From the Phila. Ledger. Btnlatrsiitf a, Messrs. Editors : By examination of a Re port to Congress, bearing data January lClh, 1345, just received, t perceive that the whole number of emigrants who have arrived in the U nited States during the last eight years, amounts to 581,523; yearly average "8,941. Of this num ber there were from England and Scotland, 81. .120 Germany, 145,970 Ireland, 340,618 Other British Possessions, 1G.S7G France, 3D'D53 Texas, 11,901 Among these 081,228 emigrants there were per sons having no occupation, 231,044 Children, 51,728 Laborers, 7G,013 Mechanics, 09,208 Farmers, 97,790 Planters, 112 Physicians, 1,7.')C Lawyers, 552 Dress Makem, 2,00 "Sow it is evident there are many thousands in j of Northumberland. addition who enter the United States that are not enumerated, bfcause not reported to govern ment. The large amount from Texas will surprise many readers unless they are reminded that the German Association are sending their people to Texas, a large portion of whom, as soon as pos sible, come to the United States. By the late arrival frotn England, we have a statement of the number of emigrants that sailed from a sin gle port in Europe, (Bremen) viz: 19.145 last year ; this shows an astounding increase in the number of German emigrants sent out to Amer ica. The German Association at the head of which are thirty Princes of Germany, backi'd by a sub scription of five million dialers, are very active in enlisting emigrants for America. The next year will be remarkable in the histoi y of the Uni ted States. 70.0011 Germans are preparing to embark for America, and more will come ifship ping can bo obtained. A large portion of these aire tinder the direction of, and sent out by the Fiince of Soitus, the active agent of the Royal Association. F.i:s flKltJi.t Met s. ttxlr.icl from a London paper. "We're not ourselves, When nature, being oppressed, commands the mind To sutler with the body," This Is a truism conceived by the master mind of Shakspeare, which neither sophistry nor argu ment can refute. To all those who are suffering from bilious attacks, indigestion and flatulency, we would with groat sincerity rrcommenj, as a never failing remedy, BranJretli's Pills. The testimonl si we have had suhmitlrd to us in favor of this admirable medicine, ful'y justify our speaking of these Pil's in terms of the highest praise. IJj" Purchase of If. B. Msser, Sunbury, or of the scents, published in another pnrt of this paper. .W A n It 1 K o , Some time since, by the Itev. R. A. Fishes, Mr. Christian Fisiikr, of Selinsgrove to Miss Lydu HuNnKiisrioT, ol Augusta township, Nor thumberland county. On the 1 1th inst., by the Rev. John ration, Mr. Joseimi Vankirk, of Point tp., to Miss F.uza hkth Pkrbv, of Liberty township, Columbia county. In Northumberland, on Thursday the 20 tilt., by the Rev. John Patton. Mr. Jaron Pail, of Point township, to Miss An Eliza Rkm.nuf.ii, the Itoal Estate A !Y the first Monday in April nest, at J Court Mouse, in Sunbury, the subscribers will olTer for site Tour Lots of Ground in said borough, Nos. 73, 7, 75, 76, hounded west by River street, south by Ulacklterry street, east and north by a SO feet alley, on which is erec ted a comfortable two story dwelling house and kitchen. ALSO Four other LOTS OF GROUND in eiid liorouah, Nos. 11.1, 114, 115, 116, bounded west by Deer erect, north by Dewberry street, east by lot No. 113 and s .u'h by a 80 fret sllev. The first described Ms nre 57 J feel eich, finnl, and S30 feel .hep. The others are 60 feet each, front, snd 230 d.ep. Tho terms of ado will be made known on the day of sale, by LEWIS DE WART, A. JORDAN, Executors of Daniel Levy, Esq ,decd. Sunbury, March I5ih, 184541 W 'i, m 1 Jl I U. LiAgJlga. LIST OF CAUSES. THR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor -1- thumlerland County, at April Term, 1915, commencing the first Monday, being the 7th. vs E Greenough PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthenner. Whkat, .... 85 Rtn, . .... ftp, Coui, - . - . . . 40 Oats. 25 Pork, ...... ft Flaxskkii, ... . llurrr.ii, - - - - - 'i Enos, .... 8 Bkkswax, .... 25 Tallow, ... 10 1'iiif.ii Apim.ks, f0 Do. P Acuta, 150 Flax, ... .8 Hkcklkh Flax, - 10 " Good Intent Tire Company." STATED MEETING of the Company will " be hel.l on Tuesd iv evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual uttemlanre is re quired. CHAS. S. WEISEK. M,uch 29. 