Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 29, 1845, Image 4

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- ' ...(. .TU4 'V.-
T'.ir l,riiiPiti!irniir taf Kni ly Pftjs.
Th -T- n --rTritl nnt in a qui'"! vain
Whirr th 'dark-bird s!nn his son;;,
An I th' tnri"fiil Inrk in the morning jale
FIT'S cnrtftlling alone,
With n not" so soft, so swnet and clrtir,
That it sr'mi to con- from anothei sphere.
That happy home, with its. birds and f!oier?rs,
An 1 th- stream that murmur by,
An! th" tre", vh-rc in summer u!try hours j
It was luxury to lie,
Wit? tlie Eden of my enfly years.
And mcmoiy thinks of it with teat
Oil that childhood was n hnppy time ,
I have nevr known n joy
Such as. when at morn'it:: I would climb,
A young Fobl-hf-arted boy,
Tpthe riiaavl aid of that st"cp old hi!!
Wli-re in fancy I am wntuleripe still !
But :h? flowers may bloom, and ths birJ may
An ! I shall nvst th"tn nevei !
Tor Fate coiiips mournfully whispering
Thnt w'io part'd now lorever,
Though th -re I'.l h-nve my latest sieh,
Thnh lh?r. iiidalh. I'd wish to lie.
Vhat is this lf";i vn. of which o much
I dt am nl. and a'd and suns: ?
O, ii'it pl-nttrcs should prove hut such
As weal! have known when younfr,
And old haunts an I friends we th"m shall see.
What ar?a!m o'l-li s in 1 el 'twill be.
From the Fveville.
TO HIV MO I 111-: 1',
BY rtlAZM.
Shadiw, u bkf tin- tlru regard of men,
Constwi.t and close to fiiend while fnrttw'
You lave me in Ihr dirk, but rorr.e asra'n
And stick to me " irs i.e e if I z''.
Yet, shadow, es good Iricnds have often i!..n'
Y'i'm Y n-vcr strppod hit iv en me and the r.n ;
Fiiit lea ly still to lutk iur 1 have found you,
AiUio', indeed, you're fond of e'u g "a n:'t! ;
And. whilj I m'Veryt could 'g' t around' you,
AVlure'cr I walk my shadow with me tlid -s.
That you should leave niu in the riaik is meet
ITi'.niih. th re b-'ipc one thing to rental k.
Liyht ca!U you foith. yet lyinjat my fevt,
I'i.i kf-ep'ng yon f .ner in the daik !
"Wtirie n Kty Ueiilut"
A D I'tinmr? ciirri'cpntulrnt nftho D'iy A
vcrliscr, nives the fnlliAvmi aecoutil of Fo:ned
Inn xpiTit'iicc "it the rood :
A-; we were nbnnt Ifavinj; ihe lictel nt Tlr'a
(ii djdna, on V. ci'iicMhiy inotnmif, thcr w?i.
fieno (lelr.y from n pasM-nor in tin lliird i-lo'y
l'ri tty f.xn wn limrd h lmrp iiltcreticn up
stairs fidh'ttf'd bv the Hi in HrMiici' i.fn (Inn t, fu', Willi a red I'ici-, fto pmci-ded a noern
Willi an ii rut full nf l ie ( -. Till hlinrt, fit man
hi'iitiit'd to ll.e bir, ned in n mil of hilihh'.
wti': ptr, ns t'liiiiiili hu took prrat credit li,r not
bi in in n tu cripc p ""l, said :
'L H illiiril, wl,i re nr n y Iumi'm !
'Why really, sir, I wh. t ruin. bur where
tl i v V
'What has that to do with it V said th f it
man, pnw iM''iiiini tn L" t rxeitrd. '1 I'nn'i
k'm.v the ininl" r ; I he'iitvc tin y were 6, with
low !h c!h and peesi'd.'
Ah you mibiuke whal ie the nuiiibcr cfjour
'And did yii pttl '.lie number on your boot
when xiiii liiuk t hem t.fl !'
'What have! to ihi with mnrk'nj boots ? elo
you thtnk I carry ti buttle of ink in my pocket
tj prevent my boots fiuin Leitijj Mnlni !'
'Out there vuin a piece ol clrilk on the stand
M'lipri ymi look them i ff.'
A pi ce of thunder and lightning,' said the
fthir. 'I'll till you w lint, lundloin, that wont
!o. Tim fiinpie ipnbiinn is, uhae ie tni
Lao's? I tiK.k tlitin nir in the !ioum find ymi
ere it rpoiuihlt! f..r theiii. Tlittl' !iw nil uvi-r
h wnriii.'
Cirnaje waiting,' eaid tli driver.
'.! it vv.i't," Kii.l thu hit man. 'Jsuppotc 1
C:m on W'thniit mv hi ills !'
'lit re be i, no pn r that uin'l nurkeii,' taid the
bl'ii'k, ar llit'in inn ?
' I'iiuiii inn, yon thick rascal, I y thry nre iin
i c'i liHiJnut, Qui t.iij hee! nre twu inchty
Cwriaei' wmtinp:, nnd thu boat wi'.l lejve il
I iv ii it ii i ; v lnpi.1 r," p It. uii il tin (Ir.vrr, v. hilo
o NMTi' u'.l in thi: Catfiaop, tl(J urii j' linn to
tu r .
Tim fbt gaept d h-r breath, 'Landlord,
Opaitl I aeli, win re mi- ir y !'
Why reully, Mr, I '
Cio cr not V jid I i.t driver.
The bhort ui .ti m izi tl tlio tinmaiked boots,
wwi i BWitrWLigu a
and e'.riiiied und pulled till hu got them nu, and
groHniiij.' i. though hi leet were in a vice.
I'ii it II yi u what il it-, lui illurt1, I cuil these
people lu it nets '
'Carriage Harlin;', rrad the iiyt n mlr r.
The Idl man Marl'd tin.nnl wasjuht ppilinj
into the coach, when trie bljck louilnd ho-c.iul
ta.l, sayini, 'rtini inber ti e n'rvunt, -i r 1
'Yes,' Slid th other, turpinj tonnil and lay
ir tho tune nver Ihe waiter' brad, 'uko thit
Olid lemeinbei me and my louts ton.'
After we rescin d the brat, for a loep time,
the lal man ei mrd lost in a revr rie, Im'birp at
hiii rew bimts. I onre heard him mutter
'After all mine (iid lei, k a little.'
Thua may we draw rnmfi rl fr rn the wi.rM
ills; for wli.t iiwurr-e than lotinjr unt'a liait
wbeo tKa orriaje it itioj; and lbs Ul utxut
to eUT.Y
f'-"-' " .fi lilt p.HUH L.tWJJ.-.. JIMyilij'.'J
The f lloV,. a- h-t ,-tmwa the niT. nt s-slne of all
e,invli.i It i V N .. a. The mn-t implicit re
liance mv le . .-. 11 upon it. - it
f-riHv eompirc.1 with at d c.irrcdcd bom lii.k
o 119 llepor'er.
Ittulis !:i rii!lalelirtiJa.
. liie. i
! N O f 15 S AT PA R
j Jink of Nnr'h Ainpii'-"
itrtiik nf thp .Viithcr.' l.ihprlies ,
j Commercial Hunt of Fenti'ri .
I Farmers' and M-rhsniV It ink ,
!Crnimrfo'i link .
i i'i.iini.'i.h; i Hii.k
j Si Inn Ikiil
I Sninhwark !'' k
I'ii it. ad.
