Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 05, 1845, Image 3

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    II. I. J .'." ... in. 'a
Proper Kind of Priuic. Wo conceive it'
to be the highest species of honor that can bo
conferred upon a man, to be enabled to any that
he elevated himself from poverty and honest
manual toil, to the noblest position in society.
It is still more creditable when the man thus e
levatcd is not ashamed of his former mechani
cal skill. It is truly commendatory therefore
when the Hon. Luther Severance, member of
Congress from Maine, and a most amiable and
talented gentleman, says of Simon Camrron,
tho United States Senator from Pennsylvania,
that something more than twenty years ago he
worked by his side, as a journeyman, in lialcs
& Seaton's printing office, at Washington, ami
'boarded at the same house with him. This is
'omething to be proud of.
'G amino in France. In Prance, the passion
for gaming just now is intense. A young Rus
sian lately Inst, in a single niiiht, a hundred and
twenty thousand francs. As he wan writing,
the next day, an order on his banker for the
eutn, a policu officer presented himself and in
formed him that he had lost his money to pro
fessed and dishonwl gamblers, and that he must
not pay it. The. Russian went immediately to
the Prefect of Police, where the same instruc
tions were repeated to hint. "Sir," said the
young man, "I am accustomed to pay gambling
debts, and 1 hive lo-t a hundred ami twenty
thousand francs. Here is the sum. 1 commis
sion you to pty toy iT'imbling creditors. If they
are villiana, let the poor have the benefit of my
losses." Such "pigeons" as the young Russi
an, ore probab'y r.ire.
... i.j i .1.' ' i i.mjl. -vjvu. j. j1 it
Extract from a London paper.
"We're not ourselves,
When nature, being oppressed, command the mind
To suffer with the body,"
This Is a truism conceived by the master mind
of Shaksprare, which neiihcr sophistry nor argu
ment can refute. To all ihoss who are suffering
from bilious attacks, indigestion and fl.ilulency, we
would with great sincerity recommend, a a never
failing remedy, Drandrelh'a Pills. The testimmii
uU we have hud submitted lo us in favor of thin
admirable medicine, fully justify our speaking of
these Pit's in terms of the highest praise.
fXj Purchase of II. U. Masser, Sunbury, or of
the agents, published in another pstt of this paper
Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxlhenner.
Ileal Estate
N the fust Mond.iV in April next, at the
Whuat, 85
Rtr, 60
Colli, - - - 40
Oats. ...... 25
Pohk, 5, ... . M2J
BuTTKIl, - I if
Koos. .... R
IIkkswax, .... 25
TiLLOW, ... lU
Dmtn ArrLM, . . fin
Do. Piaciirs, - 150
Flax, ... -8
Hm-klkii Flax, 10
"Washington I'Irc Compiiny."
rPIlE mcmhers of the "Washington Fire Com
pinv" are requested lo nice! at the Slate
House, on Mi.nd.iv Evcninc, A p il 7, at 7
clock, precisely. Punctual altemlanre is required.
Match 29. D. W. SHINDEI.. See.
The Misses Rick aitiik Three Dear.
The Portland Advertiser stales that, in a seclu
ded part of Ox lord county, called "The Audit.
vcr Surplus," there reside two female farmers,
who occupy a few acres, mid "do their own
chores," hiring mule help only for haying ami
harvesting. Out in the woods lately with ihe
ox -learn, cutting ami drawing winter's wood,
one of thu Misses li ce was attracted by the
barking of the dog at a hollow true. One of the
young ladies was absent lor the moment, and
the other chopped n hole in thu tree, nnd came
to a bear shin ! Nothing daunted at the sight,
ehe gave a puke, and out scrambled bruin,
w hom she kno:ked iIjvwi and despatched. A
second bear immediately made his appearance,
nd shu de-patched h:m! A third bear then
crept from the tree, and the same axe finished
Jiiui ! This Miss Rice coiuidered a good mur
jiiiiirs work, for there is a two dollar bounty on
bears, and the skins and grease arc worth five
dollars at least. We should like to sue Miss
Rice, of the "Andover Surplus!"
Sam Slick, who is a cloe observer of every
thing going on, asks if it isn't curious that wed
din' is never out of women's heudsl They ne
ver think of nothiu' else. A young gal is always
thinkin' of her own. As soon as she is mariied,
she is a tnatch-makin' for her companions ; and
when she is a grain older, her darter's weddiit'
is uppermost agin. Oh, it takes a greut study to
Jinow a woman. I low cunnin'lhey are. Ask a
young gal the news, she'll tell you all the
deaths in the place, in make you think she don't
trouble herself about marriage. .Vk an old wo
man, she'll te'l you all the marri iges, to make
you think she is takiu' an interest in the world
that she ain't.
Immortality There is in tin; conscious
ness of every man a deep impression of contin
ued existence. The casuist may reason against
it till he bewilder himself ia his own sophii-lrier.;
but a voice within gives the lie to his vain spec
ulations, and pleads hiitlioriiy 'or a life which is
to come. The sincere and humble inquirer
cheri.-dies the i.npression, while he seeks fur
further light on a subject so momentous ; and
he thus receives, with absolute conviction, the
truth which beams upon him from the revela
tion ol Ciod that the my.-terious purt of his be
ing, which thinks, and wills, and reasons, shall
tiideud survive the wreck of its mortal tene
ment, and is destined fur iiuiiu rtality.
(corgc .ciliarl.' i:tt;itr.
IfVMVi'ICE is herely g ven that letters of ad
i ministration hive lieen gr.iutid lo the ubri
her. on the rstate of (iinuo Neihart, laic of Au
gii'ta township, Northumberland county, decM.
