbne .mmcdiately. a f. vv boll'es eulirelv rr-toiedi.T to hi r health, which she b -s enjoyed iinititr-ri l tedlv ever since. As n purifier ol the blood, I verily be ll, ve it has not its eipn.l. JOHN MOYF.1I, Tailor, Wsluut street, near Fourth, Heading. Dooglirsulle, April l!lh. Mn. Oim.rT : My son I'.'mnn.l Leaf, bad the sciilr la in the most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, doting which time be was de prived of ihe use of bis limbs, hi- he nl nod lo ck wcie covered w ith ulcers. We tri- .1 nil the ilill'er enl reiriedn s. but to no . If, i t, until recommended bv Dr. Johnson of Noriistowii. nnd id.-o Dr. Isaac Hieslei, ot lir.idu g. to use your Deplliative Symp nl S arsupiirilla, of which I obtained several boules. ihe use of which d'ove the disea-e eotiti Iv out ol Im system, the sue healed up, nnd Ihe child was restored to leil.cl health, which tie has enjoved lii.iiiteriuple.llv evi r since, to the astonishment of many peisoiis who seen 1 . i r si tlu ii g Ins allliCtion. I have thought it mv dmy, nml ml v.ai this ceiti- ficate that oil e.s who haves like aflliciioii in the tunilv iiihv know where lo obta.n so valuable n nieiln inc. Yours tru'v . A MB LI A D LBAF Sept. tfi, 1 s4:i. ly ( uiiiilci lt'Uri' DEATH 3 Ii O V7. rIhe pu' lie will I rase ohseive that no Brandieth ; Pills are gein ilie, unless ihe box has three It- ! bets upon it, (the top, Ihe si.'e nn.l the bolt on) i each containing a fic-simile signature ot my Iimi.I- writing, thus B. Bn iv iimkth. M. D. These la. ! bel-aiv engraved on steel, beantifolly designed, j and done at nnexpi use ..f over f'i.ttl'C. 'I'hcrefoie j it will lie seen that the only thing necessary lo pro cure ihe medicine in its purity, i to observe there j labels. ' J Hemein'ier the lop, the side, and tbe bottom. ' The following lespeclive persons ure duly atilh. ri n d, ami hold j CERTiriCATES OF AGENCY j For the sule ol Hiandrrih's Vegetable Univtisnl 1 I'tlls. I Norlhimibeilnnd rouiitv : Milton Mickey A j I 'hainh. ilin. Simbiiry II. B. Masser. M'Bwens- 1 ville In I ind A Mem II. Nnrihuuil'cilnnd Win. I'.irsylh. tteoigelowii .1. A J. Walls. I i. mn Ciiiuiv: New Heihii Hogji A Wm t. r. S. lumgroie lieorge (iuodiiim. Mi. I. lie- ', I urg Isaac Smith. Beavertown David Hubh". , A.lamsburg Win. J. May. M ifdiusbuig Mciisel. ; A l!av. IImtl.-li.il Dioiel Lung. Freeburg ; ti. A r.t'. Mover. I.ewisburg Walls & tneen. Colinnbi i conniy : Danville B. B. Ucyuolda A Co. Berwick Shoman .V It Henhouse. Cn -lawissa O. (J, Droits. Bluoliishurg John H. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bia.l Washington Rubt. M.Cay. Limestone llallie. h M?N.ch. Obsaove ihat each Agent has an Bngrav. .1 ('. r '.ilieate of Agency, cool, lining a lepies-ntaiinn nl I lr HH XNDHBTH'N M.uiufaclorv at Sing Sing, ami upon which w ill also be seen cxa. t copies nl the rtcie fubeis now uxed upon the llnindrith Fill j Hojen. Philadelphia, olhce No. 8, North Sih street. B. BltANDIiBIH.M.D. j June 24th. IH4:i. j CITY I'THMTI UK Al (Vi(), AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nc.s. 4J! ami .'J! .Nc.nh Tliini Sircct, j Near the City Hotel, I'll 1 1. Pi' I. I'll I A. x (5. MNCKP.Y, And. one. r, re-peetfiil'y im vitcs ll Ilea Ihe attention nl persoi il.siroils nl pur- chasing piitni one. to bis extensive Sales liooms, (buth puldie nnd Piivnte.) lor every description ol Household Furniture, wh. re (an be obi lined at hll limes, a large sssoitin. nl i f fushinnnhle and w. II manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Malirusses, Ac., at v.rv ruined prices, fur cash. 07" IStiloa bv Auction, tw ice a week. May 27th. 1S43. ly ' P WBBI) LO I'll, a handsome article, all wind, a I ghl and elastic, lor Summer Coats and Pauls, fur sale, very uw, by June 15 H. B. MASKER. 