Flout Between the Cheek and Tawnkk Li man. The Arkansas Intelligcnter oftho22d ult., mentions a fight which occurreJ between the Pawnee and Creek Indian!, in which six Creek warriors were killed. The Pawnees have returned to their homes upon the wild prairies for a reinforcement, with which they have sworn to return and take revenge. The affray occur red in the country which was apportioned to the Seminoles by the late treaty, and whither they are daily removing. ' A ' Co.xscikn nous Convict. The Vermont Mercury rotates tlint a young man recently ar rived nt Windsor in the Stage and applied for admission to the State Piison, showing the pa pers which entitled him to a resilience there. It seems that he had been convicted at Mont pel ie r for some offence, sentenced to the State Prison for six months, and in order to save expenses. was fitted out with his pap -rs and sent to Wind nor by stage, without Shi-rifTor other attendant ! i Badger, of Peterborough, N. II.. publishes a On reaching Woodstock, the stage by accident , statement attributing several deaths in his Inrni left him ; but he cooly waited a dav or two for ' to diseases of the Iiiiil's. induced In- livin.r in the next stage. Ciiinfsk Din.iiM x v. Kcysing, the Connnis. niouer, in giving an account of his negotiations with Mr. dishing, sp -aks of him asthe "Barba rian Envoy," wf- hifl foolish demand,' his ni-an ' and coarse expressions,"' and his 'stupid igno- , ranee." These phrases, though not very com- I alimentary in English, are said to mean nothing i disrespectful. It is the Chinese mode of expres- j sion, arising from the fact that both minister ' were compelled lo communicate their ideas ! through interpreters who acquired a knowledge ! of th- langnag.. t!,.y were employed to translate i uy intercourse wnn me uneiiucateil. 1 lie cor respondence which has been published shows that Mr. dishing was an able and sagacious di plomatist, and able to meet the shrewd Chinese minister on his own ground. A Nkw Treaty. The correspondent of the N. Y. True Sun says that Mr. dishing is in Washington, but makes frequent visits to Balti more. A very lovely young lady is said to be the object of attraction. The writer adds that if Mr. C. can negotiate this treaty as well as he did that of Wang-Heya. be will secure, as he fully believes, Cth-.stii ! happiness. Tiiievini; in the Mdiimox CoiwvRv. There lias been quite a haul of thieves made at (juincy. While they were under examination, a fellow arrived to give evidence in favor of a prisoner, j when the jailor discovered that the horse be rode had been stolen from him about fifteen j months previous. The jailor claimed his horse, i Jiiul the Mormon who stole him lied. I j SrrtiNn Wi-mtiikr. Letter writers at New j Orleans say that the weather is so hot not warm ! that Panamas, sombreros, and Tweed aek. j -.,. 1.. . i ....... i . . . . ....M.naiic jiuiu.inmi iiiosijiiiioes, nave mane tneir ' The Baptist Mission in China has sustained a havy loss in the death of the lady of Bev. .1. L. Shuck. She died at Hons Kong, on the 2Mb No verriber, having been but a short time in the country. A sea bird, called a Widgeon, flew throuzh a pane of glass in a light house near New Bedford, about a week since, and so great was the force of its motion after breaking the glass, as to knock down a stove pipe. A Town wit hoi i a Lvwvm. In the town .r ii'. ..i ...i. . . . sn it esuunoK, v onneciiciir, tne community in i which place is composed chiedy of farmers, there is one tailor, one doctor, two ministers, and a J'tihlie bouse sustained on Temperance princi- pies. Strange to say, however, theie is not a 1 lawyer there, and the reason assigned is, that the people know eunuch In zt t tritium! them. ! If one lawyer was to wet among them he would teach them the contrary. I There was a snow storm, of a severe charac ter in Albany on Monday night. Th snow fell .a foot thick. I Benjamin F u nkihn, Ut the commencement of the Revolutionary war, wrete the following : "I am not terrili".! at theexpenseecf war, khoiillH it continue ever so long. Suppose it was i l 00,0110 a month, or 1,200,000 a year. If 500,000 fam ilies will each spend (tl per week 'less, and earn fid week more, they may pay the whale sum without feeling it. Forbearing to drink tea saves three fourths (ef the money, and 4011,000 women doing each 3I worth nf spinning or knit ling in a week will pay the rest. How much more may be done by the superior industry af the man." The first Cotlon Yarn ever spun in Canada, was at the Chcnibl Cotton Factory on the ISth ult. MrsiARn Sent.