All itcrantis indebted to said estate, ur having d
Court House, in 8unbury, the subscribers
will offer for ssle
Four Ix)ls of Ground
in said borough, Nos. 73, 74, 76, 70, bounded
wet by River sired, souih l Blackberry street,
est and north by a 20 feet alley, on which is tree
te.l comfortable two story dwelling house and
A I. SO Four other LOTS OF OROTJND in
Slid tmroiiHh, No. 1 13, 114, 115, 116, hounded
neat by Deer slrrel, noilh by Dewberry street,
east 1 lot No. 112 and sou'h bv n 20 fret allcv.
The first if scribed I la are 67 J feet earh, fiont,
rind 230 feet ibep. The uihers are CO feet each,
front, and 230 deep.
The terms of silo will be. mado knoivn on the
doy of sale, by LEWIS UE WART,
Executors of Daniel Levy, E-q ,dcc'd.
Sunhu y, Msnh 15th. 1845 4t
"list or CAUSES
1JOR trial in Ihe Court of Common Pleas of Nor
(hum! etland County, at April Term, 1815,
commencing the first Monday, bring the 7tlt.
Jaco'i Puinier vs E Ureencugh
Sritr.inger, alienee of
tiarver vs John (J trver et nl
Stephen Detr v (5e.rge Lawrence
Frymire for Evert vs J I llukenhetg
Sam'l Swim h't 5c wife v Peter Feistcr
App'eion, endorse,) of
Edwarilsct Verree vs Wm Don ild'on
va Jacob Wortley
vs Ahraham I.iwtenco
s Joseph Krlli-r
va II' nry o ioiiielz
vs Dennis Water
vs J ilin A Khi-'sler
vs Shamokin C 'sl Iron t'o
vs John Yonnii
Sheriff's Sales.
KY viTtue nf certain writs of venili'innl expo.
n i isaued out ef the (onrt of C.nnmno
I'leas 4 N rthu nberl mil County lo mo d meted,
will he exposed In public sale, at the Court II inso
in Ihe Borough of Hunbnry, on Monday the 7ih
day nf Apiil net t, at 1 oVl'ock, P. M-, Ihe follow
ing ile'-crilied property to wit:
ALSO Two certain rnntfsunut lot nf arnund
ailusle in the lown nf Miainokio, in Coal township,
Northtimhcrland county, in tbaV pirt of said town
lai I out lv Abxander Jordan, E-q.. aoj others,
and marked in the general plan thereof Nos, 411c
442, hounded on the west lv tot No. 413, on the
north liv puhlic roid, ami on the east lv land of
Wm. M'Carly snd oiheis, and on the south hy the
south line of said lols s each nfaid lots rontainiiig
40 feet in front and feet in length ; whereon are
erected a two story brick dwelling house and store
room, ami a pan of a log douse. j
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold ss the I
properly of Ann Woolvrrtui. j
ALM) S much of two rertlin C 'litiii'ioua j
'racta of land, coots ning together 425 ncrea nr I
Ihi'tenhnut', t-mindt l hv InuN of Ilanmih Il 'vd.
Jacob Peed, Kennedy iSliuhzo and clli. r, and the
Dimrnig for (lamp
llenjainin Robin
I'leotiee for Welch
S epben Derr
R P Shannon
Daniel U'osiut
.lo-eph Mil limn
It K (ieaihart
Dai.iel Mover Sc Wife vs Dauiet Frvmire
Claiie (tenevirve Daaque Daniel Duuklvbcrgcr
S.imo vs Samn
Welsh, Pemp oV Frick vs fJeorge Ovtcr
William Farrow
mill-Is i-gaioM the sinm, are reitie-U'd In meet the ('nt,,, Towar
sub-critur, on Mond y th l -tli d iv of My next,
at the house i f Ihe decea ej. lor senh meiit.
April 5th, 1315. 6t A Im'r.
Notice I
S hoiehy givpn. that the subscriber has pureha-
sed, at a sale held by Thm u A. llillinaton, I
eoiiHt.ibk, in Augti-t.1 tt wnship, on the lMih id ;
March, the following proper y, which was sold bv j
siiil countable as tha properly of J II. Ithodes, nnd J
w hich I have since loaned to said Khodes duting
my pleasure, viz : '
I tiray Mtre, l Dun Mare. I Dun Colt, I H in- j
die Cow. 2 setts Harness, I Wagon and l.adde s.
I S!cd, I Plow. I Harrow, 6 th..ats, l Urass Clock, j
The undiviJed half of the Wheat and live, in the ,
giouid. JOHN WYNN, jr. j
Augusts, Aprd 5lh, 18-15 3t ;
To the Electors of Nuriluimbci land
County :
IELLOW CI I'lZENS : I beg leive to i.ffei
mxself 3 a c.udiilute, at ihe e-oruiitg election,
for ihe ollice of
County Commissioner.
Should I he so f otunate as lo bo elected, I plediie
myself to discharge thu duties of the ollice w ill
promptness and liuel tv. weaver.
Sunburv. Aril 5th, 1815.
I.iuhl V HolTmau
J cV J K Tit go
Hayes, Elliot, Lyon cV
" ti o-h
Oeorge Leibricli
Henry Ma-ser
Henrv Hiichrnan
(Jeorye F.ckerl
Mitchell lor Haber
John cV llounwnrlh
Iturna ft. Eirly
Elizabeib Wehzel
(ieose Eckett
Divid M'Kmght
D S Spare
Henry M ister
I Jacob Seas
' (J .liin & Itillington
j T A Pilluigton
! Ii.iac Iteuz
j Irwin Si Cramer
Win D SMuller
J iitii-nn Harvey
(ien Oyier and wife
Henry S liniham
(ieo A Cramer
Levi Hubart's ttrstgnre va Alba C llartet
Aulhonv WhIkoo et el vs John M Housel
va Abraham Klazo
vs tieorne Eckrrt
va J eV. I' Motiiagiie
vs Wm M'Cletry et l
v Miller A Ftyniire
vh Henry Master, Eil.
