Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 26, 1845, Image 3

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    L "J U Jl1. . I JL.X .
Worm than Fanaticism,
Some weeks ago, lays the Ledger, we copied
from the Bangor Whig an account of some dis
graceful proceedings at a Millerite meeting,
where they washed each other'! feet, got on their
hands and knees on tue Hoot, with others astride
their backs, and even washed each other's per
son. The New York Morning News asserts that
some scenes still more gross and disgraceful oc
curred in that city on Sunday. Private meetings
it is said, are held at respectable dwellings, and
scenes of the greatest licentiousness take place.
The assemblages are generally of a private na
ture, and if any stranger, not known to be one of
their number, happens to be present, he is im
mediately detected and requested to withdraw.
Women of respectability are enticed into these
places, and washing each other's feet, and the be'
stowment of the "kiss of peace," by designing,
insinuating scoundrels, are extensively piactised.
r.eginuing with Millcrism, various foul practises
have resulted, and the alienation of many virtu
ous women and good men from their families
and their social duties hava been the unhappy re
sults. One of these crafty villains was most
amply flogged by an indignant husband the o
therday,he having the ctol impudence to tell
the injured man, that in "obeying the Lord'' he
had taken gross liberties with his wife. The
Kews gives the following statement :
"We have received an account from a person
who got in one of these places of meeting on Sun
day lust, of what was done there. There were
collected together alout a score of men and wo
men, who soon perceived the presence of astian
cr. A man rose and said : "I am sorry to think
there's a Judas in the room." Another added,
that he whs sure of it ; the spirit informed him
that there was a betrayer among them. At
length some of them began to question our in
formant as to what brought him there. They
alleged that their meetings were not intended
for the public ami told him to withdraw. lie in
sisted upon remaining, however, and they per
teivir.g that he was not to be otherwise than for
cibly dismissed, proceeded, under much apparent
restraint, with their kissing and washing each o
Iher'a feet ; and so as to secure enough of this
devout occupation, they have communion every
Sunday. Other minor services having been de
spatched, they began this interesting ceremony
in his presence. They washed each other's feet
in bowls of water, and when the men (among
them a negro) were doing this to the women, the
latter held pocket handkerchiefs before their
faces. At last a young woman went tip to the
ttranger and offered her services to him. He de
clined them, hovvevcr, declaring that he did not
"Need any little personal attentions of that kind,
Laving already washed his own feet that niorn
ii'g. Kisses were then interchanged (but in these
he was not given a chance to participate,) and
the meeting separated."
Oiti Relations with 1'imzil. The Wash
ington correspondence of the Herald says impor
tant despatches have just been received by the
Department of State from Mr. Wise, our Minis
ter at Brazil, relating to the recent insult given
by that government to himself, our Consul at
Rio, and to the Commander of the frigate Rari
tan, who had seized upon the slave vessel Por
poise, with her cargo of slaves and specie, but
which, f rom the threats of the Brazilian govern
ment, he was forced to relinquish.
The despatches refined to from Mi. Wise call
for definite instructions as to the course be is to
pursue in his present relation with the Brazilian
overnrntnt. lie urges the immediate appear
ance of a formidable naval force in that qnarter,
for the protection of our commercial and nrari
tinie interests, and the expediency of his with
drawal from that government, inasmuch as he
cannot well see how the matter is to be settled
amicably and honorably to ourselves, and the in
sult was giatuitouson the pint of the Brazilians,
who refuse to apologise, and continue to hold
forth fiesh menaces to himself, and of course to
the government of the I'uited States. It is said
that there has already been a Cabinet meeting
tipon the subject ; that the naval force intended
for Mexico will receive instructions to visit Rio ,
that Mr. Wise will not return until fi'th time as
our government is determined to act with effi
ciency and force, regarding as it do"s, the case as
n exceedingly aggravated one
A Skcbtt rem a Farmtr's Wire. While
the milking of yi ur cows is going on, let yohr
fans be placed in a kettle of boiling water.
rStrain the milk into one nf the pen1) taken hot
from tho (jculp, and tover the same With ano
ther of'ths hot puns, end pnicewl in like man
ner with the whole iiiufn of milk, and ymi will
find that you have doubled the quantity cfgood
f ich cream, (.nil pet double the q'lanti'y of
sweet and delicious but.ter.
How to C'.vgh A writer in the New York
Bun aye it ie injurious to cough leaning for
ward as it eerved to compress tho lungs and
luakeg the irritation greater. Persons prone to
the enjoy merit should keep the n?ck atraight
and throw ctil tint chest. Uy these means the
Jungs expand ami the wind-pipe 13 kept tree and
cltn. There is an art in every thing, and the
art of coughing ia perhaps ad important in its
Way as any other.
MtHii ht, whether in ihe shape of Blue Pill,
Calomel, Corrosive Sublimate, or any oilier form,
never can effect a permanent cure of any disease,
because, being a mineral, it Cannot be digested, and
consequently cannot purify the blood. The only
curative properties it possesses ia (o change the
present development uf the disease and substitute
another in its place. Uraudreih'a Vegetable L'ni Pills stand pie-eminent in (he care of dis
ease, becaii (heir effect are ts certain as (hey are
Maury, and being composed entirely of tcg.ta
Ides they cannot possibly injure) therefore t In-',
of Ibem is always safe.
03" Purchase of ll. U. Masser, Sunhury, or of
tht tDts, published in another nart of (his paper.
Office of the Baltimore Amkbicah. April 21.