1845. Secretary. "Washington Fir Company." rPHE members of the u Washington Fire Coin pinv nre requested to meet at the House, on Mi nd.iy Evening, Ap il 7, at 7 ' clock, pr cisely. Punctual attendance is required. D. W. SHINDEI.. .Sec. JtcoS Painter Scilziugcr, alienee of Garver Stephen Deir Fiymire for Evert Sam'l Swinchait & wife vs Piter Ferstcr Appleion, rnd.irsee of l.d wards it Y errec vs m Donald-Min vs John Garver et al vs George Lawrence vs J P llarkenberg Dimmig for Camp Benjimtn Robins Pi entice fir Welch Stephen Derr P. P Shannon Daniel lirnsius Joseph Mil man II R Geathsit Daiih I Mover cV vs Jacob Worlley vs Abraham Lawrence s Joseph KelVer vs H nry Siriiimetz vs Dennis Waters vs John A ShUsler vs Shamnktii cV Iron Co vs John C Young Wife vs Daniel Frvmire Claiie (Jenevieve Dnsque vs Daniel Dunklchcrgcr Same vs Same Welsh, PeinpcV Frick vs George Oyster March 29. Tlulllliii; Adventure lit I lie Mammoth Cave The fol'owinr; thrillin? incident is rel.-.tpd of a party who visited the M iiiimo'.li Cave recent y: "A wpildtncr party went to thernvr? to pend the Inney-ntooti. While tlicr;, thoy went to visit those beautiful portions of the cuve which lie beyond the river 'Jordan.' In order to do this, a -person has to sail down the river nearly a mile, before reaching the avenue which leads otTtrutn the river to the opposite side ; for there is no shore or landing place between the point Hut below on the other, for the river fills the whole width oforie avenni to the cave, and is eevernl feet deep where tho side walls descend into the water. This party had ascended the river, visited the cave beyond, and ayuin em barked on the river Ibr their return homewards After they had ascended th IS c DR. m o JOIIX M v a I . . PEAL. ! RESPECTFULLY inform- the ci tizens ot Sunbury and its vicini'y, thrt he has removed to the Btick House, in Ma ket street, furmerly occupied by oeiij iimn Mendrii ks, et of ibe store formerly oc cii ied by Miller & Martz, and now by La T. Cle ment, where he will be happy to receive cills in the line of hi. r. fusion. Sunbury. Match S9ih IS15 William Farrow Charles A Tnwar Liu In cV HulVmau J A J K Tr. go Hayes, Elliot, Lyon ! j ( George Leibiich I Henry M-er Henry Ililchinan I Genrce Eckert State ' '"cneu i. r naner J ill ll CV llousivurtn Hums At. EimIv Elizibeih Wcitzcl (ieoige Eckert Divul M'Knight I) S Spare Henry Meaner J.icob Seas G ibin cV Dillington T A Hilbiigtoii l- iac Reitz Irwin & Cramer Wm D StuuflW .1 uni on Harvey (Seo Oysicr and wife Henry S (iiuhain lioo A ('ramer vs Abraham Klnze vs (Sforce Eckert vs J & P Mornsgiin vs Wm M'Clei ry et si vs Miller A Frymire vs Henry, Ec). vs Henry Folk Georce Kn'z vs (Senrge VV Tnwar vs Jaied Iiwine s Gcoree ILckert et al v Same va D Ley's ex'ra v (i.nrje W Tnwar va R Richardson et al v Henry Sh tiler vs Wm MVary et al v R W A James Dunn vs George Hitktrt et al vs Suno v Giessingi-r vs Davi.l 'a!an vs lis A Goi-a s John Shriner is Am 'a Reed vs Jo.eph I! oil vs David C Watsnn Levi llol.sri's ai-sipnee va Alba C linnet A hi li' H iy Watron et al vs John M Houscl Estalc ol'IVllliam Itecser, dee 'd. NOTICE is hereby Riven, thai leliers testamen tary on the esia'e of William Reeser. late of Aouiista township. .Nurthum'ierland cmntv. dee'd. river ab;itlt half have lieen eri.nled lo Hie suhsrribers. Pernnii wsy, some of thepirty, who were in high "lee, j k" "hemselves indebted, will plea-e call and pot into a room an 1 overturned the boat. Their lijrhts were all extinguished, their mitches wet, the filled w ith w;iter and unk immediate ly, and there they were, in 'the blackness of darkness,' up to their chins in water. iNudoubt they would have all been lost, had it not been for the guide's yreat presence of mind. Iln charged them to remain perfectly still, for if they moved a single step they might get nut of their depth in water, and gwimiuing would not avail them, for they could not see where to ewitn to. lie knew that if they could bear the coldness of the water any length of time they would be safe, for another guide would be sent from the Cuvo house to see what had become of them. And in this perilous condition, up to their mouths in water, in the midst of darkness more than night, four mile under grounr!. they remained for upward of five hours, at the end of which tim another guide c.vne to their re lief. Matthuew, or Mat, the guide who res cued them, told me that when he got h'-ie they were, hi fellow gui le, Stephen, (the Colum bus of the cave, ) wasswimming around the rest of the party, cheering them and dir.'ctii g his movements, while