From the Broadway Journal. A TAI.B OP t.rZOM. Dt X.RY K. HSrritT. Sits tli a old man in his dwelling, 'neath ths low. tv roof of reds, To himself b:s sorrows telling, as ft hermit tells his beads, Olid the hmh of glowing noontide scarce a leaf stirs in the brecw, Whore it float eth, perfume laden, lightly o'er the citron trees, .And a silver fount is (lashing in the sunlight near the door, Making music with its plashing, rippling o'er the pebbly floor. But the old man, all unheeding, sits In loneliness apait, Miil the pape of memory leading deeply traced upon his heart. Lo, h" wcopeth! No one seeth where the tear adown his vest Trickles o'er the scapulary hanging low upon his breast. Put anon he reverent bending cresses thrice his furrowed biow, And his voice is utterance lending to his plain tive spirit now 'Holy Mother ! Mother! hear me! llar a sorrowing heart complain Farthly sorrow once came near thee, Thou hast suffered mortal pain. To the World's polluted altars I Asm holier temples turned, Aud my h.-art, as 'twere a censer, There before mine idol burned, As the tree her odorous incense Toureth ever 1o the sup I have found the God I worshipped But a base parhelion ! Lif'.''s bright visions all have left ms Vh?re my hopes lie crushed and strown ! Time of all I loved hath reft me, And I am alone alone! Yet my soul, amid the ahes Where I sit with memory, Through the tears that cloud my lashes, Star of Heaven ! looks up to thee!"' Now. a bird, swan-white, and shaking drops like diamonds from his plumes, ?r-iingsfrom out the glancing fountain, and a- cross th garden blooms, f light as 'twere a heavenly sunbeam, darteth through, the op"n door ?vati-uhitc, enters like a spirit from the far E- lysian shore. Thrice the old man round he circles in a view loss, airy rinjr, Then upon the rude stone table, folding down each snowy wing, Silently the white bird pervihes close beside the old man's place, And v. iih his eyes r.lnr, soft, and luminous, loo- kelii in his sorrowing face. Io! t'i;; sun, long past its zenith, l.attcth on to ether hinds, Arid r.o more the old man lcaneth down his brow upon his hands, Tut beneath the glowing sunset in his cottage door ti 3 I'ons rr.ay know whet words of comfort the swan- v : '.: 1 .r J coulJ in rait, n.! yy i .....5 ciJ r: ..'s visage, and sweet er.r? is i:i h'.s hev. t. . .: n., dt co-Jislitiui-I; iho cfiillcinn. , nlTihle d llid.iit or.d Hi.u;r-us .i nt and polite : his behaviour I'l. !. 111. t i to pit a.-t1 ; llilel is p!caaiil uud oraceful. Wlieulio niters the f.i-use of tin inlet ior he endavora to hide, il pns f ih!c, the diff'trence between their rank in life. r.ct willing to nfsict Ihofe arotind liim.heie l'.t.-i'.her unkind, hutiehty, nor overbearing. In i ,p. mansions of the rrreul the correctness ol his eninJ induces him to bend to etiquette, but not tittoop to adulation. Cornet principle cautions i,im to avoid the gaining tnblt', int briety, or nry ii'!. er huhle that could cccai-ion him hell r 'piARCh. I'iesifd witll the pleiisurcii of re flection, lie r j lici'i to eee the cnyety ot wide ly, and i lustulioiiii upon no ioint d little im porf. Appear only to be a gentleman, aud its t-!;iitl;nv will bring upon you contempt j be a lentleman, and its honuiira will remain after y -u nre dead. Muitos'b Baby. The UoMon Commerciul Gazette reUieH a hiiiplmhle anecdote of Am Hard, the rrenchmun, in win-- liout the Duke t.i Orleans boatdid while in BoMon, Afliblnrd wus a tailor. I laving made n puir ot pan la loom) li. r a Mr. Lumh, but, toiftting Ihe name ot I. lb t irilcnar, he went into the market, and taking hold ol a leg ol mutton inquired ol the butcher ; Vat you Cll dis 1' 1 his is' IUh, inution, ia il ! Veil Vat you call do ll ulton'a baby 1' The butcher answered, 'Lamb.' I.smb. Oui !' f JtcUimed the Frenchman, Mat is him. Monsieur Iiu b is de very man vol for I make the pantulcen.' Mif Matilda Mi'fg has put mt a freeli t-hin pie at her Mmp tlaor, with this announcement It i as clear as mud : Kmowtih. I er cot in sum nn artikklea fa nil sich a krakkera, kandles, kabbipie, kmfy, kopa and siwuirs, and menuy oilier oilik kles tu newaiuruatu meuthun, all cell n;' cheBp. Kll in. P. S Beena is bort litre, by the rpiort or booth ill. Apply iu the psesige ruuud the mak kril borril. IIAXK NOTE LIST rCXXSVI.VAeSIA. The following list shows the current value of nil snnsvlvania Bank Notes. The mo-t implicit re- Imnee may I placed upon it. s it Utvcry wrcrt lawfully compared with ai d corrected fioiu Biik- nell's Reporter. nanus In Philadelphia. , Disc, t Nv,. Watio. yultkV. NOTE 9 AT PAR. (Jink of N.irih America . . par Hank cf the Northern Liberties . par Rank of IVnnV" par Farmers' and M.