Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 22, 1845, Image 4
THE KVKKIXU HICIKS. t MRS. A MKLIA . WKt.BT Soft skies ! tmid your hails to-night How brightly beams each starry sphere, Beneath your softly mellowed light The loveliest scenes grow lovelier ! How high, how great, the glorious Power That bade these silvery dew-drops fall ; That touched with bloom the folded flower, And bent the blue sky over all '. t love to glide in these still hours With heart, and thought, and fancy, Viien nought but stars, and waves and flowers, May give me their sweet company ! When far below the waves outspread Glide safely on with liquid hue ; When winds are low and skies o'erhead Are beaming beautifully blue. Oh, what a heavenly hour is this T The green earth seems an Eden-home And yet I pine amid my bliss. For purer blisses yet to coma ! How ran my spirit gaze aloft Upon your deep delicious blue, And float to those far realms so oft, And never sigh to flutter through ! And yet this spot, so still, so lone, Seems formed to suit my mournful mood The far blue hravens seem all my own, And all this lovely solitude ! A voice seems whispering on the hill, Soft as my own, and on the sea A living spirit seems to thrill A throb with mine duliciously ! Yet though my thoughts from care seem freed And a soft joy pervades my breast, That makes mo almost feel indeed That hearts on earth are sometimes blest. There is a spell in those hushed skies A something felt in this lone spot, That makes my very soul arise Witli longings for it knows not what ! Beneath such skies I sometimes doubt My heart can t'r have dreamed of sin The world seems all so calm without, And all my thoughts so pure within ! t uch dreams played o'er my folded lid 1 Such heavenly visions grctt my viewl I almost seem to glide amid The angel-bands, an angel too ! Chapter on Printing. 'Can't you print me a bible !' said a good old lady, who some years ago came into a printing office in the country, Certainly,' said a man at the case, who was dabblirg t the type like hen picking up corn certainly madttn but not just at present, it'll take some time to do it.' Oh, returned the lady, 4for that matter I'm in no hurry any time to-dy will answer.' To-day ! said the printer, tn astonishment. why ma'am you don't think Oh, yes,' said the good woman, seating her self on a bench, and taking outlier knitting can wait jiut as well as not. llV only about one o'clock now and 1 suppose you'll get it dune by tea time. What ! print a bible in one afternoon ? Why ma'am, it would uke mo and my devil a whole year to print a bible.' Oh, my gracious!' exclaimed the old lady, starting up in astonishment 'you don't have the Evil Ono to woik for you, do you.' 'Evil one 1 Yes, lie's evil enough, the Isiy dog.' I wouldn't have hiin to print bible for me n no accoini. I shouldn't believe a word on'l if he did fur he's 'liar, and the father of lies.' I don't know whether he's the father of lies, or not but he is true enough a little devil there's no trusting him, I mess to cancel his indentures.' WeM, good by, Mr. Printer I could not think of having a good book done in such a bud cilice. Employ the devil ! Oh dear!' The old lady made way with all haste out of the office and when it is considered that she was unacquainted with the technical language of typographers and did not know the difference between tliu printer's devil ! and old Nicholas himself, it must be owned that her horror was very natural. The idea of print it g a bible in one afternoon, however preposterous it might have been at li e period of the above dialogue, would not, at the present tiny, appear altogether out of the way, With steam engines and power presses, books are worked off with a rapidity which old Juhu Ftust, even with the aid of the devil, with whom he was accused of having a league, could ne ver have dreamed of. Two thousand inipws- eious an hour would sstonUh the ghost of the Ingenious Dutchman, if by any means, he should be allowed to visit a modern printing iflice, What's the matter, my ilearl' said a kind wifu to her husband, who had sat fur half an hour with his luce buried in his hands, and sp parently in great tribulation. Oh, 1 don't know, I've ft-lt like a fool all day.' Well, returned lh wife, consolingly, I'm afraid you'll never ft el any better ; you look the very picture of what you feel !' A Good Osk "My dear, what snail we. nsme our baby V said .Mr. Smith to Mrs. Smith the other day. "Why, Inn, I've settled rn Peter." "IMer ! CikhI Lord, I never knew a man with the. simple name ol lVler who could earn Ins sail." "Well then we'll call him Suit rrr." A younij willow