swimming, by tho sound of their voices, which were raised, one and all, in prayer and supplication for deliverance." make iiavment. and those bawnj claims snainst the i stale ate leijuivted to pteseut them for exa Carlton A Faiuum William Dehml Thus Vana!zch Jefse Hensyl Henry Fut.k Kohl D Fordsman Robt S Giant et h v J A W F Waegonselh r vs James Shearer Marfan I I.yi n Ac vs Daniel A 7. ittinan vs Henry inmeil A wife vs lienjatnin FonUmin va Wil iaiii I!ei il SAMUEL D. JORDW. Proiionotar's office. ") I'rvth'y. Sunbury, March I, tela. J mination and siitjcment. Augusts, Match 22.1, SMUEL REE'ER, DWID KEENER. IH45 Ct Executors. A most extraordinary afTair had occurred at Tooting, England. A person who had lived in that place more than half a century, part of the tune as cook to a UJy, and six years as the wife of A'oherl Welch, the parish clerk, died at the age of S3, and w as discovered lo be a man ! lie had regularly partaken the sacrament, and was religiously buried as 'Sister Ann Welch." Many parties wished to keep the matter a se cret, but a woman named Fletcher, who was at the laying out, had aworn to the body being that of, man, and it would be disinterred according j undoihera ate particularly invited ti call and tn to law. IEDECIITSS, EPJGS, DYES T UrF S, TAINTS, -. fllllE subM-riliei keeps coni..n.y f rsih-in the JL moxt reasonable terms, an a-soilnicut (if Meili clues, Dings, Dyesiuirs. Pa.nis. Oils, Vbrnifbes, Ac. Ueing laigily inunged in grimtuu mcli articles as Ginger, Mubtaul hiuI Pep, er. he has thi m tor sale of a superior quality, below the market piice. He would menu, it that he has a Patent M ..chine wotked by hleam .ower, which enablis bun to ll I'l l rr of the very hist quality lot 'J cent, a lb. in ISlaildirs, and 3 cents in Hulk. He cnniiihntly sfsrits ih tthis prices are such as to niv aa i.fai Hull lo thoke who imv favor him with a call. J. W. W. GORDON. .No. 153 Wen Pratt St., Ualiimnre, o ponte Hal- liin re and Ohio Rail R.iad Depol, N. U. No ch age nin.le for dclivtting Goods in any pm of the en v. March 8th. 1N1.V 3m "m a m t M IIE kubrcrilurs hue received, and are now opening a Mtlcndid ars irtmeiil of the following g 'odf Waxony, Wilton and Velvet Carpetings ) llruKe s ami lini.iriil 3 tlv d i I I All- j Extrs supeifuie and tine Ingr .ins do I PE I' 1 fiii-Ti.ih xhuift (I A D misk Venetian do j IN(i. I Amciicsn liled ami (iu'd do J ' Knh.h llrugetts and Woolen Floor Cloths j tir and l',i-iii Uock nga ' Emtioshe I Piano and Table Covers i London Chenille and Tufte I Rogs ' Door Malts of eve. y deseriiiiion. j ALSO j A Isige snd exti nsive cortmei't of Floor Oil Cloth', trom one to eight yards wiJe, cut lo fit eve I ry description of rooms or pisi-ases. ' Also, low pneed Ingrain Caipet nga fi. m 31J to j 62J cents per yard, tniiether with a latge arid exten sive assortment of goods u-ually kepi bv carpet I merchants. I The above goo la will be told wholesale or retail ; at the lowest market prices. Counirv merchant- T U ALT SMOKE MAUKKT. Office of the Daitimobs Ahisicab, March 24. GRAIN. Wheat is scarce and in demand. We no'e salea of white, not prime, 1(15 110 ct. Trime white is wanted at higher rates. Sales of Wd. reds were made to-day at 05 t 97 eta. and a sale of a lot or two of very prime reds at 10(1 cts. Corn has also advanced a little. Sales of white were made to-day at 42 cents, and of yellow at 41 cents. We quote Oata at 25 cts. Salea of Penna. Rye, to the extent of 3500 bushels, at 05 cts. WHISKEY. We note an improved demand for Whiskey, and sales ofhhds. al 'J1J cts, and of bbls. at 23 cts. which is an improvement. mine our stock before making Iheii seleciinns, CLARKtfO.N. RICH A MELLIU N. Successors In Joseph II lack wood, No. 1 1 1 Che.nul, Corner of Franklin Place. Philadelphia. Feb 22 t. 1845. U M (UtCLLAS & PARASOLS, oiiBAr ron cash. J. Vr. S7iLllT3 Umbrella and Parasol Manufactory. No. 37 Forth ThitH ttreet, two doors below the CTY HOWL, Phlludclphln, LWAYS on band, a large stock of I'M J BRELLAH and PARASOLS, including the laiekt new aijle of Pinked Edged Psra-o's of the best woikmanship snd materials, at prices that will make ii an object lo (Country Meiehau'a and other. Is call and examine bis stork before purchasing elsewhere. Fed. 22, 1845.