-chaniie' Bank . pir Kcrinr?'on It it'k . . . par Chiladelplvi Hunk . . i par Schuylkill Bn.k , , . par Suilhwark Unnk . . par Western Rank . I'"' Mechanics Hank par Manufacturers' Mechanics' Hunk par Country ItanUs. Rank of Chester County Westchester par Hank of Delaware County Chester par Bank nfOcrniantown Uctmantown pir Rank of Montgomery Co. Nnrrismwn par Doyleslnwn Bank Dnylcstown pur Easlon Hank Easlnn pnr Firmer Bunk of Pucks CO. Pri-tol pir OHice f Hank of Pci.n'a. Ilarrihiirg- Thec Olfioe ilo do Lancaster I office Office do do Reading f do mt Olfice d. do Eatnn J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. "ink of the Uniied St ites Philadelphia 23 flunk of IVnn Township . 'r fJirard Dank i Movamemuiig B ink . p" Bank of "ei.nsvbniih I1" Miners' Hunk of Pottsville'sville Hank T I ewi-liiwn LewMown 1 Bank i f Middlelown Middlelown 1 Bunk of Nnrttininbeilsnil Northumberland par Columbia B ink & Bridge co. Columbia pr Carlisle Bank Carlisle 1 Exchango Bank Pittsburg 1 D.i di branch of llollnbivsburg 1 Farmers Bmk of I. aucrtslei Lnncistci par Lancaster County B hk Lancaster pr Farmer' Hank of Reading Ruling pni llairihurs Bunk Harris. urj t t.nirnrer Bank Lnncmler pr l.ehnnon Bank Lehsimn J Men hnni.' A: Manuf. Bank l'inlurg I H ink f Piitsliuru Piitshuig I si U'H.neh B .uk Willininsport 1 VN'yiimins Dnnk Wi'kol'Srie I J B ink AHeniown finks Cuiuitv nesiliiig OllVe of Bailk of U. 8. Pillsl.urg fmli d D.i do do lie do D) do do New Brighton dn KeuFine'ou sv. ln. A do Penn 'l'on-hip S iv. In. do llimk of 'lianil'etvl.urjf ('hnmherHhurg 1 B.u-k ol (ieily.lnirn ('llynl-urg I Hunk of Su-ijueliaiina Co. Mr.iiirose 35 Erie lUi.k Kriu 2 F'i'in r' V Drovers' Bank W ayneshurg 2 Franklin Bink Wnaliiualoii I H. mod ile II .uk llonesd.ile IJ Mm iingitii'h Bank of B. Brnu nsville Ij Vi-k Bank Y.ok I N. B. 'I'he noted (if t!ioc hiii.ks on which o .miit quotniioin, and suliittite a ( ) are nut purchased by the Phil idi Ipl.u troker, wi'h ihe exception ol uhiih have a leiter ol r, fen nee. II lillK K N BANKS. Philmlelphia Shv. Ii.i. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schulkill Sav. Manual I.atn.r Banii ( I', I'hila.l. ,hia failed filled f .lied filled d.i do Dyolt, prop.) 'J'owund.t Be.lloid Be.ner llniiiliiirtr a-l li.mnii Bell f .nil) Pltul'UIR I'ltii-I'iirsj Fayelli' co. lir.-1'iiea-.t e II.IMIIOhV W I'owanda Bank Alleghany B ink of Pa. Blink of Beiiver of Kwainra Bank of VVnOiington Ccnlre Bunk City Bank Farmer & Meih'rit' Bunk Furniers' ft Mech'f.' Bank Funnel' et MecliVa' lljnk tlarmonv Inviiluto Miintiuiiihii, Bunk 'iiniala H ii.k umlirriiieii'ii liJiik i.rlherii Bank i f I'.i. Xt-w Hope ll. I. Bn.tee Co. Northnnili'd Union Col. Bk. V.ilh Wfsti rn Ba-ik ot I'a. Office of S. tmvlkill B ink I'h. Alt. V- M iia.l. Bunk Siivet L.'ke Bin k Union Hai k of I'enn'a. einioielunil Bank no tale closed rlo.e.l I .ol. . I if. Sill ln Mile lilted fole.l f ule.l no rale lliinliri.ton on ;ile I. en i!u ii nn n.ile NViirien Dnn.l.iir New Mope Miliini Meadiille Port Ciubon Cnrlivlo Monii..e l.'iiinninwn Cri'enkl.urg Wllki s'.iarre l.l.le.l no i- ile el..he.l no -ul. i..m.I fill lid rloniil filled il.ii-e.l no nle Wilkesharre Bridce Co. QJ" All note puiporiinR to he on any Fenii-yl-vauia Bji.k not given in the above list, may he net iowu as fraud. xew jntsr.Y. Bank of New Biuusvvick Behideie Hunk Burlington Co. Bank Domiuercml Bank 2uuiberl.ind B.u.k Briitiin ii k Belvideia Mr.ll.Hil Penh Ainlioy ltriiltei.ui failed i par i p.r par .'iirm. r.' Biik Mount ll.dly Parmrrs'and Mechanic' Bk I.'hI.wnv t farmeri,' and Mechanic' Ilk N. Biunswitk faili.l Farmers' and Merc linni.' Bk Franklin Bunk of N. J. iloUokcn Uke &. Ciuzmg Co Jersey City Bank Michauita B mk .Mid.lUt.mri Pi. Jersey tJiiy failed llohiken U1l.1l J tey City f.ule.l l'al'eiaiu failed II. II. villa falle.l Morristonn j Freehold failed Newalk Trentnii pur Jersey City no sal.