Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 29, 1845, Image 1

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    ll.Il.1IS Or THK im.iiM a
. H. MAns.IR,
uaLtsHKiia Ant)
S Pa
nopni k riiHi.
. UV.ISSKtt, Editor.
OJice in Centre Alley, in the rear of . U. Mas
act' Store.
TH G " A M ElUOA S" is tvprv Sator
dV nt TWO DOLLARS per annum In bo
paid half yearly In advance. Nil paper discontin
ued till all a'n-amxrs aie paid.
N subscriptions received for a less period thin
MX months. All communication or Ictiet on
business relitintr tnthe olficr, to insure attention,
must lo POST PAID.
HE ST FE1T1TE?. & CO. of
A'o. 113 Market Stirtt,
P It I I a (1 r I p h I n ,
BNVITE tin- attention of Mprch-tnt. Manuf.c
lutPts, Ac. iVi to ilipir icy extensive. p
ft in', now nek, prepared w itli Rrcal cure. an. I uf.
It ml nt th.' lowpst p.nihp piipp I r cah
1 lie principle mi which this concern l p-lnhlish- ,
p.1. ia I.. consult Hip inniii.l int. .cat cu-t...
inei mi I ih. iiiclv. a, I v in c.ur.x'tu. iiiii a it .ml ..r- 1
t c p, selling it hI ihc low at price l'r r n.l i
..." ' .. ' .
rca izii'i; iliPir own r. niun. r..lion, In ll.P aiii.iunl nf .
ami ninck rpiu'iia.
I'xnn Hsmg iii.'xh..util'l.' f.cil'tic f.r miruirH
tu.p, lli.y art! piea Pil . a...ply o:.'' 1 In i .'X
t.'i.t.a.i.l r. sp. c fully fnlif.l tlic pntr..n:.iiP of M I
cliH.itR, Manuf ii'lurrr un.l Pi'ii'pih
(Xj" A l'i;p arnrtiiK'iit of tl.p IScw Stjl (.'ur
laiu I'masiiU,
riiilul. i.. .limp I. ISIt ly
rou.iii.Ks.Y Titrwoxr iioi'si:,
Xii. IKi ti sicut S(i l,
iC? rfHP. fIHn:UIH!-:i. of.
ittifh li'ul.. c, P would inform tli- .nl.-
'kK'(. I:c Unit ip hits Intel up ih
17 nu n...l . ,..!.;.
t'P lliiif ti lti)i lMlt'.l nit tt n'i..i'rt f.,t
a . ..f.KSri., ,.,,1 , at.,l.:ia!.iiiPi.t.
W'll nlwaya b r ad.v io.i.i.t. in vi-iiort. 1
thP.! ,e, i i.m i . ilie It. - it in hoped, will j
btl.iol lull a.-uranC.'. In .1 I.m kiiisIh will lip hiji- 1
I.K.I wih hvc.v coil .ri mii.I . ci'.iiuui ..I i.m j j
wliiU bin Ii.iiim iv.ll l.p c o.luc p.I u dcr nc1! nt- :
rati-einpit a- w .11 cfe h el. r..t,-r l,.r the first .
Ipn.ii intliililv. a il KH'i-lncliirt . . Icrtuiiuucot in '
i!ivi,'u.h iii'.l I.e.. I p.. '
l.'l.aiKP fur l.i.Mi.limj f I per .1 y.
i..Mi.i, iti,KU. i
P'.il.i.Vlpbi. !tv 2.r, 1 S 1 1 1 v
To Coimlfv .Tlcrciiaiifai.
I. S .,V InnilPl. I ..,...-.. n.wl I
I , r ,. , " !
J illlll J.CJil Hills.
(i. W. I.. 1,. TAYI.OI?.
at the S. Tl. corner of Murhit uml l 'ith Sis.,
FFKR f r a p an nt if the
K low p! it-ps, f ii i ii id tlx int ti dip vi, i,ti,.n
of luyeis i-ilii p Hp cin, loin t lam o .ti mi tit slixk. ti. V. A- 11. I'.WI.Oli
I'liilailelphia, Mnv S.'i. I . 1 1 . 1 v
,".71.1 t'OJt S.J.t:.- The small f ire.
Jjj C" bIi.iui inn a. res, a'. . ut 1! iin'es ;
at. ,ve eil .i.d. t'j .iioiib of .1, m-C.
Ilerlon, Jollll I.l't'liiiu 41. .1 OillPIS, will lip sod ,
ch np. if .ipi'lu a Ion i- ina.lp s en lo he sii' srnhi r
JSo,! nry. ', ..t 11. U. M Klt.
ETUilX M:r.g.Tl.p l,il.lp.,.p willl..
1 i! veu f, r P. iv .cil. ! v
A" 31. I1 1. II. R. !.!F'!!.
' ) I 'J' Mill Jlim.ll-i. r ive r.ip,r. .,fi eC.t :
vt..i;p IJil'l. , th-the .p. siho.k ev. r i.n' l-'ic!
renin n. I C I IP ."en ill;. ll':ir mi ihe lllil nil
T. t..ui.m, ju -I up, iv. d und l..r s .Ip. f.r six .1. II its
hv Jump I'i. II. II. MA !".'.
