lL,.il BT V WJ""1 l J J- imtii maciihvtc poKTnr. Jem Dodgo married ould Judy Rouse Och, she was a charming young bride ; With turf he then built a brick house ; And the front door was on the back tide. The rooT it was tiled with oat-straw, Tli 3 cellar was on the first floor, And the chimney in order to draw, Was built just outside of the door. A bescar was Teddy Melon, His sister was his only brother ; He had nothing at all of his own, Expert wnat belonged to his mother. One night Teddy says to the 'Squire. I'm so cold, give me somethin' to eat. I'm so dhry let me sit by the fire, And so hungry I must warm my feet. "Oh! honey," one day says Patt Tigg, For he was a scandalous glutton, 'To-morrow I'll kill my at pig, For I'm sure he'll make illegant mutton ;" Co then he goes into the hovel, And he hangs the pig up by the heel, Cut his throat all sonate with the shovel, Saying, this is the way to dress veal I One day Paddy Mulligan swore He had scalt all his mouth to a blister, While at dinner the morning before "Andwat was it wid!" asked the sister, fays Paddy "just thry for to guess" 'Och, I can't" "then I'll tell ye, my swate, 0, 'Twas nothin' at all more or less, Than a rnw-roasted frozen potatoe." Sticks. An Am nil ii j Hit. A jnod joke is one of those thinps which should always be well received, from i?u nrity. Tup b'M lirm in w inch it can cmif, is when it provokes a luiigh ot the expensed! Fotnchody else that is decidely its most economical stupe. But rather thnn lose it altooetlu'r, wo should be content at turn's to be ourselves the victims, and to luugh at our own cost. It will be teen from the subjoined, which is cxHorted Imm a recent number ot the Ijondoti Literary Gazette, that an opportunitj of this latter tort no-v serves ; and it is copied that the tpnrt af. forded by the transatlantic wag, may have in echo on th;s side of the water. W'c.nf Ft-tm-eylvonia, whose luck it hoa bepn to be ro terri bly berated by S dney Smith, the witty but irri table Minor Canon of St. Paul's, may perhaps enjoy the matter more heartily, as we liuve at leapt paid our 'February interest,' and can so far rcjrard ourselves as scot free. The surp was eung lately, it is said, ty several mem bers of the British Parliament, who have sincp evaporated to France to avoid the payment of their own dr.'bts, the chorus and flight bring led ofl'by Mr. Hunt, a defaulter of high station But however that may be, this Yankee P.xd,e is funny, and presents as many client points ol humor pungent though they appear as we have seen embodied lor a long time. An.'' Gazette. Yankee Doodle borrows cash, Yankee Doodle spends if, And then he snaps his ringers at The jolly flat who lends it. Ask him when he means to pay, He shows no hesitation, Ent fays he'll take the shortest way, And that's Repudiation ! Chori s: Yankee Doodle borrows cash, fitc. Yankee vows that every State Is free and independent; And if they paid each other's debts, There'd never be an end on't. They keep distinct till "settling" comes, And then throughout the nation They all become "United States" To preach Repudiation i Lending cash to Illinois, ? Or to Pennsylvania, Florida or Mississippi, Once was quite a mania. Of all the States 'tis bard to say Which makes the proudest show, sirs, Tut Yankee seems himself to like The State of O-I-Owe, sirs ! The reverend joker of St. Paul's Don't relish much their plunder, And often at their knavish tricks Has hurled bis witty thunder. Eut Jonathan by nature wears A hide of toughest leather, Which braves Hie sharpest-pointed darts, And canons put together! lie tells 'em they are clapping on Their credit quite a stopper, And when they want to go to war They'll never raise a copper. If that's the case, they touly say, Just as if to r-p-.te ns, They'd better stop our dividends, And Loaid Vm up to fight us ! Creat and fr ee Amerikee With all the world is vying, That she's tho "land of moMisi," There's surely no denying. But Lt it kr own henceforth to all, Who hold their I. O. U., airs, A Yankee Dooiilc ruoMne is A Yuxkco Dooj lk ro, sirs ! landlord,' raid Jonathan the othet day, etcp ping up to the bar of a p.iblic house, ji.t give n a cen;' worth of New England, and put it in two tumblers. Here, Jim take hold, I'll pay dam the cxpentec.I eay, whta a fellow ia on bmt !' DANK NOTE II9T. rrAvsi i.vAM.i. The following list shows the currrnt value of all onwsylvania Bnk Notes. The mnrt implicit re liance miv ho placed upon it, as it i every wtek awfully compared with ai d corrected fiom Bun nell's Ki'porler. nanti In PliMadclplitn. , Disc, tw JNlM R 1-ncATiow. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America Bank of the Northern Lllicrtics , Commercial Bunk nf PcnnV . Farmers' end Mechanics' Bunk Phi tin. pur pnr pur par par par pnr par pur pni par Kensington Dank lh'.lfi.l..lh; It ...L Schuylkill Bank Somhwark Bank . . Western D ink Mcchanica Banks . . Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Dunk f'niutlrj Hanks. Bank of f'lics'cr County Hank of Deliwnrn (bounty Bank nf Gerinnnloti n Bank of Montgomery Co. Dnylrstoun Hank Kanlon fiank Farmers' l'mnk of H neks Co. Dtnce of P mk of lYnu's. Olfir ilo do Office do do Office d) do Westchester Chester Germantnwn Norrisown D oyhslowti Enaton HriMol par pnr pnr par pur pnr pnr HarritliurO These Lancaster i office Heading f do not Eastnn J issue n. DISCOUNT. n orns at "ank of the United Kt rtea llank of Perm Tow nship (Ji'ard 0nk Voyamenir'g II ink Bank of Ppunavlvnniii Miners' B.ink of Poilgville .Hank of J.ewUtown Hank rf Mi.l.lletown Bank of Nnrthn)ilierlnd Columi'is I) ink & Uridge co, I'bilnih'lphia 2S par i . . psr par Pottsville Lcivittown Midilleiown l Northumberland par Columbia Carlisle Pittsburjr ar 1 1 1 psr p.r nr I p.. i i l i Carlisle Bank Exchange Hank I)i) A i branch of Farmers' B ink of Lanesstei lincster County B f ik Furmer' Bunk of li'eadmg llarrinliorR Barik f.aneasier Biink I.ehanin Hank Mon-hani' Manuf. Bank R ink of Piiifct-tsrg West ll.an. li B .nk Wyoming Hank iNorlhamptou H-itik Hoiks Ciitinty H ink OHire of Bunk of IT. 8. Do do i'o Do do do Kennine'oli Sav. Ins. A Ilollidivsburg fianri-ilei Lanrnsler R ai!in;r Hamburg l.nnr:if'er Lebanon I'lllsbtirg I'iilshorir illiarnsporl Wike-larre Alleniown itendinrr Pittsburg failed do Erin JNewr Brighton !o do Chambcrshurg (Settysbnrg Monliof-o Erin Warnesburg Wastiincton Honesd.iln Rrnnsvile Yo.k do Pcnn Townnhip Snv. Ins. Bank of Chanilie"lmrg Bunk ol fieitynliurB Bank of iSiiMpichanna Co. Gne Dark Firmi'r' cV Drovers' Bank Franklin bank H oiiend.ile Unk Moronqahela Bjnk of B. Vork Bank N. H. The notes of those banks on which we ,niit qun'alioiis, and substilule a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadi Ipl.iu lirnkers, wnh i lie exception of those which have a leiier of n lerence. BROKEN B A N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. J'luU.li lj his I'hiladeljihin Loan Co. do Schuy lkill Uav. Ins. do Manual Labor U.iiiR (T. W Dyoit. prop.) failed f.ileJ fold failed I owamlu lixnk Alleghany Bank of Pa. B.uik of Beaver U.mk of Sh alara Bank of Wnhiogt.in Centre l.'ai.k City Bar k Farmer & MeihYs' Bunk ToWKiida Bnlford no sate Bi!iivef cb.Sctl llarri.-buff; (!.ic,l 'a-l.ii.i;tou failed I i II f.ii.lu r..be.l P.tNhiug no i'ltl.-lur; failed I'ayelie c:. fult-d (iiet ru a-l'e faiTeil H3rrrioiY no mle Huiilin'lon no rule l.cilon no sale Warieu finle.1 Ibiliilntr no sale New Hope eh've.l M ilinn no sab' Mialtille i-l'isoil Port Carbon C.irli.-do failid M-uilL-se closeil I'nioniown filled (in ei.Hl urn close, I ilkikbane nosule Farrnerii'& MeehVn' Bank Farmers' A .MeehYs' Uaiik Harmony Insiitute Hiinlingclor, li.-o.k luniata Bank junihermeu's Bank Norihern Bank of 'a. New Hope Di 1. Bridge Co. Norrhurnlt'd Ci,inn ('ol. Ilk. North Western Bank of I'a. Omce of tSehuylkill Bunk I'a. Aur. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bai.k Union Bank of lYnu'a. VVestmnielaml Bank Wilkesbarre llnlt;e Co. (Tj All notes iHiriturlms to he on any lYnn-vl- vania Bank n il given in the aliove list, may he set Jowu a Irauils. xkw j:j:ss:y. Bank of New BiuiiswUk lirunsuiek Jlelvidere M.illor.l PiTth Arnlioy Brnl);eiiiii Mourn Holly liahway N. Hi unst ick Mi.hlletown I'l J. r-ey City failed 1 par 4 par par i failed i Belvijeie Bank Burlington Co. Dank 'Jomineirnd Bar.k umlierl.rnd Bank Farmer' Bnk Fsrmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' lik Fanners' mid Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of .. J. failed bnl.il failed failed failed 4 failed i par HO sale Hotioken llke ck (iruzing (To Holmken lersey City Bank J rm-y Ciiy Mecbauks' Uink Mauufartun r' Bank Morris Counry Bunk Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Patierson Bellevilie MoinM.iun KieeliulJ Newark 'J'rerilon Jersey City Newark MeclianiiV and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Pott Notes Newark Bkr Si Ins Co i i faded New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. MariufaC. and lik Co l.aml eit,kille llolmken N J I'roieclon &. Louibaid I k Jer-. y City tailed OrnriRe Bsok (iriinye j I'aierson Bank l'oieiK,ui failed Peoples' Bank do j Priiiieiuii Bank Priiicelou par talem Banking Co lutein par hute Bunk Ncfturk 1 Misie Bank I li.'