1) ALZ)inNEs7"ba1iiTsT.nie article for I.aduV -I Di esses, lor sale ekesp, by June 1 5. B. M ASS ER A Tlir'rhliis .tliit liliio for Kale. HE snbraribcr olleis f r said a 'I'll It P.S I (J MAC HIM', new and in good onl.i. Th Machine his been tried, and proves to l an excels lent one. It will be sold al a reduced price, and warranted. Apply lo II. B. MASS Ell. July l.t, 1st a. EEILMA1T & CO., Com mi mission Ai Forwarding Mcrclianls, Fovt of Willow Strrrt Hail llaail, Hoy THR IHUWHT,, AVINfl nssoeiated with them Joseph Bnrnet, bite of Bnston, Pa., resnertfully inform Iheir friends nnd the public genernilv, that Ihev have. ta. ken til it large nnd well known slure and wharf nt f. t of Willow Street Bailrond, lately oecnpiel by Jacob Martin, where they ntnpr.-e lining n Cen. ml ., .!; it. . . i MiniiiMsion nun rorwariling Uusmess, nn.l finm ihe local ndvantnues of the place being connected with all the public improvements that have iheir outlet in the rily, they flutter themselves they will be able to do business lo as gre it, if nut scaler niU vantage, and upon ss reasonable terms ns nny oilier house, ami ihev nssme their friends thnt any con signments nnide lo them shall hnve their strict at tention, nnd no exeitions spared to give entiic satin fiction. Tlii y are also prepnred lo receive nr.d forward goods lo nny point nn the Delaware nod Lrlnuh rivers, between Matich t'htiuk, F.aslon nnd I'lnla !el bit, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can .l; also, lo nnv point on Ihe Juniata river, or Nonb nnd Wr si Blanches ol the Sii-Mtiehatuia via Srhuvl. s'll ami L iilon, or the Chesapeake and I ide atei Canals. For the nrcommodntion of Boats coming or co ii g via Schuylkill nnd I'nion Canals, a Sic .inlmat will b. kept expresslv for towing limits from ihe Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which will eo hie merchants to have theii produce deli vered nn Ihe Dc'nware, nnd Iheir goods sl.ippidnt n saving ol 50 to 75 per cent, on the puces l r hauling ncio-s, wiih lh.se advantages they re spictfully solicit a share of patronage, W. HKILMAN & CO. William lleilman, T William W. K. yser, C. Joseph Barrier. S, Phila.l , May 14, 1 1 3. ly J . If A. A Jet 1X1.1 JLT. O s smir n wr n"sss Lit! IU. WWa Simll' nnd Tobacco Manuluftineis, ; An. !)'.) AorA Vet corner of Uni t' and Third Strrtls. I PHILADELPHIA. ! Till' nnder-icued have formed a Co.purtrnTil.ip i under the firm of . I. MAYLWD .In. A Co.. its successors to the lute firm of Jiicnh .Mmluilil -S j Co., and will c inlioiie the biismers at 'be old estn- , , bli-hmint, on 't.c.r fvn account, (ti nd.Uiion to their own close iittention and evpirience fo iniu.y i vears, in the maoufaeiure of their cel. bran d snnli-, , ! Ac., the b.iiK experience of !ie senior partner -a! li e late firm, will nlo le devoted to I tic intere-t of the new concern and ns no exertion nnd rate will he ' spired lo insure Iheir poods, at all lini' S ol ihe ve , rv best qiinlily, liny solicit a continuance of the ! confidence ol the fuends and customers of the bite i firm. THnMAS ADWIS. I J. M YLAM), Jit. Philadelphia. May 1 1th, I 8 :. I v To tmf i v IflBRCHANTS. V HE Subscriber, Acenl l I von A Harus, Hat Manufacturers, for N. w York, Phil .deipbin, Baltimore nnd oilier lare cities, w! os.