v Henry Folk
vs (icoruc Ku'z
va (Jeorge W Towar
va Jaied liwioe
va Gcorce !! ckeil et at
vs S .me
vs I) Ley's ex'rs
vs Renrie W Towar
vs It Richardson el ul
vs Henry St. Her
va Win MVai y , I al
va It W Ac James Dunn
va George Heikcrl et al
vs Sitno
v (I fn ng. r
va David Wataon
n Ha is cV (ioa
vs John Slimier
vs Am ' Reed
vs Johepli Pod
v David C Watson
mw 4!tt OP itilw ciiEnnv,
A rnmrnnnil ritlnanln Prettarsilnn frem
VVIIrt Cherry IJirk etirt Ter,
The hetf remedy fennwn in the tcnrltt for the ewe tif
eouirhs. enhli it'thmit. Crnup. bl'-fdinq nf the
un(T, lohnrtpltiQ cniR h, bmneMlie. ,?.
enxa nhnrtnt nf bre.nlh. pain nnd
wenlrnc in Ihe or ',
liver rnml'htint, anl iht etnget of
We will net assert tbet this HALS AM will cure
Coiiiirrip'ioii in ist tooraf form, but it has cured
mnnv sfter all other mertns of relief bad licen tried
in vain. And bv not 1 It seem that the WILD
CHERRY was dentine 1 by Niiline to be our PA
NAOKA for ihe ravaging disease of this c U la
titudii. Let not the ib'spairinj invalid wt,ste hi
m-uiev nnd looe TIME, lo him stall important,
in iX'ierimmtinff with the trashy nostrums nf the
d iv. but list) tit nce a medicine that will cure, If a
cure h p s ible a medicine thi science spproves,
end nianv y an nf exper ence h ive demonstrated
thai t tlluuiy relieve.
t'lirrt rin rnirh Ar'ng at fail." In the history
of this wonderful UAI.SAM. Lvidenee ihe most
v . ,i. n I. ..! ,l. s....,nl,n.. a. convincing eve.ier ce nut no one can Honor, luuy
j iuate.l in Itu.h township. No,tl,uu,he.and coontv. "I"1'1' Una fact For the sake of brevity we
II.. ..o. ih.t i,rt nf mil alllla n In llih ' i"i ..".111; u .i"..-i
Iiiwmliip, Notlhnniheil uid county, is upp. sed to '
Contain U'Jtl acies or Ihe e d-onis, about 3SH sen
of which ate e'earo I, whereon are i reeled two large j
two a oiy frame dwelling lmues, one ppinli il wl ite
nnd Ihe oilier red, two large frame barns and sev,. .
ral out huild ng-:, two pumps of water, tw o oichanls, j
&e. cte.
ALSO 'I he i qua! undivided one third of a cer
tain tract of Ian I situate in Coal township, Nor-
Ibumbcrhr.d county, adjoining lands nf Henrv I
MiiBser, I'urdy cV .Ionian, M'Catiy, Davis, Warner
& J. r.lan, land forme lv belntiRins to I.uowg tio-s '
and others, rontainii.g 142 ecus more or less, upon .
which nrr ereele I a f ame dwi Cine hmi-e with a :
1'asoment s'ory, two double iniiiei'H l.ou-o, l.n j
single miner' bou e. frame kti e, &c. Several j
eoal mines ie opened nnd worked spun aid ti-ict, .
ut....k...j .....I nil I... L. Knvit I a.n I
niru .oiii.rn, m ..... . " , - , ,, . , it : 1...,
put ep and laid down t,p,.n a d tract. PrrJ'" " 1 "V" " " ' ' J"Y"' ", ;'"
r r . '. . . ..I i ... a ti.. .iJit.-rl vnmliim .it h.-r
itipr ib-e '.
y r P ait t "ihe ci re c iin" under mv " n oI
Kiish t. wntiip. ;oritnnn'ierl iint c .unty, ,o j hi
Isaac PU t, Em.. Editor nf Ihe P.'kcrpsie E le'e.
one of Ihe in 'at influential Journals in tbe i'e of
New Yoik, stair's undei the authority of disown
name, that a young Isdy, a relative nf hi, ol verv
delicate C 'ln-ti'U ion, v. aiueked in Feb. 1812.
wi h tevere cold which Immediately produced spit
tinn i f blood, i ongh. fever, ai d other dnnceroua snd
al.irm'o R symptoms. Thr. unb medical lientment
tid cue Hbtt potially reciverd durinu summer.
Itot on the return of winter the was att nk d more
violen'ly llin.n at fust, she becamn scarcely able lo
walk and i tmubled witb eouah, chills and fever
eveiy ilay, snd appealed 1 1 be going rapidly with
coioniinii i. it ; lit ibit tiree, when there nn n sicn
of imprmenient, Mr. Piatt procured a bottle i f
WnTiii's Hit.siM or Wilk ChsiuiT. which she
Mik. aid it emiltgly her. She g 'I ate.
fond, and In f.on ii a- half taken 'hf reou-J
SeiZ' u, t iki II III cotlon,
j the prepet'y of John C. Lloyd.
and to be sold as
ALSO A certa n tract or pice ol I md -iluate , ,,. ,,, .,, . ,,, i,r ,;.., Lpn . Iu .1.- facts."
e in o
y a
i . !
Car'tnn cV Fanuim
William Dehail
Thoa Vanvslzen
Jei-te Heusyl
Hi nry Funk
Robt D Fonlsman
Robl S Grant el ul
Prothooolarv's ofll
Snribury, March 1
vs J V W F Wsi!gnlh r
vs James Shearer
vs Mar cur. t Lyon cVc
vs Daniel it Zaitmao
va Henry Sn inme'z .V wife
vs llenjainin Koribiiiin
V William Iteed
RESPEC TFl'LLY informs the ci-
y"- lizens of Sunbury nnd it vicini y, t h t
KeJl he hai removed In the R ick Houa1, io
Ma ket streil, formerly occupied y
lli nj iriiiu Hendricks, e n-t of the store formerly oc-
ctti.ii d by Miller rV Martz, nnd now bv La V. Cle
men, wheie he will le happy to receive cilU in :
the Hue of his r I. -ion. !
unl uly. Ma-eh 2'Jih H15 j
l'.statc ol' William Ilctur r, ilt "l. !