- j Nets uk l.aillleltMlld j lloimkeil faded Jersey City tailed ( Irnne I'alerann falle.l (hi J Priocelon par Sal. in par Newark i PliMtt.eihiown i ('ailiden par Momriown ) Trenton failed Sali in fulled New ion i Trenton par Dnvrr i Ilackensack failed Munuf it lur i' U.u.k Morri County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. M.chanii' Bank Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Morrin Canal and Bkg Co Poi-t Notes Newa'k Bks & Ins Co New Hope Del Undue Co N. J. Maliut.K-. ai il Bkit Co N J Pioircinn &l l.ouit.uid Ik Orange Bank PuieriMin Bunk IWpltV Bank Pimceton Bsnk Salem Baiikiti Co Stme B ink Sime Bnnk S.ate Bink Slate Bank of Morris jute Bank Salem mid I'hilad Manuf Co Susmi Bank Trenloii Hul king Cu Union Bank V antiii ij tun Banking; Co. ii:i.iViiu Bk of ilm & Br inil) viii: U i inliigton par pat par par par par p.r par par Uank of Delaware Bank of Smyrna Do hranch 1I11111. gion Smyrna Milloid Farmer' Bk of Siaie of Del Dover Do branch Do I r uni t) Do I rani h Union Bank ff Under 5's Wilminuton (eo.getown Newc it le Wiiunngton 1 (J-On l I'snks maikrd thus () llxre srs i. Iber reunlcfeil or allrrrd Holes vf lbs Var.ou iia osminauons, in cirsulsusu. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BUirBURT, r A. Business mipodeil to in the Counties of Nor. thumUrtand, Union. T.veominn and Columbia. Hefrr to I Th Hart & Co., T.rtw.n Ar II 1 n nn.. Hart. Ccmums & Hat, yl'hilad. Ratoins. McFaatssm & Co. Spkhho, 'Joon & Co., , YLUCTAHlii: 1 OJI PO t X u, .m thk rtiKu p DYSPKPSI A. IIH Medicine is imVed to the public gnner allv. from a full conviction thi ii ia superior t. anv other m'dieme now in u.e, fr ttie cure of Dvprp.ia. I.ivcr f5..m.laint, Nervous Dol.iliiv or Bodily We.kneM.&e. III. rlTec'shave been tented in a private practice i fne ir liitht yens, and it is now more expensively cnrnlKteil, nt ihe ..lieini.'e of nimv who hnv.- ro teived ihe nio-t ieinl I elirlit Irinn ih u e .fit. Tlie f.i'liiwiiiK i one 11 11.01 1 a hiiiiiUt "I rutifi e i'en nciivi J in nljlion to tUe i-urcCi of this me d.c net I,ictkii Co. March IS. Dn. Ornaott W. Ailki, Deur Sir Ii is with ur. at i'e.nure ilml I in urm oU of die sue. ei" Mei.tling your Dysi ej. lie Me.ln- ne, e emil .yeil in nv m'ic. Fm n i X..n. 11. e, I lirinlv hi In ve lhat in ' cht m out ol leu. ihe Dyspepne, In llie ue ol y..ur inedi . inc. n. en ir ly ri.i Iiiii.m If of ih ihorn u the .,illiwnv of life: not nnlv in i1ye t:c, Imi ill nh of emifl iialion and liea-i' depe' d ! on a d.l'iloa e.l stale of itie li. rvou rystein, live w uh a ( 1 id rt tc of the li..wrl. vt i I y . nr E liir hef.ur d of in-t rn .hie vnlue. Nu-ier. u. in--t.iiici s whe em ttie u fu tr of ihe iiiH.licme h.i l.ei 11 re.i i-ed, may ne fm warded, if reqiiiml. I y. u fitif rucivf, nnd tec. 111. 11. nd the ii.edi l ine to the mUrr nt I 't of ni inkunl. Votiif. with ere it re-peel, KtHiLU I' AtiNUW. M. D. Cj For fate at H e tt'iie of II. B. Maimer, agent for ihe pr 'prieior. Snnl'iirv, Pa. I Muter 2fnli. IH 14. I V A N II It V A IC O i A I. WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT A: CM MAM r,CTlTli:il8, South llnul rorntro Murktl and 4i sis.. Iliilanilila, "" 7 II n Ii n liny alwit k--p on hand nn exlen hive i- utrii. III . f HA T' W C A I'S of everv .Ii .crip' ion. g i'l1 I" tl e I e-l in I mont np;.rotrd t le. I'ei 114 d. nr. u ol 1 iiri li '-ins ani cha on ihe h a. n d ie term., ill fi d i1 lo il'i'ir a.lantge to call b. f re milking urcliae el-e. h. re Pi ilml. Ipliia, Oci 5l'i. 1S J1. tv I S HH I D rs s TAXNKIIS' oil. ,'000 Dy I.i Plit i Hides fir-t qualiiy. :J50 Drv I.i iiii-t. d.i IOOO l v Siiiid I.i Onira. do tiOOO Diy Sa't d Hr ail Hide., do 35 Di e. (ire. ii Salted Patna Kips. JO Hal.. Drv Pa in. h"'". ViO B-irre'a T .nne'' Od. I iiner-' and I ?nn i, i' Tool. For .ale io Country Tanner at ihe lowest prices nil upon ll.e het t. rms. N. B. The highest m nkel price p iid for all kinds ol h aiher D. KlRKPU inCK cV SON'S. N.. 2l...iiih I l ird St. I'l.ll delphld. Senirmler 14. 141. lv. SIll'r.r.ItT'S PATKNT vas:iitg 1:. chute. riMIS M chine h 11 v !. eo te-'e.l ty in..r. 1 Ihmi ilii-iy l i o.l e. in lln ne.l,l. .rh 'Oil, nnd h 1 giidi 1 nt ire -alirlii no 1. Ii is -o im.le in 11 r. 1 tr.n ii. n, that M cannot eel out of i r.l.r. Ii ecus ii no iron I ill 1, unl pi in n or roll. r 1.1 i!e o. I ol ie(.nr. Ii u .i ito twice 1 11 nit; uth mi.., Willi 'etli:in hull tliewmr iiii.I tear of any ol Ihe I ile uneri'i.iii". Hint wli't l of ere.vcf i'l per ii c .-! I 111 III It' over fall .1 inueli a otlic a 1 1 i 1 p uiart loe. The ml' rila r ha hp exelu-ive rich' fir Nor iI iiiiiIh ll lllll. I'.MOII. I. c iiiiii g. 