- Il,in ate biuhly commended lor umid tolut and dnr'il.ilit;, has on hand a tir-l rale assuilm mt ot HA I 'd and ("APS. Miitttble f..r Sprtne M.les, wh i h wdl le s.d.l verv low, f.ri cash or anpioved cred.l, at tbe mtrd eli nip store, fin. 4(1, North Third str: l, ujpiri'e the City Hotel. Philalelphin. KilHEHT D. WILKINSON. .4.rn. N. B. Orders lot Hals in iheronax. pro.nptly t attended lo. The highest pries It (umv jr lis- given f.r t'nt kin, Philadelphia, June II, I S 13.--1 v EOLTON c5c CO. fsCIK-lill lllIliiOll .llfll Jjllllf . For the Sole of Flour, ('rtiin, Sted, c. Ac. i I lPr.cTI I I.LY fum their Iriends si.d ' he Merchants generally that tbev hive ta ken those large nnd commodious Whirvs, ith two Dorks, noilh of Cbesttilt sti.ct, on ttie D. bin . re, together w ith the store No. 19 South Wharves, wheie ll.ev would be p!en-ed to receive consign ments of (train. Flour. S.,,l, Wl.i-l.cy, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well pi.-pited to forw ir.l all kinds of Merchandise by the Si bnylsiil and I'nion, or by the Cbt-sap. uke and Ti.te Water Canals, ..s low boats are kept expressly hu the ptll use of tuning .ats by ei her mute. Merchants will please lie particular to send th. ir goods destined by Cill er canul-, to No. Ill Soniu Wharves, between Market and Chcsnut streets, on ihe Delaware, w ith directions accompany ing ihem which route ihev wwh them to be shipped. (jj- Plaster aud Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & C . March 10.1Ht3. No. I!) South Whirves. unill.u i 4IM i n sV PAPER MANUFACTUHEIIS, Lombard Strut, Italtiniorr, UAVB coiisiantlv for sale. Printing l'..p. r of at. sizes and uahti. s. Cao Writing Paper, rub. I and plain, I. t iter Pi. per. white nn.l blue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, I'.nvi-l . e Paper, do. do. medium, dnuh e crow o, cnov n anil cxliasicd lapp.ng papers, Colored Medium and Kov il P.. eis, Bonnet, Hinders' and Siiaiv Pox B oaids, 'J'lrsne Paper, aud ull iirtu It s ill their line, win. h they will sell on accommodating terms. : Highest price given for old rags KOUEKT CAUPBK A SON, March Ifl, Ib43. Blkton. Md MER ANT'S house, I -Vr. 2:17, .Sorth Third, alon e ( 'i.ttoirhill St., ! IMIII.AIH'.l.l'llIA. JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsvlva liis Firmer, nnd Samuel Pike, jr.. I re ol A 1 iiiericnn Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, take pie .sure 10 ar , ipiaiiiling their fii. nils nnd the public gener.ibv lint I they have li.ken Ihe large and commodious Hot. I, I iff. 111 ly l uiliby (!,r Mosts. Halt, on the same site ! once nccopied by the old e-lablnhcd Hotel known as ihe Hull's Head, in Third sticet shove Callow ; bill St. 'Phis Hold is finished in the very best possible manlier, i.nd ol the best materia'. lis lo, 1,1 on is : very d. suable, particularly for count. y no r . luints ; (he sirangem. run for beatii.g and Vimibiting each mum is such as to secure any temperature. Tho I brdrnomsaie all light and airy, all luu.uh.d in a neat style, so as to insuie coinloit. The nceuing p.ulors are also fun islic l in a su perb sty le, the windows aie on the French style, forming an eniiance 10 a balcony in fiont, whiih iiuikes a pleasant recess. Pntticulsi sli. utioii has been given to the lads anj bidding, which, with the furniture, are entirely new. from years' experience in hotel business, we trust, by strict ass.duity lo husmcai, lo make this house a desirable stepping place. Our table will always be supplied with the very best our maikcl can a If or d, ami our bar with the best h. piers and wines ut the must appioved biauls. P. H. There are first rnte stabling sml rsrtiice houses allncbe.l to the hotel, stltuded by csicI'mI aud seller bosilers, aud our charyes still b low, in accordance with the prcssnt hard liuies. Philadtlphis, Ort. 7 lb, I HP.'