.uU lhtown I tiiste Bank ('aiiuleii pur State Bank of Morris Moralown titste Bank Tr nnni failed S item and Philsd Manuf Co rah in tailed Suwwx Bank New Inn I Trenton Hsoking Co Treiiton par Union Bunk Dover j Washiugloli Banking Co. Huckensick failed Bk of V Mm dc Brandy wmt Wiouington par par par par xr par par p.r par I Bonk of Delaware Bank of Smyrna Do branch Wilmiiigtun Binyrna Miliord Farmers' Bk of Btste of Del Dovi Da brunch Do branch Da Irani h Union Bank fXj Under 6's rrT On all banks marked Wilmington (Ifoigetown Newosile Wilmington thus () there are u tber fount' fil ,r altered Holes v( lha vsr.ous dt- esmiosiions, in circnlsiien. WISTAIt'S II 1I or IVIMa C'ltCKRV, A Csmpsnnrl tlitlssmle Prisrsll(iil from Willi Cltrrrjr llitrk mid Tar, 77ie hrl remedy knnwn to the tunrfrf fnr the. fire nf enntrhn, enlih. athma, emup, bl'-erfing nf the lung, tvhnnpmq emurh.lininchitit, mjlw emu. rhortnem of breath, pain and wcaknenK in the breait or t:de, liver enmf liihif, and the Jirst ntnfz? nf CONSUMPTION. We will m l assert that this HALHAM will cure Cntisnmp'lon in ist wornt farm but it has rured manv after all ollvr means of rlief bad been tried in vaio. And why not 1 It seems ihil the WILD CHKRWY was destined by Nature to be onr PA NACEA fr ihe rarai'ina diseases nf Ibis c dd l tiindo. Lei not the drspnirina invalid was'e his m-iiey niel lonn TIME, to him si all important, in txf:erimentii!j wiih the irasby nntrnnn of ibp d it. but use fit nice B mnlieine Ibsl will eu'e. If a r ure be p s ible a in- dieioe that science app'ove. and ninnv yars of experience h ive demonstrated that 't utn'inn relieves. 'There r rro rurh thing as fail" in the h'p'ory of ihis wonderful BALSAM Evidence the mol convincing eve ler c-1 that no o- e crrn doubt, fully c'ebli hes t'lis fart. For the ikc of brevity we se'eci ihe f.J owing from tbouinils. Isanc Pla't, Eip, Editor of the Pokoepnie Eacle, one of tbe ni -st influential journals in the a'a'e of New Ymk, statis umlei the authority of his own name, ih it a young lady, a relitive nf bis, of verv delicate const I ll i Ml, til attacked in Feb. 1912 wiih fcvere cold which inmedialely produce.! spit lintf f blnod. rough, fever, and other dnneerous and alarmii g s mptonn. Thr uuh meilinil tientn.ent rid cue she pi tialiy rec ver d during summer. But on the rerurn nf winter she was ntt n kul more vi.denily then at fi St. she lucame searey side lo wa'k and i tmuhlid with riiuuh, chill and fever every day, and appealed to be coins rapidly wi'h coi.Rumo i 'li ; rit tbi time, w hen ihrre bj n sicn of iinprovenii'iil, Mr. PUtl prorurid boMle of Whtah's Bilsim or Wilii Crir.anr. which shr look, and it s eipinplv testoted lirr. Mie g ) a se cond, and hi foie it vs- half laki n -he was restored to prrfett ht'iltli, which she has ei joyed I ihe pre sent tone, without tin- slightt rl symptom of her fir mer tli-e ge. M r. P att s.iv "th'- enre c :me under my w n nb -ei v., t,on and I cannot be mistaken as to the faru." EXTRACT OF A 1,1'. TTF.lt FHOM A J'OST MASTHH. DATED PrMaarm. W:.hinion co., M line, Apr. 2S, 1 SI 1. MR. ISA .C BUTTS. Deir Sir: At the re rpieRt of many nf my friemU in t'li pi ice sod viel l ity who sre Bfllicte l wi'h coniniriiinn and liver con p'ain's, I hike the lit cr y of asking you lo np r o ut sune one in Ibm roun'y a B nt to se'l Wis- Tn s liAt.siM or nn t HtsDT. and tornd hl o a few d- len. as there ia none of i! for sale will. in SdO miles fi. in ibis I have no doubt iha it w nld meit with a ready sale if it were where it could 1e pioenred wilhi-ut to much expense rind delav. My wife vs nti rked about six m nlhs since with what the physician vntled the fir-t rut" of c n-im"uni a eoirodnint v ry prevalent in this C'iou of country. Hating seen the Ba'sunad verl seil in Aneuali. a7" 2C0 MILES PEOM HEIIE, -XI I t mk Ihe Bins to send there for a boiileofir, whiib she look, and uhich lel d her so much that I sent f r I o but Ii s more, w h'i h lu- has a a la ken, and he nmv Sis (lie l ai not fell ro will fir six l ears a-bhe dm s at ibis Ini.e. A !l lln so w ho have ii quicd nf me and ase'tnined what ellert t'e Ild-sin b d. ore snxi on to h .ve ome f t sale in thi- vicmiii , w hi h is ll.e csu-e i f mv w tilii g you Plea e i;. for in me by ntu n I'fm il whiilnr no conelude to send tnriv, and dsn to whom, in order thai it may l e known where it inn be I ad. I am with re-piet v U'f, etc. P. ii. FARNSWORTH, P. M. TI.e wh deC 'Uniry is fast learning ihal