DOCTOR .1. U. MASS Kit.!
UK.-sTF.r.TI'TI.I.Y ii.f .m.s . rit. '
(; - 7 of S, an.1 its , thai j
rt'lii belt removed his oll'iPi to ibp while
builihiiB in Ma kpi .pi ..", east of La ,
T. I .. in. ill's -t i p i.ri.l itnsii.l a'.U eppo-Up Ihe
o-l olliep, where hp wil Ip happy to ra'l. ,
In (hp line ot' his pro si-ion
Sunnuiv, Mav 4h. IwJ4. ,
I) A V I I) I'i VANS'
Patent Firt' tttxl Thit'f I'ronf Iron
("licsls, Sitite lint'il Uc'lVijiiTtitors,
will) Fillers ntlnclit'il wlien
.Yo. 7t) Smith third St., opposite the i'.xcliain-e,
V II I X. JX 3 13 Ij T H I A,
M M r At; II. IC K
...... e... .i., ii .... p. .
L ,:i , .,VJ. . . ..... I
;jis''-,:s( v "'Prlel I .oil t ii.pi sun l iot;.
j.-jAiA' j, 'V i,i : ..I. r- I Co. i t Pr.-
tiKr'SSl Vi'niuin Firp an.l I hi. I Pt.x.l I-
r- t ijriT r ' . -oi-mi ..or-.-, -
vjti "...--; I.. ... ii .... r. ....,.
'-.Mi,!,!, Hl-pr, Ac. A:.-., ..!p
t f 11. el r Iron, (and not ov. r PI o k us n il. iv-fiv."
eul of every one bun. lied nmv in us.- and lor snip
ip mud.'.) I'll first ri.le I. t Us und David Kmii'
Pat. in Kpylmle t'.neis to the i e ni l1 il-
rd al the PhiUd.-lpbia F.xi'hanKi-, for ili.i'p riinlhs
in the ii.tiinrr of IS12, h. -n a'lth.- Keys win- st
lih.-.ty to l tispd, aetl Hip t Ii. ttt not opine.1. hI
Ibouh iIip pxp run nt was ln.-d ' y al Icsi ISIM
ipi..ns. din-of the snn.p lei.ks was tiid by
liohU-is. at li e U. l.mnr.- Coal Olfic", in W alnut
BliP. t, above Th id. but diJ not suere. d.
(7" Il.iliiif M.ii...s, foul lbors, ni,erioi
I. is k. and all kinds of In.ii b'ail rua S. ,.l slid ('..-
vine P.pss.s, and Mm. gem rally, on hand
or intnufacliirrd at the sl.orU'sl i.utit-e
(jji- t'. V l'I V I .1. herptiy all ppr.
sons agiinst makinK u-ine, s. llii i;, or mu-inn lo
be aiild, any Key bole tlnvria for Fiie Proof t'b.sts,
or Doors, of any kind similar in prinriplp to my
Paipi.l, of Itlih Ju y, 1811, und also uftti l.mi.nj wiih Male, for wh ch my I'a'i ui is
datp.l Slth Mirih !M4,as any iiifiingpn.ffiwill
be ralt vti h according lo taw.
Philadelphia, Apiil 13. lfill jy
riHR ubsenltr ha just i. ceivp.1, for sak, a fpw
1. of the above celebrated Eight Day Clock.,
which will be sold at veiy redured ptices, for ca-h.
Ahwi, suiiur 30 hour Clocks, of the bet nuk
and quality, which will be sold foi ra-h. at H 60.
Al.. suiH-iior Bras 30 hour Works, at $8 00.
Dee. , 143. U. U. MASS EH.
3 Stone Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons,
50 fume Jai, from J lo 6 gH.n. For sale,
cb.p.b, fkt. 14 II. 0. MAIMER. acquiescence in the depisiun of th
By Masscr &. IMkcIj.
On the feasibility of the contemplated Siiamo-
without inclined plane, by
KI.IIIIKlt ll.l' AVlilt, C. 10.
IN 15.
i i . i , ... I
ISI-'l, at Siiaumkin, in Nnithtitnberhitid county,
!'.. -to take into c.nns.detation the propriety .
I importance of tw.ruetm, a K,l
I f'rr.rit Klo.nw.1 I., in V..l .1 - . ... .
... ... '''
' """Villn or to ,V inersvillp, in Schuylkill enun-
ly, I'a., mi as to avoid inclined planes, un.l . f
(Tr.,,ia i,,,.,.,..i,i.. ,.. i , ,
.'r.i .'ft. ir.ncr:ih,e bv loe it.)ot:ve pm
Hui.-s; ami. in pursu.inre ol a resolution then
Hilopl.'.l, iip MibrcrihiT driving been fiuployiil
by the ciniuiitt.'e of jrent Uinen therein tin oil.),
to uiiike rxnihiuMti.iii nn l i-uiwy of tlie most
tensible route Inr n R ul w ithnut iiiflmcd
piuuee, Inun .S iaui .kiii In I'ult.-ville, or In Ali-
in -reville, iiikI n )ort thcrmi.