. ROSE! OINTMENT roii-riri ti:ii. RiMnwoitMS, riMPi.rsi on tiik fac-k, and othe I lANMltfl ftlfn tONS. fjjT Tlit following crrf'Jimif rVsc-rVies one ofltitl mot extraordinary curr ever effected by any application. Pitiii!tplttA, February in, IMS. IpOTJ twenty years I was severely nfllic ted with Tr.TTf.M, nn tho Fncn ami Head: the iliseasn commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until tbe Fnll of ls:tfl, varving in vio lence, but without eter disapin-arimr. During most of Ihe lime, prcat part of my face was covered with Ihe eruption, freqii'uitly attended with vio'ent ilch inn; my bead swel'cd at times until it felt as if it would burst the swcllm; was so g.eat, that I eoulil scarcely net my hat on. During ihe long period that I was nfllictcl wi'h the disease, I nse.t a creat 1 many at plications, famone them s. veral celebrated prep nation) es w. It ns takinu inward remedies, includinsa number of bottles of Sirnini't I'ltnnera, r.xtrnct of Sursopnrillit, Ac, In fnct. it would be; impo-siole to enumernte nil the medicines I used, I was also under Ihe care of two of ihe most .lis tincuidie.1 physicians nf th'n ci'v. but with oit re ceiving much benefit, aud I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of ls:',ii, the disease at the time ben g very violent, I commenced usina the lime Ointment, (iri pared hv Vninhan A Divi.) In a f. w aj plicalinna Ihe violent itehinu ceaei. iho sai fit R nla'ed, tbe . rnpli hi hec.m to disappear, and In I.Te I bud Usui s jar the di -ease was i l.tliel v clued. It has now been uear'y a ymr and a half since, nnd there is not a ve-tige of the disease re maininu. except ihe scars froin the deep pits formed by the di-ese. Il is impossible for me to describe? in a certificate the severity of the disease and my nulls rinc, but I will be pie iscd to cive a fuller ac count to nny pi rson wauling further satisfaction, who will c .ll nn me. At the tune I co nmcnce.l using the I!..se Oinlmi-ril I would have given hun .beds nf dn lai lo W rid of ihe disease. Since U sing it. I have recommended it lo -eviril persons, (among them my mother, who had the din a-e bad ly on her nun.) who w. re a I ere. I bv il. ; JAMBS DCKNKLL. No. lort, I; ice St. Cfj The Hose Ointment is prepared bv B. II. Ynnliai, Si irh Ivist c.eln r of l'h.r.l and Kaco rlie. I-, Phi'ad. Iphia. and sold mi aeenev in S.inhu rv. bv II. 15. M.si:i!, ' M..v 1 lib. X A-jent. ISom' (littttii.t'iit, t'av 'S'cltcr. a rnoiH' or it.s r.rricAcy. I n 1 1. a ii i trin , May 27 tli. I ":i;i. ' PHI is to certify 11 at I was severely alll i"e, 1 w ith Tetter in the hands ami f. el for upw ard of lorty venrs; the disease wasatiinded g. net tilv with vio'ciit it. lung an. I swelling. I applied to a l.l. lulu r nf ph sici .lis, and lis.il a great mar-y xppli ra'ions with, lit . I'e. tii-g a cure. A! ool a y.ar since. I appl e l t! e l! .