no medi cine no pbvsican no pre ouiution of any kind nliativii ('iii'ial Dh. Wihiu'i Balsam of Wi lii I'limur. A TKMaY UOMIEItlT L (I RI. WTnTlll.r, tripnla en.. N. Y. Sept. Ift, IrJ 13. Dear S r I owe it to the afilieled t inform y u that in January K-t I w n ntio ki il bv a vey vio lent cold, r ails. d bv woikii g in ihe water, whiih settled on lr V limes. It v.as arcorrp tni' d bv a e rt si vf e pa:n in ii'V lre.ist snd sides, nnd sl a tlisiies-u g c ugli. I had in attendance s i the I est nui'ic I aid in iui villige; but afier exh ausiing all their ski I o no mv ol. they pronnnm e I my di f it b ioiiHMrii iimo 'irrniv, mi l i h y oi e and at! gave me up to die. Afler mmh y rsu .iori I got ihe. ron i nt ol in v phsieiari 1 1 use itie Balsim nf Win, Ckipbt i r, 'Hn d by Dii WisrtH. I pur. ihl-ed of the Agenl In nor (due nr.e boille, before Urii g h i f of loch I I t fnn to gain strenR h. and il w a very evident my cough ws mnch I ttn r ami my s mptorra n ei ry way iinpr ving. I h ive now Usui three Ini lUs, slid am rrst.ind lo perfect lituhh. This re-uli is ni ne owing lo ihe u of DR WISTAIt'3 BALAAM OF WILD CHEH liV ; and I tnke this method of givng you the in f iinni'ion, parity to pas you the debt nf gratitude I owe you. and partly that oiber M i.naily a 111 ic ted ma) know where to spp'y for rc'ief. Very trulv joins, JAMES SAfJE. Mh. I'umhi I),iint:nt, under date of Wd rville, Sipt. 21th, 1M3, writ. a; The stut ineui gien you by Mr. Junes Kne is will known lo be nun by this wfudr. euntinumt 14. It c rl duly was a innsl renia ks le cere. Tho mle nf ihe I'al-nin is very co d, and iissorcevs in cure- II u y fli lciiig. Vouis n a. ctl'u'lv. I. D. PALMER. Til 12 most im:mai;i;ahlk CURK KVl'.Il KKCOHDKl). HiiiimsriKi.it. N.J, Apiil 5i. 18H. On orabiUI the I3ih day nf October, 1 HI I, I l" tnkeo wi'h a violent niiii in ihe side near the liver, which enruinoed lor about five days, and wsa fob mid by the breaking of an u'Cir. or a' s -es. in- wtimI't. wn cn reliev. il ine sin n little, nut eBUe.l me throw up a Great quantity nf nnVnMve matter slid aln lunch blood. lb ing pru ly alaimed.it this. I applied to a pbyi ian, but he said he ill m t he could do bin Ii lie for me ese- pi o ve rn some Mercury '., wh ch I refuted to take, feeling aiiried tl at ihev ci lild do nie no good ; many o- rhtr r in die were then procured by 11. y w dw and j fiiends, but none did me any good and the ilis. j charge of blood and eoiru,ti 'ii still cent 11111 d i v. rv ' f w days, and at last become so idler sive Ih it I c oii'd scarcely hrfa'he I w ulwi wired with a vi olent rooh, wbieh at lime cn-i d me to raiae mil' h mme blood lhan I had done la-fore and my disease continued in this way, slid growing worse, until February, win n nil hope of my iceovery was given up, and my lnemls all thought I would die of a (SiLLi'Piao Cosi'MFTMn. At this moment, when my lite w..a appiirm ly drawing near its rime, I beard of DR. v H I'A ICS 11 A L 8 A M OF WILDCHEI.RY.andgot a bottle which an nul n me iMMiniiTrtv ; and by ihe u-a of only three botiles of this meil, cine, all my pains were removed my rough and spuing of blood and cor ruption entirely sioprd, end in a few weeks my he, bh was so far leslmtd as lo ensb'e me to wmk at my trade, (which is a carpenter,) and up to this time I bave enjoyed goi tl hea'th. THOMAS COZENS. Gmrrimi Cocbtt, N. J , as. Per Dally Cme btfvre me, the tubscriber, cnef the fustices of the Peace In and for the said eonn ty, Thomas Cozens, and being duly affirmed ac cording lo law, ssiih the above statement U in all thinirs irue. Affirmed before me, on the 20ih of April. 1813 J Ct!rrT. J P. Such is the unprecedented success of this BAI 8AM, ".NATURE'S FAVORITE rRESCRIPTIOX," a prescription congnni ,1 10 our want, as it is pre pared from chemicil extracts from substances w hich the author nf nature hsa placed in onr own land for wise puipates, that many who know nothing of the mode nf its iirnpamion are endeavoring to reap pecuniary bern fl s by selli..s, nn a t icier similar in name, or in npiiear mce. or by representing their own trash as superior to this B AI.S M. or bv put ting upamlxtuie nnd s lemnly ascventing thai it is imported fr im a f rrelmi country, which is not the ease. All these deceptive arts goto'show that WT4n Bit.sivi i known to Ihe world to bp "Till: OH EAT ItEMED Y." and ihnt ts tell any mixture it must Im like this in name, or pur pnrt to he Ii! e it in su' stance, 0T5 Believe not the cunningly wrought fnhrica. 