I ni-.rdiii;:j pr,.te, .!. ,l to umke nid i-xnmi- : nn.Uu.v.v, ul.uh w as to.nplel. d July.
a plan nu.i pn.hle o which is herewiih i
mi. nutted, toellier wnli the li.llowinj;
n f; i st r.
In Milniiiuie Hii report to the pnlilic, Hi'cn-
..I -. a A l
" "if niiii.we.i 'i oriipii:i nl .if.
linealion of tliepoutilry belrteeu l.ttsvilk und
Slmniokm, by r- l-renre to which it w,;i be per-
c'i i d t hti t the roml, fur nearly 'liree-lourtiig of
its' entire lei.i;th, will lie ce-sanlv pibs throtH'h
r,,ioa rieli"y nbountline in Anlhrante Coal "of
llu! "I"'"'")'. (vne'i b.'in.,: the repu'Htioii il
has nlreodv nnpiir.-.l. ) Thefe Con I regions i.e.
r,,r . ...i.,,,.,, ..j r. .n. ...... . r.' 'i-i...
: Schuylkill (.h1 rejion, li.iumlei! mi the .South
: by ihe Sharp Mountain, and on the North bv
III.. Itrna.l l. ..".. I...I. .U.. . :
"""" f r,.. ...Ml.
"',l" watei. throio.h the South
. . r.
hivinthirv, forin the outh ls lor Ihe co.l.
Sicomi, Is n small coal h.isin in the I'.ron.l
Monn'ain. neur its North slope, ol -a hi, lithe
e.-.p. nt Railing inn, is it natural out!, t for the
coal Tuiiin. Is Ihe Mahonoy d-d ri-gtou.
hounili ti o.i the S .nth .y ihe Mnheiioy M.ain.
lain, and on lit.. North by the J.ncust Mountain,
ofwhici lit.- gitp-, t Mahonov creek a ii.) IJ.g
rii'i, through the South IminiilBrv, and ihe Ii-
gii throttgh the North I .oendnry, term the
natural nutlets tor ll.e eo-tl nf thi.t region
n i . , . . .
... , ... . - mi I,., n ii i in . I , too, Sep.. ra t -
I ed f'.oui the Mahonoy region, nnd bounded
O it. .... f . , .
"" ",H '""" '""niain.a.l on
'I'e North ty ihe P.ig Montilain. of which the
natural millet for the c.r.l is o:i the North,
thmugl, Ihe valley of Sliaiiiekln creek to the
I SiiMpiehaiiiia.
The diret lion ol Sli iiiiokin tow n, from Potts,
t die, is nlimil siMv-live degrees West ol Notth,
. and the direction of the intervening Mountains
is i.hi.ut set enty.six degrees West ot South.
These inoonta ins nceiir in rotation from PoU--.
villi toward S!i iinekin, iu.d cross, iliagoiinltv,
the route of the road in the lolhiwiii" erd. r ."
I M. MiiiehiU -2,1. Pickel M.-ucHin Iboad
Mountain I h, Mahonoy Miiuiilaio ."tit, Li
i cost Mi hi ol ,iti (Jib, ( ire. ii Rid op a, ol w l.ii h
are cut transversa Iv to their base, bv or
' passer, with ihe e.eeptioii of ihe Rrotd Moiin
i lain, ihat being the moM foriiiiihil.!.; barrier, vet
: it eau be tunnel ed far beneath its summit.
The road will neeessanlv cms Mahounv m1
ley, rilMie.t midway between I'ottsv.lle an.l Slia-
nmkin, at a lev I nt.. .ut two hundred nnd f.i'v
feet higher than Pntt-vilie, and rite loindreil
. nnd Iwenty-tvvo feet higher than S'laniokin, but
mueh below the dividir g ground lit I ween Potts.
vil! nnd 1 int aih , iiUo h.luren tl.nt v.11. y
and Sliauukio, ( .him j i . i , ly (t' p
llrmtl no und ih- l.ocul) iiius' Is snr
mounted in p. -sing from Putlsville luSh-uuo-
renting ri Rad Rv,,' from the Schuvlkil!
to Shaiiiokin, three objects should he kr-pt s.,a
diiy in view: Fiusr, To pss the summUs, nr
d vi. ling ground, between tiie Schuylkill niul
i Mahnnov, nnd del w een ihsi Mahoitoy nnd Shn
niokin, r.t the lowest obtainable snuiuiit eleva
tions. Smomi, To surmount these elevations,
by grade the most gentle that thecoindrv wi'l
mlioit of, without injudiciously incrensing the
length i t the road by a route too circuitous
r- -i, , -i
I ii i ii f , loioe-tie i:.e r.utl so us to ucc.min
... :
' date thn g neinl ii.'erests ot the country, tra
; vi rsp,t by the ron.l, if lie same can he done
i without injury lo the general p ii.lie utility of
the road. General local interests of great Mag
nitude should have their full weiglu und influ
ence, in dneetin the route of nn improvement
, of tin kind ; but suecinl or individual local in
i terests should not have much weight in direct.