- ly LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County, for A put Term, A. D. IS45. (rami Juror. Titrbut. John M'Ooriiiiik, David L Lclsnd. Lewis W ip.. Sliizel. I 'l 'tinware. Jacob llrown. .1i.Yiiri. Jes,e Dcnickon, John GooJisnder, Heuiv Mnne. CliiHisftnitur. Jat-ob Brown. l'uint. W in. L ghou. Augwttti. Jesi-e lla-tun, Henry Bloom. Sianititin. Smiiuet Gi'ger. i'uA. Jis-e Weaver. I'iier Maiimnl, . William Shadle. hiwer Muhnnm;. Daniel Zetbe, jr., Nicholas Uro-ius, Ctiaile Itrosius. Jackvin. Jeremiah Lorigdorf, Eliss Eiter, Michael Cna-ingei, Jacob Seller, Adam Campbell, Win. Grub, John Wert. Travers Jurors. Delaware. Jacob Mosleller, Franklin II. Car ver. Milton. Joseph fthoads, Win. Hinsn. Ohtltifijuaqiie. Charles Gale. Kttrthumbcrlahd. Joseph Vandyke, David D dee. J'oint. Lornit i House). Suiibuiy. t hiiles Hdeman, John P. Pursel, Gideon Maikel, Geoige llucbei, J hn A'no'd. Aiigitfta Joseph Weilzel, Jacoli Seasbnbz. Samuel KielTer, John Znninerin in. William Fur. man, Jacob (2 iss, snr A. lam Net tie, JoatphSi vidge, Jacob Renn, llenjnmtri Ki i eli' nuin, ltubeit Cainpl ell. jr., Daniel Conrad, son of John Sliamuhtn Joseph Hoover, RoleM Farm wot h. stir.. Abraham Uiady, Moses Ritchie, James G.isa, Isaiah Morgan. Hush. George Mutcbler, John Ohcrd.uf. Con David Thompson, J seph HiuI. I pper Malwnoy David Claik, Samuel Risslei, fieotge Paul, Jacob Geo.'. Lower Mahotioy J coh l.enker, S Ileckeit, John Ku til, Jacob Stepp, Win. Shull'er, John Linker. Little Muhnnoy. Jacob Miller. Jackson. Samuel Malu h, Jcnb Seller, stir. Iclit .lurors. Lewis. David Mover, Samuel l.enh, Michael Wagi er, John 'I'wee.l. Delaware. James O.kes, Peter Kb cknei, Phil ip Pri -ler. Milton. J"hn Murray, F. W. Pollock. 8imon Rand l(.h. C!iiUiquaque.'Ddne P. Caul, Samuel Beik heimer, Ne i Caul. Point Jsm a Shriner. Sunbury Wm. Mam, Henry Wris, Waller Bell. Augusta. Joshua Folk, Georg IMe, Caleb E'y Msik Slauihl, Thomas Mendcohall. Shamokin D nnel H ias, jr. h'uih. Abraham IIofTinsu, Coal.- Joaeph Snyiler, Pembeiloil Bird, Wm. rem lv, Georti Armstrong, j'. Upper Malioney.)itnie Mnyer, John Malich, Davi.l Itei z. iMitr Mahonoi. Daniel Rolhermnl, Peter Bo el. Jackson. Michael Dobb, Dsvjd Schwartz, John Clark, j.. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of certain writs of venditioni expo, nsa issued out of the Conn of Common Pleas of Ki rihu'iihvrl mil County In me d reeled, will be exposed In puMie sale, at the Court House in th Borough of Sunbury, on Mondny the 7ih day of April next, at I o'clock, P. M., the follow ing described properly to wit t ALSO Two certain continuous tots of ground situate in the town of Shamokin, in Coat township, Northumberland county, in that pirt of said town laid out by Alexander Jordan, Esq., and others, and marked In the general plan thereof Nos, 441 4 442. bounded on ibe west by lot No, 443, on the imith bv a p'lblie ron1, snd on the essl by land of Wm. M'C irty and o'heis, and on ihe oirh bv ibe south line of -iiiil lots) each of -aid lots containing 40 feet in front and feet in length ; whereon are erected a two slory brick dwelling house and store room, and a part of a log house. Seized, taken ill i xecu'ion, snd tu be sold ss the property of Ann Woolverton. ALSO S.i much of two certain cntigiious tracts of land, containing together 425 serea or thereabouts, bounded by binds nf Hannah U 'yd. Jacob Reed, Kennedy Shubze and nthir. end ihe No lh Branch ot the River Susquehanna, ss i si tuated in Rush lownshiis Notthtimheilaml cnuiitv, lowiti that part ol said tracts stlua e in Ruah township, Noithuitibett ind county, ts supp a ,1 to contain 390 sc es or theieahutjie. about 3S0 arr. s of which ate c'eare l, whereon aro i recb d two latge two a oiy friime dwelling houe', one wt ite and the odur red, two large frame barns on.l seve rs! outbuildings, two pumps of water, iwooichards, Ac. Ac. ALSO The i qnal undivided one third of a cer tain tract of Ian I situite in Coal township, Nor Iburnberl ir.d county, siljoining lanils of Henrv Masscr, Purdy A Joidao, M'(ariy, Davis, Wnrnrr A J. r.lno, bind formerly I'elnngtng lo l.u-lw g Go-s and others, containing 142 actes more or less, upon which are erecle I fame dwelling houre uih a b.isement s'oiy, two double intnet's bou-e, two single miner's bou n, s frame stn1 le, Ac. S. v. ml coal mines ute opened hioI Worked upon said tricl, also schiites, sdvens and tail tond Hacks have bei n put tp and laid down upon si'd tract. Seized, t.ik n in cx-cution, and to be sold as the propei ty of John C. Boyd. ALSO A ceitain tract or pieie of land i-ituite in Rush township, Nortliutnherl md county, mlj. lin ing land of Peter Catnphe I, Isisc Woolvert. n nnd others, containing 42 actes more or less, ah. lit 30 acres i. f which