11 ns and take on'y the original nnd genuine Y isnn s IliLs.iM Wn.n t hvrbt. NO OTHER OAII DB T.TKE IT. Address all orders to ISAAC BU ITS, No. 32 Ann St., New Y ok. Agents, JOHN W. FRILLNfJ. Sunhurt, 1) II It MTTKJAM. Northumberland, J. K. MOYER. n!unm,buru, J. WA:C.ONS :LLE!t. SfTnu-Omre, DROWN At CKESY, Mifflmville. 2id. 1815 I y r. b. FIFTY DOMiAltS HF.WAIiD! CANTRELL'S Cclclii'.tlcd family eflctlicinc TSH.L not cure everv thing, but slid remain V V uneipulled in thrir several department by every thing ever nlTered to the public, who have voluntary came forward end offered numerous and highly r. spectiihlu testimonials cf their snperi ir liic iCV. . j Cunt rrWi Compmtnd Mrdicatrd ritp nf Sm sapur la f or, A nl i-Scorbulir Syrup, for the cure j ol Scorluh, Chronic Kheo.n .lism, Chronic Swel- ! lings of ihe Joints, Erupt on nf the Skin, nnd all D sea es aii-uig from the ubose of Mercury, ir., unsurpassed by any tiling in the nia'kei, coinbi. ' riing all llie virtues reiidenl in the Nar-r.piri;j 1 with a modern m- dicarnent, only lately brnusht ; mil by ih" most nspertablo medical anthorim s. j Priee, f0 eenls ir l fie. I Cunlre'l'i .tnti-Diprpt:c I'uwdvr, fertile re 1 lief and 1 ennan. nl cure nf that most i'is! essirig ' corri luinl, Dv-pepsi 1. in nil -t forms an I amgos. It is truly most valuable rcundy. Sold in bullies j ai 2o and .'() cents each. I Cunrell'i 1gue N'x'urt and Tunic Mrilica- : menta, ftir:d nl ihe herd nf Ihe list unrivalled by sny, or all lie innumerable me.liein s in u-e ill!' iig'iolit the lenglh nn I bread h of the land, fir the cure of Fr.vrn and Aore in all its stages, mid i fruiii all its conncq'iences, I I'e-identj in Fever and Ague districts should ! nrver be wiirn-ur ir. The sub,c i!er will forfeit EIFf'Y DOI.LMJS where l is meilicine luiL to perform a cure in the most obsiina'e ca-e. S dd Whn-esde and lietail bv CALEB CUES. SON. .at hi Drii-i Warebou-e. No. fi North Third street, Philadetpbia : also, bv ihe ppul.rlv ap i ninled ageril. SE I II W. KOBEKTS, Wholea C Druggist, No. St Wa'er Street M bile. I'm pared or Ii bv f I'Su er her, corner nf C R l EN I'EI! snd SECOND Srr.cis, be'mv Christi an, Pl.iliiib Iphia. where il is also retailed. O. stive, mum are genuine w hhool lee signn'tire f JOHN A. CANTKLLL. C'unlrcir Afr Ilxturo, or Tonic Rli-lIif'tlltKMlf il. For the cure if nil It linux njficlmnt, if lukrn ne curding to directions. It ia a neer luting remedy h:ch no fnmi'y migh' ti be w'nhont, especiafy in low rn ir! y countries. As this medicine is 1 lit up under the proprie tor's immediate it spection mi the most scien'ifie iinc ph s, hem'; I'or. ly Vigelable, nnd having tried its Il'icai y on ilmo-ands, for upwards nf '2 yi ars. Mid lo his knowledge wl.en inkc ri siriet'v uc enrdiog to diieciiona, there lis- nut hi en 1 re fa lore. I i ilei such cut um-tancrs I recomuiend il la ihe public, adding a ceniftVat i in support of my asiei lion. I. John Burn, do ceitifv ihnt I was in ihe ship Tnh.iceo I'Uiit of Phil .deli Ida, Cnpt. Kenl, in June. 1S27. bound in Livcmnnl : loot, the I. ver si.d uue and laid in l.in-i o d mine t me unib r tho docmr's bands, went f'lvn l en: to Ba'tun ae, 'ay in the Infirmary for f.'iir or five wieks funn I Iheucti lo 1'bihf.h Iphia ; was all nieiitb under Dr. I Coats; from thence 10 New Yi ik want to tl e Hospital, remained 'lo re nhom four wi eks without 1 ariv relief tiud very llioig without any benefit, for five years. Hearing nf Cautreil's Ague Mil- j iu e (nun a fi ei d, I went to I i store, told him 1 h-'W I whs stllictetl, and got a Kittle of bis mixture and used il according 10 directions. It made a per Irci cure, and I have not bad the lesal return since. I do wiih confidence recommend 0 to the public. JOHN Bl'KNS. Mctilcntcd Syrup orsarttapai Ilia. I hd id. tphis, April 10th, 1M4. Mr. Jims A. PTHiti , Dear Sir, Having l e 11 afl'ic ed for upward, of wo years with ulceration nf the lliroal, destroying ihe whole nf ihe soft palate, then ihiouuh the upwr 1 part nf my niouih nun mv nose, trim wlnc'i seier. nl pieces nf hoi e came rut, w hich partisl'y ilc-tioy-ed my speech, through a kind Provident e iml your Meil.caied Si rnp nf S irs pi'ill i, I am now n-sioreil In pei bet lie alt 1 1 , n tut my sight, winch was so much impair d, I- as rlrong as when a lmv. I thought it a duly I owed to you aud those simi larly allot t. J, to inuke it public. YoUis, It spec fnllv, SAMCEL KIRK, Corner nf Tenth, and Cca'ee Streets. I, C!t'ti Jor.stoti, No. ii R.vkhsa Strrel, do cr t'fv that my wile, Jane, wna afflicted for two years wiih lilieuiiivn mi. arid si la-t was entirely dna' leil, so Ihal she was