- Twenty-seven acres upland 'in Ohio yielded .'12 bushels of brown mustard seed, weighing .12 J pounds to the bushel, which were sold at eight rents, making )1 ,flsfc. In ad dition thore are 100 bushels of tailings, which will give 7-i bushels, at SO lbs per bushel, worth f 300 altogether Sl.OSS. or S71 per acre. A -more profitable crop could not be desired. Plaitt tansey around the roots of peah tret s. "The peach worm will not trouble '.hem after aaards. The Great Gun, a rival of the Lon.lcn Punch, l.as the following ; "A new royal mail from Worcester will commence running on Sunday next. Another royal male from Windsor, may be expected in the autumn, but when it will commence running, is unceitaio." Ghosts roa St. A German paper adver tising the machinery ef a theatre for sale, in cludes anieng other articles to be sold at the same teme, thirty two (ood substantial old (hosts BEAUTIFUL ExPKHIMEfir WITH A Pi, A NT The Brooklyn News gives tha following inter esting bit of information : "Cut s small branch of Oleander from a thrifty plant, place it in a vial partly filled with rain wster, so that the lower end of the branch may be immersed about half an inch in water. Pluce this in the sun in an open room, and in about fifteen or twenty days, small mots will shoot out from the end nf the branch, presenting a beautilul appeurance. After these root have extended to three inches, the branch mny be set out in moist earth, and if frequently watered it wilt prow rapidly and soon form a large thrifty stock. Ladies who are fond ofllinverf, mny easily propagate Olean ders in this manner, and in a very few months ' multiply thoso beautiful plants to an indefi nite extent Southern Agiirn'turist. Newly Painted Hoi sf.s. Inmi rioi s Dr. P. a newly painted bouse. II AI.TIMOKK PIAHKKT. OJiee of the IUltimork Aimicss. March 17. l'LOCR Sales of Howard street Flour of good mixed bran Js continue to be made from store to a moderate extent at 5 I 25. The receipt price by cars is 5 I 12 J. Sales .fallout .1000 bids. City Mills Flour were made to day at I .'.'). The same pi ice has been refused for fresh ground parcels, which are held higher. GRAIN. A cargo of prime red Wheat fiom Harlori, Connty ,,j ,B.ayi for hipnif., , j I tli British Provinces, at "J7 cts. A few small ; ; lots of red Wheat, brought to the city by water, j were taken at !i! a cts. and parcels received j by wagons at Sj a Hi) cts. Sales of white Corn ; j at 4 1a 12 cts. and of yellow at 13 a II cts. We j quote Md. Bye at 01 a U5 cts. and Oats ut 2 I a ' I 2j cts. j j Sales of good Cloverseed are making at f.3 7 i 1 J per bushel. j HOGS. Live Hogs are selling at SI lo a j-i i I per lot) lls. j WHISKEY. The demand is very moderate at 21 J cts. for bli.ls and 231 cs for bbls. Extr ct from a London piper. Wi're not nurs Ives, When nature, I ei g ot pressed, commands the mind To sutf.-r with the body." This is a lrui-m conceived by the master mind of IShakspeare, whi h nei'her sophir-lry nor argu ment ran refute. To id I ih e who are sulfeiing from hiliou- allai ks, indite lion and flatuh ncy, we ; would with ere it sine, rity n commend, as a never j filling remedy, Dra. ninth' Pills. The (estimoni sis we have had aubiniltrj lo us in favor ,.f ,dm rshl,. m.dirine. fupy justify our speaking of ,iee Pil s in terms of the highest praise. ' Purchase of 11.11 Masser, Sunhtiry, or of .he auenls, puhlihhed in another part of this p iper. 11 - 11 . J - ' L .TT .1 IS It IKIt, On the 1th inst. by the Rev. J. Crever, Mr. Andrew Manvii.i., to Miss Susannah Sti.iner, both of Selinsgrove. On the 11th inst , by the Bev. A. B. Casper. Mr. Thomas Bower, of Selinsgrove, to Miss Catii vr.iNF.. daughter of Mr. 'George Kremer, ol MiddUbuig, Union county. PIUCR CUUIIENT. Corrected weekly hy Henry Viu theuner. WariT, R5 R r n, SO (OMN, ...... 40 Oats. 25 Pork. ...... S Fnxsrr.n, ... . Bcttkr, - . . 12 Eons, .... fi Bsr.swtx, . . . 25 Tallow, ... In Dhikii ArpLKs, fdl Do. PiACHKS, . . 1.50 Flax, ... ft Hkcklkii Flai, 10 J'Ktatc oriVilliaiii Itceser, lrr'l. 1TO PICE is herehy given, that h Her lestamen- 1 lary on the es'a'e of William Beeser. late of I Augusts towi:hliii. Norlhuinht-rU.td counly. dee'd, . have been gr-nted In the subscribers. Pei-ons j knu-aing ihe.nelves indeh.od, w id please call snd ' make payment, snd ihse tiaMng chims ajainst . the i ai.tie are teipiesied lo piesent them for exa mination and seilli meni. SMCEL BEE-ER, 1IWIII KEE-r.B, I Aminsta, Match 22.1. 1 84. fit Hieeii'n'a j Ken! Estate 4f kN ihe fust Mondiy in April lint, st ihe Jr Court llouie, In Sunhury, the subt-crihcis ! w.ll utter ror svle four I-ols orc;rotiul in sa d hero gh, ,m 53, 74, 76. 76, bounded wet by Kiver s.reei, sou h by Black'n-iry street, esi-l and nonh by a 20 feel alley, on which is erec- led coinfirtahle two stoiy dwi'lllug house and kilcheii ALSO Four other LOTS OF GBOl'.ND in s id IiiiioiikIi, No. Mil. 114, 115, 110, l-oundrd west by Deer s reel, iimlti l-y Dewlwirv st'eit, eas I y lot No. I 12 and sou'h by a 20 frSU alley. Tha tir.t d scn'.eed I are 57 feet e.t-li, fionl, and 83 fi el deep. 