I "
Western 1t.nV
Mai.ufncturi rs' iV Mee'ii pics' Hunk
Country I'anUi.
ftniik of r,letrr (Vuiinv M'ltchcsier
ll.ii.k of !'liw .re Cn iniy Chester
II ink of f ii'riiinii.i ii' ItenuriMlovvn
!tmk of M.n.i joiin'ry t, Nmris'own
D ivlislon I! ink I) 'h Ktuwii
Kin'on 1'aiik' 1'nn'iiii
r'umiei' It. ink i f Tlnct; co IVi tnl
i ik.I
O'fn e nf B uik of I'enn'a.
' Ptirn iln do
(t1re ,hl do
T.rinr mir 1
l!i iilina f i
Ollice d i ibi instnii J pue n.
'Isi k of 1 1 I piiii.t M ite il ul. Iploa
itiink I'i en I'nw ii.-hin . . p-
irar.l rkm
Moniniriu'i e It u k .
Dank nf !Yiuis hi.i i . .
t irn ri lin k ot l'iu:viif rnt's-.iiht
Hunk nf l i wi i.'wn
I'auk i I M d.Ilel. wn MiiMlcinwti
lb tik of Netihiimlii il m 1 N rthunii'i rUml
I Vlinnl la li ml. iV I'. rnle 10. ( 'nluuilii.1
1'iirtisle Hank (!:i!iile
Cehai Hi' Hank l'iHl.iii
III di frine'i of 1 1 l!i.. v .-"i.u: g
Farmer." It Oik nf I am aHiei l,inci-ii'i
l.iuieaiti r t.' -unty H "k I mraslcr
Fiirincr 1'ii'di nt fiuilll n I a lu j
llair'shliti! H-t' tk Ila'ri-I.urn
l. n I! im! l.mieis'nr ll nil; l.el'ai'"!!
Vli'ii harp.' iV M.miif. Dank I'iiikIuhs
H i k nl Piiiil'i.ti! I'i'it.ini
Wist ILari' ll l! l.k iiti.iriji -rt
'iimiiej Iboik W i ke-i..niu
N'. rih un.t.'ii !! irk Alleiii.uMi
I link C.'unlv li n k ili adm;
Odiee . tlai'ik nl I". S. I'ttK'. urj I
Pit do iii) line
Ui d.i d.i e Fiiuhtiin
KimisiiiC'ii Suv. A i'.t
IVim Town-hip 4 iv Ini. do
It ii k of I'lian'I'i I'fuis; ("htiihrifhurj
It .i-k ot Cc'H-l'iir.; (Jiliys! nijj
It oik iue!i.iiina I'o. Mi'.i.ttOhC
Kne I! ii k li'i"
F'l ii.' r-' iV ltrovem" Bank vi'c i.!iirir
. an k in I! i'ik Wiis'iiimtiiii
Ib.ninl A- II. t k Ilom -d de
Urn nnu i1 el i Il n. k of 13. FrnAiiKVille
ik liai k Y'i'k
par j
fai'i d
,N. II. The notes i f lhce hai k on which e
null qiiiitini.iini, and mh-tiliite d.i-h ( ) bip nol I
ilirehani it l y t'.e I'. I1 nil, wnti ihP
-xci tiou nl th- ft h i h a leili r ot r. Ii r. lice.
II It ' K K N U A N Is .
I" il.,ih l.hia S iv. Ins. I'lnla l. I, hia
I'hil nit iphisj l.ii'iiCo, ilo
fvVd j
l .ili it
SI. uv Ik. II S iv. I, do f del '
Mum il l.iih. r l! .mil ( T. W Dvott, prop.) f.iiln
I'i ".vandi Hank
I M'.V l ll.l
lte.ll.. id
II arii.htirg
!o il t mo
Fa; cite co.
t il. i'll' B-1 e
1 1 ii nidi. V
Mh -hany tt mk of I'a.
U .nk ol lieii'.er
j U ink n S vatara
i itank nl Wa-liingt in
! (Jrtitie I'ai.k
liosal. i
iliM.I !
ihe lj
1 1 d
i'lly Ii o k
Farmer-' & Mei hW H-.'iV
Faiuit r.' c VivliVr." llmk
Funnel' A Mi i li'is' U.ii.k
llitrioiiriy Ins'iiiilu
Hutiltiiiloi. Uii.k
I ut 1 1 it II ink
iiiuilM'rnieti's It-nk
Noiiherii II. ink of I'a.
iu Hope h. Hi idee Co.
Norhuoih'd I'i.pui I'ol, Ilk.
.Noiih Wtt, in l!a k ol I'a.
Oll'ue nt Si hnvlkih U ink
I'u. Alt iV M iiinf. IJauk
po -ale
f i.ii-.l
f illt it
no -ale
II'iiilttiB'hin no -ith
V aneii
.Nt Hope
M i'loo
M. aihnle
I'nri I 'inhon
I Liriile
I ''nwn
Gi. t imhurz
ilkt s'.-irn-
lio .ilr
no Hrtlc
1 1 .e i
no -uli
l'. IM d
rlo. .1
Slivt l J. ike I) l k
I n mn Il n k i f I'i nn'a.
Puinniieluiiii liank
S ilkf-hatie liiitlfe Co.
(Jj All iiole piii 0'lii s lo hp nu am I'ei n-yl-vanni
Uink in i kihii ill ihe Bhuve ll-l. may hu tel
lowu a fiauds.
,nv ji:i:si:v.
link nl' New liuuuwak Hn.nsiiiik
llelvideie Hank
Iturlmion Co. F ink
J inniii ie-al It iiik"
.'uiltla rlo d It .i.k
' ..m.i lb.nk
I'.riU Aiu',..y
Mount Holly
."ami' is' ai d Mechanits' Ilk Fahway
faimrrs' innl Mi chaines' Fk N. Hi uiif-virk failed
I'ariiii rs' ntnl Mt r. iiMiii' l)k Mid i!i ton 11 Ft.
Fiank in K ink o! :. J. J. 1 1 y Cily fi led
lloi oken Uku iV (iia lii; Co II ih .ken lad, d
leisiyCitv U 11 k J.i.yl.'ity fiilnll
M. fl am, a' li nk l'..P. is ll failed j
Vl.innl 11 iur. n' H mk It . li. v ille fold j
M.,rris I oni.ty U.n.k Mn:i,i.l,..vii j '
Molinionlh Ilk nt N. J. 1 ii'.'l. ld Mini j
M. ihuii. V Hal' .N.iv.ik i I
Mi ( nanifi. an. I Manuf. I'k Treiitoo pm
Morn- Canal anil likg hj' Jt.ity (oty
I'o-t Olt S
I'O ule
N.WB'W llktf & Ins Co New ink
'ew Hope I'd liiidop Co l.miht iihiille
J. .M.iiiuh.c. Bid Fku Co lli.l'ikrn
fa i!c. I
N J I'm ("mi & l.tiiol iild I k .Ivr.i v Cry
( hante Hank Orani
a" Hank I jIii. iii
I'foplt llBiik" 'I'
Film clou Hank Fimeeiun
Snlun lljiikmtf Co e-jl. iii
State U ink r.e.i.irk
sPaif F ink l.lui: 1 'htown
('ate H ink I'uutdi 11
Slain 11 mk nf Munis Moniaiown
stnie Hai'k '
i.tlem mill I'lnlud Munuf Co r- almi
Susat ti llank New Ion
fa lie. I
Ullt d
fa, I.d
I'lcnti n Hanking Co Tici.ton
Cm 11 It.nk I'nti r
Weohu glou Ilaiiklnu Co. Haiku, sack
Dl'.I.iU AII15.