'olllll.l'i 1, I.o zerne nnd Clinton CoUulir. Price of ainete in 1. ,ho e0 II. B. M ASElf. Tie follow i" g ce tfie.t.' fioin few 11 1 ll.o.e win, ihc-e in el i. ea in use. Sin, I my, Aus.24, l4t. We, ihe iit'enler cernly thai we have now in u-e, in our families. Sl.uceil'. I'.ilent V..h nil! M ichiiie."iid do i o! hl'iltia iiiiu til. 1 il i .1 most ix I'lh iil inveioi in. Thai, 111 NV h 1 1 1 1 1 (j it will -aveni .re lliin one h i'l the u-ll d la!. nr. Tim I it reqniie inure than one tl.ird ihe iiohI (pnnli'v ol .0 p and w iter ; an. I ihit there I. n rul'i'ing an I Con-., qoi nily I it e or no wea1 inn r ti .inj I'll it it knock J ll 101 hucmi', ami Hull ihe fineal clo h' .. i C aa collar-, lace, ti:ck, I11I'., may be -soured in ve y h,rt ln.i.- w ithout H e lot injur , m il HI fact wiih. Ill MiV appnien' wear and I. ', h itev r. We iheief.,r tie eitiilly reioHuneid t I our fiend and I . ihe I nhlic, a ino.l Ui-ifu' and lib r m u m.irlin e. I'll MJl.r.S V HEiilNS, A. lOituAV ens wKvi'n. CIIS I'l.K sXT8, lilliEON M AKKI.K. II (.'Kit. t:. Kl KFIi, bi:. 1. iii:m)i.'' ks. GlDLON I.LISliXUINO. IIfhii' IIotkl. (form rl v 'Pieinu. .1 II U-e. No. 116 I'll unul siie,) Philadelphia, fej.'enili. r 2U, 1x44. have Khtiorrt's Patent Wa-hine Machine in mv hou e upw ird of eilit month-, and do urn hr.ii.'e 10 ia thai I .le. in il 11 e ol ll 111. 1 t uae- (I a. d v'u"l'ie lal.ornavn c inacli'iie e r inviii lid. I former'y k' pt lw.i w .neu r.n liimally '" enp rd in lii..I, wli.i 1. 1. iv do a nun h ill two .'ay 4 at ilny Iheu did in one wnk 'I l.r.e 1 111 witr or lei.r 111 wnslnin.. and ii requin not more than olie-tliir.l ihe imuiiI ijuannlv ol .ii.i. I li iif had a niuolr of o h. 1 in t hine in my lam ly. hoi llns iao ileeidi illy snpeiioi to every lions ele. and . Ii tie ha'de Io get tint of lep.n, that 1 would iml in wiltiout one if they .houl l r 1. 11 l ine ihe price 'hey air old for. DNIF.l. MCKIt. NOTICE to mi:i;i 11 1 1 s & .tu i.i.i mis. M AI. M. iSi JOS. K. AIAL'LL, MA.M-'FACTI IIEI S .M) DF. I.HJS IN FOB Kit i AND DOMKsTIO SI'IIAW (iilODS iN'o. 30, A'trA .S'erniii Strut, foppoiilc the Ma di ton Jlotitp,J PHIXjADEX.FHXA. WMEKR wil1 1 f mi.) a general a""t i-oieiit of Florence Br.11.l-. AHer'a. Ku land. Peddle. ll'ow I'l ill. Pica ft aw, nd ll.e inueli admire, I N' Hp.ilitmi I nc. , a d Fancy Bon neia, iiiaiiiifartnred hy , and for aale a' the low e l ni'ioiilaciu prices Merehant. and Milliner are ioviie l 10 give 11 a e h upon ining the Cny. qQ- N, U W have l-o enn-lanlv mskng .or iiimior h r .ml O't .r edgioi, all of which will be o d cheap, for ca. i'bllsUslihis, May SS, 194. 1 'flll-i-L XI .1 . 1... 1 - t . Si . .1 W OAKLEY'S UEI'IJRATITE SIIIUI. flHE viihinh'e proieriies of Oakley' Depioa 1 tive fyrup of Sar.aparilla, as a purifier of ihe hi. ird, is an well known to 'he puhlic generally, that it is unrrceesiiy to occupy much. pare in net ting forth the advantage to he derived from iia ua- wherever the medicine has once been intr.v dueed, it takes precedence oer all otheist evuy one lhat has taken it, have derived o rdgnal bene, fieial resulis from it, that it is recommended by them wi'h the u moat confidence. Physicians of the hiehcxt stan-liiiB in the pmfes.ion, prcaerihe it to pa'ienta under their rare 5 containing r.niliinu deb teriou. but biioB compoed nl Ihe m.'Sl mild, yet ffic.ieiou vegetable i. nfT. red with Confidence, as ihe chenpeal anil mo-t elllrteiil .o. nfier of ihe blood now known. The n.e of n few h.. ile. especial 'y in the sprina ninnih. will be hi tendi il w ith a rn.-el ileeide.l iinpinvemi nl in the Be. nernl slrencili of the system, eM.hca anv -ee.U of disea-e Ihnt mav have been c lier.ih-.. hi .idea giving health .ml via. r tu the hndv. For ihe cure ol Sir.. lull or K'ttc Evil. Khenmi'.m Titter, Pimple or einpli n ol ihe Skin, While Swelling. F -In'a. Chrome Coue'i Alh.n i, A'c, The no cexifien'e in the poKiioii of ihe nil u rt l er and hi nc.'nta, floin nnd oihi ra. are si'lTieient I" 101 v nee ihe m.ait k- I cl id 1 1 m. iri..'itv over nil pup .ritioii. .( S on p nil' 1. S Id w Inile-itle nn I ret .i', l-v 'he roj -"ieti.r, CEnl.'OF. W. OXKI.I V. N. 'ih Slh -tre t Be. 'ins. B-.k Corn y, and m I'e hn' of the following pi i..i . : In l'nrtfi'iilf turd t'litiittp II. B. Mil",, Sun bury ; 1 eland oi M Xel, .Mi l'Jeii.nille ll Krau.. r Vil'oii. hi I'n'iiii Cuuntf). J. Oeiirh .rt, Selin-grove; A Ciio In... M'flln.1 ii'ir. In Culumhiu Cuuuty. It. W. McCay, Wi.h iiijjien. II. ading. March 14. 