, ing a question in which the public in general
; have a deep interest. The Mrfhonoy Coal re
I gion, bring on Ihe route nf the rond, will serve to
lllostrnts this mutter. This ret ion being one
of general interest, (a ull consume nt f in
terrttnl in obtaining Cnul cheap.) therefore
ihe read should he b ated so a to acconim.vlate
Ihe mining operations of that region, in gene
ral, it it can be located without injury to other
more extended general interests and utility of
tho road ; but special or individual local inter
esls, within that region, should not cause the
road to vary in the least from that route which
majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which
MiitlHiry, Xoilliumbcrlaii-J to.
i would produce t lit most benefit to the greatest
The Danville &. Pottsville Rail Road, also
tlic Cattawissn Rail Road, have been located
and partially construoted train the Schuylkill
! In (tin V. .......!. . .. I... a I. ..I-..L' t
-"' yw iiiiiiiui ijii ii ui ui;ti idp ftvT
the dividing ground between the waters of
!"" ci,va,eu summns, ina.ul
those streams on quite eh-vated summits, thai of
"ville I'jtt.ville R...I R,.d .ho..! eigt.l
hundred and ninety feet higher lhan .Mt.
lion, (the terminus of the Phihdelplii, Il.'n.J.
inir nnd l..ttville R. Road.) and the Cnttv.vis
fa ron.l. if lornted on the route surveyed by Mr.
.Moncnre Robinson, in 12S, it Mill one hundred
and fiy one feet more elevated, nceorditiir to
a letter from that fentlenien, ndilreo.. d to Mer
ritt Canhy. E-q., .luted Nov. 10th, la3., nnd
quoted in the report of the President und Mun-BL-ersnl
the D & , R. R. Compmy, of
a billows : ' In reply to your inquiries I Inv.'
" 0 n'U tlivi.linff ground,
b,',,Pl" ll,e " of the Soliuylk.ll and tl...e
"f "", S,'sn,,pl'ln"a. "n the line of the RmiI
. t. . i . . i
K. Mil between roll.-vi e and Sunlmrv. ia .my inn. r r.uiie surveyru Dy me, in
1Sv2?, nnd one hundred und filty one luet lower
thnn that nf the C.itl r.ii.Hn route."
My ex itninaiiorm of the Smitli descent of the
Rroad Monntrtiii, from the proposed mnnel on
the line 1 hive surveyed, h;.vp been t,,n limited
to decide wh:ch is Ihe tnoft pmclicable route lo
eoiiiniunicti'e with ihe main line ol R..i.d.
lending to Philadelphia. On the S..uth de
fcent, from the tunnel, aovernl mutes are pine
tic ible. but I will !-HVe it lor future examina
tion to determine vliirh fhoul.l I.p adopted, n. il
in the present report C'.i.fine mell lolhe route
marked on the tn.ip, which (as will be seen bv
r,.l..rn. . , .. ,
V ,,r","""' "'J",n ,nc r'"" I
wiih the est llriinch of tlM Vt. Carbnn Uil
Roail. two and one-fourth miles from Mt. Car
l n. and from said junrlion, with an as-rending
grade, ma ntenndrring North West direction
fuss ttrtk lull bv a d-en cut. or oerlums a short
loni.el. pais llimtigh the gap nt Mim-hdl, nt the
West llrinehof the Sdiuylki!!, and ascend Ihe
valley of that dream, between Minchill on the
S. .nth and Rroad nnd Picket Mount tins on the
.North, lolhe West-west Praiehof the Schnvl
kill, pt-s through the gap in Picket Mountain,
ut HtHt place, niul ascend the valley of the l.nt
named stream, about one mile, an.l there pass
through the Rroad Mountain bv thirty seven
hundred lept of tunnel, to the head of Deep
creek. Then in n meandering North I'ast di
rection, with a descending grade, along the
North slope ol the Rroad Mountain, an.l c-os
Mahonoy valley and ere. k oon nler that
stream leaves the M ihonoy C.. region. I'min
there, with nn n-cending gride, in a rirruit.m
Westerly direct 'on n'ong ti e South slope o th,.
Mahonny Moiiiituin to Rig run, thc-e piss
through the gan in the Mahonoy Mountain.
"'" ,n- 'S r""' I'tmuffti the
Mahonoy Coal regVn. to the J,,rust summit.- !
And fro,,, there, will, a il-spending trn,te, in , j
North-west direction, through the gap in the j
l ocust Mountain, and .Weed the. vallev. of j
I,..cust nnd Sl.amokin cr-rfc-, Quaker nnd Cnl j
run,-, ..t. junction, with ti e Western division j
of ll.e lhmvillennd lott-vdl" Road, nt
........... .- ... 1. f I .1 I
S'liintokin. eighteen and seven-eighths miles
from the Sustpiehaiinii, at Sunbiiry.
Ry this route the road would pas the Rroad
Mountain through ihe proposed tunnel, at an
eh vniion of seven hundred nnd seventeen fei t
higher than Mt. Cathnn, or one hundred nnd
v. nty thn e feet lower than the summit I. .
vol ..rthe 1) anvilie iv' 11.11.X1111' Rail Road, aril
three hundred and Iwrn'y-four feel lower ihan
the Cullawi. mote, surveyed hy Mr. Itobui-
son, in i---. I ne wnoie Uesceut, lr,.,u the
Il",n(l " roa.l will eros Ihe M.l...