GRAIN. The receipts of Md. Wheats are Ve
ry limited. Sales of some small parcels of prime
reds were made at 100 a 103 cts. and one very
superior !ot at 108 cts. Some parcels of Penna.
reds were sold at 05 a 102 cts.; an inferior lot at
87 cts. and one parcel full of smut at 80 cts. A
let of Penna. white, quality not prime, sold at
100 cts. Corn is dull. Sales of Md. white at
30 a 40 cts. and of yellow at 10 a 41 cts. We
quote Oats at 25 a 20 cts.
WHISKEY. The demand is extremely Unli
mited. Small sales of bbls. were made to-dsy
at 23 cts. We quote hhds. at 2 1 J a 22 cents and
bbls. at 22j 3.J cts.
If 1 12 I' t
On Thursday last, Mrs. RKBECCA SIIISS- I
LKR. wife of Mr. John Shissler, of this place,
aged about H'i years, l
At the residence of his son, John HammeT. in
Point township, on Saturday night last, JOHN
HAMMER, Sr., aged 81 years.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxthetmer.
WllKAT, 85
Rrt, 50
Con, ...... 40
Oats, 25
Pork, ...... 5
FtATSFKH, ... . Jl? J
UCTTKH, . . . . . la
Eon. .... 6
Br.asWAt, .... 25
Tallow, ... 10
Dm tn, - . . (,0
l)o. Pkaciih, 5()
Flat, ... a 8
Hkcklkii Fla, to
in Fashion idle, Superior ami Medium
Fancy and Staple Dry CI nods.
No. 1S8 Chesnut sf., between Seventh
and I'iightli streets,
I li 1 1 a 1 c I p Iila
IS now in leenlnr rece'pt of New Styles Silks.
Mou-elinde laincs. Lawns. Organdie, Jac.iucts,
fiinehnm, Bareges. Marques, Enlims, Bslzorine,
Cambric, Itomb izme. Alptics and n-j
iher tessonahle Dres Good; also, Shmls, Scarf , j
Veils Ernhrnidi rie. Hosiery. Lnera, Glove. Lin- I
er, Cambric ILnkf', md lri-h Linens; Calicoes nt '
1 2 j cts. a yard. Muslins, and other cheap G 'ml.
rangers "ill find it irnticulurly to th' ir interest I
to call, as the good are all wananted, and the ,
!oirrt roth prices inva iahlv named first. I
Philadelphia. April 20ih," 1845. 2m. j
Orphan' t ourl Sale.
IN pinsu nice of an nnb-r of the Orphan' Cnort i
of Northiimhe.rl.ind County, mill he sold tt p'lb- ;
I'c vendue or oulcry. on SatU'd iy the UHh dav of !
May next, on the piernies, to wil .' A eertiiri tract i
of land situaie in Shatnokin township, in said j
county, adjoining lands of David Mc Williams, E- j
Itiiha If -ir. on a i.l Oo.Kiiah tarnplell, containing
twenty-five acres and one hundred and tliiity-nine
perches more or le, on which are erected a litrjie
two -tory fume house, bain and oiher outhouse;
late (he es'ate of James Campbell, d- t'd. Sale to
commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., of said day, when
the conditions of sale will he made known lv
Sunhury, April lOih, 1815. 4t A.lin'is.
N Friday, ihe Hih !nt-t.. on the road leading
from Sunhury to Danville, a l irge lialher
rocket ISook,
conuinine a thick on the Bank nf Nortlrunitn r
land tor $125, v.-veral rein f notes, a numb, r of
proni s-ory nolrs, uml o her papers wlnc'i will he
nf no use to anv per-hi hut the owner. Any per
son finding said poektt bo k. and forwarding ii lo
the ownrr at Sliainokiii. 01 leivini; it at the 1 ITice
nf ihe "Sunlitny Ameiiean," will he nii'aMv re
warded. W. I). GEAK1IARI'.
Phamokin, April 19th, 1815. tf
Daniel Ivi-llt i'N IlMtate.
JTOTICE is hen by givrn, (ha( lett rs of admin-
n-tratiun h te ta rn uraiHed to the sulwi r.her, ;
on the estate of Daniel Keller, Lie of ihe horouch i
of Suuhuiy, dee'd. All person indcMed to a.iij 1
estate, or hiving cluin.s i liust Ihe pa me, are re
qurbted (o call on (he gnhtcritier for siltlement.
Kunburv, April lHih. 1815 61 Adu.'r.
To the Electors of Northumberland
lELLOW CITIZEN: Ail have been grrat
ly encouraged by my friends, 1 solicit your
support for ihe olfice of
H II i; ll I V V.
Should yon confer Ihis ofbee upon me. I shall
el deavor 10 discharce the dut ea lh reof with fide
Sunhmy, April 19th, 184.
To the Electors of Noillmtnberlaiul
lELLOW CITIZENS. At the loli.iu ion of
-- a niiinbrr of my friends, I have CuHJCiiud lo
be a candidate for the oilier of
I promise ihe ritiii-ns of the county, that if I nrn
elected, I will endeivor to discharge lliodjtuiuf
the 1 flice faithfully and impir iallv.
Sunhury, April I'.lth. 1845.
To llie Electors of Noilhutiiberland
raged by my friends, lo ofur iiiji'lf as a candi
date for the I'uro of
I loiprei fully sohci( your auppoit. Should you
see proper to confer the office upon me, I will en
deavor 10 di-charge the dunes ihcieof with fidelity
and impartiality.
Sunhury, April 19ih, 184-5.
lo the Electors of Northumberland,1.
C ounty :
lELLOW CHTZENS:-I beg ee , llffl,,
7 m5""'ir " , ejnJlti8le. CiaUillg electioii,
fof the ofHce of
C ounty to;nillMoncr,
iShouU I bf sq I iitmuie to he elected. I pledge
myself to discharge the duties of the office with
promptness and fidelity.