14:t. Mir. I believe il the lit v of every nt.e I., do w hulever in thiir power I ic, for the h in-, filoftlieir f.llow ma , arid havn g had p i i ive piool in inv own faiinlv, nf the Won.tnful proar'ie of your D. pnraii.e fsv nip of Sa'.ap -rilla, I III l con. ienttou-lv reeoiii'iieinl it in ihe aflbeled. We had the mi-f oitune t I we I wo ol' our children, bv the hr.nkiui! out ol uleeroii. .re. lha' covceil lrn face, head mid 1 pi k. i.llt.oug'i vv.- h id .onie ol ll'l 111. ..I -eiemiric physician to nt'eod th m and lol l tried all the known t p.!ic. including NwHiiu'a Panne, a, iv ilhool av til. Aoo'l er ol n.y clnlilren a. i'ntke l in ihe nine in inner, her face ui il liei k was coii p'etely carrnl; the il i barge n. o ..flcnuiiv, and the disea.. nt tm li a he tin. il at we il.spaireil ol her l.f.1. ecng ihe wonderful effect of vniif I'epi r.nive Sv tup r.' S .rapari 1 1, we weie Milium! 1,1 make trial ol 11. a' ti e lai-t ! ri ; 11 ne ed like a c'mmi Ihe 11 ccr. c. ni'n. nr.d lu iilmg immediately a f w ho'tlea etiitielv rr-i.ircilo r tu lir he.lth, vvhieh she h .eij .ved liri'iiteriUi ledly ever ti ce A puiilh r ol ihe h!o al,I venly he In ve 11 Inn nut it eipial Jull.N MOVER., Walnut it re. t. near Foniili, Kcading. DonglsiiHe, April 19th, 184:1. Mn. OiKt rr: Mv .on I'.'niiirid Leaf. I. a I (he .crolxla in the 11101 dread'ul and man- I er for ihr.e jea'. dm ina vh. eh lone hew.aih ptivr.l of ll.e use of hi. Iim' . hi- l e d and nick weie co 1 red wiih ulcer We Hi d nil ihe ihiV.-r- 1 1 1 rem. ile.. I ul Io no 1 fT- rt, lint. I reconini. ruled Iv Dr. Johnson ,,f .. mi-town, and aUn Dr. Isaac Ilnslei. ol Itemhi g. Io lis. von. DepU'alive Syup ol Sarsapi.rilla, ol wl.ulil n' tained sevel il honle. 'he use nf winch tl-ovc ll.e ili-ea-e ei.iin Iv out of In svs.em, Ihe sore l.eileil up, and the child w rratoied to pfilecl heilth. which he ha. enj.ived II im.ieri ui tt.lly rvr since, to fie -t iiihineiit ol many peisona w ho seen .111 ii g h.s afll ilion. I have thought it mv ilii'V. and n I v. .11 tins certi ficate thai oil e a who have a like affliction in ihe fni.ilv limy know where to nhta.n a.i valuable a iiie.ll. inc. Vour tuil . AMELIA D LEAF. Sepi. Ki. K43 ly C oimtri l4'l( i n' DEATH BLOW. 'Pile pu' lie will iilisene dial no Bramheih -I Pil'a are pen. Hie, utiles, ihe box ha ihree li bel upon it. (ihe lnp, Ihe i. e and the holtoin) e.ill eonlainii.g a f c-siinlle si J' nlllie ot rnv h .lid writing, thus 0. Bavins, rn. M. D. I hear- I, bel aie enrtve.l on sleel, lanul. fully ilesigned. nnd done ai an ev pene of over f'i.OIUI, II will be seen lhat 'he only thing ii'ce:iiy Io pr ure ihe medicine in it purity, is 10 observe these lab.' Is. Itememh. r ihe lop, ihe i.le, nd hp bo'torn. I he I'lliowing ic-peclive aroii ure Only aulli. ri I. il, and bo!. I CERTIFICATES OT AGENCT For the sale of Dramheifi's Ycgeluble Vnixertal rut. Northori'bc'l.v d eountv : Milton M 11 key & Cli ,riil.. . lui. ."uiiliiny II B. M isaer. M l.ei villi- li.l.n.lA Meix-II NoiiIhiui eilan.l Win Forsyth, (ieoiiii tow 11 J, A: .1. U .11. Union C iii iv : New ii. rl 11 Hog & W n nr. Selinserove tJeorge (iuiubuiii. Mid h bins laiic Snijili. Be 1V1 r -w o I 'in 1! Ilublc. A.I inisliuig VVm .1. M Midi tisbuig Men-, I. iV. Ray. Ha llelon D inel I, ..n'g IS. A F.C Miner. I.e-.v -l.iirc Walls A' (S'eeii. t'oluinbi . em. niy : D .mille E. B. I.'c iu.I.U At Co. Berwick SlniinuiA R ttenhouse. I 'n lawissa 1 ', (!. BrobU. Bloouisliurg John R. M. ver. Jeisey 1'nwn l.t vi Bi. l. Wasbini:tou itobl. M.Cnv. I.iine-toiie Ball'-' h VcNl'Ch, Ohseive 'hat each Acenl h i an l'ngi..v d C. r 'il'icate of Agency, rorii lining a repn-s nlutiou ol Hi BR AMlRE I'll'-S Maliulacmrv al Sing Sing, and up 'ii which will a so be seen exact copies ol the tuw lubeii now used upon (he Hrandrelh 'ill Itoxis. Philadelphia, office No. 8. North Rth aiieel. B. BRANDRETH.M.D. June 24ih, l41. CITY FL'HNrriTiK UTTKI.V, AND PRIVATE SALES KOOIMS, Nus. Vi) and 31 North Tliinl Struct, Near the City Hotel, IlIlI.ADEI.PIIIX. ( C. MACKFV, Auctioneer, re-peclful'y in vile, the i, ntiiiii nf per.v deiirous nf pnr-cha-inu Fii'lii'iiie. to hi extensive S.,1. Rooms, (t'Oih pu' lie and I'ljvnle.) for every deseiipli.ui nl lion-, h. l.l Fuinittire. wh. re can l obtaiued ul nil tunc large assortment . f fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, MaliraaisS, &e.. l very ml need price, for tish. 07" Stiles bv Auction, twice a w- k. Msy 2'iib. 1843. ly 'PWEED I.O I II, a haiidsoine article, all wool. I ghi and el"nc, lor Summer C a and Pants, fo' aale, very