' rrom the rhila. Ledger. The Sonff of the Flriggnt Sailor. Ye tsifii of the shore, In kind mercy extend Vout rar to the woes of the sons of the ofoan, Tiom the !nsh of the tyrant wc pray you defend Th urs who'd fijjht for you with fondest de votion. We fear not the itorm In its mightiest form, We've nothing to dread from the voice of the wave, But the f1e3h-eutting lash Ol'the tyrant o rash, C.vc! grief and dismay to the heart of the brave. If. Ys rns of the free! ahall we ask you in vain, Ta strike down t power accurs'd in each fea ture? Shall tni poor outraged tar point to each bloody stain T And find no relief in your generous i.ature ? Shall the sailor's sad wail, Swell the loud roaring cale, While his blood and his tears tnaik the deck of J the brave ? Ah, let it not bo On the far distant sea, Fortli.TJ are nous to protect or to save. nr. All l.ail to Columbia ! the Homo of our choice, Where floats freedom's flag in the pride of its story ; To fiVit her just battles hei tars will rejoice, Or cheerfully diein defence of her glory. Then ne'er let it be On the far distant sea, Where honor and valor alone should prevail, That the voice of poor Jack, With a blood streaming back, Shall mournfully rise on the loud roarinj gale. Congress. From the Farmers' Cabinet. rOVDUUTTK. To T. B. Wakcman, Lsq., for the N. Vork Funn. rb' Club, DKUi Sin In reply to your circular of the 1st iiiBt , 1 send jou t!ie f.illowitii; practical facts in rclatitm to concentrated manure?, n sub ject which is now clnimin? very peneral ntten tinn. 1 have seloctpd Ihete reiirts fiom (lis tint parts of tin country, that il may be fitii tint their effects are oliku beneficial in difirr ent sniU, and in somewhat difleretit clin.to.. The first statement is an extract fr. rn a letter written by Augustus Sliriver, K-q.. nf farm! cmir.tv, Md., dated Nov. '22l. to the editor of the American Firmer, and m as folliw : ' l received tlie l'otulrettc which jou ordered for me too lute for me to apply it in my corn in the hill, which modu of applied1 ion 1 em fatis ficd would he the most ndvant'ieous, ! there, fore mixed it with on cq'ial ijnantity nf ntliea anln little p'as'er, and when t'ij crn wn cleverly up, applied ubmit n gi'l to etich hill, IrRvitiy twelve rows in the field to .l.ich ! gave the same quantity ot ashes and plus-ter alone, na has heretofore born my ciictom. The corn all prew finely, and tht re was no perceptible dif ferpneo in that on which the k'nadrette had bner. apphrd, until the month of July, when we ex perienced a very severe drought lasting b ut six week?, when the part dressed w ith ashes tnil pl.-ifter tlone, FufTertd tomewiiat Dud 'fire.:' a little; but tho bnlance, rn which I put the Poudrt ttc, held its own adniirwlny, and did nut ' 'fir.' a single blade, and looUed ttmiribliing and filled finely. I candidly believe that the I'ou icette, thuu'h 60 small a qiiM.tity, incrcflfi d the yk-ld at least ten per cent. I am ho well pleaded with ihissnmU experiment, that I will to i::tu itc.n a lerce FCi.le next srusiin.' T!ie nr.t vcpnit is from Mr. Tloyed Jlowi 1!, rPfi.linfr in tlie County of Onoiidiij.'a, 17 iliiles south of Syrnciirc, in this St ite, to whom 19 barrel, or 7G but-ln K weru -pnt late in No vember, 1913 ; upon which a freniht offl S7 per barrel "vaa charged, which incrensed its cost to 2 7 o barrel on the farm. In reply to i.ifjuiries Bnp.ver is piven, viz: "We took five ncrefof wheat ttubl'.r, which we supposed would ) ifld, without liny manure, frnm 35 ta 40 btifhela of corn to the acre ; ploughed and harrowed it once the fore purt ot Mny then marked it in rowi about four feet apart, but owing to the cold weather, did not plant until about the 10th of the said month, whrn we dropped handlul of ruudrrlie in each hill, or 11 bam In to the 5 acres: then planted the corn upon it. After it came up, und before the first hoeing, we put four buried more upon about one half of the find. The corn was hoed three tinice, and was ready to harvctt p little earlier than our neighbors; but ve could not perceive any material d.tlerence between that ptrt of the field where the tour barrels were applied a a top dretnj;, and the part win re it w is applied only in the 1ml. Thrre wus no other manure used thun the I'ou. droit", The average yield upon the five acre wus fel butheU to the sort but Irum one ucre elected we fathered 00 but-hel nd 18 pounds. T.ie freight on the 10 bushels uunl by yon tin year, will not exceed what was paid last year, S'JG on 13 barrels owin;; toils hav nj been bhippt-d near the close id navijjathin." From this it ill be