PiuUmrr, Apiil nth, IMf,
ShcrilF's Sale.
Y virtue of a writ of levari Facias, issued nut
of the Court of Common Pleas nf Northum
berland county, to ine directed, will he exposed lo
public sale, at the house of Charles D. VVhsrtnn,
in the borough of Sunhury, on Wedneaday (he
28ih day of May next, at t o'clock P. M., the fol
lowing described property, to wit !
All that certrin tract nf Coal Land known as
"The Wi lheiill Tract," situilo In Coal township.
Northumberland county, and hounded and descri
bed as follows', beginning at a heap of stones near
the southerly aide of the fJ'eat Hoed, a coiner of
Innd surveyed in the name of Samuel Clak, thence
hy (lie same, south if 1 1 perches to a post, (hence
by formerly vacant land, (now stiivevcd in (he
name of Willi mi Green ani Ko! 4 t (ir.iv,) cas(
203 perches tit n small maikcil M.irknnk, thence
hy find surveyed to Robert Gray, no:th 13 perches
to a milked Che-nut. east 23 perches lo a marked
che -nut oak, north 10 perches to a marked che.ntit,
east 36 perches (o a msiked chesnut, thence by
bind survey id in the name of J ihn Brady, north
129 perches to a marked wh teoak in the middle uf
the (treat Road, thence along the middle of ihe
sail toad, ami by la::d surveyed lo Wm. Limhrri
and Luke Fuller, north 74 degrees west, 52) per
ches to a marked whiteoak in aai I road, a uth ?G
degrc a wrat, 82 perches to a m irked whiteook.
norlh 80 degrees west, 132 perches to a marked
whiteoak f and north 50 degrees west, 80 perches
to the place of brc'tnning, containing 380 acres
mine or less, about GO acres of which aie rlenrcd,
wheroon are erected a log houe and log barn, a
hiick kiln, &c., al.-o a la'ge anthracite furnace, en
gine houi a slore lmu-e, and abou( 18 nr 20
dvelltni hnu es. Ther- are also several coal veins
and drifts, rail road (racks, Sec, iVc, on said premi
ses. ALSO Ano(her (rart of land situatn in Coal
township iforesaid. known as the "William Bovd
Trod," end descried as Minns: heninning at a
l pine, (hence ninnine by land Mirvryed to Jeietninh
l:iul, north 03 cVgrecs rat, 30 perches to a while
nnk, south 20 east, 12 f erehes to stone,
(hence hy land surveyed to Merrick Star, north 01
degrees east, fit) perches to a stone near a pine,
north 49 and one (en(h perches In a maple, noilh
58 decrees we.-(, 81 perches to a wbi'eoak. south
HI degrees we!, 32 J perches to clones, thence by
land suiveyed (o Andiew Shuber, sov(h 12 ilegr. e j
eaft. 01 perches to a poet, noith 78 degiees eaut,
1G perches to a post, south IS degre'sesst, 40
p rchen to a po-t, south 78 degrees wct, 1 6 perehea
lo a n-t, anil south 12 degrees east, 15 peiches to
ihe place of beginning, enntuiuing 43 acits and 147
perches and allowanre, more or le.
ALSO One full equal andiv;Jed four h pari
(die wlu le into four equal pan to he divided) of
nil 111 a'l thai certain tmct nf land situate in ( oal .
town-h p aforeaid, and known as "The Meiru k
Star Tract," and described as M ows: beg iiniui; j
tit a stone, llienre l y land survoed to J;se Brooks, 1
north 74 ilijjrei-s east, 240 perches lo n s.o ie, I
(hence senth 1 6 degrees ra-t, 85 perc'.e to a stofte, !
Iliet c sooth fl'J deg'fes enat, (JO perchi s fo a ad'ne, ;
south 31 ;l. grees las', H5 perches to a i-loi e. noul'i j
2 degrees west, 35 perches to a uton", south 31 !e !
grees eat, 00 n rrhe to a dead pine, outh 03 ,'e- !
grees west, 87 perches to a m .pie. thence north 27 I
decrees weM, 35 perches to a stone, thence inolh i
61 degrees ea-l, f7 perches to a !-tone, norlh 53
ix-rthes to a maple, south 58 .! gte s wot, 80 pet- '
i lo a whiteoak, south 81 wet, 80 per- I
etui tc a stone, south 71 degiees west, 5S perches i
lo a stone. I'ortli 16 di grirs r l, 8 perches to a
stone, south 74 degrees west. 100 etches to a stone 1
heap or dead while-ak, nor'h 16 degrees West, 10(1 j
pen-lies lo a stone and place of In gir.nt i.g, r.n.t.i n- 1
ing, by a r.cent turvry, 200 actes and 7 jierihes j
and allowance, !
ALSO One undivided fonilh part of 155 arts '
or shares, (the whole into 526 nrts or share lo be 1
dividid) of and in 13 tract of Coal Linds. lying :
conliguous lo rch oiher on ihe Waters of Shaino- !
kin and Mahonoy ciei ks, nr as much titer, of a is j
si uve in Coal township, Norlhumleil md county ;
which said trie's were surveyed in puitniui-e ef
13 wHnan's for 41)0 acres each, all bearing da e Ihe
10th d iv of May, A. I. 1703. gtatiled to Willi mi 1
Elliott, I Jen rge Aston, O de' Lown s. John Voung, I
J. tin Whiteinan, Joie;ih J.nd.n, Ri hard Tutus, i
John Warner, Daniel Reese, Willi un P.-rter, Wil- I Miller, IVter Dehaven and Wi li im I' II, 1
and piiet.led to J. hn Nicho'sonon ihe I7tli, 20i!i, j
23 1. 21. h and 25th d.ns of Octrher. A. D 1791. i
and which said darts of laud are. by the .!i, i .1 ie. ,
tun s nl no v, y. coinpulid to contain 53 i G acres ;
and I2'J pcrchi s and allowance. j
Si izi d, taken in execution, and to be s.d I a the ,
, . i
propeny nl ine ntiamoKin I. out anil lion I oniy.uiv.
with notice I . Il.iij .min 11. arm II, a,.- cite- ol
ine inunokiii I- oal an. I lion l.. mpr.nv, lienrge
Armstrong, stir , and otheis, terteienanls.