w ho edits a paper in a neigh f-.r r;nt' biate, ny- 'We lio not hsik so well lo l.iy as u-tittl, uu account cf the non arrival tt the male. IH. JS .. II A IV It SOTB LIST. rnXXSYCVAMA. The following list shows the current value of H Vnnsylvanis U.n.k N -hs. The most implicit re liance ma I placed upon it. as it j every i arrfully compared with i d corrected from Bun nell's Reporter. naiilin In IMilladclplila. Nas. Locatio. IMSC. I 1'nittn. NOTES AT PAR. -lank of North Ameiicn . . pr flank of the Northern Lilertie . . par rjnmmereisl Hank of Perm's. . , pnr Farmers' snd Mechanics' Hank pnr Kensington Rank P"r Philadelphia Rank . . . psr Schuylkill Rank . . . P" Sonthwnrk Hank . .pnr Western Rank . Pr Mechanics' Rank . . P" Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Rnnk psr C'otinfr) lianUn. Bank nf Chester County flunk of Delaware County Bank of (lermnnloni Hunk of Montgomery Co. Dnylcstnwn Rank Westchester Chester (fprninntnwii Norris'own Dnylcstnwn Caslon par par pnr par pnr pnr par These Enston Rank Farmers' Hunk of Rucks ro. Office of B ink of Perm's. OTtre do do Office do do Oilice do do Bristol Harrishurg""t Lancaster 1 offices Reading f do not Eastori J issue n. NOTES AT discocn T. Hank of the I'niied St llc.. Philadelphia 2S Hank of Pcnn Township . . p"' (rani Rank . ' Mnyamcnsing U ink . . Bank of Pcnnsv Ivanis Miners' Rank of Pnltsvillc Pot'sville Rnnk of Lewisiown Lcwistnwn Rank of Muldlctown Middlctnwn R;ink of Northumberland NorthumlmrUiid Columbia Rank & bridge co. Columbia Carlisle Rank Carlisle Exchange Bank Piitshuig Do do branch of Hollulavshurg Farmers' Rank of l.anmstei Lanristet Lancaster Cnnnly R .nk l.nnenster Furmcts' Rank of Heading Reading Harrishurg Rank Harrishurg Lancas'er Rank Lancaster Lebanon Rnnk Lebanon Merchants' At Mantif. Hank Pittsburg Rank of Pittsburg Pittsbuig Wet UiB:irh R nk Williamsporl Wyoming Rank Wilkcsharie i par i psr par 1 1 1 par p.r pai 1 P" j I 1 H Northampton Rink Allcnlown Reiks County Rank Heading Office of Rank of II. S. Pittsburg failed do Do do do Knn Do do do New Rrightnn Kensington Sav. Ins. A do Penn Township Siv. Ins. do Hank of Chamheishurg Chamhcrshurg Rank of Gettysburg Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Erie Rank Erie Farmers' Drovers' Rank Wayncshnrg Franklin Rank Washington H.ncsdalr Bank Monnngahcla Rank of R. Brownsville York Rank Yoik do 1 I 35 2 I 4 i N. R. The notes of those hanks on which we mil quotations, and siihstitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by tha Pliiladeljd.ia hrokers, wiih the rscfption ol those winch have a letter ol ri ten nee. BROKEN R A N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Pluladi l.hia failed Pfiiladelphis Loan Co, do failed Schuylkill tSuv. Inn. do f.iiled Manual Labor RaiiK fT. W Pyiill. limp.) fulled 1'i'wanda Rank Towanda Alleghany Rank of Pa. Retlfonl no sale U ink of Reaver Reaver elm U.iuk of Swalars llarrisliurg cloi-cd Rank of Wnshinton Washington failed Centre Runk Itelli foule i lnsnl 1'ity Rank Pitrhurg no sale Farmers' cV Mm h'ca' Rank Pilinhurg f illed Farmers' &. Mech'cs' Rank Fayette co. f.ul Farmers' &i Mech'is' Rank (ireencasl e fulled Harmony Insiitute Harumny no sale Huntingdon Rank Huntingdon no sale luniata Rank l.cwMown no sale uuinliermeu's Rank Warren failed Northern Rank of Pa. Uundafl no sale New Hone Del. Rridge Co. New Hope closed Northumh'd Union Col. Rk. MiIioii no oale North Western Ra-ik of Pa. Meadsille closed Office of feu hu hull Rank PortCurboil I's. Aur. &. Mauuf. Uauk t arhle full Silver Lake Rank Motittse closed Unioa Rank of Penu'a. Uniontown fade Westmoreland Rank (irt-tushurg closed Wilkesharre Dinlge Co. Wilkcsharre nosulr fTj" All notes puiporting to he on anv Penn-yl- vsnis Bank not given in the shove lii-t, may l set Jown as frauds. kkw Ji:nsi:Y. Bank of New Ri una wick Belvidete Rank Burlington Co. Rank Rrunswi. k RelvuUre Meillurd Penh Amlioy Ilrtilneiuii Muniit Holly Ruhwsy N. Hiunswiik failed i par 4 par par Commercial Bank umherland Rjuk farmers' Dank Farmers' and Mechanics' Dk Fsrmcra' snd Mechanics' Rk Farmers' and Mi reliant.' Rk Franklin Rank of N. J. filled Middletiiwn Pi. Jer.ey City failed Hohokeii Ukg dt (irszing Co Huh. ken fad.d failed fulled failed 4 failed i pnr lersey City Rank Ji laey Cily Mechanit' U ink I atteiaou Riiltville Morristown Freehold Newjik Trenton Jeisey City Newark Manufacturers' Rank Morris County Rank Monmouth Rk of N. J. Mechanics' Rank Mechanics' snd Mnnuf. Rk Monis ('anal and II kg Co Post Notes no sale Newark l)kg & Ins Co i i faded tailed i failed 4 New Hope Del Rridge Co LaiulieiUville liohuken N. J. MnnufuC. and Rkg Co N J Proiecton & Loiutaid I k Jersey Ciy Orange Rank Orange Paterssin liaiik Peoples' Rank Piinceton Rai.k Salem Ranking Co Stute Rank Mate Rank Stale Runk Slate Rank of Morria Stute Rank Salem and Philad Mjnuf Co Sussex Rank Trenlon Ranking Cu Union flank Wsktiiitgtuti Ranking Co. 1'ateiNon do Princeton SaUm Newark Klttalwthtown Caindrii Moriistuwn Trelllull Salein N ew loll Trenton Dover Hackenssck par par i par 4 failed failed 1 par failed ii:i.4vaki; Rk of Uilm & Rraudy win Wilmington par par Uaiik ol Delaware' Bank of Smyrna Do blanch Farmers' Dk of Mate of Del Do branch Do branch Do bruiitb Union Rank dj- I'nder 6's dj On all banks maiked Wilmington Smyrna Mi Kurd Dover Wilmington (ieorgelown Newcastle Wilmington par par par thus () there sre t i. ther reunleifi it r sllerej notes v f lbs var.ous ill dsminaiioKS, ia cirsaUiien. -""!S ?T9?T J 1JS !ss- WIST A It'S it ii.sin or wim cin:nnY, A CBtnpumil ftataitfntn Prrpnrnllnn fram Wllrt rhrirr Hark nttrt Tar, L TTie brut rtmrriy known to the trnrMfnr the rure nf ctittith, tola, a'fiimn, ernup. hli'ftn$ nt the tinn, wfi"np!nt tough, hrimehltit. in flit tnsn. thnrtnrt of breath, pain and wententut in the hreatl or hirt liver fitm'luiiit, unit the first trtfrrn of CONSUMPTION. We will net assert tbst this R M.SAM will rnrc Consumption in ist irortt form hot it has cured manv after all other means of rlief tm.l been tried in vnin. Anil whv not 1 It seems that the WILD CHERRY was destined Vy Natute to he our PA NACEA for the ravaging diseases of this c Id la titude. Let not the dexpniring invalid wns'e his nvncy nnd loo" TIME, to l im s all important, in txltrrimrntina with the trssliv no-t'ttm nf tl-e div. t'tit use tit nre s medirine llisl will cure. If sJ rtirehep s ilile s nv d'eior that science app'oves. and manv years of r iper ence h ve demonstrated thai tt ntii'nif relieves. ''I'hcre r rin nrh thing an fnl." in the history of this wonderful HAl.SAM Evidence the mol convineiog rvedn c no O' e rnn dooht. fullv e-taMi he tliis fact. For the s ko of brevity we se'ect the f l owing I' oo inds. !anrc Pis t. Erf).. Editor ..f the P. ke. pie Eaale. one of tlie m-al influential journals in t'ie state of New Yoik. statrs undei the authority of his own name, thit a young laity, a relit'ne of his, of verv delicate consti u ion, was attacked in Fel. IS12 with feere cold which immediately produced r-pit ting of Mood, couch, fever, and oilier dancerous snd al.irm'u g svmptoms. ' Thr uh medical nestment nd care khe p.rtially ree ver d during summer. Rot on the return of winter she was nttukul more violently llinn nt fust, she became srnmlv sMe to wa'k and rt tinuMed wiih couch, chilli" and fever every day, and appe.ned t he going rapidly wi h consiunp inn ; nt iri- tirn", when there wb n sign of improvement. Mr. Piatt pMcureil a bo' tin if Wistm's or Wiin t'ttr.BnT. which she ok. and il sientinclv re'tmed her. She g t a se cond, and define ii wa hnlf taken Up was restored to prrfcrl htalli. whii h l.e h is ei joyed to the pre sent lime, without the slighter! symptom of In r f ir mer diie 'St1. Mr. P att sav "the c me under mv n ol setTiition snd I cannot he mist ken as to the facts." EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM A POST MASTER DATED Pen arn a r., Washington ro., Miin, Apr. 29. 1 S44. MR. ISAAC RITTJ'S. Dear Sir: At the re quest of mnny of my friends in this place and vie!- nitv who sre alhicleil with consumption anil liver romp'ain's, I take the Ii! er y of asking you to np po nt someone in this county as agent lo se'l Wis taii's Ralsam or Wilii (.hrrht, and toend hi o few en. as there is none of it for sale will in COO miles fmm ihia. I have no doubt that it would meet with a ready sale if it were where it cou'd le piocured without toi much expense and delav. My wile was atmckeil about i i m runs since with what the physicians railed the first s age of nsiimption s complaint viry prevalent in this a. ciion of eoiin'rv. Having seen the 13a sain sd- veri:sed in August. EJ- 400 MILES FROM IIERE,-0 I took the IS lis to send there for s lollleofil, which she took, snd v htch helped her so much that f sent fur tso hotiles inure, whith she fits s'su ta ken, Hnd the now s.vs slie t as not fell so well fur il years as she docs at tins lime. All tho. who have inquired nf me and as -etlained w hat eflect the R dsani had, are anxious lo h ive some fur sale in this vicinity, whii h is the i iui-e of mv wrilti g you Plca-e ii.fmin me liy iptii n ol m s t whether you i onrSnle to send mine, and il so to whom, in order that il may he knewu where it can he I a J. I nm with re-peel V 'Ure, etc. P. O. FAHNNWIIRTH. P. M. The whule cuiiniry is fast learning that ro meili eine no phvsioan no preparation of soy kind whnti vi rcan eipial I h . Wistah's Ralsam or Wl Lll I'll in a . a Tiii'i.v noni:uri i. ( run. Watkrvii.l, Oiieidsco..N. Y. Sept. 15. 