'Ihe o'hers are CO lei t Jih, (Vi nt, and 230 ibep. The terms ol sdu will be made known nn the day nf tt'v, by I . E W I s D E W A B T, A. Jl.HDlN. Eirruio-s of Daniel Levy, Em) , dec'J. Kunbu.y. March I5h, I S45 4i nJHAs be t ifiosed In public sale on Tuesday the 25ih of Ma rh, at the Lie rei nee of John I.ighou, dee'd, in Poiui townehip, Norlhutn- Inland counly, the lull -wing personal proieriy, to M il finriasVei. IVnUM Ami NKtan II .w l. thai 1 1 in I w het, Kyw, Corn ml Ont bv ihe Imu1.p1. P dwi. ! if -.. " ' ' j iiarruw, narnriM, one 110 tie carnage, Wiiul- Mill, llivi swilh lleea.Doi'ner Stills, also hout-e holJ and kitchen furniture, such as Chairs, Tables, Itureaus, Looking (iUs.es, lleds, Uedsteads anil Uedtlmg, also an eight day Clock and Cases. Willi numerous oiher articles. Due attendance will Ie givsn sad twins made known on the day of sale, JOHN U. IIOVD, I). liRAIII IGAM. Pii.it township, Msrth 8, liltS. 3t EYis. LIST or CAUSES. TOH trial in the Court nf Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County, at April Torm, 1845, commencing the first Monday, being tha 7th. Jscob Painter vs E Ureenough Seilzinger, alienee of Garver v John Garter et nl Stephen Deir s George Lawrence Fym're for Evert i J P llackeuherg Sum 'I Swinrhfit V wife vs Peter Feiater Appleinn, endorsee of Edwards At Vorree vs Wm Donaldson Dimmig for Camp Benjamin Robins Pientice fir Welch Stephen Dcrr R P Shannon Daniel H'niius Joseph Mil man II H Gea.ha.t vs Jacob Wort ley vs Abr.ibsm Lawrence vs Joseph Kelfer vs Henry Kieininctz vs Dennis W.ilers vs J.ihn A Shinier vs Shamnkin Cal ft Iron Co vs John O Young Dai.iel Mover tc Wife s Daniel Frvndre Claiie Genevieve Dnsque t s Daniel Dutiklehcrger Sime vs Same Welsh, Peinp it Frirk vs Georno Oyster William Farrow vs Abraham Klar.e Charles A Ti'wjf vs ISrorce Eckert I.iubt vV HofTinsn vs .1 eV. P Montague J AJK 'I'" go v Wm M'Clccry et al llnyes, Elliot, I.yon v (ia-.il Vs Miller & Frymiro George Leibrich Henry Ms-scr Henry Hitehman Genre Eckert Mitchell f. r Baber John & Housworth Burns tV Eiscly Elizibeih Wciinl Oeoiffe Eckert Divid M'Kmght I) 8 "Spare Henry M is.-er Jacob Kens R.iliin Udlington T A Bilbugtoii I' tac Beilz Irwin cV ('ramer Win D St.iuffer .1 iini-on lUrvry (ieo Oyster anil wifo Henry S ('niham (Imi A Cramer vs Henry Mssser, Esq. vs Hmry Folk s George Ku'T. vs (Seorge W Towsr vs Jared liwine vs Georce ILckert et al vs H.imo vs D Levy's i x'rs vs (jeiritn W Towar vs It Bicliaidsnn et al v Henry Sn tiler vs Wm M' 'any et al vs II W A James Dunn vs George linker! 01 al vi iSmie vs Girss:nRr v David Watson V 11a iV liii-i vs John Shriuer vs Am i Beed vs Joseph Bird v D.ivid C Watson Levi Hol.nri's assignee vs Alha (' Barrel Anthony Watfon it al vs John M Honsel ( 'iirlton A Faiuum William Delis t Thou Vana 2ih Ji-m. Hei I Hi nrv Fin-k liol't D Fordsman Kobl "S Gum el l vs J Ai W F Waugnnaeller vs Janu s Sheaii r s Msreor. I l.yi n itc vs Dutii- I V Z ntmaii vs Henry Sn inmeix A wife vs Beiijunin ForiUinsu vs il i nn Beed siMCEL D. JOBDW. Proibonotars eflV-e. ) Prut ft' t. "Sunlmrv, March 1. 1 f45. jlvCEBECIlTES, -D?ffG53 I DTTESTTJFFS, TAINTS, c. I ri"4HE sul'scrihei keeps coiisluli'ly I . rsilci n the i A most rcasonah'e terms, an a-snrlnieiit of Medi 1 j clues, Dines, Dy eM ii lis, Paims, Oils, Yurnii-hcs, Vc. j j Being Uigly engaged in gninlin,; Mich armies I as Girucr. Mublaul himI I'eiii cr. be ba- lh- in lor ale nl a superi.ir qu ili.v, hi low the nuiket piice. tuld mrnti- n thai he has a Paient M -chine woihi-u i-y hieam power, w iiu ti , naiiis nun to a- u Pen t of the very h. t quality lor 3J cents a lb. in I 111 add. r, snd 3 renls in Bulk. i He coiifidi ni'y asserts thai bis pi ices are such j as lo give sa i fjcii.ni io thof-e who may favor him , ith a call. J. W. W. (OBDl., No. 152 We-t Pra'l St., Balu re, opposite Bui- lint .re and Ohi-i Bad Bead Depot. N. B. No chrge made for dtliveiiiig (tuodsin any psrl nf the ci'y. March 8th. lt45. Hrn r.Ktalr r oI. Julm JoiK'Nt I" Nl. A LL leisnns imb bled lo the extnle ol Ci-I John Jones, d-e'd., la e ol Shamnkin townshqi. ' ihtimlH-rlatid counly, lire hereby lu-lified to make payment l-i Wm. II. Muench, (one nl tin-adri.iui-tra.ors i-f said ilec'd.) helween this dale and the l-t f April next, without fail; and those havinr; claims auainsl said estate will piesent ihein iluly autheiitit a'ed for set.hment. Alter the 1st T April all the linn nli il uecniirits will he placed in Ihe hands ol proper ollicers 1,-r collccii.