,,..y crceK. I8 tour l.un.lreil and htty leet. I he
whole accent, iioiii the Mahounv level to the
lo cust sun. nut, is Ihiee hundred nnd seventy
lour feet; nnd the w hole descent, from the I.o-
est summit lolhe junction, with the W.siern I
D.iisi.inof ii,e I). &. P. R. R at S itniokui.
bve hundred and twelve leel. Tn.-se suinuiits
are overcome by gradesand lengths of ro.ul, as
noted in Ihe folio, v in ' table, Commencing at .Mi
' 1'ruce.dn.jr loward M, i up. Ion, ns
t.'.trboti un.l proceeding lowi
inted by leltpii A, 11, C, etc ,
in le.trt'i.t-e in
Ihe showing ll.e ilevul.on i.f tW tilove Ml Ca.bon
Mt Carbon A
Junction ('
If m'
1 "
10 1 ft
I.Y7 "
73 '"
21 "
12 2
710 li
40 0
8 "
li.'lS h
i "
3700 ft
Tunnel F
13 road Mt
ad Mt t
i. lev. J
j0 ft
i 10?'
410 70'i 0
i.tniil A
i i
21 "
6 0
'06 0
3j .t
U "
9j "
272 0
108 326 0
hamokin f'
there I- no app al but to force, tho vital piimiplt,
I'a. Saturday, March 2f, ISIS.
The whole di-tunee from Mt. Carbon to Sliv
mokin being a fraction ahorl ol thirty-nine miles,
from which deduct two and one-foiirlh miles of
tint Mount Cat lion Rail Koad, leaving tlnrtya'x
nnd three-fourths milen of road to b. find.! to
complete a Rail Rom! communication, without
inclined planes, from Philadelphia, to Ihe Siu
qu. Ihe confl.ienoe of thn North and
Wot Blanche.
In examining this route I have kept the
tliree primary objects before noted in
View: To pass the dividing found between
the waters of the Schuylkill and liioKj of the
Sii-qm hnnn.i at liie lowe.-l ohlainnble summits;
To ov rente tho-e mminitit with the most gen
tle grade that the country wilt odin.t of. with
out injiiiiiciou-ly increasing tin; length of the
roud by a route too circuitous, and with no
curve of less than 501) fuel radius; And In In.
Ci.le Ihe road mils to necoiiiinoiinti; Ihe genera
interests of lh(' conutiy traversed by the ruef,
without injmy to the more widely exiei.d.-d in
ter.'p! ol the, and the teueral ut.lny
Cy re fere nee to lite annexed plan ol" t'io coun
try, it will iie perceived that by this
mutt? the road Would nccomrnodat Ihe tniniiig
operalions of a large portion of the Schuylkill
reg on. lair ly open tln smuli it Rilling
Run. i.n I the va.-t mineral wealth of the M iho
n. .y coal rej-ion, also a l.rge portion of the Sua
mokin reeion. .Mth'.ugh thu D.uiv lle uml
P"lsvill Rail Roml was int. nih il to traverse
the Mahonoy coal region f'..r a greater dislunce
than the r.-a.l would by the ,ie-tnt r.nte, ei
if the D iXi. P. . II, wu ev.-n coiniileted. it
would not i.cci iniiiotlate !he mining operat on- I
ot region in g. ner .l, im well us the road
"U'd hv the pr ,,t ,,l mule, f,,..,. the
rt .. .. .. ....... . ,
ijii-i in iiii ii. i it ii nutii.r tun iiiit-it ii i f .t i
tug too mil;:
It is admitted that the I) Jc P. Ii. It. ut Gitard.
ville is low enough to favor the iti'inng opcra-
i lions al that, but by the time it leaches
inn t.eutrc I urup ke it is tner one hu-itlretl leel
above the level ot Mahonoy creek, and at the
lurnp ke there was intended to havii been an
use. "tiding inclined plan.', which elevated the
road uhove nearly ull the coal from tin re lo the
Locust But by Ihe present route it is
proposed In cms Mali y creek soon after that
stream leaven the coal region, and ut a level
sufficiently low totavor the opportunity of . x
ten.ling branch railroad into th- con I region at
water level through the Vallets ot Miholuy,
Shenandoah, Mine tun, &e and thereby favor
the general mining operation lit water level
in all the ravines tributary to this natural out
let liir the coal ; nnd by keening Ihe mid with
out the h .uii.1 tries of the eoil t-iisiii Ironi Malm
noy creek to ll g run gap, nnd there enter the
coal basin nt it l.uv level, will also f.vor tin
mining operations at walet level in the various
rnv nes tributary lo this natural outlet for the
,.,!. Am ,la , .11 acco,phsl,e,1 ith, ut in-
j,irinir , ie j,, . ,,.,., wii1,v ,.x;rr,d.,
inU.rx, ,,, Lr,.)Pr,, 11Illtv ,-, ,.',, A,(.