Sheriff" Office, 3
Sunhury, pr. 26, ltt-15. S
Diboiali ;ruiit'x Eslali.
iTOTICE ii hereby given, tint h iters of ad.
ministration have I een granted lo the su'i-
srriher, on the state of Deborah Omi1, d. i d ,
late nf Augusta township, Norlhiiinhei'and rolinty.
All pets ins indehlcd lo Said i st ile, will make ilti
uipdiate payment, and tin su having nnl
I n sent the same, du'y autln nticated. t Pi ter Lata
ins, Sun! ory. . r to the sut acrilu r, No. 112 Wulut.t
stri-et, Pl.iia ji'pl.ia.
April 19th, tola Ct. Adtn'r,
lV aide of Main at., in tin- 7nin' of
JbH'. "BUT !rSaT CL"Z3 "ZLr c
TlilE suhscrihrr would icspectfully inform his
L old f iends and (tie ir.,vi iTiug put he, thnt he
has nerutly taken and Intte.l up, in a supeilur
manner, tins t pucioua brick ejitice, siu uf
l where he is prepand lo arcomiLodate travi tiers and
viaitoi In llie vciy t ent and p.easn g sl I,-. L
house is siluaitd in Ihe m ist 1. asanl and cCntial
part of the borough, convenient lo tiusrutsu, and
is laigeand the ro,.ius airy,
'I'll ink ltd for lho lil.eral support while Itreping
the nld Muncy Hotel and (he Aiuritcun Hotel, in
ihis horougii, foi the pat three jeers, he usp cl
lul!y solicits a eoitt.uu inee . f id-- s unn.
Muncy, April 12th, 1845. if
N. B'. The HairishU'C. Northuniherland.
vide, Danville, William-i oil. LoiW '! ,Vlu 8ll,i j
ueneiouie ciagea airivfl a; ana e ,4rl
front this
iiou e U''..y,
VN Ehctioii foi ofliceis cf ihe Nur liumoeil md
Bridgo C.nii(iaiiv. to seive for one year, will
be neld at the house of Janus Lee, in Noithuiu
heiland, on Monday the till day uf Mav next.
The election w.U o eu at I o'clock, P. M., and
close a(4 o'clock, P. M. The ho. ks and accounts
ul (he Company w ill be su in. tie I lo (he siockh d
dera lor ihtu luspccUuji, al the same lime and place.
NorthurnPirland, Apid 12, Hlft. 4i
K o r t li ii in 1 c r I a n I o u ir t 3 ,
ESPECTFULL Y informs his friends and (he
public in, that he has taken the brick
, in (ho Biiiough of Sunhury, lately nrruiiied
by John Hausas a public house, (west of (tin State
House, and nearly opposite thn Court Houe,j
where he is prepared lo accommodate his fr:endi,
and all others who may lavor him with l!iti; cus
tom, in thn be( posihlo manner.
His BAR v all spirkle with lb1? rhnie.est of Ll
aeons, and his TABLE ehitll bn well supplied
with the very bel the ntar!;eU alfo'1. In -hurl, no
p'dns nor expense will he spired lo render his
house in every way worthy of public pa'ronagn,
A lil'eral sham of cu -lom is 'herefote s,l cit. d. !
Siinlury, April 12 h, Hl". litii J
(itMU'v oiJarl's IMatc.
JOTKM'. is hen-ly g'ven ihal letteri nf ad- '
,iiniitration hive heen pmntnl to the aut'-ri- I
her, on the estalo of Geurin Nelhart, In e of A 11- 1
RiiMa lownhip, Norihuiubf rl iml county, decM.
All persona indebted lo said e'ute. nr liu'inff de-
in m Is afaiiit the giiiui, are reijue-ted to meet the 1
suk-crib'i r. on Motidiy ill' I2lh day nf May next, j
al the house uf the drciM-e.l. for seitli-ment.
Jacob zartmav, i
April flth, 1815. fit
r a
REsl'EUTFl'LLY inform the ci
tizens of Sunhury and it vicinity, tln.t
be has reinoted lo the B ic k House, in
Muket street, fofmerfy oecuioril hy
Benj limn Heiidiii ks. etft of the store formerly oe
copied by Mnler &. Martr, arid now bv La T. Cle-
'nei.t. wheie be will be happy to receive calls in
the line of hi I r-ifes-ion.
Sunl.ury, March i'!tfi l45.
I state of William It scr, lt M. ,
NO TICE is hereby giteu, that b Iter lestanien- !
tary on the cs'nie of William Reiser, lale nf J
Augu-la lowitshto. Northumherlaiid enunlv. Jec'd. '
have been gr..ultd to llie Persons
knowing ihein-elvis indelited, i! please call and
make p.iyniciil, and having clou s aiiui-l
(he is'ate are n-ipn vt j lo jneM nl ihem for exa
mination and slltl. tin nt.
Augusls, Match 22J, 181.1 fit Executors.
lLjf.H J s7iO;
fllHE snl srriliri keeps constantly forsib'i-n the j
JL nio-t reasoiialrp terms, an a-sortinent of Mei'.i
Clnea, Ding, Dyesliifi. I',n s. Oils, V(,rnishes,c.