low, hy JoielS H. II. MASSER. II Al ZORI.N'FS. a haiidaoiue siticle for I.adie' - Diesse. for sale chep, by Jun. 1ft. II. B. MASSER. A Tlirckl.liikT M a li I ne Tor Kale. riHE offers f-r sales THRESH I NO L MACHINE, new ami in f.axl mil. r. The Machine ha been tried, an. I prove lo I an excel lent one ll will I miIJ si reduced price, and warranted. Apply lo II. U. MASaiElt. July 11, 1843. EEILlIaUT & CO., Commission &. PorwarrJinsj IMcrclmnts, font nf WHhw Slrert Hail Roml, ot Tua i.niwist, TJTAVINO as.ocinied vi h them .Ineph Barnet, Inle if r.a.b.n. pa., resoertfullv Inform (heir friend and the public generally, ihnl they havr, (a kin th t large and we'l known store and wharf at f.n t of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupie I by .lcob Man in, where they pU'pnse doing a tJem ral Commission and Forwarding Bu.iue.., and f om the local advantage of the place being conm cled wiih "11 the I'liblic improvement thai have iheir outlet In the city, they flatter theineves ihey will he able t.i do bnaiiie to aa gre il. if not g en'et ad vantage, and iiin a ien..nable lerm. a. any other house, and thev aiwiiie their friend that any con sig. mem made to Ihem .hall hnve th. ir strict nt. """T "I P"''""""'- l' '"'m " ' -'--tenon, nd no edition, spared to give entiie satis. !'"P ""0 "" w. II a. laUtng inward 'dies, fir,lnn ' including a number of bottle ol Sumima rinuc?af nl. .1... .1 : t ..i ! Extract if Sarnunurillit, tte. In fact it would b" . .. -j .... ,..,.,.., , rn warn 1 good nt any point on the I). law-are and ch rivers, between Maucht'hunk, l"ai.m mi l I'hiln del hi, vi i Dch.wnre Divisi. II and I ehiull Can Is; al.o. to nnv point ..n the Juniata river, nr Nor h and Wi .1 Blanche, of the Hu-qiic haiina via Sehuvl. kill and Union, or the and Tide Watei Cilia's. Fi r 'he aecnmm.vdation of Boa', c .ming nr go i. g vii chuvlkill and Union C-in-da. a Sie .rn'.ont "til h k. p' i xp'e.slv for t iwina boats from the Sehiiv h.l .., I to (he Del.waieau.lbaek, wbicll will en ble nn iclianl to have their produce dcli e eil on ihe De'iiwate. nnd their goods sl iiip. d t a siving ol 5tl to 75 per cent, on the prices f ir h inlii a c. n-, with advhiit.ig. a they re piclfully solicit a .hare of pair. nnce. W. 1IEII.MAN & CO. Williaoi II. ilmsn, William VV. K.)s. loseph llarnel. J Philnd .Mav 14, 1S13. ly J. IVIAVLANS3, JR. 6c CO. Siiuli' tiiul 'I'nbitcco M Mtiuliiflureis, .Vr. 1)9 Aortt West rortirr cf Have and Third S!ri rt PI11l.ADEI.Pm . THE nriiler-igned hive formed a Co-pirtnersbip under lb,, fir f J. MWI.WI) .III. A- IV. a to ihe t.ile fnm of Jiicnh .Mnihmd iV j f rt,. end will c .mil. tie ihe I ii.ti.e- at he old esta- I b-hii'i nt, nn tier ow n aeeoun'. In addinoii to 'heir own close attention Hint experience I ! many Veai. in the manufacture of their eelebr ite.l .null-, Ac the long experience of he senior pmli er of tl e late firm, will hI-o be ilevoled Io 'ho interest ..f ihe new cm cern -and na no exeiliou nnd cme wid If .pared Io insure their good, si all lim sol the ve rv besi qt.alny, llu v solicit a ronlinuaiice of the confidence of the fi end nn l cn-t uners of the late firm. TIIOMs ADMS, J. M A VI. AND. .la. Phihd.lphin. May 14th, IIX ly " T C'oiintrv MERCHANTS. ! rrilE Subset Marinf.Kii Tiber, Acenl ol I yon & Darns, Hat ' Hirer, for INew irk, I'lnl .ilelptila, Ballimoie and -.'her Inri'C cities, 'ih. Hutu 'v higlily ciimimn.led I ir fjnorr' eol-it and durif.ility, has O i I and a lir-t rale 'is'oitrn 'lit nf H A I'S and CAPS, suit i'de for Sprnp ade-, wh ch w !l 'e sold ; verv low, fa cai'i or appioved credit, nt the m ted ' cheap bttire. No. 4l, .Ninth Third strict, o p ibi'e the City II. .I'l. I'lnbi lelphla. I ItoltiDiT D. WILKINSON. Ai-ent. N. B. Ordei l.if Hats in heru;V pr'i.npllv I aitciiile.l lo. The highest rice in w-i or lia ie ; given l.r Fur i4n.. j Philadelphia. June 11, ISloV-ly BOLTON & CO. I Mrncrul t mtiiitlsiNloii 3l rs liaiilsi, I V.r the Sale if I' lour. Grain, Seed. .Sc.. 4c. JlPKt"l'F1T.I.V inform their friend and 'he Merchnnl. generallv, th.1t ihey have ta ken those l-irge and coiiirnodiuii Whaiv-s, iih two llink", notlh of Ch.nnut stnei, on the loeelher w ith the store No. 19 S.mlli Wlnrve., when- ihey would be plea-ed lo receive coiisiL'ti ment of lira. n, Finn. Seeil. Whi-key, Iron. Ac. Ac. Being also welt p'epaied to forward nil kinds of Merchandise by ihe Schuylkill and Union, or by the I 'be-api nke nnd Tioe Water Canals, a low. boat are kepi expiesly foi the purpoKe of towing boats by i I ei mute. Men hai't w ill pie e be pariicul ir lo .end their g .. d i'e. iii e.l hy ei'ber canal-, No. 1'J Sontli VV Ii.rv,., lalwien Market and (.'he. nut atree's. on the Delaware, u uh directions nccomp inying ihem which route ihey wish ibein to be shtpi e.l. Qj- I'lusier and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. IIOl.TON A C'. March I9.IH4X No. 19 South Wharves. itoiti:i: r ciit i i:it .s. m, PATEn MANurACTuncns, l.imibard Strttt, llultlmai e, nAVl; coii.