seen that, by the lire of 19 barrels, or 7'2 bushels of IVu.lrelto on the five iu:retf, lh' ' '.! was increased from Ii.") or 40 btibhuL', t fcijhiy luln Is per acre, trover two hundred luhels on the fitld i.is.iwutj.'sj- - i in II A N Ii X O T 12 . I 8 T. PrAXSVI.VAXI.il The f .Mowing list shows the current value, of nil ennsvlvsnia Hank N -tea: "The mt implicit re haunt in iv I placed upon it. as it Uttvryvtiek an f.illy "compared with ai d corrccleJ rrom IJi.k- ncli's Reporter. Hank In riillatlclplila. , . DlSC. I LoriTiM. ,.HIlAr) NOTES AT PA R. (Sank of North America , , par flank nf the Northern I, 'liberties . , par I'ornmereiol Hank nf Pctin'rl. , pnr Fnfnpr' and Mechanics' Hank . . par Kensington ll.n.k . par Philadelphia M-inK , , , par Srhnvlkill llitik . . . par sMithwark Itauk . par Western Hank , , . par 1ei-l' lilies' Hank . . pat Manufacturers' cV Mechanic' Hunk par fntiniry ItniikN. Hank of f'hcstcr County Westchester Hank f Delaware County Chester U ink nf f icrmantow n (lormaiitown Hank nf Montgomery Co. Nnrris'nwn L t b'sJov. n llatlk Doylestnwn I'oii Hank E .mn par j.ar par par par par par These nflicea In not I'Viners Hank of Rucks co. Hristnl Otri, f ,,f Hank of renn'a. llarrisburg' Otltce do do Lane; after I ' f ' Office do do Reading Ollke di do Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT "auk of llie l.'niled Slate Phihd.lphia (lank nf Ponn Township . , r. 23 par (trnr.l Hank" . J MnYanifiwing H ink . . plr Hank nf I'eiuisv It aid i . pi' Miners' Hank of Poltsvillc Pot'svilln j Hank nf l.cwislnwn Lcwistown lj Hank nf M ddletnwn Middlcliiwn 1 Hank of Nnriliuiiilieilnnd Columbia LI oik & Diulyc co 'ilhiimliriland par ( ntiinihia ('ariisle Pillsliui? par 1 1 1 par I"' pai 1 V" i i i ii Carlisle Hank Exchange Hank 1) i il i branch nf Farmers' H.mk nf I .am astei Lancaster County H nk Farmers' Hank nf Reading llarrisburg H.mk Lanctia er Hank Lebanon Hank Men hunts' A: Manuf. Bank Hank nf Pitistuirg lliilliil.ix hurg .aiici'iei I .inenster R n lim? I I ar r l -lui rij 1 ,anc is'cr I.elaiiii Pillnl'ln Pi'utuini Willi.iiusp'irt Wilkest'ario Allentoun i'.inlini; 1'itul.urg Wept H utieh II Ilk Wyoming Hunk .North impton Hank links ('imiiiIv It. ink OllVe nf Hank ol V. S. lo do ild Do do do (Cniiii'imi Xav. Ins. A failed .1.1 Erin Me.v Hriijhtun do - Penn Township S.iv. Ins. do Hank of Chainhersburij Chaiubersliurg MmIc of (ieityshurn l tiyxl'ing Hank of tu-(uelmnna Co. M..nuoso Erto H.n.k Eri.j Finnrs'V Drnveia Bank V syneshurg Fianklin Hunk Wnslinmtini U.it:.l..le H.l:k HonPwI.ilo Mm nniphel'i Hank of B. Tronsville Vnik Hunk Ymk 35 i l t jN. li. The notes of lhne hank on which we ! jiiiil quoiiiti.ins. and aulistitute a dash ( ) i not yurc hated by the Philndi Ijihia lirnkers, widi the j exception of tin te win. h have a letter of n fer. nce. bKDKEN U A N K S. Philadelphia sv. In. Plnladi h.hia failed failed f.ile.l failed I'hiladclplii Lo in Co. Sl'liUV Ikill hv. Ins. Manual I,alinr Hunk (T. V." I'nw imla Hank Mleulmiiv ii.iiik if Ta. U ink it Heaver tl .ink lit !?.va!aia Hank nf VWIilngt.in Ct ntre Hank City U ii k Farmer, .c Me. hVa' H.irk Farmers' At Meeti'.' Hank Farmer' eV Mri li'il' Hank lla'niiiny Innilutc H unlinpiloii Il.u.k I ui.i'ttn Hank jUInI'I'I men's H.nk .Nnrtherii Hank i f Pa. New ll pe l)i I. Undue I'o. Noiihumli'd I'niiin Col. I'U. N.nlh Western Hank t.f Pa. Otike n( S, liullill H.ii k Pa. Alt. & M uiuf. Uai.k Silver Lake B.v k I'ttinn Hank i f Pcnti'a. csiiiHuclan.l Hank do do Dyoll, prop.) 'l ow inda Hi.llord He.ivcr II roiisl'iirg a-liintDii lo ll, f.nle l'itisl'Ulg Pitl-'.'Urg Fuyetle co. tirieneasl 0 'liinionv no sale cl. st d tloseil failed rl-.sed no ale hilled fold filled no sale llnl. llliu-Ion nt rale l.er. islmvn mi cde V arren Dun. hill" New Hope M :!'M! Mra.hiilo lade.l lio sale t lose.l no sc l i M .l Port Cmhon 'irii!o failed M'.hlO'se ihised I 'i.n.n'nwn filled ISrecuKl'iirg closed W'llkes'i irre nor. lie W ilkesbarre Hiidi-e Co. All notes putpo'ling to be on unv Pennsyl vania Hank not jir:i in the above h.