Ilk n( Wilm it llr uioy wine Wpii.tnptnn
Hank t.l 111 law Br. W llliill j',.!!
liank i f So yriia Bmyma
I hi hianrh M.lioiJ
Fanni Ik' Ilk c( t-laie i f Del Dot. 1
1 I.i I ranch W ilininslon
Ho I'lumh (.eii'gi'iow n
Ho NenciSlle
I'liion Dank W 1 1 ill, I ij; loll
ttj- I'nt'rr 6'i
i f
On all I si ks tns'krj thus () ll rrs are
Iht r rauiilaftll 01 altrteil niUts yi ib vac.eua
bkiluiuaiittuB) iu .Usula.ixiu
nuslnes wtti'i'deil to in the Counties of Nor
thuipl trland, I'niu i. I.venmttm and Coliind'ia.
TllOMlS 11 MIT A' Co., 1
l.nW HI iV li t II Kill.
II A II T. CllMMIVOS i HinT. yl'&ilttil.
list loi.ns. McFtn.Mi rk Co
Srr..ii , !onii A Co.,
v i:s r;i i ttt.v. 1 031 v m,
T.itl in II It' 1 r
n v s v ! ; i' s 1 a .
TMW Me.heli e 's nlTe ed to the pnldie ftener-
a'lv f'.i'M fo I emivicli' ii th ii 11 is tiperun
1 HI1V il 11 I 111 I'T'Tl" 11 I'v ill iir. 1 -I 1.'- 1 iit il., , , t 1 .1 .1 1 i.
I. 1 . . i.i... . l)n! i!,,v n, ! ,'"".'r- '"' X 11 ',.""C ",l' W"' hr
(1 I v Wp kne. Ac
II. I IfiC'S I'llVe !. PO let--1 ' a ptiv te rPPP
. f i e ir i uht e ns. S"d il 'S ivw tn re Pt pi s:v U
ci'cid.ite.l, nl lie In im. 'p id tninv ho have re
eiiv. il ihe pin t lien ! 1 1 tu fit rni"i li e II i f it.
The f i I.i". In? is one BiieMia a pii'i't'i r "f Pi it fl
c i'c. iivcivi tl in ii l.iti.'ii to the mi t cs ot this me
d e i e:
I.'CST'n ('o. Match it.
Da. (iinnsr W. tn. v.
Pfiir S r . 1 1 is vut'i nr. st iV.isu-p thai I tn.
'crni 'll i f he fie' i- "piidn.(! i'Ur IHsi Pilic
Me In-ni-, li' e i " i I n ii' ! ut lie. Fio ii
).t i iin'iii in p, I firrlv hi In vp il nt Pi p-cht r'
mil of ten. the l)pep'ie, h thp ne i t ' ur tne'li-
inc. ii:av r n ir ly ti l h hum If of ill Mimn 'ti the
.:ithw.iv nf I i f . s pot only in d'PPe crr. Nil
in fb e mPS "I C'l'nlip ili'itl nt'd ili.ea-eii ili-t ri il Pi
li a d'Pilun Pit fVt'e i f 'he iiirn'i'" h'poi, inee- J
it'C oh a to i I -l t -' i f I he h '!. w i I y.nir K- :
lixir I" f"ii il nl n'ft'in t h- viihie. ?u'i c- u in-
-t inn w tip-em Hi" tii tu n s nl tin" ni' -iieine na
hen res i c.l, may ie l.e warded, if leqipnd. I
ii.h y il H'fs' m c.c-, and reci in n nil (he iiiej:
i inc to fin- nill. r Hi ail "I in 11 k-nd.
Vouis, ith ereii ie-pe.-t,
li-1 r.K it i' At;M:w, m. p.
C" Fill sIp at t' t ur of II. II. ,M isM-r, .i).'lil
for ihe pr pfie nr. l'nl tirv, I'a.
Ileiot-cr SH'h. HI I I V
A N U It V cV 11 O V. t,
Snulh I'unt roi in r nf Murl.ri and di ..'. .
II V. I! I tin V ahv ii I..- i mi t'l'iil in rT'eii
Hke a iri.n. ni . I HA I n' tr ('.1 I "I 'en
ih r pi on. t.ti ) pi li e le-l in I n iml
up. r m.l !
.li.v.n'i I
h! !e I'i i n di r.'i ii. o! ; c h i-inu sn. no' ii'i
lis on ih,- HIO.-.I na-. ni' le ur n-, ni! fi 1 i to
I i-tr .(! to c ill h I in iiiukinn Uu II in -1
1-e h. re
'! tl,.d.-l hia. IV' St1'. ISU. 1
."lOOf) l V !.. 1M it i Hides f.r I quail').
:l"lO lr !,l (i n a. il i
tj D v .-.!'. il !. tlu'-ri. do
r0i ! si 1 'I l ' ''I " ''". ,l"
; I'.a P-i (i'l'. ti .l 'ed I'llt Ill K pS.
'iO 1! !' I 'iv Fa n K..-.
1-20 1! "'e T-.ino ' or.
'I aniiPr-' Hi.d Cioti. '-' Too!
For sa'e to t'"Uniiv T.mueis at ihe lowist prieis
-lot n on li p l e-l I- mi..
N. H. I he h il. al ill uket p'ii P. p. id for h':
kinds nl I. a'.her
N . SI . . t I I'.r.l Si. I'hil deli hu
SVn'r m' ,i II. 1-1 I.- Iv.
Sll 1(1 Kli T'S I'ATKNT
f.olJLI 2.'.r.w.".s.ll
r tj 1 1 1 M-tliUif h i. -w h.rn ip-e.t iv inor
1 il, an ihi " fa n I t in ihw pi-' ct, h ill ii.l. and
j h r i i-ii . nine
i e. i .iirnrln p. il.:
:iti-l I,. i i I i. -o -i ii-h- in n
I il t ai n i t tel .1,1 ol . I ' I. !
I , ,, ,i. ni no iton I i m I. 'i.d i piinu.or ro I r- to
I ye: .1. I ot ir nu, 1 1 I do Iw if e as in in I: !
1 ii i l-. iv lh 1 1 . -i 1 1 h ill I l.e wis and ni el in I
! ihe I it.' Ion irn.n-. nil.! hl i nf ciea ci piper
in rr. ii e -l- i n- Ill le uier I nil .is much as nt! e'
, a-'iing ii.t-' ine.
Tin- mi' . ri' i r h t dip i' ni;hi for or.
ihiinih. il tint. I'loon. I. c .inn B I uliiii I n, lo--Z'
riii- ntnl ('.!,. Ion f. III. IP i". I'l'Co ol n s'.' Ill
. ho . ft. li. it. s i:i.
Tic f.llowi. t ce I firnl ' l.oio a few ol lhoe
who htf-t ihi'-e In il i P- in like.
Sui.l.niv, iib. 51, l1 I.