TOTICE is hen bv given, that It Her tesiameii- i
lary on the emate of William Rerer. late of j
AuhuhI tnwio-htp. Northumberland county, dec d, I
have been gr .tiled lo ll.e sul'i-cribera. IVi-oiik
knowing thetnselve indebted, wi l pleao call and !
make payment, and lhoe having claim aniiikt i
the i mate are teipiei-ted tu presrnt them for cxa
uiinsiion and i itieiiuni. ;
Augnxls, Match 221, IH45 Ct Executo-s.
. t (-45. S
OF Northumberland County, for April Trim,
A. D. IH15.
(r.iud Juroi'M.
Ttirtiut. John M'Cormiik, David L Ireland.
Lewis Wm. Stnzel.
Ji lull-lire. Jacob II row n.
.Mi. tun. Jesre Denii kkon, John (i.iodlaiider,
lleriiv Snn.e.
Chillmunitn: Jin-ob llrown.
I'timt. W in. I.-chou.
Augufta. Jesi-e ttu-lnn, Henry Uloom.
Shumokin. Samuel Uilger.
A'iiji. Weaver.
I'iprr Milium',,. William Shadle.
Ijjwrr Multmii'ii. Djiiii'I Zeibc, jr., Nicholas
Unw u, Ci Proaius.
Jtiek'im. Jerennah Lonudorf, Elis E'-ter,
Mn lia. I Cfia-tnt-ei, Jacob Seller, Adam Campbell,
Win. Groh, John Wrrt.
Travcrs Jurors.
it H land of l'eier Cnmphe I, laiac W .inlvert.n nml
others, coiiiainii e 4S ricres ni'-r.- or lc, ab..nt 311 I
sere of which re cli an d, w hereon are i rer'ed a
Irame dualling house, a frame shop uliJ a Irume
ALSO All Ibe defeii.'nni's int. rest, snpp srd to
be ihe iq .lnl, i iiilivi.h d one iht d p rt i f uti-.'l). r
tract or pH ce of land a In ale in I'usli tovi.ih'p a
foresail, adjoining the above liac'. land of Goilfny
Roi kcfel er, Solomon llousi wo th and o'liers, con- !
taining 15 acres moiC or Ion, all of wbicll i- clea- j
red. j
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Isiac Snvidge. i
ALSO A cC'tnin tiaet or iece of I md situate
in Auuusta t. w imbip. Nortbiimln rUnd d" tey, ml-
joiniiii! Iain's ol Samuel t'ulp, U. njamin KH'enoao, I
jlai.iC altslrkle anil ott.ers. coiilaiiin g lo eoe- ,
j nr In. j ,.l..ii.t til u(-r..B ..f ivl.icli art eleaipd. t
on wb ch sre ,i,c ed a two story lug house and a
Iwell of wati r.
Seized, taken in execution, audio he roU ss ihe
piopetty of Jonathan Fttmswoith.
ALSO A err n il tract or piece nf land nituve
' ill Augusts town-hip, NorthumbeVMi d C 'liniy, in!-
jolt iiiR lands ot Jacob Ri nn. J ic, b Seahol'z. J
cob Snvder sr d E iz il e'h Wr i, i oii'nmiinr 13
acres moie nr lis-, alu.iU acres ..I which are clea
red, wleieon are ereep d a iwo .lory loj, a
spring li.'in-e and hi s i' lo.
Seiznl, Inken in iX'rioi in, nnd lo be sold as the
property of Abraham Lio er.
ALSO A certain lot i f g'oun.l hinni'e in llie
bi.ri utih of Nor hurnbcil on!, in N-o'liumberhiiid, mid m ilked in the genual p'nn of rood
I lown .. 7u, liounileil nor iie. siw iT.n ny vneeii
neet. out' ea.iwatdlv ly I l No. 75, nttuve l
1 whi.IIv bv Duke r-treit ld nortbwenwaiil ly
' Front hire, t, nml i H i i; I''1 et in fr lit on Q n en
an I Duke rtreenand -0 :i f et in ! pill, wheie.m
1 aie eiei-ie.l a lvo a oiy inve.liog b. ne (pail brn k
and pan f linn ) and a blin k ill ill op.
j Se z d, l iki u .11 r ecu moo, and to I e rold as ihe
' ptopertv of lex it ih r I'olt.
j ' FELIX MAt'l.t'll, Sheriff.
! She. ill's fir.ce. I
Siinlniry, Ft b I5ih, 1p45. V,
't viDiionr.. Wiisbniir'on t o., M line, Apr. 29, 1 94 1.
Mli. IS C PT:i TS.Toir Sir: At the re
ii'icsl ot noiliv or my irieno- in mis piace nun " i
liy who are afflicted with cniisn-op'ton and liver
comp'a.n'H, 1 taVet'ie U. i r v ol HKii.g y.r-j n np
po n! one one in tb's cooniv as ajent tit se'l is-rn'-
H vis M or W i Lit Cut: MtT. and to -end bin
a few d zen na ti.ere is none of i' for sale wilt in
200 iniri-s to rn ilns I have no ibmM that it wmld
me. I witli n n n.W .tle if n were where ft eou'd le
piocnred wilboiit tin niitch xpense nnd delav.
My wile was slacked about six m nib since
wi'h what the jibysicaTis tailed the firl s Sfje of
c ii-ninptioii ) complaint v ry prevalent in this
a r inn of eoeniry. Having seen the Da'sim ad
vert cil in Annual.