eie chared, whereon are reeled n Irame dwelling house, a fr line fchop mid a frame barn. ALSO All Ibe ilefeii.'ant's in''ret, supp 'sed to he the q-ial i.ridivnbd one I hi d p rt of another tract or puce nf land a to 'le in Ruli torsh'p a f ris iid. adj entng the above tract, land nf Gmlfnv Roi kefel er, Soli'innli HouseWO'th and others, en- tatning 15 aciea ino.e or bi-s, all vl which i- cleu- I red eetzeil, tiken in rxecutioo, and lo be sold as t the properly of Isaac J"avidue. ALSO A ce-laiii Had rr piece rf land situate in Augusta t'.w ns'.ip. Nor'humlierlnnd cm n'y, id joii 'lii; lam's ol Samuel Cu p, It. njatnni Ka'etman, Isn.c Vnnvicklo and others, coriiainii g 1 ac.e mote or lesi, about 1(1 seres of which ate cleared, on wb'ch nre iiec cd a two hlory log house and a well of Water. Seized, tuken in execution, and to be sold aa the property of Joliathun Furnsw otth. ALO A cer a'n Had or piece of land si'uve in Augusta town-hip, Nortbumbeiaid coiiniy, ad joining lands of Jacob 1. i n. J ic b Seaibobt. .1" cob Snyder and E izabeth War r, on'aiiting IS acres m. ne or It s-. ;ih..ut 13 acres of which are clea red, wl eteon aie erect, da two slory log house, a spring house ami a log stable. Si iz d, tuken in i x cinion, and lo be solJ as the property nf Abraham Lie-er. ALSO A ceiisin lot . f g-ound situate in t'te ber. uth ol Nor humt'erlsiiil, in N or bum'.erlaiul eountv, utid milked in the general p'su rf t-anl low n No. 70, I'oiiinb d nor'he .stw ir.llv bv Q ieeii street, aoull es-i waidlv ly I l No. 75. S 'Utt.e i W 'irillv hv Duke In . I nnd nonlme-iwanlh by Front .ire. t, conla no g U et in fr n on Qoeen nn I Duke htreeis and "'i't f ft in ibpih. whereon ate eiecied a two a oiy dwelling house (pait brnli and pan f ain ) and n black III ih op. Se z il, 1'ikni n exeeii'ion, and t.i I e old as ihe propei ty of . It X o ib r C. It. FELIX MAC HER, Sheriff. She-iffs OfTice. Sunbuiv. F. b If.ih, IS45. J Estate of Cot. John Jones, dre'd. A LL eisons ind. bn d o the estate ot 'el Jolin JBl Ji.nes, die'd., la e ol Sbamokiu lownh'p .No.kbumberlaiid county. rr herel.y notified . innke payment to Wm. H. Mueiich, (one ol the a liuini-tf iiors of said ilec'il.) Iielween this dale nnd the ll of April next. itbout fad; and those having claims against aid estate Mill piesenl ihe i. duly aulbeiitna rd for setihmeiil. Alter the l.t I'fApnlatl the hum tib d ucci unts will be pi iced in Ibe hands ol proper ofiicera l..r collei lion. w th out respect lo persons. WM. II Ml'ENCIl, ELISH KLINE. Shamokin tp. Ma-ch I. 18 15. :it AiIiims. ICulc of Court. Peter Shiley's adm'rs. ' William IN ibe Conn of Common Pleas of Nonhuin1 er l.ind eountv, January 1 till. ISI5. oninolioii of A. Jordan, t'. , I' e couit grant a role on it ! judg. meiil and lien oia of W :iam W Ikei, lo ap pear on the fust day ol April lenn t ext, and how cuise why ihe in n. V in cu I should nl l.e Hpplied lo the judgtneiit ill f..or of Pen r Shi'tyV mini s. SAMUEL D. JOIiDv.N. Piolhonot ary' Oiruv, J I'rutli'u Sunbury. Feb. 2?, 18Ci S4t --III .11. m pi L WIST A It'S II A I.SAM or WILD ciir.nitT, A Compnnnil tlalismK Prennrnf Ion fram Wild Cherrr Hark snd Tsr, 77e best remedy known to the world for the curt nf lontfrif, coion, ui'itjiu. rrmifi, oiremriig Of ine lung, ichnnpinz cnuph, bronchitis, itijlu. enxa. shortnets nf breath, pain nnd weakness in the breatt or side, liver eomilaint, nnd the singes nf CONSUMPTION". We will not assert that Ibis BALSAM will cure Consumption in 1st tonrst furm. but it haa cured many after all other means nf relief had lieen tried in vain. And why not 1 ll seems that the WILD CHERRY was destine) by Naline to be our PA NACEA for ihe i-avas'tna diseases of this c dd Is. titudn. Let not the despairing invalid waste his money nnd loose TIME, lo him si all impnr'anl. in t.tficrimenling with Ihe trashy nostrums of the diy. but use at once a medicine that will cure, If a cure he p s-ible a medicine that science app'oves, and many years of experience hive demonstrated thil II always relieves. 