-t, may be set Jowu as frauds. m:iv ji:si:v. Bank of Nov lliuiuwick lielvideie Hank Ituihngtoii t-'o. Hark Jonuiit rcial Hank JumberlanJ U n.k Pjniieik' Us.uk Hrtuiswick failed I Hi'lvuh'ie A I M. olord par j Pi nh .Winy j Hrtdeloil par j Mount Holly par Raiiwny i N. HiuiHwiik faded V.d i:. ton Pi. i Jer-e t-'lly failcil I II I. .n fuil. .1 J. is. y (,'ity f ii U-.l Pillieis.iil I nb. I H.li.iille l.l.d Morn town J Fl.'t'lli.ld fail. .1 New. iik Trenton j.ur Jeia.y City HO kale Franklin Hank o! N. J. Jersey Cily H .nk Michuiu..' H.nk Mnnnf n tur. r.' Hank Morris Coun'y Hank Monmouth Dk ot N. J. M.ch.iuic' Hail M ech si i icii' and Msnuf. I'k Monis ('anal and Lkg Co Post Notes Newark HUg & Ins Co' New Hope Del lindce Co N J. M.iiiulic. si d Hkg Co i i fail.. I lulled J faileil i p.r p,r 1 Ll.l.l .'ll-..i',li I itliiotiell N J I'ioU i Ion Sc LuuiL aid I k .!t rx y ( ry I IraniiP Hank ' )r.u Paiers.in Hank P-Hcidii PenpltV Itiu.:. d . Pun. el, in lljnk Pr.nccion Sulern Hitnkioi; Co S I, m r'tHtr H'ltik JVe.iark s-.a'f H ink l'.iu iiu tiiiown isiate it n.k I lumieo Mate ll mil of Monia Moriiluwn Si.,le Hank 'J r. ntuu alein on. I Philad Manuf Co Sultan ft,s X Hunk New Ion Tiriitnn Hanking Co Tienton l'ni..ii Hunk Div,r 1 pir l faileri lull. iJ J par failed Washingljn Hanking Co. llack.Obnk in:i.iiVAi:r.. rfVihn& Hrunil) wins Wiliiitnglnn :ia,Hiu ieiawait v iliiiinglon fJatik of Smyrna Smyrna D I. Milt h Mil'tord ra.merb' Dk of Klate of Del Dovrt Do bianth Wilmington Do brant h (icing, town Do brain h Newrtsils I 'ni ni ll.u.k W ilimnut m I'iuIpi f' is I r 1 . a (ij-Onsll banks ruaikrJ thus () ibero are 1 1. th.r counts. Inl er altered liolta f lbs var.ccs ts r.euinationa, io siisaUuuo H. B. lASSEFk5 ATTOHNHY AT LAW, EU2TBUHY, TA. Htisincs ttteniled lit in the Counties of Nor tliuipl rrland, Union, Lvcnming and Columbia, liefer tot Tnn Haut & ('o., S-V.'iilatl. I!kt uMiia. McFahlahu &. Co. .Dixie lljviil3 'ry 9 run tiik runii OK D V S P E V S I A . IIII. Me.lii-ine is offered l' th" pnhlic gener ally, from a full conviction Hint n is snpermr to any other medicine now in use, for tlie enr of Dvspi 'ia, I.'ner f 'niplaiut, Nervous Del'ililv or Ho, lily We ..knps, Ac. Its (IT. ctshsve heen tented in a prifate practice ofiie.r iii;hl yens, and it is imw im re et'ensively eiipiilutpd, "t iho a .lieiuii'e of manv ho have to icived ihe nio. sh-nal I enelil from ihe u e .fit. Tlie f ido.vini! h one an.nn a nnmlier of prrtifi caiea leceived in illation to the Mieccki of this ine dic.ne : EcsTi.tt 'o. March IS. D. (Jfniini; V. A LLC. lfrur Sir : It is w.tli i;n tit p'ensure that I in fnrrn vml of ibn siiccen aueiiding yntir Dyspeptic Me.lieiiip. while eiiu l -veil in niv ! BCiic. From past exierieli.P, I firmly l i lieve that in eight rase nut of ten, Ihe Dvspeplie, hv ihe use nf y. ur n.eili line, may eioir. ly r i I hiniill'of ih thorn ill the piilhwnv ef life: not only in ilypeptic rae, but in ill' c ises nf constipation, and ilisea-r depn d litf en a dilnlOa'Pil flat.' of ihe iiirvnim pyslein, tone, tlier w uh a t.vii. si ite nf the h .wel. wi l yiir E ii ir hefoui d nf mrsl in. .lie value. Nu-i er.u in--liinces whe-ein tlie lis. fu in s s nf ihe medicine h"' lie.ii rea i-ed, mnyte f.n warded, if reijinriil. I wish y' U R'fi1 niciep--, and reenmini ml the medi cine to ihe Miller in.; nit nf m.ti km I. Vouii. ilh ere it ?c-iprt, KHHElt I' Ati NEW, M. D. fjj- For sale nt tlie st ne of II. U. .M.isscr, jgent for ihe pr rider, urihiirv. Pa, I iciol.f' Sliih, 1 H 14. ly WIIOI-ESALr! &. KETAIL IIAT& CAP MAM'FACTIMIKUS, Sniilh I'asl rormri Murln-l and AlU Kit-. I'hilsttlclplthi, ""ITHERE th' V Bhvan We-ii mi land in estcn ' sive i-a rtrin lit .1 HATS ( C A I'S nf everv I'lsrriptinn. go' up in II ' l e-t an t iniisl upnr.ivnl sl Ic. Pem lis d. fir. u of I'lir.-h i-tntf supeiim nrii ! on the in. ivt tra-ninl le ternn, ill fi-d it to it eir BiUiintiige lo ell In I. re inakin urilnsos tle here PI ibid. h hia. (Id St'i. 1 S t I. 1 y SPANISH HIDES T AXX Kits' () I L. I ,'00O U y Ei Pl'iU Hides first quality. ; :i."tK Drv E liuira. il IOOO Drv Ssi'lid Ei Oniri, do 20OO Dry s-all-d Hr id Hides, do Hu'en Creen SSalled Patua Kips. MO Halm Drv Pa mi K i (-. I'iO llarrels Taiineis' Oil. Tanner-' and Ciirri. rn Tuoli, Fur sale lo t'nuutry Tanners at the lowest prices nlid uion tlie 1 est t rina. N. H. The highest ni uket piire piid for all kinds ot l aiher D KlRKPTi:i K so. No. Sl.S.nti I liir.l tt. Pliil delphiii. Seiit,nder 14, 144. ly. SlllM.KIiTS PA I KN T vri.c:-::iTG iac::-:iitz. rjlHI-S M :cnine h s n .w b.en te-uvl by mure 1 ih'in ihnlv fnmdii s i:i this lieighln th oil, and h is gicn eniire satisl.u tio i. I' is -o simple in Us ci i mructi. li. it. ut 't r :n .ti t gel .nil of i r.br. Il . i O l ii- no iron to ru -I, and i u - pi ints or io!'. rs lo gef m l of rpp i'r. ll :: i'o twice as uii.rli wnslo iiit:, w nil les, than hull the wear Mil. I icar of any ot the l .le inn n'l 'ii-, nil'! what is of grea'er in p. r tai.ee, ii costs Ian In e over half .is much n other w a-hii'g ms. t lues. The mbsi nher h is die exclu-ive right for Nor thii'ii1! il nut, I'liuin. L cmiii g. 