-n, with uut ii'i-pcct to persons. WM. II MI'K.M'II, ELISHA KLINE. Shamokin lp. Ma'ch I, ll.l. Hi Adm'is. Ifiit til' .lolin Ittu her, Iec'l. 1JV O I'lCE is hctt hv given io Ihe hei's and lig-il 1 n prcaeiilatives of John Bucher, late of the II iiotiph .f Sunhury, .Noithumhrrbind c- iinty, ibc'd., that by virtue of a WrK of Partili -n or v a lua'ion issued out of ihe 0 phank1 ( !ou it ofaid counly. I me directed, an ii quasi will be hel l st 'he la.eresideneeol ..id derca (in the Borouch f'Hiibiiry. on Thur-diy, the 27th lay of March. ' at 10 o clock, A. M , for the urpose of making l parmion o , or lo v'a'ueand appri.se the re -I is. at' of sai l deceased, at which t me and place vou may attend il you Ihii.k preper. FELIX MA I' BER, Sherff. HlnrlT's Office, 5 Sunhury, Mireh I, 1845 S C. Kulc ori oiii-1. Peter ShUey'mdm'rs. vs. W'illiamWelktr. TN the Couri nf Common Plea of Northumher- 1 , I . 1 , . . , . . , lanil county, January Ilih, IS In, on motion of A. Jordan, Esu , ti e cotnt cranl a r.ilenn li e i uli; nient and ben cedi ois of W tliain Wrlker, l- ap pe.r nn th fiii duy of April term iiex'. and tbow ciuse why the money in cou I should nit he applie d to ihe judgment in favor of Pen-r Shre y's miIiii' s J SAMI EL D. JIIBDXN. Prothonnt iry'a Office, i Pruth'u Xunhiiry, Feb.'S'J, IStr S 4t Juf-oh Shin 's i:tlat('s "ITOTICK is hereby (.ivm ibat tellers of ad l-iiuitrat 011 have I ecu ci-.nl, d lo I lie suit, critters, on the estate nf J ion tshtve. dee'd., lute ol Augusta lowi s'dp, Nortliuu.be land rounly. All I ergons limn g t'eniaiiil ugamsl said isiate am ,,. queMed lit piew-ul ibein f.ir 1 uiiinallon and e .,(-. mem, and all persons indebted are ic",ur;r-j't0 uniar iiiiincuiair paymei.i, 8WVEL SIHVE, J'"ilN Mil VE, Fe 22.1. ISIS. fit Adm'ra. o o i S Ii o rXAICING. fpHE subscriber, lute of His (inn nf Ilrck & Bro X sins, wou'd re-pecifully Inloim his old cublnin- r snd ihe public generally, that he has i.,ken ihe slioij f irinerly oceupinl by Haas fiz. Dmckeini lei 1 Ba riullus srl.r.n Aa.aa, al.m. . a a I ' I ' Ptinr, Ml r i...-: r UII HI 9 lUlint'T iiuciiirtav oi HOOT fc SIICIK MAKIXO, in all its vaiious t ranches. He i I he p.epired lo do ail kinds nf work in his line st the shnitri-t m. tke, and in Ihe mnal dur.il It niaiuier. He is thank ful for former patronage, and by strict attendance lo -inee-s and reasonable charges, wilt endeavor li ile eive s continuance of it Jo-sEPH DECK, funbury, Feb. 22 If l-m SHERIFF'S KY virtue nf certain wrils nf venditioni expn. n.is issued out of ihn tJourt of Common Pleas nf IVorlhumberl md Comity to me d 'reeled, will be exposed to pul'bc sale, at the Court Hons in the Borough of Sii'ibury, on Monday the 7ih day of April next, al I o'clock, P. M., the follow-inu-ile cribed property to wit: A certain Irart of land situate in Ci'l township, Northumberland county, suiveyeil on a warmnt granted to Michael Kroll, e-in.aiiiing VflO seres moie or less, adj 'iniim lands surveyed in the names, Freileriik tJ-aniir, Matthias Ziinmernan, lleruaul Hulilev and oiIipikj alumt 8 acre of which lire clean d. A LSO Thp rnilll linitiviit.', lloe.r.illrlh nnrltf (the whole into four equal paits lo l-c divided.) of ihrec ccriain emit ruous i,B,t, f hind, filuatu in Coal lownal.iii aforesaid ! one llier.nf surep,l nn wsrrnnt Kinnte.l to John Nicholas Bailey; one o j 'her thereof survi ved on a wa'Tanl to Petei Snsi- i man, and the other thereof suneyid on a w rrin.t granted to Ti ter Maurer, adjoining I md surveyed in the names of B irnard Huhley, John ('invd.n. Ber jamin F. Young and olhers, eontainins in the Whole 612 acre more or less, about flit acres r,f which Hre cleaied ; whrreon a.e encted a 1 a ory log house, a I'V lorn, sn on haid. Ac, now in the occupai cy of Mirho l KerRletter. AI.MO The rqild undivided nne-f mrth psrt. (the whole into four cipjal pans lo he dividnl.) nf a certain lra t or piece of laud, situate in C. al town h'p aforesaid, containine 200 acres or ther du uts, (heitig part nl a I rger irael surveyed in the iiv e ol Daniel Uees, rallnl "Spiinpneld ') shout 40 a en s of which are rh' .rnl ; where- n are erec ed a two alnry lug house, a l-c barn, an orchard, Ac, now in the occupancy of David I'li-m-pson. ALSO The iqual tin liv deil one-fiu.th art nf a lertain tract of land, sduste in (.d tow nhiii h- f Tesaid, containing 200 acres or tin r ato'il, (lie. mil pstlof a Ibiuer trai l surveyed in 'be name i-f Dam. I Bees, cilied S.rinLfie d ") id-, ut 40 seres of which aree'eared; whereon ate erected a two story log house a Ion kun, an orel a'd, &e n"W in the occupancy id David Thompson, subject to a mor'cace lo .lo!ui (;. Botd. AL"Sl The equ 1 undi ided ene f ur h part, of a certain tract ol land, situate in Co d if. afore. said, called 'Slone Henge," surveyid in the nan e j ol William Toriiluison, cont lining 215 acres, oi ' tbeieiihoii's, about 00 acres nf which are e'emed ; n hereon are tic ted a two story h'C bouse, a l-e ! I arn, a sprinis hoii e-md a l irrje o-tbar-l, now in ibe crcup.niey of John 'J'hompson, Senr. I ALO The equal undivided imc-fniirlh art. of a (er'ain t'net rf land, situate, in Cod township aforesaid, cal'ed 'Stone Heiiiie,' surveyid in the , name of Widiam Ton.lnis .n. c-nt oniiig 215 ncres I or Ihrreahont", nbout fill hi r-s of wh-ih are clear ed ; while 'il are riected a two s.oiy Iob house, a ' spring h iu-e and a large mchanl, now in the ne i enpancy nf Jul n Thoin, siiu,r suhjecl ro a mort ' gape to John C. Boyd, A l.S( ) A Ce ra n Irael nf I. mil, situate in 't.