,,1(.r j,,vori,ble f-ature ol this route deserving of
,,., j,, ,,t from the Mahounv Coal rcg,,,,, to
the promised tunit. l.or Rioad Monnt-m summit
,.V(., (,1H ,ineX;,m j wllr, ,m cou , ,h
tt., he t.....-oo,t...!MI s.,!,.
I but forty feet p r tulle, lip w hleh .'Ta'l en-
eines will be capibie of ascending with heavy
In construct ng this ro -.I, n't r xpen-ive i'eni
is the tunnel through the P. oa.l Mountain, it
being t Inrty seven bundled feet in length, and
ii In ml four bun Ired feet below the top of th
mountain at that ! It is the only place
w ithin imtiv miles either eat or west of the
j .re ,, r ,,,, ,,.,.,, ..,!
o.r. U the mountain al that level. Rut Iron.
,, ,".K., (' il being he means of reilnc.n.r Ih.
,,;, Pt(.vi)ll,m;,,. lll)1(lr, ,, v . ... v 1 1 1 r. o
let t, Ihe cost ot the l- niu l is amp y 1 ep, d in lie-
iidviiiitaee derived from that reduction of sum-
nn'. elev .t'oii : il being nearly twenty tier rent
f , wll1;,. ,.!,.,,, ,, cM.a,.,.,:v Wli
: reduce the cost id I lan.-pur'at ion in the same ra-
i tin. Rut w ithnut lukioi. into lb" e-tuoat.' thai
f ,(,.hm m 1m, ((- ll,(l,M,()1,Ht,(!,. : ...
videiit that th.- est ul con-lruciing the l.iwtii
i tjuM ,,v ,,, r,.d,,P, .., ., ,.,.v.
. , ,., ., . ,i...
I ,,.... i,( ,i. ,,.,.., ,, ,.,,,.. :.
j woi.1,1 require six Mid s. vei,l -ui.m hiii.dr. th.
i mile . f mad to overt a sir. t elevation
of 17:1 feel, (thus, il would n uuire tour and t Inr- Ihiowmg a great incr. use o tonnage and reve-ly-two
huiiilre h miles, at a grade of -111 Ip. t J nue on ll.r,. improv e i.. n'.
per nil'e, to suriiiount an elevation uf 17't leel, In Co' junction w eh ll Philadelphia,
and two and t hit ty t v.n l.iiiu lell.a loiles, a j,i2 ami P.llsville Rail Road of 01 miles, tie
grade of 73 feel I" r in le, In descend to ihe , Mi. C ulsui Rail R.s.d Si mile, litis link nt UG
same level.) which In estimate, at $1000 per! indes, mid the We.-h ru diiia.n ami Sunbiiry
in If fur graduation, and (sl'HHKI per utile lor ' branch of lie" Danv lie and Pollsville Rail Road
doulilH track of iron rind, (and no doubt but tint
the bu-ines of the ro.ul will f quire a double
Iraek,) ni j sj'J'J.t ( tl per mile, or 81 1 I plane, an.l of grade traversable with loromrv
tbe cost of six ui.d fcixty-nuie hundretfu miles, t, e steam engines, lietw e. n I'hila.h 1; Ilia and
sav. d, the 173 fei t reduction ol summit eleva- the Surqu.-bat n ut the cu fluence of Ihe North
, ,.oi ., ... . - f
1 "' or nearly l uou more Ulan tne ci n
the tunnel w ill be, it Course, and i.fl. rding lacilitiea to the mining
Uui 1 a final . ciit'on nf the rnad i made, il ; o; eraiioi. of the Scluiy Ik I', Mahonoy and SI a
will he imposaihl. tn give n accurate rstunu'e j u nkin nnthrac te coal region, and a cheap and
of the ct irf construction ; but I te)iva tha rjuick jsoi'il for the prJuct thereof to mirket j
an.l imniedin-e parent of despotism'. Jirrimso.
Vol. .V-Xo. ST-Wholc Xo. 33.1.
following tn be nther ocer than under what
the actual cost will be for graduation, tunnel,
bridges, &.c , and laying down inn r-iad of rail
ixty pounds per yard, tiindry incidental tx
pence, &.C.