'There is nn surh thing ns fail." in the history of ihis wonderful BM.AM Evidenee the mo.t convincing eve lere that nn o .e can donbi. fully eisbli he this fact. For the ke of brevity we se eel 'be f I o'ng f'.m t' oi) inds. Issue Pis I, C-q.. Editor ..f the P.'keepie E igle, one of lite m st infloeoiial j 'U'n ils in t'-e s'a'e of New Yoik, slit.sundei ibe siitbertty of bis own name, th it a young Isdv, a relative of h', of avv ileltcnte ronsti u iiio. attacked in Feb. 1842 wi'h severe eold which bnmediately produced spit ting i f blood, cough. fev r, ai d other dangerous and alirmi. g symptoms. Thr -ueh medical treatment snd C'ne khe pi'tially rec ver. d during summer, lint on ihe relu'n of winter she was ntt irked moro vi deinlv thnn st fi't, she became scarcely able lo walk and wa t'otibled wiih couah, chills and fever every day, and appeared to be going rapidly wi'h eonsump ion ; at ihi time, when there was n ' sign of improyemenl, Mr. Plan procured a bottle if Wistaii's Ht.sM or Wnn Cnrnnr. which she look, and ttsiemingly rvsloted her. She g it a se. coi'd. and before it wa half taken he was restored lo prrfrcl luallh, which she h is ei j yed to the pre sent lime, without the slighter! symptom ofh?r for mer dt-e so. M r. P stt sav "the cure cme under my ewn ob aeivatton and I cannot be mist iken as to the facts." EXTRACT OF A J.V.TTEU FROM A POST MASTER. DATED PtMnnrKr, Wnshina'on ro , M line, Apr. 29, 1 844. MR. IS C RETT. Dear Sir: At the re qoesl of nomv of my friend in this place and iel l ity who are hffiicte l wi'h eonsii option and liver romp a rrs, I lake tne lr er y ol asking y u 'o ap i n n' some one in it s rnuri'y ss si' nt to se'l Wis rM' 11i im nv Wn.ii Chviiht. snd to'end hi n i few d zen as there s none of it f r sale within 500 mile fi. m tlra I have n doubt that it would me. I Willi a rady stile if il were where it ,-ou'd le I locnted without mi much expense and ilelnv. Mv wile uas at'. eked about en m nibs since with w-bni the pbysicans called the firt a age of C n-uinpt ion a Coiniitaint vi ry pievolent in Ibis a cion of country. Having seen the Ila's nn ad vert sed in Augusta. CT" 200 XHIIiES PROM HERE, -sC3 I t u k the I a rts to send there for a bottle of it, which she look, and hich helped her so much that I sent f .r I o tmt'lcs more, which ihe has a'a i ta ken, and he now siys a'te has not felt so well for ix years as she dors at ihis lime. All those who have it quired nf me ami ns -eiiamed what ellect the li .l-sm bnd, are nnxi ma lo hive some for sa'e in lhi vicinitv, wbiili is the cau-e of mv writing you Plea e inform nie l y iciu n ol m 'il whethfr you conc!ui!e to rend Mime, snd it so to whom, in order that it may be known white it ran be bad. I am with re-pee t v 'iirs, etc. P. G. FARNsWORTIT, P. M. The wb"le country is fast learning thai t o meili nn. no phvstc an no p'ep nation of any kind whatt ti r can qnal Dh. Wistau's UaLsaM or Willi t'llKHRT. A Till I.Y MOlrRrtL (TRE. W jT. avtll.t, Oneida ro,. N. Y. Sept. 15, 1843. Dear S r I e it in the tfnteted to inform y u h it in .1 .nnnrv li-l I was lta. Red bv a very vio lent c dd, cnu d bv wo kii g in the water, which settled on mv lungs It v as a. C'lmp.inied bv a e r a. e e pa:n in mv breast snd sides, and alsi a tis'tes-ii g C ugh. I had in attendance nil the lest met ic I aid ill .-ur vill ge ; but after exhausting all their t-k i t o no av .il. ihey pronounced my di-ease a cosririMMi roisrwrrnisj. an I ihey one and all gave me tip to Hie. After nun h persuasion I gni 'be inti'i-iit of mv physician t use Ihe UtLSiM or Wili (' ' lint pr pared by Db Wistah. I pu rh'i-eil of Ihe Ageitl iu our pin e one b tie, hefore umi n h uf of which I I gan to gain slreng'h, and il w a very evident my cough was much better and mv s mpinma n every way iinpr vine. I hive li. w us. d thiee bo'tlis, slid om restored lo perfect health Th's re-nit is l tie owing lo ihe u of DR W 1ST A K'S HALSAM OF WILD CHER RY ; on I I lake this method of g vmg you the in f" m it" ll. par ly tn pay you the debt of gntitude I owe i u. and p ul'y bat oihrr si nilsily afflicted ma) ko.-w wlere in apply lor te'ief. V.iv tnilv youi. JAMES GE. Ms. 1'iisi ii D' uji-t, undei d Jte of W.terville, Sept. S-lih, lStil. wrms; The given y. n by 'r. James ''age is writ known to be uue l y t'.is whole commumtv. I' crl iulv was a mo-l rema ka' le cure. The i-ale nf the lUI-am is very pn d, an 1 i's succesa in cures liu y fli.ieiiug. Youts r. so. rtfuilv, D. D. PALMER. a mu'L" jojp. lu-'f,ajj.j''''i!'M.Msoi,...;, (he Just'ees nf the Peace in end for the saidxi ty, Thomas t.'oiens. and la'ir.g duly a(Srme3 g cord ng o law, s,i'h the above statement is in a 1 thin trs true. AfTirmed bifira me, on the S(Vh nf AfH. 1843. J CtrsrtT J. P. 8uch is the unprecedented success of this BAL. SAM. 