-ial lo' Il hip af-ireohid, adj iuilij lud. now, or late ! of Biddle, Company eV oihirs, cni.tiinii e lfi5 a- cri a nunc or les, a'loiit 1 1 actes of which are clf-red: whi r oil are erected a two story log luu-e i ai d a log alal e, subject to peilaill mortgages. ! ALSO A certain tract or piece -t 1 md, situate ! in Cos I lowiiehip ntoie waid, adj-unina lands of the j AatlumCo., lli.hlle -V Co.. S irah Bees &. oiln-is. . containing I (1 1 2 sens, i'.i perch, s and allowance, ue re or less, (I eing pails of three com kUoiis tracts , ol land, surveyed in the naines of Wulism Piich- ard, GeO'ge Coldrain &. Andrew Shuber.) about ; one acie of wlucli is ch ared ; wheie-m aic ciec'eil a l--g h,iue and an e(cell--nl .i-iinll, on ihe main j hiaiieli nf Shuuii-aiii creek, which pa8s ihiuugh . Mid Ian-!. i ALSO Two certain tr -eis nf land, situa'e in o . , . .. , e . : i . i: t . i . -r Hill lie- ii-oi,, Bi'i'r.niti, n' i-HM.iiie, ru lie. u in- i v n i i i , i .i lilii-oii, an. all, Mervitie, Melcboir Smiili eV ntbeis , , , . - . , .ii c -nla g logelhtr 127 acres, in nercln s mid al .. ,o. more- .., W. I,. .,., ihe aim tract, ol ' land w hich w as surveyed in ,,g,(U..w af Iw.. ! w irrai.ls. Brauta-.no I'et- r eie.-irf..o, da.ed .he ! 10.1, and 2t-t day- ol December, ls'.'i), pcct.ve- , I ALSO-A certain Irart .rf land, ntuate in Ce j tow nsl.ip af.-resaid, in joining lands of Meb hoirj Siiiitb & olhers. containing lwei.lv one acris, 131 K-fclira aie.1 alliiwui.ee, ninre nr lis. II sid ti . , , , , I(. . I .' ' I '" ' (ihe w hole into 1 2 t qinl pane, t i -p divided ) ol ol Ci'iilicuous Inn Is nl I .ii.l. siluaie in l.illle M dirt nny iV Coal tort nthips iifiite-aid ; one thereof Mir. M-vcdi'ii a wairuni, ti n nl to jIIihjh Cook, CoiiU'iiing 4 17 ut res, 1 1(1 M-rel n renie m - s-, ad joining luiiel h Miivee-I in the i an e of Jcien.i .h J si 'sou, W il inn Gray & odors ; in. a nlh- r there, of. i-uiveyed nn a warrant granted to William W ilson, containing 'III. t acre- 101 pi tches more- ! '," T" J . """y !n" "-'" , " " ;"' " " ".'. llieiei f. suiveyed on a warrant granted lo Thomas Hamilton, coniaininu 4 12 acre, 45 perches and al l.iwai ce, inor- or le-s. adjoining lamb surveyed in Ihe nanus ol S .iniicl Sf.-it, .lii.nndi Jackson and oiheir; mie et' er thereof, sur vexed in pi.r-u-nc nl a warraiil lo Thoin en Giant, iroi.tain ng 418 a e.e, Ml perches and allow a-ce, a.ljoini' a I mds suiveyed III I lie in-nies nf Thinns B. Thoni i 1 1 i ii 1 1 1 1 hi V olhers; one other (he-of, surveyed on a warrant lo I hi inu Beese, containing 433 a cres, 42 perches and allowance, in ie or less, ad- : i 1 . . ... . .. :.. .1 r . I 'llllllK luiliiee bui in ru 11. inu null. i s 11 Jllilll.l -,, . ... : ,, . , , llll t-'ii, m..,,. V. . .,.'-, ,,I1T,F till ,iiv- ,ol. urteveil nn a w rant lo Jen miah Jaiksc' .. c jn- Is mug 345 anes, 60 pirchis and allow,,,,-,. ,)( e in liss, a..j Hung Inula la-l nloie"'.,,! Tlmiuas U.eae, 'I bonus Grant n, olIlcri( ; ,,,, oiher there..!, surveyed on a w-,a,,t t Ahxaidir Hunter, containing 420 e r(.. S5 ,,,.1,,. m,c ()( lets, adjoining Im.U sur ..y.tl in the nam. s ol T Giant, Cht.stopbe, D .,(, kit-In rgar tml ot.ieis ; one nthei thereof. t vrj , W9, ,,,,,, . j,n cw. il. n. c "iited ,,,,. 4u3 acres. 1:17 perches more oi ha, adj'ii',g '.m's tuneve l in the n une a of ill am C. Du.iKlelH'.g. r and cithers; ei elber tin r nl. s.ii .rted on a waitant lo il'iam Gr.iy, cont On , ii g 3U'.I acres. 2 I pnclus in -re cr I ad joining lau.ls k.l.veyt d III iheliamis i f Je'eni nil J.iCkson. ! John Cowdeu siido.Kcr. one other tbeieof, m r I vetedona w .irnii t i 'I ho.nas tiran', lonlaning 4 19 anes, 37 eichi nune i-r h ss, adjoining land laurviyid.n ihe names of - . ; one ollrer lb lei.T. sur v. ed on a warmi.tio Samu el Scot', coiiinioiug 3'fi acres Ti (eu'liis and ull-ov nee, adjoining lands. i,rvi ycd in the names of ill. am Haniilloii, I h-un a Iteese v ollieis; one i oiher ibeicol. survey i d on a wa-r ml lo Jacob H rig lit roniaii.il g lSiuria 511 pi-irhea nioie or le-s, ad- ' joining finds njiteve.i in in,, nsmea nt l. htr C'lau.er, (eo.ltny ale s snd olhers; one o he. thereof, suiveved on a Warrant to William C. 13 lack, containing 121 acrea Cft p. rchia and allows ce, adjiiiniiig lands surveyed in Ihe names nf Kield, lluii'er, Mailin snd ither.; one oilu-r iberenf, sur vey td in the name of John li yer, c n'l linun; 1 It) acres 141 perches in -re or lea-, adj iiniog lands sol ve) ed m ilia natiics ol John U, Price, Mul.acl Kroll and others ; one other thereof, smveyel in ihe. name of ( hatles Deiing. ciitain ng 35 acres U7 j p. relies moie or less, sitjoinlug finds surveyed in j the names nf lluuier, Waters, Kietil ai-d utheis; one other ll.eitt.f, .uivvved m ihn n .me of Aler.au , iter Jordan, COnU H n 121 acus 1 i 0 peichea ni.ue I or Its-., adjoining lunls surveyed in lbs nanus of in Augu-ti t..wi,.lnp, Noiihuml-eilsnd county, a I i (Jiant, Msitin, f'har.ell V uthi r.