200 irixLEs rnoiM nriiiE,
I t M k tl.e so. lo aeiol there for s l ottleofit,
which she took, and which helped her so much thut
I Bent 1". I Iso botdi g more, w huh rhe has a'sila
ken. nnd he now siys alie lias not felt no well fir
-ix tears us i-be does at this time. All those who
l ave inquired of me and nsre-taincd what elTect the
Itdiam Ii id, are unit-. ns to have -nine for sa'e in
ihH vie tiin , whii h is t !: ctru-e of my writir g you
Plea-e inform nie t y ieiii n of m .il whetln r mi
i oiicuile to cnd inmr, and it so In whom, in order
bit it iiihv be known where it can U) I. ad.
1 m with re t-ct vuis, etc.
I'. O. FA K WORTH, P. M.
The w-S lee. mi. trv is fist that no mrdi-
i ,-n,, no pin aician no picp nation of any kind
I w bat, v. r can , 0 ul Dh. Wisriu't LlAlSiM OF
WlLll t'lll HBT.
lsj i j jm unmxiLJL-U-iua
the Justices nf the Peace in and for tha said enan
ly, Thomas (.'ozena, and being duly affirmed sc
co-ding lo law, saith tl.s above statement is in all
thins true.
Affirmed bcfjra me, on the trtih of April. 1843.
J. CtlMlST, J. P. S
Rnch ia the unprecedented success of this DAL
a prescription c mgeniil to our wants, as it is pre.
pored from chemical extracts from substances wb.cti
the author of nature has placed in our ewn lainl
for wise purposes, that many who know nothing
of the mode of i's prcpar iiion are endeavoring tx
reap pecuniary bencfi by selling an aiticle aimilsr
in name, or in sppearance. or by representing their
own Irs-h sa superior to this DAL9AM, or by put
ting up a mixltite nnd s dernnly ssaeverating that it
is imported from a foreign country, which is not thai
case. All these deceptive arts goto show that
WiTn' Uai.m is known to the world to m
'THE ft RE AT REMEDY." and that te tell
any mixture it itimt ba liki this t'rl nam, tr pur
pert to ba like it in KU' slsnce.
df Relieve not llie cunningly wrought fahrira. snd lake on'y the oncinal and genuine
Witai' Uiitux or Wtt.n Chxrht.
Addrrss all orders U ISAAC IJU ITS, No. 3
Ann St., New York.
Agents, JOHN W. FR1LINO. Sunbury,
D. HR AU I'HJAM. Xorthumberland,
J. K. MOVER. Rhnmntmtg,
Feb. 85,1, 1815 ly
CclchraLvl TanUly Icdicincs
"VVTILL not cure evcty thiiiR. but still remain
)f unequalled in ihrir severnl departments by
every thing ever offeted to Ihe public, who have
voluntary came forward snd offered numerot, and
highly Tispiclable tesiimoniaU of their supetiol
t fiicn-v.
finntreWi Compound Medicated Syntp nf 5ar.
enparil'.a or, Anti-Scorbulic Syiup, for Ihe cure
ol Srorfula, t'hronic Rhen.n itism, Chronic SweU
Iuiks of iht) Jointi-, Eruptions of the Skin, and all
Dt.-ea-es aiisiug from the abuse of Mercury, rc-,
niisurpased by any thing in the market, comlii.
lung ail the virtues resident ill the Sarapsrilla
with a modern medicament, onlv lately brought
out by tho most respect ablo medical authorities.
Price, 50 cents prr b .irle.
CnntreU's .Inti-Dytpcptie Potettr, for tho ro
lief and permanent cure of that mot chuties aii.g
complaint, Dv-pepf-i i, lit hII its forms and s'sg.'s.
It is tr ul v H most vnlu .Mo tsmedy. IS.rld in boltiet
at 2.r) and f0 cents each.
Cntitrcu'i .1gtc. Mix'ure and Tunic Me!iej
menta, stands at thu head ot the list unrivs'led ' y
mv. or ail ll.e inniinieraMe median' in o-'iout the eneo and bread h of the land, fir
the core nf 1 tviu .nj A Gib in all its stsges, aul
from all its roimequei-cf,
Kc.-ident-i in Fever and Ague distric'.s houli
in vi-t 1 e wiihoDi ii.
The subsciler will forfeit E1FTY DOLL MIS
where I is inedicinc lutls tj perform a cure in tha
most obtitintee ca-e.
S Id Who enlr nod Retail bv CALEB CRES
SON. at hi- Dru.' Waiehou-e, No. f North ThirJ
Street, Philadelphia; also, bv the r. gnlirlv ap
pointed seem. SE TH W. ROBERTS, Whu'lesao, No. 54 Water Stnrt, Mobile.
I'n pared oi:lv bv H e So!e:criber, corner of CAR
PEN PER and'SEt'OND Striels, below Chri.ti
an. Philadelphia, where il is also rutailed.
O. sore, none aio genuine without lite sicnatuiat
KVL.ri.illt UK MAItKKI'.
Office if the Ualtimobs Atieiiirts. March IS.
FLOUR The Sales of Howard street Flour
tof good mixed biands are moderate from store at
$1 50. The receipt price is now (4, 37'.
We hear of no transactions in City MillaTlottr.
Hohlers ask S 1 ,".'.
A sale of HW0 bbls. Ssqaehanna Flour en
Saturday at 1,024- Other parcels sold at 51,50.
GRAIN. On Saturday and te-day about 4000
bushels Pennsylvania teA Wheat, quality net
prime, were sold at yt a 100-cts., and a load of
firinie Pennsylvania white at i 15. Sales of
Com to day at 41 cents for white and 44 cts. for
yellow. A lot f Pennsylvania yellow was sold
o-day at 45 cents. We quote Oats at 25 a 2G
cts. Sales of Pennsylvania Kye at fif cents.