We, ihe su' . i hei ctroly we h ive no v
ill li e. ill our I . ml li s, nceil - I .lenl 4' .kT.
ma M ..'tiiiif . .in. I .'o i ol hi -ilaie s t ini; thai il i-
i iii.i-I . J .ll-l-l li. v, ii I n., hi Wn.l iiiB
I til -aie in 're ih in one h i'i ihe u-inl ULnr. j
I'i al it il". n -I le,j .lie more limn tine l i h t I
es'i.d qn mil y ol m p and ,'pi ; mi I lh it it eie j
I. li . ni',' ii B su i c p.. qn. ni'v I tt e or mi w r i .
Ill ( r It a ' Oil' I'll t It knot ll I'll tiH '..ti-. hlld
mat i he finei tin re c t as I n t s, nrk,
Irtl &e., inav he ' el III miy i.h. il l-ni.
nilli.ntl'P le hi inpin , a. d in lei I unh ill my
iti pa cm wi ur an I . a , h ilev r. Wp iheief .r
1 in rilnilv rei minuend ! 01 r h inn's and I ihe
, iit'lic, us B lliosl Usi lid .ti. .1 I ih r sa i' i! in .. hu p.
t II hI.F a W IIFt.l.a.S,
A. lOiOiW.
I iis wi: wfr.
Clis IM.F. vs N I S.
l.'lltF.OS M KKI 15.
Ho". OF.o. O. F.I KF.n,
II F.N I. IIF.NDh'il KS.
(ill'HON l.lliSF.NUlNt!.
Hi nit's Ilin ei, (fu 111 rt v Tiriooi l II n-e, N...
116 ("It - si. ul Bote',) I'I. it idr ph a, Cf-teiuti. 1
21.', loll.
I ns. .1 ed ii! it's P il. nl Mir' p p
ni in 1 lino e 11 pw itda of t-i-hl mun h , and do pot
Ii. ait. itt" lo 1 11 that I deem it o e of h nt.. t use-
I..I H' d a u'-hle lahor-nivmi! nii'C!nii.en inv.ii.
ml. I fuirnei'y k-pt two iv.o en r .1 liuusly
cup id in 11 iia'iiuii , Ini now do a- mini
in h in l'
. ays . ,h.y ihen tu ) in . i ew..k 'I in no
war 01 t.. r ,n waahniB. si.d i' n pn'. Lot m ...
,1 .1 ., 1 .1 .. .. ... .1 .. . ... i.u ..1 . . 1. I I,.. ie
' , , '
hal a PialnPcr nl o In 1 m ihine in my I.i "li l , hut
Ili a is o I' .1 v supeii .1 lo i'v. iv Hi Hrf 1 le. and
so ll lie l a le lo nr nut t f I' p ,'t, I'i t I ' iild Ini
i Wltlinul nutf if 111. y shuj: t C'Sl I'll I I tit- 'hi y aie s it I for.
i . 11 1. IIF.U':.
M. .KIS. V.. lAL I.L,
MA.MII'M 'I l i;i:i S aMillBil.l KS IN
,Vo. SO, .V0111 St a, ml Strut, Cnypmite the
Mudimn llnnr,J
f"W- WIIEKF. i!hpf nnlniriiiral Bf"t- fp
VyJitienl nf FhirettPe Ilr .id-, AlUr'". I'll'-sT?"
lands. Feldh s. W it . wr . rr St a, ami He
much B Inured N apnliiso I. ape, a d Fboci 11 11.
litis, m il l f.iiiurd hv ns, slid for sale (i Ihe 'lill-l
rniuiifnriu e pnera Meichsnls and Milintrs .re
iiiipel 10 give ua a c h 11 pun v ii 1 in ( tie City.
rj7" N. It We have ki n ron laii Iv ng our
snpi liur bu r Hid oil . t edgings, sll i,f is l.icb will
be so'd ilit ap, for ra-b.
rbildltna, May 36, 161 a. ty
1 1.
ir.ii ijativi: STUM.
'lIlE idnnb'e ptoprr'ie tif (aklc's Dep'l'ii
i c Ti'inan e proprr'ip 01 i iaKiex s nep'i'ti- ,
live Svmp ol S sapaiilla. a. pu-if,er of ,l,e t
' . 1 1
hl.ird,- s sn n fit known to the pul'le BHitirallv
tliat il is upreeesuv to m-rnpv mm h pme in rrU
t ' nc f"'Jh the mlvMitapp tn hn ileriveil tr.nn its
ui nhenver tin nieili' ire has once been intro
I'lP cd, il taki s pnceitpi ee o'er all ntheis: ruy
oiii'll'Hl has inken i, hae ili rivnl so timini In lie
tieial rcults frmn il, thi' it i recnuiMiei i'ed I v
tlietn 'nh : e u mi st c nfidi ree. Phy-icii-s or
the highest slmel iig in the i.ifi'-i.m. picsciit'e it
to pn'iciiti mult i tlnir rate; '. ni liniiij t.oilii'B
ilel. ter'nii. but In ii 0 rmnii (! nt the in II pnl '.
ct t llbveiou HRel.ih'e m i'eiud. it i utT. red idi
i"i fiilenee. as die i hcpisi and nni-t rd'enut m.
rifief if the Mnod ln knnn. The tie nf a few
ti ruin! .siih s ni"t ih i tile I iiii.uiv tin nt in Ilie t""
tier i' '.In tiL'ili ofl'-e -I -i"n. cra'Tiiiu iirv ee-lJ
f ilisra-e tl'at m.iv hic licen g'tierit"!. Ins'ile
tt'i no heal I h piuI tie r ! itie toilv. Fir il.r i n
nf Si r.ilu' i or K lies K'll. Phcimiitun Tine',
I'iinpl.s or e.epti.'iwi.f ihe !;,., Whit, aiv.llini.
t- ... - i i i i. .!.... .c... 'I l i
meson, cp.'ifiea cs in the t o -..,- n ,.( ih I f ti.
1 1 1 a. "I hi. Hi- . ft 'in pU'i'in. in d oih. rs. ;.re ;
si (1'i.ient Din. v pre Ih.- ni. ki i Wl ol i s st,. 1
pin.'Tilv ever :ill ni p ir 1'ion i t ti irs p l'ill l.
S l l n tiot.'-id.. pud let .I1, hv li e pto.rieli.r,
fiLdKflK U.nAKl.liY. Noith full -tie. t. I.N a- j
''ini. U'lk Cor.tpy, and In In li'id ol the InllnwiiiB ,
pi I So, S !
Ii Niirlltniilt'ii'rd t'n'inni II. It. Mjv, '
Soi hi'iv ; I e .inl it M kel, Mi V. .m uoillu ; I)
j KruiiL r Milion.
I t L'n tHi Ci ui'tti. .!. Oi r.rh ut
Si 'i''crop ;
A Gut. In.s. M'tlin I ii"i.
! CituiHluii (.uiity. n.W. MiL'r, W-li
ii sion.
ft Mur.h I I. I Ft.
Mi. (1ii(ir.i: I i. i.i-e it t - ntv ol ii.ry
ore to Jo vei in it;, ir power I .p-,foi the h in-,
fit ot tlnir nit .and hnii'C had po-i ive
I'loo! in mv ou'ii I .rii'lv nf ih- w ilnl pr r ' '
of y in lh or itip Si .mi of S.r-i.p .'ill-i. I in i.l
c.'ii.. :-i:.on Iv reromri'i rid it m the anh''te.l. Ve
I- nl in '-I .it.nie t I ur I v ol our r! ihhi n. hv
tn- I r. nk. n- i nt ol u'i
hi ei , I . mi ami i p. k.