-; i no oiliu theie. I j.jiij.rg ai,d of Georja Sjet-, Pttci Uftn, Djdu - - - -JL."" f I..1JJ 1 , i of surveyed in the name of George V. Kield, con. tiiining 1 11 acres I'I7 perches moie or less, adj iin ing lards surveyed in the names of Hunter, Black A. others; on oiher thereof, surveyed in the name of John G. Martin, containing 1(10 seres mom or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Grant Bogar V Kield one other theieof, suivf yeJ in the name nf John O. Martin, enntaini' g 171 arte 143 perehr mure or les, ndjoiniof linds sn-veyed in the namii of Himmelreir h, YoxlhcimerA olhers ! ore other there, f. surveyed in the name of George Piince, containing 117 acres 86 perches more or less, adjoinina Innds surveyed in Ihe names of Zei pler, Grunt, Cnwdrn ft Ba ley ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of John U. Price, eont'iining 11S ac e. 21 perches m re or has, adjoining lands surveyed in the names nf B .r. Grant snd others j one other ihotenf. surveyed in the nimn of John B. Free, eon'aii inn 21 acre. 41 pe cbes more or less, mlj i'dng lands surveyed in the names of Yoithei iner. Shiler and others; one other thereof, sur- j v'",'l ,,,p of (1 ",r"'v '..ters. coniiiinii.tt i ,2() m'"e 'j"'''"'" "'' suiveyed in ! " ""cs of B ihl. Hunier and olhers ( one other thereof, surveyed in the name of II- nrv Yoi'hcimer. eoi, tail. log !I9 sees 70 perehrs more or lo-s, ad. j lining lands surveyed in the names ef Gran', YuX ihsvmer and oihirs; one o'her thereof, surveyed in the name of Henry Yoxtheiiner. eont iining 173 anes 50 pi rrln s more or less, adjoining lands snr. vev ed in ihe n imes f Beed, Mar. in, Cowden and olhers ; one nth. r thereof suiveyed in the name of Isaac 7j ea'i r, containing 12-) ae e SI perches mure or les, adjoinimt land sntveyed in ihe nam-s nf Grant, Price and Baitcv ; one oilier thereof, survey id in ihe n line of J icoh II- Iter, containing ?13 a r -es IKS p-rches more or less, adjoining B yd, Kmrner, M urer and Himinolieieh ; one o hoi tlnreol. surveyid in ihe name of Henry Himmel reirh, c iniaui'nu -15S acres 40 pi rehes more or te-, adjoiiiiiig Hoy I. V its -n, Maurerand others ; one oiher thereof, suiveyed in the name of Henry Miii-s-I- r, containing 150 acres m- re iv Jess, adjoining Jo dan, Beed, Ymtheimer and others ; one ther Iher- of, nirveyed in the name nf John Boyd, con. fiiniog 44 1 acres 12 j en hes more or less, sdj -in- inc I mils surveyed in the names of Freilcrick t'ra P''- ' Msnrer and of ois ; and the oib-r there , j "f. pitenled lo Jos. ph Wallis. c-nl lining 1 23 acres , i nn re i r lcs, aiti'iiniug lane's surv- yen in trie names nl II mum lieu h. Yoxihiemer and ot'ier. AI.SO A certain tract of I .md, situate in Coil t'Wnsl.ip alo-esaid, surveyed in pursuance nf a warrant ernnled to J icoh Weiss, jr , dated tho 31 dav ol Septen.ber, 1S2R eontainiiiK 5 acres mor nr less, adj .mine lands ssl'veyed in the name of Ed ward (i. Matklei and oth tt. Al.Sii S i much as is sitnsted in Coal town ship, Northumberland c- Hilly, of eleven contiguous Maris nf land ; ene th reof, surv-yed in the name i. f William Bovd. coi taming 440 acres 94 perrhie mi-re m less ; one atlier thereof surveyed in the ni l e of John B Smut, containing 430 acres more it les-; onr o'her thi reof nirveyed in the nsme of John C Boyd, cont lining 372 acres 110 perches in ue or less ; nur h-Iiit thereof surveyed in the ii. nn of John C Boyd, containine 3D0 acres more or le-s ; one other then of, surveyed in the n une of Sa.nuel Mo.gan. containing 4 15 acres llSpcrehe-, morv nr le-e ; one oiher llierenf surveyed in Ihe name of John C H yd, containing 413 acrea 04 perches more or less.; one other thereof suiveyed in ihe mine of He-it r Scott, containing 42 1 acres 7 9 perelies in ne or less; one oiher thereof surveyed in the name nf II tnmli M Bovd. conla uing 427 ecres 140 pi rch a mo-e or lia- one ntbei thereof surveye d in riie name nf William Bovd, Containing 45S .crea 157 perches m -te or les ; one othei In reof surveyed in the name of Ehzi S. Boyd, con laming 443 acres 1 perch mine or less, and the o ix.r thereof