Graduation 36 j m., at SO. 000 pr m. 220,500 00
!uniil 3700 leef, or 1233 ydj., at
100 p r yoid, J23.333 33
Pridir-s ay '10.000 00
J i on Road I track, 31 m. at J8.000, 2a4.0UO 00
Iiiridpittal Kxp nj s --ay 12.100 07'on and one track",
Second Iron track, 3Cj tmk'S,
$030,000 00
SJt.OOO 00
Total, Giaduation and double track, S'JSI.000 CO
The following is a aynopnisof the act pnaed
the General As-cmh!y of this Commonwealth,
Aori Uth, ls41, ntithoti-ing the fJovernor to
iiicorporate the '.sl.amokin, Mahonoy and
SchiivikiH Rtil Road Company.'' Capital slock
I SMKt ('.!(). with privilege to iticrease tho same
in Sl.'O'l.ttfXJ Shares fC)0 nich when three
ihoii-iiii l shares ar siibscribpd, nnd five dollars
paid on each share, the GoVinnr shall, by letters
patent, erect the sub crihers into a body politic,
and incorporiite, in deed and in lnw, by the name,
"tyle, and title of Ihe Shnniokin, Mahonoy nnd
Schuylkill Rail Road Company. The cnmpa
sty nte author 2"d to construct a RailRoad nfaa
manv s. ts of tracks as tlmy may deem siecppsa-
rv. b-ginning t nd uniting with the Western-
ih vision of the D mvilisi lind P- ttsvi'le Rail
Road, at or near to the town of Shiiinokin, in
Northumberland coii'tv. and terminating at and
to'iting with li e Philadelphia. Rpading and
Pottsvl'e Rsd Roid, at soiTiP suitable point be
twern Sc' rylkil-Ifnven nnd P.ittsvd'e, in
Sol oy'kill County, provided, that if in the npin
ion of th" pre-ident, directors and engineer nf
the said company, the road may be advanta
geous in the interest of the public, made to
termii atp at and connect with the Schuylkill
II. v. n. and Mine Mill Rail Road, or the Mt
Carbon Rail Road, or the Mt. Carbon nnd Port
(I tlmn Rail Road, nr the Mill Creek and Mine
Hi I Rail I!, in', then or in such case, the said
c irpnry shall have Ihe privilege to unite their
rond wiih ether of the said roads as may be
def ined most expedient, except nnd provided,
that the Rail Road shall not unite with the
Schuylki!l-I I. ven nnd Mine Hill Rail Road, ot
even paralh I w ithin one mile, without the con
sect of the company owning the same.
The cr nipaoy have power tn establish rules
an.l regulation for the due ordering nfal! the
travelling nnd transportation of mails, merchan
dise and pisengers on the mad, nnd to pre
scribe the kicl of cars and rnri ianes to be used
iherron. nnd to regulate tl e trapsit thereon.
As s"on as any p iition of road is perfec
ted, to th. r.-on car', carriages nnd wa
goer, such ss they mav deem best adapted fur
th" transportation of mads, passengers and com
..i's'il;es tn the advantage of the public, and
l nll perni't individuals to p'ace lliereon such
cars, carriagesand wagons, and to tran-'port in
their own cars their own produce, snhjpct to
Iho regulations of f'ie company. And Ihe com
pany are a.ith inr"d to charge and take toll f. r
freilht nnd tr in?p..riiitions of ihe passengers
and merchandise nt rales ns 'o'lows, viz: on
all gnoiN, merchandise and mineral transpor
ted on said R t'l R nd, nny sum not rXeeeding
m average of three ceets per ton per mile, for
toll, i.tnl three cent p.-r ton per iivle for trans
Hurt it in", nnd lor tie transportation of passen
gers tint ex. eedit g three rents per mite for each
pa-sen er. Too compary In declare semi-annual
tiiv iilends ol the net pr. fi'a nrising from the
road. When -n I ;. mips x ed fit' een per cent.
nn ihe rapital xp.-n.le.l, then the toll are to be
j re 'need to keep the pore-Mag.
e below that a-
mount. lieu 'he .hv i.lcnds excerd ten p r
c.-ii'. per aiiniuu, then one ha'f nf such excess
shall ho pai I into the State Treasury, nnd pla
ced to the credit uf the education fund. The
1 "m l ! bp coinuienced w tlnn tliree years, nnu
i f'"',",'l within seven years from the passage of
. I .... act."
j The completion of the cannot lie viewed
! 111 "'V other light, than nn improvement of vat
j i,n,...rtnce, nnl only to the c.t. .en- of Phil .del-
1 I''1"' a"1'" l'rl"' portion i.f Pennsv lvania. (by
l..nii!.,g ., chenp nnd quick medium ot rotum...
, me tliou. 1 but nlso lo Ilie si.kt.ol.
lers of the
S.l.ny Ik, II n -.vmatior, the Piolndt-'phia, Read-
, "V '"' I'-H-ville Road, and all similar im.
' P"'Ve iieuts wi'li which il will communicate, by
of I'J miles, Will form a Continuous Rail Rond
CoHiiiiunicsiioii ot miles, w itlnm inclined
. n- . tt. ...... tv. . . .. ;
nnu n . i Dinimesm csiu.i.ury, r nn .i
J'..,i-,b..-; u jm
rmens or Aiyi;nTt3iAc.
1 square I insertion, f t 60
I do t do . 0 75
I do 3 do I CO
F.tety subsequent in?eriirn, 0 V
Yfarly Adfertiapment: onn column, f 25 j hi If
Column, 1 8, threp aqnares, f Uj two squnrps, f 9 ;
nns squarp, f 5. Hslf.yearty t one column, f 18 ;
half column, I8 t thrpe iquarps, 8 two squarrk.
$5j one aqnars, $3 60.