Being la engagi d in grui.liuj sucli nrnclcs
as (in. get, Mmlaol nnd Pep, er. I e ha- th. m tor !
le nl a sui erior qu ilnv, h. ow the rmrket pilee. J
He would uieiiti n that he h is a Patent M .chine
woiked by steam power, whnh ,-iuiblia him to si ll !
Pi I IT ol Ihe v-ry In nt ipiahly foi 3 cent. a lit. ill j
Bhii!drs, nnd 3 tents in Bulk. (
He c. nfid. nily asserts hi price are such !
a- t3 give 9a i-fjclioii to those who toiv t;ivor him
itha,l. J. W. W. CORDON. I
No. 102 'e-t Pratt St., Baltimore, n posite Bal- ;
lim .re and Ohio Rail Road Depot, '
IS. B. No ch oge nuJe fui dcliveiing (i jod in I
any part nf ihe etiy.
March Bth. 18-1 .5. 3m
15 o i & H h o e
HIE subcrioi r. Isle of ihe fnni i f Bi ck oV Bro
sui. Wi.iiol rep. etlitllv inform hisi-l.l cusloin-
i rs ami llie ,'.!ic cei.i r ill v . thai h- now i ccii te
lle l.nv Inuliln g we.t of Heioy ll aiipt'H I'l lor
hop, and . pp.iSiip eort'.' B.ich V Il.ttg Store, in
M rU t -tici t, Si:n!iu' , wl.e.e In: intends lo rairy
on his I n in. r I'uM.icm of
t , j,, vflu , , ,,., ,
lie ! I he prep ired to
do o l kinds 1. 1 work U i his hue at ttie h ll.-l no
lice, and in ihe most ilur.ihle manner He i that k- '
ful f.r honor pilinnage, and h slrii ' alt. ndai.c to j
hu iuc-s hinl re iMii.ahle chaises, w ill in.liuvor lo ,
ile five a Continuance if it- ;
J isl'PU urxK. ;
Siiiibnry, Fel. 22 !, 'i, Sin j
HE sub-criheis have reeiived, slid are now i
nt ei ing a splendid ass Jilmetit of ike fo.hiivn u ,
g ll.ts
Satony, Witton and Velvet (Vpctings
Brusse's and III, (ii rial 3 ly d j CAR-
Extri siipeifme and fine .in do I'E I'
l.ngli .hsh nlid V Dim i-k Veiii tidti do l.Mi.
Ann ii,-hi (.villi d and lig'd do J
English Drugge'ls and Wooh ll I'l .ut Cljlhs
Stair and Pa-sage Dockings
Einh itse I Piano and Table Covers
L .ii, Ion Chenille and Tnfv.l Rns
Door Malls nl fvp,y des riplton.
A laige and rxti n-ivo i sun tti.ei t uf Floor Oil
Cloth-, tu.m one lo tvght yunl.- wide, C'j( lo lit te
iy i'i sci i lion nf loom or p -f-ajes.
Abo, low l ined Ingrain ( .hi c I ngs fi. m.?l ' to
! 02 j erul per yaid, lugeiher w
! me atsoituitnt of g .Ja u-
III a I nge u : i I extelt-
ua ly k pi l v cupel
mi ii nam-,.
. , i
The i.bove goo l will be soM wholetale or r'
nl the lowel imiik. I prices, to. tinny nie'ri-h. ,,
and otheis ate pnriieukilv invited (o c '' si-., VXli. i
mine our st(k h, foie making tueii a,- ,.,-
Surd s-oi.i lo J-sepli Bin 'v''.ood , j. Hi Cliesitui,
Corner of Fr.iikiin I'1. ne, I, tna. Fi '-, - isl.'i.
c;ieap ron cash.
! Umbrella I'lirasol Manufactory.
No. J7 ivVeA Tiufl slreel, two dour bclcvj t'.e
v ii 1 1 it i v 1 1 li I n .
A LWAYS on hand, huge stock of I'M
BRELI.AS an I PAR SOI.S, iuciu ling the
lali st n.'W ai Ie ol Pinked t.lijcd I'ars-ols nl llie
last woikmaiiship and niaterisU. si prices that will
make 1 an nl'Vcl to Country Meichauta and uthei
to call and examine h a st k hi lore puchesmg
elsewhere. Feh, 22, IKli. ly
f-1 LASS, (t hy 10, htstntialiiy,
I.Hl .Xalls, Ull Si.'OS,
Sail, hy the sack and Lain I,
!!' and Caps, of thn list quality.
AM for sale tt lejnced prices, by
Sunhury, Oct. 26, IfU, H.B.MASSER.
it trsoi or uri-i) ciii:riiv,
A C'onipn,iil tlelsemle PrepnrMtlnn fratn
Wllil Cherry llnrk niii Tar,
The heft remedy known to I fie world fur Ihe rurr if
eouifhs, enldn. asthma, eroup, bleeding nf Ihe
lung, whonping cough, brimchitii, in flu
enza, thartnc.fii of breath, pain and
U.'Citknca in the breast or aide,
liver rnmdaint, nnd the
first tinges nf
We will not os.erl lliat Ihis BALSAM will cure
Consumption in it umrst farm, but it has cured
mmv after all other means of relief had been tried
in vain. And why not 1 It seems that Ihe WILD
CHERRY was destined by Natnic to be our PA
NACEA for the ravaging dicap of this c dd la
titude. Let not the despairing invalid Wbste his
in on y and ooe TIME, In l.irn ai all important,
in rxjierimriitintr with the ttashy nostrum of the
d iy, Iml ue nt unci- a medicine that will cure, If a
cure he p 's-ihlc a nn dicine that science approves,
uml niauv year of experience h-io demonstrated
ill it tl always relieves.