Maryland Kye is worth 63 a 0 1 cents. A sale of
100 bushels Pennsylvania Cloverseed, not free
of ripple, was made on Saturday at 3,GiJ per
WHISKEY A sale of a considerable parcel
was made on Saturday at 2 1 cts. for bbls. The
stock now in market is light, and most holders
ask 23 cts. The last sales of hhds. were at 22 J
ct '
.V Jl IS It I E U ,
On Thursday the 13th lt , by the Rev. J. P.
Shiudel, the Rev. Jkrkmuh Winoekt, of this
place, to Esriiia, daughter of Maj John (Jundy,
of East Buflaloe township, Union county.
On Sunday the 23d ult., by Christian Bower,
Esq , Mr. John Boi RNa to Miss Chalott
Ra i,i)r, both of this place.
PE I".
i u: i,
On Monday last, in Augusta township,
(JEOIvCE HAAS, son of Frederick Haas, Esq ,
aged about lb years
HIE Huh'crihrr bave received, slid are now
opening a i-ph ndid srsorimrnt of lUe fo. lowing
i g nd
Sajony. Wilton and Velvet Carptiings )
Itruseels and Imperial .1 ply d
Extrt supeifioe sod line I'.gr.ins do
, Engli ih t-h tiled A. Dim ti-k Ventliaii d
) Allniicall twilled and tii'd
Engh.h Drudge Is and W o.. I. u Floor Cloihs
t Stair and l'a-ajc IJitck'iig
! EiiiIlkho I Piano and Table Covers
London Chenille and Tuft-1 IvtigS
Door Malts of eveiy dest-riptiois
A lsr(!fl and rxn n-.ive t soitnient of Floor Oil
Cloihs, Itom wie to eight yanls wide, rut lo fit eve
ry description of rooms or pts-anes.
Alto, low priced b grsm Caipet rigs fr ni 31 In
62) cents perysrd, together with a large and eitni
ive assortment of g rods u-ua'ty kept by carpet
The above goo Is will he sol I w holesale or retail
ut lire lowest market price. Country nn reh.uil
and o'hers snt particulailv inviird to call and eis
mine our slock before niakine tbeit selections.
Successors lo Joseph Blackwood, No. 1 1 1 Cheaiiul,
Cirrnrr of Franklin Plai.
Philadelphia. Feb 52 I. LV
" irinmBUaAs &1arasols',
oiieat ron cash.
Umbrella and l'urasul Manufactory.
A'o. 37 forth "2'hi.d tlrtet, iwo duOrt below the
! Ii 1 1 a d c I p Ii 1 a .
k LW AYS on hand, a large stock of L'M-
BltELI.AS nd PAKASOLS, iuclu iing the
.aid new style of Pinked EdKeJ Pars-ols of the
best Brinkmanship snd mslensls, si prices that will
make it an object io Country Meichan' and others
to call and examine bis stork btTure purchating
elsewhere. Feb. 82, 1845.-ly
Delaware JjCoIi Mostcller, Franklin II. Car
MUttm. Joseph KIioh.Is, Vm. Ilinan.
Cltilliiiuaiue. Oliarb dale.
Xirttuntbtrluhd. Joseph Yandyke,
D .d,!e.
J'uint. Lorei t t Housel.
Suiiburii. I'haile. Hib'tnan, Joint P. Purs - I, ! any
lrlJu-rij wall i-is-5 ar Jvrjj
IIE anbarrihi'i keeps citnsl iivly l'..r s tie "O lb.
ino-t re as. mat. e terink, an anoriment il
ili.t s, Drugs, Dyeaiutls. Pain . I il. aroithe. &c.
Being nigsged in gnu. 'in.' uvb at it le
as (in ger, Mut.taid Btid IVp, tr. I.e ha- lb. m tor
sale ol a superior quality, below ihe nnrket p ice.
He would no nil it ihai he b is a Patent M chute
winked bv i-tvam Lower, wlni h l.ab'i bun lo Il
! Pit it ot ll.e v-iv b st quality tot 3j Cents a lb. in
III. t Ut' is, und 3 tenia in liulk.
; He c.iilid. in V asbi it llnl bis prices are snrh
I a- lo t;ivo u i-faciioli 'O those who in .v lavor him
with a tad J. W. W. tiOlfDO V.
ileon Ma'kt-I, (it'oige Uurbei, J. hit Arrn d.
AugU'tit Jo-t h Weitiel, I.tColi Sealobr..
S.imuel Kit lVi-r, Joini Zootni rin .ii. William For-
linn, J icnb ( is, anr., A.Iain Neeliu, Joseph Si
! vidge. J 1C..I1 lo no, Betijiiini) Kii Bhl'HUtit, Kobe it
I Campbell, jr., D.mnl Conrinl, son of J bn
, S.'iamrliin Josei'h H.tover, It ilri Faros-
wot h. snr.. Abraham Biady, Motes Kiu hie, James
(i .ss. Isaiah Morgan, j
liiuti. Mutchler, John Oberd nf
On --lavid Thompson, J scpb lliid. ;
I pper Muhnnuy. David CUik, S auiui I Kisslei, !
Cieinge Paul, laeob (lets'. j
.nrerr Muhnnuy J v-ob, S i
llet keii, .lolm Kield, Jacob Slcj p, Win. Sbafl r, '
John looker.
Little Mtihimoy. Jacob Millet.
Jackson Samuel Maticb, Jacob Sciler, nr.
IVlit Jurors.
Lelt'is. David Mojer, Satnui I Lerch, Michael
Watf' er, Jolin Tweed.
Priiiware. James Oakes, PtteT Khrknei, Phil
ip rre-ler.
MiltuH. John Murrsy, F. W. Pollock. Simon
lisnd Iph.