. re. th.i' coven d th- '
'l h'd n.'lne ol tl I :
ni.'t -iniiiilie pi vii.".ii e i" a' ei d tli iii and ha l
tindiill the kn oMi p'opdi.'-'. Inehidi. R f.Mii n'i
I auiiC'ii. m ith. -ut av nl, Ai.o'ler (it mv cloai-cn
i-a- a"i-ile! in 'h.- iip rn no"- , I rr '.re i-i ,1
in i k i- a. r.n. j.'pl, ly e. vei. .1 ; :he d .1 n lB." i' 'K -o
''liei'hii' ', Pl'd it p .ilye.w.' fit mi, Il a he uh ll.i.tix-
ih -' r .I i.l hei 'l'-. ."ee'i j 'h- on I. rf.d ell,,-!,
't'"' I e," r .ive S i op ... ! .-.( ar: 1 1. we wit.
in' or. .1 I i ni.,,1' li d nl it a- t' e I .-t t' . r : il
ie I'd liUo a c' in in : thi o c-r. c, minrnei d hi aloiB
nun ci! uu y a t-w hii'l'i - i iiiihis ir-l l'.iitn
i i r I e h!i , hii h the h e j v . .1 no nl en in tells
, ei n i n A" a piiiifn r nt ihe h o d, I vciily 1 1
I i iv il h is in.l Us t qo'.l
.IHll.N tOYl;H. T il 'i.
Vi a'.l.l.l In', i. l.i a, Fo'iiih, hVa 'in.
Ih.iiitl ...P!e, nl I tlih. H.t.
,Mi. OiKitT : M - n " iion. i I.i-it I. a I tip"
-riot. I i iii ih.- in...' n! :i' d ih-pcs 114 ll.::ll-
I cr h i il.r'P ei a. tin inj nil i!i P ne 1 r w n ih
p. 11 ' ,1 nl 1 1 iin" nl I 1- iin' I 1 - le .1 and itik
11 1 ii- eoi . r. .1 v ph ulcers Wp lit dad 'hpihd-'-nl
r. 11. ,li a. I lit to 110 .Vet, unit lrc..n'm. nd.-i!
' v IV. .l-.,n-oti nl .r i-P-n. B- d 'd-o Itr. 1-a ie '
II . -I. 1. nl K. ml 1 e I . e' ion, Di li 'ill: v -up
.I : i.-'..r li .1, "I t 1 11 h I n i.tun-.l i m i! ho'-lts .
'he lir .1 w!..i li it'.o.. lh- ili pef t1 'i . ol
I, k - r-'ein, 1 1 , ..ii- I e di d up, and If e c'i I-' w ;
rei. ot il lo P.licl lioih wln.h le Is- . nj n ed ;
niiii,ler ii,.e.lU i V' r m. 0 . to t' a-t n Inn. in o!
lit mv pf..oii. wlm en t ini do i- B les "ttlct'on.
I li ie thou, lit il mv i!n v . and -1 nl v 11 I hi. cm- (
I fic.ii.' lh it ol e a '.ihi Ii it, 1 Ike -.f.tviiitn 111 tl.- ,
I f 111 I'.v int'V klioiv aiirri' 1.. ..hti 11 k 1 vidila'dea
in. .11 11, e. Y. ui. iit.'i . '
p.. in. in - iv
li o:iiit-l f n'
'I'ho pu lie will plr.iw o'l-ene that 11" lir.nnl elh
I'ii's are V'K 'I", un'if.. ihe lux his llvee I 1
t.e'f ii; mi il ihe lo,tlie e aid the t'.-ll. in"!
e .1 h en ip nio.'i! af t .-nni'i i.i alii'P ot my li mil.
writing. lhu 15. Hit 1 muu i 11, M 1 1. - -'I he-.' la.
l-rl ate Illortied on fli-el, liaiill'oilv de-i-c.d.
and it.i-.e al ait c 1 p.-11 -e of .-ier 5 -d1( 'h Iln ref. e
it wdlle -orn thai 'he oiilv ihing nn i -ti iiy to pr -tore
ihe lUiiUeine ill iis puni), ih lo I'l'-cni' li.i'M
la'" I..
I'eineni'i. r llv lop, the tide, and t' e hn'loin.
The t 'oil, mil u ic-jn ci iv e p'is..n ate duly auto, ti
z. d, ami hold
For ll.e ale ol Urandreih't I'et'u'de Co. i- rstil
orihn i he li' il eonniv : Mihon M ickev iV
I 'bio. h. 1 ho. 1111 hi r v 1 1 It. M tser. M T.pis
villi In I mil iV Men, II N.nihuin' eiland W in.
I'or-M'i. Ci .1 celmvii ,t. & .1. W.ihu.
I nl. ni C .milk; Ntw lit rim llnipn W01
I. r. -elins-roie (.corse (iouihum. Mi.t 'le.
' Put; l.i.ic tmiih. lie.ivti iwn luvid Il'.d lt".
; idon-huii? Win .1. M iv. M ihTiishuiB Miiisrl,
j ,v II .y. Ha lh P. 11 Il in 1 I .'..,11. Fii t liini
I li.A F. C. Miner, l.en.-lnirc Wall. v (inin,
I Colinnhi . 1 in i.i y : P oniHc 15. II. iit-t i..i is.
I A Co. Ittrwiik Shorn ni I! I'riih ni.e. Ca .
jlawiesa C. .'. Hi, ills. l.lo-ii.ishiii" John F.
J M.-yer. J. isey T.iwn l.iti His, I. Was'iiii-tnn
j lio1 I. M.Cav. I.niie-loi.e I'.ai','"" n.Aili,
j l)h-eivp h .tcnc'i AlpiiI h. is bii Fimiav d C. r-
ll'ieale uf Asein v, .'.'nlila.l ii g a ii-prca- Pla 1011 ot
j in FUAMHiF I'll's M n.i.iai i.-rv at Sun Smj,
j .llol lll' II W hit h W ill a an .r set II tl't.'l r,'p.,l
I 'he ntw It.Ut? ui iv u.yfti Uj dn tin liruiidrrth ',,'
t'hd id. Iphiu, i 1 Jlice No. H, Ninth Hih ten t-l.
j H. L'I!A Mlil5 FH.M. I).
! -I'-ne t!4ili. I -tl.
nf i,,.,,.. 1-1 nx i-t. 1 . .n,. 77.-
o i 1 . t .s t 1 11 1 . 1 v 1 10
j (1 .jtj ..m, 'J',',l( Slll'Ot.
- V - tl.o t'..., II.. ...I
- , . - ') a 1 tr v aT 1 1
I C. MACK FY, Atiitioiiei r. le-pppiful'y m
- li'ia ihe all i.t'tni ul reisi atl.snons nt in.r
I ! 1 -1 1 : -a I iii i"i u-e to In. nren-ivo fa., . s ; ..una.
, , , ,. 1 . . ... .
('nil pn lie kill I' liale.) I. .iiterv i'i -n 11 lion nl
, , , ,. . v . . . 1 1 1.
I I oils. Ii. 1,1 I UII 11 in e. 1 if ( in If 1 hi .11. i d al -.11
, .
tours u lartP Bas.itf mrnl i f las num. Pie an. s, II
, , , ,. , ., , . . "
,),..aii,n,aiat'. i "a.ita. rum I'll re. 1 1 I'll a. .11 all I asses
, , - . """""
iVe.. al itri raducrd for r.sll.
CO" f-ttb'h hv Aiii ta u, ia ue a week.
May SVih. I MIS. 1 y
rPWFFl) I.D I H, a Pan Isoi p "ir'icle, sii t o.,.
I a'i and el s 'c, tm Suu nn-r l.'.u nnd I'm.lrt.