' Tlirrr if no unrh thing ns fail" in Ihe history
of ihis wonderful B.LSAM. Evidence the most
convincing eve Icnee that no one cvrn doubt, fully
csiiiUi he this fact. Tor (he sxke of brevity we
se'ecl the f.. owmg from thounds.
Isaac Pla t, E., Editor of the P..keepie Eagle,
one uf Ihe nvst iiifliiential journal ill tlie state of
New Yotk, sl ates undei ihe authority of his own
nnine, th it a young Indy, a rel itivo of his, of verv
delicate cotislitntinn, was attacked in Feb. 1812.
with severe cold which immediately produced spit
ting nf blond, cough, fever, and ether dangerous and
alarming symptom. Thr. ugh medical liestnient
mid cue nhe pai(ialty ree.ivereil during summer.
But on ihe return of winter she was attacked more
violently limn nt fust, she became scarcely able lo
wa'k and wa tmubled with cough, chills and fever
every day, and appealed to h! going rapidly with
eorisiiuip ion ; i,t il.i- titM", when iheie was n sign
nf improvement, Mr. Plati procured a bottle, i f
Wirii's B4I.m or Wk.ii Osnsttr, which she
took, ai d it a. Piuiugly leslored her. She got a se
cond, and lu foie il a half taken she was restored
to prrfr-rl hiollh, which she h is ei j yed lo the prc
seiil t!,f,e, without the hlighteri symptom oilier for
mer di-e he.
M r. P fl't sav "the cure e ime under my own oh
seivatton and I cannot he mistaken as to (he facts."
MAstr.n, rA'n:n
Pr.MiinoKf., Washington en., Maine, Apr. CO, 1844.
MIL is AC BCTTS. Dear Sir: At the re
qncMXif many nf my friend in this place and viei
nity vho are ulTIieled with emisiiinpiion and liver
eoinplaints, I lake the li! er'y of asking you to ap-
point someone in Ibis cotiu'y as agent to sell is- .
th's Ri.m or Wu.ii Chkbht, and tosend him
a few dozen, as there i mute of i! lor saV within
200 miles fn-m this I have no doubt (hat it would
ine.t w ith a ready sale if it were where it oon'd Ie
ioeuiid wilhojt loo Much expense and delay.
Mv wife was attacked about six ni 'iilhs since
with what ihe physician called the first s'age of
eerr-iimp'inn a Cumi'laint v ry prevalent in Hits
s. nion of country. Having seen lho Balaam ad
vert'srd in Augusti.
C7" 200 MIIiES ritOM HERE, -3
I t ii k lliP pa ns lo send (here for a bottle of it,
which she took, and which helped tier so much (hat
I sent f.r Un bodies more, which shn has a's.i ta
ken, and rhe now s,v she da not fell o well for
-ix years s she duel at this tune. All lllose who
liave inquired nf me and asP'laiued what e.T.'ct the
It ,1-n in had, are mix ions In hive some for sale in
Ihi viciiiiiv, which is the caii-e nf my writing you
l'le.i.e inloMii me l y ietii u ol in ill wheih. r you
eonc!iide to send sfinie, nnd il So ( whom, in order
that it may he known where it can he had.
1 am wi.h re-pe.-t v urs, etc.
The wti'de country is fast learning that no medi
cine no physician no preparation of any kind
whatever can equal Da. Wistah'h Balsah or
WlLll CucHiir.
a ritiM Hiiviiuti i i. r ut:.
W a rs HVii.Lr, Oneida eo.. N. V. Sept. lft, 1843. S,r I use it in the afflicted to inform y- u in J .Hilary I nt I wa ultaikot hy a verv vi.i.
lenl cold, caused hy wmki"B in the water, w'r.iih
M'tllid on my Inns. It va-J a' companied hy a ve
ry e p ill in my hn asl nnd sides, hi,i hko a
ilis't."s-ii g c. ugh. ! had in attendance ail ihe I est
me. lie . 1 ntd in villme; hut after exhausting all
t ti it ski I o i.o av ol. they proiioi'n .r I my di-eae a
eo r. n r. n iiivfiiprniv, and they one and hI!
gorr mi up 1 1 ilie. Alter lu'.ich persuasion I got
iho ion-, nt of my phvi-i,in t , use llie Bif.siM uf
Wii.n Chi iimt it. pa'i d t v Du. WisrAii. 1 nur-
ihi-ii' ol the Age-ni in our nine one hotlle. before '
liii g In I' of which ( hiiv in to gain strength, and il j
; w s ve v evident mv c. ugh was much hetl-r ami
j mv w,ipti!i'H -n every way impr.vine. I have
u. w un. J li tre ho'ths, nn.t ain n lnr'd . ptrftct
'i li.itl'l. Th a re ull is u. lie owing to the il.- nf !
' R V ; nu I I lake thi method nf g v ug v u the in- '
j I "iii iti.iii, parity n n v you (he debt of grilitude
(I one ) cu, and p ii l 'y ihal oiher i niliily ufflicteil
luav know where lo nrp'y lor nl'ef.
V.rv dnlv oni. JAMES PAGE.
Mm. Palsfii. Diuggtst, under data uf Wuti rville,
Se.t 24ih, im:l, wriun;
The stai mem given yoil hy Mr. James Spe u
well kn.wn to he tiuo hy (his whole Coimifnit'i
It c- it inlv was a most remaikal Ie cure, "j'ha rale
..f ,l.. it. i ... i . .