'NATURE'S FAVORITE rRESCRIPTIOX," a presotipiiun congeni .1 to our wants, aa it is pie. pared from et tiaets from tuh-tancea w h ch Ihe author of nvure has placed in our own I in. I for wiae purposes, that many who knw noihintx of the mode, .f its prepantlon sre endeavoring t. reap peouiiiary benefl a by acllinR nn atticle attnib.r tn name, nr in apiiearmce. or by representing th if own trash as superior to thia UAl.SAM, or b ru' ting up a mixtuie and s ilemn'y asaaverslirg that it is imported fr im a foreign country, which i no) tho case. All these deceptive arts goto hnw th,t WtTn's It a t.s a M is known lo Ihe world to bx 'THE CHEAT IlEMED Y." and that to , ' any mixture it must be like this in name, or pur port to he like it in substance. (Tj Believe not the cunningly wrought fabtica. lions nnl lake on'y the original end genuine Wistaii's Palsam or Wm ('iiirrt. NO OTHER CAN BE X.IKD XT. Adilres all orders to ISAAC BU 1" I'S, No. EC Ann St., New Y ok. Agents, JOHN W FRILING Sunbury, D IIRXUMGAM. Northumberland, J. K. MOVER, ninomihuig, J. W XOGONSf'LLER. Srl ns.nr9rt, BROWN A CREASY, Mffl.nciiL: Feb. 22,1. 1815 ly FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD! CANTRELTj'3 Cclclr.itcl Family ledicinc? 7"ILL not rnro every thing, but CM r- ft t t unequalled in Iheir several il pnrfnents hv every thing ever offered to the public wh'i hovrt voluntary came forward snd i Acred numerous nnd highly r.spcctable tusiim tiiaU uf their superior flicicv. CantreWs Compound Meditated Syrup nf Sar. tapar.lfaf or, Anli-Seorbutic Sytup, for the ol Scorfula, (!hronic Rlieo.n itisin, Chronic Swel lings of the Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, and r.ll Disea-es stising from the abuse of Mercury, rj-e., unsurpassed by any thing in the oak' I, com hi. rung all the virtues resident in the Sar-npirilla with a modern medicament, only lately brought out by the most rcstiectiiblu medical authorities. Price, SO cents t or b .trio. CuntreU's Jlot't-Dypepl;r Powder, for the re lief and isfrmani-iit cure nf ill t nn st (iistirfs t'g complain', Dy-pepsii, in all it-" forms nd siawos. It is Huiv n mosi vain .He remedy, J in bellies at 25 and SO chilis eieh. Cuntrell't .Igue Mixture and Tnn:c Medied' mtnta, rtsniN nt the head o( the 'it in r vs bd by eny. or all the uiintniera' le medirtn s in n- ihr.-ughout the length and bread h of the la- d. f -r the core of 1'tvm .ml Aof k iti all i.s stages, anJ frion all its consi"quei i-es. Kes-idents in Fever and Ague districts should neyi-r be without i'. The subscil er will forfeit F.IFTY D0I.T.MJ9 where bis medicine fail to perform a cure in tlia most obstioa e CB-e. Mold Who'esale and Retail bv CAI.riB CKES SON. at bis Druu Waiehnu e. No. fi Nonh '1 binl Mreet, Philadelpbia ; also, by the ngulirly np imnted agent, SR I H W. ROBERTS, Wholusa 0 Druggist, No. 51 Water Sir - t. M .bile. Prepared orlv bv the Subser.ber, corner of C Alt. PEN PER and SECOND S r. ets, below Chri.ti an. Philadelphia, where il is also retailed. Ooserve, none are genuine w ithoui the sics'iire of JOHN A. CAN. TR ELL. Jacob MiIvi-'n r.hlato. NOTICE i hereby tivni ihat lefeta of ad- liilrnt on have been trail ed lo Ihe sub- cnbtrs, on the esia'e of J ico1' f'hive, decM., lab' of A injuria tnwiattj, N orthun be. land rounlv. All I er-on having I'emauils agamsl said i state are re quested In picscui litem I n i X nniiialii'ii and se th. iiieut, mid all per.ous indebted are le.jmstuj to maka immediate paj ment. SAMl.'EL SHIVE, JOHN MIIVE. Feb. r.2,1. 18 15. fit Adtu'r. It O O t & 8 II o c IVIAKING. fplIE subscnbti, l.ti i.f ihe linn . f B rk V Bro JL st f. wou il re-p.r'luHy inloitn his . Id col. in ns and the public generally, that he has I.. ken the shop f .inuriy nrt-upnd by Has cV Duikeini er s a hatter shop, one door pa.t of Wood's store, in M nkei .Weil. Snnhu'y, wl.eie he inloi.ds lo cany on bis for in. r business uf ROOT & SIIDK 3IAKIXCi. in all i's van. u. tranches. He wi I be p.epnel to do s i kinds of work in bis hue st Ibe sh .lit lii lice, end in ibe nmsi dur d le manner Jle is ihsi k ful for former pultnnage, and bv stiiri atlet d inc.-lo bu-inera ami reaxinublu charges, will tudeavor lo de etve a coiiiinuauce i f il JOSEPH BECK. Punbury, Feb. 22 I, I81 -6m Till: MOST ItKMARKARLE CURE F.VF.R RKCORDF.D. j IlAi.iinririii. N.J. April 20. 