'oluinbi l. En .. me nrnl Ciiotou Counties. Price of mi cl- m i ,l,.,,e $ii. II. H. MASSE I.'. Tie loll.iwiig ceil ficat.' ;s finni a lew ol ih.iw whot.a.e t!ie-e in ill i es io use. Sun I my, Aug. CI, 141. We. ihe sul s. i beis. t eriifv tbul we have tin in u-e, in our fjini'iis, "S! uert'-. patent Wish ing M icliir.e " nlid do i nl ht-il ite m ing th it il i a most i xcelb lit inveini n. Thai, in Wn-hing il will -live mote ilnui one li.i! lb u-ual labor. I'l.nl it il nui ! require more than nne thir.l ihe nsii .l quaiiiiiy ul no .p and w ater ; mid that tbeie i n . riibnuig. an I cn. tpienily . I llie or no wear mi; or t. in j. I'hnt it kuoekd "ll no I nt'ons, vn.l It. at the linesi clo h. mc'i use. .liars. I.uts, lurk, trips, rVc, iiiav be na.'cl III ave y -h. tl tune wilhoi.tlhe le. st il pin , i d HI fact wiih 'Ut nuy iip( .an nl wear und I. ar, w h.itevr r. We i lien f. .r fhei ilully recoiinnend il !. our f lends and I the i uli He, us a most ux lnl and lab. r saiii .g machine. I'll AREES W. HECLNS, A. JORDAN. ( lis WEAVER. CDS l'LESANTS, (ill)EOS MAIiKI E. It..,.. CEO. C. El KER, liKNJ. IIENDIM KS, (itDEo.N LElsENRIN'!. II tun's HiiTRt, (fonii. rly 'I'renioi.l ll- u-e. No. Ilfi Ch snul siicei,) rhllade plna, Seplemli. r SI.'.lNll. I I, ,ue u-nl Sl ugrrt's P it. nl Washing Machine in mv lion e upwir.ls nl ci"hl nionili-, and do uoi h. sitate In iav U'ai 1 .lecin it m e ol ih mo t use ti l a d la u 'b'ie labor h ivii g machine ever inveii- t.d. I foiniirly k-pi two w en coi lintiiil y m cop e l in wiishn c, wtni now do ni much III two .':.y- m i In y then .'i t Ii m e unit I be o is in w.hi nt l'.r in washing, and ii icq lion not none than otic-third it.e u-unl qUatiiitv ol so. p. 1 have lia I n i.uii.btr ol o h. r in chine- in mv tarn ly, but tb is so decidedly nupeii o lo every Ih. 114 else, an. I so Ii tic I a''le to cd cut of icpor, that I would imt ...i will, out one il tin y sbotil I coat It 11 I 11.es the pr. Ihev art- .'!.! lor. 1MKI. IllJiUi. NOTICE TO Mi:iU lllMS c .11 I.I.I MlltS. W.M. M. iV JOS. li. MALM,, MANL'I'AC'l I REbH AND DEALERS IN FOREIti AND DOMESTIC STRAW (iOODS, -Vtf. CO, Sorth Second Strut, ("opposite the Madison lUtuc,J PJIILADELnilA, par par par par j -or pur p.r par par WHERE will he f .und a general assoit- If Z. uit nl of Florence HrsiJ-, Ali ens, Rul-tfS' lands. Peddles, W illow Pl.it, Rice St. aw, and inr much admired Nespoliiiiii Lace, ai il Fancy Hou nds, in inufacliiied by us, and for sale ai Ihe Inwe-I 111 inulut tU'C piices. Merctiiiuts snd Milliners art) invitp.l in give u a Call upon vi.ning the ('ity. fX;' N, It. We have kl-o ron-tari'lv making nur supeiior lis r slid otl.r edgings, all of which will lie sti'd cheap, fot rash. Pkilsdtlpt ia May 3A, Iflt ly 1 lUU.'l.. .!1 '. OAKLEY'S Dni'iiniTivi: svnii. flHE viiluiih'e proprriies nf Oakley's DepU'a I ttveSyiupnf ft .rnaparilla, as A purifier of the blond, is well known to tbe puliiic generally, that it i unepceria uy to ncrtipy much pnre in set t rig fonh lh advantage In be derived Irnm its use; hener ihu medicine has once been intru- tlu-'Pil, it takes precedence opr nil otliprs; pveiy one that has taken it, have ilerivrd so siunal bene fieiiil resolig from it, lb it it is rernmrnended hy them wiih the u nrnsl enlifidence. Physicians of the highest Maivlirig in the profession, prpscrilip it to paiienH under their caip ; Containing nothing di d teriiius, but l ing composed ol the moat mild, jet i ItVuriniH vrgrlahie malerisN.it h nff.-red with confidence, as the cheapest and tno-t eiririent piu tifier nf ihe Mood now known. The tme of a few butt les, piecil!y in the spring month . will he at tended wtili niimi decided impiovi-un lit ill Ihe ge neral strength nftlie symlem, pradica'ing anv tvn of iliaease that may have been general' d, In sides giving tienl lit hiiiI vigor to the body. Fur the cure nf Srrnlula or Kings Eil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimple or eniptioni nf the Skin, White dwelling. Fistula, Climnic t'ough Asth.nt, Ac. The liu- ! mpT.niK reriificaips in i lie posfeasi n of the rul'srrl- I i ii . . - i .i .i. nrr nnu iih agem, Horn iriyaieniiii arm niners-, niu anflieieiil to l oi vmce Ihe m.mt rketicul ol lis u periority ovrr all prepiir niona of S ira tparilla. M .l.l wlinle-iile und retail, hv the nrnnrii lor, I fiEOIICE W. OAKEKV, North filh stre.l. I!ea. ling, H'-rks Coon'y, and lo lie had of the following pnaons : In Knrlhximhrrliir.d t'minti. IT. H. M.i9r, Soribury ; lip'ai d A Mixt'l, M. E a ens. il! ; D Krausi r. Milton. In L'mnii Cniiiitif. J. fii nrh rt, Heliiisgrovr : A (illtellna. Mlffill.l'Ufg. In Ciilumbiu Ceunty. R. W. McCav, Wash