surveyed in the name of 'William Bovd, eontaiiiing "57 acres 12S perehr s moie or les. A Lsl ' So much as is s'tuated in (oal lowr.ship Nor.hu. nber'siid eounty, nf the equal undivided one fourth part of 155 pn of 22G nnrls nf thiitei n c niigu. -us tract ol land, survey r, on warran's for 400 aciesevch, dated the lOtli day of May, 1793, K'tmaii noaoi i, i. tieorge .snion. i, alen cniu'cd lo llnatn bihot. , t , , , .... . . l.ou-iies John 1 1 imi!. John W tin man. Josenh , . ., , . .. . , . ' , 1 ' '. " ionlaii, lurliard I u ,t- Imn arner, D.in e I Ke-es, .,.. . ... ,'. ,, . W l" l m"' 'I - M db r. Peter Dehavcn r V ' ''-V 1 which said Iracte .ef land are "'e olunal rein,.,-nl survey coinpuled to con- U'" 1" "' "n;- , Si I7.ed, taken in execulioii, and 10 be sold as the r"'l"-. "f Ul'"' P"'"-. A L( - Two c-rt no coniiunnus lots of gronnd siluaie in Ihe low n of fha'ni.iin, in Coal township, . o.tliiim'.i c!.iiiU-oii ly. in dial part of said town In I out ley Abiiu.br lord in, E-q.. S'nl others. I ...I .,. ,eti...l i II, ertiei.,1 i-'-o ih.,.r'. dd . i . 412. hounded on the wis. l-v let No, 4IM, on the line ih bv a public mid, and on the east by land of Win. M'Carty and o beis, and on the sou.h by the somh hue nl s.i nl loin; esrh of raid lots containing 40 feet in front and feet in length.; whereon are creeled a two story brick dwelling house slid store room, and a pari nt a log house. S- zed, taken ill 1 cu'leii, and to be sold ss the p Ojieiiy ol Ann Wuolvcrton. MX) S . much of two eertiin e ntigu',us 'rai l- nl land, cunta nine together 425 e",-r,'H or tin ie -l-i. tits, ' nundi d bv linds nf Hi m.. (JVlj Ja.-i h Bee.l, Kennedy iM.uhr.fl and ,,th ' .i iuj Noll. B'snch of the Bivcr Sn-oP' I ... i!.S ..,w ...t v .iinna, as Is si- In mi ; that pari nt kaul iiiiiiiiriijii'i riniiiii, .sets situa'e in Rush township, Noilhu',,l. . nl coin. Iv. is sunn -a d to contain 3 .HI ' , ,1Clf ..i,,,,,, B()UI fistl acrrs nt which a-j c;Srel, w hereon are .reeled two laige two s,e v r ie dwelling hou-.es, one peinti d white Hn' 'h .. o lu r red, two l uge frame barns and seve. out build ngs, two puinis of water, twooicbarils, Vc. ite. ,Si The t iia1 nndivided one third ofaeer- tain tract nf Inn I t-.tuale in Coal township, Nor. thumheil ird county, adj iloini la.i la T Henry Muni r, P.rrdy A Joidan, M'Carty, Davis, Warner J r Ian, lund forme-lv t-elong'ng to Ludwrg (io-s j and elheis, cnutaiuing 142 acira more or less, upon ! which are ereetc I a t auie dwelling houi-e wiih a j j basement a ory, two d-'liHIn iniiiei's hou-os, tuvj single miiiei's hmi es, a frame sta' b', (Vc, vera! I i coal mines jre npened and worked upon said tract, j also siluiti-s, Hiicniinil in I mad liaeks have been I I nui no and laid down no. n si d tract. re.z d, t ik'ii in ei-cnii-ui, sud to bo sold as the properly ol John C. Bovd. 1 Al.Mt certa n ir.ict oi icte of land situate j in Rnii township. N-uihuiii'ieil md county, adjoin. ' n g land of I'eler Campbe I, hiave Woolveiton and i . (tiers, containing i'i seres more or less, about 30 ; acres of which "re cha ed, wheteon are creeled a l.aine dwelling bouse, a li.ia.e tin tp and a frame h.irii. ALSO All the def.-i,.lat!l's in', rest, supposed to he the ruiuil undivided one llu d n irt of anmhitr tract or puce of laud s luale in Itash tonship a- j f.-res ii I, a-ljouiins the ntuCve Iran, land of Godfrey , llm keiei er, ooiomnii i louaewnim ana u.ners, con taining 15 acies mo.e or Ich, all of which Vs clea red , Scrj.-d, tjken in execution, and to be sold as the p-0ierty of Isaac "Savide. Al.MI A ce nun t it. t ,.r piece nf land situate In Aonusla township, Nonhumlierlaiid coun'y, sd- Ioiroi.4 lands of Samuel Culp, It. njainm Kaiermau, si.-c Vsiuickln and olhers, uouiainiug l. scims more or lest, ahoul It) acres of wl.ich s.e cleaied, on winch are tuiled a two tofy log house and a well nf wad r. !St-ized, inken in etrcuilon, and to be sold ss ihe v ,,f J.mjihin Fa'i'with, ALSO A ivriam .r.ct nr niece of Imd situate Ilollahaeh and others, conlaintna; three hundred acres more or Ifl'S, whereon are erects J five- l.g houses, one saw mill and one carding machine?. Seised, t ,ken in execution, and to. 1- solJ as ihn property i f Hen v Conrad. ALSO A cer'ain irael or piece of land si'ui e in Augusta township, Nnrthumbeiland county. e?