-iauiK for sale. Pruning I'.ipernfah sizes ami qualm. . Cap Writing Paper, rui. d ail pi. .in. Letter l' p.r. white ami blue, ruled and j plan., llangii g Paper, line and common. Envelope 1'nper, dn. do. m.d, cm, dnuh e c.ow n, cr..w n and i V'i.i V n.pp iig Puj ers. Col. .led Medium ai d llovil l'ie Hi. .met. Hinder' and S'law Box B 'litd., To-sue Paper, nnd u II ail tie ill 'hen line, w I n ll ihey will sell on scci ininoiliiung terms. 1 1 . i, 1 1 -1 price given I I old rags. ROBERT CAItl ER A- SON. March 19. IS43. Elklon. Md MKKCIIAKT'S HOUSE, -Vo. 27. Xorth Thiid,,ionr C.llowhill St., I'llll.ADEI.lMIIA. "BOHN I'U.Nv'AN. bee from the Per.ii.ylva S)P ma Fiuin r, n l Samuel Pike, jr., la e of A nn ncan Hotel, I 'olumbu. t 'hio lake pie isure iu ac quail ling iheir f. i. ml and Hie pub1'!- teuer.iliv that lin y have taken ihe large and eointn nhou lion I. lecintly built bv II ul. on the site once oci u pie. I hy the oil esiabli-hed Hold known the Bull' Heud, in Third stieel above Callw hill '. 'flu Hotel i finished iu the very best poible manner, hi d of ihe best uih'eta1. It loi alion i very il. suable, particularly forcouiiliy liter jhauts i Ihe sirangemen's for heaur.g and ventilating each room i such a In secure any lempeiature. 'I'he hi dtoon. are all light and airy, all luilil.hed ilia uel sly 'e, n as to in-uie loo loit. The n cei ing parlor are al-o fun i-he,l in a su peib sly le, the window sie nn ihe French style, foimii g an eiinsiice in s balcony in front, wluJi make a pleasant recess. Piui.cnlai slti ntion ha I cen given to Ihe Uds and bidding, which, Willi be furniture, are ncv. r mm yea'. experience in h. Mel business, vie i-usl, by strict assnluiiy le. buatnew, to make 'hi. house a desirable stepping place. Our t ilde w.ll ulwsy be supplied with the wry best our unaiket can afford, and our bar with Ihe hel Injuuissiul wines ul ihe moat appioved brand. P. K. There are fir.t rata stabling and carriage house, attached In Ihe hotel, tin tided by eaisf il sod solr hostlers, snj our chsrges mil I'e !, in sccordsnce wiih the present haid limes. Philsdtlj. his, a. 7th, 1849. ROfi OINTMENT rm TF.rTr.n. RINOWOMMH, rtMPI.Ert ON TIIB rAMC, AKO OTUEK Ct'TANEOl'SI tRfPTlONS). (Jt 77ie fiillntoinqtertilcti'e describe ont nftht mim't extraordinary oures tver effected ly anj application. Pimri:tPim. February in. I80S. IJ'OR twenty yea- I wa severely afflict, d with on the Face and Head: the di.ea.e commeneid when I was aevenleen year oM, and continued nntil the Fall of 180, virvinf? in vio lence, but withnul ever dianppenring. During most of the time, great purl of my wa rover, d with the eruption, frequently attended wild vio'enl Itch ing, my head swet'ed at titni until it fi It ns if it I would lnir.l the wellin i wn so g e it. thai I CouM i icflrei Iv set mv ht on. Diiring ihe, long pcri.ij th .t 1 alTlicle.l wiili the iltsea.e, I useil S greai I .. . , ., 1 .i..i.....l II .1.. .l.: f I lilipo-m i 'le i;.i.i ...n a' r . ...w .o.u....... . vn, u. I wn nlso under the Cire of two of the most di tincui.hed physicians of this ci'y, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired nf ever being cured. In li e f ill ol 1S:IC the disea-e t the time being very violent, I commenced Using the Jiime Ointment, (prepared by Vamihan Ac Davis.) In a few ni plications the violent itching ceased, the wePii g aha'ed, the irin lion began tu disappear, and bef. re I hml need a the ili-enne was enlitelv i "' l,mv Uv" " M since, and ttiere la not a velige nf Ihe disease re- tiisinine. except the gear from (he deep pit formeJ bv the di-ease. ll i ill))" Ssihle for me to deaeribfl inn cfritficate the severity of ihe disease and my Milli line, but I will be pie mil to give a fuller c coniil o nnv person wanlii g further satisfaclion, who will c..ll on me. At the lime I cienmcnccl using the !! se Ointment I would have given huu .beds i.f do bus lo be rid of ihe disease, i-unce u