ington. R.ading. March 14. I KM. Mil. OtKtrv: I beli.ve it the utv nf rvery one to do wlinliveriM their pnwer I ic", for he b ne 1'itofttieir fellow man, and Imving lia.l p i-i ive pro. if in mv own f.imily.nf the wonderful prper'ies of Veur Di nnrali.e Mvrnp nf Sa'ap .nlli, I m il cons, irnliou-lv recoinniend it to llie afiln teil. W'e J h id the iiii-foitniie t 1 e two of nur ploldren, hv I tlie I r. akmi nut of ulcerous : thai cmerpd lh fare, head and i p. k, nMlxOlli we h id some nf till tii"st -cicntific pliysie'iMiifl to attend tie m and ha. I liie.lall the kiiowi) leinpdies, inrluding fwnim's Piiuac a. illin.il nv i il. Aiioiher ol my children na aiiaike.l in the same nunncr, l er fuce ord neck a roo p'eitly cnver.d; ihe d -si barge was so nlli nsivc, anil Hie i'iseie nt null n tie int. li'al we i d. sp nred nl her l.fe. Seeing ihe won.h rful ellects i. v. iir ipn,T.iiive viup r.t rs irs;iian 1 1, we were induced In make tri .1 nl n. ns ti e I i-t ns.ri; it ne ed like s charm ; the ii'iersc. inineiicid h.aling Ulliiie.holely . a f. w .oltie enlilelv rrslnred 'o r l.i lor he.ihh, which she hn enjoyed uii'mtenui telly i ter since. As s punfirr ol lt; blood, I enly be lieve it has nut its equal JOHN MOVER. Tailor, Walnut street, near pnuilh, Reading. Dotigl issville, April 19ih. 1S43. Mn. Oakikt : Mv son Ei'iiiuml Leaf, bad Ihe serotnln in the niosl dre.idtul snd distressing itiiin- i er fur three year, dm mil' wh'cti lime he was d. prived of lie use of his liinl . bis he ul and ntrk wt te cue red i'h ulcers We t ri- d nil ihe tiilT-r- ent remedies. I ul tn tin effect, until teconinieiided hv Dr. Johnson nf Norii-ti.wn. and also Dr. Isaac H ieter, of Rending, to use your Depuralive Sy lip of Sarsain.rilbt. f which I n'-tnilied sevt ial bodies. he use of which d'.ne It.e doca-e pi.iinlv out of h s sisiein, the cue heiltdup, and Ihe child w is real. iie.l lo pfl.ct In. .lib, whi.h he has rnjoied uninteriuple.lly ev.r hii.ee, to the n-t nisbm. nt ol j many person who seen him duirg Ins a libel ion. ; I have thought il 111 v du'y. nn.l si n. I v. .11 this ceili- fu'uie thai t.tl e.s who have a like nflliclion in the ' family may know where to ohu.u so valuable a j nieill. me. Yours lni'i . AMELIA D. LEAF. , Sept. Ill, l4:l. ly 'otiiiftri"ltriV j DEATH SLOW. J rl',be pu lie will please observe that no Hrainlreth - Pills nre geiinine, unless the I tn has three li-ln-!s upon il. (ihe top, the si.'e snd the loti on) e n h containing a fte-simile signature of my hand writing, thus H. liuiMii.i.rii, M "J. These li bel aie eiwrivcd on steel, beanlifully desiuntd, und done at an et pr use of over fS.di'd. Tin ref ore il will be seen that ihe nnlv thing nrcessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to ebserte these lub. I.. remember tin lop, the side, and Pse l10M.un. The f dl. living le-p. ciivc persons are duly auth. n zed. Slid hot.) CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the ca!e of ISrandrrih' Ytqelulile Universal 1',i'n. Northuinhcilsi d cnuntv : Milton M n key A Ch iiiibeilin. Sunbury II. H. M tsuer. M'Eoens-villi- In land ft Mem ll. N'orihum' eitaml Win. Forsyth, (ii'iircetnwii J. & J. Walla. I'nion ('.unty: New Heibn Hogsr eV Win ter. St-linaurove (teorge (undiuin. Middle Imiu Isaac Smith. Heaver'own David Hubler. Adniisbtirg Win. J.May. .Miffluifchuig Mensch iV Ray. Haitlelon Din. el Long. Kieeburg i. .V F. C. Mover. Lewishnrg Wnlls ti ('recti. I'olumbi a county : Danville E. H. li'eiiioKU it Co. Herwick Shunian V R Itenhniisp. Ca'- tawiksa (', (', liro'.ts. Hlooiushurg John R. M. yer. Jusev Town Levi His. l. Washington K.iht. M.Cnv. Lime-tone Halli'-' M-Nmch. Ill.seiie ihat each A cent has an I'ngiav.d Ctr ificale of Agency, root. lining a 11'pn's. ntniion id 1 lr HR AN DREi'Hs M.inufuci.-rv at Sing Su.p, ami upon which will aVi be seen eiact copies ..) the titw labels iit:u used upon the llrandretli fill Hurts. Phil idelphia, ojlict) No. 8. Nmili Pih street. U. nilA ! DRE'I'H, M. D. Jons S tib, ll:l. CITY I'TltMTl'KH AUCTION, AND PRIVATE SALES nOOXiIS, .Wis. JJ ami :il North Third Stn-cl, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. 1 (. A1ACKKV, Aueliotieer, re-pectfully in--. ij.es the aitenti.111 nf eiso- s desirous nf pur cha-ing Fioni iiie. lo his extensive Sih a R.inms, (Weil pul'lie und P.ivate.) t.o every deseuption nl Househ. ld Fuiitituie. win te ran be nblsiued Hi liuu-s. a large assniiinrnl ot liisliioiiabie ami wen inanufartured (' 1I1111 1 Furniture, Heds, Maltiut k, Sir., si very reduced prices, for cish (iZT SuW; hv Auction, twice a week. May SVlh. 1843. ly 'I 1 W EED LO TH, a handsome aruclr, all wool, light and elastic, for bummer Coats mid Pants, lor tale, very low, by Jp 18 IL 0. M.ASSER. IVaI ZORINES, a hiiinlsome stticle for Ladies' -'' Dirsses, lor ale cheap, by Junn 15. H. R. MASSE R. A I'lirt-slilni; .Hat lilne fur Sale, rpllE siibscrdier tillers f r .ale a Til UF.SHIMi I MACHINE, new and in Rood ord.l. 