1813. Dear Sir I owe it in the afflicted to inform y u in January last I w na alta. ked by a veiy vio lent rold, by woiki g in the water, wl.irh nettled on my lungs. It si companied bv a ve ry si e e pain in my brenat and sidea, and alao a disiressing cough. I bad in attendance all the l est mei'icsl aid in uur village; hut after exhausting all their skill o no av .il, ilu y pronounce I my ili-ensr a coxrisstni (os'i vrTlor, and ihiy one and sli gore me up to ilie. After much pi rsu .sion I got the i oust nt of mv physician to use ihe Ralsim nt U i lii Cm hut pri pan d by Dm Wistah. I pur chased of Ihe Agenl in our pi ire one ti .tlle, liefure Usii g ha'.f ..f which I legan to gain strength, and it w a very evident my rough was much l-elt-r and my syniplorra in every way in. pr vine. I have n 'W used three hoilhs, and am rmtorttt lo perfrrt htultfi 'Phis re-ull ia at -ne owing lo ibe u-e of DK WIST A It's RALSAM OF WILD CHER RY ; snd I take this method of g.ving y ni ih in fo-miiion. parity lo pay you the debt of gr.iiliule I owe ynu, and partly that others similarly a Illicit',! maj know wl ere lo apply for re'ief. Verv trulv your, JAM KM NAtiK. Mh. Palmfr Diuggist, under d ite of Walerville, Sept. ?4th, I S43. writ. a; I'he statement given you by Mr. James aga is well known lo be Hue hy tl.ta whole conimunit v. Il n rt.iolv was a most remaika lecure. The sale of the Hal-sin is very po'td, and its success in cures tru'y flattering. Youis o S ctt'uily. 1. U. PALM LIC. TIIK MOST IM'.M AliKAilLK CL'KK I'.VKIl HKl'OI.DKI). 1Ui.ii .srirm. N. J . April 20, 1813. On orab.iul Ihe I3ihdav if Oct .her. Ir.1l, I si Inken with a vi..lenl pain in Ihe si le i.ear Ihe liver, whii h f orniniied fur about five days, and wag fol lowed ly the Ireuking of an u'or, or al a.ess, in w.iidly. wluc'i rel ev. d Ihe pain a little, hut rsused me to throw up a great ipi in'ity of nflVrisive matter and also much blood. I). log grea'ly al iinu d ,.t this. I applied to a physician, but he said he ibi ug' t be could do but li lb- for me except give mi some Mcreury Pills, wbch I lefusrd to lake, feeling ausfied thai ihey could do me no good ; many ci ther r. m diet weie thin r 'Cured !y my wife and fiiemls, t ut none did me any good and ihe dis rharge of blood and coiiupti .11 still conbnurd ev. rv f . iv days, snd SI I. t become so oll.i sive Dial r.iu'd scarcely I rea lm I w a also seized with s vi olent cougti, which at limes cati-id me to Nine mui h muie bliKi.l than I had done before and my disease continued in this way, still growing wor.e, u. Ill February , wlun li hope of my recovery was given up, and my IiichiU all thoughl I would die ot a (i AlL'.ri so CossiiMrnots. At ibis moment, when my lite wassppan n Iv drawing near its close, I he. id of DK. V ISTAK'H BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY, snd g l s bottle which as litvin ais iMMtniATriT ; and by ihe Use of only three b.-tilea of ihls med'cine, all my pains were removed my rough and spiting of blood and cor ruption entirely slopped, snd in a few weeks my health as so far lestoied ss to rnable me to wink at my trade, (which is a r,) and up to this tima I have enj.ytd gootlhia'lh. THOMAS COZENS. Gioi-risTxa Cousti. N. J , as. i par par psr par 1'rrs nslly tame btfuro nir, the lutscriber, onetof "?.' . . .1.1 1 11 '. 1 " "." ?.' "'-V. tho tustices of the Pence in snd for the said coun ty, Thomas Cor.cns, snd heing dulv nfTirme l nc con.fing to law, sniih the sboa statement is in all t'linits true. AlTiriticd bi fore me, on the 2ft h of April 'S13 ? J CtfMST.J P. S Such is tho unprecedented succrsa of this HAL SAM. "SATIRE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION," a prescription congoni l to our wants, ns it is pie pared from ehemicil rxtiaets fr m substances wlreh the author of nature has placed in our own land for wie iiUM'n.e, thst mnnv who kni w unthins f the mode of i's prepnr,iion are endeavoring to reap pecuniary henefrs hy selling an siticle sinntir in name, or in inre. or liv refirecn'ing tin ir own trash as su peril r to this R AI.S M, or hv put ting up a mixtion and s li'mnW aiseveriting thai it is imp ne.l fr.iin a foreinn rotmlry, which i. not the case. All Iheae deceptive arts go lit how tint Ml -.Tin's lt4i.sH i known ! the world to lie 777; chea t ,;:.):) v." ami ih.,t to r any mixture it must ! lihr. this in name, r pur- ! part to he lil.e it in su1 stance. j (JTj Relieve not the cunningly wroucht