Chillitqnaque Daniel P. Caul, Samuel BciV-
brimrr, Ne il l.'aol.
'! James Shriner.
Sunbury Win. Marlz, HeiiTy Weis, Walter
Augusta. Joshua Folk, (ieorg Hde, Caleb
Ely Maik Klauglu, Thomas Mendi nhull.
Shunivkin D nuel II iaa, jr.
Ruth. Abraham HotViitni.
Cnal Joseph Hnyder, Pemherlon Bitd, Ym.
Feselv, Cieorae Armstrong, jr.
Upper Mahonuy.itut Meyer, John Malich,
Dsvni Bert.
Lower Makunoy. Daniel Roihermel, Peter Uo
el. Jadton.' Michael Dobb, David flcbsrlt, John
Clark, jr.
David ; No. I5i We-t Pratt Si, Ballon. re, t. punte BjI
I Inn re Ol d I 'III'. U ul Ii. nil Depot.
N. B. No eti oge untie, far ill livci ing (i.toda in
pan of ihe ritv.
March 8 h. In15 :t n
CCiiIo ol i oiii'l.
J'efer S.'uty' wiit'rs. WillitimWelkcr.
ihe Conn . f Common I'.ens ,,t irltiinii! er-
I a i;mil colli. It , Jaiinarv inn. into, on inonon in
A. Jordan, Esq , V V courl pr n.t a role on It e jodg
' tnetit Mlifl lieu eiedl ma of W lli no Wi iUet, In up
I pe r on III.- i!hv ot April tenil ioXI.hii.I
1 c .use why the in. in V in f'U'l ahoul'l iml be applied
j lo the judgim nl in l..vor of Pet. r Sln'.v'. i.ilm'..
I mAMIT.I. D. JOh'D vN,
i Piothoent ny'- Ollnv. i I'K.tlt'u
Sunl iiry. Pib 22, IWla S It
Tin i.Y ho imii rria cuii:.
Witmii II L, Ini l.N eo.. N. Y.Sepl. 15. IS 13.
Drs- S r I i we ii oi the ulllicted tn inl'ortu y u
ih it in I .inoirv I i-t I wa iitiai kid by a very vio
lent c i'i1, i aus. il bv wo ki' g ill 'be water, which
srHhd on oiy luns It a comp anied bv a ve
rv . vv e p i li in iv br, nsl ami hide, and ids i a
ilnciesu e Cough. I bad lo iillendauce all the I est
,'u- l aid in olir vill ifie; hut after exhausting all
their fki I o no av ol. ihey pronounced my ili-eae a
civriiiMtn i n -i' vie rio, and ihi-y one and all
Km e me up to itie. Alter much pi rsuasion I got
he i on -i ol ol in v phv me tan to use the BilSiM ol
Wili. Ca ttiiv pr.pand by Da Wisrsn. I pur-eha-ed
ol ibe i iil 111 our pine one bottle, before
ikii i. b f of w Lli Ii I I u.m to sain stremzth. and it
w verv i vii'ent mv cough was much t.rtlvr and
mvsvinptonia it every way unpr .vingr. I have
n w us. d ibree liotibs, and am resturtd to perfect
health This re-nb ia nl -lie owinu lo ihru-erf
K Y ; and I hike this method of v ving you the in
loin in. n. ptrily to pav ymi ibe debt of grilittide
I ow. on. and partly 'bat other- similarly afflicted
in u km w wl ere io npp'y lor le'ief.
Y, iv l.nlv vouis, JAMES SOE.
Mil. Palm r ti D uji;il, under d ite nf Watt rvtlle,
Sm.I C tilt. lt:i. writ.;
The i ,t niem uivrii y. u by Mr. JimcsS'ape t j
wt p k'".w n lo be tine by this whole tammumt't.
. ci rl mlv was a must reina ka lerore. The tale
i f the Pal 'it) is very pi n1, and its success in cures
UU y flt leiii g. Youia r. sp ctlo'lv.
D. D. PALM Hit.
CantrvlPii tue Mixture, or Tonlo
MedlCiiiiiriif n,
Fur the cure if all H:Vnus nffidions, if taken
curbing to directions.
It is a never tailing remedy winch nn fami y
ough1 It be without, especially in tow inar.l y
As this medicine is put op under the proprie.
tor's imT.'.dute inspection nn ibe most srieri'ifn:
l rii'C'plef, be nu Purely Vtgelable, and bavina;
tried its clhVacy on thouMindn, for ii aids of 1
years, and to his knowledge when taken sirietW ac
cording to directions, there hi- not hicn one fa lure,
ruder such ctrctim-tsni e I recommend it 19 llo
public, adding a cerlilVal) in snpp.trt of my so,
I.Jo'tni Bum', do cetlifv ill at 1 was in the xliii
Tobacco Plant of Phil iden I i i, Capl. Heed, in
June, 1827, bound to Liverpool , look the fever
and atue ami laid in Livedo,.! some Prr.e under
the tKicior's l.anils, wi' .t fiom ti.ere 'lo Baltimore,
lay in the Infirm trv for four or five wcrks from
thence In Philadelphia ; was sis months under Dr.
Coats; f'otn ihence lo New i rk went lo tin
Hospital, temaiuid iheie about four werk without
snv relief tried every Ih'tn; without snv benefit,
for five years. Hearing of t'aiilrell's Ague Mix
line from a fi.ei.d, I went lo bit store, told bint
li..w I was niHictfd, amlci.t a buttle of his miitum
slid used it 'ing lo d .rectum. Il made per
led cure, and I have it. t had thu least return since.
I do with confidence ii'LOinuivml u loihe p., hue.