1811. On or about the 13. h day of Ortober, 1841, I ws i taken wi'h a vi lent psiu in 'he si le i.ear the liver, ! whtih loiiMtined for sl'. ul five days, and was fob ' lowed l y the breaking of an u'eir, or j'scrss. in- wmlly, wh c'i re' evnl the pain a It'tle, but cau-ed ; me to throw up a great qumntv of offensive matter j and also lunch blood. lining greedy at ibis. I appl.ed to a pl ysician, but tie said be ttv u' I ; he could il but li ll for me escp' g ve me a me j Mercury '. Ils. w ! ch I irfused to take, feeling I a'.slieii tt al ihey r uld do me no good ; many o ! I In r r m die weie then ( routed by my wife and j friends, I ul none did me any good ai d the ills. ' i harg.. ol blood and co tuo'i n still rortiiU'd ti rv 'fw days and al I si I ecoin-1 s.i i (T. . si ve Ih it I i e.-u d si nriely I rea be I s als i siied w ith a vi. i ol.i I rouifh. wlii hat U'nes csu-id ne M rsise j mu b moie b.m 1 ilisn I h.d done la fre and my 1 disease eooiinord in Ih.s way, su'l growing worse, ' U' III Fibru rv. whin ll hope if mv ire iy was 1 g veo ui'. and ny li cits nil lh..'gh I would die ol a Gill.' ri o Cokai'MrTio. Al ihis moment, when mv hie w..s snp oi n Iv dnwii g near lUrlme, I heard of DR. Is PAR'S BALSAM OF VMLD I II I'.I.KY ami g .1 a I'olite whnh as. lirvm mi imviniTHi ; anil by 'he u-e of only three b Ides nf ihl. ined cm", ull my pittii were removed my rough snd - liln g of Idond ami cor ruption enliicly a'opped. and in a few weeks mv be l li was so f ir tclo cd as 1 1 cnih e toe to Wo k ul n.y trade, (which Is a Cirpenl. r,) and lip Iu this nn. I have thi yid go dlna tli I HOMAS cozi:ns. Glut cxTk CocsTr, N. J . ss. Pt ra nslly csma brf. re m, the lui setilsvr, one of Cautrcll's ipnc IIturo, or Tonic 3l'tliciiniciiiti, For the cure of nil It Turns rffrciitms, if taken Cfi corilng to directions. It is a never fail'i g remedy which nn fami'y ugh' t i be without, especially iu low marl y Countries. As thi-1 medicine is put up under the p ep'ic. tor's immediate inspection on the most scientifis piiiT'ples, bemg Pur. ly Vegetable, and having tried it ctrtcscy on thousands. f..r upws'i's of 13 yi ars, and lo h's knowledge when 'alien striel'v ac cording lo dneciions, there hs not In en one f.rlnre. Cnder such c rcum-tanccs I recommend il t iho public, adding a certifiial) in supp irt uf my nior. Hon. I.John Hums, do certify that I was in the sl.ip Tob..cro Plant of Phil ideh l.ia. Cap!. Kc.d. i I June, 1S27, bmtnd tol.iveroool; looU the fevrr slid ague ami laid in Liverpool Mime t ine iimbr Ihe doctor's bands, went from Jl e'e to lln'tim re, lay in the Infirmary for four orfivewn ks fmrn thence to Pbitadrlphi i ; was six inoi.tbs under Vt. f!na'a; from thence to New Y rk w-mt to ll e Hospital, lema'ned ihire about fu:r wieks without any relief li led very th'ng with ul stiv 1-eneHt, for five xears. He iring of Canire.l'a Ague Mix lure from a frend, I went lo I i tore, told him h w I was aiflicted, and got a bottle of his mmum and i;s-'d it according to It made H r led cure, and I have not had the Imsl r. tun in?e. I do wiih confidence retointi.end i' t ithe pi.blic. JOHN BURNS. Mrdlrated Syrup orSaraapai Ilia. Ihd oh Iphu, Ard 10th, 1SII. Mr. Joins A. PtsTsui, Dear sir, Having be n afiltc ed for up-.vird- of two years with ulceration uf the ihr.iai, i!e-tr.iyi- g th whole if he sol'i pil.te, ihen ihtounh the upper part . f mv mouth into mv, from which ccr I pieces of bore nime out, wh en sins' v ile-licv. rd mv speech, throuch a km I Pr-.v idem r mi y Med'raied Sy rup ot Sars.ip i I , I am now re,ior. I to health, and my igl.t, wh.cli was so tuU'.ri impair d, as trotig as when a I oy. j thought il a duly I owed l.iyou atlJ thosdsiu i larly sffectcd, to make it public. YuUts, It. spec fullv, SAMl.'EL KIRK. Cornrr cf Tenth and d a es Streets. r R.l.til f.rit.n ' I'. I!, -M.i. Klifrl .ta I'll. fv Itnil my wife, Jane, was u(!l c cj lor two yea s wuh Rhvutns'ism. Mini at 1 1 1 wa. eiit r. lv di-a'-lrd. i that she was obliged to be ronfi .ed to l d , I es - ing rf I'ant ell's Me haled Syu:pi.f Sjiaiparnla, Ami Scoilu'ic Sirup I pr autel faf brill a. which eoinpblely leu.ovrd nil her pain and l If nos from hi r limbs ; I wo in re bottles made a r- h-i t cure. S. e is now able to n lend 'o her hm;e. hold as uu4i. G MIKIL JONslON. Philadelphia, Jan. C2J. IS 14. fCy " cr'p ive agems (Gratis.) Mu b uy. v ov. A 'aiupiibls may b bad of Ih J. W. FIMLING, 1SI4 ly .sJyenf. 5lin iitol in al A T N O K T 1 1 V M D 12 ll L A N D. riH E Sut scn 'et bat a b at bud ol excell rt X Stiamok ii Coal t Nonhumbeil ind. whirl be nlT. is toi tale at ihe lowiat r-ces. P. rni-t w.'kbing to pu'ch'sn will rail on iho -er i.t Siiiitmiv, or L. P. Shannon, E . i t Norihuni -. -. land II. U. M.UEU. Mi'-'-ury. I .n. 4" . 1845. T7T() It V Slt, lJJ loo Uir.U .1'.,, ! l 75 e sb, f V 'y P. HEN DKlCKd. tun' J.Oct, iJ-h, 144.