fihriea. i li, ins nd lake on'y the original and genuine I Wistam's RstsAM or Wn.n I'iifriit. I NO OTHER CAN BE X.XRE XT. A.lilress all nnlers to ISA.C RU I' I'S, No, 3'i Ann St., New Y ok. j Agents, JOHN W. FRILINft. Siinlmru, I) RR U I'lOAM. X.rthumberlaitJ, J. K. moVf.u. ; J. WACC.ONSI'LLER. S'lm-f.rnre, BROWN V CREASY, MfJUnvUU Feh. 22.1. IS 15 ly ril'TV DOLLAItS ln.WAKI)! CANTRELL'S ! Olobralt'd ramily IrilicineN ! ff TOILL not cure evi-rv thing, but still remain I V Y unequalled in their several departments by i every thing ever olTered to the public, who have ! voluntary c uue f uw-ir.l sod i lfi-reil and rispeclahle ti a im iliials of their superinr ! illiciev. Cuntrrirs Cmnpnunil Mrli ntrf Sirup nf S'ai j Kitpar Hit i or, AuH-Keorhtitic ')'Up, for the ' ol f'Yorfiila, t'lir.inie Rheu.n itism. t'hronic Swel- j lings of ihc Joints, Eruptions of the !"kin. and ell ; Disea-es sii-iug the abuse of Mereiry, ifi.. iinsurpasxeil hy any thing ill the ina'kel, colul'i. ntng sll M e virtues resilient in the Sarnp irid.i with s modern medicament, only lately brought out hy the reKpeelnhle medical siilhoritus. Price, fiO cents eer h I'le. Cittitrrr .Inti-Difprptie Puirtfcr, f..r the re lief and per man i nt cure of lh;.t must distre-sing complaint, in nil it' fonn and s'ag.'s. It is truly a mm' valu Me reunily. S.iM in hollies ai 2 A snd SO cents each. Cunt rill r . t-sur Mixture mid Tunir Meilira mentn, stands nl the head of the list unnva'lid by nv. or all the innumernhle rnedicin' s in u-e ihroughoul the length and bread h of the lund, fir the cure of Ftvr.n and Aovk in all its stages, and frum all its eonseqnerces. Residents in Fever and Ague districts should never he without it. The will forfeit EIFI'Y DOLLARS where Lis medicine fails tu ifurm s cure in the most ohstina'e ca-e. Sdd and Retail bv CALER CRE SOS, at his Dnii Warehou-e, No. fi Nonh Thin! Street, Philadelphia; also, hv the rigutirly ap pointed spent, SE I I I W. ROREKTS, Wholesa e Druggi-i, N". St Water Street, M .hile. Pr pared onlv hv theSuWrihcr, con er of f5 AR IES TER and SECOND Sir. els, hel w I'hrisii an. Pliiladi lphia. where il is also retailed. Ol-sctve, none jrc genuine li e sicr.a'ure f JOHN A. CANTRELL. Caiili-cll' Affile Mixtiiro, or Tunic l4'(1i'aiii'iita. For the eure if ull li liuun iiffrl.nns, if Inken ne curilinn to (lirtrtioiir. It is a never tailing remedy which no fnmi'y i. uuh' . be wilhoul, rspicial'v in low niar-l y roui tries. As this medicine is put up under the p'opiie lor's immediate inspection on the most scientific piiiicples, hemg I'ur-ly Vigetahle, and having tried iu efficacy on thousands, for upts arils of IV! yarn, and to his knowledge when taken strictW ac cording to directions, there ha- mil m en one fu lure. Coder such creum-tancr I recommend it 10 ihe public, adding a certifnati in support nf my asser lion. I, John Horn", do certify that I was in the ship Tnli eco I'l.oil of I'llil iileli hi i, Capt. Herd, in June, IHi7, bono ! to Liverpool ; took the fever and ague and laid in Liverpool mine t ine limb i the doctor's I and, went fiom tl ere to Raitim re, lay in the Infirm iry for or five wn ks fiom thence In I'hi' Ip'iia ; was sis in. iill.sun.h r Dr. Coals ; from thence lo New Y rk wmt to II e Hospital, n li. a in d aboix f.iur vtieks without any relief tiled very ill n Willi. ull nv benefit, for five ytais. Hearing of Canlrell'e Ague Mix tU'B from a ftiend, 1 went to bi store, told him b w was sflltcled, and gut a hi. I lie of his mixture and ttei'd it aceor ling to d.r'i lions. Il made s r led cure, snd I have not had ihe leaal Mum since. I do with confidence rrioiuinei d i to Ihe public. JOHN Rl'KNS. 3Iidlt ale I Syrup f Sarsapai Ilia. I hdaib Ipbia. April lOih, IS4t. Mr.JoiiM A.CitTsiu, Dear Sir, Having be' n affiic'ed for upward- of Iwo years with ulceration of the throat, de-lroyii g ihe w hole of ;he soft pal do, then thiouub the upper part of my moulh into my nose, (r un w hich sever, al pieces of hoi e came out, winch partial ' de.tioy. i d my speech, ihrouuh a kind idem e uiid your Med.caled Syrupol Sars .p o ill i, I am to peil. cl hejllh.nud my siuht, w Inch was so much impair, d, Is as strong as win n a boy. I thoughl it a duty I owed to you unJ ihoae siini Urly alhctrd, to make it piddic. YoUis, R. spec fu!v, SAMI EL KIKK. Corner of Tenlli and Cuutea Streets. I, (iahril J .r st. n, No. li Ib ekhss Street, do rr r ifv that my wile, Jane, was afllicted for Iwo years with Ulieuuis i-in, and i.t la-t wis entirely di-a'Ie.l, so lhai she was obliged to be confined to In d , t.ear in nf t'ant'clfs Me diated Syiup of Saia ipanlln, or Ami Sroihutic Syrup. I procuie.l