(o sate, very I hy
J I'i
II. It M
1 Ml Zo CI NFS. , "haTo";.,.,,
Ihr-n a, ,,r tkle tl i an, Py
Jnn. t...
uii.. .11. lie for I.adni
h. n. Mssj:it.
I l liiansliliif; .llaf liliif lor Sale.
rillll' stihscrd t-r iilleia f r vale a TH UFSHINft
1 MAI'HINF, lie and in ipind nultl. Tie
Mai hint- has I pen in.d. bii I proves lo tp an net I
Irnl one ll Hill I t.dd at a irdurtd pure. bii. I
wariaiiir.1. Apply lu H. It. UASsFII.
July til. 113
t j-, ,. . -
- yllKMl Forwnrtlinl MrrclinntV
I...- r ll-'H . rt -in f
loot nf H iilnw Slrrrt Rail Rvatl,
TU K I'FI. Wllf,
TTAVINfS asocia'id ih
J-bilpr T'astiui. I'a., nsnr, tl'ullv inf.
0 5 TUB t'M.Wtir,
h DarnPt
infirm their
fripr-d. nud thp puhlic peperaHv. th it thry havr ti.
Kin Hi -t large an. I wp kniosn stun-arid whirfnt
f.ft of Willow Strict TlHilrnad, lilily oiennipl hy
.1 spoil Martin, viheip ihev pU'poe doitu a (ipipral
Cniiitpisinn and Fnrivardire tlu.iiip.', and f nin
thp local ndvaii'aee. nf ihe pi ipp heinit conn rted
with idl the public iiiiirovoineiit that hae iheir
outlet in the cilv, they Halter lh in-ielvi a ihey n ill
he ah!p to do holiness In ns oie it. if tint a pa'i i ad
vmiinep, -'lid upon a leisiia1'!! teima. anv oil er
h.'llie, biiiI lin y bs.iiip llip-r fi ioii.L thnt any run.
s ii mi nl. in 'tie to Ihi-tn t-lmll ha v.- ihi ir sir'cl nt
' I. i,l...f, mid iiofXiiti.iiinsp.iicd to Kivc en ti.e Balis- .
1 f .fi.on, i
i Th. v hip also ,,repaie l to rrreive nt iWonvard .'
t c'oiis ny oint on ihe 1). In v ire mid'uh ;
'"'"'t' Mmirlt l.hui.k. l,ilm. ami I'lnla- ;
i I 1 1'', vi i I 'pi:, ware llivi-i n am e Hll in ".
point .. il e Jimi-ita nv. r. or .Nor h
'nl I si Itianchee of ihe Sn-q't'll Ulna via 'el,nl.
kill and 1', or the Chi Mpeuke and I'ide W.ite.
en as.
For the aeeommoda'i 'n of lloa's e tiih'C or co :
n B via t-.'l u;!ki'l and I'm 'ii t'-iuil.. a .Sie in' oat
wi'd h k. pt i xpre-!v for low inn hmi. from :he
Hi hiil 'V III to the I el , aie and hack, w' ieh
will en hie U" iclianta to haie Iheir prod'U C deli
tr cd on ll e 1 le aw are, and Iheir a ui'U slippul i.l
a Bivinj ot S.l to 75 er r. nt. o. the pneis f r .
Ii.iiihi B C o s. w ith iln se ad ' ant m- Il ey ru- j
spiitlnl'y Mii;cit B shale nf t nir rt t-.e.
V. llKII.M N A Cl).
William If. iliiia",
Wdhitnt V . K irf ,
I.w.p'i I!, met. ' 3 Fl.i: t.l , M v t l. Ik trt t y
J. TfXILlTls A 1-3 S! . J 3LX . CO. '
Sntiii' ni..' TnliriiTD .Miuiwkicliiit.Ts.
.Yo. !!'.) .i:r(i H 1 ' crrvtr f Unci uud 'I'.'.ird
111 ,h T-iaiied h up I. mo d a I'.i-ii.niei r-'.in
I, r lh. pri.i ol .1. M YI,M .I11..V '.'..
is iivers.or. i i iho 'ate foni ot Juc,i!i .M'ii:hitJ -
Co.. i.n 1 will cniii pe ihe I nsine-s at lieol.i rt'i-lli-hinent,
nil tier own art. inn'. 1,1 i.ddiniii 10
1 1 eir nv n close iP'eii'i-.ii in d epi 11. nee I' 1 i sii-v
1 :i'S. in t e nun 11 1 11 lure of ;'v.r 1 c'i ':t:iI. .1 -null-.
iV .. '!ie I, f X 1 Ttieneiic.' n' ti e s-i ior pai 1 1 cr o'' l! e
bile frni. w i! nl. o he ih'vo'cd lo 'he 11. 'en 1 f le
liew i 01 er'n and es 1.0 . Tniion and ra p wi I to in. ure tlnir un-ai., a' a I tun sol the v.
rv l e-l qi.ah'v. tlu v ndict a eontiini ,r,,e .1 ihe
conl'i. ol il.e Ii.cihIh and . 11-t .nu 1. ,.t the laic
firm.- TlioM s A I ' MS.
.!. M Y I. H, .In
I'hil 1 !. tpl.U. V.iy 1 l'!i. I 1.I. I v
T ti'otn.irv
fPHF Nnl s-riler, A -c I ot I iv li i"i-, I' -t
M iiinf i-tiir-rs. (or N i. N'...'. I'h.t ..'e'i m
It .!t rr.ore mid eher hirje riui, -a!. .a-hi-ldy
cinnni n I. d I ir giu;l m-d r.'-i-i' ?-
ha. o 1 I nnd a tir-l rile ia- 'tin 1 t I 1 1 ! " "' I
OA I'S. n,!i ti le I', r S;r pe s .(.-, iii
: 1 e - -I :
Vi lv low, foi cash or ai pn.e I rr,i',.', 1. 11 t- ntt'f
r'leil) Noce, No. -1t, ."i:i I !i rd '": I, . p s' f
Ihe Cilv Hotel. I'hil 1 I. I hu.
lit tiit'.t! T U. U H.Kl.N'si t. ,.f,i.
N. It. Did.-, . I .r Hat- n .he .'.: '1 ,0 1 ,1 '.li
a, tt rule I to. Th l i '111 t t i'u .: :a-h ir l.-.r
turn I .t I'm l'..K.
I'I il , tftphia, Ji.i.e 11, I.n - -lv
f.rn( i':il .hiipi!. Iim 'lei rhuiil ..
' r f ' t Sn!r nf I L'Ur. in:ii Sitd. A .-.
) lI'KCTI TI.I.Y i. form 'In 11 I' l'ids and
ken 1 l.i.-f 1 tree end 1 111 11 modulus A ha v a. Ph 1 w n
It.ikM, p. nth ot Cli-snul -In'', 00 the 1 1, law- ire.
1. .tether lh ti p -L ie No. t! S .i th Whine-,
whine ihcv would I..' ph-1 e,l to ree. i C..1.-1
nenls .f Gram, FI. ui. .-ei d., Iron. A,.
Ac. Ft inc also well p i p 01 .1 t 1 f ow .r l .i: ""'"
ol M. rehaiiill-e hv the ts. l ny!kill -rul I'l.i'M., ol 1
iip Ct'i-ap. oke nil ' Ti.le Water Oainils, .. Ia
hitnts are kept 1 tprt s-li fu the purpose of t in
hnats I y i t I ei mire.