. . .... ..... ..... , . , , , lu,e- ,
. ... I
uu y lid . ici iiifj. uuit n go. c'.iully,
'i in: most fiv.M ahR ahi.i:
vvni: t:v t:u hl.coijdi-I).
..nori ti ii. N J . April 20. lS4d.
nr ',,! the I it'll dcy i.f Oct .iH'r, I r 1 1 , I ws
''" rrh a vio'ciit pii.i .tl Ihe ..le near die liver.
lv .
" o'i h i ouhiii.i .1 tor u'.. ut live ilays, and was I ii
lo.vnl I y (lie hr.Mkiug ft ntiulcir. or at-s, es, in
w ndly, wh ;'i rel t ve-.l ll.e pain little, hut caused
me Ii ih'.o.v una great inutility nl' olfensive nialtr
and al -o uoieh hlood B. ing greatly al timed at
' iht. f -.. .'.ho.! io a i.hv.icl .in. hut lie said he ihoUj! t
; he c odd do hill ll . tl-- for exe- pt h-ivu lue s-one
Murrri; I .i.'s, whih Inlus'd lo take, fieliuj
I s.ii.slicd (hat they c- old do ine no go,.J ; man) o
. th. r mii die weie lhc:i proui'. d by my wite and
i fi ien.!, hut none d.d me anv goad and the tits
i charge uf hi. hi I and coiiupti -n still cmit.nuid i".'t ry
f. w day. and cl lot become I'lTci.sive that I
I c .u'd scarcely hrea he I w .s a!o wiied aiiIi a vi.
! oh nt eoooh, which at lime cau-ij me to raise
i nun h liioiehloJ I limn I had done U lore and my
I i'n tea e eouliuiit'd i.i ih.s way, still growing worse,
i in. ill 1'ihru.ry, nlnn n li Inqw nf inv icc-veiy was
' given up, and my liiemU ull ill. light 1 would did
j ol a Hai ion so CoNsivienon. Al thii moment,
' w hen my lilt w aaappareu Iv drawing in nr iUch.-e,
, I ht-aid l( Pit. II'AR'S 1J A I. A M O F
! WILD CHEI.RY. and got a h.uil.. which nr..
j Lii.v.u mk isxi.iiitirit ; and hy the Use of only
lint e b l.lcs t.f till-, nied.cme, nil my pains were
reuiovtil my cough atul s nitng ot hlood ami t-or-iiipllou
enliiely s'op id. un I in it few wftk 11 1 V
he I'll was so I'm iCsloii'd as In enable UH- to wo k
at my trade, (which i a cupcnti r. am! up to tins
ilmc 1 have iiij o id ;o, J hiahh.
Cit en at a Cue irr, N.J, .
Pi ri nally came beture tut, the tuUei.brr, one f
ihe Justices of llie Pesce in anj fur Ilia sai'l oonn"
(, Thorn ai Coxeiti, and being duff Airmail aci
cording to law, sail b (he above slstemeut is in a f
things true.
Affirmed before Die, on (he 80ih of April. 1343.
J. Cttsiit, J P.
ft nch ii the unpreced4ii!ed siicctaj of tliii BAL"
a prescription fiotigeniil lo our wants, as it is pre
pared from chemical extracts from sabttancei which
the author of natuta has placed in our 1'ind
for wise purpose, that many who kr.nw nothing
nf the mode nf its prepsration are endeavoring to
reap pecuniary hcrvfvs hy et-llinf an aitirle. aimilir
in name, or in appearance, or by representing thiii
own tra-h as superior to (his BALSAM, or by put
ting up a mixtuie and a demnly asseverating that it
is import?. 1 from a foreign country, which is nm ttie
case. All these deceptive aria go to show Hut
Wi-T.n's Bm.m i known tu the world lo bo
"Tin; Cilt EAT ItKMF.I) Y." and that to
sny mixture it must he tiht this it nnmt, or pur'
port to be like il in stl'-slnnce.
X"T Ile'.leve not the cunningly wrought fahiiea-ti.-ns
oil lako only the original and genuine
WisTAti'a Balsam ur Wu.n CHtant.
Address all enters to ISAAC BU 1 I S, No. 32
Ann St., New ok.
A units, JOHN W. FRILINO. Sunlmrv.
D. BR.MM'UJAM. ',rl,u,Urlund,
J. K. MOVER. Hhomnbutg,
J. WACtJON'SELLER, Selim-flrove',
B!lf)WN & CKBASV, WflunUU.
Feb. 22d, 1 S I .- ly
TTfty" i c )T.i7aTsi? T:Vva iii
('flcln-atcd l":imily Medicine
9tTJ7"'' rml (llrr every thine, but slid remain
y unequalled in their several departments hy
every thing ever offered t.i the public, who have
voluntary came forward soil i-tTered numerous and
highly respectable U-sliinuiilaU of (heir s.ipeiior
Cinitrell'x Compound Mcdiet.ttd Syrup nf Sur
tu port tin i or, Antt-Scorbutic Syrup, for the
ol Scorfula, Chronic Rhit,n itisui. Chronic Swel
lings of the Joints, Eruption of the Skin, mid all
Disea-rs aiising from the abuse nf Mercury, ic.
unsurpassed hy any thing ill the market, cotiidi.
ning all the virtoes resident in the Sar-sparilla
with a modern ni dicament, rnly lately brought
nut hy the most ri -peotablo medicnl ottthorittt sr
Price, JJl) cents per h 'ltle,
Cunlrell's .Inli-Dynprplie Prnvkr, Ct the re
lief and pcrinan- lit cure of nnt distressing
complaint, Dy-pepsia, in all it form nd stages.
It H tiuly a most vahi ible reiiirdy. SjlJ in Kittle
at 25 and SO eel
nl each.