four liutibs, which Complitely remutrd all her pains and st. ti neas from tierbinbs; mom re bullies made a pi r lei I cure. S; ia now able i attend to her house hold duii.s as usual. liARICIL JO.NsI ON. i'litla.lelphii, Jan. il I. 1814. (Jj- De-rripiite I'aiupblits may be had of the sgems. (firati.) J. W. FRILINO, Sunbury, Nov. 9, 1844. ly .Igent. Vail ami Met tic. 1JERSONS knowing thrmselvra indtbted lo the suhsriiher, are requested lo call and settle Inrir accounts, on or la fore ihe SOih day of Janu ry next, after which time those cf long stsmling will be placed in the hands of a Justice, for roll, c lion. 11. R. MASSER. Dec. 14th. 1844. GLASS. by 10, best quality, Cut Nails, all s es, Salt, by Ihe sack Slid barrel, Hals and Caps, of the best quality. All for sslo al ledurrd prices, by Sunbury, Oct. Sti, 1841. II. R. MASSER. H. B. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6UXTBTJRV, PA. Rttslnesa sttended to in the Counties of Nor ihuipl erland, Union, Lycoming slid Columhis. nrfrr lot Tho mi as IlinT & (y'o., Lnwsn iV Rarrok. Hart, ('csisidios &. Hart, yi'hilatl. RrTSOLtis. McFariakh fi Co. 8prriso, 'loon cV Co., . JQ. La !Lj UU Vi:Ji:TItl.i: lil.1ll(IM, r.iR Tiir cims or d v s r i ; rsi a. IIH Mediemn ts tillered to the public cener- ally, front a full conviction th it it is superior I i nnv other mi dicine now in use, for the cure of ! Itysp. paia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Dohilitv or ; Ro lily We.,knes, eVe. i Its eflTec's tiave been tested in n private prncl'ce ' 1 i f neir right years, nnd it is now extensively circulated, at the s..lieitude of many who have re reived ihe mo-t sinal.eneflt from the u-e of il. j The fo. lowing is one among a nnmhrr of cntifi- rites received in itiaiion to the success of this me- j ' ! Laxcastkr Co. .March 18. ! j Dn. fWoaoK W. Aitr?, j Dear Sir : Il ia with great p'easure that I in- j j form yon of die success! attending your Dyspeptic ', l Medicine, while rnip!ved in my p nciice. From past experience, I firmly believe that in eight cases ! nit of ten, Ihe Dyspeptic, bv the use of your medi line, may eirir-ly n.l himself nf ihs thorn ir the pathway of life : nut only in dyspeptic case, but in all c iscs of constipation, and di-ea-cs deieml ng on a dilulila'ed stale of ihe nervous s stein, loue Iher with a tmpiil stile of the bowels, will your E li at i r he fnui d of inestimable value. Nun er..u- in- stiinces wheiein the usefu'nes. of the no'ilirine ha j hei n ren'i-cd, mav t e foi warded, if reqniinl. I w ish v. u great siicees., nnd recutnim ml Ihe uicdi- itie lo Ihe sollering art of mankind. Youis, with great re-peet, KOREItf AfiNEW. M. D. fj"j- For sale nt the store of II. R. .M.isser, jgent for the proprietor. Sunhurv, Pa. er Stall. IS44. ly A S II It Y A: It O V A V. WHOLESALE & RETAIL HAT Jc ('Al MAaMIFACTUUKIIS, South Host rnrwrn Morhil and 4th stu.. I'lillailclpliia, "XATHEIvE tiny alw.its keep on band an exten sive i-s.irtim nt i f HAT if CA I'S ofeverv description, got up in the best and most approved : stt le. Pels- lis ilerirous ot pun Ii ismg siipertnr ari. cl.s on Ihe most reason hle terms, will IV d it to their advantage lo Call In f re making puuhise's else a In re Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1311. Iv S P AN IS H HIDES TAXM'Vl'is' OIL. :(lOO D y La Plata Hides first quality. :J500 Dry Li Cuba. do IOOO Diy Sailed La tiuira, do 000 Dry Salt.d Rrnil Hides, do Ra'es (ireen Sailed I'atua Kips. MO Ral.s Dry Pa n Kip'. I'iO R irrels Tiinneis' t)d. 'l anners' and Curriers 'Pools, For sale lo Country Tanners nt ihe lowest prices and upon Ihe li'-i terms. N. R. The htghest matket prices pud for all kind uf bather. D. K1RKPATIMCK A- SON'S. No. 2 1. Sooth I bird St. Pbil .delphia. September 14. !H44. ly. SI flMiKlVrs" PA'I'KXT Vr'.SHIITG IvCACHIlTS. flllllS Machine h .a n .w been tested by more J than thirty families in this neighborhood, and has given entire satisfacliou. It ia n simple in its c i slruction. that it car. not pel out of i Ii re ita ns no iron tu iu-1, and no -piingsor rollers to get out of repair. It will do twice as much wash ing, with less than hall ttie wear and tear of any of the I ite intentions, and what ia of greater in per- costs but lil'le over half its much as ollu'r washing machines. The siib-M riher has the exdu-ive right for or. ihuuihc ilaml, l.'nioii. L'Cuiiiik. Culumbii, Ln lerne and Clinton counties. Price of single m -chine fft. H.R. MAS.-ER. The following ceitificate ;s fiom a few ot those who hate the.