obliged to be confined to hi d , bear, inj; nf Cant. ell's Me 'icaled Syiup nf Sua iparilla, or Ami Scnibutio Syrun. I ir.M-uie I f oirh, nl.s. which cornpli tely removrd all her pains and si If- j neas fiom her bmbs ; tw re hot lies made s pi r- I leel cure. ; e is now able loaMend 10 her hnuse. ! hold duii.a as usu.l. ( A B RI L JONSlON. Philaditphia, Jan. 23 I. 1814. (Xj De cripiive I'ainphli ts may be had of the agents. (Oralis.) J. W. FKILINfi, Sunbury, Nov. 0, 1941. ly 1gent. t :tll aiul Meltlc. PERSON'S knowing themselvis inibbted In the subscriber, are rcqueU-d lo call and settle liieir ai connis, on or la fore ihe 20th day of Janu ry next, after which time I how nf long standing will be placed in the bauds of a Justice, fir coll c tion. IL U. MASSEH. Drc. Uth, 1844. GLASS, g by 10, be.tqusli7y7 Cut Nails, all a xes, Salt, by the sack snd barrel, Hats and Cups, ol the hist quality. All for ssle at teduceJ prices, by 8utlury, Oct. 2, If 14. II. B. M ASSER. JUL.. .1. 1 ...aa .J ! JI...UJ.J.. Jlat'. H. Be lASSEPy, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6UZTBI7RT, PA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. ItriTt-r tni Tho mis Habt cV Co., Lnwan &. Babroh, Hirt, Ccmmibos 6t Hibt, yl'hilad. HsTMoi.ns, MrFimnii & Co. Serai"io, '!ooti A Co., Ti:(siaT.iiii,i: lo.iiroi i, ma tii era a nr D YS 1 K PS I A. THH Medicine ia offered to the public gener ally, from a full conviction that ii is superior to any other medicine now in use, for the rure nf Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility or Bodily Weakness, &C. Its efTects have been tested in a private practice nf near right years, and it is nuw nmre extensively circulated, at the solicit title of many who have re ccived ihe most signal benefit from ihe u-e of it. The following is one among a number of certifi cates received in 11 lation to the success of this me dicine! LiicisTsn Co. March IR. Dh. fJlOPOR W. At!., Dear Sir: It is with great pleasure that I in form you of the success attending your Dyspeptic Medicine, while employed in my p set ice. From past experience, I firmly believe that in eight esses nut of ten, the Dyspeptic, by the use of your medi cine, may emir, ly rid himself of ih s thorn in the pathway nf life: not only in dyspeptic easest lint in all c ises nf constipation, and disea-rs depend ng on a dibiliia'ed stale of ihe nervous system, toge ther w iih a tmiid state of the bowels, will ynur E litir be found of inestimable value. Numerous in stances wherein Ihe usefulness nf ihe medicine hus been reali-ed, may be fm warded, if required. I w ish yoii great succes, and recommend the medi cine to the suffering art nf m mkind. Yours, with great respect, KOI) Lit I' AtJNKW, M. D. (Jj" Pr s1'" at the itore of II. B. Musscr, agent for ihe proprietor, Sunburv, Pa. Oeiotwr 2li h, 1814. ly a sl riYYv i: mT A ST. WIIOLESafVLE & RETAIIi HAT : CAP aMANUFAUTUIIKUS, South Hast rnrnrr of Market and th l'liiLiIel;hia, "TTHERn they alw.ivs keep nn band an exlen ' sive i-a irtment of HATS Si CA PS of everv Ii script ion, got up In the be.-t and most spprovul si) le. I'i ih ns denreus nf ureh ising superior m 1 1 i chs on ll.e most reason d ie term", will fit d it to their advantage lo call b'f re nmking purchases eUei In re. Philadelphia. Oct. 5th, 1 S 11. ly SPANISH HIDES T ANN FliS' OIL. :000 Dy Li Plata Hides first quality. :;.)( Dry Li (iuira. do IUOO Dry Sailed La Cnira. do MUOO Dry Salt. d Br ail Hides, do Bales (ireen Suited Patna Kips. tO Bales Dry I'a n Kips. 12 Barrets Tanneis' Oil. Tanner-' ami t'urriers' Tonla. For sale lo Country Tanners at the lowrst prices and upon the best terma. N. B. The highest market prices piid for all kinds of b ather. D. KIRK PAT RICK A- SONS. No. 2l,S,,uil, I hird St. i'hil.dilphia. Sepirmber 14, IHlt. ly. NOTICE i to jiniu iiivrs & iin.i.ir..ts. 1 w y. y. & jos. v.. .mai ll, I MANI FACTI RKPS AND HEALTHS I.N ! Ft)RKI(iN AND DOMESTIC I STRAW (iOODs, i .Vo. oO, .Yorfj Srcniid Strrtt, f opposite the Madison llousr,J j PHILADELPHIA, i (TVs W II ERF. will he found a general assort ! VjCuient of Florence Braids, Aller's, Rut. j lands, Peddles, Willow Plait, Rice St. aw. and the I much admired Neapolitan I. ace, n ot Fancy Hon j nets, manufactured by us, and for sale at the lowe-i I rnaiiufaciu-e prices. Merchants slid Milliners ure I inviied ro give us a e.ll upon visiting the Ciiy. ! (js N. B. We have al-n coii-tan lv uiukiug our j superior har i.nd otl . r edgings, all of which will he sold cheap, for ea-h. I'hiUdeb Iiih, M iv 2S, 1811. !y s 1 1 r mrrnrF.Nr