A.WortispmenU left without directions st to tr
lenqth or time they ire lo be published, will la
continued until ordered out, and charged accon'-
CJ'f'ixtppn lines make t square.
and in conjunction with tho navigation of 1hi
North and West branch.' of the Stipqiu lianna,
tho Williamsport and Elmin Rail JJoad. the c it .
templated lt Rond from Shamnkin to Danv l!n
and other similar improvements, it in deetiner',
at no very distant day. to be the main er'ery
through which will flow the viluable timber
an.l agririilttiral products of the fertile Valleys
of the Sus-rpirhtnnr, the mineral, from tho
tnmitioiK r-gion, and the iron fmm Montour',
ridge to the Atlantic, and in return, the mo
chandise for the supply of a large extent of
country, also the army of passengers travelling
each way.
And in the evont of the completion of tho
contemplated Rn ?ad from Sunbiiry to ?A;
then the Western produce that find its wny to
the Lakes, will, in all probability, pns through
this route to the Atlantic in preference to nnv
other. To sustain this opinion, I w li here q i, to
from the report of the Philad-Iphia delegate lo
th" Convention held at Williamsp-rt, on the
lflih of Nov., 13(1 as follows: ' Considcin?
then al! the public wotk now in p'ogresa n
completed, it remain to be seen, whether there
is not still another connection to b' made of o
qunl importance -villi any of tin ce v h fill hivff
been commenced, vii: A ni'roid by the
mute of the We, branch of fie Susquehanna.
It i scarcely wn-th w lii'e frj
pause to enquire, whether as a matter of pub!, a
concern only, Penn-jlvnnia should not ayrjil
berelf of her natural advantages, and with the
m. ans of making n sl.rrter, a better and a m-ra
Certain enmmunicttion, lies tate for a momBnt t.
improve them. Th significant f id of the gi
gantic efiort now making by New York in the
F.rie Jail Koad, should be decisive wi;h every
citizen o1 .'ennsylvania. The West branch nf
the Su-quehanna affords nn avenu? tirarail
wiy to the Lnkes, which if impr ived may ir,f.
ly defy all competition. Let it be compared in
point of distance, with any improvement nnv
completed or in progress, and this superiority
innt be acceded. Assuming what is not i
point ot fact to be conceded that there is riot
choice of ports on the Like, and ihat p .int nf
transhipment am equidistant from market, the
length of the different routes is is follow :
RnfT.lo to New York by Erie canal 503
Dunkirk" do " Krie ?-il Ii .ad 511
CleavelanJ " Phila. by M .hoi ing canal 5G7
Sandy & R.'avrr 573
' Chenango route 5C3
" W. Rrmch R R. 4U
We have stated the distance, on the resump
tion that the ports of tha Lake were rqiial'y el.
ligible. Sti far from this b-ing thu ca.-f, thai at
certain seasons of the ye ir, tlu-ir relative geo
eraphical position confines the choice to Cleave,
land and Krie, nnd it docs not admit of dispute,
that bet ween th. in, every thing elso beiig e
qn .I, there can be real'y no choice the "briner
being utterly tlestitute of any of the natural re
q nsitteofa gool harbor, and admitting of lint
litt'e artificial improvement, while th.; latter
combines every requisite of perfect security,
easy access and ninp'e apace."
All of which is respecifu'Iy subinitfed to t!n
public KIMBEf CLEAVE A, C. E.
Pollsville Pa., March 1$15.
The following description of a Southern plan
ter appeared in a lute number of the 'Planter'
B muer,' and, us it correctness is vouched for
by the New Orleans Tropic, we presume that,
it may bo cr-pted wi.hout apology into a Hurtle
cm journal :
Now for trie picture of 'he Planter.
wouldn't sell a chicken, nor a .!, z-'n of eggs, nif
a bunliHl of peaches, nor a calf, lor any consi
deration, lie is ahuve '.hat ! He rsises cotton
he does! lie rides in a six hundred dollar cn
riage for which he is i idt bt. II daugitei
thrum the piano that never will b. paid tor. I o?
buy com which he could raise al ten cents t
bushti, und pay nx'y cent for it after !2J y p
cent udvaiiee lu ht commissi n merchant. I r
could raise lt! o il tobacco, yet he pays gill v
pound for 'It clunoud scented.' lie coutd ra
hi own hog x yet he patronizes Cot coin..".
The conscqiieiicnj are disastrous. B:ing I'
fiossessor of one staple, he fluctuates wdh t ...
muketof thai ail, cle. He takes the 'Pri-.
Current' ho p.ys postage he gobbles down
Ihe ringlish news a cormorant. If he !
to-day he'll lose therefore he'll wait fi r belt, r
advice. II i 'mixed up' in e.itton, so. I is n
uonhlit therein. Meantime he wants monet ;
dinfi mi his factor ! He omti'ii got. -l
and ch tl.'- for lie plantation, Ihat he could in a' tj
at home. He nrr r them, and feels 'large.' T:
manufacturer, the insurer, tho shipper, til.
freighter, the drayman, the wan house man, th
seller, nnil finally the commission merchant, j, f
have a finger in ll e ; of profit, and ihe prou .
foolish plant, r pay them all. The c'o .
and he is 'up lo his rye-brow ' in i'i bt ' T' -i
the result of his not 'calcoU'tng' n ,r rv. ..
frvessing the (lifferpncn betwcenirritMf en'
planting. Oee supports a faniily,li I'ilu r
I aitprvji- ,1), ptli priJe gets a fill.