-e inachiocs in use. Sunbury, Auj..1, ISM. We, ihe subscriber cerffy liiat we have now in u-e, in our familiis, "Sbugeit's I'jtent Wash ing Machine," and do i ol btsitate styim- thai it is a most i x. elb nt iotrii i ol. That, tu Wa-hing it will save more ihun one h lit the u-ual labor. Thai il does not require more than one third ihi usual quantity of so ip and water ; and that thru ia no milling, an I const quently , btlle or no weai iug or tearing. -That it knocks i lTnu bullous, and that the fiuesl cloihes, such as collar-, laces, tucks, frills, Ac. mav be washed in s vey short time wilhoul Ibe least iniuiv, a .d in fact without any appaienl wear and tear, whales.-r. We iherefor. cheerfully recommend it ! ourfiiend and to the i uhlic, as a most useful and lah . r saving machine. CHARLES W. HEUINS, A. JOKIiAN. C!!S WEAVER. Clls PI.ESANT8. CIDEON MARKI.E. Il.m. fiEO. '. WEI.KER, UEN.I. HENDKIt'KS, (ilDEON LEISEN KINO. Hern's Hotki, (formerly Tremonl IL ue. No. I If! l.'hi si. ut street,) Philadelphia, September Slat. IW44. I have Used Shugert's Patent Washing Machine l in my hou e upwards of right moiiih-, and do not hisitsle to lay thai I ilei in it one of ill- mu I use ful ami valuable labor saving machines ever iuven J led. I formerly k. pi two women rnnliuiiolly or i cop ed in washing, who uow do as much in two j days s they then did in one null. '1 brie is no wear or tear in washing, and u requins not mure than one-third ibe usual quantity ot soap. 1 hste had a ti umber of oihil in chines in my lam ly, but Ibis is so decidedly supeiioi 1 1 every thing else, and I I so linle liable to gel out of n pui, lhat 1 would in'l lo without one il ttiry stioul.l ioi I. n limes inc. if they price ihey aie sold fur. DMEI. UEItlt. NOTICE to nir.uciii.vis &. .uim.ixlhs. ,V.M. M. & JOS. K. AlAUlsls, MA.M'FACTCREFS AND DEALERS IN FOREKSN AND DOMESTIC STRAW UOODS. .Vo, 30, Xorth, Sicond Street, (" opposite ihe Madison IIouh',J - fiAAinuwA-aA 0(5 me! HERE will lie found s general si-wit menl nf Florence Rraids, Alfrria, Rut lanila. Peddles, W illow Plait, Rice Si w, and Hie much admired Neapolilan Lace, and Fancy Ron nets, manufactured by us, and for sale al Ihe lowe-l manufsctuie prices. Mrrchsuts snd Milliner are invited to give ua a Cull upon visiting the City. Of N. U. We have al-o ronstantlv making our snpeiiur hair snd oil . r edgings, all of which will be sold rhrap, for rash. i'hilsdrlj his, Msy 29, 1811. ly OAKLEY'S ii:ii iiatiti: kyhii. flHE viduali'e prorertics of Ookl.Vs Depttrt 1 live Syrtip of S;irsaprtrilln, as a purifier of ihe blood, is no well known to tho public generally, that it ia unrecersiny to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantages to be drrivrd from its use; wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence orr all others t eveiy one thst ban taken it, have derived so signal bene filial results from it, that it is recommended by them with the u mnst confidence. Physicians of j the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it I to patient under their csre ; containing nothing j dehtertuus. but biir.g coTtiio.ed ol the m a' miM, I yet efficacious vegetable Materials, It is offered with confidence, ns the chenpest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. J he use or a lew bottles, especially in the spring months, will lie at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strtngih nft'.e system, eradicating anv seeds nf ilisea-e that may have been generated. b sides giving health and vigor to the body. Fur the cure of Serotula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. 'Filter, Pimples or eiuption. of the Skin, While Swelling, Fistula, t'hronic Cough Asthma, Ac, The nu merous ce'tifica'es in ibe possession of the .ul scrl ber and his agents, from physicians and others, Bre sufficient to convince the most skeptical ul i' su periority over all preparations nf Sarsaparilla. S..,l wbole-ale nnd retail, hv the proprietor, CEORCE W. OAKLEY. North 5th slre.t. I!ea ding, Reiks County, and to I bad of the following peisons : In Knrthuiuherlaml County II. R. Masr; Sntibury ; l-elarul iV. M xcl, McEwrnsv ille ; D Kransi r. Miltun. In l'nnn Ct-unti). J. fiiarhnrt, Seli'i-prove A (iiteliua. Mifllinhnrg. In Ci-lumlj'm Count y. R. W. McCay, Wash ""il('n R.ading. March 14, 1S13. Ma. I believe it the uty nf every one lo do wlo.leverin iht ir power I re, fur the h ne. fit nf their f. llow mi", nnd having had pu-i ive piool in niv own family, nf the won.teiful properties of y.