'Tba Machine hss been Itie.l. and proves to be an excel lent one It w ill be .old al ieduce.1 price, and warranted. Apply lo II. li. MASSEK. Jaly 1st, 1643. P"y" - tS,''?'" 1 I I I' 1 1 t..lS'.j TO. HEIL1CA1T & CO., Commission & Forwardinc Merchants, 1'ovt nf Wilfow Slrcct Rail Road, li TH R liKtAWtMC, TT AVINfJ associaled sn iih Ihem Joseph Hsrnet, A1 late of Easton, Pa., .nspectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have ta. km that large and well known store and wharf nt font nf Willow Street Railroad, lately oecupie'l by Jacob Martin, r.here they puipose doing a (pinral t oimmiamon and rorwar.lmg HuainoHs, and from the local advantage of the placo being conm cted with all the public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter Ihetnaelve they will be able to do bnuine lo a great, if not greater a.U ; vnntngp, and upon n reasonable terms s any other i house, and they bskuib their friends that any pon s'gnnii nts made to them rdiall have their sirict nt- , tention, and tin excitinnx spared to give entire satis- ; faction. j They nre also prepnied to receive and forward i goods lo any point on the Delaware sod Lehigh livrr, between Mnuch Chunk, Easton snd Phila del bin, via Delaware Divi-i. u and I.phitfh ('an ds; also. In nnv point on the Jiintata rivpr, or Nonh nn.l Wft Itianch. s of ihe tisquehannn via Schuyl kill and Union, or Ihe Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals. For ihe accommodation nf Hunts coming or go. ing via Schuylkill and I'mnn Canals, a SieiinUoat will In' kiptcxiiiCHi.lv for towing boat from the Schuylkill around lo the Delaware and hnck, wliirh : will en ble merchants to have iheir produce deli vered on Ihe Delaware, and their gond-i si iind at a saving ol fill to 75 per cent, no Ihe puces fir haulirg ne Kiss, with these adu.r.t ages they re ap, ctfully solicit a ihare ef i nlr.-nate. W. I1EILM AN &. CO. William Hi ilman, ) William W. Ki ysc, Joseph H:.met. 3 Philad ,M.iv 14, 1843. ly J. LIAYLAND, JR. &. CO. StmlV nitil Tobacco Manuliicturers, An. 1)1) Aor.A Wist roriur if Race and Third Sn-fil.t PHILADELPHIA. 'TMIE urdrrMgned have formed a Co-partnership .y under the firm of J, MAVI.AND. Jn. & Co.. as succPss.irs to the latp firm of Jncub .Mayland i I Co.. i.i'.il will c mtinue the busme-s at he nl.l esta- i blishinent, on il e r own necoun'. In nibliiinn to ' il.cir own close attention and experience fo iiinnv yeais, in tlie manuf iclnre of their cerebrated tnnlb, ,. the long experience of the senior pailner of ll e late firm, will also be devoted lo ihe inieret i f 'he new- concern and as no exeilinn and caie will le spared to insure their goods, nt s'l tiin- s of the ve ry best quality, tht V solicit a continuance of the confidence of the li.eiids and customers of the late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. M AY LAND, Jit. Philadelphia. Mnv Mth. lR4o ly To Country MERCHANTS. rPHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Hallimore and other litre cities, : ! osn Huts are hiuldy ciimintn.b d I ir t-imd edit and tlur-:!.il tr. ! has on hand a fir-t rate amtirtm lit of HA l ami ('APS, mittl'le for Spruip siles, wh ch w II I e sold j very low, f.a cash or appioved credit, nt ihe nitid , r7f( sture. No. 40, North Third nlruvl, o( p .si'e j ihe City llot.-l, Phila Jclphia. ! I!( I 111". Ml' D. W ILKINsON. At't'it. N. H. Orders lot Huts in the rtnii'.'l. promptly siieinh-d In, The highest ) ricti in :ash r tra-U given fir Fur iff in. Philadelphia, June 11, 184.1.--ly BOLTON & CO. (.ciK-ral iimitiloii 1 i liaitts. Fit the Sitle if I'lutir. drain, Sird, ,c, ic. Mm.im. 11 EsPEf'TFI'LLY inform their friends and k i,. Merchnt.ts generally, thai ll.ey have ta ken those large mid coin modioli s W ha' v. a, w il h I w Dotks, 1101th of Closnut ktrtt'l, on the Delaware, together with the st. re No. 19 Mouth Wharves, where ihev would be pb'asp.l lo reci ive consign rncnls of (train, Flour, Sped, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Are. Heing alo well prepaied to forward nil kinds of Merchandise hv the Sehuvlkill mid I'nion, or by ihe Chesap. uke und Tide Water Canals, as lnv boals are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing bouts I y ei her mute. Men harts will please be particular to send their g... da iVsiincd by f ill er canal-, to No. HI South Wh .ties, between Market and Chesnut utr.