Melt I nt 's w il1 pie se l e l" semi t' ir
B 1 d I'es'ii e.l li eiihcr c.n al-. I 1 No. I!t. South
W b lit s, I., (wi en M ok" I tint ( 'hesiinl slr p'a. on
the lVlaware. w p.h ihr. t tn lis accomp n in i iheui
w hit !i ronte ihrv w i-!i t'-pni lo he t-lnpi e '.
Qj" I'lasitr am! rull for .ile, at lh lowc-i n ar
ktl puce. lilll.TON A C". l?.nn. No. HI Somti U t, inrs.
ri iii:t i ( tin i ll .v
i.nvdiartl Strut, Ii ultimo! f,
HA II cn-taiiilv for -al.-. I 1 1 . ' 11 1 o; I" r ..f nl.
sie- and tjiiali'i. s. C in Vr,lnij I'.iptr ill! il
and p' .in, 1 p'ler F.ipt r. w i-i'e til..! I Inc. ride I ai t!
plain, 11 at cii.r I'.tper, line and coiniii 11. 15m 1 p
Fuper, ito. thi. rntihct'i, il, i,',f I'.inva, i'i,,'in i il
cilia si7ial Wiappitii; Paj pr-, I '.tltticd M.'.hoin -ii d
I...V1I !. 1 !. Fo.inil, Itp .'era' and Sii., U i
H.-aids, T,r-..i.i' lh: er, nnd till art clrs in I.e.! hie-,
whiih Uicv will sell t"ii uri i.iipiioioI ii.a t. rum.
Hojjhe-l jiicepivi "i I 1 old niL"s.
lioiiFi; 1 caij i A
M uch I'd, I M.I. Flki.iii. M I
.No. f,:',7, .Yor', 77 11,, r i t ' u h ill A'.,
1 1 1 1 1 11 1 i.i 1 1 t
, .. v v 1. . , ... ,
U ... ... . . 1 .... .
i, '
in. I ran Hotel, ( .'ohimhin. I ihi.i lake pie iainc in ac
. q 0:111 tini their In, rids ai d Iln pnl.ii,- ven. i.d v ill i
liny tuit- ii.'i.uihp larce co-inn 'ihous Hon I.
1 ft 1 . 1 : v I ti I I a ihe l,-., H-'t.on Hie sai ie site
1 nlii'p net iipit.l l y the psi,ihii,lutl I1.1I. I known
"is ti e Dud's lit .it!, 111 Thud slii t l ahove l.'alluu-
1 till: si ,
I t... : it..:. 1 .i :.. .1.. ... t . 1 1..
...a a..-,. . . - e.i it, . . , ... pi ,,.a.-i, ,
........ 1 , .1 1 . 1 1 .
n ..i in r, i," "I u iln- ht -t n i i . lu I.h nl un is
....111 , , t
aa iv il. ainihle, p.iiiiciil .t Iv f. -r ci 111 ill 1 V 101 1 -nai.ts ;
. .1 .. .. . . 1 1 . . .
t the 'i.'Pi.'t ott n u hu hra'ii.o and vei.tilaline i a.ii
1 , .
, room is .in h ns to srcnie any lempeiaiuri. I lie
11 . nil. 1 tl , , i
I i.hoon saio nil hi;!it and sirv. H lunii.hetl III
In at sty , so as I.l in-llip tomfoit.
The ii ecu n i; p nlois sre al-o foil i.-l.e.l in a mi
neih sti le. tl e w indows s e mi the French s'vle.
i f.iinii g un rntiante In a halcnny in frnrit. whiih
makes i lea-at t rid s. Fii'licnhii Bin nlion has
I ci-n piteii to lilt' Itds Biol ha titling, which,
l.e I u i ii il lira', are eininly pew,
t torn yt '' rp em nee in h Uc hnsinpss, st
trust, t-y strict as dully tc I'ua'nest, lo nuike tin-
house a tlrsirah'e sioppiiiii pi are. Our Idle will
aUsss lesupphetl with ihe very hist our ma.kti
can atlord, and oui bar will lh bel Inpioi anil
wines it lh most appiovcil brands.
I'. K. There sre first rata slahhna und csrriaa
houses alluhfd lo ihe holt I, tttt tided hy cat f il
and sol rr ho-ileis, and uui rhaiges will l' lJi in
aicnrdsoie with ibe present bsij lin.ts.
1'hib.lalpbia, On. 7ih. IK43.
run Ti-:i'Tt;u.
ri'TAM:M'si rm 1'iinNsi.
(Jj The folhiwing crrtijica'e dtsa ihe nne iifttio
mns extraordinary dirtt evrr effected by uny
I'mtAtirtMIM, Fehtnaty 10. 1813.
Ij'OR twenty yea's I wa severely nfll'ctid with
Ti.ttkii op the Face and Iliad: the Jisp
comnienenl ilien I w is seventeen yes's old, and
rotitn ned until thp Fall of H16, itio(T in io
Ipi.ip. hut without pier disapoPinni. Uurine most
of l p lime, tri al pif- of tnv f ce nn rnfi il witlt
ihe rtut lion. frequently a'tetnb d v Hi vin'ent iicli
ine J mv he id i I ed at title until it f It : if it
wi'lild hiiM the .ivi -lli tv .. was sob e t. that I could
-earei Iv ti t tnv hat on. 1'iiiring the
th it t wa nfllieird ' the ili.ea.p, I nsi'il crpat
many a ppraliofp. (anioni them s veal CPleiiraieil
I rep mil inn-) vs w II n- t .kmu remni,es,
i'1' Iodine s totnihiT if ! ti l s if Smrti m'.l j'tinuri ii.
Erlrnrt r.f Sar.,j,,ruln Ae, In fact it Would h
luip.' - si'dp
to et'inncin'p all t o nieilieincs 1 useii.
."" 1
... -
t t'ivinc i:v ch l.ei elii. .mil I 1',, spaireil ol evi l neinrr
ennd. In ll e f II ot IfT., li e di.ea-e it ihe time
hci 2 v. ty v o'ent, I roTiiineiiced Usint! the .'oie
Oitilmm', (p't ji 'r'd hv Vanish m ft Unix.) In
a f iv a' piienii ins Ihe vioit nl itching c a-td. In
si In b a' a'ed. the i ru lion hec in to di'i; pear,
.mil 1 1 f re 1 h al nst 1 jir'he di-ease w i entnelv
cii'i d. Ii ha. now hi rn p. ar'y a v 11 r and a h i'f
-inte, nnd thrre is not n ve.-tie nf lle d'ea-e re
mail ine. exeei'l ihe sc us front lh'' deep pit-; f irnicd
hi li e di-ea-e. It 1- imp s-ihle fo' me to th s-rt' e
in a ririifieaP' I'i.-s-v. rity ..f ihe disc t-e and nitr
mi!'ii rine, hi.t I wid If p'e at d to cive a fo'ler
.010.1 to 11 r 1 p. r-'-n 'va' ti "C funher a a!ll K't 1 n.
v. ho will c II on nc. Al lie tune I co umepee I
r-ii-C ti t' 11 se I )ii !iin nl I would have given bun
d ri'.- ,. do litis to he rid nf ihe disease. Cilice ip
sinr i'. 1 have ret nmiiii udi il i; to .evird per-ons,
(ai' otie Iheui mv inoihcr. who had the ,li-cj-c hail
Iv i.n lo t a' m.l who 'v re .1 I cured hv it.
.1 Wills lli'UM'bl,, .,i. '.:,r., II ice St.