-ur Depuratito St rop of Sa sap irill i, I m st rotiaeipiitioii-lv rerommi ml il in the afflicted. Wo had thr niisfortnur l i I -se two nf our children, bv the breaking nut ol ulcerous sores that covered iho lace, head and I rt k. although we h id some of the most -lieniilie pliv-ti'i oi lo nt end th m nnd bud tried nil the known remedies, including Swnim'a Paiiaci a, without Another of my children was al'Hike.l in ihe same manner, her face ur d neck was rniip'ctely covered; ibe ibsi hi-ge was so olVensive, and ihe disease at such a he ghi. ibat we despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful elli'Cls ol voiir l'epi.r.i'ive Sviiin i.t S .rsapari la, we wem indtieid to make liial ol il. as the last resort; it ae ed like a cl aim; the u'cersci mmenccd healing iiiiine.liniely a f w boil'o eiititelv re-iored hi r lo hi r I.e. iili, which she h-sei joyed iininteriui tedly eversince. Asa puiifier of the hlo.d, I veuly he bete il hag not ils equal. JOHN MOVER, Tailor. Walnut strcil, near Fouilh, Reading. Dottgl ssville, April 10th, 131.1. Mn. Oaki.v.t: Mv son Eomund Leaf, had the scrolrda in the most dreadiul and ili-ties-.n man lier for ihne year.a, dining wh'eh lime he wis ile privrd of ihe use of his tint' -. Li- be ul nnd mck ware roti red with ulcers We tri-d all the dilfer. cut remedies, bur to no iffert, until reromun nib d I v Dr. Johnson nf Noriistown. and al-o Dr. La ic Hii ster, ol Hi ad i B- to use your Dc punitive Symp of Sarsapanlla, of w hich I ol'tniiii'd sevi ial boules. the use of which d'ove Ihe dt-ea-e entr Iv out nf Ins system, the gore beded up, and the child was restored to prrlecl health, which he bn. enj.ived iininienupleilly rvi r sit ce, to the nst 'inshmeni of nan V peisons who seen him du irg his affliction. I have thounht il my du'y. sml send V hi this ceiti ficate that ..tics who have i like affliction in the family may know where In obtain so valuable a medi. ine. Yours tinh . AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. Ifi, isff lv Outif n r'll iN' DEATH BLOW. The pul lie will please observe that no llrambeth Pills are gem ine, unless the box his three la bel upon it. (the top, Ihe si.le and the hott-m) rwh containing a fir-simile signature of my hand writing, thus R. Rmasiimf.tii, M. lb--'I lies.- In. Iel aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, ami done at an ei eiise of over r'J.OOt. Therefote it w ill le seen thai the only thing necessary to pro cure ihe medicine in iis purity, is to ol sene these lab. Is. Remember the ton, the side, nnd the bottom. I he following ie-ierlive persons are duly auttn ri 7,i d, mid hold CEnTiriCATxs or agency For ll.e sale of llrandrrth't !' jfte Vniverml Fills. Northumberland rouulv : Millon Markey Ac. Ch.iiiiheiliu. Sunbury H. R. M.isser. M'Ewens ville In land A Mem II. .Nuiihuui' eilaud Win, Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Wall. I'nion County: New Berlin Bogar & Win ! r. Selinsgrove (Jeorge (lumlrurn. Mid. lie. burg Isaac Smith. Heaven. iwn David lluble'. Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Millluisburg Mensch iV Ray. Hsitlelon Daniel Long. Freehurg tS.A F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls A (ireen. Columbia county : Danville E. R. lieynnlda tV Co. Rrrwick -V. R Henhouse. Cs' lawissa C. ('. Rmhts. Rloomshurg John R. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Risii, Washington Rubt. Mi Cay. I.iinestoiie II .-ml I MsNmrh. Observe 'hat each Agrnt haa an Engravul Ccr ificateof Agencv, ronlainirig a representation of ilr RKANUKEI'll'S Manufactory al Sing Sing, nnd upon which w ill a'so be seen exact copies of the nf w lahels nvw ued upon the I'ritndreth 1'ill 'o.rc. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North Sth street. B. RIIANDKE I'll, M. D. June 24th, IMS. city rn.MTrm: aictio.v, AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. '... and :il North Thud Street, -Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. i (l I'. MACKEY, Auctioneer, repectfiil'y in : Ml)1 ni. tl. utic tton of persiu s desirous of pur- chasina Fumi'mr. lo his extensive Sales Rooms, (both pu' lie and Piitatc.) fur every descrii lion of Household Furniture, wh. re ran I obtained at all tunes, a large assort nun I of fashionable snd well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Reds, Mstlrasses, &r at very reduced prices, fur cash. Or Sales bv Auction, twice week. May 2Vth. 1843. ly 'P WEED LOTH, a hsndsoiue'ariirle alFwooT, bglil and rb siir, for Summer Coata and Pauls, for sale, very low, by June 15 H. B. M ASSER. B AI.ZORINES, a handaone article for LadiTa' Dresses, for sslo chrap, by Jjinell6: H.R. MASSER. A Tlirchhlns .flat lilno fur Sale. riMIIE snbsrribrr oilers f..r sale a THRESHINU M. M ACIIINE, new and in good order. I'he Machine ha been tried, and rove to be an excel lent one l will be sold at a reduced price, and warrnled. Apply to H, U. MASSER. July 1st, 1811.