U o o t & S h o c
r 1111 E subscr.b, r, I .P ol ll.e ti in ..f U'Ck V B'O
1 sin-, vv ou d re-p ctii'ly mlmm his . I I cnl- in
t ra .md the public eei er d'y ibst h' ha-i l iken 'be
shop f .inn r v occupad by llm. V Dnikeini'rr
ss a halter hi'p. One d or eal of W.ukI's stie, in
M irkil -treet. Sonhu')', where bu Intends to tairy
on his f .inn r bnsinrsk of
in all i's vsri. n, I ranches. He wi I tie prepirel 'o
do ad kind of work in hi line et Ihe sli. ri,t no
tice, snd in the niosi durable manner. He is thai k
ful for forimr pultonaue. and bv sliic' alleinlance lo
bu ine-s ami reisonublo chttrgt, will endeavor to
derive a couiinusnce i f it.
Kunbiiry. Feb. 52 ', 1815, 6m
C4l"riO. Notice is hereby given, lhat I
will mil pay s note, given by me lo Jonathan
Tlitrp, dated on or sb ml the l-t ol March, 18IS,
fir Any dolls. three m.tniha after Ja t'i a I have
Itot received value lor the same,
Shamilin, April 5ih, 1815 3t.
vxwv. www mx'oijnr.n.
llAtMoitvinn N. .1 . April 20. 1811.
On or about ibe 13 !i 1'ny of October, 1841. I w
taken Di li a vi lent pain iu 'he si le I. ear ihe livrr.
w lot h t nii'liii.ed lor a'-out live d a, snd waa fol
low! d I Ihe h re ik nu ol an lid r, or al s res in
wa iHv. b c i rehevid ihe pain a little, bbt caused
in.' lo ihrow up a ureol q.tin'ilv of otlensive uisiter
and a' . much l-lt..d ll.-ing grea'ly aUnmdal
ihi-i. I ippl ed io a physician, but be said be lh. ug; t
be coi. I I d but ! ll I " me ri'p' g ve III.' s -me
i Mtmiry '.v. wheh I u fused to lake, reeling
! ' I'nd l al ihey f. mI.1 do me no iood ; mar) o
' 'In i r in ibt-v weie then r cured by my wile and
f I nl none tint me auv itood ai d the th
charge ot hloo.l and vo'H'p'i 'll 'dl c i t I Unl rViTV
I w data a ..I al I .st becoiiin so t ilei sive lb il I
C -u ,1 arc, Iv It, a he I vv s ala seized with a vi.
; idi nl i noiiii, win hat times cati-td me to rjtse
i mo b ino.f hloo1 than I h id done anil my
! iliseasr- eor.iuiiifd in this wy, tl growing worse.
u ul Ft bru rv. wht ti nil bo trnv nc very was
' given up. snd my Inei.d all tin ughi I would die
nt tiAiL. riMO Consi'vipi ios. Al thi moment.
: when my li'e w.,a appareii Iv drawii g near it' rh'-e.
I heard ol DH. 1ST A lis U A L S A M O F
WILD CHEEKY, and g .t a bottle whnh hk
lilviu ml immliiiati it ; and by (be u-e of only
three h I les of ihl-med cute, all my puns weie
removed my rough and stilting of blood and cor
ruption ri.liiely stopped, and in a few weeks my
he. I'll wss so far rvstoied ss to tnthle me to wo k
al my trade, (which is s carpenter,) and up to this
utile I bave tni ytd good hesMh.
0'j,?CCisrta Coi-NTf, J- i i
i Persviislly csme before me, ibe rubscriber, one of
?lpllcatetl Syrup uf Sursnparllla.
I hdidilpl.ia. April lOih, 1 S 1 ft.
Mr. Jons A. Caituili,
Dear Sir, Having he. n slttic'cd for upward of
Iwo vear w ith ulceration of the throat, de-trot io.r
tha wholenf pdite. then through the upper
I part i f my m.Kith into mv imse, from which sever.
ul irce of boi e eunie . ut, which partial y dtvlroy
i i d my speech, ihrouiih skind Provtdeni e nd ytur
' Mcdiraied Syrup of Sars ipsiill t, I am now iestin l
to perf.el he il'b, ami my iiht, which waa so YnucU
!, is ss slrons as when a hoy.
I thought it a duty I owed to you and those siuiW
l irly afTi'1'ii.d, I" m-tke it public.
Yuots, It, specfullv,
Corner of Teulli and Coa.e Stretts. J..r.t..n, No. fi R. -kless Slrrel, Jo cer
t f v that my wife, Jane, was afflicted for Iwo years
with blivumvi on. and at la t was enlirrly ih-a' le.',
so that she was obhuf d t be confined lo tw d , hear
ing i f Cant ell's Mo'iialed Syrupt f Sa iipartlla,
or Ami Scorbu'ie Syrup. I procure I four h -ttbs.
which c uiipb telv re'.uued all brr psin and still
ness tiom her l.u.hs ; two m. re boitle made pi r
K'. I t urtv. 8:.e t p JW uble lo a' 'O brr house
hold tlutps as iJ.i'.i. liHKJI, JONSlON.
Philadtljdtia, JJU. 22J. 18l.
rry- De crip'ive Pamplibts mav be bad of tha
Sueol ((iiatas) J. W. FKILINO,
Sn. buiv, "tov. 9. 1SU ty .igen'.
Mm molt in Coal
fl HIE Subscri .er bs a b at load of excelbnt
1. Misrnok n Cn at Norihimibi'rl.ind, wlnc.t
he oft. rs lor sale at the lowest pi tea, Persons
wishing lo pH'th iss will cull no the snbtcii' er st
Sunbutv, or E. P. Shannon, E-iJ. "t Nonhunt'iei.
Und. ' il. B. MASTER.
unhury, .1 in. 4th, I84S.
in1 HALS ilt,
JVJ 100 Ban. I da., st Jl 75 c sh, fr:,
by B. HENDiilCKa.
Sunbury, Oct. lih, IS14,