( unlrcll
?ic Mixture and Tmie Mc licn-
mcnto, fl uids al lho head of the li.-A iinri"alb'd hy
sny, nr all ti e innumerai le medteni-s in u-e
ihrnughoni the length and I resd h of the land, lot
the cure of Fkvmi mid Am i. in all its otjocs, auJ
frnin all its conse.-ji'ei:cs.
Residents in I'cvcr und Ague distiicts shoul.i
i never he without it. EIFTY Lul.I.A R'
where hi medicine lails tj peifjow a cure in tha
most obstinate cap.
S..1J Who es.le and Retail I v CALEB CUES.
SON, at his Dru Warehouse, No. North Thud
Street, Philadelphia j also, bv the r. jul.irlv np
nointed agent, SE I'll W. ROBERTS, Wholcax
Drucgisl, No. 54 Water Street, Mahde.
I'n pared nl Iv bv the Subscriber, cortrer ( f C AR
PENTER and SECOND fine's. be'-.v Chrili-'
un, Plidadelphia, wheic it is also retailed.
Observe, none are -enuir,c i ithoot ti e signature
1 aiitrell'jJ Irih' Mix! nr, or Toulo
For the cure nf ull H.linui rf.-'tionn, if taken at'
cording In direction..
It ii a never lading remedy wh c!i no r'aini'v
ought l'i be without, especially in io marshy
As (hi medicine ia pi.l up under the proptic.
tor's immediate infpection on the most scie!iti,:o
'.tinciplcs, I'C.'i; Pur ly Vegel d.le, and bavin j
tried its locaey on th.!, for cpwarde of 1 -ytars.nn.l
loins knowledge vl..n taken strictly ac
cording to directions lliere h i-" not hi en i l f.rlurc.
Coder such circiim-tanci-t I recommend it lo tlio
public, adding a Cc.-tif.catj i:i support of ir.y asie
I, John Burn, do cenity ihat I was in the ship
Tobacco Plant nf Phil aili lid i i, Kct-d, in
June, 127, bound lo Liverpool ; took (lie lev. -r
I and tune and laid ill l.iver,io A ire t m M'ldci
' the doeior's luiiuls. vMtit ficin Hereto I" i'l in ie.
! lay in the Iiiliimary for four nr 'V.e w.ek fro.q
', theiicii lo Philadehil; ia ; was six uienths under Vi '
('oats; fi otn thence to New Yiik -.vent f
Hospital, ihe.-e uholit four wtt-U.t wuhouf
any lelu f died every th'ng w ithout snv lem tit,
! for five vpais. lle.uit.g nf Canlrell's At'ue Mu
( lute from a friend, I went to his sl ue, lol.l him
j how I w is afllicted, and gut a buttle of his loixtma
I and u.ied it aceording to directions. It made a pt t
j lict fine, and 1 h' not had the least '.' Into"
! I do with confidence let .xiim-Mut it t t!;c publir.
.tSPtllruted Sjrupoi Sai snpai llla;
I'hilid.lphia, Ajnl 10;h, 1S11.
Mr. JoM'v A. 1 i iikm ,
Dear Sir, Uavina be. ft afTlie'eJ f -r ,.p."".L ol
two jfar wuh ulceiuiion of the, lie-tr. vi:
Ihe Whole i ! ' die mi pal de, llieu thiough ihe tlpe
parte! ins i.i .iiili into mv n .-e, from -. hic'i ,-.c;
al piece of hone ei.ine flit, which .i' d V 'V f 'v-
ed my speech, ihrmigh a kind I .'ov uh n- e htn! our
i Medicated Svmp i t!' i, 1 am now r. .loi. ,!
lo perf.ct hedilt, .ti.i i:i)' eight, which vvaeiJ inucl,
I impair, d, 1- w strong i v. hen a I "V.
I 1 thought it a duty I mv. .1 to you an.! th.ise am. '
' larly ailed, d, to make it puhli.'.
! VuUis, Rvspcc l.i!!,",
1 Corner uf Teuth and t,T Mice'. -'
! I, t!ahril 'n, No. R .',-S s .ctr(ei, io ei :
! tifv that in y wife, Jane, vves atllicled for i.vo yt:i--,
with Rhcuniai -in, and ai la-t was 1 1 . ' nlsnlled '
, so t It nr she w as . . hi,ed t i he eonfu e.l to n. d , I '
ilij "f Can'.-ill's Melicaled Sui;-.o ,.!" Si,, par- . '
j or Anli Scnihu'ie Svr'.,p, 1 procure 1 foi.f h. 't:- -i
winch co.nplcii-U re;ioe,l all I r p-.i u'ld
i lies, from lo r Imd s: I a o more L ntles r
lect cure. '.-;. e is n.iw aide to a n u l to iter house -i
hold dn'.i.s a C AB1VL JON--l'ON ,
i Pliiladtl.-hi... Jan. 22 J. lsl-1.
CTt" I.'e-crintive Puiuphh'f mat r. hid of ti
,t L'liri i e
L'en'.i. ftiratis ) a. n, riui.i.'o
Sip huiv.
tl, I si 14. ly
iJiuiiioKiit Coal
11 E'cn! ei has a boat load f.l exccM M
Miam.ik n t'oal nl Noilhurulwitod, whu ! '
he oloi lor sale at llji lowest prices. 1 rs.m-
wistiuig to ptiiili io will call un llie sonscn -er -i.
Suuhui), ul E. P. Shannon, E-q. at Norihumher.'
laud. II. B. MASKER.
Suuhu'v, J hi. 4th, IS to.
BAtiS Salt,
li)U do., al fl 7
hy ' U. HLNL'l.lCW.-
' Scn' 10th, 144..