sing it. I have recommended it to .evir d person, (among ibein my mother, who ha. I the disease bad ly on her ami.) who w- re a I cure. I bv it. .1 WIF.s DURNEI.I., l.jii. Race St. it-" Ti e Hose Ornlmeiit ia prepared by E. II. I Vati'lian. S, ii h P.asl cii'iii r of Th r l arid Race ! site. l'l.i ..di and sold on nceucv in Sonhu- rv. hv II. B. MA, ! ' M..y 1 I'h. 11. ,4nf. j ito&c Oiaiitnciil, for 'S'cKtr. I A I'llCOl- OF ITS 1.1TICACY. I'iiil.iiilpiiia. May 'i?tii, 18:19. rpiIIS to certify ti nt I was severely alll e't.l I A w ith Tct'er ill the hand and f el for upward , offoriv years; the disease w as attended gmerally wiih vio'ei't it' h'tu; and swelling. I .ppPcd to a numb, r nf phy sici.'iia, and um d a great mm v appli es mis wiih. ut elli ctii'g a cure. Ao.uit n y. ar i since, I nppl e.l Ile Kn-e Ointment, which entirely ! stopped the ilcli'm;. and a f w application lintneili- rurid the disease, which there has hi en no j return of. although I had never been rid of it at 1 any lime fur forty years. RICHARD S.WAt.E, j I'.li venlll. below Spruce Sliett. 1 j" The Rose Oinltnent is prepared by E. B. I VaiiL linn, S .u'h East corner of Third and Race Sucels, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunhu i ,y by H. B. MASM'.R, I ' Mav 14ih, 181H. Agent. MEDICAL APPROBATION Of the IlOSi: OI.TMi:.T,for T'ttir. I.THlrull the si'perioriiv of the prepaiauon over nil oth. rs is fully es ablished. the pr .pre lor luke pi. a-ure in laying before the public the following cer'.ificn'e from a respectable phvsictan, a griiiluale ul the University ol ' IVmiav Ivauia. Dr. Baiigl , hiimiB found n ihts .etnedy that ieirl f.r ii 'eil'. lis nnd ili-ngreeabe nlTe Hon which the menus within the range of bis profession failed lo allonl, has net he-hat, d lo give it his approbation, although the prejudice and ir.'erests of thai profession aie . ppnsed to secret Remedies. P it 1 1. a m. Leu i v. Sept, 19, lSoO. I was recently iioubl.d witll a lediou herpetic erupn. n. which c.oe.ed nearly one si 'e of mv f ice, mid extendi d over the ear. Mr. Vuughan. proprie t.'l of the Rose I lintinei l, obscivtug my tarr, uisH led on mv t.ying hi piep.irruiou. of which be han ded me a Aiihoiiuli in common with 'he mem beis ot mv profession, I iliseonn'eliani e "lid ill-ap-piove ol the Humeri u no.-iiuin- palmed upon Ihe public l y i-jnoi ant pr. tenders, I feel iu jus ice hound the f.oin lha' e a- of me I cities, nnd i,, give it rnv approbation, ns il entire ly iiired ihe eruption, ahhoiign II h ul resisted the u-u I applications. DAM, BA I 'OH, M. D. 'Xj ' ne R.i.-e Oinlinei t is p'epared by E B. Viiuthaii, fouth Fast corrtr ol Third and l ice .Streets. Pmlade'phia, and uld on ngi ncv iu Sun burv. by II. B. MAM:R. M iy I Jth, IS J:t. Agrnt. ink. ?ers JOSEPH E. HOVER, Miimilai-ltitcr of Wrilinix nd Inilelli blc Ink. No. DWiNnrtli Third Slreet, six iliairs below Kaco, (east mdi',) PHILADELFKIA, "I E-"PE(;'I FI'I.I.Y inform country merchant ' and in hers, thai he con-ianlly keep on hand a large stork of I.i aupeiier Black, Blue snd Red li k and sls'i supeiior q.i il tyof luih lli' le Ink. II ink i put up in b. ttle vatying in size, from 1 lo 33 ounces, and Will la sold nn reasonable nun-. 'Ihe ex.el'e't qiialnie of lips ink ha so ihurouL'hlv esinhli-hed lis ch iracer, that it i now exl.nsiv. lv used Ihroughout the ronmry. . For sale at the loie of H. B. Mas-r, Sun. bury, I'a. May 27ih. 1S4 '. ly rn AiM.r.s 1 1 if( i i ns ATTORNEY AT LAW. SDNETJIIV, PA. AS t:,ken the ollice lom.eilv nccuph il by ti e Hon. I hm'es (S. Donn. I, oppo.ile ihel'ouit II use. He will a'leml lo busilie-s in ihe C url of Nor'huin'a' Union and Columbia counties. Mav 3itlh, ll4.l TJAtT0x motel, (Grnrrul .Sl;e Oh re,) aHL CLJ riT LYCOMINa COtJIMTy, I'eiiiiMjIvaiila. TIllIE Suli-criher lespectlulty iiiloim his friends J. snd the public in general, ihst be his taken the shove LARGE AXP COMMODIOUS HOTEL, IN THE B O It f ) U (1 H OF MUN C V, and lhat he i- now well prepare! to accommodatil alt who may favor h to wiih ibeir custom. II' Sistri AriSTSkaTS ure well sired, snj eoinforisble. HkTisis ob Bii will a'waye bs s applied with the bet the maiket can afford. Ilia STtsLtao, which i d. will ts under the charge of good and carelul hostler. Ile fi el coniideiil, by unci alien I ion to tuius, snd an earnest desire lo render c mfnrUhle lhe who may patronise htm.ihal ha will not fail togivs eneral aaii.fction. H. B. WEAVER. Muocy, Oct. 1st, 1844 If.