-' joining lands of Jacob Kenp, Jac Seaholl7., J ' cub Hnviler and E ixsheih War , ron'aiuing 1 -t sores mote or (ess, about 19 seres of which are clea red, wl ereon are erecte d a two stoty log house, spring house and a log slil'le. Scis d, taken in rxreiilion, and to be sold as tho property of Abraham Lee-er. ALSO A certain lot nf ground situate in thu borough nf Northumberland, in Northumberland county, ami maiked in Ihe general p'an of town No. 70, hounded nor.heastwsr lly by Queen street, s-int' essiwaidlv l.y l it No. 75, sonthwe t-. wardlv by Duke street, ard northwestwardly by ' Front v'reit, conta nirg 00 fret in front on Quern an l Duke Mreeta and 230 f-el in depth, whereon are eepe'-d a t-vo a'nry dwelling house (pait briik and pari f am-) and a blark-miih shop. Se d, ttken in eseciiiion, and to lesold as tint propcily of .lexander (Jolt. FELIX MAUREIl, Sheriff. Sbeiifl's niT,re, Sunhury, Feb. l.r,ih, 1S45. U M WW : U .A S .Scl' "uasolsT" cheap ron CASH. Umbrella and l'arasol Manufactory. A'o. 37 JYei'A Thhtl street, rrr-o door be.lmv the crrv HOTEL, V h 1 1 a d o 1 i Ii I a . A LWAYS on baud, a larce stick of I'M. XHL Bb'ELLAs and PABASOLS, includine tlie lalei-t new slyle of Pinked Edged I'ara-ols of ll.e best woikmmship and materials, at prices that will niaku i an object lo Country Metchan's and others to caB and etfmino his stock before purchns'uiif elsewhero. Feh, 22, 1845. ly "iTEVAP-rSTlifMr ritHE auhscrihera have received, and art n,.v JL oiiening a splendid assortment of ike fuilowjt.g g aid- saxony, W ilton and Velvet Carpetings Bnisse's and Imperii I 3 ply dt CAR r-xtrt sn rei fine and fine Ingr.ms do S' PEI. . JNG. Engli ih shaded . D imik Venetian do American twilled and tig'd do I English Drucseits and Woolen Floor Cloijbs; "Siair and Passage Dockings l'inhiis-el Piain. and Table Cover London O hen i lit and Tuf e I Rugs D 'r Malts ot eve.y descriiltou. ALSO A la.ge and rxl. nnHe esso'tirent or Flo.ir Oil Cloths, Irom one to eigui yards wide, cut lo fit eve ry description nf minis or fna-aces. Also, low priced Ingrsin Caiet ngs fi,,m 31 J t-i-62 J cen'.s per yard, together wi.b a laige and exti n sive sssortiuenl of goods u.-ua 1) kept by caipet. merchants. The above (jus Is will be sld wlnilerdo or retail at the lowest market prices. Coiiniry lnercllPi'., and ii' hem art! particujai Iv invi ed to call and er mine our loek In fu'e making t'len selection. CLAKKSON. RICH Ac Ml I.LHiVN. Successors to J..scph Blackwood, No. Ill Che-,iit, corner of Franklin Place. Philadelphia, Feb 821, IS15. LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County, for April Term, A. D. WIS. . fa rnuri Jurors. Tnrbut. John M'Cormick, David L. Ireland. Lewis Ww. $til7.e. Peltiware. Jacob Brown. .Milton. Jes.-e Dcriickson, John "Goodlandur Hcruv Strine. ChUliitqruique. Jaeoh Brown. Point. Wni. L'ghou. August. .les-e Ba.tian, Henry Bloom. Shnniokin "Samuel Gilger. Hush Ji s-e Weaver. I'iper Mdhnti'iy. William Shadle. Loifcr Muhonoif Daniel Zrihe, jr., Nie'iii las Brosins, Charles firosius. Jutkton. Jeremiah Longdorf, Elisa Eister, Michael Cria-ingei, Jac.ib biiitr, Adam Camplwli, Wm. Grub, John Wert. Travcrs .luror. Delaware.- Jacob Mottcller, I'.anklia II. Car ver. Millnn. Joseph Hheide( iVm. Iliiian. rhilliuwue.i;A;fr (J'e. Krrthumtnrl,! Joseph Vandyke, DaviJ D, dge. Point ' i.Orerr i Iloiic. ary. i nailes jtiiemin. Jonn I . I uraii. ''' eon Marked. George B.iclie., J hn Amo'd. .1 ' Augusta .lo-e h A ei.r.el, Jacob Seasl.ol'r, ! Samuel K ielf. r, John Ziuinn no m. William Fur. ! man, J jeoh G is, sur., A lain Nei-'ig, Joseph Ss. vidge, J icoh P-nn, Bi-njam n Kin chhaum, Kobert ! t ampl ell. jr.. UanieH.onra.l, sou ot Jotin. j. klH JlBP n H,,,,,,., irt Faro.. i , . , w.ii Ii. snr., Abraham Uradv, .Moses iincliie, Janxs Gas, Ii-aiah Mnrg in, lil.sh. Gcoriie Muichler, John Oberdoif. t'ortl David Thompson, J- sepli Hiid. I ppcr Malumo". David Clark, Sjniuel Iirssler, George Paul, Jacob Gciss, ltwtr Maht.notf. J icoh Lenker, S.. lorn. in Heekert, John Kietil, JC- b Stepp, Wm. Shaller, John Li nker. Little Mtihonoy Jacob Miller. Juikiun tSainuel Malich, Jacob f-ei'or, snr. lVlit .In ror. 7.ni'M. David Mojer, Simuel Lerch, Mich.- I Wagi er, John Tweed. Pe'.awtire. Jittnett Oukes, Peter Kl.cVnet, Phi! ip Pre-ler. Milton. J-'hu Murr.r;, F. W. Pollock, Sirm" Randdph. Ch'ltirjuaque Daniel P. Csul, Samuel Hc.k heiiner, Neil Csul. Point James hhriner. Simhury Win. Marts, Henry Wei, Watirr bell. .4i(t(.tj. Joe-hti Folk, Georgs Ilde, Cale't E'y. Mailt MauuM, Thomas .Mct'.deuhall, Shitmokln Dmiel Hias, jr. Push Abraham lliilT.,,in. Ciiul. Joseph Snyiler, Pem!eilon DirJ, Wm. FcL-ely, (Seorge Armstrong, jr. I'pper y.uhanoy. Daniel Moyer, John Malicb, uavi.l '..err. Jn-tr Mtitioimii. D.tuitl Rjthermel, Peter It. tel. Jit-k. Miibsel D-'bb, DjviJ Schwaru, Job. ('lark. j'. Mi.tuiokiii Coal A T N O It T H U M HURL A X D. f IIIIE Suhscri'ner has a b at load of excel!' rt 1 Shamok n Coal nt Northunibe: I md, whiv he nfl. rs lor sale at the lowrst prices. l'i i-s"n i wishing lo pH'cbise will cull on ibu ' iisc.i' ii ti Sunhury, or E. P. Munnoii, E p "l .Nont.on.' Lnd. il. . masse::. Sunhury, Jan. 4th. lk l-V Y( wi t;ss..i,r . IVyV. nju ii,t,l. do., st t T r-th. I-- . l.y U. iiENDRlCUis Suu'.'Ury.Oct. 19th, le" W,