-e Ointiio nt. which entirely step) ed the itching, and a ft w a; pile iti lis limn, di al. Iv cur.d the di-s ase, which there has hi en no ri luru ol. iil'lioiigli I had never been rid nf it nt any time fur forty years. KM'l! AIM) S.WAt.K, F.leVcnth. bel. w Spruce Street. (jT- The Pose Ointment is prepared by B. Ii. Y:ui. ban. S null Bast corn, r of 'I'l i - J niel Pace St i, 'i;il..,!cl hia, an J s -Id on ageiirv in Stmhu- rv I v 11. H. MASSKK, ' May 11th, 1M:J. A-t. OJ fir llOSF. )l.TMi:T,for T'-thr. l, flit it (.11 ihe snperioriiv of the pr. p ata'i II over all .tin r is fully cs ahli-lu I. the pr pr e inrs inks p. ariire in hivng before ihe public the f. iliiwit g cci-.i;i. a'e fr .iu a re-prctub'e phvsici.oi, a graduate of ih'- I'liiier-ov ol 1',-nrsv Ivaiiis. Dr. I! ai.gl , haiir-.a I nnd in this .emedy that relief f-.r n 'ed'. us nr..! h ag-, i-1' I. stVc ti n w hich die means wi hii. tbe ra. je of t i r -bs-i .n ! ill-J to afford. l.a- rot hi -i'. t- d to ;i.r ;.!- s ' ei n. although it pr. fi si on aie I'. 10. li:lf,. tn'.l I'.ts helpt'tic si e f my t ce. the r 'Li il-.-Cs A pp se.l tu set rt I w is rccer enij i i n . w ' ' h ,.t: ! CV'. I .' d :,! :r.v.!r of : !:.-:. , Jo-s, P S 11 t "I II K I 'v f. ui . J w -.: 1 - e-r.t i-t e'v ' t ir. Mr. 'iiils-'l in. I r.ipr.e- I I ot I ,e l.o ' I on rr.v I ih 1 n.e n i .r. i':, ii.-. t. .'l-eiviiig mv ta-.-t. inis i z ' ! j ion, of w Inch he h in- ll. Li.li Ol coriinion w till 'he iiiem- l ets ul mv , r f. -.-ion, 1 disc. unit, n int e and disap-pr- ve ut toe run-crous nusiiums ialind up-ui l!o; pnl lie ! y ijnni .nil r. le i.!, rs, f, . m ju i. e bound to cx.-i pi ttie Hose i i i t in. nl fmiu ihat c'a-s of nu ll cnos. and to give it mv approbation, vs il iniire Iv iii'ed ihe eruption, ahhongii it II ul resi..ie.l the li U I ,. ph. ations. DAM. 11 l (.11. l. D. j 'I he l!..-c llintni 'it is pienar d by I! 15. Yaiithan, Sonih P.i-t con er o Tl.nd ami I! ice Sticits. Prulade'pla.i, and sold on g. i cv in S.ui- buiv, bv Mav'ltth II. tt. M A-- i:k. A'it. Ks PI. Hover hL JOSEPH S. I20VSR, Maiiiittit'ttti tr nf Wiiliiij iitnl Iiulclii- lio Ink, No. DM'. Ninth Third Sired, r.x ilii. rs !a low liner, (east side.) s t r v T j r . sr a tt t i A Jl A AS 1 J. A.I A - Jk 4, y I's- P I'.i I F I I.I.Y ii boms conn'rv in. r. lnrts nn.l iuIh rs, ihat he con-taiitlv keeps ,.n hand h I. nee stoik nf lis sopiiier l!!.uk, ll'ue nd li. I Il k. nil I i.lsi. n silpelu r .piil lyot lmh lo'le Ink. II s ink is pel l:p in b nh's vaivtng in f.,,. 11 1 to '.Vi nuncrs, nnd Will be sold mi 1. as. liable I. run. The tx el eit ipi-.bnes nl th s ink i I thoroiighty estnhli-hed Us ch iiocier, that 11 Is now ; extensively used ihroug houl lbs roumrv. 1 . For rale al the sto.e of II. II. V asser. Sun. bury. Pa. Mav 27.1.. 11.1. Iv CM AI.M.KS W. lir.CINS. ATTORNEY AT LAV7, eu Nn 0 lin e tout eilv uccupn .1 hv t' e bni'es (i. D 'lirn I, opi osiie !! .(', int Mouse. II,. uill a-ti nd to busiiirs. In the t . urts of Noribiimt eilan.l, I'nion nn I Coiunil i 1 counties. May 20th, ISC!. UNION HOTEL, ( (lent rot Stout l.rc, LVCOMING COUNTV, I''llll U CIIIKI. HB Subscriber reriuciliillv luloims bis friends T and tbe public in genera!, that bo has taken the above LMtai: ap cuuvoniors HOTS L, I N T H l: II O Itiu i; H OF M I'Xf Y, and that he is now well pieparel to acrominodabJ all who tuny favor him Willi ll.e.r custom. Ida Si. ,,p,M1 A e a a t h 1. a t s i.re well siie.l, and comfortable. His Tihlk isii Bin will a'tvsys be sipph.d with the be ihe maiket can slfonl. His Snails, which is tuitl, will la ui.d.r the charge ul good and rsrclul hostlers. He f. Is conlidenl, by strict attention ta bu -in'-s, and an eainerl desire lo render c . uil'urtal'le tlio-e who may patronize hun, that he will not fail togivo gf.iei.l ssiisiVlioii. H. B. WBA Eli. Muucy, Oct. 1st, I -!-. 11.