-e's, on ti e Delawnre. with ilirecti.au Hccompanvin ' ihem which route they wii.li ll.ein to be shipe.l. fv-j- Plaster and Sail for t-ale, nt th- lowest mar ket price. HI 1 ETON A C.i 1. March li), IH43. No. 19 South Whines. ttom.UT '4H'i i:k k so, PAPER MANUFACTURERS, l.otubttnt Stmt, ltultimorr. T AVE coii-tanilv for sale. Pruning Paper .f 1 - -I t.i7es and quiilitu s, Cap Writing Paper, rub d ; ami plain. Letter Paper, white and Hue, ruled and ) plain. Hanging Paier, fine and coinmnn, Enviloe , I Paper, do, do. medium, duub'e crown, t-tow 11 and I eitraciieil lapping Paper, I oloied Medium and Royal Papeis, Ho.iuel, Hinders' snd Snaw ll.. ' Hoards, Tissue Paper, snd all nitidi s in their line, i which they will sell nu ccimuiiHlaiin terms. , ll.ghest price given f..i old ran. Roll Eli I' CARTER .V SON, - I March 19, IH4H. Elktor HOUSE, .Xo. 2;I7, Aor' Third, above Ci.llou hilt St., PHILADELPHIA. JOHN DLNC.AN. late from lha Penn-ylvi ma F inner, nn.l Samuel Pike, jr., lire of A mi ri, an Hotel, ( '..Innifiis. ( Ihio. lake pleasure in ac qiiaiming Iheir fiend and the public tenerullv dial they have talo n the large and ciiininodi.ius lloitl, itcmtly aji:t by tlie Messra. Halt. on lh sar.ie ule once ocinpied by tiie old established Hotel known as the Hull's lit ud, in 'Third stieet shove Callow hill at. 'This Ilolel is finihhe.l in the very l est possible mai.m r, si d nl the best n.uieria's. Ilk locution Is xiy d. siiuble, particularly for ciiiititty nieirliaiits all I ,,e ,lriins, .,, for ht alir.g and veniilating tach Md , r.Miiu ia audi as to secuie any leinpeialure. I he btdiooinsaie all light and airy, all luini.hed in a neat sly'e, so as lo iusuie toiufuit. 'The receiving parlors are slso fur I ishc I ill S HI I cib style, Ihe windows aie nil the French style, foimii g an enhance 10 a balcony in fionl, whi.h makes a pleasant i.cess. Pnrticulai attention has been given lo ihe beds and bedding, which, will) ihe tuiuiture, are entirely new. rrom years' experience in h. Mel business, we fust, hy kt tiet is duity t. husinesi, to make this hnlisa a desirable mopping place. Our table will always lempplied wnh the very hist nur market can all'ord, and our bar with the bel liipjnrs and wines of the most approved brands. P. S. 'There are lir.l rate slbbn t,n,l csiriate houses attached to the hotel, ttunded by canfal and kol-cr hosilera, and ourchsryes will ba Ion, in accordance with tbe present hsid liuxs. Philsdelpbia.Ocl.7ib, Hil'L ROSS OINTMENT FOIl TI-lTTKIt. RIMOWORMfl, riMPl.KS) ON THE PAI:E, AND OTHEH rrTANFoi'si r.nctTtuMi. (fj" Tli fnlhrti'inq rrrtifim't denrribrt nne nf Ih tnnsf extraordinary curtt evrr tffeettd by any apjiticaliiin. l'mnnrtpiiiA, febniaty in. ISM. IOR twenty year I wss severely afllicted with TtTTr.ii on Ihe Face and Head! the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 18'lfi, varying in vio lence, hut without ever di? appearing. During must nf the time, great part of my face was covered nitlt the eruption, frequently n'tended with violent itch ing; my hp.td swreped nt limrs until it felt as if it would hurst the sw-elbn I was so g'l'at, that I coil' .1 scarcely get my hat on. During the long peti.nl that I was afflicted whh the disease, I use.l a great many a plications, (ninnng them several celnlirateil prepaiatinns) a w. II as taking inward remedies, including s number of bottles of Su-aim's Panacra, Extract of Santipnrilhi, Ac, In fact, it would ha impossible lo enumera'e nil the medicines I used. I was also under Ihe care of two of the most dis tinguished physician of ihi city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being, cured. In the f ill of H:!n, the disease l the time being very violent, I eooimeiicp.l using the A'ne Ohitmftit, (prepared bv Vaughan cfc Davis.) In n few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling nbn'ed. the t rui tiiin began to disappear, and before I hud used a jar the disease was rntitely cuied. It has now been nearly a vir.r and a half since, and there is not a vestigi. of the disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the disease. Il is impossible for me to descrp e in a certificate (!, sc rily of ihe disease snd my I Miftering. but I will be p!e iscd to give a fuller ac ' count lo nnv person wanting further satisfaction, I who will ell on me. At the lime I commenced i using the It se Ointment I would have given hun- dieds nf do bus to bn ri.l of the diease. Since It I sing it. I have recommended it to