VAADHIITG IO-CHIITS. riHIS Machine his now been tested by more i. than thirty families in this neighborhood, and hie given entire satisfaction. It ia so simple in its ei iistructien, that it cannot get out of ordir. It rc'iiain no iron to m-t, snd no -piingsor rollers to get out of repair. It will do twice as much wssh iug, wilh less lhan half the wear and rear ofanj of the file inventions, and what is of greater in per iai.ce.it costs but lit'le over half us much as other wkshing machine. The suhsi ri'-er his the exclusive right for Nor Ihumhcilaiiil, Union, Lt coining, Columbia, L11 xerne and Clinton Counties. Price nf single mn. i chine f ft. H. B. M ASSER. Ti e followir g reit fieal'' 's fiom a few of ihose who hate these machines in use. Sunbury, Aug. 24, 1S4I. We, the subscribers, certify liiBt we have now in u-e, in our families, "Shugeil's Patent Wash ing Machine." snd ilo r id hesitate siting thil it is a most ixcellent invention. That, in Wa-bing. it will save more than one half the usual labor. Thai it dot s not require more than one third ihe ! uanal iiiiauti'y of ro .p and water : ami that (here j ia no rubbing, and consequently, title or no wear i ing nr tearing. Th it it knot k a nlT no billions, and ; that ihe finest clo'h. s, such as collar-, laeea, tucks, ; frills, Ac, msy Im washed in a ve.y short lime I w ilhont the leiit-t itijur , and in fact wiltu ut sny nppaieni wear and tear, wh.itevr. rj iherrfor-' cheerfully recommond it to onr fiends arid lo the public, as a most Useful snd labor sating machine. CHARLES W. I1EUINS, A. JORDAN. I lls. WEAVER. ( IIS PLE ASA NTS, CIDEON MARK I.E. Hon. CEO. C. WLI.KER, liENJ. HENDRICKS, GIDEON LE1SENKINO. Hum's Hotxi, (formerly Tremont House. No. 116 Cheanut street,) Philadelphia, Hcpleinber 2 tar, 1844. I have uaed Shugert's Patent Washing Machine in my house upwards of eight months, and do not beaiiata to tay that I deem it one of ibe mo-t Use ful and valuable labor-saving machines ever inven ted. I formerly kept two women continually oc cupied in washing, who now do aa much in two days as ibey then did in one week. Theie ia nn wear or tear in waahing. and it requirea not more than one-third the usual quantity ol soap, I have had a number of oiher inscbinea in my lam ly, but this is so decidedly superior to every thing els, and so In lie liable lo gel out of lepair, that 1 would not do without one if 'hey should coat ten times the price they are sold for. DANIEL HERK. OAKLEY'S irarvnATiTE syiu i THE valuable propertiea of Oakley's Depura live Syrup of Sarsnparille, as a purifier of the blood, is so well known to the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much space In et ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use 5 wherever the medicine has once been intro dueed, it takes precedence cer all others t eveiy one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene fieial resultc from it, that it ia recommended by them with the u most confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patients under their care ( containing nothing deleterious, but being composed of Ihe most mild, yet i iricacious vegetable materials, it is offered wild confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier nf ihe blood now known. The use of a few boltles, especially in the spring months, will be nt tended wiih a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds nf disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the hotly. For the rure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eruptions of the Skin, White Swelling F.stula, Chronic Cough Asthma, A-c. The nu merous cerrifics'cs in the possession of the subscrl her and his agents, from physicians aud others, are sufficient to conv.nce the most skeptical nf its su ierinrity over all preparations of S irsnparilla. S,,bl vsfcde-ale nnd retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE V. OAKLEY, North 6th street. Rea ding, Briks County, and lo be bad of the following persons t In Northumberland County. II. B. Mafr$ Sunbury ; lielind cV. Mixel, McEwensville ; D Kramer, Milton. In Vninn County. J. Gearhart, Reliri'grove A Gntelins. Miffliiihurg. Columbia County. TL W. McCsy, Wash inijlori. Rinding, March 14, 1S43. Mrr. OtKl.v.Tt I believe il the uty nf every one lo do whatrverin their power I ic, for the b rie, fit of their fi How mi", and having had po-i ive lunotin mv own family, of the Wonderful properties i.f your Depiirnive Syrnp nf Sa.sap irilla, I im st consciciitinu-ly recommend il to the aini.'ted. We had the mi-fortune to lose two of