,:''T!.e !.;se H nl lit i" pn nued hi il. I-.
Van..!...". S. -i h I". iii t o n. r of Th ni and l-'-.m
lie 1-, pi.i . di Ip; 1 a. and so id .0 ;i-t'nev in S.n.hii
rv. hi' II. II. M.sK!i,
M v I lih. !. i.l. A-p nt.
Hon .fininiiut, lor Tt'tUr.
t n;oor of its i;n ic.cY.
I'ii 1 1. 11 1 1 1 1: 1 1 . Ma v -'ith, ! M.
lii i- to crnn'v ti i I was .. icrc y a'll c't.l
wi h I'ti'er :ti the hands .mil f. 1 1 for npw irila
0 f , . 1 v e-n-: 1h- i'i.-i-e n i. at'i p. led b tier nlv
W t', hi't t I ip'h 01 ; and s' 1 Hub. 1 n pp! id to 1
1 i.i'' z ot 1 in sic r,". i.'n! us. il a nr. at inai y .pi.'i
r. 11 1 . w n! rt ifi'. etii B a c"T' .V'nnt a
-11 c . I ippl ed n e I! 1 P 1,1,111 1 t, u hich entirely
I. p ed he Pel. n.' an,' a f- w ..ppll .ti. n inuned'
nii Iv 1 ii'i d i!.e I'oi'i.e, w hieh I neie Iris hi en po
r. nor. ef. nt,..,.i. I had pev-r hrc'i rid of it at
any time lor P f is. I.'H'H hl SAVAt-K,
r.-'V.rii!i. U l. J-p-me p.'tt.
; T! - If -e :;..( t 1- r- p .red . I',. H.
Va... !.-f. ..':. I .--I c.o! r, 'J'! i-il a..! !! tee
-:...'-. I': n...:-i . j . . ' . a IJ.'i' ijei - '11 Si'i,:.i
;i v )!. ii. MA.-Ki:.
V.v I', '-. !- '. ' A.:' '.
en'' ::ii: o;v ';;. v.. ;ir vii-.
I . I'll ' ! ' . li 'Ir . ri ! n! he pr. j n 11 ri
. ..1 pr ; i "i t- r. 1 I' '.v w. a -i-in'd. '!ie r 1 r o
. .-- '-it 1 ! -i:e !' I 'v n -j is f re he u .''C I he
I lh- .i :, r. ''.'I'-.i i". a r--; p. t d 'e p'iv-in in,
a r i.o.i -l,. ,.f .. 1 "i,i e-- ' v o' F.-i.-.t. iv ni.. 1
1! o."l . ! a'. In! n it 1- cm- t'v i' a! teiiel f r
a '.''P, n-and .i.-.-i; . "a I ':!r' -lion a ! a h 'h" me
i:iii the rin-e "I is I r.-l". -i 11 t o!el to adord,
I'.-,- 1 ,'t h. -r in d ' j t n in.- 1; i.-. ImM n. '.hh njh
he 1 'tiidii . hi ,1 ,: ir. -'-of 1:. 1! proft-sion aie
pp.'.-C.l to sitr' t li-ill.'.lles.
I'm 1 1 11 1 rai 1, S. pr. 1 fl, 1 s:!'i.
I was rrceet'v Itm I.d v. it 1 .1 Itdi.ius hi r; e!C
i'iii-t- n. w i-i- li r p-e.l in arlv one si e .,f ni I re,
aliit t St. i.d. .1 over the ear. Mr. Van-!. .1.. pi q-r -I..
I ol' 1' 1 h. se I Iin' me. t, ..!".,( in ." n.i ire, 'ii-i-a
le I 1 1, ii.i ,- w h.r'a he I, in
ilr I me s j ir. A ih m jh m eo'innou w I'n he n.eui
lei. ni mv prof. -..-ioii, 1 1! .s-oiiii'" n n.t p ,,n! ih-up-
pr. I f ill lilt I.Uiut'l. Ua noatltim- it.lll d lip.. II till
pi ' iic ' v i. n. 1 .111! pr. teii'li r-, I fi 1 1 in Jt.s ire ' 111 .1
to eve 1 I tie Use I tiii'ie m P. 111 lis. c as of 11. e
.! . ip. and lo lpc mv spr I at'.on, i'S it I'liti'P
iv .und ih- eni tio:i, il h ut'i P hid tesisied ti.o
n ul -j 1 I 1 an- 1 -'. HAM. It t (.11. M. D.
Q Ihe I! i-e Oinlmei t la prep. in d ly 15 I!.
an hen, a-nnih I'.j-t comer nl Thpd aid li Kd
Sl'C. is. Fdi'.ule phut, and ..!d un a-, r ev ill S1111
l u. v . t v H. H. MA-sF.H.
M ly'lltl , I.-! t. A&itt.
Moii!i!;u-liiit r nf riling ninl Inilrlli
h!.' Ink, No. F'C' N ';':i Thitd St ret 1, ,:x
,!,, ,r 1" -V.v It-.i-p, d'a-t s do,)
avV 1 Tl 11 T T. TT T A
JC 11 . ii - 1
r."l'F. I I'I I I V P t- rn s r .iu, r liier. llsl'K
! tl o'h" is "h .' he C 'nl.l.t'v k' ens nil I .I' d
a I -10. k . I I I- snpi ri. r 111. . k. F'ue : oil li .1
tik 1,11 I . I- 1 a si, 1- i" 1 ipi il ' "' Ind. hi1 le l.k.
II s 11 k is pel np 1.. h. nit s i.iiynic ill ...-, ft -n
I In 'M . III ns, n ,l w.ll Pe soil on n i- hullo
P tin-. The e el e t q i ihoes ol ill's ink has i
l! nr-niehly c-i it ' 1 - hi d p. rh.r .e'ei. th it II Is Doiv
1 it. n-iii !v n-i'd (hi.,i.
. Fill a all . I ,f SIO f ut' II. It. tllLO, llna
h .ri. Fa. M n 27il , ll t. Iv
en vui.r.s w: ii i-:c;ins.
EH AS n.k.'ll h. .' t ,iii t',K ni'illpi. il Iv 'I e
Hon. I I.Bi'es ;. Dot ii I, op e.ile Ih. O t
ll us... He will aitnd in hisi't-ss m ihe C. leu
nl Nor. hum1 'i lls' d. t'nioii an. I Cohind'i.i conii'ies.
M n .'in 'i, IH I
r.MO.N IK ) 1KL, "
(drill rut .Si;"!' I"'..',,
rsn la'T w eii
I'fiiii) Ii ania.
f 11115 Si h-irp-er nspi nlullv llitonn- his fritntls
1 sod ihe puiihc in general, that he lias taken
the shove
I. a Udi: a xn ca i uoruoi s
I X T II F. H O R O I' (i II ci F M V X C Y.
unh and thai he is now well pirparel in aieonnncdati)
j alt who may Isvnr li.m svilh iter ciislom.
' IPs Si rtri so Apabtm i s rs ire well sue I, si.J
: HisTtai.r iin lia vtill a'wsys ba ?iphiit
. with ihs hest ihp mai kel run slTorJ.
His SrtBuati. which is ot d, will la under
the charge () pood ami csrehil hostlers.
He I. t ls coufiilenl, by stiit t allenlion to buaintss,
and an earnest drsira lo render c nifomhla lli.e
who may pstmnita hun.ihal he will nol f.illotivo
general seiisfa,ii..ii. H. II. WEAVEK.
kliiney, Oct. I at, l42. 11.