tever d persons, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her n-m.) who w. re a I cured bv it. JAMES DC KNELL, No. 15R, Race St. The Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. II. Vnnjhan, S,-nJi East corner of Third and Race sire- ts, 1'tiiliulclphiii, and tol.l on nueney in Simbu ry. bv H. U. MASSEK, May 14 Hi, 1H1M. A'nl. !toc Ointment, lor Tcltei. ,1 PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. Piin.Aiii uphia. May 87Hi, IH:i'.. rPIIIS is to certify ll-at I was severely afll cied with Tetter m the bunds and f. el for upwards of forty years ; Ihe disc tse was attended generally with lioVnl it'lrrig nu.l swelling. I applied to .1 nuinl.i ri.fphisici .il.', and used a great many appli cations wnh. i.t t tleciing a cure. About a y ar since, I nppl.ed ti e Rose Oinliiient, which entirely stopped ihe iichina.nnd a few upphcali .ns imniedi atilveirtd the thsease, which there has btcn no r. lurn of, although I had never been rid of it at any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAV.M.E, Eleventh, hel.w Spruce Street. C"7" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H. Viiughan. S itith Eust corner of '1'l.ir.l and Race; Siucls, I'hiludtlj bra, and k- id on a jelicv in Sunbu ry. hv II. H. MASSEK. ' Miv ltih. 14:. Axrt. 7WEDICAI, APPKOIJATION O t!,r ROSF. OI.TMF.r, .or Ttlr. A'1 LTHortiH the snperiori'v of the preiaia'i"ti nter all nth. li is fully es abli-he.l, ihe pr pr e- tors lake ph asure in laying hi fore the public 1 lit. follow ing certificate from a respectable physic 1 m, a graduate of ihe I 'niiersity of Penns. lvani 1. Di. Haiti;! , having found in thi- eiiiedy that leliel f r a leilt. us and dl-ng't cable affection whit h the means within the range of I is pr..fessi.tll tilled to alb. id, has pot hesiiati d In give it his appm'.'.iti n. all!) .ug! the prejudices and ir.ti rests of that prolusion ate 1 ppoed to secret Remedies. PlIILAIilLIUl , Sept. I 9, 1N:I0. I was recently troubled Willi a tedious herpetic t rupii. 11, which eoie ed nearly one si e nf niv t ,ce, und t xiindid over ihe car. Mr. Vaughan. pmpric l.. of the Rose Ointment, nbspiving m face, m-l led mi niv living his prep nation, of which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem bers ot mv profession, I din'ouipctiar.r e and di-ap-pn.ve ol lb. Humeri Us nostrums palmed upon tho public I y L'i.01 ant pr. lender-, I feel in jus. ice hound topxe. j t the Rose Ointmint from thai c'ass of me il, dues. no. I lo give it mv approbation, ns il tiitire Iv tured ihe eruption, alih.oiqn it had resisted the Usu i appl.cations. DAN I. H AI'OH, M. D. j' The Rose Ointmet t is prepared hy E. H. Vaughan, South Eu-t cori.t r of Third ai t) Rice Sin-cu, Piiiiude phia, and sold on 111 ncv 111 Si.u bury. 1 v H. H. MAER. M iv'llih, HM. .4 :!'. Ink. JOSEPH K. HOVER, Maitulartiii'i r nf " tit i 1 1 und Imlrlii bio Ink, No. 1 1 H North Third Street, six tliHirs hehiw Race, (east strie,) PHILADELPHIA, I'EI'EC'TFI LEV iiilorins couniry nit rr hant, k and mheis. that he con-lsolly keeps on looid a large stock nl his siin rier illack, HUie 101. 1 Red Il k. und 1. Iso superior ipiahty of Indt llil le Ink. His ink is put up in bellies varying in sre.fi.on I to '.I i ounces, and will he sold on reasonable bun-. 'The rxel'eit qualities nf this ink has so llo. roinil.lv eslabli-hpd lis ph uaccr, thai il is now extensively used throughout ihu country, For sale ai the store of H. H. Mass.r, Sim, bury. Pa. May 27lh, I S ly ( IIAIiLKS W. lIKdlNH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBtTIlY, PA. A taken the office l.nmeily ot'cupi.d bv lha Hon. ( I ai'ts (i, Donn. I, oppn.ile the C urt I H use. He will a tend to biis.ness in the Courts of Northuinbeiland, I nioii and Columbia couutira. 1 Mav Smti. H4:l. a' la 1 ( fiVx rut St e ( , rr,'j en a:r rr ca: LYCOMING COTJUTTY, l''iuii)iaiiia. riAllE Hnhscril er nspttifully iiilomis his friends L and the public ill geueial, lhal he has taken the above LARdF. AP COMMODIOUS .M. O 7 E L I N T If I' II n If fl I' fj 11 t we l M lTNfi v. jjj7v Tw ' tiiirr aferS and that he is now well prepare to accommodato all who may favor h m with iheir ru.i.uii. IDs SLturiae ArsaTntiTa tre well aim 1, and comfortsble. His Tiaia sKii n will l,y,y, he ,3pi,h,d with the oei the msikel can ailord. Ilia KTsaiian, which is gisd. will U under Ihe charge of good and cart ful hostlers. He feels confident, by slricl attention ta buainiss, and an earnest desire to rentier c .mfmUhle those wbo may pslroniia him, lhal be will not fail iog.se Ij'tneral aatisfai tiou. . j), y j; i Money, Ocl. I.i, 143 ,f. 4.