our children, by the brink inn "ft ol ulcerous sores thai covered lha fan .bend and i eck. although we had ame of the most scientific physician In attend th' m and bad tried nil the. know n ten.edies, including Sw aim's I'anaci a, without avail. Another of my children was attar ke. I in the same manner, her face ai d nick was completely covered; the d seharge was so offensive, and ihe disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing ihe wonderful ellecls of your Depi rative Syrup nt Sarsaparilla, we were induced to make trial of it. as the last resort; it acted like n charm; the u'cers commenced healing immediately, a fi w bullies entirely restored her to di r health, which she has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever sinco. As n purifier ol the blood, I verily be lit ve it has not its equal. JOHN MOYER. Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Dnugt.ssvjlle, April 19th, MX Mn. OsKi rx : Mv son Edmund Leaf, had the scrofula in ihe mosl dreadful and distressing man ner for Ihnc years, dining which tune he w is de prived of the use of his limbs, his be.nl and neck were covered with ulcers. We tri al all the dilT"r eiil n niedn s, but lo no fleet, until reenmrnended l y Dr. Johnson of Nonictown, and also Dr. Lain Hiester, ol Remhi g. to use your Depurnlive Syrnp nf Sarnaparilla, of W hich I obtained several hollies, the use nf which d'nve Ihe di-cae entin ly out of his system, the sore healtd up, aud the child was restored lo prrteel health, wliich he has enjoted uiiinteriupletlly rv. r sincel to the asl nishmi nt of many persons who seen him du ing Ins affliction. I have thought it my du'y, and send v m this certi ficate that otl.eis who have a like allliciion in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a meilicine. Yours tuilv. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. IB. IS 13. ly " oiiiitci li iU i s' DEATH BLOW. rPlie pnl lie will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine, unless the box haa three li bels upon it, (the top, the sioe and the bottom) each containing a f ic-siinite signature nf my hand writing, thus II. BaAsntitTii, M. I). These las bel are engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense nf over f'i.tU'O. Thercfnie it wiil lw seen that ihe on'v thing nrie-sury to pr Hire ihe medicine iu its puntj, is lo observe these IhIu-Is. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly aullu ri led, nnd hold CEHTiriCATr3 or agency For the sale of llrandrcth's Vegetable Universal lills. Norlhun berlaiul county : Milton Mackey ft I'll iiiiSeilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'F.nenS ville In land A Menell. Norrhuinbeiland Win. Forsyth. Georgetown J. A J. Walls. I'nion County: New Berlin Bogar A; Win ter. Selinsgrove George Cundioin. Middle, burg Isaac Smith. Heavenown David Hubler. Aibmisburg Wm. J. Mv. Mifllinsburg Mensi h & Hay. Hatltton Daniel Long. Freeburg (J. A F.C. Muter. Lewishurg Wall & (Jrcen, Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynold A Co. Berwick Shuman A R itenhnuse. Ca'. tawisaa C. (I. llrobts. Bloornsburg John R, Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bis. I. Washington Robl. MrCay. Limestone Ballit ft MeNlneh. Observe rhst each Agent haa an Kngrav. tl C,-r ificale of Agency, containing a rep'esentalion o( lJr Bit ANDHKTM'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen eiact copies nf ihe i?ii' labels mw tmed upon the Hrandreth l'ill Hoxet. Phihdi Iphia, office No. 8, North 8th street. B. BRANDRETH. M. D. June 24lh, 1H43. CITY Fl'I.M'ri ItF. Arcno.v, AND PHIVATB SALES ROOMS, Nos. tit) and :H North Tliird Sircct, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pectful'y in tilts ihe attention nf persons desirous nf pur chssing Furniture, to his extensive Sales Rooms, Shmh public and Private,) fur every description nf I oust hold Furniture, win re can be ublained at all tunea, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, Ac., at very reduced price, for cash. 07" Sales bv Auction, tw ice a week. Msy 2Vth. 184.1. ly 'P WEED LOTH, a handsome article, all wool, l.ghl and elastic, for Summer Coats and Pauls, for sale, very low, by June 1ft JI. B. MASSER. B AI.ZORINES,' a handsome siticle" for Ladies' Dresses, lor sale cheap, by Juns 16. IT. B. MASSER. A Tlireathlns; Machine for Sale. rpHE subscriber offers for sale a TH RES, UNO jL MACHINE, near and in good order. The Machine baa been tried, snd proves lo Im aa sxeeN lent one. Il will he sold st a reduced price, and warranted. Apply lo H. B. MASSER. July 11, 1843.